UTStarcom Telecom 21690032-2010 802.11 b/g Wireless LAN PCMCIA Card User Manual

UTStarcom Telecom Co., Ltd. 802.11 b/g Wireless LAN PCMCIA Card

User Manual

 2 Copyright © 2003, UTStarcom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without prior written permission from UTStarcom, Inc.  UTStarcom, Inc. reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of UTStarcom, Inc. to provide notification of such revision or change. UTStarcom, Inc. provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. UTStarcom may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LEGENDS: If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the software described herein are provided to you subject to the following:  United States Government Legend: All technical data and computer software is commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. Software is delivered as Commercial Computer Software as defined in DFARS 252.227-7014  (June 1995) or as a commercial item as defined in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only such rights as are provided in UTStarcom's standard commercial license for the Software. Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015 (Nov  1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. You agree not to remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with, this User Guide. UTStarcom, the UTStarcom logo, PAS, mSwtich, Airstar, WACOS, Netman, Total Control, and CommWorks are registered trademarks of UTStarcom, Inc. and its subsidiaries. The UTStarcom name, Airstar, AN-2000, WACOS, Netman and the CommWorks logo are trademarks of UTStarcom, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and NetMeeting  are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Sun, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. HP, HP-UX, and HP Openview are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Hewlett-Packard Company.  Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
 3 UTSTARCOM MANUAL PRECAUTIONS (FCC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Requirements, Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
 4  The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. IMPORTANT NOTE (CO-LOCATED OPERATION) FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
 5 UTSTARCOM MANUAL PRECAUTION (CE) R&TTE Regulatory statement European standards dictate maximum radiated transmit power of 100mW EIRP and frequency range 2.400-2.4835GHz; In France, the equipment must be restricted to the 2.4465-2.4835GHz frequency range and must be restricted to indoor use. CE Declaration of Conformity For the following equipment: Wireless LAN Card !0984 Is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC), Low-voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) and the Amendment Directive (93/68/EEC), the procedures given in European Council Directive 99/5/EC and 89/3360EEC.  The equipment was passed. The test was performed according to the following European standards: •  EN 300 328-2 V.1.2.1 (2001-12) •  EN 301 489-1 V.1.4.1 (2002-04) / EN 301 489-17 V.1.2.1 (2002-04) •  EN 50371: 2002 •  EN 60950: 2000
 i Table of Contents UTSTARCOM MANUAL PRECAUTIONS (FCC)..................... 3 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Requirements, Part 15 ... 3 IMPORTANT NOTE (CO-LOCATED OPERATION) .............................. 4 MPE Statement (Safety Information)......................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 Safety Information ..................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 UTSTARCOM MANUAL PRECAUTION (CE).......................... 5 R&TTE Regulatory statement ................................................................ 5 CE Declaration of Conformity................................................................. 5 1 Overview ........................................................................... 1 1.1 List of Box Contents ................................................................... 1 1.2 System Requirements................................................................ 1 2 Software Installation/Removal ........................................ 3 2.1 Installation on a Windows 2000, 98 or ME System .................... 3 2.2 Installation on a Windows XP System........................................ 7 2.3 Remove the UTStarcom Applications and Its Driver ................ 11 3 Utility Configuration....................................................... 14 3.1 Client Utility Start Up ................................................................ 14 3.2 Client Utility Main Screen ......................................................... 15 3.3 System Status .......................................................................... 17 3.4 Profile Management ................................................................. 18 3.4.1 Profile Configuration......................................................... 18 3.4.2 Security Configuration ...................................................... 21 3.4.3 Advanced Configuration ................................................... 27
 ii 3.4.4 Diagnosis.......................................................................... 29 4 Trouble Shooting............................................................ 31 4.1 Open WMI Namespace Problem.............................................. 31 5 Technical Specification ................................................. 32 6 Glossary.......................................................................... 35
 iii List of Figures Figure 3-1  Right Click Menu ..........................................................14 Figure 3-2  Display Settings............................................................16 Figure 3-3  Default Profile Management Screen ............................18
 iv List of Tables Table 3-1  Client Utility Main Menu.................................................16 Table 3-2  System Status Information List......................................17 Table 3-3  Network Status Display Searched by the Utility ............20 Table 3-4  Specification of WEP Encryption Key Settings..............27 Table 3-5  Spec of the Advanced Profile Configuration..................28
 1 1 Overview WNIC2010 is an 802.11b/g compliant wireless PCMCIA network card with data rates up to 54Mbps . It utilizes WPA (Wireless Protected Access) technology to enhance network security. Its bus interface is 32-bit miniPCI V1.0. The wireless network card can either be used on a computer by itself, or it can be used in conjunction with the UTStarcom model AP WA3001-P access point to increase performance. 1.1  List of Box Contents Before installing and using the wireless network card, check the contents in the box. If you find anything missing or if the documentation set is incomplete, contact your local dealer immediately. The following accessories ship with the product: One CD containing the WNIC2010 driver and Utility Installation program One WNIC2010 wireless network card 1.2 System Requirements To ensure the proper installation and operation of the network card, please make sure that the system environment complies with the following requirements: • Notebook computer includes: − 32-bit card bus slot (or desktop with PCMCIA adapter) -  32M RAM or more − 300MHz processor or higher
 2 •  Operating System’s Supported: -  Microsoft Windows 2000 - Windows 98 SE - Windows XP - Windows ME
 3 2 Software Installation/Removal 2.1  Installation on a Windows 2000, 98 or ME System This section describes the installation steps on a PC for the first time only. Quick Setup Steps: Run the installation program Æ Insert the WNIC2010 wireless network card Æ Reboot the System Detailed Setup Steps: (Note: The following example is for a computer running Windows 2000): Step 1: Installing the network card driver and the UTStarcom applications. 1.  Run the setup program “UTStarcom Installer.exe” in the CD to start the InstallShield Wizard 2.  When the opening installation screen appears Click <Next> 3. The License Agreement screen will appear.  Carefully read the agreement and if you agree then choose “I accept…”, then click <Next>. The installation Setup Type selection window will appear as follows:
 4  4.  Choose a setup type. Install Driver and UTStarcom Applications is the recommended option. 5. Click <Next> 6.  Select a path for the installation, then click <Next> 7.  Next the “Select Program Folder” screen will appear.  Choose an existing program folder name or create a new one.  This is the program name that will be created on your Start>Programs menu.  Then click <Next>. Note: If there was a previous installation of any UTStarcom Applications, please close those UTStarcom Applications.
 5  8.  Installation will begin. When the installation is completed, the following window will be displayed, then click on the <Finish> button  9. Now, the  icon is displayed on the Task Bar, which is usually located at the bottom-right corner of the PC screen. Step 2: Insert the WNIC2010 wireless network card into the computer’s PCMCIA card slot. The following prompt will appear:
 6  Step 3: When the previous prompt disappears, the Network Adapter’s Driver installation is complete.  Reboot the PC to enable the wireless network card driver.   Note: The Microsoft Authentication window may appear during the installation, click <Yes>, and the window will disappear and installation will continue.
 7 2.2  Installation on a Windows XP System This section describes the installation steps on a PC for the first time only. Quick Setup Steps: Run the installation program Æ Prompt to reboot the system Æ Insert the WNIC2010 wireless network card Æ On Windows XP systems the network card will automatically install. Detailed Setup Steps: Step 1: Install the network card driver and the UTStarcom applications. 10.  Run the setup program “UTStarcom Installer.exe” in the CD to start the InstallShield Wizard 11.  When the opening screen appears, Click <Next> 12. The License Agreement screen will appear.  Carefully read the agreement and if you agree then choose “I accept…”, then click <Next>.  The installation “Setup Type” selection window will appear as shown below:
 8  13. Chose a setup type. The “Install Driver and UTStarcom Applications” is the recommended option.  Then Click <Next> 14.  Select a path for the installation, and click <Next> 15. The “Select Program Folder” screen will appear.  Choose an existing program folder name or create a new one. This is the program name that will be created on your Start>Programs menu.  Then click <Next>. 16.  In the following screen, it is recommended to select “I will use the UTStarcom Client Utility” option. If you select “I will use Zero Config” option, then some features will not be available.
 9  Note: If there was a previous installation of any UTStarcom Applications, please close those UTStarcom Applications. 17.  The installation will start. During the installation, the following window will appear, then click <Continue Anyway>
 10  18. After the installation is completed, the following window will be displayed. Then click <Finish>
 11 19.  If you selected “No, I will restart my computer later”, then the   icon will appear on the Task Bar, this is usually located at the bottom-right corner of the PC screen. If you selected “Yes, I want to restart my computer now”, then continue on Step 2. Step 2: Insert the wireless network card WNIC2010 into the PC. The system will automatically complete the installation of the wireless network card driver, and display the following window. Then click <Finish>  2.3  Remove the UTStarcom Applications and Its Driver If you want to remove the UTStarcom Applications and the wireless network card driver, please use InstallShield Wizard provided.  Follow the steps below:
 12 20. Run the setup program “UTStarcom Application” from the CD to start the InstallShield Wizard  21. The system automatically checks the status of the WNIC2010 installation and displays the list of operations. 22. Select “Delete the previous installation” to confirm previous installation removal, and then click <Next>. 23. The following two dialogue boxes will display. The first dialogue box asks the user to confirm their intention of removing the selected application and all of its components. Click <OK>.  24.  The second dialogue box asks the user to confirm if they want to remove the network card driver and related profiles. Click <Yes>.
 13   25. When the removal is complete, the InstallShield Wizard completion window is displayed, then click <Finish>.
 14 3 Utility Configuration 3.1 Client Utility Start Up Start up the Client Utility to configure the wireless card. To start the Client Utility program do one of the following: • Start Æ Programs Æ UTStarcom Æ UTStarcom Client Utility • The  icon should be at the bottom right corner of your PC (on the Task Bar). Double click or right click on the icon then choose the “Open Client Utility” option from the menu to open the Client Utility configuration screen.  Figure 3-1  Right Click Menu The following are the descriptions of the right click Utility menu choices: − Open Client Utility: Open the Utility Configuration program
 15 − UTStarcom Client Utility Help: The Client Utility’s help file − Disable Radio: Close the Utility Configuration program  − Country Select: Select country code − Select Profile: Select the wireless card’s configuration profile − Exit: Quit the Client Utility configuration program 3.2  Client Utility Main Screen  Client Utility Interface Description:
 16 Table 3-1  Client Utility Main Menu Main Menu  Description  Interface Action Disable Radio: Close Utility Country Select: Set Country area code Disable Tray Icon Exit: Exit Utility   Options  Display Settings: Display configuration settings. See Figure 3-2    Help UTStarcom Client Utility Help: UTStarcom Client Utility Help FileAbout UTStarcom Client Utility: UTStarcom Client Utility version information     Figure 3-2  Display Settings − Signal Strength Display Units: The default is dB
 17 − Refresh Interval: Wireless statistics’ refresh cycle, the default is 5 seconds. The configuration range is from 1-30 seconds − Data Display: Two options for data displaying, Relative or Cumulative 3.3 System Status Clicking the “Current Status” tag, will display system information, for more information click on the “Advanced” button. This information is read-only.   Table 3-2  System Status Information List Items  Description Profile Name  The profile name of the Wireless Network Card, the default is “Default” Network Type  Access point  Wireless Mode  2.4GHz, 54Mbps Current Channel  A channel currently used
 18 Items  Description Link Status  Link Status: Connected or Disconnected Encryption Type  The default is “OFF” IP Address  The IP address of WNIC2010 3.4 Profile Management Click the “Profile Management” tag to conduct various profile setups; including regular setup, security setup and advanced setup. See the details below:  Figure 3-3  Default Profile Management Screen 3.4.1 Profile Configuration Setup profiles can be configured based on the current network status, or based on future network designs. • Default Profile
 19 After installation the system automatically creates a default profile that will be used when the WNIC2010 wireless card and UTStarcom application starts up. The application will search for an AP with a stronger signal and the WNIC2010 will automatically establish a wireless connection with this AP. Note: The user can identify the currently used AP by checking for the  icon located in front of the SSID field of the selected AP through clicking on the “Available Networks” button. The user also can configure the default profile and specify the SSID. Each profile can have at the most 3 SSIDs assigned. After assigning the SSID(s), the WNIC2010 will search for the best wireless connection and switch to it automatically. When the connection’s signal strength and stability are equal, the WNIC2010 will choose the SSID based on the priority. ie. SSID1 > SSID2 > SSID 3. If SSID1 is null, the system will choose the link with a better performance instead of the priority mentioned above. •  Check Network Status -  Click <Available Networks>, the system will display all AP information found by the Client Utility application.
 20   Table 3-3  Network Status Display Searched by the Utility Status Display Column  Description Network Name (SSID) Each AP has a SSID, only the wireless network card with the same SSID as the AP’s will connect to the AP.   The  Icon indicates the active SSID connection : Icon  If   is displayed it means that WEP encryption is activated on the AP Signal Strength  The connection signal strength e.g. 28dB   Channel e.g. 1 Wireless Mode  e.g. 2.4GHz 54 Mbps  -  Double click or highlight a row where its signal strength is stronger than the others, then click on the <Activate> button. This activates the new connection. • Add New Profile
 21 There are two ways to add new profiles in the system -  Click <New> to enter “Profile Management” screen, then specify a profile name and a SSID -  On the <Available Networks> screen, double click one of the displayed SSIDs to open the “Add New Profile” screen • Modify Profile -  On the “Profile Management” tab, select a profile to be modified. Click the <modify> button to enter Profile Management screen. • Remove Profile -  Choose an inactive profile and Click the <Remove> button -  Note: The currently active profile cannot be removed •  Activate Profile – To activate a new profile do one of the following. -  On the “Profile Management” tab, select a profile to be used. Click the <Activate> button to enable it. -  Or, double click a profile to be activated 3.4.2 Security Configuration The user can setup security for a Profile during profile creation, or modification.
 22  The default security setting is “None”. The system provides the following security methods. • WPA • WPA-PSK • 802.1x • Pre-Shared Key WPA − When the WPA EAP option is “TLS”, the system will display a prompt as below:
 23  The WPA EAP option can only be used when a related certificate is installed on the PC − When the WPA EAP option is “PEAP”, the system will display the following window when “Configure…” is clicked:  The user needs to select a Certificate Server from the Server Property drop down list.  Then enter a user name and password. The user can specify a Server or its Domain name and login name by clicking on the <Advanced Configuration…> button.
 24 WPA-PSK Only one passphrase is required for any set of WLAN nodes (wireless access base station, wireless router, client’s wireless network card, bridge etc). The client will receive access privileges if the passphrase matches. The WPA-PSK method is very common in SOHO  After selecting “WPA-PSK”, click on the <Configure…> button to enter your WPA passphrase.
 25  The minimum WPA passphrase length is 8 characters 802.1x When 802.1x authentication mode is activated, the selectable EAP options are: TLS, PEAP and LEAP  For TLS and PEAP, refer to section for details. The following describes the LEAP configuration. Setting the User Name and Password is the only information required.
 26 Pre-Shared Keys When Pre-Shared keys is selected in the Security settings, the user can configure this encryption method as below:  User can choose one of two encryption modes • WEP64 • WEP128 The system provides 4 groups of encryption keys. User(s) can choose one of two Key Entry Methods • Alphabetical
 27 • Hexadecimal Table 3-4  Specification of WEP Encryption Key Settings Encryption Methods  Alphabetical  HEX WEP 64-bit 5 alphanumeric characters in a  range of “a-z”, “A-Z”, “0-9”. E.g. MyKey 10 hexadecimal digits in a range of “a-f”, “A-F”, “0-9” with the prefix of “0x”. E.g. 0x11AA22BB33 WEP 128-bit 13 alphanumeric characters, in a range of “a-z”, “A-Z”, “0-9”.  E.g. MyKey1234567826 hexadecimal digits in a range of “a-f”, “A-F”, “0-9” with prefix “ox”.  E.g. 0X00112233445566778899AABBCC  3.4.3 Advanced Configuration User(s) can set up advanced profile configuration during profile creation or modification
 28   Table 3-5  Spec of the Advanced Profile Configuration Items  Description Power Save Mode  Selectable: Maximum,Normal or Off  Network Type Network type is AP or Ad Hoc. When the Ad Hoc type is activated, user(s) can choose the wireless access point 802.11b Preamble  Short & Long or Long Only Transmit Power Level  From strong to weak in a selectable range of 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5% and the lowest level  Wireless Mode User can choose any one of 3 modes (b, g or Turbo G) or a combination of these modes When WNIC operates in the Ad Hoc mode, and the wireless mode is either B or standard G, or both, then the wireless access point can be set as Auto or from channel Ch1 to Ch11
 29 3.4.4 Diagnosis The “Diagnostics” tab is used to view the wireless transmission/reception data.  Transmit and Receive data includes: Multicast, Broadcast, Unicast and Total Bytes of all frames • Advanced Diagnosis Clicking <Advanced Statistics> shows more Transmit/Receive Frame data and other special frame data.
 30  • Driver Information To view the current wireless network card driver information, click the <Driver Information> button and the following screen will be displayed  The Driver Information screen displays the following wireless network card’s information: Card Name, MAC Address, Driver file location, Driver Version and release date.
 31 4 Trouble Shooting 4.1  Open WMI Namespace Problem •  Problem description  In some Win98 systems, when user starts the “Client Utility Configuration”, a popup message will be displayed as below “Unable to open WMI namespace. WMI initialization failed. Cannot proceed further.” • Solution  Run wmi9x.exe from the installation CD to install the WMI namespace.
 32 5 Technical Specification Model  WNIC2010 Description  2.4GHz(802.11g) 108Mbps CardBus wireless network card Modulation technique -IEEE 802.11 -IEEE 802.11b -IEEE 802.11g Interface  Host Interface  32-bit CardBus ( or PC Card 7.1) Wireless Transfer Rate Super G™: 108Mbps 802.11g: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6Mbps 802.11b: 11, 5.5, 2, 1Mbps Security 64, 128, 152 bits WEP 802.1X (EAP-TLS, PEAP, LEAP) WPA and WPA-PSK(TKIP,AES) WAPI Receiving sensitivity  -73dBm @ 108Mbps, PER < 8%, OFDM -73dBm @ 54Mbps, PER < 8%, ODFM -90dBm @ 11Mbps, PER < 8%, CCK -92dBm @ 6Mbps, PER < 8%, OFDM -95dBm @ 1Mbps, PER < 8%, DBPSK Characteristics Frequency range  2.4GHz∼2.4835GHz
 33 Model  WNIC2010 Output power  Typical: 20mW (13.2dBm) (Max) Operating System support  Windows 98SE,Me,2000,XP Operation mode  Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure Network management  Utility Operation voltage  3.3VDC±5% Electric performance  Current consumption - Transmission mode < 550mA @ 3.3VDC - Receive mode <350mA @3.3VDC  - Idle mode <225mA @3.3VDC - Radio disabled mode <10mA @3.3VDC Dimension  118mm (L) x 54mm (W) x 5mm (H) Weight About 50g Internal antenna  Dual Antenna  Physical characteristic LED indicator - WLAN activity indicator - WLAN radio status indicator Operational temperature 0℃~ 70℃ Environment attributes  Storage temperature  -25℃~ 75℃ MTBF >30000 hours
 34 Model  WNIC2010 Security authentication - GB9254 B grade - FCC part 15 B grade (USA) - CE (Europe) Compatibility - Wi-Fi WECA compliant - WHQL Microsoft XP, Me, 2K compliant  - FAA S/W audio On/Off supported
 35 6 Glossary AC Access Controller AS Authentication Server CLI  Command Line Interface DHCP  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol EAP  Extensible Authentication Protocol IEEE  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering LAN Local Area Network MAC  Media Access Control MD5  Message Digest Algorithm 5 MIB  Management Information Base MII  Media Independent Interface NAS  Network Access Server NMS  Network Management System OAM  Operation administration and maintenance PD Powered Device PoE  Power over Ethernet PPPoE  PPP over Ethernet PSE  Power Sourcing Equipment
 36 SNMP  Simple network management protocol WEP  Wired Equivalent Privacy WLAN  Wireless Local Area Network
 Copyright © 2004, UTStarcom, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without prior written permission. China Building 3,  Yile Industrial Park   No. 129, Wenyi Road,  Hangzhou 310012 PRC +86-21-63910500 India 805 Signature Towers B, South City I Gurgaon, Haryana 122001 +91-124-2805045 Japan TT-2 Building 8th Floor,  3-8-1 Nihonbashi  Ningyo-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5643-8070 Europe Campus Kronberg 7,  61476 Kronberg Germany Latin America 2801 SW 149th Ave Suite 100 Miramar, FL 33027, USA  UTStarcom, Inc. USA 1275 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda, CA 94502, USA Tel. 510-864-8800  Fax. 510-864-8802

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