Uniden America UB298 Table Top Scanner User Manual BC244clt

Uniden America Corporation Table Top Scanner BC244clt

Draft Owners Manual

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3About ScanningScanning OptionsScanning is easy and fun with the BC244CLT 30-Channel Base Scanner. You canscan in 2 ways:■Scan channels you have programmed■Scan pre-programmed weather channels.Unlike standard AM or FM radio stations, most 2-way communications  do nottransmit continuously (see Types of Communication below). The BC244CLT scans programmed channels at the rate of about 15 channels persecond until it locates an active frequency. When the scanning stops on an activefrequency, it remains on that channel as long as the transmission continues. Whenthe transmission ends, the scanning cycle resumes until another transmission isreceived. You can set a 2 second delay (refer to 2 Second Delay, page .)Types of CommunicationYou can monitor communications such as:■Police and fire department (including rescue and paramedics)■NOAA weather broadcasts (7 pre-programmed channels)■Business/industrial radio■Motion picture and press relay■Utility■Land transportation frequencies such as trucking firms, buses,taxis, tow trucks, and railroads■Marine and amateur (ham radio) bands■And many more in the 29-54MHz, 137-174MHz, and 406-512MHz rangesYou must program a frequency into each channel you want to use. If you do notINTRODUCTIONBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 3
4have any known local frequencies to program, call the 800 number on theyellow sheet enclosed in this package. A Uniden representative should be able toprovide you with a few sample frequencies. Or, use the enclosed order form topurchase a local frequency list.Where to Obtain More InformationThe Bearcat Radio Club and other similar hobby clubs have publications,information on computer bulletin boards, and contests for the radio enthusiast.See the enclosed printed material for more information. Additional information isalso available through your local library.Taking Proper Care of Your Scanner■Do not use the scanner in high-moisture environments such as the kitchenor bathroom.■Avoid placing the unit in direct sunlight or near heating elements or vents.■Do not plug the scanner into an outlet controlled by a wall switch as prolonged periods without power causes clock reset.UnpackingCarefully check the contents against this list:■BC244CLT Base Scanner■Telescoping Antenna■AC Adapter (Model AC-244U)■This Reference Guide■Registration Form (in this Reference Guide)■Frequency Directories Order Form and other printed information☞If any items are missing or damaged, contact your place of purchase immediately.☞Complete and mail your Registration Form immediately.☞Read this Reference Guide thoroughly before operating the scanner.Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by Uniden, oroperation of this product in any way other than as detailed by this ReferenceGuide, could void your authority to operate this product.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 4
5Installing the BC244CLT 1. Insert small plug at the end of the AC Adapter cord into the AC 12V jack on thescanner.2. Plug the AC Adapter into any standard 120VAC wall outlet. Do not plug into anoutlet controlled by a wall switch; it could cause clock reset.3. Plug the Telescoping Antenna into the ANT. jack. Extend the antenna to its fullheight. For UHF frequencies, shortening the antenna may improve the reception.4. Plug an optional external speaker (8-ohm) into the EXT. SP. jack.If you are operating the scanner in the fringe area or need to improve reception, usean optional antenna designed for multi-band coverage. (You can purchase this typeof antenna at a local electronics store.) If the optional antenna has no cable, use 50-70 ohm coaxial cable for lead-in. A mating plug may be necessary for the optionalantennas.If your scanner receives strong interference or electrical noise, relocate the scanneror its antenna away from the source.INSTALLATIONBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 5
6Controls and Functions 1. LCD Display Displays channel frequency and functions.2. Numeric Keys Use to program a frequency into each channel for scanning. Also, use for time entries and direct channel access with MANUALkey.3. EKey  Use to complete the entry whether it be programming of a frequency to the selected channel or setting the time.4. TIMEKey Use the TIME key to view and set time5.LOCKOUT Key Use to prevent scanning of the displayed channel. The LCD display indicates L/O when channel is locked out. Lockout is retained in memory. Press LOCKOUT again to unlock the channel.Lockout is active only when the scanner stops on an active channelor a channel selected in Manual Mode.6. tKey The down arrow key allows you to scoll down through the options. 7. SCANKey Use to start scanning mode.8. ALARM Key Press ALARM to set the time for the alarm to sound.9. AM/PMKey Press AM/PM to indentify AM or PM while setting the time or alarm.OPERATIONBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 6
710. PRIORITYKey Use to turn Priority mode on or off. In Priority mode, the scanner samples the designated Priority Channel every 2 seconds, regardless of any other mode the scanner is in. If a transmission on designated Priority Channel is detected, the scanner monitors that channel until no signal is present. Priority mode cancels when you turn off your scanner.11.MANUALKey Use to stop scanning. Press MANUALagain to step tothe next channel. Also, use for direct channel access  by first entering the channel number and then  pressing MANUALto go directly to that channel.12. sKey The up arrow key allows you to scoll up throughthe options. 13. WXKey Use to set in Weather Mode.14. ON/OFFKey Use to turn scanner on or off.15. VOLUMEControl Turn VOLUME clockwise to increase the volume. Turncounterclockwise to decrease the volume.16.SQUELCHControl Adjust SQUELCH to set the scan threshold or use AUTO for the factory setting.Scanning OverviewThe BC244CLT has 30 memory channels; each can be programmed to store 1frequency within the band of frequency coverage. (For a listing of frequencyranges and bands, see Technical Specifications on page.)When you press SCAN, the BC244CLT scans each programmed frequency foractivity (skipping channels that are locked out) at the rate of about 15 channelsper second. As the unit scans, the word SCAN moves across the LCD display.When the scanning stops on an active frequency, it remains on that channel aslong as the transmission continues. BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 7
8Initial Clock Set-up1. When power is initially applied, the LCD            display flashes 12:00 P after a short delay.2. Enter the correct time using the                       numeric key or s/tkeys.3. Press AM/PMKey to toggle to desired setting,   either AM or PM.4. Press EKey to complete the entry.                   After scanner has been turned on, to reset the clock simply press and hold theTIME SETkey. The LCD display flashes the indicated time. Set the clock as directedabove.You may bypass the steps to set the clock. Scanner will function asnormal, but the clock and alarm features will not function. Thesefeatures will not be functional until the power is removed andrestored again.GETTING STARTEDBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 8
9Set the Alarm1. After clock has been set up, press and           hold theALARMkey until the time indicatedand ALARM Icon in display flashes.2. Enter the correct time using the                       numeric key or s/tkeys.3. Press AM/PMKey to toggle to desired setting,   either AM or PM.4. Press EKey to complete the entry.                   5. ALARM Icon stops flashing.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 9
10Alarm will sound as a series of beeps gradually growing louder. Alarm willcontinue for approximately 15 minutes if no action is taken. To activate thesnooze function simply press any key. The alarm will silence but will continue toactivate at 9 minute intervals for approximately an hour.To turn the alarm function off, press the         ALARMkey. ALARM Icon in displayextinguishes.Set the Squelch1. Turn SQUELCH fully clockwise to                 the highest setting.2. Press ON/OFFkey to turn on the scanner.     2. Adjust the VOLUME control to where you     can hear a steady noise.The snooze alarm continues to operate while Scanner is turned on and in anymode, if you would like to listen to the scanner while waking up.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 10
113. Set the squelch at the scanning                    threshold by turning SQUELCHcounterclockwise just until the noisedisappears or set on AUTO for the factorysetting.4. The scanner automatically starts scanning.If you have not programmed any channels yet, pressWXto hear your local weather broadcast.5. Adjust VOLUMEto a comfortable listening level.Adjusting the SquelchSet the SQUELCHcontrol to AUTOfor the factory setting or manually set squelch.1. To manually set squelch, open the squelch            by turning SQUELCHcontrol clockwise. Youshould hear a steady sound (scanning stops). Nowturn SQUELCHcontrol counterclockwise slowlyuntil the sound disappears. This is the thresholdpoint at which scanning starts. At the squelchthreshold, an incoming signal just slightly strongerthan the noise will open the squelch.2. When squelch is open, you can hear the broadcast (scanning is stopped). If squelchis set too tight (that is, too far counterclockwise from the threshold point), astronger signal is required to open the squelch.3. If squelch is set on a point clockwise from the threshold, you hear a constant sound(noise, if no signal is present); the scanner does not scan.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 11
Programming TipsProgram 1 frequency per channel.Channel 1 is the location of the default priority channel. Program the mostimportant frequency, or the one of major interest, into Channel 1.To quickly program a series of channels, start with the lowest number channel. Forexample, when you are programming five new frequencies into Channels 4 through8, start with Channel 4. After you complete the programming in 1 channel (bypressing E), press MANUALto step up to the next channel.If you make an error during programming, or the frequency is out of range,Error appears on the channel display.If you program the same frequency in two channels, the display will indicate thechannel in which the duplicate frequency resides.During numeric entry, if you know that you pressed the wrong number, press .(decimal point) twice. This cancels the entire numeric entry, and displays thecurrent channel number.Above 406MHz, the frequency steps are in 12.5kHz increments. To enter a frequencysuch as 450.4875, press each of the seven digits in sequence.Once you have programmed a channel, you cannot erase the frequency in thatchannel. However, you can change the frequency in a specific channel byprogramming a new frequency over the existing one.If you want to manually erase all the memory, first remove power from the scanner.Then, press and hold MANUAL, 2, and 9simultaneously while you reconnect thepower to the scanner. CLEAr appears in the LCD Display, indicating that all userentered information is erased. (This clears the non-volatile memory.)When you first turn the scanner on after erasing all the channel information,All Loc Out appears in the display, indicating all channels set to 0.0MHz.12BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 12
13Programming FrequenciesBefore you can use your BC244CLT scaner, you must program the channels exceptweather frequencies. Follow these steps:Example: Program 420.150 MHz into Channel 12. 1. Press MANUALto stop scanning.              2. To select the channel (12), press 1, then 2on    the numeric keypad. Then press MANUALagain.3. Type in the frequency numbers, including the    decimal point, using the numeric keypad:420.150.4. Press Eto complete the entry.                         BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 13
14About Memory Back-upYour BC244CLT has a convenient type of memory back-up system. In the event of apower failure, the scanner will retain channel information that was entered for anindefinite amount of time. Channel information is stored in non-volatile memory. Ifthe memory is erased, CLEAr is displayedScanningPress ON/OFFkey, if in clock mode or        press SCANif in scanner mode to startscanning. (When the scanner is turned on,it is automatically in Scan mode.) Scanningautomatically stops on any active channel,except those channels locked out. Press MANUALanytime to stop scanning.     When you press MANUAL, you are out ofScan mode, and the scanner remains on thedisplayed channel. Press SCANto startscanning again, or press MANUALto step upto the next channel. If desired, you can pressMANUALrepeatedly to manually scan all 30channels, 1 press per channel, including thechannels that are locked out. To scrollthrough the channels more quickly,press and hold MANUALkey.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 14
15Direct Channel AccessThis feature allows you to instantly access a specific channel you want to monitor.Example: To select Channel 4. Press 4. Then     press MANUAL. When you press 4, the displaychanges to 4, but the scanner still monitors theprevious channel displayed. You must pressMANUAL key to successfully complete the directaccess to Channel 4.Weather Channel ScanThe BC244CLT allows you to search for your local NOAA weather channel.Press WXto find the active weather channel     in your area from 7 pre-programmed NOAAchannels. It is possible that your area is coveredby more than 1 weather station.When you press WX, the BC244CLT immediately finds an active broadcast. If thebroadcast sounds weak and distant, press W again to look for a closer station.To exit Weather mode, press SCAN, MANUAL, or ON/OFF key.Do not program a weather frequency into 1 of the 30 channels. Because weatherchannels transmit continuously, the scanner remains on that channel, disruptingthe scanning cycle. The Weather Scan feature is provided specifically to avoid thisoccurrence.In some parts of the country, you may not be able to monitor weather broadcasts,such as in low-lying areas. Normally a higher location improves the reception.All weather channels transmit continuous broadcasts. Once the Weather Scan stopson a transmission, it remains on that channel. Weather Scan does not resumeautomatically. You must press WXagain to resume weather scanning.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 15
16Priority ScanningYour BC244CLT has a default Priority Channel, Channel 1, but may be assigned toanother channel. Priority Scan works like a dualwatch function. When you activatePriority Scan mode, the scanner starts sampling, or keeping track of the activity onthe priority channel while listening to other channels. A constant PRI appears onthe LCD displayEvery 2 seconds, the scanner checks the priority channel for activity. If a signal ispresent, the priority channel is monitored until the transmission ends. When thereception of the priority signal stops for more than 2 seconds, normal scanoperation resumes.To Set the Priority Channel1. Determine the frequency most important to you and program into desiredchannnel location.2. Press MANUALkey to exit the Scan Mode.              3. Press PRIORITYkey to set the scanner in                   Priority Scan mode. PRI appears on the display. 4. Enter the desired channnel you’d like to make the Priority Channel using the numeric keys or thes/ tkeys.Priority Scan mode does not operate when the scanner is in Weather Alert mode.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 16
175. Press and hold PRIORITYkey. The PRI Icon appears in the LCD display.To enter the Priority Scan ModeMomentarily press the PRIORITYkey. PRI Icon appears in the display.To exit the Priority Scan ModeMomentarily press the PRIORITYkey again. PRI Icon disappears from the display.Channel LockoutYou can lock out a channel so it is not scanned. Locked out does not erase thefrequency from the channel. You can lock out up to 29 channels, including thePriority channel, but not all 30 channels. Lockout information is retained inmemory when the scanner is turned off.To Lockout a ChannelExample: Suppose you want to lock out Channel 2 because it stops on transmissionsyou dont want to hear.Press LOCKOUTwhen the scanner stops on Channel 2. The scanner locks out Channel 2,immediately advances to the next channelthat is not locked out, and resumesscanning. In the Manual mode, pressLOCKOUTto lock out the displayedchannel. Pressing LOCKOUTdoes notadvance to the next channel in Manual mode.L/O appears in the LCD display to indicate the displayed channel is locked out. Whenever you want to search for channels that are locked out, press Manualrepeatedly to go through all 30 channels. If a channel is locked out, the L/O Icon is displayed.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 17
To Restore a Locked Out ChannelTo unlock a channel so that it can be monitored during scanning:1. Press the MANUALkey repeatedly to find          the locked out channel.2. Press LOCKOUTagain to unlock the displayed channel. The L/O Icon disappears from the display.18BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 18
19Helpful HintsGeneral UseTurn the scanner off before disconnecting the power.Always write down the programmed frequencies in the event of memory loss.If memory is lost, simply reprogram each channel. The display shows CLEArindicator when there has been a memory loss.Always press each keypad button firmly until you hear the entry tone for that keyentry.LocationIf strong interference or electrical noise is received, relocate the scanner or itsantenna away from the source of the noise. If possible, a higher elevation,may provide better reception. Also try changing the height or angle of theantenna.Do not use the scanner in high-moisture environments such as the kitchen orbathroom.Avoid placing the unit in direct sunlight or near heating elements or vents.Do not plug the scanner into an outlet controlled by a wall switch as prolongedperiods without power will cause the clock to reset.CleaningDisconnect the power to the unit before cleaning.Clean the outside of the scanner with a mild detergent. To prevent scratches,donot use abrasive cleaners or solvents. Be careful not to rub the LCD Displaywindow.Do not use excessive amounts of water.RepairsDo not attempt any repair. The scanner contains no serviceable parts. Contact theUniden Customer Service Center or take it to a qualified repair technician.BirdiesAll radios are subject to receiving undesired signals or birdies. If your scannerstops during Scan mode and no sound is heard, it may be receiving a birdie.Birdies are internally-generated signals inherent in the electronics of thereceiver. Press SCAN to resume scanning.ABOUT THE UNITBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 19
20Problem Solution■Check the connections at both ends of the AC Adapter.■Turn on the wall switch of your room. You could be using an outlet controlled by the wall switch.■Move the AC Adapter to another wall outlet.■Scanner wont work.■Improper reception. ■Check antenna connection■Move or angle the antenna.■If programmed frequency is higher than 406MHz, a shorter antenna length may improve the reception.■Relocate the scanner.■You may be in a fringe area. This could require an optional multi-band antenna. Check with your dealer or local electronics store.■Scan won’t start. ■Press the Scan key again.■Adjust the Squelch control.■Check to see if 29 channels are locked out. If so, unlock the channels as needed.If your BC244CLT is not performing properly, try the following steps. TROUBLESHOOTINGBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 20
21If you still cannot get satisfactory results and want additional information, or toreturn the unit for service, please call or write the Uniden Parts and ServiceDivision. The address and phone number are listed in the Warranty at the end ofthis manual.Problem Solution■Scan won’t stop. ■Adjust squelch threshold(see page , Adjusting the Squelch.)■Check the antenna connection.■Check to see if many of the channels are locked out. If so, the scanner has less chance of finding an active channel.■Review each channels frequency to see if it iscorrect and no memory has been lost.■It is possible that none of the programmed frequencies are active at this time.■Weather Scan won’t work.■Adjust squelch to the threshold(see page , Adjusting the Squelch.)■Check the antenna connection.■No active station within range.At Uniden, we’ll take care of you!If you need any assistance with this product, please call our Customer Hotline at:1-800-297-1023PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE.Our Uniden representatives will be happy to help you with any matters regarding theoperation of this unit, available accessories, or any other related matters.Hours: M-F 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Sat.-Sun. Noon to 5:00p.m. ESTThank you for purchasing this Uniden product.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 21
22Certified in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Sub-part C as ofdate of manufacture.Band Coverage: 10 bandsFrequency Coverage: 29.0-29.7 MHz 10 Meter Amateur Band29.7-50.0 MHz Low Band50.0-54.0 MHz 6 Meter Amateur Band137-144 MHz Military Land Mobile144-148 MHz 2 Meter Amateur Band148-174 MHz VHF High Band Above bands in 5 kHz steps406-420 MHz Federal Government420-450 MHz 70cm Amateur Band450-470 MHz UHF Standard Band470-512 MHz UHF-”T” BandAbove bands in 12.5kHz stepsSensitivity (nominal) 0.3 µV 29-54 MHz12dB SINAD: 0.4 µV 137-174 MHz0.6 µV 406-512 MHzChannels: 30Scan Rate: Up to 15 channels per secondAudio Output (nominal): 0.9 W to 1.2 W (max.) 10%TDHPower Requirements: 10 VAC using AC-244U AC AdapterAntenna: Telescoping (included)External Jacks: Antenna jackExternal speakerAC10V power jackSize: ?  (W) x ?  (D) x ?  (H)Weight: 1 lb. 6 oz. (without antenna)Features, specifications, and availability of optional accessories are all subjectto change without notice.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSBC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 22
23WARRANTOR: UNIDEN AMERICA CORPORATION (“Uniden”)ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for two years, to the original retailowner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanshipwith only the limitations or exclusions set out below.WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be ofno further effect two years after the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalidif the Product is (A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary, (B)modified, altered, or used as part of any conversion kits, subassemblies, or anyconfigurations not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly installed, (D) serviced or repairedby someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a defect ormalfunction covered by this warranty, (E) used in any conjunction with equipment orparts or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed orprogrammed by anyone other than as detailed by the owner’s manual for this product.STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to thiswarranty at any time while this warranty is in effect, warrantor will either, at its option,repair or replace the defective unit and return it to you without charge for parts,service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling) incurred by warrantor or itsrepresentatives in connection with the performance of this warranty. Warrantor, at itsoption, may replace the unit with a new or refurbished unit. THE LIMITEDWARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTYPERTAINING TO THE PRODUCT AND IS IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHERWARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED ORARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER OR PROVIDE FOR THEREIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may alsohave other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside theUnited States of America.PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PERFORMANCE OF WARRANTY: If, afterfollowing the instructions in the owner’s manual you are certain that the Product isdefective, pack the Product carefully (preferably in its original packaging). TheProduct should include all parts and accessories originally packaged with the Product.Include evidence of original purchase and a note describing the defect that hascaused you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceablemeans, to warrantor at:Uniden America CorporationParts and Service Division4700 Amon Carter BlvdFort Worth, TX 76155(800) 297-1023, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Central, Monday through FridayTWO-YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTYImportant: Evidence of original purchase is required forwarranty service.BC244clt.qxd  2/10/99  3:34 PM  Page 23
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