Trimble Navigation ADLP Advanced Data Link, Padre (ADLP) User Manual ADL Vantage ADL Vantage Pro Guide indd

Trimble Navigation Ltd Advanced Data Link, Padre (ADLP) ADL Vantage ADL Vantage Pro Guide indd

Users Manual

ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage ProUsers Guide
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide iNo cePACIFIC CREST MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Pacifi c Crest shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequen al damages in connec on with the furnishing, per-formance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary informa on that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Adapta on, or transla on of this manual is prohibited without prior wri en permission of Pacifi c Crest, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The informa on contained in this document is subject to change without no ce. License required prior to opera on of radio communica on equipment. Cau ons and Warnings Throughout this manual this symbol is used to indicate cau on or warning. Please pay par cular a en on to these items to assure safe and reliable opera on of your radio modem product. Pacifi c Crest510 DeGuigne DriveSunnyvale, CA  94085(408) 481-8070(408) 481-8984 Faxinfo@Pacifi www.Pacifi December 2010©2010 Pacifi c Crest. All rights reserved. PORON is a licensed trademark of Rogers Corpora on. SATEL is a registered trademark of SATEL Oy. TRIMMARK and TRIMTALK are trademarks of Trimble Naviga on Ltd. All trademarks are the prop-erty of their respec ve owners. !
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide iiContents
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 1Introduc onWelcomeThank you for purchasing the Advanced Data Link (ADL) Vantage or Vantage Pro. The ADL Vantage™ and ADL Vantage Pro radios are advanced, high speed, wireless data links that are designed specifi cally for GNSS/RTK applica ons but are also appropriate for many other applica ons requiring digital data links. Your success in using the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is Pacifi c Crest’s primary goal. Pacifi c Crest stands behind its products by providing expert support and service. Your comments and ques ons are welcome.ScopeThis guide provides informa on concerning the use of the ADL Vantage (Model Numbers ADLV-1 and ADLV-2) and the ADL Vantage Pro (Model Numbers ADLP-1 and ADLP-2).. This guide is wri en for the fi rst- me user and gives details concerning system setup, opera on and maintenance. We urge you to take the  me to review this short manual completely prior to se  ng up your system.Note Concerning this GuideWe believe that the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro systems provide the best value and performance for the user. As such, we provide our equipment in complete turnkey systems, including all of the items nec-essary for opera on with your GPS.You may have purchased your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro from a third party. On occasion, the bun-dled product provided by these sources may diff er from the kits provided directly from Pacifi c Crest. If this guide does not accurately refl ect the equipment that you received, please contact your supplier for specifi c instruc ons concerning the setup of items that diff er.Features and Benefi tsCompa ble  •  Facilitates radio equipment mix and match  •  Interoperable with Pacifi c Crest (RFM, PDL and ADL), SATEL, and Trimble radio products  •  All models support 12.5 and 25 kHz channel bandwidth communica ons  •  40 MHz-wide channel tables (390-430 and 430-470 MHz models)•  Provides upgrade path for exis ng installa onsEnhanced User Interface•  Backlit LCD display and fi ve-bu on naviga on interface•  View and change radio channel, modula on and protocol types•  Monitor signal levels, baud rates, and other parametersFast Over-the-Air Data Rate•  19,200 bits per second•  Reduced latency provides be er GNSS posi on informa on• Shorter transmit  mes reduces power consump on for longer ba ery life
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 2User-selectable RF outputADL Vantage: Select between 0.1. 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 Wa sADL Vantage Pro: Select between low power (2 Wa s), three intermediate power se  ngs and high power (as high as 35 Wa s)•  Increase range by switching to a higher transmit power• Increase ba ery life by reducing transmit power when you don’t need the rangeRugged Construc onDesigned specifi cally for real-world working environments  •  All metal construc on and shock mounted electronics ensure highest reliability and EMI-   resistance • Water ght, corrosion-resistant connectors stand up to bad weather condi onsConfi guring ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage ProADLCONF Confi gura on So wareADLCONF is a suite of so ware u li es for confi guring and troubleshoo ng Pacifi c Crest’s Advanced Data Link (ADL) line of digital communica on radios and modems. Running ADLCONF on a PC a ached via serial cable to an ADL radio allows you to check the status of the radio, input receive-only channel tables, and set radio parameters such as channel bandwidth and output power. Channel tables for transmission of data must be obtained from authorized Pacifi c Crest dealers. If your radio did not come with a channel table already installed, you can obtain one from your dealer and import it using ADLCONF. ADLCONF is a so ware applica on for confi guring all ADL radios. The latest version is available for free download from www.Pacifi A user guide that completely describes how to confi gure ADL radios is available by running ADLCONF and clicking Help > User Guide. The ADLCONF User’s Guide is also available on the Pacifi c Crest website.Factory Default Se  ngsYou can return your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio to its factory default confi gura on using ADL-CONF so ware. Simply click the Restore Factory bu on to the right of the screen and then the Program bu on. The factory default se  ngs are described in are described in Table 1 on pages 8-9.Se  ng Up the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage ProThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Offi  ce Accessory KitsThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Offi  ce Accessory Kits consists of the following:•  Wall/mains power supply•  Wall plug with adaptor set• Programming cable
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 3To confi gure the radio with ADLCONF so ware:•  Connect the power supply to the wall/mains current•  Connect the programming cable to: The power supply The ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio Your PC (If your PC does not have a serial port, you may use a serial-to-USB adaptor)•   Turn on the radio•   Launch ADLCONF so ware and refer to the sec on of the ADLCONF User’s Guide on  connec ng the program to your radio. In most cases, you just need to click ADLCONF’s  Con nect bu on.To operate your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio in the fi eld you will need an antenna, a portable power supply and a cable to connect to a data source such as a GNSS receiver. Pacifi c Crest and its au-thorized dealers can provide you with everything you need including a tripod accessory kit and a ba ery/charger kit.Tripod MountsEach ADL Vantage includes a tripod clip on the rear of the radio (see Figure 1). Insert the clip into a slot on the tripod. Figure 1 – ADL Vantage Tripod Clip Each ADL Vantage Pro includes a high-impact polymer handle with built-in tripod clip (see Figure 2). Insert the clip into a slot on the tripod.Figure 2 –  ADL Vantage Pro Handle with Tripod Clip
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 4Antenna and Antenna MountIf you have an antenna with a male TNC connector, you can a ach it directly to the RF connector on the top of the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro. We highly recommend, however, that you elevate your RF an-tenna as much as possible. The most common set up is similar to that seen in Figure 3 where an antenna cable with male TNC connector is a ached to the radio. The other end of this cable is a ached to a tripod or elevated sec on of range pole. The RF antenna is then a ached to the end of the cable. Pacifi c Crest off ers an antenna cable that a aches to standard 5/8-inch threaded tripods and range poles and antennas with NMO connectors.We recommend inspec ng the antenna center push-pin contact to make sure that it makes good contact with the antenna mount. A good antenna connec on is cri cal to system performance. Always make sure an antenna is connected before transmi  ng with any radio. A good fi eld prac ce is to a ach the antenna before you turn on the radio and turn off  the radio before you detach the antenna. Using a gained antenna will raise the Eff ec ve Isotropic Radiated Power of the ADL Vantage/Vantage Pro radio.  Make sure the resultant Eff ec ve Isotropic Radiated Power does not exceed your licensed limit. Figure 3 - ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro SetupData/Power CableThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radios are connected to a data source, such as a GNSS receiver, using a data/power cable (see Figure 4). These cables are available with diff erent connectors for a aching to a large variety of data sources. Contact your Pacifi c Crest sales representa ve for selec ng the best cable to meet your needs.  ! Data Source ConnectorRadio ConnectorSAE Power Connector
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 5Each ADL data/power cable also connects the radio (and in some cases the data source) to external power via an SAE-type connector. Pacifi c Crest strongly recommends you use the ADL Vantage external ba ery (PN A01742) or the ADL Vantage Pro external ba ery (PN A00399), both of which include an SAE connector. These are sold both separately and as part of the ba ery/charger kits (ADL Vantage, PN K01107; ADL Vantage Pro, PN tbd).               NOTE: Do NOT use any ba ery charger as a power supply for any Pacifi c Crest radio. This may damage        the radio. Do NOT recharge any ba ery while it is connected to a radio.Opera ng the ADL Vantage/Vantage ProTurning the Radio On and Off Warning: The ADL Vantage Pro enclosure and heat sink may become very hot during oopera on, depend-ing on the air temperture, RF power selec on and transmission duty cycle. Turn off  the radio and allow it to cool prior to handling. Always use the heat-resistant handle to hold or move the ADL Vantage Pro.To turn on the ADL Vantage or ADL Vantage Pro, a ach the radio to its ba ery via the SAE connector on either the pro-gramming cable or data/power cable. Once the radio detects power on its data connector, it will turn on automa cally, test the antenna connec on and ba ery status, and be ready for communica on within 5 seconds. If wall/mains current is ever interrupted, the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio will automa cally turn itself on and resume transmi  ng data within 5 seconds of power restora on. To turn off  the radio, either detach its power cable or press the On/Off  but-ton in the center of the front panel.  You may turn the radio on again either by pressing the On/Off  bu on or by remov-ing and reinser ng the data/power cable.Indicator LEDsThe TX LED indicates that the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is broadcas ng. In most GPS RTK applica ons, the TX LED will fl ash approximately once per second.The PWR LED is illuminated when power between 9 and 30 VDC is supplied to the radio.  When more than 30 VDC are supplied, all three LEDs will fl ash indica ng Error Code 01 for a high voltage condi on.  If less than 9 VDC are supplied, all three LEDs will fl ash twice, pause, fl ash twice, pause, etc., indica ng Error Code 02 for a low voltage condi on. o provides a low external voltage supply indicator. When lit, power is turned on. The PWR LED will blink when the external voltage drops to a level determined using ADLCONF so  ware. (The default level is 10 VDC.) If the PWR LED does not turn on/off  when pressing the On/Off  bu  on on the radio’s front panel, inspect the external voltage supply. The minimum voltage required by the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is 9 VDC.The RX LED fl ashes to indicate that the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is receiving signals from another radio or from a source of interference. The default is Signal received, but you can reset the radio so that when its RX LED fl ashes it means Data packets received. You can reset the meaning either through the user interface or with ADLCONF confi gura- on so ware. During normal opera on, the RX LED will fl ash at a once-per-second rate indica ng the recep on of trans-missions from the transmi  ng radio. If the RX LED is on con nuously, then a source of interference may be impac ng the ability of the ADL Vantage to receive data. Try reposi oning the antenna, or changing to another channel at both the transmi er and receiver to reduce or eliminate the interference.EnclosureThe ADL Vantage enclosure is made from a tough, impact-resistant aluminum alloy. The enclosure receives an an -corro-sion treatment and is further protected with a chemical- and scratch-resistant polyurethane coa ng.  Elastomer end caps !!
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 6provide the fi rst level of shock protec on for the internal components. An internal isola on system reduces the eff ectof vibra on on the radio receiver board.Antenna ConnectorThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Prod radios use an industry standard TNC-female RF connector that is compa ble with wide range of mobile whip antennas. Pacifi c Crest also sells cables that connect the ADL Vantage to remote antennas.Ba ery CareThe ADL Vantage Ba ery/Charger kit (PN K01107) includes a 12-Volt, 12-AHr, deep-discharge, lead-acid ba ery. The AVantage Pro Ba ery/Charger kit (PN 81818) includes a 12-Volt, 33-AHr, deep-discharge, lead-acid ba ery. Both ba er-ies provide all-day opera on for the respec ve radios and may be recharged approximately 300  mes over a period oyears. To power the ADL Vantage with a user-supplied ba ery, select a deep-discharge ba ery with a minimum capacity of 8AHr. Ba eries designed for automo ve use can be used if necessary but will be damaged by repe  ve discharge/charcycles and are therefore not recommended.By default, the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro user interface displays ba ery status on the bo om row of the Device Status screen. The screen displays “Normal” un l the voltage on the ba ery falls below a level input on ADLCONF by clicking the Advanced bu on on the Radio Link screen.To prevent ba ery damage, the ADL Vantage automa cally shuts itself off  when the input voltage drops below 9 Volts (see Figure 7). The ADL Vantage Pro radio shuts itself off  automa cally when the input voltage drops below 9.5 Volts. You can input a diff erent value on the Radio Link/Advanced screen, but inpu  ng a value less than 9 V (ADL Vantage) and 9.5 V (ADL Vantage Pro) is not recommended. To confi gure the radio to warn you when you are within a number of volts of this minimum voltage, input a value into the Low voltage warning off  set fi eld. For example, with the radio programmed with 9.5 and 1.00 in the voltage fi elds, the PWR LED on the front of the radio will begin fl ashing when the input voltagedrops to 10.5 Volts (9.5 + 1.00).ADLCONF and its user guide are available for free download at www.Pacifi can turn this ba ery protec on feature off  , but the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radios will not transmit with an input voltage lower than 9 VDC. To run your radio as a receiver at voltages as low as 5 VDC, uncheck the box illustrated in Figure 7 and program the radio.Figure 7  - ADLCONF’s Radio Link/Advanced Screen
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 7ChargingThe charger supplied with the ADL Vantage Ba ery/Charger kit (PN K01107) provides two-stage charging and should be connected to the ba ery following every full day of opera on to assure good ba ery life and performance. The fi rst stage quickly charges the ba ery to capacity and the second stage trickle charges the ba ery to maintain a full charge.It is important to periodically charge any ba ery that is stored for an extended length of  me. Storing ba eries for an extended  me in a discharged state will damage them. To recharge a user-supplied ba ery, select a charger of appropri-ate type. You should never recharge any ba ery while it is connected to a radio.  This may damage the radio and/or the ba ery.ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro User InterfaceThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro user interface includes three LEDs, an On/Off  bu on, a two-row LCD display, four scrolling bu ons marked with arrows and a central Enter bu on. Figure 5 - ADL Vantage                                    Figure 6 - ADL Vantage ProEach radio’s LCD has a backlight that stays on for 20 seconds. The backlight must be on for the Enter or arrow bu ons to func on. If the backlight is off , pressing any bu on turns it on. You can opt to have the backlight stay on by clicking the Advanced bu on on ADLCONF’s Serial Interface screen and unchecking the box to “Turn off  radio LCD backlight a er 20 seconds.” Then click ADLCONF’s Program bu on to program the radio with this change.The top row of the LCD display the name of the currently selected radio confi gura on func on. The bo om LCD rows dis-plays the various parameters you can choose for the displayed func on. Press the le  or right arrows to scroll to diff erent func ons. Press the up or down arrows to scroll to diff erent choices for the displayed func on. Table 1 displays the various func ons available in the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro user interface. It also describes these func ons and lists the parameter choices for each func on. The default parameters, where applicable, are in bold face. A more detailed descrip on of some of the func ons follows.Figure 4 - A Typical Data/Power Cable
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 8Func on Descrip on Parameter ChoicesDevice Status Displays radio status and iden fi ca on informa on Ba ery statusOwner nameCall signModula on typeChannel bandwidthTransmi er statusFirmware versionChannel / Freq Displays/selects channel number & receive frequency Channel 01 and frequency (MHz)Channel 02 and frequency (MHz)Etc.Ch TX Freq Displays TX freq (if diff erent from the channel’s RX freq) Channel No. & frequency (MHz)Data Protocol Displays/selects data protocol type Trans EOT (End of Transmission)Trans EOC (End of Character)Packet SwitchedTRIMTALK 450STRIMMARK II/IIETT450S (HW)TRIMMARK 3SATEL®Trans FSTRadio Link Rate Displays/selects bit rate for radio transmission/recep on 4800800096001600019200Repeater Mode Sets the radio to be a repeater (non-Trimble) protocols) Off  (Not a repeater)On (Is a repeater)Opera on Mode Sets the radio to be a repeater (Trimble protocols) Base/RoverBase w/ One RptBase w/Two RptRepeater1Repeater2Sensi vity Displays/selects radio squelch level High (Rover) ModerateLow (Base)Transmit Power Displays/selects transmi er power level (in Wa s) Low Power
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 9Low intermediate powerIntermediate powerHigh intermediate powerHigh powerRX LED Meaning Displays/selects what it means when the RX LED fl ashes Signal ReceivedData ReceivedSerial Baud Displays/selects serial baud rate of the radio’s data port 2400480096001920038400115200Signal Strength Displays strength of the received signal (RSSI) in dBm Press EnterAdvanced Menus Displays or Conceals rarely used func ons HideShowCSMA Displays/selects Carrier Sense Mul ple Access se  ng OnOff Security Code Encrypts/Decrypts transmi ed data Off OnEdit Confi gura on Enables/Disables confi gura on using the radio interface EnabledDisabledScrambling Fills dead air with non-zero bits OnOff FEC Turns Forward Error Correc ons on/off OnOff Error Code Displays current error status Error (if any)Language Select (ADL Vantage Pro Only)Selects the display language EnglishChineseRussianTable 1- ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro User Interface Display
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 10The ADL Vantage and ADL Vantage Pro LCDs display radio parameters that are determined:•  In the factory: serial number, fi rmware version, transmi er status (enabled/disabled)•  By the radio: ba ery status, signal strength and error codes•  By your dealer: channel tables (including frequency and bandwidth) and maximum transmit power•  In the offi  ce using the ADLCONF program (everything else)In addi on, you may confi gure the following parameters in the fi eld using the ADL Vantage/Vantage Pro user interface:• Channel number• Data protocol•  Radio link rate•  Repeater Mode (called “Opera on Mode” when using a Trimble protocol)• Sensi vity• Transmit power•  RX LED meaning•  Serial baud rate•  CSMA (Note: It is illegal to transmit in the United States while CSMA is turned off . CSMA should be turned off     within the European Union.)• Security Code• Edit Confi gura on•     Scrambling•     Forward Error Correc on•     Language of display (with ADL Vantage Pro only)For the fi eld-confi gurable func ons, the available choices are displayed on the bo om row of the LCD. The currently selected parameter is marked with an asterisk. To select a diff erent choice for the displayed func on, scroll up or down with the arrow bu ons and press the Enter bu on when the desired choice is displayed.There are two ways to move to a diff erent func on screen. When viewing a display-only func on such as Device Status or Signal Strength, simply press the le  or right arrow. When viewing a display-and-select func on such as Channel/Freq or Data Protocol, fi rst press the up/down arrows to display the currently selected parameter (marked with an asterisk) in the second row. Then press either the le  or right arrow to move to a new func on screen.Note: if the currently selected parameter (shown with an asterisk) is not currently displayed on the LCD, and the backlight is off , you have not pressed a bu on for more than 20 seconds), you can scroll directly to the selected parameter by pressing the le  or right arrow once. To move to a new func on screen, press the le  or right arrow a second  me.To speed fi eld confi gura on and to prevent the selec on of unsupported radio confi gura ons, the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro user interface displays only those func on parameters that make sense based on the parameters chosen for previously displayed func ons. What you choose for the data protocol determines your op ons for radio link rate and repeater mode. For example, if your channel table is set to 12.5 kHz channel spacing, and you select TT450S (HW) on the Data Protocol screen, you cannot select a radio link rate – in fact the Radio Link Rate screen does not even appear - because the TT450S (HW) protocol works with 12.5 kHz channel spacing only at 4800 bps. And because TT450S (HW) is a Trimble protocol, Trimble-specifi c “Opera on Modes” (instead of “Repeater Modes”) are available for selec on. The ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro user interface remembers things like this so you don’t have to! If you decide to undo any of these selec ons, simply press the le  arrow to return to the Data Protocol screen and select a diff erent protocol.Although the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio modem supports both GMSK and 4FSK modula on, you cannot select the modula on type with the user interface. The radio automa cally selects the appropriate modula on based on the channel bandwidth of the radio’s channel table (displayed on the Device Status screen as “BW: 12.5 or 25 kHz”), the data
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 11protocol and the radio link rate. If you want to select a modula on type fi rst and then an appropriate channel band-width, protocol and link rate, please use ADLCONF to confi gure the radio.Tips and Techniques for Best PerformanceAntennaAntenna placement is cri cal for good performance. Range and coverage is directly propor onal to the height of the transmi  ng and receiving antennas in addi on to antenna gain. Where possible, select a reference sta on loca on that takes advantage of terrain to get the transmi  ng antenna as high as possible.Always use the telescoping antenna mast and raise the antenna as high as is prac cal and safe given terrain and wind condi ons.Do not use a gained antenna if doing so increases the radio’s Eff ec ve Isotropic Radiated Power beyond the limit of your license.Line LossLine loss from connectors and cables between the radio and antenna decreases the output power transmi ed by the antenna, thereby decreasing the signal’s range. To minimize line loss, please check the loss-per-length of cable to be used. For every 3 dB of line loss, the ERP (Eff ec ve Radiated Power) will decrease by half. For example, if you have a 4 W radio and a line loss of 3 dB in your cable and antenna, the power eff ec vely radia ng from the antenna will be 2 W. Every 6 dB of loss will reduce the radio’s eff ec ve range by 50%.Power SuppliesMaintain ba eries in a fully charged state. They will last longer if they are not allowed to become completely discharged. We recommend rou nely connec ng the ba ery to its charger a er every working day and for 24 hours every 3 months during period of non-use. This will assure op mal performance and long ba ery life.Equipment CareRou ne equipment care will prolong the life and reliability of your ADL Vantage. Radio communica on equipment is suscep ble to damage from shock or environmental extremes. Never operate the ADL Vantage outside the opera ng-specifi ca ons contained in Appendix C.CSMA (Carrier Sense Mul ple Access)CSMA is a technology implemented in ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radios to meet the United States Federal Commu-nica on Commission (FCC) transmi er requirements. It is illegal to transmit on any UHF radio within the United States without CSMA enabled. CSMA holds off  the radio transmission if the frequency is currently being used by a co-channel user. On occasion, you may note that the radio broadcasts stop for short periods of  me. Most o en, this is a case of co-channel interference and the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio is holding off  broadcasts due to the FCC-mandated CSMA.Note: You should turn CSMA off  when transmi  ng within the European Union.
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 12GPS RTK equipment is designed to func on with intermi ent gaps in the data. Heavy co-channel use may limit the ability of the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio to transmit the required informa on. In areas of heavy co-channel usage, try changing channels to a less used frequency.Security CodeYou can use the ADLCONF so  ware program to confi gure your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro to send and receive en-crypted data. When the radio is programmed for encryp on, the second line of its Security Code screen will say On (with an asterisk). Only radios that support Pacifi c Crest protocols (Transparent EOT, Transparent EOC, Packet Switched) and are programmed with this code will be able to interpret data sent by any of the radios. To turn the security code feature off  , press the Up or Down arrow to display the Off  op on and press Enter. to turn the security feature back on, select the On op on. If the radio has not been programmed by ADLCONF for data security, you will not be able to select the On op on.Note: If you program a radio to use the Data Security feature, it will not be able to communicate with any radio that is not set to use the same code. So when you enable this feature for one radio it is a good idea to enable it for all the radios you will use in the same communica on network. ADL radios with bu  on/LCD interfaces can turn the Data Security feature on or off  in the fi eld, but all other Pacifi c Crest radios must be returned to the offi  ce to disable the Data Security feature using the appropriate confi gura on so  ware.Edit Confi gura onThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro LCD display includes an Edit Confi g screen that indicates if confi guring the radio with the keypad is Enabled or Disabled. The current selec on is displayed with an asterisk on the second row of the Edit Confi g screen. To switch the selec on, press the down arrow to display the other op on and press the Enter bu on. You are now instructed to input a passcode, which is 369369 for all ADL radios. To input this code, press the right arrow to display a 3 on the second row. Then press the down arrow to display a 6 and the le  arrow to display a 9. Press the right, down and le  bu ons a second   me in sequence. When you see 369369 displayed on the second row of the LCD, press Enter and the keypad’s ability to confi gure the radio is changed. You can also use ADLCONF to enable/disable the Edit Confi g func on in the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro by checking/unchecking the Enable fi eld confi gura on box on the Serial Interface screen’s Advanced menu. The RX LED fl ashes to indicate that the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is receiving signals from another radio or from a source of interference. The default is Signal received, but you can reset the radio so that when its RX LED fl  ashes it means Data packets received. You can reset the meaning either through the user interface or with ADLCONF confi gura on so  ware. During normal opera on, the RX LED will fl  ash at a once-per-second rate indica ng the recep on of transmissions from the transmi  ng radio. If the RX LED is on con nuously, then a source of interference may be impac ng the ability of the ADL Vantage to receive data. Try reposi oning the antenna, or chang-ing to another channel at both the transmi er and receiver to reduce or eliminate the interference, another radio or from a source of interference. The default is Signal received, but you can reset the radio so that when its RX LED fl  ashes it means Data packets received. You can reset the meaning either through the user interface or with ADLCONF confi gu-ra on so  ware. During normal opera on, the RX LED will fl  ash at a once-per-second rate indica ng the recep on of transmissions from the transmi  ng radio. If the RX LED is on con nuously, then a source of interference may be impact-ing the ability of the ADL Vantage to receive data. Try reposi oning the antenna, or changing to another channel at both the transmi er and receiver to reduce or eliminate the interference.ScramblingTo demodulate a digital transmission, a receiver must synchronize itself with the transmi er. This can be hard to do when the transmi er sends a long series of one’s or a long series of zeroes. But if every nth character in the transmission were switched, a one to a zero or a zero to a one, and if the receiver was expec ng this, it could more quickly synchronize itself with the transmission. This is essen ally what Scramble Control does and why we recommend you leave it on for all radios. If you select a protocol type other than Transparent (EOT and EOC) or Packet Switched, Scrambling will auto-
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 13ma cally be disabled (though the box will remain checked). However, if some of the radios in your system are non-Pacifi c Crest radios, you may need to turn Scrambling off .Forward Error Correc onForward Error Correc on places extra bits in the transmi ed data so receivers can check for transmission errors. Al-though data throughput is adversely aff ected, using Forward Error Correc on can greatly improve range and so is strong-ly recommended.Note: The Forward Error Correc on screen is not displayed when using Trimble protocols, which do not support forward error correc on.Error CodesThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro performs a variety of power-up and run- me tests to assure op mal opera on. Tests include environmental as well as electrical measurements designed to avoid damage to the unit while maintaining adequate opera on. In the event of an error condi on, an error code is displayed on the LCD screen and the PWR LED fl ashes the number of the error code (two fl ashes for Error Code 02, followed by a pause, two more fl ashes, etc.). Table 3 lists the possible error condi ons.Code Descrip on01 Input voltage is too high02 Input voltage is too low08 Internal temperature exceeds limit for opera on11 Memory error12 RAM error during ini aliza on15 Transmit frequency lock error16 Receive frequency lock error17 Serial buff er overfl owTable 3 - ADL Vantage Error CodesWhat to do•  Error Code 01-02: Check ba ery or power supply voltage level; check power cables; recharge or replace the     ba ery; check the charger.•  Error Code 08: Place the radio in the shade; check the antenna and antenna cables for damage or  disconnec on; set radio link rate to 19200 to reduce the duty cycle.•  Error Codes 11-12: Turn the radio off  and wait a full second before turning it back on.  If the radio s ll reports    Error Code 11 or 12, the SRAM memory may be corrupted and you should contact Customer Service (see     Page 20).
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 14•  Error Codes 15-16: If you are using the radio as a repeater, make sure that the transmit and receive   frequencies are less than 10 MHz apart. Otherwise, you should return the radio for service. If the radio   displays Error Code 15 (Transmit frequency lock error), it is important to stop using it because the crystal      oscillator might be unstable and you might be transmi  ng at an unprogrammed frequency for which you are   not licensed. •  Error Code 17: If data comes into the radio faster than it can be transmi ed, the serial buff er can overfl ow.      If the radio displays Error Code 17, you should adjust the serial baud rate and radio link rate so the radio has    enough  me to transmit each data packet before the next packet is sent to the radio.If the radio con nues to display the error code a er you have fi xed the situa on, you may clear the error code from the radio’s display by pressing the On/Off  bu on for 3 seconds (turning off  the radio), wai ng one full second and pressing the On/Off  bu on a second  me. If an error warning persists, contact a Pacifi c Crest authorized dealer or Pacifi c Crest Customer Support.RF Output Power Regula onExcessive heat is the enemy of all electronic equipment. For this reason ADL radios are equipped with RF (Radio Frequen-cy) output power regula on fi rmware.  Both the ADL Vantage and ADL Vantage Pro radios can operate safely with an am-bient temperature as high as 65 degrees [use the degree symbol] cen grade (150 degrees Fahrenheit).  But if the radio detects an internal temperature rising close to the maximum, it will reduce its RF output power automa cally. While this reduces range temporarily, it also prevents damage to the radio that might cause a permanent loss of range.If the ADL Vantage senses its internal temperature approaching the limit while it is set to transmit at its maximum 4 Wa s, the radio will reduce its output power to 2 Wa s.  If the temperature con nues to rise at the 2 Wa  se  ng, the radio will turn off  its transmi er completely. The radio will stay on and will display a “High Temp” message on its LCD screen.  When the internal temperature decreases suffi  ciently, the RF output power will automa cally increase. Any automa c change in the power se  ng - either a decrease or an increase - is preceded by a message sent to the receiver radio(s) informing them of the change.  Other ADL Vantage or ADL Vantage Pro radios will display this message to the user on their LCD displays and by fl ashing all three LEDs for 5 seconds.If the ADL Vantage Pro senses the internal temperature approaches the limit while it is set to transmit at its High transmit power (as programmed into the radio with ADLCONF confi gura on so ware), the radio will reduce its output power by 5 Wa s. If the temperature con nues to rise, the radio will reduce its output power by another 5-Wa  s and so on un l the Medium transmit power level is met.  The radio may then reset itself to output at the 2 Wa  Low power se  ng or shut off  the transmi er.  As with the ADL Vantage, RF power output will automa cally increase as the radio’s internal tem-perature decreases.If for some reason the ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radio’s internal temperature is ever exceeded, it will automa cally shut off  the transmi er and display the Error 08 (excessive internal temperature).  Shut the radio off , let it cool and turn it back on. If the storage temperature maximum has been exceeded, the radio will con nue to display the Error 08 and may require repair.
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 15FCC Rules and Regula onsLicensing RequirementsIt is the responsibility of the owner to comply with applicable rules and regula ons concerning the opera on of a radio transmi er. In the United States, the FCC regulates the licensing of this equipment.Applica on for a license is made by submi  ng FCC Form 600 along with evidence of frequency coordina- on (if required) and applicable fees. Similar licensing requirements exist worldwide. Penal es for broad-cas ng without a license can be severe, and may include the confi sca on of your radio.For more informa on, contact our customer service department. Warning:  Always obey local licensing requirements and restric ons. It is illegal to transmit in the United States while CSMA is turned off . CSMA is not required within the European Union and should be turned off .Equipment CompliancesADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro have been tested and found to comply with Parts 15 and 90 of Title 47 of the Code of Fed-eral Regula ons. ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro radios have also been tested and found compliant for type cer fi ca on and approval in many other countries worldwide.For more informa on concerning our worldwide compliances, contact Pacifi c Crest Customer Service.Being Part of the RF CommunityOpera on of a licensed radio product makes you a member of the RF community. Be aware that virtually all frequencies licensed are provided on a shared basis with other users. Each frequency dedicated specifi cally to RTK surveying ac vi- es has certain restric ons and limita ons. For complete informa on, refer to the appropriate documenta on from the licensing agency in your country of opera on, e.g., Part 90, Title 47, of the Code of Federal Regula ons.Most frequencies sharing data transmissions and voice transmissions give priority to voice users. Be mindful of the persistent nature of a GPS RTK data transmission and always limit your RF transmission output power when performing close-in survey situa ons to avoid interference with co-channel users. Pacifi c Crest recommends using the low RF power se  ng for construc on site and other line-of-site surveys with baselines less than two miles (depending on terrain).Warning:  If you are in confl ict with a co-channel user, select another frequency to avoid formal ac ons by geovernment agencies. In most cases you are required to vacate a frequency upon complaint by a shared channel voice user.Most survey opera ons are i nerant in that the system is moved on a frequent basis. For fi xed system installa ons, you should not use frequencies set aside for i nerant opera ons, but should coordinate a frequency based on the fi xed area opera on.Regula ons diff er from country to country, so please be aware of the local regula ons prior to using radio equipment.Automa c Sta on Iden fi ca onFor opera on in the United States, the FCC requires that radio transmi ers used for GPS RTK applica ons periodically broadcast a sta on iden fi er. The sta on iden fi er is the call sign assigned to you on the sta on license.!!
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 16The ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro support the broadcast of sta on iden fi ca on in a manner that meets the require-ments of the FCC. Upon receipt of equipment, program your FCC call sign into the confi gura on of your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage  using ADLCONF so ware. This is only required for transmi ers.Warning:  Failure to transmit your sta on iden fi ca on is in viola on of FCC regula ons. Use ADLCONF so -ware to enter your FCC call sign. !
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 17Contact Informa onCustomer SupportQuality, technology and service are the hallmarks of Pacifi c Crest. We provide easy access to our customer service de-partment to keep you running effi  ciently.Headquarters       EMEA Offi  cePacifi c Crest       HAL Trade Center510 DeGuigne Drive      Bevelandseweg 150   Sunnyvale, CA 94085      1703 AX HeerhugowaardUSA        The NetherlandsTel:  1-800-795-1001 (U.S. & Canada toll free)     Tel:  +31-72-5348408  1-408-481-8070 (outside the U.S.)      Fax:  +31-72-5348288Fax: 1-408-481-8984E-mail: Support@Pacifi cCrest.comRepair info: RMA RequestWeb: www.Pacifi Support hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Pacifi c Time. Please visit our website for up-to-¬date news and product announce-ments. Firmware and so ware upgrades are available from our website, in most cases free of charge. Sales ContactHeadquarters       EMEA Offi  cePacifi c Crest       HAL Trade Center510 DeGuigne Drive      Bevelandseweg 150   Sunnyvale, CA 94085      1703 AX HeerhugowaardUSA        The NetherlandsTel:  1-800-795-1001 (U.S. & Canada toll free)     Tel:  + 31-72-5348408  1-408-481-8070 (outside the U.S.)      Fax:  + 31-72-5348288Fax: 1-408-481-8984E-mail: Sales@Pacifi Web: www.Pacifi
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 18WarrantyOne-Year Limited WarrantyThis warranty gives you specifi c legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state or area to area.Pacifi c Crest warrants ADL family products, inclusive of cables and ba eries, against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from receipt by the end-user.ExclusionsShould Pacifi c Crest be unable to repair or replace the product within a reasonable amount of  me, a refund of the purchase price may be given upon return of the product.The warranty on your ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro shall not apply to defects resul ng from:  •  Improper or inadequate maintenance by the customer • Unauthorized modifi ca on, negligence or misuse • Opera on outside of the environment specifi ca onsWarranty Limita onsThis warranty set forth above is exclusive and no other warranty, whether wri en or oral, is expressed or implied. Pacifi c Crest specifi cally disclaims the implied warran es of merchantability and fi tness for a par cular purpose.
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 19Appendix A - Safety Informa onExposure to Radio Frequency EnergyThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro is designed to comply with the following na onal and interna onal standards and guidelines regarding exposure of human beings to radio frequency electromagne c energy, in addi on to protec on against harmful interference of neighboring electrical equipment:•  FCC Report and Order FCC 96-326 (August, 1996)• American Na onal Standards Ins tute (C95.3-1992)• Na onal Council on Radia on Protec on and Measurement (NCRP - 1986)• Interna onal Commission on Non-ionizing Radia on Protec on (ICNRP - 1986)• European Commi ee for Electrotechnical Standardiza on (CENELEC)•  FCC CFR47 Part 15•  FCC CFR47 Part 90•  Industry Canada RSS 119•  ETSI EN 300 113-2•  ETSI EN 300 489•  ACA AS/NZS 4295•  iDA Spec 111• OFTA STD-1E• SRRC CMIIContact your sales representa ve for model specifi c country approval.To assure op mal radio performance and to ensure that exposure to RF energy is within the guidelines in the above standards, the following opera ng procedures should be observed:•  Do not operate a transceiver when someone is within the distance noted below of the antenna   (unity gain).  120 cm (approx. 4 feet) for ADL Vantage Pro @ 35 Wa s 30 cm (approx. 12 inches) for ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro @ 2 Wa s - 60 cm      (approx. 2 feet) for ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro @ 4 Wa s 15 cm (approx. 6 inches) for ADL Vantage @ 1 Wa •  Do not operate the transceiver unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors   are properly terminated.•  Avoid contact with the antenna while opera ng the transceiver.•  Do not operate the transceiver with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes in contact    with the skin, a minor burn may result.•  Do not operate the equipment near electrical blas ng caps or in an explosive atmosphere.Warning: Changes or modifi ca ons not expressly approved by the FCC could void the user’s author-ity to operate the equipment.Exposure to Hot SurfacesThe ADL Vantage Pro enclosure and heat sink may become very hot during opera on, depending on the air temperature, transmit power and transmission duty cycle. Turn off  the unit and allow it to cool prior to handling. Always use the heat-resistant handle to hold or move the ADL Vantage Pro.!
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 20Appendix B - Pin-outs and ConnectorsThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro uses a #1-shell, 5-pin circular data/power connector. For a ma ng connector, Pacifi c Crest recommends using a LEMO P/N FGG.1B.305.CLAD.72Z, or equivalent. Refer to Table 3 and Figure 8 for pin assignments and orienta on. Figure 8 shows a rear view of the pin-outs (looking from behind the connec-tor).Table3 - ADL Vantage/Vantage Pro Pin AssignmentsFigure 8 – ADL Vantage/Vantage Pro Data/Power ConnectorAntennaThe ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro antenna connector is a TNC female. For a ma ng plug, we recommend Amphenol-brand connectors. Use only high quality 50 Ω impedance cable for the antenna connec on.Most ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro antennas use industry-standard NMO connectors. The impedance of all ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro antennas is 50 Ω.•  Connector Manufacturer Contacts•  Contact LEMO at h p://•  Contact Amphenol at h p://www.amphenol.comPin No. Descrip on1 Power: 9-30 VDC Input2 Ground for Power3 RX (DTE) 4 Signal Ground5 TX (DTE)
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 21General Specifi ca onsCommunica on 1 RS-232 port, 115.2 kbps maximumUser Interface 2-row, 16-character LCD display with 5 naviga on bu onsPowerExternal ADL Vantage: 9.0 – 30.0 VDC, 2 Amp maximumADL Vantage Pro: 9.0 – 30.0 VDC, 15 Amp maximumDuring RX 0.6 Wa s nominal @ 12.0 VDCDuring TXADL Vantage: 7 Wa s nominal @ 12.0 VDC, 1 W RF output             13.4 Wa s nominal @ 12.0 VDC, 4 W RF outputADL Vantage Pro: Modem Specifi ca onsLink Rate/Modula on19,200 bps/4FSK9600 bps/4FSK19,200 bps/GMSK16,000 bps/GMSK9600 bps/GMSK8000 bps/GMSK4800 bps/GMSKLink Protocols Transparent FST/EOT/EOC, Packet-switched, TRIMTALK™, TRIMMARK™, TT450S (HW), SATEL®Forward Error Correc on YesRadio Specifi ca onsFrequency Bands 390-430, 430-470 MHzFrequency Control Synthesized 12.5 kHz  tuning resolu onFrequency stability +/- 1 PPM RF Transmi er OutputADL Vantage: Programmable to 0.1 – 4 Wa s (where permi ed)ADL Vantage Pro: 2 Wa s, 3 user-defi ned intermediate power levels and 35 Wa sSensi vity -110 dBm BER 10-5Type Cer fi ca on All models are type accepted and cer fi ed for opera on in the U.S., Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and CanadaEnvironmental Specifi ca onsEnclosure IP67 (Dust proof and water ght to depth of 1 meter for 30 minutes)Appendix C - Technical Specifi ca ons
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 22Opera ng Temperature (Receiver) -40˚ to +85˚ C  (-40˚ to +185˚ F)Opera ng Temperature (Transmi er) -40˚ to +65˚ C  (-40˚ to +149˚ F)Storage Temperature (Receiver/Transmi er) -55˚ to +85˚ C  (-67˚ to +185˚ F)Vibra on Spec: MIL-STD-810FMechanical Specifi ca onsDimensionsADL Vantage: 8.89 cm L x 4.6 cm W x 16.0 cm H                         (3.5” L x 1.809” W x 6.3” H)ADL Vantage Pro: 11.9 cm L x 8.6 cm W x 21.3 cm H (with handle) (4.7” L x 3.4” W x 8.37” H)Weight ADL Vantage: 705 grams (1.55 lbs.)ADL Vantage Pro: 1950 grams (4.35 lbs)Data/Power Connector 5-pin, #1-shell LEMO-typeRF Connector 50 Ohm, TNC-female ADL Vantage Pro will not operate below . VDC or above . VDC. The radio is protected from input voltage that is below . VDC or above . VDC.Appendix D – So wareSo ware Compa bilityCurrent versions of the following so ware were tested and verifi ed for compa bility with Windows XP and the Microso  Business Edi on of the Windows Vista opera ng systems:• ADLCONF•  PCC Range Es mator
Pacifi c Crest ADL Vantage/ADL Vantage Pro Users Guide 23510 DeGuigne Drive  . . . Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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