Thomson 2-7903A 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID User Manual USERS MANUAL 2 OF 2

Thomson Inc. 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID USERS MANUAL 2 OF 2



Download: Thomson 2-7903A 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID User Manual USERS MANUAL 2 OF 2
Mirror Download []Thomson 2-7903A 2.4GHz Single-Line,WDCT cordless phone w/caller ID User Manual USERS MANUAL 2 OF 2
Document ID716801
Application IDzKoFUDusaX4smoZBz+onuw==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2 OF 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize76.1kB (951208 bits)
Date Submitted2006-10-17 00:00:00
Date Available2006-10-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-10-12 09:25:38
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF Library 5.0
Document Lastmod2006-10-12 09:25:39
Document TitleUSERS MANUAL 2 OF 2
Document CreatorHP PDF Formatter version

Model 27902
2.4 GHz Cordless
Telephone System
User's Guide
from 28111
adapted from VD
from 29273
revision based on standard
Vour telephone equipment IS approved iar cannecuomo the Public Switched Telephone
Network and is in compliance with parts 15 and 68. FCC Rules and R uiations and the
Technical Requirements tor Telephone Terminal Equipment published AcTA.
t llotihtanon to the Local Telephone company
on the bottom otthrs equipment IS a label indicating. among other lntornration, the
US numberond Ringer Equivalence Number lRENt tor the equipment. You must. upon
request, provide this intarmulion to your telephone company.
The itch s usetui m determining are number at devices you may connectta your
telephone line and still hone all at these devices ring when your telephone number is
cal-ed, in mostlbut not aiii areas, the sum ol the RENs atoll devices connected to one
line should not exceed 5. To be certain oi the number ot devices you may connect
to your line as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone
Aalug and Jack used to connect this equipment lathe premises wiring and telephone
network must corn with the applicabte FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted
by me ACTA. A camp iant telephone cord and modular plug rs provided watt this
product, It is designed to beconrtecteo to a compatible modular jack that is also
compliant. see installation instructions for details
. This equipment may not be used on corn Sen/ice provided bythe telephone
~ Party lines are Subject to state taritls, and thereloie. you may not be able to use your
own telephone equipment it you are an a party line. Check with your local telephone
. Notice must be iven la the lelephone company upon permanent disconnection of
yuul telephone tom your line.
. it your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line,
ensure the installation or this product does not disable your alarm equipment. it you
have questions about what will disable alarm equipment. consult your telephone
company at a qualified insulller.
US Number is located on the cabinet bonnm.
REN Number is located on thembinn Main.
Thomson Inc.
0 10330 North Meridlan Street
lndianopdrs. lN item-1024
0 2005 Hanson Inc.
Tl-luivlsnu 0
[REV 0 Dem El
Tlodemlklsl 0 Registered
in chino Mulcnisi Registradalsl
2 Rights at the Telephone Company
Should your equipment cause trouble on y our line which may harm the telephone
network. the telephone company shall. where practicable, notify you thal temporary
discontinuance of service may be required. Where prior notice is not practicable and
the circumstances warrant such action. the telephone company may temporarily
discontinue service immediatety. in case or such temporary discontinuance. the
telephone company must ll] promptly notify you of such temporary discontinuance,
(2) aflard you the opportunity to correct the situation; and (3) inform you at your right
or bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to pmcedures set torlh in Subpart E
at Port oz, FCC Rules and Reguidllofls.
The telephone company may make changes in its communications lucilihes.
equipment. operations or pmttdures where such action is required tn the operation
oi its business and not inconsistem with FCC Rules and Regulations I1 these changes
are expected to alfectthe use or performance at yourtelephone equiprnent,the
telephone company must give you adequate notice, In ymting, to allow you to
maintain uninterrupted service.
This device complies with Part 15 at the FCC Rules, Operation is subject lo the lollorring
two conditions (ti This device may not cause harmful interierence. and II) This device
must accept arty interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and found to comply wait the limits tor a class a
digital device. pursuant to Porl1s ol the rec Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interterence in a residential installation,
This equipment generates. uses. and can radiate radio frequency energy and. it not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtul inlerterence
to radio communications, However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation.
Privacy oi Communications may not be ensured when using this product.
lithis equipment does cause harmhrl interterence to radio arteievislan reception. which
can be determined by turning the equipment attend on. the user rs encouraged to try I0
correct the interference by one or mare at the following measures‘
. Rearienlcn relocate the receiving antenna that is. the antenna lor radio ol television
that is “receiving' the interlcrencel
. Renriantor relocate and increase the separation between the teleoornrnunloattans
equipment and receiving antenna.
~ Connect the telecommunications equrpment into an outlet on a circuit dllielent from
tltalla which the receiving antenna is connected.
"these measures do not ellminale the interference, please consult your dealer or an
experienced radio/television technicmn tor additional suggestions Alsoxhe Federal
Communicahuns Commission has prepared a heiplul booklet. "How To identify and
Resolve Radtorrv lnterterence Problems: This booklet is available horn the US.
Government Prlnllng olhce. Washington. a c. 20402. Please specify stock number one
000~003A5~k when ordering mpies
Nance The changes or rnodificatrons not expressly approved by the pony responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Thrs telephone system meets rcc stondardstor Hearing M Compatibility.
Licensed under US Patent 6,427,009.
This equipment complies whh rcc RF radiation exposure limits set lorlh tor an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be trctaiiea and operoted with
a minimum distance ot20 centimeters between the radiator and yaurbody. This
transmitter must not be ctr-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or
tumult to Him“
int mailer
SEE MMKlNE air BDTWMIHAEK ar rhnnllcr
FCC lD: (ism-790»
Mormon Report No. zozzomozzob
EXHIBIT EU ).2 [27902XXl-A]
CAUTION: When using telephone equipment. there are basic
safety instmcfions that should always be followed. Refer to
product and save them for future reference.
IMPORYANY: Because cordless phones operate on electricity. you
should have at least one phone In your home that isn‘t cordless.
in case the power in your home goes out.
Parts Checklist
Make sure your package includes the ilems shown here.
' wailing ror
, artwork
Tfluflflm Handset
hmrvpndl holder
{ .,
AC power Yele hone
adaptor llnepoarrl
Telephone Jack Requirements
To use this phone you need an muc lype modular
leieplmnejaclr. which might look like the one pictured here.
installed in your home. II you don't have a modular jack.
call your local phone company to find our nowlo get one
Digital Security System
Vour cordless phone uses a digital security system to protect against false ringing.
unauthorized access. and charges to your phone line.
|NfiALLATION NOTE: some cordless telephones operate at
frequencies that may cause or receive interference with nearby
TVs, microwave wens< and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such
interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be
placed near or on top oia TV. microwave ovens, or VCR. Ii such
interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther
away from these appliances.
Certain other cammuni tions devices may also use the 2A
Griz frequency {or communication and, if not properly set,
these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new
telephone. liyou are concerned with interlerenoe. please refer
to the owner‘s manual for these devices on how to properly
set channels to avoid interference Typical devices that may
use the 2A Griz frequency for communication include wireless
audio/video senders. wireless computer networks, mum-handset
cordless telephone systems, and some Ionglll' ngtlts lAtK/c: lbcuL
..o:r-r>r ~,;.
DLflCf’ to
he cultiuit sr
u Mtrrtu
Handset Name
From the Setup HS Menu:
' fill. 5' tl lilll‘iiifi (4‘th Auto Talk sutntrlersl
.. [tar towitrl fl“ L fl"? de‘cu 15611 Ilg r.) Hit-“5.35.7,
3. Use the touchvlone pad to enter a name (up to 15 charactersl. More than one
letter is stored in each or the number keys. For example, to enter Bill Smlth, press
the 2 key twice lar lhe letter B, Press the a key 3 trmes lor the Ietler I. Pressme
5 key 3 times for the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times for the second letter L, and
press the 1 key to insert a space between the first and last name. Press the 7 key
n times for the letter 3; press the a key once forthe letter M, press the 4 key 3
times lathe letter I; press the 8 key for the letter T: press the A key twice lor the
letter H.
NOTE: liyou make a mlstaka, press cldiyol l- or cl button to move
the cursor lorward or backward, then use the mute/clear bum"
to backspace and delete one character at n time.
From the Setup HS Menu:
u to ml la the Auta Talk sum—mom;
' union to sun»! to your
as cl la the Languages 5
, nu
est English Francois 'r Espanal
we you su t., x
M ireriu.
r: fit me hit” tr.
Setup BS
1, Make sure your phone 350” [not in talk model.
2. Press the new button to go to the main menu.
3. Press Cid/val l- or +l button tn scroll to Setup 55.
14 Press "fen.- button to confirm and you may program the lallawing terns Loc [local
area code) and Oral mode.
LAC (local area code)
The telephone uses the are-programmed area cadetoaetermme the number
larmal to display when a valid Caller ID record is received. The rue-programmed
urea cade is also used far the Dialback feature.
From the Setup HS Menu:
‘ tress ‘
J‘ Pro .
3 Lastneta
; Pressffens atttontn
Dial mode
VCL Mai, scztra my
.l'r'— LAC lll’; “e
lll Enter [AC S‘E-M» .
me crsp a,
2 Press Menu bLll’ to enter me um Dial mode sncws r me it.
fr FresStrlec -ci tl hitherto ’Il Tanec'l’ulsc,
«r Press Men mum to snveztese mg.
SOFFlllol ll' EC n‘
o latte ohm menu,
ll/nl r or s: tutor iDate/fime.
re the web... reams
enterthn ltbl we or
Telephone Operation
Making a Call
2, n as. i‘lc mt hl‘tzll . mu Ilisuéc minor“
Gi " «in MG ‘l‘fi
NOTE. i you wantto delete din pro-dial number you entered,
press the mute/Clear button until all ofthe digits are erased,
Answering Cells
1. when the phone rings, press the TALK/call back button.
2 Wr‘e he filth/“soil CC:
nncset 33th '
NOTE: it you have turned the Auto Talk lunctian on. you can pick
up the handset to answer the incoming call directly.
NOTE: Adjust the handset volume by pressing the Cid/vol l- or 01
button during a call,
Inserting a Pause in the Dialing Sequence
Press the Muse button twice to insert a delay rri dialing sequence when a pause
is needed to wort lard dial tone (for example. after you dial 9 foran olnsrde line. or
to wait lot a computer access tone] anh pause counts as one digit in the dialing
sequence. cw; lf mourn as P~rl1lgit telephone number.
Ten digits 3-dlgit area code 4 317-388-8883
7—digtt telephone number.
Seven digits 7—digit telephone number. assesses
Storing ClD Records into Phone Book
NOTE: it“ is important that you format CID records correctly
BEFORE storing in Phone Book as you cannot reformat CID
records stored in Phone soak.
1 Make sure the phone is OFF Inot in talk model.
2. Use the rid/vol [- or «l button to scroll to the desired CID record.
3. Press Menu button.
4. USE the Cid/vol l~ or ‘l button {0 59m“ to 50!!! number.
5. Press Menu button to enter edit mode Vou may now change the name, if desired
Please relel to section 'Handset Name" lor name editing method.
NOTE: It the CID record does not Include a name. Enternome
shows in the display.
6. Press Ihe Menu button to save,
none It Memory full shows in the display and the unit emits 3
beeps. you should delete one or more unnecessary records and
repeat above steps to continue the call record storoge.
NOTE: Press the Flash/Exit button to keep the previous setting
lmoking no changes) and return to the standby mode.
NOTE ll the Selectw CID record contains any Information thut is
non numeric the unit will not allow this rerurd to transfer to me
llllerntl! user memory The handset Will display UNABLETO SlORE.
To Replace 0 Stores! CI 0 Record
r l
Deleting a CID Record
1, Make sure the phone is OFF (not in TALK model.
2. Use the cranial l- or sl button to display me CID record you want to delete.
3. Press the Menu button.
it Usethe GIG/Vol l- or a) billion to scroll to caterer.
5. Press the Menu button to erase the record showing in the display. Confirm?
shows in the display.
6. Press the Menu button to confirm. mletcd shows in the display.
NOTE: Press the Flush/Exit button to return to the standby mode
Without deieung any CID records.
Deleting All CID Records
2. Use the cid/yal l~ or cl button to display the CID record you wont to delete.
3. Press the Menu button.
4, Use the Cid/vol I- or +I button to scroll to Delete all?.
5. Press the Menu button to erase the record showing it the display. Confirm?
shows in the display.
5. Press the Menu button to confirm. All deletedslmrs in the display.
NOTE Press the FIush/Gxit button to return to the standby mode
without deleting any CID records.
Each handset can store up to filty 20- -digil numbers With up to iS—chorocler names
in memory iar quick dialing in m, n ., t<: 032? disc n on
Adding Phone Book Entries
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk model
2 Press the Pmnebook button
3. Pres the Menu button and use the Cid/vol (4 or ti button to scroll Add new.
0. Press the Menu button Enter-number shows in the display.
cnc too to nor shone T‘JPCGV,
TI .l>ress the wpause button twice to insert a pause in a number
it necessary.
6. Press the Menu button. Enter name shows ln the display. Please refer to Search
"Handset Name' for name editing method.
7. Press the Menu button to save,
NOTE: if Memory full shows in the display. you should delete one
or more unnecessary records and repeatabove steps to continue
the call record storage.
Reviewing Phone Book Records
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk mode).
2 Press the Phonebook button.
3. Press the Cid/vol (- or «I button to scroll through the records,
n Press the ‘tone button tc show the person's telephone
number whose name is current shown in the dispiay.
Editing a Phone Book Record
2. Press Menu button and use the Cid/val l- or r] button to scroll to Edit
3. Press Menu button to enter edit mode. You may now change the number. iI
4. P Mel’s mien ic- nrcceezl is. rche change. You may now change the name.
it desired. Please refer to section "Handset Nome' for home eating melhod.
5. Press Menu button to save.
NOTE: Press the Flash/alt button to keep the previous setting
(making no changes) and return to the standby mode,
DeIeting 0 Phone Book Record
u .. lr'1,1lt‘:: in nu
Dial a phone bODK record while reviewing li‘
‘ sorrhllil'lt
' omitiii '
l< Utllll?" l
. u (3 n l'ii‘r‘r bflc'
were hock it
Select. nd pres, he “an clutter“ still?
1 Traffitllt’ Willi.
Lse :|"€ ' ‘
EV isl
. .. wosflnlh’ml lecitor‘cl‘hqnumlhl'
Chain Dialing from Phone Book
CAUTION: To reduce thl risk of fire or personal injury, use
only the Thomson Inc. approved Nickel-moral Hydride lNI-Mm
battery modal 5-xxxx, that is compufibla with this unit.
1. Maire sure the telephone is OFF (not in TALK model before you replace battery.
2. Remove the battery compartment door.
3, Disconnect the card attached to the battery pack and remove the battery pack
from the handset.
A. Insert the new battery pack and connect me cord ID the jackrnslde the battery
5. Pill the battery compartment dear back on.
5. Place handset in the base or handset charge cradle to charge. Allow the Mndst
batteryto properly chum (for 16 hours) prior to firstuuorwhenyoll
install a new battery pack. "you do not properly charge the phone, battery
Marmame will be compromised.
Buttery Safety Precautions
0 Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate. or puncture. Like other batteries of this type.
toxic materials could be released when can cause injury.
~ Tl) reduce the risk alfire or personal injury, use only the Nickel-metal
Hydride battery listed in the User‘s Guide.
- Keep batteries oul of the reach of children.
- Remove bailelles il storing over 30 days
NOTE The RBRC seal on the battery used in your Thomson inc. pmduct
indicates that wean participating in a program to wllect and recycle the
rmhurgnbl. bamry lor batteries].
For morn information go to m RBRCweb site at
or call immanent or contact a local recycling center.
Disglay Messages
The following messages shows the status afthe phone, plot/ides Caller ID
lnlormuliun. or helps you set up and use your phone.
Withheld indicates the person is culllng imm a number which is
blocked lmm transmission.
DELETE All? I WC“? lo etc
DELETE? you-wanna erase he cunerr mamas.
_________ the end on .
NEW lndlcates call or culls which have not been reviewed
HANDSET NAME if"! to enterthel ier name fo‘ the
lONG DISTANCE Indicates CID record is from a long distance call,
[OW umxv Indicates the battery needs to be charged,
EMPTV Indicates mere are no CIO records in memery,
SEARCHING... lr‘dlc MM 100 lcr 39 btiiit' ( lint
no‘dset l: wishing ‘or the base . close' to
PAGE FROM BASE 30 'E( 725590 the PAG'L Button 3" the ba-SE
RFT Indicates a repeat call message. Indicates a new call
from the same number was renewed more than once.
unnummsu Jlll (ll r
Handset Sound Signals
signal Meaning
mo in.
Three shalt beepsiseverul times) Page Signal
Troubleshooting Guide
Telephone Solutlons
Na dial tone
- Check or repeat lrlstallation steps
Make sure the base power cord is connected to a working electrical outlet
Make sure the telephone line card is connected to me base and the walljuck.
- Connect another phone to the same lock. Il it doesn‘t work. the problem might
be your wiring or local service.
- The handset may be out of range of the base. Move closerta the base.
- Make sure the battery is pmpelly charged (for 16 hoursl.
u rl lune ls OK if * "ant r, ul out
‘ ill-1L he type at arms zemce you are subsfllihé‘c 'c lg TOW or limit
Handsetdoes not ring
- finite ; he he l‘Oluset rim]?! . Jr; 0‘;
- The handset may be out of range oithe base. Mal/e closer to the base.
- Vou may havetao many extension phones on your line. Try unplugging some
- Check for a dial tone. ll no dial tone is heard. see "No dial tone
Vou experience static, no e, Dilccfing in and out
- The handset may be out at range ol the base. Move closer to base.
- Make sure base is not plugged into on electrical outlet with another household
appliance. if necessary. relacate the base.
- charge_the battery liar 16 haursl,
Memory dialing doesn't walk
' Did you {allow proper dialing sequence?
Unit locks up and no communication between the base and cordless handset
' Unplug the Dowel adaptor from tileelectrtcal outlet and the back althe base.
Remove the handset battery. Wail for 30 seconds and plug the power adaptor
back into the base and electrical outlet. Reconnect the battery and charge for
16 hours
charge indicator on the Bose Flashes
0 Provided your phone company oileis vaice messaging service and you
subscribe to lt. the charge indicator on the base flashes when the phone is
riot in use to indicate there is a messagewaihng. It's stops flashing alter the
message has been reviewed.
Searching.... shows in the handset display
' Move the handset closer to the base.
- Make sure the base power cord IS connected la a working electrical outlet.
Date/“lime setting is restored to deiautt setting
. May be caused by power laiiure. Set Dare/rime Bln.
Caller ID Solutions
Na Display
~ Charge the battery (tor 16 haursl or replace the battery
0 Make sure the unit is connected to a nan-switched electrical outlet. Disconnect
the power adaptor from the base and reconnect it.
No Caller ID
- Vou must be subscribed to the stanoarrl Name/Number caller in service lram
your local telephone company to receive CID inlormauon.
If you experience any oi the following problems, even after recharging the battery,
you may need to replace the battery pack,
- Start talk time
- Poor sound quality
~ Limited range
. Charge indkatai tails to turn on
General Product Care
To keep your unit working and looking good, laliow these guidelines.
~ Avotddroppngthehmdsetaswellasotherroughtreamlentlotheptxre
0 Clean the phone With a soft cloth.
~ Never use strong cleaning agents, paint thinner, abrasive powder. alcohol, or
other chemical products to clean the unit, Doing so will damage the finish,
. Return the Dflglnc“ packaging In case you need to ship the phone at a later
- Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a clean
pencil eraser,
Causes of Poor Reception
- Aluminum siding.
- Foil backing on notation.
' Heating ducts and other metal construction that can shield radio signals
. You is too close to appliances such as microwaves stoves, computers etc,
- Atmospheric conditions, such as strong storms,
- Base ls installed in the basement or lower floor at the house.
~ Base is plugged into AC outlet With other electronic dcvrces.
- Baoy monitor is using the same frequency.
. Handset battery is low.
- Vou'reoutal range at the base.
tr trouble is aperiericed with this equipment. (or repoir or warranty ‘iiilormotm please
contact customer service at Noam-0329. It the equipment is causing harm to
the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you d‘scannecllhe
equtpment until the problem I5 resolved.
Thls product maybe serviced only by the manulacluier or its authorized service agents
Changesor modifications notexpressty approved by Thomson inc, could volatile user's
authority lo operate this product. For instructions on how to obtain service, reler lo the
warranty included in this glltde or call customer service at IMAM-0329
pr refer inquiries to-
thornson Int;
Manager, Conmmer Relatlarls
P a son 1975
Indlunapotls, IN 46206
Attach your sales receipt to the booklet tor future reference or jot down the date this
product was purchased or received as a am. this hiormolim Witt be valuable it service
should be required doing the warranty period,
Purchase date
Name at store
Disclll’rm mend—w'
Nandsu Rtplaoommt Sonny Hm
To place order, have your visa. MasterCard. or Discover Card ready and call tolls
tree 1-800-33M376. A shipping and handlirvg lee will be charged upon ordering.
We are required by law to collect appropriate sales tax for each individual state.
country. and Iacalityta which the merchandise is being sent. items are subject to
wailabillty. Prices are subject to change without notice
Limlted Warm ntz
Wm ywrwmmy wars.
0 Defects in maleflulsolwolkmnshlp.
For lww long utter your purchase:
~ One year. from date of purchase,
trne wananty period tar rental un‘ts begins wltn tne first rental or 45 days tram pate a!
shipment X!) the rental film. wnicttever comes firstl
What w. will do:
~ Plovlde Wu wtlha new or. want upliort a lelurbtshed unit. The exchange uni! is under
warranty tor the remainder al the origtnal product's warranty perm,
Now you got son/toe:
e Properly packyour unit. lnclrrae any mates. etc, mm were otlgtmlly pro/rhea wntr tne
praauctwe recommend ustrtg lhe otlginal cotton and packing mmerlflls,
0 'Pmol of purchase ln the Rum ul'fl bill olsale or receipted invatce which 5 evrdence that
the product ls w‘rthln the warranty peltod, must be presented to ubtatn warranty servtce.‘
Fur rental firms, praat at first rental rs also reoprrea Also ptlnlyour name aha address
and a desctlauorl ofttle delen Send via standard UPS or its equivalemw'
Thomson Inc.
11721 B Alameda Ave.
swam, Texas 79927
. Pay any charges billed to you pytne Exchange Center for service nar revered by the
c more yourshrprnent tar lass or carnage. lholrlsan lnc accepts no tatnlrtyrn (use at
damage or loss.
~ A new or rernrhlshed arm wrll he strlppea ta you trergtrt prepata.
what your warranty does not cover
- Customerlnstruction. lvartr Owner 5 Manual prov'ldes rntarrnatrcn regararng operating
lnstrucbonz u’td user controts. Any ade‘lonal mlormatr’on. should be oblotned llom your
. lnstallattan and setup servtce aayuslmertts
' Bananas.
. Damage tram rnrsuse arneglect
. Products wnm have been modified or Incclpolflled lnta other Dmducls
. Products purchased vrse‘vlceu‘ outside the USA.
- Acts at nature such as but rat Ilmited ta Itghmlrlg aarnage
Product Registration:
0 Please complete and mull (he Pied/£1 Regtslratran Caro packed with your unlt. llwlll
make 1 easier to cantaayau should never be necessary. The return at the (0rd is not
requtred for warranty coverage.
llm'tudon 0!me
- the warranty stated above a the any warranty applicants to thts product. All other
warranttes express or lmalied (tncludttlg all ‘lrttpited warrant‘ls at mercnnnzahrl‘rty Dr
fitness [or a particular puroesel are hereby disdained. No verbal nr written trlor’mation
given by Thomson lnc., rts agents. or employees shall create a guaranty at in any way
increase the scope orthls warranty,
. Repmr or replacement as prayrdett unaer ttrls warranty rs the exclustva ranreay or the
consumer, Thomscn Inc 510“ not be liable for lttcldenlal 07 canseauenttal damages
resulttng lmrn the use at thts product at arising out at any breach or any express or
implied warranty on thls prudua Thts dlscloimet of warranties and limited wanflmy
are governed by the lows c‘ the state at lnawna, Except to the extenl prchrotea by
applicable law, any lmptlea warranty ol nerarantaarrlty at fitness rat a particular
purpose on thls product IS ltmtted la the appltcable warranty perm set lorttr above.
How was law relates to thts warranty:
' Some slows do not allawttte excluston not Ilmllctilon afinc‘ldental arcanseauentlal
aamaaes. at llnnrtatrans on haw long an lrrrplrea warranty lusts so the above llmnatrans at
mluslons may not apply to you.
- the warranty glves yau spec‘lfic tegal rlghts,and you alsa may have other turns that vary
tram state to state
lfyml pttfdtfluti your product antslaa the USA:
- Thlsvmrlumy apes nat apply, Contanlyulst dealer tar warranty tnrarrnatron.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2006:10:12 09:25:39-03:00
Create Date                     : 2006:10:12 09:25:38-03:00
Creator                         : HP PDF Formatter version
Page Count                      : 9
Mod Date                        : 2006:10:12 09:25:39-03:00
Creation Date                   : 2006:10:12 09:25:38-03:00
Producer                        : Adobe PDF Library 5.0
Metadata Date                   : 2006:10:12 09:25:39-03:00
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: G9H2-7903A

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