TomTom 4FC54A GPS Navigation System User Manual TomTom US RG en us

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User manual

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Document ID2311553
Application IDgrBtBoHzQylTmTM4fJjhpQ==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize468.05kB (5850617 bits)
Date Submitted2014-07-01 00:00:00
Date Available2014-12-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-22 04:56:28
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-22 04:56:28
Document TitleTomTom-US-RG-en-us.pdf
Document CreatorPDFCreator Version 0.9.5
Document Author: EvanChen

TomTom GO
Reference Guide
TO mTomw?
Welcome to navigation with TomTom 5
Get going
Installing in your car ..
Positioning the device
Switching on and of!
Setting up
GPS reception .
Planning a roule Io an address usrng search
Planning a mule using the map 4444444
Connecting to TomTom services 12
About TomTom services .12
TomTom MyDrive App for iOS or Androi .12
Connect to TomTom services using your smartphone .13
Reconnect to TomTom services using your smartphone.. .13
Connect to TomTom services using a different smartphone .14
Deleting phones ..... .14
Unable to geta oonn .14
My device 15
Memory card slot . 15
Device not stafling.
Charging your device
Sending information to TomTom
Getting help ........... .16
Take care of your navigation device .16
What's on the screen 17
The map view ..... .17
The guidance view. .18
The route bar ...... .20
Advanced Lane Guidance .20
Timedependent speed Iimils .............. 21
Using gestures 22
All about gestures. ...22
Main Menu 23
Navigation buttons. .23
Other buttons... .24
Volume control. .25
Using Quick Search 26
About Search ............. .26
Planning a route 10 a POI using searc .26
Entering search terms...
Working with search results.
About postcodes .......
About mapcodes.
List of POI type icons
Planning a route 36
Planning a route to an address using search
Planning a route to a city center ......
Planning a route to a POI using search
Planning a route using lhe map
Planning a route using My Places.
Planning a route using coordinates
Planning a route using a mapoode
Planning a route in advance
Finding a parking lot
Finding a gas station.
Changing your route 52
The Current Route Men
Types of route.
Route features . .
Adding a stop to your route from the current route menu . .53
Adding a stop to your route using the map, .54
Deleting a stop from your route .
Reordering stops on a route
My Routes 55
About My Routes
Saving a route,
Navigating using a saved route .
Adding a stop to a saved route uslng the map ,
Deleting a route from My Routes .....
Voice control 53
About voice control.
Starting voice control.
The voice control screen
Some tips for using voice control
What you can use voice control fo
Saying commands in different ways
Going home using voice control
Going to a POI using voice control ..
Changing a setting using voice control
T raffic 63
About TornTom Traffic ......
The route bar ................
Looking at traffic on the map
Looking at traffic on your route
Traffic incidents .............
Safety Cameras 67
About safety cameras
Safety camera warnings
Changing the way you are warned
Reporting a new safely camera ..
Confirm or remove a speed lrap.
Updating locations for cameras and hazard
My Places 71
About My Places....
Setting your home localion
Changing your home Iocalt
Adding a location from My Place
Add a location to My Places from the map
Adding a location to My Places using search
Deleting a recent destination from My Places.
Deleting a location from My Places ..............
Settings 75
Appearance .
Arrival information panel.
Voice Con r0
Maps .....
Route Planning
Sounds and Warn gs
Safety camera warnings.
Safely warnings
Language and Unils
System .
Product certification 82
Finding product certification information on your devrceBZ
MyDrlve 83
About MyDrive ..........
About MyDrive Connect
MyTomTom account.
Setting up MyDrive.
Addendum 85
Copyright notices 91
Welcome to navigation with TomTom
This Reference Guide explains all you need to know about your new TomTom GO navigation device.
It you want a quick read ol the essentials. we recommend that you read the Gel going chapler. This
covers installationy switching on. setting up and planning your first mute.
Afler that, you will probably want to connect to TomTom services. and you can read all about that in
the Connecting to TomTom services chapter.
For informatlon about what you see on the device itself, go to:
- What's on the screen
I Usinggestures
' Main menu
Tip: There are also frequently asked questions (FAQs) at tomtomcom/support. Select your product
model from the list or enter a search term‘
We hope you enjoy reading about and. most importantly, using your new navigation device!
Get going
Installing in your car
Use the mount provided with your device to install your TomTom GO device in your vehicle. Read the
instructions about positioning your device before you install your device.
To install your device, do the following:
1. Connect the supplied USB cable to the mount. lithe mount is integrated into your device, connect
the USB cable to the device.
Note: Use ONLY the USB cable supplied with your device, Other USB cables may not work.
2. Connect the USB cable to the USB car charger and plug mis into the power supply on your
Choose the best smooth location. on yourwindshield or side window. to mount your TomTom GO
Make sure that both the suction cup on the mount and your windshield are clean and dry.
Press the suction cup ofthe mount firmly against your windshield.
Turn the rubber grip near the base of the mount in a clockwise direction until you feel it look.
if your mount is not integrated into your device, place your device in the mount, making sure that it
clicks into place.
Dashboard mount disks are available as part of a range of accessories for your device. For more
infonnalion, go to
Positioning the device
Be careful where you install your navigation device in your car. The device shouldn't block or interfere
with any of the following:
- Your view of the road.
- The controls in your car.
- Your rearview mirrors.
- The airbags.
You should be able to reach the device easily without leaning or stretching. You can attach the dew’ce
to the windshield or side window or you can use a Dashboard Mount Disk to attach the mount to your
Switching on and off
Switching your device on
Press the On/Ofi button until your device starts. If the device was off you see the map view. If your
device was sleeping you see the last screen you were looking at.
Putting your device to sleep
To put your navigation device to sleep, press the OnIOfi button and then release it.
You can also press the OnlOfi button for more than 2 seconds until you see the Sleep and Turn 0"
buttons. Select Sleep to make the device sleep.
Tip: To put your navigation device to sleep whenever it is removed from the mount. go to Battery
settings in the Settings Menu.
Switching your device oft completely
To switch off your navigation device completely, you can do one of the following:
- Press and hold the On/Oft button for more than 2 seconds until you see the Sleep and Turn Off
buttons, Select Turn Off to switch off the device. Select the ”back" button if you don't want to
switch your device off.
- Press and hold the OnIOft button for more than 5 seconds until the device switches off.
Setting up
Note: The language you choose will be used for all text on the screen. Vou can always change the
language later in Language and Units In the Settings menu.
When you first switch on your device. you have to answer a few questions to set up the device.
Answer the questions by touching the screen.
GPS reception
When you first start your TomTom GO navigation device. the device may need a few minutes to
determine your position. In future. your position will be found much faster.
To ensure good satellite reception. use your device outdoors and keep it upright. Large objects such
as tall buildings can sometimes interfere with reception
Important; QuickGPSfix contains information about safellile positions which helps your navigation
devrce find your position faster. QuickGPSfix information is sent to Always Connected devices in real
time and to Smanphone Connected devices when connected to TornTorn servrces using your
Planning a route to an address using search
important: In the interest of safety and to avoid distractions while you are driving. you should always
plan a route before you start driving.
To plan a route to an address using search. do the following:
1. Select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu.
2. Select Search.
The search screen opens with the keyboard showing.
3. Use the keyboard to enter the name of the place you wt to plan a route to.
Tip: If you gress and hold a letter key on the keyboard. you get access to extra characters if they
are available. For example. press and hold the letter "e" to access characters 3 e e e e e and
( mgr. street
lllghitreettflelmant) 357 y Slmppmgcenlle
l ,» y y
High Street tllkelshall 5a 50)
You can search for an address, town, city, postcode or magcode.
Tip: To search for a specific city you can use the city’s state code or ZIP code. For example
searching for York will return many results. It you search for York AL or York 36925 then that city
will be at the top at the results. You can then search in the city.
Tip: When searching, the whole map is searched. It' you want to change how the search is done,
select the button to the right of the search box. You can then change where the search is done,
for example. to being along the route or in a city.
4. As you type the address, suggestions are shown based on what you have entered. You can
continue typing or select a suggestion.
Towns and roads are shown on the lefl, POIs are shown on the right.
Tlp: To see more results, hide the keyboard or swipe the results list to scroll it.
Tlp: You can switch between seeing the results on the map or in a list by selecting the list/map
5. Select an address suggestion.
High Sum 41: Dormxh
‘ Show on Map,
6. Enter the house number if you have one and haven't entered it already.
< l mg" sum in: Dammit
7, Select Drive.
Your navigation device plans a route then starts to guide you to your destination. As soon as you
start driving. the guidance view is shown automatically.
Tip: It your destination is in a different time zone. you see a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign and the
time difference in hours and half hours in the arrival information Qanel. The estimated time of ar-
rival is the local time at your destination.
Tip: You can add a $th to a route you have alrady planned.
Tip: You can save a route using My Routes.
Planning a route using the map
Important: In the inleresl of safety and to avoid distractions while you are dnving, you should always
plan a route before you start driving
To plan a route using the map. do the iollowing:
1. Move the map until you can see the destination you want to navigate to. Here are some of the
gestures you can use to move the map:
- Pinch - to zoom, touch the screen with your thumb and a finger. Move them apart to zoom in
or move them together to zoom out.
Tip: Pinch to zoom isn't available on all devices. When pinch to zoom isn't available on your
device, use the zoom buttons to zoom in and out
- Double tap - to zoom in. double tap on the map.
- Drag - to scroll the map. touch the screen with a linger and move it across the screen.
- Flick — to scroll the map a long way. flick the lip ot a finger across the screen,
Tip: For a complete fist ofgesturee, see Using gestures,
2. When you have found your desiinaiiun on the map. select it by pressing and holding me screen for
about tyne second.
A pop-up menu shows the nearest addms.
3. To plan a route in ihis destination, select the drive buflan:
Your navigation devica plans a route then signs in guide you lo your destination. As soon as you
start driving, the guidance view is shown auiomatically.
if ' 'Ydananuse j ocamwaussimdinomermsu ssaddinmt 16,ML._PIa°es Wain
ledfing ihe pop-up enu billion.
Tip: If your desu‘natiun is in a different time zone. you see a plus (+,\ or a minus (—) sign and the
time difierence in hours and haif hours in the arrival information Qanel. The estimated iime of an
rival is the local lime at your dostinalion.
Tip: You can add a Sig to a route that you have alrmdy planned.
Tip: You can save a route using My Routes.
Connecting to TomTom services
About TomTom sorvrces
TomTom services give you real-time information about traffic and eaten cameras on your router
To get TomTom services on your GO you need the [allowing items:
- A GO that can connect to TomTom services.
- A smartphone with a data plan from a mobile services provider.
. The TomTom MyDrive ago for iOS or Android installed on your smanohone.
- A MyTomTom account.
Using TomTom services means that data is sent and received by your phone using your mobile
services provider.
important: You might have additional costs When you use the inlernet on your phone, especially if you
are outside the area covered by your data plan. Check with your mobile services provider for more
Note: TomTom services are not available on all GO devices.
Note: TomTom services are not available in all countries or regions, and not all services are availa-
ble in all countries or regions. For more information on available services in each region. 90 to
TomTom MyDrive App for iOS or Android
The TomTom MyDrive app connects your G0 to the inlemet using your smartphone.
You can download and install the app on yoursmartphone from the Apple iTunes store or Google Play
Note: The language used for buttons and menus in the TomTom MyDrive app is the same as the
language you selected in your smartphone settings. llyou change the language you must restart
the TomTom MyDrive app to see the new language.
Starting the app
On your smartphone tap the MyDrive icon to start the app. To use TomTom services. you must create
a MyTomTom account or you can log in using an existing MyTornTom account. When the app is
started you can do one of the following:
- Connect to TomTom services using your smartghone
- Reconnect to TomTom services usinq vour smartphone
Sharing your information
When you use a TomTom service we ask you to share information about you and yourdevioe. The
first time you use a TomTom service please read the details about how each service uses your
information On your GO, lap Yes to allow your information to be shared. If you don't agree to share
your information the service will not work.
Your smartphone displays a notification when the TomTom MyDrive app is connected to your GO.
Main menu
Tap the app Main Menu button to show the main menu. The menu has the following items:
- Status » shows the status screen where you can see the status of the connection.
- Traffic - shows a map ofyour location with traffic incidents.
- MyTomTom Account - lets you log in to your MyTomTom account.
- Settings - lets you change the app settings.
. About - Displays information about the TomTom MyDrive app.
Connect to TomTom services using your smartphone
To connect your GO to your phone, do the following:
1. Select TomTom Traffic in the Main Menu.
2. Select Activate now.
3. If you are prompted, select Yes to agree to send information to TomTom.
Note: You cannot use TomTom services unless you agree to send information to TomTom,
4. Switch on Bluetoolh on your phone, and make sure your phone is discoverable (iOS) or visible
5. Start the TomTom Traffic app on your phone.
6. Select the next screen arrow on your navigation device.
Your device searches for your phone.
Tlp: If your device cannot find your phone, make sure your phone is still discoverable (iOS) or
visible (Android) tor other Bluetooth devices. Select Search to search for your phone again,
7. Select your phone from the list on your navigation device.
Your navigation device connects to the internet using your phone's internet connection.
8. On the TomTom Traffic app. log in to your existing MyTornTom account or create a new My-
TomTom account.
Tlp: It you already own a TomTom navigation device, we recommend that you open a new My-
TomTom account for your 60 using a different email address.
9. Return to the map view on your navigation device.
TomTom services are now active.
Reconnect to TomTom services using your smartphone
To reconnect your GO to TomTom services, on your phone make sure that Bluetooth is on and that
the TomTom MyDrive app is started.
Your GO will remember your phone and will find it automatically when you are in range ofyour naviga-
tion device. It you have a valid TomTom services subscription, the service will start automatically.
The Bluetooth icon at the top of the Main Menu screen on your 60 shows the status at the Blueloolh
- Bluetoom not connected.
. Bluetooth connecting. Your device is trying to automatically connect to your
Bluetoolh connected. Your device is connected to your phone.
You can also connect using another phone.
Connect to TomTom services using a different smartphone
1. Switch on Bluetoolh on your phone, and make sure that your phone is discoverable (iOS) or
visible (Android).
2. Start the TomTom MyDrive app on your phone.
Select TomTom Traffic in the Main Menu.
4. Select the pop-up menu button then select Search for Phones.
Your navigation device searches for your smartphone.
Tip: If your device cannot find your amartphone. make sure your smanphone Is still discoverable
(iOS) or visible (Android) for other Bluetooth devices.
5. Select your smartphone from the list of smartphones on your device.
Your navigation device connects to TomTom services using your smartphone intemel connection.
6. On the TomTom Traffic app. log in to your existing MyTomTom account.
7. Return to the map view on your navigation device.
TomTom services are now active.
Deleting phones
Select Tomtom Traffic in the Main Menu.
Select Manage Phones.
Select the popup menu button then select Delete Phones.
Select the phone you want to delete.
Select Delete.
Your phone is deleted.
Tip: It you delete all your connected phones. you will no longer be able to use TomTom services.
Unable to get a connection
If your GO cannot connect to your phone, or you have no intemet connection, check the following:
- Your phone is shown on your TomTom navigation device.
- Your phone’s Bluetooth is switched on.
. The TcmTcm MyDrive app is started on your phone.
- Your data plan wilh your mobile services provider is active. and you can access the inlemet on
your phone.
My device
Memory card slot
Some TomTom navigation devices have a memory card slot that is located on the side or bottom of
the device,
Before you use the memory card slot, make sure that you have the latest version of the application
installed on your navigation device by connecting to MyDrive using a computer.
When your device is up to date. you can use a memory card as extra storage space to add extra maps
to your device. Maps can be purchased from
Device not. starting
In rare cases, your TomTom GO navigation device may not start correctly or may stop responding to
your taps.
First. check that the battery is charged. To charge the battery. connect your device to the car charger.
It can take up to 2 hours to fully charge the battery.
If this does not solve the problem, you can reset the device. To do this. press and hold the OnlOl‘f
button until your device begins to restart.
Charging your device
The battery in your TomTom GO navigation device charges when you connect it to the car charger or
to your computer.
You are warned when the battery level is low or critical, You lose your connection to some TornTom
services when the battery level is tow or critical. When "to battery is empty. the device goes into sleep
important: You should plug the USB connector directly into a USB port on your computer and not into
a USB hub or USB port on a keyboard or monitor.
Sending information to TomTom
When you first start navigating or perform a full reset, your device asks for permission to collect some
information about your use of the navigation device, The information is stored on the device until we
retrieve it. We use it anonymously to improve our products and services. If you use our services. we
will also use your location information to deliver the services to you.
You can change whether you share this information with us at any time by doing the following:
1. In the Main Menu. select Settings.
2 Select System.
3. Select Your information.
4 Select the button to turn sending of information on or off.
Note: It you choose not to share this information. you will no longer receive our services. This is
because services need to send the location of your device to TomTom in order to receive the traffic
information related to where you are. The end date of your subscription remains the same. even if
you do not share this lntorrnation with us.
Additional information
If you think that your information is not being used for the purpose for which you have provided it to
TomTom. contact us at
You can find current and more detailed information at
Getting help
You can get further heip by going to tomtomcom/suggort.
For warranty and pr’wacy information go to tomtom.comllegal.
Take care of your navigation device
It is important to take care of your device:
- Do not open the casing of your device under any circumstances. Doing so may be dangerous and
will Void the warranty.
- Wipe or dry the screen of your device using a soft clolh. Do not use any liquid cleaners.
What's on the screen
The map view
The map view is shown when you start your navigation device and you have no planned route. Your
actual location is shown as soon as your device has found your GPS lncation
You can use map View in the same way as you might look at a traditional paper map, You can move
around the map using gestures, and zoom using the zoom buttons.
Important: Everything on the map is interactive, including the route and the map symbols - try select-
ing something and see what it does!
Tip: To open a pop-up menu for an item on the map, select and hold the iterri until the menu opens.
The map shows your current location and many other locations such as your My Places locations
If you have not planned a route the map is zoomed out to show the area around your location,
It you have planned a route, your complete route is shown on the map. You can add stage to your
route directly from the map. What you start to drive, the guidance view is shown.
1. Back button. This button returns the map to an overview 0! your whole route or, it‘ no route is.
planned, moves the map to pUt your current Iowtion at the center.
Switch view button. Select the switch view button to change between the map view and the
guidance View. When in map view, ityou are driving, the small arrow rotates to show you your
current driving direction. with north being up.
Zoom buttons, Select the zoom buttons to zoom in and out.
Current location. This symbol shows your current location. Select it to add it to My Places or
search near your current location.
Selected location. Press and hold to select a location on the map. Select the pop-up menu button
to show options for the location, or setect the drive button to plan a route to the location.
Main Menu button. Select the button to open the Main Menu.
Map symbols Symbols are used on the map to show your destination and your saved places:
Your destination.
A stog on your router
- a Your home location. You can set your home location in My Places.
A location saved in My Places.
Select a map symbol to open the popup menu. then setect the menu button to see a list of actions
you can take.
Traffic information. Select the traffic incident to display informau'on about the traffic delay.
Your route, it you have glanned a route. Select the route to clear it. change the route type, add a
stop or save changes to your route.
0. Safety cameras on your route. Select a safety camera to display information about that mmera.
1. Route bar. The route bar is shown when you have planned a route.
The guidance view
The guidance viewis used to guide you along the route to your destination. The guidance View is
hown when you start driving. You see your current location and details along your route, including SD
uildings in some cities.
Note: 3D buildings it guidance view are not available on all GO devices.
The guidance view is normally in 3D. To show a 2D map with the map moving in your direction of
travel. change the 2D and ED default settings.
Tip: When you have planned a route and the SD guidance view is shown, select the switch view
button to change to the map View and use the interactive features
When your navigation device starts after it was turned OH and you have a route planned, you are
shown the map view with your current location.
‘ Let“! 16:24
€\\\ 100
100 Amsrelstraat -
1. Switch View button. Select the switch View button to change between the map View and the
guidance view.
2. Zoom buttons. Select the zoom buttons to zoom in and out.
Tip: On some devices you can also my; zoom'in and cm
3. Instruction panel. This panel shows the following information:
- The direction of your next turn.
- The distance to your next turn.
- The name of the next road on your route.
- Lane guidance at some 'wnctions.
4. Route symbols. Symbols are used on your route to show your sharting location. your mug. and
your destination.
5. Main Menu buflon. Select the button to showing m.
6. Speed panel. This panel shows the following information:
- The speed limit at your Iowtion.
- Your current speed.
- The name of the street you are driving on.
7. Current location. This symbol shows your current location.
6. Route bar. The route bar is shown when you have planned a route.
The route bar
The route bar is shown when you have planned a route. It has an arrival information panel at the top.
and a bar with symbols undemeath.
Note: The distance ahead shown by the route bar is a maximum of 50 km or 30 miles. The bottom
half of the route bar shows the first third of the route distance (up to 16 km or ‘IO miles from your
location), whlle the top hat! shows the remaining two thlrds (34 km or 20 miles).
The arrival information panel shows the following information:
- The estimated time that you will arrive at your destination.
- The length of time to drive to the destination from your cunent location.
. A parking button is shown near the destination flag when parking is
available near your destination.
Tip: if your destination is in a different time zone, you see a plus (4)
or a minus (-) sign and the time difference in hours and half hours in
the arrival infonnation panel. The estimated time of arrival is the local
time at your destination.
It you have figs on your route, select this pane! to change between
inbnnation about the next stop and your final destination.
You can choose the information you see on the arrival information panel.
The bar uses symbols to show the following information:
- The next two st_op_s on your route.
- Gas stations that are directly on your route.
9 TomTom Traffic,
- TomTom Safety Cameras and Danger Zon as
The symbols are in the order that they occur on your route. For traffic
incidents, the symbol for each incident attemates between showing the
type of incident and the delay in minutes. Select a symbol to see more
information about a stop. an incident or a speed camera
The total time delay due to traffic jams and other incidents on your route.
including information provided by IQ Routes. is shown above the symbols.
For a complete list of incident types, see Traffic incidents.
The bottom of the route bar represents your cunent location and shows
the distance to the next incident on your route.
Note: To make the route bar more readable some incidents may not be shown. These incidents will
always be of minor importan and only cause short delays.
The route bar also shows messages about the status of your 60, for example Finding fastest route
or Playing route preview.
Advanced Lane Guidance
Note: Lane guidance is not available for all junctions or in all ecuntites.
Your TomTom GO navigation device helps you prepare for highway exits and junctions by showing the
correct driving lane for your planned route.
As you approach an exit or junction. the lane you need IS shown on the screen and in the instruction
Tlp: To close the lane image. select anywhere on the ween or ptess the back button.
To turn lane images oft. select Settings in the Main Menu. then select Appearance. Switch oft the
Show previews of highway exits setting
Time-dependent speed limits
Some speed limils change depending on the time of day. For example, you may see the speed limit
near schools decrease to 40 km/h or 25 mph in the morning from 08:00 - 09:00 and in the aflemoon
from 15:00 - 16:00. Where possible, the speed limit shown in the speed panel changes to show these
variable speed limits:
Some speed limits change depending on driving conditions. For example, the speed limit will decrease
if there is heavy traffic, or the weather conditions are bad. These variable speed limits are noI shown
in the speed panel. The speed shown in the speed panel is the maximum speed limit allowed in good
drivlng conditions
Important: The speed limit shown in the speed panei is oniy an Indication. Vou must aiways obey the
actual speed Iimitfor the road you are on and the conditions you are driving in_
Using gestures
All about gestures
You need to use gestures to control your navigation device.
This Reference Guide explains which gestures to use throughout the guide but here is a complete list
of all the gestures you can use.
Double tap
Press and hold
Pinch to zoom
Tap or select
Touch one finger on the semen twice In rapid succession
Example of when to use this Zooming in on the map.
Put one finger on the screen and move it across the screen.
Example of when to use this: Scrolling around in the map.
Flick the tip of a single finger across the screen.
Example of when to use this: Scrolling a long distance on the map,
Put one finger on the screen for more than 0.5 second.
Example of when to use this: Opening the pop-up menu for a place on the
Touch the screen with your thumb and a finger. Move them apart to zoom in
or move them together to zoom out
Example of when to use this: Zooming in and out on the map.
Tip: Pitch to zoom isn't available on all devices. When pinch to zoom
isn‘t available on your device, use the zoom buttons to zoom in and out.
Tap a single finger on the screen.
Example of when to use this: Selecting an item in the Main Menu.
Tip: To open a pop-up menu for an item on the map, select and hold the
item until the menu opens.
Main Menu
Navigation buttons
On the mag view or guidance view. select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu.
The following navigation buttons are available in the Main Menu:
Note: Not all features are supported on all devices.
Search Select this button to search tor an address. a place or a Point of Interest.
then plan a route to that location.
Current route Select this button to clear or change your planned route.
Report safety Select this button to report a safety camera.
'5‘ 6'
My Places Select this button to show your saved places,
My Routes Select this button to show your saved routes,
Parking Selecl this button to find parking Ibis/garages.
Gas Station Select this button to find gas stations.
Voice Control Selecl this button to start voice control.
Yip: You can also say the wake~up phrase to start vaice control.
TomTom Traffic Select this button to connect to TomTom services, or to check your
TomTom Traffic. TomTom Safety Cameras or TomTom Danger Zones
subscri tlon.
Other buttons
On the map or guidance view, select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu.
The following buttons are available in the Main Menu screen. in addition to the navigation buttons:
Select this button to open the Settings Menu.
Select this button to open the Help Menu. The Help Menu contains a guided
[our and information aboul your (30.
Select this button to return to lhe previous screen.
Select this button to return to lhe may view or guidance view.
This symbol shows the status 0! the Bluetooth connection when you use a
smanphone to connect to TomTom sewioes,
This symbol shows the power level of the battery in your device.
This symbol shows that the TomTom Traffic service is active.
This symbol shows that the TomTorn Traffic servtce is not active.
Select this button to switch oft voice instmctionst You will no longer hear
spoken route instructions but you will still hear information such as traffic
Information and warning sounds.
Tip: You can select the types 01 instructions you want to hear. Select
Voices in the Settings Menu and select the instructions you want to hear.
Select this button to switch on voice instructions
Select this button to reduce the brightness of the screen and display the
map in darker colors.
When driving at night or when driving through a dark tunnel, "A is easier to
view the screen and less distracting for the driver if the brightness oi the
screen is dimmed.
Tip: Your device automatically switches between day and night colors
depending on the time of day. To switch off this feature, select Am
ance in the Settings menu and switch oil Switch to night colors when
Volume control
Select this button to increase the brightness of the screen and display the
map in brighter colors.
On the map or guidance viewt select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu.
Select and slide the volume control to change the volume 01 voice instructions and warnings. If the
voice instructions are switched off, the volume control will still change the volume of the warnings.
Using Quick Search
About search
You use search to find a wide range of places and then navigate to them. You can search for the
- A specific address. for example, 335 Madison Avenue, New York.
- A partial address. [or example. Madison Ave NY.
- A type of place, for example. gas station or restaurant.
- A place by name, for example, Starbucks.
. A ZIP code, for example. 10017 for Murray Hill, East Side. Manhattan. New Vork.
- A city to navigate to a city center, for example, Kingston, NV.
- A POI (Point of Interest) near your current location. for example, restaurant near me
- Latitude and longitude coordinates, for example. N 40°45'28” W 73°59'09‘.
Planning «3 route to a PC] using search
important: In the interest of satiety and to evald distractions while you are dnvmg, you should always
plan a route before you start driving.
To plan a route toa POI type or a specific POI using search. do lhe following:
1. Select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu
2. Select Search.
The search screen opens with the keyboard showing.
3. Use the keyboard to enter the name of the place you want to plan a route to.
Tip: If you press and hold a letter key on the keyboard. you get access to extra characters it they
are available. For example. press and hold the letter "e" to access characters 3 e e e e e and
Restdencralntauredal mic? WI Restaurant
Er Rest area
Residential Vega rm r my
I Car repair! arage ,
t 00000000 x
Y 712377!»
You can search tor a POI (Point of Interest) type. such as a restaurant or tourist attraction. Aller-
natively, you can search tore specific POI, for example "Rosie‘s Pizzeria."
Note: When searching. the whole map is searched. It you want to change how the search is
done. select the button to the right of the search box. You can then change where the search is
done, for example along me route or in a city,
As you type. suggestions are shown based on what you have entered, You can continue typing or
select a suggestion.
Towns and roads are shown on the left; POls are shown on the right.
Tip: To see more results. hide the keyboard or swipe the results list to scroll it.
Tip: You can switch between seelng the results on the map or in a list by selecting the Iistlmap
Select a POI type or an individual POL
if you selected a POI type, select your chosen POI.
That (ale
Select Drive.
Your navigation device plans a route then starts to guide you to your destination. As soon as you
start driving, the guidance View ls shown automaticafly,
Tip: If your destination is in a different time zone. you see a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign and the
time difference in hours and half hours in the arrival information gagel. The estimated lime of an
rival is the local lime at your destination.
Tip: You can add a slog to a route that you have already planned.
Tip: You can save a route using My Routes.
Entering search terms
Select Search in the Main menu to start searching for addresses and POIs, The search screen opens
showing the keyboard and the following buttons:
high street
High Street (Belmont) :52
HtghStreettllkelshallSa 501 g Argos
ngh Street (Iken, Woodl. SZD
Back button.
Select this button to go back to the previous screen.
Search input box.
Enter your search ten-n here. As you type, matching addresses and POls are shown.
Tip: If you grass and hold a letter key on the keyboard. you get access to extra characters itthey
are available. For emmple, press and hold the teller "e" to access characters 3 e é é a é and
Tlp: To edit, select a word you have already typed to place me cursor. You can then insert or
delete characters.
Type of search.
By default. the whole of the current map is searched. Once you have used search. the last search
type you selected is used. Select this button to change the type of search to any of the lollowmg:
Current map
Select this option to search the whole of your current map vvilh no limit
to the search radius. Your current location is the center of the search.
The results are ranked by exact match.
Near me
Select this option to search wllh your current GPS location as the
search center. The results are ranked by distance.
@ in town or clty
Select this option to use a town or city as the center for your search,
You need to enter the town or city name using the keyboard. When you
have selected the town or city from the results list, you can search for
an address or POI in that city.
Along route
When a route has been planned, you can select this option to search
along your route for a specific type of location. for example. gas sta-
tions When prompted. enter the type at location and then select It to the
right-hand column to carry out the search.
Near destination
When a route has been planned, you can select this option to use your
destination as the center tor your search.
Latitude Longitude
Select this option to enter a pair of latitude longitude coordinates. You
can enter any of these coordinate types:
- Decimal values. for example, 51.503742 -0.142822.
- Degrees, minUtes and seconds, to: example, N 51°30'31' W
- GPS standard coordinates, for example, N 51 30.525 W 0 08.569.
Note: The bar below the coordinates goes red it you enter coordi-
nates that are not recognized by your GO.
View button.
Select this button to return to the mag view or guidance view.
123?! button.
Select this button to use numbers and symbols on your keyboard. Select the =\< button to toggle
between the numbers and more symbols. Select the ABC button to go back to the general key-
Keyboard layout button.
Select thls button to change your keyboard layout to another language. You can choose up to tour
layouts from the list, It you have more than one layout selected selecting the keyboard layout
bUtton opens a pop-up so you can quickly swap between your selected keyboard layouts m
and hold this button to go directly to the list at all the layouts.
Lisflmap button.
Select this button lo switch between showing the results in a list or showing the results on the
Show/hide keyboard.
Select this button to show or hide the keyboard.
Tlp: Select the Shift key once to make the next letter you type upper case, Double tag the Shm
key to use Caps-Lock where all the letters you type are upper case. Select the Shift key once to
quit Caps-Lock.
Tip: To cancel a search. setect the map/guidance view button in the top right-hand corner of the
Working with search results
Your search results are shown in two columns.
Address and city matches are shown in the left-hand column, and POIs, types of POIs and Places are
shown in the right—hand column
Tlp: To see more results. hide the keyboard or swipe the results list to scroll it.
Tip: You can switch between seeing the results on the map or in a list by selecting the list/map
( Park Street
Park Street Car park
' r t, NRZZ
v Umtc-d K-ugm
When you select an address from the list of search results. you can choose to show it on the map, add
a crossroad or plan a route to that chosen location To get an exactaddress you can add the house
til High Street ' . Southwold
l. Show on Map ”ll. Add Cross Roadil Lime 8
It you show the result on the map‘ you can use the pop—up menu to add the location to My Places or
search near this location ti a route is already planned, you ten add the location to your current route.
Note: The best search results are shown on the map. When you zoom in, the lower ranked search
results are gradually shown,
About postcodes
You can search using a ZIP code to get closer to the area in which you want to find an address or POI.
When you search using a ZIP code, your results include all the streets in a city district, the whole town,
or the towns and villages within that ZIP code zone.
Note: It you search using a ZIP code you will not get a single address in your results.
You do not have to use the state or province postal abbreviation or first change the state or prow’nce
because this is included in the ZIP code.
For example, a search tor York in the whole map returns along list of possible results. Adding a space
followed by the area ZIP code narrows the results down to the York that you are looking for.
About mapcodes
In countries where roads and houses have no names or addresses, you can use a mapoode instead.
A mapcode represents a location.
Every location on Earth, including those in the sea, like islands and oil rigs, can be represented by a
mapcode. Mapcodes are short. and easy to recognize. remember and communicate. They are precise
to a few meters. which is good enough for everyday use,
Go to mapcodemm for instructions on how to find the mapcode tor a location.
Mapcodes are more precise and more flexible than the address on a business card. You can PICK the
location you want to associate wilh your address, tor example. the main entrance or entrance lo a
parking lot.
List of POI type icons
Legal and financial services
3. Court house Cash dispenser
Financial institution
a Legal - Solicitors ’5‘
Legal - other services
Food services
_ Convenience store .l. Fast lood restaurant
iii: 51
Chinese restaurant
w | Restaurant
Hotel or motel Luxury hotel
Cam pgrouncl
Emergency services
H Hospital or polyclinic
Police station
Car-relaied services
Outside parking
6 Parking garage
Car dealer
Rental car iacilily
Rental car parking
other services
I.-—: y
i Governmenl office
E Company
Economy chain hole]
Fire slalion
Gas station
Car wash
Vehicle inspedion cenler
Eleciric car charging
Car repair facility
Pet services
Telecommu nicalion
Communiiy service
Post office
Shopping center
Tourist intonnalion office
College or universily
Concert hall
Playing field
Setting your home location
1. In the Main Menu, select My Places.
2. Select Home.
3. To select a home location, do one of the following
- Zoom in on the map at the location you want to select. Press and hold to select the location.
then select the home location symbol.
Portland>Road fl
- Select the Search button and search for a location. Select a location set as home. Select Set
home location.
Changing your home location
1. In the Main Menu, select My Places.
2. Select Home.
Your home location is shown on the map. with a pop-up menu.
3. Select Edit this Location.
4. To select a new home location, do one of the tollowing:
- Zoom in on the map at the location you want to select. Press and hold to select the location,
then select the home location symbol.
- Select the Search button and search for a location. Select a location set as home. Select Set
home location.
Adding a location from My Places
1. in the Main Menu, select My Places.
2. Select Add a new place.
3. To select a location. do one of the following:
- Zoom in on the map at the location you want to select. Press and hold to select the location,
then select the add location symbol.
. Search tor a location. Select Show on Map. then select the add location symbol
High Street
The name of the location appears in the edit screen.
4. Edit the name ol the location so you can easily recognize It.
5. Select Done to save your location in the My Places list.
Add a location to My Places from the map
1. Move the map until you can see the destination that you want to navigate to. Here are some ot the
gestures you can use to move the map:
. Pinch - to zoom. touch the screen with your thumb and a finger. Move them apart to zoom in
or move them together to zoom out.
Tip: Pinch to zoom isn‘t available on all devices. When pinch to zoom isn't available on your
device, use thezoom buttons to zoom in and out.
- Double tap - to zoom in, double tap on the map.
- Drag - to scroll the map. touch the screen with a finger and move it across the screen.
- Flick - to scroll the map a tong way. flick the rip of a finger across the screen.
Tip: For a complete list of gestures. see Using gestures.
Press and hold to select the location.
Select the pop-up menu button.
Select Add to My Places.
The name of the location is shown in the edit screen.
Edit the name of the location so you can easily recognize it.
Select Done to save your location in the My Places list.
Adding a location to My Places using search
In the Main Menu, select Search.
Search for a location.
Select the location then select Show on map.
When the map vlew shown the location. select the pqa-up menu button.
Select Add to My Places.
The name of the location appears in the edit screen.
Edit the name of the location so you can easily recognize it.
Select Done to save your location in the My Places list.
Deleting a recent destination from My Places
In the Main Menu, select My Places.
Select Recent Destinations.
Select Edit List.
Select the destinations you want to delete.
Select Delete.
Deleting a location from My Places
In the Main MenLI. select My Places.
Select Edit List.
Select the locations you want to delete.
4. Select Delete.
Select Settings in Me Main Menu, then select Appearance.
On this screen. you can change these settings:
- Switch to night colors when dark
Select this setting to make the device automatically switch to night colors when it gets dark.
- Show previews of highway exits
Select this selling to control the full screen prevtew when you approach highway exits.
- Switch map View
By default, automatic changing of views is on. This means, for example, that the device shows the
map view when an allemative route is being suggested, along with several other sets of circu m—
stances. Also. for example. that the device shows the guidance view when you start driving and
you startle accelerate. Select this setting if you want to tum off automatic changing between
guidance view and map view.
. Guidance view
Select this setting to choose from 3D or 2D versions of the guidance view. Both the 2D and 3D
guidance views move in yourdirsction of travel.
Select Settings In the Main Menu, then select Appearance,
Select Brightness to change the following settings:
- Day brightness
Move the slider to adjust the brlghlness level of the screen during the day.
I Night brightness
Move the slider to adjust the brightness level of the screen during the night.
Arrival information panel
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Appearance.
Select Arrival information to change the following settings:
- Show remaining distance
Select this setting to show the remaining distance tell to travel in the arrival information panel dur-
ing navigation.
- Show remaining time
Select this setting to show the remaining time left to travel in the arrival information panel during
- Switch between distance and time automatically
Select this setting to control the automatic switching between remaining distance and remaining
time in the arrival information panel.
- Show arrival information for
Use this setting to control whether you want to see information about the destination or the next
stop in the arrival information panel.
Tip: To find out where the different panels are in the guidance view or map view, see What‘s on the
Select Settlngs In the Main Menu. then select Voices.
Choosing a voice
Select Choose a voice to change the voice that gives spoken directions and other route instnrctinns,
A wide range of voices are available. There are computer voices which can read street names and
other information directly from the map and there are recorded voices which have been recorded by
Note: Computer voices are not available In all languages.
If you need a computer voice and your language is unavailable. then you are asked to choose from
a list of installed computer voices available for your language.
Instruction settings
- Read aloud early instructions
For example, if you switch on this setting, you could hear early instructions such as "After 2 km
take the exit right" or "Ahead. turn left."
Note: When a recorded voice is chosen, you see only this setting because recorded voices can-
not read out road numbers. road signs, etc.
. Read aloud road numbers
Use this setting to control whether road numbers are read aloud as part of navigation instructions.
For example, when road numbers are read aloud, you hear "Turn left onto A100."
- Read aloud road sign information
- Use this setting to control whether road sign information is read aloud as part of navigation
instructions. For example, 'Turn left onto A302 Bridge Street towards lslington.“
- Read aloud street names
Use this setting to control whether street names are read aloud as part of navigation instructions.
For example, when street names are read aloud, you hear “Tum left Graham Road towards
Read aloud foreign street names
Use this set1ing to control whether loreign street names are read aloud as part of navigation in»
slructions, such as "Turn right Champs Elysées.‘ For example, an English computer voice can
read and pronounce French street names but pronunciation may not be completely accurate.
Voice Control
Nola‘ Voice control is not supported on all devices or in all languages.
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Voice Control.
Select Start listening when I say the wake-up phrase to start voice control when you say the
wake~up phrase
Tip: The wake-up phrase is shown on the Voice Control settings screen,
Select Settings in the Main Menu. then select Maps.
Changing the map
Select Change map In change me map mat you are using
You can choose from maps stored either in internal memory or memory cards if your device has a
memory card slot.
Note: Although y0u can store more than one map on your device. you can only use one map at a
time tor planning and navigation.
Choosing map corrections
Select Map corrections to choose the type of map corrections you want added to your map.
- Corrections checked by TomTom
These map corrections have been checked by TomTom.
- Corrections checked by TomTom or by another user
These map corrections have been checked by TomTom or by a trusted user.
- All corrections
if you choose this setting, you receive all map corrections, verified or unverified,
Route Planning
Select Settings in [he Main Menu, then select Route Planning.
When a taster route is available
If a faster route is found while you are driving, TomTom Traffic can replan your trip to use the faster
route. Selec1 from the following options:
- Always take the fastest route
- Ask me so I can choose
. Don't ask me
Always plan this type at route
The types of route you can choose from are as follows:
- Fastest route - the route which takes the least time.
- Shortest route - the shortest distance between the locations you set. This may not be the quick-
est route. especialty if the shortest route is through a town or city.
- Most eco-friendly route - the most fuel-efficient route for your trip.
- Avoid highways - this type of route avoids all highways.
- Walking route - a route designed for making the trip on foot.
- Bicycle route - a route designed for making the trip on a bicycle.
Avoid on every route
You can choose to avoid ferries and car shuttle trains, toll roads, carpool lanes, and unpaved roads.
Set how your TomTom should manage each of these road features When the device calculates a
Carpool lanes are sometimes known as High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV) and are not present in
every country. To travel on these lanes, you may need to have more than one person in the car, for
example, or the car may need to use environmentally-friendly fuel.
Sounds and Warnings
Select Settings in the Main Menu. then select Sounds 5 Warnings,
On this screen, you can change this setting:
- Warning sounds
Select this setting to turn all audible warnings on or oft.
Safety camera warnings
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Sounds 8. Warnings.
Select Safety camera warnings. You can then set how you want to be wamed for the ditlerent types
of cameras and safety hazards. You can change settings for advance warning time and whether you
want to be warned. never warned or warned only if you are speeding,
Safety warnings
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Sounds 8. Warnings.
Select Safety warnings. You can then set how you want to be warned for the different types at
danger zones and salety hazards. You can change settings for advance warning time and whether
you want to he wanted. never warned or wamed only it you are speeding.
Danger zones
This type of warning is only given in France where you are only warned about danger zones.
Accident hotspots
This type of warning is given for a place where road traffic accidents have historically been con-
Risk zones
This type of warning is only given in France where you are only warned about danger zones.
Traffic jams
To receive warnings in the route bar for traffic jams. you must have a TomTom Traffic subscrip-
tion. You can choose never to be warned or to be warned when approaching a jam too quickly.
When speeding
This warning is given as soon as you exceed the speed limit by more than 5km/h or 3 mph. When
you are speeding, the speed panel also tums red in the guidance view.
Language and Units
Select Settlngs in the Main Menu. then select Language A Units,
On this screen, you can change the following settings:
You can see your currently selected language on this screen. Select this setting to change the
language used for all buttons and messages that you see on your device.
When you change the language setting, the voice automatically changes and units are set to au-
You can see your currently selected country on this screen. Select this setting to change the
country. When you change the country, the time/date lonnat, distance units and voice are
changed automatically. The list includes the countries from the maps currently installed on your
Select this setting to choose from a list of available keyboards.
You use the keyboard to enter names and addresses, such as when you plan a route or search for
the name of a town ora local restaurant.
Select this setting to choose the units used on your device lor leatures such as route planning. It
you want the units to be set by the GPS, select Automatic.
Time and date
The time and date are automatically set by satellite clocks but you can change the format of both
the time and date using these settings.
Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select System.
On this screen. you can change lhese settings:
. About
This is an information screen rather than a setting and shows you information about your TomTom
GO. You may be asked to go to this screen during a call to TomTom Customer Support or you
may need to enter information taken from this screen when using the TomTom Shop.
Information includes: Serial number, Application version, Installed maps, Product certifications,
MyTomTom account details. Free space. Copyright. Licenses.
I Send information
Select this setting to control whether you are asked about sending information to TomTom every
time your device starts.
. Battery settings
Select this sefling to control power saving options on your device.
. Reset
Select this setting to delete all your saved places and settings and restore the standard factory
settings to your TomTom 60. This includes the language. voice and waming settings.
This is not a software update and will not affect the version of the software application installed on
your device.
Select Settings in the Main Menu or the Settings menu. then select Help.
On this screen. you can see the follomn'ng information;
I Guided tour
Select this option to get a short tutorial on how to use your navigation device.
I Voice control
Note: Voice control is not supported on all devices or in all languages.
Select this option to see the following information about voice control:
- How to use voice control
- Tips for using voice control
- Which command can I say?
- About
See Sfitem.
Select Settings in the Main Menu or the Sailings menu, then select Help.
On this screen. you can see the following information:
- Guided tour
Select this option to get a short tutorial on how to use your navigation device.
- Voice control
Note: Voice control is not supported on all devices or in all languages,
Select this option lo see the following information aboui voice control:
- How to use voice control
- Tips for using voice control
. Which command can I say?
I About
See em.
Product certification
Finding product certification information on your device
To find product certification information, such as the ICASA-approved certification number. do the
following on your GO:
1. Select Settings in the Main Menu.
2. Select System.
Select About.
Select Legal intonation.
Select Certificates.
You then see the relevant product certification information for your device, for example, ICASA.
About MyDrive
MyDrive is a web—based tool that helps you manage the contents and services of your TomTom GO
navigation device. For example. you can use MyDrive to get map updates. software updates or
manage your MyTomTom account.
You log in to MyDrive on the TomTom website. It is a good idea to frequently connect your navigation
device to MyDrive to ensure you always have the latest updates.
Tlp: We recommend using a broadband internet connection whenever you connect your navigation
device to MyDrlve.
About MyDrive Connect
In order to use MyDrive, you need to install MyDrive Connect on your computer.
MyDrive Connect is an application that allows your navigation device to communicate with the MyDrive
website. MyDrive Connect needs to be running the entire time that your device is connected to your
MyTomTom account
To download content and to use TornTom services. you need a MyTomTom account.
You can create an account using your computer in one of the following ways:
. By selecting the Create account button at tomtomcom.
- By selecting the green MyTomTom button at tomto corn.
- By going to
Altematively you can create an account using the TomTorn MyDrive App for iOS or Android on your
smartphone. To use this method. your device needs to be able to connect to TomTorn services and
you need a smartphone with a data plan from a mobile services provider.
Important: Take care when choosing a country during account creation. The correct country is
needed if you make a purchase from the TomTom shop. and it cannot be changed after the account
has been created.
Note: If you have more than one TomTom navigation device. you need a separate account tor each
Setting up MyDrive
To get ready to use MyDrive tor the first time, do the totlowing:
1. On your computer, open a web browser and go to tomtorncomlgetstaned.
2. Click Get Stoned.
3. Click Download MyDrive Connect.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
4. When prompted. connect your device to your computer using me USB cable supplied with your
device. then switch your device on.
Note: Use ONLY the USB cable supplied with your device. Other USB cables may not work.
Note: You cannot use the mount to connect your device to your computer.
Note: You should plug the USB cable directly into a USB port on your computer and not into a
USB hub or USB port on a keyboard or monitor.
Enter the requested information for account creation. including your country.
When set-up rs complete. a MyTomTom accou M is created and your navigation device is linked to
that account.
You can now access MyDrive Connect from the nolificalion area on your desktop.
MyDrive starts automatically after the account is created.
Note: Next time you want to access MyDrive. go to lomtomcom/myd rive in a web brewery,
Tip: When you connect your navigation device to your compu'rer, MyDrive Connecl tells you it
there are any updates for your device.
Important Safety Notices and Warnings
Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
The Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) systems
are satellite—based systems that provide location and timing information around the globe. GPS is
operated and controlled by the Government of the United States of America, which is solely responsi-
ble for its availability and accuracy. GLONASS is operated and controlled by the Govemmenl of
Russia. which is solely responsible for its availability and accuracy Changes in GPS or GLONASS
avallability and accuracy, or In environmental conditions may impact the operation otthrs device
TomTom disclaims any liability for the availability and accuracy of GPS or GLONASS.
Safely messages
Use with care
Use 01 TomTom products while driving still means that you need to drive with due care and attention.
Your device is intended to serve as a driving aid and is not a substitute for driving with due care and
attention. Always obey posted road signs and applicable laws. Distracted driving can be extremely
dangerous. Please do not operate this device in any manner that divans a driver’s attention from the
road in an unsafe manner. TomTcm recommends using the hands-free systems where available and
pulling over to a complete stop at a safe location in order to interact with the device.
Notice for overslzedlcommercial vehicles
This product is intended for use by passenger vehicles and may not provide appropriate routes for
oversized and commercial vehicles. It you are operating an oversized or commercial vehicle, please
visit to find an appropriate product with maps containing height and weight restrictions.
Pacemaker manutacturers recommend that a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches be maintained between a
handheld wireless device and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These
recommendations are consistent with independent research and recommendations by Wireless
Technology Research.
Guidelines for people with pacemakers
- You should ALWAYS keep the device more than 15 cm / 6 inches from your pacemaker.
- You should not carry the device in a breast pocket.
Other medical devices
Please consult your physician or the manufacturer of the medical device. to determine it the operation
of your wireless product may inlerfe re with the medical device.
Prohibited uses
Aircraft and hospitals
Use of devices with an antenna is prohibited on most aircraft, in many hospitals and in many other
locations. This device must not be used in these environments.
Special Note Regarding Driving in California, Minnesota and Other States
California Vehicle Code Section 26708 which applies to those driving within the State of California
restricts the mounting ota navigation device on lhewindshield to a seven-inch square in the lower
corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver or in a five-inch square in the lower corner of
the windshield nearest to the driver and outside of an airbag deployment zone, ii the system is used
only for door—to—door navigation while the motor vehicle is being operated. Drivers in California should
not mount the device on their side or rear windows.
Minnesota State Legislature Statutes Section 169.71, subdivi ion 1. section 2 restrict any person
driving within the State of Minnesota from driving with a device suspended between the driver and the
Many other states have enacted laws which restrict the placement ofany object or material on the
windshield or side or rear window that obstructs a driver‘s clear view of the road. It is incumbent upon
the driver to be aware of all applicable laws and to place the device in such a manner that will not
interfere with his/her driving.
TomTom, Inc. bears no responsibility for and hereby disclaims all liability for any fines, penalties or
damage incurred by a driver for violations of the law. While driving in any state with windshield mount-
lng restrictions. TomTom recommends using the supplied Adhesive Mounting Disk or purchasing an
altemative mounting system (eg. dashboard or air vents). See tomtomcom for more information
about these mounting options.
This product uses a Lithium-Ion battery.
Do not use it in a humid, wet and/or corrosive environment. Do not put, store or leave your product in a
high temperature location. in strong direct sunlight, in or near a heat source, in a microwave oven or in
a pressurized container, and do not expose it to temperatures over 122°F / 50°C. Failure to follow
these guidelines may cause the battery to leak acid, become hot, explode or ignite and cause injury
and/or damage. Do not pierce, open or disassemble the battery. If the battery leaks and you come into
contact with the leaked fluids. rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical attention immediately. For
safety reasons, and to prolong the lifetime of the battery, remove your product from your vehicle when
you are not driving and keep in a cool, dry place. Charging will not occur at low (below 32°F / 0°C) or
high (over 113°F I 45°C) temperatures.
Temperatures: Standard operation: 32°F / 0°C to 113’F/45°C; short period storage: ~4°F / -20’C to
122°F / 50°C; long period storage: —4°F / —20°C to 95‘F / 35°C.
Caution: risk of explosion if battery is replaced with an incorrect type.
Do not remove or attempt to remove the non-user—replaceable battery. It you have a problem with the
battery, please contact TomTom customer support.
If your device requires a charger. please use this device with the charger provided. For replacement
chargers. go to for information about approved chargers for your device.
The stated battery life is a maximum posslble battery life. The maximum battery life will only be
achieved under specific atmospheric conditions. The estimated maximum battery life is based on an
average usage profile.
For lips on extending the battery life. see this FAQ: tomtommm/battemigs.
Do not disassemble or crush. bend or defon'n. puncture or shred your device.
Do not modify or remanutacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into the battery, immerse or expose
to water or other liquids. expose to fire. explosion or other hazard.
Only use the battery for a system for which it is specified.
Only use the battery with a charging system that has been qualified for use with the system per this
standard, Use 01 an unqualified battery or charger may present a risk of ti re. explosion, leakage or
other hazard.
Do not short circuit a battery or allow metallic conductive objects to contact battery terminals.
Replace the battery only with another battery that has been qualified with the system per this standard,
IEEE-Std—1725-200x, Use ol an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire. explosion. leakage or
other hazard.
Promptly dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations.
Battery usage by children should be supervised.
Avoid dropping the device. lfthe device is dropped. especially on a hard surface. and the user sus-
pects damage. please contact customer support.
Improper battery use may result in a fire. explosion or other hazard.
For those host devices that utilize a USB port as a charging source. the host device's user manual
shall include a statement that the navigation device shall only be connected to products that bear the
USB—IF logo or have completed the USB-IF compliance program.
FCC information tor the user
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This equipment radiates radio frequency energy and it not used properly - that is. in strict accordance
with the instructions in this manual - may cause interference to radio communications and television
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (l)this device may not cause harmful interference
and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to part 15 ofthe FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. It mis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included are use ol shielded
cables and connectors between it and the peripherals. It is important that you use shielded cables and
connectors to reduce the possibility of causing radio and television interference. Shielded cables,
suitable for the product range, can be obtained from an aumorized dealer. If the user modifies the
equipment or its peripherals in any way, and these modifications are not approved by TomTom. the
FCC may withdraw the users right to operate the equipment. For customers in the USA, the following
booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commissron may be of help. "How to Identify and
Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the US Government Printing
Office, Washington. DC 20402. Stock No 004-0000034541.
FCC ID: S4L4FC43, S4L4FC54. S4L4F064, $4L4FA54, $4L4FA64, S4L4FCS4A
IC ID: 5767A-4FC43.. 5767A~4FC54. 5767A-4F064, 5767A-4FA54, 5767A-4FA64, 5767A~4FC54A
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
The transmitters within this device must not be co-Iocated or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) compliance
This GPS Navigation System is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not
to exceed the emission Iirnits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Commu-
nications Commission (FCC) of the US, Government, Industry Canada of the Canadian Government
The SAR limit recommended by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the US. Gov-
ernment. Industry Canada of the Canadian Government (IC) is 1.6W/kg averaged over 1 gram of
tissue for the body (4.0 W/kg averaged over 10 grams of tissue lor the extremities . hands, wrists,
ankles and feet). Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions specified by FCC/IC
with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.
Emissions information for Canada
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
- This device may not cause interference.
- This device must accept any interference. including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B).
IC Radiation Exposure Statement:
- This equipment complies with IC RSS»102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon-
trolled environment.
- This device and its antenna(s) must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
Exposure limits
This device complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order
to avoid the possibility of exceeding the radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the
antenna shall not be less than 8 inches (20 cm) during normal operation.
Model names
4F043, 4F054, 4FC64. 4FA54, 4FA64. 4F654A
Rating: 5VDC,1.2A
Additional Information
Responsible party in North America
TomTom, Inc., 24 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01303
Tel: 866 4866866 option 1 (1 >866-4-TomTom)
TomTom MyDrlve app
This device is compatible with the TomTom MyDrive mobile application which may be downloaded
from t_omtom.comlmydrive—apg_ The use of the TomTom MyDrive mobile application on your
smartphone and any integration with your product will require that your smartphone has a wireless
data service plan provided by a third-party Mreless service carrier. The procurement of and all charg—
es associated with such a connectivity plan are your responsibility. TomTom shall not be liable for any
costs or expenses associated with such a network connectivity plan (such as the data charges or
possible tethering fees which may be imposed by your carrier). Any changes to the availability or
reliability of the network connection may impact the operation of certain TomTom services which may
be offered on this device.
Legal terms
For information regarding how TomTom uses your data and personal information, visit Please see tomtom‘com/legal for limited warranty and end user license agree
ments and additional copyrights applying to this producL embedded software and services. The
software included in this product contains copyrighted soflware that is licensed under the GPL. A copy
of that license can be viewed in the Third Party Licenses section. You can obtain be complete corre-
sponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product. For
more information, visit tomtomoomlgpl or contact your local TomTom customer support team via
tomtom.comlsuggort. Upon request. we will send you a CD with the corresponding source code.
The information oonlained herein is subject to change without notice. TomTom reserves the right to
update. change and irltprove its products and rtlaterials without obligation of notice. For updated and
additional information. please visit the TomTom website at tomtommm
TomTorn shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. nor for
incidental or consequential damages resulting from the performance or use of this document.
Copyright notices
© 2014 TomTom. All righls reserved. TomTom and the "two hands" logo are registered trademarks of
TomTom N.V. or one of its subsidiaries. Please see tomtom.cornll§gal {or limited warranty and end
user license agreements applying to this product.
© 2014 Tom‘l‘om. All rights reserved. This maternal is proprietary and lhe subject of copyright protec-
tion and/or database rights protection and/or other intellectual property rights owned by TomTom or its
suppliers. The use oi this material is subject to the lerrns of a license agreement, Any unauthorized
copying or disclosure of this material will lead to criminal and civil liabilities.
Ordnance Survey Crown Copyright License number 100026920.
Data Source © 2014 TomTom
All rights reserved.
Data Source
Whereis® map data i 2014 Telstra® Corporation Limited and its licensors. Whereis® is a regis-
tered trademark of Te stra® Corporation Limited. used under license.
Data Source
© 2014 GeoSmart Maps Limiled.
SoundClearW acoustic echo cancellation software (9 Acoustic Technologies Inc.
The soflware included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL. A
copy of that license can be viewed in the License section. You can obtain the complete corresponding
source code from us for a period of three years after our Iasl shipment oi this product. For more
information, visit or contact your local TomTom cuslomer support team via
tomtomcom/suggort. Upon request. we will send you a CD with the corresponding source code.
Linotype, Frutlger and Univers are trademarks of Linotype GmbH registered in the US. Patent and
Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
MHei is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

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