Telefield FF2125ATF 900MHz Cordless Phone with Answering Machine User Manual

Telefield Ltd. 900MHz Cordless Phone with Answering Machine Users Manual

Users Manual

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Mirror Download []Telefield FF2125ATF 900MHz Cordless Phone with Answering Machine User Manual
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2002-04-17 00:00:00
Date Available2002-04-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-03-26 22:18:43
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Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

217 mt 2292~BdN—92
lo: HAjew mg ‘i/‘fl
Fm: 2m (WM
Fnr inuncdmle axmvcr; (0 30m qucslwns regarding opcmuou
mining pans or installation call:
Soulhwcslcm Bell Freedom Phqmfl
Relail Sales Help Lula mi
I-8 00-366-0937
Monday - Friday 14 ]!':1_m - 9.00 pm EST
Sulunim 8 303 m ~ I? 1011 11! E57
http: // www. swareedomphone. com
FFZlZfi lB—‘XKTB Primed m Chum
Southwestern Bell
Freedom Phoneg
900MHZ Cordless Telephone with
Digital Answering System
/ I, J I
\ ,,/ ' 1:22:11/ J
FIZZ___1D Toll Free Helpline 1-800-366-0937
* http://wwwswareedomphonelcom
2003 3}? Z 59 H 5'! I59
288! "H 92
N gratulatlonsl
Lu lint- e purchased a 90“ MHz. Cordless Telephone \\ "It All Digital Answenuo Svslcrn
21:15 been imnnfactured re the hrgltcst standards of SOUTHWESTERV B .
n. EDOM PHONE® Retail Sales. Ils"DlGlCLE/\R Pl US"" ctmuiuv combines
,filter|n! “uh state of the int technology thul reduces background none inn--
telephone conversations. Specrnl mmpander circuitrv compresses then expands
nusnntted signal to entrance clean. clear audio
2: 35?"
6 Mar 2882
I Read and understand all instructions
2 Follow all wamings and instincttons marked on the product
3. Unplug this product from the wall telephone Jack and power outlet before cleaning Do
not use hqurd or aerosol cleaners Use a damp cloth for cleaning,
4 Do not use this product near water. for example. near a bathtub wash bowl, kllcilCll srnlt.
laundry tnh strumming pool or in n “cl basement
5. Do not place this product on an unstable can, stand or table. The product may fall.
causing serious damage.
6. Slots or openings in the cabinet nnd the brick and bottom are provided for ventilation, to
protect it from overheating These openings must not be blocked or covered The openings
should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, or other similar surface This
product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register.
7. This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the
marking labc! lfyou are not sure ofthe (vpc ofpowcr supply lovaur home consult your
dealer or local power company
8, Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord, Do not place this product where the
cord will lac damaged by persons stepprng on it
9 Do not overload “all outlets and extension cords. as this can result in fire or electric
10. Never push objects ofany kind into this product through cabinet slots. as they may
touch dangerous voltage paints or short out pans, This could result in fire or electric shock.
Never spill liquid ofany kind on the product,
It. To mince the risk olclmtric shock. do not disassemble this product Instead. when
service or repair \\ m1; is required, take it to a qualified service technician. Opening or
returning covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks, Incorrect reassembly
can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequently used.
l2 Unplng thrs product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified scnvice
personnel under the following conditions:
a When the power supply cord or plug ls damaged or frared.
b ll liquid has been spilled mm the product
c, lr the product has been exposed to min or water.
d "the pmdnct does not operale nomtallr' and proper operating instructions have been
followed, ad‘nst only these controls that are covered by the operating instructions 5
Improper adJuSImEnI ofotlter controls may result in damage and will often require Q
extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to annual operation r‘
e. lfthe product has been droppEd or the cabinet has been damaged N
f. lfthe product exhibits a distinct change ut perfonnance. g
I3. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless lvpe) during an electrical storm flu
There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. rt
14. Do not use rhctelephonc to report a gas leak in the vicinity orthe leak, %
IS. Danger ofexplosion it‘hattery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only uith the same or g
equivalent type monuuended by the manufacturer. Dispose ofuted batteries according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
Handset Battery Pack
fl Use onh a Southnestem Bell Freedom Plionett approved bauery pack in the handset Myonr
% FF2125 Cordlus Telephone To reduce the risk attire or injury. always do the folloiiing
&, when replacing discarding or charging batteries. When handling the batteries‘ be careful
8 not to short the battery with conducting materials such as nngst brarelets, and keg-s The
N batter} or conducting material may overheat and cause bums
a. Use only the fallen-mg type and aim batteries m the cordless phone
Self-contained l—cell Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable haltery supply,
GP40 AAK JBMX 3.6V 400niAli or 3 6V 40thnAh D-2/3AA400x3 or JD40AA2/JN3BMX
Gl‘l lntematioual Ltd BVD Battery Ca, Ltd 113 Energy (HK) Ltd
b. Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fire. The cell mav explode Cheek mth local
codes for posible special disposal instructions.
c Do tint attetiipt to open or mutilate Ute battery pack The chemicals are dangerous and
may cause damage to the eyes or skin. and may be toxicifsnallowed.
d. Fallon the charge instructions outlined in this manual. (See page 11)
The RBRCMSeal on the nickel-cadriiiiuri (Ni-Cd) battery indicates that
Southii'esteni Bell Freedom Phoneo Retail Sales is voluntarily participating in an industry
program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end ofthcit uxful life, when taken out
ot'senfioe Wllhln the United States. The RlElRCIN program providesa conienient alternative
to placing spent nickel-cadmium batteries hits the trash or municipal waste stream. which is
illegal in some areas.
Soutliwestem Bell Freedom Phone“ Retail Sales' paymeittsto RBKC "makes it eaw for
you to drop ufl" the spent battery (or battery pack) at local retailers olreplacement nickel»
zadntiuni batteries You may also contact your local recycling center for information on
Alterc- m return the spent hungry (or call the loll~fi cc RBRCNlILlflllllilleII line ai
l-S’JO-XBATTERX) Our nivohcrncnt in this program is part 01 nuroonunittnenl lti
irotccting the environment and eniism‘ing natural [mltl'CCS
iBRC'“ is a trademark oflli: Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation,
Save These Instructions
,_..__...._,. "any“, ”unlit/ll
1h Reduce the Risk of If": m ln|urt lu Persons. Read and l‘nllon These liistnicttoiu
i tn: unl\ Illl: lullomng t\'pe and we tultcnes u. the cordless phone
Selt’contamcd 3~ccll Nickel'lfatlmium rechargeable battery supply
GP“! AAK lBMX 1.6V AIOUmAh or 3 6V 400r11~\h D-2/3AA400xJ or JB40,\A213N}BMX
GPI lnlernahonl 1 id BYD Battery Co _ Ltd ll} Energy tllKl |,ld
2. Use only the following type and Size battery in the base unit 9V 0604) Alkaline Batten.
3 Do not dispose ol'lhe batter) (res) in a fire The call may explode. Check Willi local (rack!
for passable special disposal instructions
u' Du not open or mutilate the baileryttes). Releamd clectrah-ie is con—mint- and may cause
damage to the ~ u; or Hkln. ll nun- hi: ltmt: il'swallowed
5 [Extreme
ii. l’rntnlilng baiienmt ||l um‘er nut to than lhl: battery with conducting
niatcnul such as (lugs, hraruiru and keys The hattm' t‘vt conductor nia‘, uvurliual turd
cause bums.
6 Charge the batten-(ins) provided with or idenlified for use utth this pmduet 0an in
accordance With the instructions and limitation: apectfied in this manual
7 Do not nut cld and am batierie. ..i thit pruduni [applies (D products employing more
than one user teplawabl: second bauery).
8. Do not mix bellenes ol'dill'erenl mus or from difi'ercnt manufacturer: in this product
t'upphrs ID prndiwis rmptnying mtllt‘ that: one use: replaceable wrundaiy hauler”
9, Do not auempl to recharge lhe battervties) provided WIlJI m identified for me with this
product The batteries may leak corrosive electrolyte or explode
10, Do not attempt to IE)U\'¢I7MB the battcn'tiet) provided with or identified for we Willi thu
product by heating them. Sudden release ol’the batten' electrolyte may occur causing burnt
in milnllun to zhc cjtcs m alum.
l I. When inserting batteries into this pmduct, the proper polarity or direction must be
okra \‘€d Reva“: insertion ofbatlcnes can caust‘ nltarging, null that may ietull tn leakage
or explntlivns (Applre: in product employing morn: lhutr une newt-[fly mplauable plmlan‘
12 Remove the batteries rnnn llns producl il'the product Will not be used for a long period
of lime tut-went! months or more} since dining "Ila turn.- the baiierv could leak in the prndurl
tfi ‘)hl;'nrll 'ucr.d‘ {mllcliustm uni-n ax ph=s|ble mice "dcnd" Ll’lfltilhh an: iituii: likely to
u u pmduct
lul Dr: inrt store "
prr‘d'lCL -r. t
no product. or llll: oaiteries prntided Wllh ur identified t‘ur ua‘e w‘llb ilnx
pctulinu nit-an Builcllva that are mired m n trceur or rt‘lngcralor For
the [impose of extending shetfhre should be pmtuuu-d from eonilenaut‘ion during Moral}:
and air-inn. n
Uril'a-‘llih xlmulu’ be stabilmm at mom tcmpcml‘lltr print louse PJIcl tilh‘l
2992 4EM 9
g-outhwestern Bell Freedom Phone FFZIZS
iiordless Telephone
gjlljccl Pig: suhjeu
“ul’cll‘ Lnsmwlmns l MESSAGE PLAYBACK
‘i mm Bum- Pack . 3 Incoming Messagcs
fiandscl Bauen- Cannon 4 Manage Plavhank
uldse'. D13 - r. ‘= up nlnylwl .J human-“g Mung-w
m Du mm. . . . . 8 1° Repeal lh: Current Nlnmgc
mls of crdltss ‘l‘elnphoncx 10 To Repeal lh: Pltvim-s Mung:
n (‘nn'enlc 11 To snap to llw -\'exl Mesmac
To Elasc Your Mcssa es
“TALL ATION I | Message Oapxcm‘ Pu l lklwlnm
Call Ink-mlpl
elimnmy Preparation Il Call fierzcmng
l'clc hon=1,inc lnsLallalion Banery Backup
v1 uh! Gullel
hlmry Backup
Jesk ur Table Inslallaxmn
Hall Mounting
landscz Bullery Chargmg Telephone)
ru Replace Bulletin
FcnelPulse Switch STAMP.
Digital Sunnty Swan
to Channel 0 «on FCC Wan" You I0 Known. _
Mug : Cll .
(«1:1an 3 Call Common Quesuonsll'roubieshooling
mu M‘Rangc
yllenlzory ngwre Prnducl Cue .. . .. _
.- as
wrempora ‘l'oncl-‘calum Addmmullnl’ovmullon
awl-mm ulunmConlruI
' Page/lldudseanu-nlw
LED Indication:
Valu: Menu
70 'l um S
Spczd Ulnlmg Numbm 1mm
m on
. _ m Ul'l-
Announce om, Mode
Recon-ling Oulguing Grccmc
Checking Your Oulgniug Orculxng
10 mm 11 Mano
Ring Sena. Toll Sam
Vmce “mm thnrdmg l vom
Rellicve M cssagc: (hum a Touch Tout?
, 31
,, n
Handset Diagram
The djagyam below shows the controls fifth: FF2l25 Handsel
See page 27 for descriplinn of handset mnule foamnes
ZGBZ “Hi 91
:xv.{ Hd‘JE 12
ndsct Diagram
Base Diagram P‘V/f
BASE CONTROLS ThAs diagram shous [he controls of the P F2 125 Base
HANDsm (1‘ m1; .;_ i . MLSXAGE,
U mgsbcuAm l—. COUNTER
' BA‘I’TERY Low /
”my \ !!
. |
m, \ ; ;
MLMO \ ( RlHlN(
2922 "EN 9‘.
NdLE 12
3 use Diagram
mswm me
SILECl ssrtct
swrtcn (14151
NW“? lift runs rrrrrar swrrcn
mus onion
\ I 7
telephone conversations “The
FAQ power Any rLrsnrptron
ecemttg of telephone calls
lled as the only phone at
Traits of Cordless Telephones
ernence and mobrlity during
dent upon tltr: atarlahil'rlt a
ll prevent the placing or r
should not be insta
.-\ Cnrdlcis telephones ofi‘er cottt’
nsc ofcordlcss telephones rs deperr
of electrreal power at your locatrort “t
it is recommended that a cntdless telephone
your location
B The usable range of the co e base is dependent upon many
rdless handset away from th
factors The telephone base ls like a radio transmitter in that it transmits telephone line,
signals rra radio waves to the handset, Therefore, the location ofthe base is important nr _
order to urarrnnze the usable range For et'arttple instatlrng the base on the second “09" 1“
some locarrons. will provide longer range than a ground floor rustallatronv Prck a Iocatrnn
that gives ten the clearest srgual. The follomug can adversely affect usable range.
- aluminum srding
- rnsnlanon with foil hacking
- any metal consnuction which could shield radio signals
Annospherre conditions also play an rmponanr role in the performance of your cordless
Interference can be caused h_\- planing the base near:
. fluorescent lights
- appliances that generate ele
- televisions
- VCR‘s
r baby monitors
- computers
C, Always keep the base anterura fully upright,
D For maximum performance, always keep the
E Plug your phone directly rnto an outlet, not an extension cord.
F DD m)! plug other appltanccs into the outlet or have the outlet cuttlrollc
an one cordless telephone in r-uur home the telephones must
Press the channel her to select a channel that prondts the
ctr-ital noise, rnclndrng
battery pack fully charged.
G ”you want to use more lh
operate on different channels
clearest communication
d by a wall switch.
ZBGZ are“ 92
TBox Contents
%Before installing your phone, check the shipping canon to besure you have
rh‘he following:
5- Base Unit
- Short and Long Telephone Line Cord
K ' Remote Access Card
é' Handset with Rechargeable Battery
- Quick lnslallulion Guide
- AC Adaptor with Cord
' Owner's Manual
- Quick Reference (hude
a Keep llteshipping carton and packaging, in em: you need to transport your phone.
b. If there Is visible damage, do not use this equipment Contact your shipping agent
or retunr the telephone to the place otpurcltase.
Preliminary Preparation
Telephone Lint: Installation
I. Never install telephone jack during a
lightning storm.
2 Never install telephone Jack in wet
locations unless the jack is specifically
designed For wet locations.
3. Never touch uninsnlated telephone wires
or lennutals unless the telephone line has
been disconnected at the network interface
4. Use caution when installingor
modifying telephone lines.
Modular Outlet
The FF2115 Cordless Telephone operate:
from a standard ll0/120 volt outlet. The
handset is powered by a rechargeable
battery pack. Batteries are charged
automatically when the handset is plaoed in
the cradle of the base urut.
Battery Backup
One 9 volt battery (not included) is required
to maintain your personalized Greeting and
recorded messages during a power failure. If
there is a power failure and the battery is not
installed, both your personaliud Greeting
and recorded messages will be lott
I Make sure AC adaptor is unplugged
from electrical outlet.
2. Usrng a smau Phfltps type screndrivet.
remove the screw located in the battery
compartment on the bottom of the base and
lih the battery compartment door.
3. Install one 9 volt battery.
4. Replace battery contpanmcnt door and
5. Install a replacement battery once a year
to ensure proper operation ofthe power
failure protection feature. Your POWER
BA'I'I‘ LOW LED will flash rapidly until
a 9 Volt battery is installed. Your unit is fully
functional. Battery is mded for power failure
back up ONLY.
Installation (Cont.)
Table/Desk Installation
A. Plug one end of the long telephone line
cord into the back of the unit and connect
the other end to a modular tialljack. Press
until locking leter clicks (Fig. 1)
B. Connect the AC Adaptor into the back
ofthe unit, Plug the other end into a
standard 110/120 volt outlet (Fig. I)
C The Message Cmuiter will then
countdown from 9 to 0. The unit is
checking its memory, and you should
not press any buttons
D When you plug in your unit for the first
time, it will take approximately 14 seconds
for the unit to check its memory. (It will
announce "Watt For Operation"). When the
memory check is complete, your system will
announce "Unit Ready" and will reset to
answer incoming calls, It will answer
incoming calls with a prerecorded greeting;
"Hello We are not available now; please
leave your name and number alter the beep "
To record a personalized greeting refer
to page 22,
E Raise antenna on base for best reception
P. Place the handset into the base. The
handset will be/ep, and the IN USE!
CHARGE LED will light.
Fig l
Wall Mounting
A. Connect the desk/wall bracket to the
bottom of the base in the wall mount [10
(Figl). You can remove the bracket frat
base by pushing on the two tabs of the b
B. Place one end of the short telephone
cord into the modular jack marked TEL
LINE located at the hack orthe base.
(Fig. I)
Fig, 2
C. Place the other end oldie line card
into the recessed area in the bottom of L'
wall mount bracket. and plug into the
telephone wall jack.
D. Positionlhe wall mount slots on the
bottom of the bracket over the two stud:
the wall plate. Pull down and lock into
zeez mu 9
“V, ...... m... ‘vu-u.’
E Coruiecl the AC adaptor into the back
olthe unit and plug the other end to the
lIUiI ZU volt outlet
F The Messages Counter will then
countdown from 9 to (I The unit is
checking its memory. and you should
not press any buttons
G When you plug in your unit For the first
tune. it will take approximately 14 semntls
[or the utut to check its mentor) (it ntli
announce "Wait for Operation") When the
memon— check is complete. vunr svstem will
announce "Unit Ready" and will reset to
ansuer incoming calls. : “ill answer
utcoining calls with a prerecorded greeting
"Hello, “e are not available now; please
leave your name and number after the
been." To record a personalized greeting
refer to page 22.
H. Raise antenna on base for best reception.
1. Place the handset into the base. Make
sure that the handset guide (on the base) fiLs
securely into the slot underneath the handset
earpiece The handset will beep, and the LN
USE/CHARGE LED will light.
Handset Battery Charging
The battery pack in the handset must be
fully charged for about [0-H hours before
using the telephone. The Answering
Machine may he used prior to the handset
being fully charged. An extension
telephonic will be required until the handset
is charged
Allercutuiectiug the unit in AC power.
leave the handset nu the base cradle for ten
to [human hours before first using Jl Later
it “it! take less (into for the ballet) to
recharge The IN USE/CHARGE LED on
the base “1” be lit when the handset is it!
the cradle,
at When the batten gets low. there nill be a
low-battery beep entry 7 seconds from the
b if the batter)- hecmncs Ion- while you an:
on a call. you ml! be disconnected after
about I minute Temrinale the call quicklt
and put the handset in the base to recharge
the battery.
e The battery n-rll hold its charge for
several days out of the cradledepcndutg on
Du a I Ch arge
The FF? I2S is specially designed with a
dual charge feature The bauery pack will
charge whether the handset is placed on
the hast facing up OR fitting into the hast.
Installation (Cont)
To Replace Batteries:
* l Remove batten
__... _ _1
F \ ____ ' "l 4 Close battery cover
3” I; r Charge lO~l-l
ft, ia>¢ | hours before first
. t ~ m
!\ ~\\
Note : To maximize your batten“: life. we
recommend that you periodically fully drain
the battery and then recharge it. To do this.
unplug your phone lint: cord from your wall
phone jock. Press the TALK key and allow
the handset to remain on For to to 12 hours
Retum the handset to the base and allow to
fully charge for ll hours. li'lhis process is
complete!) tnunthh . il nil] reduce the
marrow build-up that odours from Frequent
partial charging
2392 JYH gt
:xur tidal—2:2
2: 39PH
26 Her 2382
Telephone Operation
To ne/Pulsc Switch
Tltc FF2|2§ ml] operate on tone or rotary
i If your house is wired for rotary
service. move the Tone'Pulse (T/P)
swrtch to tlte Pulse pustttun (P;
2 “your house is \\ imd for Touch Tone
service, more the T'P switch to the
Torte posrtton (T).
it "you are not unnin ofthe type of
dialing service you have. set the switch to
Tom: (T). On the handset, press the TALK
button and then any digit on the keypad If
the dial tone persists, switch to Pulse (P)
To disconnect. press TALK again. or set the
handset in the cradle
Torte/Pulse Switch
Digital Security System
Your FF2125 Cordless Telephone is equipped
with a digital security coding system to
protect your base unit from being accessed
by other cordless telephones,
The code allows your base and handset to
recognize each other so that otlter cordless
phones “11" not make culls on your line
If the AC adaptor ts disconnected or a loss
ofpuuer occurs wlule the ltandset is tin-at
from the base unit, the security code trill be
lost and the phone will be inoperable. If
this occurs, reconnect the AC adaptor and
return the handset to the base unit so that the
security code is reset The base will beep to
confirm that the secunt} code has been reset
When the handset is not in the base only a
ltandscl hating the identical security code
and operanngon the some chatutel can
access the base uud use your phone line.
when the handset is itlu: (use. no other
hand ' even those mt mg the identical
secur ode mid operating on the same
channel can access the base and us: \0|ll’
Digital security coding Will also eliminate
the "false" ringing associated with mrdlcss
telephones not equipped with this feature
40 Channel Operation
Your cordless telephone has 40 operating
channels The phone will automaticallv
search and select the clearest channel when
you pick up the handset and press the TALK
button. lfyou hear noise or other
interference during your conversation. you
can manually select a clearer channel by
pressing and releasing the channel control
on the hrndset to swnch to another spare
channel. Your call erI not be interrupted
You must be in usable range to change
channels. When you are close to being out
of range, you may lose the call. If thrs
occurs, place the handset back into the base
for ten seconds to reset the securttv code
and then make the call again
Telephone Operation (Conn)
Makinga Call
I Make sure the base antenna is full)-
l. Lrtt the handset and press the TALK
button to be connected to thc phonr line
The handset TALK button and (N
USFJCHARGE LED on the base will light
3 After hearing a dial tone dial the desired
4 lfyou nnsdur]. simply press the TALK
button, wait for a couple ofseconds, and
pres the TALK button again for a new dial
5. Met your conversation is completed.
press the TALK button once to disconnect
the line, or return the handset to the base.
The TALK button and the [N USE LED
\\ tll ntnt off.
Prevent sound from your room from being
heard by the caller Press and hold die
MUTE button for as long as you want this
feature flClJWIICd Once you release the
MUTE button, the outsrde caller can hear
you ugatn
Receiving a Call
When the Phone Rings
CRADLE, press the TALK button on the
CRADLE} lift the handset DO NOT press
the TALK button, as you will be connected
lfyou experience dilTiculty with plucittg or
receiving calls. the lost security code may b
the cause orthe problem. When this occurs
Ute handset can no longer communicate wrt
its base. The loss ofthe code can occur any
orlhe Following ways" the battery is drainet
and needs recharging; the AC adaptor is
disconnected or a power loss has occurred,
or anything that causes elecmcnl
interference, For example. multiple cordless
telephones. baby monitors. televisions.
VCR's etc Reset the security code bv
placing the handset on the base for 10
seconds. removing it from the base, then
rcplactug it on the base. lhe unrt utll beep w
andton can now make the call. Lfthat does 5?
not work, make sure AC adapter is corutecttfi
lfnecesssar). unplug the AC adaptor From t N
power source. Disconnect the battery forj 81
seconds and than reconnect Place the handsflv
on the base and then replug the AC adapter %
(sec Troubleshooting‘ Let stand lellltttles F
before use lrfi
:leplmne Operation (Cont)
[CF-bl]! of Range
Jjgfyou experenicnce static while using the
?clephone mote closer in |hc base or
lg hangs the channel by pressing "CH"
Button on handset.
Memory Features
Your F'FZlLfi is equipped with It) memories
for programming your most frequently dialed
telephone numbers. You can store up to 16
digits in each oflhe memory locations 0
through 9. hl‘ following the steps outlined
bolou A record cfthe numbers to be speed—
dialed may be kept on the speed dialing
numbers index on page 36.
To Program Frequently
Called Numbers
1 Pick up the handset. Do Not Press TALK
2. Press the “MEM” bunch. The TALK LED
on handset Wlll llash
3. Enter the telephone number you msh to
store. using the handset keypad.
Nott- : thou accidental!) press a l7th digit.
an error tone will sound. and you must
reprogram the utnnber
- Press the "REDIAL" button to enter a
4~sewnd pause into the dialing sequence
4 Press the "MEM" button to confirm the
entered telephonic number
5 On the kcypml press the metnon-
location“) through 9) where you
wish to stow: the phone number. You “ill
hear a long beep to confirm the telephone
number has been sutcessfullv stored in
that itieuiory location The TALK LED
Will rum off.
(i To store numbers in other locations
start at stop 2 again
To Dial a Number Stored
in Memory
I Pick uplhe handset
2. Press "TALK" and then Ilie "MEM"
3. Press the desired memory location
(0 through 9)
-l, The number you programmed will be
aulumalltflll} ilralcd
To Change a Stored Number
Replace a stored number by programming
a new telephone utunber in its place
You will hear a beep confirming lhe "C“
number has hurt stored
Telephone Operation (Cont.)
Your FFZlZS remembers the last number
(up to 32 digits) dialed TlItS lS a
convenient feature “hen trying to place
a call through to a phone number that is
not being answered or is continuously
I Press the ”TALK" button on the
2, When you hear a (hill tone, press the
"REDiAL" button,
3 The number will be automatically
dialed. basal on the setting of the Tone
(T)/Pulse (P) sit-itch
You can use Your cordless telephone with
special scnites such as Call Waiting or
Three Way Calling (Spectal subscription
from your local telephone company is
required). During a telephone conversation,
you may hear a tone or click, which indicates
that you are iweiving another call To speak
to the second caller and put the first call on
Hold, press Ihe FLASH button, Press
FLASH again to return to the original call.
You may also press the FLASH key in obtain
a new dial tom:
Temporary Tone Feature
lu pulse dialing mode, ion can access bank
facilihes, telephone answering machines,
etc“ by pressing the 10NE(*)key. This
will get you into the tone mode and will
allow you to input the required tone codes.
It Will reset automatically to pulse dialing
after you end your call.
Receiver Volume Control
Your FlelS allows you to adjust the
handset volume to a more comfomlrle
listening level, Slide the RECElV'E'R
VOLUME control (1) up (“or HIGH or
down for the NORMAL level
kcetvm , 77
Volume > T TIT
2892 “PH 9
IXUi Hist-212
Telephone Operation (Cont)
Page/Handset anator
You can send a page signal from the has:
to the handset
Press the PAGE button on the has: once.
and the handset \\’l|| beeps. Press the
TALK button on the handset (0 stop the
handset l‘mnt beeping
m: Ln- TALK moat
Batter; being
PAG iter messed
ON Unit in Answer
Rcatn- Mode
AC power
OFF Unit in Answer
0" Mode
ACpo ivcr
' idiscopnomctcd
IUmt to Announce
Only Mode
Fl. ASHNO low 9mm batter}
9 volt battery
lllSIflllcd n hilc AC
pow er wllllzcied
km“ in..- ..
Answering System Operation
Voice Menu
While this owner's manual explains how to operate
the FFZIZS answering fimclmus, the voice menu will
also nailk you lhmngh the message playback and
gieetjng recording operation, step by step,
Press the "MEN U" billion and the "PLAY"
r “GREETING" huttmi an the base to hear
the message playback m’ greeting recording
operating Ilisl‘nlcllons,
To Titrn System to Answer Ready Made
In the Answer imdy movie (he unit will play your outgonig greeting and will then
record the incoming message, Slidc lhc Answer selccl swnch at the back of the unit
to [Its "ANS“ position Themessagc counter tt-ill display the current message number
to indicate the system is in the Answer ready made.
Answer Select Switch
To Turn System to Announce Only Mode
lit the Announce Only mode, the unit will play your outgoing greeting, NUT
RECORD AN lNCOMlNG MESSAGE. and discmuicct lhc line. This feature is useful
if vou want to provide iiilbmialimi to the caller but DO NOT WANT'IO RECElVE
ANY MESSAGES. Slide tlic Answer select switch a} the back ofthc unit in the
"ANNC" position. The message wunlcr will display “A" In indicate the system is in
the Announce only "de.
To Turn System ()l’\
Press the ANSWER ONIOFF her on the base to turn
on the ansneririg system, The message counter
will mm on and the uiiil trill say "Answer On"
lftht: syslcni is in Announce only mode. the
message counter Will display "A" find the unit “lll {a} ,,
"Announce Only Time [5 not set“ lflltc clock is Sci. the I as am
unit will Announce the current time lfthc chock is not set, t
the unit will sin "Answer OnTimc is "N sci”
{822 JEN 92
”(01 HdelZ
Answering System Operation (Cont)
To Turn System OFF
Press again to turn unit off The message counter will turn all and the Illlll utll 52)
"Answer Off“
Recording Outgoing Greeting
Your system comes with a premcorded outgoing grceliugt "Hello. We art: not available
now please leave your name and number after the beep", The prerecorded announce only
greeting is "Hello. Our machine cannot accept messages. Please call agam" You can record
bath a personalized Answer On (Answer Ready) and an Announce Onl) greeting To record
an Ansnet On greeting, make sure you are in the Answer On Made (the message counter
will be lit with a number). To record an Announce Only greeting. make sure you are in the
Announce Only mode (the message munter will display “A“)
I Press and hold down the GREETING button
7. Afier you Itenr one beep, speak clearly towards the
built in microphone (tn rite front of the base). lion
have a maximum 000 seconds to record your greeting.
Your recording time should not be less than 2 seconds.
The message counter will not light when the unit ts
recording your greeting.
( Sample Answer (In Message \
| "Hello. this is _ _ . l
. I can't come to the phone right now Please leave your name and pliant: numher '
nfler you hear the beep. You have 60 seconds to leave your tueuage. Thank
you for calling “
( sample Annmmce (In/y Meimge: i i W
' Hello. this is 7 . I can't crime to the phone right now
, s... , /‘
3 When finished. release GREETlNG button
Nrtle lfthe unit beeps while um are recording mm
greeting. you hay-e exceeded the 30 second time limit
Record a shutter greeting
4 Unit n ill beep once. play back )oul‘ recorded
outgoing greening. and then reset to answer rncomtng
Answering System Operation (Cont)
Checking Your Outgoing Greeting
| Press and release the GREETING button.
1 Your eutgeing g) re played
back to you, beep once, then reset to answer
incoming calls.
3 Press and release the volume up A or
downr button on the bare to set the speaker
To Record a Memo
l. Press and hold the MEMO button.
The message counter u'tll tum oll'
2. After the beep, reeotd your message
(up to 60 seconds) tlirnugh lhe microphone
in the Front of the base
3. l‘rhctnuut message I) Lumplctud.
release the MEMO bunnn.
The digitalntessugc cuunlcr will indicate a
tvt’ised message count. When a MEMO is
recorded. your unit considers in ES a
standard message and will include ll tn the
message tount.
When Memory ts l'ttll tlututg recording,
the null \\I|| announce "Memory is full
Erase all messages”.
Ring Select
You can select the number of rings in which
a call Will he mtsnered. Set the Ring Selecr
switch (on the back oftlte base) to 2 or 4
rings. or Toll Saver (TS) I—fi
Tbll Saver 1 0 ts —;
Your unit has a builHn automatic toll
smug fenmtc This feature lets you know
tl'yatt have. remit-ed any nen messages
before it answers. thus saving you on long
distance costs.
How Toll Saver Works
calling your ttnit From a remote loctttion to
check for your messages. listen to the
number ol'rtugs'
1, No New Message Received
If your phone rings more than two times,
you have no new messages. You can hang
up on the third ring before your unit
answers) and save the cost ol‘the call.
Note: , .
lfllt) new messages are received> your tttttt
will answer the call alter the filth ring.
2. NEW Messnges Received
lfyour unit nusuers after only 2 rings, you
have recetxcd new messages. Refer to page
16 For message retrieval instructions
Voice Activated
Recording (VOX)
Your FFZIE records messages for up to 60
seconds as long as the caller speaks. To
avoid unnecessary pauses due to hangups
and to sate message capacity, your unit will
flutulltattcalh stop recording after 7 seconds
of silence
2992 4?“ 92
IXUJ Nd€b lZ
Message Playback
Nlncoming Messages
U\ .
i When the Menage Cuiuilei IS lit.
g] the machine is read) to answer
N calls
l'hc machine hangs up and reset: to answer
i he next call in the following cases' the
{Araller hangs up, the message length exceeds
5130 seconds. there are more than 7 seconds
it‘sileiicc or there is a steady tone (dial
one) [or 7 seconds.
[he FFZl 25 can record up to l4miuutes of
morning messages The maximum
recording time for each incoming message
it 60 seconds.
Message Playback
fire Digital Message Counter displays
he number ofmessages received. The
iuniber displayed indicates the number
)fmessagcs received (up to I9). When
he counter flashes, you have received
ieu' messages
To Hear your Messages
a" ll 1. Press and release
5T“! the PLAY button
i! The unit nill play
back the incoming or
MEMO messages in
' he order they were recened.
Z The set day rind time will be heard before
each message. if it has been set. (See page
ZS I‘or Tone/Day setup instructions].
i. After the last incoming or MEMO
nessage has becnpliiyed back. the unit will
my “No more messages. Press and hold the
ERASE button lc ems: all messages",
l't. urn are non messages. onli the non
nessages \\'Ill be plan'cd Otherwise all the
1, neisagcs will be played
Bl Unit “I" icsci to answer incoming calls
To Stop Playback of Incoming
Press and release the
STOP button. Your
unit um reset to
answer incoming
calls and will save
all messages. except those marked for
To Repeat the Current Message
3 During playback
' press and quickly
release the
/ i button ONCE
eat the Previous Messages
‘ During pin-back
pres; and release
the (<<) REPEAT
; button TWICE
g! .
l. ' . .-
To Skip to the Next Message
— ‘ "l' During playback
‘ * press nesur
button t») to skip
lo the nevi message
To Erase Your Messages
While playing messages, press and release
the ERASE billion The unit wtll
aiuiouiue "Press ERASF; button again In
erase message." Press the ERASE button
again within 5 seconds, ll Wlll announce
"Message erased" and erase that particular
message, At the end oflist message, press
and hold ERASE buttonzALl,
Message Playback (Cont.)
Message Capacity Full Detection
When the message capaciu is hill.
the unit “I.“ answer the phone and
) "Hello. our machine can'l
acccpl messages: please call
again.“ pause 20 seconds. and then
automatically disconnect the telephone line.
The message counter will flash and display
“F" You should erase some messages in
make room in memory.
Call Interrupt
If the unit answers before you do. you
can rum it otf by picking up any extension
phone or pressing TALK button on your
handset ll‘the unit drier not stop answering
press the FLASH bunon for about one
second and release. You may also press
Ihe STOP button on the base.
Call Screening
To listen to an incoming call without
picking up the phone, let your unit answer
the pliour ulicn ll rings. llyou don't want
to talk to the caller, lei your unit take a
message. and adjust the volume comm] on
the base to llSlBll. ”you don't want to listen
to Ihe caller's message. lower the volume
Callers Wlll be unaware [liar voii arc
screening their calls [1 mu uaul to kill D
the caller pick up an cnlensiou phone or
press the TA LK button on ) our handset
F ”0
Power Failure
Protection/Battery Backup g
if an AC pouer failure occurs. or the power
plug comes out oltlie wall your unit will
shut donn until the power is restored
When the power is restored, any messages
recorded before the power failure “in be
VOLT BATTERY The message counter
will indicate the number of messages
If your unit is not operating properly
when rhe power is restored, proceed
with a unit reset
To Reset Unit
I Unplug the AC Adaptor From the
power outlet
2, Reniovethe‘) volt battery. Replace
nilh a fresh 9 volt bunny
(sec page ll).
3. Plug AC adaptor back into power
4. Record a new personalized outgoing
greeting and reset the voice
Time/Day Stamp (see page 22)
During a power outage. your unit u ill NOT
unrk men ira 9 volt battery is insuilled.
The battery n ill saw your outgoing greeting.
and ani- incoming messages you haic
already received,
2882 “ZN 92
leJ NdEblZ
“0 no Remote Operation
§ a ccess ansnering fiinctions from an
:I( Hilde line, you ttill need to enter the t“ or
213 gin secunti.‘ code,
| .
Bl user the security code:
3 tiS setting allows you to change the
M ctniii)’ code used to access your
gtsmverei from a remote location
111 to default setting is 88
chss and hold (<:) SKIP button at same time for 2
cr—inds The unit will announce
inner new 2-digii security code".
To change the first security code
timber, press and release the (<<)
EPEAT or (>>) SKIP hutmn until
e desired setting is announced
T—o courinn the first see-tiny code
umber, press and release the PLAY
tittomA short (one is heard.
To change the second number t‘ollott
.e|:ts 2 and J above, After the second
umber is confirmed. the unit announces
iadvise the user the code has been
tc-cessfulli' set
taste: When sorting the securitv code
0 mctailow more than tO seconds to go
my in benieen any step. lfyou do, the unit
531“ I reset after announce tlte previously
ecmnty code (or default code itcode has
(it been set). and you must start over.
him this number on the REMO'T E
F CESS CARD, which Volt can keep In
at.) wallet Li'you do not set a sectttii) coda.
it: dciault security code is "88"
"u 1urn tin aniivcring machini- remotely:
it on forget to mm on your unit. call your
hone number from an outside touch tone
:lt:phottc Wait 10 ntigs until the machine
11"; were hung up the telephone. and
“Subquuettt calls \\ ill be answered
To access answering machine
rem ti (fly:
1 C all your phone number from a touch
tone telephone
2. After the min answers enter your two
digit security code during ploy Intek ol‘ilte
outgoing greeting
3. tr the code was entered correctly. the unit
will stop playing back the outgoing greeting
and will sound four beeps
4 The voice menu will direct
the Felioiiing buttons on 3 Pl}:
Option pr“;
PlM‘bItClt new messages (n
l‘lat‘haclt all messages (2 )
Emsc all messages (3)
To choose other functions (4)
If You Press 4
(To Choose Other hit-idioms) Press
Record new outgoing greeting (a,
Tum ofl’anmer mode (9,
To return to main menu (4,
Note: If you choose option "9" (to mm
ofl'the answer mode). the call Will be
autoinatieul’i' ended after this operation
is eotiipietcd
It You Press I on
(Tb Playback Messages) Press
FMSC current message (3)
Repeat current message (4)
Stop message pluybnck (3)
Skip to next message l")
To SAVE messages. hang up the
ll Yt'tit Pru; J and 8
(Tb Recon! New Outgoing Greeting)
l The unit will say "Record greeting uflcr
the beep Press S to end recording.”
Setting The Voice Time/Day Stamp
NOTE When setting the Tune/Dar Stamp.
do not allou more than lit seconds to go
in in bctiiten on step [ft-on do. the iimt.
iiiIl reset and ion must stun oi er
Note: Time/Day setiutg can he
accoiiipltshed anytime unit is in answer
Day Set
1 Press and hold the (<<) REPEAT button
for 2 seconds. The unit will say "Time is
not set" then "Monday. lZ:ODr\M".
2 Repeat pressing the ANSWER ON/OFF
button until you hear the cancel da).
3 To rettmt to the previous dat‘ press the
PLAY button
Hour Set
I Once you hear the correct day press the
(<<) REPEAT button to set the hour. The
unit wtll say "Twelve"
2. Repeat pressing the ANSWER ON/OFF
button until you hearihe correct hour ‘the
hint will say "12". "t", "2" to signifv the
hours of the day. To return to the previous
hour, prvss Iliz PLAY button.
Minute Set
I. Once you hear the correct hour, press
the (<<) REPEAT button to set the minute.
The itttit wtli so) "0" (nhicli sounds like
1. Repeat pressing the ANSWER ONIOFF
button tuittl you hear the correct minute.
The unit iiill 5a)" "fl" " t" ”2“ to siyiify
the minutes of the hour To mum to the
pin iotts iuinuic press the PLAY button
. P 77
1.0ncc you hear the correct minute. press
the (<<) REPEAT button to set AM/PM
The iinii will so) "AM”.
2. Press the ANSWER ON/OFF button. The
imti will say "PM“. Press the PLAY button
to mum to "AM".
3 Once you hear the correct AM/PM setting,
press the (<<) REPEAT button to complete
the procedure. The uiiit null announce the day
and time that is new set
To check the current day and time. press and
release the (<<) REPEAT button.
ZBBZ J?“ 92
:XUd Hdbb 12
FCC Wants \0u To Know
This errumnrrru eompir ~rrrrih Piin (rs cl'lli: FCC rules On use honour oflhe hose onhis
cqlupmcnl is a luhei lhui eunrrrrrrs. among urher inform-soon. do.- rcc Reglslmllrm Numher
mid Ringer Eduryaierree Numbcl (REN) for llus cqnlpmem.
\cu I1lll>|.\l[lflll rellllcstr plui'lde rirrs ilil’lllmalum in your relephonr company.
The usoc numher orure r-eursrmnon lock for rhe tquipmcnl is ml in
,\ FCC mmplluill lulrphone cold and rnodulan plug rs pmvlllcd will) lllis eqlnnmeni. This
errurornenl is designed in he counseled m ihe lelrphoue nclwork or prcmlscs mung usinga
Clilllllilllble mullulal pick which is Pnrl (is complmm. Sec Insmlhlliml Inslnlcl ns fur dcmik
The thN ls useful in dulzrmllle llic quantity nfdcvims you may tanner! la your lelepllum
line and. ill (luv: llI] ul'llluse dcvlccs ring \\l\|:n your min-phone numhtr is called In llmsl.
hill rial illl lllcns, the sum ill llil: RFN's Drilll devices (annular! lo unc line Qlullld nol
ooeed fivc(31)) To he uerrarn oi'lhe numher ordevrres you may cmmccl ID ynllr _ rs
derenrnrred hy llie REN. you should oorrirer your local releplrone company ra doom-rue llle
rnasrnrnrn REN (or your clllllllg ru-eu.
lr}L\lll' leleplmne cqlnpnlelil causes harm in ilie lelepllonl) nclworlr. llh: lcltplmne company
may discoliliriuc your servrer lerrroonrrriy. ”possible, rlrey will non y you or admllce Blll
riudrnnoo noneo rsni [lmuiLilL you will he noiificd as soon as possuble Von or" he
inl‘orrrrsd oi‘your liglll in me a comphuni wuh llle rcc
Your ioleohonr compel") rrroy rrraire changes in us vacuum. oourorusru. operauous, 01
procedures lliai could all'ccl llie proper i'uncimuulg ol‘your cqulpml‘nl Ifllley do you will
he llollflcd ll'l ndvlmcu lu gilt you fill oppoi‘lllmly ID mhlnmm unmionupiell leleplluuc
service. ll'yllu experience lreublc “illll lllls telephone equlpnlenl. dthol’ll‘CCl from llle
llelwurk until (he plubleln llzls been corrected or unlll you are sure lllnl (he cqulpmel'll Is no!
l'iri equlplllcnl rrroy nor be used on earn scrwcc provided oy rise ielsplroue tompnny
C iiilcciiun m puny lines is subjeL‘l lo dim IJfll‘fSr
nis ellulpliicnl rs hearing oio eomoauhie.
“dining: Cllungfim lillidificilllons m riiis uni: not expressly approved by the pony
responsrhie ror cuniplillme suuld rurd lire user's aullrorlly m oper-ure llle equrpnreru
NOTE: This cquiplllenl has been resred dud l‘ourrd ro mmply \ h m: Ilmlls for u Clzl - B
dlglml device, pumuflnl 10 Fall IS clflh: FCC Rules, Tilescl Is are designtd lo FlDVldE
leilmllublc liful‘ccliun flglllnsl hillmful llllclfcrenrr in u Itsldrnllnl lnsmllillinll 50 w
eardloss relerrhorres npeml: su Frequencies rirar may calls: inlerrerrm in nearby [V's ond
V(R's To minimize ilr prevent allcll illlcrferenct, ll]: Ins: nflhl: wordless ltlEpthID sliolild
llol be placed near or ml mp cfil TV or VCR. lflnltrfereute is npflltllced, moving the
l'mdlcis lclcpllflllc Clillier snow from ill: 1 'ur VCR will oflcll reduce or cllmlnalc fl)"
rnierrorerrce Howerer, rhere is no uuaraniee llm mrerl‘ererrre wrll ml oecru in a purucular
rnslsiidnurr, irilrrs cqulpnlclll does eausc harmful iruerrerer e N) radio or relrrisron
rererriiaa, which can be delermllled hy llllning rlrr equipmenl on on, rlre user is
cilcmll‘ilgcd ro lry nr earruer lire rruerrererree by one or rrruro uni-e following mensurts:
' Reorreru or rrluraie rire rccclvlllg anienna.
* llicleas: lire senamuou herrre n his eouromrur and ruflwr,
' tonne-oi rho eqummsm mlo urr ouilel on u erruuu rlrlTereul from lim lo which
rhe rccclvtr is ronneered
. cirrrsuh rhe dealer or arr rsoeriorroed rodm ‘rv Iccllnlcmn rorheio,
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Q. Tlle LED an n Hindu! won't
light and I can‘l gel 1! dial lI‘IHEs
wnm do I do?
A. Yourplmne may have losr us dlgilal
‘ ode and needs 10 he rrsei szcr
nu dre To Ilcscl" pmmdure on mg: 15
Qr My znswuingiyslem lighrs ore
rushing, Whur do I do?
A Reroriorlre LED indmarroos seeuon
on page 10.
Q. M) answeriugsysxcm won't work,
“Tm da I do?
A. You may have had o oower failure orrd
need lo user your machine,
Refel lo lire ‘To keser Uml” proccdurc on
page 15 or " rurrr Sysrom On" on puge
2 I,
Q. How do I error rlre Incolnlllg
messages in make room [or more?
A, Vourlmil ouroourieoily sores rnessoge
unless you elzlsc rlrern. R fer ro pngc 14
"To Emsc Your Messages -
Q. How one. do 1 need to rcplnte the
9 volt balmy?
A, You should replace lhe 9 you hauery
urroe o year or error a power ouirge.
Q. Cnn mv u
period «in or
he len on for a lung
A Yes. Yourilnlllsdtsigncdla berm
14 hours a dry
Q. My AC Adnpior reels wlrm m the
lunch. Is llris normal?
A. Yes h is clrar—rrererisiio oi your AC
Adaororio Feel slisiuly worm Tlicir: rs
lm need [0 be alarmed.
Q. will my mm operule in u very cold
or lml emimllmclll?
A Your will is designed lo perform rrrosi
emcicnlly ill mom lempcrauue Hmvsvcr,
H can he used in ouurronnmnis ruugrng
from 50" F or 130“ F
O. Him do i know my syriem is rer ll)
answer calls?
A. When the message display rndroaior
shows a ournlrer [lull rs lil solid or flushing.
your urrn IS ready lo answer calls After
l'rlvsl modes oraoerouun lsueh as ilfwi
recording your outgoing messogel rhe will
will aulomallully swllcll I0 llle Ansuar
Iflllz display xllews "A", ll)! llnll l! in llle
nnlluullcc only mode and will NOT l'ncord
o. How do i knnw rhor menuuu ure
A. The FF} izs ouromnir‘cully inves mesloge
unless you press on "ERASE" butlml.
Q. When I try in record a new outgoing
greellng, the old grneilng ploy: buck.
A Pressing and RELEASI'NG ills:
GREETING hlllmn will plily back {he
currentoulg lllg gmlzling
To retuld a rroyr outgulng sroeirrrg, you
musi press and HOLD {he GREETING
hurion wirrie you rccmd your grtelmg.
Q. Wlml is me maximum ierrglh or lire
oulglling greeting I can record on my
A Your nulguil g greeting recordrog unre is
up in 3!) seconds
26 Mar 2382
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions (Cont.)
Q. I am checking my manages remotely
from a touch tone telephone. but my unit
\\ ill not nlnybnclr my messages “rhy?
A Although ilic tclcpliutle you are using is
a push button telephone, the telephone lint:
oyei which voti are calling may not be ii
stniidnrd touch tone line. Tl)‘ callingyoui
unit from a different lOCl’lllm’l (cg, a pay
Q. Does my unit hiive to be set on tour
(T) to access my unit remotely?
A. No, but you must call from a touch tone
telephone sy- stcin Iu retriew. your messages
Q. 1 am calling from n remote phone to
check m) messages. What “ill happen
if I hang up het’ore all my messages are
- played back?
A Your unit Wlll save your messages and
reset to answer incoming calls
0. What is the range army remote
A. Your remote \\|l| work from anv touch
ione telephone Ill the world that is _
compatible to the U S A specifications.
does not have any unusual or loud
background noise, and is able to produce a
tone of at least 2 seconds when you enter
)0ur security code
Troubleshooting Guide
Il‘yon lln\'t: folloncrl the instructions in this inanunl and have (tiflicirln opt-rating your
Southwestern Bell Freedom Phoncl'Curdlcss Telephone. locate the PROBLEM in the left g
column below Check the coiTcsrionding POSSIBLE CAUSE and CORREC’l'lVE ACTIE [1-
eolnnins to locate and remedy the problem
I "A. _..
Poe'ste fairer
his unit will
i improper installation
not operate l
r 77.
The digital security
from the base.
code has been lost’due
to a power loss while
the handset was away
flamers“ plué’cfiino’ctioiis.
tAlsn. check the AC adaptor For
|proper connection to wall outlet
[and phone base
tinsel thgthgwlsccurity codc t
rcluming the handset to the has
IA new code is set
l. I
——'_. .. _.
. No dint tone,
. possible causes
The handset is being
used too far away
from base.
See the above mentioned
r flic battery'is not charged, Charge’lhc battery for about
i\ Ill-14 hours before initial use 0
when the battery low beep sour
every IO seconds from the ham
Y’ .
See the above mentioned
Iconectwe actions
'Move the handsetfloser tom
base. ‘
.__ .. u-
. DtlTlcnlly placing You may have lost th
' or receiving calls
l ' is drained and needs
interference from 0th
recharging, the AC adaptor
is disconnected: a power loss
occuired. or there is electrical 'D“ bflsc‘ then rcplug the AC
i cordless phones, baby
‘ monitors, microwaves. etc,
Even a momentary power
interruption could erase your
cordless phone's security
’ l RElum the handset to the in
security code. The handset unit for S-I 0 seconds to reset.
can no longer communicate code. If that doesnt work:
with its base, The loss oflhc 2 Chcck to make sure the
', code can occur ilthe battery |
AC adaptor is connected.
33 Unplug AC adaptor from
|pou or source. scoiuiccl hand
set battery for 5 seconds, then
reconnect Place handset back
\ m
iadaptor VP
Troubleshooting Guide (C Ont)
Troubleshooting Guide (Cont)
t’ "77
i : , — u-fi , 7» , ,,,,, M W , v
% ’. Can't inakc E TaneiPuIse Sit-itch Is not I Set the Tone/Pulse sn-nch to proper ; AFS‘Wm‘E 5‘ mm | W“ “WK “me had 3 -F'°CWJ “Will 4 “n" tES<=I(P-18C 255
IL ourgomg calls set correctly position for inurtnu nfsen ice L “1" "01 ”fr“: N Power mm” 7,_ t , s
Q " Flashmg POWER Batten needs to he install a fresh 9 ml! batten |
a v _
N The digital xezuriri cndei Reset the s¢cnnlr code ht returning 5 BATT LOW LED installed or replaced
3; ’ has been lost ' u, mung. (0 1h; use ‘ No answer Unit Is tll the "OFF“ Check in verify message counter
Oi — at A 7, mode is M Pies: ANSWER ON/OFF
u Balltcrs'hmd: vs The base and handset Make certain the battery contacts in i ‘ Control ‘0 "W“ "M 0“-
- ,—. . . , A A. » . . . A ~7
"° '°° a W 323G2.§3§3i“:;1fl'§$2l'"| i3nifii§2i‘i§?§i‘i§ii§$““ ' ' “mm“ “mm“ “C “W“ “a"
’ 7 , In UmlC-harflc LED mu be In | ; smg‘mflkfgml‘i‘fu | outlet and back of unit |
I F Vfi 77 A7 ‘ I 7 7 7 7 v
' “51:62:13“ “w“ “J he i Rentacelhc batten pack atlmst l Poncr to electrical outlet . Check to see ii'clectncal outlet IS
‘ 7 ”P aa fl L “to one vcarA may be all controlled by a light snitch and
- "" one: is an Wall antlet ma ' not
None or Current channel Is not has the channel button to switch g: filnCfiOIH'tL". m’ wlulfai'zg to 0
! interference the clearest choice from mlc channel to mothers This dilTerent wall outlet.
. is being heard I l wfll allow you to choose the | . .
dunt’tg yarn cleanest nt‘40 channels 3 Tcicplmne ltnc 25 nm Connect tclcphune line into “all
conversation connected to walljack jack. Telephone walljnck may not
_ — - — — — — —— » . be functioning: try connwtin unit
t During a . ? fliedliand'set IS being Move the handset closer to I , intu a difl'crent telephone Was I ' ck.
, se . A .____ _______ . _ __A ,_,.___ _. ._____—_._
335,232," | ‘uhc brig: ar may from u": base station ' r Mint 3 p0\_\ er— | A 9 unit battery has not Install a fresh alkaline 9 volt battuy
noise is heard outage outgoing been installed or needs to maintain )our pnsannlined
etin and to be re laced. outgoing greetin and incoming
._ _ L pm a P . s
The handset The base‘mmmfl is not Make swe the base antenna incoming messages in the event afanorher
only works l mu.“ upnghl ,5 mm. fish, forthe i messages are lost poncr outage.
this: to me best msxii. ' _N—0m_CD_m-"-‘l; - Unit is nitiieTAN—Sm Check to verify message counter
m t ,,_L ' _ m“??? OFF“ mgdc indicator is lit with the message
q f _ — 7 recor e ' - l
,\v The mcamlllg The banery IS not R , X number displayed. lfnut. press
cell‘s signal is charged h enlarge "it batter], ‘ ANSWER ONIOFF conrml in mm
intennittcnl unit on.
i or fatch I l ‘ Uiut h m the ‘ANNOUNCIE If the message wuntcr displais "A:
k ,,__._ ,A,A , , ,. , o 'e lht: Answer select 5 \‘IIC to t it:
, F'Th. h‘a heim uscd T Mott: the handset closet «- thc ! ! 1 IKris position ‘
5 too far away From the base. i ' i ,,,,,, w ‘ 7, s , 7 7
1 base | I ' M‘ adaptor is - Reconnect mm into Wan mntm or
‘fi'v— ~ 7 ~~ ~ 7 » f” 7 — — —— 7 — I discmmected from wall back otunit Tn connecting to a _
! uiittet “915k urnnit. ., diflefjll ivall antler 77777777777777 j
i H— 7 WW 7 H Check to sec it'clectncal outlet is
ZSK‘FJrlexfiféfil controlled in a light switch and
| . .
‘D I ~ Connect tcicphona line mm nail
g 1 {33553335 3332 5,135 , Jack Tn mung mm a
' dLflcrcnt telephone “all nick
ZBEZ 19" “32
2X9! unswz
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