UAB Teltonika GM12TLTK5 Quadband GSM/GPRS module User Manual

UAB "Teltonika" Quadband GSM/GPRS module

User manual

TM1Q User Manual
Company was established on 15th of
April 1998. Main residence is based
in Vilnius.
ompany started with production of
telecommunication devices.
In 2001 company expanded its fields
of activity by starting design and
manufacturing of electronical
systems for wireless data transfer.
In 2002 contract of partnership and
collaboration was signed with
company Pro-Sign GmbH
(Germany), considering design and
representation of graphic
programming interface iCon-L in
Eastern Europe.
In 2003 Teltonika and NOKIA
became partners and started
integration of NOKIA M2M
technology using NOKIA N12
module. It was the beginning of
wireless technology development
In 2004, NOKIA invited Teltonika to
join presentation of M2M technology
innovations in CeBIT 2004. It was
very high evaluation of a small
Lithuanian company and its
possibilities, which helped to
feel peculiarities of international
In 2004 Teltonika produced more
than 10 new products and solutions
using EDGE technology. It was a
condition that made Teltonika a
leader of M2M integration solutions
using EDGE not only in Lithuania,
but also in Europe.
2005 was the year of two successful
international exhibitions: CEBIT 2005
These shows opened new
possibilities for offering our products
and solutions for all world.
In the year 2005 Teltonika became
an international company. We
became Lithuanian - Finnish
Company. A few employees from
NOKIA joined Teltonika’s staff.
Presently they successfully develop
activity of new companies: Teltonika
International GmbH (Düsseldorf) and
Teltonika International Oy (Helsinki).
About US
Our vision is to provide added value
for people and companies by
creating electronical devices and
solutions, which are based on the
latest achievements of science and
We aim to help people to integrate
the latest technologies in real life,
what would bring more cosiness,
comfort, freedom of mobility and
security to their everyday life.
We seek to make all our solutions
an inconceivable part of people
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
1 Document Mission..................................................................................................................................................3
2 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Scope of Product....................................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Certification Requirements..............................................................................................................................7
4 Product features .....................................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Supplementary services..................................................................................................................................9
4.2 SMS .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3 AT-command support....................................................................................................................................10
5 HW functions ........................................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Audio ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1.1 Circuit description .................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1.2 Handset and headset mode................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.3 Hands free mode ................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.4 Ringer mode .......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.5 Audio codecs ......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.6 Echo canceller and noise reduction....................................................................................................... 14
5.1.7 Digital filters and gains...........................................................................................................................14
5.1.8 I2S interface...........................................................................................................................................14
5.2 Power management......................................................................................................................................17
5.2.1 Battery power supply ............................................................................................................................. 17
5.2.2 Charger interface ...................................................................................................................................18
5.2.3 Real Time Clock supply output .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.4 Power saving ......................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.5 Current consumptions............................................................................................................................22
5.3 Mechanical characteristics............................................................................................................................23
6 Module interfaces ................................................................................................................................................. 24
6.1 Pins overview ................................................................................................................................................24
6.2 Module power on........................................................................................................................................... 30
6.3 Module power off........................................................................................................................................... 33
6.4 Module reset ................................................................................................................................................. 33
6.5 RF antenna interface.....................................................................................................................................34
6.6 SIM interface ................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.6.1 SIM functionality.....................................................................................................................................34
6.7 Asynchronous serial interface (ASC) ............................................................................................................ 36
6.7.1 MUX protocol .........................................................................................................................................37
6.8 Synchronous serial interface (SPI) ............................................................................................................... 38
6.9 I2C bus interface ........................................................................................................................................... 39
6.10 Keypad interface........................................................................................................................................ 40
6.11 ADC input .................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.12 External interrupt input .............................................................................................................................. 42
6.13 CAPCOM inputs/outputs ........................................................................................................................... 42
6.14 GPIO.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
7 Electrical characteristics of pins ........................................................................................................................... 46
7.1 Absolute maximum ratings............................................................................................................................46
7.1.1 Supply/power pins ................................................................................................................................. 46
7.1.2 Digital, audio and ADC pins................................................................................................................... 46
7.2 Operating parameters ................................................................................................................................... 47
7.2.1 Supply/power pins ................................................................................................................................. 47
7.2.2 Digital pins .............................................................................................................................................48
7.2.3 Audio pins .............................................................................................................................................. 52
7.2.4 ADC pins................................................................................................................................................54
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
1 Document Mission
TM1Q User Manual contains all information necessary for a successful integration of the system into the application
of the customer. Additionally, the customer uses the information described in the User Manual to compare different
systems and to finally select the appropriate system for his application. Therefore TM1Q User Manual is an
important customer document. The document contains a description all interfaces present on the data module.
2 Glossary
Acronym Meaning
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
8-PSK Eight-Phase Shift Keying
AC Alternating Current
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AFC Automatic Frequency Correction
ASC Asynchronous Serial Interface Controller
AT AT Command Interpreter Software Subsystem, or attention
BABT British Approvals Board for Telecommunications
CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel
CBS Cell Broadcast Services
CGU Clock Generation Unit
CS Coding Scheme or Chip Select
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CTS Clear To Send
DAI Digital Audio Interface
DC Direct Current
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DCS Digital Cellular System
DL Down Link (Reception)
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTM Dual Transfer Mode
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DTR Data Terminal Ready
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EEPROM Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Acronym Meaning
E-GPRS Enhanced GPRS
EGSM Extended GSM
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
FEM Front End Module
FFS Flash File System
GND Ground
GPIO General Purpose Input Output
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HW Hardware
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
I2S Inter IC Sound
IIR Infinite Impulse Response
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
I/O Input / Output
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Inter Processor Communication
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU International Telecommunication Union
LDO Low-Dropout
LVD Low Voltage Directive
M2M Machine to Machine
MCP Multi-Chip-Package
MCS Modulation Coding Scheme
ME Mobile Equipment
MICTOR Matched Impedance Connector
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Centre
MUX Multiplexer or Multiplexed
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Acronym Meaning
NOM Network Operating Mode
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
PA Power Amplifier
PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel
PCS Personal Communications Service
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PIXIT Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Testing
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PMU Power Management Unit
PPS Protocol and Parameter Selection
PSD Packet Switch Data
PSRAM Pseudo Static Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RI Ring Indicator
ROM Read Only Memory
RTC Real Time Clock
RTS Ready To Send
RX Receiver
R&TTED Radio and Tele Terminal Equipment Directive
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
SCCU Standby Clock Control Unit
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMA SubMiniature version A connector
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
SMS Short Message Service
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SSC Synchronous Serial Interface Controller
SW Software
TCH Traffic Channel
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TS Technical Specification
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Acronym Meaning
TX Transmitter
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
UDI Unrestricted Digital Information
UE User Equipment
UEA UMTS Encryption Algorithm
UL Up Link (Transmission)
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
USB Universal Serial Bus
USIF Universal Serial interfaces
VC-TCXO Voltage Controlled - Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator
WCDMA Wideband CODE Division Multiple Access
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
3 Scope of Product
TM1Q is a small, light weight, ultra low cost and low power consumption SMD module that enables digital
communications services on GSM/GPRS networks for machine to machine or user to user, or user to machine
wireless applications.
3.1 Certification Requirements
TM1Q GSM/GPRS Data Module is certified by CE approval report and Radio & Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment Directive (R&TTED) report.
Hereby, Teltonika declares that this GSM/GPRS Data Module is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The directives that will be followed for this data module are
described below:
3GPP TS 51.010-1 rel.99
Technical Specification Group GSM Radio Access Network and Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification;
EN 301 489-01 V1.4.1
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard
for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements;
EN 301 489-07 V1.2.1
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard
for radio equipment and services; Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment
of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS);
EN 60950
Standard for safety of information technology equipment: to protect against excessive current, short circuits and
earth faults in primary circuits protective devices shall be included either as integral parts of the equipment or as
parts of the building installation;
2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive)
The Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC seeks to ensure that electrical equipment within certain voltage limits
both provides a high level of protection for European citizens and enjoys a Single Market in the European Union.
Requirements for lead-free components are imposed and satisfied.
No natural rubbers, no hygroscopic materials nor materials containing asbestos are employed.
The operative temperature range is from -20 to +85 °C.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in-
stalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
This equipment is intended to be commercialised in all the countries of the European Union and there is no
commercialisation or operational restrictions in any of the countries.
Hereby, Teltonika JSP declares that this GSM module is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Interference statement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Modification statement:
The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not
expressly approved by Baracoda Wireless Technology, may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
CAUTION: This device has been evaluated for and shown compliant with the FCC RF exposure limits under
portable exposure conditions (antennas are within 20 cm of a person's body) when installed in certain specific OEM
configurations. This device has also been evaluated and shown compliant with the FCC RF Exposure limits under
mobile exposure conditions (antennas are greater than 20cm from a person's body).
The final product operating with this transmitter must include operating instructions and antenna installation instructions,
for end-users and installers to satisfy RF exposure compliance requirements.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
4 Product features
The TM1Q GSM/GPRS data module integrates a full-featured Release 99 GSM-GPRS protocol stack, whose main
characteristics are listed in the following. Refer to the PICS/PIXIT documentation for a detailed description of the
stack features.
Quad band support: GSM 850 MHz, EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz and PCS 1900 MHz;
Class 4 (33 dBm) for GSM/EGSM bands;
Class 1 (30 dBm) for DCS/PCS bands;
All GPRS coding schemes from CS1 to CS4 are supported;
Encryption algorithms A5/1 for GSM and GPRS are supported;
CS Data calls are supported in transparent/non transparent mode up to 9.6 kbps;
Bearer service fax Group 3 Class 2.0 is supported.
The GPRS modem is a Class B Mobile Station; this means the data module can be attached to both GPRS and
GSM services, using one service at a time. Network operation modes I to III are supported, with user-definable
preferred service between GSM and EGPRS.
Optionally paging messages for GSM calls can be monitored during GPRS data transfer in not-coordinating network
operation mode NOM II-III.
PBCCH/PCCCH logical channels are supported, as well as CBCH reception. CBCH reception when on PBCCH is
GPRS multislot 10 is implemented, implying a maximum of 4 slots in DL (reception) and 2 slots in UL (transmission)
and 5 slots in total.
4.1 Supplementary services
The following supplementary services are provided:
Call Hold/Resume (CH);
Call Waiting (CW);
Multi-Party (MTPY);
Call Forwarding (CF);
Call Divert;
Explicit Call Transfer (ECT);
Call Barring (CB);
Call Completion to Busy Subscriber (CCBS);
Advice of Charge (AoC);
Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP);
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR);
Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP);
Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR);
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD);
Network Identify and Time Zone (NITZ).
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
4.2 SMS
SMS Classes that are supported by TM1Q Data Module are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Mobile-originated and mobile-terminated
SMS are supported. Others SMS features that are implemented in TM1Q Data Module are reported in the following:
SMS Cell Broadcast (SMS CB);
Concatenated SMS;
Text and PDU mode are supported;
Reception of SMS during circuit-switched calls;
Reception of SMS via GSM or GPRS;
SMS storage customizable and configurable is provided.
4.3 AT-command support
The modem functionalities and services are provided through a rich serial AT-command interface. Standards of AT
commands that are supported on the module are:
3GPP TS 27.007;
3GPP TS 27.005;
Proprietary AT commands.
For more details on the commands list and their syntax refer to AT commands Manual.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5 HW functions
5.1 Audio
5.1.1 Circuit description
The module provides the following audio interface pins:
Two microphone inputs:
o The first microphone input (MIC_BIAS1/MIC_GND1 pins) can be used to directly connect an electret
condenser microphone used in the handset mode or in the hands free mode.
o The second microphone input (MIC_BIAS2/MIC_GND2 pins) can be used to directly connect an
electret condenser microphone used in the headset mode.
Two speaker outputs:
o The first speaker output (EPPA pin) is a single ended low power audio output which can be used to
directly connect a receiver or an earpiece used in the handset mode or in the headset mode.
o The second speaker output (AUOP/AUON pins) is a differential high power audio output which can be
used to directly connect a speaker or a loud speaker used in the ring tones or in the hands free mode.
I2S digital audio interface.
Headset detection input.
The table below shows pins related to the analog audio signals.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
Low power single-
ended analog audio
Used in handset or
in headset mode
High power
differential analog
audio output
Used in ring tones or
in hands free mode
High power
differential analog
audio output
Used in ring tones or
in hands free mode
55 MIC_BIAS2 I Second microphone
analog bias
Single ended supply output
and signal input for
the second microphone.
Used in headset mode
56 MIC_GND2 I Second microphone
analog reference
Local ground
of the second microphone
47 MIC_GND1 I First microphone
analog reference
Local ground
of the first microphone
48 MIC_BIAS1 I First microphone
analog bias
Single ended supply output
and signal input for
the first microphone.
Used in handset or
in hands free mode Analog uplink path (microphones inputs)
The TX (uplink) path of the analog audio front-end on the module consists of two identical microphone circuits. Two
electret condenser microphones can be directly connected to the two microphone inputs available on the the
The main required electrical specifications for the electret condenser microphone are 2.2 kohm as maximum output
impedance at 1 kHz and 2 V maximum standard operating voltage.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
In the transmit section of the chipset audio front-end there is an input multiplexer which selects either one of the two
differential microphone inputs, MIC1 and MIC2. The inputs for the MIC1 microphone are MIC1P and MIC1N, while
the inputs for the MIC2 microphone are MIC2P and MIC2N. These two differential microphone inputs have the
same characteristics: each path is composed by a settable analog gain stage, an analog switching stage, an anti
alias filter stage before the 16 bit ADC converter which provides the audio sample to the sample-based voiceband
processing system. The uplink path of the microphone can be muted.
The microphone supply provided by the chipset (output pin VMIC) is single-ended but the supply voltage refers to
the local microphone ground and hence the noise in the ground plane, generated between analog ground and
microphone, will be rejected. Using this concept the electret microphone is supplied by the single ended supply.
A low pass filter is inserted in the supply structure to reject the supply noise.
Since differential microphone inputs (MIC1P/MIC1N and MIC2P/MIC2N) are internally biased, a 100nF capacitance
is inserted on each microphone input to reject the DC microphone supply bias provided by the VMIC pin.
Detailed electrical characteristics of audio transmit path and microphone supply can be found in the section 7.2.3 of
this document.
This is a detailed description of the pins related to the uplink path (microphones inputs):
MIC_BIAS1 pin provides single ended supply to the first microphone and represents the microphone signal
input used in handset or hands free mode.
MIC_GND1 pin provides the local ground for the first microphone.
MIC_BIAS2 pin provides single ended supply to the second microphone and represents microphone signal
input used in headset mode.
MIC_GND2 pin provides the local ground for the second microphone. Analog downlink path (speaker outputs)
The RX (downlink) path of the analog audio front-end of the module consists of two speaker outputs available pins:
The EPPA pin represents a low power single ended audio output available for handset or headset mode.
This pin is directly connected to the output of the single ended audio amplifier of the chipset.
The AUON/AUOP pins represent a high power differential audio output, available for hands free or ringer
mode. These two pins are directly connected to the output of the high power differential audio amplifier of
the chipset.
Inside the baseband chipset, the analog audio front end of the two downlink audio paths (speaker outputs) are both
connected to the digital voiceband processing system by a 16 bit DAC. Analog amplifying stages with an output
switch matrix ensure connection to different acoustic transducers.
The high power differential audio amplifier can be used as a voice amplifier for the hands-free functionality and as a
melody player amplifier for ringer functionality (see the next sections). The melody player could be the Midi
synthesizer or the tone generator. In order to minimize the clipping of the audio signal, the polarization voltage can
be adapted to the voltage supply (battery voltage).
Warning: excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss.
Detailed electrical characteristics of the low power single-ended audio receive path and the high power differential
audio receive path can be found in the section 7.2.3 of this document.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.1.2 Handset and headset mode
A headset or a handset can be connected directly to the module adapter board to perform a voice call:
Handset mode is the normal voiceband functional mode of the data module, completely handled by the chipset:
Handset microphone is directly connected to input pins MIC_BIAS1/MIC_GND1;
Handset receiver is directly connected output pin EPPA.
The audio path is automatically switched from handset mode to headset mode when a rising edge is detected by
the chipset from the pin 18 (CAP00_EXIN5 line). The audio path returns to the handset mode when the line returns
to low level.
If the module is connected to its adapter board, the CAP00_EXIN5 line will be connected to the headset plug
connector (switch pin) mounted on the adapter board, so a rising edge will be present on this line at the insertion of
a headset plug in the relative connector.
To enable the headset detection feature, the CAP00_EXIN5 pad must be configured by means of software setting.
The pad can also be configured by means of software settings as to external interrupt input or GPIO.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
I Headset detection
I External interrupt
18 CAP00_EXIN5
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
This is the audio path used in headset mode:
Headset microphone is directly connected to input pins MIC_BIAS2/MIC_GND2;
Headset receiver is directly connected to output pin EPPA.
5.1.3 Hands free mode
Hands-free functionality is implemented using appropriate DSP algorithms for voice band handling (echo canceller
and automatic gain control), managed via software. The viva voice operation provides the possibility to realize a
phone call with a loudspeaker and a microphone. This is the audio path used in hands free mode:
Microphone is directly connected to input pins MIC_BIAS1/MIC_GND1;
High power loudspeaker is directly connected to output pins AUOP/AUON.
When the hands free mode is enabled, the audio output signal on the EPPA pin is disabled.
5.1.4 Ringer mode
The data module supports 40 tones polyphonic ring tones. The ringer tones are generated by chipset built-in
generator and then amplified by the internal amplifier before being applied to a loudspeaker through the pins
Polyphonic ring-tones can be generated by an internal MIDI synthesizer, which runs at 16 or 32 kHz sample
frequency and can sum up to 40 voices at 16 kHz sampling rate.
The synthesizer output is only mono and cannot be mixed with TCH voice path (the two are mutually exclusive). To
perform in-band alerting during TCH with voice path open, only Tone Generator can be used.
The output samples of the synthesizer are post processed by two modules:
High Frequency Shelving Filter: This module is implemented as a first order IIR Filter, which is mainly used
for high frequency boost in audio signals. Its transfer function can be controlled by 4 filter coefficients.
Audio Compressor: The audio compressor is a device for manipulating the dynamic range of mono or
stereo audio signals. The audio compressor can be controlled by 14 configuration parameters.
Polyphonic standard format supported.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The MIDI driver can play:
MIDI files conforming to:
o General Midi Level 1.0 with file-format 0 and 1;
o General Midi Lite 1.0.
SP-Midi (Scalable Polyphony MIDI) files conforming to:
o SP-Midi 1.0.
i-Melody files conforming to:
o i-Melody v.1.2 specifications.
5.1.5 Audio codecs
The following speech codecs are supported in firmware on the DSP:
GSM Half Rate (TCH/HS);
GSM Full Rate (TCH/FS);
GSM Enhanced Full Rate (TCH/EFR);
3GPP Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) (TCH/AFS+TCH/AHS).
5.1.6 Echo canceller and noise reduction
For better handling of speech calls and audio functionalities, the product supports algorithms for echo cancellation,
noise suppression and automatic gain control. Algorithms are configurable by parameters editable by AT command.
Parameters can be saved in 2 customer profiles.
5.1.7 Digital filters and gains
In order to match compliance to audio test specification, configurable digital filters, digital gain, analog gain are
available on uplink and downlink audio paths. Also side tone gain (feedback from uplink to downlink path) is
configurable. These audio parameters can be changed by dedicated AT command and saved in 2 customer
5.1.8 I2S interface
The module supports the employment of a bidirectional I2S digital audio interface used to interconnect audio
transmission between the chipset and external audio components. The I2S is a 4-wires (TX transmission, RX
reception, CLK clock, WA word alignment) interface. The module acts as master: CLK and WA signals are outputs
for the module and inputs for the external device.
Since all the I2S interface pins provides alternative functionalities by means of software settings, the I2S interface is
available on the data module only if the SPI interface is disabled. The I2S interface pins can also be configured as
GPIO: with this configuration I2S digital audio interface and SPI interface are both not enabled.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The description of the pins related to the I2S interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
O SPI sync data
O I2S word alignment
33 WA0_DAI
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI chip select
O I2S transmit data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI clock
O I2S clock
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I SPI sync data
I I2S receive data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
The I2S can be configured by means of software settings in two modes:
PCM mode;
DAI mode.
Except the supported transmission modality, the main difference between the PCM mode and the DAI mode is
represented by the logical connection (inside the chipset) to the digital audio processing system integrated in the
In PCM mode the interface is logically connected inside the chipset to the voiceband processing system as
the analog audio front end at the input of the sample-based processing part: this mode provides complete
audio processing possibility;
In DAI mode the interface is logically connected at the end of the sample-based voiceband processing part
as input and output: this mode is used for certification testing of audio and vocoder functions, connecting
the module to a system simulator. PCM mode
In PCM mode the I2S TX and RX connections are parallel to the Analog front end (please refer to the), so resources
available for analog path can be shared:
Digital filters and digital gains are available in both uplink and downlink direction. AT commands for audio
parameter management can be addressed to this path;
Ringer tone and service tone are mixed on the TX path when active(downlink);
The HF algorithm acts on I2S path.
These are the main feature of the I2S interface in PCM mode:
I2S runs in PCM - short alignment mode (configurable by AT command);
I2S on module’s side acts as master (CLK and WA signals are generated by the module);
WA signal always runs at 8 kHz;
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
WA toggles high for 1 or 2 CLK cycles of synchronism (configurable), then toggles low for 16 CLK cycles of
sample width. So frame length can be 1 + 16 = 17 bits or 2 + 16 = 18 bits;
CLK frequency depends on frame length so can be 17 x 8 kHz = 136 kHz or 18 x 8 kHz = 144 kHz;
TX, RX data are 16 bit words with 8 kHz sampling rate, mono. Data are in 2’s complement notation. MSB is
transmitted first;
When WA toggles high, first synchronism bit is always low. Second synchronism bit (present only in case of
2 bit long WA configuration) is MSB of the transmitted word (MSB is transmitted twice in this case);
TX changes on CLK rising edge, RX changes on CLK falling edge. DAI mode
In DAI mode the I2S TX and RX access the path to RF link in an entry point behind the audio processing resources,
and it is used for certification testing of audio and vocoder functions, connecting the module to a system simulator.
The DAI mode is reserved for test mode: type approval compliant to ETSI TS 151 010-1 conformance specification,
chapter 30, Speech Teleservices. The DAI interface is compliant to specification 3GPP TS 44.014 with exception of
voltage levels, so to connect the module to a test-set supporting DAI (for example a R&S UPL16 Audio Analyzer),
an external level adapter is needed.
The data exchanged on the interface are 13-bit linear PCM at 8 k samples per second, which are transferred to and
from the module on two serial lines at 104 kbit/s (13 bit x 8 kHz = 104 kbit/s). The clock line, controlled by the
module, clocks the data. The reset line (WA), controlled by the system simulator, resets the speech transcoder, the
speech A/D and D/A functions and starts data transmission.
Four test modalities are supported in DAI mode:
Normal Mode: This is the normal operational mode (DAI is off). During a voice call the samples computed
by uplink path are written to speech encoder. The samples are copied out of the speech decoder the
downlink path. No sample is written or read form the DAI.
Vocoder Test: DAI is connected to the vocoder. The audio scheduler reads the sample from the DAI-Rx
register and transfers it to the speech encoder. It reads samples from the speech decoder and writes the
sample to the DAI-Tx register. The microphone signal is looped back to the loudspeaker (near end speaker
will hear a loop).
Acoustic Test: DAI is connected to the audio front end (microphone and speaker).The audio scheduler
reads the sample from the DAI-Rx register and transfers it to downlink path (speaker). It reads a voice
sample from the uplink path (mic) and writes the sample to the DAI-Tx register. The speech decoder output
is looped back to the encoder input (far end speaker will hear a loop).
Voiceband Test: The output of the speech decoder is copied into the input of the speech encoder so the
downlink signal is looped back to the uplink (far end speaker will hear a loop). The microphone signal is
looped back to the loudspeaker (near end speaker will also hear a loop). No sample is written or read form
the DAI.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.2 Power management
5.2.1 Battery power supply
The module has to be supplied by a Li-Ion battery or another power supply able to provide a stable voltage level
due to the bursty current consumption profile of the GSM system.
The module support Li-Ion rechargeable battery type, with a 500mAh minimum capacity and 650mAh typical value.
Other type of batteries can be supported in TM1Q with dedicated SW.
Do not connect any power supply at the supply pins if the module is supplied with a battery.
The external supply (or the battery) has to be connected to the following pins of the module:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
VBAT I Battery Voltage
Supply Input
VBAT pins are internally shorted
between them.
GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
The operating range of VBAT must be between 3.5 V and 4.2 V, with a typical value of 3.8 V. The peak current
value needed by the module could be up to 2.5 A during a GSM burst transmission.
Description Min Typ Max
Supply voltage (VBAT) operating range
3.5 V
3.8 V
4.2 V
VBAT voltage is directly connected to the BaseBand integrated power management unit: all supply voltages needed
are generated on-chip with integrated linear voltage regulators. The input of these linear voltage regulators is the
battery voltage. The external memory and SIM card supply is provided by the on-chip voltage regulators.
The integrated power management also provides the control state machine for system start up, including start up
with discharged batteries, pre-charging and system reset control.
VBAT voltage is directly connected also to the RF Power Amplifier.
BaseBand voltage regulators can be set by software in different ways. BaseBand part programs them at startup and
every time changes are necessary.
Two hot spots can be considered: the RF Power Amplifier, and the BaseBand. The heat dissipation is based on the
thermal resistance reduction around these two components by using a large number of vias in those regions.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.2.2 Charger interface
For the battery charging functionalities the module is provided with an integrated circuitry and software. To connect
the positive pole of the battery charger supply are available 3 pins reported below.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
4 VCHARGE I Charger Voltage
Supply Input
CHARGE_V_SENSE pins must
be externally shorted between
5 VCHARGE I Charger Voltage
Supply Input
CHARGE_V_SENSE pins must
be externally shorted between
64 CHARGE_V_SENSE I Charger Voltage
Measurement Input
CHARGE_V_SENSE pins must
be externally shorted between
The VCHARGE pins (# 4, 5) represents the charger supply input. The CHARGE_V_SENSE pin (# 64) is connected
to an ADC converter of the chipset to measure the charging voltage. These two pins must be externally shorted.
The negative pole of the charger must be connected to the GND pins.
Do not connect any battery charger at the VCHARGE pins if is not connected any battery to the VBAT pins: if a
battery is not used or the battery charging is not activated the VCHARGE pins must be left unconnected.
In order to not damage the module and the battery is recommended the use of chargers that are compliant with the
characteristics listed in this user manual.
The main features of the battery charger system implemented on TM1Q data module are listed in the following:
Charger voltage range goes from 5 to 15 Volts while the charger current must be limited to 500 mA at any
load condition;
The supported battery voltage range goes from 3.1 V to 4.47 V;
The charger circuitry generates the power on after battery connection or charger connection;
The charging is optimized for current adjusted in the AC-DC wall adapter charger;
Charger detection supported;
Battery over-voltage detection, battery voltage monitoring;
Protection against over-voltage integrated on the data module;
Pre-charging (e.g. for deep discharged batteries);
Software controlled charging supported.
In an electronic (switched) charger, the charge current is usually constant and defined by the electronics control in
the charger. The shortest charge times can be reached with constant current charger.
The charger circuit can handle the normal AC supply frequency range from 50 to 60 Hz (dedicated SW must be
implemented in the module).
The battery over-voltage detection is implemented for emergency switching off charging if e.g. the batteries are
removed during charging or battery protection. The over-voltage level can be set by a register bit to 4.47 V.
The battery voltage monitoring function is implemented for system start up and shut down. It delivers the input
signals for the PMU state machine. The shut down feature is implemented as an emergency shut down. A
controlled shut down should be done by software after measuring the battery voltage using the measurement unit.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
In the following figure is reported the block diagram related to the charger interface circuit.
Figure 5-2-1: Charger interface circuit description
The power on reset is released if the battery voltage exceeds typical 2.5 V (2.25 V...2.85 V).
The power on reset starts the LRTC regulator. The system is started by the PMU state machine.
If the batteries are deeply discharged (that means battery voltage is between 0 V and 3.1 V) and the device is off (or
software has not disabled pre-charging) the charger circuits starts pre-charging beginning when an AC-DC wall
adapter is connected to the module. In pre-charging the charge switch is pulsed with 100 Hz and a duty cycle of
12.5%. That means the average charge current is reduced to avoid overheating of the charger parts and to gentle
charge the deeply discharged batteries. Pre-charging is hardware controlled and continued as long as the software
switches off precharging.
If software is running, it can switch off the pre-charging function. That means the hardware will not start any
charging after an AC-DC wall adapter was connected. The software is always informed when charger is connected
& disconnected, so the charge switch (main controller of the charging process) can be controlled by software
according to the software charge algorithm.
The duty cycle of the charge current never reach 100% so when the software closes the charge switch (transistor
T1 is conducting) it is not closed for 100% of the time but still pulsed with a 100 Hz clock and its on-time is >99% of
a period. The remaining off time is used to check if the AC-DC wall adapter is still connected since detection is
critical when charging switch is closed.
The integrated charging circuit doesn’t have any voltage or current limitation, therefore the charger must be chosen
very carefully: see the below charger specification section.
During the fast charging, that follows the precharging phase, the battery is charged with constant current I which
has to be limited by the charger appropriate selection. This current is monitored by the software with the aid of the
series resistor R102=0.15 Ohm and by the measuring of the CHARGE_SENSE voltage and the battery voltage. If
the charging current I exceeds the limit of 500 mA the charging is stopped to prevent circuit and battery damages.
When the battery voltage reaches the nominal maximum voltage, the charging enters in the constant voltage phase
where the average charging current decreases until the battery in completely charged.
The charging is enabled only if the module temperature is between the range 0°C to 40°C in order to satisfy the
battery specification. In order to enhance the battery temperature estimation, optionally the module can use an
external NTC temperature sensor in close thermal contact to the battery surface. The NTC has to be connected
using the appropriate pin.
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
GSM Chipset
TM1Q User Manual v1.2 Charger specification
The maximum limit of voltage and current supported by the pin VCHARGE on the module are reported as follows:
Vin max: 15 V;
Iin max: 500 mA.
The charger is detected through the signal CDT when inserted, the minimum threshold at the VCHARGE pin is
4.8V. The suggested characteristics of the charger are listed below:
Vout min @ 0A: 5V;
Vout max @ 0A: 15V;
Iout max: 500mA @ 5V.
The user must use current limited charger. An electronic (switched) charger where the charge current is usually
constant and defined by the electronics control in the charger is usually a good choice.
The charger required characteristics are reported in the following graph.
The limit of 500mA is relative to a battery with minimum 650 mAh of capacitance. The battery can have greater
capacitance but for lower capacitance user has to reduce the charger current.
Selection of very small charge batteries (< 400 mA) is not suggested unless a proper change (customization) in
TELTONIKA SW allow to use it.
5.2.3 Real Time Clock supply output
The module provides pin 23 (VRTC) the Real Time Clock supply which is generated by the LRTC linear regulator of
the power management unit integrated in the chipset.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
23 VRTC O Real Time Clock
Supply Output
VRTC = 2.0 V (typical) is enabled
if the battery voltage is inside
the valid operating range.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.2.4 Power saving
Power saving is a special function that allows the reducing of power consumption during the idle time. If the clock
increases, required power increases too. Therefore a solution for minimizing the power is the reducing of the master
clock frequency when there aren’t activities. In this period the system doesn’t work with a clock of 26 MHz (“fast
clock”) but with a clock of 32 kHz (RTC clock or slow clock”). This switching between 26 MHz and 32 kHz clock is
performed by SCCU (Standby Clock Control Unit) integrated in the baseband chipset.
When the module is registered or attached to a network and a voice or data call is not enabled, it has to monitor
periodically the paging channel of the current base station (paging block reception), as every mobile station,
according to the GSM system specifications and requirements. In between, the module switches over to a power
saving mode, discontinuous reception (DRX).
The module processor core is activated during the paging block reception, so the module switches automatically its
master clock frequency from the 32 kHz used in the power saving mode to the 26 MHz used in the active mode.
The time period from two paging block receptions is defined by the network. If the module is registered to a network,
the time interval between two paging block receptions can be set from 470.76 ms up to 2118.42 ms.
Main priorities of power saving are the following:
1. Reduce base (min) current consumption;
2. Minimize full-speed running periods, minimize power saving on/off switching;
3. Reduce max current consumption.
These points are reported in the following figure:
Figure 5-2-2: Module current consumption profile in GSM idle (DRX-5) with power saving priorities highlighted
More details related to the power saving and the serial port are described in the document [I.2].
This functionality can be disabled by the user through an AT command (more details on the document [I.1]).
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.2.5 Current consumptions
Current consumptions of the module are reported in the following table:
Status Current Consumption
Power Off Mode < 90 µA
2G (GSM) Idle Mode @ DRX = 2 < 1.6 mA
2G (GSM) Talk Mode @ 850 / 900 MHz, PCL = 5 (P = 33dBm) < 300 mA
2G (GSM) Talk Mode @ 1800 / 1900 MHz, PCL = 0 (P = 30dBm) < 250 mA
2.5G (GPRS) attach mode @ DRX = 2 < 1.6 mA
2.5G (GPRS 4+1) TBF mode @ 850 / 900 MHz, PCL = 5 (P = 33dBm) < 450 mA
2.5G (GPRS 4+1) TBF mode @ 1800 / 1900 MHz, PCL = 0 (P = 30dBm) < 450 mA
Note: The current consumption of the module depends on network condition in all the listed modes except the
power off mode and the airplane mode. The listed current consumption values are referred to the average current
consumption of the whole module, with the module supplied by a 3.8V voltage rail.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
5.3 Mechanical characteristics
The mechanical dimensions of the data module with shields mounted are: 32.75 mm x 20.8 mm x 2.87 mm.
Figure 5-3.1: TM1Q module
The weight is less than 5 g.
No natural rubbers, no hygroscopic materials nor materials containing asbestos are employed.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6 Module interfaces
6.1 Pins overview
The TM1Q is equipped with 64 SMD pads to connect the module to the external application: the module can be
soldered to customer PCB.
Figure 6-1: Module SMD pins
The following interfaces or functionalities are provided on the 64 SMD pins:
Battery power supply input – see the section 5.2.1 of this document;
Charger interface input – see the section 5.2.2 of this document;
Power-on and Reset inputs – see the sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 of this document;
RF antenna interface – see the section 6.5 of this document;
SIM interface – see the section 6.6 of this document;
Asynchronous serial interface (ASC) – see the section 6.7 of this document;
Synchronous serial interface (SPI) – see the section 6.8 of this document;
I2C bus serial interface – see the section 6.9 of this document;
6x4 keypad interface – see the section 6.10 of this document;;
Two microphone inputs – see the section 5.1 of this document;
Two speaker outputs – see the section 5.1 of this document;
I2S digital audio interface – see the section 5.1.8 of this document;
ADC converter input – see the section 6.11 of this document;
External interrupt detection input – see the section 6.12 of this document;
Two Capture/Compare inputs/outputs – see the section 6.13 of this document;
Up to 24 GPIO inputs/outputs – see the section 6.14 of this document;
Real Time Clock supply output – see the section 5.2.3 of this document;
PIN 54
PIN 22
PIN 33
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The description of all the SMD pins is reported in the following table.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
1 VBAT I Battery Voltage
Supply Input
VBAT pins are internally shorted
between them.
2 VBAT I Battery Voltage
Supply Input
VBAT pins are internally shorted
between them.
3 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
4 VCHARGE I Charger Voltage
Supply Input
CHARGE_V_SENSE pins must
be externally shorted between
5 VCHARGE I Charger Voltage
Supply Input
CHARGE_V_SENSE pins must
be externally shorted between
6 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
7 KEYOUT0 O Keypad Output 0
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
8 KEYOUT1 O Keypad Output 1
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
9 KEYOUT2 O Keypad Output 2
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
10 KEYOUT3 O Keypad Output 3
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
11 KEYOUT4 O Keypad Output 4
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
12 KEYOUT5 O Keypad Output 5
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
13 KEYIN0 I Keypad Input 0
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
14 KEYIN1 I Keypad Input 1
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I Keypad Input 2
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I Keypad Input 3
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
17 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
I Headset detection
I External interrupt
18 CAP00_EXIN5
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
19 PWR_ON I Power-on input
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class A.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I SPI Interrupt Input
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
22 EXTRSTn I External reset input
External reset signal
voltage domain.
23 VRTC O Real Time Clock
Supply Output
VRTC = 2.0 V (typical) is
enabled if the battery voltage
is inside the valid operating
O ASC data set ready
(DSR in V.24 spec.)
24 DSR
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class B slow.
PU/PD class A.
Value at reset: T/PU.
O ASC ring indicator
(RI in V.24 spec.)
25 RI
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
ASC data carrier
(DCD in V.24 spec)
26 DCD
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
ASC data terminal
(DTR in V.24 spec.)
27 DTR
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class B.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I ASC clear to send
(RTS in V.24 spec.)
28 CTS
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
O ASC ready to send
(CTS in V.24 spec)
29 RTS
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T/PU.
30 RXD I ASC received data
(TX in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
31 TXD O
ASC transmitted
(RX in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
32 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
O SPI sync data
O I2S word alignment
33 WA0_DAI
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI chip select
O I2S transmit data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI clock
O I2S clock
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I SPI sync data
I I2S receive data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
O I2C bus clock line
I2C interface
voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
I/O I2C bus data line
I2C interface
voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
39 SIM_CLK O SIM clock
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: L.
40 SIM_IO I/O SIM data
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: OD/L.
41 SIM_RST O SIM reset
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: L.
42 SIM_VCC O SIM supply output
VSIM = 1.80 V typical
if SIM card = 1.8V type
VSIM = 2.85 V typical
if SIM card = 3.0V type
43 ADC1 I Analog-to-Digital
Converter input
Resolution: 12 bits
Voltage span: 0V-1.92V
44 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
High power
differential analog
audio output
Used in ring tones or
in hands free mode
High power
differential analog
audio output
Used in ring tones or
in hands free mode
47 MIC_GND1 I First microphone
analog reference
Local ground
of the first microphone
48 MIC_BIAS1 I First microphone
analog bias
Single ended supply output
and signal input for
the first microphone.
Used in handset or
in hands free mode
49 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
50 ANT I/O RF antenna 50Ω nominal impedance
51 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally shorted
between them.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
52 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
53 VBAT I Battery Voltage
Supply Input
VBAT pins are internally
shorted between them.
54 VBAT I Battery Voltage
Supply Input
VBAT pins are internally
shorted between them.
55 MIC_BIAS2 I Second microphone
analog bias
Single ended supply output
and signal input for
the second microphone.
Used in headset mode
56 MIC_GND2 I Second microphone
analog reference
Local ground
of the second microphone
Low power single-
ended analog audio
Used in handset or
in headset mode
58 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
59 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
60 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
61 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
62 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
63 GND NA Ground GND pins are internally
shorted between them.
64 CHARGE_V_SENSE I Charger Voltage
Measurement Input
must be externally shorted
between them.
Several pins are able to provide more then one function: up to three functionalities can be available on the same pin
by means of software setting. In the column “Function” of the previous table is the reported the description of the
available functionalities on the relative pin and in the column “TM1Q I/O” of the previous table is reported the signal
direction from the module point of view of the relative pin functionality.
In the column Remarks” of the previous table are reported some additional information regarding the type of the
pin, the voltage domain, the output driver class, the pull-up and pull-down class, the value at reset.
The pins can be classified in different types, with different characteristics and voltage domains:
Supply/power pins:
o Battery supply input
o Charger input
o SIM supply output
o Real Time Clock supply output
Digital pins:
o Generic digital interfaces
o I2C interface
o SIM interface
o EXTRSTn signal
Audio pins:
o Microphones bias and reference input
o Low power single-ended analog audio output
o High power differential analog audio output
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
ADC pin
RF antenna pin
Each digital pin has different electrical characteristics as output driver, so there is this classification:
output driver class B slow
output driver class B
output driver class C
output driver class D
output driver class E
output driver class F
Each digital pin has different pull-up and pull-down characteristics, so there is this classification:
pull-up / pull-down class A
pull-up / pull-down class B
pull-up / pull-down class C
The detailed description of the electrical characteristics of all the different pin types can be found in the section 7 of
this document.
During the power-on and power-off sequence or whenever no proper operation of the outputs can be guaranteed,
the digital pins of the module are set to tristate, or are in a proper reset configuration if the module is in the reset
state (see the sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 of this document).
Each digital pin has different value during the reset state of the module, briefly summarized in the column
“Remarks” of the previous table with the following acronyms:
T = Tristate (output driver disabled)
PU = Pull Up
PD = Pull Down
OD = Open Drain
L = Low level
H = High level
If the module is soldered on a customized board, special care must be taken on the layout design of the board for
the pads extension, which should be extended on outer side to increase solder paste volume and allow soldering on
board plated edge.
Note: If a pin is not used, it can be left unconnected: it will be configured by software to a fixed logic level to
minimize the power consumption.
6.2 Module power on
The power on sequence of the module is initiated in one of four ways:
Connection of a battery with a valid voltage
Falling edge on the pin 19 (PWR_ON signal)
RTC alarm
Connection of a charger with a valid voltage
When a battery supply is connected to the VBAT pins a battery supervision circuit controls the subsequent
activation of the power up state machines: the module is switched-on if the battery is connected for the first time and
the voltage rises up to the valid limit of operation (VBAT > 3.16 V). This is done to allow the battery management
software to detect when the battery has been exchanged or re-inserted. This information is used to reset timers
used for battery capacity estimation in some estimation concepts, since these are no longer valid if a new battery is
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The module can be switched-on using the pin 19 (PWR_ON signal). The voltage on this pin is pulled to the high
level on the module. The power-on sequence starts when a falling edge occurs on the PWR_ON signal. This pin is
connected with the ON push button: when the button is pressed, the signal is shorted to ground. Since the
BaseBand needs a rising edge on the SWITCH_ON input pin to switch on, a PNP transistor is inserted between the
PWR_ON signal and the SWITCH_ON pin to provide the correct voltage level.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
19 PWR_ON I Power-on input
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class A.
Value at reset: T/PD.
The PWR_ON signal is also connected to the RSTOUT_N pin of the BaseBand which is used to sense the state of
the power-on push button.
In the following figure is reported the power-on circuit of the module:
Figure 6-2-1: Power on circuit
The module can be switched-on by the RTC alarm, when Real Time Clock system reaches a pre-defined scheduled
time. The RTC system will then initiate the boot sequence by indicating to the power management unit to turn on
power. Also included in this setup is an interrupt signal from the RTC block to indicate to the baseband processor,
that a RTC event has occurred.
The module can be switched-on by a charger: if the power management unit detects that a charger is connected to
the module, it turns on power and the module is switched on in a charge only mode.
In order to avoid an excessive drop on the battery voltage caused by in-rush current during system power-on,
possibly leading to system instability and “hick-ups”, a staggered turn-on approach for the regulators is
implemented. The regulators are turned on in a well defined sequence, thus spreading the in-rush current transients
over time.
If a valid battery voltage is connected to VBAT pins, before the detection of a start-up event, most input-output pads
of the baseband chipset are locked in tristate. The power down tristate function isolates the outputs of the module
from its environment, whenever no proper operation of the outputs can be guaranteed. As shown in the power-on
sequence figure, the tristate function is controlled by the baseband signals RESET_BB_N and PM_INT: the pads
are locked in tristate during the first power-on sequence phases. The tristate function ensures that the chip is
isolated from the board but, depending on the pull-up or pull-down controls, it may not result necessarily in a Hi-Z
Then, during the power-on sequence, the baseband core is held in reset state before enabling the input-output
pads, to avoid uncontrollable output signals during power-on. Inside baseband chipset the reset logic is part of the
RTC supply domain which is always powered up. This allows to power up the baseband core regulator and waits for
the core to reach reset state before powering up the I/O supply regulators.
push button
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
push button
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
GSM Chipset
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The reset state of all the module input-output pads is reported in the pins description table (in the column
“Remarks”) reported in the section 6.1 of this document.
The complete power-on sequence of the module is shown in the following figure:
Figure 6-2-2: Power on sequence
The following table shows the complete details of the power up timing including the delays between each step.
Sequence Function
Typical time
for activation of
next sequence step
Cumulative typical time
from EGV start-up
event detection
0 Battery Insertion
1 EGV start-up event detection 20.48 ms 0.00 ms
2 Bandgap circuit activated 1.28 ms 20.48 ms
3 LRFXO activated 0.16 ms 21.76 ms
4 LD1 activated 0.64 ms 21.92 ms
5 LMEM activated 0.16 ms 22.56 ms
6 LIO activated 1.28 ms 22.72 ms
7 PM_INT low 20.48 ms 24.00 ms
8 RESET_BB_N released 44.48 ms
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.3 Module power off
The module can be switched-off by the user through the AT command AT+CPWROFF. This is the only way to
switch off the module. An undervoltage shutdown can be forced by the controller if the battery voltage goes out of
the valid limit of operation.
After a turn-off event has been triggered the signal PM_INT is set high and after one clock cycle RESET_BB_N is
set low. This forces the digital pins to tristate mode. After one further counter cycle all power supplies except LRTC
are turned off.
The complete power-off sequence of the module is shown in the following figure:
Figure 6-3-1: Power off sequence
6.4 Module reset
To reset the module the pin 22 (EXTRSTn) must be used: this pin performs an external reset, also called hardware
reset. Driving the EXTRSTn pin low causes an asynchronous reset of the entire device except for the Real Time
Clock block (RTC). The device then enters its power-on reset sequence.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
22 EXTRSTn I External reset input
External reset signal
voltage domain.
If the module is connected to its adapter board and then to its mother board, the EXTRSTn will be connected to the
reset push button mounted on the mother board: when the button is pressed, the signal is shorted to ground and the
module reset is performed.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.5 RF antenna interface
The SMD pad 50 (ANT signal) has an impedance of 50 and provides the RF antenna interface. The two pads
close to the ANT pin (pads 49 and 51) are ground pads and must be used to provide the connection of the RF
antenna to the grounding plane.
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
50 ANT I/O RF antenna 50Ω nominal impedance
If the module is soldered on its adapter board, a connection to an SMA connector mounted on the adapter board is
provided to directly connect an antenna with an SMA connector.
If the module is soldered on a customized board, special care must be taken on the layout design for the RF
antenna pad which needs to be designed for 50 Ω impedance.
6.6 SIM interface
A SIM card interface is provided on the pins of the module: the high-speed SIM/ME interface is implemented as well
as the automatic detection of the required SIM supporting voltage.
Both 1.8 V and 3 V SIM type will be supported (1.8 V and 3 V ME); activation and deactivation with automatic
voltage switch from 1.8 V to 3 V are implemented, according to ISO-IEC 78-16-e Specifications. The SIM driver
supports the PPS (Protocol and Parameter Selection) procedure for baud-rate selection, according to the values
proposed by the SIM Card. Clock stop is supported at both high and low level.
The description of the pins related to the SIM interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
39 SIM_CLK O SIM clock
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: L.
40 SIM_IO I/O SIM data
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: OD/L.
41 SIM_RST O SIM reset
SIM interface
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: L.
42 SIM_VCC O SIM supply output
VSIM = 1.80 V typical
if SIM card = 1.8V type
VSIM = 2.85 V typical
if SIM card = 3.0V type
6.6.1 SIM functionality
Among SIM functionalities, the following services of the SIM are supported:
Abbreviated Dialing Numbers (ADN);
Fixed Dialing Numbers (FDN);
Last Dialed Numbers (LDN);
Service Dialing Numbers (SDN);
ME Personalization (SIM Lock).
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
ME Personalization handling is a mechanism to tie the ME operation to one specific SIM card or to a limited range
of SIM cards from a given Network Operator or Service Provider. The ME will only accept the SIM if there is a
positive match between the personalization code group(s) stored in the ME and the code group(s) belonging to the
inserted SIM.
The SIM Lock feature supported by TM1Q module enables ME personalization through the following personalization
Network lock;
Network subset lock;
Service provider lock;
Corporate lock;
Operator lock.
SIM Toolkit R99 is supported.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.7 Asynchronous serial interface (ASC)
The asynchronous serial interface (ASC) relies on the Asynchronous Serial Controller hardware block provided by
the baseband core.
ASC features are:
Complete 9-pin serial port in compliance with the ITU V.24 specifications [E.1] (i.e. a complete RS-232 low
voltage interface with hardware flow control is available);
The maximum data rate is 921600 bps for software download;
Intermediate data rates can be 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 bps with
No/Even/Odd parity, 7 or 8 bit frame length;
Power saving CTS indication available at the interface (see [I.2]).
Software services available at ASC:
AT interface in compliance with GSM 27.007 [E.2]: the default speed for the AT interface is 115200 bps, the
maximum speed is 230400 bps (see [I.1]);
MUX protocol available in compliance with GMS 27.010 [E.3];
TELTONIKA_M2M software can be configured to access this port for customer specific usage.
The serial port is limited to 921600 bps due to the FTDI level translator (serial to USB converter) of the
A more detailed description regarding software services and serial port behavior of the module is provided by the
Teltonika document [I.2].
This is the ITU V.24 signals naming convention [E.1]: the module is a Data Communication Equipment (DCE),
which is a modem; the external host processor or the PC is the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).
ITU V.24 conventional directions are in the previous figure like circuits numbers; please note that the hardware
names of the module pins do not necessary reveal the ITU V.24 functionality.
To download the code, only the two data lines (TXD and RXD) can be used. The other lines (CTS, RTS, DSR, RI,
DCD and DTR) can be configured as GPIO.
DCE / Modem
TX (103)
RX (104)
RTS (105)
CTS (106)
DTR (108/2)
DSR (107)
DCD (109)
RI (126)
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
The description of the pins related to ASC interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
24 DSR I/O
ASC data set ready
(DSR in V.24 spec.)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class B slow.
PU/PD class A.
Value at reset: T/PU.
25 RI I/O
ASC ring indicator
(RI in V.24 spec.)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
26 DCD I/O
ASC data carrier
(DCD in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class B.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
27 DTR I/O
ASC data terminal
(DTR in V.24 spec.)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
28 CTS I/O
ASC clear to send
(RTS in V.24 spec.)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T/PU.
29 RTS I/O
ASC ready to send
(CTS in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
30 RXD I ASC received data
(TX in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
31 TXD O
ASC transmitted
(RX in V.24 spec)
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
6.7.1 MUX protocol
The module has a software layer with MUX functionality, GSM 27.010 multiplexer protocol.It is a data link protocol
(layer 2 of OSI model) which uses HDLC-like framing and operates between the module (DCE) and the application
processor (DTE). It allows a number of simultaneous sessions over the physical link, the UART. Each session
consists of a stream of bytes transferring various kinds of data like SMS, CBS, GPRS, AT commands in general.
This permits, for example, SMS to be transferred to the DTE when a data connection is in progress.
The MUX is implemented in the basic option.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.8 Synchronous serial interface (SPI)
The module provides on the pins a synchronous SPI-compatible serial interface implemented with the synchronous
serial controller hardware block of the baseband. The SPI is a master-slave protocol: the module runs as an SPI
master device.
The SPI interface includes basically these signals to transmit and receive data and to synchronize them:
MOSI (master output, slave input) signal which is an output for the module while it runs as SPI master;
MISO (master input, slave output) signal which is an input for the module while it runs as SPI master;
Clock signal which is an output for the module while it runs as SPI master;
Optional chip select signal which is an output for the module while it runs as SPI master.
Since all the SPI interface pins provides alternative functionalities by means of software settings, the SPI interface is
available on the data module only if the I2S digital audio interface is disabled.
Through a specific software configuration, it is possible to configure the SPI interface as a complete 9-wire second
asynchronous serial port which can be used for tracing purposes. To implement this second serial port an external
SPI/RS-232 converter is needed (the converter is already present on the module mother board), as well as an
external interrupt input (the pin 20, which is the CAP05_GPIO signal).
If a customer application is implemented on the data module and TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package is
integrated on the data module then the functionality of the pins dedicated to SPI interface can be changed: in this
case these pins can be assigned to GPIO interface; with this configuration I2S digital audio interface and SPI
interface are not enabled.
The description of the pins related to SPI interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
I SPI Interrupt Input
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
O SPI sync data
O I2S word alignment
33 WA0_DAI
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI chip select
O I2S transmit data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI clock
O I2S clock
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I SPI sync data
I I2S receive data
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.9 I2C bus interface
The module provides pins of I2C bus interface, which includes serial data line and clock line. The slave mode
operation of the baseband I2C hardware block is not supported, so the module acts as master only. The I2C bus
interface is available to the user only if TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package is integrated on the data module.
As required by the I2C bus specifications, the module pads of the I2C bus interface are open drain output and pull
up resistors must be used. Since the pull-up resistors are not mounted on the module, they have to be mounted
externally. The value of the resistors has to match the I2C bus specifications. If only one device is connected to the
I2C bus, the suggested value for pull up resistors is 4.7 kOhm. If the pins are not used as I2C bus interface, they
can be left unconnected.
All the I2C interface pins can be configured as GPIO by means of software setting.
The description of the pins related to I2C bus interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
O I2C bus clock line
I2C interface
voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
I/O I2C bus data line
I2C interface
voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.10 Keypad interface
The data module provides pins, a keypad interface which can be used for scanning keypads up to 6 rows and 4
columns. The module pads used as columns are programmed to input with internal pull-up activated when used for
the keypad functionality.
All the keypad interface pins except KEYIN2 (pin 15) can be configured as GPIO by software setting.
The description of the pins related to keypad interface is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
7 KEYOUT0 O Keypad Output 0
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
8 KEYOUT1 O Keypad Output 1
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
9 KEYOUT2 O Keypad Output 2
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
10 KEYOUT3 O Keypad Output 3
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
11 KEYOUT4 O Keypad Output 4
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
12 KEYOUT5 O Keypad Output 5
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
13 KEYIN0 I Keypad Input 0
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
14 KEYIN1 I Keypad Input 1
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
15 KEYIN2 I Keypad Input 2
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
16 KEYIN3 I Keypad Input 3
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.11 ADC input
One Analog to Digital Converter input is available on the pin 43 (ADC1) and can be configured via proprietary AT
commands. The resolution of this converter is 12-bit with a single ended input range of 0-1.92V.
The electrical behavior of the measurement circuit in voltage mode can be modeled by the equivalent network
according to the following figure, containing a resistor (Req), a voltage source (Ueq), an analog preamplifier with
typical gain G=0.5, a digital amplifier with typical gain gADC=2048 LSB/V.
Figure 6-11-1: Equivalent network for ADC single-ended measurement
The ADC software driver takes care of the parameter described in the equivalent network (Req, Ueq, G, gADC), but the
voltage measurement result is supposed on an ideal voltage source signal (Usig) with series resistance Rsig=0. If the
series resistance is not so different from the Req value, the ADC must be recalibrated to correctly evaluate Usig.
A detailed description of the electrical characteristics of the ADC input (with Req, Ueq values) is reported in the
section 7.2.4 of this document.
The description of the pin related to ADC input is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
43 ADC1 I Analog-to-Digital
Converter input
Resolution: 12 bits
Voltage span: 0V-1.92V
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
Infineon PMB 7880
GSM Chipset
GSM Chipset
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.12 External interrupt input
The data module provides a pin connected to the baseband Interrupt Control Unit: the CAP00_EXIN5 line (pin 18)
can be configured to support external interrupt detection and can be also configured to support the headset
detection functionality. In this second case the audio path is automatically switched from handset mode to headset
mode when a rising edge is detected on this line (see the section 5.1.2 of this document for a detailed description).
In case a customer application is implemented on the data module and TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package is
present, the CAP00_EXIN5 pin can be used as interrupt detection. When the TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package
is not present, this pin can be used as generic GPIO.
The description of the pin related to external interrupt is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
I Headset detection
I External interrupt
18 CAP00_EXIN5
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
6.13 CAPCOM inputs/outputs
The module provides two pins connected to the Capture Compare Timer Unit integrated in the baseband chipset.
Each CAPCOM channel can capture the contents of a timer on specific internal or external events, or can compare
a timer’s content with given values and modify output signals in case of a match. With this mechanism a CAPCOM
block supports generation and control of timing sequences and allows performing very flexible pulse width
modulation (PWM) signals.
A CAPCOM block can generate up to 10 interrupts which can be coupled to the events in the individual channels or
used as simple interrupts on pin signals or as simple SW controlled timer interrupts.
The CAPCOM unit consist of two 16-bit timer which can be used either for capture or compare purposes.
In case a customer application is implemented on the data module and TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package is
present, the CAP05_GPIO and CAP19_GPIO pins can be used as CAPCOM functionality. When
TELTONIKA_M2M Software Package is not present, these pins can be used as generic GPIOs. The CAP05_GPIO
pin is also used as SPI Interrupt Input.
The description of the pins related to CAPCOM I/O is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
I SPI Interrupt Input
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I/O Capture/Compare
I SPI Interrupt Input
Generic digital interfaces
voltage domain.
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
6.14 GPIO
The data module provides up to 24 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) which can be configured via proprietary
AT commands. Since most baseband digital pads may be configured to be used as GPIO or can be connected to
one of the several internal hardware blocks of the baseband chipset, the effective number of available GPIO is
dependent on the number of digital interfaces enabled by the user. So the effective number of GPIO is basically
software dependent.
The configuration of the GPIO can be implemented by means of software setting, through the TELTONIKA_M2M
Software Package and AT commands. All GPIOs configurable by the user should be initialized to proper direction
and logic level as soon as possible after the power on of the module.
Not used and not connected GPIOs should be configured that power consumption is minimized. Therefore the
unused pins should be programmed to a fixed logic level: can be set in GPIO output mode, driving ground or high
level, with internal pullup and pulldown resistors disabled; otherwise can be set in GPIO input mode, with internal
pullup or pulldown resistors enabled.
The description of the pins related configurable as GPIO is reported in the following table:
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
7 KEYOUT0 O Keypad Output 0
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
8 KEYOUT1 O Keypad Output 1
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
9 KEYOUT2 O Keypad Output 2
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
10 KEYOUT3 O Keypad Output 3
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
11 KEYOUT4 O Keypad Output 4
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
12 KEYOUT5 O Keypad Output 5
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
13 KEYIN0 I Keypad Input 0
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
14 KEYIN1 I Keypad Input 1
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
16 KEYIN3 I Keypad Input 3
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I Headset detection
I External interrupt
18 CAP00_EXIN5
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I SPI Interrupt Input
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I/O Capture/Compare
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
O ASC data set ready
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class B slow.
PU/PD class A.
Value at reset: T/PU.
O ASC ring indicator
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
O ASC data carrier
26 DCD
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class B.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I ASC data terminal
27 DTR
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class C.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T/PD.
I ASC clear to send
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class F.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T/PU.
O ASC ready to send
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class E.
PU/PD class C.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI sync data
O I2S word alignment
33 WA0_DAI
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O SPI chip select
O I2S transmit data
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Signal Name
I/O Function Remarks
O SPI clock
O I2S clock
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
I SPI sync data
I I2S receive data
Generic digital I/F voltage
Output driver class D.
PU/PD class B.
Value at reset: T.
O I2C bus clock line
I2C interface voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
I/O I2C bus data line
I2C interface voltage domain.
Fixed open drain.
External pull-up required.
Value at reset: T/OD.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
7 Electrical characteristics of pins
7.1 Absolute maximum ratings
7.1.1 Supply/power pins Input characteristics
Limit values
Description Name
Min Max
Module Supply VBAT -0.3 V 5.5 V
Module Charge VCHARGE 15.0 V
Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum
rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
7.1.2 Digital, audio and ADC pins Input characteristics
Limit values
Min Min
Generic digital interfaces -0.30 V 3.60 V
I2C interface -0.30 V 3.60 V
SIM interface -0.30 V 3.60 V
EXTRSTn signal -0.30 V 3.60 V
Audio pins -0.15 V 3.00 V
ADC pins -0.15 V 3.00 V
Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum
rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
7.2 Operating parameters
7.2.1 Supply/power pins Input characteristics
Limit values
Supply Description Name
Min Typ Max
Module Supply VBAT 3.5 V 3.8 V 4.2 V
Module Charge VCHARGE 5.0 V 15.0 V Output characteristics
Limit values
Supply Description Name
Min Typ Max
1.75 V 1.80 V 1.85V
2.76 V 2.85 V 2.94 V
RTC Supply VRTC 1.86 V 2.00 V 2.14 V
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
7.2.2 Digital pins Input characteristics
Limit values
Voltage Domain Parameter
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
L-level input -0.20 0.57 V Voltage Domain = VIO = 2.85 V
Generic digital interfaces
H-level input 2.00 3.30 V Voltage Domain = VIO = 2.85 V
L-level input -0.30 0.86 V In accordance with I2C bus specification
H-level input 2.00 3.30 V In accordance with I2C bus specification
I2C interface
Hysteresis 0.14 V In accordance with I2C bus specification
0.36 V VSIM = 1.80 V
L-level input
0.57 V VSIM = 2.85 V
1.26 V VSIM = 1.80 V
SIM interface
H-level input
2.00 V VSIM = 2.85 V
L-level input -0.10 0.86 V
EXTRSTn signal
H-level input 2.00 3.15 V
TM1Q User Manual v1.2 Output characteristics
Limit values
Voltage Domain Parameter
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
0.00 0.40 V I
= +10.0 mA
L-level output
for output driver class B slow
0.00 0.80 V I
= +15.0 mA
0.00 0.20 V I
= +2.5 mA
L-level output
for output driver class B
0.00 0.35 V I
= +5.0 mA
0.00 0.20 V I
= +2.0 mA
L-level output
for output driver class C
0.00 0.35 V I
= +4.0 mA
0.00 0.20 V I
= +1.0 mA
L-level output
for output driver class D
0.00 0.35 V I
= +2.0 mA
0.00 0.20 V I
= +1.0 mA
L-level output
for output driver class E and F
0.00 0.35 V I
= +1.5 mA
2.65 2.85 V I
= -10.0 mA
H-level output
for output driver class B slow
2.50 2.85 V I
= -15.0 mA
2.65 2.85 V I
= -2.5 mA
H-level output
for output driver class B
2.50 2.85 V I
= -5.0 mA
2.65 2.85 V I
= -2.0 mA
H-level output
for output driver class C
2.50 2.85 V I
= -4.0 mA
2.65 2.85 V I
= -1.0 mA
H-level output
for output driver class D
2.50 2.85 V I
= -2.0 mA
2.65 2.85 V I
= -1.0 mA
Generic digital interfaces
H-level output
for output driver class E and F
2.50 2.85 V I
= -1.5 mA
I2C interface L-level output 0.00 0.40 V I
= +3.0 mA
SIM interface L-level output 0.00 0.20 V VSIM = 1.80 V
= +1.0 mA
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
Limit values
Voltage Domain Parameter
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
0.00 0.35 V VSIM = 1.80 V
= +1.5 mA
0.00 0.20 V VSIM = 2.85 V
= +1.0 mA
0.00 0.35 V VSIM = 2.85 V
= +1.5 mA
1.60 1.80 V VSIM = 1.80 V
= -1.0 mA
1.45 1.80 V VSIM = 1.80 V
= -1.5 mA
2.65 2.85 V VSIM = 2.85 V
= -1.0 mA
H-level output
2.50 2.85 V VSIM = 2.85 V
= -1.5 mA Pad pull-up and pull-down characteristics
Limit values
Voltage Domain Parameter
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Pull-up input current for pull class A -450 uA
Pull-up input current for pull class B -100 uA
Pull-up input current for pull class C -30 uA
Pull-down input current for pull class A 450 uA
Pull-down input current for pull class B 100 uA
Generic digital interfaces
SIM interface
Pull-down input current for pull class C 30 uA
TM1Q User Manual v1.2 Pad resistance characteristics
Limit values
Voltage Domain Parameter
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Pad resistance at 2.5-5.0 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class B slow 50
Pad resistance at 2.5-5.0 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class B slow 50
Pad resistance at 2.5-5.0 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class B 70
Pad resistance at 2.5-5.0 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class B 70
Pad resistance at 2.0-4.0 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class C 70
Pad resistance at 2.0-4.0 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class C 70
Pad resistance at 1.0-2.0 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class D 115
Pad resistance at 1.0-2.0 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class D 115
Pad resistance at 1.0-1.5 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class E 130
Pad resistance at 1.0-1.5 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class E 120
Pad resistance at 1.0-1.5 mA load
Rising edge for output driver class F 180
Generic digital interfaces
I2C interface
SIM interface
Pad resistance at 1.0-1.5 mA load
Falling edge for output driver class F 180
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
7.2.3 Audio pins BaseBand audio transmit path characteristics
Limit values
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Differential input voltage 1.03 Vpp
Differential input impedence 50 kΩ
Input capacitance 5 10 pF
Signal to distortion 65 dB
75 dB Gain stage = +12dB
Bandwidth = 300-3900Hz (GSM mode)
Signal-to-noise ratio
72 dB Gain stage = +12dB
Bandwidth = 300-7000Hz (WAMR mode)
66 85 dB Gain stage = +24dB
(t) = 2.5V+0.15V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
62 dB Gain stage = +18dB
(t) = 2.5V+0.15V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
Power supply rejection
45 dB Gain stage = +0dB
(t) = 2.5V+0.15V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
Cross talk (between Rx and Tx channel) -65 dB U
(t) = 1.075V+
(t) = 0.775V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
Cut-off frequency of anti-alias filter 16 kHz
Absolute gain drift ±2 % Variation due to change in supply,
temperature and life time. BaseBand microphone supply characteristics
Limit values
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Output voltage of pin VMIC 2.20 V Settable to: 1.8 V, 2.0 V, 2.2 V typ.
Microphone supply current 2.0 mA
Power supply rejection
of microphone supply 75 dB Gain stage = +0dB in crosstalk free conditions at board level
(t) = 2.6V+0.10V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
TM1Q User Manual v1.2 BaseBand low power single-ended audio receive path characteristics
Limit values
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Maximum single-ended output voltage 1.65 1.85 2.05 Vpp Full scale single-ended open circuit voltage.
Internal output resistance 1.7 4
Output load resistance 16
Single-ended output load capacitance 10 nF
Signal to noise 70 80 dB Load = 16Ω, Gain stage = +0dB,
Input signal = 0dBFS, Code 0, A-weighted
60 70 dB Load = 16Ω, Gain stage = +0dB,
Input signal = 0dBFS
60 70 dB Load = 16Ω, Gain stage = +0dB,
Input signal = -1dBFS
Signal to distortion
60 dB Load = 16Ω, Gain stage = +0dB,
Input signal = -6dBFS
Power supply rejection 60 66 dB Gain stage = +0dB,
(t) = 2.5V+0.15V•sin(2π•1kHz•t)
Passband ripple 0.5 dB f < 0.45 f
Stopband attenuation 50 dB f > 0.55 f
Absolute gain drift ±2 % Variation due to change in supply,
temperature and life time. BaseBand high power differential audio receive path characteristics
Limit values
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Maximum differential output voltage 10.4 Vpp Overdrive
Gain stage = +9dB
Output load resistance 8
Single-ended output load capacitance 10 nF
Inductive load 400 uH Between output pins and GND
with series resistance
Signal to noise 70 80 dB Load = 16Ω, Gain stage = +0dB,
Input signal = 0dBFS, Code 0, A-weighted
Signal to distortion 50 dB Load = 8Ω, 350mW
Power supply rejection 60 dB 1kHz
TM1Q User Manual v1.2
7.2.4 ADC pins Input characteristics
Limit values
Min Typ Max
Unit Remarks
Resolution 12 Bits
Differential linearity error ±0.5 LSB
Integral linearity error ±4 LSB
Offset error ±10 LSB ADC input = 0V
Absolute gain drift ±2 % Variation due to change in supply,
temperature and life time.
Input voltage span 0 1.92 V
Throughput rate 4 Hz With current ADC SW driver
Input resistance 1 MΩ With respect to AGND.
If mode OFF is selected.
Input resistance in measurement mode 288 480 672 kΩ
With respect to AGND.
Variation due to process tolerances and
change in supply, temperature, and life time.
Internal voltage 0.46 0.48 0.50 V
With respect to AGND.
Variation due to process tolerances and
change in supply, temperature, and life time.
Input leakage current 0.1 uA

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