Tecom Co FC1080 3G FEMTO OUTDOOR AP User Manual FC1080


Users Manual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FC1080-B1G-US User Manual
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page: i Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1 2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION............................................................................ 1 3. CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................. 1 3.1. BEFORE CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................... 1 3.2. ESTABLISH THE CONNECTION .................................................................................... 1 3.3. DEVICE INFO............................................................................................................. 2 3.3.1. Summary............................................................................................................. 2 3.3.2. Statistics.............................................................................................................. 2 3.3.3. Route................................................................................................................... 2 3.3.4. ARP..................................................................................................................... 2 3.4. ADVANCED SETUP .................................................................................................... 3 3.4.1. LAN ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.4.2. DNS..................................................................................................................... 3 3.4.3. IPSec................................................................................................................... 4 3.4.4. Certificate ............................................................................................................ 6 3.5. MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................... 8 3.5.1. Backup Settings and Restore Default Settings ................................................... 8 3.5.2. System Log ....................................................................................................... 10 3.5.3. Alarm History..................................................................................................... 10 3.5.4. SNMP Agent...................................................................................................... 11 3.5.5. Internet Time ..................................................................................................... 12 3.5.6. Access Control .................................................................................................. 13 3.5.7. Update Software................................................................................................ 13 3.5.8. Reboot............................................................................................................... 13 4. APPENDIX - TECOM MIB FILE ....................................................................... 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page: ii Revision Information  Revision # Description Date Author V 0.01  First release.  April 08, 2014  Chris Han
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 1 1. Introduction The FC1080-B1G-US , 3G Residential Femto Access Point (FAP) is a standalone WCDMA Femtocell with up to 8 CS/ PS simultaneous users. It’s designed to allow users to receive better mobile service coverage and capacity in the home with IPSec as secured backhaul through any broadband internet connection to a mobile service provider. Carrier board of FC1080-B1G-US is used to monitor and remote control the Femtocell. In this document, only carrier board related functions are included. For more details of FC1080-B1G-US , please refer the other related documents.  Features   IP configuration and DNS   SNMP v1, v2c, v3  IPSec   NTP for time sync   SSH interface for management   Web-based configuration    Remotely intervene to reset, restore default or power cycle the product   Power Supply/Temperature/Case Open monitoring and alarming   Show and manage alarm history   Configuration backup and restore   Firmware upgrade thru web  System Requirements Along with FC1080-B1G-US , you also need the following equipments or services before installation.   Computers which equips at least an Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-T network interface card (port)   A web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer (V5.0 or later version) or Firefox, Chrome, which is used to configure the FC1080-B1G-US.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 1 2. Hardware Installation Please refer system installation guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3. Configuration 3.1. Before Configuration Before configuration, you have to connect and power FC1080-B1G-US and PC. Then connect the Ethernet port of PC to LAN port of FC1080-B1G-US. The default IP address of FC1080-B1G-US is “” and the default port number is 80.  3.2. Establish the Connection Enter the IP address and Port (default is on your web browser. A dialogue box is popped up and requests to enter the user name and password. (Figure 3-2-1)  Figure 3-2-1. Authentication Please use the default user name and password, “admin” and “admin”, and click OK button to login into the system.  Once authentication process is verified, the home page “Device Info - Summary” is shown on your browser. (Figure 3-2-2)  Figure 3-2-2. Device Info Page  Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In “Device Info” page, it shows you the basic information about the equipment, such as software version, MAC address, LAN IP and DNS.  3.3. Device Info 3.3.1. Summary This page is already introduced in section 3.2.  3.3.2. Statistics In this page (Figure 3-3-1) you can get the network statistics of the LAN. Click “Reset Statistics” to clean up all network statistics.  Figure 3-3-1. Device Info - Statistics  3.3.3. Route In this page you can get the IP route information of the device. (Figure 3-3-2)  Figure 3-3-2. Device Info - Route  3.3.4. ARP This page shows an ARP table which maps IP network addresses to hardware addresses used by data link level protocol. (Figure 3-3-3)  Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-3-3. Device Info - ARP  3.4. Advanced Setup 3.4.1. LAN Click the “Advanced Setup/LAN” button on the left hand side to enter into the configuration of LAN.(Figure 3-4-1)  Figure 3-4-1. Advanced Setup - LAN In this page, you may program the IP address of LAN, its subnet mask and the default gateway.  Before you leave, please click “Apply/ Save” button to save the changes you made.  3.4.2. DNS Click the “Advanced Setup/DNS” button on the left hand side of the web page to enter into the DNS server configuration. (Figure 3-4-2)  Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-4-2. Advanced Setup – DNS For the details of DNS servers, please contact your ISP.  3.4.3. IPSec To use IPSec user interface, choose “IPSec” under “Advanced Setup” menu. The base screen will be shown: (Figure 3-4-3)  Figure 3-4-3. Advanced Setup – IPSec  The table shows current connections. User can control the following items in the base IPSec page: z  Click the “Remove” button to remove a connection z  Click the “Add New Connection” button to add a new connection The following screen is used to edit configurations when adding an IPSec connection. (Figure 3-4-4)  Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-4-4. Advanced Setup – IPSec  This is a dynamic page. It will change itself by showing and hiding options when different types or connections are chosen. User can select automatic key exchange or manual key exchange, pre-shared key authentication or certificate authentication, etc. When automatic key exchange method is used, click “Show Advanced Settings” will show more options: (Figure 3-4-5)  Figure 3-4-5. Advanced Setup – IPSec    Page 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.4.4. Certificate To use Certificate user interface, choose “Certificate” under “Advanced Setup” menu. There are two menu items under “Certificate” menu: “Local” and “Trusted CA”. For either type of certificate, the base screen shows a list of certificates stored in FC1080-B1G-US. (Figure 3-4-6)  Figure 3-4-6. Advanced Setup – Certificate  In the menu, “Local” means local certificates. “Trusted CA” means trusted Certificate Authority certificates. Local certificates preserve the identity of the device. CA certificates are used by the device to very certificates from other hosts. Local certificates can be created by two ways: z  Create a new certificate request, have it signed by a certificate authority and load the signed certificate z  Import an existing signed certificate directly  Create New Local Certificate  Follow the following steps to create a new certificate: Click “Create Certificate Request”, enter necessary information: (Figure 3-4-7)  Figure 3-4-7. Advanced Setup – Certificate  Page 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wait several seconds, the generated certificate request will be shown: (Figure 3-4-8)  Figure 3-4-8. Advanced Setup – Certificate  The certificate request needs to be submitted to a certificate authority, which would sign the request. Then the signed certificate needs to be loaded into device. Click “Load Certificate” button from the previous screen or from the base screen will bring up the load certificate page. Paste the signed certificate and click apply and a new certificate is created. (Figure 3-4-9)  Figure 3-4-9. Advanced Setup – Certificate  Import Existing Local Certificate To import existing certificate, click “Import Certificate” button and paste both certificate and corresponding private key: (Figure 3-4-10)  Page 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-4-10. Advanced Setup – Certificate  CA Certificates  CA certificate can only be imported. The screen for importing is shown below: (Figure 3-4-11)  Figure 3-4-11. Advanced Setup – Certificate  3.5. Management 3.5.1.  Backup Settings and Restore Default Settings Click “Management/Setting/Backup” on the left side of main page, it enables users to save current configuration to a file, (Figure 3-5-1)   Page 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-5-1 Management - Backup Settings  Click “Management/Setting/Update” on the left side of main page, it will allows users to upload a saved configuration file for FC1080-B1G-US, in Figure 3-5-2,  Figure 3-5-2 Management - Update Settings  Click “Management/Setting/Restore Default” on the left side of main page, it will allows users to reset all default settings for FC1080-B1G-US, in Figure 3-5-3,  Figure 3-5-3 Management - Restore default settings  Click the “Restore Default Settings” button, then system will reboot for a while. Page 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.5.2. System Log This allows System Administrator to view the System Log and configure the System Log options. (Figure 3-5-4)  Figure 3-5-4 Management - System Log   Configure the System Log option.(Figure 3-5-5) There’re 8 levels of Log Level and Display Level, Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Informational, Debugging. The Log Level implies that what log level is applied to FC1080-B1G-US to do the log. The Display Level would just show the users the log message that they want to know. As a result, Display Level was just a subset of the retrieved from the total log message which was logged according to the setting of the Log Level. If the “Mode” is set to “Remote” or “Both”, the log messages would be sent to the specified UDP port of the specified log server.   Figure 3-5-5 Management - System Log  3.5.3. Alarm History This allows System Administrator to view the Alarm History and reset it. (Figure 3-5-6) You can click “Reset” to clear and reset the Alarm History.  Page 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-5-6 Management - Alarm History  Now there are four types of alarm: power, temperature, tamper, external PA. (Figure 3-5-7)  z  Power Supply Monitoring alarms will be available for signalling over and under power conditions z  Temperature Monitoring alarms will be available for signalling over and under temperature z  Tamper alarms will be available to indicate that the Outdoor FAP has been opened or tampered with z  External PA health alarms will be provided if PA bias voltage is out of specification  Figure 3-5-7 Management - Alarm History  3.5.4. SNMP Agent System Administrator could configure the embedded SNMP Agent here. SNMP Agent would allow a management application to retrieve statistics and remote control . (Figure 3-5-8)  Page 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-5-8 Management - SNMP Agent  The detail function of Read Community, Set Community, System Name, System Location, System Contact, and SNMPv3 related parameters would not be described here. Please check with your system administrator. You can also check appendix for the private MIBs supported by FC1080-B1G-US.  3.5.5. Internet Time If you need FC1080-B1G-US to sync time from NTP server, you need to access this page to configure your local NTP information, see Figure 3-5-9, you need to choose corresponding NTP server or configure them manually.  Figure 3-5-9 Management - Internet Time   Page 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.5.6. Access Control Access control enables to change password of different accounts. (Figure 3-5-10)   Figure 3-5-10 Management - Access Control  3.5.7. Update Software Figure 3-5-11 show the web page, which is used for updating software,  Figure 3-5-11 Management - Update Software  The new released software could be updated from the PC. Click the “Choose File” to locate the new software image file in the PC. Then, press “Update Software” to proceed the software update.  It should be noticed that the update will take about more than 2 minutes; users should wait for a while, and the FC1080-B1G-US will reboot by itself.  3.5.8. Reboot This allows system administrator to reboot the FC1080-B1G-US carrier board manually. (Figure 3-5-12)  Page 13
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3-5-12 Management - Reboot  Page 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 15 4.  Appendix - MIB File  The following is part of  TECOM Femto MIB file, it describes the node information of TECOM MIB tree  -- femtoReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "femto module reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 1 }   -- femtoFactoryReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "femto module factory reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 2 }   -- carrierReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "carrier board reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 3 }  -- carrierFactoryReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "carrier board factory reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 4 }
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 16 -- systemReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "whole system reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 5 }  -- systemFactoryReset OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "whole system factory reset. set 1 to enable it."   ::= { femtoObject 6 }  -- carrierTemperature OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "Get the temperature of carrier board."   ::= { femtoObject 7 }  -- caseOpen OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "case open status. 1-opened, 0-closed"   ::= { femtoObject 8 }  -- simCardOpen OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "sim card open alarm.1-opened, 0-closed"   ::= { femtoObject 9 }
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 17 -- paTemperature OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "Get the temperature of PA"   ::= { femtoObject 10 }  -- currentOf28VDC OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "current of front 28VDC."   ::= { femtoObject 11 }  -- currentOf5VDC OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "current of femto 5VDC."   ::= { femtoObject 12 }  -- voltageOf28VDC OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "voltage of front 28VDC."   ::= { femtoObject 13 }  -- voltageOf5VDC OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX OCTET STRING  MAX-ACCESS read-only  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "voltage of femto 5VDC."   ::= { femtoObject 14 }
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 18 -- turnOnFemto5V OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "turn on femto 5VDC. 1-turn on,0-turn off"   ::= { femtoObject 15 }  -- enablePA OBJECT-TYPE  SYNTAX Integer32  MAX-ACCESS read-write  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION     "enable PA. 1-enable, 0-disable"   ::= { femtoObject 16 }  -- femtoTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { femto 2 }  -- warmStartTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION    "warm start trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 1 }  -- caseOpenAlarmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION    "case open alarm trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 2 }  -- simCardOpenAlarmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION      "sim card open alarm trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 3 }  -- powerAlarmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION    "power alarm trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 4 }
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 19 -- thermalAlarmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION      "PA thermal alarm trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 5 }  -- externalPATrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE  STATUS current  DESCRIPTION    "power alarm trap."   ::= { femtoTrap 6 } 
FCC Regulations:  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.  ****************************************************************************************************************************  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  ****************************************************************************************************************************  FCC RF Exposure Information This equipment complies with radio frequency (RF) exposure limits adopted by the Federal Communications Commission for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body.  ****************************************************************************************************************************

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