The House of Marley EMFE053SB Bluetooth Earbuds User Manual

The House of Marley.LLC Bluetooth Earbuds

user manual

WARRANTY INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONSsuivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.The device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102 and compliance with RSS-102 RF exposure, users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance. Le dispositif rencontre l’exemption des limites courantes d’évaluation dans la section 2.5 de RSS 102 et la conformité à l’exposition de RSS-102 rf, utilisateurs peut obtenir l’information canadienne sur l’exposition et la conformité de rf.BATTERY REPLACEMENT STATMENT IN EUROPEYour Voyage includes a rechargeable battery designed to last the lifetime of the product. In the unlikely event that you should require a replacement battery please contact Customer Services who will supply details of the warranty and out-of-warranty replacement battery service.BATTERY DIRECTIVEThis symbol indicates that batteries must not be disposed of in the domestic waste as they contain substances which can be damaging to the environment and health. Please dispose of batteries in designated collection points.WEEE EXPLANATIONThis marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. Hereby, HoMedics Group Ltd, declares that this audio device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ FR VOYAGE BTLIRE TOUTES LES INSTRUCTIONS AVANT UTILISATION. LES CONSERVER POUR POUVOIR LES CONSULTER ULTÉRIEUREMENT. REMPLACEMENT DES PILESVotre enceinte Voyage comprend une batterie rechargeable conçue pour durer aussi longtemps que le produit. Dans le cas improbable où vous seriez obligé de recourir à une batterie de rechange, veuillez contacter le Service Clientèle qui vous informera sur la garantie de votre produit et le remplacement hors garantie.DIRECTIVE RELATIVE AUX PILES ET AUX ACCUMULATEURSCe symbole indique que les piles et les accumulateurs ne doivent  pas être jetés avec les déchets ménagers car ils contiennent des substances pouvant être préjudiciables pour la santé humaine et l’environnement. Veuillez utiliser les points de collecte mis à disposition pour vous débarrasser des piles et accumulateurs usagés.Explication WEEELe symbole indique que le produit ne doit pas être éliminé avec les autres déchets ménagers dans toute l’Union Européenne. L’élimination incontrôlée des déchets pouvant porter préjudice à l’environnement ou à la santé humaine, veuillez le recycler de façon responsable. Vous favoriserez ainsi la réutilisation durable des ressources matérielles. HoMedics Group Ltd déclare par la présente que ce périphérique audio est conforme aux exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive 1999/5/CE.Pour obtenir un exemplaire de la Déclaration de conformité, s’adresser à HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ NL VOYAGE BTALLE INSTRUCTIES LEZEN ALVORENS HET PRODUCT IN GEBRUIK TE NEMEN. DEZE INSTRUCTIES ZORGVULDIG BEWAREN. BATTERIJEN VERVANGENDe Voyage komt met een oplaadbare batterij die is ontworpen om net zolang als het product zelf mee te gaan. In het onwaarschijnlijke geval dat u een nieuwe batterij nodig hebt, kunt u contact opnemen met de klantendienst. De medewerkers van de klantendienst zullen u dan informatie geven over het vervangen van batterijen, al dan niet uit hoofde van garantie.RICHTLIJN INZAKE BATTERIJENDit symbool betekent dat batterijen niet met het huisvuil weggeworpen mogen worden, omdat ze stoen bevatten die schadelijk kunnen zijn voor het milieu en de gezondheid. Lever batterijen op een aangewezen inzamelpunt in.UITLEG OVER AEEADeze markering geeft aan dat dit product binnen de EU niet met ander huisvuil mag worden weggeworpen. Om eventuele schade aan het milieu of de menselijke gezondheid door het ongecontroleerd wegwerpen van afval te voorkomen, dient dit apparaat op verantwoorde wijze gerecycled te worden om duurzaam hergebruik van materiaalbronnen te bevorderen.HoMedics Group Ltd verklaart hierbij dat dit audioapparaat voldoet aan de essentiële vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EG.Een kopie van de conformiteitsverklaring kan worden verkregen via HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ IT VOYAGE BTLEGGERE INTEGRALMENTE LE PRESENTI ISTRUZIONI PRIMA DELL’USO. CONSERVARE LE PRESENTI ISTRUZIONI PER CONSULTAZIONI SUCCESSIVE.SOSTITUZIONE DELLA BATTERIAIl tuo sistema Voyage include una batteria ricaricabile la cui durata corrisponde alla vita utile del prodotto. Nella remota eventualità che ti occorra una batteria di ricambio, contatta il Servizio Clienti che ti fornirà i dettagli del servizio relativo alla batteria sostitutiva in garanzia e non in garanzia.DIRETTIVA RELATIVA ALLE BATTERIEQuesto simbolo indica che le batterie devono essere smaltite separatamente dai riuti domestici poiché contengono sostanze potenzialmente nocive per l’ambiente e la salute umana. Smaltire le batterie negli appositi centri di raccolta.SPIEGAZIONE DIRETTIVA RAEEQuesto simbolo indica che il prodotto non deve essere smaltito assieme agli altri riuti domestici in tutti i Paesi dell’Unione Europea. Al ne di evitare un eventuale danno ambientale e alla salute umana derivante dallo smaltimento dei riuti non controllato, riciclare il prodotto  in maniera responsabile per promuovere il riutilizzo sostenibile delle  risorse materiali.Con la presente, HoMedics Group Ltd, dichiara che questo dispositivo audio è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e ad altre norme rilevanti della Direttiva 1999/5/CE. È possibile richiedere una copia della Dichiarazione di conformità scrivendo all’indirizzo HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ ES VOYAGE BTLEA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES ANTES DE USAR. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA REFERENCIA FUTURA. REEMPLAZO DE BATERÍASSu Voyage incluye una batería recargable diseñada para funcionar durante la vida útil del producto. En el improbable caso de que necesite un reemplazo de batería, comuníquese con Servicios al Cliente, donde le suministrarán los detalles del servicio de reemplazo de baterías con garantía y sin garantía.DIRECTIVA RELATIVA A LAS PILASEste símbolo indica que las pilas no se deben eliminar con la basura doméstica ya que contienen sustancias que pueden ser perjudiciales para el medio ambiente y la salud. Deshágase de las pilas en los puntos de recogida que existen para ese n.EXPLICACIÓN RAEEEste símbolo indica que este artículo no se debe tirar a la basura con otros residuos domésticos en ningún lugar de la UE. A n de prevenir los efectos perjudiciales que la eliminación sin control de los residuos puede tener sobre el medio ambiente o la salud de las personas, le rogamos que los recicle de forma responsable para fomentar la reutilización sostenible de los recursos materiales.Por la presente, HoMedics Group Ltd declara que este dispositivo de audio está en conformidad con los requisitos esenciales y otras disposiciones relevantes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Si desea una copia de la declaración de conformidad, solicítela a HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ FIN VOYAGE BTLUE KAIKKI OHJEET ENNEN KÄYTTÖÄ. SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEET TULEVAA TARVETTA VARTEN. TÄRKEÄT VAROTOIMENPITEET: AKUN VAIHTOVoyage -kaiuttimessa on ladattava akku, joka on suunniteltu kestämään yhtä pitkään kuin itse kaiutin. Jos akku kuitenkin täytyy vaihtaa, ota yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun, mistä saat tiedot takuun piiriin kuuluvan akun ja takuun ulkopuolisen akun korvaavasta toimituspalvelusta.AKKUJA KOSKEVA DIREKTIIVITämä symboli tarkoittaa, että akkuja ei saa hävittää talousjätteiden mukana, koska ne sisältävät aineita, jotka voivat olla vahingollisia ympäristölle ja terveydelle. Vie akut niille tarkoitettuihin keräyspisteisiin.WEEE-SELITYSTämä merkki tarkoittaa, että tätä tuotetta ei saa hävittää muiden talousjätteiden mukana missään EUmaassa. Kontrolloimattomasta jätteiden hävittämisestä mahdollisesti aiheutuvien ympäristöhaittojen tai terveysvaarojen estämiseksi hävitä tämä tuote vastuullisesti edistääksesi materiaalivarojen uudelleenkäyttöä.Por la presente, HoMedics Group Ltd declara que este dispositivo de audio está en conformidad con los requisitos esenciales y otras disposiciones relevantes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. Si desea una copia de la declaración de conformidad, solicítela a HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ DE VOYAGE BTLESEN SIE SICH VOR DER BENUTZUNG ALLE HINWEISE GUT DURCH. BEWAHREN SIE DIESE HINWEISE GUT AUF. BATTERIEWECHSELIhr Voyage enthält eine wiederauadbare Batterie, die für die gesamte Lebensdauer der Lautsprecher halten sollte. In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass Sie die Batterie ersetzen müssen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kundendienst, der Sie über die Einzelheiten zum Ersatz der Batterie im Garantiefall und außerhalb der Garantie informieren wird.BATTERIE RICHTLINIEDieses Symbol weist darauf hin, dass die Batterien nicht mit dem gewöhnlichen Hausmüll entsorgt werden dürfen, da sie Stoe enthalten, die sich auf Umwelt und Gesundheit schädlich auswirken können. Entsorgen Sie die Batterien bitte an den hierfür vorgesehenen Sammelstellen.WEEE-ERKLÄRUNGDiese Kennzeichnung weist darauf hin, dass dieses Produkt innerhalb der EU nicht mit anderem Hausmüll entsorgt werden soll. Damit durch unkontrollierte Abfallentsorgung verursachte mögliche Umwelt- oder Gesundheitsschäden verhindert werden können, entsorgen Sie dieses Produkt bitte ordnungsgemäß und fördern Sie damit eine nachhaltige Wiederverwendung der Rohstoe.Hiermit erklärt die HoMedics Group Ltd., dass dieses Audio-Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen und anderen entsprechenden Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG geliefert wird. Eine Kopie der Konformitätserklärung ist über HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ erhältlich. TR VOYAGE BTKULLANMADAN ÖNCE TÜM TALİMATLARI OKUYUN. BU TALİMATLARI DAHA SONRA BAŞVURMAK ÜZERE SAK.PIL DEĞIŞTIRMEVoyage’ınızda, ürünün ömrü boyunca yetecek şekilde tasarlanmış şarj edilebilir pil bulunmaktadır. Pili değiştirmenizin gerekmesi durumunda, lütfen, size garanti kapsamı ve garanti kapsamı dışında olan pil değiştirme hizmet detaylarını verecek Müşteri Hizmetleriyle temasa geçin.PIL DIREKTIFIBu sembol, çevreye ve sağlığa karşı zararlı olabilen maddeler içerebileceği için pillerin ev atığıyla atılmaması gerektiği gösterir. lütfen, pilleri belirtilen toplama noktalarına atın.WEEE AÇIKLAMASIBu işaret bu ürünün AB genelinde diğer ev atıklarıyla birlikte atılmaması gerektiğini belirtir. Kontrolsüz atığın çevre veya insan sağlığına olası zararları engellemek için sorumlu bir şekilde geri dönüştürülmesini ve malzeme kaynaklarının sürdürebilir şekilde yeniden kullanılmasını sağlayın.İş bu vesileyle, HoMedics Group Ltd, bu ses cihazının 1999/5/EC Yönergesinin temel gereksinimleri ve diğer ilgili hükümleriyle uyumlu olduğunu beyan eder. Uygunluk Beyanı’nın bir kopyası HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ adresinden temin edilebilir. SV VOYAGE BTLÄS DESSA INSTRUKTIONER OCH BEHÅLL DEM FÖR ENKEL REFERENS.LÄS ALLA INSTRUKTIONERNA FÖRE ANVÄNDNING. SPARA DESSA INSTRUKTIONER FÖR FRAMTIDA REFERENS. BYTE AV BATTERIDin Voyage inkluderar ett återuppladdningsbart batteri som är designat att vara under produktens livslängd. Om du osannolikt skulle behöva byta batteriet, kontakta kundtjänst som kommer att ge dig information om garantin och batteribytetjänst utanför garantin.BATTERIFÖRESKRIFTDenna symbol indikerar att batterier inte får avyttras bland hushållssopor eftersom de innehåller substanser som kan skada miljön och hälsan. Avyttra batterier endast vid designerade insamlingspunkter.WEEE-FÖRKLARINGDenna markering indikerar att denna produkt inte får avyttras med annat hushållsavfall inom EU. För att förhindra möjlig skada på miljö eller person från okontrollerat avfallsavyttrande, återvinn på ansvarsfullt vis för att främja det fortsatta återanvändandet av materialresurser.Härmed deklarerar HoMedics Group Ltd att denna ljudenhet är förenlig med nödvändiga krav och andra relevanta bestämmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EG. En kopia av förenlighetsdeklarationen kan erhållas från HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ RU VOYAGE BTПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ВСЕ ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПЕРЕД ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ. СОХРАНИТЕ ЭТИ ИНСТРУКЦИИ ДЛЯ ДАЛЬНЕЙШЕГО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ. ЗАМЕНА БАТАРЕЙКИДинамик Voyage содержит аккумулятор, срок службы которого соответствует сроку службы продукта. Если возникнет необходимость в замене аккумулятора, что маловероятно, обратитесь в службу поддержки. Ее персонал предоставляет гарантийное обслуживание и осуществляет замену аккумуляторов (на замену аккумуляторов действие гарантии не распространяется).ИНСТРУКЦИИ К БАТАРЕЯМДанный символ означает, что батареи не следует утилизировать совместно с бытовым мусором, поскольку они содержат вещества, способные нанести вред окружающей среде и здоровью. Утилизируйте батареи в специально предназначенных для этого приемных пунктах.ПОЯСНЕНИЕ WEEEДанная маркировка означает, что в странах Европы не допускается утилизировать прибор вместе с другими бытовыми отходами. Чтобы не нанести ущерба окружающей среде и здоровью населения в результате неверной утилизации отходов, прибор следует сдать на переработку, чтобы обеспечить экологичное повторное использование материальных ресурсов.Настоящим компания HoMedics Group Ltd заявляет, что аудиоустройство соответствует всем необходимым требованиям и другим условиям в соответствии с Директивой 1999/5/EC. Копия Декларации соответствия можно получить по электронному адресу: HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ DK VOYAGE BTLÆS HELE VEJLEDNINGEN IGENNEM FØR BRUG. GEM DENNE VEJLEDNING TIL SENERE BRUG.UDSKIFTNING AF BATTERIDin Voyage indeholder et genopladeligt batteri, som er beregnet til at vare hele produktets levetid. Hvis det usandsynlige skulle ske, og du har brug for et nyt batteri, bedes du kontakte Kundeservice, som kan informere dig om udskiftning af batteri, både så længe garantien gælder og senere.BATTERIDIREKTIVDette symbol indikerer, at batterier ikke må bortskaes med husholdningsaald, da de indeholder stoer, der kan være miljø- og helbredsskadelige. Bortskaf venligst batterier på udpegede indsamlingssteder.WEEE FORKLARINGDenne afmærkning angiver, at dette produkt ikke må bortskaes med andet husholdningsaald inden for EU. For at forhindre mulig skade for miljøet eller menneskers sundhed på grund af ukontrolleret aaldsbortskaelse, skal det genanvendes på ansvarlig vis for at fremme den bæredygtige genanvendelse af materielle ressourcer.HoMedics Group Ltd erklærer hermed, at dette lydapparat er i overensstemmelse med de essentielle krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i Direktiv 1999/5/EF. En kopi af Overensstemmelse-serklæringen kan fås hos HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ NO VOYAGE BTLES ALLE INSTRUSJONENE FØR BRUK. TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENE FOR FREMTIDIG REFERANSE. SKIFTE BATTERIVoyage enheten din har et oppladbart batteri som er konstruert for å vare like lenge som produktet. Skulle det uforutsette skje at du trenger et nytt batteri, ta kontakt med kundetjenesten som vil gi deg informasjon om garantien og utskifting-service for batteri når garantien har utgått. BATTERIDIREKTIVDette symbolet indikerer at batteriene ikke må kastes sammen med vanlig husholdningsavfall da de inneholder substanser som kan skade miljøet og helsen. Vær vennlig å kaste batterier i angitte oppsamlingspunkter.WEEE FORKLARINGDenne merkingen indikerer at innen EU skal dette produktet ikke kastes sammen med annet husholdningssøppel. For å forebygge mulig skade på miljøet eller menneskelig helse forårsaket av ukontrollert avfallstømming, skal produktet gjenvinnes ansvarlig for å støtte holdbar gjenbruk av materialressurser. HoMedics Group Ltd erklærer hermed at denne audioenheten er i samsvar med nødvendige krav og andre relevante forskrifter ifølge direktiv 1999/5/EF. En kopi av konformitetserklæringen er tilgjengelig fra HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ EL VOYAGE BTΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΟΛΕΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΠΡΙΝ ΤΗ ΧΡΗΣΗ. ΦΥΛΑΞΤΕ ΑΥΤΕΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΜΕΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ.Αντικατάσταση μπαταρίας Το ηχείο Voyage περιλαμβάνει μια επαναφορτιζόμενη μπαταρία ειδικά σχεδιασμένη ώστε να διαρκεί για όλη την ωφέλιμη ζωή του προϊόντος. Στην απίθανη περίπτωση που θα χρειαστείτε μπαταρία αντικατάστασης, επικοινωνήστε με την Εξυπηρέτηση Πελατών, η οποία θα σας δώσει λεπτομέρειες για αντικατάσταση της μπαταρίας εντός και εκτός εγγύησης.Οδηγία για τις μπαταρίες Το σύμβολο αυτό υποδεικνύει ότι οι μπαταρίες δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτονται μαζί με οικιακά απορρίμματα, καθώς περιέχουν ουσίες που μπορεί να είναι επιβλαβείς για το περιβάλλον και την υγεία. Απορρίπτετε τις μπαταρίες στα καθορισμένα σημεία συλλογής.Επεξήγηση ΑΗΗΕ Αυτή η σήμανση επισημαίνει ότι αυτό το προϊόν δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτεται με άλλα οικιακά απόβλητα σε όλη την ΕΕ. Για να μην προκληθεί ζημιά στο περιβάλλον ή στην υγεία λόγω μη ελεγχόμενης απόρριψης αποβλήτων, ανακυκλώστε το υπεύθυνα, προάγοντας τη βιώσιμη επαναχρησιμοποίηση των υλικών πόρων. Με το παρόν, η HoMedics Group Ltd δηλώνει ότι αυτή η συσκευή ήχου συμμορφώνεται με τις ουσιώδεις απαιτήσεις και τις άλλες σχετικές προβλέψεις της Οδηγίας 1999/5/EΚ. Μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε ένα αντίγραφο της Δήλωσης Συμμόρφωσης αν επικοινωνήσετε με τη διεύθυνση HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ CZ VOYAGE BTPŘED POUŽITÍM ZAŘÍZENÍ SI PŘEČTĚTE VŠECHNY POKYNY. POKYNY USCHOVEJTE PRO BUDOUCÍ NAHLÉDNUTÍ. VÝMĚNA BATERIEJednotka Voyage obsahuje nabíjecí baterii, která by měla být funkční po celou dobu životnosti produktu. Pokud by však bylo třeba baterii vyměnit, kontaktujte zákaznickou službu, která vám poskytne podrobné informace o záruční a mimozáruční výměně baterie.POKYNY K BATERIITento symbol znamená, že baterie nesmí být likvidována vyhozením do domácího odpadu, protože obsahuje látky, jež mohou poškodit životní prostředí a zdraví. Za účelem likvidace baterii odevzdejte na určeném sběrném místě.VYSVĚTLENÍ OEEZTato značka udává, že výrobek nesmí být na území EU vyhazován s běžným domácím odpadem. Pro prevenci možného znečištění životního prostředí a újmě na zdraví osob nekontrolovaným odpadem recyklujte výrobek odpovědným způsobem. Společnost HoMedics Group Ltd tímto prohlašuje, že toto zvukové zařízení je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími relevantními ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Kopii prohlášení o shodě získáte na adrese HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ HU VOYAGE BTHASZNÁLAT ELŐTT OLVASSA EL AZ UTASÍTÁSOKAT, ÉS A KÉSŐBBI HASZNÁLATHOZ TEGYE EL EZEKET.AZ AKKUMLÁTOR CSERÉJEA Voyage újratölthető akkumulátort tartalmaz, amit úgy terveztek, hogy kitartson a termék teljes élettartamáig. Ha mégis szüksége lenne egy csereakkumulátorra, lépjen kapcsolatba az Ügyfélszolgálattal, ahol tájékoztatást adnak a jótállásban foglalt és a jótálláson kívül eső akkumulátorcserével kapcsolatban.ELEMEKRE VONATKOZÓ IRÁNYELVEz a szimbólum azt jelzi, hogy az elemek nem dobhatók háztartási hulladék közé, mivel olyan anyagokat tartalmaznak, amelyek károsak  VOYAGE BTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.CAUTION! Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.CANADA STATEMENTThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditionsLas funciones de búsqueda/encendido y pausa como se muestra en la ilustración, solamente trabajan con dispositivos Apple®. Les fonctions de suivi et de lecture/pause illustrées fonctionnent uniquement avec des appareils Apple®.  Tracking und Play / Pause-Funktionen (wie in der Abbildung 1 dargestellt) funktionieren nur mit Apple- Geräten. Le funzioni di Tracking e Stop/Play (selezione della traccia successiva o precedente a quella in riproduzione), come mostrato nel disegno, funzionano solo con i dispositivi Apple®. Full instruction and warranty details can be found at:  http:// SECSx1 x1x2x22 SecVoice (siri)
IB-EMFE053©2015-2016 House of Marley, LLC.   All Rights Reserved.Con el n de evitar lesiones auditivas, se aconseja no escuchar a un volumen excesivamente alto durante un periodo prolongado.  Para ver los detalles completos y las excepciones, consulten d’éviter tout dommage auditif possible, ne pas écouter à un volume sonore élevé pendant une période prolongée. Pour les informations complètes et les exceptions, rendez-vous sur  Um mögliche Hörschäden zu vermeiden, stellen Sie die Lautstärke nicht über einen längeren Zeitraum sehr hoch ein. Weitere Informationen und Ausnahmen erhalten Sie hier  Per evitare possibili danni all’udito, non ascoltare audio a livelli elevati di volume per lunghi periodi. Per tutti i dettagli e le eccezioni, visitare il sito WARRANTYHouse of Marley warrants this product free fromdefect in material and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse; accident; the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product; or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of House of Marley. For full details & exceptions, go to Group Ltd. warrants this product free from defect in material and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse; accident; the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product; or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of House of Marley. For full details & exceptions, go to AU PTY, LTD. sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects in manufacture and workmanship for two years from the date of original purchase, except as noted with the full warranty details & exceptions located at: goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a  replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation  for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.The House of Marley, LLC sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects in manufacture and workmanship for two years from the date of original purchase, except as noted below. The House of Marley, LLC warrants that its products will be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty extends only to consumers and does not extend to Retailers. Warrantee is only for products imported and marketed by Imagine Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Contact: Imagine Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Consumer Relations at 022-42102401The House of Marley, LLC does not authorize anyone to obligate The House of Marley, LLC in any way beyond the terms set forth herein. This warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse, or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of The House of Marley, LLC.THE WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREIN SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY. THE HOUSE OF MARLEY, LLC SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. THE HOUSE OF MARLEY, LLC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS IN LIEU OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT.This warranty does not extend to the purchase of opened, used, repaired, repackaged and/or resealed products, including but not limited to sale of such products on Internet auction sites. This warranty provides you with specic legal rights. You may have additional rights which may vary from state to state.House of Marley garantiza que este producto está libre de defectos de material y mano de obra durante un periodo de 2 años a partir de la fecha de compra. Esta garantía no cubre los daños causados por el mal uso o abuso, accidentes, acoplamiento de accesorios no autorizados, cualquier alteración al producto, u otras condiciones ajenas al control de House of Marley. Aquí podrá consultar la hoja de instrucciones íntegra y los detalles de la garantía.House of Marley garantit ce produit contre tout défaut de matière et de fabrication pendant 2 ans à compter de la date d’achat. Cette garantie ne couvre pas tout dommage occasionné par un usage incorrect ou abusif, un accident, le raccordement de tout accessoire non autorisé, la modication du produit ou par toute autre situation, de quelque nature qu’elle soit, indépendante de House of Marley. Vous trouverez les instructions complètes et les informations relatives à la garantie à l’adresse Group Ltd verkauft seine House of Marley Produkte mit dem Ziel, dass diese frei von Mängeln und technischen Defekten sind. HoMedics Group Ltd gewährt auf seine House of Marley- Produkte eine 2-jährige Herstellergarantie auf neue Produkte ab dem Kaufdatum. Diese Garantie gilt nicht für Schäden durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch oder Missbrauch sowie bei Anbringung von unzulässigem Zubehör sowie bei selbst vorgenommenen Änderungen am Produkt. Ein Garantieanspruch ist für gebraucht gekaufte Produkte ausgeschlossen. Die Garantie gilt für Produkte, die für den bestimmungsgemäße n Gebrauch innerhalb der EU und Großbritannien hergestellt worden sind. HoMedics Group Ltd und seine angeschlossenen Gesellschaften haften nicht für Neben-, Folgeschäden. Im Garantiefall wenden Sie sich bitte unter Vorlage des Kaufbeleges an HoMedics Group Ltd, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0GP oder kontaktieren unseren Kundenservice per Email bzw. Telefonisch unter 069 – 380 789 675. Unabhängig von dieser Garantie haben Sie selbstverständlich die vollen gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsrechte gegenüber dem Verkäufer. Im Gewährleistungsfall wenden Sie sich bitte mit dem entsprechenden Kaufbeleg an den Verkäufer. House of Marley garantisce il presente prodotto contro difetti di materiale e lavorazione per un periodo di 2 anni dalla data di acquisto. La presente garanzia non copre eventuali danni causati dall’utilizzo improprio del prodotto, da eventi accidentali, dall’uso di accessori non omologati, da alterazioni apportate al prodotto o da altre condizioni al di fuori del controllo di House of Marley.  Le istruzioni complete e i dettagli sulla garanzia sono disponibili alla pagina anvisninger og oplysninger om garanti kan ndes på útmutató és garancianyilatkozat:łna instrukcja i warunki gwarancji są dostępne na stronie:Úplné pokyny a detaily záruky nájdete naПравила и условия гарантии полностью изложены по адресу volledige handleiding en garantiegegevens kunnen hier worden gevonden: instruksjoner og garantidetaljer kan nnes påäydelliset ohjeet ja takuu löytyvät osoitteestaändiga instruktioner och garantiinformation nns påΜπορείτε να βρείτε πλήρεις οδηγίες και λεπτομέρειες για την εγγύηση στη διεύθυνσηções completas e informações da garantia podem encontrar-se em ve garanti detaylarının tamamına adresinden erişilebilir  WARRANTY - AUSTALIA (TWO YEAR WARRANTY) We or us means HoMedics Australia Pty Ltd ACN 31 103 985 717 and our contact details are set out at the end of this warranty; you means the purchaser or the original end-user of the goods. You may be a domestic user or a professional user;Supplier means the authorised distributor or retailer of the goods that sold you the goods in Australia and New Zealand; and goods means the product or equipment which was accompanied by this warranty and purchased in Australia and New Zealand.FOR AUSTRALIA:Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled, subject to the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law, to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled, subject to the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law, to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. This is not a complete statement of your legal rights as a consumer.FOR NEW ZEALAND:Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. This guarantee applies in addition to the conditions and guarantees implied by that legislation.THE WARRANTYHoMedics sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects in manufacture and workmanship under normal use and service. In the unlikely event that your HoMedics product proves to be faulty within 2 year from the date of purchase due to workmanship or materials only, we will replace it at our own expense, subject to the terms and conditions of this guarantee. The warranty period is limited to 3 months from the date of purchase for products used commercially/professionally.TERMS AND CONDITIONS:In addition to the rights and remedies that you have under the Australian Consumer Law, Consumer Guarantees Act of New Zealand or any other applicable law and without excluding such rights and remedies warranty against defects:1.  The goods are designed to withstand the rigors of normal household use and are manufactured to the highest standards using the highest quality components. Whilst unlikely, if, during the rst 24 months (3 months commercial use) from their date of purchase from the Supplier (Warranty Period), the goods prove defective by reason of improper workmanship or materials and none of your statutory rights or remedies apply, we will replace the goods, subject to the terms and conditions of this warranty.2.  We do not have to replace the goods under this Additional Warranty if the goods have been damaged due to misuse or abuse, accident, the attachment of any unauthorised accessory, alteration to the product, improper installation, unauthorised repairs or modications, improper use of electrical/power supply, loss of power, malfunction or damage of an operating part from failure to provide manufacturer’s recommended maintenance, transportation damage, theft, neglect, vandalism, environmental conditions or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of HoMedics. 3.  This Warranty does not extend to the purchase of used, repaired or second-hand products or to products not imported or supplied by HoMedics Australia Pty Ltd, including but not limited to those sold on oshore internet auction sites. 4.  This Warranty extends only to consumers and does not extend to Suppliers.5.  Even when we do not have to replace the goods, we may decide to do so anyway. In some cases, we may decide to substitute the goods with a similar alternative product of our choosing. All such decisions are at our absolute discretion.6.  All such replaced or substituted goods continue to receive the benet of this Additional Warranty for the time remaining on the original warranty period (or three months, whichever is the longest).7.  This Additional Warranty does not cover items damaged by normal wear and tear including but not limited to chips, scratches, abrasions, discolouration and other minor defects, where the damage has negligible eect on the operation or performance of the goods.8.  This Additional Warranty is limited to replacement or substitution only. As far as the law permits, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused to property or persons arising from any cause whatsoever and shall have no liability for any incidental, consequential or special damages. 9.  This warranty is only valid and enforceable in Australia and  New Zealand.MAKING A CLAIM:In order to claim under this warranty you must return the goods to the supplier (place of purchase) for replacement. If this is not possible, please contact our customer service department by email: or at the address below.•  All returned goods must be accompanied by satisfactory proof of purchase which clearly indicates the name and address of the supplier, the date and place of purchase and identies product. It is best to provide an original, legible and unmodied receipt or sales invoice.•  You must bear any expense for return of the goods or otherwise associated with making your claim under this Additional Warranty.NZ address is Phoenix Distribution NZ Ltd 7B Orbit Drive Albany / NorthShore 0757 Auckland New Zealand, Ph: +64 9 475 0007Distributed in Australia byHomedics Australia pty Ltd,14 Kingsley Close, Rowville, Victoria 3178. Distributed in New Zealand by  Phoenix Distribution NZ LTD,  7B Orbit Drive, Albany / NorthShore 0757, Auckland, New ZealandTo prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.Full instruction and warranty details can be found atłośnik Voyage został wyposażony w baterie wielokrotnego ładowania o żywotności porównywalnej z żywotnością produktu. W przypadku wystąpienia sytuacji wymagającej wymianę baterii należy skontaktować się działem obsługi klienta, który zapewni informacje dotyczące gwarancji oraz usługi wymiany baterii nieobjętej gwarancją.DYREKTYWA DOT. BATERIITen symbol oznacza, że baterii nie można wyrzucać wraz z odpadami domowymi, ponieważ baterie zawierają substancje, które mogą być szkodliwe dla środowiska oraz zdrowia. Baterie należy dostarczyć do wyznaczonych punktów zbiórki.OBJAŚNIENIE WEEETen znak wskazuje, że na obszarze UE przyrządu nie wolno pozbywać się wyrzucając do śmieci domowych. Aby chronić środowisko i zdrowie, którym zagraża nieodpowiednia utylizacja odpadów, przyrząd należy recyklingować, aby umożliwić odzysk materiałów, z których został wykonany.Niniejszym rma HoMedics Group Ltd oświadcza, że to urządzenie audio jest zgodne z podstawowymi wymaganiami oraz innymi właściwymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/WE. Kopię Deklaracji zgodności można uzyskać pod adresem HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ BG VOYAGE BTПРОЧЕТЕТЕ ВСИЧКИ ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПРЕДИ УПОТРЕБА И ГИ ЗАПАЗЕТЕ ЗА БЪДЕЩА СПРАВКА.ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Батериите (кутията с батерии или поставените батерии) не трябва да се излагат на прекалено затопляне като слънчева топлина, огън или други подобни. Внимание: Опасност от експлозия ако батерията не е поставена правилно. Заменете единствено със същия или с подобен вид.ЗАМЯНА НА БАТЕРИЯТА: Вашият Voyage включва зареждащи се батерии, предназначени да издържат през целия живот на продукта. В малко вероятния случай, когато се наложи замяна на батерията, моля свържете се с отдела за клиентско обслужване, който ще Ви осигури информация за гаранцията и услугата за замяна на батерията извън гаранция.ДИРЕКТИВА ЗА БАТЕРИЯТАТози символ показва, че батериите не трябва да се изхвърлят с битовите отпадъци, защото съдържат вещества, които може да са опасни за околната среда и за здравето. Моля, изхвърляйте батериите на предназначените за тази цел места.OEEO ОБЯСНЕНИЕТова маркиране показва, че този продукт не трябва да се изхвърля с други битови отпадъци в границите на ЕС. За предотвратяване на евентуална щета за околната среда или за човешкото здраве поради безконтролно изхвърляне на боклука, рециклирайте го отговорно, за да съдействате за екологичната многократна употреба на материалните ресурси. С настоящето, HoMedics Group Ltd, декларира, че това аудио устройство не съответства на основните изисквания и на други необходими условия на Директива 1999/5/EO. Копие от Декларацията за съответствие може да бъде получено от HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ RO VOYAGE BTCITIŢI TOATE INSTRUCŢIUNILE ÎNAINTE DE UTILIZARE ŞI PĂSTRAŢI-LE PENTRU A LE CONSULTA ÎN VIITOR. ÎNLOCUIREA BATERIILORDifuzorul Voyage include un acumulator conceput să reziste pe toată durata de viaţă a produsului. În cazul improbabil în care aţi  obligat să înlocuiţi acumulatorul, contactaţi Serviciul Clienţi care vă va informa cu privire la garanţia produsului dumneavoastră şi la înlocuirea acumulatorului după expirarea garanţiei.DIRECTIVA PRIVIND BATERIILE ŞI ACUMULATORIIAcest simbol indică faptul că nu este permis să se arunce bateriile şi acumulatorii cu deşeurile menajere deoarece conţin substanţe care pot dăuna mediului şi sănătăţii. Vă recomandăm să predaţi bateriile şi acumulatorii uzaţi la punctele de colectare puse la dispoziţie.EXPLICAŢIA DEEEAcest simbol indică faptul că acest produs nu trebuie eliminat împreună cu alte deşeuri menajere pe teritoriul UE. Pentru a preveni posibile prejudicii asupra mediului sau sănătăţii umane din cauza eliminării necontrolate a deşeurilor, reciclaţi-l cu responsabilitate pentru a favoriza reutilizarea durabilă a resurselor materiale. HoMedics Group Ltd declară că acest dispozitiv audio este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/CE.Se poate obţine un exemplar al Declaraţiei de conformitate de la HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ AR VOYAGE BTVoyage HoMedics Group LtdEC// ,HoMedics Group Ltd HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge,Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/Distributed by: House of Marley, 3000 Pontiac Trail, Commerce Township, MI 48390 / HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge,  Kent TN11 0GP UKlehetnek a környezetre és az egészségre. Kérjük, vigye a használt elemeket a kijelölt gyűjtőhelyre.WEEE-MAGYARÁZATEz a jelölés azt jelzi, hogy ezt a terméket az Európai Unióban nem szabad a háztartási hulladék közé dobni. Az ellenőrizetlen hulladékkezelésből származó környezeti vagy egészségügyi kár elkerülése végett, és a tárgyi készletek fenntartható kezelése jegyében felelősségteljesen hasznosítsa újra. A HoMedics Group Ltd. kijelenti, hogy ez az audiokészülék eleget tesz az 1999/5/EK irányelv szükséges követelményeinek és egyéb idevonatkozó előírásainak. A Megfelelőségi nyilatkozat másolatát a HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ címen igényelheti. PT VOYAGE BTLEIA TODAS AS INSTRUÇÕES ANTES DE UTILIZAR. CONSERVE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES PARA REFERÊNCIA FUTURA. SUBSTITUIÇÃO DA BATERIAO seu Voyage inclui uma bateria vitalícia recarregável. Na hipótese pouco provável de necessitar de substituir a bateria, contacte o Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente, que lhe irá disponibilizar informações sobre o serviço de substituição da bateria ao abrigo da garantia e fora da cobertura da garantia.INSTRUÇÕES RELATIVAMENTE ÀS PILHASEste símbolo indica que as pilhas não podem ser eliminadas juntamente com o lixo doméstico, dado que contêm substâncias que podem ser prejudiciais para o meio ambiente e a saúde. As pilhas devem ser eliminadas nos pontos de recolha designados.EXPLICAÇÃO DA REEEEsta marcação indica que o produto não deve ser eliminado juntamente com outros resíduos domésticos em toda a UE. Para impedir possíveis danos ambientais ou à saúde humana resultantes de uma eliminação não controlada dos resíduos, este produto deverá ser reciclado de forma responsável de modo a promover a reutilização sustentável dos recursos materiais. O HoMedics Group Ltd declara pelo presente que este dispositivo de áudio está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE. É possível obter uma cópia da Declaração de Conformidade através do HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ SK VOYAGE BTPRED POUŽITÍM ZARIADENIA SI PREČÍTAJTE VŠETKY POKYNY. POKYNY USCHOVAJTE NA NAHLIADNUTIE V BUDÚCNOSTI. VÝMENA BATÉRIEV reproduktore Voyage sa nachádza vymeniteľná batéria navrhnutá tak, aby jej životnosť zodpovedala životnosti produktu. Ak sa stane (hoci je to nepravdepodobné), že budete potrebovať náhradnú batériu, obráťte sa na pracovníkov oddelenia služieb zákazníkom, ktorí vám poskytnú podrobné informácie o servise náhradnej batérie vykonávanom v rámci záručnej lehoty a aj po jej skončení.POKYNY OHĽADNE BATÉRIETento znak znamená, že batérie sa nesmú likvidovať spolu s domácim odpadom, pretože obsahujú látky, ktoré môžu znečistiť životné prostredie alebo poškodiť zdravie. Batérie likvidujte v strediskách určených pre zber odpadu.WEEE POPISTento symbol znamená, že výrobok by sa v rámci celej EU nemá vyhadzovať do domáceho odpadu. Aby nedošlo k možnému znečisteniu životného prostredie alebo poškodeniu zdravia v dôsledku nekontrolovaného odpadu, je potrebné pristupovať k recyklovaniu zodpovedne a propagovať tak opätovné použitie zdrojových materiálov. Spoločnosť HoMedics Group Ltd týmto vyhlasuje, že toto zvukové zariadenie je v súlade so základnými požiadavkami a ďalšími relevantnými ustanoveniami smernice 1999/5/ES. Kópiu vyhlásenia o zhode získate na adrese HoMedics Group Ltd, HoMedics House, Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 0GP, UK/ PL VOYAGE BTPRZED UŻYCIEM NALEŻY PRZECZYTAĆ CAŁĄ INSTRUKCJĘ. INSTRUKCJĘ NALEŻY ZACHOWAĆ NA PRZYSZŁOŚĆ. WYMIANA BATERII

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