TranSystem 40600028B01 Bluetooth UART/PCM RF Module User Manual

TranSystem Bluetooth UART/PCM RF Module

User Manual

Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C                  Data Sheet      Model Name  : BSM02B-G    Product Name  : Bluetooth UART/PCM RF Module                              威譜通訊股份有限公司 Air2U Inc. 新竹市科學園區工業東四路 19 號 4 樓   4F, No. 19 Industry E. RD 4, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: 886-3-567-8877  Fax: 886-3-563-2233 http : //    The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       History Date Rev. Description 2006/3/22 A First release 2006/5/17 B Upgrade to BT V2.0 2006/5/23 C Modify “Application Example” Add “Reference Circuit Design: Download Tool” Add “Reference Circuit Design: PCM Application”                                                                                       1 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       Product Overview  The Air2U universal Class2 Bluetooth Module BSM02B-G is a compact and BQB qualified module that provides a complete 2.4GHz Bluetooth system for data and voice communications. This module is optimized for fast implementation in various applications to enable electronic devices to communicate wirelessly with other Bluetooth enabled devices. For example, the module can be used in applications such as Laptop PC, PC accessories, PDA, access points and other embedded integration applications. The BSM02B-G, Air2U’s core universal class2 Bluetooth Module, comes without an antenna or connector and is designed to operate in commercial temperature range. Extra reference designs, such as a class1 device design or a system antenna integration design can also be supported by Air2U to meet customers’ specific requirements. Standard software for the BSM02B-G Bluetooth module includes the lower layer protocol stack software up to the host interface (HCI). The upper layer protocol stacks, profiles, and application software are also available directly from Air2U in a case by case design base. This module also complies with RoHS instructions.                                       2 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       Features a Radio Transceiver  1.       Typical –80 dBm receiver sensitivity under high interference environment  2.       Output power ranges from 0~2dBm RF transmit power with level control  a BaseBand  1.      Compliant with Bluetooth V 2.0 including AFH and extended SCO  2.    Standard HCI interface  3.      Piconet and scatternet with support for up to 7 active connections.  4.      Powerful 32-bit ARM7TDMI processor with ability to execute complete voice algorithms without separate  DSP  5.      Low current CMOS technology reduces standby current consumption.  6.      Extensive multi function I/Os allow flexible application usage  7.      Software execution from external flash memory or internal ROM with patching capability.  8.      Channel Quality Driven Data Rate controls multi-slot packets to minimize packet overhead and maximize data throughput. 9.      Built-in UltimateBlue Coexistence Software reduces interference to 802.11 devices.  a Physical Interfaces  1.    Standard HCI interface (UART) with programmable baud rate (9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k, 230.4k,  460.8k, 500k, 921.6k, 1M, 1.5M, 2M) and flow control  2.      Audio Codec Interface can be configured to support:  a.      Standard 64KHz PCM clock rate and up to 2.048MHz clock rates with support for multi-slot handshakes and synchronization b.    Motorola SSI mode  c.  Either master or slave mode  d.      Support 8, 13, 14, and 16-bit PCM data  3.      Up to 8 multi-function I/O ports are available  4.      I2C bus can be configured and enabled to interface and control external I2C devices. The I2C bus is controlled by the application software. 5.      Auxiliary ADC is available for application usage such as battery level detection or position sensing  a Package Option  SMD Type            3 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       Summary of Benefits  a Complete Bluetooth Solution  1.      A single-chip processor IC combines complete 2.4GHz Radio Transceiver, baseband and protocol stack software for Bluetooth wireless technology 2.      RFMD 3500, single chip Bluetooth system with 0.18um low power CMOS technology  3.      Complex audio algorithms such as noise canceling algorithms for improved audio performance are also available for integration 4.      Fully V2.0 BQB qualified  5.      Simplify overall design and development cycle  6.      Full speed class2 Bluetooth operation with full 7 slave piconet support  7.      Provides an open platform for the development of upper layer protocol stack, profiles and application software a Radio Features  1.      Direct conversion architecture with outstanding receiver blocking performance  2.      On chip 50ohm matching network requires no external impedance matching components  3.      Clock_Request signals are available allowing control of external clock source during low power states  4.      Low out of band spurious emission  a Baseband and Standard Protocol Stack Features  1.    Powerful ARM7TDMI processor core with up to 32MIPs of total CPU resource.  2.      Full-featured protocol stack from link manager up to and including the host interface (HCI)  3.      Full support of low power park and sniff with selectable sniff internals of match system wake/sleep cycles  4.      Verified compatibility with multiple upper layer stack software  5.      Low power connection states with hold, sniff, and park modes.  6.      Low power standby modes to enable very efficient power management  a Application  1.      PC, Notebooks, printers, Mobile phone, PDAs  2.    GPS and Navigator  3.    Cordless headsets, digital camera  4.    Computer Accessories  5.      Many other computer peripherals or embedded devices applications  a Support Profiles  Headset Gateway Profile (HSP), Hands Free Gateway Profile (HFP), Serial Port (SPP), Human Interface  Device Profile (HID)         4 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       Operation Description (Pin assignment)   TP 1  TP 2  TP 3  TP 4  TP 5  TP 6  TP 7  TP 8  TP 9  TP 10  TP 11  TP 12  TP 13  TP 14  TP 15 GND  RF Output  GND NC MFP[0] FORCE_RESETn  HOST_WAKE EXT_WAKE UART_RTS UART_CTS UART_TXD UART_RXD GND +(Vcc) GND NC  PCM_CLK PCM_SYNC PCM_IN PCM_OUT MFP[3]  MFP[5] MFP[4] MFP[6]  MFP[7]  AUX_TXD ADC_IN PWR_REG_EN FORCE_Download NC TP 16  TP 17  TP 18  TP 19  TP 20  TP 21  TP 22  TP 23  TP 24  TP 25  TP 26  TP 27  TP 28  TP 29  TP 30    PIN PIN NameTypeDescription TP1,3,13,15 GND GND Module Ground TP2 RF Output Bi-Dir Output TX/RX TP5 MFP[0] CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP6 FORCE  RESETn CMOS input Sytem Reset TP7 MFP[1]/HOST WAKE CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP8 EXT  WAKE CMOS input Wake upsignal from host TP9 UART  RTS CMOS output UART ready to send TP10 UART  CTS CMOS input UARTclear to send TP11 UART  TXD CMOSoutputUARTdata output TP12 UART  RXD CMOS input UARTdata input TP14 +(Vcc) VDD Module Power TP17 PCM  CLK CMOS Bi-Dir Synchronous data clock TP18 PCM  SYNC CMOS Bi-Dir Synchronous data strobe TP19 PCM  IN CMOS input Synchronous data input TP20 PCM  OUT CMOS output Synchronous dataoutput TP21 MFP[3] CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP22 MFP[5] CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP23 MFP[4] CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP24 MFP[6]/AUX  RXD CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP25 MFP[7] CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP26 AUX  TXD CMOS Bi-Dir Programmable I/O line TP27 ADC  IN AnalogAto D converter input TP28 PWR  REG  IN CMOS Bi-Dir Enable for external regulatorTP29 FORCE  Download CMOS input Force to download mode      5 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
     Mechanical Requirement Recommended PCB Layout outline  Dimension 16 * 19 * 2.86 mm (L * W * H) (Estimation) +- 0.1 mm  Upper and left side is TP 1                                    6 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C      Necessary Pin Connection Notice TP1,3,13,15 GND TP2 RF Output  (The RF performance has been guaranteed by exact 50 ohms microstrip feeding width. Your main board RF trace ought to be 15 mil with the thickness of the substrate 8 mil andε=4.5 ) TP6 FORCE_RESETn (Using Reset IC or your system reset pin, Low Reset) TP9 UART_RTS  (Must use in download mode, but not necessary in application) TP10 UART_CTS  (Must use in download mode, but not necessary in application) TP11 UART_TXD  (If you consider on board download function, please add jumper on your Mother board) TP12 UART_RXD  (If you consider on board download function, please add jumper on your Mother board) TP14 Input Voltage 3.0~3.3V  (Please use Fast-Raising-Up or Voltage Detector Voltage Regulator. Recommend Part:  *TOREX, C6209B302MR, Regulator)  Output Bypass Capacitor only need 2.2uF~10uF TP29 Pull High for Force Download Mode (If necessary for re-download) GPIO Firmware defined by customers, Function such as LED, BT status,  Default GPIO:  TP 5 - GPIO 0 : BT status , 0 represent connected and 1 represent No connected.  TP 22 - GPIO 5 : Test Mode, 0 represent test mode and Floating represent normal status TP 24 - GPIO 6 : Activity Low LED  TP 25 - GPIO 7 : Auto Connect to Device, Floating represent auto connection by device, 0 disable this function *Note : The recommended mother board trace width   ≧  5 mil                  7 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C      Environment Test Specification 1 Operation Temperature -10℃ ~ 60℃ 2 Storage Temperature -20℃ ~ 80℃ 3 Operation Humidity 10% ~ 90% No condensing 4 Storage Humidity 10% ~ 90% No condensing   Certified 1 EMC CE, FCC (Pre-certified) 2 Bluetooth BQB   Current Consumption Operating Mode Average Unit Standby 20 uA Parked slave, 1.28sec, interval 70 uA Page/Inquiry scan, 1.28sec, interval 1.1 mA ACL connection, sniff mode, 40 ms interval 1.3 mA ACL data transfer 723 kbps TX, 57 kbps RX, DH5 continuous packets 42 mA SCO connection, HV3 packets 22 mA                                  8 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C      Receiver Specification Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Receiver sensitivity BER< 0.1% - -80 - dBm Max usable signal BER< 0.1% -10 0 - dBm C/I co-channel (0.1%BER) Co-channel selectivity - 8.0 10.0 dB C/I 1MHz (0.1%BER) Adjacent channel selectivity - -4.0 -3.0 dB C/I 2MHz (0.1%BER) 2nd  adjacent channel selectivity - -38.0 -35.0 dB C/I >=3MHz (0.1%BER) 3rd  adjacent channel selectivity - -43 -40 dB 30 MHz – 2000 MHz -10 - - dBm 2000MHz – 2399 MHz -27 - - dBm 2498 MHz – 3000 MHz -27 - - dBm Out-of-band blocking 3000MHz – 12.75 GHz -10 - - dBm Intermodulation Max interferer level to maintain  0.1%BER, interference signals at 3  and 6 MHz offset -39 -36 - dBm 30 MHz to 1 GHz - - -57 dBm Receiver spurious emission 1GHz to 12.75GHz - - -47 dBm Note:  1.   Measured into the chip with 50ohms source and no bandpass filter  2.   Nominal and extreme Bluetooth test conditions as defined by the BT SIG published RF test spec 2.0  3.   Out-of-band blocking guaranteed by design  4.   Except receive channel sub harmonics                            9 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C      Transmitter Specification Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Output RF transmit power ∆t maximum power output level - 0 - dBm ∆f1 avg 140 155 175 KHz ∆f2 max (For at least 99.9% of all∆f2  max) 115 - - KHz Modulation Characteristics ∆f1 avg/   ∆f2 avg 0.8 - - KHz Initial carrier frequency  accuracy - -75 - +75 KHz One slot packet -25 - +25 KHz Two slot packet -40 - +40 KHz Five slot packet -40 - +40 KHz Carrier frequency drift Max drift rate - - 20 KHz/50us 20dB occupied bandwidth Test Per Bluetooth specification - - 1000 KHz 2MHz offset - - -40 dBm In-band spurious emission >3MHz offset - - -60 dBm 30MHz to 1GHz, operating mode - - -55 dBm 30MHz to 1GHz, idle mode - - -57 dBm 1GHz to 12.75GHz, operating mode - - -50 dBm 1GHz to 12.75GHz, idle mode - - -47 dBm 1.8GHz to 1.9GHz - - -62 dBm Out-of-band spurious emission 5.15GHz to 5.3GHz - - -47 dBm   External Reference Requirement Parameter Description Min Max Unit AC amplitude 0.5 VCC Vp-p Drive level DC level 0.3 VCC V 100Hz offset - -100 dBc/Hz 1KHz offset - -120 dBc/Hz Phase noise 10KHz offset - -140 dBc/Hz            10 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
BSM02B-G Module External Antenna Application Note 1 P/N ACX AT9520-B2R4HAAB 2 Frequency Range 2.4~2.5GHz 3 Peak Gain 3.0dBi typ. 4 Average Gain 1.0dBi typ. 5 VSWR @ BW 2.0 max. 6 Impedance 50 ohm 7 Size 9.5 X 2.0 mm Monolithic SMD 8 Web Site 9    Antenna must mount on the substrate without any metal at all layers  Vertical to the Ground Plane    Ground Plane  50 ohms impedance is necessary and it dependsthickness of the substrate ( 8 mil for   ε=4.5)   TP1 and TP3 are absolutely necessary TP15 TP3  TP2 Ground is necessary to via  Siw3500 Module      TP30 TP16 Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C                                  on                      *Note-1 : The detailed spec was shown at datasheet.  *Note-2 : The RF performance has been guaranteed by exact 50 ohms microstrip feeding width. It is known that the width is 15 mil when the thickness of the substrate is 8 mil and ε=4.5. If you don’t make sure the feeding width of your board, please contact with our engineer.             11 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
  TP 29, Force_Download   Siw3500 Module UART Signal Pins, TP9, TP10, TP11, TP12Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C       Application example  Download Process   To VCC    UART Signal CTS, RTS, TX, RX    Signal Converter Board  RS232 Cable                 Reserve for Download  (Suggestion) PC  You can force SiW3500 module to download mode. In this mode, you can download the firmware and nvm parameter. The procedure to force the module to download mode are 1. Connect TP9~12 to “Signal Converter Board”. (This board can be provided from Air2U.) 2. Connect TP29 to VCC. 3. Connect RS232 cable between “Signal Converter Board” and PC. 4. Give the power to SiW3500 module. (SiW3500 module’s VCC and GND can be shared with Signal Converter Board’s.) 5. In PC side, launch the download program provided by Air2U. If it is necessary to upgrade firmware, you need to reserve some components on your board as:                       Connect w/ device For normal customer’s usage, R1~R4 should be mounted and J1 can be non-mounted. Once you need to upgrade firmware, you can mount J1 and remove R1~R4. Then, follow “Download Process” as above,  Output, TP5, Status Indicator     Siw3500 Module GPS     Output, TP24, Activity LED TP11, TX RX TP12, RX TX  * Note : TP29 is in floating mode.   12 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
Model Name BSM02B-G RevisionRelease Date 2006/5/23 C      Reference Circuit design Download Tool As the “RFMD Module-Download Tool” Drawing PCM Application As the “PCM Application” Drawing                                                               13 of 13 The information contained herein is the exclusive property of Air2U Inc., and may not in whole or part be copied, distributed, or disclosed to third parties without prior written agreement of Air2U Inc.
1.  The device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to     the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and     (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   2. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.    3. Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipment.  4. This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B    digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to    provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential    installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency    energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may    cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no    guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this    equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which    can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to    try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:           - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.       - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.       - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to         which the receiver is connected.       - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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