UBS Axcera 5543A 8-Watt BRS/EBS Digital Frequency Agile Transmitter User Manual TELECOMMUNICATIONS
UBS-Axcera 8-Watt BRS/EBS Digital Frequency Agile Transmitter TELECOMMUNICATIONS
- 1. Compiled User Manual 5543A
- 2. Compiled QAM Modulator Manual Part 1
- 3. Compiled QAM Modulator Manual Part 2
Compiled QAM Modulator Manual Part 1
CM720M QAM Digital Cable Modulator Installation and Operation Manual 105805 7, CAUFOKYIA 9312] - 4519)455-1sw m Gama-aim an gu‘s menu CPN “0477431 m-v A129: NOTICE napnfimmmmnmmwWASpcmmtmsmmn-Ammmem maylavmgemcumunmhnumflummuinmnwwmquipzmd H hmm;ma=nmnammmnnb=uwaufimwmmy nmapurpuunflnrulzwug Mum. euhgummhnymy whingvmvdmmwhvfim mmlanSu-m an u: may: haulhim damn, «maxim,- Ina/m n: m nn-Jzfi m: mains in this tram-J m kxmuuplm‘llylowhyqfinmflmm All alum-musmmmm Mtymdmd mm priotleinnningunpsfiquyelm =quipmnlupw must mlmz‘m COMPLErELY mm mm any woman Am ruuuw ALL arm coma-1: onms me. nun: TO INSTALLNG um: «Emma ms mum-r, cl Mm manor, my usvu u DAMAGB to 111: mum; on runs mum. AND 10 my rnsws msnum mo: ortnmc mm»; CumSuum m w tun-me any mm, L1; an n! m: lppliulinn u m ofmy pmdnm. umymzm pm tilcuiu, when a (mm &H bra. cmxm farm: doe: m mnvzy my I'm . min 13 ; emu comm. a: mmk u am 111. similar mu mum eumsumn funk: mmn x»: ngru in mm my thlnpm my pm a . <1, egg-sham mm mu 0 Copmm mu CaESMCarpafihl nu quipn-au as am 526 and 1m bmmply in [min rm cm A digiul m m lhe FCC mm mu films a. may to gmvi¢= ram-m pruuzliu again: harmful inw- uulpflm h operand in - cam may and. n m imru m1 as a mm: “a m: insane-sun ma], my aim 1.5.1 . - radio mummiaIiulk Op=rlnm n! I. sank; nu ' nmkum m a filmy to am hum‘nl ummmuum-nmr: <fi' Muhisownxpmt; “1410“ G- Shock Hui-d! Do Nu Open In: cmzw equipmam smu Only a, ComSuum! n- cwzom mums nv mar-5m mm pm Do um mmpx to service mi; mam yourself. Any mm In do so will mm my ma all wan-um. 2 5:2 5, \ 21: v5 fink-2n— |= A1 Jump-Eu ||n| > gm w‘ E 555 m1 ”Eva... MM,- x—nE N: F zuEz c._ A X | 52: a. )n__ 52. |’~v§|..r _:Z>m Q‘fi-zuw 55: A 93 5.5.x <3 E: 5.2. xuzd (52.— a. E»? «532.5. 1 5:3... | 12 ||A «2: x5 a: Sax 9. crnzcu cm a 34 can; murmur no r: 4 Table of Contents huvdnclinn Using mi; Guid=.___._ Wan-my Enema" AAAAAA ._ Rzmrn szdm: .. passage Kinney” Cuflomfl Suppo Chapur 1: Fauna F unctiolul Description, and Thmry of Operation Ourvizw mum Campwems “Ch/[um] Fumes Functional D:s:fip|imfl‘h=vry gr Opcmian Digital Data mm Card Moduhmr Cari... Chapter 1: Installation and Sunny Ovt mum. , u» s"- lnsulling m: cman. Surfing U}: (h: Symm. “Main; Insullnliom ,. Slamxp Prnb|=ms Chapler 3: Frvnt Panel Operation Oven-int Kq'pad Definhiom“ Open-Alien Main Mann... Symm Comm-Ms .. an. A 1294 m cmzwom g Ono-Mammalian Mfiuluur Commandsfi Flu]! Comm...— 34 Chapler 4: Rumor: Monitor and Conn-nl Operation Ovuview_-,,.__.-. _,_. Fir-mm! Quay," Valid Comm... 1mm Command Envrkzspoms... Symm Commands _.... szripfiuu... Modulator Commands w. Summary Dem-imam Flu]! Commlnc'i .v Summary Dewiplium RS-fli lmzn md Puksl?rn|o::l.. Clupler 5: Maintenance, Operatiun hulls, and Trunblshooung Oven'itw Mnimemnae. Openlinna! Fault Mzsssgzs. Trwhlesboodn; Before Trouhkshomin; Syn-1mm and Actions.. “— Rn “294 ‘ cm 35.1 cm. Modumw 1&0 Com-m: Chaplsr 6: Technical Specifications and Port lnlnrmlion D7 Moduluor... Muhaflical Paw: EnVimnmannl.‘ Rw Pm! Pom ., MM Perl . Digital mu lupin Pm. Appendix A: Interface Pinon-ls mu Input Port . {52C Penn” MkC Pen Adlplfl Cab]: (DBrS-la-DB-ZS) . List of Figures . mas-2 Tflnspon wx mm , Randomized Tramps" mm: . imam Pam 55m 1-4. [nuflearfl Packzu. xgnre 1-5. B)1=-Io»6»lupl= Cemsrsion figur: 1.5A MAM Constzllalion Diagram Fl‘m 1-7. CM720M anl Panel indiulnrs 5513: '_‘-l. CM720M Ru! Panel Com-1mm Fxgurré- , Packet Pmmcol meL“ Rev. A 1294 NM List of Tables Tab]: 1. szixinn Hismry... Table 2-1, Comma-x Sump Probluns .. mle 34. Symm Comma Pm: Tab]: 2. Moduherommlnd Pmmzms Tab]: 3-3. Fill]! Command Pin Tub]: 4.1. Comm-nu Em M=ss:g:s Tabla u. Syslem Cemmlnd Summu'y TAbI: 4-3. Tab]: 44. Modulator Comm; Summary. Table 4—5, Modulllar Commands and D:s:nplians.. film As. Faull Command Sum-y Dbl: 44. Flu]! Commands Descfl‘plions, Txble 4.x. Flu]! Bil MAP Tub]: 4-9. Devin Address an Map .. Tabl: 4-104CnnuoIByle Bi| Map... Table 5-1. Funk: and Condiliuns Table 51 Tmubleshaoting Sympmmx and Auim Tame A-l. Shielded Ill-1511: Table Ail. DB-9 Female. RS~232 kinds. lel: A-l DB-D Female. 115-485 Mod; Tn]: A4. MkC Pm Adnpler be! v| Rm. A law I Introduction Using thi: Guide Welcome in me Cal-imam mid olcnmmimiulim sysxznu Ind uni/mks, ms gilid: is ymn' smebwk fw using Comsuum's cmzom QAM Dip‘ld Cable Modulamr. ll dzscribes mu insmuziinn. apminn, 1nd psi-Imam spuifiulims nf mi; prndum. Tn: chapels in this guid: providz stepbyfitzp lumcuom rm virizly 0mm and m‘ is including op=min|| of mg cmzom Th hiplm alsn prun'de lechniul spzcificnicns mi wublcshoaiing procedurs, Cunventians Used in this Guide Signed In help you find uia us: infomuiou quickly and lull “inning: of mi; design. pleasc' = a man-mil iu . .w ill: Sp. fl: fvrnws. Locallng Information in»: r: s=v=nl we]; lowed in m id: I0 hcip you quickly loam infamnnn. Th: ab]: 0! cnniznu. In: . ii Ih: b innit-v prov you uim m outline of Ih: chapzzrs and mljor IDpi-s cenmlnad wuhm (ham Special Pnngraphs Thnughoui iliis guid: you will find we special pmgrlphs desiynzd lo hzlp you idenliiy impanml infnrmaiion. These pnmgiaphs m: NOTE: This identifi=s information for m: propa upmfiuu ul yam squip'mznl. including h:lp1ul iiiuu. shuncuis. or imporlam mus-ism. CAUTION: This idfimiflex infunnnion flu! minim; canfii] anemia“ in order no pr=V=1|| equipment dung: and/er injury lo Ih! ugmxnr. ii an. A121“ Warranty Statement (147eran “mm that in mine]; are free from defers in mam-ill and worm-mm; u tbs film a aim Ind llm [hey gallium m xppliuhle spxlficltians. In no went will Cumsmm b: liable ml cmsaquemill mimz a: daman. , The CnmSu-un CM720M QAM Digiul Cable Mrdulllu is wln'lllled using any lbw/h and mm: mm appear willlin all; year afshipping me. Should it _ may to max; a claim min: this “many. w. buyer SIN] rim malty CamSlrenm’s Custom=r Sea-viz: Dcplmml m dzfin: 1h: nmlrz of lh: problem Mm: rennin; plvdllm, phase be mm of um following: L Produm rr' -d w ComSlrunL wh‘lh‘r for nygrldh “rimmed or out-cf- wamllry ram: work. or minimum, musl comply wilh Lhe ComSn—um Rzmm Pmuluul -il an m: n=xt pap), mums mu h: forwlrded to Con-Sum“. nrlspclmdon mpiid. 3. Prudurr: r4 to CamSu'banl {nigh coll-cl w w-ilhovl a mill-ll mam-m numenznlorl AMA) numb=r will NOTbe lzd. 4. ComSlmm shfll nal nmpl my'r-sponsi lily {or lemma pmdlms mu m immperly pxzkagzd "la/or dam in shipmflll I! possiblg. plusc lls.-. original shipping and pukxging mama-ls, - 3. Original yum idamificm'all making-s and labels must not be amend. a, or mead. Further. lo pnszrl': m: “minty. um: product shnuld nnl b: ' 15le m ,impmp=r illxullnierl ur lppliutiun. alumina, mum. ar ’ ,. slang; msyomrion. of handling. 6. Any rammed mam sluu ht wmpklzly mluaua in m anempl [a duplicate the pinblzm to mm Ippmprilu commie ulicrl ma rapaix lmy be complmd. Follqullg npair. me producl slnll be thoroughly am far compliance with nyproprime s_ it‘lnliens, This process will he mam in m expadiml Ind pmmpl mun: in my be subjm (0 nail the: Uni ml'eril] resources. Tn: CnnStrnrJ warmly, as slaled harem. is in Hz“ of a.“ mllzr ‘l’ll'flnlill. expresszrl impm. m slunllory. For further inlwrmnliun. please mm CumSlrnm Cuslmllzr Smice H 619-637-5454. cwzcml SAM Elm Cull: Magus - . Rev. A 1294 c'mzm‘ my man cu. Manual 159 nmmenza Return Pmcedula 1111 is sssssmy m rem . mans: 1's: om-of-wammy repair, upmde, ur my finduiuiiars. use fofiewin; pruning: mus. be fallout 1. Conan Cnmsvum Cusmmzr Scribe, loaned ‘m the Uniled Sum, via phone or fax: _ — Plume ”9-69-5454 . F111 619-657-5455 Spa! to s ComSunm mm servizz mpgunmive am: any gum-1mm; m 9.01715“,qu oiun ip =m ym'ulsms m. be comma om me phm which 1=ps your equipment in m use. mus “unsczsshfy md cvsdy dpnmfime. 31 Should it b: neusslry lo 1mm s ram: 10 ComSwum far my mm. sh: Camsrnm cusmmfl swine upnunmh: “111 ism: you s mum mu iuLhorinlion (Rm) numbfl. To ism am 10114 numbw. 1h: Can-Sum 11mm “11 used |h= smdu 's szn'a] mlm mam numhu, mu . dutriplmn of 1m problzm. 4. You may be winning s prndlm 1m =11.'r1:r myth. upgfldz. or moms-1m 11 you as: ramming 111: product for. . Repair. puss inc) sample‘s dzfifiplion of ms problem. 111: upznlin; madman: which : a 1h: probhm, and my timumsunces which my 1.» s :d 10 Lh: problzm. This ‘ormul'mn 555 lid for 011115me 1:11:31: (ethniziin; 1a reprodunz. dilgncs; and cam: 01; pruhlflm - Upgrade a modxfizyjan. pleas: hams s enmplfl: dzscriplibn of m: cnmm configuriliun and m-J chmsxs)» This iniommion will allow 1 Cnmszm customs: serviu r=pr=x=nu - a pmvid: l mu! gum: for 1h: uppée. 5 1mm 1 ym'chnse an: fix any 1115516: 01 vuI—of»\\1mnly npm wmk hem; psrromsd. Cumsutm 11111 bzgin mpair work sh" . 1:01; Mzivzd. 6. fl- mm: the RMA numbsr on ll! ma numha clwly m1 1h= cum 1111 11m xcnmpanies ms squipmsns m m: 171 lha shipping mu. 7. Ship your modul= in m: or 111] shim; canon 1nd puhgin; (at its cquik 11:1“). pupaid, to me fonmn; address. ComSmm. A Span Company 10110 names Cuyan 11m Sm Diego. ca 92121 USA EMA Unil numbu Do nol 1mm produ: messssass such is Innalhu‘nn and Opzmion guidss or mk- moum buckzu. cumon: wnsn hindfin; or shiwin. smit-smsidv: zquiymsm. obs=rv= mind: pmedm and dwiys us: antistatic lugs for shipmm. um rem Comsuum will gravid: xas with Bl) big: fax your use. All aquipmzm wads axyd rtpail requm will be wmplalely evalnmzd ml 111: nquiud work performed in m npediun and Plump! manner. m equipml will then be llmmughly mud for compliance wi|h appwprim specifications. anuzw ix Inlmdurlrcn cmm DAM 5mm Cm. Mumm- lac Revision History m: gnia ls periodically “palm and mm. m following uh]: has an mm" numbu me an; 1nd puma“ . dam-mien allhe Iype of revisinn m4: m m guide. To dew-min: ilyuu have the mast aux-mu: documanmion. yml can rumpue um re an information a me bottom arm me la these lined in 01: Revision Pfislm'y table balow. For “emulation uydflex tan ComSuem Custom Scrvict: (luclud in [he Unilad Salas) M “9657-5454 ur flx ymu' aqua w 619—657-5451 NOTE: Revision A ix alwlys me first film: (a Camsuzam customs. Table 1. Revision l-llsxory Revising D-u Pngnuezled m4 l mu mull-l- Cu$lomer Supper! w: hope um guld: provides all of rha infomlliqn and insuunions you me u opera: m: 047mm Dlglnl Cable Modulator. However. in m mm mm yuu med further assistance. a: ifprablams u: cllcmml: d DmSn-um his set up n Cuslomer Suppm Line for your nu. P bu m car-ml CamSn-am Cnsmmer Suypnm lowzd in the L ml Smlzs. by phonz or fax n m following numbzrs: 0 Phone 619-557v5454 - Far. 6345574455 Cunnmzr szn'ice hauls m Maud-y through Friday 3:00 m w 5:00 pm. Pacific m, Rev. A law Chapter 1: Features, Functional Description, and Theory of Operation Overview m 047er QAM Digi‘al sibls Modullum ”gym I digiul Sign-J consisting orniuliiplssscl wee: mspcn mum m4 pmvidu m inmnmdifl: fiaqusncy a?) sign] mutpm. m r; sign! any)“ is upwnvangd in as using . sundzrd cab]: upcanv -. m in: signal is dclivusd ID the as znmhim: 10 be cal-miss with ell-hr: ' .il and miles signals. The combined RF signal is um. aslivusa m a dw lime min-is mflog sfi-lap mm and zaSIe-uidy m m mils flbfl oplics, Ind/or minawav: llrllls. CM720M Components Tn: CM720M syfltm cumin: 0! (h: following: . miss: an inpm cud . IF Dutpu| QAM modulum card . From pine! display End canuol - Powsr supply - Chassis Rev. A lay-l cmzau om CM720M Features Tn: CM710M has lb: follwin; faunas: - Complies WM) DVB mtummdllivns - Amy's mam Tmspm Ilyzr diginl ‘mpm ' Uszs I synchronous scrimblfl' In randomize It: duh mm for span-n! shlpinx mum -' Appllas l shunned R 6-55!me todz (183,204) Ind 11:71th 17 inurl v3! for em: cunxl’ion - Conv m 63:3 hyns inw (15/54; QAM symbols - Applies u' communion mini mmdin; m 53 n rumioml invariant - Prrfarmnsqu ~mmmis=dcoxinefih=r - mm; m lm-zrmfliau Fem-mt) an amp.“ mm a pmmmahlepo rlcvd - Is aquippzd “am . Imn- spesd (300 to 19:00 baud). 15431015435 lemme control pun - Co ' wsly monimrx m input dam m: Bmpul signal, m imam]! signals for mu candiu'uns - 1; mmmlkd by “111218018855 mic-m tunnel)" . 1; coalzd with wnvezdon fans In ;llow maximum units per ruk - Um an affisiem uni m1 mirage switching pnwzr supply . lsnck-mamubkflRU) 1-2 Rev A W114 -_\ clue Mmllm 1&0 Fume; Funnzual Jempnun, and Trebvz ur cumm- an A 1234 Functional Deszripficrvmoory 3! Operation Dlgi‘ml Data Input Card m 5.5.1 An input me is 1846667 or name Mbpi 1a 16 QAM or u QAM. we truly. m an. 11 msmmdlrecfived using 111 1: Chip 5; um n ma- fl'flnspmnl Asynchrunens Tmmitwlxeccivu lawful). TAXT .;isl=md vanzmark 9“de Mm Dev-m (AMD). 11mm raczivcr aim: clock is s MH1.Tbe man an on the dumb! is so 141-11. m TAX! m: opanm in ID-Wyp-J-byu mode (a an 1131; 1 awn my 1131 1 mm low-ham: sym 1m). The physical connacmf is 1 shielded R145 Jack For mp1! bpsnlion. shieldzd mu m1 1» nud. The rec" -:d daulzlxk ix Innsmmzd lo the. modullmrv Modulamr Card lnpul Data Integrity The "I“ Qmmure Amplimdz Moduhlm (QAM) gm modulator mp6 kyle; of dam (and Lh: associlud deal: rem Ih: PO card Ind produces 1.11 I? sigml WW. m incoming can/cloth a; Mammy monimnd fur. - Clock am of spec (mare/less [him 100 ppm 01.“ er spa) - Lass of clock - Pm errors - Fume sync mm - Syn: uquisixion um - TAX! dzcading rinlniuns 11 is usum-rl 11m 111; mm; dau u furnmmd accordinl m mac-L as 51mm in Fxgur: 1-1. Sync 1 me figure J-l. MPEGvZ Tmm‘porl M L'X Packer Cunard om Di inl caug Mam:- mo A(run:sybczmutzunfliheimnmingmixnmuyupmm Wm um (um: me hit is am A sync acquisition mat is mpmzd i! the m: byw i} wrong in low momsiv: hm Sync ii lucquimd if mg m syn: puma is pmelll in four sum 1mm A “mu dscudjn‘ vinhlian inclines mu dzu wis cumxpiad in Eh! ‘wa nix-mi Nat-many ihe mm is fraqiaMy-locked to fix inpu! clack. u i: is dflum'mnd thll dine is nn input clock, 1 full will be lead M Eh: sysizm witches on: Io imam! limin. la preset“ [he mum 531:ch (Stumbling is lame on.) Win m: inpux clock ENNIS. the sysmn win mum in normal npzmiaiL Scrambling To ensure adzq-uat' binuy Intuition! for block r::n ry. (he dun u man.“ in polynomill (m m; pstudo nndom binary szqu:n:= (PRES) is “xu‘xu Loading ol‘ the s'ou'n:~ "100101010000000" inla the PRES shu‘l ' is don. u I sun ormry eight Innspon pubis. To pmvi minim-mi iiml for in: demmblzr. m; syn: byi: of me fun i I mup n! eighi is invensd In m. During m: umsmissinn emi- 53m bots, the mas gznamibn cominm, bill me 53“: byes them- a illustmzd in Figure pass mo: , i' Figure I-Z. Ranfiaml‘nd Trauma Packer: 14 an. A win rs. Fmfliaml fiecnmlcn an E: marinas ICib's Moi-112m KLD E3L7ZDIA aw. Enznding Syslzmuic. shonznw Rad-Salem“ mcofling is lien perfumzd. as shown in 55m 1-3. on non randomized pain, wilh 'r=a. This adds no parity byes lo each prim Ind lflowl (of the Win oreigm crmnsous hm: p=r pukfl. The gal-ocular polynomial Lt 1‘¢x‘+x’-‘rx’+l TM code is shunned {mm (255.B9) lo (204.158) by xh: insutian 0! SI bym, all 12 lo w». m encoding um: byms u: d‘umdai ‘ wan-o 157 gyms Rsczo‘. 1 us) Figurz 1-1, Encoded Puke! interleaving Fellow convolutinm] inurlnving Wuh dz}: ' to m: pl. a show 1“ sum 14.1'ooinnenuvnngisbassa on- Fomzy ippmafil. which is campuihlz with a Ramsey type 111 Flew, A |2’54 1.5 Frans =un:v—_nz : shah. and rum, gr own-an cmznu an any,» case ummm mo ‘ Data—lo—Symhal Conversion Th: Hm bylzs 0! an in ma manned m m-bil symbols as shown in anm x _. m MS bh of m Em symbol is um rm. an MS bi! nf flu rm bye old“: in a pain (m; sync bye). Iruv vu . v~z FWMW'5‘“ bvmmuasu[ubo wusugnnzmm whfiuunumw (mail > ' 3 uss , . us; 5 v v “ Hblblhzb‘lm nsuunmw nsuanzbnsn uunuuw s a: I s n.- 5 s 531.1 | s nub; . l 7: swam (Mr. E an (L5!) urn-mp1: _»u ammo. mm“ mm man u "- “mu. man 1 1. at z - | m. mu. 1 ball; “nu-um; Figure 1-5. Efii-lo-é-mpk Canwm'an Dlfleunfill Encadlng "Hm (“to MS bils ofmh symhal the d idly encodzd in old" lo nblain l rauhmul invariant mnsulhlirm. Th: diffzmm'xal encoding is givzn by m: following apnssion: A. 9 SJ . (A. e I”) + (A e at) . (A) e a“) c. = (A. a 5) (Bk 6 a“) + (A, e 5k) v (a, «9 [,.,) 1.5 Na. A 12114 cm: Mar-Miami 150 Symbol Mapping The condition diam in: mum is given in Figure. 14 61-QAM mum mm mm iwim mm wow 0mm 0mm lek'” 0 o a a o o u o lek=°° mum ml)" mm mini mum union mini mum u a o o o o o 0 mm imoii um“ mm: mom mu mm mm o o o c o o a 0 mm imam maze meow mm mm- mini «mm C o o a o o o a limo "DIN imui um mono mow mime mum o o a o o u o 0 none linm noun nmin mum aimii DHDII mum o o o o a n o a mum mm mm] main mm mm aiini mum lefill a o o u a n o 0 Ika10] mm mm mm min: mum mom mine UII|N o c a a o o a a W a! me me MSB! in m 1mm figure l-fli M-QAM Camuaiim Diagram inn smll Filter Print In modulation, lb ma Q rind; m filmed. ‘ni: mm film is nominally d: nbad by in: square-rout raised casine function, with alph=18i Aha! filming m: xycclmm is upconrcntd in F, Power Control 0mm power in. = is 10,0 to 41,0 dis-n“ oiiipu pnwu level is canLinnously momma. m use! in; m opLitm In disable output pom or m mnpm 1 pin: wrist. flew, A i294 1-7 nan, and m.- From Pane! Display m l'mnl piml elm: cmzm as shown in Figure 1-7, tannins am following (Eh no right): - IF oulpu pun - .' seven-segment Labs . 2 LED fault indium: - 2sz LCD dispuy - 5 mm! keys - mum-1:11 km - RF 0qu 1:51 pm R-fa m Chn;w1.- hm Paul Operation 10: a complzlz dzs mm pan! e um Fig)”: 1-7. CUDOM Fran! Panel Indium/x Power Supply m paw xu -ly ac inpm operating volley requimmznl a; 901° 15: v c 1147 w 63 z. n: uni! ly'picllly consumes so “us of paw mu thcsymbolm: 5mm Chassis The CMTJDM uni! mums in l standard 19 inch cqnipmtm rick. Wrnpving en: rm unit 0mm“ (1.75 mm» using four from pan! mm s. NOTE: Rxbmmml hard“!!! is not supplied with the uniL 1-5 Rev. A 13134 E Chapter 2: |nstaflation and Startup Overvicw This chum: d=xzn1==s m: naps measury m inmfl ma sum up a mm, m ovunll slcys in installing m4 mning up the cmmvx are as follnws: Plan Lh: . 1mm" m mam. Cunnu: m; cymm Sun u; x», 551mm. mm: at ‘ mfy m: insuliniun, y-Pwr'r These Slaps axe flescn‘bsd in find hzlow, Planning the Site Insulhljun a! the cabl: modnllmx is rztamm: "aliens in consider an: - Tomini mummy: emmwmmmp mac-z a. data sum, - Tominimiu able lass. 10cm me modulalar ph3sxul|y nzzr 1h RF upcanvfllfl. - n. prolnng mg ”mun; mm: a! lmbizm um: m 11 cool as passibk. with as much c' m Airflow u pasxibls. - The cable modnlmuw has bet" designed lo be rack-momtzd - Em. cab]: moduluar mm Iypiully mph; 50 Wins m' powcv, so phn accordingly. lnstaliing the CM720M m cmzuM I’m-aim: uv=a ma: range of pom ma emimmml cnudifivns. An utterly-gm; pm: amply allows me antiwar w use mcsx cmmm mimy pm: rem For maximum mummy and “liability. tarmac! an medulla m ulvinlzrmpwd pow supply (UPS) [0 mew continued opzminn mm; power ameges. Th: mun sin um: um malt: in Idaplab): m mas! innmlnium. Far dzuuzd cm'ironmguu] specificam infer m Chnprzr 5.» Tzchnical szq'fimlioru and Pan ldoman'nn. a“ A 1194 s | an and gm; cwzom um D’qvul Cab); Mmmam use The physical loclliw Duh: CM720M is flexiblz and largely dqr-nd: all she loo-non om: onuipnm in win s=rveo Th: maximum ambient amps-own lpuifiuliw for (he CM720M is 50‘ C. This umpzflmre is Mined one innh from the mun/1m: airflow in in) whhin ms mk enclam.1’hix umpmnu: mus! nvl caused 50' c u: mlinuin the product's wunnry. Prop" rack vsnxuuion m4 forced airflow Lech-ma xhauld b: usad In ensuu th= irllcmll lmhignn=mp=nm1= wilhin the rack does not and (h: CM720M xp==ifinlinlm ComSlrnm suungly recommmds um sum suppression bs used on an: AC input w the CM720M at any 1'le Ihll tannins l CM120M. Them In my surg: mppmssion vendors that can mmmmznd and supply pro-{um In meal yam vol and pnwzr requiumznu. In addnion‘ pllczmzm or on: CM720M should allow moss io in 1:3! pmel. .\ TE: um! should um will nol =x =d In ambient nempsmnrs of W C. ammo] Cnnnacfion Description Tnis soonon doses-um ms physiul and eluuical conmcliuns m the CM720M. All “anus: lezmn] connections In Ih: CM72DM it: mad: Lhmgh the m: panel connsuors. The CMTJOM hls sevzn possum connections on m (w pm:l,Th=lnc1|ian ofihese conneclars is shown in Figure 1-1. Figure 2-1. CM720M Rear Panel Cmmttmu NOTE: Tn Hum campfiance wilt emission madam all ligxul cables counted in x17: rcuivzl shwld be skidded. Th: shizld must be electric!!! Imchzd w d}: mlin- macaw. new A 1294 27471314 cm 3 ts: cm; Mucutelav as Pom Connector Can mType: IEC 320, Mjh so m 94va pow supply is managing {mm 90 m 264 VAC and 41 so 53 Hz. Maximum pawn supply wrpul lorlhe CM710M is 15 walks: was pawn mmmpxion is last mm 65 um. "mm is no pow alt/off switch on the modnllwn Ramp“ the AC power cable fmm the mm In turn the pow ofii 1m “1mm paw/u curd is suppusd whh ms unit. ms sppmpsins ems-ma zsnninsfion pm; muss h: insullzd. m pews: nerd wins m calamdsd s folluwx: - G nundYellnw:nnh/ymmd - Blu: mum! - Brown: live md: dtscrihcd does not comspflnd m 1h: color=d “my n; 111: termini]: in your plug. waxed ls Inflows: n sud mm “in ms: 5: mnnulzd to (he Izmfina! in ms 1. Th: bin: wire mm b: unnaflcd w (h: lfl'minll maxim! with (h: letter .\' or colured black. 3, TM brawl wire runs! in Wilma-ed m the lerminal nurkzd with |h= 15m! P or colomd rad. grown) Co scmrTyp~z FJSahmFemxlzflU—‘l RF 0m msmiu the RF signs! from sh- uplional RF uyconuml. This is pluggzd xf no upcunrmu is install [F In US] Comma: Type: F. 75 chm. Farah (RI-7 11: In is the is input to m opfioml RF upsmmu. ms is plugged ifnn upcomenu’ ix insmlzd, Rev. A mu 2-3 11=n|=|nn m: sum: cmmu mu Dlfiy cm. Mam-mu M Di.“ In (12) Cannzcwr Tm: PJ—fi. haul: Dan in is the digiul data input from MPEG-z mm. MkC (13) Comm! Typz: DE-D. Femlk 064321115435) The MkC RUINS 00mm] purl is “sad to 00mm In IRS-23211254“ comm] firming! lo the CM720M. Comm] 1nd dingnoslic commands can Ilsa b: island/racked lu/fmm 1h: unit lhmugh Lhis pan. Tn: MJzC pen is normal, configured via ah: from paml as dzstribed m 5mm 4: From pm: Oflurim. NOTE: TM arm pen :onfigumion is 9500 band. 7 dau hm, 1 mp bit. and odd Emit“ L-hand In i'J-i) Connecm Typc: F, 75 aim; Ffl'flfl: (RF) run-ma]. s L-bmflinpmlathenpfionllsmlliien ivu ms isp‘ln n a: . m _ isnminsullzd. [F Out (15) Gunman: T,\ F, 75 ohm. F=n|d= (RE IF Out is m: E a] from Lh: modulnar. sz. A 1294 mrzom car DE Came Modufiitm 155 "33mm. gm Sum: Starting Up (h: System This mien dascn'bn lb: laiviLies mm In bring . CM720M uml unlim. m inllowi... :l:ps Issuing that in Cannon has bzzn properly inst-Had md conmzd. Do Do! proceed “mu Lhis mug is complzlz. If problzms an emoummd in the sump “qt-en“. r=f=r lo (h: “Sm-mp Problems“ swim Im‘l new” a: Main-valance m; Tmnbltxhoaring. To sum up It: 04mm 1. mm m m 04mm l: prvpufy insullzd in Ill: equipmem Ink with 151 calms mined. n ma nail by connecting an AC pawn cab]: to me unii ml ' l m: from pml LED; Tn: rm“ pml 5 am. Ihmugh when m: nail is firsl powered en. mi”. . me lour sewn-segmml LED's m illuminalfl‘ mi 3 Fault LED; m not illumimud, 3, win um 1h: pawn-up massage is disphyzd on m: from paml LCD. lr mum adjust my comm! 1: mi; fim: by passing it: inmfifldun 5:1 lhe msmil power in the lie “rail leval, Colu'lml Ihal mm pom i; =nlb|=d. r'9-5h5- Us: Ih: from pawl lo verify um m: QAM mode is Al Ih: dtsirzd setting. 8, Us: an: m pm! is wiry (ha! in scramblcr. thd~5010man hunk-m. and differential encodcr are a" cnibl-d 9. "desired, club]: from pawl ImkouL Al mi; pail-ll, me 434va is lady for vnliduim 1:51ing. Validating Installation 0m file 047an m been pow=r=d up. the following mp; can be “std la verify pmpe' rymm ovulation, 1. Use - spcnmm mly-m lo m-lfy me (allowing: l. A spam-um ‘n nail-bl: n the m1 IF wrputpon bl Tnnysnmminthwpsrshlpemdiscznmudllééhfl-Ix c. all,“ pow level slams an datired pow: lewd 1 Use adigiul video lion: mu! lo verify alum-ism. in mi, puinL vb: mum insulation ix vu-lfiud and mdy for manual aim-rm, Cunard mu D4 mean; Magma mo Stlnup Problems m]: 1-1 dzscrihzx common pmhizms mun-“mad auxin; sump. [n FneflL mcmzuM u: been dgigned faxnmmnda! 0mm Ind. Lhmfme, {aw pxcbkms shuuld b: mun-um, Tnblt 1-1. Cnmmnn Stamp Prohluns Does mu pm an m dun-1d Problem Chunk Nu pow-up mugs an 1m Vn-ify mu pawn u an (LED dial-I.“ display an Maw "u or; fins m on) D05 m cummunicau m ream: 1 Us: from pawl 10 dung: lo 232 made if {mix-u! nnczuary. 2 Use tum: pint] m verify 15mm: mam lefy um Mole uh]: is zonnmud 10 MM: pcrL Nu mu: 1; menu: m: r; 1. Vuif} um amyul pawn. Nam nnlpm pen LVmEy M mm chA' u u prom rm]. 3,V=riiy flux ym urn'er u a‘ K 4, mey om mhlmg is mama. Want, an summing. RS m; inlalnving. 1nd cFfluznul encodmg In I" ambled M bulb mafiaiamr Ind dmdul-u LVmiy om mud: and an an m me am far muduhmf and demomlmur. 3.V:nfy dun nutpm pow: l=v=1 ix mffifiml (ca-w dzmod AGC ma. LVuify mu upwnvmzr m 5mm Isa J m mud m m: sun: cm 1. 5.V=rify Ihn me mod-flavor is no! rrpmi u dau input can Far mhu problems or ism refe: w C‘laplcri: Helium-ante. Optmziarml mm. and Maugham“, 2-5 Rev. A mm
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