UBS Axcera 420A Low Power Television User Manual Chapter 1

UBS-Axcera Low Power Television Chapter 1

Chapter 1

100 Watt High Band VHF Transmitter Chapter 1, Introduction420A, Rev. 0 1-1Chapter 1IntroductionThis manual explains the installation,setup, alignment, and maintenanceprocedures for the 420A 100 Watt HighBand VHF Transmitter. It is importantthat you read all of the instructions,especially the safety information in thischapter, before you begin to install oroperate the unit.1.1 Manual OverviewThis instruction manual is divided intofour chapters and an appendix. Chapter1, Introduction, contains information onsafety, maintenance, return procedures,and warranties. The second chapterdescribes the transmitter and includesdiscussions on system control and statusand remote control connections. Chapter3 explains how to unpack, install, setup,and operate the transmitter. Chapter 4,Detailed Alignment Procedures, providesinformation on adjusting the systemassemblies for optimal operation. Theappendix contains assembly drawings forthe system.1.2 SafetyThe 100-watt VHF transmittersmanufactured by the Broadcast SystemsDivision of ADC Telecommunications aredesigned for ease of use and repair whileproviding protection from electrical andmechanical hazards. Listed throughoutthe manual are notes, cautions, andwarnings concerning possible safetyhazards that may be encountered whileoperating or servicing the transmitter.Please review these warnings andfamiliarize yourself with the operationand servicing procedures before workingon the transmitter.Read All Instructions – All of theoperating and safety instructions shouldbe read and understood before operatingthis equipment.Retain Manuals – The manuals for thetransmitter should be retained at thetransmitter site for future reference. Weprovide two sets of manuals for thispurpose; one set can be left at the officewhile one set can be kept at the site.Heed Notes, Warnings, andCautions – All of the notes, warnings,and cautions listed in this safety sectionand throughout the manual must befollowed.Follow Instructions – All of theoperating and use instructions for thetransmitter should be followed.Cleaning – Unplug or otherwisedisconnect power from the equipmentbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth forcleaning.Ventilation – Openings in the cabinetsand tray front panels are provided forventilation. To ensure reliable operation,and to protect the unit from overheating,these openings must not be blocked.Servicing – Do not attempt to servicethis product yourself until becomingfamiliar with the equipment. If in doubt,refer all servicing questions to qualifiedADC Telecommunications servicepersonnel.Replacement Parts – Whenreplacement parts are used, be sure thatthe parts have the same functional andperformance characteristics as theoriginal part. Unauthorized substitutionsmay result in fire, electric shock, or otherhazards. Please contact the ADCTelecommunications Technical ServiceDepartment if you have any questionsregarding service or replacement parts.
100 Watt High Band VHF Transmitter Chapter 1, Introduction420A, Rev. 0 1-21.3 MaintenanceThe 420A is designed with componentsthat require little or no periodicmaintenance except for the routinecleaning of the fans and the front panelsof the trays.The amount and time interval betweencleanings depends on the conditionswithin the transmitter room. While theelectronics have been designed tofunction even if covered with dust, aheavy buildup of dust, dirt, or insects willhinder the effectiveness of the cooling ofthe components. This could lead to athermal shutdown or premature failure ofthe affected trays.When the front panels of the traysbecome dust covered, the top coversshould be removed and any accumulatedforeign material removed. A vacuumcleaner, utilizing a small wand-typeattachment, is an excellent way tosuction out the dirt. Alcohol and othercleaning agents should not be usedunless you are certain that the solventswill not damage components or the silk-screened markings on the trays andboards. Water-based cleaners can beused, but do not saturate thecomponents. The fans and heatsinksshould be cleaned of all dust or dirt topermit the free flow of air for coolingpurposes.It is recommended that the operatingparameters of the transmitter berecorded from the meters on the traysand the system metering control panel atleast once a month. It is suggested thatthis data be retained in a rugged folderor envelope for the life of the equipment.Photocopies of the log sheet should bemade for continued data entries.1.4 Material Return ProcedureTo insure the efficient handling ofequipment or components that arereturned for repair, ADCTelecommunications requests that eachreturned item be accompanied by aMaterial Return Authorization Number(MRA#).An MRA# can be obtained from any ADCTelecommunications Field ServiceEngineer by calling the ADCTelecommunications Field ServiceDepartment, Broadcast Systems Division,at (724) 941-1500 or 1-800-215-2614.This procedure applies to all items sent tothe Field Service Department regardlessof whether the item was originallymanufactured by ADCTelecommunications.Note: To prevent damage to theproduct during shipping, ADCTelecommunications will supply ashipping container to the customer atno cost.When equipment is sent to the field onloan, an MRA# is included with the unit.The MRA# is intended to be used for thereturn of the unit to ADCTelecommunications. In addition, allshipping material should be retained forthe return of the unit to ADCTelecommunications. Replacementassemblies are also sent with an MRA# toallow for the proper routing of theexchanged hardware. Failure to close outthese types of MRA#s will normally resultin the customer being invoiced for thevalue of the loaner item or the exchangeassembly.When shipping an item to ADCTelecommunications, please include theMRA# on the packing list and on the ADCTelecommunications-provided shippingcontainer. The packing slip should alsoinclude contact information and a briefdescription of why the unit is beingreturned.Please forward all MRA items to:
100 Watt High Band VHF Transmitter Chapter 1, Introduction420A, Rev. 0 1-3ADC TelecommunicationsBroadcast Systems Division102 Rahway RoadMcMurray, PA 15317-3349  USAFor more information concerning thisprocedure, call ADC TelecommunicationsField Service, Broadcast SystemsDivision, at (724) 941-1500 or Fax(724) 941-4603.ADC Telecommunications, BroadcastSystems Division, can also be contactedthrough e-mail at bsd service@adc.comand on the Web Warranty for Broadcast Products– Limited One-Year WarrantyADC Telecommunications warrants eachnew product that it has manufacturedand sold against defects in material andworkmanship under normal use andservice for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of shipment from ADCTelecommunication's plant, whenoperated in accordance with ADCTelecommunication's operatinginstructions. This warranty shall notapply to tubes, fuses, batteries, orbulbs.Warranties are valid only when and if(a) ADC Telecommunications receivesprompt written notice of breach withinthe period of warranty, (b) the defectiveproduct is properly packed and returnedby the buyer (transportation andinsurance prepaid), and (c) ADCTelecommunications determines, in itssole judgment, that the product isdefective and not subject to any misuse,neglect, improper installation,negligence, accident, or (unlessauthorized in writing by ADCTelecommunications) repair oralteration. ADC Telecommunications'exclusive liability for any personaland/or property damage (includingdirect, consequential, or incidental)caused by the breach of any or allwarranties, shall be limited to thefollowing: (a) repairing or replacing (inADC Telecommunications' solediscretion) any defective parts free ofcharge (F.O.B. ADCTelecommunications' plant) and/or (b)crediting (in ADC Telecommunications'sole discretion) all or a portion of thepurchase price to the buyer.Equipment furnished by ADCTelecommunications, but not bearing itstrade name, shall bear no warrantiesother than the special hours-of-use orother warranties extended by orenforceable against the manufacturer atthe time of delivery to the buyer. NOWARRANTIES, WHETHERSTATUTORY, EXPRESSED, ORIMPLIED, AND NO WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ORFREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT,OR THE LIKE, OTHER THAN ASSPECIFIED IN PATENT LIABILITYARTICLES, AND IN THIS ARTICLE,SHALL APPLY TO THE EQUIPMENTFURNISHED HEREUNDER.

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