Tyco Safety Canada 02RF5501433 Receiver User Manual LCD5501Z32 433NA v5 0 im en 29034573 r001 p65

Digital Security Controls Ltd. Receiver LCD5501Z32 433NA v5 0 im en 29034573 r001 p65

Users Manual

Installation Manual
RF55O1-433 NA
version 5.O
WARNING: Please refer to the System Installation Manual for
information on limitations regarding product use and function and
information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer.
DLS-3 v1.3 or higher
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Section 1: Installation 2
1.1 Unpacking ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Mounting .................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Wiring .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Applying Power ........................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Enrolling the Keypad ................................................................................................ 3
Section 2: Keypad Programming 5
2.1 Programming the Keypad ...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Function Key Options ............................................................................................... 5
2.3 Clock Options ........................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Alarms Displayed While Armed Option ................................................................ 6
2.5 Emergency (Fire, Auxiliary, Panic) Key Options .................................................. 6
2.6 Door Chime Options ................................................................................................ 6
Section 3: Receiver Programming 8
Enroll & Program Devices 8
3.1 Electronic Serial Numbers ....................................................................................... 8
3.2 Enroll Wireless Devices Using Zones ....................................................................... 8
3.3 Enroll & Program Wireless Keys ............................................................................... 9
3.4 Identified Wireless Keys .......................................................................................... 10
3.5 Enrolling & Programming Handheld Keypads ................................................... 11
Section 4: Other Programming 12
4.1 Program Zones and Partitions .............................................................................. 12
4.2 Enable Receiver Supervision ................................................................................ 12
4.3 Enable Supervision of Wireless Zones .................................................................. 12
4.4 RF Jam Detect Zone .............................................................................................. 13
4.5 Receiver Software Default .................................................................................... 13
Section 5: Testing & Mounting 15
5.1 Test the placement of wireless devices .............................................................. 15
5.2 Test WLS909 and WLS919 Reception ................................................................... 16
Section 6: Additional Notes 17
6.1 Trouble Conditions ................................................................................................. 17
6.2 Replacing Batteries in Wireless Devices ............................................................. 17
Section 7: Troubleshooting 18
Section 8: Programming Worksheets 19
Appendix A: Guidelines for Locating Smoke Detectors 26
WARNING Please Read Carefully
Note to Installers
This warning contains vital information. As the only individual in
contact with system users, it is your responsibility to bring each item
in this warning to the attention of the users of this system.
System Failures
This system has been carefully designed to be as effective as pos-
sible. There are circumstances, however, involving fire, burglary, or
other types of emergencies where it may not provide protection. Any
alarm system of any type may be compromised deliberately or may
fail to operate as expected for a variety of reasons. Some but not all
of these reasons may be:
Inadequate Installation
A security system must be installed properly in order to provide
adequate protection. Every installation should be evaluated by a se-
curity professional to ensure that all access points and areas are cov-
ered. Locks and latches on windows and doors must be secure and
operate as intended. Windows, doors, walls, ceilings and other build-
ing materials must be of sufficient strength and construction to pro-
vide the level of protection expected. A reevaluation must be done
during and after any construction activity. An evaluation by the fire
and/or police department is highly recommended if this service is
Criminal Knowledge
This system contains security features which were known to be ef-
fective at the time of manufacture. It is possible for persons with
criminal intent to develop techniques which reduce the effectiveness
of these features. It is important that a security system be reviewed
periodically to ensure that its features remain effective and that it be
updated or replaced if it is found that it does not provide the protec-
tion expected.
Access by Intruders
Intruders may enter through an unprotected access point, circum-
vent a sensing device, evade detection by moving through an area of
insufficient coverage, disconnect a warning device, or interfere with
or prevent the proper operation of the system.
Power Failure
Control units, intrusion detectors, smoke detectors and many other
security devices require an adequate power supply for proper opera-
tion. If a device operates from batteries, it is possible for the batter-
ies to fail. Even if the batteries have not failed, they must be charged,
in good condition and installed correctly. If a device operates only
by AC power, any interruption, however brief, will render that de-
vice inoperative while it does not have power. Power interruptions
of any length are often accompanied by voltage fluctuations which
may damage electronic equipment such as a security system. After a
power interruption has occurred, immediately conduct a complete
system test to ensure that the system operates as intended.
Failure of Replaceable Batteries
This systems wireless transmitters have been designed to provide
several years of battery life under normal conditions. The expected
battery life is a function of the device environment, usage and type.
Ambient conditions such as high humidity, high or low tempera-
tures, or large temperature fluctuations may reduce the expected
battery life. While each transmitting device has a low battery moni-
tor which identifies when the batteries need to be replaced, this moni-
tor may fail to operate as expected. Regular testing and maintenance
will keep the system in good operating condition.
Compromise of Radio Frequency
(Wireless) Devices
Signals may not reach the receiver under all circumstances which
could include metal objects placed on or near the radio path or delib-
erate jamming or other inadvertent radio signal interference.
System Users
A user may not be able to operate a panic or emergency switch pos-
sibly due to permanent or temporary physical disability, inability to
reach the device in time, or unfamiliarity with the correct operation.
It is important that all system users be trained in the correct opera-
tion of the alarm system and that they know how to respond when
the system indicates an alarm.
Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors that are a part of this system may not properly alert
occupants of a fire for a number of reasons, some of which follow.
The smoke detectors may have been improperly installed or posi-
tioned. Smoke may not be able to reach the smoke detectors, such as
when the fire is in a chimney, walls or roofs, or on the other side of
closed doors. Smoke detectors may not detect smoke from fires on
another level of the residence or building.
Every fire is different in the amount of smoke produced and the rate
of burning. Smoke detectors cannot sense all types of fires equally
well. Smoke detectors may not provide timely warning of fires
caused by carelessness or safety hazards such as smoking in bed,
violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flammable
materials, overloaded electrical circuits, children playing with
matches or arson.
Even if the smoke detector operates as intended, there may be cir-
cumstances when there is insufficient warning to allow all occu-
pants to escape in time to avoid injury or death.
Motion Detectors
Motion detectors can only detect motion within the designated ar-
eas as shown in their respective installation instructions. They can-
not discriminate between intruders and intended occupants. Motion
detectors do not provide volumetric area protection. They have mul-
tiple beams of detection and motion can only be detected in unob-
structed areas covered by these beams. They cannot detect motion
which occurs behind walls, ceilings, floor, closed doors, glass parti-
tions, glass doors or windows. Any type of tampering whether in-
tentional or unintentional such as masking, painting, or spraying of
any material on the lenses, mirrors, windows or any other part of the
detection system will impair its proper operation.
Passive infrared motion detectors operate by sensing changes in
temperature. However their effectiveness can be reduced when the
ambient temperature rises near or above body temperature or if there
are intentional or unintentional sources of heat in or near the detec-
tion area. Some of these heat sources could be heaters, radiators,
stoves, barbeques, fireplaces, sunlight, steam vents, lighting and so
Warning Devices
Warning devices such as sirens, bells, horns, or strobes may not
warn people or waken someone sleeping if there is an intervening
wall or door. If warning devices are located on a different level of
the residence or premise, then it is less likely that the occupants will
be alerted or awakened. Audible warning devices may be inter-
fered with by other noise sources such as stereos, radios, televi-
sions, air conditioners or other appliances, or passing traffic. Au-
dible warning devices, however loud, may not be heard by a hear-
ing-impaired person.
Telephone Lines
If telephone lines are used to transmit alarms, they may be out of
service or busy for certain periods of time. Also an intruder may cut
the telephone line or defeat its operation by more sophisticated means
which may be difficult to detect.
Insufficient Time
There may be circumstances when the system will operate as in-
tended, yet the occupants will not be protected from the emergency
due to their inability to respond to the warnings in a timely manner.
If the system is monitored, the response may not occur in time to
protect the occupants or their belongings.
Component Failure
Although every effort has been made to make this system as reliable
as possible, the system may fail to function as intended due to the
failure of a component.
Inadequate Testing
Most problems that would prevent an alarm system from operating
as intended can be found by regular testing and maintenance. The
complete system should be tested weekly and immediately after a
break-in, an attempted break-in, a fire, a storm, an earthquake, an
accident, or any kind of construction activity inside or outside the
premises. The testing should include all sensing devices, keypads,
consoles, alarm indicating devices and any other operational de-
vices that are part of the system.
Security and Insurance
Regardless of its capabilities, an alarm system is not a substitute for
property or life insurance. An alarm system also is not a substitute
for property owners, renters, or other occupants to act prudently to
prevent or minimize the harmful effects of an emergency situation.
The RF5501-433 keypad combines a standard PC5132 receiver with an LCD5501Z
keypad that presents system status using an LCD-style display with fixed messages.
With the addition of the keypad, the control panel will now support up to 32 zones. The
RF5501-433 is compatible with the following DSC security systems:
PC5010 (all versions) • PC1555 v2.3 and higher PC5008 v2.3 and higher
PC5015 (all versions) • Power608 v2.3 and higher • PC580 v2.3 and higher
• PC5020 (all versions)
NOTE: Control panels previous to version 2.3 support 8 wireless zones.
NOTE: Only one RF5501 keypad can be connected per system. If more keypads are
required please select other DSC compatible keypads for the system being installed.
Specifications and Features
Maximum Current Draw: 260mA (with back lighting boost on)
Frequency: 433.92 mHz
Zones - receiver can receive signals from up to 32 wireless zones
Supervisory - programmable supervisory window, one to 24 hours
• Location
- can be wired up to 1000 ft. / 305 m from the main panel with 22 gauge wire
- for longer wire runs, thicker gauge wire must be used.
Compatibility: The RF5501-433 can be connected to the following panels: PC5010,
PC5015, PC5020, PC5008, PC1555, PC580
Connects to control panel via 4-wire Keybus
One keypad zone input
Optional tamper version
Five programmable function keys
Ready (green), Armed (red) and Trouble (yellow) status lights
1.1 Unpacking
The RF5501-433 package includes the following parThe RF5501-433 package includes the following par
The RF5501-433 package includes the following parThe RF5501-433 package includes the following par
The RF5501-433 package includes the following parts:ts:
One RF5501-433 keypad
One 5.6K Ohm resistor
Four mounting screws
One keypad inner door label
One set of Fire, Auxiliary and Panic key labels
One LCD5501Z User Sheet
One RF5501-433 Installation Manual
1.2 Mounting
You should mount the keypad where it is accessible to designated points of entry
and exit. Once you have selected a dry and secure location, perform the following
steps to mount the keypad:
1. Remove the keypad backplate by loosening the screw located at the base of the
2. Secure the keypad backplate to the wall in the desired location. Use the screws
3. Before attaching the keypad to its backplate, complete the keypad wiring as
described in the next section.
1.3 Wiring
1. Before beginning to wire the unit, ensure that all power (AC transformer and battery)
is disconnected from the control panel.
2. Connect the four Keybus wires from the control panel (red, black, yellow, green, P1
and P2/Z) to the keypad terminals (R B Y G P1 P2/Z). Consult the diagram below:
Red Blk Yel Grn P1 P2/Z
3. You can connect a device, such as a door contact, to the “Z” terminal of the RF5501-
433. This eliminates the need to run wires back to the control panel for the device. To
connect the zone, run one wire from the device to the Z terminal and the other wire from
the device to the B (black) terminal. For powered devices, run the red wire to the R
(positive) terminal and the black wire to the B (negative) terminal. When using end of
line supervision, connect the zone according to one of the configurations outlined in
your system’s
Installation Manual
S E C T I O N 1
is also the zone input
terminal when programmed (see
section [90].
1.4 Applying Power
Once all wiring is complete, apply power to the control panel:
1. Connect the battery leads to the battery.
2. Connect the AC transformer.
For more information on control panel power specifications, see the control panel
Installation Manual
NOTE: Do not connect the power until all wiring is complete.
1.5 Enrolling the Keypad
Once all wiring is complete, you will need to enter a 2-digit number that tells the
system the partition and slot assignment of the keypad.
If your system has partitions, you will also need to assign the keypad to a partition
(1st digit).
The slot assignment (2nd digit) tells the panel which keypad slots are occupied. The
panel can then generate a fault when a keypad supervisory signal is not present.
There are eight available slots for keypads. RF5501-433 keypads are always
assigned to slot 1 by default. You will need to assign each keypad to its own slot (1
to 8).
NOTE: The RF5501-433 enrolls as two modules:
1 = keypad section of the RF5501-433
17 = receiver section of the RF5501-433
Enter the following at each keypad installed on the system:
1. Enter Installer Programming by pressing [*][8][Installers Code]
2. Press [000] for Keypad Programming
3. Press [0] for Partition and Slot Assignment
4. Enter a two digit number to specify the partition and slot assignment.
NOTE: If your system does not have partitions, enter [1] for the first digit.
1st digit Enter 0 for Global Keypad, 1-8 for keypad partition
Enter 1 for Partition 1 Keypad
Enter 2 for Partition 2 Keypad
2nd digit Enter 1 to 8 for Slot Assignment
5. Press the [#] key twice to exit programming.
6. After assigning all keypads, perform a supervisory reset by entering [*][8][Installers
Code][902]. The panel will now supervise all assigned keypads and enrolled
modules on the system.
To review which modules the control panel is currently supervising:
1. Enter [][8][Installers Code]
2. Enter [903] to display all modules. On the RF5501-433 keypad, 11
1 and 11
7 will scroll on
the keypad to indicate that the RF5501-433 is present on the system. 11
1 designates
the keypad section, and 1717
17 is used to show the receiver section is also supervised.
If using an LCD5501Z keypad, scroll until the module name appears on the display.
3. To exit press [#].
If both modules do not show on the keypad, one of the following conditions may be
the keypad is not connected properly to the Keybus
there is a problem with the Keybus wiring run
the keypad does not have enough power
1.6 Downloading
This product has an integrated PC5132-433 v5.0 receiver. When downloading to this
keypad, please select the PC5132-433 v5.0 file. DLS-3 v1.3 and greater must be used
in order to have the capability of downloading to this keypad.
2.1 Programming the Keypad
There are several programming options available for the RF5501-433 keypad. These
are described below. Record all your programming choices in the programming
worksheets included in this manual.
Programming the RF5501-433 is similar to programming the rest of the system. When
you are in the RF5501-433 programming sections, the keypad will display which options
are turned on along the top of the display. To turn an option on or off, press the number
corresponding to the option on the number pad. The numbers of the options that are
currently turned ON will be displayed.
For example, if options 1 and 2 are on, the display will look like this:
For information on programming the rest of your security system, please refer to your
Installation Manual
2.2 Function Key Options
The function keys are programmed in sections [1] to [5]. By default, the 5 function keys
on the keypad are programmed as Stay Arm (03), Away Arm (04), Chime (06), Sensor
Reset (14) and Quick Exit (16). You can change the function of each key on every
keypad. Please see your systems
Installation Manual
for instructions on programming
the keys, and a complete list of all the function key options available for your system.
2.3 Clock Options
The RF5501-433 will display the current time after 30 seconds of no key presses. To
set the correct time and date for the system, please refer to your systems
. You can change how the keypad displays the time with the following
options. To change the clock options:
1. Enter [*][8][Installer Code]
2. Enter [000] to go to keypad programming
3. Enter section [6] to go to clock options.
4. To turn any of the options on or off, press [1], [2], or [3]:
NOTE: If the Time does not display on keypad option is selected, make sure that the
Keypad displays time when zones are open option is also selected.
[1] ON = Time displays on keypad
OFF = Time does not display on keypad
[2] ON = Clock display is in AM/PM format
(e.g. 08:00 AM)
OFF = Clock display is in 24-hour format (e.g. 20:00)
[3] ON = Keypad does not display time when zones are open
OFF = Keypad displays time when zones are open
5. When you are finished programming the clock options,
press [#] to exit.
NOTE: On a PC5020 v3.2 and higher, if a Loss of Clock trouble
is present on the system, the display will be as shown:
Keypad Programming
S E C T I O N 2
2.4 Alarms Displayed While Armed Option
You can disable the display of alarms on the keypad when the system is armed. The
display of alarms is enabled by default. To disable the display of alarms when the
system is armed, turn off section [6], option [5]:
1. Enter [*][8][Installers code]
2. Enter [000] to go to keypad programming
3. To turn the display of alarms on or off, enter section [6].
4. Turn option [5] on or off:
[5] ON = Alarms not displayed while system is armed
OFF = Alarms are always displayed while system is armed
5. When you are finished, press [#] to exit.
2.5 Emergency (Fire, Auxiliary, Panic) Key Options
You can enable or disable the Fire, Auxiliary and Panic keys at each keypad. These
keys are enabled by default. Please see your systems
Installation Manual
for more
information on these keys and their options. To turn any of the emergency keys on or
off on the keypad:
1. Enter [*][8][Installers code]
2. Enter [000] to go to keypad programming
3. Enter section [7].
4. To turn the emergency key options on or off, press [1], [2], or [3]:
[1] ON = Fire key enabled
OFF = Fire key disabled
[2] ON = Auxiliary key enabled
OFF = Auxiliary key disabled
[3] ON = Panic key enabled
OFF = Panic key disabled
5. When you are finished, press [#] to exit.
2.6 Door Chime Options
You can program the RF5501-433 keypad to sound a tone when any zone is
opened or closed. There are two parts to the RF5501-433 door chime program-
Program if the RF5501-433 will chime when zones are opened and/or closed.
Program the type of sound the RF5501-433 will make when an individual zone is opened
or closed.
For the door chime feature to work, you will also need to turn on the Door Chime attribute
for each zone that will trigger the chime. This programming is done in the control panel
software. Refer to your control panels
Installation Manual
for more information.
Door Chime on Zone Openings/Closings
You can program each RF5501-433 keypad to sound a door chime when zones are
opened and/or when they are closed. By default, RF5501-433 keypads are programmed to
sound door chimes on both zone openings and closings.
To change the door chime opening/closing settings, at each RF5501-433 keypad:
1. Enter [*][8][Installers code]
2. Enter [000] to go to keypad programming
3. Enter section [6].
4. To turn the options on or off, press [6] or [7]:
[6] ON = Door Chime Enabled for Zone Openings
OFF = Door Chime Disabled for Zone Openings
[7] ON = Door Chime Enabled for Zone Closings
OFF = Door Chime Disabled for Zone Closings
5. When you are finished, press [#] to exit.
Door Chime Sounds
You can program the RF5501-433 keypad to make different door chime sounds for
individual zones, or groups of zones. Each RF5501-433 keypad can make any of four
door chime sounds for each zone that triggers the door chime:
·4 quick beeps (default sound)
·‘Bing Bing tone
·‘Ding Dong tone
·‘Alarm tone
NOTE: For a zone to be able to trigger the door chime sound, the Door Chime zone
attribute must also be enabled in the control panel programming. Please see your control
panel Installation Manual.
To change the door chime sounds:
1. Enter [*][8][Installer Code].
2. Enter [*] to go to door chime sound programming.
3. Enter a 2-digit number for the zone you want to program [01] - [32].
4. Turn one of the following options on by pressing [1], [2], [3], or [4]:
[1] 4 quick beeps (default sound)
[2] Bing Bing tone
[3] Ding Dong tone
[4] Alarm tone
NOTE: Ensure that only one of the above options is turned on. If more than one is on,
the keypad will sound the first option that is enabled. If none of the options are selected,
the keypad will not make any sound when the zone is opened or closed.
5. To program the door chime sound for another zone, repeat steps 3 and 4.
6. When you are finished programming the door chime sounds, press [#] to exit.
2.7 Low Temperature Alert
The LCD5501Z-433 v5.0 keypad is capable of detecting a low temperature
environment. Once enabled and the zone input disabled (see section [90]), the
keypad will report an alarm condition when armed, if the environment becomes less
than 6o C. Once the temperature is greater than 8o C, the zone will restore.
Enter [*][8] [Installer Code]
Enter [000]
Enter Section [7]
Press [8] to enable/disable temperature sensor
[8] ON = Low Temperature Alert enabled
OFF = Low Temperature Alert disabled
Receiver Programming
S E C T I O N 3
Enroll & Program Devices
This section describes how to enroll and program:
wireless devices using zones (WLS904P, WLS906, WLS907, WLS912, WLS914 and
wireless keys (WLS909, WLS919)
For more information on these devices, read the instruction sheet included with each
3.1 A Note about Electronic Serial Numbers
An electronic serial number (ESN) is printed on the back of each wireless device. ESNs
are used to enroll the wireless devices with the RF5501-433 keypad.
In order to reduce the occurrence of wireless devices with the same serial number, 6-
digit serial numbers are now printed on the back of each wireless device.
NOTE: 6-digit serial numbers are only supported on the following control panels: PC5010
v2.x and higher, PC5015 v2.2, PC5020, PC5008, PC1555 and PC580.
The 6-digit serial numbers include hexadecimal digits. For instructions on programming,
hexadecimal numbers, see your system
Installation Manual
, section 4: How to Program.
When connecting the RF5501-433 to a PC5010, PC5020 or PC5015 v1.x panel, enter 5-
digit serial numbers only.
When connecting the RF5501-433 to a PC5010 v2.x, PC5015 v2.x, PC5020, PC5008,
PC1555 or PC580 panel follow the instructions below.
Old Wireless Device ESNs
You can use older devices on all versions of the RF5501-433 keypad, even though they
only have a 5-digit ESN. When using older wireless devices:
Enter [0] + 5-digit ESN
3.2 Enroll Wireless Devices Using Zones
Enroll wireless devices which use zones (universal transmitters, motion detectors,
smoke detectors, and panic pendants):
1. At a system keypad, enter [][8][Installers code] to go the installers programming
2. Enter programming section [804].
3. Enter the 2-digit number corresponding to the zone the device is to occupy ([01] to [32]).
NOTE: Hardwired and wireless devices cannot be assigned to the same zone. PC5108
zone expander modules occupy zones in 2 groups of 4 (e.g. zones 9-12 and zones 13-
16). None of the zones assigned to a PC5108 module may be used for wireless de-
vices. For more information on zone assignment, consult your system Installation
4. Enter the devices ESN. The entry
be six digits. If an older device with a 5-digit
ESN is being enrolled, add the digit [0] to the beginning of the ESN. (E.g.,
ESN=21234, enter 021234)
5. The device is now enrolled on the system. Record the serial number and the assigned
zone number in the programming worksheets in the back of this manual.
6. Continue with steps 3 - 5 until you have enrolled all wireless devices.
7. To exit press [#].
NOTE: The devices will not work properly until you complete zone and partition pro-
gramming (see section 4).
3.3 A Note about Electronic Serial Numbers
An electronic serial number (ESN) is printed on the back of each wireless key. ESNs are
used to enroll the wireless keys with the PC5102-433 receiver.
In order to reduce the occurrence of wireless keys with the same serial number, 6-digit
serial numbers are now printed on the back of each wireless key. The 6-digit serial numbers
include hexadecimal digits. For instructions on programming hexadecimal numbers, see
your system
Installation Manual
, Section 4: How to Program.
NOTE: 6-digit serial numbers are only supported on the following control panels: PC5020, P-
8+, PC501X v2.0 & higher, P832/DL v2.0 and higher, PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX), PC580 and P-
The (P)WLS909-433 and (P)WLS919-433 keys have both a 5-digit and a 6-digit serial number
printed on them. When connecting the PC5102-433 to a PC5010 v1.x or P-832 v1.x panel,
enter 5-digit serial numbers only. When connecting the PC5102-433 to a PC5020, P-8+,
PC5015 v2.x and higher, P832DL v2.x and higher, PC5010 v2.0 and higher, P832 v2.0 and
higher, PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX), PC580 or P-48 panel enter the 6-digit serial number.
3.4 Enroll & Program Wireless Keys
For wireless keys to work on the system, you need to enroll them and then program the
function buttons, if the default values are not the functions desired. Wireless keys are not
assigned to zones and require no zone programming. You can enroll up to 8 wireless keys
on the system.
Enroll Wireless keys
1. At a system keypad, enter [][8][Installers Code] to go to the installers
programming section.
2. Enter programming section [804].
3. Enter a 2-digit number [41]-[48] to program the wireless key serial number. These
numbers correspond to wireless key numbers 01- 08.
4. Enter the keys ESN. The entry
be six digits. If an older key with a 5-digit
ESN is being enrolled, add the digit [0] to the beginning of the ESN (e.g.,
ESN=61234, enter 061234).
5. The key is now enrolled on the system. Record the serial number and the assigned slot
number in the programming worksheets in the back of this manual.
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until all wireless keys have been enrolled.
7. ((
PC501X/P832/P832DL X/P832/P832DL
X/P832/P832DL X/P832/P832DL
X/P832/P832DL only)only)
only) By default, all wireless keys are
assigned to Partition 1. To assign keys to Partition 2, enable the appropriate options
in programming section [91].
NOTE: A wireless key can only be assigned to one partition.
8. To exit press [#].
E N R O L L & P R O G R A M D E V I C E S
Program the (P)WLS909-433 or (P)WLS919-433 Function
(P)WLS909-433 and (P)WLS919-433 wireless keys have four programmable function
buttons. Default functions have been assigned, but you may program other functions
if desired. After the functions are programmed, when you press and hold one of the
four buttons for one second, the system will execute the programmed function.
For systems using partitions (PC5020/P-8+/PC501X/P832/P832DL only): All wireless
keys assigned to Partition 1 will have the four functions programmed in section [61]. All
wireless keys assigned to Partition 2-8 will have the four functions programmed in section
[62-68]. For example, if function button 1 in Section [61] is programmed for Stay arming, then
pressing the first button on wireless keys assigned to Partition 1 will Stay arm Partition 1.
NOTE: Wireless keys will not work when the partition they are assigned to is being
accessed for zone bypassing or programming.
1. At a system keypad, enter [][8][Installers Code].
2. Enter programming section [804].
3. Enter programming section [61] to [68] for partitions 1 to 8.
4. For each of the 4 function buttons, enter the 2-digit number of the function you want
to select. See the programming worksheets in the back of this manual for a list of
function key options.
5. Record your programming choices in the worksheets in the back of the manual.
6. To exit press [#].
3.5 Identified Wireless Keys
Reporting by the system of openings/closings by individual wireless keys and
command output [][7] activation by wireless key buttons may be supported on
certain control panels. To do this, the system will reserve access codes 17 24 for
wireless keys 01-08 respectively. You must program one access code for each
wireless key (using [][5] access code programming) for this feature to work correctly.
NOTE: Program these access codes on the system
you have connected the
PC5102-433 to the Keybus (see section 2.4).
Refer to your system
Installation Manual
for information on access code programming.
Opening/Closing By Wireless Key Reporting
NOTE: The Identified Wireless Key Closing option is only available with the PC5020,
P-8+, PC501X v2.0 and higher, P832/DL v2.0 and higher, PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX),
PC580 v2.0 and higher, P-48 v2.0 and higher by turning section [015] option 4 off.
To enable the reporting of openings and closings
by identified wireless keys:
Make sure the control panel is v2.0 or higher
Program a valid access code for each key
Program a closing and opening reporting code for each keys access code
Turn off the Quick Arm option in section [015] option [4] of the control panel
E N R O L L & P R O G R A M D E V I C E S
E N R O L L & P R O G R A M D E V I C E S
To ensure that an
unidentified wireless key
cannot disarm the system, turn off section
[017], option [1] (in the control panel programming). This option is available in control
panels with software version 2.1 or higher.
3.6 PC5102 PGM Outputs
The PC5102-433 has two on-board Form C relay PGM outputs. Each of these can be
individually programmed to:
1. Follow main panel PGM outputs 1 to 14.
NOTE: Please refer to your System Installation Manual for available PGM outputs.
NOTE: If the PC5102-433 is connected to the PC580/PC1555/P-48/P-6B (all versions),
PC5010 v1.x, P832 v1.x or the WSS5010 1.0, 2.1, the PC5102 PGM outputs cannot be
programmed to follow main panel PGM outputs 1 or 2.
2. Activate for a programmable amount of time when a signal is received from a wireless
key programmed with output option 31 or 32 (PC5102 PGM pulse) and the PGM
output programming section [92] or [93] is programmed with option 15 (PC5102
PGM pulse). The amount of time that the PGM outputs can be programmed to
remain on is programmed in sections [94] and/or [95]. The default activation time is
5 seconds.
3. Toggle state when a signal is received from a wireless key programmed with option
31 or 32 and the PGM output programming section [92] or [93] is programmed with
option 16 (PC5102 PGM toggle).
3.7 Deleting Wireless Devices
To remove a wireless device from the system, follow the guideline for adding a wireless
device. Program the ESN as [000000]. The wireless device for the zone will be removed.
NOTE: You may need to remove power from the panel in order to clear troubles caused
by deleted zones.
Now that you have enrolled all the wireless devices, you will need to program the system
to work properly with the devices. See section 4 for more information.
4.1 Program Zones and Partitions
Now that you have enrolled the wireless devices, you should complete all zone
programming on the system. Although the exact programming required varies de-
pending on which control panel the RF5501-433 is connected to, you should check that
the following programming areas are completed correctly for each wireless zone:
Enable zones and/or assign zones to one or more partitions (programming sections
Program the definition for each zone (programming sections [001]-[004]).
NOTE: WLS906 wireless smoke detectors must be assigned to zones defined as Delay
24-hr fire (wireless) [87] or Standard 24-hr fire (wireless) [88] for proper supervision.
Enable the wireless zone attribute for each wireless zone (PC580, PC1555, PC5008,
PC5010 v2.0 and higher, PC5020, PC5015 v2.2 and higher only) (programming
sections [101]-[132]).
See your system
Installation Manual
, for more information on each of the above
programming sections.
4.2 Enable Receiver Supervision
The control panel will automatically supervise the receiver via the Keybus one-minute
after at least one device has been enrolled on the module. The system will generate
a General System Supervisory trouble if the module is removed from the Keybus. If you
need to remove the RF5501-433 from an existing system, you will have to disable
supervision of the PC5132.
4.3 Enable Supervision of Wireless Zones
NOTE(for PC5010 v1.x control panels only): For UL Listed installation, Double EOL
resistors must be enabled in the PC5010 for the wireless zones to be supervised. If
normally Closed or Single EOL resistors are selected the PC5010 will not be able to
supervise the wireless devices. If a wireless device stops sending a supervisory sig-
nal (the unit stops functioning) the panel will not indicate a supervisory trouble condi-
tion unless Double EOL resistors are used. In addition, all hardwire zones must be
wired for Double EOL resistors. For more information, refer to your PC5010 v1.x In-
stallation Manual.
NOTE (PC5010 v2.0 and higher, PC5015 v2.2 and higher, PC5020, PC5008, PC1555,
PC580 only): For wireless supervision to work, you must enable the wireless zone at-
tribute on all wireless zones (sections [101] to [132], option [8] ON).
NOTE: The RF Jam Detect zone must have the supervision option disabled.
Wireless Supervisory Window
Each wireless zone (WLS904P, WLS906, WLS907, WLS912, WLS914, WLS925L) will send
a supervisory signal every 64 minutes. If the receiver does not receive a signal within the time
programmed for the Wireless Supervisory Window, it will generate a supervisory fault.
S E C T I O N 4
Other Programming
To program the wireless supervisory window:
1. Enter [][8][Installer Code] to enter Installer Programming.
2. Enter [804] to enter into Receiver Programming.
3. Enter sections [81].
4. Enter the time period for the supervisory window (8 to 24 hours).
5. To exit press [#].
Disable/Enable Zone Supervision
All wireless zones have supervision enabled by default. To disable supervision for any
zone, enter the following at any system keypad:
1. Enter [][8][Installer Code] to enter Installer Programming.
2. Enter [804] to enter the PC5132 Module Programming.
3. Enter sections [82], [83], [84] and [85]. Disable or enable supervision for each
wireless zone by turning each relevant option on or off.
4. To exit press [#].
4.4 RF Jam Detect Zone
For RF jamming detection to work, you must select an unused zone to be used as the
RF Jam Detect zone. When the receiver detects an attempt to jam the RF signal, the
RF Jam Detect zone will be violated and the system will generate a tamper signal. When
the jamming signal is gone, the RF Jam Detect zone closes and the system sends a
tamper restore signal.
To enable RF jamming detection:
1. Enter [][8] [Installers Code].
2. Enter programming section [804].
3. Enter section [93]. Enter the 2-digit number of the RF Jam Detect zone ([01] to
[32]) in the programming section.
4. Disable supervision for the RF Jam detect zone by turning the relevant option off in
section [82], [83], [84] or [85]. (See section 4.3 for more information.)
5. RF jamming detection is now enabled. To exit Installer programming, press [#].
4.5 Receiver Software Default
Returning the receiver programming to factory default settings is a quick way to
remove all the enrolled devices from the system and reset all the programming in
section [804].
NOTE: Performing this procedure will not change any programming sections except
[804]. Resetting the control panel to factory default settings will
return the PC5132
to factory default settings.
To restore the PC5132 programming to the factory default settings, perform the
1. Enter [][8] [Installers Code].
2. Enter programming section [996].
3. Enter the Installers Code, followed by [996] again. Press [#]. The software for the
receiver section will be restored to its factory default settings.
4. Press [#] to exit Installer Programming. After a software default, you must exit and
then re-enter Installer Programming before attempting to program the receiver
For instructions on restoring the default programming of the control panel or any other
connected module, see your system
Installation Manual
S E C T I O N 5
Testing & Mounting
5.1 Test the placement of the WLS904P, WLS906,
WLS907, WLS912, WLS914 and the WLS925L
It is very important to test the proposed placement of each wireless device before it is
mounted. Following these steps will test the placement of the wireless motion detectors
(WLS904P/WLS914), wireless smoke detectors (WLS906), wireless glassbreak detectors
(WLS912) and wireless door/window contacts (WLS907/WLS925L), based on the signal
strength between the RF5501-433 and the device.
NOTE: You cannot test the Wireless Keys (WLS909/WLS919) in this mode. See
section 5.2 for instructions on testing these devices. You cannot run a placement test
on the RF Jam Detect zone.
1. Temporarily place the device you want to test in the place you want to mount it.
2. At a system keypad, enter [][8][Installer Code].
3. Enter programming section [904].
4 Enter the 2-digit zone number for the device to be tested.
5. Activate the device being tested until a result is displayed on the keypad or sounded
by the keypad or bell.
WLS904P & WLS914: Remove the detector from its backplate, wait for 1-2 seconds,
then reattach the detector to its backplate.
WLS906: Remove the detector from its backplate, wait for 5 seconds, then reattach
the detector to its backplate. Or hold a magnet near the raised line on the outer rim.
Then remove the magnet.
WLS907 & WLS925L: Open and close the contact by moving the magnet away
from the unit. If the unit is attached to a door or a window, open and close the door
or window to activate the device.
WLS912: Press and hold the test mode tab for 5 seconds. Release the test mode
tab. The keypad will display the test result.
6. Read the test results at the keypad:
Result LED Keypad LCD Keypad Buzzer/Bell
Good Light 1 On Steady Good1 Beep/Squawk
Fair Light 2 On Steady Fair2 Beeps/Squawks
Bad Light 3 On Steady Bad3 Beeps/Squawks
Activate the device until you get 3 good or fair results in a row. Wait 10 seconds between
each test on the same device.
You may mount wireless devices where results were good or fair.
Devices indicating a bad result must be moved to another location. You may only have
to move the device a few inches to correct a bad result.
NOTE: Do not mount any device where a “bad” test result was indicated.
If several wireless devices produce BAD test results, you may need to move the
RF5501-433 to a better location.
7. To test another device, press [#] once, then repeat steps 4 - 6. Continue to test the
devices until both the RF5501-433 and the devices are in good locations.
8. To exit installer programming, press [#] twice.
5.2 Test WLS909 & WLS919 Reception
The wireless key (WLS909) cannot be tested using the module placement test described
above. To ensure that the RF5501-433 is receiving transmissions from these devices,
conduct the following tests:
WLS909/WLS919: Use the function keys to arm and disarm the system at several
different points in the installation.
If these devices do not operate from all points in the installation, you will need to move
the RF5501-433 receiver. Moving the RF5501-433 higher will usually improve the
If you move the RF5501-433, repeat the tests described in sections 5.1 and 5.2 on
all the wireless devices. Continue to test the devices until you have found
satisfactory locations for the RF5501-433 and the WLS904P, WLS906 and WLS907
devices, and there is good reception between the RF5501-433 and the WLS909
Mount the WLS904P, WLS906, WLS907, WLS912, WLS914
and WLS925L
If you have conducted the placement test described in section 5.1 and got 3 Good
or Fair results in a row for each device, you can mount the wireless devices. See the
Installation Sheet
for each device for mounting instructions.
T E S T I N G & M O U N T I N G
S E C T I O N 6
Additional Notes
6.1 Trouble Conditions
The control panel always watches for possible trouble conditions. If a trouble condition
occurs, the keypad Trouble light will turn on and the keypad will beep. Press [][2]
to display the trouble conditions.
The following trouble conditions apply to the receiver portion (identified as the
PC5132 by the panel) and/or any enrolled devices. For a description of all troubles,
please see your system
Installation Manual
General System Tamper
General System Supervisory
Zone Fault
Device Low Battery
Zone Tamper
Wireless Zone Low Battery Transmission
Within the supervisory transmission, the device will indicate the status of the battery.
If a battery is low, the system will indicate a Device Low Battery trouble.
The system will delay reporting the event to the central station for the number of days
programmed for Zone Low Battery Transmission Delay in section [370]. This will
prevent unnecessary reporting of the event if the user has been instructed on how to
replace batteries.
6.2 Replacing Batteries in Wireless Devices
1 Remove the cover of the device from its backplate. This creates a tamper condition
on the zone.
2 Refer to the battery installation instructions on the
Installation Sheet
of each
component. Be sure to note the proper orientation of the batteries as you install
3 When the fresh batteries are in place, re-attach the cover to the backplate. The tamper
is restored and the zone sends a battery trouble restoral signal to the receiver. The
battery trouble is now clear and the device should function normally.
NOTE: When batteries in one device need to be replaced, the batteries in all devices
should be replaced at the same time.
S E C T I O N 7
1. When I enter the 2-digit zone number when adding a wireless device, the
keypad gives me a long beep.
You cannot enter ESNs unless the RF5501-433 is properly connected to the Keybus. See
sections 1 & 3 for instructions on setting up and wiring the PC5132 module.
2. I have entered the ESN for the device but when I violate the device, the zone
does not show open on the keypad.
Check the following:
Ensure the ESN has been entered correctly
Ensure that the zone is enabled for the partition (if partition programming is used).
Ensure that the wireless zone is not assigned to a zone used by PC5108 modules.
Ensure that the zone is programmed for something other than Null Operation. Wireless
smoke detectors must be assigned to zones defined as type [87] or [88].
3. When I try a module placement test I get no result or “Bad” results.
Check the following (see sections 5.1 and 5.2 for more information on testing devices):
Verify that you are testing the correct zone
Verify that the correct ESN was entered when the device was enrolled
Verify that the device is in range of the RF5501-433. Try testing the device in the
same room as the receiver.
Confirm that the RF5501-433 is properly connected to the Keybus.
Check that you are testing the zone correctly.
Check that the batteries are working and installed correctly.
Look for large metal objects that may be preventing the signal from reaching the
The device must be located where consistent Good results are obtained. If several
devices show Bad results, or if panic pendants and wireless keys operate inconsist-
ently, move the receiver.
4. The LED on the motion detector does not turn on when I walk in front of the
The LED is for walk test purposes only. See your WLS904P
Instruction Sheet
for walk
test instructions.
S E C T I O N 8
Programming Worksheets
[000] Keypad Programming
1. Enter [*][8][Installers code]
2. Enter [000] to go to keypad programming
[0] Keypad Enrollment
Valid entries are 01-18; e.g. enter [11] for partition 1, slot 1. Default = 11
1st digit Enter 0 for Global Keypad
Enter 1 for Partition 1 Keypad
Enter 2 for Partition 2 Keypad
2nd digit Enter 1 to 8 for Slot Assignment
Slot: I________I________I
[1]-[5] Function Key Assignments
[1] Key 1 [2] Key 2 [3] Key 3 [4] Key 4 [5] Key 5
Defaults: 03 04 06 14 16
Stay Away Chime Reset Exit
I________I________I I________I________I I________I________I I________I________I I________I________I
[6] RF5501-433 Keypad Options
Default Option On Off
ON I________I 1 Local Clock Display Enabled Display Disabled
ON I________I 2 Local Clock Displays AM/PM Displays 24-hour Time
OFF I________I 3 Open Zones Override Clock Display Do Not Override Clock
OFF I________I 4 For Future Use
OFF I________I 5 Alarms Not Displayed While Armed Always Displayed While Armed
OFF I________I 6 Door Chime Enabled for Zone Openings Door Chime Disabled
OFF I________I 7 Door Chime Enabled for Zone Closings Door Chime Disabled
OFF I________I 8 For Future Use
[7] Emergency Key Options
Default Option On Off
ON I________I 1 [F] Key Enabled [F] Key Disabled
ON I________I 2 [A] Key Enabled [A] Key Disabled
ON I________I 3 [P] Key Enabled [P] Key Disabled
OFF I________I 4-7 For Future Use
OFF I________I 8 Low Temperature Alert Enabled Low Temperature Alert Disabled
[*] Door Chime Sound Programming
1. Enter [*][8][Installers code][*]
2. Enter 2-digit zone number [01] - [32], then select door chime sound option [1] - [4].
Repeat for each zone that is to sound a chime.
Zone Location [1] [2] [3] [4]
4 Beeps “Bing-bing”“Ding-dong”Alarm tone
[01] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[02] I
I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[03] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[04] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[05] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[06] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[07] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[08] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[09] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[10] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[11] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[12] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[13] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[14] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[15] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[16] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[17] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[18] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[19] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[20] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[21] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[22] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[23] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[24] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[25] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[26] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[27] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[28] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[29] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[30] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[31] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[32] I__________________________________________________________________I I________I I________I I________I I________I
[804] Wireless Expansion Programming
6-digit entry is required. See Section 3.1 “A note on Electronic Serial Numbers”
for details on programming 6-digit serial numbers.
When enrolling devices with 5-digit serial numbers on the RF5501-433, the first digit
must be zero (0), followed by the 5-digit serial number (6-digits total). For example,
to enter the serial number 42345 on a RF5501-433, enter 042345.
Zone Serial Numbers
Default = 000000
[01] Zone 1 l
[02] Zone 2 l
[03] Zone 3 l
[04] Zone 4 l
[05] Zone 5 l
[06] Zone 6 l
[07] Zone 7 l
[08] Zone 8 l
[09] Zone 9 l
[10] Zone 10 l
[11] Zone 11 l
[12] Zone 12 l
[13] Zone 13 l
[14] Zone 14 l
[15] Zone 15 l
[16] Zone 16 l
[17] Zone 17 l
[18] Zone 18 l
[19] Zone 19 l
[20] Zone 20 l
[21] Zone 21 l
[22] Zone 22 l
[23] Zone 23 l
[24] Zone 24 l
[25] Zone 25 l
[26] Zone 26 l
[27] Zone 27 l
[28] Zone 28 l
[29] Zone 29 l
[30] Zone 30 l
[31] Zone 31 l
[32] Zone 32 l
Wireless Key Serial Numbers
Default = 000000
[41] Key 01 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[42] Key 02 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[43] Key 03 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[44] Key 04 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[45] Key 05 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[46] Key 05 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[47] Key 07 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[48] Key 08 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[49] Key 09 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[50] Key 10 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[51] Key 11 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[52] Key 12 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[53] Key 13 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[54] Key 14 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[55] Key 15 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
[56] Key 16 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l
Wireless Key Function Key Options
Entry Key Description Entry Key Description
00 Null Key 16 [][0] Quick Exit
01-02 For Future Use 17 [][1] Reactivate Stay/Aways
03 Stay Arm 18 For Future Use
04 Away Arm *19 [][7][3] Command Output #3
05 [][9] No-Entry Arm 20 For Future Use
06 [][4] Chime ON/OFF *21 [][7][4] Command Output #4
07 [][6][——][4] System Test 22-26 For Future Use
08-12 For Future Use 27 Disarm (OFF)
*13 [][7][1] Command Output #1 28 Fire Alarm
*14 [][7][2] Command Output #2 /
Sensor Reset
29 Auxiliary Alarm
15 For Future Use 30 Panic Alarm
*Sensor Reset can be used when the RF5501-433 is connected to the PC5010.
Command outputs are not available for PC5010 software v1.x.
Wireless Key Options
Partition 1 Wireless Key Options
[61] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 2 Wireless Key Options
[62] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 3 Wireless Key Options
[63] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 4 Wireless Key Options
[64] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 5 Wireless Key Options
[65] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 6 Wireless Key Options
[66] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 7 Wireless Key Options
[67] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
Partition 8 Wireless Key Options
[68] Function Key 1 03 l
____lFunction Key 3 27 l
Function Key 2 04 l
____lFunction Key 4 30 l
[81] Wireless supervisory Window
Default = 32
l____l____l wireless device window (x15min), valid entries are 32-96.
[82] Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)
Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)
Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)
Default = ON Option ON Option OFF
________lOption 1 Zone 01 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 2 Zone 02 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 3 Zone 03 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 4 Zone 04 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 5 Zone 05 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 6 Zone 06 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 7 Zone 07 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 8 Zone 08 Supervision enabled Disabled
[84] Zone Device Supervision Options (17-24)
Default = ON Option ON Option OFF
________lOption 1 Zone 17 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 2 Zone 18 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 3 Zone 19 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 4 Zone 20 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 5 Zone 21 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 6 Zone 22 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 7 Zone 23 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 8 Zone 24 Supervision enabled Disabled
[85] Zone Device Supervision Options (25-32)
Default = ON Option ON Option OFF
________lOption 1 Zone 25 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 2 Zone 26 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 3 Zone 27 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 4 Zone 28 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 5 Zone 29 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 6 Zone 30 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 7 Zone 31 Supervision enabled Disabled
________lOption 8 Zone 32 Supervision enabled Disabled
[91] Wireless Keys (1-8) Partition Assignments
Default = 01Default = 01
Default = 01Default = 01
Default = 01
Wireless Key 01 l
Wireless Key 02 l
Wireless Key 03 l
Wireless Key 04 l
Wireless Key 05 l
Wireless Key 06 l
Wireless Key 07 l
Wireless Key 08 l
[92] PC5102 PGM1 Output Option
Default 01Default 01
Default 01Default 01
Default 01
PGM1 Output Option l
________l ________l
[93] PC5102 PGM2 Output Option
Default 02Default 02
Default 02Default 02
Default 02
PGM2 Output Option l
________l ________l
[94] PC5102 - PGM1 Output Activation Time
Default 00Default 00
Default 00Default 00
Default 00
PGM1 Output Activation Time (Minutes) l
________l ________l
Default 05Default 05
Default 05Default 05
Default 05
PGM1 Output Activation Time (Seconds) l
________l ________l
[95] PC5102 - PGM2 Output Activation Time
Default 00Default 00
Default 00Default 00
Default 00
PGM2 Output Activation Time (Minutes) l
________l ________l
Default 05Default 05
Default 05Default 05
Default 05
PGM2 Output Activation Time (Seconds) l
________l ________l
NOTE: Sections [94] and [95] have a valid minimum programmable value of 00 minutes
01 seconds, and a valid maximum programmable value of 99 minutes 99 seconds.
RF Jamming Detection
[96] RF Jam Detect ZoneRF Jam Detect Zone
RF Jam Detect ZoneRF Jam Detect Zone
RF Jam Detect Zone
Default = 00Default = 00
Default = 00Default = 00
Default = 00
____lSelect an unused zone that will be violated when a jamming
signal is detected. (Valid entries = 01 - 32, 00 = RF Jam detect
Guidelines for Locating Smoke Detectors
Experience has shown that all hostile fires in family living units generate smoke to a greater or lesser
extent. Experiments using typical fires in family living units indicate that detectable quantities of smoke
precede detectable levels of heat in most cases. In existing homes, NFPA Standard 72 requires that a
smoke detector be installed outside each sleeping area and on each additional story of the family unit.
On smooth ceilings, detectors may be spaced 9.1m (30 feet) apart as a guide. Other spacing may be
required depending on ceiling height, air movement, the presence of joists, uninsulated ceilings, etc.
Consult National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 72, CAN/ULS-S553-M86 or other appropriate national
standards for installation recommendations.
Do not locate smoke detectors at the top of peaked or gabled ceilings; the dead air space in these
locations may prevent the unit from detecting smoke.
Avoid areas with turbulent air flow, such as near doors, fans or windows. Rapid air movement around
the detector may prevent smoke from entering the unit.
Do not locate detectors in areas of high humidity.
Do not locate detectors in areas where the temperature rises above 38oC (100oF) or falls below 5oC
Smoke detectors should always be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code.
Smoke detectors should always be located in accordance with:
Paragraph 2- of NFPA 72:
Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping
area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of the family living unit,
including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. In new construction, a smoke
detector also shall be installed in each sleeping room.
Paragraph 2- of NFPA 72:
Split level arrangement. Smoke detectors are required where shown.
Smoke detectors are optional where a door is not provided between living room and recreation room.
The Smoke Detector is designed to use Eveready Energizer E91 Alkaline Batteries.
Do not use other brands of batteries with the Smoke Detector. Using brands other
than the Eveready Energizer will void UL approval, and may affect the systems operation.
Digital Security Controls Ltd. warrants the original
purchaser that for a period of twelve months from the date
of purchase, the product shall be free of defects in materi-
als and workmanship under normal use. During the warranty
period, Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall, at its option,
repair or replace any defective product upon return of the
product to its factory, at no charge for labour and materials.
Any replacement and/or repaired parts are warranted for
the remainder of the original warranty or ninety (90) days,
whichever is longer. The original purchaser must promptly
notify Digital Security Controls Ltd. in writing that there
is defect in material or workmanship, such written notice
to be received in all events prior to expiration of the
warranty period. There is absolutely no warranty on
software and all software products are sold as a user license
under the terms of the software license agreement included
with the product. The Customer assumes all responsibility
for the proper selection, installation, operation and
maintenance of any products purchased from DSC. Custom
products are only warranted to the extent that they do not
function upon delivery. In such cases, DSC can replace or
credit at its option.
International Warranty
The warranty for international customers is the same as for
any customer within Canada and the United States, with
the exception that Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall not
be responsible for any customs fees, taxes, or VAT that
may be due.
Warranty Procedure
To obtain service under this warranty, please return the
item(s) in question to the point of purchase. All authorized
distributors and dealers have a warranty program. Anyone
returning goods to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first
obtain an authorization number. Digital Security Controls
Ltd. will not accept any shipment whatsoever for which
prior authorization has not been obtained.
Conditions to Void Warranty
This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workman-
ship relating to normal use. It does not cover:
damage incurred in shipping or handling;
damage caused by disaster such as fire, flood, wind, earth-
quake or lightning;
damage due to causes beyond the control of Digital Se-
curity Controls Ltd. such as excessive voltage, mechani-
cal shock or water damage;
damage caused by unauthorized attachment, alterations,
modifications or foreign objects;
damage caused by peripherals (unless such peripherals were
supplied by Digital Security Controls Ltd.);
defects caused by failure to provide a suitable installation
environment for the products;
damage caused by use of the products for purposes other
than those for which it was designed;
damage from improper maintenance;
damage arising out of any other abuse, mishandling or im-
proper application of the products.
Items Not Covered by Warranty
In addition to the items which void the Warranty, the
following items shall not be covered by Warranty: (i) freight
cost to the repair centre; (ii) products which are not
identified with DSC's product label and lot number or serial
number; (iii) products disassembled or repaired in such a
manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent
adequate inspection or testing to verify any warranty claim.
Access cards or tags returned for replacement under
warranty will be credited or replaced at DSC's option.
Products not covered by this warranty, or otherwise out of
warranty due to age, misuse, or damage shall be evaluated,
and a repair estimate shall be provided. No repair work
will be performed until a valid purchase order is received
from the Customer and a Return Merchandise Authorisation
number (RMA) is issued by DSC's Customer Service.
Digital Security Controls Ltd.’s liability for failure to repair
the product under this warranty after a reasonable number of
attempts will be limited to a replacement of the product, as
the exclusive remedy for breach of warranty. Under no cir-
cumstances shall Digital Security Controls Ltd. be liable for
any special, incidental, or consequential damages based upon
breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict li-
ability, or any other legal theory. Such damages include, but
are not limited to, loss of profits, loss of the product or any
associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute or
replacement equipment, facilities or services, down time,
purchasers time, the claims of third parties, including cus-
tomers, and injury to property. The laws of some jurisdictions
limit or do not allow the disclaimer of consequential damages.
If the laws of such a jurisdiction apply to any claim by or
against DSC, the limitations and disclaimers contained here
shall be to the greatest extent permitted by law. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so that the above may not apply to
Disclaimer of Warranties
This warranty contains the entire warranty and shall be in
lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or
implied (including all implied warranties of merchantabil-
ity or fitness for a particular purpose) and of all other obli-
gations or liabilities on the part of Digital Security Con-
trols Ltd. Digital Security Controls Ltd. neither assumes
responsibility for nor authorizes any other person purport-
ing to act on its behalf to modify or to change this war-
ranty, nor to assume for it any other warranty or liability
concerning this product.
This disclaimer of warranties and limited warranty are
governed by the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada.
WARNING: Digital Security Controls Ltd. recommends
that the entire system be completely tested on a regular
basis. However, despite frequent testing, and due to,
but not limited to, criminal tampering or electrical dis-
ruption, it is possible for this product to fail to perform
as expected.
Out of Warranty Repairs
Digital Security Controls Ltd. will at its option repair or re-
place out-of-warranty products which are returned to its fac-
tory according to the following conditions. Anyone returning
goods to Digital Security Controls Ltd. must first obtain an
authorization number. Digital Security Controls Ltd. will not
accept any shipment whatsoever for which prior authorization
has not been obtained.
Products which Digital Security Controls Ltd. determines
to be repairable will be repaired and returned. A set fee
which Digital Security Controls Ltd. has predetermined and
which may be revised from time to time, will be charged
for each unit repaired.
Products which Digital Security Controls Ltd. determines
not to be repairable will be replaced by the nearest equiva-
lent product available at that time. The current market price
of the replacement product will be charged for each re-
placement unit.
©2002 Digital Security Controls Ltd.
Toronto, Canada • www.dsc.com
Technical Support 1-800-387-3630
Printed in Canada 29034573 R001
Direct all comments con-
cerning this publication to
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by
Digital Security Controls Ltd. could void your authority to use this
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used properly, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception.
It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B
device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart “B” of Part 15
of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection
against such interference in any residential installation. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause interference to television or radio recep-
tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
Re-orient the receiving antenna
Relocate the alarm control with respect to the receiver
Move the alarm control away from the receiver
Connect the alarm control into a different outlet so that alarm control
and receiver are on different circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the
following booklet prepared by the FCC helpful: “How to Identify and
Resolve Radio/Television Interference Problems”. This booklet is avail-
able from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
20402, Stock # 004-000-00345-4.
IC: 160A-RF550143
The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies that
Industry Canada technical specifications were met.

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