UTStarcom Korea Technologies UTS-EA7H75B Wireless Local Loop Fixed Terminal User Manual Cover

UTStarcom Korea Technologies Ltd. Wireless Local Loop Fixed Terminal Cover

Manual 5

 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-464.3.7 Copy Data This function is used to copy the operating data from the ACT SDM to the SBY SDM.  The automatic SDM switching is not supported for this function. 1.  From the Configure main menu, click Service Data, and then Write Data.  This opens the Write System Service Data window, as shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-52: Write System Service Data Window 2.  Click the Copy radio button and then click OK.  A confirmation dialog box appears, as illustrated in the figure below.  Click OK to confirm the copying command.  Figure 4-53: Confirmation Dialog Box 4.3.8 Edit Data RPC operation data contain three categories: 1.  Service data 1: RP installation 2.  Service data 2: Group control configuration 3.  Service data 3: System parameters
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-47Use this function to edit an existing operation data file while the RPC is operating. F NOTE: Operation data must be edited locally in a file, and then downloaded to the system. Service Data 1: RP Installation 1.  From the Configuration main menu, click the Service Data option, and then the Edit Data option.  This brings up the Specify File for Edit window, as shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-54: Specify file for Edit Window 2.  Select the target .dat or .eep file and click Open.  The system edits all the files with any one of the two suffixes.  The Edit of Service Data 1 window opens, as shown in the figure below.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-48 Figure 4-55: Edit of Service Data 1 Window  Field Name  Description RP# RP ID number Inst. Set “installed” or “not installed” for RPs according to RP installation plan. Phantom The power is supplied by the RPC. Local The power is supplied by the RP power unit. Save Save the setting to a local file. Next Switch to the next Service Data window. Cancel Cancel the editing. Switch 1,2,3 Switch to one of the three Service Data windows. Table 4-12: Edit of Service Data 1 Window Field Description 3.  For each installed RP, enter a √ in the Inst. row.  For each installed RP, specify the power source by clicking on either the Phantom button or the Local button.  For WLL, the power source is Phantom.  Local is for future use when the power is 20 milliwatts or higher. Service Data 2: Group Control Configuration 1.  To get to the Edit of Service Data 2 window, click Next or Switch 2.  The Edit of Service Data 2 window opens, as shown in the figure below.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-49 Figure 4-56: Edit of Service Data 2 Window  Field Name Description RP-I/F RP interface ID number Group # Group ID number RP# RP ID number Master Master/Slave status of the RPs Save Save the Service Data toa a file. Next Switch to the next window Table 4-13: Edit of Service Data 2 Window Field Description F NOTE: RP ID numbers are defined according to the connected physical port numbers on the RP interface boards, as listed below: RP-IF#1 port 1 ----- RP#1 RP-IF#1 port 2 ----- RP#2 RP-IF#1 port 3 ----- RP#3 RP-IF#1 port 4 ----- RP#4 RP-IF#2 port 1 ----- RP#5  ….. RP-IF#3 port 1 ----- RP#9  ….. RP-IF#8 port 1 ----- RP#29 RP-IF#8 port 2 ----- RP#30 RP-IF#8 port 3 ----- RP#31 RP-IF#8 port 4 ----- RP#32
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-502.  This window is for the configuration of Group Control.  Group Control maximizes the number of channels available for traffic by allowing one control channel to control up to 8 RPs (up to 31 traffic channels).  A group can be set up only within two adjacent RP interface boards.  Group members must be within the two RP Interface boards.  For each RP, enter the group number and designate the master.  In the above window, 7 RPs on RP Interface card 5 and 6 are in group 17 with the master RP designated as RP number 17.  The master RP must be the RP with the lowest RP number in the group.  The RPs that are not in group control must be designated as their own masters and have their own group numbers, as is the case for RP# 21 in the above figure. Service Data 3: System Parameters The third Edit of Service Data window contains system parameters.  It is not necessary to administer the parameters, as they are set at the factory.  Users can only change the relevant values for the parameters.  Click on Next or Switch 3 to open the Edit of Service Data 3 window, as shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-57: Edit of Service Data 3 Window
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-51Field Name Definition No. Item sequence numbers, starting from 1 Value Specified value for the item.  The value can be selected from the arrow drop-down list. Item Item name and value description Basic Basic value Unit Item value unit Min The minimum value which can be specified for the item Max The maximum value which can be specified for the item HEX val. Switch between the hexadecimal and the decimal value Button Name Description Target Select the target PRC ID number to display its system parameters. Item Only item names are displayed on the right column. Basic Basic value, unit value, and item names are displayed on the right column. Range Maximum value, minimum value, unit value, and item names are displayed on the right column. < Scroll the window downward one line at a time. > Scroll the window upward one line at a time. << Scroll the window downward one page at a time. >> Scroll the window upward one page at a time. Save Save the value setting. Top Go to Service Data 1 window. Table 4-14: Edit of Service Data 3 Window Field Definition There are three different windows for this function: Item, Basic, and Range.  Use the View Block to switch to different windows.  Edit the data as necessary and click Save.  A confirmation box appears, prompting: “Current file will be replaced by this contents.  OK?” Click Yes to confirm or No to stop the transaction. The operation data in the Item block contain many system parameters.  They are for view only.  Users should use the Arrow drop-down list in the Value field to make any necessary change to the setting.  Each of the system parameters in the Item block is described as follows: Call discrimination code The length of the Call Discrimination Code data field is 48 bits, but the last 6 bits are not used.  So the remaining 42 bits are used for call discrimination code.  The value determines the RP-ID (CS-ID). And it needs to be unique among all RPCs.  The following diagram describes how the 42 bits are split into several divisions. Call Discrimination Code -----------------------------------------------------42 bits------------------------------------------------------ Public System Additional ID ---------------------------------------33 bits--------------------------------------  Operation ID Code ----------9 bits--------- Paging Area Number -------------------------22 bits------------------------ Additional ID --------11 bits--------
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-52Operator ID Code: MSB is always set to "1".  The remaining 8 bits are used for Operator ID.  The Operator ID’s of all RPs that connect to the same RPC take the same value, and the value is equal to the setting value of this data field. Paging Area Number refers to the area where the call is broadcast for the FSU or PS that has location registration for that area.  In effect, PS doesn't need to request location registration while it stays inside the area, even if it switches RPs.  The Paging Area Number of all RPs that connect to the same RPC takes the same value, and the value is equal to the setting value of this data field.  Additional ID (11bits) of this data field is set from "00000000000" to  "11111100000".  The upper 6 bits of the Additional ID of the RPs that connect to the same RPC take the same value, and the value is equal to the setting value of this data field. The first 37 bits of this Call Discrimination Code correspond to the RP-ID (CS-ID) of each RP that connects to the same RPC, and the value of the 37 bits is the same for all the RPs which connect to the same RPC.  The last 5 bits are unique for each RP under the same RPC, as illustrated below: RP # RP #1 RP #2 RP #3 RP #4 …… RP #32 Last 5 bits 00000 00001 00010 00011 …… 11111  For instance, when the field data (48bits) of the Call Discrimination Code are 9E 00 00 00 03 80 (HEX), the RP-ID (42 bits) of RP#4 is as follows: 1001 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 11 (Binary) Operator ID:  1001 1110 0 (Binary) Paging area:   000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 (Binary) Additional ID: 0 0000 0011 11 (Binary) F NOTE: The RP-ID that is described in this section is used between RP/RPC and FSU/PS.  The RP-ID is also defined between WLL/V5WLL and RPC but the length is 48 bits.  This RP-ID is generated by the RP-ID of the air interface but is not the same as the RP-ID of the air interface.  RPC can translate between the RP-ID of the WLL/V5WLL/RPC and the RP-ID of the air interface.. E1 interface install setting This item is used to configure E1 interface install setting (1), as described below:
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-53       MSB   LSB  Bit  8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1        0    0    0    0    X    X    X    X   Bit 1  corresponds to the installation status of E1-IF#1   Bit 2  corresponds to the installation status of E1-IF#2  Bit 3  corresponds to the installation status of E1-IF#3  Bit 4  corresponds to the installation status of E1-IF#4              Installation status:  Installed  à 1     Not installed  à 0 Set "installed" or "not installed" for each E1-IF according to the E1-IF installation plan.  Set "installed" for all E1-IF’s for future expansion. E1 interface install setting (2) is reserved for system expansion.  LCCH frequency (Control carrier frequency) This item is used to set LCCH frequency of the system.  The system can use one carrier from No. 1 to No. 77.  This value is assigned by the operator or Government.  For instance, if LCCH frequency is No.71, the setting value is 71 (HEX: 4D).  In one-service area LCCH frequency and Operator ID must be the same for all RPs and RPCs.   Channel frequency use control (1-8), (9-16) ….. (73-77) The item is used to set the availability of Traffic channels.  Every channel frequency (carrier number 1 through 77) can be set "available" or "unavailable".  For Channel frequency use control (1-8) the values are set as follows: MSB   LSB Bit   8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1        X   X    X    X    X   X    X    X    Bit 1 corresponds to Channel frequency No.1 (carrier No.1)   Bit 2 corresponds to Channel frequency No.2 (carrier No.2)     ................   Bit 7 corresponds to Channel frequency No. 7 (carrier No.7)   Bit 8 corresponds to Channel frequency No. 8 (carrier No.8)  Setting value: Available  à 1    Unavailable  à 0
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-54 For instance, if Channel frequency No. 1, 3, 5 are available and Channel frequency No. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 are unavailable, the values are set as follows:  Channel frequency use control (1-8): 0001 0101(Binary) (HEX: 15) Channel frequency use control (9-16) ….. (73-77) are set in the same way. The previous and the next Channel frequency of LCCH frequency must be set "Unavailable" for traffic channel to avoid the interference.  Loudness control value (input loudness value) This item is used to set the RPC input loudness control value, as described below: MSB   LSB Bit   8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1        0    0    0    y    x   x    x    x  Bit 1-4 (xxxx) are the value of loudness, as listed below:    Real level Bit  4  3  2  1  0 dB  à         0  0  0  0  2 dB  à         0  0  0  1  4 dB  à         0  0  1  0  6 dB  à         0  0  1  1 ............... Bit 5 is the value of sign. Sign    Bit  5 à  1    à  0   ...................  For instance, if the input loudness of RPC needs to be set to + 8 dB, the setting value is as follows: 0001 0100 (Binary) This value is determined in accordance with the system level plan. Loudness control value (output loudness value) This item is used to set the RPC output loudness control value, as described below:
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-55MSB   LSB Bit   8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1        0    0    0    y    x   x    x    x  Bit 1-4 (xxxx) are the value of loudness, as listed below:    Real level Bit  4  3  2  1  0 dB  à         0  0  0  0  2 dB  à         0  0  0  1  4 dB  à         0  0  1  0  6 dB  à         0  0  1  1 ............... Bit 5 is the value of sign. Sign    Bit  5 à  1    à  0   ...................  For instance, if the output loudness of RPC needs to be set to + 8 dB, the setting value is as follows: 0001 0100 (Binary) This value is determined in accordance with the system level plan.  Loudness control value (DTMF signal loudness value) In the case of PS origination, dialing information is transferred as a message from the PS to the RPC.  The RPC generates the DTMF signal tone according to the received message.  This item used for the setting of output DTMF signal loudness, as described below: MSB   LSB Bit   8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1        0    0    0    y    x   x    x    x
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-56Bit 1-4 (xxxx) are the value of loudness, as listed below:    Real level Bit  4  3  2  1  0 dB  à         0  0  0  0  2 dB  à         0  0  0  1  4 dB  à         0  0  1  0  6 dB  à         0  0  1  1 ............... Bit 5 is the value of sign. Sign    Bit  5 à  1    à  0   ...................  For instance, if the output loudness of RPC needs to be set to + 8 dB, the setting value is as follows: 0001 0100 (Binary) This value is determined in accordance with the system level plan. DTMF sound sending interval value In the case of PS origination, dialing information is transferred as a message from the PS to the RPC.  The RPC generates the DTMF signal tone according to the received message.  This item is used for the setting of DTMF minimum pause of the DTMF signal.  The value (unit: msec) is directly set in the value field.  For instance, if the sending interval time needs to be set to 80 msec, the setting value is "50" (HEX). DTMF sound sending time value In the case of PS origination, dialing information is transferred as a message from the PS to the RPC.  The RPC generates the DTMF signal tone according to the received message.  This item is used for the setting of DTMF sending time of the DTMF signal.  The value (unit: msec) is directly set in the value field.  For instance, if the sending time needs to be set to 80 msec, the setting value is "50" (HEX).
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-57Country number 1, 2 This item is used for the setting of Country Code.  The Country code is used to represent the country which assigns the RP identification code. System type This item is used for the setting of system type.  This system is applicable for the system. The system type is 3.  The coding is "0000 0100" (Binary). Standby zone selection level This item is used for the setting of air-interface.  Standby zone hold level This item is used for the setting of air-interface.   Recalling-type handover process level This item is used for the setting of air-interface.   Recalling-type handover destination zone selection level This item is used for the setting of air-interface.   Channel switching FER threshold value This item is used for the setting of air-interface.   Reservation/Area information report status number This item is used for the setting of air-interface.   TCH switching-type handover process level This item is used for the setting of air-interface.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-58FSU mobility limitation  This item is used for the control of FSU mobility limitation.  Depending on the setting value, one mode might be that RPC reports RP-ID to WLL/V5WLL for mobility, the other mode might be that RPC doesn't report RP-ID to WLL/V5WLL for mobility.  In the case that RPC reports RP-ID to WLL/V5WLL, WLL/V5WLL controls FSU mobility in accordance with the subscriber setting.  In the case that RPC doesn't report RP-ID, FSU mobility isn't limited regardless of the subscriber setting.  The way of setting is as follows, Bit    8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1       0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 à The mode that RPC doesn’t report RP-ID      0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1 à The mode that RPC reports RP-ID 4.3.9 Change Data (RP Installation) Use the procedure in this section to change the operation data for the selected RPC.  The diagrams displayed in this section are very similar to those in the previous section.  The only difference is that there are two configuration windows instead of three. 1.  To change the operation data for an RPC, click the Configuration main menu and select the Service Data option, then the Change Data option, and then the RP Installation option.  This opens the RP Installation (Group Composition 1) window, as displayed in the figure below. F NOTE: Before making any changes to the operation data, be sure to block the E1/IF and RP/IF.  After the setting is modified, the RP/IF will restart itself.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-59 Figure 4-58: RP Installation (Group Composition 1) Window 2.  This window is used to configure RP connection.  For each installed RP, enter a √ in the Inst. row.  For each installed RP, specify the power source by clicking on either the Phantom button or the Local button.  Phantom means the power is supplied by the RPC.  For WLL, the power source is Phantom. 3.  To get to the RP Installation (Group Composition 2) window, click Next or Switch 2.  The RP Installation (Group Composition 2) window is shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-59: RP Installation (Group Composition 2) Window
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-604.  This window is for the configuration of Group Control.  Group Control maximizes the number of channels available for traffic by allowing one control channel to control up to 8 RPs (up to 31 traffic channels).  Each group contains two RP Interface boards.  Group members must be within the two RP Interface boards.  For each RP, enter the group number and designate the master.  In the above window, 7 RPs on RP Interface boards 5 and 6 are in group 17 with the master RP designated as RP number 17.  The master RP must be the RP with the lowest RP number in the group.  The RPs that are not in group control must be designated as their own masters and have their own group numbers, as is the case for RP# 21 in the above figure. 5.  After editing the operation data click OK.  A dialog box opens for confirmation, as shown in the figure below.    Figure 4-60: Confirmation Dialog Box 6.  Click Yes to confirm, or No to stop the transaction.  If the Version Confirmation window opens when Yes button is clicked, verify that the version is correct and then click OK. 4.3.10 Change Data (E1-IF Board Installation) Each RPC can have 4 E1 interface boards to communicate with WLL/V5WLL.  Use the steps in this section to select the target E1 interfaces to be installed or uninstalled.   1.  First use the Blockade option under Unit Control to block the target E1 interfaces. 2.  From the Configuration pull-down menu, select Service Data, then Change Data, and then E1-I/F Board Installation.  This opens the E1-I/F Board Installation window, as shown in the figure below.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-61 Figure 4-61: E1-IF Board Installation 3.  Check or uncheck the boxes in front of the target E1 interfaces to be installed or uninstalled, and click OK. 4.3.11 Change Data (Data Value) Use this function to change the operation data value. F NOTE: This feature is not recommended.  Use with care. 1.  From the Configuration main menu, click Service Data, then Change Data, and then Data Value.  The Data Value Change window opens, as illustrated in the figure below.  Figure 4-62: Data Value Change Window
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-62Field Name Definition No. Item sequence numbers, starting from 1 Value Specified value for the item.  The valid values are displayed in the Item block and can be selected from the arrow drop-down list. Item Item name and value description Basic Basic value Unit Item value unit Min The minimum value which can be specified for the item Max The maximum value which can be specified for the item HEX addr. Switch between hexadecimal and decimal value Button Name Description Item Only item names are displayed on the right column. Basic Basic value, unit value, and item names are displayed on the right column. Range Maximum value, minimum value, unit value, and item names are displayed on the right column. < Scroll the window downward one line at a time. > Scroll the window upward one line at a time. << Scroll the window downward one page at a time. >> Scroll the window upward one page at a time. OK Implement the command. Table 4-15: Data Value Change Window Field Description 2.  There are three different windows for this function: Item, Basic, and Range.  Use the View block to switch between different windows.  Refer to Section for the detailed description for the Value field and the Item block. 3.  Make necessary changes and click OK to close the window. 4.4 Manage RPC Alarms This section discusses several aspects concerning the RPC warning and alarm history.  Through the RPC device manager, we can update and clear the alarm, or save the alarm history to files for further analysis.   The warning messages are also displayed in the Status View windows for RPCs, RPs, and interfaces, as described in Section 4.2.4. 4.4.1 Warning Status The RPC device manager can display currently occurring warnings about the RPC, RP, E1 interface, and RP interface.   1.  On the Main View window, click the RPC R2.4 node.  Get connected to the target RPC.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-632.  To view the RPC warnings, click the Status main menu, and select the Warning option.  The Warning window appears, as displayed in the figure below.  Another way to open the window is to click the Warning button.  Figure 4-63: Warning Window 3.  Click the Update button to retrieve the latest information.  The color of the small rectangle in front of each warning message indicates the alarm’s severity. • Red - Major Alarm • Yellow - Minor Alarm • Green - No Alarm 4.  After viewing the warning, click Close to close the window. 4.4.2 Alarm History The Alarm History option provides access to a chronological log of all the RPC, RP, interfaces, and synchronization warnings.  This log may contain information useful in diagnosing equipment malfunctions.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-641.  To view the log of the Alarm History, select the Alarm History option from the Status main menu.  The Alarm History window appears as shown in the figure below.  Another way to open the window is to click the Fault History button.  Figure 4-64: Alarm History Window F NOTE: This log has a capacity of storing 127 messages.  When this limit is reached, the oldest message is deleted when the newest one is added. 2.  Click Update to display the historical information.  To clear the present alarm history, click Clear.  The contents of this window can be saved to a file for further analysis.  Click the Save button and specify a file name. 3.  Click Close to close this window. 4.5 Reset RPC When an RPC or its other components experience trouble and the problem cannot be solved, it may be necessary to reset the component.  Use the following procedures to reset an E1 interface, an RP interface, an RP, or an RPC.   F WARNING: Do not directly reset a unit in operation since this will cause active subscriber calls to be dropped.  Before resetting a unit, block the unit temporarily by resorting to the Configuration à Unit Control à Blockade option.  Check the Channel Status to verify that there are no active calls.  Click the Channel
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-65button or click Air Channel on the Unit View window of the RPC  window to open the Channel Status View window.  After resetting, unblock the unit. 1.  On the Main View window, click the target RPC-DM node and connect to the RPC.  This opens the RPC window. 2.  Select the Reset option from the Maintenance pull-down menu or click the Reset button.  The Reset window appears, as shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-65: Reset RPC Window 3.  Select either an RP, an E1 interface, an RP interface, or the entire RPC.  Click OK.  The system resets the unit, returns it to operation, and sends a message to the Self Messages window.  Suppose that the RP#1 of the RPC#2 were reset, the window would be like the figure below.  Figure 4-66: Self Messages Window for Reset 4.  If an RPC needs to be reset, select the RPC and click OK.  This brings up the EM Reset (RPC) window as shown in the figure below.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-66 Figure 4-67: EM Reset (RPC) Window Field Name Description Startup System Determine which SDM to use for operating RPC after resetting. Prev. Previous ACT SDM.  After resetting, RPC starts up and runs based on the previous ACT SDM. N System SDM-#N.  After resetting, RPC starts up and runs based on SDM-#N. E System SDM-#E.  After resetting, RPC starts up and runs based on SDM-#E. Table 4-16: EM Reset (RPC) Window Field Description F NOTE: Refer to Section 4.3 for detailed description of the N and E systems. 5.  There are three options in the Startup System block.  Select the system to start with and click OK.   6.  A confirmation window appears, as displayed in the figure below.  Click OK to reset the RPC or Cancel to stop the transaction.  Figure 4-68: Reset Confirmation Window 7.  After EM reset is complete, the PC will disconnect from the RPC.  To resume normal operations, reconnect to the RPC. 8.  Click the RPC Status button to open the RPC Status View window to verify that the component is in operation.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-674.6 RPC Statistics The function of RPC statistics can generate an RPC traffic report that displays the traffic status for either the entire period and all the RPCs and RPs, or the specific period and an individual RPC or RP.  This is a useful feature for analyzing the RPC traffic.  In addition, the RPC statistics can also create the RP status report. 4.6.1 RPC Traffic Report 1.  To generate the RPC/RP traffic report, click the Statistics main menu on the Client View window and select RPC Statistics Report.  The criteria setting window opens, as shown in the figure below.  Figure 4-69: Criteria Setting Window 2.  Select the criteria for the RPC traffic data to be retrieved and click the Refresh button.  After a few seconds the RPC/RP Traffic Report appears on the screen, as illustrated in the figure below.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-68 Figure 4-70: RPC/RP Traffic Report Window F NOTE: Sometimes nothing happens after the Refresh button is clicked.  The reason is that the RPC board may have been reset by RTs and there is no synchronization between the RPC device manager and the RPC board.  In that case go to the RPC System View window, click open the Configure main menu, and select Set Time.  The Set Time window opens.  Click OK to synchronize the RPC device manager with the RPC board.  After the traffic data pile up in the board the RPC device manager can retrieve the traffic report.  This rule also applies to the RP Status Report operation, as described in Section 4.6.3. 3.  Figure 4-70 presents the traffic report for each of the 32 associated RPs.  The report is organized in such a way that each block displays all the 29 traffic statistics elements for an RP for the period of one hour.  Refer to the following figure for the description of each of the 29 statistics elements.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-69 Figure 4-71: Description of RPC Traffic Status 4.6.2 RPC Outstanding Alarms RPC Outstanding Alarms list all the alarms for each RPC which haven’t been fixed.   1.  To display the RPC outstanding alarms, click the Statistics main menu on the Client View window and select the RPC Outstanding Alarms option.  This brings up the RPC Outstanding Alarm window, as shown in Figure 4-72.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-70 Figure 4-72: RPC Outstanding Alarm Window 2.  Click the Refresh button to retrieve the current outstanding alarms. 4.6.3 RP Status Report  This feature displays the blockade and warning statuses for all the 32 RPs of the selected RPC.   1.  To view the report, click the Statistics main menu and select the RP Status Report option on the Client View window.  The RP Status Report page opens on the Main View window, as shown below.
RPC/RP Manual    RPC/RP Configuration 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 4-71 Figure 4-73: RP Status Report Page 2.  Select the target RPC on the left frame to bring up the status report for the associated RPs.
 RPC/RP Configuration    RPC/RP Manual   WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 4-72
 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0  ASpecifications A  Specifications A.1 RPC Specifications Item Specifications Functions Control and power feeding to RPs Concentration of speech path Conversion of protocol Capacity    Max. number of controlled subscribers 960    Max. number of controlled RPs 32    Max. number of COT interfaces 4    Max. speech paths 120 COT Interface    Physical Interface E1 interface (30B+D) 2.048 Mbit/s (B: 64 kbit/s D: 64 kbit/s) TE mode ITU-T Rec. G.703, G.704    Speech coding rule A-law    Logical Interface Non-facility associated signaling Q.931 RP Interface    Physical Interface Proprietary (4B+D+K) 192 kbit/s (B: 32 kbit/s D: 16 kbit/s K: 8 kbit/s)    Speech coding rule ADPCM    Line power feeding voltage 112-116 V DC    Logical Interface Layer 2: TTC Rec. JT-Q921-b Layer 3: Proprietary Power Condition    Input voltage 42-58 V DC    Max. input current Approx. 7.5 A Operational Environment    Temperature -10° - +50° C    Humidity Less than 95% (non-condensing) Dimensions 640mm (H) x 494mm (W) x 210mm (D) Table A-1: RPC Specifications
 Specifications    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 A-2A.1.1 Champ Connector Pin Assignments Assignment Pin # Pin # Assignment Remarks RP # 1 (L1) 1 26 RP # 1 (L2) RP # 2 (L1) 2 27 RP # 2 (L2) RP # 3 (L1) 3 28 RP # 3 (L2) RP # 4 (L1) 4 29 RP # 4 (L2)  RPIF Card #1 RP # 5 (L1) 5 30 RP # 5 (L2) RP # 6 (L1) 6 31 RP # 6 (L2) RP # 7 (L1) 7 32 RP # 7 (L2) RP # 8 (L1) 8 33 RP # 8 (L2)  RPIF Card #2 RP # 9 (L1) 9 34 RP # 9  (L2) RP# 10 (L1) 10 35 RP # 10 (L2) RP# 11 (L1) 11 36 RP # 11 (L2) RP# 12 (L1) 12 37 RP # 12 (L2)  RPIF Card #3 RP# 13 (L1) 13 38 RP # 13 (L2) RP# 14 (L1) 14 39 RP # 14 (L2) RP# 15 (L1) 15 40 RP # 15 (L2) RP# 16 (L1) 16 41 RP # 16 (L2)  RPIF Card #4 Not in use 17 42 Not in use Not in use 18 43 Not in use Not in use 19 44 Not in use Not in use 20 45 Not in use Not in use 21 46 Not in use Not in use 22 47 Not in use Not in use 23 48 Not in use Not in use 24 49 Not in use Not in use 25 50 Not in use     No need to attach Table A-2: Champ Connector 1-Pin Assignments The Pin numbers are marked on the Champ connector.  This chart applies to J16 on the motherboard in the RPC.  RP has no polarity.  Figure A-1: Champ Connector Contact Face View
RPC/RP Manual    Specifications 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 A-3Assignment Pin # Pin # Assignment Remarks RP # 17 (L1) 1 26 RP # 17 (L2) RP # 18 (L1) 2 27 RP # 18 (L2) RP #  19(L1) 3 28 RP # 19 (L2) RP #  20(L1) 4 29 RP # 20 (L2)  RPIF Card #5 RP #  21(L1) 5 30 RP # 21 (L2) RP #  22(L1) 6 31 RP # 22 (L2) RP #  23(L1) 7 32 RP # 23 (L2) RP #  24(L1) 8 33 RP # 24 (L2)  RPIF Card #6 RP #  25(L1) 9 34 RP # 25  (L2) RP# 26 (L1) 10 35 RP # 26 (L2) RP#  27(L1) 11 36 RP # 27 (L2) RP#  28(L1) 12 37 RP # 28 (L2)  RPIF Card #7 RP#  29(L1) 13 38 RP # 29 (L2) RP#  30(L1) 14 39 RP # 30 (L2) RP#  31(L1) 15 40 RP # 31 (L2) RP#  32(L1) 16 41 RP # 32 (L2)  RPIF Card #8 Not in use 17 42 Not in use Not in use 18 43 Not in use Not in use 19 44 Not in use Not in use 20 45 Not in use Not in use 21 46  Not in use Not in use 22 47 Not in use Not in use 23 48 Not in use Not in use 24 49 Not in use Not in use 25 50 Not in use     No need to attach Table A-3: Champ Connector 2 - Pin Assignment Pin numbers are marked on the Champ connector.  This chart applies to J17 on the motherboard in the RPC.  RP has no polarity.  Figure A-2: Champ Connector Contact Face View
 Specifications    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 A-4A.2 RP Specifications A.2.1 Radio Features Item Contents Radio frequency For private use:  1,895-1,906.1 MHz For public use:    1,895-1,910 MHz Carrier spacing 300 KHz Output power 10 mW Radio access TDMA-TDD Number of TDMA slots 4 (for full rate CODEC) Modulation π/4 shift QPSK  (roll-off factor = 0.5) Transmission bit rate 384 kbps Speech coding 32 kbps ADPCM Table A-4: Radio Features A.2.2 Outdoor Type RP Item Specifications RF output power average  (Peak) 10 mW  (80 mW) Sensitivity (Static BER = 1%) 14 dB µV Antenna (Diversity) 2 external antennae (2 branch) Diversity    RX (uplink) Antenna selection diversity (frame by frame)    TX (downlink) Transmitter antenna selection diversity (2 branch) Air interface Based on RCR STD-28 ver.2 RPC interface Proprietary BRI equivalent (4B+D+K) x 1 Speech coding rate 32 kbps (ADPCM) x 3 or 4 Maximum wire line length (⇔ RPC) 3.5  km (φ 0.4) 5.0  km (φ 0.5) Maximum power consumption Approx. 3 W Power source Line power feeding (phantom) from RPC 56 - 116 V DC Operational Environment    Temperature -10° to + 50°C    Humidity Less than 95 % (non-condensing) Size 260 x 215 x 100 mm Weight Approx. 2 kg Line connection Screw less terminal Antenna connection TNC connector Battery backup None Table A-5: Outdoor RP Specifications
RPC/RP Manual    Specifications 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 A-5A.2.2.1 Antenna The recommended antenna specifications for the outdoor type RP are shown in Table A-6. Items: Recommended Specifications Type Co-Liner antenna (Omni-directional) 2 branch Gain 7dBi Impedance 50Ω VSWR less than 1.5 Cable Length: within 1m Attenuation: 0.5dB/m Table A-6: Antenna Specifications - Outdoor Type RP A.2.3 Indoor Type RP Item Specifications RF output power average (Peak) 10 mW  (80 mW) Sensitivity (Static BER = 1%) 14 dB µV Antenna (Diversity) Built-in antenna (2 branch 2.4 dBi) Diversity    RX (uplink) Antenna selection diversity (frame by frame)    TX (downlink) Transmitter antenna selection diversity (2 branch) Air interface Based on RCR STD-28 ver.2 RPC interface Proprietary BRI equivalent (4B+D+K) x 1 Speech cording rate 32 kbps (ADPCM) x 3 or 4 Maximum wire line length (⇔ RPC) km (φ 0.4) 5.0  km (φ 0.5) Maximum power consumption Approx. 3 W Power source Line power feeding (phantom) from RPC 56 - 116 V DC Operational Environment    Temperature 0° C to +50° C    Humidity Less than 95 % (non-condensing) Size 154(H) x 142(W) x 47(D) mm Weight Approx. 0.6 kg Line connection Modular connector Battery backup None Table A-7: Indoor RP Specifications
 Specifications    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 A-6
 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0  B Glossary B Glossary  ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation BRI    Basic Rate Interface CNT    Control Module COT    Central Office Terminal CPU    Central Processing Unit CRC    Cyclic Redundancy Check E1IF    E1 Interface  ECNT   Enhanced Control Module FIFO    First In - First Out HDLC   High speed Digital Loop Carrier HDSL   High speed Digital Subscriber Loop ISDN    Integrated Services Digital Network ITU    International Telecommunications Union LE    Local Exchange LED    Light Emitting Diode LIF    Line Interface OA&M Operations, Administration and Maintenance PC    Personal Computer
 Glossary    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 B-2PCM    Pulse Code Modulation PHS    Personal Handyphone System RAM    Random Access Memory ROM    Read Only Memory RP     Radio Port RPC    Radio Port Controller RPIF    Radio Port Interface  TIF    Trunk Interface
RPC/RP Manual    Glossary 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 B-3
 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0  C Editor’s Note C  Editor’s Note C.1 Notice to Customers UTStarcom reserves the right to change the specifications and materials contained herein without notice, and shall not be responsible for any damages caused by reliance on the material as presented, including, but not limited to, typographical, arithmetic, and listing errors.   Trademarks All trademarks and service marks used in this document belong to their respective owners. Warranty and Return Policy Refer to the terms and conditions of the contract for warranty and return policy details. Customer Service Refer to the terms and conditions of the contract for customer service policy details, or call the local UTStarcom Facility.  Contact UTStarcom’s US headquarters if you can’t find your local UTStarcom facility in the list below.   U.S.  Facilities and Operations   UTStarcom, Inc.  1275 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 100 Alameda, CA 94502, USA  Tel.  1-510-864-8800 Fax 1-510-864-8802   UTStarcom New Jersey R&D Center  33 Wood Avenue South 8th floor Iselin, NJ 08830, USA Tel.  1-732-767-5200 Fax 1-732-548-1099  China Facilities and Operations
 Editor’s Note    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 C-2 UTStarcom (China) Ltd.  CNT Manhattan Building, 11th Floor 6 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jie Dong Cheng District, Beijing, 100027 P.R.  China Tel.  86-10-6554-2030 Fax 86-10- 6554-2058   Zhejiang Unitel Telecommunications Equipment Ltd  3 Yile Industrial Park 3/4F Building 129 Wen Yi Rd. Hangzhou, 310012, P.R.  China Tel.  86-571-886-2341 Fax 86-571-886-2349   UTStarcom, Shanghai Office  Rm 1901-1902 227 Huang Pi North Road Shanghai, 200237, P.R.  China Tel.  86-21-637-58766 Fax 86-21-637-58755    Guangdong UTStarcom Co.  Ltd.  4 Yunshan Road East, North River  Huizhou, Guangdong 516001, P.R.  China Tel.  86-752-280-8868 or 86-752-280-8818 Fax 86-20-280-8838  UTS Guangzhou Subsidiary  10F GuangZhou Gold Lion Tower 138 Tiyu Road East Guangzhou, 510620, P.R.  China Tel.  86-20-3878-0263 Fax 86-20-3880-7411  UTStarcom (Hangzhou) Ltd.  3 Yile Industrial Park 3/4F Building 129 Wenyi Rd. Hangzhou, 310012, P.R.  China Tel.  86-571-886-2341 Fax 86-571-886-2349   International Facilities and Operations   UTStarcom, Singapore Office  ACTEL Communications 141 Middle Road #06-02 GSM Building, Singapore 188976 Tel.  65-334-6602 Fax 65-334-6606  UTStarcom, India Office  W.S.  Telesystems Limited Dr.  Brownamma Towers 11 Floor, 70/1, Mission Road Bangalore - 560 027, India Tel.  91-80-227-4444 Fax 91-80-222-5268   UTStarcom, Thailand Office  For Your Infosys Co., Ltd 47/15 Soi Lardprao 122 Bangkapi Bangkok 10310, Thailand Tel.  66-2-539-7140 or 66-2-934-0179 ext 80 Fax 66-2-539-7431  UTStarcom, Philippines Office  Rocis, Inc. GF-A Cordova Condominium Building Valero cor.  Sedeño Sts. Salcedo Village, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines 1227 Tel.  63-2-818-9783 Fax 63-2-815-2727
RPC/RP Manual    Editor’s Note 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 C-3C.2 How to Comment on This Document UTStarcom strives to continuously improve its products and services to better help our customers succeed.  As our valued customer, you can help us by giving us your comments on this manual.  A feedback form is located on the next page.  Please take a few minutes to complete the form and send it to the following address by mail or fax.  If you have any comments and suggestions, please send them to this address, too.  Your valuable feedback is highly appreciated.  Wireless Product Manager UTStarcom Inc. 33 Wood Avenue South, 8th floor Iselin, New Jersey 08830 USA Fax: 732-548-1099   Web Site: http://www.utstar.com Email: wireless_prod_mgr@utstar.com
 Editor’s Note    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 C-4
RPC/RP Manual    Editor’s Note 19June2000    WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0 C-5C.3 Feedback Form  Organization of this manual:   r extremely poor r poor r moderate r good r excellent  Clarity of this manual:   r extremely poor r poor r moderate r good r excellent  Level of detail of this manual:  r not enough r just right r too much  Level of technical description:   r too superficial r just right r hard to understand   Suggested improvements and topics you want to see covered in future releases:          Errors found (attach additional sheets if necessary):  Page # Description
 Editor’s Note    RPC/RP Manual WLL-RPC/RP-IN/UM-1.0    19June2000 C-6Please tell us about yourself:  Company   Title / Job Responsibility   Years of Experience   In case we contact you, please provide the following (optional): Your Name   Phone Number   E-mail Address         ------------------- fold along line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tape here                      ------------------- fold along line -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Post Officewill notdeliverwithoutstamp         Wireless Product Manager      UTStarcom      33 Wood Avenue South, 8th floor      ISELIN, NJ 08830      USA
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