Thrane and Thrane A S RTU4120B Iridium fixed mount transceiver User Manual B4150GB0 1

Thrane & Thrane A/S Iridium fixed mount transceiver B4150GB0 1


user manual

iiiHandsetWhat Is What?1. Display2. Indicator lampsPowerCallNetwork3. Escape key4. Call transfer key5. Loudspeaker on/off key6. Shift key7. Lock on/off key8. On/off button9. Earpiece10. Signal level11. Opens menu12. Opens phone book13. Volume control/navigate menu14. Hook on/off key15. OK key16. Loudspeaker17. Microphone12345678910111213141516170125Cradle
ivIntroductionYour Iridium equipment is a modular system that consists of atransceiver unit, control handset unit, antenna unit and an optionalanalogue PSTN telephone/PABX.You can make and receive voice calls on the control handset and theanalogue PSTN telephone. You can connect up to four handsetsand one analogue PSTN telephone or PBX switchboard to thesystem.The system provides intercom for internal calls between any controlhandsets and between the analogue telephone and a controlhandset.Via the data port on the transceiver, the unit can be used as a datamodem for dial-up data calls, Internet access, SMS and E-mailmessaging.Important!For FCC RF exposure compliance, the antenna must beinstalled with a minimum distance of 0.61m (2 feet) awayfrom all persons.About this ManualThis manual provides instructions on how to operate a controlhandset, an analogue telephone and on using the transceiver as adata modem.The instructions on operating the handset are divided into two parts.The first part deals with Basic operation, which includes e.g. makingand answering calls. The second part describes the more advancedfunctions of the system.All functions of your Iridium equipment can be operated by followingthe step by step procedures described in this manual. Eachprocedure is an explicit sequence of key presses that has to becarried out.Unless otherwise specified, the description of the individualprocedures has been based on the assumption that the handset isenabled and is displaying either “Ready” or “Ready Internal” in thedisplay. This state is through out the manual referred to as readystate.We recommend that you read the manual before using the equipment.Iridium Satellite SystemIridium is a global satellite network for telecommunications. Itconsists of 66 satellites providing world-wide coverage.The Iridium system makes it possible for any two locations on Earthto establish wireless global telephone contact.You will need an Iridium subscription with an active SubscriberIdentification Module (SIM card). The SIM card holds your phonenumber and the phone number will thus follow the SIM card if usedin another Iridium equipment.You can buy a subscription from one of the Iridium Service Partners.The Iridium Service Partners can be found on .Different services are available from the service partners, forexample Crew Calling, Pre and Post Paid subscriptions.Please noteAny responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection withthe use of this product and the accompanying documentation isdisclaimed. The information in this manual is furnished for informa-tional use only, is subject to change without notice, may containerrors or inaccuracies, and represents no commitment whatsoever.This agreement is governed by the laws of Denmark.Doc. no.: B4150GB0 Issue: F/0512This manual covers operation on the following transceiver unitversion:Software 03.05.00 or higherHardware mk30445
10512AbbreviationsCU Control unit = handsetGPS Global Positioning SystemDTMF Dual Tone Multiple FrequencyLBT L-Band TransceiverPABX Public Automatic Branch Exchange (also called PBX)PSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkUTC Universal Time Coordinated (app. the same as GreenwichMean Time)RTU Receiver and Transmitter Unit (also called Transceiver)ContentsHandset ................................................................................ iiiWhat Is What? .................................................................................... iiiIntroduction ......................................................................... ivAbout this Manual .............................................................. ivIridium Satellite System ..................................................... ivAbbreviations ....................................................................... 1Handset Basic Operation.................................................... 2Handset States .................................................................................... 2Handset Enabling/Disabling ................................................................ 2Pin Code .............................................................................................. 2Unlocking Handset .............................................................................. 2Call Functions ...................................................................................... 3Making a Manual Call.......................................................................... 4Answering a Call ................................................................................. 5Call Transfering ................................................................................... 5Handset Advanced Operation ............................................ 7Menu System ...................................................................................... 7Keying in Names and Numbers .......................................................... 7Phone Book ......................................................................................... 8Redialling ............................................................................................. 9Security Lock Function ...................................................................... 10Password ........................................................................................... 11Users ................................................................................................. 12Call Log.............................................................................................. 13Setting Time and Date ...................................................................... 15Setting Dimmer and Contrast ........................................................... 15GPS ................................................................................................... 16Display ............................................................................................... 16Billing ................................................................................................. 17SIM Card Handling ............................................................................ 17Ringing Tone ..................................................................................... 19Extension ........................................................................................... 20Call Answer ....................................................................................... 20Call Forwarding ................................................................................. 21Cancel All Forwarding ....................................................................... 21Call Forward When Unavailable(Busy + Not Reachable + No Reply/No Answer) ............................. 22Call Barring ........................................................................................ 22Call Barring of Incoming Calls .......................................................... 22Call Barring of Outgoing Calls .......................................................... 23Voice Mail .......................................................................................... 23Software Version ............................................................................... 24Resetting ........................................................................................... 24Using an Analogue Telephone ......................................... 25Making a Manual Call........................................................................ 25Analogue Phone Menu ...................................................................... 26Billing ................................................................................................. 27Appendix A ......................................................................... 28Tone Signalling .................................................................................. 28Appendix B ......................................................................... 29Function Menu Overview .................................................................. 29
2Handset Basic OperationYou can connect up to four handsets to this Iridium equipment.A handset can be in one of two states: enabled or disabled.Handset StatesIn each of the two states, the handset’s normal display and signallingcan be described as follows:Disabled State• The display is cleared and the light is off.• The indicator lamp Power is flashing briefly every 5 seconds.Enabled State• In the enabled state, various information is shown on the display.An example:• The indicator lamp Power is on.Handset Enabling/DisablingTo enable/disable the handset:1. Press and hold the on/off button.2. Wait until you hear the continuous tone signalling or see that theindicator lamps Power, Call and Network are turned on simultane-ously.3. Release the on/off button.Pin CodeEach time a valid SIM card with an enabled PIN code is inserted,you are asked to enter your pin code:Ready7/9/199912:00:49Enter PIN7/9/199912:00:48>CaptainCommanderCrewOfficerLocked7/9/199912:05:060512Key in the pin code supplied with the SIM card. If the pin code keyedin is correct, the handset enters ready state:If for some reason the Iridium network is not available at the time,the display will show “Ready Internal” and you will only be able tomake internal calls between the handsets and the analogue phone.If you did not key in the correct pin code, you will have to try again. Ifyou key in a wrong pin code three times in a row, the SIM card willbe blocked and you will have to enter the PUK code  to unblock it.(The PUK code is supplied with the SIM card). See section “SIMCard Handling” under “Handset Advanced Operation” for furtherdetails.Unlocking HandsetIf the handset is locked, you have to unlock it before it can be used.To unlock the handset:1. Press:  The display shows a list of user names. Your user name (I.e. thecurrent value of the associated priority level) determines whichfacilities you have access to. Furthermore, the user name that isused for unlocking the handset is the name stored in the call logeach time an external call is made.Ready01/01/199923:59:59
32. To find the right user name on the list, eg. Commander,use:3. Confirm:4. Key in the password that corresponds to the selected username: ........5. Confirm:Call FunctionsSpeaker, Earpiece and MicrophoneThe earpiece is always turned on. The speaker andmicrophone are always in opposite states, i.e. if the speaker is on,the microphone is off, and vice versa.You can toggle the speaker and microphone states by means of thespeaker key. The speaker icon appears on the display when thespeaker is on, and disappears when the microphone is on.Hands free operation is not possible. You can call or receive a call,and toggle the speaker on - for listening purposes only.Note: When the speaker is off, you can see that you are beingcalled (the display will show “Incoming Call”) - but there will beno sound in the speaker.Hooking On/OffBefore a call can be initiated, the handset must be hooked off. To doso, either remove the handset from the hook or use the on/off-hookkey.The handset icon on the display indicates three states, depending onwhether the handset has been hooked on or off.Password forCommander_05121. Handset removed from hook,but hooked on by hook key.2. Hook off.3. No icon: Handset placed in hook, and hook on.VolumeDuring a conversation, the speaker and earpiece volume can beadjusted by means of:How to make an External CallEntering a telephone number on a handset follows the procedureshown with this example:1. Hook off either by removing the handset from the hookor by pressing the hook key2. External call 03. Prefix for automatic call 0 0  4. Country code, e.g. 4 5  5. Area code, e.g. 7 0  6. Subscriber’s number, e.g. 1 3 7 0 0 0         7. Confirmation #
4How to make an Internal CallEntering a telephone number on a handset follows the procedureshown with this example:1. Hook off either by removing the handset from the hookor by pressing the hook key2. Internal number, e.g. 1 0 0 1     3. Confirmation #Factory setup of extension numbers are:PSTN/PABX: 1000Handset 1: 1001Handset 2: 1002Handset 3: 1003Handset 4: 1004Making a Manual CallProvided that no internal or external calls are in progress and thatthe handset is enabled and unlocked, it is possible to make aninternal call.Furthermore, if a valid SIM card has been inserted into the SIM cardslot and the correct PIN code has been entered or the PIN code hasbeen disabled, it is also possible to make an external call.In order to be able to make a manual call, the handset must either bein ready state or inside the phone book. For a description on how toreturn to ready state, see section “About this Manual”. If the idle textdiffers from ‘Ready’ (e.g. SIM card messages) only internal calls arepossible.Now in order to make a manual call, do the following:1. Hook off.If the system is occupied, a busy tone is heard in the earpiece/speaker, and the display shows eitherorInternalcall Externalcall0512depending on whether an internal or external call is in progress.If the system is ready to make a call, a dialling tone is heard in theearpiece/speaker, and the display shows:or2. Use the numeric keys to key in the number you want to dial.For external calls, first key: 0To delete the previous digit, if desired, press:An example3. Confirm the call and start dialling by pressing:4. A calling tone is heard from the earpiece/speaker, and thedisplay shows:5. When the connection has been established, the display shows:6. When one of the calling parties end the call or if for some reasonthe call is dropped, the display will show:Enter number_Type  0  forext. callsEnter number_Internalcalls onlyConnectingConnected to0  0  0  4  5  7  0  1  3  7  0  00 _Enter number0  0  0  4  5  7  0  1  3  7  0  00 _Callterminated
5Answering a CallNOTE: When the speaker is off you can see that you are beingcalled, (the display will show “Incoming Call”) but there will beno sound in the speaker. The speaker can be toggled on and offusing:1. When the handset rings, remove it from the hook and communi-cate as on an ordinary telephone.2. Adjust the volume in the earpiece or loudspeaker by means of:3. When you want to stop communicating,  hang up or press hookkey.Call TransferingA call can be transfered to another handset. The procedure dependson whether or not the call is answered before it is transferred.Transferring AFTER AnsweringWhen you answer a call, the display shows:To transfer the call:1. Press:Connected05122. Now, key in the extension number to which the call should betransferred.3. To transfer the call, press:- or:To cancel transferring the call, press:Automatic Transferring BEFORE AnsweringA call can be transferred to another handset automatically before it isanswered. To see if the auto transferring function is enabled,press:The display will show eg.:orThe auto transferring parameters can be set up individually for eachhandset in the  function menu:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. To find the “Transfer” item, use:and press:Call istransferredCall trans-fer enabledLocal: 1001Delay: 0 sec  10Call trans-fer disabledEnter number_
64. To select “Enable” or “Disable”, use :and press:The function has now been enabled or disabled depending on yourchoice.To select to which extension number(s) incoming calls should betransferred, follow the steps described above. In step 4, however,select “Extension”, after which you can key in and confirm thewanted extension number.To specify the time in seconds (0-60) that the call should ring beforeit is transferred to the specified unit, follow the steps describedabove. In step 4, however, select “Delay”. If the delay is set to 0seconds, the call is transferred immediately; before the first handsetrings, the call is transferred to the chosen transfer destination.0512
7Handset Advanced OperationThe system features a large number of special functions. For thoseof the functions that are likely to be used the most, there are specialbuttons or shifted functions in connection with the numeric keys. Thefunctions used less often can be found in the menu system.Menu SystemThe handset contains several functions for changing the systemsettings, showing the status of certain system parameters, configura-tions, and functions for testing the system.The menu system can always be entered from an enabled andunlocked handset which is in ready state. See section “HandsetStates” on how to return to ready state.To enter the function menu system, press the following key:The function menus appear:The “Setup” menu contains all functions for changing the systemparameters, such as volume, ringing tone, user names and pass-words.The “Call log” menu contains information on each call made,including details about when the call was made, its duration, and thereceiver’s telephone number.The “System” menu contains all functions needed for the systemadministrator/super user to test and configure the system.To navigate the menus, use the arrow keys:   0512To confirm that you want to select an item, use the OK key:To regret the last step, use the Escape key:Functions marked with an asterisk (*) concern the specific handset.All other functions are global, i.e. they concern the whole system.The following table contains a total list of the entries in the functionmenu system.Keying in Names and NumbersWhen keying in letters and numbers in the phone book, or inconnection with user names and passwords, you will need to knowhow many times to press each key. Pressing the key   once,for instance, will give a “D”; pressing the key twice, will give an “E”,etc. 1st push: D2nd push: E3rd push: F4th push: d5th push: e6th push: f7th push: 2After each character keyed in, wait a little while to go to the nextcharacter (the cursor appears when it is ready), or use the rightarrow key. The left arrow key deletes the last character entered.When inside the phone book or user list;• to create a new entry, press:  • to begin editing the entry selected on the list,press:  • to delete the entry selected on the list, press:  MENU > SetupCall logSystem
8Phone BookThe phone book offers the following facilities:• Up to 100 entries with names and numbers can be stored. Atelephone number may consist of up to 24 digits, and a namemay contain a maximum of 11 characters.• Any of the 100 stored telephone numbers can be used to initiatea call.• Each entry in the phone book can be deleted.• New entries can be added to the phone book as long as some ofthe 100 entries are free.• The name and/or number stored in every entry can be changed.• The stored entries can be searched alphabetically.• The current extension/local number for all connected controlunits are stored in the phone book. However, only one controlunit at a time can operate in new, edit, or delete mode. If acontrol unit tries to enter one of these modes, and anothercontrol unit has done the same, the display will show: Phonebook occupied.Entering the phone bookThe phone book can always be entered from an enabled andunlocked handset, which is in ready state. See section “HandsetStates” on how to return to ready state.Open the phone book by pressing:Searching the Phone BookWhen entering the phone book, the display shows a list beginningwith the first entry in the phone book:To find previous/following entries, use:When you have reached the last entry, the phone book starts fromthe top again with the first entry.Alphanumeric SearchYou can also search the phone book by means of the alphanumerickeys. When inside the phone book, pressing e.g.moves the cursor to the first entry beginning with an A. If no entrybegins with an A, or if the key is pressed twice, the cursor moves onto the first entry beginning with a B, etc.Storing a New Entry in Phone BookTo store a new entry (name and number) in the phone book:1. To enter the phone book, press:2. To enter the shifted functions, press:3. To select the new mode, press:4. Key in the name that corresponds to the number.5. To store the name, press:6. Key in the number using of the numeric keys.7. To store the number, press:Remember to add “0” in front of country prefix to allow external callsAn example:0512>AndrewBrianClausDennisEnter number0  0  0  4  5  7  0  1  3  7  0  00 _
90512Changing a Number Stored in the Phone BookTo edit a stored number in the phone book:1. To enter the phone book, press:2. To select the desired entry in the phone book, press:3. To enter the shifted functions, press:4. To select the edit mode, press:5. Key in the name that corresponds to the number.6. To store the name, press:7. Key in the number using of the numeric keys.8. To store the new number, press:Deleting a Stored Entry in the Phone Book1. To enter the phone book, press:2. To select the desired entry in the phone book, press:3. To enter the shifted functions, press:4. To select the delete mode, press:5. To confirm deleting the selected entry, press:Calling a Number from the Phone BookTo call a number stored in the phone book:1. To enter the phone book, press:2. To select the desired entry in the phone book, press:3. To prepare for making the call:•  Lift the handsetor•  Press:Now, follow the steps described in connection with “Making a manualcall”, beginning with step 3.RediallingIt is possible to redial the last number dialled by the current user. Todo so:1. Hook off.2. Press:3. Press:4. To initiate the call, press:A ringing tone is now heard from the handset. To go on with the call,follow the steps described in connection with “Making a manual call”,beginning with step 4.
10Security Lock FunctionThe handset can be protected against unauthorized use via thesecurity lock function. This works together with the list of user namesand corresponding passwords. The security lock requires that theuser selects his user name from the list, and then keys in hispersonal password before the handset can be used for making calls.The default password for all the users on the user list is “password”,i.e. 61778562. Passwords can be edited in the Setup/Password menu(the user’s own password) or in the /Setup/Users menu using (Passwords of users with a lower priority than the current user).The security lock function ensures that only users recognized by thesystem can unlock the handset and make calls through the Iridiumsystem.Answering incoming calls is not protected by the security lock.Note that from a PSTN phone (stand alone or via PABX), thesecurity lock is not an option.The security lock function affects all control units. That means that ifone control unit disables the lock, the lock is disabled on all controlunits connected. The same goes for enabling the lock.User ID/User Name ListEvery user specified in the system is given a priority value. Thepriority value determines what the user is allowed to do in thesystem. By default, the user list contains 6 entries with differentpriority values. The 6 default users are shown below.User ID/User Name Priority valueSUPER USER 0Captain 1Commander 4Officer 10Crew 100Passenger 200The SUPERUSER has the highest priority in the system and istherefore not restricted in any action. The SUPERUSER can edit allother users. A user can create, edit, and delete users of a lowerpriority; e.g. a user of priority value 4 may create, edit, and deleteusers of priority values 10, 100, and 200.Each item in the handset menu has a priority value. The priorityvalue of the item and the user’s priority value determinewhether the user has access to the item or not. The blocked itemsare indicated by a star * in front of the item.The user ID is written in the call log and it is thus possible to identifywho has made which calls.Enabling Security LockIf the security lock function has been disabled, it can be enabled byusers with a priority value of 4 or less:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Lock” item using:and press:4. To select the “Enable” item, press:5. Find a user name of priority level 4 or less, using:and press:6. Enter the password using the numeric keys, and press:The handset from which the system lock was enabled, is not actuallylocked before an explicit lock is issued via pressing:0512
110512  and confirming by This action can only be carried out if the handset is in ready state.See section “About this Manual” on how to return to ready state.When the lock is enabled, all other control units are automaticallylocked if they are in ready state (no call in progress and not insidethe menu system or phone book). If one of these control units is notin ready state, it is automatically locked when returning to readystate.Disabling Security LockTo disable the security lock, the user has to be identified with apriority value of 4 or less (Commander, Captain, or SUPER USER).To disable the security lock:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Lock” item using:and press:4. Find the “Disable” item using :and press:5. Find the right user name using:and press:6. Key in the password, and press:The security lock function is now disabled. This means that thehandset is ready for use for everyone without any identification of theuser. To avoid misuse of the handset, the user who disables thesecurity lock is asked to set the priority value. This is done byselecting a user name from the user list and keying in the associatedpassword. That user name is then used as the default user of theunlocked system. Information about subsequent outgoing calls fromany handset will be logged under this default user name.Note:If the security lock is used for keeping track of the crew calls, eachcrew member must unlock the handset before use. Do not forget tolock the handset after use. The handsets are not locked automatically.PasswordA user may change his password at any time. To do so:1. To enter the function menu, press2. To select the “Setup” item, press3. To find the “Password” item, use:4. To confirm, press:
125. Key in the old password and confirm by pressing6. Key in the new password and confirm by pressing7. Re-enter the new password and confirm by pressingUsersUp to 25 users can be registered in the system by manually creatingan entry for each user. Both a user name and a temporary passwordmust be entered for each user.A user may create, edit, and delete users with a priority value higherthan the user’s own priority value.Adding a New User to the System:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. To find the “Users” item, use    and confirm by4. To create a new user, press: 5. Key in the new user name, and confirm by6. Key in the password, and confirm byA new user has now been added to the system with a default priority.The priority is one of the properties that can be edited using theprocedure described next.Editing the Properties of an Existing User:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. To find the “Users” item, use   and confirm by4. To find the user to be edited, use:5. To edit the user, press: 6. To go to the user property to be edited, use  and confirmbyDeleting an Existing User:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. To find the “Users” item, use    and confirm by0512
1305124. To find the user to be deleted, use:5. To delete the user, press 6. Confirm byCall LogInformation about all outgoing calls are logged. The latest 50outgoing calls can be found in the call log. The duration of the lastoutgoing call can be retrieved.Notice! The user name that is used for unlocking the handset is thename stored in the call log each time an external call is made.Viewing the Last Call1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the item “Call Log” using   and confirm by3. Find the item “Last Call” using    and confirm byViewing the Last Private Call LogThe  call log for the current user can be retrieved as shown in thefollowing:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the item “Call Log” using  and confirm by3. Find the item “Private” using   and confirm by4. Find the item “Outgoing” using   and confirm byA list showing the phone numbers of the outgoing calls made by thecurrent user now appears on the display.To see more details about a specific call, find the call using and confirm byThe total account of the current user can be retrieved by choosing“Account” instead of “Outgoing” at step 4.Viewing the Global Call LogThe global call log for all users in the system can be retrieved asshown in the following:1. To enter the function menu, press2. Find the item “Call Log” using  and confirm by
143. Find the item “Global” using   and confirm byA list of all outgoing calls made from the system can now beretrieved by choosing the item “Outgoing” and pressing  To see more details about a specific call, find the call usingand confirm byAlternatively, the account of each user can be retrieved as shownbelow:1. Follow steps 1-3 above.2. Find the item “Account” using   and confirm byThe available items are now:To select e.g. a specific user, choose “Users” and pressNow, find the user by means of   and pressPrint Call Log to a Personal ComputerConnect a PC/Laptop to the RS232 service interface port with astandard 9 wire serial cable. (RX on pin 2, TX on pin 3 and Groundon pin 5)On the PC/Laptop you can use a terminal program (e.g. hyperterminal) to read out the call log.Terminal port set-up: 9600 baud, 8 data bit, no parity and 1 stop bit.In the terminal program press ESC twice and you willsee:Thrane & Thrane a/s service interfaceSI>The call log can be read out in 3 different modes.1) Continues print mode2) Latest calls3) Calls made by a specific userThe call log record format is as follows:[Date], [Time], [Call duration], [User name], [Subscriber name],[Telephone number]An example:A call made April 4, year 2004, time 12.01.22, by SUPERUSER to atelephone number 00045 70101155 (labelled with HOME in theaddress book) and the call duration was 1 minute and 16 seconds.Will be read out as:04/04-2004,12:01:22,01:16,SUPERUSER,HOME,0004570101155A comma separates each position.Continues print modeTo read out a list of all completed calls, write “CALLS ON” on thecommand line and press enter.An example:SI> CALLS ON [enter]Now the call records are listed continuously until the mode isdisabled or the transceiver unit is restarted.To disable the continuous print mode write “CALLS OFF” on thecommand line and press enter.An example:SI> CALLS OFF [enter]>Users  Phone  Unknown  Deleted Users0512
150512DATE-TIME>StatusSetSys.updateLatest callsTo read out a list of the latest calls, write “CALLS [number of lastcalls] on the command line and press enter. Up to 50 calls can belisted.An example:SI> CALLS 27 [enter]When following this example, the last 27 calls will be read out,starting with the latest call.Calls made by a specific userTo read out calls made by a specified user, write CALLS [USERNAME]An example:SI> CALLS SUPERUSER [enter]This will sort out all calls made by SUPERUSER among the last 50calls in the call log and read out each record.Setting Time and DateTime and date can be displayed and adjusted manually. The time isused in the call log. Adjusting the time requires that the user isidentified with a priority value of 4 or less (Commander, Captain, orSUPER USER).1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Go to the “System” item using:and press:3. Go to “Time/date” using:and press:You can now choose between “Status”, “Set”, “System update”,“GPS update” and “CNT update”Status: Shows current time and date (from system).Set: Allows you to edit time and date manually, using the numeric keys.Sys. update: If this option is chosen, the time written in the displayis updated using an internal clock in the transceiver unit.If power is removed from the transceiver the clock will continuerunning for up to 24 hours.GPS. update: If this option is chosen, the time written in the displayis updated using the connected GPS, if any. Consequently, even ifyour Iridium system is turned off and then on again, the clock will stillbe adjusted to the correct time each time a GPS update is received.If no GPS is available, it makes no sense choosing this option.CNT. update:  If this option is chosen, the time written in the displayis updated using a software counter. Consequently,if your Iridium system is turned off and then on again, theclock will be reset to a default time. The correct time must then beset again manually each time.Setting Dimmer and ContrastTo adjust the background light and the contrast level, first press thetwo keys: The dimmer/contrast menu appears:SetSys.updateGPS.update>CNT.updateDIM/CONTRAST>Dimmer  Contrast
16Now, move to the desired item – dimmer or contrast – by means of:Then, to select the item, press:An exampleWhen you select dimmer in the dimmer/contrast menu, the displayshows the dimmer menu:To enable or disable the light, select the On or Off item respectively.To adjust the dimmer level, select the Level item.Then, to increase or decrease the dimmer level, use:For the changes to take effect, press:The dimmer/contrast menu may also be entered via the “Setup”menu as follows:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Light” item using   and press:GPSVia this menu item, it is possible to obtain the geographical positionin terms of longitude and latitude if an optional GPS receiver isconnected via the transceiver. If this is the case, the position isavailable by going through the following steps:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “GPS” item using   and press:DisplayFor each handset, the user may select the information to be shown inthe display when the handset is in ready state. However, the state ofthe system will always be shown in the display. The availablechoices are:•Time/date: Both the time (hours, minutes, seconds) and the dateis shown.•Time: Only the time (hours and minutes) is shown.•Position: If a GPS receiver is connected to the transceiver,choosing “Position” will show the geographic position in terms oflatitude and longitude.•State only: Only the state of the transceiver is shown.If for instance you want to choose time/date;1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Display” item using   and press:DIMMER>On  Off  Level0512
1705124. Find the “Time/date” item using   and press:To see the effect, exit the menu system.BillingWhen a mobile originated call is initiated from the RJ11 port (PSTN/PABX) and the call is connected to the remote user, the systemsends the billing tone to the PSTN/PABX at the RJ11 port. The tonelasts for 500ms. Some PABX can catch this tone and start billing theuser at the PABX for the call.Enter Billing Menu1. To enter the function menu press:2. Select the setup item3. Select billing itemThe following options are available in the billing menu.StatusSelect status will show if the billing is enabled or disabled and alsoshow the billing frequency.EnableSelect enable will enable the billing toneDisableSelect disable will disable the billing toneFrequencySelect frequency, select 12kHz or 16kHz, refer to PABX manual toselect correct frequency.SIM Card HandlingYour Iridium equipment monitors the SIM card status. The statusinformation is shown in the display of each handset in ready state.SIM Card MessagesAs long as one of the following messages are seen in the display,the SIM card currently inserted in the transceiver cannot be used formaking external outgoing calls.•SIM card blocked: This message indicates that a wrong pincode has been entered three times in a row with the current SIMcard inserted into the transceiver. To unblock the SIM card, enter thecorrect PUK1 code.•Card blocked permanently: This message indicates that awrong PUK1 code has been entered ten times in a row. The SIMcard is now permanently blocked and cannot be unblocked.•SIM card defective: This message indicates that your Iridiumequipment has detected that a SIM card has been inserted into theSIM card slot. For some reason, however, the Iridium equipmentcannot communicate with the SIM card.•SIM card validation: This message indicates that a valid SIMcard has been inserted into the SIM card slot, and that the pin codejust entered is being validated  by the Iridium system.Note: In case of SIM card problems you must contact your IridiumService Partner for help.Enabling and Disabling PIN CodesEach SIM card has an associated PIN code. In order to preventunauthorized use of SIM cards, your Iridium equipment is capable ofenabling and disabling the associated PIN codes.When the PIN code from a given SIM card is enabled, the user mustenter the current value of this PIN code each time the SIM card is re-entered into the SIM card holder in the transceiver. When the PINcode for a given SIM card is disabled, the SIM card can be used formaking external outgoing calls, provided that it is not defect orblocked.Enabling the PIN Code1. To enter the function menu, press:
182. Find the “System” item using:and press:3. Find the “SIM Card” item using:and press:4. Find the “PIN enable” item using:and press:5. Key in the PIN code and press:Disabling the PIN codeFollow steps 1 – 5 above with the following substitution:4 Find the “PIN disable” item using:and press:Entering the PIN CodeEach time a valid SIM card with an enabled PIN code is inserted intothe SIM card holder, the current value of the associated PIN codemust be entered using the alphanumeric keys. The PIN code must bea number consisting of 4 to 8 digits.In order to enter the PIN code, do the following:1. Key in the 4-8 digit PIN code and press:Changing the PIN Code1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the “System” item using:and press:3. Find the “SIM Card” item using:and press:4. Find the “Change PIN” item using:and press:5. Enter the current PIN code and press:0512
1905126. Enter the new PIN code and press:7. Reenter the new PIN code and press:Unblocking a Blocked SIM CardIf a wrong PIN code has been entered 3 times in a row, thetransceiver blocks the SIM card. If a blocked SIM card is insertedinto the SIM card holder or if a SIM card already in the SIM cardholder is blocked, the display will show “SIM Card blocked” when thehandset is in ready state. In order to unblock a blocked SIM card:Follow step 1 – 3 above.4. Find the “PUK Code” item and press:5. Enter the correct PUK code and press:6. Enter a new 4-8 digit PIN code and press:7. Re-enter the new PIN code and press:Ringing ToneWhen configuring each handset, the user can choose among anumber of different ringing tones.The procedure is to choose one of the following 4 ringing tones:• Deep• High• Alternating slowly• Alternating fastThe ringing tone for internal incoming calls as well as the ringingtone for external incoming calls are both affected by this singlechoice. Therefore they cannot be set independently.For external incoming calls, resulting tones are respectively:• Deep• High• Alternating slowly• Alternating fastFor internal incoming calls (local calls), the resulting tones  arerespectively:• Deep dual• High dual• Deep dual• High dualAs mentioned above, choosing a ringing tone affects both theexternal incoming ringing tone and the internal incoming (local call)ringing tone according to the following table:Choice of ringing tone External incoming calls Internal incoming callsDeep Deep Deep dualHigh High High dualAlternating slowly Alternating slowly Deep dualAlternating fast Alternating fast High dualAn internal incoming call (local call) can always be recognized bytwo equal consecutive tones (hence the term “dual” in the table)followed by a pause. The tones may be deep or high.An external incoming call can always be recognized by a singlecontinuous sound sequence (deep, high, alternating slowly oralternating fast), followed by a pause.An example: To set the external incoming ringing tone to alternatingslowly, and the internal incoming ringing tone to deep dual (remem-ber that they cannot be set independently as described above):1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Ring tone” item using   and press:4. Find the “Slow alt.” item using   and press:
20ExtensionAt any time, each handset is uniquely characterised by an extensionnumber. That is, only one handset at a time may have a givenextension number. The extension numbers may be changed, but notwo handsets can have the same extension number simultaneously.To change the extension number of a handset do the following:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. To select the “Setup” item, press:3. Find the “Extension” item using   and press:4. Key in a number below 10.000 that is not in use by any other control unit, and press:Note: The PSTN extension number cannot be changed.Call AnswerIf your Iridium equipment includes more than one control unit or acontrol unit and a PSTN telephone, you may configure the answeringof external incoming calls in a number of different ways. Theavailable choices are:•One CU: Choosing this option, you must specify the extension ofthe control unit to which you want external incoming calls to bedirected automatically.•PSTN: If there is a PSTN telephone connected to your Iridiumequipment, selecting this option will direct external incoming calls toyour PSTN telephone.•All: Choosing this option will make all control units and thePSTN telephone (if any) ring when your Iridium equipment receivesan external incoming call. Any of these units may be used foranswering the call.An example: If you want all external incoming calls to be directed toa control unit with the extension number 1001:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the item “System” using   and press:3. Find the item “Call Answer” using   and press:4. Find the item “One CU” using   and press:5. Find the extension number of the handset to which you want allexternal incoming calls to be directed, using and press:Alternatively, if you want to direct external incoming calls to yourPSTN telephone (if any), follow steps 1-3 above, and proceed asfollows:4. Find the item “PSTN” using   and press:5. Press   again to confirm that external incoming callsshould be directed to the PSTN telephone.0512
210512Call ForwardingNOTE: This feature is a supplementary service available fromthe Iridium network. Thrane & Thrane has no influenceon the availability and cannot guarantee that the serviceis available. Please check the availability with yourIridium Service Partner.The Iridium network offers the possibility of forwarding incoming callsto another phone number. This facility can be configured from yourIridium equipment. The call forwarding can be divided into thefollowing two categories:•Forward all calls: All external incoming calls will immediately beforwarded to the number you specify when you activate thiscategory.•Forward on not reachable: When your Iridium equipment hasbeen turned off or cannot for some reason be contacted by thenetwork or when the line of your Iridium equipment is occupied,either by an internal or an external call, external incoming calls willbe forwarded to the number you specify when you activate thiscategory.Note: By default, the above two categories of calls will all beforwarded to your personal mailbox. When you activate a category,the calls in this category will be forwarded to the number that youspecify and no longer to your personal mailbox.In the following, the procedures for activating, restoring and review-ing settings for the above two categories are described. As usual,when manually dialling a number to call, this must be done fromready state.Forwarding all Calls (Unconditional CallForwarding)Activate:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *21*00 [country  code][telephone number] # OKby pressing the keys:               [country code] [telephone number]  Cancel:1.  Hook off2. Enter the following code #21#OKby pressing the keys:           Review forwarding number:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *#21#OKby pressing the keys:              Cancel All ForwardingActivate:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code #002#OKby pressing:            Reactivate and restore previous settings:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *004#OKby pressing:
22Call Forward When Unavailable (Busy + NotReachable + No Reply/No Answer)Activate:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *004*00[country code][telephone number]#OKby pressing:               [country code] [telephone number]   Restore forwarding to personal mailbox:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *004*00[personal mailboxretrieval number]#OKby pressing:                [personal mailbox retrieval number]   Note: Personal mailbox retrieval number is currently:881631462990000Call BarringNOTE: This feature is a supplementary service available fromthe Iridium network. Thrane & Thrane has no influenceon the availability and cannot guarantee that the serviceis available. Please check the availability with yourIridium Service Partner.Call barring allows you to bar either all external incoming or allexternal outgoing calls. If you bar external incoming calls, yourIridium equipment will not receive external incoming calls. If you barexternal outgoing calls, nobody will be able to place externaloutgoing calls from your Iridium equipment.Note: External incoming calls will not be sent to your personalmailbox if call barring of external incoming calls is active.Before activating call barring, disable all types of call forwarding.Call Barring of Incoming CallsActivate:1. Hook off2. Before activating, cancel all forwarding #002#OKby pressing the keys:            3. Enter the following code *35*[password]#OKby pressing the keys:           [password]    Cancel:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code #35*[password]#OKby pressing the keys:           0512
230512[password]    Call Barring of Outgoing CallsActivate:1. Hook off2. Before activating, cancel all forwarding #002#OKby pressing the keys:            3. Enter the following code *33*[password]#OKby pressing the keys:           [password]    Cancel:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code #33*[password]#OKby pressing the keys:           [password]    Changing your password:1. Hook off2. Enter the following code *03*330*[old password]*[newpassword]*[new password]#OKby pressing the keys:                    [old password]  [new password]    [new password]   Voice MailNOTE: This feature is a supplementary service available fromthe Iridium network. Thrane & Thrane has no influenceon the availability and cannot guarantee that the serviceis available. Please check the availability with yourIridium Service Partner.Voice mail allows callers to leave a voice message in your personalmailbox. As described in section “Call Forwarding”, by defaultexternal incoming calls are forwarded to your personal mailbox if thecall is not answered, if your equipment is switched off, if your Iridiumsystem is occupied by an internal or external call or cannot, for somereason, be contacted by the Iridium network. Therefore these callswill be forwarded to your personal mailbox unless you set a newtelephone number to transfer to.You may record a personal greeting which the callers will hear whenthey are forwarded to your mailbox. After hearing your personalgreeting, callers can leave a voice mail message which is stored inyour mailbox.Your personal mailbox has a lot of features which can be configuredby you. The caller also has a number of facilities to choose betweenwhen forwarded to your mailbox. See the “Iridium Services UserGuide” that comes together with your Iridium equipment.To call your voice mailbox you shall call 00881662990000 associatedwith your subscription i.e. SIM card number.Your access code is for default the last 7 digits of your SIM cardnumber.
24Software VersionPrimarily for service purposes, it is possible to get information aboutthe version of the software for the following pieces of hardware inyour Iridium equipment:•Transceiver: This software handles the configuration of yourIridium equipment, audio routing, the information to be shown on thedisplays, communication with your SIM card, etc.•LBT: This software handles the communication between theglobal Iridium network and your Iridium equipment.•Handset: This software consists of low level drivers (for eachcontrol unit) that control the dot matrix display, the key pad, thestatus indicator lamps, and the microphone, earpiece and speaker.To get information on these software modules, go through thefollowing steps:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the item “System” using   and press:3. Find the item “SW version” using   and press:4. Choose the hardware whose software version you want informa-tion on, using   and press:ResettingPrimarily for service and test purposes, it is possible to reset yourIridium equipment to force it into a well-defined state. The followingdifferent levels of resetting are available:•Restart: No configuration information or user data (call log, userlist, phone book) are deleted. When this command is issued/chosen,all control units are forced back to ready state regardless of theircurrent state.•Factory reset:  NOTE!   ALL (!) configuration information AND(!) user data (call log, user list, phone book) are deleted. When thiscommand is issued, your Iridium equipment returns to the state itwas in when leaving the factory.To restart your system:1. To enter the function menu, press:2. Find the item “System” using   and press:3. Find the item “Reset” using   and press:4. Find the item “Restart” using   and press:5. To confirm that you want to restart the equipment, press:0512
25Auto RestartThe auto restart menu is used for debugging/maintenance only.When enabled, auto restart will only be carried through when thesystem is not in use.Under the auto restart menu, the available items are:ModeThe mode setting is used together with the timer as a condition forwhen the system can reset. The mode settings - 10 minutes, 1minute or 0 minute - will allow the system to reset after the timerexpires and when the condition that the handset has not been in usefor a period of 10 minutes,1 minute or 0 minute has been fulfilled.Hardware RestartPressing the restart switch next to the SIM card holder will powerrecycle the unit.0512Using an Analogue TelephoneYou can connect an analogue telephone  to your Iridium equipment.Many of the system’s more advanced features, like the security lockfunction, are however not accessible from an analogue telephone.The accessible features are described in the Analogue Phone Menu.Making a Manual CallHow to make an External CallEntering a telephone number on an analogue telephone follows theprocedure shown with this example:1. Pick up phone: dialling tone.2. External call 03. Prefix for automatic call 0 0  4. Country code, e.g. 4 5  5. Area code, e.g. 7 0     6. Subscriber’s number, e.g. 1 3 7 0 0 0     7. To confirm you want to make the call,press #How to make an Internal CallEntering a telephone number on an analogue telephone follows theprocedure shown with this example:1. Pick up phone: dialling tone.2. Internal number, e.g. 1001   3. To confirm you want to make the call,press #>Status  Enable  Disable  Timer  Enable  Disable  Timer>Mode
26Factory setup of extension numbers are:PSTN/PABX: 1000CU1: 1001CU 2: 1002CU 3: 1003CU 4: 1004Up to four control units and a telephone/PABX can be connected tothe transceiver at the same time. Note that if connecting a PABX tothe transceiver, the PABX must function as a PSTN telephone.To dial control unit 1 from a local telephone connected to yourIridium equipment via a PABX, first pick up the phone, then:1. Dial the number for the outgoing line connected to the trans-ceiver, eg. 102. When you hear the dialling tone, dial  the extension number ofcontrol unit 1: 1001   3. To confirm you want to make the call,press #DTMF Tones - LimitationsWhen used for internal calls, control units do not generate DTMFtones. Therefore the PABX cannot be set up for using DTMF tonesto access extension numbers.Analogue Phone MenuThe phone menu is using tone notification for status indication.When picking up the phone, tones will be pulsed if any user action isrequired.SIM Card HandlingEnter PIN codeIf SIM PIN code is enabled the phone will repeat the following tonepulses:297Hz (300ms) – 317Hz (150ms) – 237Hz (300ms) – pause 1.5sEnter the PIN code  press * 1* PINCODE #   PINCODE The phone is ready when dialling tone is heard.Enter PUK codeIf the SIM card is blocked the PUK code is needed to re-open thecard. The phone will repeat the following tone pulses:1000Hz (300ms) – 1000Hz (300ms) – 1000Hz (300ms) – pause 1.5sEnter the PIN code press: * 2 * PUKCODE * PINCODE #     PUKCODE   PINCODE The phone is ready when dialling tone is heard.Enable PIN codePick up phone to enable PIN code.When dialling tone is heard,press: * 3 * 1 * PINCODE #     PINCODE Disable PIN codePick up phone to disable PIN code.When dialling tone is heard,press: * 3 * 2 * PINCODE #     PINCODE Signal LevelThe signal level can be retrieved by:Pick up phone: dialling tone,press: * 4 *    The signal level will be indicated by a beep per level with an 800Hztone for 50ms per beep.1 beep indicates no signal6 beeps indicate full levelTo return to dialling tone,press: #0512
270512Tone signalling on DTMF menuToneTime39628Enter PUK CodeEnter PIN CodeBillingWhen a mobile originated call is initiated from the RJ11 port (PSTN/PABX) and the call is connected to the remote user, the systemsends the billing tone to the PSTN/PABX at the RJ11 port. The tonelasts for 500ms. Some PABX can catch this tone and start billing theuser at the PABX for the call.Refer to “Handset Advanced Operation” for setup instructions.
2805121800 Hz1440 Hz900 Hz450 Hz 1 sec.DEEPHIGHBUSYREADYCONNECTIONWAITING FORNONEXISTINGRECEIVING CALLSTRANSMITTING CALLS36329BALTERNATINGSLOWLYALTERNATINGFASTAppendix ATone SignallingThe system will give you information on its status as well asinstructions by means of tone signalling. This is done on fourdifferent frequencies: 450, 900, 1440 and 1800 Hz. Appendix Aillustrates what the various tone signalling sounds like.
29M enu 1st submenu 2nd submenu 3nd submenu 4nd submenu ActionSetup Ringing tone Deep Sets ringing tone to deep (see Appendix A )High Sets ringing tone to high (see Appendix A )Slow alt. Sets the ringing tone to alternating slowly (see A ppendix A)Fast alt. Sets the ringing tone to alternating fast (see Appendix A )Ring test External Generate external ringing tone in order to test the setting o f this soundInternal Generate internal ringing tone in order to test the setting of this soundRing vol. (*) Sets the volume of the ringing toneSpeaker vol. (*) Sets the speaker volumeKey beep (*) Enable Turns on the key beep function: When a key is pressed, a beep is heardDisable Turns off the key beep functio n: When a key is pressed, no beep is heardVolume Sets the volume of the beep heard when a key is pressedLock Enable Requires users to log in. When selecting this functio n, the user is prompted tolog inDisable Does no t require users to  log in. This function can only be selected by userswith certain prio rities. When selecting the function, the user is asked to statea default user priority level that decides what all users will be allo wed to  do.This default priority level canno t be higher than that o f the user disabling the lo ckPassword Sets the current user’s passwordUsers Userlist + Add Browses the user list, and adds new users, entering names and passwo rdsUserlist + Edit Name Browses the user list, and edits user namesPassword Browses the user list, and edits user passwordsPriority Browses the user list, and edits user prioritiesClear account Browses the user list, and clears user account reco rdsUserlist + Del. Browses the user list, and deletes users from the listExtension (*) Selects the extension number of the current handsetTransfer (*) Enable Enables the auto transfer functionDisable Disables the auto transfer functionExtension Selects the extensio n number(s) to  which calls are to be transferredDelay Time Selects the delay time before a call is transferredGPS Shows the current po sitionDisplay (*) Time/date Displays the time and date when the handset is readyTime Displays the time (hour and minute) when the handset is readyPositio n Displays the position when the handset is readyState only Displays only the state o f the system when the handset is readyLight Dimmer On Turns the display backlight onOff Turns the display backlight o ffLevel Adjusts the level of the display backlightContrast Adjusts the display contrastBilling Status Shows the status of billing toneEnable Enables the billing toneDisable Disables the billing toneFrequence 12 kHz Selects the tone frequency16  k H zCall log Global Outgo ing Userlist Browses the lo g of all outgoing callsAcco unt Users Browses the user list, and sho ws the accounts of selected usersPhone Sho ws the account of the P STN pho neUnkno wn Shows the acco unts of unknown usersDel. Users Shows the accounts of deleted usersPrivate Outgoing Browses the log o f the current user’s callsAcco unt Views the current user’s accountLast call View the duration of the last callAppendix BFunction Menu Overview0512
30System Time/date Status Shows the time and dateSet Sets the time and dateSys.update Sets the system to update the time and dateGPS update Sets the GPS to update the time and dateSW version Transceiver Displays the software version number of the transceiverLBT Displays the software version number of the LB TCtrl unit Displays the software version number of the handsetCall answer Status Shows the status of Call Answer, i.e. who is set to receive incoming callsOne CU Incoming calls go to  a specific control unitPSTN Incoming calls go to  the PSTN phoneAll Incoming calls go to  all control units and the PSTN phoneSIM  Card PIN enable Enable PIN codePIN disable Disable PIN codeChange PIN Change PIN codePUK code Enter PUK codeReset Restart Restarts the system (works like switching the po wer off and o n again)Factory res Restarts the system and relo ads all factory settingsAuto Reset Status Shows the status of the current settingDisable Will disable the auto-reset functionEnable Will enable the auto-reset functio nTimer 24 hour Sets the time between auto  resets12  h o u r6 hour1 hourM ode Ready Sets the time for how long the control handset must have been left unused before auto reset10  m i n1 m i n0 min0512
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