Tenvis Technology Co MJCAMERA IP Camera User Manual

Tenvis Technology Co Ltd IP Camera Users Manual

User Manual

I.I.I.I. LoginLoginLoginLogin ScreenScreenScreenScreena、You can choose IE 、Firefox or other mobile devices to view the video :b、For IE browser, please download and install the Active X, after that, you can view thevideo.
c、Language selection (when choose“Auto”, it will automatically be compatible withyour computer language ) :II.II.II.II. LiveLiveLiveLive VideoVideoVideoVideoa. Click the button : ” Home ” button at left, we can back to previous interface. 。b. At right, there are multi-live setting, pan/tilt, image setting, two-way audio, video record,snapshot button. MultipleMultipleMultipleMultiple ChannelsChannelsChannelsChannels SelectionSelectionSelectionSelection
a、Please add your devices based on the quantity you have before selecting multi-live devices,red arrow area is for different cameras you have.b、Red arrow directing area is for 1,4,9 windows.c、Select the related camera, you could make snapshots, recording or settings. PTZPTZPTZPTZ andandandand PresetPresetPresetPreset Position.Position.Position.Position.a. U p,down, left & right arrow is for controlling the pan/tilt, double arrows and ring arrow is usedfor cruising.b. S stands for preset position, click it then you will see the preset position settings, the numberstands for current position.,
c、Click GO and will appear the choice of preset position, you can choose the position you ’ d like. ResolutionResolutionResolutionResolution SelectionSelectionSelectionSelection :a. Resolution ratio ,3 choices, they are 640 ×480 、320 ×240 、160 ×120
b. Frame rate have 30 、25 、20,total 3 modes you could choose. 。 GraphicGraphicGraphicGraphic AdjustmentAdjustmentAdjustmentAdjustmentYoucould choose flip vertical, flip horizontal , brightness adjusting and contrast.Youcould restwith clicking the default. Record,Record,Record,Record, Snapshot,Snapshot,Snapshot,Snapshot, andandandand Two-wayTwo-wayTwo-wayTwo-way AudioAudioAudioAudio
a、Youcould click related button to get such function upside.b、After you make the snapshots, please click save button the red arrow direct. Then select thestorage area on your computer.c、Click record and then you will see a red point on the right up-side, that means it’s recordingnow. Short-cutShort-cutShort-cutShort-cut ButtonsButtonsButtonsButtons
When mouse is using at the windows, there will appear the short-cut buttons, From left toright: Pause/Play ;Record ;Alarm stop ;Wide &narrow screen switching.III.III.III.III. ParameterParameterParameterParameter SettingSettingSettingSetting
Click the red arrow directing area, you will see the device information there. AlarmAlarmAlarmAlarm SettingSettingSettingSettinga、Set the motion detection and voice alarm, pictures can be sent to mail box or FTP server.Besides, can record video when alarm.b、On the menu, we also provide motion detection sensitivity adjustment and preset setting whenalarm.c、Youalso could choose daily schedule there.d、After finish the setting, please store your settings then could works. E-E-E-E- mmmm ailailailail SettingSettingSettingSetting
a、Please enter write sender’and receiver’s email in the proper area. Please add ; when havemany email addresses there.b、SMTP Server is the same as the sender’s email SMTP .c、SMTP port is 25.d、User name and password please use the sender’s information there.e、After finishing entering, please save it to make the setting work.Youcould make a test tocheck whether it works or not. FTPFTPFTPFTP SettingSettingSettingSetting
a、Please enter right sever address for theFTP.在FTPb、FTP port is 21.c、User name and password is the same as you use on FTP.d. Upload the menu and make it as your save menu.e. After the filling, please save it and then the setting works.Youcould make a test on it to checkif it works. RecordRecordRecordRecord PPPP arameterarameterarameterarametera、Click the recording and alarm route , you could change the rout there.b、Recording quality edit box could change the quality of the video, please save it after thesettings. NetworkNetworkNetworkNetwork SettingSettingSettingSetting
a、Youcould change the device name on the name edit box.b、If your network support DHCP service, please click dynamic obtaining IP address, the camerawill automatic obtaining the IP address.c、IP address edit frame shows the current IP address if the device, you could modify it there..d、S ubnet mask edit box shows the current device subnet mask, you could revise it there.e、Default edit box shows the current gateway, you could revise it theref、WEB port edit box shows the current device’s WEB. you could revise it there WEBg、Please circle UPNP, it can make the camera automatically achieve port forwarding to yourwireless router, connect your router to achieve internet view. your wireless router also shouldhave UPNP function.h、After finishing, please remember to save it to make it effect. WIFIWIFIWIFIWIFI SettingSettingSettingSettingIP camera supports WIFI:IEEE802.11b/g
a、Click scan, and you will see the Wifi there, choose your own Wifi and connect it.b、Choose the right Security Mode andWPAAlgorithms and then you will see pass phraseand then enter the Wifi password, click apply and then works.
c. If disconnect, it shows red circle, when succeed, it shows green circle.d.All the settings upside need be the same as you set on your router, please check your acess pointor the manual book of the router to check it or consult the web administrator . DDNSDDNSDDNSDDNSDynamic realm name is used as a static realm name to visit a dynamic one. W h en you access toISP network, the device will get a temporary dynamic IP address,the dynamic real name willtrack the address . Even the address changed, you also could use a static realm to visit thisdevice from remote.a、Built in DDNS is what we offer you on the gift box,, user name and the passwords.b、If you want to setting the DDNS yourself, please setting them on the third part DDNS settingarea to select the right sever and then enter the right account, command and realm name. Saveit and then works.c、If you need internet to visit the camera, please open UPNP or open the port on the router, youcould refer to the manual book and also consult the webmaster. Multi-liveMulti-liveMulti-liveMulti-live ChannelsChannelsChannelsChannels SettingSettingSettingSetting
Add other cameras and click the area the photos shows and enter the right IP Address or realmname, port, user name, password, and they save it.Youcould click the multi graphics there. CameraCameraCameraCamera BasicBasicBasicBasic StatusStatusStatusStatusShow device info. PTZPTZPTZPTZ SettingSettingSettingSetting
Enable or disable PTZ function, preset position, adjust PTZ initial position or PTZ speed. SystemSystemSystemSystem SettingSettingSettingSettinga、Derive setting could help you make the backup fileb、Lead-in could choose backup file and recover it.c、Recover the factory setting would empty any settings you have and come back to the originalfactory default. TimeTimeTimeTime SettingSettingSettingSetting
User could choose the time as the PC, you also could choose time zone, internet time and theadjustment. Click save to make it work. SystemSystemSystemSystem LogLogLogLogCheck the system log. SystemSystemSystemSystem LanguageLanguageLanguageLanguage
Youcould choose the operation language and operation window as youer choice15.15.15.15. ModifyModifyModifyModify PasswordPasswordPasswordPasswordModify current password. UserUserUserUser ManagementManagementManagementManagement
a. Administrator could operate, add, cancel the userb. There have 3 authorities for this camera: Visitor, operator, administrator.1.Visitor: Only watch couldn ’ t do other operations.2.Operator :Only could Watch, control the PAN/TILT.3. Administrator: Could whole control of your camera. FirmwareFirmwareFirmwareFirmware UpgradingUpgradingUpgradingUpgradingUser could choose right firmware to upgrade your camera. RebootRebootRebootReboot SystemSystemSystemSystem
Click rebooting button and reboot the camera19.19.19.19. RRRR ealealealeal ---- timetimetimetime MMMM onitoringonitoringonitoringonitoringClick the real time monitoring and back to the video page.
FCC STA TEMENT1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user ’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposurelimits, Human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normaloperation.

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