Thomson 26730 25 Channel Cordless Phone User Manual Users Guide
Thomson Inc. 25 Channel Cordless Phone Users Guide
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Users Guide
MARSTE CH LIMITED EXHIBIT A [FCC Ref. 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User“ Thomson/26730XXX—A EXHIBIT A FCC ID: G9I-I26730 Marstech Report N04 99053D 25-Channel Caller ID with Call Waiting Cordless Telephone User's Guide '_ We bring good things to life. mow-use | « mmudmv FCC ID: 091426730 Marslcch Report No. 99053D EXHIBIT A(I) |m¢f FCC RmxsmxnoN‘ INFORMATION Vululcpbom ' ilrofinmwimmmltommnhtmcommnmihmmflhm wit-Maxis“ FCCMIn-ndfimlm I numumwvmmm A Ohm-mm)!!!“ bmomlclllbolindkai .-mmummmmmmw mmfim dmNumbleENHen mlmmmmmmmtmk lMemmbflmvomu rum-"v. mniNituMullndmnnlnl mamwdmmnw‘wnmwmmwhomimmddl Modldmdwieurlnu yourmhphmnnumllu fihmgmmaIn-rflmmcfl moaimuuxmmmmmlimmummannmammwm mmmumhummmeNflwmfimmmmm . m:oquipmmnuynotbouuameoinmioaommowmouhobomeomm - Pony Iim m wbiomo mu mills, Ind m-rdon. vw my not human um vow m tot-phon- wuipm "you no on n patty 1m that with your Ioulwloohom compmy. - Mme: mm in nivanmmouapnom WW upon pom-nun dmnmm‘ Mmrulw'mwfiom your no. 2 m d mnlwlwm Company Sthd your ooulpm mun uoum on my lino which mw haunjfie fielqmm 13mm on one company shalwflm pmfiaun, norm/you max-"upon“ disoomwmm of mm. may b- mu . wmn prim mic- is not nude-bk amununwmnm won-m ouch aaiumflu Wm comp-"v mw wnpourlv mmimu uwiooimmm In an ofwonmvw dimmimnnu, m uhpponu oomplw mm; m pnompw mi you mum am my dimmimnm; 2} mm (”mommy mmoam mnwwmd m I om ‘nu 01qu vam Mn . wmlmwmocommnwoflpumm lo mood-am mm in 5115le E ov m 51, rec ules and $gogu21ci‘om. Them-phone on my my Mum u in “m comm-1m “lain. “Aim-v. do": 01 E'oeedum mar-"$41. min I: noui inmwmfion urn.- minus md m mum Vlmt Fcc um mo neg-alum "M din-was ore-woo lo uneam‘m mw‘mm ofyoumI-pnonc mxpmmm oneeom mmvw minus“ mnlmmwmh "m mph my a mm M- IMMENCE INFORMATION Thisdwielmdi-wnfim$010“mlumarwmioniswbleammioflwfiwmwfim:(1) “13de Maul. harmful 1mm 3M 2)Thi: Mic. munmptmyi Mod. lndud‘ ”Mméuwmmmm u mism'mhnben‘mamd meom Wit-“misty: mfldiniuldeviomwwamm P1n|5 WPCCMIthmEm’n-ud'd to ' mnmb‘e ' I lnamvmful in. MI A Mm mm. g. mimmwwmmamunvfimnfi mimimledmm-flin Mmmmomm,mmnww‘m»r nmmmmh Mmmmlmflflemvfiflmmflln-mmmhrwhfiom "this lquipmfll defiant harmful lnMevenwtoudb «mi-vision vamia. an be dammit-d an; myWinn-moi!“downtumiumng-dwwmmmmn'mbvmlmm win-nuns: 0 Mriunofrod.In.mivinillmmmhmomlwndlownmifimmi‘mw'm mod-ma 0 ROOMummimflmnpflnfioflbfiwnnMIMWthfiummwmm mam-mum ' mmm-mmmfiwmwmnnmmafimmmmnmmifimo mammhmnmd. ' Coruullmddflmlnwnfidwmnidlnfiuhob. "may! Infill!“ fl melanin-u till Mum, plum mun your M0107 In mum radial Id on Mnhfim bridtfifionll “13mm Also, it“ hdoul Communiul'nnl Comnfinkm has udlhtlvfnlbooklfl,‘NWTo lmwmdfimmmhmlmflummhlfinl" Thlsbookm I tv I‘M. from in. US G "an Prim Offioo.Wuh‘ncton 9.5. ML I’ll ‘ M Lumber 00W who‘vn (muting Dung. ' '“ spotty Hmnmc Au) Counmnm This mum-mo 94m mam sec lunduds for “firing Aid Camp-(Milly. FCC NUMBER IS LOCATED ON YHE WINET WHOM HEN NUMBER IS LOGTED DN WE CABINET BOTTOM wanna-unit) z i manor“ TABLE or CONTENTS FCC Mutton luau-Mm Imam "mum" . Ham-n Am Comm-NV Inmawmon ..... Insummou Ann Sen» Mowua JACK REuumEMEms Dmrrn SEcuan'v SverM DEsmr lusmumou FlNDiNG THE HAND RINGER Swnm TonalesE DIAUNG 11 TONE ‘I 1 PULSE 1 1 V01qu 1 1 Voice MESAGMG 12 CAM-ER ID wrm CALI. WAmNG REcEMuG mu STORING mus REVIEWING MESSAGES ¢>—| Dem-ms REoonns ...... . Dem-ms tnE CURRENT REookn . 15 DElE‘nNG Au REoonns.... Dunne A Gun ID NUMBER 1 5 Cnmcme ms NUMBER Foam 16 TuE Mam" FEATunE . 810mm; A NUMBER IN mes A SmnEn NuMlEA . Dunne A STORED NUMBER. CuAm Dunne mu MEMORV‘ |NSER|1NG A PAUSE N THE Bums SEOUENCE.... REVIEWING AND DElETING Srann NuMEEns . . 21 0mm mE . 22 BATTERY SAFETV Paeuunons . 23 GENERM. Puonucr CARE . . 3 MM Inmvons HAmssr Slam TmmanoomeTws .25 Camosl’oonflmu .27 Sam/um. .27 1- outm- m- u- m ... am- an m...“ u . ...-... m. WARNING: T0 "EVEm mg 1.1 °3 swam: man, W no nor moss ms mower 10 um an momma ZWMIBEO 5 muzwm 4} INTRODUCTION Your Caller ID phone stores and displays specific information, provided by your local telephone company, to subscribers of Caller ID or similar caller identification servlces. You must subscribe to one of these services In order to use this unit. Your Caller ID phone enables you to: ' Identify callers before you answer the phone 0 View the time and date of each Incoming call‘ 0 Record up to 40 Caller ID messages sequentially. 0 Know who called whlle you were away. To get the most from your new phone, we suggest that you take a few minutes rlght now to read through this user's guide. IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones opente on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordlas, in use the power in your home got: out. “meow-ass l wimp" lmo—l INSTALLATION AND SETUP Make sure your package includes the ltems shown here. wall mount bucket Telephone line and soon telephone line and AC power supply MODULAR JACK Reqummmms You need an N” type modular jack, which is the most common type of phone iack and might look like the one pictured here. If you don't have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed. INSTALLATION NOTE; Some cordles telephones operate at frequencies that may ause interference to nearby TVs and VCIh. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the eordlue telephone should not be placed near or on lap of a TV m‘VCR. "such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or VCR. chml. Smunrry SYSTEM Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to provide protectlon against false rlnging, unauthorixed access. and charges to your phone IIne. When you place the handset in the base, the unit verifies Its security code. Alter a power outage or battery replacement, you should place the handset In the base for about 20 seconds to reset the code. “moons“ e i |_:E|¢lmi DESKTOP INSTALLATION Non”: For . desktop charging only, the handset is able to charge facing up or down. 1. Place the handset in the base. 1 Set the RINGER switch on the handset to ON. 3. Raise the base antenna. 4. Plug the power supply cord into the base and then into an AC outlet. The CHARGE/IN USE light comes on indicating that the battery is charging. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours before using the first time. If you don't charge the phone properly (for 12 hours) when you first set up the phone, perfomenco of the battery will he compromlnd. 5. After charging, connect the telephone cord to the phone and then to the wall jack NOTE : The phone automatically defaults to touchvtene dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing. see “Tone/Pulse Dialing. 1ryon don't know which type of service you have. check with the phone company. CAUTION: Use only the Thomson 5-2455 (blackV 5-2454 (white) power supply that came with this unit. Using other adzplcn may damage the unit. zmnomeso e mnwm WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION Because it is necessary to charge the handset for 12 hours prior to connecting the phone for use the first time, it is better to leave the unit on a flat surface during initial charge before attempting to hang it on the wall. 1. Place the handset in the base. 2. Connect the power supply adapter into the base and then an AC outlet. Allow the phone to charge for 12 hours before using the first time. If you don't charge the phone properly (for 12 hours) when you first set up the phone, parlomance of the battery will be compromlaed. The CHARGE/IN USE light comes on Indicating that the battery is charging. 3. Set the RINGER switch on the handset to ON. 4. After charging, plug the shunt phone line cord into the phone jack on the back of the unit and CAUTION: Use only the ‘nwmmn then to the wall iack. 5-2455 (black)/ 52454 (white) power supply that am: with this 5. Attach the wall mount bracket by mm Using other adapt“, my tnsemng the two tabs at the top amaze me uni“ and then snapping the tab at the bottom into place. “730004350 7 ‘ area/nan!“ |—-¢>- G. Slip the mounting holes over the wall plate posts and slide the unit down firmly into place. (Wall plate not included.) NOTE = The phone automatially defaults lo touch—tone dialing. To change to pulse (rotary) dialing, see “Tone/Pulse Dialing. Kym! don't know which type or service you have, check with the phone company. “moons“ a f amt-maxim |—¢- TELEPHONE OPERATION RECEIVINGACALL 1. Check the display to see who is calling. 2. Press the TALK button. MAKINGACALL To make a call, press the TALK button before you dial and press it again to hang up. RHJIAL Press the REDIAL button to redial the last number you dialed. FLASH BUTTON Use the FLASH button to activate custom calling services such as cell waiting or cell transfer, which are available through your local phone company. 1'le Don‘t use the TALK button to activate custom filling servicu such as call waiting, or you‘ll hang up the phone. CHANNEL BU'rrON While talking, you might need to manually change the channel in order to get rid of static. Press and release the CHANNEL button to advance to the next clear channel. uncoomeeo 9 i malnzwm l—IEIQI Mommy Tom: This feature enables Pulse (rotary) service phone users to access touch-tone services offered by banks. credit card companies, etc., by pressing the TONE button to temporarily make the phone touch- tone compatible. To get information about your bank aocount, for example. you would: 1. Call the bank’s information line. 2. Press the TONE button i“) after your call is answered. 3. Follow the voice instructions to complete your transaction. 4. Hang up when finished. The phone returns to Pulse (rotary) service. FINDING THE HANDS“ This feature helps to locate a misplaced handset. Press and hold the PAGE/FIND button on the base. The handset beeps continuously for about 2 minutes or until you press any button on the handset. 10 24730000550 to ; mw,mm |—¢r_| Rmcm SWl'l‘a-l The RINGER switch must be ON for the handset to ring during incoming calls. TONE/PULSE Dmmc This adiustment allows you to select tone (touch-tone) or pulse (rotary) mode dialing. The phone is automatically set for touch-tone use. Tom: 1. Turn the phone oft. 2. Press and hold the CHANNEL button for 2 seconds until the phone beeps. 3. Press TONE‘ PULSE 1. Turn the phone off. 2. Press and hold the CHANNEL button for 2 seconds until the mum phone beeps‘ Wm 3. Press #. mom VOLUME . l The VOLUME button controls the volume of the handset's earpiece and allows you to insert a pause for memory dialing. 11 247300041550 n mazmm VOICE MESSAGING Provided your phone company offers voice messaging service and you subscribe to it, the CHARGE/IN USE light on the base will flash when the phone is not in use to indicate there is a message waiting. it will stop flashing after the message has been reviewed. 12 “13000-41550 12 i CHARGE/IN use light mnzsom |_¢l IE? CAILERIDFEATURFS This unit receives and displays information transmitted by your local phone company. This information can include the phone number, date, and time; orthe name, phone number, date, and time. The unit can store up to 40 calls for later review. CAumIDwm-rCAu. WAITING Provided you subscribe to Caller ID with Call Waiting service from your phone company, you are able to see who is calling when you hear the call waiting beep. The caller identification Information appears in the display after you hear the tone. - Press the FLASH button to put the current person on hold so that you can answer the incoming call. Rzmvmc AND 810me CALLS When you receive a call, the information is transmitted by the phone company to your Caller ID vmw IMPORTANT: The can" lD feature of this roduct re uires Telephone between the first and . . p q . second ring. a mbecnptlon to Caller ID umce from your telephone company. 13 “moon-550 is i walnut)?“ When the memory is full, a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. NEW appears in the display for calls received that have "°‘ bee" ”flew“ NOTE Check with your Ioul phone company regarding name service availability. 1m pm Numbuafulk 711-51”- a/n 35.9, 5255 ‘* 35 3775555337 517! TH JUHI‘I cum in phone number ("Aluminum sznzwmc Mmsmm As cells are recelved and stored, the display is updated to let you know how many calls have been received. - Press either the arrow up or down button to View the newest cell record. - Press the arrow down button to scroll through the cell records from the most recent to the oldest. ' Press the arrow up button to scroll through the call records from the oldest to the newest. 14 Menominee 14 Q mxsom |_¢l DELETING RECORDS Use the DELETE button to erase the record currently shown in the display or all records. Dzumnc 11-11: CURRBfl" Recon!) 1. Press DELETE. The display shows ERASE CALL ID? 2. Press DELETE again to erase the record. DEIEYING Au. Reconns 1‘ Press and hold DELETE. The display shows ERASE ALL? 2. Press DELETE again to erase all records. DIALING A CAum ID NUMBER 1. Make sure the phone is OFF. 2. Use the arrow buttons to display the desired Caller ID record. 3. Press the CALL BACK buttomo dial the number. urea-women us i 15 CHANGING THE NUMBER FORMAT The FORMAT button lets you change the format of the displayed number. The available formats are as follows. 7-tiigit 7-digit telephone number. 10-diyit 3-digit area code + 7-digit telephone number. 11-dlglt long distanoe code “1' + 3~digit area code + 7-dlgit telephone number. 1. Use the arrow buttons to scroll to the‘number you want to call back. 2. lf the number will not dial as shown, press the FORMAT button. Repeat it necessary, until the correct number of digits are shown. 3. Press CALL BACK 4. Press TALK to dial the number. NOTE: To clear the low] area code. prw and hold CHANNEL until ARM CODE appeam Then emu "000”. ammonia“ u mnzaom |_:D¢.- THE MEMORY FEATURE Store up to 10 24-digit numbers in memory for quick dialing. This memory feature is in addition to the 25 Caller ID records that can be stored in memory. STORmG A Numm IN MEMORY The phone must be OFF when you store numbers. 1. Press the MEMORY button. 2 Press the memory location number (0-9). 3. Press MEMORY again. The display shows ENTER NAME. 4. Use the keypad to store a name (up to 15 characters)‘ More than one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example. to enter Joe Smith, press 5 for J; press 6 three times for 0; press 3 two times for E; press 1 to enter a space before you start entering the last name: press 7 four times for 5; press 6 for M; press 4three times for I; press 8 lorT; and 4 two times for H. If you're using two letters consecutively that are stored in the same number key, you must press MEMORY NOTE If you don't want to enter between the letters. For example. 0“ mm“ Skip “CF 4‘ if you enter Barb, press 2 two times for 8; press MEMORY: press 2 for A; 7 three times for R; 17 HmDOMIBEo 17 i |_—<§| ti and 2 two times for B. You need to press MEMORY between the B and the A since they are stored within the same number key. 5‘ Press MEMORY. The display shows ENTER TEL NUMBER. 8. Use the keypad to enter the number you want to store (up to 24 digits). 7. Press MEMORY again to store the number. 8. Record whose number is stored in the location on the memory label provided. You will also be able to view the name and number in the phone’s display. Cnmcmc A STORED Numm Use the same procedure to change a stored number as you do to store a number—you're just replacing the phone number with a different ones 18 wuoouuso u i “alums“ |—¢f—| Dmmc A S'rom NUMBER 1. Make sure the phone is ON by pressing the TALK button. 2. Press MEMORY 3. Press the number (0-9) for the desired memory location OR use the arrow buttons to scroll through the numbers stored in memory and press CALL BACK when you reach the desired number. IMPORTANT: "you make lest alls to emergency number: stored in memory, remain on lhe line and briefly explain the reason for me all to (he dispatcher. Also, it's a good ida to make these calls in off-peak hauls, such as early morning or late evening. 19 2457300001050 10 i mnwm _|”ID¢>I CHAIN DIALING mom Mmotw Use this feature to make calls which require a sequence of numbers such as using a calling card for a frequently celled long distance number. Basically, you dial each part of the sequence from memory. The following example shows how you can use chain dialing to make a call through a long distance service: The Number For Long distance access number Authorization code Frequently called long distance number 1. Make sure the phone is ON. 2. Press MEMORY and then press 7. 3. When you hear the access tone, Q press MEMORY and then press 8. -' 4. At the next access tone. press MEMORY and then 9. 111’: Wait for the access tones before pressing the next memory button. or your all might not go through. 20 mountain at i Memory Location MEMORY button 11211».sz INSERTIZNG A PAUSE IN THE Dmmc SEQUENCE Press the REDIAL button to insert a delay in the dialing sequence of a stored telephone number when a pause is needed to wait for a dial tone (for example after you dial 9 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tone). Each pause counts as 1 digit in the diallng sequence. REVIEWING AND DELEnNc STORED NUMBERS 1. Press MEMORY, then press the arrow keys to view the entry. 2. While the entry is displayed, press DELETE to delete the entry. The display shows ERASE MEMO? 3‘ Press DELETE a second time to delete the entry. To exit the memory revlew mode, press the MEMORY button again. zamoomeso 21 mzznm 21 CHANGING THE BATTERY The handset runs on a consumer-replaceable nickel cadmium battery pack If you experience any of the following problems, you may need to replace the battery paclc - Short talk time 0 Poor sound quality 0 Limited range ' CHARGE/IN USE light fails to light Make sure phone is OFF before you replace battery. mug, Holding Strip 1. Slide open 2. Unhookthe strap 3. Pull out the 4. Remove the the battery holding the battery plug. battery pack. compartment battery in place. doon 5. Replace and 6. Reconnect 7. Replaoe the 3, Charge the plug in the new the strap to battery battery for 12 battery pack. secure the compartment hours before (use GE BT~12 battery. door. use. replacement battery.) 22 meanest: 22 mums?" |_:L__I¢l BA'rmw Sm PRECAUTIONS ~ Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate, or puncture Like other batteries of this type, toxic materials could be released which can cause injury. 0 To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, use only the battery listed in the User‘s Guide. 0 Keep batteries out of the reach of children. harm The RBRC an! on 1h: battery used in your Thomson Comm" Electronics product indium that we are panicipaling in a program to mum and recycle Nickel Cadmium batteries throughout the United Sales. Please call lmS-BA'ITERY l‘or lnformarion or con-an your local recycling center. GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To keep your telephone working and looking good, iollow these guide- lines: 0 Avoid putting the phone near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or fluorescent lamps). - DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture. - Avoid dropping the handset, as well as other rough treatment to the phone. 0 Clean the phone wim a soft cloth 0 Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damage the finish. 0 Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date. 0 Periodically clean the charge contacts on the handset and base with a clean pen or pencil eraser‘ 23 momma z: i minnow |—ZEI¢—[ MESSAGE INDICATORS The following indicators show the status oi a message or of the unit. CALLER ID ERROR Caller inlonnetion has been interrupted during transmission or the phone is excessively noisy. ENTER NAME Prompt telling you to enter name one of the 10 memory locations. ERASE ALL? Prompt asking you if you want to erase all Caller ID records. ERASE CALL ID7 Prompt asking you ii you want to erase the current Caller ID reoord that Is shown on the display. ERASE MEMO? Prompt asking you if you went to erase one of the 10 numbers stored in the phone's outgoing memory. END OF ”ST Indicates that there is no additional information in Caller iD memory. NEW indicates call or cells have not been reviewed. OUT OF AREA The incoming call is from an area not serviced by Caller lD or the information was not sent PAGING YOU Someone has pressed the PAGE button on the base. PRIVATE The person is calling lrom a number that has been blocked from transmission. REP‘I’ Repeat cell message. Indioates that a new call lrom the same number was received more than once HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS Slgnal Meaning Along warbiing tone (with ringer on) Signals an incoming call One short beep, one long beep (3 times) Page signal Three short beeps Out of range Four short beeps Low battery warning 267300011550 24 i mnzsnm |_:D¢r—| rl TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS CALum ID Problem Solution No Display 0 Is battery fully charged? Try replacing the battery. ' If you are using AC power, make sure that the unit is connected to a non~switched electrical outlet. Disconnect the unit from the plug and plug it in again. 0 Did you order Caller ID sarvlce from your local telephone company? The display won't work unless you order Caller ID service from your phone company, Caller ID Error Message 0 The unit displays thla message If it detects anything other than valid Caller ID information during the silent perlod alter the first ring. This message indicates elther the presence oi noises on the line, or that an Invalid message has been sent from the telephone company. THMONE Problem Solution No dial tone 0 Check installation: — ls the hose power cord connected to a working outlet? — Is the TALK light on? — Is the telephone line cord connected to the base unit and the wall jack? e Disconnect the base from the wall jack and connect another phone to the same lack. If there is no dIaI tone in the second phone. the problem might be your wiring or local service. 0 Is the handset out of range of the base? 0 Make sure the battery is properly charged (12 hours)‘ ' Is the battery pack installed correctly? - Did the handset beep when you pressed the TALK button? Did the CHARGE! IN USE indicator come on? The battery may need to be charged. zenooomeso 25 i mnzaorm |—¢>—| Problem Solution Dial tone is OK, but 0 Make sure the TONE/PULSE setting is programmed can't dial out correctly Handset does not ring 0 Make sure the RINGER switch on the handset is tumed to ON. 0 Vou may have too many extension phones on your line. Try unplugging some phones. - See solutions ler “No dial tone.’ You experience static. - Change channels noise, or lading in ° Is handset out of range? Move closer to the base. and out ' Does the base need to be relocated? ' Charge battery. 0 Make sure base is not plugged into an outlet with another household appliance. Unit beeps 0 Place handset in base for 20 seconds to reset the security code. If that doesn't work. charge battery -¢— for 12 hours. - Clean charging contacts on handset and base wlth a soft cloth, or an eraser. 0 See aolutlons lor "No dial tone." - Replace battery. Memory Dialing 0 Did you program the memory location keys oorrectly? - Did you follow proper dialing sequence? 0 Make sure the TONE/PULSE setting is programmed correctly. 0 Did you reprogram numbers into memory after power outage or battery replacement? Mfi embomlen 26 ' minnow CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION - Aluminum siding 0 Foil backing on insulation - Heating ducts and other metal construction can shield radio signals 0 You're too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves, computers, etc. 0 Atmospheric conditions, such as strong storms 0 Base is installed in the basement or lower floor of the house 0 Base is plugged into an AC outlet with other electronic devices 0 Baby monitor is using the same frequency - Handset battery is low. ' You're out of range of the base. SERVICE The FCC requires this product to be serviced only by the manufacturer or Its authorized service agents. In accordance with FCC requirements, changes or modifications not expressly approved by Thomson Consumer Electronlcs could void the user’s authority to operate this product For Instructions on how to obtain service, refer to the warranty included in this user‘s guide or contact Consumer Information at 1-800-448-0329. Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference orjot down the date thls product was purchased or received as a gift. This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period. Purchase date __ Name of store zmooumso 27 q muwm ¢ |||||| Va 4m;.nm..5au=o._<53..u=ofiao |l||l|||||||l|ll||l fiasoose is. 53 3. 5535.2. 53.2. as... m_N §m|||||| E6 r |€~< |||I||I||I=zvu< 25: a... 2.3.“ E... 3.5 ._3-_ 53! .=_e> .. 3...— SE- 5 413. 23 In a: gun-a 35:1- 3.586223 a. S. ice—gm ..e._._.5 5.52: 5 ii... an... a 5... is... e..- 5.31227: 533.05 5:22 is... 5...— 2: 5.593: 65225 {in 1... __1. z. 33.8... it: 35.1.- .. 2.1325 {6.53}...- nosz-E-s. 3°» ..§...§:sl...i=s=..c. 3225.“ v5.2.3. 32.9.- 28 >s touts]. a... ..o 2.5. 53 38. 3.5... Z. 33 DHDEHEHEH 45.35. 52 E... is... 538. 232.8 52 $8 DHD ass: 23 f DHDDHDDHDHDHD 6.83... 52 EE. 5.5.x. 5:88 52.8 52 38 98.0 9.3 355 =. 2893 Sign! 2. 25.51 53 v... 3... 8.5.9.- 5. .5.5... 23 3.20 2.358 is 3:11 la is 1. 50h “Mao F‘OmwflUUfl mammzsom 25 | “momma“ Accessory order term ze Battery Changing 22 Caller ID operation 13 ‘ Caller H) with Call Waiting 13 Causes of poor reception 27 Chain 'uling from memory 20 Changing the battery 22 Deleting all records is Deleting records 15 Desktop installation is Dialing l Caller ID number IS Dialing a stored number 19 FCC renistretlon Information 2 Flash button 3 General ploduct are 23 Handset wound eignele 24 Hearing aid eompetibillty 2 Installan'on and setup 5 Interierenceiniomtetion 2 Introduction 4 Melting e uli 9 zanoomueo as Memory 17 Messageindioators 24 Modular iack requirements 5 Pause Ineertlng in dialing sequence 21 Receiving a call 9 Receiving and storing calls 13 Reviewing and deleting stored numbers 21 Reviewing messages 14 Ringer switch ll Security 5 Service 27 Stored numbers I8 changing I8 dialing 19 reviewing em! deleting 21 Storing e number in memory 17 Telephone operation 9 Temporary tone lo Troubleehooting tine 25 Voice messaging I2 Volume twitch 11 Wall mount installation 7 Warranlv 30 i mutant |—¢~ LIMITEDWARRANTY What your wan-my mm: - Any mm in materials or workmanship, For how long til-r your w-d-m - an. van (The walunlv oaioo lo! renul unlu min; with mo fim mm or 45 days horn am ol shipment In um um! firm, whims-var coma first.) wm m wlll Gm - Provide you mm a new or, 11 our onion, 1 refinished anal. - m udum unit is under wmanly for m roman-w ohm original pvodufl’l vmrlnly ouioo. lion in mall. a war-my claim: . Propsdypadlymrun’m lndude wmm,whichmnorigimllywwidedwnhmmm w; recommend using ma origin-l canon and packing "Malt . Inchmc in W poolingo widow. of wmhase date such as the hill of sale. Also pm your name and mass m . dewivfion of m m Send via sum-m us or its mlvnloni w: Thomm Comuruv W. he. um a Alumda m Swarm, 1m- 7m - Mmaumsoallooioyoowmmngowmwmmmwmemm. - lnwro your shipment for loss or damage. Thomson accepts no liability in an ol mo of Ion ll! "NAG to Thomson. ~ A new 01 refurbished unit will b- uliwod in you (might wepaid. wvm w... wan-m don norm-n - Customer inmaion. (Your Owner; Manual plwides inlommion mum ops-Minn lnsnuo lions md um 00mm For mitioml Mien, askyoul Mon) Imlhfion no new uwio. mm Bans-lea Damage from misun or mica. Prndnmwhidi hm hm modified or Incorporated [mo other Mi Frodm impound 01 unload mourn USA. Am ol an m as m no! mm D: IigMnIng dam man mammal: ' "use commas tnd mill mo Produd anfion Card picked with your unit. II will milks it oasiumcovmavousnould itavevbe mummmlmohhowa Isnmnqulmdw wan-my mama Now m in nun- m ml. mm - This warranty gives you waif» lead rights, lndyou my have MM! mu which van/1mm m in mm. ll you won-oil yam moo: own. in. USA: - This wlrunlv docs ml apw Comm you! M01 Mummy Information. 0.0000 Model mm 7) mom mum mm 15435330 (Rev. 0 as; Roi Box ms. Indianapolis, m um mo 0 WW Thomn Commoyslmoniu. Inc. pm,“ cmm rl-m-rlilimmlnma Mama“) 0 Rogwudultl 24130900“qu so i 3/23/
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