Ten Tec 539 HF AMATEUR RADIO TRANSCEIVER User Manual UDP 588 Users Guide


Users Manual

Table of Contents1.Your new Argonaut VI 539..............................................................................................................................................31.1.Unpacking Argonaut VI Model 539..........................................................................................................................31.2.About this Manual......................................................................................................................................................31.3.Accessory package.....................................................................................................................................................31.4.Connection to Antenna & Power Supply...................................................................................................................41.5.A word about grounding............................................................................................................................................41.6.Philosophy of design..................................................................................................................................................52.Easy Operation Guide.......................................................................................................................................................62.1.Front Panel Indicators................................................................................................................................................6TX/ALC LED.............................................................................................................................................................6S-Meter / SWR Meter.................................................................................................................................................62.2.Front Panel Controls..................................................................................................................................................72.3.General Operations....................................................................................................................................................8Power Switch (1)........................................................................................................................................................8AF Gain Control (1)...................................................................................................................................................8RF Gain Control (2)...................................................................................................................................................8BW  (3)  Bandwidths..................................................................................................................................................9PBT  (4)  Pass Band Tuning.......................................................................................................................................9Band  (7).....................................................................................................................................................................9Split  (8)......................................................................................................................................................................9AGC (9)......................................................................................................................................................................9A/B  (10).....................................................................................................................................................................9RIT  (7).....................................................................................................................................................................10POWER  (7).............................................................................................................................................................10Mode (10).................................................................................................................................................................10Headphones  (20 on rear panel)................................................................................................................................10Tuning Steps and VFO LOCK (8)...........................................................................................................................10PRE  (8)....................................................................................................................................................................10Recalling A Stored Memory (9)...............................................................................................................................11Storing a Frequency to Memory  (8)........................................................................................................................11NR/NB  (9)  Noise Reduction/Noise Blanker..........................................................................................................122.4.SSB Mode Operation...............................................................................................................................................13Monitor Level (3, 5, 7).............................................................................................................................................13Speech Processing (3, 5, 8)......................................................................................................................................13Auto Notch (9)..........................................................................................................................................................13MIC Connector ........................................................................................................................................................14Mic Gain and Line Gain(10)....................................................................................................................................152.5.CW Mode Operation................................................................................................................................................16Internal Keyer CW Speed Setting............................................................................................................................16Internal Keyer Weighting / Dit Spacing & Curtis Mode A/B..................................................................................16CW Sidetone Frequency...........................................................................................................................................16CW Sidetone Level..................................................................................................................................................16QSK Delay...............................................................................................................................................................16CW Keying and Wiring............................................................................................................................................172.6.AM Mode Operation................................................................................................................................................172.7.Digital Mode Operation...........................................................................................................................................172.8.Interfacing to a computer for Firmware Update Mode and PC Control/Logging Purposes....................................182.9.Power Up Modes......................................................................................................................................................19Configuration Menu (PWR(7))................................................................................................................................19Master Reset  (SPL(8) )............................................................................................................................................19Firmware Update Mode (A/B (10))..........................................................................................................................202.10.Optional Filter Installation.....................................................................................................................................212.11.Extended Feature Access via USB/Serial..............................................................................................................222.12.Retaining User Settings..........................................................................................................................................22539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 1
3.Argonaut VI Rear Panel..................................................................................................................................................23ANT (11)..................................................................................................................................................................23AUX (12)..................................................................................................................................................................23FUSE (13).................................................................................................................................................................23DC IN  (14)...............................................................................................................................................................23GROUND TERMINAL (15)...................................................................................................................................23DC OUT (16)............................................................................................................................................................23USB (17)...................................................................................................................................................................23KEY (19)..................................................................................................................................................................23EXTERNAL HEADPHONES (20)  .......................................................................................................................23ACC 1 (18)...............................................................................................................................................................24Keying a Linear Amplifier.......................................................................................................................................254.Accessory Devices..........................................................................................................................................................254.1.List of Optional Accessories For The Argonaut VI.................................................................................................254.2.Using the 712 USB/Soundcard Interface  ...............................................................................................................255.Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................265.1.Transceiver Specifications.......................................................................................................................................265.2.Transceiver Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................................296.In Case of Difficulty.......................................................................................................................................................317.Warranty & Return Policy..............................................................................................................................................33539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 2
1. Your new Argonaut VI 5391.1. Unpacking Argonaut VI Model 539Examine   the   Argonaut   VI   transceiver   for signs   of   shipping   damage.     Should   any damage be apparent, please contact Ten-Tec Service (865) 428-0364 to handle the claim. 1.2. About this ManualA   complete   description   of   the   features   and functions on the Argonaut VI Model 539 are included within the pages of this manual.  The latest version of the Argonaut VI manual is also available to view in pdf format located under the download tab on the Argonaut VI Transceiver via www.tentec.com.You may also find firmware updates plus a full  set  of   schematic  diagrams  at  this   same web location.  1.3. Accessory packageThe   additional   hardware   and   accessories listed in Table 1.3-1 come standard with your new Argonaut VI.Look over the items listed and refer to the 5 digit   Ten-Tec   part   number   and   description should   you   find   the   need   to   replace   an accessory.  To purchase additional accessories and parts or  to   report  an  item   missing   from  this   list, please contact Ten-Tec Service.  Qty Part # Description1 27091 Auto Style Fuse, 7.5 Amp 13.8 VDC1 35241 8 PIN DIN Connector1 35263 Plug – Stereo, 3.5MM (1/8)1 38040 Allen Wrench, 0.050 Hex1 86095 DC Cable Assembly 4 Ft1 74020 Warranty card1 74244 Standard Warranty Sheet1 74479 Manual for 539 Argonaut VI1 74450 How   do   I   become   a   Ten-Tec Ambassador1 74480 Argonaut VI Quick Start GuideTable 1.3-1 Argonaut VI Packing List539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 3Figure 1-1 539 Front PanelArgonaut VI
1.4. Connection to Antenna & Power SupplyThe Argonaut VI is designed for use with any antenna system providing a 50 Ohm resistive impedance at the desired operating frequency. Every   effort   should   be   made   to   ensure   the impedance of the antenna system is as close as   possible   to   the   specified   50-Ohm   value. Note:   that   the   “G5RV”   type   antenna   and some   Windom’s   do   not   provide   50-Ohm impedance on all HF Amateur bands, and an external wide-range antenna coupler will be needed.   Any   antenna   to   be   used   with   the Argonaut VI must, ultimately, be fed with 50 Ohm coaxial cable.  The   Argonaut   VI   transceiver   requires   a source   of   well-filtered   and   regulated   DC voltage.  The supply voltage for the Argonaut VI is 13.8 Vdc nominal +/- 15% to allow for mobile and battery operation.     The voltage source   must   be   capable   of   supplying   5-7 amperes   continuous   duty.   We   recommend using   the   included   DC   power   cable   (P/N 86095).  Note:   Always enable the power source first and   then  the   transceiver.    If  a  generator  or battery   connected   to   a   charger   is   used   to supply   the   DC   source,   always   turn   off   the transceiver before starting or shutting off the DC   source   equipment.     These   recharging devices   often   generate   large   voltage   spikes that can damage the transceiver.1.5. A word about groundingA   good   ground   system   is   essential   for optimum   operation   of   any   HF   transmitter. The best solution is to connect all the station equipment   to   a   single   ground   connection. Refer to Local and National Electrical Codes before   making   any   connections   with   the Argonaut VI. Another source of information on   grounding   can   be   found   in   the   ARRL Handbook. A good ground system can contribute to the station   efficiency   in   a   number   of   ways including   minimizing   the   possibility   of electrical shock, and minimizing RF currents flowing   on   the   shield   of   the   coax   cable causing   interference   to   electrical   equipment and transceiver accessories.It   is   critical   that   the   power   supply,   the Argonaut   VI,   and   other   equipment   in   the station   be   properly   grounded   to   an   Earth ground.   Improper   grounding   can   lead   to various issues, including RFI, ground loops, or   even   death.   Therefore   it   is   extremely important to refer to the Local and National Electrical Codes and ARRL Handbook with regards to grounding.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 4
1.6. Philosophy of designWith the Model 539 Argonaut  VI,  Ten-Tec has   created   a   QRP   transceiver   combining simplified controls and ease of operation with the  excellent   performance  of   a   low   first   IF ham-band architecture in a compact, mobile-friendly structure. The analog portion of the radio   is   double   conversion   with   IF frequencies of 9.0018 MHz and 22.5 kHz. A third   conversion   to   zero-frequency   IF   is accomplished in the DSP processor.Refer   to   the   Block   Diagram   in   the “Specifications”  section   for   the   following discussion.   Receive   signals   are   routed   to   a T/R switch at the input of the BPF/Preselector board. This board also contains the bandpass filter   selected   for   the   band   in   use   and   a switchable 12dB receive preamplifier. On the TX/RX board, output from the preamplifier is mixed   with   the   first   Local   Oscillator   to 9.0018 MHz and routed to one of the three roofing   filters.   After   selectivity   roofing,   IF amplification is provided by a variable gain amplifier which also develops the high-level AGC. Finally, the 9.0018 IF signal is mixed with the  second  LO to develop a 22.5  kHz low IF for the Signal Processing Unit (SPU). Based   on  a  36.096   MHz  temperature-stable reference, the Oscillator board generates first and second LO's with a DDS circuit and fixed frequency division. The SPU samples the low IF at 96K samples per second and applies the resulting   data   to   a   digital   signal   processor. Numerical   algorithms   running   in  the  digital processor   accomplish   additional   selectivity filtering, low-level AGC, and demodulation. The resulting audio appears at the speaker and line outputs.The   PIC   processor   in   the   front   panel   CPU module   executes   firmware   stored   in EEPROM to perform housekeeping functions such   as   synthesizer   programming/tuning, signal switching, and front panel display and control   input.   Based   on   the   control   inputs from the front panel (or remotely via the USB interface),   the   CPU   writes   display information,   tunes   the   LOs,   adjusts selectivity,   and   chooses   both   receiver detection   and   transmit   emission   modes. Transmit operation is basically the reverse of receive. Audio or CW signals are generated at zero-frequency   (baseband)   in   the   DSP, frequency-shifted to the 22.5 kHz low IF, and output   to   mixers   on   the   TX/RX   board   for conversion   to   the   operating   frequency.   The signal   then   travels   in   the   reverse   direction through   the   selected   Bandpass   Filter   to   the low-level drivers and Power Amplifier, then finally   through   the   Lowpass   Filter   to   the antenna. The   Argonaut   VI   is   designed   to   cover   the following hambands:160M - 1.795-2.00580M - 3.495-4.00540M - 6.995-7.30530M - 10.095-10.15520M - 13.995-14.35517M - 18.063-18.17315M - 20.995-21.45510M - 27.995-29.705 539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 5
2. Easy Operation Guide2.1. Front Panel IndicatorsTX/ALC LEDThe “o” in the ToT Logo includes an LED. The   primary   purpose   for   this   LED   is   to identify when the Argonaut VI is transmitting approximately 80% or  more   of   the  selected power setting. For CW mode, this should be active   during   the   entire   dit   or   dah   transmit cycle.   For   Voice   modes   this   will   be   when transmit   voice   is   80%   or   greater   than   the selected power level. This LED is also used in the firmware update mode.S-Meter / SWR MeterThe   meter   on   the   Argonaut   VI   offers   two functions:1. S-Meter,   in  receive   mode,  the  meter shows the signal strength.2. SWR-Meter,   while   transmitting   and the MOD button is pressed, the meter shows the SWR as calculated on the bridge in the Argonaut VI.When   in   transmit   the   bar   graph   meter   will display your power output peaks.  When you wish to view the SWR, ensure that the three position switch (5) labeled with TMB is in the middle   (M)   position,   and   press   the   MOD button   while   you   transmit.   The   meter   will now   display   your   SWR   while   the   MOD button is pressed. When the MOD button is released the  SWR  graph  disappears and the power output will be displayed.It   is   recommended   that   the   rig   be   held   in transmit continuously prior to pressing MOD to view the SWR. It is not advisable to try to view the SWR when sending a stream of CW.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 61    3    5    7    9  10   301  1.5   2  2.5  3    HIGHFigure 2.1-2 Meter-VSWR1    3    5    7    9  10   30Figure 2.1-1 Meter-Signal Strength123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
2.2. Front Panel ControlsThis section provides a very brief overview of the   front   panel   of   the   Argonaut   VI,   more details on each control is given later in this manual. Two Dual Concentric POTS (1, 2, 3, 4)The   Argonaut   VI   front   panel   provides   two dual concentric multi -function pots. One for AF/RF Controls, and the other for BW/PBT controls.   Using   the   AF   knob,   rotating   the knob fully counter clockwise removes power from the Argonaut VI. Rotating the AF knob clockwise will apply power to the Argonaut VI  and  increase   AF   Levels.  Using   the  BW knob, rotating fully counter clockwise enables the   adjustment   of   further   mode   dependent features.   More   on   this   later   in   the   manual. Rotating   the   BW   knob   clockwise   will increase   or   widen   the   selected   DSP Bandwidth.Three Position Switch TMB (5)There is a three position switch on the front panel with text T, M, and B next to it. These refer   to   the   position   of   the   switch   T(op), M(iddle),   and   B(ottom),   which   identifies which   function   the   four   multi   function buttons will perform.Main Encoder for various adjustments (6)There is a single Main Encoder on the front panel that is used primarily for adjusting the tuned   frequency.   It   also   serves   as   the adjustment on various other features. Multi Function Buttons (7, 8, 9, 10)There are four buttons on the front panel to change   different   operational   features   within the   Argonaut   VI.   These   buttons   perform multiple functions. The Primary Function for the  buttons   on  the Argonaut VI  is   screened directly   on   the   button.     Notice   the   four buttons have text printed above the button, on the button, and below the button. The location of the TMB switch identifies the function as stated   by   the   T(op)   row   of   text   above   the button, or the M(iddle) row of text printed on the button, or the B(ottom) row of text printed below the button. These buttons also take on a fourth meaning when the BW pot is adjusted fully counter clockwise and the switch clicks to   the   (CW)   position.   The   functionality   is described in the following sections.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 7123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
2.3. General OperationsThis section of your Argonaut VI Manual will discuss the button operation and adjustments common to all modes on the Argonaut VI. It is   important   to   read   this   general   operations section   prior   to   operating   the   Argonaut   VI because the BW Pot (3) and the state of the “TMB” three position switch (5) change the function of the four push buttons (7, 8, 9, 10).AF Gain Control And Power Switch (1)The   inner   knob   (1)   of   the   AF/RF   knob provides two functions: Power control for the rig and the AF Gain control.Power Switch (1)To turn  on   the  Argonaut VI,  rotate  the AF Gain control (1) clockwise. The LCD screen will display the current firmware version and unit   serial   number   for   three   seconds.   The LCD screen will then display the last band, frequency,   and   mode   used.   To   turn   off  the Argonaut VI, rotate the AF Gain control (1) counter clockwise until power is removed and the   LCD   display   turns   off.   To   place   the Argonaut VI in any of the special power up modes,   see   the   section   on   “Power   Up Modes“ for more information. AF Gain Control (1)This control adjusts the volume of the internal speaker, and also for the headphones if one is plugged  into   the rear jack.  Rotating the AF Gain   control   clockwise   will   increase   the volume   to   a   maximum   of   100%   at   full clockwise rotation. RF Gain Control (2)The   outer   ring   (2)   of   the   AF/RF   knob provides the RF Gain feature. Adjusting the outer   ring   RF   Gain   control   clockwise increases RF Gain action up to 100% at the full   clockwise   rotation.   Adjusting   the   outer ring   RF   Gain   control   counter   clockwise decreases RF Gain action down to 0% at the full counter clockwise rotation. Depending on signal strength you may find a more pleasing signal to noise ratio by turning the RF gain control down to a comfortable listening level.AF/RF Gain Control Usage TipsOne way to make a noisy band easier to listen to and pull out weaker signals is to decrease the RF Gain to the point where the audio is difficult to hear, then increase the AF Gain. Balancing   these   two   controls   in   a   TenTec transceiver   helps   one   pull   out   signals,   and helps decrease the band background noise to a level that is much more enjoyable and reduces contest fatigue.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 8123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
BW  (3)  BandwidthsAdjusting the BW control will allow you to select the DSP filtering of your choice. This will   increase   the   selectivity   of   receive   and helps remove close in unwanted signals.The   range   of   the   DSP   filters   is   100hz   to 2500hz   in   25hz   increments.   When   the optional 6kHz filter is installed, this permits 4k,   5k,   and   6k   DSP   bandwidth   selections. When dealing with crowded band conditions and close  in adjoining signals  one will  find this   control     very   useful   as   you   begin   to narrow   the   filter   to   eliminate   close   in unwanted   signals.   This   control   will automatically select the correct roofing filter ahead of the DSP filtering provided a specific roofing filter is installed.PBT  (4)  Pass Band TuningVerify that the PBT control is at 12 0'clock to begin listening in all modes.The PBT control will allow you to move the passband   back   and   forth   across   the   desired signal. It is beneficial in dropping QRM out of one side or the other of the passband or it can simply be used to improve the quality and intelligibility   of   the   signal.     An   excellent experiment for digital  communications  is   to work   the   PBT   control   along   with   the   BW bandwidth control for the greatest selectivity and interfering signal rejection.Band  (7)Be sure TMB switch is in Middle position. To change   bands   or   toggle   through   the   Ham bands   press   the   BAN   button   and   the   next Ham band   will  be   recalled.  BAN   will  only toggle   through   the   Ham   bands   in   one direction. When the band is changed, the A Frequency,   the   B   Frequency   and   the   Mode are recalled from the last time the band was used. Since the Mode is recalled, the Tuning Rate, and the AGC will also be recalled from the last time that Mode was used.Split  (8)To operate SPLIT mode be sure TMB switch is   in   the   Top   position.   Press   SPL   (PRE) button.  The word SPLIT will appear between VFO A and VFO B.   VFO B will show the transmitted frequency in smaller font.  To exit SPLIT mode, press the SPL (PRE) button one more time turning off the word SPLIT.AGC (9)Be sure TMB switch is in the Top position. Press AGC (NR) button will toggle the AGC between fast, medium, and slow.   The letter F, M, or S will appear below the last digit on VFO AA/B  (10)Be sure TMB switch is in the Top position. When   you   press   and   hold   the   A/B   (MOD) button you will now be able to set B VFO to equal   VFO   A.     A   quick   press   of   the   A/B (MOD)   button   will   reverse   both   A   and   B VFO.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 9123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
RIT  (7)Be   sure   TMB   switch   is   on   the   Bottom position.  The RIT can now be toggled on and off by pressing the RIT (7) button.  RIT will now be displayed on the front of the screen. As you rotate the main VFO knob you will notice a + or – sign appearing to the right of the  RIT.     A   numerical   value  at   the   bottom center   of   the   screen   indicates   each   10   Hz above or below the main VFO frequency.  If you   toggle   the   RIT   (7)   button   again   after setting   the   RIT   up   or   down   it   will automatically   reset   and   turn   off   the   RIT control returning it to zero.POWER  (7)Be sure TMB switch is in the Top position. The power can now be adjusted by pressing the   PWR   (7)   button.     As   you   toggle   this button   you   will   notice   PWR   will   begin   to flash on the  left   side   of  the  screen.   While PWR is flashing Rotate the main VFO knob up   or   down   to   display   the   output   power desired.     Pressing   the   PWR   (7)   button   one more time will turn off the flashing PWR and lock in the desired output of the radio.Mode (10)Be   sure   the   TMB   switch   is   in   the   Middle position. Pressing the MOD button will toggle the   modes   to   your   desired   choice.     The Argonaut VI will change modes each time the button   is   pushed.     The   desired   mode   is displayed in the middle of the Argonaut VI screen   between   VFO   A   &   B.   The   Mode setting   utilized   in   a   given   band   will   be recalled   when   that   band   is   used   again. Remember, AM mode will not be displayed or active unless EaD has been selected within the configuration menu.Headphones  (20 on rear panel)Headphones   using   a   ¼”   mono   or   stereo connector   can   be   plugged   into   the   jack   20 located   on   the   rear   of   the   Argonaut   VI. Headphone Impedance from 8-32 ohms will offer adequate audio levels.   When plugged into the Argonaut VI the main speaker will be deactivated.  Tuning Steps and VFO LOCK (8)To   select   tuning   steps   of   10Hz,   100Hz,   or 1kHz be sure TMB button is in the Middle. Press/hold the PRE button. The Argonaut VI will  beep   when   the  step   size  changes.   One Beep   means   10hz   steps.   Two   beeps   means 100hz   steps.   Three   beeps   means   1000hz steps.   Four   beeps   means   the   main   VFO encoder is now locked, and  is indicated by a “L” in front of the VFO A display.   To exit the “Locked” state, press/hold the PRE button until the desired step size is shown again.PRE  (8)The   preamplifier   in   the   Argonaut   VI   is designed   to   give   you   a   12dB   increase   in signal strength.  Be sure the TMB switch is in the Middle position.  Pressing the PRE button will   toggle   the   receiver   Preamp   on   or   off When the Preamp is on, PRE is shown on the left side of the display.  The S Meter reading will not change when the Preamp is engaged.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 10123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
Recalling A Stored Memory (9)Both mode and frequency can be stored in 1-100 memories within the Argonaut VI.   To store a frequency in memory be sure the TMB switch  is on the Bottom.  Select your desired frequency and mode then press the MR (NR) button.    One   beep   will   sound.     MEM   will appear to the bottom left side of your front screen.     A   previously   inserted   memory frequency   or   ---   ---   --   will   appear   on   the screen providing for the next vacant memory. A numeric channel number will appear below the   mode.     Rotate   the   main   VFO   knob   to select your desired vacant memory location. Press and hold MR (NR) until you hear one beep,   then   quickly release   the  MR  (NR) to lock in that memory location.   Use the main VFO   knob   to   scroll   through   100   different memories available and view which memory locations are vacant.  You may re-write to an existing memory location by scrolling to that memory   number.     To   exit   MEM   mode without saving any changes   quickly   tap the MR  (NR)  button to  exit back to  your VFO frequency and mode.Storing a Frequency to Memory  (8)To store a memory channel be sure the TMB switch is on the Bottom.  Press down the MW (PRE) to enter the memory mode.  Rotate the main VFO knob to select the desired memory location.  Next press and hold the MW (PRE) until you hear 1 quick beep.  Your frequency and mode will now be stored.  Upon release of this button the MEM will also disappear.To cancel or empty a memory channel be sure the   TMB   switch   is   on   the   Bottom.     Press down  the   MW   (PRE)   to   enter   the   memory mode.   Rotate the main VFO knob to select the desired memory location.  Next press and hold the MW (PRE) for 2-3 seconds  or until you   hear   four   quick  beeps.    Any frequency which has been entered will now be removed. Upon   release   of   this   button   the   MEM   will also disappear from the screen.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 11123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
NR/NB  (9)  Noise Reduction/Noise BlankerBe   sure   the   TMB   switch   is   in   the   Middle position.  By pressing the NR button once you will toggle the noise blanker on.  NB will be shown   on   the   top   left   side   of   the   screen. Pressing   the   NR  button   a   second   time   will turn   off   the   noise   blanker   and   turn   on   the noise  reduction.    Pressing  the   NR   button   a third time will turn on both the noise blanker and the  noise reduction.   Both NR and NB will appear on the left side of the screen when toggled on or off.  To   adjust   the   how   aggressive   of   either   the noise   blanker  or  the   noise  reduction   follow these steps:   Begin by turning both NR & NB off   so   you   can   begin   setting   these   features independently.   Ensure that the TMB switch is   in   the   Middle   position.   Ensure   that   the bandwidth control is pointing to 12 o'clock.To adjust how aggressive   the   noise  blanker operates, press the NR button (1 beep).  Press and   hold   the   NR   button   one   more   time   (1 beep)  You will now see (nb) displayed on the screen with a numerical value just left of the SWR/PWR meter.   Use the main VFO knob to change to the required value.  Press the NR button one more time to set the desired value to the Argonaut VI.  To   set   how   aggressive   the   noise   reduction feature works toggle the NR button until just the NR appears on the left side below PWR. Follow the directions above to set the desired value to the Argonaut VI.  Exit   by   toggling   the   NR   button   until   the NR/NB or both disappear from the screen539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 12123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
2.4. SSB Mode OperationBe   sure   the   TMB   switch   is   in   the   Middle position. To begin SSB operation toggle the MOD button to either the LSB or USB for the mode of you wish to operate.  The Argonaut VI   will   display   the   last   mode   you   have selected   when   toggling   through   the   bands. Note:   Remember to set the PBT (4) control to   the   center   of   rotation   so   the   side   band signal is centered in the desired filter.   This results in a starting point for proper side band audio.  Monitor Level (3, 5, 7)To monitor your SSB, audio input levels, or Speech   Processing   level,   a   built   in  monitor can be heard best with a set of headphones connected to the Argonaut VI.    To   activate the   monitor   feature   you   must   first   set   the Argonaut  VI   into   either   LSB   or  USB.     Be sure the TMB button is in the Middle.  Rotate the bandwidth   control until switched to the CW position.  Press the BAN button and you will see (nnon LUL) on the screen.  The level can be adjusted from the main VFO knob and a   level   amount   will   be   displayed   on   the bottom   center   of   the   screen.   0   means   no Monitor output, and non-zero means that % will be added to the speaker and headphone outputs. The level is still active whenever a non-zero value is used and will be heard in voice   transmit   modes   when   transmitting regardless   of   whether   the   monitor   is   in   the adjustment mode or not.Speech Processing (3, 5, 8)Be  sure   the   Argonaut  VI   is   in  the   USB  or LSB mode.  To turn the Speech Processor on be  sure   the   TMB   switch   is  on  the   Bottom. Rotate the bandwidth   control until switched to   the   CW   position.   Press   the   MW   (PRE) button.   The screen will display (SP PrOC). Adjust the desired amount of processing with the main VFO knob 0-9.  When set at zero the procesor will be turned off.  Any setting from 1-9 will be active and remain on all the time when  in  side  band   modes.   To   exit   simply press   MW   (PRE)   and   the   main   frequency display will be brought back on screen.Remember: When you are finished making adjustments to Monitor Level and Speech Processing   values,  turn   the   BW   pot clockwise from the CW position to return the   Argonaut   VI   to   normal   operational modes.Auto Notch (9)The   Argonaut   VI   provides   an   Automatic Notch feature.   AN will   operate in  CW and Voice modes. To turn it on and off requires that   you   select   USB   or   LSB   mode.   Then rotate the bandwidth control until switched to the CW position. Press the NR(9) button. This toggles the AN setting. There is no indication on the front panel for Auto Notch. When you press the NR (9) button, 1 beeps means that Auto Notch is disengaged, and 2 beeps means that Auto Notch is engaged. Auto Notch state is not remembered during a power cycle, and it will default to Off upon power up.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 13123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
MIC Connector Front   panel   jack   used   for   connection   of   a microphone.    The   Argonaut  VI  features   the common 8-pin microphone jack used in many amateur radio transceivers.  Most dynamic or Electret   Microphones   can   be   used.     When adapting   a   microphone,   please   refer   to   the wiring diagrams in Figures 2.4-1 and 2.4-2 Figure   2.4-1   Transceiver   Microphone   Jack Front ViewPin 2 (+9 Vdc) need only be connected if the microphone   element   in   use   is   an   electret condenser requiring a polarizing voltage.  Chassis   ground   and   mic   signal   ground   are separated   to   reduce   the   possibility   of introducing   stray   hum   or   RFI   into   transmit audio signal.  We recommend that the case of the microphone also be tied to chassis ground on the transceiver via a shielded cable to pin 5.   This is to help assure stray RF does not have a path to be coupled into transmit audio.The cable carrying mic signal and mic signal ground should be shielded.  This prevents the cable   itself   from   acting   as   an   antenna   and coupling   RF   back  into   mic   audio.     NOTE: Some aftermarket microphones are not wired with separate microphone signal grounds and chassis ground.  We recommend separate pins for use   for   mic   negative   signal  and chassis ground as shown in Figure 2.4-2Figure   2.4-2   Transceiver   Microphone   Jack Recommended Cable Wiring539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 14
Mic Gain and Line Gain(10)Be sure TMB switch is in the Bottom position and the Argonaut VI is in either LSB or USB mode.   Press USR  (MOD) button until you see (mI CgAIn) on the front display.  Use the VFO knob to adjust the microphone gain until the ALC light flickers on voice peaks when speaking   into   the   microphone.     This   is   the LED light within the Ten-Tec logo.  Once set just press the USR (MOD) button once more to exit.   To set the LINE GAIN press   and hold the USR (MOD) button down until the screen displays (LinEgAIn) and like before adjust   the   level   with   the   main   VFO knob.Once the line gain and microphone gain have been established both levels will remain unless   a   master   reset   is   done.     To   toggle between   microphone   input   and   Auxilliary Line   input   simply   press   the   USR   (MOD) button   once   for   microphone   gain   or   hold down this button for Line Gain. If   other   microphones   are   used   with   the Argonaut   VI,   which   may   need   more   gain, Ten-Tec has provided a hardware microphone gain  control,  See  Figure   2.4-3.   Setting   the microphone   gain   around   35-50   and   then adjusting the trim pot on the right side of the transceiver until proper ALC is accomplished will help make the Argonaut VI flexible with a multiple of different style microphones.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 15123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VIPWRSPLAGCA/BBANPRENRMODRITMWMRUSRH a rd w a r e   M icG a in  A d ju s tP O TFigure 2.4-3 HW Mic Gain Control
       2.5. CW Mode OperationSetting Up CW Parameters (3,5,7,8,9,10)Ensure that the Argonaut VI is in CW Mode. When finished, rotate the Bandwidth back to the desired value.Internal Keyer CW Speed SettingEnsure that the bandwidth control is pointing to 12 o'clock. Switch the TMB switch to the bottom   and   press   the   USR   (MOD)   button until   the   screen   displays   (SPEEd).   Use   the VFO knob to adjust the speed 5-50 words per minute.  Press this button a second time to set your desired speed into the internal keyer.Internal Keyer Weighting / Dit Spacing & Curtis Mode A/BEnsure that the bandwidth control is rotated fully   counter   clockwise   in   the   CW/Clicked position.   Switch   the   TMB   switch   to   the bottom   and   press   the   USR   (MOD)   button until the screen displays (dit sp).   You may now adjust the dit spacing with the main VFO knob.  Note! Values will appear on the lower section of the screen.  Press the USR (MOD) button a second time and your display now shows (nnOdE).  You may  now select either Curtis Mode  A  or B with the main VFO knob. The value selected is   shown   in   the   VFOB   frequency   area.   A value of 0 means Curtis Mode A will be used when the internal keyer is used. A value of 1 means Curtis Mode B will be used when the internal keyer is used. Press the USR (MOD) button a third time will return to regular VFO mode and your settings are stored. CW Sidetone FrequencyEnsure that the bandwidth control is rotated fully   counter   clockwise   in   the   CW/Clicked position.   Switch   the   TMB   switch   to   the bottom and press the MR (NR) button to set the side tone frequency  (st  fr).     Adjust   the side tone frequency with the main VFO knob and   the   frequency   in   hz   is   shown   in   the VFOB   frequency   area.   Press   this   button   a second time to store the side tone frequency. CW Sidetone LevelEnsure that the bandwidth control is rotated fully   counter   clockwise   in   the   CW/Clicked position.   Switch   the   TMB   switch   to   the bottom  and  press   the  MW   (PRE)  button  to adjust the side tone level (st lvl). Adjust the side tone level with the main VFO knob and the   value   in   %   is   shown   in   the   VFOB frequency   area.   Press   this   button   a   second time to store the side tone level.QSK DelayEnsure that the bandwidth control is rotated fully   counter   clockwise   in   the   CW/Clicked position.   Switch   the   TMB   switch   to   the bottom and  press   the  RIT (BAN)   button   to adjust your amount of QSK Delay (dELAY). This is the time from when the transmit signal ends until when the receive audio returns. A setting of 0 means full QSK break in, and a setting of non zero means more delay. Press this button a second time to store your desired QSK Delay into memory.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 16123 4 5678109Figure 2-1 539 Front Panel- (with indexes)Argonaut VI
CW Keying and WiringThe rear panel on the Argonaut VI has a 1/8” stereo   jack  for   connection  of  a   key  paddle. See Figure 2.5-1 for proper wiring.Figure 2.5-1 CW Key WiringA straight key, bug, or external keyer can be used  with the Argonaut VI.   Simply plug  a 1/8”   mono   style   connector   wired   to   your device into the rear apron of the Argonaut VI, see Figure 2.5-2.   When power is turned on the Argonaut VI will detect that mono device automatically.  If you should forget and plug it   in   after   power   has   been   applied   simply toggle   the   mode   button   once   through   all modes and back again to CW.Figure 2.5-2 1/8” Mono Connector Wiring2.6. AM Mode OperationTo operate the Argonaut VI in AM mode you must have the 6 KHz filter installed and you must select EA d in the configuration menu. The peak modulated carrier level will be set automatically for the power level you choose. 2.7. Digital Mode OperationFor   most   audio   derived   digital   mode operation you will either be in USB or LSB. To   set   up   the   Argonaut   VI   for   digital communications   using   the   ACC-1   rear connector you must first turn on the ACC-1 line input.  To  set   the  LINE   GAIN   be   sure   the  TMB switch is in the bottom position and the radio is in LSB or USB.  press  and hold the USR (MOD) button down until the screen displays (LinEgAIn) and   adjust   the   level   with   the main VFO.   To  exit  simply press  the   USR (MOD) button one more time.  It is important to note that you will see different audio levels from   different   software   programs   so remember which favorite programs will need more gain levels than others.  Windows audio controls  will also  need  to  be  set  within   the specific programs you will be using.  This is usually found under the SETTINGS on your digital mode programs.  A proper audio level occurs just as the ALC light flashes slightly when   in   transmit.     If   the   ALC   light   is   on continuously   you   probably   have   too   much audio into the Argonaut VI. 539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 17commonKey or ditdahcommonKey
2.8. Interfacing to a computer for Firmware Update Mode and PC Control/Logging PurposesThe  software   interface   for  the  Argonaut  VI utilizes   standard   Windows   driver   supplied with Windows versions XP through Windows 7.   An   installation   program   is   available   for download at the TenTec download webpage for   the  Argonaut   VI.  Start   at www.tentec.com,   and   follow   the   links   until you get to the Argonaut VI’s Download page. Look for the latest instructions entitled “USB to   UART   driver   Installation….”.   Download and follow the instructions.If at any time you need to see what “port” the Argonaut   VI   is   connected   to,   go   back   into Device Manager, expand the “Ports (COM & LPT)” selection, and you should see “USB to UART (COMx)”. Note  the  x   in   the COMx that is reported by Device Manager. You will use   this   number   when   running   Logging   or Control programs,  the   Flash Update  Utility, etc.If   required,   you  can  change  the  actual   port number   being   used   to   a   lower   number   if required. Sometimes the update program  on some computers will   require   a port number lower   than   10.   To   do   so,   double   click   the USB   to   UART   (COMx)   text,   go   to   port settings,   select   advanced,   and   select   a different   COM   Port   Number   from   the   pull down box. It may display a warning message, if   it   does,   confirm/ok   the   change.   Click OK/Confirm/etc. until all windows are closed. Disconnect   the   Argonaut   VI,   wait   a   few seconds, reconnect the Argonaut VI, and you should   see   the   new  port   number   in   Device Manager.NOTE: when you plug the USB cable into a different  USB  port   on   the   PC,  it  will   most likely get a new COMx port number defined. Be aware of this when reconnecting the USB cable to the computer so that you can set it properly in the computer program that you are using to communicate with the Argonaut VI.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 18
2.9. Power Up ModesConfiguration Menu (PWR(7))When optional items are ordered with your Argonaut VI,  then these optional items will already be installed and configured at the factory in the Configuration Menu. This includes additional roofing filters and whether or not AM mode is enabled.If   you   as   an   owner   need   to   configure   the Argonaut   VI,   start   with   the   Argonaut   VI powered off, switch the TMB switch on the front   panel   to   T   (TOP),   press   the   PWR(7) button,   and   continue   to   hold   the   PWR(7) button  while   powering up the  Argonaut VI. Release the PWR(7) button. The front panel display will show “F1 nO” which indicates no filter has been installed.   To select a different value for a given Configuration Menu item, press the PWR(7)  button again and  use  the VFO knob to scroll through the choices. Once the correct choice has been made advance to the next Configuration Menu item by pressing the PWR(7) button.  Once the settings in the Configuration   Menu   have   been   set   to   the desired   values,   press   any   key   on   the   front panel except the  PWR(7)   button to exit the Configuration Menu.The   items   contained   in   the   Configuration Menu   and   their   options   are   shown   in   the following table.Item  Settings Notes:F1 nO  / none“60”=   6KHz“29”=2.9KHz“07”=  700HzRefer to Section“Optional Filter Installation” for more information on physical installation of each filterValid options are 6kHz or nO.Default is nOF2 Same as F1 Same as F1Valid options are 2.9kHz or nO.Default is 29 (for the 2.9KHz filter)F3 Same as F2 Same as F1Valid options are 700Hz or nO.Default is nOEA d Enable AM detectionOn / OFFRequires 6.0 KHz FilterThe 6.0KHz filter can only be inserted in slot F1Default is OFFTable 2.9-1 Configuration Menu ItemsMaster Reset  (SPL(8) )Master Reset is used when you want to bring the radio settings back to factory default. This includes user settings and user memories. To perform a master reset to the Argonaut VI, be sure   that   the   TMB   switch     is   in   the   T(op) position.  Now  simply  press  and   hold  down the SPL(8) button at the same time you turn on   the   power.     Continue   to   hold   down   the SPL(8) button until the screen says “reset”.You   have   now   performed   a   reset   to   the Argonaut   VI   which   will   also   clear   all memories   and   settings   you   have   placed   in your transceiver.   Performing a reset means you will need to enter the Configuration menu described   in   Advanced   Settings   to   program your filter positions and AM enable.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 19
Firmware Update Mode (A/B (10))To upgrade your transceiver, visit the TenTec web site (www.tentec.com) and download the installer for  the   latest   firmware version.   A link will be available on the 539 Downloads page.     This   link   will   be   titled   with   the available   version   number   of   the   firmware. Example:     “Firmware   Version   1.585”.   The Date of the file will also be shown.Here is the sequence of steps to follow once the .exe file has been downloaded from the Downloads   web   page   for   the   Argonaut VI/539.1) Turn Transceiver OFF.2) Turn Transceiver ON to verify that the Argonaut VI has appropriate power. E.g. the Argonaut VIs front panel display shows the normal indicators and frequencies.3) Turn Transceiver back OFF.4) Connect a PC to the transceiver using a standard USB cable. (Note: if already connected, disconnect for a second or two, then reconnect, helps computers that don’t “disconnect” the USB driver unless it is physically disconnected)5) Be sure the TMB button is on Top.  Turn the Transceiver ON while holding down the “A/B” (MOD) button.When the Argonaut VI starts up in flash update mode, you will see the TX/ALC LED flash on for a second, then back off, then back on for a second. IF the USB Cable is connected and the drivers are working properly in the PC, then the TX/ALC LED will turn back off. If the TX/ALC LED remains lit and does not shut back off, then check your USB cable and ensure that the drivers are installed before proceeding.6) Start the Update program7) Select the COM port to which the Transceiver is attached.8) Choose UPDATE under the PROCESS menu.9) Select the RUF file under the Process Menu.10) The program will update the radio and report any errors encountered. During the update process the TX/ALC LED will flicker showing active communications. The update program will confirm that lines are getting sent/programmed.11) When finished, the 539 Argonaut VI will restart and run the new firmware.12) Sometimes Windows doesn't like the transition of the radio from firmware update mode to radio mode, so it is suggested that once the radio is back up and running showing the tuned frequency, turn the rig back off, wait a few seconds, then turn it back on. This helps Windows find the USB / COM port easier.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 20
2.10. Optional Filter InstallationThe Argonaut VI has three filter slots: Filter Slot 1 (F1), Filter Slot 2 (F2), Filter Slot 3 (F3). The Argonaut VI comes standard with a 2.9KHz filter installed in Filter Slot 2 (F2). Optional filters are available for the Argonaut VI as follows:Filter Part Number Slot for Filter6 KHz 2003 F12.9 KHz Standard F2700 Hz 2006 F3Table 2.10-1 Optional FiltersOptional Filter Installation Optional Filters can be installed in the 3 filter slots as described below.To install new filters:1. Remove   the   4   cover   screws,   2   on   each side of the Argonaut VI.2. Carefully raise the top cover.3. If necessary, unplug speaker cable located on the left side of the main board.4. Set the top cover aside5. Remove the  two  screws   that  hold  down the Fitler cover over F2 and F3, and set it aside.6. You now see the standard 2.9KHz Filter installed   in   Filter   Slot   2   (F2),   and   two more filter slots.   7. The 6 kHz AM filter must be installed in slot  F1 due  to the  height difference  and speaker   arrangement.   The   700Hz   filter should be installed in slot F3.8. Locate   the  F1,  F2,   F3 slot   to  insert   the specific filter. Refer to Figure 2.10-1. This is   according   to   the   filter   slots   on   the circuit board text. The order is shown on the circuit board as F1, F2, F3 going from right to left toward the center of the radio. The ground pins are easily distinguished by   the   way   the   pins   and   outer   case connect together.  The ground pins will be inserted into the left holes as you face the front of the   radio.    If   your  filter  comes with the vibration barrier attached to the bottom just temporarily remove this cover to   identify   the   ground   location   and   re-install vibration barrier.9. Reinstall the Filter  Cover   using  the  two screws. 10. If you disconnected the speaker in step 3, then reconnect it now.11. Reinstall the top/bottom covers with the 4 screws   from   step   1.     Take   care   not   to pinch   any   wires   between   the   top   cover and the filter cover or any of the brackets.12. Refer   to   the   section   on   the “Configuration Menu“ on how program the   Argonaut   VI   firmware   to   use   this Filter Setup.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 21F2F3F1ScrewScrewFigure 2.10-1 Filter Location Showing G round OrientationFront of Radio
2.11. Extended Feature Access via USB/SerialThere   are   more   features   available   for   the Argonaut VI that   are   not  accessible via the front   panel   controls.   For   this   purpose,   the USR button, MR button, and MW button are able   to   be   programmed   with   new functionality using a PC. The   USB   interface   also   permits   changing various   settings   that   cannot   be   mapped   to front panel control buttons.This includes features such as VOX, AN, etc.2.12. Retaining User SettingsThe Argonaut VI operates the same as most modern TenTec rigs do with regards to the ability to retain user settings through a power reset.   For  various  reasons,   user   settings   are not immediately written into the non-volatile memory every time that   the user changes a setting. When a user setting is changed, this value will be stored 15 seconds after the user has made his last change to any user setting.Example:Change Main Frequency to 14.02  (This starts the 15 second user value store timer)2 seconds later change Mode to CW   (This resets the user value store timer back to 15)5 seconds later change AGC to Slow  (This resets the user value store timer back to 15)Finally, do nothing for 15 seconds, and all of the above values will be stored.If changes are made, and the unit is turned off before the 15-second timer has expired, then all of those changes made since the last store point will be lost.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 22
3. Argonaut VI Rear PanelANT (11)The ANT connector is an SO-239 jack used for   connection   of   a   coaxial   fed   transceiver antenna, nominal impedance 50 ohms, for use on any band the Argonaut VI covers. AUX (12)The   Argonaut   VI   provides   internally   a location where 9MHz IF can be brought out from the radio. This is the access hole for this 9MHz IF   data   stream for  use   with external panadapters.   It   is   advisable   to   utilize   an external panadapter with a buffer amplifier.FUSE (13)Auto Style 7.5ADC IN  (14)Power line for the Argonaut VI. It is an AMP MATE-N-LOCK, 2 pinGROUND TERMINAL (15)The wing-nut equipped post is for connection of   station   ground   or   counterpoise.     See Section “A Word About Grounding”.   The ARRL also offers excellent information in the ARRL   Handbook   concerning   station grounding.DC OUT (16)The  Argonaut  VI  is  equipped   with  one   DC output   connectors   to   power   various accessories.   The  output   power   is  limited  to 0.5 Amp maximum.USB (17)The   rear   panel   on   the   Argonaut   VI   has   a Standard   B   type   USB   connector.   This connector is used for connecting to a PC to perform   updates   of   the   firmware,   or   for logging   or   control   via   various   available computer programs. KEY (19)The rear panel on the Argonaut VI has a 1/8” stereo jack   for connection  of  a   key paddle. See Figure 2.5-1 and 2.5-2 for proper wiring.EXTERNAL HEADPHONES (20)  This   jack   is   for   connection   of   an   external speaker   or   headphones.     When   connected using a standard 1/4” phone plug, the internal speaker in the Argonaut VI is disabled.   Tip of   the   1/4”   phone   plug   is   audio,   sleeve   is ground.  539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 23AUXANTUSBACC 1 KEY PHONES–      DC IN      +FUSE 7.5AMODEL 539TEN-TEC, INC.SEVIERVILLE, TNMADE IN USAWWW.TENTEC.COMDCOUT.5A MAX1112 131415 16 17181920Fig 3-1 Argonaut VI Rear Panel
ACC 1 (18)The Argonaut VI is equipped with an 8 pin accessory   connector.   Refer   to   following figure for the pin definitions as viewed from the rear panel.Figure 3-2 ACC1 Pin out The   pin   out   and   function   are   listed   in   the following table:Pin Name / DirectionUsage1 Line In / InputLine level Audio input from an accessory device (like a TNC or sound card for digital mode operation.) Selected using the front panel MIC button. 2 Ground Grounding3 Aux PTT / InputIn Voice Modes, when grounded, this pin will key the radio and begin transmitting. In CW Mode, this pin can be used as a keying input for an external device such as an external keyer or a computer running a CW generator program.4 Line Out / OutputLine Level Audio output.5 Clock / OutputFuture Use (Do NOT connect to this pin)6 Enable / OutputFuture Use (Do NOT connect to this pin)7 Data / OutputFuture Use (Do NOT connect to this pin)8 Amp Key LineUsed to key an external device, such as an Amplifier. Occurs ~17ms before RF is generated.Table 3-1 ACC1 Pin outExternal   devices   can   utilize   the   clock/data enable to identify band changes. The protocol is   defined   in   the   Programmers   Reference Guide for the 539.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 24
Keying a Linear AmplifierPin   8   on   ACC-1   will   provide   an   open collector output for keying a linear amplifier.The Argonaut VI provides a  17 ms   closure delay before RF is supplied to the linear amp. Refer   to   Figure   3-2   for   wiring   to   this connector.   Remember to use shielded cable for making this connection.  The amp key line is  NOT  a   relay   similar   to   those   found   on many   older   transceivers.     It   is   a   transistor switch rated for a maximum of 24 volts and 250 mA from the key line of your amplifier. Many older amplifiers using an AC relay or relay   voltages   exceeding   the   limits   of   the Argonaut VI must use an amplifier interface relay such as the model 318 sold through the Ten-Tec company.  When using the Ten-Tec model 418 solid state linear (sold separately) the proper interface cable is provided with the amplifier for both keying and band changing the 418.4. Accessory Devices4.1. List of Optional Accessories For The Argonaut VIThe Argonaut VI permits the usage of several optional accessories. At the time this manual was   printed,   the   list   includes   the   following items:Item Part/Model Number6 KHz Filter 2003700 Hz Filter 2006USB/Soundcard adapter Interface7124 Ft DC Cable 86095Table 4.1-1 Optional Accessories4.2. Using the 712 USB/Soundcard Interface  To use the 712 soundcard interface for digital modes, connect the 712  device between the ACC-1 connector and the USB port on your Windows  computer.    Audio  generated  from your favorite digital  programs can   be used with   the   Argonaut   VI.     See   the   section “Digital Mode Operation” for directions on how to   set up  the  the  line  input  for  digital mode operation.  The   712   USB   Soundcard   Interface   should only be connected to the Argonaut VI when the  setup  is intended   to be  used   for Digital modes   via   the   PC.   Remember,   the   USB Soundcard,   when   plugged   in,   becomes   the sound card that all windows sounds and video sounds will  go through.  Meaning, when the 712   detects   audio   from   the   PC,   e.g.   a Windows DING, it will put the Argonaut VI into transmit.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 25
5. Specifications5.1. Transceiver SpecificationsGENERALMicrophone Connector:  8-pin on front panelHeadphone Jack:  1/4” stereo, accepts mono or stereo on rear panelExternal CW Key Jack:  1/8” stereo, accepts mono or stereo on rear panelAux DC Output Connector:  RCA 0.5A max connected to DC PowerFrequency Range TX:   1.795-2.005 (160M),     3.495-4.005 (80M),     6.995-7.305 (40M),10.095-10.155 (30M), 13.995-14.355 (20M), 18.063-18.173 (17M),20.995-21.455 (15M), 27.995-29.705 (10M).Frequency Range RX:   1.795-2.505 (160M),     3.495-5.005 (80M),     6.995-7.305 (40M),  9.995-10.155 (30M), 13.995-15.005 (20M), 18.063-18.173 (17M),20.995-21.455 (15M), 27.995-29.705 (10M).Specifications apply within Amateur Radio bands Only.ACC Din Connector:  8 PIN DIN Connector-Line in, Line out, Aux PTT, Ext Key, Clock, Data, Enable, Ground.DC Power Connector:  AMP MATE-N-LOCK, 2 pinFuse:  Automotive Blade Style 7.5 A 32VTuning Step Size:  10, 100, 1000, speed sensitive, VFO LockFrequency Stability:  +/- 0.5 PPM over operating temperatureAntenna Impedance:  50 Ohm nominal.Antenna Connectors:  1 x SO-239Modes:  USB, LSB, CW,  (AM optional)Memories:  100Frequency Accuracy:  ±5Hz @25°C, 10 Hz tuning resolutionSupply Voltage:  9.5 – 14 Volts DCOperating Temp. Range:  0-50 degrees CelsiusDimensions (HxWxD):  2.25” x 6.5” x 7.6” (excluding knobs and connectors)Weight: 3.6 lbsConstruction: Molded plastic front panel, aluminum chassis and Textured painted steel coversPC Control Port: USB (using CCS USB to UART Driver)Display:  Custom FSTN monochrome LCDDisplay Backlight: Variable Red, Blue, Green (internal settings)All measurements are typical. Specifications are subject to change.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 26
RECEIVERSSB Sensitivity:  Better than 0.7uV (0.5 Typ), 2.4Khz, 10 db SINAD, preamp offAM Sensitivity: Better than 4 uV, (2.0uV Typ) 30% Mod, 6Kh BW, 10 dB SINAD, preamp offSelectivity IF1: 2.9khz standard, 9.0018 MHz, 2 optional filter positionsSelectivity IF2: 30 KHz Lowpass filterSelectivity, DSP IF: 100 built-in DSP filters from 100-6000Hz BW.Third Order Intercept Point (IP3): 20dBm@20Khz tone separation/2.9 kHz roofing filter, 20dBm@ 2kHz separation/700Hz Roofing filter, S5 method, preamp offIMD3 Dynamic Range: Typical 98dB/20kHz, 98dB/2kHz,500 Hz BW,calculated 2/3(IP3-Noise Floor), preamp offBlocking Dynamic Range: 138dB/20kHz, 140dB/2kHz, 600 Hz BW, RF Gain  @ 12 o’clock, preamp offLO Phase Noise: 124 dBc/Hz @ 20 kHz, 114dBc/Hz @ 2 kHzNoise Floor: Typical -138dBm/500Hz BW/Preamp on, -128dBm /500Hz BW preamp offIF Frequencies: 1st:9.0018 MHz, 2nd:22.2 kHz, 3rd:0Hz (DSP)IF Rejection: Typical 74 dB1st IF Image Rejection:  Typical 59 dB2nd IF Image Rejection: Typical 69 dBOther Spurious Response:  Rejection: >80dBBirdies:  Typically less than -100dBm equivalent (no more than 5 birdies greater than -100dBm equivalent)Pass Band Tuning: +/- 2.1kHz, 5Hz steps.  Small dead zone for centeringPreAmp: Nominal 12 dbAudio Output: 1.3 Watts into 8 ohm, <3% THDRIT range: +/- 8.2 kHzRIT Step size: 10HzS-Meter Reference: S9 = 50 uV RMSTX>RX Recovery Time: < 20 msRX Headphone Output: Designed for 16-32 ohms impedance headphones. Usable at 8 ohmsAUX Audio Output: 500 mvAuto Notch: IF DSP, multi-toneRX Noise Reduction: IF DSP, adjustableNoise Blanker: IF DSP, adjustableRX Current Drain: 550 milliampsAll measurements are typical. Results will vary based on different Test Environment, Tools, and Test Methods. Specifications are subject to change.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 27
TRANSMITTERRF Power Output: Adjustable, 1-10 W, +/- 1 dBCW, SSB, AM, AFSK,PSK Duty Cycle: 100% for up to 10 minutes  @ 10 wattsCW/SSB TX Bandwidth: 2.9kHz FilterAM TX Bandwidth: 6kHz Optional FilterMicrophone Input Impedance: >10 k-ohms at 1 kHzMicrophone Sensitivity: 1 mV RMS for full power output, internal gain adjustment, 9v dc power for electret elementsAUX Level Input: variable, 200mV nominalSSB Carrier Supression: > 60 dBUnwanted Sideband Suppression: > 60 dB at 1 kHzT/R Switching: PTT or VOX on SSB, AM.  QSK on CWCW Keyer Type: Internal Curtis Mode A or B SelectableCW Rise and Fall Times: 5msCW Offset:  adjustableCW Keyer Speed:  5-50 WPM, adjustable weightingCurrent Drain:  3 amps at 10 wattsThird Order Intermod: Better than 30dB below peakSSB Generation:  DSP Generated# of DSP generated TX bandwidths: 2 built-in DSP filters – automatically selected base on mode -       2.9 kHz for CW and SSB, (6 kHz for AM option)Note: the optional 6KHz filter is required for AM transmit.OPTIONS4 Pole Roofing Filters:  700Hz, 6kHz.All measurements are typical. Specifications are subject to change.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 28
FCC ComplianceNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult Ten-Tec service for technical assistance (865) 428-0364NOTE: THE GRANTEE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EXPRESSLY APPROVED BY THE PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. 539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 30
6. In Case of DifficultyWhile   we   cannot   cover   every   possible problem, here are some hints for dealing with some   potential   difficulties.     Check   the obvious.     Is   your   dc   power   source   okay? Check power supply, cable and connector(s). Is   the   25   ampere   fuse   loose   or   missing? Antenna problems?  Try a dummy load.  Is a proper   antenna   connected?                 Is   any external   antenna   switch   connected   and properly   set?   Have   you   double-checked   the Argonaut   VI’s   many   control   settings, including   those   in   the   Configuration   menu, for your   intended mode of operation? Have you   checked   how   the   optional   Filter’s   are installed   and   confirmed   their   installation order within the Configuration Menu?One problem that results in no audio or poor audio is the fact that sometimes you make an adjustment   to   a   setting   and   subsequently nothing seems to work properly anymore. The method that resolves   setting  issues that you just can’t find, is to perform a Master Reset. This   was   discussed   in   the   “General Operations” section of this manual.Problem:  No Receive AudioIs the AUDIO (AF) turned up?Is   RF   GAIN   turned   down?   Is   squelch activated?   SQL will appear in block letters on the screen.   Press FNC then FAST/SQL and check SQUELCH level. Is the speaker wire internal to the rig broken or disconnected?  (Have you pulled the covers off recently?)  Try headphones to see if audio returns.Is NR off?  Under some circumstances, noise reduction   can   cover   band   noise   completely, leading the user to think no audio is coming from the speaker.Problem: Distorted SSB transmit – or –Perceived RFI in the shack.Be certain the mic gain is set properly.   The ALC LED should flash on voice peaks, but not remain continuously lit in SSB modes.Check the setting of the speech processor. An excessively   high   setting   can   reduce   audio quality. A frequent cause of a distorted SSB signal is inadequate   RF   grounding   resulting   in   RF feedback.   Common RF grounding problems are no ground connection, or too long a lead to a good ground.    Many problems relate to the   lack   of   an   RF   station   ground,   as contrasted  with   a safety   ground connection. We   recommend   bonding   all   equipment chassis together with short heavy metal braid or   strap.     Make   these   connections   from chassis ground lug to chassis ground lug and connect the last piece in the chain feeding the antenna   to   a   good   earth   ground.   This   lead needs to be as short as possible.  Lengths near ¼   wavelength   on   any   band   used   can   be particularly troublesome when the far end is connected to earth. It is very important that the external power supply and the transceiver and   all   equipment   with   grounding   lugs   are properly grounded.Another   potential   cause   of   distorted   SSB arises when the station is in the near field of the   antenna.       This   is   a   problem   many apartment dwellers face.  Distorted   SSB   transmit   can   result   from chassis   ground   and   signal   ground   from   the microphone being tied together to a common connection.  This is a common problem with third-party microphones.   Assure the chassis ground   and   signal   ground   from   the microphone is separated.RF can also be induced into the transceiver on any unshielded wires.539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 31
Problem:  Transceiver power shuts off while transmittingThe Argonaut VI is equipped with a silicon-controlled   rectifier   that   opens   if   the   PA current draw exceeds an instantaneous power of approximately 30 amps.  This will shut off power to the transceiver.   Excessive current draw can indicate a problem with excessive SWR   due   to   antenna   or   feedline   problems. Power to the radio can be restored by cycling the   power   switch   and   off   or   the   13.8   Vdc source on and off.Problem:  No transmit, receive OK.Are you trying to transmit outside of the Ham Band?Is the gain setting correct for the microphone input or ACC 1 jack as appropriate?Is   the   POWER   control   turned   all   the   way down?  Press PWR and check.If no transmit in digital modes, are you sure a PTT signal is being sent from your TNC or computer   to   the   appropriate   jack   on   the Argonaut VI?Are the internal fans running at maximum? If so, then this could indicate the Argonaut VI has   a   final   amplifier   temperature   of   70 degrees   C   or   higher.   In   this   condition,   the radio   will   stop   transmitting   until   the   final amplifier   temperature   is   back   down   to   a reasonable level.Problem:  Get a “PORT in use” when trying to run logging or computer control program or when trying to update the firmware.Have you confirmed the proper port number in   Device   Manager?   Remember   that   when connecting the USB cable to the USB port on the   computer,   every   time   you   connect   the USB cable into a different USB port on the computer, it will have a different COM port number.   You   can   verify   this   in   Device Manager. It is possible that the USB port was used   previously   and   for   some   reason Windows has not released it for use. In this instance, disconnect the USB cable at either the computer end or the Argonaut VI end, exit the program you are trying to use, wait a few seconds, then reinstall the cable and then re-start the program you were trying to use.If   the   above   do   not   solve   your   problem, please   consult   with   our   service   department (865) 428-0364 or service@tentec.com539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 32
7. Warranty & Return PolicyWarranty policy for Ten-Tec products is covered in the gold color page located on the last page of this manual.  FOR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BY TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec factory built radio equipment is sold under a 30-day risk-free trial period.  Any piece of equipment manufactured by Ten-Tec may be returned, undamaged, within 30 days of purchase for a full purchase price refund, less shipping charges (customer pays shipping both ways). If you want to return a piece of equipment purchased from Ten-Tec, please call the sales department at (865) 453-7172 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, Mon-Fri and obtain a return merchandise authorization number.  Calling in advance for an RMA number allows us to quickly process your return and refund once your item arrives.  Ship return items with letter enclosed inside the box noting the RMA number and your name, address, and telephone number.  Return items are shipped to Ten-Tec., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA. 539 / Argonaut VI Users manual Release 0.10  – November 13, 2012Part #74479Printed in USA 33

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