Telecell Mobile F50G Mobile phone User Manual English ok

Telecell Mobile (H.K) Ltd. Mobile phone English ok

Users Manual

 F50G    F50G           Guidebook For Android™ Mobile technology Platform 5.1
1  TABLE OF CONTENTS  1- Get Started with your  F50G device  Set up & use your device       2 Connect to WI-FI networks              6 Browse and organize your home screen          7  2- Explore your  F50G device  Make & receive phone calls       9 Manage your contacts and call log            11 Send & receive text messages       12 Type Text by speaking        14 Relax with Google Play        15 Change the wallpaper        16  3- Settings  Wireless & network settings       17 Device Settings         21 Security settings         24 Account and location Settings             25 Factory Reset         27  4- Hardware reference          Safety information        28 FCC           29
G Se   Impor savoireac Youman         Get Stet up an Install Sportant: Turcratch the Sid exposing ch of small cu can install ny micro SIMtartednd use SIM cards rn your deviSIM cards. Tthe SIM carchildren. up to 2 micM cards ared your dice off beforTake care wrds to static ro SIM carde installed an devicere installing when handlinelectricity, ds in your And assign acor removinng, installingwater, or diAndroid devictivities to eag the SIM cg, or removiirt. Keep SIMice. You canach of them ards. Do noing SIM carM cards outn check to seon your dev3  t bend rds, and t of ee how vice.
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To m   To r   To c  M  Youor wusua    move an app1- Tou2- Slidslowscre3- Lift4- The Removeremove an a1- Tou2- Dra Create acreate a fold1- Tou2- Slid3- To r Make &  Make, ru can place cwidgets that ally touch itp or widget uch and holdde your fingewly into it. Teen. t your fingere icon drops e an app or wapp or widgeuch and holdag it up to tha folder for der, follow thuch and holdde the app icrename a foreceivreceive, and calls from thdisplay cont to dial. icon to a difd the to the newTo move betwr. into its newwidget et from a Hod the app orhe Remove icapps hese steps:d the app. con quickly older, touch ve phonblock phonhe Phone apntact inform fferent locatw position. Tween Home w position. ome screen,r widget. con  at thover the othits name. ne callsne calls pp , Contaation. Whertion on a HoTo bump anscreens, slid follow thesee top of the her. s acts app rever you seome screen:nother icon ode toward the steps: screen. , People appee a phone nout of the wahe edge of thp  , or othumber, you9 ay, slide he  her apps  can
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To gman   YouPhocontTo u     go to a contanage your co1- Searfor n2- AddcontAcc3- Favcard4- Orgby t5- Edit6- Shafrom7- Remthe  Use the u can see a lione app. It's tacts. use the call l1- Ope2- Tououtg3- Touthe  4- Youact's card, sontacts in thrch: If you'rnearby placd a contact: tact and addcount, the nevorite: To md and it willganize: You touching andt: To edit a are: To sharem the contacmove: Touchgrid. call log ist of all the an easy waylog, follow ten the Phoneuch the "Recgoing calls. uch View fultype of call,- Missed - Receive- Outgoinu have the fo- Touch acall. - Touch "- Touch t- Touch tcall bacimply touchhe following re looking foces in the SeaTo add a cod the contacew contact wake a contac show up in can organizd holding thcontact, toue a contact octs list, thenh and drag ccalls you’vey to redial ahese steps:e app   oncents" tab. Yll call history, and multipincoming caed incoming ng call   ollowing opta number or"Call back"the trash icothe the menuck number. h their nameways: or a specificarch bar at ontact touchct's informatwill sync witct a favoritethe speed dze the contachem to moveuch the edit ior place it o touch the mcontacts to te placed, reca number, ren your devicYou'll see a y to see morple arrows inall  call  tions for recr contact the" to dial the on  to deleu icon  , the from your c contact, yothe top of thh the menu iction. If you'h your accoe, touch the dial tab whencts on your e them arounicon  on n a Home scmenu icon the top of thceived, or meturn a call, ce. list of your re calls. Arrndicate multcent calls: en Details fonumber. ete the call fhen Edit numlist of contaou can searchhe screen. con , thenre signed inount. star icon n you open tscreen in yond.  a contact's ccreen for ea. e screen to rmissed in the or add a numost recentrow icons betiple calls:or more infofrom your camber to makacts. You cah your contn touch Newn to a Google on a contathe Phone aour speed dicard. sier access, remove themRecents tabumber to yot incoming aeside a call inormation aball log. ke changes t12 n acts or w e act's app. al list select it m from b in the ur and ndicate out the to the
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Wheentetext To ibackonly Re Goobook If yocontused  The  To rhold To afromscre en you pausered in the tt. If you starimprove prokground noy fleetingly aelax wiogle Play briks, music, mou purchasetent on othed to purchas Use Gooese widgets a1- My any 2- Recinte3- RecTouresize a widgd, then dragadd anotherm right to leeen location  se, what youext field, unrt typing or eocessing of yise in tempoand is not seith Gooings togethemagazines, aed content oer Android dse it. ogle play wiare availableLibrary: Diof the imagcommended erest you. Tocommended uch the recomget, touch &g it to the Rer Google Plaeft until you you want. u spoke is tranderlined. Yentering moyour voice inorary memoent to Googlogle Pler all your faand more – sn Google Pldevices - jusidgets e for your Hisplays yourges to see youon Play: Suouch the sugapps: Recommmendation& hold, then emove icon aay widget, tosee the one  anscribed byYou can toucore text by snput, Googleory at any timle. lay avorite contso you can rlay in the pat make sureHome screenr most recenur content.uggests musiggestion to lemmends appn to learn mlet go and dat the top ofouch the you want. Ty the speechch the Deletepeaking, thee may recorme. This recent in one preach it fromast, you'll aue you're signns: ntly used muic, movies, aearn more aps that you more about itdrag the bluf the screen. All Apps icThen touch &h-recognitione key to erase underline rd a few secocording remplace – moviem any of youutomaticallyned in to theusic, books, and other coabout it. can add to yt.  ue dots. To rcon, then Wi& hold, andn service anse the underdisappears.onds of ambmains on the es, TV showur devices. y have accesse same accouand so on. Tontent that myour Home emove it, toidgets, and sd let go in the15 nd rlined  bient device ws, s to this unt you Touch may screen. uch & swipe e Home
16           Shop on Google Play  To open the Google Play Store app, touch the Play Store icon on a Home or All Apps screen.  Most things you purchase on Google Play are available from your computer as well as from any of your Android mobile devices. (Android apps are one exception – they run only on Android devices.)  Sign in to to get your entertainment from anywhere   Google Play Support  For more detailed information about Google Play, including phone and email support options, visit:  Change the wallpaper  To change the wallpaper that's displayed on your Home screens:  1- Touch & hold anywhere on a Home screen that's not occupied. A list of options appears. 2- Touch a wallpaper source, such as Live Wallpapers. You can download additional wallpapers on Google Play. 3- To set a wallpaper, touch Set wallpaper or, for other images, drag the blue dots to determine the cropping and touchOK.  To change your device's wallpaper in Settings, touch Settings > Device > Display > Wallpaper.
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27   Safety information  To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the battery charger to rain or moisture. Do not expose the charger to dripping or splashing of liquids.  • The battery charger must be used indoors. It is neither designed nor tested for use outdoors, in recreation vehicles, or on boats. • Charge the battery only on a charger approved by Figo. Do not continue charging the battery if it does not reach full charge within the specified charging time. Doing so may cause the battery to become hot, rupture, or ignite. If you see any heat deformation or leakage, properly dispose of the battery. • Do not expose the battery to temperatures greater than 212°F (100°C). If exposed to excessive heat, the battery can catch fire and explode. • Do not place the battery in direct sunlight, or use or store it inside cars in hot weather where it can be exposed to temperatures in excess of 140°F (60°C). Doing so may cause the battery to generate heat, rupture, or ignite. Using the battery in this manner also may result in a loss of performance and a shortened life expectancy. • Do not short circuit the battery. Avoid placing it around metal objects such as keys, pocket change, paper clips, and jewelry. • Do not hit the battery with a hammer, step on, throw or drop it to expose it to a strong shock. Do not pierce the battery with a sharp object such as a nail. Do not crush, dent, or deform the battery in any way. If the battery becomes deformed, properly dispose of it. • The battery used in this device may present a risk of fire or chemical burn if mistreated. Do not disassemble, heat above 212°F (100°C), or incinerate. Replace battery with an approved Figo battery only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion.  FCC Caution:  Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's  authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including  interference that may cause undesired operation.    Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to  part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in  a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed  and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,  there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is  encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
28  —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.    —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.    —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.    —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.     Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information  SAR tests are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands,although  the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phonewhile operating can be well below the maximum value, in general, the closer you are to awireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  Before a new model phone is a available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified tothe FCC that it does not exceed the exposure limit established by the FCC, Tests for each phone are performed in positions and locations (e.g. at the ear and worn on the body)as required by the FCC.  For body worn operation, this model phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with an accessory designated for this product or when used with an accessory that Contains no metal and that positions the handset a minimum of 1.0 cm from the body.  Non-compliance with the above restrictions may result in violation of RF exposure guidelines.

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