UBS Axcera CL1TC-4 400-Watt, 1.6 GHz DVB-H Transmitter User Manual 8SC Transmitter

UBS-Axcera 400-Watt, 1.6 GHz DVB-H Transmitter 8SC Transmitter


User Manual Part 2

CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  72 6.4.11 Site  The Site page allows the user to add information identifying the site, including the name of the site, address, contact information, etc.  Each item is limited to 35 alphanumeric parameters.   Figure 6-24  Site Information  The available parameters are:  Item Option System Description  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Contact Information  up to 35 alphanumeric characters System Location  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 1  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 2  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 3  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 4  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Notes  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Table 6-11  Site Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  73 6.5 Alarms Menu  The Alarms menu contains the following pull-down items (see Figure 6-25 below):  • Alarm Properties • External Voltage Alarm Setting • Log Management • Alarm Log   Figure 6-25  Alarms Menu  The Alarms menu allows the user to set the properties of each alarm including system actions as well to view alarm and event logs.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  74 6.5.1 Alarm Properties  The first item in the Alarm Properties page is the Alarm Index.  The Alarm Index box has a pull-down menu permitting the user to select a specific alarm from the list for configuration.  The list of alarms along with a description of each alarm can be found in Section 10.  The user can configure each alarm to be displayed (Alarm Enabled ON) or ignored (Alarm Enabled OFF) and can configure the modulator to send an SNMP trap for any active alarm.  The user can also configure a number of relays on the modulator rear panel to be triggered on alarm.  The integration time can be set to any value between 0 to 360 seconds, allowing the modulator to avoid reporting intermittent alarms.  An alarm will only be reported if it is still active after the integration time has elapsed.  The Alarm Properties page also summarizes the current Alarm Properties settings for all system alarms under Alarm Property Setting Summary.   Figure 6-26  Alarm Properties Configuration
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  75 For each alarm, the user can set the following:  Item Option Alarm Enabled  OFF, ON  Used to control whether the selected alarm will be displayed (ON) or ignored (OFF). Trap Notification on Alarm  OFF, ON  Used to control whether the selected alarm will produce a SNMP trap notification. Integration Time  0 to 360 sec  Length of time an alarm condition is present before the alarm is declared. Mute on Alarm  OFF, ON  Used to control whether the selected alarm will mute the transmitter output. Relay on Alarm  OFF, ON  Used to control whether the selected alarm will active the first alarm relay. Second Relay on Alarm  OFF, ON  Used to control whether the selected alarm will active the second alarm relay. Alarm Severity Level  Critical, Warning, Informative, Cleared Table 6-12  Alarm Properties Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  76 6.5.2 External Voltage Alarm Setting  The External Voltage Alarm Setting page allows the user to set the voltage threshold for each of the I/O port analog inputs (pins).  Voltage 1 though Voltage 8 correspond to pins 1 though 8; pin 9 is ground.  For example, the pin 6 settings (Voltage6 Trigger Polarity and Voltage6 Trigger Threshold) seen in Figure 6-27 will create an alarm if the pin 6 output voltage is greater than 2.0 VDC.  NOTE: For this application, Pin 6 has been connected to the cabinet door switch contacts, Pin 7 has been connected to the cabinet smoke detector and the Web interface has been configured accordingly.  The External Voltage Alarm Settings should not be modifies by the user.   Figure 6-27  External Voltage Alarm Setting Configuration  For each I/O pin, the user can set the following:  Item Selection Voltage Trigger Polarity  <, > Voltage Trigger Threshold  Range: 0.00 .. 10.00 Table 6-13  External Voltage Alarm Setting Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  77 6.5.3 Log Management  The Log Management page can be used to clear the alarm log and/or event log, change the order alarms appear in the logs and change the displayed alarm log.  If the Alarm Log is configured not to display alarms in reverse, the most recent alarm will be at the bottom of the list.  If the Alarm Log is configured to display alarms in reverse, the most recent alarm will be at the top of the list.   Figure 6-28  Log Management Configuration  The available parameters are:  Item Option Clear Alarm Log  No, Yes Logs Display in Reverse  No, Yes  Used to determine the order alarms are displayed in the Alarm Log. Log To Display  Transient Log, Alarm Log  Used to determine if the Alarm Log will display Transient Alarms or Set Alarms. Table 6-14  Log Management Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  78 6.5.4 Alarm Log  The Alarm Log lists the current alarms as well as all alarm log entries.   Figure 6-29  Alarm Log    Figure 6-30  Alarm Log (Log Displayed in Reverse)
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  79 6.6 NMS Users Menu  The NMS Users menu includes the User Properties menu (see the pull down figure below).  The NMS Users menu sets the parameters required for an individual user to establish communications with the modulator via a SNMP Network Management System (NMS).  From the User Properties menu, each NMS user can be configured with a user name, password, Cryptographic Hash Function authentication type (SHA, MD5, none) and Data Encryption mode (DES, AES, none) plus encryption password.   Figure 6-31 User Properties Configuration  For each user, the following authorization parameters can be set.  Item Option Username  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Authorization Type  SHA, Disabled, MD5  “Cryptographic Hash Function” Auth. Password  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Priv Type  DES, AES, Disabled  “Data Encryption” Priv. Password  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Table 6-15  User Properties Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  80 6.7 System Parameters Menu  The System Parameters menu displays the modulator access control, network and SNMP parameters.  It is also used for system reset and upgrades.  The System Parameters menu contains the following pull-down menu items (see Figure 6-32 below):  • Identification • Access Control • Network Parameters • SNMP Parameters • System Time • Heartbeat Time • System Reset • User Configuration • Download Config Files(s) • Upgrade and Files Upload • List Uploaded Files   Figure 6-32  System Parameters Menu
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  81 6.7.1 Identification  The Identification page allows the user to set the following identifiers:  Item Option Site Name  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site ID  up to 15 alphanumeric characters Table 6-16  Identification Parameters    Figure 6-33  Identification Configuration   6.7.2 Access Control  The Access Control page allows the user to set a password for the Web GUI interface.  Item Option Web Password  up to 14 alphanumeric characters Table 6-17  Access Control Parameters    Figure 6-34  Access Control Configuration
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  82 6.7.3 Network Parameters  The Network Parameters page allows the user to set the network parameters for the modulator.  Note: The modulator must be reset following a change to any of the Network Parameters.  Item Option Management IP  Standard IP address e.g., Management Netmask  Standard netmask field e.g., Default Gateway  Standard IP address e.g., Redundant Peer IP  Standard IP address e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user. Second Etherport IP  Standard IP address e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user. Second Etherport Netmask  Standard netmask field e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user. Table 6-18  Network Parameters    Figure 6-35  Network Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  83 6.7.4 SNMP Parameters  The SNMP Parameters page allows the user to configure the SNMP interface for the modulator.  Item Option SNMP Traps On/Off  OFF, ON SNMP Notification Type  Trap, Inform SNMP Trap Server IP Address  Standard IP address, e.g., Table 6-19  SNMP Parameters    Figure 6-36  SNMP Parameters   6.7.5 System Time  The System Time page allows the user to set the system time.  Note: The modulator must be reset following a change to any of the System Time parameters.  Item Option Year  Range: 1900 .. 3000 Month  Range: 1 .. 12 Day  Range: 1 .. 31 Hour  Range: 0 .. 23 Minute  Range: 0 .. 59 Second  Range: 0 .. 59 Table 6-20  System Time Parameters
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  84  Figure 6-37  System Time   6.7.6 Heartbeat Time  The modulator has the capability to periodically send “Heartbeat” alarms and traps in order to show that it is still operating and that communication is still active.  The user can set the Heartbeat Hours Start, Heartbeat Minute Start and repetition frequency for the heartbeat (Heartbeat Pace).  Item Option Heartbeat Hour Start  Range: 0 .. 24 Heartbeat Minute Start  Range: 0 .. 60 Heartbeat Pace  0 to 2880 min Table 6-21  Heartbeat Parameters    Figure 6-38  Heartbeat Time
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  85 6.7.7 System Reset  The modulator can be reset by setting the Modulator Reset pull down box to ”On” and selecting Submit.  Item Option Modulator Reset  OFF, ON Table 6-22  System Reset Parameters    Figure 6-39  System Reset   6.7.8 User Configuration  The User Configuration page allows the user to specify the address of the serial port used for machine-to-machine communication.  Note: User Configuration is for factory configuration only and should not be modified by the user.   Figure 6-40  User Configuration
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  86 6.7.9 Download Config Files(s)  The Download Config File(s) page allows the user to download files located on the modulator.   Figure 6-41  Download Config Files(s)  By clicking on the Download Parameter File box the user will see an operating system pop-up window, prompting the user to save the configuration file on their system:   Figure 6-42  Download Pop-Up Window (Windows OS)
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  87 6.7.10 Upgrade and Files Upload Procedure  The Upgrade and Files Upload page allows the user to upgrade system software components such as:  • Modulator Application • Linux Kernel (included in the Modulator Application) • Modulator FPGA • Up-converter Software  The first step in the upgrade process is the selection of the proper upgrade file using the “Browse” button (see Figure 6-43). Once the file is selected, click on “Start Download” to initiate the upgrade process.   Please note that the Web server is a single threaded server which only allows one connection at a time. Therefore if the upgrade is performed via a phone line, the file transfer can take 10 minutes depending on the connection speed and file size. The contents of the pop-up dialog will be blank. It will only start showing the upgrade information when the file is completely transferred.  The upgrade file contains all the information required to define the component which is being upgraded.   Figure 6-43  Upgrade and Files Upload
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter   WEB Interface  Product Manual, Rev. 1  88 As the upgrade starts a pop-up dialog will appear with the current upgrade process information.   Figure 6-44  Upgrade Begin Pop-Up   Once the upgrade is complete the pop up dialog will display a corresponding message.   Figure 6-45  Upgrade Complete Pop-Up   6.7.11 List Uploaded Files  The List Uploaded Files page provides a list of uploaded files on the modulator.   Figure 6-46  List Uploaded Files
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  89 7 Command Line Interface (CLI)  7.1 Introduction  The transmitter can be controlled and monitored from the Command Line Interface (CLI) in addition to the Web GUI and front panel. The CLI is accessible from the USB port or via a Telnet session through the Ethernet management port.  7.2 Using the USB Port to access the CLI  The modulator must be connected to a PC using a USB-to-USB cable.  The cable will require a USB Type B connector to mate with the modulator USB port, while the other connector has to mate with the PC USB port.  Open a Hyperterminal (or HyperACCESS depending on the operating system) session on the PC and set the parameters as shown below:   Figure 7-1  COM settings
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  90 7.3 Using Ethernet Port to access the CLI  The modulator can be connected directly to a PC or through a hub/switch using an RJ-45 straight-through cable.  The modulator and PC must be configured to be on the same IP network so that a connection can be established.  A Telnet client can be opened from the “Start/Run” button on the PC.  Enter the IP address assigned to the modulator followed by the number 26 – see below.   Figure 7-2  Starting the Telnet session  A HyperTerminal session can also be used to access the CLI through the Ethernet port – see Figure 7-1.   7.4 CLI Login Procedure  1. Once the connection has been established, press enter to get to the login prompt. 2. Enter the password and press enter.  NOTE: The password is “admin” by default, but can be changed through the Web GUI, CLI or SNMP. 3. After the password has been verified, the main menu will appear.   Figure 7-3  Telnet Login Prompt
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  91 7.5 CLI Menu System  The CLI contains a three level menu system where parameters can be viewed and changed.   7.5.1 Navigation  Each menu has been assigned a numeric value for navigation purposes.  To navigate through the CLI menu system, enter the number assigned to the desired menu.  Depending on the menu accessed, the user may have the option to enter a sub-menu, or change a system parameter.  The following menu prompts are available for navigation and for changing system parameters:  • Enter Selection – allows the user to change menus or exit the CLI • Enter New Value – allows the user to change a system parameter  At the “Enter Selection” prompt, the user may also use the following keys to navigate or exit the CLI menu system:  • r – return to the previous menu • e – exit the CLI  If the user accesses the “Enter New Value” prompt by mistake or decides that they do not want to change a parameter, the prompt can be exited without making a parameter change.  Simply clear all alphanumeric parameters and press enter.  See the following example below:  Identification 1. Site Name 2. Site ID r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection : 2 Site ID Current Value: Enter New value: No Changes   7.5.2 Parameter Values  In some cases, such as entering the Guard Interval or Code Rate, the selectable parameters have been assigned a numeric value.  This allows the user to change the parameter by simply entering the number assigned to a different parameter.  In other cases, such as entering the transmitter IP address or Site Information, the user can enter a range of alphanumeric characters.  All parameter changes are made at the “Enter New Value” prompt.  Enter selection : 6 RF Output Frequency Current Value: 1670000000 Hz  Range: 1670000000 .. 1675000000  Enter New value:
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  92 7.5.3 Menu Tree  The CLI Menu tree is listed below with a total of 3 levels.  Main Menu: 1. Status 2. Config 3. Alarms 4. NMS Users 5. System Parameters 6. Display Alarms 7. Firmware Upgrade r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection:  Main Menu  Level 2  Level 3 1. Status  1. Global Status 2. GPS Status 3. HPA  2. Config  1. Modulator Mode   2. Config  2. Transmission  1. SFN 2. Config From Stream 3. Fixed Delay 4. Input_Output Fixed Delay 5. MIP Time Offset Function 6. MIP Frequency Offset Function 7. MIP Power Function 8. MIP CellId Function  9. Hierarchical Mode 10. IFFT 11. Coderate 12. Constellation 13. Guard Interval 14. Interleaver Flag 15. Time Slice Indicator 16. MPE-FEC Flag, HP 17. Cell Id 18. Transmitter ID 19. Local DelayOffset 2. Config  3. Input  1. Selected Input 2. IP Input Interface 3. Input Stream Dst IP 4. Input Stream Dst Port 5. FEC Mode 6. IP Input Buffer Depth 2. Config  4. Output  1. Mute ON/OFF 2. Bandwidth 3. Spectrum Inversion 4. Window Enable 5. External Amplifier Gain 6. RF Output Frequency 7. RF Power Level 8. RF Channel Grid
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  93 Main Menu  Level 2  Level 3 2. Config  4. Output  9. Base Frequency 10. Base Channel 2. Config  5. RF Channels  Select RF Channel 2. Config  6. User RF Channels  Select RF Channel 2. Config  7. Non-Linear Precorrector  1. NLP State 2. NLP Profile 2. Config  8. Linear Precorrector  1. LP State 2. LP Profile 2. Config  9. HPA Control  1. RF Output Power Level 2. Transmitter Operating Mode 2. Config  10. GPS  1. Max GPS Holdover Time, min 2. Update System Clock From GPS 3. System Timezone 2. Config  11. Site  1. System Description 2. Contact Information 3. System Location 4. Site Address Line 1 5. Site Address Line 2 6. Site Address Line 3 7. Site Address Line 4 8. Site Notes 3. Alarms  1. Alarm Properties  1. Alarm Index 2. Alarm Enabled 3. Trap Notification on Alarm 4. Integration Time 5. Mute on Alarm 6. Relay on Alarm 7. Second Relay on Alarm 8. Alarm Severity Level 3. Alarms  2. External Voltage Alarm      Setting 1. Voltage1 Trigger Polarity 2. Voltage1 Trigger Threshold 3. Voltage2 Trigger Polarity 4. Voltage2 Trigger Threshold 5. Voltage3 Trigger Polarity 6. Voltage3 Trigger Threshold 7. Voltage4 Trigger Polarity 8. Voltage4 Trigger Threshold 9. Voltage5 Trigger Polarity 10. Voltage5 Trigger Threshold 11. Voltage6 Trigger Polarity 12. Voltage6 Trigger Threshold 13. Voltage7 Trigger Polarity 14. Voltage7 Trigger Threshold 15. Voltage8 Trigger Polarity 16. Voltage8 Trigger Threshold 3. Alarms  3. Log Management  1. Clear Alarm Log 2. Logs Display In Reverse 3. Log To Display
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  94 Main Menu  Level 2  Level 3 4. NMS Users  1. User Properties  1. User Index 2. Username 3. Authorization Type 4. Auth. Password 5. Priv Type 6. Priv. Password 5. System      Parameters 1. Identification  1. Site Name 2. Site ID 5. System      Parameters 2. Access Control  Enter Web Password 5. System      Parameters 3. Network Parameters  1. Management IP 2. Management Netmask 3. Default Gateway 4. Redundant Peer IP 5. Second Etherport IP 6. Second Etherport Netmask 5. System      Parameters 4. SNMP Parameters  1. SNMP Traps On/Off 2. SNMP Notification Type 3. SNMP Trap Server IP Address 5. System      Parameters 5. System Time  1. Year 2. Month 3. Day 4. Hour 5. Minute 6. Second 5. System      Parameters 6. Heartbeat Time  1. Heartbeat Hour Start 2. Heartbeat Minute Start 3. Heartbeat Pace 5. System      Parameters 7. System Reset  Modulator Reset 5. System      Parameters 8. User Configuration  Set RS485 port address 6. Display      Alarms   7. Firmware     Upgrade Enter URL   Table 7-1  CLI Menu Tree
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  95 Status Sub-menu  Status: 1. Global Status 2. GPS Status 3. HPA r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection :  Status Sub-menu  Description 1. Global Status  Displays general status information for network management, alarms, modulation, transmitter output and reflected power values as well as transmitter frequency. 2. GPS Status  Displays detailed GPS information such as site co-ordinates, altitude, GPS PLL and 3D fix status and satellite tracking. 3. HPA  Displays detailed HPA status information such as forward, reflected and input power levels, current values for the pre-driver, driver and PA modules, heat sink temperature, as well as power supply voltage. Table 7-2  Status Sub-menu Config Sub-menu  Config: 1. Modulator Mode 2. Transmission 3. Input 4. Output 5. RF Channels 6. User RF Channels 7. Non-Linear Precorrecto 8. Linear Precorrector 9. HPA Control 10. GPS 11. Site r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection :
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  96 Config  Sub-menu Sub-menu Selectable Parameters 1. Modulator Mode    0. Normal 1. CW 2. Test 1(Carriers Removed) 3. Record 4. Playback 2. Transmission  1. SFN  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  2. Config From Stream  0. ON 1. OFF 2. Transmission  3. Fixed Delay  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  4. Input_Output Fixed Delay  Range: 13000 .. 1000000 µsec 2. Transmission  5. MIP Time Offset Function  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  6. MIP Frequency Offset     Function 0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  7. MIP Power Function  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  8. MIP Cell Id Function  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  9. Hierarchical Mode  0. None 1. 1 2. 2 3. 4 2. Transmission  10. IFFT  0. 2k 1. 8k 2. 4k 2. Transmission  11. Coderate  0. 1/2 1. 2/3 2. 3/4 3. 5/6 4. 7/8 2. Transmission  12. Constellation 0. QPSK 1. 16 QAM 2. 64 QAM 2. Transmission  13. Guard Interval  0. 1/32 1. 1/16 2. 1/8 3. 1/4 2. Transmission  14. Interleaver Flag  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  15. Time Slice Indicator, HP  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  16. MPE-FEC Flag, HP  0. OFF 1. ON 2. Transmission  17. Cell ID  Range: 0 .. 65535
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  97 Config  Sub-menu Sub-menu Selectable Parameters 2. Transmission  18. Transmitter ID  Range: 0 .. 100 2. Transmission  19. Local Delay Offset  Range: -500000 .. 500000 3. Input  1. Selected Input  0. A 1. B 2. Auto 3. IP 3. Input  2. IP Input Interface 0. Ethernet 2 1. Ethernet 1 3. Input  3. Input Stream Dst IP  Range: ..    3. Input  4. Input Stream Dst Port  Range: 1025 .. 65535 3. Input  5. FEC Mode  0. None 1. Column Only 2. Column+Row 3. Input  6. IP Input Buffer Depth  Range: 0 .. 500 Packets 4. Output  1. Mute ON/OFF  0. OFF 1. ON 4. Output  2. Bandwidth  0. 5 MHz 4. Output  3. Spectrum Inversion  0. OFF 1. ON 4. Output  4. Window Enable  0. OFF 1. ON 4. Output  5. External Amplifier Gain  Range: 0 .. 6553.5 dB 4. Output  6. RF Output Frequency  Range: 1670000000 ..             1675000000 Hz 4. Output  7. RF Power Level  Range: -10.0 .. 0.0 dBm 4. Output  8. RF Channel Grid  0. DVBT UHF 8M 474-858 MHz 1. User Defined 4. Output  9. Base Frequency  Range: 1670000000 ..             1675000000 Hz 4. Output  10. Base Channel  Range: 1 .. 200 5. RF Channels    1. CH 21 (474 MHz) to  49. CH 69 (858 MHz) 6. User RF      Channels  User Defined 7. Non-Linear      Pre-corrector 1. NLP State  0. OFF 1. ON 7. Non-Linear      Pre-corrector 2. NLP Profile  0 .. 9 8. Linear      Pre-corrector 1. LP State  0. OFF 1. ON
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  98 Config  Sub-menu Sub-menu Selectable Parameters 8. Linear      Pre-corrector 2. LP Profile  0 .. 9 9. HPA Control  1. RF Output Power Level  Range: 46.00 .. 56.00 dBm 9. HPA Control  2. Transmitter Operating      Mode 0. Standby 1. Broadcast 2. Manual 10. GPS  1. Max GPS Holdover Time,      min Range: 0 .. 65535 10. GPS  2. Update System Clock from      GPS  0. No 1. Yes 10. GPS  3. System Timezone   0. n11          12. 1 1. n10          13. 2 2. n9            14. 3 3. n8            15. 4 4. n7            16. 5 5. n6            17. 6 6. n5            18. 7 7. n4            19. 8  8. n3            20. 9  9. n2            21.10 10. n1          22.11 11. 0 11. Site  1. System Description  up to 35 characters 11. Site  2. Contact Information  up to 35 characters 11. Site  3. System Location  up to 35 characters 11. Site  4. Site Address Line 1  up to 35 characters 11. Site  5. Site Address Line 2  up to 35 characters 11. Site  6. Site Address Line 3  up to 35 characters 11. Site  7. Site Address Line 4  up to 35 characters 11. Site  8. Site Notes  up to 35 characters Table 7-3  Config Sub-menu
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  99 Alarms Sub-menu  Alarms: 1. Alarm Properties 2. External Voltage Alarm Setting 3. Log Management r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection :   Alarms Sub-menu  Sub-menu  Selectable Parameters 1. Alarm Properties  1. Alarm Index  See Table 10-1 1. Alarm Properties  2. Alarm Enabled  0. OFF 1. ON 1. Alarm Properties  3. Trap Notification on      Alarm 0. OFF 1. ON 1. Alarm Properties  4. Integration Time  Range: 0 .. 360 1. Alarm Properties  5. Mute Output on Alarm  0. OFF 1. ON 1. Alarm Properties  6. Relay on Alarm  0. OFF 1. ON 1. Alarm Properties  7. Second Relay on Alarm  0. OFF 1. ON 1. Alarm Properties  8. Alarm Severity Level  0. Critical  1. Warning 2. Informative 3. Cleared 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 1. Voltage1 Trigger  Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 2. Voltage1 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 3. Voltage2 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 4. Voltage2 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 5. Voltage3 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 6. Voltage3 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 7. Voltage4 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 8. Voltage4 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 9. Voltage5 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 10. Voltage5 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 11. Voltage6 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. >
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  100 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 12. Voltage6 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 13. Voltage7 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 14. Voltage7 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 15. Voltage8 Trigger Polarity  0. < 1. > 2. External Voltage       Alarm Setting 16. Voltage8 Trigger Threshold  Range: 0 .. 10 3. Log Management  1. Clear Alarm Log  0. No 1. Yes 3. Log Management  2. Logs Display in Reverse  0. No 1. Yes 3. Log Management  3. Log to Display  0. Transient Log 1. Alarm Log Table 7-4  Alarms Sub-menu NMS Users Sub-menu  NMS Users: 1. User Properties r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection :   NMS Users Sub-menu Sub-menu Selectable Parameters 1. User Properties  1. User Index   1. User Properties  2.Username  up to 35 characters 1. User Properties  3. Authorization Type  0. Disabled 1. MD5 2. SHA 1. User Properties  4. Auth. Password  up to 35 characters 1. User Properties  5. Priv Type  0. Disabled 1. DES 2. AES 1. User Properties  6. Priv. Password  up to 35 characters Table 7-5  NMS Users Sub-menu
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  101 System Parameters Sub-menu  System Parameters: 1. Identification 2. Access Control 3. Network Parameters 4. SNMP Parameters 5. System Time 6. Heartbeat Time 7. System reset r. Return to previous menu e. Exit CLI Enter selection:  System Parameters  Sub-menu Sub-menu Selectable Parameters 1. Identification  1. Site Name  up to 35 characters 1. Identification  2. Site ID  up to 15 characters 2. Access Control  Web Password  up to 14 characters 3. Network Parameters  1. Management IP  Range: ..    3. Network Parameters  2. Management Netmask  Range: ..    3. Network Parameters  3. Default Gateway  Range: ..    3. Network Parameters  4. Redundant Peer IP  Range: ..    3. Network Parameters  5. Second Etherport IP  Range: ..    3. Network Parameters  6. Second Etherport      Netmask Range: ..    4. SNMP Parameters  1. SNMP Traps On/Off  0. OFF 1. ON 4. SNMP Parameters  2. SNMP Trap Server IP      Address Range: ..    5. System Time  1. Year  Range: 1900 .. 3000 5. System Time  2. Month  Range: 1 .. 12 5. System Time  3. Day  Range: 1 .. 31 5. System Time  4. Hour  Range: 0 .. 23 5. System Time  5. Minute  Range: 0 .. 59 5. System Time  6. Second  Range: 0 .. 59 6. Heartbeat Time  1. Heartbeat Hour Start  Range: 0 .. 24 6. Heartbeat Time  2. Heartbeat Minute Start  Range: 0 .. 60 6. Heartbeat Time  3. Heartbeat Pace  Range: 0 .. 99999999 7. System Reset  Modulator Reset  0. OFF 1. ON Table 7-6  System Parameters Sub-menu
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    CLI  Product Manual, Rev. 1  102 Display Alarms Sub-menu  This Sub-menu simply displays any active alarms.  See below as an example:  Enter Selection : 6Alarms:  No Input Data  HPA Controller Comm Err Firmware Upgrade  This Sub-menu allows the user to enter a URL address from which the transmitter can obtain a firmware upgrade.  Enter URL:
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  103 8 Modulator Front Panel Interface  8.1 Introduction  The front panel system includes both Status Displays where important parameters are prominently displayed and the four-level Config Menu system where system parameters can be entered.  A picture of the modulator front panel is shown below.   Figure 8-1  Modulator Front Panel  The modulator front panel offers all the same access as the Web GUI (normal access level only) with the obvious exception of files download, file listing and system upgrade utilities of the Web GUI (Sections 6.7.9 to 6.7.11).  Refer to the Web-GUI section of the manual for a more detailed description of all parameters.   8.2 Controls  8.2.1 Navigation  Navigation between menu items makes use of the five buttons on the front panel display.  e   (left) f   (right) c   (up) d   (down) EXECUTE  The c button is used to scroll through the different status display windows, exit the current menu and enter a higher-level menu, increase alpha-numerical parameters or abort confirmation of a change  The d button is used to scroll through the different status display windows, exit the current menu and enter a sub-menu, decrease alpha-numerical parameters or abort confirmation of a change  The e and f buttons are used to scroll horizontally through the Config menus, the parameter listings and the parameter characters, in the case of editable parameters.  They are also used to increase and decrease % parameters.  The EXECUTE button is used to enter the configuration menu system (GENERIC or SPECIFIC) from a status display window, to enter a sub-menu and confirm changes made to configurable parameters.  Examples A and B display the menu system top level.  The character string “DVB-TH L-Band TX” is always positioned in the top left corner of the display.  The available menu items are shown on the second line and may be selected using the 3 and 8 buttons.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  104 The “current” menu item is always shown in capitalized format with “< >” brackets.  If there are more menu items than the LCD can display, three (3) dots are shown in the lower right position – see Example A.  Example A ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX <CONFIG> Alarms  NMS Users  System Pa... ----------------------------------------  If the user presses the 8 button, the display will shift to the left and the next menu item will be selected – see Example B.  Example B ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX <ALARMS> NMS Users  System Parameters... ----------------------------------------  If the user presses the 6 button in Example A, the highlighted menu item will be selected and the user will enter the sub-menu – see Example C.  The character string “DVB-TH L-Band TX” is always positioned in the top left corner of the display, followed by the menu name.  The available menu items are shown on the second line and may be selected using the 3 and 8 buttons.  The “current” menu item is always shown in capitalized format with “< >” brackets.  If there are more menu options than the LCD can display, three (3) dots are shown in the lower right position.  Example C ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX, Config        <MODULATOR MODE> Transmission  Input ... ----------------------------------------  The lowest level of any particular “branch” produces a window that displays the available parameter list; the selected value is shown in square brackets – see Example D.  The parameter name is shown in the top left corner of the display, followed by the “current” value.  The available menu items are shown on the second line and may be selected using the 3 and 8 buttons.  The “current” menu item is always shown in capitalized format with “[ ]” brackets.  Example D ----------------------------------------  Spectrum Inversion = OFF [OFF]  ON ----------------------------------------  If an alpha numeric parameter is selected, the first digit of the “current” parameter flashes and a cursor shows the position of the digit which can be edited (in this case, “a” from “admin”) – see Example E.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  105 Example E ----------------------------------------  Web Password = admin admin ----------------------------------------   8.2.2 Configuring Parameters Selection of Enumerated Values  ----------------------------------------  Modulator Mode = Normal [Normal]  CW  Test 1(Carriers Removal... ---------------------------------------- (the square brackets flash at approx. 2 Hz)  The current value is shown as the first item in the list, in square brackets.  Navigating: w  Scrolls the previous item into the “current position”. 8  Scrolls the next item into the “current position”. 6 No effect. 5  Aborts editing and returns to the previous menu level.  <EXECUTE>  Saves the “current” item as the active parameter and returns to the previous menu level. Editing a Numeric Value  ----------------------------------------  RF Output Frequency = 1670000000 1670000000      [167000000..1675000000]  ---------------------------------------- (the character 0 alternates between ‘0’ and ‘_’ at approximately 2 Hz)  The configurable value that appears on the display is always the current value and the cursor is initially positioned on the last digit.  The valid range is displayed in square brackets on the right hand side of the bottom line.  Navigating: w  Positions the cursor on the previous character or moves to the last character when the cursor is on the first character. 8  Positions the cursor on the next character or moves to the first character when the cursor is on the last character. 6  Decrements the value of the highlighted character.  If the character value is ‘0’, the  button will change the value to ‘9’. If the parameter can be set to a negative number, the  button will toggle between a negative sign (-) and a blank (positive) when the first character is highlighted. 5  Increments the value of the highlighted character. If the character value is ‘9’, the 5 button will change the value to ‘0’.  If the parameter can be set to a negative number, the 5  button will toggle between a negative sign (-) and a blank (positive) when the first character is highlighted.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  106 EXECUTE Completes editing.  Note 1:  If a configurable numeric item has a minimum and/or maximum value, the user cannot modify the value below the minimum or above the maximum.  Note 2: Incrementing one character above ‘9’ will change this character to ‘0’ and will increment the next character to the left by one (“carry-on digit”).  Similarly, decrementing one character below ‘0’ will change this character to ‘9’ and decrement the next character to the left by one. Editing a Text Value  ----------------------------------------  Web Password admin ---------------------------------------- (the character ‘a’ alternates between ‘a’ and ‘_’ at approximately 2 Hz)  The current text string is shown as the editable value.  The characters A..Z, a..z, 0..9, - (minus), _(underscore) and “ “(space) are all supported.  Navigating: w  Positions cursor on previous character. 8  Positions cursor on next character. 6  Decrements the value of the highlighted character in a circular manner. 5  Increments the value of the highlighted character in a circular manner. EXECUTE Completes editing. Saving Changes To save changes to a menu item press the EXECUTE button.  The following display will appear:  ---------------------------------------- Save = EXECUTE, Cancel = other keys  ----------------------------------------  Press the EXECUTE button again to save the change or any other button to cancel.  After a short period of time with no input, the operation is cancelled automatically and the display reverts to the menu directly above the menu just visited.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  107 8.3 Modulator Boot-up  The user will see the following displays in sequence.  ---------------------------------------- Front  Panel  v1.22  Loading...... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH/SH 5000 Modulator  ----------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- CL1TC-4 Transmitter  ----------------------------------------  When boot-up is complete the user will see the default status display which is screen b of the Status display set:  ---------------------------------------- Input  HP Input: Auto  Status: Locked                                           b ----------------------------------------  Note the flashing letter b that appears in the lower right hand corner.  If there is no activity for a period of several minutes the modulator will automatically revert to this status display.   8.4 Status Displays  There are nine main status displays from “a” to “i”.  To navigate between status displays, use the up c or down d front panel buttons.  The nine main status displays are:  Status Display a - this window displays the following transmission (modulation) settings: ---------------------------------------- Transmission  SFN: OFF  IFFT: 8k         Coderate: 1/2   Guard: 1/32   Cons: QPSa ----------------------------------------  Status Display b - this window displays the following input interface settings: ---------------------------------------- Input  HP Input: Auto  Status: Locked                                           b ----------------------------------------  Status Display c - this window displays the following RF output settings: ---------------------------------------- Output  Bandwidth: 5 MHz                 Spectrum Inversion: OFF                c ----------------------------------------
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  108 Status Display d - this window displays the software versions as seen below: ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH       FPGA: 5889  CPLD: 40        Kern: 3037   Soft: 2376                d ----------------------------------------  Status Display e - this window displays the active alarms as seen below: ---------------------------------------- Alarms: 2 alarms                          No Input Data                         e ---------------------------------------- If more than one alarm is active, this window will automatically be updated, every few seconds, to display one alarm at a time.  Status Display f - This window displays the following network management settings: ---------------------------------------- Management IP:             Management Netmask:        f ----------------------------------------  Status Display g - this window displays the following modulator settings: ---------------------------------------- UPConv  RF Lev: 0.0                                                             g ----------------------------------------  Status Display h - this window displays the following modulator mode settings: ---------------------------------------- Modulator Mode: Normal Playback File: None                    h ----------------------------------------  Status Display i – this window displays the following transmitter RF parameters: ---------------------------------------- HPA Forward RF Level: 56.02              Reflected RF Level: 30.80              i ----------------------------------------   8.5 Config Menu Displays  From any of the status displays the user can navigate to the Config menu system.  From a status screen press the right f button on the front panel.  The following display will appear:  ---------------------------------------- Entering the GENERIC Config. Menu Press EXECUTE to Continue... ----------------------------------------  Press the EXECUTE button on the front panel to enter the Config Menu.  To return to the status display, press the up c button on the front panel interface.  You may need to press the up c button multiple times depending on how deep the user is located in the sub-menu chain.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  109 The start point in the Config Menu is: ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX <CONFIG> Alarms  NMS Users  System Pa... ---------------------------------------- The full list of the level 1 menu items are:  • Config • Alarms • NMS Users • System Parameters  There are a total of 3 menu levels in the Config Menu chain. Use the left e and right f buttons to navigate between different sub-menu items.  Use the  down d button to enter a sub-menu or the up c button to return to a higher level.   8.6 Config Menu Tree  The Config Menu tree is listed below. There are a total of 3 levels.  In some cases there is a shortcut to reach a specific menu directly from a specific Status Display by pressing the EXECUTE button.  The place where such a shortcut exists is denoted by a bracketed letter (e.g., [f]) to represent the Status Display where the shortcut exists.  Note that the Config x Transmission menu has three possible structures.  This reflects the fact that the menu is different whether the transmitter is operating in MFN mode, SFN mode or SFN mode with Config From Stream On.  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 Config Modulator Mode  Operating Mode Config Transmission  [a] MFN Mode •SFN •Config From Stream •Fixed Delay •Input_Output Fixed Delay •Hierarchical Mode •IFFT •Coderate •Constellation •Guard Interval •Interleaver Flag •Time Slice Indicator, HP •MPE-FEC Flag, HP •Cell Id  SFN Mode •SFN •Config From Stream •Fixed Delay •Input_Output Fixed Delay •Hierarchical Mode •IFFT •Coderate
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  110 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 •Constellation •Guard Interval •Interleaver Flag •Time Slice Indicator, HP •MPE-FEC Flag, HP •Cell Id •Transmitter ID •Local DelayOffset  SFN Mode (Config From Stream On) •SFN •Config From Stream •Fixed Delay •Input_Output Fixed Delay •MIP Time Offset Function •MIP Frequency Offset   Function •MIP Power Function •MIP CellId Function •Hierarchical Mode •Cell Id •Transmitter ID •Local DelayOffset Config Input  [b] •Selected Input •IP Input Interface •Input Stream Dst IP •Input Stream Dst Port •FEC Mode •IP Input Buffer Depth Config Output  [c] MFN Mode •Mute ON/OFF •Bandwidth •Spectrum Inversion •Window Enable •External Amplifier Gain •RF Output Frequency •RF Power Level •RF Channel Grid •Base Frequency •Base Channel  SFN Mode (Config From Stream On) •Mute ON/OFF •Spectrum Inversion •Window Enable •External Amplifier Gain •RF Output Frequency •RF Power Level •RF Channel Grid •Base Frequency •Base Channel
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  111 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 Config RF Channels  •RF Freq Channel Config User RF Channels  •User Frequency Channel Config Non-Linear Precorrector •NLP State •NLP Profile Config Linear Precorrector  •LP State •LP Profile Config HPA Control  •RF Output Power Level •Transmitter Operating Mode Config GPS  •Max GPS Holdover Time, min  •Update System Clock From GPS •System Timezone Config Site  •System Description •Contact Information •System Location •Site Address Line 1 •Site Address Line 2 •Site Address Line 3 •Site Address Line 4 •Site Notes Alarms Alarm Properties  •Alarm Index •Alarm Enabled •Trap Notification on Alarm •Integration Time •Mute on Alarm •Relay on Alarm •Second Relay on Alarm •Alarm Severity Level Alarms  External Voltage Alarm  Setting •Voltage1 Trigger Polarity •Voltage1 Trigger Threshold •Voltage2 Trigger Polarity •Voltage2 Trigger Threshold •Voltage3 Trigger Polarity •Voltage3 Trigger Threshold •Voltage4 Trigger Polarity •Voltage4 Trigger Threshold •Voltage5 Trigger Polarity •Voltage5 Trigger Threshold •Voltage6 Trigger Polarity •Voltage6 Trigger Threshold •Voltage7 Trigger Polarity •Voltage7 Trigger Threshold •Voltage8 Trigger Polarity •Voltage8 Trigger Threshold Alarms Log Management  [e] •Clear Alarm Log •Logs Display in Reverse  •Log To Display NMS Users  User Properties  •User Index •Username •Authorization Type •Auth. Password •Priv Type •Priv. Password
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  112 Level 1  Level 2  Level 3 System Parameters Identification  •Site Name •Site ID System Parameters Access Control  •Web Password System Parameters Network Parameters  [f] •Management IP •Management Netmask •Default Gateway •Redundant Peer IP •Second Etherport IP •Second Etherport Netmask System Parameters SNMP Parameters  •SNMP Traps On/Off •SNMP Notification Type •SNMP Trap Server IP Address System Parameters System Time  •Year •Month •Day •Hour •Minute •Second System Parameters Heartbeat Time  •Heartbeat Hour Start •Heartbeat Minute Start •Heartbeat Pace System Parameters System Reset  •Modulator Reset System Parameters User Configuration  •RS485 M2M Port Table 8-1  Front Panel Menu Tree  8.7 Config  ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX, Config        <MODULATOR MODE> Transmission  Input ... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  • Modulator Mode • Transmission • Input • Output • RF Channel • User RF Channels • Non-Linear Precorrector • Linear Precorrector • HPA Control • GPS • Site
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  113 8.7.1 Config x Modulator Mode  ---------------------------------------- Config, Modulator Mode <MODULATOR MODE> ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Option Modulator Mode  Normal, CW, Test1 (Carriers Removal), Record , Playback   8.7.2 Config xTransmission  ---------------------------------------- Config, Transmission <SFN> Config From Stream  Fixed Delay... ----------------------------------------  There are three possibilities for this menu depending on if the transmitter is currently operating in MFN mode, SFN mode or SFN mode with Config From Stream On.  Shortcut:  To directly reach this menu Press EXECUTE from Status Display a  The options are:  MFN Mode  Item Option SFN OFF, ON Config From Stream  ON, OFF Fixed Delay  OFF, ON Input_Output Fixed Delay  Range: 13000 μsec .. 1 second Hierarchical Mode  None, aEq1, aEq2, aEq4 IFFT  2k, 8k, 4k Coderate  1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 Constellation  QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM Guard Interval  1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 Interleaver Flag  OFF, ON Time Slice Indicator, HP  OFF, ON MPE-FEC Flag, HP  OFF, ON Cell ID  Range: 0 .. 65535
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  114 SFN Mode  Item Option SFN OFF, ON Config From Stream  ON, OFF Fixed Delay  OFF, ON Input_Output Fixed Delay  Range: 13000 μsec .. 1 second Hierarchical Mode  None, aEq1, aEq2, aEq4 IFFT  2k, 8k, 4k Coderate  1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 Constellation  QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM Guard Interval  1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 Interleaver Flag  OFF, ON Time Slice Indicator, HP  OFF, ON MPE-FEC Flag, HP  OFF, ON Cell ID  Range: 0 .. 65535 Transmitter ID  Range: 0 .. 100 Local Delay Offset  Range: -500000.0 .. +500000.0 μsec   SFN Mode (with Config From Stream On)  Item Option SFN OFF, ON Config From Stream  ON, OFF Fixed Delay  OFF, ON Input_Output Fixed Delay  Range: 13000 μsec .. 1 second MIP Time Offset Function  OFF, ON MIP Frequency Offset Function OFF, ON MIP Power Function  OFF, ON MIP Cell ID Function  OFF, ON Cell ID  Range: 0 .. 65535 Transmitter ID  Range: 0 .. 100 Local Delay Offset  Range: -500000.0 .. +500000.0 μsec
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  115 8.7.3 Config xInput  ---------------------------------------- Config, Input <SELECTED INPUT> IP Input Interface  ... ----------------------------------------  Shortcut:  To directly reach this menu Press EXECUTE from Status Display b  The options are:  Item Selection Selected Input  A, B, Auto, IP IP Input Interface  Ethernet 1, Ethernet 2 Input Stream Dst IP  Standard IP address: Input Stream Dst Port  Range: 1025 .. 65535 FEC Mode  None, Column Only, Column + Row IP Input Buffer Depth  Range: 0 .. 500 Packets   8.7.4 Config xOutput  ---------------------------------------- Config, Output <MUTE ON/OFF> Bandwidth  Spectrum Inv... ----------------------------------------  There are two possibilities for this menu depending on if the transmitter is currently operating in MFN mode or SFN mode with Config From Stream On.  Shortcut:  To directly reach this menu Press EXECUTE from Status Display c  The options are:  MFN Mode  Item Selection Mute ON/OFF  OFF, ON Bandwidth 5 MHz Spectrum Inversion  OFF, ON Window Enable  OFF, ON External Amplifier Gain  Range: 0.0.. 6553.5 dB  RF Output Frequency  Range: 167000000 .. 167500000 Hz RF Power Level  Range: -10.0 .. 0.0 dBm RF Channel Grid  DVBT UHF 8M 474-858 MHz, User Defined Base Frequency  Range: 167000000 .. 167500000 Hz Base Channel  Range: 1 .. 200
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  116 SFN Mode (with Config From Stream On)  Item Selection Mute ON/OFF  OFF, ON Spectrum Inversion  OFF, ON Window Enable  OFF, ON External Amplifier Gain  Range: 0.0.. 6553.5 dB  RF Output Frequency  Range: 167000000 .. 167500000 Hz RF Power Level  Range: -10.0 .. 0.0 dBm RF Channel Grid  DVBT UHF 8M 474-858 MHz, User Defined Base Frequency  Range: 167000000 .. 167500000 Hz Base Channel  Range: 1 .. 200   8.7.5 Config xRF Channels  ---------------------------------------- Config, RF Channels <RF FREQ CHANNEL> ----------------------------------------  Note: RF Channels is not used for this application and should not be modified by the user.   8.7.6 Config xUser RF Channels  ---------------------------------------- Config, User RF Channels <USER FREQUENCY CHANNELS> ----------------------------------------  Note: User RF Channels is not used for this application and should not be modified by the user.   8.7.7 Config xNon-Linear Precorrector  ---------------------------------------- Config, Non-Linear Precorrector <NLP STATE> NLP Profile ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Selection NLP State  OFF, ON NLP Profile  A selection of different NLP profile files
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  117 8.7.8 Config xLinear Precorrector  ---------------------------------------- Config, Linear Precorrector <LP STATE> LP Profile ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Selection LP State  OFF, ON LP Profile  A selection of different LP profile files   8.7.9 Config xHPA Control  ---------------------------------------- Config, HPA Control <RF OUTPUT POWER LEVEL> Transmitter O... ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Selection RF Output Power Level  Range: 46.00 .. 56.00 dBm Transmitter Operating Mode  Standby, Broadcast, Manual   8.7.10 Config x GPS  ---------------------------------------- Config, GPS <MAX GPS HOLDOVER TIME, MIN> Update S... ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Option Max GPS Holdover Time  Range: 0 .. 65535 min Update System Clock From GPS  No, Yes System Timezone  -11 to 11 hours
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  118 8.7.11 Config x Site  ---------------------------------------- Config, Site <SYSTEM DESCRIPTION> Contact Informat... ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Option System Description  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Contact Information  up to 35 alphanumeric characters System Location  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 1  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 2  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 3  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Address Line 4  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site Notes  up to 35 alphanumeric characters   8.8 Alarms  ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX, Alarms <ALARM PROPERTIES> External Voltage A... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  • Alarm Properties • External Voltage Alarm Setting • Log Management   8.8.1 Alarms x Alarm Properties  ---------------------------------------- Alarms, Alarm Properties <ALARM INDEX> Alarm Enabled  Trap Not... ----------------------------------------  The options are:  Item Option Alarm Index  See  Table 10-1 Alarm Enabled  OFF, ON Trap Notification on Alarm  OFF, ON Integration Time  0 to 360 sec Mute on Alarm  OFF, ON Relay on Alarm  OFF, ON Second Relay on Alarm  OFF, ON Alarm Severity Level  Critical, Warning, Informative, Cleared
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  119 To select a specific alarm to set its properties in other menus the user must first set the Alarm Index value in the Alarm Index sub-menu screen.  Upon entering the Alarm Index menu the user will see:  ----------------------------------------  Alarm Index = 0 [ Modulator Restarted]   Heartbeat   ... ----------------------------------------  The Alarm Index menu lists all 66 alarms available in the system, with index values from 0 to 65.  The full list of alarms available can be found in Table 10-1.  To select a specific alarm to set its properties, scroll through this list using the left e and right f button until the desired alarm is enclosed in square brackets and press EXECUTE.  The Alarm Index value will be updated to match this alarm. For example, Modulator Restarted is Alarm Index 0, Heartbeat is Alarm Index 1, and so on.  In the other menus the name of the alarm being configured will be displayed. For example, if Heartbeat is selected and the user navigates to the Alarm Severity Level menu the following will be displayed:  ----------------------------------------  Heartbeat Alarm Severity Level = Inform [Informative]  Critical  Warning ----------------------------------------   8.8.2 Config xExternal Voltage Alarm Setting  ---------------------------------------- Alarms, External Voltage Alarm Setting <VOLTAGE1 TRIGGER POLARITY> Voltage1 ... ----------------------------------------  For Voltage1 through Voltage8 the user can set the following:  Item Selection Voltage Trigger Polarity  <, > Voltage Trigger Threshold  Range: 0.00 .. 10.00   8.8.3 Alarms x Log Management  ---------------------------------------- Alarms, Log Management <CLEAR ALARM LOG> Logs Display In Rev... ----------------------------------------  Shortcut:  To directly reach this menu Press EXECUTE from Status Display e.  The options are:  Item Option Clear Alarm Log  No, Yes Logs Display in Reverse  No, Yes Log To Display  Transient Log, Alarm Log
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  120 8.9 NMS Users  ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX, NMS Users <USER PROPERTIES> ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  • User Properties   8.9.1 NMS Users x User Properties  ---------------------------------------- NMS Users, User Properties <USERS INDEX> Username  Authorization... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option User Index  user0 Username  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Authorization Type  SHA, Disabled, MD5 Auth. Password  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Priv Type  DES, AES, Disabled Priv. Password  up to 35 alphanumeric characters   8.10 System Parameters  ---------------------------------------- DVB-TH L-Band TX, System Parameters <IDENTIFICATION> Access Control  Netw... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  • Identification • Access Control • Network Parameters • SNMP Parameters • System Time • Heartbeat Time • System Reset • User Configuration
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  121 8.10.1 System Parameters x Identification  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, Identification <SITE NAME> Site ID ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Site Name  up to 35 alphanumeric characters Site ID  up to 15 alphanumeric characters   8.10.2 System Parameters x Access Control  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, Access Control <WEB PASSWORD> ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Web Password  up to 14 alphanumeric characters   8.10.3 System Parameters x Network Parameters  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, Network Parameters <MANAGEMENT IP> Management Netmask  D... ----------------------------------------  Shortcut:  To directly reach this menu Press EXECUTE from Status Display f.  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Management IP  Standard IP address e.g., Management Netmask  Standard netmask field e.g., Default Gateway  Standard IP address e.g., Redundant Peer IP  Standard IP address e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user. Second Etherport IP  Standard IP address e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user. Second Etherport Netmask  Standard netmask field e.g.,  Not used for this application and should not be modified by the user.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  122 Note: The modulator must be reset following a change to any of the Network Parameters.   8.10.4 System Parameters x SNMP Parameters  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, SNMP Parameters <SNMP TRAPS ON/OFF> SNMP Trap Server ... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option SNMP Traps On/Off  OFF, ON SNMP Notification Type  Trap, Inform SNMP Trap Server IP Address  Standard IP address, e.g.,   8.10.5 System Parameters x System Time  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, System Time <YEAR> Month  Day  Hour  Minute  Seco... ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Year  Range: 1900 .. 3000 Month  Range: 1 .. 12 Day  Range: 1 .. 31 Hour  Range: 0 .. 23 Minute  Range: 0 .. 59 Second  Range: 0 .. 59  Note: The modulator must be reset following a change to any of the System Time parameters.   8.10.6 System Parameters x Heartbeat Time  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, Heartbeat Time <HEARTBEAT PACE>  ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Heartbeat Hour Start  Range: 0 .. 24 Heartbeat Minute Start  Range: 0 .. 60 Heartbeat Pace  0 to 2880 min
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  123 8.10.7 System Parameters x System Reset  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, System Reset <MODULATOR RESET>  ----------------------------------------  The additional menu items for this sub-menu are:  Item Option Modulator Reset  OFF, ON   8.10.8 System Parameters x User Configuration  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, System Reset <MODULATOR RESET>  ----------------------------------------  Note: User Configuration is for factory configuration only and should not be modified by the user.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Modulator Front Panel  Product Manual, Rev. 1  124 8.11  Config Menu Shortcuts  Config x Transmission  ---------------------------------------- Config, Transmission <SFN> Config From Stream  Fixed Delay... ----------------------------------------   Press EXECUTE from Status Display a Config x Input  ---------------------------------------- Config, Input <SELECTED INPUT> IP Input Interface  ... ----------------------------------------  Press EXECUTE from Status Display b Config x Output  ---------------------------------------- Config, Output <BANDWIDTH> Spectrum Inversion  Windo... ----------------------------------------  Press EXECUTE from Status Display c Alarms x Log Management  ---------------------------------------- Alarms, Log Management <CLEAR ALARM LOG> Logs Display In Rev... ----------------------------------------  Press EXECUTE from Status Display e System Parameters x Network Parameters  ---------------------------------------- System Parameters, Network Parameters <MANAGEMENT IP> Management Netmask  D... ----------------------------------------  Press EXECUTE from Status Display f
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    SNMP  Product Manual, Rev. 1  125 9 SNMP  The transmitter supports a SNMP interface for remote management of the transmitter via a SNMP Network Management System (NMS). Refer to sections 6.7.4 and 6.6 as to how to use the web interface to configure the SNMP interface and set up a NMS user account.  Once the SNMP interface is established it is possible to use standard SNMP Network Managers (e.g., SNMPc, HP OpenView etc.) or a custom SNMP Network Manager for SNMP access.  The required Management Information Base (MIB) file for the transmitter SNMP interface is included on the same CD delivered with the unit or is available upon request.  SNMP Traps can be emitted for each of the possible alarms in the transmitter system.  The next section details the alarm system for the transmitter.  The SNMP parameters list is nearly identical to those used in the Web GUI, CLI and Front panel interfaces.  The exceptions are the controls for creating a NMS User account and the management of transmitter configuration files for backup or software upgrades.  This set of functions is purely local to each transmitter and is not suitable for SNMP global access.  Of course, these functions are still accessible for remote access via the system web interface or CLI interface.   Below is the menu tree for the web interface.  The items enclosed in a grey box are excluded from the SNMP interface.  All other menu items are accessible via SNMP.  Status Config Alarms NMS Users  System Parameters Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Global Status  Modulator Mode  Alarm Properties User Properties Identification GPS Status  Transmission  External Voltage Alarm Setting  Access Control HPA Input Log Management  Network Parameters  Output Alarm Log  SNMP Parameters  RF Channels   System Time  User RF Channels   Heartbeat Time  Non-linear  Pre-corrector   System Reset  Linear  Pre-corrector   Download Config Files(s)  HPA Control   Upgrade and Files Upload  GPS   List Uploaded Files  Site    Table 9-1  SNMP Menu Structure
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  126 10 Alarms  10.1 Alarm List  This section lists all system alarms available for the CL1TC-4 transmitter.  Each alarm is described along with associated events and triggering conditions. The complete set of 66 alarms is listed below:   0.  Modulator Restarted  33.  External Voltage 8 1.  Heartbeat  34.  UP Converter Communication Error 2.  Exciter Temperature Fault  35.  UP Converter Unlock 3.  GPS Antenna Undercurrent  36.  Up Converter Level Set Failure 4.  GPS Antenna Overcurrent  37.  HPA Controller Comm Err 5.  GPS Quality Low  38.  Pre-Driver Current Fault 6.  GPS Comm Error  39.  Driver Current Fault 7.  No Input Data  40.  Power Module 1 Current Fault 8.  LP No Input Data  41.  Power Module 2 Current Fault 9.  10 MHz Reference Loss  42.  Power Module 3 Current Fault 10.  1PPS Reference Loss  43.  Power Module 4 Current Fault 11.  Mega Frame Loss  44.  Power Module 5 Current Fault 12.  LP Mega Frame Loss  45.  Power Module 6 Current Fault 13.  HP Data Too High  46.  Temperature Sensor 1 Fault 14.  LP Data Too High  47.  Temperature Sensor 2 Fault 15.  Bandwidth Not Supported  48.  Temperature Sensor 3 Fault 16.  Input Bitrate Is Out Of Limit  49.  HPA Input Warning 17.  Output bitrate is out of limit  50.  HPA Input Err 18.  Hardware Muted Output  51.  HPA Forward Power Warning 19.  HP LP Mega Frame Not Match  52.  HPA Forward Power Err 20.  IP Input Fifo Overflow  53.  HPA Reflected Power Err 21.  IP Input Payload Error  54.  HPA Failure 22.  IP Input Column Fec Error  55.  HPA Controller Error Shutdown 23.  IP Input Row Fec Error  56.  RF Switch Fault 24.  IP Input Fifo Underrun  57.  RF Interlock Fault 25.  Channel Sync Loss Happened  58.  Power Supply 1 Fault 26.  External Voltage 1  59.  Power Supply 2 Fault 27.  External Voltage 2  60.  HPA Pallet Current Misbalance Fault 28.  External Voltage 3  61.  HPA Pallet Current Misbalance Warning 29.  External Voltage 4  62.  Door Opened 30.  External Voltage 5  63.  Fire Alarm 31.  External Voltage 6  64.  Fan 1 Stalled 32.  External Voltage 7  65.  Fan 2 Stalled Table 10-1  System Alarms  NOTE: The operator can decide, using the Web-GUI, whether the transmitter shall or shall not mute itself when an alarm occurs.  If the mute option is set, transmission will be restored once the alarm is cleared.    NOTE: A number of HPA alarms automatically shut down the HPA when critical levels are reached.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  127 10.2 Informative Alarms  Informative alarms are event alarms, they have no alarm Begin/End conditions.   10.2.1 Modulator Restarted  A transient Informative alarm; sent at system boot time.   10.2.2 Heartbeat  A periodic Informative alarm; sent periodically at an interval determined by the system “Heartbeat Pace” parameter. The Heartbeat Pace parameter can be set via SNMP or through the modulator’s Web-GUI and Command Line interfaces.   10.3 Temperature Sensor Faults  10.3.1 Temperature Sensor 1 Fault  Temperature Sensor 1 Fault – set when the HPA power module heat sink temperature (at temperature sensor 1 location) reaches 75º C.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.   10.3.2 Temperature Sensor 2 Fault  Temperature Sensor 2 Fault – set when the HPA power module heat sink temperature (at temperature sensor 2 location) reaches 75º C.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.   10.3.3 Temperature Sensor 3 Fault  Temperature Sensor 3 Fault – set when the HPA pre-driver heat sink temperature reaches 75º C.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.   10.3.4 Exciter Temperature Fault  Exciter Temperature Fault – set when the modulator temperature reaches 70º C.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  128 NOTE: The transmitter output is automatically muted as a result.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.   10.4 GPS Alarms  Please note that the internal GPS receiver is located on the modulator board.   10.4.1 GPS Comm Error  GPS Comm Error - set when communications with the GPS receiver has failed.   10.4.2 GPS Antenna Undercurrent  GPS Antenna Undercurrent – set when the antenna current value is low (antenna open).   10.4.3 GPS Antenna Overcurrent  GPS Antenna Overcurrent – set when the antenna current value is high (antenna short).   10.4.4 GPS Quality Low  GPS Quality Low – set by the internal GPS when the quality of the received GPS signals fall below a minimum reception level or the number of available satellite is too low.  The event that contributes to a GPS Quality Low alarm is:  • PLL Status Unlocked  But, the GPS Quality Low alarm is only triggered when the GPS Max Holdover Time expires.  Once a PLL Status Unlocked event occurs, the GPS reference signals will be considered to be in “Holdover” mode and the Holdover time counter begins.  Once the Max Holdover Time is exceeded the system controller will declare a GPS Quality Low alarm.  A PLL (Phase Locked Loop) Status Unlocked event can be the result of an antenna under-current (antenna open) or antenna over-current (short), a poor GPS 3D Fix (minimum requirement is 4 satellites).  In general, conditions that result in a poor GPS signal quality.  Note: The GPS alarm is set at the system start-up and will be reset when the GPS receiver obtains a 3D fix (4 satellites tracked).  Note: The GPS PLL Status and 3D Fix Status can be viewed from the Web-GUI interface; from the Status drop down menu select GPS Status.  Note: It is recommended that the user set the modulator to mute on this alarm in SFN or MFN mode.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  129 10.5 Modulator Alarms  Also see GPS alarms for the internal GPS.  For the modulator temperature alarm see section 10.3.   10.5.1 10 MHz Reference Loss  10 MHz Reference Loss - Loss of 10 MHz Reference from GPS.  This alarm is only raised if the 10 MHz reference is completely lost which is more likely to occur if there is a hardware failure.  Even when the GPS is operating in holdover it still transmits a 10 MHz signal, albeit the 10 MHz signal is no longer locked to the satellite master reference.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.2 1PPS Reference Loss  1PPS Reference Loss - Loss of One Pulse-per-second signal from GPS.  This alarm is only raised if the 1PPS reference is completely lost which is more likely to occur if there is a hardware failure.  Even when the GPS is operating in holdover it still transmits a 1PPS signal, albeit the 1PPS signal is no longer locked to the satellite master reference.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.3 Channel Sync Loss Happened  Channel Synch Loss Happened - set when the modulator cannot synchronize to the input DVB-ASI transport stream.   10.5.4 No Input Data  No Input Data - set when the modulator has no input data in non-hierarchical mode, or when the high priority input has no data in hierarchical mode.   10.5.5 LP No Input Data  LP No Input Data - set when the modulator low priority input has no data in hierarchical mode.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  130 10.5.6 Mega Frame Loss  Mega Frame Loss - set when the modulator cannot detect valid mega frames in the input stream.  MIP packets are used to define the mega frame structure for DVB-T/H and the alarm is raised when MIP packets are not detected in the input stream or are invalid.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.7 HP LP Mega Frame Not Matched  HP LP Mega Frame Not Match - set when the Mega Frame in the high priority stream does not match with the Mega Frame in the low priority stream.  Note: Alarm is valid in hierarchical mode, is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.8 LP Mega Frame Loss  LP Mega Frame Loss - set when the modulator cannot detect valid mega frames in the low priority input stream.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.9 HP Data Too High  HP Data Too High - set when the high priority input bit rate is too high.  This alarm is raised set when the high priority input bit rate is too high and the internal input FIFO buffer is almost full.  The buffer is capable of storing about 2 seconds of stream data.   10.5.10 LP Data Too High  LP Data Too High - set when the low priority input bit rate is too high.   10.5.11 Input Bitrate Is Out Of Limit  Input Bit Rate Is Out Of Limit - set when the input bit-rate is 10% higher or lower than the ideal bit rate corresponding to the selected mode.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  131 10.5.12 Output Bitrate Is Out Of Limit  Output bit rate is out of limit - a hardware failure alarm set when the output bit-rate is 10% higher or lower than the ideal bit rate corresponding to the selected mode.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.13 Bandwidth Not Supported  Bandwidth Not Support - set when the modulator “Config from stream” is enabled and an incorrect bandwidth value is specified   The modulator has factory settings for different transmission bandwidths (menu selectable).  If the factory setting does not match the desired bandwidth signaled in the MIP packets then the alarm is raised.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.14 Hardware Muted Event  Hardware Muted Output - set when the modulator hardware mutes its RF output due to a short input stream interruption or SFN resynchronization.  The rationale for this alarm is not to disturb the greater SFN network in case an erroneous stream enters a modulator or a modulator detects a shift of the mega frame start points.  Note: This alarm is only reported in SNF mode and is factory configured to mute the modulator.   10.5.15 IP Input FIFO Overflow  IP Input Fifo Overflow - set when IP input channel bitrate is too high, causing a FIFO overflow.   10.5.16 IP Input FIFO Underrun  IP Input Fifo Underrun - set when the IP input channel bitrate is too low.  Note: This alarm is only reported in MFN mode.   10.5.17 IP Input Payload Error  IP Input Payload Error - set when the IP input packet payload content does not start with sync byte 0x47.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  132 10.5.18 IP Input Column FEC Error  IP Input Column Fec Error - set when the IP input column FEC packet format is incorrect.   10.5.19 IP Input Row FEC Error  IP Input Row Fec Error - set when the IP input row FEC packet format is incorrect.   10.5.20 Upconverter Communication Error  Up Converter Communication Error - set when communications with the Upconverter has failed.  Note: The alarm is hard coded to mute the modulator in SFN and MFN mode.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.  Note: The Alarm Properties -> Mute On Alarm setting for this alarm should always be set to OFF.   10.5.21 Upconverter Unlock  Up Converter Unlock - set when the internal Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is unlocked.  Note: The alarm is hard coded to mute the modulator in SFN and MFN mode.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.  Note: The Alarm Properties -> Mute On Alarm setting for this alarm should always be set to OFF.   10.5.22 Upconverter Level Set Failure  Up Converter Level Set Failure - set when the Up Converter output level fails to meet the targeted value +/- 1 dB.  Note: The alarm is hard coded to mute the modulator in SFN and MFN mode.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.  Note: The Alarm Properties -> Mute On Alarm setting for this alarm should always be set to OFF.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  133 10.5.23 External Voltage 1  External Voltage 1 - set when the I/O port pin 1 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.   10.5.24 External Voltage 2  External Voltage 2 - set when the I/O port pin 2 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.   10.5.25 External Voltage 3  External Voltage 3 - set when the I/O port pin 3 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.   10.5.26 External Voltage 4  External Voltage 4 - set when the I/O port pin 4 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.   10.5.27 External Voltage 5  External Voltage 5 - set when the I/O port pin 5 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.   10.5.28 External Voltage 6 (Door Alarm)  External Voltage 6 - set when the I/O port pin 6 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.  NOTE: For this application, Pin 6 has been connected to the cabinet door switch contacts.   10.5.29 External Voltage 7 (Smoke Detector Alarm)  External Voltage 7 - set when the I/O port pin 7 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.  NOTE: For this application, Pin 7 has been connected to the cabinet smoke detector.   10.5.30 External Voltage 8  External Voltage 8 - set when the I/O port pin 8 voltage is greater than or less than the user defined value.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  134 10.6 High Power Amplifier (HPA) Alarms and Warnings  When a critical alarm occurs (except for thermal shutdown) the HPA will wait several seconds then try to re-start.  If the critical alarm causes the HPA to shutdown again, the procedure will be repeated.  After three repeated failures, within approximately 50 seconds, the HPA will stay in shutdown mode.  In this case, the amplifier will remain in this state until the alarms are cleared and the user issues a command to place the transmitter in broadcast mode.   10.6.1 HPA Controller Comm Err  HPA Controller Comm Err - set when communication between the modulator and HPA controller has failed.  NOTE: The Alarm Properties settings in the Web-GUI for this alarm should be set such that the transmitter output is muted as a result.  Transmission is restored when the alarm is cleared.   10.6.2 RF Switch Fault  RF Switch Fault - set when one of the following alarms occurs:  • HPA Forward Power Err • HPA Reflected Power Err • HPA Input Err  NOTE: When a RF Switch Fault has occurred, the amplifier RF will be turned OFF, instead of a complete shutdown.  After several seconds, the internal controller will turn the RF ON again. After three repeated failures, within approximately 50 seconds, the RF will be turned OFF. User intervention will be required to turn the RF back on.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.3 HPA Forward Power Warning  Note: HPA Forward Power Warning is not implemented at this point in time.   10.6.4 HPA Forward Power Err  HPA Forward Power Err (Critical) 58.5 dBm  HPA Forward Power Err – set when the forward (output) power reaches 58.5 dBm.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached and a RF Switch Fault alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  135 10.6.5 HPA Reflected Power Err  HPA Reflected Power Err (Critical) 47.0 dBm  HPA Reflected Power Err - set when the reflected power reaches 47.0 dBm.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached and a RF Switch Fault alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.6 HPA Input Warning  HPA Input Warning – set when the input power is less than -5.0 dBm.  NOTE: The ALC loop is frozen when the warning level is reached.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.7 HPA Input Err  HPA Input Err (Critical) Low High -5.0 dBm  6.0 dBm  HPA Input Err - set when the input power is out of the HPA allowable range and has reached the critical limits.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached and a RF Switch Fault alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.8 HPA Failure  HPA Failure - set when one of the following alarms occurs:  • Pre-Driver Current Fault • Driver Current Fault • Power Module Current Fault • Power Supply Fault  • Temperature Sensor Fault occurs.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when any of these alarms/faults occur. The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  136 10.6.9 HPA Current Misbalance Warning  HPA Current Misbalance Warning - set when the lowest current (A) reading on one of the power modules is less than 20% of the highest current (A) reading on one of the power modules.  NOTE: The maximum output power level of the HPA will be limited to 53 dBm if a HPA Current Misbalance Warning alarm occurs.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.  • If the output power level is > 53 dBm, it will be automatically reduced to 53 dBm. • If the output power level is < 53 dBm, no reduction will occur.   10.6.10 HPA Current Misbalance Fault  Note: HPA Current Misbalance Fault is not implemented at this point in time.   10.6.11 Pre-Driver Current Fault  Pre-Driver Current Fault (Critical) 5.0 A  Pre-Driver Current Fault – set when the pre-driver current reaches 5.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.12 Driver Current Fault  Driver Current Fault (Critical) 7.0 A  Driver Current Fault – set when the driver current reaches 7.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.13 Power Module 1 Current Fault  Power Module 1 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 1 Current Fault – set when the power module 1 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  137 10.6.14 Power Module 2 Current Fault  Power Module 2 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 2 Current Fault – set when the power module 2 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.15 Power Module 3 Current Fault  Power Module 3 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 3 Current Fault – set when the power module 3 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.16 Power Module 4 Current Fault  Power Module 4 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 4 Current Fault – set when the power module 4 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.17 Power Module 5 Current Fault  Power Module 5 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 5 Current Fault – set when the power module 5 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.18 Power Module 6 Current Fault  Power Module 6 Current Fault (Critical) 14.0 A  Power Module 6 Current Fault – set when the power module 6 current reaches 14.0 A.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical levels are reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  138 10.6.19 HPA Power Supply 1 Fault  HPA Power Supply 1 Fault (Critical) Low High 27.0 VDC  32.0 VDC   HPA Power Supply 1 Fault – set when HPA power supply 1 DC voltage is out of the HPA allowable range and has reached the critical limits.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.20 HPA Power Supply 2 Fault  HPA Power Supply 2 Fault (Critical) Low High 27.0 VDC  32.0 VDC  HPA Power Supply 2 Fault – set when HPA power supply 2 DC voltage is out of the HPA allowable range and has reached the critical limits.  NOTE: Automatic HPA shutdown is initiated by the HPA when the critical level is reached and a HPA Failure alarm is raised.  The Web-GUI interface has no control over this action.   10.6.21 Fan 1 Stalled  Fan 1 Stalled – set when front panel fan #1 ceases operation (stalls).   10.6.22 Fan 2 Stalled  Fan 2 Stalled – set when front panel fan #2 ceases operation (stalls).   10.6.23 RF Interlock Fault  Note: RF Interlock Fault is not used for this application.
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Alarms  Product Manual, Rev. 1  139 10.7 HPA I/O Serial Port Alarms  10.7.1 Door Opened  Note: Door Opened is not used for this application.  For the cabinet door alarm, please refer to section 10.5.28.   10.7.2 Fire Alarm  Note: Fire Alarm is not used for this application.  For the smoke detector alarm, please refer to section 10.5.29.
                      APPENDIX A:  CL1TC-4 DVB-H L-Band Transmitter System and Drawers Drawings and Parts Lists
CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter    Appendix A: System &     Drawers Drawings and Parts List  Product Manual, Rev. 1  141 CL1TC-4 DVB-H L-Band Transmitter System Drawing List   CL1TC-4 Transmitter System w/Digital Modulator (Consists of one DVU 5000 Modulator Drawer driving one L-Band Amplifier Drawer)  CL1TC-4, Interconnect .............................................................................1316822   CL1TC-4, AC Block Diagram .....................................................................1316823    DVU 5000 Modulator Drawer    DVU 5000 Modulator Drawer Wiring Diagram ............................... 56830-43-D01     DVU 5000 Modulator Drawer Mechanical Drawing ......................... 56803-43-D01    L-Band Amplifier Drawer     L-Band Amplifier Drawer Wiring Diagram ..................................... 59175-01-D01     L-Band Amplifier Drawer Mechanical Drawing ............................... 59132-01-D01
112233445566D DC CB BA ATitleSize Document Number RevDate: Sheet ofDrawn by:CompanyLedgerUnique Broadband System LTD      CanadaKosta BorWiring AC, DC, Control and RF Diagram Universal Modulator0356830-43-D01Apr. 2013J23-1J23-2J23-3J23-4J3-1J3-2J4-1J4-2J13X16X15JP7-3JP7-1JP7-2X20J106-2J106-1J106-3X590863-43GPCA Universal ModulatorJ1J2JP1-1JP1-290446-02KEYPADX1CN1-1X3CN1-2CN1-357532-02L Band Amplifier ASSYJP1-1P1JP1-3CN1-2CN1-3CN1-490901-01Extension Board ControllerTB1  1TB1  2TB1  3TB1  4 TB1  5TB1  6TB1  775157RPOWER SUPPLY 12VDCAntenna SAT/DVBDB9Reference Monitoring56829-01Rear PanelLNGND53065RPower Entry1285049RF1FAN1285092RF3FANV+V+V-V- GNDAC LAC NGND50805-03Chassis GND 50806-0156871-01V+V+V-V-54515-01 J1AK84149RDISPLAY50461-01Cable Modulator-DisplayUBS P/N MFR QTY50461-0154515-0150805-0356871-01UBSUBSUBSUBSUBS11111Note:  Length  cable as requiredGNDGND59216-01Cable RF Modulator59217-01Cable 1 Comunication ModulatorRF INRF OUT59219-01Cable 3 Comunication ModulatorGNDSDACLK59218-01Cable 2 Comunication ModulatorSDACLKGND59215-01Cable RF GPS Antenna59220-01Cable Power +12VDC Extension board54577-01UBSUBSUBSUBS2111UBS 1UBS 154577-0159215-0159216-0159217-0159218-0159219-0159220-011285049RF2FANRF INRF OUT56677-02Filter59216-02Cable RF Modulator59216-02Cable RF Modulator59216-02 UBS 2PIF101PIF102COF1PIF201PIF202COF2PIF301PIF302COF3PIF101PIF102 PIF201PIF202PIF301PIF302
112233445566D DC CB BA AREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVEDConnector 3 pin1 12 23 3CON111913RGNDRFI POWER LINE FILTER1 3G2 4FILTERFL180071QTYNN UBS Number MFG N#MFG DescriptionJ1-3J1-1GND75088RPOWER SUPPLY, 60W,  5V,12VJ1-4J1-5J1-1J1-2TP157662-01Power Supply PCAL1L1L2(N)J1-4J1-5J1-1J1-2TP157662-01Power Supply PCAL1L175205RPOWER SUPPLY, 30VDC, 1600W75205RPOWER SUPPLY, 30VDC, 1600WJ10J101293024R 3081 BL005Alpha Wire 10 AWG 600W PVC Blue 33493476 9912 189BELDEN 12AWG STR PVC 600V 105º Yel-Green 5593019 9912 013BELDEN 12AWG STR PVC 600V 105ó D BLUE 46QTYNN UBS Number MFG N#MFG Description793023R 3081 BR005 10 AWG 600W PVC Brown 3893018 9912 001BELDEN 12AWG STR PVC 600V 105º BROWN 491011L1L2GND (N)277VAC, 30A, 2-pole, magn. circ.brk1234CB180197R208 AC 2phase 30A10608R 26-03-4030MOLEX .156" Pitch Crimp Terminal Housing 3pos 111538R 09-91-0500MOLEX .156" Pitch Crimp Terminal Housing 5pos 2UBS # 11538RUBS # 10608R UBS # 10658RUBS # 10658R10658R 08-52-0072MOLEX .156" Pitch Crimp Terminal,Female 1316102R 2210.0Altech Corporation Ferrule Insulated Std 10AWG Black 216101R 2402.0Altech Corporation Ferrule Insulated Std 12AWG Gray 492795 9918 013BELDEN 18AWG STR PVC 300V 105º D. Blue 1L2(N)L2(N)L2(N)12Back Plate10090R 19067-0008MOLEX Ring Terminal1/4" for 8AWG Wire,Red 5BCBAUBS # 92795UBS # 9301892794R 9918 001BELDEN 18AWG STR PVC 300V 105º BROWN 113TitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS1B4400W L-Band HPA Wiring AC Diagram0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorUBS # 93024RUBS # 93023RGNDGNDAlpha WireUBS # 92794RUBS # 9301916423R12TB L11212121216150R12TB GND121216423R12TB L116423R CTS4U-NAltech Corporation TERMINAL BLOCK 35A, DIN RAIL 61416150R CGT4U TERMINAL BLOCK, 25A, DIN rail , GND 315 Altech Corporation16321R CTS2.5U-N TERMINAL BLOCK, DIN RAIL 316 Altech Corporation86185R CTS2.5U-N/R TERMINAL BLOCK, DIN RAIL, RED 317 Altech Corporation86186R CTS2.5U-N/W TERMINAL BLOCK, DIN RAIL, White 318 Altech Corporation322/07/2013 Changed copnnection HPA to Current Sense424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense226/06/2013 Removed small cooling fan 30VDCTB 1To TB 2-19Note 1: Recommended Hand Crimp Tool - 0638117500 for 0638117500 pinsRecommended Hand Crimp Tool - 1212045  for ferrulesRecommended Hand Crimp Tool - MAC 2210 for ring terminals507/31/2013 Changed terminal connectionPICB101PICB102PICB103PICB104COCB1PICON101PICON102PICON103COCON1PIFL101PIFL102PIFL103PIFL104PIFL10GCOFL1PITB?01PITB?02COTB?PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB GND01 PITB GND02COTB GNDPITB L101 PITB L102COTB L1PICON103PIFL10GPITB?01PICB101PICON101PICB102PICON102PICB103PIFL101PICB104PIFL102PICON101PICON102PICON103PIFL103PITB L101PIFL104PITB L101PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB GND01 PITB GND02PITB L102PITB L102
112233445566D DC CB BA AJ4-5J4-698727RDisplay Board90945-01AGC BoardJ17-3J17-1J17-2J17-490927-01MiniControllerTB9TB7TB5TB3TB1TB10TB8TB6TB4TB2GND90934-01PCA, Current Sense 1TB9TB7TB5TB3TB1TB10TB8TB6TB4TB2GNDGND90934-02PCA, Current Sense 212335919TS1TermoSensorJ2-1J2-2J2-3J2-4J2-6GND75088RPower Supply 60W 5/12 VDC75205RPower Supply 30VDC75205RPower Supply 30VDC123456790958-01HPA2GND123456790958-01HPA3123456790958-01HPA4123456790958-01HPA5123456790958-01HPA6123456790958-01HPA1123456790958-01Driver12390959-01Pre-Driver+5 VDC+12VDCRTN VDCRTN VDC15 OhmR131471RGND GND GND GND GND GND GND+12VDC+12VDC+30VDC+12VDC+ OUT- OUTJ3-1J6J3-257662-01Power Supply PCA+ OUT- OUTJ6J3-1J3-257662-01Power Supply PCA+5 VDCGND12335919TS2TermoSensorLED Indicator GREEND284038Back PlateLED Indicator GREEND184038+5 VDC+5 VDCUBS # 92097RUBS # 92101R UBS # 92101R59189-01Cable Termo Sensor HPA59190-01CABLE DC Power HPAUBS P/N MFR QTY59190-0159189-0159191-0159192-0159194-01UBSUBSUBSUBSUBS6321159191-01LED Indicator AC Power SupplyBack Plate59192-01Cable Power  Supply +12VDC59194-01Cable Power Display Board93040R93039RDongguan QS electronic 22Dongguan QS electronic92097R 1BELDENGND 12335919TS3TermoSensor11223344556677889910 1011 1112 12TB3+5VDCUBS # 92822R93034R 1QUALTEC  ELECTRONICS1285102F5FAN1285102F6FAN1285102F7FANTitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS2B4400W L-Band HPA Wiring DC Diagram0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorScale :        NONEGNDUBS # 93039RUBS # 93040R1285102F3FAN1285102F4FANJ5-1J6-6DB9REAR PLATETo FAN 1, 2123485103F1FANUBS # 93039RUBS # 93040R123485103F2FAN1212121212TB RTN VDC16321R121212GNDGND86185R12TB 12VDC86186R12TB 5VDCREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVED226/06/2013 Removed small cooling fan 30VDC322/07/2013 Changed connection HPA to Current Sense+5 VDC424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense4343TB7 TB6TB 213 1314 14+5DCRTN DCGNDTo TB 1-4TB4-8TB5-8507/31/2013 Changed terminal connectionPID101PID102COD1PID201PID202COD2PIF101PIF102PIF103 PIF104COF1PIF201PIF202PIF203PIF204COF2PIF301 PIF302COF3PIF401PIF402COF4PIF501PIF502COF5PIF601 PIF602COF6PIF701 PIF702COF7PIR101PIR102COR1PITB301PITB302 PITB303PITB304PITB305 PITB306PITB307PITB308PITB309PITB3010PITB3011 PITB3012COTB3PITB 5VDC01PITB 5VDC02COTB 5VDCPITB 12VDC01PITB 12VDC02COTB 12VDCPITB?01PITB?02COTB?PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB RTN VDC01 PITB RTN VDC02COTB RTN VDCPITS101PITS102PITS103COTS1PITS201PITS202PITS203COTS2PITS301PITS302PITS303COTS3NL3NL4NL13 NL14PITB301PITB?02PID101PID102PID201PID202PIF101PIF102PIF103PITB?02PIF104PIF201PIF202PIF203PITB?02PIF204PITB?02PIF301 PIF401PIF501PIF601PIF701PIF302PIF402PIF502 PIF602PIF702PIR101PIR102PITB301PITB302 PITB303PITB302PITS102PITB303PITS202PITB304 PITB305 PITB306PITB304PITS101PITB305PITS201PITB306PITB?01PITB307PITB307PITB308 PITB309PITB3010PITB3011 PITB3012PITB308 PITB309PITB3010 PITB3011PITB?01PITB3012PITB 5VDC01PITB 5VDC02PITB 12VDC01PITB 12VDC02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITS301PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITS103PITB?01PITS203PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB RTN VDC01 PITB RTN VDC02PITS302PITS303
112233445566D DC CB BA ARF IN RF OUTRF FRF R90945-01AGC BOARDRF IN RF OUT90959-01PRE-DRIVERRF IN RF OUT90958-01DRIVERRF INRF OUT 1RF OUT 2RF OUT 3RF OUT 4RF OUT 5RF OUT 673054SPITER 6 WAYRF IN RF OUT90958-01HPA1RF OUTRF IN 1RF IN 2RF IN 3RF IN 4RF IN 6RF IN 5RF SMPLRF  FRWRF REFLRF   MONITOR97960-01COMBINERJ7J1RF IN RF OUT90958-01HPA2RF IN RF OUT90958-01HPA3RF INRF OUT90958-01HPA4RF INRF OUT90958-01HPA5RF INRF OUT90958-01HPA6RF from MODULATORForwardReflectSampleForwardReflectSolderingSolderingSolderingSolderingSolderingSoldering59199-04Cable RF SMA connectorsUBS P/N MFR QTY59199-01 UBS 159199-02Cable RF SMA connectors59199-01Cable RF SMA connectors59199-02 UBS 259199-06Cable RF SMA connectors59199-06Cable RF SMA connectors59199-02Cable RF SMA connectors59199-03Cable RF SMA connectors59199-03 UBS 1TitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS4B4400W L-Band HPA Wiring RF Diagram0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorScale :        NONEREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVEDRF OUTRF INJ659199-04 UBS 259199-05Cable RF SMA  -   N-Type connectors2 26/06/2013 Added RF Monitor  port322/07/2013 Changed copnnection HPA to Current Sense424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense507/31/2013 Changed terminal connection59199-05 UBS 159199-06 UBS 6POJ7POJ1POJ6POJ1POJ6POJ7
112233445566D DC CB BA AJ2-37J2-35J2-34J2-33J2-31J2-30J2-32J2-36J2-29J2-28J2-14J2-15J2-16J2-17J2-18J2-19J2-23J2-24J2-25J2-26J2-27J2-20J2-21J2-22J2-1J2-2J2-3J2-4J2-5J2-6J2-7J2-8J2-9J2-10J2-11J2-12J2-1390945-01AGC BoardJ3REAR PLATEJ2-4J2-5J2-1J2-2J2-357662-01Power Supply  1 PCA12335919TS1TermoSensor12335919TS2TermoSensorJ2-4J2-5J2-1J2-2J2-357662-01Power Supply 2 PCAJ23-4J23-3J23-2J16-2J16-1J16-4J16-3J15-1J15-3J17-4Mini USB90927-01MiniControllerX1-1X1-3X1-290934-01PCA, Current SenseX1-1X1-3X1-290934-02PCA, Current SenseJ2-1J2-2J2-384126RDisplay BoardGRDTXDRXDTXDRXDGRDTemperature Sensor 1Temperature Sensor 2Current Monitoring 2AC  1  OKVoltage Monitoring 112C interface. SCL.12C interface. SDA.Enable Power supplyGNDGNDGNDGNDDATACLKGNDDATACLKGNDDATACLKGNDCurrent MonitoringCurrent MonitoringEnable Power supplyEnable Power supplyVoltage MonitoringVoltage MonitoringAC OKAC OKGNDGND59189-01Cable Termo Sensor HPA59198-01Cable RS485 HPA59197-01Cable RS232 Displey Board59195-02Cable DB37 connector HPA59196-01Cable communication PCA, Current SenseUBS P/N MFR QTY59195-0259196-0159197-0159198-0158939-01UBSUBSUBSUBSUBS11111Temperature Sensor 312335919TS3TermoSensor92419 1Current Monitoring 1Voltage Monitoring 2AC  2  OKTitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS3B4400W L-Band HPA Wiring Control Diagram0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorScale :        NONEREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVEDUBS # 92419REAR PLATE123456789J5DB9 (F)USB 2.0 A123456789J4DB9 (M)Temperature Sensor 4DOOR  SensorSmoke Alarm  SensorFAN Tachometer 1DOOR  SensorSmoke Alarm  Sensor123LM60CIZ/NOPB95507RTS459195-02Cable DB37 connector HPAFAN ControlPWMFAN Tachometer 2TACHOTACHO123485103F1FAN123485103F2FANTACHOPWMTACHO322/07/2013 Changed copnnection HPA to Current Sense424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense226/06/2013 Removed small cooling fan 30VDC507/31/2013 Changed terminal connectionPIF101PIF102PIF103PIF104COF1PIF201PIF202PIF203PIF204COF2PIJ401PIJ402PIJ403PIJ404PIJ405PIJ406PIJ407PIJ408PIJ409COJ4PIJ501PIJ502PIJ503PIJ504PIJ505PIJ506PIJ507PIJ508PIJ509COJ5PITS101PITS102PITS103COTS1PITS201PITS202PITS203COTS2PITS301PITS302PITS303COTS3PITS401PITS402PITS403COTS4PIF101PIF102PIF103PIF203PIF104PIF201PIF202PIF204PIJ401PIJ402PIJ403PIJ404PIJ405PIJ406PIJ407PIJ408PIJ409PIJ501PIJ502PIJ503PIJ504PIJ505PIJ506PIJ507PIJ508PIJ509PITS101PITS102PITS103PITS201PITS202PITS203PITS301PITS302PITS303PITS401PITS402PITS403
112233445566D DC CB BA ATB9TB7TB5TB3TB1TB10TB8TB6TB4TB290934-01PCA, Current Sense 1TB9TB7TB5TB3TB1TB10TB8TB6TB4TB290934-02PCA, Current Sense 2123456790958-01HPA2123456790958-01HPA3123456790958-01HPA4123456790958-01HPA5123456790958-01HPA6123456790958-01HPA1123456790958-01Driver12390959-01Pre-Driver GND GND GND GND GNDGNDGND+30VDCGND+30VDCHPA2HPA3HPA4HPA5HPA6Pre-DriverDriverHPA1FAN:3,4,5,6,7FAN:1,2TitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS1B4400W L-Band HPA Schematic Connection to Current Sense0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVED322/07/2013 Changed copnnection HPA to Current Sense424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense226/06/2013 Removed small cooling fan 30VDC507/31/2013 Changed terminal connection
112233445566D DC CB BA AC1D1R2 R3Rear Plate DB9 J5-4From TB2-10R6R4C3AGC Board DB37 J2-35From TB2-8To  TB6-2 (PWM)C2D21357911132468101214R5C42468101213579112468101213579111618151713 14Filter L1Filter L2Power Supply 1   L1Power Supply 1   L1Power Supply 1  L2Power Supply 1  L2L2 L1GNDTB1Power Supply 2  L1Power Supply 2  L1Power Supply 2  L2Power Supply 2  L2Power Supply 3  L1Power Supply 3  L1Power Supply 3  GNDPower Supply 1  GND To AC GND pin To TB 2-192468101213579111618151713 14To DB9(M)   J5-6To Display J4-6To TB5-8TB2To J2-3 Power Supply 3  To TB3-6To Thermosensot 3  pin1To DC GND pinFrom J2-6 Power Supply 3  To Mini Controller J17-1To TB3-11201912VDC 5VDC RTN DCFrom J2-1 Power Supply 3 To Display J4-5To Thermosensot 3  pin2To Mini Controller J17-3TB5TB4To TB1-41122334455661122334455667788TB31357911141213102468To TB2-412VDC5VDCRTN DCTo TB2-9To Pre-driver pin 12VDCTo ThermoSensor 1 pin1To ThermoSensor 2 pin1To ThermoSensor 1 pin2To ThermoSensor 2 pin2To DC GND pinFromThermoSensor 1 pin3FromThermoSensor 2 pin3To AGC Board DB37 J2-2To AGC Board DB37 J2-4To HPA1, 2 pin4To HPA3, 4 pin4To HPA5, 6 pin4To Driver  pin4TB6 TB724132413From Current Sense TB10From Current Sense TB10From Current Sense TBGNDFrom Current Sense TBGNDTo  TB7-2 (PWM)From TB4-10 (PWM)From TB4-12 (PWM)To  TB6-1 (TACHO2)To  TB7-1 (TACHO1)From   TB4-3 (TACHO2)From   TB4-2 (TACHO1)TitleDocument Number RevDATESheet ofDrawn by:APPROVALS1B4400W L-Band HPA Diagram Terminals Connection0559175-02-D0105/15/2013Approved by:Size400 Spinnaker WayVaughan, Ontario,Canada, L4K 5Y9Tel: (905) 669-8533Checked by:Kosta BorREV. DATE DESCRIPTION ECO# APPROVED322/07/2013 Changed copnnection HPA to Current Sense424/07/2013 Removed  connection 12VDC from Current Sense226/06/2013 Removed small cooling fan 30VDCAGC Board DB37 J2-33AGC Board DB37 J2-34AGC Board DB37 J2-30AGC Board DB37 J2-31Rear Plate DB9 J5-8Rear Plate DB9 J5-9Rear Plate DB9 J5-330VDC red wire30VDC red wireRTN 30VDC blue wireRTN 30VDC blue wirePWM violet wirePWM violet wireTACHO white wireTACHO white wireTo TB4-8FAN 2 FAN 1To R1To DB9(M)   J5-1507/31/2013 Changed terminal connectionPIC101PIC102COC1PIC201PIC202COC2PIC301PIC302COC3PIC401PIC402COC4PID101PID102COD1PID201PID202COD2PIR201PIR202COR2PIR301PIR302COR3PIR401PIR402COR4PIR501PIR502COR5PIR601PIR602COR6PITB?01PITB?02COTB?PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?03PITB?04 PITB?05PITB?06PITB?07 PITB?08PITB?01 PITB?02PITB?03 PITB?04PITB?05 PITB?06PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01NL1PITB?01PITB?02NL2PIR201PITB?01NL3PITB?01NL4PITB?01NL5NL6PITB?01NL7NL8PIC201PID201PITB?01NL9PITB?02NL10PIR301PITB?01PITB?03NL11PITB?04NL12PIC202PID202PITB?01NL13PITB?06NL14NL15NL16NL17NL18NL19NL20PIC101PID101PIC102PID102PITB?02PIC301PIR401PITB?01PIC302PIR402PITB?01PIC401PIR501PITB?02PIC402 PIR502PITB?02PIR202 PIR302PIR601PITB?01PIR602PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02 PITB?03PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?01PITB?02PITB?01PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?02PITB?03PITB?03PITB?04PITB?04PITB?05PITB?06PITB?04 PITB?05PITB?05PITB?05PITB?06PITB?06PITB?07 PITB?08PITB?07 PITB?08

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