Thomson 2-7903A 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID User Manual USERS MANUAL 1 OF 2

Thomson Inc. 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID USERS MANUAL 1 OF 2



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Document ID716800
Application IDzKoFUDusaX4smoZBz+onuw==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 1 OF 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2006-10-17 00:00:00
Date Available2006-10-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-10-12 09:07:24
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Document Lastmod2006-10-12 09:07:25
Document TitleUSERS MANUAL 1 OF 2
Document CreatorHP PDF Formatter version

Model 27903
2.4 GHz Cordless
Telephone System
User's Guide
from 25111
adapted from VD
from 29273
revision based on standard
Your telephone equipment is approved tar connection to the Public Switched Telephone
Network and is in compliance with pans 15 and 6&1 FCC Rules and Regulations and the
Technkal Requirements tor Telephone Terminal Equment published by writ.
1 Notification to the Local Heat-aria Carnpmy
On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating. among other inlormatloh, the
US number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REM) tor the equipment. Vou must, upon
request. provide this intormatlan to your telephone company.
The REM rs useiul in determining the number of devices you may connect to your
telephone ||ne and still have all at these devices ring when yourtelephone number is
called. In most (but not all) areas, the sum oi the RENs at all devtces connected to one
line should not exceed 5. To be certain at the number at devices you may connect
to your line as determined by the REN, you should comaa your local telephone
A plug and rack used to connect this equipmenttothe premises Wiring and telephone
network must comply with the applicable FCC Part so ruiesond requirements adapted
by the ecu. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is pravrded wrth this
product. it is designedto be connected to a compatible madularjack that is also
compliant. See installation instrucnonstordetails.
0 Thtseaulpment may not be used an coin service provided by the telephone
- Party lines are subjectta state tariffs. and therefore. you my nat be ableio use your
own telephone equipment it you are on a party linecheck with your local telephone
~ Notice must he iven tattle telephone company upon permanent disconnection or
your telephone your line,
- Ifyaur home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line,
ensurethe installation of this product does not disable your alarm equipmem, itybu
have questions about what will disable alami equipment, consult your telephone
company or a qualified installer
US Number Is located on ttncablllet bottom.
REN Number is located an the cabinet bottom.
Thomson Me.
10330 North Meridian Street
Tea" 2,73? 0 Do 0 indianoooiis lN lszthozzi
‘owp ' m "‘ E’ THOMSON a zoos Thomson inc.
mm in cm Tradernorldslo Regrstered
THnMaoNO Murcalsliisaistradatsl
2 Rights a! the Telephone Company
Should your equipment cause trouble an our line which may harm the telephone
network. the telephone company shall. ere practicable, mtilyyou that temporary
discontinuance at service may be required. where prior notice is not practicable and
the circumstances warrant such action, the telephone company may temporarily
discontinue service immediately. In case aisucn temporary discontinuance, the
telephone company must it] promptly notify you at such temporary discontinuance:
lzl ailord you the appertunrtyta correct the situation: and lot inform u at your right
to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuantto procedures set Ofth in Subpart E
of Pan SB. FCC Rules and Regulations
The telephone company may make changes in its communications lacilrties,
equipment. operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation
at its business and Wat lncansslefltwith FCC Rules and Regulations If these changes
are expected to direct the use or pertarrnance at your telephone equipment. the
telephone company must give you adequate notice. in writing, to allow you to
maintain uninterrupted service.
This device comp res wi h Part 15 01 the FCC Rules, Operation is suoiectto the interning
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmlui interference. and (21 This dei/lce
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and round to comply with the limits lard class a
digital device, pursuantia Part 15 afttte FCC RUB. Theselimr’ts are designed 10 provide
reasonable platectlon against harmful interference in a resrdential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio lreauency energy and, it not
installed and used in accordance With the instructinns, may cause harmful interlerenee
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference Will not occur
in a particular installation
privacy of Communications may not be ensured when using this product.
it his equipment dues cause harmful interiererice to radio or televtsron recevuon.whi€h
can be determined by tumlng the equiprnentoli and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference byone or more or the following measures:
- Rearient or relocate the receiving antenna [that ‘ts, the antenna tor radio or television
that is Teceiving'the interference).
~ Reorierrt or relocate and increase the separation between the telecammurilcations
equipment and receiving ontenna.
-conriect the tetecommunicatians equipment into an outlet on a arcuit different tram
that to which the receiving antenna is connected,
if these measures do not eliminate the interference. please consult your dealer or an
experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also. the Federal
Communications Commission has prepared a helplut booitiet, ‘Haw ra Identify and
Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems,’ This hanklet is available from the US.
Government Printing 0tfll:e,Washington, 20402. Please speorty stock number 000‘
oooousts-o when ordering copies
Notice The changes or medications not expressly approved by the party responsible ior
compliance caul void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
This telephone system meets rcc standards tor hearing Aid compatibility,
Licensed under US Patent (11421009
rhis equipment complies with rcc RF radiation emum limits setrorih for an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment shouid be installed and operated with
a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the rudlaliar and your body, This
transmitter must not be ctr-located or operated in conlunction wrdt any other antenna or
uansmitt ‘
PREVENT FIRE on lll‘dili 5th
ELECTRICAL SHOCK l‘rnurii'lii‘iiuvtw M
HAZARD, Do NOT ll‘aidyl‘fil‘rir'lfie
PRODUCT To mm m "m"
FCC [D109H2-7903A
Mxrsleclt Report No. 26224D/Z6226D
EXHlBrr prryt (ZMJXXI-A]
CAUTION: when using telephone equipment. there are basic
safety instructions that should always be followed. Refer to
tho IMPORTANT SAFETV INSTRUCflONS provided with this
product and save them for future reference.
IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on elemclty. you
should have at least one phone In your home that isn't cordless.
in case the power in your home goes out.
Parts Checklist
Make sure your package includes the items shown here.
waitin for
m m6
gmm’m Handset
battery with holder
$0 % 172
AC power Telephone
adaptor line card
Telephone Jack Requirements
To use this phone. you need an RJllC type modular
telephonejack, which might look like the one pictured here.
installed in your home. If you dam have a modulorjack,
call your local phone company to findout tor/ta get one
Digital Security System
Vaur cordless phone uses a digital securiiy system to protect against lalse ringing,
unauthorized access. and charges to your phone line.
INSTALLATION NOTE some cordless telephones operate at
frequencies that may cause or receive interference with nearby
TVs, microwave ovens, and vans To minimize or prevent such
interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be
placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If such
interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther
away from these appliances
Certain other communications devices may also use the 2.6
GH: frequency for communication, and. if not properiy set,
these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new
telephone. If you are concemud with interference. please refer
to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to property
set channels to avoid Interference. Typical devices that may
use the 2.0 GHz frequency for communication include wireless
audio/video senders, wireless computer networks. muItI-hanmt
cordless teiephone systems, and some long-range cordless
telephone systems.
important Installation Guidelines
0 Avoid sources of noise and heat. such as motors, fluorescent lighting,
microwave ovens, healing appliances and direct sunlight.
~ Avoid areas of excessive dust, moisture and low temperature.
- Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers
- Never install telephone Wiring during a lightning storm.
- Never Install telephone jacks in we! iocatians unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
- Never touch nan—insulated telephone wires or termrnals. unless the telephone
line has been disconnected atihe network interroce.
- Use caution when instaliing or modifying telephone lines
Format (button)
’ Cid/val t/v (caller ID!
redial (button) volume «l-outtonl
TALK/call back
Wane/tin r utta
on/oil lbu (b fll
Flash (buttofil
Menu (button)
Installing the Handset Battery
NOTE: Vou must connect the handset battery before use.
CAUTION: To reduce the risk offire or personal injury, use
only the Thomson inc. approved Nickel-metal Hydride lNivMHl
battery model s-XXXX. that is compatible with this unit‘
tery wi’rcn as panacea mode a pic-silt bag and 5 separate fro-r the
2 Locate the battery companment on the back of the handset.
3. Plug the battery pack cord into the pck made the compartment.
NOTE: To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is
keyed and can be inserted onl one way.
red wire
PRESS oown
A. Insert the battery pack.
5. close the battery campartmenl by pushing the hflr‘dsei cc: k cover up until it
snaps into place,
Base Station
1. Choose an area near an electrical outlet and a telephone woli jock lRJllCl. and
place your cordless telephone on a level surface, such as a desktop or tabletop,
or you may mount it on the wall
2. Plug one end of the telephone line card into the TEL LINE jack on the bottom of
the base and the other end into a modular jack
3. Plug the AC power adaptor into the eiecincal outlet and the DC connector Into
black wire
thejuck on the bottom of the base.
A. Plucethe handset in the base cradle. The chorgefin use indicator turns on.
ver'flying the battery is charging.
5. Aliow the phone ta charge for 16 hours prror tafirst use. liyou don't properly
charge the phone. battery performance is compromised.
CAUTION: Use only the Thomson lnc. 5-2715 power odaptor
that come with this unit. Using other power adaptors may
damage the unit.
Wail Mounting
i. Rotate the handset "look up with u carn-
2 Insert the handset stand into socket at the front side ct the unit
3. l'lug one end at the strarght telephone line cord into thejack on the bottom of the
tr. Feed the llne card through the groove and wrap the card around the track on the
bottom ofthe base.
5, Feed the llrle card through the groove on the opposlre side 0! the track, and bug
the and who the modular telephonejock.
s Slip the mountlrlg holes [on the bottom otthe base) over the wall plate, posts are
firmly side the unit down into place,
Standby Screen
The handset displays the handset name. date, time. signal and battery status. The
base displays the current date and time. (from VD page It. Base/Handset Idle Model
Programming Functions
The system uses a menu structure to give you access to all of the built-in iealures
You may program the tolIOWlng items in main menu: Setup HS. Setup BS. and Date/
Time. A dashed line in the handset display rndrcates the end at the item Ilst.
NOTE: it the handset is not registered, or is out 06 range. Setup 85
and Date/Time are not programmable, and IMPOSSIBLE displays
as you try to enter these two menus. mom VD P9. Useful Info...)
NOTE: Durlng programming, you may press the mute/Clear
button at any time to exit the sub-menu and return to the main
menu, or press Flash/Exit to exit programming and return to
standby screen.
NOYE: it no key is pressed (or 60 seconds, the handset will
automaa‘cally exit programming and return to standby screen.
Setup HS
1 Make sure your phone ls OFF lnat r'r talk model.
2 Press e Menu button to go to the main menu.
3. Press rid/vol l- or (l button to scroll in Setup Ms.
Ll. Press Menu button to confirm and you may program the tallowrrlg items. ang
volume, Tones. mro Talk. Handset Name and Language.
Ring Volume
There are 5 volume levels for your Selection.
From the setup HS Menu:
1 Press thecld/vol l- or +l launch toscroll to the Ring Varume sucrrrlenu
2 Press Menu button to enter the menu use the rid/vol l— or el nuttonta scrollto your
seiecuon the defcult setting rs VOL 3.
3, Press the Menu button to save your selectlon and the new volume setting shows
in the display.
NOTE: Ringer can bedisabled by pressing the mute/doorlRinger
on/o'f button in standby mode, please referta "Ringer Orr/oft".
From the Setup HS Menu:
1. Press the Cid/Vol (~ or s) button to scroll it? the 1am; sub-menu
2 Press Menu button toconfirm and you may program the lollawirkg items: tow
Battery. No Coverage and Key Tone
3. Use the aid/val l- or ~l button to scroll to the liern you want to program and press
Menu button to enter
Low Buttery—You may sezthe warning beep to 'on“ when your handset battery
is low, so as to alert you recharge the battery Press the Cid/vol (A oral button to
scroll to an or off, then press Menu button to save the semng.‘ihe de'ault settlnq
is off.
No coverage. ‘iou may set the warning beep to or or "on" when the handset
ls cutot range Press the cld/vat l- or 4! button to scroll to On or Off. then press
Menu button to save the setting. The default setting is oft
Key Tone« tea may set the key tone to 'on' or 'otf‘ when you press buttons
Press the rid/val lv or +1 button to scroll to an or off. then press Menu button to
save the settlng The delauit setting is On.
Auto Talk
Thls aprron ailcws you to pick upthe handset rmm Duseor charger to answer on
‘ncamlng call without pressing the TALK/cull back button.
From the Setup H5 Menu:
1. Pressman/vol l— or ii button to scroll lathe Auto Yolk sun-menu
2. Press Menu button to enter the menu. Use the (la/val l- 0' tr button to scroll to your
salmon. lhe default setting is On.
3. Press the Menu button :a save your selectlon.
Handset Name
From the Setup HS Menu:
1. Press the Cid/vol l- or +1 button to scroll to the Auto Talk sun—menu
2. Press Menu button to enter the merit. The (ideal! settrng rs HANDSFT
3. Use the touch-lane pad to enter a name [up to 15 characters). More than one
letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Blll Smith. press
the 2 key Mice for the letter 8. Press the Li key 3 times for the letter I. Press the
5 key 3 times for the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times for the second letter L. and
press the 1 key to lnserta space between the first and last name. Press the 7 key
names for the letter S; press the 6 key cnoetor lhe letter M: press the a key 3
times for the letter 1; press the B key for the letter T; press the a key twice for the
letter H.
NOTE: lfyou make a mistake. press cldlvol l- ar 44 button to move
the cursor fomurd or backward, than use the mute/Clear button
to backspace and delete one character at a time.
La nguuge
From the setup HS Menu:
1. Pressuread/vall or +1 button to scralltnthetonguvges sub menu
2. Press Menu button to enter the menu
3. Use the Cid/Vol i- or +1 button to select English, Francois or Esponol
a. Press me Menu button to save your selecuon.
Setup BS
1, Make sure your phone is OFF (not in talk model.
2. Press the Menu button to go lathe main menu.
3. Press cid/vol i» or 0] button to scroll to Setup as.
4. Press Menu button to confirm and you my program the lollanng items: LAC (local
area code] and Dial mode.
LAC (local area code)
The telephone uses the pre~prugrummed area code to determine the number
format to display when a valid Caller ID record is received. The ore-programmed
area code is also used lor the Dialbodr lecture.
From the Setup HS Merlin
l. masthead/vol l» or r) button to scralr to the LAC sub menu
2. Press Menu bunun to enter the menu. emeruc shows m mp, display.
3, Use the toutMone pad to enter your 3-dlgtt area code.
a. Press Menu button to save the seizing.
Fromtho Sump HS NONI:
i. PressiheCALLER ID-VOLUMEl - or A l bimanioscrol toiheDim/l’ime sub—menu,
2, Press Menu button to enter the menu, Vearzoos shows in the display.
3, Use the touch-tone and to enter the last two digits or the current year irange, 00
la 99],
ti. Press Menu button to save the year setting and proceed to date setting.
, Date 01/01 shows in the d’spluy. Use the touch-tone pad to entertwo digits ror
current monthand dayresoecuvely.
6. Press Menu button to save the year setting and proceed to time setting.
7. Tim: 12.014: shows in the display. Use the touch-tone pad to enter Four digits for
current time and use Cid/vol l- or +i button to scroll through ’p" lpmi and ‘o' lam),
8. Press Menu button to save the settrrrg
Telephone Operation
Making a Call
1. Pressthe TALK/call back button Dial the destred number.
. on ,
Dial the number first, then press the TALK/ml! back outton.
2 When finished, press the TALK/call back button or put the honosez back into the
base cradle to hang up.
NOTE: Ifyau wanna delete the pro-dial number you unwed.
press the mute/clear button until all of thin digits are erased.
Answering Calls
1. when the phone rings, press the TALK/coll back button.
2. When finished. press the TALK/call back button or put the handset back into the
base cradle to hang up.
NOTE: ii you have turned the Auto Talk lunctian on. you can pick
up the handset to answer the incoming call directly,
NOTE Adjust the handset volume by pressing the Cid/vol l- or +i
button during a call.
inserting a Pause in the Dialing Sequence
Press the “pause bulton twrcetp insert a delay in dialing sequence when a pause
is needed to watt for a dial tone (for example. alter you dial 9 iar an outside line, or
iowoit fora computer access lone] Each pause counts as one digit in the dialrng
sequence, and is shown as Pin the display.
To quickly redial the a number you dialed:
1. Make sure he phone is orr lnat in talk model.
2. Press the TALK/coll buck button
Ii. Press the redial button first. then use the cldlvol l- or +1 button to select the
desired redial number,
NOTE: You may choose 1mm 10 last dialed numbers.
to. Press the Menu button. The number dials automatrcally.
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in iolk model,
2. Press the redial button. Then use the cid/vol l- or ii button to select the desrred
redial number,
NOTE: Vou may choose from [D lastdluled numbers,
3. Press the TALK/call back button. The number dials automatically,
Editing a Redial Record Before Dialing
1. Make sure the phone is OFF [not in talk mode],
2. Pressure redial button first. then use the cid/vol i- or 0) button to select the i
desired redial number.
3. Press the Menu button.
it, Press Cid/V0| l» or t-i button to scroll to Select
5. Press the Menu button to enter radii mode.
6. Press Cid/vol i» 0' +1 button to move the cursor lorward or backward, use me
touch-lane pad to add (11ng or press the mute/Clea button to baclspace and
delete one chatacrer at a time,
7 After editing. press TALK/coll back to dial the modified redial number.
Storing 0 Radial Record in Phone Book
1. Make sure the phone is OFF loci in lolk mode),
2. Press the redial button first, then use the cid/vol l- or «i button to scroll to the
desired redial number.
3. Press the Menu button.
4. Press Cid/vol l~ or rrl button to scroll to Save number.
5. Press the Menu button to enter edit mode. Emtr name shows in the display. Input
0 name. Please reler to section "Handset Name“ (or name editing method.
NOTE: A name must be input otherwise the record can not be
5, Press the Menu button to save. Saved shows in the display. Repeat steps 2
through 5 to save oiher records
Call Timer
Aiteryou press theTALK/coll back mum on the hardset the built-in cdl iirnershwvs on
the deploy and counts the length ofume oi the call in minutes and seconds
Auto Standby
if you place the handset in the cradle while die handset is off the hook idunng o
Calll. the call is automatically disconnected.
Ringer O n/Off
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk model,
2. Press the mute/clearlRirrger on/aff button to swttch the ringer on or 016.
NOTE: Ifyou turn the ringer OFF, FINGER OFFshows in the
Ii you subscribe to the combined Call waiting caller ID servrce from your local
telephone company. you Will receive Caller ID iniarmalion lit availabieion Call Waiting
calls. During a phone call. you wtil heard beep to indicate onothercoll is waiting on
the line and Caller ID information lor the waiting coll shows on the handset display.
- To connect to the waiting call. press the FIosh/exri button on the handset. and
your Drlgln0| call is put on hold,
~ To swttch between the two calls. press the Flash/exit button.
119: Do not press the TALK/call back button on the handset to
activate a custom calling service, such as call waiting, or call will
M ute
To have a private. oft-line conversation. use the MUTE feature. The party on the
telephone line cannot hear you, but you can hearthem.
1, Press the mute/Clout button. The handset display shows MUTE.
2, Press the mule/Clear button to cancel and return to your phone conversation
The page ieature helps you locate a misplaced handset,
1, Press the page button on the base The charge/in use indicator on the hose
flashes: the handset beeps and Page from base shows in the handset display,
2. To cancel the page, press me page button on the base. or press any key on the
handset, Otherwtse the mark; will last for 30 seconds,
Receiver Volume Control
when the handset is ON liri talk modeiyou may adiust the receiver volume by
pressrng the cid/vol l- or 4] button, There are five volume levels to choose from. VOL
1 is minimum and VOL 5 is maximum.
tMPORTANY: In order to use this unit‘s Caller ID features, you
must subsarlbsto either the standard Name/Number Caller ID
Service or Call Waiting Caller ID Service. To know who is calling
while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Call Waiting
caller ID Service.
This unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local phone
company. This iniormalion can include the phone number. date. and time, or the
name phone number, date and time. The incoming datytime miormatron Will
override the telephone Dole/Time setting.
SMITH JOHN \ CollerID name
if: Burial
ClD display 1 on base
r nu
1 312'555'1324 CID display on handset
‘HE 3U\ PM phone number
_CID display 2 on base
Call Waiting Caller ID
Provided you subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID service from your phone company: if
you receive on incoming call and you are using the GE multi handset system. a beep
indicates the presence olcl Call Waiting call on the line. The Call Waiting Caller ID
information will be displayed and stored in the history of all handsets ‘r ine system.
- when you hear the call waiting beep in the handset receiver. press the Flash/Exit
button to put the current call on hold and answer the incoming call. Press Fiash/
Exit again to return to the original call
Receiving CID Records
When you receive a call, the Caller in information is transmitted between the first
and second ring. The Caller ID iniormotion appears on the display while the phone
rings, giving you a chance to monitor the inlormotion and decide whether or not to
answer the call.
Storing CID Records (in CID Memory)
If you are not at home or cannot answer, your telephones Caller ID memory stores
the data for the 30 most recent calls (up to 20 digits and 15 characters for each
recordl you received so you can see who called while you were unavailable. Ana me
display shows Missed calls reminding that there are unanswered coils, when the
3151 call is received. the oldest Caller ID record llst call is automatically deleted.
Vou may review the stored rnlormatian at any timecalis received since your lost
review show as NEW in the display. Calls that have not been previously reviewed
but were received from the same number more than once show as RPT in the
Reviewing CID Records
As calls are received and stored, the display is updated to let you know how many
calls have been received. Ta scroll CID records:
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in tolk model.
2. Press the cidlval I- or +l button to review the newest CID record,
3. Press the cid/val l— or 4) button to scroll through the CID records.
NOTE: when you reach the end of records. a dashed line shows in
the display.
NOTE: If no calls have been received. Empty shows in the display
for 2 seconds at the time the cid/vol i- or cl button is prased.
Dialing a CID Number
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in TALK model.
2. Usethe std/vol l- or +l button to disploythe desrred record.
3. Press the TALK/call back button. The number dials automatically.
Formatting a CID Number Before Dialing
NOTE Depending on Io] how the incoming caller's phone number
is lannatted when it is received. and (b) whether or not you
prcvlously pre~programmed your local area code into the set up
menu. you may need to adjust the format of the incoming caller's
stored phone number before making the coil, press the FORMAT]
CONF button to adjust the number. and try ogoln.
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk model.
2. Use the cid/val l- or +| button to scroll to the desired CID record.
3 Press the Format button to scroll to the desired format
5. Press the TALK/call back button, The formatted number dIOlS automatically.
Available lonnats include.
Number ofdlglls Emltmatlon Example
Eleven digits long distance code '1 " 18174858885
+3|l to the aeslred record.
a Press lhe Menu mutton to dialma rumDer.
. op .
Dial a phone book record while reviewing it
1 Make sure tile phone ls OFF lnoi iri rolk model.
2, Press rhe Phonemak but n to cccess ire phone cook.
3 use the cld/vof i or «i pollen of l'lE number keys ll: scroll to the oeslied record.
4. Press rhe mLK/Cflll bark nuizon The number dICl s uuiomailccily
lfyoii want to edit the number before dialing:
1, Press the Menu button when rel/relying phone book records.
2. Use the Cid/vol l- or +l bulton to scroll to Selecrand press the MFl’lll horror: enter
edit mode.
3. when finished edlling, press Talk/call back to dial the number.
Chain Dialing from Phone Book
use rhis lecture lo make rolls Wthl‘ regime o reorient? of numbers, such as a
callrng culc number used for c irecueritly co led long dimufli‘é number.
vou can store each pull of li’IE dialing secuerice lsucri os Long Disiflf‘ce Access
number, Authorization Lode, and n freqLeme coiled long aisiorice our-riser) in the
name back and simply repeat step 3 (from?) ti in plot a phone book record whim
n talk mode“ to dial rrlcrri one by one
CAUYION: To reduce the risk of fir- or parsnnal injury. use
only the Thomson Inc. approved Michal-metal Hydride lNi-MHl
battery model s-xxxx. that Is compatible with this unit.
1. Make sure the telephone is OFF (not in TALK model belore you replace battery.
2 Remove lhe boltery compartment door.
3 annecllhe cord attached la the battery pack and remove the battery pack
lhe handset.
ll. Insert the new battery pack and connect lhe cord lathe lack inside the battery
S. Purine battery comparlmenl door pack on.
6 Plate handser in the base or handset charge cradle to charge. Allow ill! handset
bumryta properly charge «or 16 hours) priarla first an or when you
install a now hungry puck. ll you do nat properly charge the phone. battery
performance will be compromised.
Battery Safety Precautions
- D0 rial bum disassemble. mutilate. or puncture, Like other panenes oi mis type.
toxic materials could be released which can cause injury.
- To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury‘ use only (he Nickel-metal
Hydride battery listed in the User's Guide.
- Keep balleries our oi me reach of chlldren.
- Remove bananas if storing over 30 days.
NOTE: The RBRC seal on me battery used in your mommn inc. product
iridlcmas filatwe are participating In a program in collect and racydl in.
recircrgedbld battery (or bemriesi.
For more inlommion go to the name web sin alwwahrcarg
or call woos-umw or dormer a local recycling center.
Display Messages
Thefollwirlg messages shows the slums oiine phone, provides Caller ID
informali‘arl, or helps you setup and use your phone.
Withheld Indicates the person is calling from a number which is
blocked from (ransmlssion.
DELEYE ALL? Prompt asking ii you want 10 erase cll retards,
DELETE? Prompt asking if you wont to erase the current records.
_________ lrldlcatesthat it is the end or we list.
ENTER NAME Prompt telling you to enter a name.
ENTER NUMBER Prompt ielllrlg you to enters telephone number.
NEW Indicates call or calls which have not been reviewed
HANDSET NAME Vrompi telling you re war the user name for me
IMPOSSIBLE The handset ls not yer registered or is out of range.
lNCOMl’LETE Dim Cc lei in‘crrfiailc'i is ‘nie"llpied during ironsrr SIG"
gr ire phone me ls excel ivev no sll lndicares no Clll
I'ifc'rml on was recei' a. you n or subscribes to or:
59er ‘Cr CID SONICO is flfx
LONG DISTANCE Indicates CID record is from a long distance call.
LOW BATTERY Indicates the battery needs in be charged.
EMPTV Indicates there are no CID records in memory.
SEARCHING... Ilidlcoles handset is lop faraway from the base, and me
Landsat ls searching for rhe base Move closer to the
PAGE FROM BASE Someone pressed Illa PAGL potion an the D052
RPT Indicates a repeat call message. lndicalesci new call
lrorrl the same number was received more than once.
UNAVAILABLE incoming call is from on aleri liar seduced ay
ClCI'fiCFMOIOHWi ro «ml.
Handset Sound Signals
Signal Meaning
A low; NC!“ log Ville iwnli 4 'i>rli s an incolfl‘llfl mi:
Three short beeps (several limes] Page signal
(r m ll, 7m is i {may warning
Troubleshooting Guide
Telephone Solutions
No dial tone
- Check or repeal installation steps:
Make sure the base power midis cannecled to a working electrical autlei.
Make sure the telephone line card is connected to the base and the walljcick.
- Canned onolherphane lo the somejack. ll it doem‘l work. the problem might
be your wiring or local service.
- The handset may be pin 01 range ol the base. Move dos/aria the base.
- Make sure me battery is properly charged (for 16 noursl.
pal tone ls ok. bur con’r d-al out
- Make sure the type of phone service you are subscribed to ls TONI: or PULSE.
Handset does not ring
- Make sure the handset ringer is set lo on.
- The handsel may be out of range aflhe base. Move closer to the base.
0 You may have loo many extension phones on your line, Try unplugging some
- Check for a dial lone. If no dial tone is heard, see 'Nci dial lone‘.
Vou experience static, pulse, or fading in and out
- the handset may be our of range of lhe base. Move closer to base.
- Make sure base is not plugged into an electrical oullet wiih another household
appliance. If necessary, relocale the base.
- Charge the battery (for 16 hours).
Memory dialing doesn't work
~ Did you follow proper dialing sequence?
Unrt locks up and no communication between the base and cardss handset
- Unptug me poweradaptar from the electrical outlet and the back at the base.
Remove the handset batterywaitior 30 seconds and plug the parweradaptar
back into the base and electrical outlet. Reconnect the battery and charge lor
16 hours
Charge indicator on the Base Flashes
~ Provided your phone company alters voice messaging service and you
subscribe to it, the charge indicator on the base flashes when the phone Is
not in use to indtcote there is a message waiting. tt's stops flashing after the
message has been reviewed.
Searching... shows in the handset display
0 Move the handset closer to the base.
- Make sure the base power cord is connected to a working electrical outlet.
Date/Time setting is restored to default setting
- May be caused g power failure. Set Date/Time again.
Caller lD Solutions
No Display
- Charge the battery Ilar 16 hours). Or replace the battery.
- Make sure the unit is connected to a non-switched electrical outlet. Disconnect
the power adaptor from the base and reconnect it.
No Caller ID
- You must be subscribed to the standard Name/Number Caller It) service from
your local telephone company to receive CID inlormation.
it you experience any of the following probierns, even alter recharging the battery.
you may need to replace the battery pack
- Short tolktlme
- Poor sound quality
- Limited range
- Charge inatcator fails to turn on
General Product Care
Ta keep your unit working and looking goodJaItow these gurdelines:
- Avoid dropping the handset as well as alher rough treatment to the phone
. Clean the phone with a soft cloth.
~ Never use strong cleaning agents. paint thinner. abrasive powder. alcohol, or
other chemical products to clean the unit, Doing so will damage the finish.
- Retain the origlnol packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later
- Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a clean
pencil eraser.
Causes of Poor Reception
. Aluminum siding
- Foil backing on insulation.
0 Heating ducts and other metal construction that can shield rod'o signas
- Vau ‘re too close to appliances such as mlcrowoves, stoves. computers, etc.
- Atmospheric conditions. such as strong storms
- Base is installed in the basement or lower floor at the house.
. Base is plugged into AC outlet with other electronic devrces,
~ Baby monitor is using the some lreouency.
- Handset battery is low.
- Vou're out of range of the base.
it traubte is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty inlormatian. please
Contact customer service at woo-Mums, ii are equipment is caulnq harm to
the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the
equipment until the problem is resolved.
This product may be serviced only by the mantflacturer arits authorized service agents,
Changes or modifications not expressty approved by Thomson Inc. could void the users
authority m operate this product ror irstructions on how to obtain service. refer to the
warranty induded in this guide or calt customer service at 1—900-446-0329.
or refer inquiries to:
Thomson lnc
Manaaar. Consumer Relations
P 0 Box 1976
Indiampfllls. IN 106206
Attach your sales receipt to the booklet rar future reference or jot dawn the date this
product was purchased or received as a glfi 7his information will be valuable ll service
should be required during the warranty period.
Purchase date
Name of store
Accessortv |NFORMATION
mam ’
memmry moth
AC FM adaptor 5400“
To place order have your Visa MasterCard or DrscoverCard ready and call toll~
free 1-500-338-0376. Ashlpping and handling fee Wl|| be charged upon ordering.
we are required by law to collect appropriate sales tax lar each individual state,
country, and lacalityta which the merchandise is being sent. items are subyect to
availability. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Limlted Warren's!
What your warranty swam
- Defects in materials at warktnansfllp,
For how long after your purdtuu:
~ One yeotlmm date of purchase
[The warranty pel'iud for rental units begins with the first rental or 115 days lrom date of
shipment la the rental firm. whichever comes firsiJ
What wl will tie:
- Provide yau wnh a new or. at ottroptian.a rearralshea unit. The exchange untt tsunaer
warranty tor the remainder atthe original product's warranty period,
Haw you get servlce:
. Properly pack yaur untt. Include any cables. etcg which were arigtnalty provided with the
proattct, We recommend using the original carton ana packing materials.
- ‘Waafuf purchase In the farm Ola blilol sale or receialea invoice which ls Evidence that
the pmduct is within the warranty penaa, must he presented to obtain warranty service."
rorrerrtat firms, proataifirst rental is also required Also print your name anti address
and a description oflhe defect. Send via standard UPS ot'lts equivalent to:
Thomson Inc.
“721 B Alameda Ave.
Sowml Tm 79927
- Pay any charges allied to you ay the Exchange Center tor service not coverea byttle
~ insure your shipment for loss or damage, rhotnsan lnc, accepts no liabilhy tn case or
damage or lass
- A new or refutblshad unit will be shippeato you lreight prepmd
What your warranty does not aover:
-Customer instruction. lvour Owner's Manual provides information regatting apetattng
instructions and user controls. Any aaottional miarnratton, should he aatatnea ltorn your
- lnealtation and setup servtce adjustments
- Batteries
- Damage tram misuse or neglect.
- Products whlclr have been madmed or incorporated into other products.
- Products purchased at serviced auts‘tde the USA.
~ Acts at naurre. such as but not limited to rtghtntng damage.
Matt neglstmaam
- Please complete and mail the Product Raglstraaon Curd packed with your unit. ltwlll
make R easier to Contact you should it ever be necessary The rewrn Ofthe Card Is not
required for warranty coverage.
umltatlan afWarranty.
- The warranty stated minute is the any warranty applicable la tnts product. All other
warranties. express or implied Iincludlng all trnpltea warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a Damculnl wrpasel are hereby disclaimer]. N0 verbal at written information
given by ‘rhcmson Inc, its agents. or employees shall create a guaranty aria any way
increase the scope at this warranty.
~ Repalr or replacement as moulded under lhls warranty is the exclusive remedy of the
consumer. Thomsan inc. shall not be liable far incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the use Ufthls product ar arising out atany breach afany express or
lmpllea warranty an tits product. This disclaimer at warranties and limited warranty
are governed by the laws or the state at tnatana. Except to the extent prohlatea ay
appltcaale law, any implied warranty cl merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose an thts product ts llmiled to the applicaale warranty period set torth above
Haw state law relates to this warranty.
- Some slales do not allow the excluslun nor lim‘natian of intidentnl or consequentlal
damages. or Iimilalionson howlang an implied warranty lasts st: the abwe limnahons or
mlusians may not apply ta you,
- This warranty gives you specific legal rights. and you also may have other rights that vary
tram state to state.
"you putdlased yaw product atmlda the USA:
- This warranty does not apply. contact your aealer tar warranty tntormatian.

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