Tele Radio C1101A Receiver User Manual IM TGS RX001 A10 EN on March 15 2011

Tele Radio AB Receiver IM TGS RX001 A10 EN on March 15 2011

User manual

1Manualand installation instructionsTechnology by:
TigerSharkboat lift solutions2Table of contentsGetting started ..................................................................... 3Control panel ...................................................................................................................... 4Raise/lower the boat using automatic systems ...................................................................4Raising/lowering the boat manually ........................................................................................5Adjusting the boat hoist level ...................................................................................................6Raising/lowering the boat outside of the boat hoist’s stopping positions. ..................7Remote control .................................................................................................................. 8Raising/lowering the boat using remote control ................................................................8Other remote control functions: ......................................................................................... 10Installation ........................................................................... 11Limit switch .................................................................................................................................12Functional description of limit switch ..................................................................................13Adjustment of limit switch (hoist) ........................................................................................14Adjusting the limit switch (lowering) ...................................................................................15Connection of limit switch to radio receiver ....................................................................16Installation ........................................................................... 17Mounting the limit switch into the hoist motor............................................................... 18SAFETY II stop function.......................................................................................................... 23General notice ..................................................................... 24Installation ........................................................................... 25Connecting hoist motors to the control panel ................................................................ 26Standard color coded motor .......................................................................................................... 26Standard T-motor .............................................................................................................................28Eastbay motor ...................................................................................................................................30AO Smith motor ................................................................................................................................ 32Leeson Balldor motor.......................................................................................................................34General Electric motor ....................................................................................................................36Century Magnatech motor ............................................................................................................ 38Emerson motor .................................................................................................................................. 40Leeson motor...................................................................................................................................... 42Baldor motor ......................................................................................................................................44Appendix 2-motor lifts ....................................................... 46Connection schematics ........................................................................................................... 47Wire size recommendation chart ........................................................................................ 54Pairing a transmitter to the TigerShark ............................................................................. 56Deleting transmitters for the TigerShark .......................................................................... 57Appendix 4-motor lifts ....................................................... 58Connection schematics ........................................................................................................... 59
3Getting startedHow to use the control panel and the remote control for the boat hoistWARNING any adjustment to TigerShark not described in this manual or approved in writing by TeleRadio voids warranty and releases TeleRadio and its subsidiaries from liability due to improper handling or installation.All manouvering of the lift has to be monitored by the user.AUTO stop function is a convenience function, lift still has to be monitored by the user.SAFETY function is in place to minimize damage in the event of lift failure, lift still has to be monitored by the user.WARNING when lift is not in use the power should be disconnected either at the mains power switch or at the ground fault interruptor switch in the control panel housing.WARNING the control panel housing should always be locked or screwed shut to avoid use by unauthorized party(ies).WARNING the lift should only be operated by users who have read and understood the instructions.WARNING do not climb or play on the lift as there is risk for personal injury.WARNING electrical installation can only be performed by licensed electricians.The radio control system should only be used for functions such as starting and halting of an application. The radio control systems must not be a safety-related part of a control system. We recommend a wired emergency stop where applicable, as well as other protections against personal injuries, e.g. pinch protection.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions4AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPRaise/lower the boat using automatic systemsYou can use the automatic systems to raise or lower the boat to a preset position by briefly pressing the boat up/down lever.  The boat can be raised or lowered to the position set as the end point during installation. See page 12.Raising  the boat automatically:AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPLowering the boat automatically:Control panelExplanation of signs:= Quick press = Hold down/up
5AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPRaising/lowering the boat manuallyYou can lower or raise the boat manually without using the automated stopping sys-tem.  When the boat has been raised or lowered to its final position, the hoist turns off.  The boat is only raised or lowered as long as the lever is held up or down. The boat can be lowered or raised to the position set as the end position. See page 12.Raising the boat manually:AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPLowering the boat manually:
TigerSharkboat lift solutions6AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPAUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPAdjusting the boat hoist levelYou can adjust the level of the hoist motors using the control panel.  Do this by turning off one of the motors using the LEVEL breaker.  This may be necessary if the boat hoist is on a slant or if a level adjustment must be performed for other reasons.Adjusting the level of the hoist upward:Adjusting the level of the hoist downward:OFFONLEVELOFFONLEVELNote!  The motor used for level adjustment varies depending on the boat hoist.  Check with your installer before use.Note!  The motor used for level adjustment varies depending on the boat hoist.  Check with your installer before use.WARNING!  Be careful when adjusting the level, as too high an adjustment can endanger the boat hoist’s load.
7AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPRaising/lowering the boat outside of the boat hoist’s stopping positions.You can lower or raise the boat outside of the preset stopping positions for the boat hoist.  This can be useful (i.e. at high or low tide), when the hoist doesn’t reach high or low enough.  Hold the lever toward the STOP POSITION to get past the automatic stop.Raising outside of stop positions:AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPLowering outside of stop positions:WARNING!  Raising/lowering the boat outside of the preset end positions can lead to serious equipment damage if proper care is not exercised.  For this reason, be very careful when using this function.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions8Remote controlRaising/lowering the boat using remote controlYou can automatically* lower or raise the boat to a preset position by briefly pressing either the up or down button.  The boat is lowered or raised to the position set as the end point during installation.1 22Press both  arrow buttons to turn  transmitter power on.Transmitter times out after 2 minutes of inactivity. To re-activate, repeat step 1.Note: Transmitter is already paired with the receiver.*) If your lift is not equipped with a limit switch, you do not have the automatic lift/lower functionality. You must then continuously hold the up/down button. Be aware that the lift can then be raised/lowered outside its maximum limits with possible equipment damage or personal injury as a result.The LED turns on.Pressing the up button will raise the boat hoist to the stop position.Raising the boat automatically*:
91 22*) If your lift is not equipped with a limit switch, you do not have the automatic lift/lower functionality. You must then continuously hold the up/down button. Be aware that the lift can then be raised/lowered outside its maximum limits with possible equipment damage or personal injury as a result.Transmitter times out after 2 minutes of inactivity. To re-activate, repeat step 1.Note: Transmitter is already paired with the receiver.Lowering the boat automatically*:Press both  arrow buttons to turn  transmitter power on.The LED turns on.Pressing the down button lowers the boat hoist to the stop position.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions10Other remote control functions:The remote control can also be used to control other objects on or around the boat.  The standard remote control supports the control of two different objects.  You will find suggestions below.  Your re seller can provide you with a  transmitter that allows you to control several objects at once. Contact your re seller for more information.  Please note that extra equipment may be required.Other objects may include jet ski hoists, harbour cranes, boat cranes, ramps or boat traverses.
11InstallationHow to installWARNING!  This section of the manual is only for licensed  electricians and installers.  Interference with high-voltage equipment is illegal for  individuals without the required  training/authorization.WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.the control panel
TigerSharkboat lift solutions12Limit switchThe limit switch is connected to the boat hoist motor.  With the help of a micro-breaker, this unit senses how high or how low the boat hoist has been moved.  When the boat hoist is in the top position, a high position breaker cuts the power to the motor.When the boat hoist is in the bottom position, a low position breaker cuts the power to the motor.Adjustment screwsMicro-breakersBreaker handleMotor connection
13Functional description of limit switchThe limit switch, which connects to the engine axle, is turned when the engine axle is spinning, turning the breaker handle in turn.  The breaker handle should be adjusted so that when the engine axle is spinning enough, (i.e. when the hoist is in the desired top or bottom position), the micro-breakers engage to cut the power to the motor.Adjustment screwsMicro-breakersBreaker handleMotor connectionWARNING!  Be careful to check which breaker handle is for the top position and which is for the bottom position.  This depends on how the limit switch is installed.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions14Adjustment of limit switch (hoist)In order for the limit switch to work properly, it needs to be adjusted upon  installation.  This is done in two steps, first when the boat hoist is in the top  position, and then when it is in the bottom position - this is when the breaker handles are adjusted.When the hoist is in the desired top position, turn the screw that corresponds to the handle/breaker you selected to regulate the height.  Turn the screw until the breaker handle activates the micro-breaker with a click. When the breaker handle reaches this position during a hoist, the micro-breaker will cut power to the relay that controls the hoist function.Adjust the boat hoist or the hoisting motors to the position that corresponds to the hoist’s top position.  That is, the highest position you want to be controlled by “AUTORUN.”NOTE!  In this example, the lower breaker has been chosen to control the lowering relay.  This may vary by installation.  Depending on how the position indicator is attached, the meaning of the breakers may be reversed.  For this reason, take the necessary precautions during installa-tion and testing to prevent damage to people or property.NOTE!  This function must be checked carefully to avoid incorrect boat hoist operation.
15Adjusting the limit switch (lowering)In order for the limit switch to work properly, it needs to be adjusted upon  installation.  This is done in two steps, first when the boat hoist is in the top  position, and then when it is in the bottom position - this is when the breaker handles are adjusted.When the hoist is in the desired bottom position, turn the screw that corresponds to the handle/breaker you selected to regulate the lowering function.  Turn the screw until the breaker handle activates the micro-breaker with a click. When the breaker handle reaches this position during lowering, the micro-breaker will cut the power to the relay that controls the lowering function.Adjust the boat hoist or the hoisting engines to the position that corresponds to the hoist’s bottom position.  That is, to the lowest position you want to be controlled by “AUTORUN.”NOTE!  In this example, the lower breaker has been chosen to control the lowering relay.  This may vary by installation.  Depending on how the position indicator is attached, the meaning of the breakers may be reversed.  For this reason, take the necessary precautions during installa-tion and testing to prevent damage to people or property.NOTE!  This function must be checked carefully to avoid incorrect boat hoist operation.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions16Connection of limit switch to radio receiverBelow, you’ll see how the connections should be drawn from the micro-breakers’ poles to the radio receiver in the control panel.CBAAAACCBABBLACKREDBLUEWARNING!  It is very important that this phase of the installation is carefully thought out and performed with precision.  If the micro- breakers are connected incorrectly, thus disabling them, the hoist will NOT stop at the au-tomatic stop  positions, leading to serious equipment damage as a result.  For this reason, test the hoist equipment without the automatic hoisting features before installation. See “Raising/lowering the boat outside of the boat hoist’s stopping positions.” for information on how to do this.WARNINGMoving parts can crush.Exposed mechanicalparts of boat lift equip.Stay away from boatlift when operating.Connections between limit switch and recevierTIP:  If the boat hoist does not stop at the end position, you can remedy this by switching  conductors (B) and (C) in the receiver box.  This will reverse the breaker handles’ functionality.
17InstallationHow to install theWARNING!  This section of the manual is only for licensed  electricians and installers.  Interference with high-voltage equipment is illegal for  individuals without the required training/authorization.WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.limit switch & safety stop function
TigerSharkboat lift solutions18Mounting the limit switch into the hoist motorThe installation of the limit switch may vary depending on the type of boat hoist it is being installed on. Below are some examples.In the image, the limit switch is mounted at a 90 degree angle to the crankshaft.  The motor connection’s cogwheel on the limit switch is connected to a cogwheel on the boat hoist’s crankshaft.NOTE!  This function must be checked carefully to avoid incorrect boat hoist operation.CrankshaftHoist motorLimit switch
19CrankshaftLimit switchCrankshaftLimit switch
TigerSharkboat lift solutions20CrankshaftLimit switchOption 2
21Option 3CrankshaftLimit switch
TigerSharkboat lift solutions22Option 4Limit switch
23SAFETY II stop functionThe Tigershark 2.0 has many safety features as standard in order to prevent prob-lems. In order to make the lift even more secure an added control feature can be activated called SAFETY II. To activate this feature the lift has to be installed completely and tested.NOTICE! When using the SAFETY II function the lift should always be tested to verify that the programming was successful.1. Run a whole lift cycle, up and down, to verify that top- and bottom end posi-tions are at a satisfactory level.2. Lower the lift to the bottom end position, lift should stop automatically when the limit switch perceives it has reached the bottom end position.5. Lift goes up, when the lift reaches the pre-programmed top end position the lift stops and the receiver stores the cycle time.6. When the receiver stores the cycle time a yellow LED will blink in the receiver. This can be hard to see so a manual test of the SAFETY II function is recommended.1. Adjust the limit switch top position to a point where the lift stops higher up.2. Lower the lift to the bottom end position.3. Raise the lift, either manually or with the transmitter.4. The lift should now stop before the limit switch engages.5. Adjust the limit switch top position back to its original stop position.3. Press the indicated button on the receiver. The RED led will light up.4. Immediately move the indicated control panel switch to “BOAT UP”.~AUTO ONAUTORUNOVERIDEOFFBOAT DOWNBOAT UPActivating the SAFETY II function:Manual testing of the SAFETY II function:
TigerSharkboat lift solutions24General noticeThe TigerShark system is delivered in a 120V (1 phase 120V) version. The reason behind this is to minimize the following if the wrong installation is performed:• Possible transformer blowout• Possible contactor blowout• Possible motor destruction and or fire
25InstallationHow to connect WARNING!  This section of the manual is only for licensed  electricians and installers.  Interference with high-voltage equipment is illegal for  individuals without the required  training/authorization.WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.hoist motors to the control panelWARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.There are a number of different motor solutions on the market.  We present the most COMMON ones here.NOTE:  Your motor MAY NOT be picturedRead the instructions for your motor for the correct connection. Tele Radio  cannot be held responsible for connections made OUTSIDE the TigerShark box.
TigerSharkboat lift solutions26Standard color coded motor120 VA.O. Smith, Baldor, Dayton, Electrogear, Emerson, Leeson, Lincon, Marathon and other colored motor wires.Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch MOTOR RED & BLACK.NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor ORANGEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor BLACKMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor ORANGEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor BLACKABCDNR2B2O2GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEABCDConnecting hoist motors to the control panel= Cap = Screw = PinWiring symbolsWARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
27NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor ORANGEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor BLACKABCDNR1B1O1R2B2O2NGROUNDMotor RED Motor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor WHITEMotor BLACKREDBLACKORANGEABCDNR2B2O2GROUNDMotor RED Motor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor WHITEMotor BLACKREDBLACKORANGEABCDWire together Motor ORANGE with Motor WHITE & BLACK at position marked “D”.Remove TigerShark White.Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 VNOTE: Do this change on    both motors!
TigerSharkboat lift solutions28Standard T-motor120 VMotor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch T5 & T8. NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITET8T1T3T4T2T5ABCDNR2B2O2GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITET8T1T3T4T2T5ABCDA.O. Smith, Baldor, Dayton, Deco, GE, Electrogear, Emerson, Leeson, Lincon, Marathon, SMC and other T-numbered motor wires.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
29NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITET8T1T3T4T2T5ABCDNR1B1O1NR2B2O2GROUNDT8T1T4T3T2T5REDBLACKORANGEABCDNR1B1O1GROUNDT8T1T4T3T2T5REDBLACKORANGEABCDRemove TigerShark WHITE.Wire together Motor T3 with Motor T2 & T5 at position marked “D”.NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions30Eastbay motor120 VMotor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch E(RED) & D(Jumper Wire)NR1B1O112B A 5 DC 3 E4BLUEREDGROUNDBLACKORANGEWHITEYELLOWNR1B1O112B A 5 DC 3 E4BLUEREDGROUNDBLACKORANGEWHITEYELLOWWARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
31R2B2O2NNR1B1O112B A 5 DC 3 E4BLUEREDGROUNDBLACKORANGEWHITEYELLOWNR1B1O112B A 5 DC 3 E4BLUEREDGROUNDBLACKORANGEYELLOWJUMPER WIRENR2B2O212B A 5 DC 3 E4BLUEREDGROUNDBLACKORANGEYELLOWJUMPER WIREMove Motor YELLOW cable from “5” to “4”Move Motor BLUE cable from “2” to “3”Move TigerShark ORANGEcable from “D” to “C”.Add a  JUMPER WIRE between“B” and “D”.Move TigerShark RED cable from “A” to “E”Remove the WHITE cable between “N” and “B”Move TigerShark BLACK cablefrom “E” to “A”.NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions32AO Smith motor120 VNR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor REDMotor BLACKMotor BLUE1 2 3 5L2 L14NR2B2O2GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor REDMotor BLACKMotor BLUE1 2 3 5L2 L14Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch  MOTOR RED & BLACK.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
33NR1B1O1R2B2O2NGROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor REDMotor BLACKMotor BLUE1 2 3 5L2 L14GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor REDMotor BLUENR1B1O11 2 3 5L2 L14Remove the TigerShark WHITE.Move Motor BLACK and wiretogether with Motor WHITE and ORANGE cable at position marked “4”.Move jumper from position “4” toposition “5”GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor REDMotor BLUENR2B2O21 2 3 5L2 L14NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions34Leeson Balldor motor230 VGROUNDT8T1T4T3T2T5REDBLACKORANGEGROUNDT8T1T4T3T2T5REDBLACKORANGER2B2O2R1B1O1NOT USEDNOT USEDNNMotor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch T8 & T5.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
35NR1B1O1R2B2O2NNR1B1O1GROUNDT8T1T3T4T2T5REDBLACKORANGEWHITENR2B2O2GROUNDT8T1T3T4T2T5REDBLACKORANGEWHITEGROUNDT8T1T4T3T2T5REDBLACKORANGEAdd a WHITE cable to “N” and wiretogether with Motor T5Wire together cable T3 withcable T1 and TigerShark BLACKWire together cable T2 with cable T4 and TigerShark ORANGENOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions36General Electric motor120 VR1B1O1NGROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor RED12A54R2B2O2NGROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor RED12A54Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch MOTOR RED & BLACK.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
37NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor REDMotor YELLOW12A54NR2B2O2GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor REDMotor YELLOW12A54Remove TigerShark WHITE cable.Move Motor RED cable  and wiretogether Motor WHITE.Move Motor YELLOW cable  and wiretogether Motor ORANGE.Move and connect TigerShark BLACK from “5” to “4”.R2B2O2NR1B1O1NGROUNDREDBLACKORANGEWHITEMotor BLACKMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor RED12A54NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions38Century Magnatech motor120 VR2B2O2NNOT USEDGROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor ORANGE2 1 6 54Motor BLACKR1B1O1NGROUNDREDBLACKWHITEORANGEMotor REDMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor BLACK2 1 6 54Motor ORANGEMotor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch MOTOR RED & BLACK.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
39R2B2O2NR1B1O1NGROUNDREDBLACKWHITEORANGEMotor REDMotor WHITEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor BLACK2 1 6 54Motor ORANGENR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor ORANGE2 1 6 54Motor BLACKNR2B2O2GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor WHITEMotor ORANGE2 1 6 54Motor BLACKRemove the TigerShark WHITE.Move Motor WHITE and Motor Orange andwire together at position “5”.NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 120 V to 230 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions40Emerson motor120 VNR1B1O1GROUNDMotor RED Motor BLUE Motor ORANGE Motor YELLOW Motor WHITEMotor BLACKREDBLACKORANGEWHITE2314NR2B2O2GROUNDMotor RED Motor BLUE Motor ORANGE Motor YELLOW Motor WHITEMotor BLACKREDBLACKORANGEWHITE2314Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch MOTOR RED & BLACK.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
41NR1B1O1R2B2O2NGROUNDMotor RED Motor BLUE Motor ORANGE Motor YELLOW Motor WHITEMotor BLACKREDBLACKORANGEWHITE2314NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor WHITEMotor BLACK2314NR1B1O1GROUNDREDBLACKORANGEMotor REDMotor BLUEMotor YELLOWMotor ORANGEMotor WHITEMotor BLACK2314Remove TigerShark WHITE cable.Move Motor ORANGE and wire together withMotor WHITE and BLACK at position “4”.Move Motor WHITE to “1”.Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 230 V to 120 VNOTE: Do this change on    both motors!
TigerSharkboat lift solutions42Leeson motor120 VR1B1O1NGROUNDBLACK314625REDORANGEWHITEMotor BLUE Motor BROWNMotor PURPLEMotor YELLOW R1B1O1NGROUNDBLACK314625REDORANGEWHITEMotor BLUE Motor BROWNMotor PURPLEMotor YELLOW Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch ORANGE & BLACK.WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for  improper connections.
43R1B1O1NGROUNDBLACK314625REDORANGEWHITEMotor BLUE Motor BROWNMotor PURPLEMotor YELLOW R2B2O2NNR1B1O1GROUNDBLACK314625REDORANGEMotor BLUE Motor BROWNMotor PURPLEMotor YELLOW Remove TigerShark WHITE cable.Move Motor PURPLE to “5”. Move Motor BROWN to “5”.NR2B2O2GROUNDBLACK314625REDORANGEMotor BLUE Motor BROWNMotor PURPLEMotor YELLOW NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 230 V to 120 V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions44Baldor motor120 VR1B1O1NGROUNDMotor RED / T8Motor WHITE  / T2Motor BROWN  / J BLACKREDORANGEWHITEL2 L134Motor BLACK  / T5R1B1O1NGROUNDMotor RED / T8Motor WHITE  / T2Motor BROWN  / J BLACKREDORANGEWHITEL2 L134Motor BLACK  / T5Motor 1 Motor 2TIP:  To change direction, switch Motor RED / T8 and  Motor BLACK / T5WARNING:  Motor connections shown are to be used as a guide.  We require you to contact your boat lift dealer, motor manufacturer, installer and professional electrician to double check and verify  connections to your boat lift as many  motors change over time.  Tele Radio will not be responsible for improper connections.
45Changeover process120 V230 VFrom 230 V to 120 VR2B2O2NR1B1O1NGROUNDMotor RED / T8Motor WHITE  / T2Motor BROWN  / J BLACKREDORANGEWHITEL2 L13422Motor BLACK  / T5NR1B1O1L134GROUNDMotor RED / T8Motor WHITE  / T2Motor BROWN  / J BLACKREDORANGEWHITEL2Motor BLACK  / T5Remove TigerShark WHITE .Move Motor BLACK / T5 to “2”.Move Motor BROWN / J to “3”Move Motor WHITE / T2 to “4”.2NR2B2O2L134GROUNDMotor RED / T8Motor WHITE  / T2Motor BROWN  / J BLACKREDORANGEWHITEL2Motor BLACK  / T5NOTE: Do this change on    both motors!
TigerSharkboat lift solutions46Appendix 2-motor liftsInternal connection schematic andwiring chartsWARNING!  This section of the manual is only for licensed electricians and installers.  Interference with high-voltage equipment is illegal for individuals without the required training/authorization.Your TigerShark unit has been delivered how it appears on the following page (Delivery design). Before connecting power you must first determine what AC voltage your boat lift requires and then proceed to change the wiring accordingly. In the following pages you will find all the different voltages that can be available at your location. Contact your boat lift manufacturer for further assistance.WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.
472 4 6L3 L2 L1L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L31 3 5 NN1 2 3 4230VIsolateMOTOR 1LIMIT SWITCHNR1B1O1R2B2O2NMOTOR 2INCOMING GROUNDINCOMING PHASE 1    (120V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)120VUS 120 VAC(1 phase, 120 VAC)Delivery design WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.Connection schematics
TigerSharkboat lift solutions48Add the second 120V phase to position “2”.Delivery design, US 120 VAC -> US 230 VAC (2 phase, 120 VAC)Change instructions 2 4 6L3 L2 L1L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L31 3 5 NN1 2 3 4230VIsolateNR1B1O1R2B2O2NINCOMING PHASE 1    (120V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)120VMove the red conductorto position “3”.
492 4 6L3 L2 L1L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L31 3 5 NN1 2 3 4230VIsolateMOTOR 1LIMIT SWITCHNR1B1O1R2B2O2NMOTOR 2INCOMING GROUNDINCOMING PHASE 2    (120V)INCOMING PHASE 1    (120V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)120VConnection schematic WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.US 230 VAC(2 phase, 120 VAC)
TigerSharkboat lift solutions502 4 6L3 L2 L1L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L31 3 5 NN1 2 3 4230VIsolateNR1B1O1R2B2O2NINCOMING PHASE 1    (120V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)120VDelivery design US 120 VAC -> 1 phase, 230 VACDisconnect the black 120V conductor and isolate.  Connect the brown 230V conductor to the right contactor “L2”.Change instructions
51Connection schematic1 phase, 230 VACWARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.2 4 6L3 L2 L1L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L31 3 5 NN1 2 3 4IsolateMOTOR 1LIMIT SWITCHNR1B1O1R2B2O2NMOTOR 2INCOMING GROUNDINCOMING PHASE 1    (230V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)120V230V
TigerSharkboat lift solutions52PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK
TigerSharkboat lift solutions54Wire size recommendation chart½ 1 10A (8,8A) 12 10 6 4 4220A (17,6A) 10 6 4 2 1¾ 1 15A (10,8A) 12 8 6 4 3225A (21,6A) 8 6 3 1 -1 1 15A (12,8A) 10 8 6 4 3230A (25,6A) 8 4 2 1 -1-½ 1 20A (17,1A) 10 6 4 2 1235A (34,4A) 6 4 1 - -Motor HP# MotorsBreaker size15 m50 feet30 m100 feet60 m200 feet90 m300 feet120 m400 feet(actual current)120 V AC - 1 phaseWARNING!  Use the below chart for proper wire size. Using the wrong sized wires might damage your motors and the TigerShark unit.
55½ 1 5A (4,4A) 14 14 12 10 10 6210A (5,4A) 12 12 10 8 6 3420A (17,6A) 12 10 6 4 4 2¾ 1 10A (5,4A) 14 13 12 12 10 6215A (10,8A) 12 12 10 8 6 3425A (21,3A) 12 8 6 4 3 11 1 10A (6,4A) 14 14 12 12 10 6215A (12,8A) 12 10 8 6 4 1430A (26,0A) 10 8 4 3 2 11-½ 1 10A (8,5A) 14 14 10 10 8 4220A (17,0A) 12 10 8 4 2 1440A (36,1A) 10 6 4 2 1 1/02 4 45A (44,8A) 8 6 3 1 1/0 -Motor HP# MotorsBreaker size15 m50 feet30 m100 feet60 m200 feet90 m300 feet120 m400 feet240 m800 feet(actual current)230 V AC - 2 phase
TigerSharkboat lift solutions56Pairing a transmitter to the TigerSharkSituations might arise where you want to add a transmitter to the TigerShark boat lift (i.e. if you have lost a transmitter or you want to add another transmitter).The RED led inside will flash three times. The pairing process is complete.3Pairing a transmitter (performed in the TigerShark control box and with a transmitter)Press and hold the learn button for about a second. The RED led inside should turn on.1Press the red button on the transmitter.2
57Deleting transmitters for the TigerSharkSituations might arise where you want to add a delete all the transmitters for the TigerShark boat lift.Locate the radio unit in the box.Press and hold the learn button for about six seconds. The RED led inside should turn off.All the transmitters are now removed from memory.1Deleting transmitters (performed in the TigerShark control box and with a transmitter)
TigerSharkboat lift solutions58Appendix 4-motor liftsInternal connection schematic andwiring chartsWARNING!  This section of the manual is only for licensed electricians and installers.  Interference with high-voltage equipment is illegal for individuals without the required training/authorization.Your TigerShark unit has been delivered how it appears on the following page (Delivery design). Before connecting power you must first determine what AC voltage your boat lift requires and then proceed to change the wiring accordingly. In the following pages you will find all the different voltages that can be available at your location. Contact your boat lift manufacturer for further assistance.WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.
59Before connecting power you must first determine what AC voltage your boat lift requires. Contact your boat lift manufacturer for further assistance.230 VAC(2 phase, 120 VAC) WARNINGHazardrous voltageContact may cause electric shock or burn.Disconnect powerbefore servicing.WARNINGHazardrous voltageWrongful handling may cause electric shock or burn.Can only be installedby licensed electrician.L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L32 4 61 3 5 NN120V230VISOLATE1 R1B1O1R2B2O2R3B3O3R4B4O42 3MOTOR 1 MOTOR 2 MOTOR 3 MOTOR 4LIMIT SWITCHINCOMING GROUNDINCOMING PHASE 1    (120V)INCOMING PHASE 2    (120V)INCOMING NEUTRAL  (N)L1 L2 L3Connection schematics
TigerSharkboat lift solutions60www.tele-radio.com14895 NE 20th Ave  Toll free phone 1-866-629-0780North Miami FL 33181  Toll free fax   1-866-254-5850usa@tele-radio.comIM-TS-001-A10MODIFICATION STATEMENT: Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly ap-proved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.15.105 CLASS B DIGITAL DEVICE OR PERIPHERALNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to  provide reasonable protection against harmful interference  in  a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses  and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to  radio or  television  reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer-ence by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC compliance statement

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