Ten Tec 599 SCANNING RECEIVER User Manual 599 MANUAL


Users Manual

599 / Eagle Users manual  Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010  1 Part #74447 Printed in USA       Eagle Model 599  Users Manual Revision 1.002
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 1Part #74447Printed in USATable of Contents1. Your new Eagle 599 _________________________________________________________ 21.1. Unpacking Eagle 599 _____________________________________________________________ 21.2. About this Manual _______________________________________________________________ 21.3. Accessory package _______________________________________________________________ 21.4. Connection to Antenna & Power Supply_____________________________________________ 31.5. A word about grounding __________________________________________________________ 31.6. Philosophy of design _____________________________________________________________ 41.7. Configuration Menu _____________________________________________________________ 52. Easy Operation Guide _______________________________________________________ 62.1. General Operations ______________________________________________________________ 62.2. SSB Mode Operation____________________________________________________________ 132.3. CW Mode Operation ____________________________________________________________ 172.4. AM Mode Operation ____________________________________________________________ 182.5. FM Mode Operation ____________________________________________________________ 182.6. Mobile Operation_______________________________________________________________ 182.7. Digital Mode Operation__________________________________________________________ 182.8. Internal Hardware Noise Blanker _________________________________________________ 182.9. Internal Tuner _________________________________________________________________ 182.10. Optional Filter Installation ______________________________________________________ 19Eagle Rear Panel ______________________________________________________________ 204. Accessory Devices _________________________________________________________ 224.1. Using the 712 USB/Soundcard Interface ____________________________________________ 224.2. Interfacing to a computer and firmware updates_____________________________________ 224.3. List of Optional Accessories For The Eagle _________________________________________ 245. Specifications _____________________________________________________________ 255.1. Transceiver Specifications _______________________________________________________ 255.2. Transceiver Block Diagram ______________________________________________________ 286. In Case of Difficulty________________________________________________________ 307. Warranty & Return Policy___________________________________________________ 328. Revision History ___________________________________________________________ 32
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 2Part #74447Printed in USA1.  Your new Eagle 5991.1. Unpacking Eagle 599Examine  the  Eagle  transceiver  for  signs  ofshipping  damage.    Should  any  damage  beapparent,  notify  the  delivering  carrierimmediately,  stating  the  full  extent  of  thedamage.Retain all damaged cartons.  Liability for theshipping  damage  rests  with  the  carrier.    Werecommend  that  you  keep  the  carton  andfillers  in  the  event  that  storage,  moving,  orshipment becomes necessary.1.2. About this ManualA  complete  description  of  the  features  andfunctions  on  the  Eagle  599  are  includedwithin  the  pages  of  this  manual.    The  latestversion of the Eagle manual is also availableto  view  in  pdf  format  located  under  thedownload  tab  on  the  Eagle  Transceiver  viawww.tentec.com.You  may  also  find  firmware  updates  plus  afull  set  of  schematic  diagrams  at  this  sameweb location.1.3. Accessory packageThe  additional  hardware  and  accessorieslisted in Fig 1-1 come standard with your newEagle.Look over the items listed and refer to the 5digit  Ten-Tec  part  number  and  descriptionshould  you  find  the  need  to  replace  anaccessory.    To  purchase  additionalaccessories  and  parts  or  to  report  an  itemmissing from this list, please contact Ten-TecService (865) 428-0364.Qty Part # Description1 702 Dynamic Hand Mic1 27091 Auto Style Fuse, 25 Amp 32V1 35241 8 PIN DIN Connector1 35263 Plug – Stereo, 3.5MM (1/8)1 38040 Allen Wrench, 0.050 Hex1 41073 Fork Terminal1 46214 Cable Assembly 4 Ft1 74020 Warranty card1 74244 Standard Warranty Sheet1 74447 Manual for 5991 74450 How  do  I  become  a  Ten-TecAmbassador1 74454 Eagle Quick Start GuideTable 1.3-1 Eagle Packing List  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 3Part #74447Printed in USA1.4. Connection to Antenna &Power SupplyThe  Eagle  is  designed  for  use  with  anyantenna system providing a 50 Ohm resistiveimpedance at the desired operating frequency.Every  effort  should  be  made  to  ensure  theimpedance of the antenna system is as closeas  possible  to  the  specified  50-Ohm  value.Note that the “G5RV” type antenna and someWindom’s do not provide 50-Ohm impedanceon  all  HF  Amateur  bands,  and  an  externalwide-range  antenna  coupler  or  the  optionalmodel AT599K Eagle internal auto tuner maybe  needed  with  this  type  antenna.    Anyantenna  to  be  used  with  the  Eagle  must,ultimately, be fed with 50 Ohm coaxial cable.The  Eagle  transceiver  requires  a  source  ofwell-filtered and regulated DC voltage.  Thesupply  voltage  on  the  Eagle  is  13.8  Vdcnominal  +/-  15%  to  allow  for  mobile  andbattery operation.   The voltage source mustbe  capable  of  supplying  a  minimum  of  23amperes  continuous  duty  at  full  100  wattoutput for AM & FM modes.  The model 940or 941 Ten-Tec power supplies will meet orexceed  your  voltage  and  currentrequirements.    We  recommend  using  theincluded DC power cable (P/N 46214).  Useof  #12  stranded  wire  is  recommended  formobile and in home use to accommodate therequired current demand during transmit.Note:  Always enable the power source firstand  then  the  transceiver.    If  a  generator  orbattery  connected  to  a  charger  is  used  tosupply  the  DC  source,  always  turn  off  thetransceiver before starting or shutting off theDC  source  equipment.    These  rechargingdevices  often  generate  large  voltage  spikesthat can damage the transceiver.1.5. A word about groundingA  good  ground  system  is  essential  foroptimum  operation  of  any  HF  transmitter.The best solution is to connect all the stationequipment to a single ground connection.  Donot  make  ground  connections  by  connectingone  device  to  another,  then  that  device  toanother,  etc.  and  then  finally  to  the  groundbus. This so called “Daisy-Chain” groundingtechnique may nullify any attempt at effectiveradio frequency grounding.  See Figure 1.5-1GroundingFigure 1.5-1 GroundingRemember that a connection to a copper coldwater  pipe  is  no  longer  suitable  and  is  inviolation  of  the  National  Electrical  Code.Many  modern  water  connections  use  plasticpipe, and are not suitable ground connections.A good ground  system can  contribute  to thestation  efficiency  in  a  number  of  waysincluding  minimizing  the  possibility  ofelectrical shock, and minimizing RF currentsflowing  on  the  shied  of  the  coax  cablecausing  interference  to  electronic  equipmentand transceiver accessories.
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 4Part #74447Printed in USA1.6. Philosophy of designWith  the  Model  599  Eagle,  Ten-Tec  hascreated  a  transceiver  combining  simplifiedcontrols  and  ease  of  operation  with  theexcellent performance of  a low first  IF  160-through  6-meter  ham-band  architecture  in  acompact,  mobile-friendly  structure.  Theanalog  portion  of  the  radio  is  doubleconversion  with  IF  frequencies  of  9.0015MHz  and  22.5  kHz.  A  third  conversion  tozero-frequency IF is accomplished in the DSPprocessor.General coverage receive is provided between0.5 and 30 MHz.Refer  to  the  Block  Diagram  in  theSpecifications  section  for  the  followingdiscussion.  Receive  signals  are  routedthrough  the  optional  antenna  tuner  andtransmit  lowpass filter  to  a  switchable 10dBattenuator at the input of the BPF/Preselectorboard. This board also contains the bandpassfilter  selected  for  the  band  in  use  and  aswitchable 12dB receive preamplifier. On theTX/RX board, output from the preamplifier ismixed  with  the  first  Local  Oscillator  to9.0015  MHz  and  routed  optionally  throughthe  noise  blanker  to  one  of  three  roofingfilters.  After  selectivity  roofing,  IFamplification  is  provided  by  a  variable  gainamplifier which also  develops the  high-levelAGC. Finally, the 9.0015  IF signal is mixedwith  the  second  LO  to  develop  a  22.5  kHzlow IF for the Signal Processing Unit (SPU).Based  on  a  36.096  MHz  temperature-stablereference,  the  Synthesizer  board  generatesfirst  and  second  LOs  via  fractional-Nsynthesis  and  fixed  frequency  division.  TheSPU samples the low IF at 96K samples persecond  and  applies  the  resulting  data  to  adigital  signal  processor.  Numericalalgorithms  running  in  the  digital  processoraccomplish  additional  selectivity  filtering,low-level  AGC,  and  demodulation.  Theresulting audio appears at the speaker and lineoutputs.The  PIC  processor  in  the  CPU  moduleexecutes  firmware  stored  in  EEPROM  toperform  housekeeping  functions  such  assynthesizer  programming/tuning,  signalswitching, and front panel display and controlinput.  Based  on  the  control  inputs  from  thefront  panel  (or  remotely  via  the  USBinterface),  the  CPU  writes  displayinformation,  tunes  the  LOs,  adjustsselectivity,  and  chooses  both  receiverdetection  and  transmit  emission  modes.Transmit operation is basically the reverse ofreceive. Audio or CW signals are generated atzero-frequency  (baseband)  in  the  DSP,frequency-shifted to the 22.5 kHz low IF, andoutput  to  mixers  on  the  TX/RX  board  forconversion  to  the  operating  frequency.  Thesignal  then  travels  in  the  reverse  directionthrough  the  selected  Bandpass  Filter  to  thelow-level  drivers  and  Power  Amplifier,  thenfinally  through  the  Lowpass  Filter  andoptional  antenna tuner  to  the  antenna.  If  thetuner is installed, forward and reverse powermeasurements from the SWR bridge are usedby  the  CPU  to  select  the  correct  inductanceand capacitance in an L-network to provide a50 Ohm load to the transmitter output
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 5Part #74447Printed in USA1.7. Configuration MenuUpon  purchase  of  your  transceiver  somesettings  may  have  already  been  factoryinstalled  and  set  into  the  Eagle.    Optionalaccessories  such  as  an auto  tuner,  a  specificadditional  roofing  filter,  noise  blanker,  oryour favorite front display color combinationwill need to be programmed into the Eagle.To begin configuring the Eagle, start with theEagle powered off, press the FNC button, andhold  the  FNC  button  continuously  whilepowering  up  the  Eagle.  When  the  Eagle  isfirst shipped from the factory, the front paneldisplay  will  show  “F1  2.4”  which  indicatesthe  factory  filter  has  been  installed.      Nowrelease the FNC button. To select a differentvalue  for  a  given  Configuration  Menu  item,use  the  MULTI  knob  to  scroll  through  thechoices. To advance to the next ConfigurationMenu item, press the FNC button.  Once thesettings in the Configuration Menu have beenset to the desired values, press any key on thefront panel except the FNC button to exit theConfiguration Menu.The  items  contained  in  the  ConfigurationMenu  and  their  options  are  shown  in  thefollowing table.ItemName Settings Notes:F1 nO  / none15.0/15KHz6.0  /  6KHz2.4  /2.4KHz1.8  /1.8KHz0.6  / 600Hz0.3  / 300HzRefer to Section“Optional FilterInstallation” formore information onphysical installationof each filter2.4 KHz is standard,others are optionalF2 Same as F1 Same as F1Default is nOF3 Same as F2 Same as F1Default is nOEA d Enable AMdetectionOn / OFFRequires 6.0 KHzFilter     Default isOFFEF d Enable FMdetectionOn / OFFRequires 15.0 KHzFilter   Default isOFFbl i BacklightIntensity0..15Overall intensity ofthe backlight.bl r Backlight redlevel 0..15 Independent red leveladjustmentbl 9 Backlightgreen level0..15Independent greenlevel adjustmentbl b Backlightblue level0..15Independent bluelevel adjustmentNb NoiseBlankerInstalledOFF OnRefer to section“Internal HardwareNoise Blanker”tu n Internal AutoTunerInstalledOFF OnRefer to section“Internal Tuner”Table 1.7-1 Configuration Menu Items
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 6Part #74447Printed in USAFigure 2.1 Eagle Front Panel2.  Easy Operation Guide2.1. General OperationsThis  section  of  your  Eagle  Manual  willdiscuss the button operation and adjustmentscommon to all modes on the EaglePrimary  and  Secondary  ButtonFunctionalityMost buttons on the front panel can performmultiple functions. The Primary Function forthe buttons on the Eagle is screened directlyon  the  button.    They  are  lit  when  power  isapplied to the radio.  The Secondary Functionfor  the  buttons  is  silk-screened  above  therespective  button  on  the  front  panel.    TheFNC button is used to invoke the SecondaryFunctions  of  the  front  panel  buttons.  Thefunctionality for both Primary and Secondarybuttons  are  described  in  the  followingsections.Master Reset  (using LOCK (15) button)To perform a master reset to the Eagle, beginby  pressing  and  holding  down  the  LOCKbutton  at  the  same  time  you  turn  on  thepower.    Continue  to  hold  down  the  LOCKbutton until the screen says “reset”.You have now performed a reset to the Eaglewhich  will  also  clear  all  memories  andsettings you have placed in  your transceiver.Performing  a  reset  means  you  will  need  toenter  the  Configuration  menu  described  inAdvanced  Settings  to  program  your  filterpositions, accessories, screen colors, etc.Keying a Linear Amplifier:Pin  8  on  ACC-1  will  provide  an  opencollector output for keying a linear amplifier.The  Eagle  provides  a  17  ms  closure  delaybefore  RF  is  supplied  to  the  linear  amp.Refer  to  Figure  3-2  for  wiring  to  thisconnector.  Remember  to  use  shielded  cablefor making this connection.  The amp key lineis not a relay similar to those found on manyolder  transceivers.    It  is  a  transistor  switchrated for a maximum of 24 volts and 250 mAfrom  the  key  line  of  your  amplifier.    Manyolder  amplifiers  using  an  AC  relay  or  relayvoltages  exceeding  the  limits  of  the  Eaglemust use an amplifier interface relay such asthe  ARB-704  sold  through  the  Ten-Teccompany P/N #R9901S-MeterThe signal strength display on the Eagle willoffer two functions1. The  S-Meter  will  read  the  signalstrength in receive mode2. The  meter  will  also  function  as  anSWR  meter  when  transmit  tune  isactivated.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 7Part #74447Printed in USAFNC  (12)The FNC or function button is a vital portionof this radio.  All Secondary Functions of theEagles  button  set  are  accomplished  bypressing  the  FNC  button.    When  the  FNCbutton  is  first  pressed,  the  FNC  button  willbegin  flashing.    You  will  also  see  FUNCblinking  on  the  main  screen  where  theBandwidth  Value  is  normally  displayed.Pressing  a  button  using  the  SecondaryFunction  will  execute  that  function,  eitherturning it on or off, or changing its mode, etc.Pressing the FNC button once again will exitthat secondary feature.PWR  (24)Power  output  will  be  shown  on  the  Eagletoward the left side of the display.  It displaysthe  output  in  watts  and  can be  adjusted  andshown as a numeric value from 5-100.  To setthe  power  output  simply  press  the  FNCbutton (a secondary button function) and thenpress  TUNE.    The  multi  knob  can  now  beused  to  adjust  the  output.    After  the  poweroutput  has  been  selected  you  may  exit  bypressing  FNC.    The  digits  appearing  on  theleft of the screen measures the average powerso  you  will  notice  the  digits  may  flash  asmaller value when transmitting in side bandmode.TUNE  (25)If the auto tuner for the Eagle is not turned onor is not installed this button will generate acarrier signal for tuning purposes at 20 watts.This is providing the power output is set at aminimum  of  20  watts.    If  set  lower,  it  willtransmit  a  lower  level  carrier.    If  the  poweroutput is set anywhere from 20-100 watts theEagle will still only tune at 20 watts.  This isan  easy  and  safe  way  to  tune  an  externaloutboard  antenna  tuner  or  solid  stateamplifier.  To increase this power output levelwhile  in  the  tune  positions  press  FNC  (asecondary  button  function)  and  then  pressTUNE again.  You may now adjust the powerlevel  using  the  MULTI  knob  to  vary  theoutput for tuning a linear amplifier.If the auto tuner is installed and turned on inthe  Configuration  Menu  the  TUNE  buttonwill now automatically match the Eagle to theantenna  you are using.  You  will  hear someclicking noise within the Eagle until the tunerdetermines the best match. When finished theTX light will flash twice plus you will hear abeep tone from the Eagle.  Remember whenusing  an  external  tuner  or  when  tuning  alinear  amplifier  to  always  go  into  theConfiguration Menu and turn off the internalauto tuner.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 8Part #74447Printed in USARIT  (22)The receiver integrated tuning can be selectedas  a  secondary  button  function  by  pressingFNC  and  then  the  MOD  button.    You  willnotice  RIT  will  begin  to  flash  on  the  frontpanel and you may now adjust the receiver in10  Hz  increments  up  or  down  frequencyusing the MULTI knob.  To zero out the RITsimply  press  and  hold  the  MOD  button  andthe  display  will  zero  out.    To  exit  simplypress the FNC buttonMulti   (26) Most  features  on  the  Eagle  are  directlyaccessible, however, for those that are not theMULTI  KNOB  is  used  to  adjust  specificvalues.    More  about  this  will  be  addressedwithin  specific  features  throughout  thismanual.Band  (21)To change bands or toggle through the Hambands  press  the  BAN  button  and  the  nexthigher Amateur band will appear.  To reversethe direction press the  function  button  FNC.It  will  begin  to  flash.    Next  press  the  BANbutton  to  change  directions.    Exit  thesecondary  function  feature  by  pressing  FNConce again. When the band is changed, the AFrequency,  the  B  Frequency  and  the  Modeare recalled from  the last time  the  band  wasused. Since the Mode is recalled, the TuningRate, and the AGC will also be recalled fromthe last time that Mode was used.Split  (28)To  operate  SPLIT  mode  simply  press  andhold the A/B button for 2 seconds.  The wordSPLIT will appear next to the B VFO whichalso  indicates  the  frequency  you  will  betransmitting  on.   Remember  when  in  SPLITmode  you  will  always  be  transmitting  onVFO B.A/B  (28)This  Primary  Function  allows  you  to  togglebetween VFO  A  and  VFO  B  each  time  youpress the button.A=B  (27)The secondary function of this button allowsyou to copy the contents of VFO A to VFO BTo  equal  both  VFO  A  and  B  press  FNCbutton  until  it  begins  to  flash.    Next,  pressA/B button.  Exit Function mode by pressingFNC.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 9Part #74447Printed in USALock  (15)To  lock  the  VFO  on  a  frequency  so  nomovement  to  the  VFO  knob  varies  thefrequency,  press  the  LOCK  button  once  tolock  the  VFO.    Press  the  LOCK  button  asecond time to release the lock feature.  Lockstate is indicated by the text on the right sideof your screen when turned on.Switching to Memory Operation  (7)Pressing  the  V/M  button  activates  thememory on the Eagle.  Pressing the V/M onetime will switch into memory mode.   MEMwith a number will appear on the front panelscreen.    Rotating  the  MULTI  knob  willaddress  memory  locations  that  hold  receiveand  transmit  frequency  pairs  to  control  thetransceiver.    Turning  the  MULTI  controlshows  the  number  (1  –  100)  for  the  nextavailable or empty location.  At this point, theoperator may either (A) copy the informationfrom  both  VFO’s  to  a  memory  location;  or(B)  copy  the  memory  information  to  theVFO’s.    To  copy  the  memory  channel  backinto  VFO  mode  simply  press  FNC  (asecondary  button  function)  until  FNC  andFUNC  begin  to  flash.    Next,  press  V/Mbutton.    Exit  Function  mode  by  pressingFNC.    Your  favorite  memory  can  now  betuned and modified with the VFO.Storing a Frequency to Memory  (6)When the main display holds a frequency youwish  to  store  into  memory,  press  FNC,  (asecondary button function) plus V/M and theMEM front display will show the number ofthe  last  used  storage  location  (1-100).    Youmay  either  accept  this  location  by  againpressing  the  V/M  button  or  change  thelocation  by  rotating  the  MULTI  knob  first.An  unused  location  displays  a  series  ofdashed  lines  --.---.---  on  the  main  display.V/M stores the frequency of the active  VFOin the memory (along with current Mode andBandwidth).Recalling a Stored Frequency  (7)You  may  recall  a  stored  frequency  frommemory by pressing the V/M button to switchfrom  VFO  to  Memory  operation.    With  theMEM lit on the screen your current memorylocation  and  number  will  appear  on  screen.Rotate  the  MULTI  knob  until  the  desiredmemory  frequency  appears  in  the  maindisplay, then press FNC (a secondary buttonfunction) plus V/M to copy it into the VFO.Exit Function mode by pressing FNC.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 10Part #74447Printed in USAHeadphones:  (1)Headphones  using  a  ¼”  mono  or  stereoconnector  can  be  plugged  into  the  jack  #1located on the front of the Eagle.  HeadphoneImpedance  from  8-32  ohms  will  offeradequate audio levels.Mode:  (23)Pressing  the  MOD  button  will  toggle  themodes to your desired choice.  The Eagle willchange modes each time the button is pushed.The desired mode is displayed in the top righthand  corner  of  the  Eagle  screen.  The  Modesetting  utilized  in  a  given  band  will  berecalled when that band is used again.Monitor:  (20)When  Eagle  is  placed  in  a  voice  mode  youcan monitor the transmitted audio signal fromthe  microphone  or  the  line  input  dependingon  which  one  is  selected.    To  toggle  themonitor  on  or  off,  first  place  the  Eagle  intransmit  by  pressing  the  microphone  PTTbutton.    Next,  simply  press  the  FNC  buttonand  then  press  BAN  (a  secondary  buttonfunction).  You  can  now  adjust  the  monitorlevel with the MULTI knob.  Please note themonitor will also work in tandem with the AFgain  control  giving  proper  audio  out  of  thespeaker.  Note, there will be no indication ofthe  monitor  being  turned  on  or  off  on  thefront screen.PBT:  (32)Verify that the PBT control is at the top deadcenter  of  rotation  to  begin  listening  in  allmodes.The PBT control will allow you to move thepassband  back  and  forth  across  the  desiredsignal. It is beneficial  in  dropping QRM  outof one side or the other of the passband or itcan simply be used to improve the quality andintelligibility  of  the  signal.    An  excellentexperiment  for  digital  communications  is  towork  the  PBT  control  along  with  the  BWbandwidth control for the greatest selectivityand interfering signal rejection.BW:  (31)Adjusting  the  BW  control  will  allow  you  toselect  the  DSP  filtering  of  your  choice.Larger numbers increase the band width andsmaller  numbers  will  decrease  the  bandwidth.   This  control increases  the  selectivityand removes close in unwanted signals.  Thiscontrol  will  automatically  select  the  correctroofing  filter  ahead  of  the  DSP  filteringprovided a specific roofing filter is installed.Fast  (19)To  change  Tuning  Rate  press  the  FASTbutton  to  toggle  between  1  Hz,  10  Hz,  100Hz, 1kHz, 10 kHz Tuning Rates.  Each pressof  this  button  will  step  to  the  next  TuningRate  and  you  will  see  this  represented  onVFO  A.  Tuning  Rate  is  recalled  per  mode.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 11Part #74447Printed in USAAF Gain Control:  (4)Note  this  is  a  dual  concentric  knob.    Theinside  knob  controls  the  audio  volume  levelto the speaker or headphones.RF Gain Control:  (5)The  outer  ring  on  this  control  increases  ordecreases the receiver IF gain.  It is a generalrule  on  the  more  modern  DSP  transceiverssuch as the Eagle to adjust the RF gain fullyclockwise  and  then  slowly  back  down  thecontrol (counter clock wise) until you reach aconvenient  signal  to  noise  ratio.    You  willdiscover this  control  will  vary  from  band  toband.    As  you lower  the  RF  gain  it  may benecessary  to  increase  the  AF  gain  to  get  acomfortable listening level.AGC:  (14)Eagle  allows  for  3  convenient  AGC  settingFAST  –  MEDIUM  –  SLOW.    For  mostsideband  operation  a  slow  AGC  is  usuallypreferred.  The letters F – M or S will appearon  the  screen  when  you  toggle  to  yourfavorite setting.  To change the AGC setting,(a secondary button function)First press FNC until button and FUNC beginto flash.  Next, press the AGC/LOCK buttonuntil desired setting appears.  Exit by pressingFNC button.The  AGC  setting  utilized  in  a  given  modewill be recalled when that mode is used again.NR:  (9)To activate the DSP noise reduction just pressthe NR button to turn this feature on and off.When turned on, NR will appear on the frontscreen.  Press and hold NR to bring on screenthe settings from 1-10.  The multi knob willallow you to adjust the noise reduction valuefor  your  comfort  level.    Press  NR  again  toexit  the  adjustment  mode.    The  noisereduction  system  used  in  the  Eagle  is  awonderful tool that can assist you in hearingweak  signals  under  noisy  band  conditions.Under some conditions the NR may affect thequality  of  a  received  signal  when  certainnoise and band conditions are present.  Oftentimes  experimenting  with  this  tool  undervaried signal strength and band noise such asatmospheric  noise  will  make  for  a  morepleasurable listening experience.  Most of thetime  you  will  discover  that  DSP  noisereduction  will  not  be  necessary  especiallywith strong incoming signals.PRE:  (16)The preamplifier in  the Eagle is designed togive  you a 12dB increase  in  signal  strength.It is best suited for weak signal reception.  Toactivate the receiver preamp, first press FNC,(a  secondary  button  function)  until  bothbutton and FUNC begin to flash.  Next, pressthe  PRE/ATTN  button  to  activate.    Exit  bypressing the FNC button.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 12Part #74447Printed in USAATTN:  (17)To  activate  the  attenuator  just  press  theATTN button to turn this feature on and off.When on, the attenuator will attenuate signalsby  10dB  and  ATTN  will  appear  on  the  topleft screen.NB:  (30)A hardware noise blanker (optional accessoryP/N 320) can be turned on and off by pressingthe NB button.  If the noise blanker accessoryis not installed within the Eagle a series of 3beeps  will  be  heard  when  the  NB  button  ispushed.    In  order  to  use  the  noise  blanker(when  installed)  it  must  first  be  turned  onwithin  the  configuration  menu)  When  thenoise  blanker  is  active,  the  text  NB  appearson the right side of the front display screen.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 13Part #74447Printed in USA2.2. SSB Mode OperationTo  begin  SSB  operation  toggle  the  MODbutton to either the LSB or USB for the bandof choice you wish to operate.Note!  Remember to set the PBT (32) controlto  the  center  of  rotation  so  the  side  bandsignal is  centered in  the  desired  filter.    Thisresults in a starting point for proper side bandaudio.AN:  (8)The  AUTOMATIC  notch  is  a  useful  SSBfeature  and  defaulted  to  off.    This  filterimplements a special digital algorithm in theDSP  system.    There  is  no  frequencyadjustment  for  the  AUTO-NOTCH  feature.This filter will seek out and null all constantcarriers in the receiver passband.  This notchworks well for SSB mode but is not useful inCW.    Once  AN  is  activated  it  may  take  asecond or two for the unwanted carrier to benotched away.  Remember some slight audiodistortion may exist as this DSP filter is beingused  to  remove  an  unwanted  carrier.      Toactivate  AN  (a  secondary  button  function)first press FNC until button and FUNC beginto  flash.    Next,  press  the  NR  button  toactivate.    Exit  Function  mode  by  pressingFNC button.The  AUTO-NOTCH  feature  works  in  LSB,USB, and AM modes. The AN indicator willshows  the  state  of  the  AUTO-NOTCHfeature, even in FM and CW modes, but it isnot functioning when in FM and CW modes.SQL:  (18)This function is designed to operate in eitherSSB or FM modes.  In SSB mode the squelchis  activated  by  first  pressing  the  FNC  untilbutton and FUNC begin to flash.  Next, pressSQL  then  adjust  the  squelch  level  with  theMULTI knob for proper levels.  Exit Functionmode by pressing the FNC button  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 14Part #74447Printed in USAMIC Connector:  (2)Front  panel  jack  used  for  connection  of  amicrophone.  The Eagle features the common8-pin microphone jack used in many amateurradio transceivers.  Most dynamic or ElectretMicrophones can be used.  When adapting amicrophone,  please  refer  to  the  wiringdiagrams in Figures 2.2-1 and 2.2-2Figure  2.2-1  Transceiver  Microphone  JackFront ViewFigure  2.2-2  Transceiver  Microphone  JackRecommended Cable WiringPin 2 (+9 Vdc) need only be connected if themicrophone  element  in  use  is  an  electretcondenser requiring a polarizing voltage.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 15Part #74447Printed in USAChassis  ground  and  mic  signal  ground  areseparated  to  reduce  the  possibility  ofintroducing  stray  hum  or  RFI  into  transmitaudio signal.  We recommend that the case ofthe microphone also be tied to chassis groundon the transceiver via a shielded cable to pin5.    This  is  to  help  assure stray RF  does  nothave a path to be coupled into transmit audio.Cable  carrying  mic  signal  and  mic  signalground should be shielded.  This prevents thecable  itself  from  acting  as  an  antenna  andcoupling  RF  back  into  mic  audio.    NOTE!Some aftermarket microphones are not wiredwith separate microphone signal grounds andchassis ground.  We recommend separate pinsfor  use  for  mic  negative  signal  and  chassisground as shown in Figure 2.2-2MIC:  (11)To  adjust  the  microphone  gain  simply  pressthe  MIC  button  on  the  Eagle  and  view  theletters MIC on the front display with numbersto the right.  At this time key and speak intothe microphone to adjust  the  MIC  gain. Usethe MULTI knob until the ALC light beginsto flash on voice peaks.  Your Eagle is nowtransmitting  with  proper  ALC  levels  forundistorted SSB operation.   Ten-Tec has  setthe  hardware  microphone  level  toaccommodate the standard hand microphone.If other microphones are used with the Eagle,which  may  need  more  gain,  Ten-Tec  hasprovided  a  hardware  microphone  gaincontrol,  See  Figure  2.2-3.    Setting  themicrophone  gain  around  35-50  and  thenadjusting the trim pot on the left side of  thetransceiver until proper ALC is accomplishedwill  help  make  the  Eagle  flexible  with  amultiple of different style microphones.Figure  2.2-3  Hardware  Mic  Gain  Control  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 16Part #74447Printed in USAVOX:  (29)To toggle the VOX on and off (a secondarybutton function) first  press FNC until buttonand FUNC begin to flash.  Next, press the NBbutton and  you will  see VOX appear on thebottom right side of your screen.  Pressing theNB button each  time turns the  VOX  on  andoff.    Exit  Function  mode  by  pressing  FNCbutton.VOX Settings:  (30)To adjust the VOX gain, Anti VOX and VOXhang (a secondary button function) first pressFNC  until  button  and  FUNC  begin  to  flash.Next,  press  and  hold  for  2  seconds  the  NBbutton.  This will bring you into the series ofVOX settings.  These settings will now togglefrom one to the  other upon pressing the NBbutton.  You can adjust all settings using theMULTI  knob.    After  you  are  satisfied  withyour  VOX  adjustments  you  may  exit  theFunction mode by pressing the FNC button.BW Settings:  (31)Normally  below  1800  Hz  filtering  greatlydiminishes the intelligibility of the side bandaudio.    Above  1800  Hz  will  increase  bandwidth for increased audio fidelity.PBT Settings:  (32)Rotating the PBT control during heavy QRMplus  adjusting  the  filter  Bandwidth  settingwill  greatly  reduce  close  in  interference.Some practice may be necessary to determinethe  most  comfortable  bandwidth  and  PBTsetting when in crowded band conditions.Selecting AUX Audio:  (11)To select from either the microphone input orthe rear audio input (5 pin DIN) simply pressthe  MIC  button  for  3  seconds  and  thedesignated MIC will disappear from the frontscreen.  When this happens, the Aux input isnow  active.    To  switch  back  to  themicrophone  input  simply press  and  hold  theMIC  button  again  for  3  seconds  until  MICappears back on the screen.  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 17Part #74447Printed in USA2.3. CW Mode OperationThe rear panel on the Eagle has a 1/8” stereojack  for  connection  of  a  key  paddle.    SeeFigure 2.3-1 for proper wiring.Figure 2.3-1 CW Key WiringA straight key, bug, or external keyer can beused  with  the  Eagle.    Simply  plug  a  1/8”mono  style  connector  wired  to  your  deviceinto  the  rear  apron  of  the  Eagle,  see  Figure2.3-2.    When  power  is  turned  on  the  Eaglewill detect that mono device automatically.  Ifyou should forget and plug it in after powerhas  been  applied  simply  toggle  the  modebutton once through all modes and back againto CW.The internal keyer built into the Eagle can beadjusted  to  select  the  proper  speed,abbreviated  (SP  xx  on  bottom  left  screencorner),  weighting,  abbreviated  (dit  SP)center of display, side tone level, abbreviated(stl)  center  of  display,  and  side  tonefrequency, abbreviated (stf ) center of display.To begin adjustments you must first be in theCW  mode,  next  press  FNC  until  button  andFUNC  begin  to  flash.    Press  MIC  button  totoggle  through  the  keyer  functions  listedabove.Numerical  adjustments  are  displayed  onscreen and are made using the MULTI knob.Once  you  are  satisfied  you  have  made  theproper adjustments press FNC once again toexit.  All adjustments will remain when Eagleis powered off and back on. Note!Should  a  MASTER  RESET  be  required  thekeyer functions will be lost.  It is often a goodidea to write down your favorite settings so inthe  event  of  a  reset  you  can  input  thosesettings easily.Figure 2.3-2 1/8” Mono Connector Wiring  TEN-TECAF RFMRANSP-CWBWPBTA=BVOXPWRRITAGCPRESQLMON NRMICFNCLOCKATTNFASTBANMOD TUNEA/BNB
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 18Part #74447Printed in USA2.4. AM Mode OperationTo operate the Eagle in AM mode  you musthave the 6 KHz filter installed and you mustselect EA d  in  the configuration  menu.   Seetable  1.7.1  for  a  list  of  the  configurationparameters.  The peak modulated carrier levelwill be set automatically for the power levelyou choose.  As an example 100 watts peak topeak will result in 25 watts of un-modulatedcarrier.2.5. FM Mode OperationTo operate the Eagle in  FM mode  you musthave both installed the 15 KHz filter and youmust select EF d  in  the  configuration  menu.See table 1.7.1 for a list of the configurationparameters.2.6. Mobile OperationThe  Eagle  599  will  lend  itself  to  be  anexcellent  100-watt  mobile  transceiver.    Amobile  bracket  P/N  321  is  available  as  anoptional  accessory.    Ten-Tec  alsorecommends for convenience the optional 9ft.DC  cable  with  power  poles  installed  P/N46213.  Please refer to the ARRL Handbookfor  proper  mobile  wiring  and  antennainstallation techniques.2.7. Digital Mode OperationFor most digital modes of operation you willeither be in USB or LSB.  To set up the Eaglefor digital communications using the Acc rearconnector  you  must  first  turn  on  the  Acc  1line input.Press and hold the MIC button until the wordMIC disappears from the front screen and justthe gain numbers appear on the screen.  Youmay  now  adjust  the  line  level  gain  for  theproper  levels  to  your  computer  or  TNC.Pressing the MIC button one more time willtoggle the line input off and the microphoneinput will be turned back on and the displaywill again show MIC2.8. Internal Hardware NoiseBlankerThe  Eagle  offers  an  optional  model  320Internal  Hardware  Noise  Blanker.  Once  theNoise  Blanker  hardware  is  installed,  go intothe Configuration Menu and enable it.The Noise Blanker can then be turned on andof by using the NB button. The Noise Blankerhas  two  levels  of  settings.  With  the  NoiseBlanker  activated,  press  and  hold  the  NBbutton  for  about  two  seconds.  1  beet  willindicate  normal  setting,  and  2  beeps  willindicate a more aggressive setting. If 3 beepsare  heard,  then  the  Noise  Blanker  has  notbeen turned on in the Configuration Menu.CAUTION:  If  the  Noise  Blanker  is  notinstalled,  but  it  has  been  turned  on  in  theConfiguration Menu, then the Eagle will haveno receive audio when NB is pressed.2.9. Internal TunerThe Eagle offers  an optional  Internal Tuner.Once  the  Auto  Tuner  is  installed,  you  willneed to  go into the Configuration  Menu  andenable it on.The  Eagle  provides  both  a  manual  tunemethod and an auto tune method.To  change  back  and  forth  between  manualtune  mode,  and  auto  tune  mode,  press  andhold  the  TUNE  button  for  about  3  seconds,then you will hear a series of beeps. 2 beepsmeans  that  you  have  the  Internal  Tunerplaced in bypass mode, and you can now tunemanually. 1 beep means that you have placedthe  Internal  Tuner  in  Auto  Tune  mode,  andyou can use it to automatically find a matchinternally.Manual Tune mode is similar to other TenTecradios,  press  the  TUNE  button  when  inManual  Tune  mode,  and  that  will  place  theEagle  into  CW  Mode,  20  Watts,  and  thenenable the transmitter.Auto  Tune  mode  is  also  similar  to  otherTenTec  radios,  press  the  TUNE  buttonmomentarily when in Auto Tune mode, and it
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 19Part #74447Printed in USAwill  start  the  auto  tune  process,  finding  thebest match for the given load on the antenna.2.10. Optional FilterInstallationThe Eagle has three filter slots: Filter Slot 1(F1), Filter Slot 2 (F2), Filter Slot 3 (F3). TheEagle  comes  standard  with  a  2.4KHz  filterinstalled in Filter Slot 1 (F1). Optional filtersare available for the Eagle as follows:Filter Part Number15 KHz 20056 KHz 20031.8 KHz 2000600 Hz 2001300 Hz 2002Table 2.10-1 Optional FiltersThe Filters can be installed in any order intoany of the three Filter Slots F1 through F3.To install new filters:1. Remove  the  4  cover  screws,  2  on  eachside of the Eagle.2. Carefully raise the top cover.3. If necessary, unplug speaker cable locatedon the left side of the main board.4. Set the top cover aside5. Locate  the  Filter  Cover  Plate,  it  isidentified with F1, F2, F3 as seen below.It has two screws holding it down.6. Remove the two screws holding the FilterCover Plate in place.7. You now see the  standard  2.4KHz  Filterinstalled  in  Filter  Slot  1  (F1),  and  twomore filter slots.8. Locate  the  location  to  insert  the  specificfilter into. Refer to Figure 2.10-2. This isaccording to the Filter Cover, and not thecircuit board text. The order is shown onthe Filter Cover as F1, F2, F3 going fromback  of  the  rig  towards  the  front  of  therig.  The  ground  pins  are  easilydistinguished  by  the  way  the  pins  andouter case connect together.  The groundpins will be inserted into the holes for thatfilter closer to the front of the rig. The texton  the  top  of  the  filter  will  then  readproperly from the rear of the radio. If yourfilter  comes  with  the  vibration  barrierattached  to  the  bottom  just  temporarilyremove  this  cover  to  verify  polaritydirection  to  identify  the  ground  locationand re-install vibration barrier.9. Reinstall Filter Cover with the two screwsjust removed.10. If you disconnected the speaker in step 3,then reconnect it now.11. Reinstall the top/bottom covers with the 4screws from step 1.12. Refer to the section on the ConfigurationMenu  on  how  program  the  Eaglefirmware to use this Filter Setup.Figure 2.10-2 Filter Location ShowingGround orientation
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 20Part #74447Printed in USA  Fig 3-1 Eagle Ear Panel3.  Eagle Rear PanelFigure  3-1  Eagle  Rear  Panel(Bold/Underlined  items  are  the  item  #referred to in text)GROUND TERMINAL (34)The wing nut-equipped post is for connectionof  station  ground  or  counterpoise.    See  AWORD  ABOUT  GROUNDING,  page  3secton 1.5.  The ARRL also offers excellentinformation  in  the  ARRL  Handbookconcerning station grounding.ANT (35)The ANT connector is  an  SO-239 jack  usedfor  connection  of  a  coaxial  fed  transceiverantenna, nominal impedance 50 ohms, for useon any band the Eagle covers.EXT SPKR (43)This  jack  is  for  connection  of  an  externalspeaker.    When  connected  using  a  standard1/8” phone plug, the internal speaker in Eagleis  disabled.    Tip  of  the  1/8”  phone  plug  isaudio, sleeve is ground.   Requirements for anexternal  speaker  connected  to  Eagle  isminimum  4  watts  power  handling,  4  ohmsminimum impedance.KEY (36)The rear panel on the Eagle has a 1/8” stereojack  for  connection  of  a  key  paddle.    SeeFigure 2.3-1 for proper wiring.USB (37)The rear panel on the Eagle has a Standard Btype USB  connector.  This  connector  is  usedfor connecting to a PC to perform updates ofthe  firmware,  or  for  logging  or  control  viavarious  available  computer  programs.  Referto  section  Interfacing  to  a  computer  andfirmware updates for more information.DC OUT (38 & 39)The  Eagle  is  equipped  with  two  DC  outputconnectors to power various accessories. Theoutput  power  is  limited  to  0.5  Ampmaximum.IN25AKEYANTUSBACC 1 SPKR EXT13.8VFUSE DCMODEL 599TEN-TEC, INC.SEVIERVILLE, TN MADE IN USAWWW.TENTEC.COMDC OUT.5 A MAX-+FCC ID DJ7-599  This device complies withPart 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may causeundesired operation.
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 21Part #74447Printed in USAACC 1 (40)The  Eagle  is  equipped  with  an  8  pinaccessory  connector.  Refer  to  followingfigure for the pin definitions as viewed fromthe rear panel.Figure 3-2 ACC1 Pin outThe  pin  out  and  function  are  listed  in  thefollowing table:Pin Name /Direction Usage1 Line In /Input Line level Audio inputfrom an accessory device(like a TNC or sound cardfor digital modeoperation.) Selected usingthe front panel MICbutton.2 Ground Grounding3 Aux PTT/ Input In Voice Modes, whengrounded, this pin will keythe radio and begintransmitting. In CWMode, this pin can be usedas a keying input for anexternal device with anexternal keyer or output ofCW sent from a computer.4 Line Out /Output Line Level Audio output.5 Clock /Output Future Use (Do NOTconnect to this pin)6 Enable /Output Future Use (Do NOTconnect to this pin)7 Data /Output Future Use (Do NOTconnect to this pin)8 Amp KeyLine Used to key an externaldevice, such as anAmplifier. Occurs ~15msbefore RF is generated.Table 3-1 ACC1 Pin outIN25AKEYANTUSBACC 1 SPKR EXT13.8VFUSE DCMODEL 599TEN-TEC, INC.SEVIERVILLE, TN MADE IN USAWWW.TENTEC.COMDC OUT.5 A MAX-+FCC ID DJ7-599  This device complies withPart 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may causeundesired operation.
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 22Part #74447Printed in USA4.  Accessory Devices4.1. Using the 712USB/Soundcard InterfaceTo use the 712 soundcard interface for digitalmodes,  connect  the  712  device  between  theAcc-1  connector  and  the  USB  port  on  yourWindows  computer.    Using  your  favoriteaudio generated digital programs can now beused with the Eagle.  Audio adjustments mayneed  to  be  made  using  the  audio  equalizerwithin  your  Windows  software  for  properreceive and transmit ALC levels.4.2. Interfacing to a computerand firmware updatesThe  Eagle  provides  a  standard  USB  2.0interface for two purposes:1. Connection to a PC or other USB Hubdevice for control or logging or monitoringpurposes.2. Connection to a PC for firmware updatesusing the standard TenTec upgrade utility.The  physical  interface  used  to  connect  withthe Eagle is a standard USB cable. A standardUSB cable will have a type A connector forthe  computer  /  Hub  and  a  USB  type  Bconnector for the Eagle.The software interface for the Eagle uses thestandard  usbser.sys  driver  supplied  withwindows  up  through  Windows  7.  Thereforeno special drivers or programs are required toupdate or communicate with the Eagle otherthan the standard Update program supplied byTenTec.    However,  a  “.inf”  file  supplied  byMicrochip  is  required  to  inform  Windowshow to utilize the standard usbser.sys file.This  “.inf”  file  is  available  via  the  TenTecdownload  web  page,  starting  fromwww.tentec.com.The steps to follow to install the USB drivervary depending upon the version of Windowsyou  are  using.  Some  versions  of  Windowsallow you to “browse” to a driver or .inf file,some  don’t.  If  your  Windows  allows  this,then the first set of steps is the best method ofinstalling  the  driver.  If  it  doesn’t,  then  thesecond  set  of  steps  is  the  best  method  ofinstalling the driver.The  steps  to  install  the  driver  for  mostWindows versions up through some WindowsVista versions is as follows (Note: dependingupon your security settings, you may need todo  this  using  an  account  with  administratorprivileges.):1) Download the cdc_NTXPVista.inf filefrom the TenTec web site to your desktop.2) Power on the Eagle.3) Connect the USB cable between the Eagleand the PC.4) When prompted Select "Browse MyComputer For Driver Software".5) Select "Let Me Pick From a List ofDrivers".6) Select the HAVE DISK button. Thennavigate to you desktop and select thecdc_NTXPVista.inf file.7) After a few seconds you MAY bepresented with a list of several items,including USB to RS232, USB to UART,Select USB to UART.You should now receive the "Device driver isinstalled  and  working  properly"  dialog  andthe device will show up in the PORTS list ofthe Device Manager.The steps to install the driver for Windows 7and  some  Windows  Vista  installations  is  asfollows (Note: depending upon your security
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 23Part #74447Printed in USAsettings,  you  may  need  to  do  this  using  anaccount with administrator privileges.):1) Download the cdc_NTXPVista.inf filefrom the TenTec web site to your desktop.2) Power on the Eagle.3) Connect the USB cable between the Eagleand the PC.4) When you notice that Windows 7 hasannounced it has found a new device, click onthe box to watch the progress.5) Once the box shows that no driver wasfound, close the box.6) Go to Device Manager (in Windows 7,click on Start, Select Control Panel, andSelect Device Manager).7) Double Click on other devices to show“SERIAL DEMO”.8) Click the right mouse key on “SERIALDEMO”9) Select Update Driver Software.10) Select the Browse my computer for driversoftware.11) Select Browse to go to the folder yousaved the cdc_NTXPVista.inf file from step 1above.12) Click on Next.13) When Windows Security pops up andstates “Windows can’t verify the publisher ofthis driver software”, select “Install thisdriver software anyway.14) When Windows comes back with awindow that states “Windows hassuccessfully…” showing a “USB to UART”,make note of the title bar that shows the comport being used, e.g. “USB to UART(COM6)”. You may now click Close, andhave installed the driver successfully. Youshould note that the “SERIAL DEMO”device is no longer visible, but a “USB toUART (COMx)” is now visible in the “Ports(COM & LPT)” section of Device Manager.You may now close Device Manager andControl Panel.If at any time you need to see what “port” theEagle  is  connected  to,  go  back  into  DeviceManager, expand the "Ports (COM & LPT)"selection, and you should see "USB to UART(COMx)".  Note  the  x  in  the  COMx  that  isreported  by  Device  Manager.  You  will  usethis number when running cat programs, theupdate.exe program, etc.If  required,  you  can  change  the  actual  portnumber  being  used  to  a  lower  number  ifrequired.  Sometimes  the  update  program  onsome  computers  will  require  a  port  numberlower  than  10.  To  do  so,  double  click  theUSB  to  UART  (COMx)  text,  go  to  portsettings,  select  advanced,  and  select  adifferent  COM  Port  Number  from  the  pulldown box. It may display a warning message,if  it  does,  confirm/ok  the  change.  ClickOK/Confirm/etc.  until  all  windows  areclosed.  Disconnect  the  Eagle,  wait  a  fewseconds, reconnect the Eagle, and you shouldsee the new port number in Device Manager.NOTE: when you plug the USB cable into adifferent  USB  port  on  the  PC,  it  will  mostlikely get a new COMx port number defined.Be aware of this when reconnecting the USBcable to  the  computer  so  that  you  can set  itproperly  in  the  computer  program  that  youare using to communicate with the Eagle.
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 24Part #74447Printed in USAThe latest version of the transceiver is alwaysavailable from our firmware update site.To  upgrade  your  transceiver,  visit  thewww.tentec.com  web  site  and  click  on“Downloads”, then  select  “599  Downloads”.A  link  will  be  available  with  the  latestfirmware  version.    This  link  will  be  titledwith  the  available  version  number  of  thefirmware.    Example:    “Firmware  Version1.585”.  The  Date  of  the  file  will  also  beshown.Here is the sequence of steps to follow oncethe  .exe  file  has  been  downloaded  from  theDownloads web page for the Eagle/599.1) Turn Transceiver OFF.2) Turn Transceiver ON to verify that theEagle has appropriate power. E.g. the Eaglesfront panel display shows the normalindicators and frequencies.3) Turn Transceiver back OFF.4) Connect a PC to the transceiver using astandard USB cable. (Note, if alreadyconnected, disconnect for a second or two,then reconnect, helps computers that don’t“disconnect” the USB driver unless it isphysically disconnected)5) Turn the Transceiver ON while holdingdown the "A/B" button.Wait a few seconds. NOTE: There currentlyis no feedback that the rig is on.Hence the reason for steps 1, 2, 3 above, justto verify that the Eagle has power and isoperational.4) Start the Update program5) Select the COM port to which theTransceiver is attached.6) Choose UPDATE under the PROCESSmenu.7) Select the RUF file under the ProcessMenu.8) The program will update the radio andreport any errors encountered.During the update process there is no activityon the 599 Eagle to indicate progress.The only feedback is from the updateprogram to confirm that lines are gettingsent/programmed.9) When finished, the 599 Eagle will restartand run the new firmware.4.3. List of OptionalAccessories For The EagleThe  Eagle  permits  the  usage  of  severaloptional accessories. At the time this manualwas  printed,  the  list  includes  the  followingitems:Item Part/ModelNumber15 KHz Filter 20056 KHz Filter 20031.8 KHz Filter 2000600 Hz Filter 2001300 Hz Filter 2002Auto Tuner Kit AT599KNoise Blanker Kit 320Mobile  MountingBracket 3219  Ft  DC  Cablewith Power Poles 46213Table 4.3-1 Optional Accessories
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 25Part #74447Printed in USA5.  Specifications5.1. Transceiver SpecificationsGENERALMicrophone Connector:  8-PinHeadphone Jack:  1/4” MonoExternal CW Key Jack:  1/8 “ StereoExternal Speaker Jack:  1/8” MonoAux DC Output Connector:  RCA x2Frequency Range TX:  Ham Bands Only (160-6M)ACC Din Connector:  8 PIN DIN Connector - Line In, Line Out, Aux PTT, Ext Key,Clock/Data/Enable, GroundDC Power Connector:  Power PoleFuse:  Automotive Blade Style Fuse, 25 Amp 32VFrequency Range RX:  500 kHz – 30 MHz and 50 – 54MHz. Specifications apply within AmateurRadio bands only.Tuning Step Size:  1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000Frequency Stability:  Maximum +/- 0.5 PPM over operating temperatureAntenna Impedance:  50 ohms nominal.Antenna Connectors:  1 x SO-239 transceiveModes:  USB, LSB, CW, AM (optional), FM (optional)Memories:  100Frequency Accuracy:  ±5Hz @25°C, 1 Hz tuning resolutionSupply Voltage Range:  13.8V +/-15%Operating Temp. Range:  0-50 degrees CelsiusDimensions (HxWxD):  2.9” x 8.5” x 10.25” (excluding knobs and connectors)Weight: 7.25 lbs with all optionsConstruction: Molded plastic front panel, aluminum chassis and texture painted steelcoversPC Control Port: USB (using FTDI USB to UART Driver)Display:  Custom FSTN monochrome LCDDisplay Backlight: 256 colors X 16 intensity levels
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 26Part #74447Printed in USARECEIVERSSB Sensitivity:  0.5uV, 2.4khz, 10dB SINAD, preamp offAM Sensitivity: 1.3uV, 30% Mod, 6kHz BW, 10dB SINAD, preamp offFM Sensitivity: 2.2uV, 5kHz Dev, 16kHz BW, 10dB SINAD, preamp offSelectivity IF1: 2.4khz standard, 9.0015 MHz, 2 optionsSelectivity IF2: 30 KHz Lowpass filterSelectivity, DSP IF: 127 built-in DSP filters from 100-15000 Hz BW.IP3 (Third Order Intercept Point): 21.5dBm/20kHz tone separation, 19.5dBm/2kHz, preamp offIMD3 Dynamic Range: 100dB/20kHz, 99dB/2kHz, 300Hz BW, preamp offBlocking Dynamic Range: 141dB/20kHz, 130dB/2kHz, 500 Hz BW, preamp offLO Phase Noise: -132dBc/Hz@20kHz, -121dBc/Hz@2kHzNoise Floor: -137dBm/300Hz BW, preamp onImage Rejection: 1st IF: >90dB/HF bands,>70dB/6M2nd IF: >73dBIF Frequencies: 1st:9.0015 MHz, 2nd:22.5 kHz, 3rd:0Hz (DSP)IF Rejection: >70dBOther Spurious Response RejectionRejection: >80dB; Birdies: <-100dBm equivalent*Pass Band Tuning: +/- 2.1kHz, 5Hz steps.  Small dead zone for centeringAttenuator: 10 dbPreAmp: 12 dbAudio Output: 2W into 4 ohms, <3% THDRIT range: +/- 8.2 kHzRIT Step size: 10HzS-Meter Reference: S9 = 50 uV RMSTX>RX Recovery Time: < 20 msRX Headphone Output: Designed for 16-32 ohms impedance headphones. Usable at 8 ohmsAUX Audio Output: 500 mvAuto Notch: IF DSP, multi-toneRX Noise Reduction: IF DSP, adjustableNoise Blanker: Optional HW, 2 levels of blankingRX Current Drain: 1.25 Amps# of IF DSP Filters:  127 built-in DSP filters from 100-15000 Hz BW.General Coverage Receive: degraded specs outside ham bands
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 27Part #74447Printed in USATRANSMITTERRF Power Output: Adjustable, 5-100 W, +/- 1 dBCW & SSB Duty Cycle: continuous service @ 100WAM,FM,AFSK,PSK Duty Cycle:continuous service @100W, 50% duty cycle (Tx/Rx)AM TX Bandwidth: 6kMicrophone Input Impedance: >10 k-ohms at 1 kHzMicrophone Sensitivity: 1 mV RMS for full power output, internal gain adjustment, 9v dc power forelectret elementsFM Deviation: +/- 5 kHz peak nominalAUX Level Input: variable, 200mV nominalSSB Carrier Supression: > 70 dBUnwanted Sideband Suppression: > 60 dB at 1 kHzHarmonic & Spurious Outputs: <-50dBc @100 W <30MHz; -60dB >30MHz; -43 dB <5 WT/R Switching: PTT or VOX on SSB, AM, FM, QSK on CWCW Keyer Type: Internal Curtis Mode BCW Rise and Fall Times: 5msCW Offset:  adjustableCW Keyer Speed:  5-60 WPM, adjustable weightingCurrent Drain:  transmit 20 amps typ.Third Order Intermod: Better than 25dB below peakSSB Generation:  DSP Generated# of DSP generated TX bandwidths: 3 built-in DSP filters - automatically selected based on mode – forCW/SSB = 2.4Khz; for optional AM = 6Khz; for optional FM = 12KHz(Note, this also means that the 6KHz filter is required for AM transmit, andthe 15KHz filter is required for FM transmit, otherwise transmit is notpermitted)ANTENNA TUNERType:  Reversible L-networkMatching frequency range:  160 to 10 Meters, no Six MetersMatching impedance range: 10:1 SWR typicalOPTIONS4 Pole Roofing Filters:  2.4K standard, optional = 300, 600, 1.8k, 6k, 15kNoise Blanker: daughter board module
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 28Part #74447Printed in USA5.2. Transceiver Block Diagram
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 29Part #74447Printed in USAFCC ComplianceNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult Ten-Tec service for technical assistance (865) 428-0364
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 30Part #74447Printed in USA6.  In Case of DifficultyWhile  we  cannot  cover  every  possibleproblem, here are some hints for dealing withsome  potential  difficulties.    Check  theobvious.    Is  your  dc  power  source  okay?Check power supply, cable and connector(s).Is  the  25  ampere  fuse  loose  or  missing?Antenna problems?  Try a dummy load.  Is aproper  antenna  connected?                Is  anyexternal  antenna  switch  connected  andproperly  set?  Have  you  double-checked  theEagle’s many control settings, including thosein the Configuration menu, for your intendedmode  of  operation?  Have  you  checked  howthe  optional  Filter’s  are  installed  andconfirmed  their  installation  ordering  versusthe Configuration Menu?Problem:  No audio from receiverIs the AUDIO (AF) turned up?Is RF GAIN turned down (receiver will mute,and  S-meter  will  read  a  higher  value  thanband noise).Is  squelch  activated?    SQL  will  appear  inblock letters on the screen.  Press FNC thenFAST/SQL and check SQUELCH level.Is the speaker wire internal to the rig brokenor  disconnected?    (Have  you  pulled  thecovers off recently?)  Try headphones to seeif audio returns.Is NR off?  Under some circumstances, noisereduction  can  cover  band  noise  completely,leading the user to think no audio is comingfrom the speaker.Problem: Distorted SSB transmitBe certain the mic gain is set properly.  TheALC  LED  should  flash  on  voice  peaks,  butnot remain continuously lit in SSB modes.Check  the  setting  of  the  speech  processor.An excessively high setting can reduce audioquality.A frequent cause of a distorted SSB signal isinadequate  RF  grounding  resulting  in  RFfeedback.  Common RF grounding problemsare no ground connection, or too long a leadto a good ground.   Many problems relate tothe  lack  of  an  RF  station  ground,  ascontrasted  with  a  safety  ground  connection.We  recommend  bonding  all  equipmentchassis together with short heavy metal braidor  strap.    Make  these  connections  fromchassis ground lug to chassis ground lug andconnect the last piece in the chain feeding theantenna  to  a  good  earth  ground.  This  leadneeds to be as short as possible.  Lengths near¼  wavelength  on  any  band  used  can  beparticularly troublesome when the far end  isconnected to earth.Another  potential  cause  of  distorted  SSBarises when the station is in the near field ofthe  antenna.      This  is  a  problem  manyapartment dwellers face.Distorted  SSB  transmit  can  result  fromchassis  ground  and  signal  ground  from  themicrophone being tied together to a commonconnection.  This is a common problem withthird-party microphones.   Assure  the  chassisground  and  signal  ground  from  themicrophone is separated.Problem:  Transceiver power shuts offwhile transmittingThe  Eagle  is  equipped  with  a  silicon-controlled  rectifier  that  opens  if  the  PAcurrent draw exceeds an instantaneous powerof approximately 30 amps.  This will shut offpower  to  the  transceiver.    Excessive  currentdraw  can  indicate  a  problem  with  excessiveSWR  due  to  antenna  or  feedline  problems.Power to the radio can be restored by cyclingthe  power  switch  and  off  or  the  13.8  Vdcsource on and off.
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 31Part #74447Printed in USAProblem:  No transmit, receive OK.Are you trying to transmit outside of the HamBand?Is the gain setting correct for the microphoneinput or ACC 1 jack as appropriate?Is  the  POWER  control  turned  all  the  waydown?  Press PWR and check.If no transmit in digital modes, are you sure aPTT  signal is  being sent  from  your  TNC  orcomputer  to  the  appropriate  jack  on  theEagle?Are the internal fans running at maximum? Ifso,  then  this  could  indicate  the  Eagle  has  afinal amplifier temperature of 70 degrees C orhigher.  In  this  condition,  the  radio  will  stoptransmitting  for  until  the  final  amplifiertemperature  is  back  down  to  a  reasonablelevel.Problem:  Get a “PORT in use” whentrying to run my favorite logging orcomputer control program or when tryingto update the firmware.Have you confirmed the proper port numberin  Device  Manager?  Remember  that  whenconnecting the USB cable to the USB port onthe  computer,  every  time  you  connect  theUSB cable  into  a different  USB  port  on  thecomputer, it will have a different  COM portnumber.  You  can  verify  this  in  DeviceManager. It is possible that the USB port wasused  previously  and  for  some  reasonWindows  has not  released it  for use.  In  thisinstance, disconnect  the  USB  cable  at  eitherthe  computer  end  or  the  Eagle  end,  exit  theprogram  you  are  trying  to  use,  wait  a  fewseconds, then reinstall the cable and then re-start the program you were trying to use.If  the  above  do  not  solve  your  problem,please  consult  with  our  service  department(865) 428-0364 or service@tentec.com
599 / Eagle Users manual Release 1.002  – September 27, 2010 32Part #74447Printed in USA7.  Warranty & Return PolicyWarranty policy for Ten-Tec products is covered in the gold color page located on the last page ofthis manual.FOR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BY TEN-TEC:  Ten-Tec factory built radio equipment issold under a 30 day risk-free trial period.  Any piece of equipment manufactured by Ten-Tec maybe returned, undamaged, within 30 days of purchase for a full purchase price refund, less shippingcharges (customer pays shipping both ways).If you want to return a piece of equipment purchased from Ten-Tec, please call the salesdepartment at (865) 453-7172 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, Mon-Fri and obtain a returnmerchandise authorization number.  Calling in advance for an RMA number allows us to quicklyprocess your return and refund once your item arrives.  Ship return items with letter enclosed insidethe box noting the RMA number and your name, address, and telephone number.  Return items areshipped to Ten-Tec., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA.8.  Revision HistoryDate Version Section ItemSeptember 22, 2010 1.001 All Initial Production Release VersionSeptember 27, 2010 1.002 8.0 Revision History Added Revision History5.1 Transceiver Specifications Modified Frequency Range RX to actual.

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