UTStarcom Telecom 1023 Wireless AP User Manual

UTStarcom Telecom Co., Ltd. Wireless AP Users Manual

Users Manual

  NetSprite1023 USER GUIDE     Release: 2.2  Doc. Code: L2 DS02 2202 02 10 00 UTStarcom, Inc.
 Copyright © 2004 UTStarcom, Inc. All rights reserved.  No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without prior, express and written permission from UTStarcom, Inc.  UTStarcom, Inc. reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of UTStarcom, Inc. to provide notification of such revision or changes. UTStarcom, Inc. provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. UTStarcom may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LEGENDS: If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the software described herein are provided to you subject to the following:  United States Government Legend: All technical data and computer software is commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. Software is delivered as Commercial Computer Software as defined in DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995) or as a commercial item as defined in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only such rights as are provided in UTStarcom's standard commercial license for the Software. Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015 (Nov 1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. You agree not to remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with, this User Guide. UTStarcom, the UTStarcom logo, PAS, mSwitch, Airstar, WACOS, Netman, Total Control, and CommWorks are registered trademarks of UTStarcom, Inc. and its subsidiaries. The UTStarcom name, AN-2000, and the CommWorks logo are trademarks of UTStarcom, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. Any rights not expressly granted herein are firmly reserved.
 i Contents About This Guide................................................................................... 1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 1 Conventions................................................................................................. 1 Notice ...................................................................................................... 1 Text.......................................................................................................... 2 Figures and Screen Captures................................................................... 3 Related Documentation ............................................................................... 3 1 Overview......................................................................................... 5 Device Introduction...................................................................................... 5 Feature List.................................................................................................. 6 Application................................................................................................... 6 2 Installation Planning...................................................................... 9 Packing List ................................................................................................. 9 Interfaces Introduction ................................................................................. 9 Cable Connections..................................................................................... 12 3 Before Configuration................................................................... 15 Login NetSprite1023 .................................................................................. 15 Web Page Introduction .............................................................................. 16 4 Quick Start.................................................................................... 19 5 Setup Configuration .................................................................... 23 Configure WAN.......................................................................................... 23 Configure ADSL Connection .................................................................. 23 Configure ADSL Line Setup ................................................................... 29 Configure WLAN........................................................................................ 29 Configure Basic Setup............................................................................ 29
ii   ii Configure WLAN Security ...................................................................... 31 Configure Management.......................................................................... 34 Configure VoIP .......................................................................................... 36 Configure Codec.................................................................................... 36 Configure SIP......................................................................................... 37 Configure Digital Map............................................................................. 37 Configure Call Forwarding...................................................................... 38 Configure Voice Connection................................................................... 39 Configure LAN........................................................................................... 40 Configure LAN Group............................................................................. 40 Configure DHCP .................................................................................... 41 Configure IP........................................................................................... 41 Configure LAN Clients............................................................................ 42 Configure Isolation................................................................................. 42 Configure Security ..................................................................................... 43 Configure DMZ....................................................................................... 43 Configure IP Filters ................................................................................ 44 Configure Access Control....................................................................... 46 Configure UpnP ..................................................................................... 46 Configure Port Mapping ......................................................................... 47 Configure Routing...................................................................................... 48 Configure Static Routing ........................................................................ 48 Configure Dynamic Routing.................................................................... 49 Others........................................................................................................ 49 Configure SNTP..................................................................................... 49 Configure Multicast ................................................................................ 50 IP QoS....................................................................................................... 50 6 System Management ................................................................... 53 System ...................................................................................................... 53
iii  iii System Commands................................................................................ 53 User Management.................................................................................. 54 Upgrade................................................................................................. 54 Status ........................................................................................................ 55 Basic Status........................................................................................... 55 Connection............................................................................................. 55 DHCP Clients......................................................................................... 56 Modem................................................................................................... 56 Network Statistics................................................................................... 57 Product Information................................................................................ 57 Help........................................................................................................... 58 7 Example........................................................................................ 61 8 Technical Specification............................................................... 69 9 Term and Acronym List............................................................... 71
iv   iv List of Figures Figure 1 Appearance ........................................................................................... 5 Figure 2 Application............................................................................................. 6 Figure 3 Faceplate............................................................................................. 10 Figure 4 Backplane............................................................................................ 12 Figure 5 Login.................................................................................................... 16 Figure 6 Home Page.......................................................................................... 16 Figure 7 Setup................................................................................................... 17 Figure 8 Quick Start........................................................................................... 19 Figure 9 WAN Configuration .............................................................................. 19 Figure 10 Call Forwarding.................................................................................. 20 Figure 11 WLAN................................................................................................ 21 Figure 12 ADSL Connection .............................................................................. 23 Figure 13 PPPoA............................................................................................... 25 Figure 14 Static ................................................................................................. 26 Figure 15 DHCP ................................................................................................ 27 Figure 16 Bridge................................................................................................ 28 Figure 17 CLIP .................................................................................................. 28 Figure 18 ADSL line setup................................................................................. 29 Figure 19 Basic Setup........................................................................................ 30 Figure 20 WLAN Security .................................................................................. 31 Figure 21 WEP .................................................................................................. 32 Figure 22 802.1x................................................................................................ 33 Figure 23 WPA .................................................................................................. 34 Figure 24 WLAN Management........................................................................... 35 Figure 25 Associated Stations ........................................................................... 36 Figure 26 Codec................................................................................................ 36
v  v Figure 27 SIP Configuration............................................................................... 37 Figure 28 Digital Map......................................................................................... 37 Figure 29 Call Forwarding.................................................................................. 39 Figure 30 Voice ................................................................................................. 39 Figure 31 LAN Group......................................................................................... 40 Figure 32 DHCP ................................................................................................ 41 Figure 33 IP....................................................................................................... 41 Figure 34 LAN Clients........................................................................................ 42 Figure 35 LAN Isolation ..................................................................................... 43 Figure 36 DMZ................................................................................................... 43 Figure 37 IP Filters ............................................................................................ 44 Figure 38 View................................................................................................... 45 Figure 39 Custom IP Filters ............................................................................... 45 Figure 40 Access Control................................................................................... 46 Figure 41 UPnP................................................................................................. 47 Figure 42 Port Mapping ..................................................................................... 47 Figure 43 Custom Port Mapping ........................................................................ 48 Figure 44 Static Routing .................................................................................... 48 Figure 45 Dynamic Routing................................................................................ 49 Figure 46 SNTP................................................................................................. 49 Figure 47 Multicast ............................................................................................ 50 Figure 48 IP QoS............................................................................................... 50 Figure 49 IP QoS Traffic Rule............................................................................ 51 Figure 50 System Commands............................................................................ 53 Figure 51 User Management ............................................................................. 54 Figure 52 Updating System Online (FTP) .......................................................... 55 Figure 53 Status Information.............................................................................. 55 Figure 54 Connection Status.............................................................................. 56 Figure 55 DHCP Clients..................................................................................... 56 Figure 56 Modem Status.................................................................................... 57
vi   vi Figure 57 Network Statistics-Wireless................................................................ 57 Figure 58 Product Information............................................................................ 58 Figure 59 Help................................................................................................... 59 Figure 60 Firewall .............................................................................................. 60 Figure 61 Example............................................................................................. 61 Figure 62 Connction1......................................................................................... 63 Figure 63 Connection2....................................................................................... 63 Figure 64 LAN Configuration.............................................................................. 64 Figure 65 DHCP Configuration .......................................................................... 64 Figure 66 SIP..................................................................................................... 65 Figure 67 Voice ................................................................................................. 65 Figure 68 SSID.................................................................................................. 66 Figure 69 Save and Restart AP ......................................................................... 67
vii  vii List of Tables Table 1 Faceplate Definition............................................................................... 10 Table 2 Backplane Definition.............................................................................. 12 Table 3 WLAN Settings Description ................................................................... 21 Table 4 PPPoE Description................................................................................ 24 Table 5 Basic Setup Description......................................................................... 30 Table 6 Digital Map Rule Description.................................................................. 38 Table 7 IP Filters Description ............................................................................. 44
 1 About This Guide  Introduction This user guide shows you how to connect the device and configure it through Web interface. Conventions  This guide may contain notices, figures, screen captures, and certain text conventions. Notice The following table lists notices icons used in this guide. Icon Notice Type Description  Note   Information that contains important features or instructions but is not hazard-related.  Caution Information to alert of potential damage to a program, data, system, or device. If not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also alert against unsafe practices and potential program, data, system, device damage.  Warning  Information to alert of operations that may cause potential accident, casualty, personal injury, fatality or potential electrical hazard. If not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
2  About This Guide  2 Icon Notice Type Description  ESD  Information that indicates proper grounding precautions is required before handling a product.  Text  The following table lists text conventions in this guide. Convention Description Text represented by Courier New Font This typeface represents text that appears on a terminal screen, including, configuration file names (only for system output file names), and command names, for example login.  Text represented by bold This typeface represents function names, window tabs, field names, for example, Set the Time field. Text represented as user entry This typeface represents commands entered by the user, for example, cd $HOME. Text represented by “ ” This typeface represents window and dialog box names, directory, file names, process name, and command in text, for example, open the “NE Inventory Management” window. Text represented by [Menu] and [Menu/Sub-menu] This typeface represents menus such as [File], and [File/New] Text represented by <Button> This typeface represents button on screen, function key on the keyboard and icon names for example, click <OK>.
About This Guide 3  3 Convention Description Text represented by Document Name This typeface represents documents for reference, for example, Netman 2020-based AN2000B-900 Installation Guide Text represented by  # File format: This typeface represents files in Unix/Linux system flies.  Figures and Screen Captures This guide provides figures and screen captures as example. These examples contain sample data. This data may vary from the actual data on an installed system. Related Documentation  The following document contains further information about installation of NetSprite1023: • NetSprite1023 Quick Start Guide
 5 1  Overview   NetSprite1023 is a multifunctional network terminal of CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) family. The device provides integrated voice and data services over ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop ) WAN (Wide Area Network) connection. Device Introduction Figure 1 pictures the NetSprite1023 device. The CPE can be easily placed indoors, lying, stand-up or hanging with the advantage of its small footprint. Figure 1 Appearance   1
6  Chapter 1 Overview  6 Feature List •  Provides ADSL uplink connecting to WAN • Provides POTS(Plain Old Telephone Service)interface to implement plain telephone service or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) •  Provides 4 Ethernet interfaces to implement high-speed data services •  Built-in AP, supports 802.11b/g for wireless LAN application • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server/Client •  Provides web-based management Application The application of NetSprite1023 is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Application  4×EthernetRJ11RJ11PSTN802.11b/gWLANPhoneDSLANInternetSoftSwitchNetSprite1023LAN
Chapter 1 Overview 7  7 The CPE provides an ADSL uplink port connecting to WAN. For data services, subscribers can access Internet via WLAN or Ethernet interface. For voice services, the device supports both VoIP and PSTN calls. These two services will finally go to softswitch network and Internet separately. VoIP is the preferred telephony service for users as it offers a lower call charge than PSTN. However, PSTN service is supported for complement of VoIP service when PSTN is the designated call path, VoIP service is not available, or during a power outage of the device.
 9 2  Installation Planning   This chapter introduces the CPE interfaces and cable connections. Packing List Please check the package contents by comparing them with the following list: •  One NetSprite1023 device •  One AC/DC power converter with cable  •  One RJ45 Ethernet straight cable (1.5m)  •  One RJ11 phone cable (2m) •  One user guide (presswork or CD) • Quality certificate • Product warranty Interfaces Introduction The schematic diagram of NetSprite1023 faceplate is shown in Figure 3. 2
10  Chapter 2 Installation Planning  10 Figure 3 Faceplate  CALL FW PWRAL ARM WLAN VOIP LI NKDATA LAN1LAN2LAN3 LAN4 Table 1 describes LEDs and one button in the faceplate. Table 1  Faceplate Definition LED Name  Color Definition PWR (Power)  GreenThis LED indicates power status: On: when power is applied to the device Off: when power is off ALARM Red This LED indicates operational status: On: when the hardware/software malfunction is detected and not able to continue normal operation Off: when device operation is normal WLAN Green This LED indicates WLAN status: Flash: when there’re wireless stations accessed to the device Off: when there’re no wireless stations accessed to the device
Chapter 2 Installation Planning 11  11 LED Name  Color Definition VOIP GreenThis LED indicates BB Phone VoIP status: On: when device successfully registered with call agent Off: when device failed to register with call agent Flash: when VoIP call is in progress or device is upgrading LINK Green This LED indicates ADSL link status: On: when ADSL link is up Off: when ADSL link is down Flash: when ADSL link is training DATA GreenThis LED indicates ADSL activity: Flash: when transmitting or receiving packets on ADSL port  Off: When there is no ADSL connection, ADSL link is down, or ADSL link is in training state LAN1-LAN4  GreenEach LED indicates one Ethernet LAN link status: On: when the Ethernet link is up and connected Off: when there is no connection, or the Ethernet link is down CALLFW Green This LED indicates the status of call forwarding switch: On: when call forwarding is enabled Off: when Call forwarding is disabled Local Call Forwarding Button   Push the button to enable/disable local call forwarding function
12  Chapter 2 Installation Planning  12 Figure 4 shows a schematic diagram of the backplane. Table 2 describes the interfaces and one button in the backplane. Figure 4 Backplane LAN1 LAN2 LAN3 LAN4POWER LINE PHONERESET Table 2  Backplane Definition Interfaces Type  Description POWER  Barrel  To connect to DC power LAN1-LAN4  RJ45  To connect to PC  LINE  RJ11  To connect to ADSL line PHONE  RJ11  To connect to phone Reset Button Recessed pinhole  Hold down for 5 seconds, the device will reboot and reset to factory defaults Cable Connections After verifying proper environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and power supply, users may start the cable connections as following: 1  Connect the PSTN line to the port marked “LINE” using a RJ11 phone cable.
Chapter 2 Installation Planning 13  13 2  Connect a regular telephone instrument to the port marked “Phone” using a RJ11 phone cable. 3  Connect computers using RJ45 cables. Plug one end of the RJ45 cable to the Ethernet port of PC/Lap Top and the other end to any one of the CPE RJ45 ports marked from “LAN1” to “LAN4”.  4  If users have subscribed to VoIP service, the green VoIP Ready LED should light after power on. This indicates that VoIP service is available and ready for use. Users may have to wait for several minutes. 5  NetSprite1023 has a built-in WLAN card. Users may install a wireless card for each PC and set up wireless LAN (WLAN). 6  Power connection: Plug the AC/DC power converter to an AC wall socket and the other end of the cable to the device socket marked “POWER”.
 15 3  Before Configuration   NetSprite1023 provides Web-based management of the device. To access the CPE, users can connect a PC to any one of the Ethernet ports. The Ethernet and WLAN interfaces use the same IP address ( by default. Login NetSprite1023 Users can access the CPE as following: 1  Set the IP address on the PC connecting to the CPE. The IP address must be in the same subnet as the LAN interface, for example, 2  Open the Internet Explorer (IE) on the PC and enter:  3  The login window will appear as shown in Figure 5. Enter the user name and password. The default user name and password for administrator are both “Admin”. NetSprite1023 also provides username of “user” and password of “user123” for end-users. 3
16  Chapter 3 Before Configuration  16 Figure 5 Login   4  Click <Log in> to enter the NetSprite1023 home page as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 Home Page  Web Page Introduction As shown from the menu bar in home page, NetSprite1023 provides some configuration and management options. The field below the menu bar is 5 links with detailed information. Select “Setup” from the menu bar, for example, to display the window as shown in Figure 7. The left navigation tree lays out all the configurations of “setup” configuration. Click any one from the tree to enter the corresponding window.
Chapter 3 Before Configuration 17  17 Figure 7 Setup  Following introduces those options in the menu bar: •  Home: Provides links to “Quick Start”, “Setup”, “System”, “Status” and “Help” •  Quick Start: A guide for users to complete basic configurations step by step •  Setup: Provides WAN, LAN, VoIP, WLAN, security, Route and IP QoS configurations. •  System: Provides system commands including save, reboot and reset to defaults. It also provides user management and upgrading. •  Status: Indicates interfaces and connection status and statistics •  Help: Provides details of CPE functions •  Logout: To logout Web and return to the “Login” window
 19 4  Quick Start   From the menu bar, select the “Quick Start” to display the window as shown in Figure 8. “Quick Start” provides WAN, VoIP and WLAN configurations. WAN configuration is needed only when WAN connection type is PPPoE or PPPoA. Figure 8 Quick Start   Note: For details of WAN connection, please refer to the section “Configure ADSL Connection” in chapter 5. • WAN configuration Users can modify the username and password of selected WAN connection. Click <Apply> to initiate the configuration. Figure 9 WAN Configuration  • VoIP configuration Click <next> to display the window as shown in Figure 10.  4
20  Chapter 4 Quick Start  20 Figure 10 Call Forwarding  Users can add several telephone numbers in the “Add a Number” box and click <Add>, the numbers are listed in the “Select a Number” drop-down list box. Select one number from the list and click <Apply>, all the incoming calls are forwarded to the designated number. Click <Delete> to delete the selected number.  Note: Please push the CALLFW button in the CPE faceplate to enable the function. • WLAN Click <Next> to display the window as shown in Figure 11. Table 3 describes those wireless parameters.
Chapter 4 Quick Start 21  21 Figure 11 WLAN  Table 3  WLAN Settings Description Fields Description  Default Enable AP    Enabled Channel 1-14  11 SSID The SSID is for subscribers grouping. Only the wireless stations that have the same SSID as the CPE can access the device. utstar Domain  Possible values: FCC, IC, ETSI, SPAIN, FRANCE, MKK, MKK1, US, WORLD  FCC Power Level The transmitting power level of the CPE wireless interface, i.e. the percentage of maximum transmitting power. Possible values: Full,50 %,25 %,12 %,6 % Full 802.11 Mode  CPE wireless work mode. Possible values: Mixed, 11b only, 11g only  Mixed
22  Chapter 4 Quick Start  22 Fields Description  Default Hidden SSID Enable “Hidden SSID” and the CPE SSID is invisible when indicating the available network in the user’s wireless network card. Disabled User Isolation  Enable “User Isolation” and wireless stations will separate from each other.  Disabled Click <Apply> to initiate the configuration. It will take effect after rebooting the AP.
 23 5  Setup Configuration   The “Setup” includes WAN, WLAN, VoIP, LAN, Security, Route, IP QoS and other configurations. Configure WAN WAN configuration includes “ADSL Connection” and “ADSL Line Setup”configuration. Configure ADSL Connection From the navigation tree, click “ADSL Connection” to display the window as shown in Figure 12. The window is of PPPoE type by default. Figure 12 ADSL Connection  5
24  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  24 • PPPoE Table 4  PPPoE Description Fields Description  Default Choose a connection Select “New” to set up a new connection. All the connections are listed in the box.   Type   Possible values: PPPoE, PPPoA, Static, DHCP, Bridge, CLIP   Sharing Possible values: Disable, Enable, LAN.Disable: Each PVC of the connection should be different. Enable: Multiple connections share the same PVC. VLAN: VLAN tag is attached to the connection. Disable QoS Possible values: UBR: Unspecified Bit Rate CBR: Constant Bit Rate VBR: Variable Bit Rate UBR Priority Bits  Possible values: 1-7  1 Username/Password  The service provider offers them for PPPoE connection.   Keep Alive   The maximum period that the CPE initiates connection request  10 min Set Route  Enable “Set Route” and the gateway IP address the CPE obtained is taken as the CPE default gateway.   VPI/VCI  VPI/VCI is needed for each connection. The value is compliance with the setting of DSLAM
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 25  25 Fields Description  Default PCR, SCR, MBS, VDVT PCR and CDVT can be changed in CBR type; all the parameters can be changed in VBR type    Note: Users can set different QoS to mark different traffic when multiple connections share the same PVC. Click <Add> to add the connection. The CPE will connect automatically after powered on. The <Connect> button is used for manually initiate a connection and <Disconnect> to manually disconnect current connection  • PPPoA Select “PPPoA” from the “Type” box to display the window as shown in Figure 13. Please refer to Table 4 for details. Figure 13 PPPoA  • Static
26  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  26 Select “Static” from the “Type” box to display the window as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14 Static   Note: When two connections are used for voice and data, enter the voice network gateway IP address in the “Gateway” text box and the data network gateway IP address in the “Default Gateway” box. When voice and date services share the same connection, enter the gateway IP address in the “Default Gateway” box only. • DHCP  Click “DHCP” in the “Type” box to display the window as shown in Figure 15. The CPE obtains WAN interface IP address from the WAN side DHCP server.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 27  27 -  Default Gateway: Select the box and the CPE will take the gateway obtained as the CPE default gateway Figure 15 DHCP  Click <renew> to get WAN IP address again and <Release> to release obtained IP address. • Bridge Select “Bridge” from the “Type” box to display the window as shown in Figure 16.
28  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  28 Figure 16 Bridge  •  CLIP (Classical IP over ATM) Click “CLIP” from the “Type” box to display the window as shown in Figure 17. Figure 17 CLIP
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 29  29 Configure ADSL Line Setup From the navigation tree, click “ADSL Line Setup” to display the window as shown in Figure 18. the default modulation type is “MMODE”(multi-mode). Figure 18 ADSL line setup  Configure WLAN WLAN configuration includes “Basic Setup”, “Security” and “management” configuration. Configure Basic Setup From the navigation tree, click “Basic Setup” to display the window as shown in Figure 19. Table 5 describes the parameters in the window. Please refer to “WLAN Settings” in chapter 4 for more information of WLAN configuration.
30  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  30 Figure 19 Basic Setup  Table 5  Basic Setup Description Fields Description  Default Beacon Period Interval between Beacon packets, the Beacon frame contains network card information, period of broadcast to the wireless network. 200(ms) DTIM Period  Interval between Delivery Traffic Indication Messages.  2, the exact value is 2 times of beacon period RTS Threshold  WLAN is using the mechanism of Request To Send/Clear To Send. RTS/CTS threshold can be set, RTS/CTS is used when the data packet size exceeds the threshold. Choose a setting within a range of 0 – 2347.  2347
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 31  31 Fields Description  Default Frag Threshold  Fragment threshold is used to improve the efficiency in a high volume wireless network. Any packet greater than this value will be fragmented. Choose a setting within a range of 256 – 2346 bytes. 2346 Configure WLAN Security From the navigation tree, click “Security” to display the window as shown in Figure 20. Figure 20 WLAN Security  •  None: No security settings • WEP Select the “WEP” to display the window as shown in Figure 21. WEP encryption uses a static secret key. Each wireless station uses the same key to access the wireless network. NetSprite1023 supports 64-bit or 128-bit static WEP encryption to prevent illegal access.
32  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  32 Figure 21 WEP  Authentication Type: -  Open: To encrypt data frames -  Shared: To encrypt authentication frames during 802.11-authentication process and data frames -  Both: To negotiate “Open” or “Shared” automatically Encryption Key: -  The password for 64-bit WEP is 10 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). For example: 11AA22BB33. -  The password for 128-bit WEP is 26 hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F).  For example: 00112233445566778899AABBCC.  Note: When WEP encryption is enabled, users can select one of the keys as the encryption key and set the same in wireless network card.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 33  33 • 802.1x Select “802.1x” to display the window as shown in Figure 22. The CPE can implement 802.1x authentication. Users need 802.1x authentication supplicants to initiate 802.1x authentication request. Figure 22 802.1x  • WPA Select “WPA” to display the window as shown in Figure 23.  -  Group Key Interval: The interval after which the Radius server will re-negotiate broadcast and multicast encryption key -  802.1x: To enter server IP address, Port and Secret. Data traffic will be encrypted between Radius server and wireless station. -  PSK String: When PSK string is enabled, users set the same in wireless cards. Data traffic will be encrypted between CPE and wireless stations.
34  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  34 Figure 23 WPA   Note: The security settings will take effect after rebooting the WLAN module.  Configure Management From the navigation tree, click “Management” to display the window as shown in Figure 24. The default web page is of “Access List”.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 35  35 Figure 24 WLAN Management  • Access List -  Select “Allow” and enter MAC address in the “Mac Address” box, thus only the wireless station of the MAC address can access the CPE. -  Select “BAN” and enter MAC address in the “Mac Address” box, thus the wireless station of the MAC address can’t access the CPE. -  MAC Address: Enter a MAC address in the box and click <Add>, the MAC address will list below. Click <Delete> to cancel the access list settings. Click <Apply> to initiate the configuration and it will take effect after rebooting. • Associated Stations Click “Associated Stations” to display the window as shown in Figure 25. All the wireless stations connected to the CPE are listed on the window.
36  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  36  Note: Please enable access list first before setting associated stations. Figure 25 Associated Stations  Click the <Delete> button under “Ban Station”, and the MAC address will display in the “Access List” window. Configure VoIP VoIP configuration includes Codec, SIP, Digital Map, Call Forwarding and Voice connection configuration. Configure Codec From the navigation tree, click “Codec” to display the window as show in Figure 26. Figure 26 Codec
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 37  37 Configure SIP From the navigation tree, click “SIP” to display the window as shown in Figure 27. Figure 27 SIP Configuration  Configure Digital Map From the navigation tree, click “Digital Map” to display the window as shown in Figure 28. Figure 28 Digital Map
38  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  38 Users can set digital rules by the parameters described in Table 6 . Table 6  Digital Map Rule Description Fields Description DefaultPstnPrefix Dial the prefix first and the phone call will be sent to PSTN. The default value is 0000. Users can modify it of up to 5 digits. Source Interface  FXS Rule  . +T: To represent any number and be sent after interdigit length. . +#: To represent any number and add # before sending the number Users can also set some certain numbers, e.g. (0571) [0-9]{8}: ( ): To enter prefix; [ ]: To enter number range; { }: To enter number digits Destination Interface Possible values: PSTN: To send the call to PSTN  VoIP: To send the call to VoIP Prefix Forwarding Choose “Yes” to send the call number with the prefix. Choose “No” to send the number without the prefix. Configure Call Forwarding From the navigation tree, click “Call Forwarding” to display the window as shown in Figure 29
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 39  39 Figure 29 Call Forwarding  •  Add a Number: To enter a number in the box and click <Add>, the number displays in the “Select a Number” list. •  Select a Number: Select a number from the box and click <Apply>; all the incoming call will be forwarded to the selected number. Click <Delete> to delete the selected phone call. Configure Voice Connection From the navigation tree, click “Voice Connection” to display the window as shown in Figure 30. Select the WAN connection for VoIP service. Figure 30 Voice
40  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  40 Configure LAN  LAN configuration includes LAN Group, DHCP, IP, Client and Isolation configuration. Configure LAN Group From the navigation tree, click “LAN Group” to display the window as shown in Figure 31. Figure 31 LAN Group  NetSprite1023 provides LAN groups. Users can set different IP addresses to each group. The Ethernet and WLAN interfaces are of the same IP address by default ( in LAN group 1. USB is unavailable. Select one interface and click <Remove>, it will be removed to the “Interface” box. The <Add> button is to remove the interface from the “Interface” box to the designated LAN group.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 41  41  Note: The Ethernet can’t be moved from LAN Group 1.  Configure DHCP  From the navigation tree, click “DHCP” to display the window as shown in Figure 32.  Figure 32 DHCP  Configure IP From the navigation tree, click “IP” to display the window as shown in Figure 33. Users can set IP address for selected LAN group. Figure 33 IP
42  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  42 •  Obtain an IP address automatically: To obtain WAN interface IP address from DHCP server of LAN side •  Use the following static address: To manually set WAN interface IP address Configure LAN Clients From the navigation tree, click “Clients” to display the window as shown in Figure 34. Users can set IP address to the designated MAC address. The IP address is in the selected LAN group subnet. Figure 34 LAN Clients  The “Static Address” area displays all the LAN clients set by the “LAN Clients” configuration and the “Dynamic Address” area displays all the clients set by DHCP. Configure Isolation From the navigation tree, click “Isolation” to display the window as shown in Figure 35.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 43  43 Select one option and the LAN users of one LAN group can’t access the others. Figure 35 LAN Isolation  Configure Security The security configuration includes DMZ, IP Filters, Access Control, UpnP and Port Mapping configuration. Configure DMZ From the navigation tree, click “DMZ” to display the window as shown in Figure 36. Figure 36 DMZ  Enable DMZ and all the service will be forwarded from the selected WAN interface to the LAN client. Click <New IP> to configure LAN clients.
44  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  44 Configure IP Filters From the navigation tree, click “IP Filters” to display the window as shown in Figure 37. It provides to block user’s LAN PC from accessing some Internet services. Figure 37 IP Filters  Table 7  IP Filters Description Fields Description Select LAN Group  To select the LAN group from the list LAN IP  To select one LAN IP. The list box displays all the LAN IP set by “LAN Clients”. New IP  To add a new LAN IP. Click “New IP” to display the window of “LAN Clients”.  Block Outgoing Ping  To forbid the ping test to WAN side
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 45  45 Fields Description Block All Traffic  To block all the LAN IP to access WAN From the window, users can select certain service to apply IP filter. Select category in the “Category” area and select one rule in the “Available Rules” area. Click the <Add> button and the selected service is moved to “Applied Rules”. Users can query the protocol and port number of the selected service by clicking the <View> button. Figure 38 View  •  Custom: Users can custom IP filter rules by this link. Click “Custom” to display the window as shown in Figure 39. Figure 39 Custom IP Filters
46  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  46 Configure Access Control From the navigation tree, click “Access Control” to display the window as shown in Figure 40. Users can select service names under the “WAN” and “LAN” to implement access control from WAN or LAN interface. Figure 40 Access Control  Users can set IP addresses that only these IP addresses can access the CPE. Enter an IP address in the “New IP” box and Click <Add>. The IP will appear in the “IP Access List” box. Configure UpnP From the navigation tree, click “UpnP” to display the window as shown in Figure 41. Users should enable the function when the applications need UPnP support such as MSN.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 47  47 Figure 41 UPnP  Configure Port Mapping From the navigation tree, click “Port Mapping” to display the window as shown in Figure 42.  Figure 42 Port Mapping  Users can set port forwarding rules in the window or custom rules by “custom” as shown in Figure 43.
48  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  48 Figure 43 Custom Port Mapping  Configure Routing Route configuration includes Static and Dynamic Routing configuration. Configure Static Routing From the navigation tree, click “Static” to display the window as shown in Figure 44. Figure 44 Static Routing
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 49  49 Configure Dynamic Routing From the navigation tree, click “Dynamic” to display the window as shown in Figure 45. Figure 45 Dynamic Routing  Others  NetSprite1023 also provides SNTP and Multicast configuration. Configure SNTP From the navigation tree, click “SNTP” to display the window as shown in Figure 46. Figure 46 SNTP
50  Chapter 5 Setup Configuration  50 Configure Multicast From the navigation tree, click “Multicast: to display the window as shown in Figure 47. Figure 47 Multicast  IP QoS From the navigation tree, click “IP QoS” to display the window as shown in Figure 48. Figure 48 IP QoS  Select the value in “Low priority weight” and “Medium priority weight” list. Ensure the sum of these two values is equal to 100%. Select the “Enable IPQoS” box to enable the function.
Chapter 5 Setup Configuration 51  51 Click <Add> to display the window as show in Figure 49. Users can set IP QoS rules. Figure 49 IP QoS Traffic Rule
 53 6  System Management   System The “System” includes Commands, User, and Upgrade. System Commands From the navigation tree, click “Command” to display the window as shown in Figure 50. Figure 50 System Commands  • Save all: Clicks “Save All” and all the configurations will be saved 6
54  Chapter 6 System Management  54 • Restart: Clicks “Restart” and the CPE will reboot • Restart Access Point: To restart the WLAN module. It’s required in wireless configurations. • Restore Defaults: Clicks “Restore Defaults” and the CPE will reboot restoring to factory defaults. User Management From the navigation tree, click “User” to display the window as shown in Figure 51. Figure 51 User Management  Users can modify password and idle timeout of “Admin” or “User”. Upgrade From the navigation tree, click “Upgrade” to display the window as shown in Figure 52. Enter the IP address of the FTP server, updating file type and the file name; users can update the CPE via FTP.
Chapter 6 System Management 55  55 Figure 52 Updating System Online (FTP)  Status The “Status” includes Basic Status, Connection, DHCP Clients, Modem, Network Statistics and Production Information. Basic Status From the navigation tree, click “Basic Status” to display the window as show in Figure 53.  Figure 53 Status Information  Connection  From the navigation tree, click “Connection” to display the window as shown in Figure 54. It indicates information of WAN connections.
56  Chapter 6 System Management  56 Figure 54 Connection Status  DHCP Clients From the navigation tree, click “DHCP Clients” to display the window as shown in Figure 55. It indicates all the DHCP clients connected to the CPE. Figure 55 DHCP Clients  Modem From the navigation tree, click “Modem” to display the window as show in Figure 56. It indicates ADSL line information.
Chapter 6 System Management 57  57 Figure 56 Modem Status  Network Statistics From the navigation tree, click “Network Statistics” to display the window as shown in Figure 57. Users can select “Ethernet”, “DSL” or “Wireless” to indicate corresponding network statistics. Figure 57 Network Statistics-Wireless  Product Information From the navigation tree, click “Product Information” to display the window as shown in Figure 58.
58  Chapter 6 System Management  58 Figure 58 Product Information  Help From the menu bar, click “Help” to display the window as shown in Figure 59. the “Help” gives detailed description involving Firewall, IP QoS, LAN Clients, PPP and UpnP function.
Chapter 6 System Management 59  59 Figure 59 Help  For example, click “Firewall” from the left tree to display the window as shown in Figure 60. It includes NAT and Firewall, Port Forwarding, IP Filters, Access Control and so on.
60  Chapter 6 System Management  60 Figure 60 Firewall
 61 7  Example   This chapter introduces one example and the schematic diagram is shown in Figure 61. Figure 61 Example IP DSLAMIP: Connection 2IP: Connection 1Network: The CPE basic configuration includes ADSL, LAN, VoIP and wireless configuration. • ADSL: Two WAN connections are used for voice and data services separately. -  connection1: Used for voice service; type: Static; VPI/VCI: 0/35 7
62 Chapter 7 Example  62 -  connection2: Used for data service; type: Static; VPI/VCI: 8/35. DNS:, • LAN -  LAN Group1 IP address: -  Enable DHCP Server • VoIP  - Configure SIP -  Enable the WAN connection for voice  • WLAN -  Set the CPE SSID: userabc -  Set SSID of user’s wireless network card: userabc Step1: Configure WAN connection of “connectio1”. Click “Setup/WAN/ADSL Connection” to display the window as shown in Figure 62.
Chapter 7 Example 63  63 Figure 62 Connction1  Step2: Configure WAN connection of “connection2” for data service. Figure 63 Connection2
64 Chapter 7 Example  64 Step3: Configure LAN group1 IP address.  Click “Setup/LAN/LAN Group” to display the window as shown in Figure 64. The Ethernet and WLAN interfaces are in group1 by default. Figure 64 LAN Configuration  Step4: Enable DHCP Server and configure the DHCP pool. Click “Setup/LAN/DHCP” to display the window as shown in Figure 65. Figure 65 DHCP Configuration  Step5: Configure SIP. Click “Setup/VoIP/SIP” to display the window as shown in Figure 66.
Chapter 7 Example 65  65 Figure 66 SIP  Step6: Enable the WAN connection for data service. Click “Setup/VoIP/Voice Connection” to display the window as shown in Figure 67. Figure 67 Voice  Setp7: Set SSID for the CPE. Click “Setup/WLAN/Basic Setup” to display the window as shown in Figure 68.
66 Chapter 7 Example  66 Figure 68 SSID  Step8: Save all the configurations and reboot the WLAN module. Click “System/Command” to display the window as shown in Figure 69.
Chapter 7 Example 67  67 Figure 69 Save and Restart AP  Step9: Set SSID for user’s wireless network card.
 69 8  Technical Specification   Physical Interface ADSL Port (FXO)  RJ11 Telephone Port (FXS)  RJ11 Ethernet Interface  RJ45 Wireless Characteristic Interface   Compliant with IEEE 802.11b/g standard Operating Frequency  2400 - 2483.5MHz ISM band Operating Channel Channel 1 - 11 for US band for 11b mode Channel 1 - 11 for US band for 11g mode Data Rate 802.11b: 11Mbps with fall back rates of 5.5, 2 and 1 Mbps 802.11g: 54Mbps with fall back rates of 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5, 2 and 1Mbps Modulation Schemes  802.11b: CCK 802.11g: OFDM Transmitter Power   OFDM:25mw; CCK:50mw Receiver Sensitivity -71dBm for 54Mbps -88dBm for 11Mbps PER<8% Antenna   Indoor omni-directional antenna for 2.40dBi 8
70  Chapter 8 Technical Specification  70 ADSL Characteristic ADSL Compliance  compatible with ANSI T1.413 Issue 2, ITU-T G.992.1 (G.dmt) Annex A/B, G.992.2 (G.lite) Annex A/B ADSL Mode Capability  Downstream/upstream: 8M/800kbps AAL and ATM  Integrated ATM AAL5 support Voice Characteristic Capacity   One port Codec  G.711, G.729a Splitter   Build-in splitter for PSTN telephone service Environmental  Operating Temperature   0°C - 50° C Storage Temperature  -20°C - 70°C Relative Humidity  10% - 85%, none condensing Electronic  Power   12V/1.25A Dimension  224mm×156mm×36mm (L×W×H) Weight  920g
 71 9  Term and Acronym List   ADSL  Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AP  Access Point ATM  Asynchronous Transfer Mode CBR  Constant Bit Rate CPE  Customer Premises Equipment  DHCP  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DSLAM  Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer IEEE  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering LAN  Local Area Network MAC  Media Access Control OAM  Operation, Administration, and maintenance POTS  Plain Old Telephone Service PPPoE  PPP over Ethernet PSTN  Public Switched Telephone Network 9
72  Chapter 9 Term and Acronym List  72 PVC  Permanent Virtual Connection QoS  Quality of Service SIP  Session Initiation Protocol SSID  Service Set Identifier UBR  Unspecified Bit Rate VBR  Variable Bit Rate VoIP  Voice over Internet Protocol WAN  Wide Area Network WEP  Wired Equivalent Privacy WLAN  Wireless Local Area Network
Chapter 9 Term and Acronym List 73  73 Regulatory statement (FCC) The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  IMPORTANT NOTE (CO-LOCATION) FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  MPE Statement (Safety Information) Your device contains a low power transmitter. When device is transmitted it sends out RadioFrequency (RF) signal.  Safety Information In order to maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines, this equipment shouldbe installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.Use only with supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna, modification, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.
  The identification of the product: Product Name: NetSprite Model: NS1023   Technical Support:  UTStarcom Telecom Co., Ltd.  Address: NO.88 Wenhua Road,   Hangzhou PRC 310012  Telephone : 0571-88862342-3524  Email: cbshi@utstar.com   Technical Support in the US:  UTStarcom, Inc.  Address:  1275 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA 94502 USA  Telephone: 1 (866) 663-3266  Email: ips@utstar.com     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.
74  Chapter 9 Term and Acronym List  74  Regulatory statement (CE R&TTE) European standards dictate maximum radiated transmit power of 100mW EIRP and frequency range 2.400-2.4835GHz; In France, the equipment must be restricted to the 2.4465-2.4835GHz frequency range and must be restricted to indoor use.  Declaration of Conformity For the following equipment: NetSprite  NS1023 with WLAN module  !0984  Is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC), Low-voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) and the Amendment Directive (93/68/EEC), the procedures given in European Council Directive 99/5/EC and 89/3360EEC.   The equipment was passed. The test was performed according to the following European standards:
Chapter 9 Term and Acronym List 75  75  z EN 300 328 V.1.4.1 (2003-04) z EN 301 489-1 V.1.3.1 (2001-09) / EN 301 489-17 V.1.1.1 (2000-09) z EN 50371: 2002 z EN 60950: 2000
   UTStarcom, Inc. USA 1275 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA 94502, USA Tel: 510-864-8800           Fax: 510-864-8802 http://www.utstar.com

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