Tekk D-150 DMR Digital Radio User Manual DP 150 English manual

Tekk International Inc. DMR Digital Radio DP 150 English manual

User Manual

ForuserFor optimum performance from this product.please read this manual and the supplied Safety Information Booklet carefully before use.  Do not use this radio or charge the battery in an explosive environment, such as gas, dust, smoke, etc.Do not leave the radio in a dusty or wet environment. It is very important for the user to understand all instructions before using the radio ATTENTIONPleasereadthefollowingbriefinstructions,non‐compliancewiththeseinstructionsmaycausedangerorbeunlawful.1.Obeythegovernmentregulationbeforeusingthisradio,improperoperationmayviolatethelaw.2.Donotuseinexplosiveareas.3.Donotchargeorchangethebatteryinexplosiveareas.4.Donotusetheradiowithadamagedantenna,touchingadamagedantennawillcauseheatinjury.5.Donotattempttoopentheradio:themaintenanceworkmustbedonebytechnicalexpertsonly.6.Toavoidtroublescausedbyelectromagneticinterferenceorelectromagneticcompatibility,pleaseturnofftheradioinplaceswheresigned:Usingradioequipmentclosetoelectronicequipmentcancauseittomalfunction.7.Inacarwithasafetyairbag,donotputtheradiowithinthescopeoftheairbag.8.Donotplacetheradiounderthedirectsunlightorveryhotlocations.9.Whentransmittingkeepantennaawayfrominternalbodyparts.10.Ifyousmellburning,pleaseswitchoffradio’spowerimmediatelyandcontactyourlocalsupplier.
UNPACKINGANDDEVICECHECKINGThankyouforpurchasingthedigitalhandheldtransceiver.Beforeusing:1.Pleasecheckwhetherthepackingboxisdamaged..2.Pleaseunpackpackingboxcarefully,andconfirmthefollowinglistofitemsareinthebox.Ifanyitemsaremissingorhavebeendamagedduringshipment,pleasecontactradiosupplierimmediately.SuppliedAccessoriesITEMQTYAntenna1Li‐ionBattery 1PowerAdapter1Charger1BeltClip1Strap1Manual1Note:Thepicturesaboveareforreferenceonly.TeKKChargerCharger
BATTERYINFORMATIONChargingLi‐ionBatteryPleasechargethebatterybeforeusing.Charge‐dischargecycletwotimescanmakethebatterycapacityachievebetterperformance.Whenthebatterypowerislow,pleaserechargethebatteryorreplacewithasparebattery.ApplicableBatteryTypePleaseuseLibertydesignatedbatteryasanyotherbatterymaycauseexplosion.Theprocedureofcharging:Useonlythedesignatedchargerandbattery,theLEDonchargercanindicatethechargingstage. ChargeDiagram Procedures1.ConnectthepoweradaptertoACsocket,”1”.
2.Plugthepoweradapterintotherearjackofthecharger,”2”.3.Placetheradiowiththebatteryattached,intothecharger,“3”LEDIndicatorStatusRedChargingGreenFullychargedWarning:Forsafetythelithiumbatteryisnotchargedbeforeshipment.○1Whencharging,itisbettertoturnofftheradio..○2ChargebatterybydesktopchargerorUSBplug.○3Whilecharging,theindicatorlightwillturnred.○4Itneedsatleast4to5hourstochargethebatteryfully.Whenchargingiscompleted,theindicatorlightwillturngreen.  Ifchargingthebatteryforalongtime,itwillshortentheservicelifeofthelithiumbattery.Whenthebatteryisfull,pleasestopcharging. thechargerisonlyforthismodelradio. Thebatteryshouldbeplacedinacool,dryplaceafterfullcharge.Donotexposetoheatsourceorexposuretothesun. Youcannottransmitwhilecharging. Thebatterywillheatupwhilecharging,thisisanormalphenomenon.
CARE AND CLEANING To guarantee optimal performance as well as a long service life of the product.please follow the tips below. Product Care  Do not pierce of scrape the product with any sharp instruments.   Keep the product far away from substances that can corrode the circuit.   Do not hold the product by its antenna or earpiece cable directly.   Attach the accessory jack cover when the product is not in use.  Product Cleaning  Clean up the radio and charger with a clean and dry lint-free cloth.   Use neutral cleanser and a non-woven fabric to clean the keys,control,knobs and front case after long-time use. Do not use chemicals such as stain removers, alcohol,sprays or oil preparations, to avoid surface case damage.Make sure the product is completely dry before use.  Caution: Power off and remove the battery before cleaning. 
      Side key function: No set ; Volume + ; Volume - ; Analog monitor ; Scan ; VOX ; Repeater/Talkaround ; High/Low power ; Turn on/off screen display.
provide30‐270secondsindigitalchannel.Programmingprocedure:“Channel”→”More”→“TXSetting”→“Time‐outtimer(s)”TransmitauthoritysettingsWhenthecurrentchannelisinareceivestate,ifthelaunchpermissionfunctionisset,thedevicewilllimitthetransmittingoperationaccordingtothesettriggercondition,meanwhileifuserpress[PTT]key,radiowillpromptaalarmthenbacktoreceivestate.Programmingprocedure:“Channel”→”More”→“TXSetting”→“Txauthority”→”A d m i t criteria/Channelfree”Note:Indigitalchannel,”Incallcriteria”settingswilldeterminewhethertoactivateemissionlimits.BatterysaveInstandbymode,whennosignalisreceived/transmittedornooperation(keypress)isperformedfor10seconds(canprogrammingbysoftware),theradiowillautomaticallyenterbatterysavemodetoreducepowerconsumption.Theradiomayexitthebatterysavemodeandgetactivatedassoonasanykeyispressedoranysignalisreceived.Userscanturnon/offthebatterysavefunctionbysoftware.Specificstartuptimeandpowersavingmode,pleaseselectaccordingtothespecificuseenvironment.Suggestion:itisrecommendedtoturnonthepower‐savingfunction,
passwordset.Donotsetthepasswordtooclose,atleasttoensurethatmorethanfivecharactersaredifferent.Inthedigitalchannel,Press”more”→"Encryption"canselectwhethertoactivate,andthespecific“EncryptionKeyNo.”Inthecaseofactivation,onlythepasswordisconsistent,thedevicecanreceivethesignalnormally.QTandDQTselectiveThisdeviceprovideQT*39andDQT*83foruserreference.Pleasesettingbyprogramsoftware.QTcode1  62.5Hz  11 91.5Hz  21  127.3Hz 31 167.9Hz  41 199.5Hz  51  254.1Hz2  67.0Hz  12 94.8Hz  22  131.8Hz 32 171.3Hz  42 203.5Hz    3  69.3Hz  13 97.4Hz  23  136.5Hz 33 173.8Hz  43 206.5Hz    4  71.9Hz  14 100.0Hz  24  141.3Hz 34 177.3Hz  44 210.7Hz    5  74.4Hz  15 103.5Hz  25  146.2Hz 35 179.9Hz  45 218.1Hz    6  77.0Hz  16 107.2Hz  26  151.4Hz 36 183.5Hz  46 225.7Hz    7  79.7Hz  17 110.9Hz  27  156.7Hz 37 186.2Hz  47 229.1Hz    8  82.5Hz  18 114.8Hz  28  159.8Hz 38 189.9Hz  48 233.6Hz    9  85.4Hz  19 118.8Hz  29  162.2Hz 39 192.8Hz  49 241.8Hz    10 88.5Hz  20  123.0Hz  30  165.5Hz 40 196.6Hz  50 250.3Hz
DQTcode1  D023N  17  D116N 33  D243N 49 D365N 65 D546N 81 D734N 2  D025N  18  D125N 34  D244N 50 D371N 66 D565N 82 D743N 3  D026N  19  D131N 35  D245N 51 D411N 67 D606N 83 D754N 4  D031N  20  D132N 36  D251N 52 D412N 68 D612N   5  D032N  21  D134N 37  D261N 53 D413N 69 D624N   6  D043N  22  D143N 38  D263N 54 D423N 70 D627N   7  D047N  23  D152N 39  D265N 55 D431N 71 D631N   8  D051N  24  D155N 40  D271N 56 D432N 72 D632N   9  D054N  25  D156N 41  D306N 57 D445N 73 D654N   10 D065N  26  D162N 42  D311N 58 D464N 74 D662N   11 D071N  27  D165N 43  D315N 59 D465N 75 D664N   12 D072N  28  D172N 44  D331N 60 D466N 76 D703N   13 D073N  29  D174N 45  D343N 61 D503N 77 D712N   14 D074N  30  D205N 46  D346N 62 D506N 78 D723N   15 D114N  31  D223N 47  D351N 63 D516N 79 D731N   16 D115N  32  D226N 48  D364N 64 D532N 80 D732N
TransmitterOutputpowerRated highpower:2.0W Rated lowpower:0. 5WModulationmodeDigital:4FSKModulationerrorrate≤5%Modulationdeviation≤ 2.5KHz(N)Spuriousradiation≤7.5uWAdjacentchannelpower≤‐60dB(N)ReceiverAnalog:FMAnalogRFsensitivity(12dBSINAD)≤0.25uV/12.5KHzDigitalRFsensitivity0.22uV(BER5%)Audiodistortion≤10%Audiopower1WCluttersuppression≥65dBNote:Theaboveparametersaresubjecttochangewithoutpriornotice!
 Guarantee Model Number: Serial Number: Purchase Date: Dealer:                         Telephone: User`s Name:                   Telephone: Address:                       Post Code: Remarks: 1.This guarantee card to be kept by user,we will not re offer if lost. 2.This guarantee card should be filled by dealer,otherwise it`s invalid. 3.Do not alter the guarantee card,please confirm that the serial number on the guarantee card is the same with radio. 4.One-year guarantee for radio,half a year guarantee for accessory. 5.Users can get maintenance service from following ways:  Go to the shop where you bought the radio  Find our local maintenance agent    Send back to our company
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of  the followingmeasures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines and Operating InstructionsTo control your exposure and ensure compliance with the occupational/controlledenvironment exposure limits always adhere to the following procedures.Guidelines:Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.User awareness instructions should accompany device when transferred to other users.Do not use this device if the operational requirements described herein are not met.To control your exposure to RF and comply with the maximum exposure limits for occupational/controlled environments, follow these guidelines:■ Do not talk (transmit) on the radio more than the rated transmit duty cycle. This isimportant because the radio radiates more energy when it is transmitting than when it isreceiving.■ When listening and talking on the radio, hold it upright in front of your face so that it isat least one inch (2.5 cm) away from any part of your face. Keeping the radio at therecommended distance is important because exposure to RF decreases rapidlythe further away the antenna is from your body.■ If you wear your radio, you must always put it in a carrying accessory carry accessorythat has been specifically approved by Tait for this radio. Using non-approved body-wornaccessories may mean you expose yourself to higher levels of RF than recommended bythe FCC’s occupational/controlled environment RF exposure limits.■ Ensure you only use TEKK-approved antennas, batteries,and accessories.This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure environments at operating duty factors of up to 50% talk to 50% listen.
NOTICE:This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, whereusers have full knowledge of their exposure and can exercise control over their exposureto meet FCC limits. This radio device is NOT authorized for general population,consumer, or any other use.

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