Triple Plus NWLFD Flood detector of Water leakage security system User Manual Microsoft PowerPoint User s Manual NWL ENG

Triple Plus Flood detector of Water leakage security system Microsoft PowerPoint User s Manual NWL ENG

Users Manual

Users ManualWater Product
Flooding Detection System
Triple+ wireless NWL(No Water Leak) system is designed to detect water leaks and
prevent the subsequent damages. The system shuts down the water supply by way of
a wireless communication system.
The system's objective is to minimize potential flooding damages by shutting down the
water supply when there is no activity and/or a flooding is indicated within the system.
Each system is comprised of a Shut Off unit (valve), installed on the main water supply
pipe, a flood detector and a control unit for closing and opening the valve.
The system presents the user with a clear and simple indication of the valve's status
(either open or closed.) In addition, the Shut Off unit can be controlled (and thus, the
valve can be opened or closed) manually.
Shut Off unit (valve )
A Shut Off unit 3/4" (Sagiv valve)
is installed on the main water supply pipe with the
intention of allowing or preventing water from
passing through the pipes.
System specification
1. Opening/ closing handle.
1A. Open/ closed indication.
2. Shut Off unit body (valve).
3. 3/4" entry/exit adapter.
4. Base for a valve not wall mounted.
4A. Base for a wall mounted valve.
5. 2XCR123 battery housing
The Shut Off unit should be located on the main water line leading into the structure.
The system should not disconnect a fire extinguishing line or a sprinkler line.
Ensure easy access to the battery housing.
The unit should be installed with the handle on top and horizontally placed
To provide effective communication, ensure to have no more than 12 meters (if a
wall is present within the structure) or 30 meters within an open space structure
between the controller and the valve and that the units (controller and valve) are not
positioned within metal cabinets. If the above is problematic, consider setting up a
relay (repeater).
Shut Off unit installation
Within a metal cabinet
Where dirt or a foreign object may obstruct the valve's operation.
Where the temperature exceeds the range between 0 and 55 degrees
Where there is an apprehension of being hit or damaged.
In an external place where exposed to rain and direct sunlight and/or to the
elements, the unit should be installed in a watertight plastic casing.
In humid environment
Places where the detector should NOT be positioned
1. Locate the most suitable place for installation on the
water line.
2. Shut down the water supply, using the main valve of
the building or site.
3. Dismantle the water line connectors in a way that
would leave a gap suitable for installing the valve.
4. Install the unit on the water line.
5. Should a flexible water pipe be required to mount the
Shut Off unit on the wall, dismantle the base unit.
6. Make sure that the Shut Off unit can be opened and
closed manually.
7. Enable passage of water in the main line and prevent
leaks or drippings.
8. Ensure easy access to the battery housing.
9. If unit wetting is probable, install an external
protective casing.
Shut Off unit installation stages
The button controller allows the user to trigger the wireless opening and closing of
the valve manually.
In addition, there is an option of a direct connection to an alarm system. In this case
the closure of the valve will be synchronized with the alarm triggering.
Controller unit
3A 3B
1A. Valve closing button.
1B. Technician button.
1C. Valve opening button
3A. Water battery indicator
5. 5VDC power input
3B. Water valve indicator.
3C. Communications light.
3D. Voltage indicator
4. Alarm wiring connector
System synchronization: valve - controller synchronization table
OPERATION Location Control indication
1I. Shift the valve handle to
the open position.
II. Insert two CR123
batteries into the Shut Off
unit (valve.)
A water valve that
is installed on the
main water line
I. A green indicator lights up within the battery housing.
II. The valve performs an opening action and then a closing one.
III. Wait for the conclusion of the engine's operation.
IV. Ensure that the valve can be manually opened and closed.
2 Hook the controller to the main
supply with the transformer.
Position the
controller where
indicate qualitative
and continuous
I. The four indicators flash 3 times.
II. The voltage indicator flashes.
III. Wait for approximately two minutes by the controller to ensure that the
communication indicator is lit continuously (in addition to the flashing
voltage indicator.)
In case the communication indicator flashes or is turned off, a repeater should
be installed within the system.
3 Press the technician button Controller After some thirty seconds, all four indicators will flash.
The voltage and communication indicators are continuously on.
After another thirty seconds, the open valve indicator indicates the valve's state
(open or closed.)
4 Synchronization test: open and
close the valve using the
Controller Check that the valve opens and closes accordingly.
Make sure that the open valve indicator indicates the valve's state (open or
OPERATION Location Control indication
1 I. Shift the valve handle to
the open position.
II. Insert two CR123 batteries
into the disconnection unit
A water valve that is
installed on the main
water line
I. A green indicator lights up within the battery housing.
II. The valve performs an opening action and then a closing one.
III. Wait for the conclusion of the engine's operation.
IV. Ensure that the valve can be manually opened and closed.
2 Hook the repeater to the main
supply with the transformer.
Position the repeater
where measurements
indicate qualitative and
The four indicators flash 3 times.
The voltage indicator flashes.
Wait for approximately two minutes by the repeater to ensure that the
indicator of communication with the valve is lit continuously (in addition to the
flashing voltage indicator.)
In case the communication indicator flashes or is turned off, the systems
should be brought closer.
3 Hook the controller to the main
supply with the transformer.
Position the controller
where measurements
indicate qualitative and
transmission from the
valve and the
The four indicators flash 3 times.
The voltage indicator flashes.
Wait for approximately two minutes by the controller to ensure that the
communication indicator is lit continuously (in addition to the voltage
4 Ensuring qualitative and
continuous communication
between the system's
Repeater Make sure that the green indicator lights are continuously on (voltage will be
flashing, valve and controller communications will be continuously on.)
System synchronization: valve - controller synchronization table
System synchronization: valve-repeater-controller
synchronization table
OPERATION Location Control indication
5 Press the technician button Repeater After some thirty seconds, all four indicators will flash.
Make sure that the green indicator lights are continuously on (voltage, valve
communication and controller communication.)
6 Ensure valve indication transfer CONTROL After another thirty seconds, the open valve indicator indicates the valve's
state (open or closed.)
7 Hook the controller to the main
supply with the transformer.
CONTROL Check that the valve opens and closes accordingly.
Make sure that the open valve indicator indicates the valve's state (open or
System synchronization: flood detector - controller
synchronization table
Note: adding detectors to the systems does not require resynchronization.
Subtraction or replacement of a detector required resynchronization of all the detectors
connected to the controller.
OPERATION Location Control indication
1 Press the valve "Open" and "Close"
buttons simultaneously.
CONTROL Red indicator - valve battery is continuously on.
Green indicator - voltage flashing.
2 Open the battery cover and insert
two AA batteries into the flood
Position the flood
detector where
indicate qualitative
and continuous
transmission from
the valve and the
I. The green detector indicator will flash every 5 seconds.
II. Wait 60 seconds, while looking at the detector indication light. When
the indicator light will light up for two consecutive seconds, the detector
will synchronize itself with the controller.
III. The green detector indicator will flash every minute.
IV. Now you can continue with this procedure to up to 10 detectors per
3 Conclusion of the flood detector
synchronization will be achieved by
pressing the valve "Open" and
"Close" buttons simultaneously.
Flood detector. The controller will indicate voltage, communication and valve status (if
synchronized with the system.)
4 Synchronization test: expose the
detector to water (wetting the
electrodes would suffice.)
Flood detector.
I. Detect a double flashing indication in the flood detector light.
II. Detect a flashing indication in the red valve battery light in the
III. Ensure that the valve was closed (if synchronized to the system.)
Pressing the "Open valve" button will return the system to routine state.
Pressing five consecutive times will lead to disconnection between the system's
Reset of the valve is possible by pressing five consecutive times the technician button
in the controller, while pressing the "Open" and "Close" buttons simultaneously and
pressing five consecutive times the technician button in the controller.
Synchronization reset (Hard reset)
1. A technician must visit the installation site before performing a hard reset to
identify the nature of the communication with a tester/ installation instructions/
common sense.
2. The system controller will not work with batteries but by way of electricity
3. The controller should not be connected to an alarm system.
4. The positioning of the system's components (including of the water valve and
controller) may be influenced by communication quality factors.
5. A repeater should not be installed between the controller and the flood detector.
Additional clarifications regarding the installation of the flood
1. Take the batteries out of the faulty unit that is being replaced.
2. Reset the controller (press HARD RESET five times.)
3. Dismantle the unit from the water line and perform all the stages specified in the
disconnection unit installation instruction.
4. Synchronize the controller - valve system.
The detectors retain synchronization with the controller.
Replacement of the disconnection unit (valve)
1. Disconnect the transformer from the faulty control box to be replaced.
2. Pull the control box out of its place.
3. Perform all the control unit installation stages.
4. Perform a full synchronization process (including extraction, pause and replacement
of the batteries in the valve) and full synchronization with all the flood detectors.
Controller replacement
1. Extract two CR123 batteries out of the unit and replace with new ones.
2. Verify system synchronization by closing and opening the valve using the controller
Replacement of a battery in the Shut Off unit (valve)
System failure indication table
OPERATION Location Control indication
1 No communication Communications
light flashing or off.
1. Check the battery voltage in the flood detector.
2. Consider narrowing the transmission distance.
3. Considering adding a relay (repeater.)
2 Valve fault All the indicator,
apart for the voltage,
flash twice or three
times every 15
1. Make sure there are no obstructions in the valve's opening and
closing path.
2. Open and close the valve using the controller buttons
3. Extract and replace the batteries in the valve and check the fault
4. Replace the valve.
3 Low water battery Valve battery
indicator is
continuously on.
Replace the valve battery
4 The circuit does not receive power Voltage indicator is
1. Check the power connection.
2. Replace the controller/ repeater
3. Synchronize the system.
5 Valve is in an intermediate position Water valve indicator
is flashing
1. Close or open the valve if required.
2. Return to stage No. 2
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Cet équipement a été testé et jugé conforme aux limites s’appliquant à un appareil numérique de classe B, conformément à la Partie 15 des réglementations de
la FCC. Ces limites ont été élaborées pour offrir une protection raisonnable contre les interferences nuisibles dans une installation résidentille.
Cet équipement génère, utilize et peut émettre de l’énergie de fréquence radio et, s’il n’est pas installé et utilize conformément aux instructions du fabricant,
peut provoquer des interférences dangereuses pour les communications radio. Toutefois, rien ne garantit l’absence d’interférences dans une installation
particuliére. Si cet équipement provoque des interférences nuisibles au niveau de la réception radio ou television, ce qui peut étre determine par la mise hors,
puis sous tension de l’équipment, vous étes invite à essayer de corriger les interferences en pregnant les mesures suivantes:
-Réorientez ou déplaces l’antenne réceptrice.
-Augmentez la distance qui sépare l’équipement et le récepteur.
-Branchez l’équipement à une prise d’un circuit different de celui auquel est branché le récepteur.
-Consultez le revendeur ou un technician radio/television expérimenté pour obtenir de l’aide.
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance (TriplePlus Ltd.) could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
FCC Statement
FCC Disclaimer
Manufacturer: Triple Plus Ltd.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.

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