Unical DM150HS DECT 6.0 Cordless Telephone with 3G Cell Phone User Manual

Unical Enterprises Inc DECT 6.0 Cordless Telephone with 3G Cell Phone Users Manual

Users Manual

3Included items1.  Base station2.  Handset3.  Handset charging cradle4.  Belt clip5.  Ni-cad rechargeable battery for handset6.  AC Adaptor for base7.  AC Adaptor for handset8.  Telephone cord (1.8 m)9.  LAN cable (1.8 m)10.  GPS Antenna11.  User guide12.  Warranty card13.  Quick start guide
4ContentsIncluded items ........................................... 3Get ready ............................6Set up the base .......................................... 6Base  ������������������������������������������������������������������6Locating Your Base Station ����������������������������7Power backup battery (Optional)  ����������������7Prepare the handset  ................................ 8Handset  ������������������������������������������������������������8Tone table ���������������������������������������������������������8Install the battery ��������������������������������������������9Charge the battery .................................... 9Cradle ����������������������������������������������������������������9Base power on  �������������������������������������������������9Handset registration  .............................. 10Register  ��������������������������������������������������������� 10Cellular Activation ...................................10GO! ..................................... 11Make a wireless CEL call ........................ 11Make a landline TEL call ......................... 11Make a Handset to Handset INTERCOM call ............................................................... 11Make a call using an analog PHONE ... 12Handset/Base setup menu .................... 12Using the Menus ������������������������������������������� 12Call Log menu - Use Enter/F1 button to change levels ������������������������������������������������ 13Phone book menu - Use Enter/F1 button to change levels ������������������������������������������������ 14Message menu ���������������������������������������������� 14Function menu ���������������������������������������������� 15Handset Setup menu ����������������������������������� 15Base Setup menu ������������������������������������������ 17Enter names and characters  ................ 18More features  ..................19Volume and Hands-free ......................... 19Set earpiece volume ������������������������������������� 19Hands-free call ���������������������������������������������� 19Caller ID  ..................................................... 19Caller ID information  ���������������������������������� 19Call log ....................................................... 20Check the log  ������������������������������������������������ 20Dial a number  ���������������������������������������������� 20Save a number to Phone book ������������������� 20Using redial ............................................... 21Call from redial log �������������������������������������� 21Using Speed dial ...................................... 21Calling options  ........................................ 21Pause  ������������������������������������������������������������� 21Mix dial ���������������������������������������������������������� 21In-Call operations .................................... 21Place a call on Hold  ������������������������������������� 21Mute a call ����������������������������������������������������� 21Transfer a call ������������������������������������������������ 22Set up a conference call ������������������������������� 22Page and Intercom .................................. 23Page ���������������������������������������������������������������� 23Intercom  �������������������������������������������������������� 23Barge-in  .................................................... 23Use Barge-In �������������������������������������������������� 24Dual-line calling  ...................................... 24HomeConnex Series Terminal  �������������������� 24Intercept Ring ������������������������������������������������ 24Make or Receive two separate calls: ���������� 25Phone book ............................................... 25Add New Entry ���������������������������������������������� 25Edit Record ���������������������������������������������������� 26View the Phone book ����������������������������������� 26Copying Phone book ������������������������������������ 26Messages  .................................................. 27Short Message Service (SMS)  ��������������������� 27Voice messages  �������������������������������������������� 29
5Setup Detail .....................30Area code  ..................................................30Add/remove a "1"  ����������������������������������������� 30Add/remove area code  ������������������������������� 30Power backup  .......................................... 30Using LAN for Internet connection ..... 31Factory reset ............................................. 31Precautions  .....................32About battery usage ������������������������������������ 32Important safety instructions  ............. 33Important Electrical Considerations  �������� 34Range  ������������������������������������������������������������ 34Telephone Line Problems  ��������������������������� 35Radio Interference  ��������������������������������������� 35Cordless Telephone Privacy  ������������������������ 35Installation Considerations ������������������������ 35Telephone Line Outlets  ������������������������������� 36Connecting the Telephone Cords  �������������� 36Applying Power to the base station  ���������� 36I.C. Notice  ................................................. 36RADIO EQUIPMENT �������������������������������������� 36General information  ......37FCC Rules Compliance ............................ 38
6Get readySet up the baseBase DC9.5VOFF BATTONTEL LINEINITGPS ANTPHONE LAN1239654121314151011871.  PAGE/REG key2.  IN-USE LED3.  PWR/BAT LED4.  LAN port (RJ-45)5.  PHONE port (SLIC)6.  TEL LINE port (PSTN)7.  GPS ANT8.  DC 9.5V jack9.  INIT button (Factory Reset)10.  Adjustable Stand11.  Cellular Antenna12.  Cordless Antenna13.  SIM Card Slot (inside the cover)14.  Battery Compartment15.  Power Switch (inside the cover)
7Locating Your Base StationSome important considerations: • Chargethehandsetfor12–15hoursbeforeusingit.• Placethebasestationwhereanadequatecellularsignalcanbereceived.• Keepthebasestationandhandsetawayfromsourcesofelectricalnoise,suchasmotors,fluorescentlighting,ormicrowaveovens.Your HomeConneX X1500 is a two line phone that can employ both cellular service and conventional landline service and operates like a two line phone.  If you retain your landline service and want the X1500 to operate as a conventional cordless telephone for landline service,thenconnectthetelephonelinecordtotheTELLineportofthebasestationandthe other end to the telephone wall jack like any conventional cordless telephone. (This connectionisrequiredonlyifyouwantX1500tooperateasatwowayphonebetweenTELand CEL or TEL only conventional cordless telephone.)1  Connect the telephone line cord to the TEL LINE port and to a telephone wall jack. (This connectionisrequiredonlyifyouwanttousethephonewithyourlandlineservice.)2  Set the base station* on a desk or table.*  Base station can be placed in a vertical or horizontal position�3  Connect the GPS Antenna to the GPS Antenna Jack on the side of the Base unit by pushing the connector into the jack. Place the other end of the GPS antenna in a convenient location.BecausetheAntennaendismagnetized,youcanaffixittoanymetalitem.TheGPSantennaisusedforany911call,tohelpemergencyresponderstolocatethecustomer's position if he/she can't speak or give the 911 operator his/her location.4  Find the base AC Adaptor (the larger Adaptor) and connect it to the DC 9.5V jack on the baseandtoastandardwallACoutlet(100~240V,50/60Hz).Power backup battery (Optional) You can purchase an optional Li-ion battery from your AirTouch agent store for your X1500 base station (Model Number LIB150). Place this battery inside the X1500 base station battery compartmentandwhenfullycharged,incaseofpoweroutage,thebasestationcanoperateup to 40 minutes (depending on the battery condition) and provides automatic seamless hands o in case you are having a conversation so that the conversation will not be interrupted. 1  Verify power is disconnected from the base station. 2  Open the battery cover on the back of the base station. 3  Verify that the connector is properly aligned with the jack and install and connect thebattery.4  Slide the switch to the "on" position to enable the battery backup function.5  Replace the cover. Note: • Batterynotincluded.• Batteryisnotrequiredtooperatetheproduct.• RedPWR/BATLEDonbasestationislitwhilethebasestationisoperatingwithbackuppower.• ThebatterypowerisactivatedautomaticallywhencurrentfromtheACAdaptorisinterrupted;unpluggingtheACAdaptordoesnotturnoffpowertothephonewhenthebatteryisconnected.• Besuretoremovethebatterywhendisconnectingpower.
81.  Earpiece 2.  Color LCD 3.  CEL (F1) makes CEL call when CEL is shown4.  UP 5.  SEND/FLASH 6.  PB shows Phone book list7.  DOWN 8.  RDL/P   for Redial or Pause9.  Mic 10.  Menu (F2) calls setup Menu items11.  TEL (F3) makes TEL call when TEL is shown12.  CID  shows Caller ID list13.  END terminatesCEL,TELorINTERCOMcalls14.  Numerical keys 15.  SPEAKER 16.  INTCOM makes call to another handset17.  Headset Jack 18.  Handset speaker 19.  Belt clip 20.  Battery compartmentTone table•Error tone•Confirmation tone•Low battery tone•KeytonePrepare the handset Handset 2131745768910121118192013151614
9Install the battery1  Open the cover. 2  Verify that the connector is properly aligned with the jack and connect the battery.  3  Close the cover. Notes:  • Theconnectorisdesignedtoeasilytthejackinonlyonedirection.Donotuseexcessiveforce.•PutthehandsetonthecradleiftheStandbyscreenisnotdisplayedonceyouconnectthebattery. ChargethebatteryCradle1  Find the handset AC Adaptor (the smaller Adaptor). Connect the AC Adaptor to the DC 5.0Vjackonthecradleandtoastandard(100~240V,50/60Hz)walloutlet.2 Setthecradleonadeskortable,thensetthehandsetonthecradlewiththekeypadfacing forward.3 Allowthebatterytochargefor12–15hours.Note: Chargethebatteryfrequently.Leavingthebatteryunchargedforaprolongedperiodcanadverselyaectbatterychargingcapacity.Ifthishappens,replacethebattery.WhileHandsetisinChargerCradlethepowerindicator"on"willshowthatitischargingatalltimes,evenafterthebatteryisfullycharged.Tochecktheactualbatterychargelevel,removetheHandsetfromcradleandcheckthepowerindicatorintheupperrightcorneroftheLCD.A power indicator in the upper right corner of the LCD shows how much battery life remains.Note:Useonlytherechargeablebatterypacksuppliedwithyourhandset.(Call 877 833-7388 opt. 2 to order new batteries)Base power on Whenpoweredonforthefirsttime,thebasestationandthehandsetgothroughaninitializationsequence.The handset and base are registered at the factory. When both handset and base are powered on,theywillimmediatelyfindeachotherandconfirmtheregistrationautomatically.Duringtheinitializationprocess,thehandsetrstshows”Searching”andwhenitsuccessfullyndsthebasethatitisregisteredto,thenthehandsetwillshow”X1500HSS1”onthehandsetdisplay.Additionalhandsetscanberegisteredtothebaseandwilldisplay"X1500HSS2,3,4,etc.,upto6."Full charge Low charge1.  Chargingcontacts2.  DC 5.0V jack12
10Iftheydon'tfindeachother,referto"Handsetregistration"below.Note:DonotusethephoneuntiltheinitializationsequenceiscompleteandtheHandsetshowsX1500HSS1.HandsetregistrationYoucanregisteruptosixhandsetstothebasestation,includingtheonepresetregisteredhandsetin the package. Each new handset must be electronically registered with the base station. Note: The handset included in this package is pre-registered at the factory with the base station.YoudonotneedtoperformthefollowingRegistrationprocedure.However,ifitbecomesderegistered,usethisprocedure.Register 1 Onthehandset,pressMenu (F2),scrolltoHandset Setup and press Enter (F1). 2  Scroll to Registration and press Enter (F1).3  The display shows New Register. Press Enter F1 again. The display will show Please Wait. 4  Press and hold PAGE/REGforvesecondsuntilIN-USERightGreenLED on base station blinks.5  Then press F1 (Enter) on the handset. A "Please Wait" message appears and a few secondslater,theHandsetwillfindthebaseanddisplay"Select.."and"BaseID:"Example,01:9C:AO:00:B8(yourindividualbaseIDwillvary,butwillbeinthisformat).6  AfterHandsetdisplaysSelect..andBaseID,pressF1again.A"PleaseWait"messageappears while the Base and Handset are paired. Registrationtakesjustafewseconds.Whenregistrationiscompleted,youhearatoneand"X1500HSS1,orX1500HSS2,etc."appearsontheLCDscreenontheHandsetbeingregistered.Standby Screen Whenthesequenceiscomplete,theStandbyScreenappearsasshownin the picture on the right. This screen is always visible when the phone isidle.Atthebottomofthescreenthetextindicateswhichservicelinesare active. CELiswirelessservice,andTEL is landline service. The CELindicatormaytakeuptotwominutestoappear,dependingon cellular signal conditions in your area. The handset displays CEL for cellular service and TEL for conventional landline only if you subscribe to these services and activate the cellular service (CEL) or plug your X1500 base TEL LINE to telephone wall jack with a telephone cord and you are a current customer for landline service.Ifyouhaveconnectedwithyourcellularserviceprovider,thedateandtimemaybesetautomatically.Cellular ActivationDependingonyourcarrierofchoiceforyourwirelessservices,youmayhaveadifferentdistinctive activation method for your X1500. HANDSET 1  01/01         10:10CEL   Menu   TEL
11GO!Make a wireless CEL callTo make a call1 Enter number2 Press CEL (F1)- OR -1 Press CEL (F1)2 Enter numberTo end the callPress END- OR -Place the handset on the cradleTo answera callIndicates CEL when CEL ringsPress CEL (F1)- OR -Press SEND/FLASHNote: CELbuttondoesnotappearifyouarenotsubscribingtocellularservice.However,some carriers network automatically establishes a link to your X1500 and CEL buttonappearsregardlessofyoursubscriptiontothenetwork.Inthiscase,thedialtonewillbe heard when you press CEL button but when youtrytodialout,thenetworkoperatorwillannouncethatyourcallwillnotgothroughsinceyouarenotsubscribingtotheservice.Make a Handset to Handset INTERCOM callTo make a call1 Press INTCOM2 Select Handset to call3 Press SENDTo answer acallHandset indicates INTERCOM when intercom ringsPress F1 (Answer)- OR -Press SENDTo end thecallPress END- OR -Place the handset on the cradleMake a landline TEL callTo make a call1 Enter number2 Press TEL (F3)- OR -1 Press TEL (F3)2 Enter numberTo end the callPress END- OR -Place the handset on the cradleTo answera callIndicates TEL when TEL ringsPress TEL (F3)- OR -Press SEND/FLASHNote:IfthereisnodialtonewhenpressingTEL (F3),thephoneisnotconnectedtothelandline network.
12MakeacallusingananalogPHONEWhenananalogphonesetisconnectedtothePHONEport,youcanmakeaphonecallasfollows.Call received Wireless call Landline call Handset (Intercom)To make a call1 Takeanexistingphonehandset and2 Dial #01 and number1 Takeanexistingphonehandset and2 Dial #00 and number1 Takeanexistingphonehandset and2 Dial 3 and then the number of the X1500 Handset that you want totalkwith.Ex:Dial 3 + 1 to talk with X1500 Handset 1.Dial 31 to 36 for calling anX1500Handset,1to6.To end the call Hang up the SLIC phone handsetHandset/Base setup menuYoucansetuptheX1500HandsetmenutoprovideCIDdialing,BaseandHandsetsettings,Phonebookediting,SMSreadingandwriting.• CallLog -ShowsCalls,Answer,CIDlog,andMakecall,SavetoPhonebook.• Phonebook -ShowsPhonebook,Makecalls,orAdd,EditPhonebook• Message -ReadorWriteSMS,SetupandRetrieveVoicemail• Function -Scheduler• HandsetSetup -GeneralHandsetRingandTone,Display,AudioVolume,HACsettingRegistration• BaseSetup -GeneralCELStatus,TELSetup,Router,BaseLAN3GdataSetupfeaturesUsing the MenusBASIC ACTIONSOpen the menu Press F2 (Menu)* key on the handset.Move the cursor Press the s or ▼ key. A selected menu item is highlighted.(Thisactioniscalled“scrolling”throughoutthisguide.)Select an item Press F1 (Enter)* to select the menu item.Return to the previous screen Press F3 (Back).*Close the menu Press END.*  Usingthesoftkeys  By pressing F1/F2/F3,youcanselectthefeatureshowndirectlyaboveitonthedisplay.
13 Call Log menu - Use Enter/F1 button to change levels1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailAll CallList to Select All Call Log.Following log can be listed by Left or Right key- All Call- Missed call- Answered Call- Dialed Call- Blocked Call- Delete AllEdit NumberTo freely edit the phone number of call log record and make CEL TEL call.- Add 1 for long distance- Delete Area code-AppendextensionnumberCall Back Immediately place callback to the number of call log record.Send SMS To edit the SMS message and send it to the number of call log record.Save to Phone book To store the phone number of the call log record to Phone book. Detail Tolookatdetailsofthecall,includingCIDandphone number.Delete Record Delete selected call log record.Missed Call List to Select Missed Call LogEdit NumberTo show the “Missed Call“ list and to operate…“EditNumber,”“CallBack,”“SendSMS,”“SavetoPhonebook,”“Detail”and“DeleteRecord.”Call BackSend SMSSave to Phone bookDetailDelete RecordAnswered Call List to Select Answered Call LogEdit NumberToshowthe“AnsweredCall”listandtooperate…“EditNumber,”“CallBack,”“SendSMS,”“SavetoPhonebook,”“Detail”and“DeleteRecord.”Call BackSend SMSSave to Phone bookDetailDelete RecordDialed Call List to Select Dialed Call LogEdit NumberToshowthe“DialedCall”listandtooperate…“EditNumber,”“CallBack,”“SendSMS,”“SavetoPhonebook,”“Detail”and“DeleteRecord.”Call BackSend SMSSave to Phone bookDetailDelete RecordBlocked CallList to Select Blocked Call LogBlocked Call can be set on your phone bookEdit NumberToshowthe“BlockedCall”listandtooperate…“EditNumber,”“CallBack,”“SendSMS,”“SavetoPhonebook,”“Detail”and“DeleteRecord.”Call BackSend SMSSave to Phone bookDetailDelete RecordDelete AllMissed Call Confirm? Deleteallofthe“MissedCall”recordsintheCallLog.Answered Call Confirm? Deleteallofthe“AnsweredCall”records.Dialed Call Confirm? Deleteallofthe“DialedCall”records.Blocked Call Confirm? Deleteallofthe“BlockedCall”records.All Call Confirm? Delete all of the call log records including Missed / Answered / Dialed / Blocked Calls.
14 Phone book menu - Use Enter/F1 button to change levels1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailView RecordsDial Out CEL ---- Make a phone call using this number via CEL line.Dial Out TEL ---- Make a phone call using this number via TEL line.Send SMS New Message EdittheSMSmessage,thensenditusingthisPhone book record.Edit Record ---- Edit the content of this Phone Book record.Add Entry ---- Edit and add new Phone Book entry.Delete Record Confirm To Delete? Delete this Phone book entry.Copy Record to Handset 1~6(Excludingself)Copy this Phone book entry to one of the other Handset Phone books.Add EntryName,NumberDefaultLine,DistinctiveRing,SpeedDial,and Block--- Edit and add new Phone Book entry.Speed Dial 0~9 ---- Viewspeeddialphonenumberstoredin0–9speed dial entries.Memory Status Total Records 100Available XX ----ViewthemaximumnumberofPhonebookrecordsthatcanbeused,andreportthecurrentnumber of Phone book records stored.Delete All Confirm Empty Delete all Phone book Records.Copy all records to Confirm Please Wait Copying Copy all Phone book Records to one of the other Handset Phone books. Message menu1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailInboxView View View SMS message.Edit New Message Edit and forward the SMS message or Edit and Save edited message.Call Back SMS Number AppearsYou can make CEL/TEL phone call to the number of the SMS message.Reply New Message Edit new SMS message to reply to the sender of the original message.Delete Confirm to Delete? Delete one SMS message.Delete All Confirm to Delete? DeleteallSMSmessagesinInbox.OutboxView SMS Message Appears View SMS message.Edit SMS Message AppearsEdit and forward the SMS message or Edit and Save edited message.Call Back SMS Message Number AppearsYou can make CEL/TEL phone call to the number of the SMS message.Resend ---- ResendtheSMSmessageinOutbox.Delete ---- Delete one SMS message.Delete All ---- DeleteallSMSmessagesinOutbox.DraftBoxEdit New Message EditandsendtheSMSmessage,orEditandSave edited message.Delete Confirm to Delete? Delete one SMS message.Delete All Confirm to Delete? DeleteallSMSmessagesintheDraftBox.
151st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailWrite MessageSend SMSInput Number Send edited SMS message to the number you enter.From Phone book Send edited SMS message to the number in the Phone book.Save ----SaveSMSmessagetotheDraftBox.YoucanfindthesavedmessagefromtheDraftBoxmenu,thencontinueeditingandfinallysendthe message.Voice MessageCEL Voice Mail ---- Make phone call to the number stored in the “CELVMNumber.”TEL Voice Mail ---- Make phone call to the number stored in the “TELVMNumber.”SetupCEL VM Number Enter the phone number of the CEL Voice Mail retrieval center.TEL VM Number Enter the phone number of the TEL Voice Mail retrieval center. Function menu1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailScheduler ---- View monthly Scheduler. Handset Setup menu1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailGeneralUnit Name Input NameYourphonearriveswiththename“Handset-1”pre-assigned to the base station. Each handsetreceivesanumber(1–6)intheorderof registration. You can change the name and number assigned to a handset (up to 10 characters).Area CodeArea Code 1Area Code 2Area Code 3Enter up to three area codes. With local area codesstored,thephonecandistinguishbetween local and long distance calls.Date And TimeTimeDateDate FormatThe date and time automatically synchronize with the cellular network when the base station is powered on. If the time and date do not automaticallysynchronizewiththenetwork,itmust be set manually.LanguageEnglish,Français Español,PortuguêsSelect handset menu language.
161st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailRing and ToneExternalCallTEL RingCEL RingRing VolumeYou can set different ring tones for CEL (wireless) calls and TEL (landline) calls. You can set the ringer volume from menu. There are 18 choices of ring tones.Internal Call Ring ToneRing VolumeYou can set different ring tones for Internal calls. You can set the ringer volume from menu. There are 18 choices of ring tones.Ring Effect Distinctive RingYou can enable or disable the Distinctive Ring feature stored in each Phone book entry. When OFFisselected,theRingTonefor“ExternalCall”is used. Ring Effect (cont’d) Night VolumeYou can set the volume for the ringer to a lower level for nighttime between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. based on the phone’s internal clock. Alert ToneKeyToneLow BatteryOn Cradle ToneYoucanselectKeyPressToneON/OFF,LowBatterywarningtoneON/OFF,and“OnCradle”tonevolumeHigh/Low/Off,whichmakes a tone when you place the handset on the cradle.DisplayWallpaperPalm TreeSunflowerMoonEarthDogLightningSelect one of the pre-stored pictures to be displayed in the background of the standby screen.Color SchemeBlackGreenRedBlueSelect one of the Color Schemes for the Menu screen.SettingContrastOn CradleBrightnessScreen SaverBacklight TimeSelect1–8LCDContrastlevel,screenbrightnessFull/Dim/OFFwhen"oncradle,” screen saver selection Wallpaper/Clock/Normal whenoncradlestate,and10-40SecondsbeforeBacklight times out to OFF.Audio VolumeEarpieceSpeakerHeadsetAudio Level Displays Select1–5forEarpiecevolume,1–5forSpeakervolume,and1-8forHeadsetvolume.HAC New Register ----Youcanregisteruptosixhandsetstothebasestation,includingtheonehandsetinthe package. Each new handset must be electronically registered with the base station. The handset included in this package is pre-registered at the factory with the base station.  Ifitbecomesderegistered,reregisterthehandset.Registration  Use T-CoilUse TTYNormal or T-CoilNormal or Use TTY• Ifyouhaveahearingaidequippedwitha telecoil (T-coil) feature and if you have problemswithnoiseontheline,tryturningon T-coil mode.• X1500isdesignedtoconvertreceivedcallstotextthatyoucanreadonyourTTYdevice.• TTYisavailableonlywheninTELline(PSTN).
17 Base Setup menu1st Level Menu 2nd Level Menu 3rd Level Menu DetailGeneralDefault Connection CELTELSelect CEL or TEL to use in the dialing screen and when SEND/FLASH key pressed.Barge-In OnOff Select ON/OFF whether to use Barge-In feature.CEL SetupCEL Number 877-833-7388 Use this feature to see your cellular telephone number.Signal Level ----View strength of the CEL radio wave. You should place the Base in an area with the best signal level location.TEL LINE Dial Mode TonePulseSelect matching TEL Line type Tone/Pulse you are using.Router3G Data Network EnableDisableConfigure each DHCP server parameter used in the LAN port of the BASE.DHCP Server SetupEnableStart AddressEnd AddressNet MaskPrimary DNSSecondary DNSGatewayLease Time In SECLAN IP Setup3G Data NetworkIP AddressNet MaskConfigure IP Address and Subnet Mask setting used in the LAN port of the Base.
18Enter names and characters Use the keypad to choose the characters you want. Use the #A/a key in the lower right area of the Handset to switch the letters from capital to lower case as needed.CharactertableforenteringnamesNumberoftimeskeypressedkeys 1234567891space 1 . ,: ; ' " () < > & % ! ? ¡ ¿2A B C 23D E F 34G H I 45JKL 5 ^ { } \ [~ ] | €6M N O 67P Q R S 78T U V 89W X Y Z 900 + - * / = # _ $£ ¥ @ Δ ¤ § Φ• UsePB to scroll to the left or the A key to scroll to the right.• PressDelete (F2) to erase a character.• # A/aKeyselectsUppercaseorLowercaseinputsetting.
19More features VolumeandHands-freeDuringaconversationonthehandset,theearpiecevolumecanbeadjustedorthehands-free speaker can be selected.Set earpiece volumeDuringacall,presss for higher or ▼ for lower volume.Hands-free callDuringacall,pressSPEAKER key.Duringacall,ifyouwanttoswitchbackfromSpeakertotheEarpiecetocontinueconversation,pressSPEAKER again.Caller ID CallerIDfeaturerequiresyoursubscriptionthroughyourserviceprovider.CallerIDfeatureshelps identify either by number or by the name of the caller the programmed or registered identityofthecallerorcalled.WhenCallerIDisactive,yourphonemaydisplaythecaller’sname and phone number if the landline or cellular service supports this feature.Note:CallerIDandCallWaitingareusuallyincludedwithcellularcallingplans,butlandlinesmayrequireaseparatesubscription.Checkwithyourserviceproviderfordetails.Caller ID information SINGLE CEL OR TEL CALLInStandby,CallerIDnormallyshowsnewandtotalcallsreceived.Onasingleincomingcall,CallerIDshowsthetimeanddate,thecaller’sname,andthenumber.CEL or TEL blinks depending on the typeofcall–cellularserviceorlandline.  SIMULTANEOUS CEL AND TEL CALLS Whenbothlandlineandcellularservicesareactive,thephonecanreceive both types of calls at the same time or very close together. Whenthathappens,CallerIDinformationforbothcallsappearsonthe display and the call arriving first is on top.CALL WAITING Ifyoureceiveanothercallduringacallinprogress,informationforboth calls appears on the display.Press SEND/FLASH to answer the new call. Press SEND/FLASH again to return to the first call.David01234567890CEL            TELCELDavidJohn SmithCELRingCEL            TELRingingTELRing
20CalllogCheck the log The Caller ID log lists the name associated with the Caller ID data. If the data received does nothavepropernameinformation,thephonenumberislistedinstead.Press CID to view the Caller ID log. The newest entry appears on the display.Press ▼ to scroll through the log from newest to oldest. Press s to scroll through the log from oldest to newest. The log holds up to 200 (100 each for CEL and TEL) calls.Dial a number 1  Scroll to a displayed name/number and press Enter (F1) twice.   The number appears on the display. If the number’s area code is the same as an area codestoredinthephone'smemory(see“Areacode”onpage30),theareacodemaynotappear.Iftheareacodeisrequiredfordialing,press# to add the area code to the beginningofthenumber.Ifthenumber1isalsorequiredfordialing,press* to add 1 to the beginning of the number. 2 Press CEL (F1) or TEL (F3) to make the call.Save a number to Phone book1  Scroll to a displayed name/number and press Enter (F1). 2  Scroll to Save To Phone book and press Enter (F1).3  Enter the name (up to 16 characters) and press ▼.*  You cannot leave the name blank�*  See "Enter names and characters" on page 18� “Number?”appearsonthedisplay.4  Change the settings (Number,Default Line,Distinctive Ring,andBlock) if necessary.–  Scroll through the submenu: s or ▼–  Select menu item: PB or CID5 Press Enter (F1) to confirm.John Smith01/02.12:10Enter         BackTELDavid01/02.11:00TELJane01/01.10:20TELAll callsBlocked callsAnswered callsMissed callsDialed calls
21UsingredialEach handset holds the last 10 numbers dialed. Each number can have up to 32 digits.Call from redial log1 Press RDL/P to recall the last dialed number. 2 Press CEL (F1) or TEL (F3) to redial the number.UsingSpeeddial1  Set up keys 0–9 with numbers in the Phone book for speed dial.2 Pressandholdtheappropriatenumberkey,thenpressCEL (F1) or TEL (F3). Ifyouneedtoaddorremovethenumber1ortheareacodeforproperdialinginyourarea,see“Add/removea1”or“Add/removeareacode”onpage30.CallingoptionsPause Whileenteringaphonenumber,pressRDL/P to add a 0.5 second pause. The pause is added as the digits are transmitted when dialing. Press RDL/P again to make the pause longer. The letter P appears in the number each time you enter the pause.Mix dialIf your phone is set to pulse dialing and you need to send DTMF tones during a call (to use anautomatedresponsesystem,forexample),youcantemporarilyswitchtotonedialingafter the call connects.1  Make your call normally.2 Onceyourcallconnects,press* on the handset to temporarily switch to tone dialing. Whenthecallends,thephoneautomaticallyreturnstopulsedialingmode.In-Call operationsPlace a call on Hold • PressHOLD (F1) to place a call on hold. • PressBACK (F3) to return to the call.Mute a call• PressMUTE (F3) to temporarily cut off the microphone. • PressUNMUTE (F3) to return to the call. 0123456789CEL   Menu   TEL
22Transfer a callYou can transfer calls from handset to handset.This function works for both cellular and landline calls.HANDSET TO HANDSET TRANSFER 1 Duringacall,pressINTCOM,scrolltothehandsetyouwant,andpressEnter (F1).   The handset involved in the transfer operation begins beeping and a message appears on the LCD. Ifthereisnoanswerwithin30seconds,thepageandthetransferarecancelledandyoureturn to the call.2 Press Enter (F1)onthehandsetreceivingthepage.Thecallisnowonhold,andtheparties with the handsets can speak.3 Press END on the handset that started the transfer. The call is now transferred to the receiving handset.  Onthereceivinghandset,youcanpressEND to reject the transfer. Then the call returns to the handset that started the transfer.4 Press END to end the call.UnattendedtransferYou can also transfer an active call to another handset without announcing before transferring the call. At step 1,whenyouheartheringtone,hangupyourphonebypressing END and the call will be transferred.Set up a conference callConference calling lets you make a call with two parties. The phone places the second call with the service (cellular or landline) that is not being used. The Conference feature is available only with the handset.1  Make a normal call to the first person.2 Press HOLD (F1),scrolltoMake TEL Call  (or Make CEL Call),andpressEnter (F1). 3 Enterthenumberofthenextparty,andtheX1500Handsetdialsthenumberautomatically.4 Press CONF (F3) to connect all parties. 5 Todropapartyfromtheconferencecall,pressCEL DROP or TEL DROP. Press END to drop all parties and end the call.PSTNHandsetConferenceBaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELConference
23PageandIntercomThePagefeatureletsyoulocatethehandsetifitismisplaced,butitalsocanbeansweredby the handset. *  During page/intercom, if another incoming call is received, page/intercom action will be canceled�*  Page/intercom ring tone and volume cannot be changed�Page1 Press PAGE/REG on the base station. Alltheregisteredhandsetsbeepforupto60seconds,andHANDSET LOCAT... appears on the display.2 Tostopthepage,presseitherEnd (F1) or End (F3)onanyhandset,orpressPAGE/REG on the base station.Intercom 1 Whenthelineisnotinuse,pressINTCOM,scrolltothehandsetyouwanttotalkto,andpress Enter (F1).  The handset beeps for up to 60 seconds and Paging Handset 1 appears on the display.2 Toanswer,pressEnter (F1) to connect with Intercom.  DuringanIntercomconnection,useMutetoturnoffthemicrophoneonthehandset.Barge-inWhetheryourhandsetisinthemiddleofacallonCELorTEL,thisfeatureallowsanyoneofthe other registered handsets to the same X1500 base station to join the call.  Before using theBarge-Infeature,pleasereadthefollowingprocedures.• TheX1500comeswiththeBarge-Infeature set to "off." It must be activated before use. • Ifpowertothebasestationisinterrupted,Barge-In must be reactivated. • Thefirsthandsettoplacethecallisthe“master”andfullycontrolsthecall.Otherregistered handsets that join the call are “slaves”andcanonlyjoinorexitthecall.Note:RememberthatwithBarge-Inactivated,privacymaybecompromised.Anyregisteredhandsetcanjointhecall,andthereisnoindicationthatanotherhandsethasjoinedthecall.PSTNHandset 1BaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELHandset 2 HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELTALKTALKTALKBARGE-IN
24Use Barge-In1  Verify that Barge-In is activated. Then use one handset to place a call.2 Afterthecallisanswered,pressCEL (F1) or TEL (F3) on any handset to join the call.Dual-linecallingYourX1500ismulti-handsetscapableandwithPHONEconnection(Ref:Page12),activatedcellularservice(CEL)andconnectiontoconventionallandlineservice(TEL),therearemultiplecallconfigurations.AnexampleofitistwocordlesshandsetsrespectivelycallingthroughTELandCELandlateron,forbothofthemtobetiedtogetherinaconferencemode.HomeConnex Series Terminal TheHomeConnexSeriesTerminalisatwo-linephonethatoffersuniquecallingfeatures because it can be used to make or receive both CEL and TEL calls.Andyoucanmakeconferencecalls,usingCEL,TELandextraHandsets.Intercept Ring1 DuringacallusingTEL,ifthebasereceivesaCELincomingcall,thehandsetnotifies the user with an INTERCEPT RING for the incoming call.2 IfCELispressedtoanincomingCELcall,the TEL call is placed on hold and the CEL call is now active.3  Press the Flip (F1) button to merge and talk to both the CEL and TEL calls.PSTNHandsetConferenceBaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELConferencePSTNHandsetIncoming toINTERCEPT RINGBaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELIncoming toINTERCEPT RINGTALKTALKPSTNHandsetSEND to switchBaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELSEND to switchWaiting ToneTALKTALKPSTNHandsetSEND to switchBaseSwitchCEL / TELCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELSEND to switchWaiting ToneTALKTALKWaiting Tone
25Make or Receive two separate calls:1  When a call comes in on TEL or Handset makes call from TEL.2 IfyouhaveanotherHandset,itcanmake a CEL call or it can answer the  incoming CELcall.Phone bookUse the Phone book to store up to 100 names and numbers.Add New Entry1 WhileinthePhonebookmenu,selectAdd Entry to add a new entry.  You can specify the following items.2  Enter the name (up to 16 characters).*  You cannot leave the name blank�*  see “Enter names and characters” on page 18�3  Enter the number (up to 32 digits).*  You cannot leave the number blank�4  Select Default Line* (CEL/TEL/Off). * You can assign the primary line, either CEL or TEL� The line assigned will be selected as the default line when you press SEND/FLASH�5  Select Distinctive Ring (01 ~ 18/Off ).*  This feature allows you to assign a designated ring tone to a stored Phone book number� When a call is received from one of these numbers, X1500 uses the distinctive ring assigned to that particular caller so that you can identify the call without answering it�6  Select Speed Dial* (0 ~ 9/Off).*  You can assign one phone number to each of the 10 dial keys (0~9)� To display the registered number, press and hold the registered number dial key until the phone number is displayed�7  Select Block* (On/Off).*  This feature allows you to reject calls from specific phone numbers that you do not want to answer� When a call from the registered phone number is received, the X1500 rings for a short time�*  The blocked number is logged in "Blocked Call" in the Call Log menu�8 Press Enter (F1) to confirm the entry and you will hear a confirmation tone.PSTNHandset 1BaseCELTEL HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELHandset 2 HANDSET 1  01/01        00:00CEL   Menu   TELTALKTALKTALKTALKName John SmithEnter  DEL   BackAdd EntryNumber 0123456789Default Line   CEL
26Edit Record1 WhileviewingthePhonebookentry,scrolltothenameyouwanttoeditandpressEnter (F1). 2 Select Edit Record and press Enter (F1).3  You can edit Name/Number/Default Line/Distinctive Ring/Speed Dial/Block with new entry the same way.View the Phone bookPress PB to display the Phone book entries.You can search for names by initial. Press the keypad 2 - 9,or0 that corresponds to the first letter you are searching for (see the character table below).CharactertableforsearchingnamesbyinitialNumberoftimeskeypressedkeys 1 2 3 42A B C —3D E F —4G H I —5JKL —6M N O —7P Q R S8T U V —9W X Y Z0other — — —Copying Phone bookIfyouhavemorethanonehandset,youcantransferPhonebookentriesfromonehandsetto another without re-entering names and numbers. You can transfer one Phone book entry at a time or all Phone book entries at once.Note:DefaultLine,DistinctiveRing,SpeedDialandBlockforPhonebookitemsarenotcopied.AlexAliciaBob. MBrianBritneyEnter         BackView RecordsPush PB from StandbyJames JordanJaneJanetJefferyKatherineEnter         BackJView RecordsPush 5 (J)KatherineKim. HKyleLewisLisaEnter         BackKView RecordsPush 5 again (K)
27One by one1 WhileviewingthePhonebookentry,scrolltothenameyouwanttotransferandpressEnter (F1).2 Select Copy Record To and press Enter (F1).3  Scroll to the handset (Handset1 ~ Handset6) you want to transfer the entry to and press Enter (F1).Afterthetransferhascompleted,Succeedisdisplayedwithaconrmationtone.All1 Press Menu (F2),selectPhone book and press Enter (F1).2 WhileinthePhonebookmenu,selectCopy All Record To and press Enter (F1).3  Scroll to the handset (Handset1 ~ Handset6) that you want to transfer the entry to and press Enter (F1).Afterthetransferhascompleted,Succeed is displayed with a confirmation tone.MessagesNote:Youmusthaveasubscriptiontousethesemessageservices.Checkwithyourserviceproviderfordetails.Short Message Service (SMS) Thisfeature–availableonlywithcellularservice–letsyousendandreceivetextmessagestoother SMS enabled cellular phones through the CEL connection at the handset. Check with your service provider for availability.WRITE A NEW MESSAGE 1 Press Menu (F2),scrolltoMessage,andpressEnter (F1).2  Scroll to Message and press Enter (F1).3  Scroll to Write Message and press Enter (F1).4 Usethekeypadtowriteamessageupto160characterslong,includingspacesandspecialcharacters.(See“Enternamesandcharacters”onpage18.)5 Whenyoufinishwriting,pressEnter (F1). The new message submenu appears with Send SMS and Save. If the phone receives a call or someone initiates a call on another handset while you are writingamessage,themessageisautomaticallystoredinSavedmessages.Youcanaccessthemessagelater,editthemessage,ifnecessary,andthensendthemessagebyfollowingthe steps below.Note:Ifthereisanincomingcallwhiletheuserisinthemidstofformulatingatextmessage,thehandsetyieldstheprioritytotheincomingcall.However,oncethecallisterminated,youcangobacktoMessageintheMenuandthedraftedtextwillbedisplayedagain.
28SEND A NEW MESSAGE 1 Writeamessage,thenpressEnter (F1). Send SMS and Save appear.2  Scroll to Send SMS and press Enter (F1). Submenu appears.3  You can send a message to the recipient by entering the phone number or selecting from the Phone book.From Phone book Select From Phone book and press Enter (F1),scrolltotheentryyouwant,andpressEnter (F1). Byenteringthephonenumber Select Input Number and press Enter (F1),entertherecipient'sphonenumber,andpress Enter (F1).Note:VerifythattheCELlineisnotinusebeforesendingthemessage. Afterthemessageissent,aconfirmationtoneisheard.4  The message is stored in Outbox for easy viewing later.SAVE A NEW MESSAGE TO DRAFT BOXNote:Upto20newmessagescanbesavedinyourX1500.1 Afterwritingamessage,pressEnter (F1). 2  Scroll to Save and press Enter (F1). The message is stored in Draft Box for easy viewing later.EDIT SAVED MESSAGES IN DRAFT BOX1 Press Menu (F2),scrolltoMessage,pressEnter (F1).2  Scroll to Draft Box and press Enter (F1).3  Scroll to the message you want to edit and press Enter (F1).4 Select Edit and press Enter (F1).RECEIVE A MESSAGEWhentheX1500receivesatextmessage,youheararingtoneandanenvelopeiconappears on the display. The message goes to the InBox.CHECK THE INBOX FOR READ AND UNREAD (NEW) MESSAGESReadandUnReadMessagesaredistinguishedbyicons,ReadMessagesaredisplayedwith while UnRead Messages are displayed with  .1 Press Menu (F2),scrolltoMessage,andpressEnter (F1).2 ScrolltoInboxandpressEnter (F1).3  Scroll to UnRead Messages   and press Enter (F1). The phone number from which the message originated displays. 4 Press Enter (F1) again to read the message.  IfyouhavenoUnReadMessages,anerrortonesounds.  - OR -5  Scroll to Read Messages   and press Enter (F1). The phone number from which the message originated displays. 6  Scroll to the message you want to read and press Enter (F1).
29WhenyouexittheUnreadMessageslist,anymessagesthathavenotbeenviewedareautomatically stored in the Read Messages list. Be sure to view all UnRead Messages before exitingtheUnReadMessagelist.REPLY TO MESSAGES1 Whilereadingamessage,pressEnter (F1).2  Scroll to Reply and press Enter (F1).  Write a reply the same way as you write a new message and press SEND to send Reply.Voice messages The X1500 works with both cellular and landline voicemail. SET UP VOICEMAIL 1 Press Menu (F2),scrolltoMessage and press Enter (F1).2  Scroll to Voice Message and press Enter (F1).3  Scroll to Setup and press Enter (F1).4  Scroll to CEL VM Number and press Enter (F1).* Select TEL VM Number to enter setup for TEL�5 Usethekeypadtoenterthevoicemailnumberforyourlandlineservice,thenpressEnter (F1). A beep confirms your entry.
30Setup DetailArea code 1 Press Menu (F2).2  Scroll to Handset Setup and press Enter (F1).3 Press Enter (F1) again to enter General menu.4  Scroll to Area Code and press Enter (F1). 5 Usethekeypadtoentertheareacodenumber,thenpressEnter (F1). Ifyoumakeamistake,pressDelete (F3) to erase the last digit entered. 6 Press Enter (F1) to set the code. Add/remove a "1" Withareacodesstoredinmemory,the* and #keyshaveauniquefunctioninphonememory dialing. Ifyouneedtoadda1to10–digitphonenumberforproperdialinginyourarea,press*. Press *againtodeletethenumber1.WhenretrievinganumberfromtheCallerIDlog,usethe * key to add or remove a 1. This feature is not available when using Redial.Add/remove area code Ifyouneedtoaddtheareacodetoa7–digitnumber,press# to display the area code list. Scroll to the correct area code and press Enter (F1). At this point you can also press * to addthenumber1,ifnecessary.Toremovetheareacode,press*toremovethenumber1(ifpresent),thenpress#.Note:WhendialingnumbersfromtheCallerIDlog,areacodesstoredinthephonearenotaccessible. Press #andusethekeypadtoaddtheareacode.ThisfeatureisnotavailablewhenusingRedial.Power backup Powerbackupforthebasestationisanoptionalfeature(notrequiredtooperatethisproduct) that allows the base station to operate for up to 40 minutes (depending on battery condition) even if AC power is disrupted. If you install batteries for the Power backup feature you can check the condition of the batteries while they are installed.Notes about Power backup • Replacebatterieseveryyear.• Therearenoindicatorstoinformyouwhenthephoneisoperatingunderregularpoweror backup power. • IfyoudisconnecttheACpowerAdaptor,Powerbackupstartsautomatically.• Aftereverypoweroutage,checkthebatteriesandreplacethemasnecessary.• ActualoperatingtimeusingPowerbackupvariesdependingontheconditionofthebatteries.
31UsingLANforInternetconnectionThe X1500 supports 3G wireless dialup. The LAN port can be connected to a PC for Internet access. Usually X1500 would be set as Internet Gateway. Use Ethernet to connect to PC or Laptop,oruseanoptionalWi-Fidevice,availablefromanauthorizedretailerorAirTouch,Inc.DefaultsettingLAN IP settingIP mask 255. 255. 255.0DHCP Server settingDHCP Server EnableIP Start End mask 255. 255. 255.0Primary  DNS DNS Gateway Lease period 86400 secIfyouwanttochangeLANsettings,usethefollowingmenupaths:MENU > Base setting > Router > LAN IP SetupMENU > Base setting > Router > DHCP Server SetupFactory resetOccasionally,youmayneedtorestoreyourdevicesettingstofactorysetting.Thiscanbeuseful when your device is not performing properly.Notes: • AfteryourX1500isreset,thedeviceisrestoredtoitsdefaultsettings-asitwaswhenyoufirstpurchasedit,excepthandsetregistrationandactivationofservice.• Factoryresetdoesn'tclearhandsetmemorysuchasPhonebook,CallLogandSMSdata.Toreset,pressandholdINIT button for more than 5 seconds.
32Precautions Beforeyoureadanythingelse,pleaseobserve the following precautions. Warning!AirTouchCommunications,Inc.DOESNOTrepresentthisunittobewaterproof.Toreducetheriskoffire,electricalshock,ordamagetotheunit,DONOTexposethisunittorainormoisture. About battery usageThis product contains a Li-ion battery and a Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery. There is a risk of fire and burns if the battery packs are handled improperly.WARNING:Dangerofexplosionifbatterypack is incorrectly replaced.• Useonlythebatteryforthedeviceforwhich it is specified.• Donotuseadamagedbattery.• Donotattempttoopenorservicethebattery pack.• Donotdisassemble,crush,deform,puncture,shred,orshortexternalcontactsor circuits.• Recycleordisposeofusedbatteriesaccording to local regulations or reference guide supplied with your product.• Donotuseabatterythatappearsdamaged,deformed,ordiscoloredoronethathasanyrustonitscasing,overheats,or emits a foul odor.Handlebatterypackscarefully• Donotdisposeofinfireorwater.Donotexposeabatterypacktotemperatureshigher than 60˚C (140˚F).• Keepthebatteryordevicedryandawayfromwateroranyotherliquid,asthismaycause a short circuit.• Keepmetalobjectsawaysotheydon’tcome in contact with the battery or its connectors,asthismayleadtoshortcircuit during operation.• Alwayskeepthebatteryoutofthereachofbabiesandsmallchildren,toavoid swallowing of the battery. Consult a doctor immediately if battery is swallowed.If battery leaks:• Donotallowtheleakingfluidtocomeincontact with skin or clothing. If already incontact,flushtheaffectedareaimmediately with clean water and seek medical advice.• Donotallowtheleakingfluidtocomeincontactwitheyes.Ifalreadyincontact,DO NOT rub; rinse with clean water immediately and seek medical advice.• Takeextraprecautionstokeepaleakingbattery away from fire as there is a danger ofignitionorexplosion. Theexclamationpointinsideanequilateraltriangleisintendedto alert the user to the presence of important maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
33Importantsafetyinstructions Whenusingyourtelephoneequipment,these basic safety precautions should alwaysbefollowedtoreducetheriskoffire,electricalshock,andinjurytopersons:1  Read and understand all instructions.2  Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.3  Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Use a dry cloth forcleaning,withoutliquidoraerosolcleaners.4  Do not use this product near water. Donotusenearabathtub,washbowl,kitchensink,laundrytub,ornearaswimming pool.5  Do not place this product on an unstable cart,stand,ortable.Thetelephonemayfall,causingseriousdamagetotheunit.6  Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation. To protect the product from overheating,theseopeningsmustnotbeblocked or covered. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided. 7  This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are not sure of the typeofpowersupplytoyourhome,consult your dealer or local power company. 8  Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not place this product where the cord will be damaged by people or pets walking on it. 9  Do not overload wall outlets and extensioncords,asthiscanresultintherisk of fire or electrical shock. 10  Never push objects of any kind into this productthroughcabinetslots,astheymay touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk offireorelectricshock.Neverspillliquidof any kind on the product. 11 Toreducetheriskofelectricshock,donot disassemble this product. Take it toqualifiedservicepersonnelwhenserviceorrepairworkisrequired.Openingorremovingcoversmayexposeyou to dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequentlyused.12  Unplug this product from the wall outlet andtakeittoqualifiedservicepersonnelunder the following conditions: A  When the power supply cord is damaged or frayed.B Ifliquidhasbeenspilledintotheproduct.C Iftheproducthasbeenexposedtorain or water. D  If the product does not operate normally when following the operating instructions. (Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions. Improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often requireextensiverepairworkbyaqualifiedtechnician.)E  If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.F Iftheproductexhibitsadistinctchange in performance.13  Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
34ADDITIONAL BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONSCaution:Toreducetheriskoffireorinjurytopersonsfromthebattery,readandfollowthese instructions:1  Use only the battery pack specified in the owner's manual.2  Do not dispose of the battery pack in fire.Thecellmayexplode.ChecktheNickel Metal Hydride battery disposal package insert for disposal instructions.3  Do not open or mutilate the battery pack. Released electrolyte is corrosive and may harm the eyes or skin. It may betoxicifswallowed.4 Exercisecareinhandlingthebatteryin order to not short the battery with conductivematerialsuchasrings,bracelets,andkeys.Thebatteryorconductor may overheat and cause burns.5  Charge the battery pack provided with or identified for use with this product only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in the owner's manual provided for this product.6  Observe proper polarity orientation between the battery pack and battery charger. SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS!Important Electrical Considerations Unplug all electrical appliances when you know an electrical storm is approaching. Lightning can pass through your household wiring and damage any device connected toit.Thisphoneisnoexception.The FCC Wants You To Know Changes or modifications to this product notexpresslyapprovedbyAirTouchCom.Inc.,oroperationofthisproductinanyway other than as detailed by the owner's manual,couldvoidyourauthorizationto operate this product. Our telephone complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. Youmust,uponrequest,providetheFCCregistration number and the REN to your telephone company. Both numbers are on the base station unit. Note: You must not connect your phone to: • Coin-operatedsystems• MostelectronickeytelephonesystemsThis device complies with FCC rules for operating on the CDMA band. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2)Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be assured when using this phone. Toassureusersafety,theFCChasestablished criteria for the amount of radio frequencyenergyvariousproductsmayproduce depending on their intended usage. This product has been tested and foundtocomplywiththeFCC'sexposurecriteria.Forbodywornoperation,theFCCRFexposureguidelineswerealsometwhenused with the accessories supplied with or designed for this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance withFCCRFexposureguidelinesandshouldbe avoided. Range Your new phone is designed to achieve the maximumpossiblerangebytransmittingand receiving according to the highest FCC specifications. We have rated this phone to operateatamaximumdistancewiththequalificationthattherangedependsuponthe environment in which the telephone is used.Manyfactorslimitrange,anditwouldbe impossible to include all the variables in ourrating.TheMaximumRangeratingofthis phone is meant to be used as a means of comparison against other range claims.
35Telephone Line Problems The FCC has granted the telephone company the right to disconnect service in the event that your phone causes problems onthetelephoneline.Also,thetelephonecompany may make changes in facilities and services which may affect the operation ofyourunit.However,yourtelephonecompany must give sufficient notice in writing prior to such actions to allow you time for making necessary arrangements to continue uninterrupted service. If you are havingtroublewithyourtelephoneservice,you must first disconnect your phone to determine if it is the cause of your problem. Ifyoudeterminethatitisthecause,youmust leave it disconnected until the trouble has been corrected. Radio Interference Radio interference may occasionally cause buzzing and humming in your handset or clicking noises in the base station. ThisinterferenceiscausedbyexternalsourcessuchasTV,refrigerator,vacuumcleaner,fluorescentlighting,orelectricalstorm. Your unit is NOT DEFECTIVE. If these noisescontinueandaretoodistracting,please check around your home to see what appliances may be causing the problem.Inaddition,werecommendthatthe base station not be plugged into a circuit that also powers a major appliance because of the potential for interference. Be certain that the antenna on the unit isfullyextendedwhennecessary.Intheunlikely event that you consistently hear other voices or distracting transmissions onyourphone,youmaybereceivingradiosignals from another cordless telephone or another source of interference. If you cannot eliminatethistypeofinterference,youneedtochangetoadifferentchannel.Finally,it should be noted that some cordless telephonesoperateatfrequenciesthatmaycause interference to nearby TVs and VCRs. Tominimizeorpreventsuchinterference,the base station of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TVorVCR.Ifinterferenceisexperienced,moving the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or VCR will often reduce or eliminate the interference. Cordless Telephone Privacy Cordless telephones are radio devices. Communication between the handset and base station of your cordless telephone is by means of radio waves which are broadcast over the open airways. Because of the inherentphysicalpropertiesofradiowaves,your communications can be received by radio receiving devices other than your owncordlesstelephoneunit.Consequently,any communications using your cordless telephone may not be private. Installation ConsiderationsSELECTING A LOCATION Before choosing a location for your new phone,therearesomeimportantguidelinesyou should consider: • Thelocationshouldbeclosetobotha phone jack and a continuous power outlet. (A continuous power outlet is an AC outlet which does not have a switch to interrupt its power.) • Keepthebasestationandhandsetawayfrom sources of electrical noise such as motors or fluorescent lighting. • Besurethereissufficientspacetofullyextendthebasestationantenna.• Thebasestationcanbeplacedonadeskor tabletop or mounted on a standard telephone wall plate. • Youshouldchargeyournewphonefor12–15hoursbeforecompletingtheinstallation or using the handset.
36Telephone Line Outlets There are two types of phone outlets:Modular Jack Mostphoneequipmentavailablenowusesmodular jacks. Phone cords are fitted with a molded plastic connector which plugs into this type of jack. If you do not have modular phonejacks,contactyourlocaltelephonecompany for information about their installation. Hardwired Jack Someequipmentiswireddirectlytoaphonejack,andthesetypesofinstallationsrequireamodularjackconverter.Thistypeofinstallationisnotdifficult;however,youshould contact your telephone dealer or a telephone supply store for advice about the proper Adaptor or converter for your particular situation. Connecting the Telephone Cords Consider these safety guidelines before connecting the telephone cords: Caution: • Neverinstalltelephonewiringduringanelectrical storm. • Nevertouchuninsulatedtelephonewiresor terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected. • Usecautionwheninstallingormodifyingtelephone lines. Applying Power to the base station ThisphonerequiresanACoutletwithoutaswitchtointerruptpower,andtheincludedAC Adaptor. To relieve strain on the DC plug when the phone is placed on a desk ortable,wrapthepowercordaroundthestrain relief notch on the bottom of the base station. Note: Place the power cord so that it does notcreateatrippinghazardorwhereitcouldbecomefrayedandcreateafireorotherelectrical hazards. FCCRadiationExposureStatement:ThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCradiationexposurelimitssetforthforuncontrolledenvironment.Thisequipmentshouldbeinstalled and operated with minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.I.C. Notice TERMINAL EQUIPMENTNotice: Thisequipmentmeetstheapplicable Industry Canada Terminal EquipmentTechnicalSpecifications.Thisis confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation IC before the registration number means that registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved theequipment.Notice: TheRingerEquivalenceNumber(REN)forthisterminalequipmentismarkedontheequipmentitself.TheRENassignedtoeachpieceofterminalequipmentindicatesthemaximumnumberofterminalsallowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subjectonlytotherequirementthatthesumoftheRingerEquivalenceNumbersofallthedevicesdoesnotexceedfive.RADIO EQUIPMENT The term "IC" before the radio certification number means only that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.
37General information This phone complies with FCC Rules Parts 15 and 68.AC Adaptor InformationBase(Larger Adaptor)Input voltage 100~240V,50/60Hz0.5AOutput voltage 9.5VDC,1500mACharger(Smaller Adaptor)Input voltage 100~240V,50/60Hz0.18AOutput voltage 5V,DC200mABattery Information Ni-MH,2.4V,800mAhFrequency CDMA 800/1900 MHz EV-DO Handset/ BaseWeight Handset 4.9 oz. (without battery)7.3 oz. (with battery)Base 1 lb. 13.7 oz. Dimensions(height × width × depth)Handset 6-3/4”×2”×1-1/4”Base 3-1/4”×7-3/4”×7-7/8”FCC ID Number LZXDM1500C/ LZXDM150HS Note: This FCC ID numbers are approved under the name of Unical Enterprises Inc.  AirTouch Communications Inc. has a business partnership with Unical Enterprises Inc.Specifications,features,andavailabilityofoptionalaccessoriesareallsubjecttochangewithout prior notice. Approvedpatents:6,766,175/6,987,988/7,072,675/7,010,311/7,146,180Patentspending:11/234.297,11/542.804,11/593.725,11/141.819Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2)Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be assured when using this phone.
FCC Rules Compliance§15.21Correspondingwarning:Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.§15.105  Corresponding warning:Note:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiver is connected. • Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.TechnicalSpecifications.This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation IC before the registration number means that registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that IndustryCanadaapprovedtheequipment.Notice: TheRingerEquivalenceNumber(REN)forthisterminalequipmentismarkedontheequipmentitself.TheRENassignedtoeachpieceofterminalequipmentindicatesthemaximumnumberofterminalsallowedtobeconnectedtoatelephoneinterface.Thetermination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirementthatthesumoftheRingerEquivalenceNumbersofallthedevicesdoesnotexceedfive.

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