Uniden America US207 TRAX438 User Manual AMWUS207 warning statements

Uniden America Corporation TRAX438 AMWUS207 warning statements

User Manual

Page4What Do I Do First?Make sure everything is OKIf anything listed here is missing or damaged, call Customer Service (see back cover for contact information).TRAX436OR TRAX438 GPSNAVIAAGATIONDEVICEThe parts you’ll use most often are in large type.Connectorsfor optional accessoriesare shown in italics.Press the power button to turn off the screen; the device stays on and can still give directions.To turnthe device completely off, press the power button in and hold it for three seconds.ŹŹŹŹGPS antenna (extended)USB port for software updates Jack for external headsetConnection for external antenna PowerconnectionPower buttonGPS antenna (extended)USB port for software updates Jack for external headsetConnection for external antenna PowerconnectionPower button
Page 5What Do I Do First?WINDSHIELDMOUNTThe device attachesto the bracket, and the suction cup holds the mount in your windshield.Some states have laws againstputting things in your car’s windshield.If you don’t know the laws for your state, contact the RI¿FHWKDWLVVXHVGULYHUV¶OLFHQFHVIf you do put the device in your windshield, don’t forget to lock it up or take it with you when you leave your car.INCLUDEDACCESSORIESFor information on other available accessories, see page XREF. ŹŹŹSuctionlatchBracket lockSuction cup pulltabBracketSuction cupAdjustment lockSuctionlatchBracket lockSuction cup pulltabBracketSuction cupAdjustment lockCar power adapter(12 Volt DC)USB cable (for map updates)Adhesive anchor diskCar power adapter(12 Volt DC)USB cable (for map updates)Adhesive anchor disk
Page 6What Do I Do First?Plug it inOnly use the power adapter that came with your device. Any other adapter might damage the device.Whenever it senses power coming in, the device turns itself on and charges the battery.As soon as the power stops (for example, when you unplug the adapter or turn off your car), the device automatically shuts down. If you want it to stay on, tap anywhere on the screen during the Shutting down message.You can turn the device on or off anytime you want: just push the power button on top of the device to turn it on, and hold the button for three seconds to turn it off.ŹŹŹŹ2Plug the other end into your car’s cigarette lighter.Plug the adapter into the power connector on the lower right side of the device.12Plug the other end into your car’s cigarette lighter.Plug the adapter into the power connector on the lower right side of the device.1
Page 7What Do I Do First?Choose your default language7KH¿UVWWLPH\RXWXUQRQWKHGHYLFHLWDVNV\RXZKLFKlanguage you want to use for menus and voice prompts. Tap the line with the lanuguage you want to use, or tap the down arrow to see more choices. The device will use that language from now on.You can always change the language later from the Settingsmenu. See page 64.Set your time preferencesFrom the main menu screen, select .SelectLANGUAGEANDLOCALE and then SETTIMEANDTIMEZONE. This opens the following screen.1)2)
Page 8What Do I Do First?Tap the button in the TIME ZONE¿HOGWRRSHQWKHSelecta Time Zone screen. Tap anywhere on the world map to use the time zone for that location.Tap the +arrow to zoom in or the -arrow to zoom out.Tap and drag on the screen to move to a different part of the map.Tap OKZKHQ\RX¶UH¿QLVKHGSet daylight savings time.If you want the device to automatically adjust the clock for daylight savings time, tap the button in the DAYLIGHTSAVING¿HOGXQWLOLWVKRZVAUTO.If your area never uses daylight savings time,  tap the DAYLIGHT SAVING button until it shows OFF.If you want to control the clock adjustment manually, use ON when your area is observing daylight savings time and OFF when your area is not. Tap the button in the UNITS¿HOGWRVHWWKHWLPHIRUPDWyou want to use. Use 12 HR for twelve-hour (am/pm) time or 24 HR for twenty-four-hour (military) time. If necessary, use the arrows on the clock to adjust the hours, minutes, and am/pm to show the current time.Tap OKZKHQ\RX¶UH¿QLVKHGWKHQBACK to return to the menu.3)ŹŹŹ4)ŹŹŹ5)6)7)
Page 9What Do I Do First?Enter your home locationNext, enter the address you want to use as your “home” location, that is, the place you travel to and from the most. (This step isn’t actually required, so you can skip it if you want. But the home feature is so useful that you’ll be glad you entered it!)From the main menu, choose NAVIGATE TO ADDRESS.This opens the state selection screen:Tap the state where your home location is.Tap the +arrow to zoom in or the -arrow to zoom out. Tap and drag on the screen to move to a different part of the map.If you want to choose the state by zip code, tap the ZIPCODE button to enter your destination’s zip code. (This takes you to the number keypad on the next page.)If you want to choose the state by name, tap the SPELLbutton to enter the name of the state. (This takes you straight to the alphabet keypad on the next page.)For the US, there are 53 available states: all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.Use the aphabet keypad to enter the name of the city (or unincorporated area) where your home location is. (You don’t have to enter the whole name.)1)ŹŹŹŹ4)
Page 10What Do I Do First?The device searches for names that include the entered characters. For example, if you choose Texas and enter FORTWKHGHYLFH¿QGVTTComfortandt Wolffortffhttalong with names that begin with FORT. If you enter a space after FORTWKHGHYLFH¿QGVQDPHVZKHUHWKRVHOHWWHUVDUHTTfollowed by a space (Fort Davis, Fort Worth, etc.)If you need to type a letter with an accent or diacritical mark, tap the ÔÑË button to go to the symbol keypad.If you need to type a number or any kind of punctuation mark, tap the $12 button to go to the number keypad.To go back to the alphabet keypad, tap the ABC button.Tap the OKEXWWRQZKHQ\RXDUH¿QLVKHGŹŹŹŹŹ
Page 11What Do I Do First?When you tap OK, the device shows the list of city names that include the characters you entered. Tap the name of the city you want, or tap the BACK button to go back and make any changes.After you select the city, enter the street name the same way you entered the city name. When the device shows the list of streets, tap the name of the street you want.Enter numbered streets as numerals plus abbreviation (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, etc.) instead of spelling out the word (First, Second, Third, etc.).Enter the house or building number using the same method you used to enter the city and the street name. When you tap OK, the device searches for that building number and displays the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQ screen.,IWKHGHYLFHGRHVQ¶W¿QGWKHH[DFWDGGUHVV\RXentered, it displays a list of valid address ranges. You can select the address range or tap the back button to re-enter the building number.5)6)7)
Page 12What Do I Do First?On the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen, tap the GO button.If the device doesn’t have a lock on your location yet, it displays the following message box: Choose YES. The device shows the Map screen centered on the location you just entered.On the Map screen, tap the MENU button.Tap MY LOCATIONS, then choose SAVE CURRENTLOCATION.Tap the top line, SAVE AS HOME. The GHYLFHFRQ¿UPVWKDWit saved your new home location, and you’re done. THE PAYOFF:That probably seemed like a lot of work, but here’s why you did it: On the main menu screen, tap MY LOCATIONS, then GO HOME. The device plots a route from wherever you are right now to your home location. You can follow the same process to enter a “work” location, too.8)9)10)11)12)
Page 13What Do I Do First?Get acquainted with theMapscreenWhen the device gets a lock on your location, it goes to the Mapscreen (you’ll probably use this screen the most, so you might want to spend a few minutes getting familiar with it):WHATDOTHEMAPICONSMEAN?IconNameTap it to...Compass  Change from north up to heading up view (in heading up view, the icon points north)Map viewChange from 3D to 2D view.PhoneMake a call or change phone optionsMap detailChange the level of the map detailor MuteaudioMute the audio or turn the audio back on.or +(plus) or  - (minus) Zoom in one step or zoom out one step.Go to the MenuCar icon (you are here)Compass icon Change map viewPhone iconChange map detail levelTimeVolume iconRadar icon  (not available on all models)Current zoom levelZoom inZoom outGo to the MenuCar icon (you are here)Compass icon Change map viewPhone iconChange map detail levelTimeVolume iconRadar icon  (not available on all models)Current zoom levelZoom inZoom out
Page 14What Do I Do First?ZOOMING IN AND OUTThere are 10 different zoom levels, ranging from ¼ inch = 100 ft to ¼ inch = 10 miles. Tap the + or – icon to change the zoom level one step. When you’re at the last available level, the icons disappear.CHANGING THE MAP VIEW AND HEADINGThere are two different map views, two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D). Tap the MAP VIEW icon in the bottom center of the mape to switch between these two views.In addition to the two map views, you can change the heading or the direction the map faces. Tap the COMPASSicon in the upper right corner of the map to switch between the two available headings:North up North is at the top, just like on a standard paper map.The cap icon turns to show the direction you are going.The compass icon always points straight up.•••HeaadingupThe direction you are going is at the top of the map.The whole map turns to show the direction you’re going. The compass icon turns to point north.•••The two dimensions and the two headings combined give you a total of four different views of the map:ŹŹŹ10 mi4 mi2 mi1 mi½ mi¼ mi700 ft350 ft200 ft100 ftSTREETCITYGREATER METRO AREAMap scale is based on ¼ inch10 mi4 mi2 mi1 mi½ mi¼ mi700 ft350 ft200 ft100 ftSTREETCITYGREATER METRO AREAMap scale is based on ¼ inch
Page 15What Do I Do First?North Up2DNorth Up3DHeading Up2DHeading Up3DCHANGING THE MAP DETAIL LEVELThe MAP DETAIL icon is at the bottom right corner of the map. Tap this icon to change the level of detail the device shows on the map.
Page 16What Do I Do First?Low detail levelOnly displays major arteries, controlledaccess roads, area features,and the current route.Medium detail levelDisplaysevery-thingshown on the low detail level but includes residentialand surface streets.High detail levelDisplaysevery-thingshown on the medium detail level, but includes selected POIicons.When you select the high detail level, the device brings up a pop-up dialogue asking which points of interest or POI icons you want to see on the map. Tap the category of POI icons you want to see. (These category icons match the main categories you see when you tap thePOINTSOFINTERESTbutton on the main menu.)Get Acquainted with the Menu ScreenThe other screen you’ll use a lot is the Menuscreen. Until the device has a lock on your location, it shows the Menuscreen:
Page 17What Do I Do First?BATTERYRSTATUSICONThe battery status icon shows how much charge is left in the battery. If there’s a power input, the icon shows “charging”.Status:CriticalLowMediumHighFullChargingIcon:Getting more informationThis was enough information to get you started. If you want to know more about the device and how to use it, see these sections:7R¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW6HHWKHVHFWLRQFDOOHGEntering destinationsEntering a new destination (p 25)5Re-using a previous destinationChoosing a recent destination (p 34)4Customizing the deviceWhat Options Do I Have? (p XREF)Go to the Map screen Phone iconTimeVolume/ brightness buttonEnter a new destinationUse a POI as a destinationUse an existing destinationStop the current routeChange the options of the current routeTest the current routeBattery status Bluetooth statusGPSstatusSettings buttonTrac buttonGo to the Map screen Phone iconTimeVolume/ brightness buttonEnter a new destinationUse a POI as a destinationUse an existing destinationStop the current routeChange the options of the current routeTest the current routeBattery status Bluetooth statusGPSstatusSettings buttonTrac button
Page 18What Do I Do First?7R¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW 6HHWKHVHFWLRQFDOOHGSaving places to the favorites list Save as favorite (p 38)Editing the favorites list Editing favorite locations (p 65)Creating a route Plotting a route to the destination (p 39)Seeing a list of directions Reading the 0DQHXYHU/LVWscreen (p 44)Adding waypoints to a route Adding waypoints (P 48)Fixing a problem I have a question... (P 70)Using a phone with my device8VLQJWKHWUDI¿FIHDWXUH
Page 21How Do I Put It in My Car?Safety considerationsDon’t install any device where it will block your view (including your mirrors!) while you’re driving..HHS\RXUDWWHQWLRQRQWKHURDG Don’t try to operate or focus on any device while you’re driving. If you have to concentrate on a device, pull off the road for a few minutes.Some states have rules about what kind of devices you FDQDI¿[WR\RXUFDU¶VZLQGVKLHOGDQGZKHUHH[DFWO\\RXcan put them. If you’re not sure if there are any applicable laws in your state, contact the state agency that issues drivers’ licences.It’s a good idea to take valuable items with you when you leave you car—that includes GPS devices. If you can’t take the device with you, lock it in the glove compartment or hide it somewhere. And don’t forget to take down the windshield mount: you don’t want to remind any potential thieves that you might have some valuable mobile electronics in the car.Don’t leave the device in direct sunlight for a long period of time or where the temperature could go above 140º F (60º C).Attaching the windshield mountFlip the GPS antenna up. Press in on the bracket lock.Insert the hook at the base of the bracket into the notch on the bottom of the device.ŹŹŹŹ1)2)3)
Page22Chapter Title5RWDWHWKHEUDFNHWXSDQG¿WLWLQWRWKHJDSXQGHUWKHGPS antenna. Let go of the bracket lock, and gently tug on the windshield mount to make sure the device is locked into place.ADJUSTINGTHEWINDSHIELDMOUNTThe adjustment lock keeps both the bracket and the suction cup locked into place. Lift the adjustment lock to change the position of the device.The suction cup joint pivots front to back, and the bracket joint pivots up, down, right and left, any just about angle in between.Angle the suction cup and the bracket where you want them, then push the adjustment lock back down to lock the windshield mount into position. 4)5)ŹŹŹInsert the bracket hook  into the notch at the bottom of the device.Rotate the bracket up so the head ts into the gap.12Insert the bracket hook  into the notch at the bottom of the device.RhRotate the bracket up so the head ts into the gap.12
Page23Chapter TitleIf the bracket still moves too easily after you push the adjustment lock down, you can tighten the bracket joint: Remove the mount from your windshield.Lift the adjustment lock, and twist the lock handle clockwise two, maybe three turns.Flip the adjustment lock back down and see if the bracket still moves. If it does, repeat step 2.If the adjustment lock won’t go back down, the bracket joint is too tight. Twist the adjustment lock one or two WXUQVFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHDQGWU\WRÀLSLWGRZQDJDLQ1)2)3)4)The bracket pivots in all directionsLift the adjustment lock to move the suction cup and bracketThe bracket pivots in all directionsLift the adjustment lock to move the suction cup and bracketLift the adjustment lock.Twist the adjustment lock clockwise a few turns to tighten the bracket joint.12Lift the adjustment lock.Twist the adjustment lock clockwise a few turns to tighten the bracket joint.12
Page24Chapter TitleMounting on the windshieldMake sure the device does not block your view of the road or your mirrors. Once you decide where you want the device, hold the suction cup in that position, then adjust the mount so you have the best view of the device. Press the suctionFXSÀDWDJDLQVWWKHwindshield.Push the suction lock up (towards the suction cup) until it snaps into place.Gently pull on the mount to make sure it is secure.If you have trouble getting the suction cup to stick:Clean the spot with an ammonia-free cleanser.Dry the spot completely (use a lint-free cloth, if possible).0DNHVXUHWKHVSRWLVVPRRWKDQGÀDWVXFWLRQFXSVZRQ¶Wstick well on a curved or textured surface).REMOVINGTHEWINDSHIELDMOUNTWhen you release the suction latch, make sure you’re holding or somehow supporting the device.Lift the suction latch and use the plastic pull tab to pull the suction cup off of the glass.1)2)3)ŹŹŹFlip the suction latch up to lock the windshield mount into place.Flip the suction latch up to lock the windshield mount into place.
Page 25Chapter Title0RXQWLQJRQDÀDWVXUIDFHIf you want to put the device somewhere other than your windshield (or anywhere the suction cup won’t stick), you can use the anchor disk. Once you glue the anchor disk down, the windshield mount installs inside the disk just like it does on glass. When you’re deciding where to put the anchor disk, here are some things to keep in mind:The surface should be DVÀDWDVSRVVLEOH. If the disk is upside down or at a sharp angle, it might not hold the device’s weight.The surface should be DVVPRRWKDVSRVVLEOH. If the surface texture is too rough, the glue may not stick as well.The anchor disk will stick permanently on most surfaces. If you try to remove the disk, you might damage the surface.Don’t peel off the red protective sheet until you’re ready to install the disk. Once you expose the glue, you can’t stop easily.When you decide where you want to mount the disk, hold the suction cup in that spot and set the angle and position of the bracket (just like you would for mounting on your windshield).Clean the spot to remove any wax, grease, protecterants, etc.Carefully peel the protective sheetfrom the bottom of the anchor disk to expose the glue. ŹŹŹŹ1)2)3)
Page26Chapter TitleHold the disk exactly above the spot where you want to glue it down. (Remember, the glue is designed to be permanent!)3UHVVWKHGLVN¿UPO\DJDLQVWWKHVXUIDFH3XVKGRZQalong the edges, too, so that every part of the disk makes good contact with the surface.Before you install the windshield mount, gently tug on the disk to make sure it’s secure.3UHVVWKHVXFWLRQFXSÀDWinto the anchor disk, then push the suction latch down (towards the suction cup) to lock it into place.4)5)6)7)Flip the latch down towards the suction cupdoheFlip the latch down towards the suction cup
Page 28How Do I Get There?There are three basic ways to tell the GPS device where you want to go:Enter a new address or intersection as your destination.Pick your destination from the pre-programmed list of Points of Interest (POI).Pick your destination from the list of places you’ve been to before.Entering a new destinationIf you followed the instructions for (QWHULQJ<RXUHome Location starting on page 9, the process is the same.From the main menu, choose NAVIGATE TO ADDRESS.This opens the state selection screen.Tap the state where your destination is.If you want to choose the state by name, tap the SPELLbutton to enter the name of the state. (This takes you straight to the alphabet keypad on the next page.)If you know the zip code or postal code of your destination, you can tap the ZIP CODE button. (This takes you to the number keypad so you can enter your destination’s zip code.)ŹŹŹ1)ŹŹŹ
Page29How Do I Get ThereFor the US, there are 53 available states: all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.Use the aphabet keypad to enter the name of the city (or unincorporated area) where your destination is. (You don’t have to enter the whole name.)The device searches for names that include the entered characters. For example, if you choose Texas and enter FORTWKHGHYLFH¿QGVTTComfortandt Wolffortffhtt along with names that begin with FORT. If you enter a space after FORTWKHGHYLFH¿QGVQDPHVZKHUHWKRVHOHWWHUVDUHTTfollowed by a space (Fort Davis, Fort Worth, etc.)4)Ź
Page 30How Do I Get ThereIf you need to type a letter with an accent or diacritical mark, tap the ÔÑË button to go to the symbol keypad.If you need to type a number or any kind of punctuation mark, tap the $12 button to go to the number keypad.To go back to the alphabet keypad, tap the ABC button.Tap the OKEXWWRQZKHQ\RXDUH¿QLVKHGWhen you tap OK, the device shows the list of city names that include the characters you entered. Tap the name of the city you want, or tap the BACK button to go back and make any changes.After you select the city, enter the street name the same way you entered the city name. When the device shows the list of streets, tap the name of the street you want.Enter numbered streets as numerals plus abbreviation (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, etc.) instead of spelling out the word (First, Second, Third, etc.).Enter the houseor building number using the same method you used to enter the city and the street name.ORIf you want to search for a corner or intersection, tap the INTERSECTbutton at the bottom of the screen, then enter the name of the cross street.ŹŹŹŹ5)6)7)
Page 31How Do I Get There,IWKHGHYLFH¿QGVWKDWEXLOGLQJQXPEHURULQVWHUVHFWLRQLWdisplays the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQ screen. Choose the option you want from the buttons on this screen:If the device doesn’t¿QGDPDWFKIRUWKHbuilding number, it displays the available address ranges. Tap the line that contains the building number you want, or tap the BACK button to go back to the entry screens.If you’re entering an intersection and the8)Plot a route to this destination from your current locationDistance and direction to this destination from your current location.Go back to the entry screens and make correctionsSee this destination on the mapAdd this destination to your  favorites listAddress of this destination Plot a route to this destination from your current locationDistance and direction to this destination from your current location.Go back to the entry screens and make correctionsSee this destination on the mapAdd this destination to your  favorites listAddress of this destination
Page 32How Do I Get ThereGHYLFHGRHVQ¶W¿QGDPDWFKIRUWKHFURVVVWUHHWLWGLVSOD\VDQerror message.To see all the streets WKDWLQWHUVHFWWKH¿UVWone (within the limits of the city you selected), tap OK; tap the CANCELbutton to go back to the previous entry screen.Choosing a POI as a DestinationFrom the main menu, choose POINTS OF INTEREST. This opens the main POI category screen:TO SEARCH BY CATEGORYTap the main category that best describes the POI you’re searching for. The device opens the sub-category screen.Tap the sub-category that best describes what you’re searching for; use the UP and DOWN arrows to scroll through multiple screens. ŹŹ
Page 33How Do I Get ThereThe RESTAURANT category is divided into cuisine type; VRPHFXLVLQHW\SHVDUHGLYLGHGDJDLQLQWRPRUHVSHFL¿Ftypes. For example, if you choose asian as the cuisine W\SH\RXFDQWKHQFKRRVHDPRUHVSHFL¿FGHVFULRWLRQsuch as CHINESE,FILIPINO,INDIAN,INDONESIAN, etc. After you pick the lowest division in a category, the device shows the closest 20 POI that match your selection. TO SEARCH BY NAMEIf you know the name of the POI you want, you can tap the BY NAME button in the bottom right corner of the category screen. The device goes to the aphabet keypad so you can enter the name (or partial name) of the POI you are searching for (see page XX).Remember, you don’t have to enter the whole name: the device searches for POI names that include the characters you enter. For example, if you enter MUSEWKHGHYLFH¿QGV32,ZLWKMuseum,Museo andAmusement Park in the name.When you tap OK, the device displays the 20 closest POI items that include the letters you entered.TO CHANGE THE SEARCH CENTERBy default, the device sorts POI by distance using your current location as the center. To change the center point used for the POI search, tap the NEAR button at the bottom of the category screen. Choose NEAR BY to search for POI near your current location (the default).If you are in an active route, choose NEAR DESTINATIONto search for POI near the route destination. ŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ
Page 34How Do I Get ThereChoose IN CITY to search for POI in a different city from your current location. The device takes you to the state selection screen, where you can enter the state and then the city you want to search in (see page XX).If you change the search center, the device remembers the new center point until you change it. For example, if you change the search center to another city, the next time you search for POI, the device searches in that city.  &KRRVLQJDGHVWLQDWLRQ\RX¶YHXVHGEHIRUHFrom the main menu, choose MY LOCATIONS. Then, choose the location from the following screen:GOHOME OR GOTO WORKTap GO HOME to use your home location as the destination, or GO TO WORK to use your work location as the destination. the device goes directly to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen.These options are only available after you enter a home or a work location.ŹŹ
Page 35How Do I Get ThereCHOOSING A FAVORITE LOCATIONYou can save up to 20 locations to your favorites list, so you can use them over and over again (like using speed dial on your phone). Tap FAVORITES to open your favorites list.Tap on the location you want to use for your destination. Use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to scroll through multiple screens. When you make your selection, the device goes to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQ screen.FAVORITES is only available after you save at least one favorite location. CHOOSING A RECENT DESTINATIONThe device saves the last 20 locations you enter so you can retrieve them quickly. Tap RECENT DESTINATIONS to open the list, then tap the location you want. The device goes to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQ screen.
Page 36How Do I Get TherePlotting a route to your destinationWhen you choose your destination, the device screen shows the destination’s address (and name if it’s a POI) and the distance and direction from your current location:To plot a route to this destination with the default options:Tap the GO button in the bottom left corner of the screen.Tap the MAPbutton to see the destination on the map, then tap the go button in the bottom left corner of the map screen.If this isn’t the right destinationt, tap the BACK button to go back to the entry screens and make any corrections.ŹŹŹPlot a route to this destination from your current locationDistance and direction to this destination from your current location.Go back to the entry screens and make correctionsSee this destination on the mapAdd this destination to your  favorites listAddress of this destination Plot a route to this destination from your current locationDistance and direction to this destination from your current location.Go back to the entry screens and make correctionsSee this destination on the mapAdd this destination to your  favorites listAddress of this destination
Page37How Do I Get ThereWhile it’s calculating the route,the device shows dialog box with a progress bar. If you want to stop calculating this route, tap the CANCEL button. Otherwise, wait until the device ¿QLVKHVFDOFXODWLQJWKHURXWHbefore you do anything else.Reading the Route Screens:KHQLW¿QLVKHVFDOFXODWLQJWKHURXWHWKHGHYLFHVZLWFKHVWRthe route screen. The route screen works just like the map screen, but it has some additional information and options:The street you should be driving on is marked in green. When you get close to the next maneuver, the white arrow appears on the route.ŹThe white arrowThe white arrow marks your next marks your nextmaneuver.maneuver.The next turn arrow showsThe next turn arrow showsn of your next n of your nextthe directionthe directionw far away it is.w far away it is.turn and hoturn and hos sTTThe title bar describesThe title bar describesthe next maneuver.the next maneuver.The route is The route ismarked in green.marked in green.See tripSee tripdetailsdetailsCancel Cancelthe routethe routeThe gold spike The gold spikemarks yourmarks yourdestination.destination.
Page 38How Do I Get ThereTap the STOP button to end the route. Tap on the ARRIVAL time to see the trip detail screen.Tap the title bar to see the maneuver list.Tap the next turn arrow to see one maneuver at a time.PAUSING THE ROUTEIf you tap the stop button on the route screen, you will FDQFHOWKHURXWHFRPSOHWHO\. If you want to pause the route so you can restart it later, tap the MENU button, and then tap the red STOP button on the main Menu screen. When you pause a route,the RESUME button on becomes active. Tap the RESUME button to restart the route.SEEING DETAILS ABOUT YOUR TRIPAt any point during a route, tap the estimated ARRIVAL time area to open the 7ULS'HWDLOV screen and get detailed information about your trip. ŹŹŹŹMoving Time dividedbyTotal TimeRestart all counters.Restart maximum speed counter.Go back to the route screen.Total Distance divided by Total TimeMoving Time dividedbyTotal TimeRestart all counters.Restart maximum speed counter.Go back to the route screen.Total Distance divided by Total Time
Page 39How Do I Get ThereVIEWING THE MANEUVER LISTThe maneuver list is a complete set of directions for the entire route. It shows all the information about every maneuver you need to make: the name of the street you need to turn on, the direction you need to go, and the distance from the previous maneuver.To get to the maneuver list, tap the title bar at the top of the main route screen.Use the MAP VIEW button to rotate through the three available route views: the 2D map, the 3D map, and the maneuver list.Use the UP and DOWN arrows buttons to scroll through multiple screens.Tap the BACK button to go back to the previous screen.ŹŹŹŹ
Page 40How Do I Get ThereVIEWING THE ROUTE ONE MANEUVER AT A TIMEYou can jump ahead in the route to see individual maneuvers before you get there.  You can even scroll through the whole route one maneuver at a time.From the main route screen, tap the next turn arrow to see that maneuver up close.From the manever list, tap on any individual maneuver to jumpt to that maneuver. As you pass this maneuver, the device automatically switches back to the previous route view. TESTING THE ROUTEThe device can show you a fulltest run of the route, (including all instructions and voice prompts) at an accelerated rate. From the main route screen, tap the MENU button, then the DEMO button.ŹŹŹEach white arrow shows an upcoming  maneuver.Description of this maneuver.See next maneuverDistance to this maneuver. Estimated time to this maneuver.See previous maneuverEach white arrow shows an upcoming  maneuver.Description of this maneuver.See next maneuverDistance to this maneuver. Estimated time to this maneuver.See previous maneuver
Page 41How Do I Get ThereAvoiding roads on the routeYou can tell the device to temporaily avoid particular types of roads while a route is in progress. The device can recalculate routes without using U-turns, highways, dirt roads, toll roads, or ferries.From the main route screen, tap the MENU button.On the menu screen, tap the STOP button followed by the RE-ROUTE button. This opens the Avoidances screen.Tap the button on the FOR NEXT line to choose the number of miles you want these temporary avoidance settings to be in effect. Choose from 2, 5, or 10 miles.For each type of road, tap the button at the end of the line to set that road to AVOID (if you want to avoid that type) or OK (if you don’t want to avoid that type). When you have selected the road types to avoid, tap the BACK button to go back to the menu.On the menu screen, tap the RESUME button; the device recalculates the route without the selected road types.1)2)3)4)5)6)
Page 42How Do I Get ThereAdding waypoints Once you have a route plotted, you can add waypoints, that is, any place where you want to stop along the way:Anytime during a route, tap the MENU button to go to the Menu screen. Find the location you want to set as a waypoint. You’ll follow the exact same steps you normally use to set the destination. When you come to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen, tap the GO button. the device asks what you want to do with the new destination:Tap the ADD AS WAYPOINT button to recalculate the route with the new location as a waypoint.,I\RXZDQWWRFKDQJH\RXU¿QDOGHVWLQDWLRQWDSWKHREPLACE DESTINATION button.Tap the CANCEL button to return to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQ screen.1)2)ŹŹŹ
Page 43How Do I Get ThereOn the route screen,the waypoint is marked with a pink cone with a W on the top.In the maneuverlist screen, the waypoint line is highlighted. Tap on this line to jump to the waypoint (just like any other maneuver.) If you tap the DELETEbutton, the device removes the waypoint and recalculates the route. ADDING MULTIPLE WAYPOINTSYou can add up to 10 waypoints to any route using the same SURFHVV\RXXVHGWRDGGWKH¿UVWZD\SRLQWWhen you tap the ADD WAYPOINT button, the device asks if you want to keep the existing waypoints.Tap the OK button to add the new waypoint to the existing ones.Tap the REMOVEbutton to delete all existing waypoints and create this new one.Tap the CANCELbutton to return to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQVFUHHQ.ŹŹŹŹŹ
Page 44How Do I Get ThereWhen you add a new waypoint to a route, the device displays all the waypoints on the route and asks where you want to insert the new waypoint. Tap the line that you want to insert the new waypoint in front of (that is, select the waypoint that should come immediately after the new one).$YRLGLQJ7UDI¿F3UREOHPV7KH7UDI¿F0HVVDJH&KDQQHO70&SURYLGHVUHDOWLPHGHWDLOHGWUDI¿FGDWDWRVSHFLDOO\HTXLSSHGUHFHLYHUV<RXUTRAX device can receive and decode TMC broadcasts and DOHUW\RXZKHQLWUHFHLYHVQRWLFHRIDWUDI¿FSUREOHP,WFDQalso automatically change your current route to avoid any WUDI¿FSUREOHPVTMC service requires a subscription. Contact ????? or go to www.?????.com for information about getting or renewing a TMC subscription.SETTING UP THE TRAFFIC RECEIVER,QRUGHUWRVHWXSWKHWUDI¿FUHFHLYHU\RXZLOOQHHGWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQIURP\RXUWUDI¿FVHUYLFHSURYLGHU
Page 45How Do I Get ThereStation???Frequency??PIN??{Is there anywhere to input this information? Can I use my XM TMC channel with the TRAX units? ??}From the Menu screen, tap the SETTINGS button. On the Settings screen, scroll down and select TRAFFIC.7KLVRSHQVWKHWUDI¿FVHWWLQJVVFUHHQTap the ENABLE TRAFFIC line until the button shows <HV.,I\RXZDQWWKHGHYLFHWRDOHUW\RXZKHQWUDI¿FSUREOHPVoccur, tap the AUDIO WARNING line. Use Spoken if you ZDQWWKHGHYLFHWRVD\³7UDI¿FDOHUWUHFHLYHG´^:+$7,6THE TEXT HERE? DOES IT DEPEND ON TTS?}. Use Tone if you want the device to sound an alert tone. If you want the device to automatically change your route WRDYRLGWUDI¿FSUREOHPVWDSWKHUSE TRAFFIC BASEDROUTING line until the button shows <HV.Tap the BACK button to return to the Menu screen.ŹŹŹ1)2)3)4)5)6)
Page 46How Do I Get ThereRECEIVING TRAFFIC ALERTSWhen the devicereceives notice of DWUDI¿FLQFLGHQWLWmarks the location on the map with a red triangle icon. It also sounds the audio warning type you selected on WKHWUDI¿FVHWWLQJVscreen.Tap on any incident icon to see more details about the incident. If any incidents affect your current route, the detail screen includes the AVOIDbutton. Tap this button to re-route your trip and avoid WKHWUDI¿FLQFLGHQWWhen it recalculates yourroute, the device displays the $OWHUQDWH5RXWHscreen, which compares the new distance and estimated arrival time to your original route. To accept the alternate route, tap OK, or tap CANCEL to remain on your current route.
Page 48What Options Do I Have?Using the Menu ScreensTo customize your device,go to the Menuscreen and tap the SETTINGS button at the top. On the Settingsscreen, choose the menu you want to change. On each menu screen, if a menu item line has a button on the right side, tap on the line to rotate through the options for that menu item. If the menu item line does not have a button, tapping the line will open another screen.Systemmenu optionsDAYAA/NIGHTCOLORSThe map color automatically adjusts as the time changes from day to night. If you want the map to remain one color all thetime, choose theDayor yNightcolor tscheme here. Leave this option at Auto if you want the map to change color automatically.
Page 49What Options Do I Have?OTHER SYSTEM MENU OPTIONSTouch SoundsChoose whether the device makes a sound when you touch the screen. Your options are On and Off (default).Dim Screen AfterChoose how long the device remains idle before it dims the screen backlight. Your options are 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min, Never (default).Auto Zoom en RouteChoose whether the map zooms in when you approach the next maneuver on a route. Your options are On and Off (default).Map Controls OnChange which side of the map the zoom buttons are on. Your options are Left and Right (default).About See the software version and database edition.Language & Locale menu optionsSet Text LanguageChange the language used in the display: American English (default), Espanol, Francais, Deutsh, Nederlands, Italiano, and UK English.Set Spoken LanguageChoose the language and voice used for instructions during routes.Normal voice options are USA English Female, USA English Male, UK English Female, UK English Male, Spanish Female, and Spanish Male.Text to speech (TTS) options are JILL (USA English), SAMANTHA (USA English), and TOM (USA English).Distance UnitsChoose whether to use the English (miles and feet) or metric (Km) system for distance. The metric system is default.Set Time and Time ZoneChange the time, choose the time zone, set daylight savings time, and choose 12-hour or 24-hour time format. See page XREF for instructions.
Page50What Options Do I Have?5RXWHV menu optionsAVOIDANCESThe device can avoid using certain types of roads when it calculates routes. You can tell the device to avoidU-turnsHighwaysDirt RoadsToll RoadsFerries.To have the device avoid road types on every route, set the avoidance here. To avoid road types for the current route only, go to the Menu screen and tap the RE-ROUTEbutton.CHOOSEVEHICLEChoose which car icon you want to see on the map:Vehicle PictureVehiclePictureDodgeCaravanGeometricHummerH2FordMustangPorshe 911ChevroletSilveradoŹŹŹŹŹ
Page51What Options Do I Have?OTHERROUTESMENUOPTIONSUse Route WithChange the way the device calculates routes. Choose whether to use the route with the Shortest distance or the  Shortest time (default)AttentionToneChoose whether the device sounds a tone as you get close to a maneuver. Your options are On and Off (default).VoicePromptingChoose whether to hear the voice instructions during routes. Your options are On and Off (default).&KDQJLQJWKHEULJKWQHVVDQGYROXPHAt the top of Menuscreen, tap the VOLUME/BRIGHTNESSbutton. This opens the Set Volume and %ULJKWQHVVscreen.Tap anywhere on the bar to jump to that setting.Mute audioTap the OFF icons to decrease the setting one step at a time.Tap the ON icons to increase the setting one step at a time.(Brightness)(Brightness)(Volume)(Volume)Tap anywhere on the bar to jump to that setting.Mute audioTap the OFF icons to decrease the setting one step at a time.Tap the ON icons to increase the setting one step at a time.(Brightness)(Brightness)(Volume)(Volume)
Page 52What Options Do I Have?Editing favorite locationsSometimes, after you’ve saved a favorite location, you want to change the name or use a different icon.From the main menu screen, select MY LOCATIONS and then FAVORITES. This opens your list of favorites:Tap on the favorite you want to change. (Use the UP and DOWN arrowbuttons to scroll through multiple screens.)The device takes you to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen. Tap the SAVE FAVORITE button at the bottom. The device takes you to the (GLW)DYRULWH screen. From this screen, you have several options:Tap the DELETE button to delete this location from your list of favorites. 1)2)3)4)Ź
Page53What Options Do I Have?Tap the CHANGENAMEbutton to change the name of this location. This opens the alphabet keypad so you can enter a new name. Tap OKZKHQ\RX¶UH¿QLVKHGTap the CHANGEICONbutton to choose a new icon for this location. This opens the icon selection screens. When you pick a new icon, the device goes back to the (GLW)DYRULWHscreen.:KHQ\RX¶YH¿QLVKHGDOO\RXUFKDQJHVWDSWKHOKbutton on the bottom of the (GLW)DYRULWH screen.The device goes back to the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen. Tap the BACKbutton to get back to your list of favorites.Accessory OptionsUSINGANINDOORPOWER ADAPTERIf you use the device indoors often,you might want to get an indoor or AC power adapter. This adapter lets you plug the device into a standard 120 V AC power outlet. With any electronic device, only use a power adapter that is made for that device. Using a different adapter FDQGDPDJHWKHGHYLFH\RXHYHQULVNVWDUWLQJD¿UHor getting a shock.USINGANEXTERNALANTENNAIf you travel in a lot of areas with weak satellite signals, you might consider getting an external GPS antenna. You can get an external antenna from www.uniden.com; the part number you’ll want to order is GPSEXT4.ŹŹ5)6)
Page54What Options Do I Have?To install the external antenna, just insert the antenna plug into the small gold connector on the built-in antenna. The external antenna is magnetic, so you can stick it on the outside of your car: the roof usually works the best. Run the antenna cable through your car’s open window (don’t slam it in the door!).USINGAHEADSETYou can use any standard 2.5 mmaudio headset with your GPS device. A headset may make it easier to hear the voice prompts on a noisy road.Just connect the headset to the external audio jack on the right side of the device, just under the USB port.Connect the external antenna to the device.Route the cablethrough your car’s window.Attach the  antenna to the roof.123Connect the external antenna to the device.Route the cablethrough your car’s window.Attach the  antenna to the roof.123
Page 55How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?If you have a mobile phone that supports Bluetooth {PROFILES?? VERSION #?}, you can pair that phone with your TRAX device and use the following features:Use your device as a hands-free speakerphone.Transfer calls from the device to the mobile phone.Download your phonebook to your device.Use your device as a telephone book and call any of the XX million POI listed in the database.Connecting to Your Bluetooth PhoneFirst, make sure your mobile phone is on and ready to connect.From your device’s Menu screen, tap the SETTINGSbutton and then select BLUETOOTH.On the Bluetooth Settings screen, set the BLUETOOTHline to On. The device searches for any Bluetooth phones within range.Tap the NEARBYbutton to see an alphabetical list of phones the device has found. ŹŹŹŹ1)2)3)4)
Page 56How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?Tap the name of the phone you want to connect to your device. If you don’t see the phone you want, tap the SCANAGAIN button to have the device do another search for Bluetooth phones. When you select aphone, the device prompts you to get your phone’s  PIN ready. Tap OKZKHQ\RXFRQ¿UPthe PIN needed to connect to this phone.The device displays the number keypad. Enter your PIN number on the keypad and tap OK.If the PIN is correct, the device displays a message FRQ¿UPLQJWKHFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHSKRQH,IWKH3,1LVQRWcorrect, the device displays an error message. The BluetoothSettingsscreen now includes status information for the currently-connectedphone.5)6)7)8)Currently connected phoneSee all phones in range.See the last XX paired phones.Go back to the settings screen.Phone network statusPhone battery statusPhone signal statusCurrently connected phoneSee all phones in range.See the last XX paired phones.Go back to the settings screen.Phone network statusPhone battery statusPhone signal status
Page57How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?CONNECTINGTOADIFFERENTPHONETo pair a different phone, make sure the is on and ready. Go to the 1HDUE\3KRQHVscreen, and repeat the ConnectingWR\RXUSKRQH process starting with Step 5.RE-CONNECTINGTOARECENTPHONETo pair a with a recently-connectedphone, go to the Bluetooth Settingsscreen and tap the RECENT button. The device displays a list of the XX most recently-pairedphones. Repeat the &RQQHFWLQJWR\RXUSKRQHprocess Hstarting with Step 5.Using Your Bluetooth PhoneREADINGTHEPHONESTATUSICONSThePHONEicon appears on the Menu screen and the map screen. This icon displays the current status of your phone:IconMeaningThe phoneis paired and ppready to use.ypThere is no phone connected.pThe phone is currently in puse.There is a call on hold or a call waiting.g{QUESTIONDeCarta manudiscusses deinformation frRecent Phonethe only thing can do with thelist is delete thiit, then why is What’s the poinscreen?
Page 58How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?MAKING CALLSTap the PHONE icon on the map screen or the Menu screen. The device displays the 3KRQH.H\SDGscreen.Dial the phone number on the number keypad, or select one of the other options:CALL DESTINATION: Call the phone number of the route destination. If the destination is not a POI, tap this button and then enter the phone number. Once you enter the phone number, the device saves it with the route information. {If it doesn’t, then what does this button do?}POINTS OF INTEREST: When you tap this button, you can search for a POI just like you do when you’re plotting a destination. When you reach the &RQ¿UP'HVWLQDWLRQscreen, tap the CALLbutton.ŹŹChange the phone’s volume.Dial the displayed number.Go back to the previous screen.Call the routedestination.Call a POI.Open the phonebook.Open the call history screen.Back-space Change the phone’s volume.Dial the displayed number.Go back to the previous screen.Call the routedestination.Call a POI.Open the phonebook.Open the call history screen.Back-space
Page 59How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?PHONE BOOK: When you pair your Bluetooth phone, the device downloads the phonebook automatically. Tap the PHONE BOOKbutton to display your phonebook entries and their available phone numbers. Tap H to call the home number, W for the work number, or C for the cell/mobile number. CALL HISTORY: Tap the call history button to see the last XX outgoing and incoming calls. Tap the SHOW MISSEDbutton to see incoming calls that you didn’t answer. Tap on any line to dial the number saved for that call.ANSWERING INCOMING CALLSWhen a call comes in on your mobile phone, the device displays the name and phone number of the incoming call. Tap the IGNORE button to reject this call. Tap the ANSWER button to accept this call and see more options.ŹŹ
Page 60How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?Tap the HOLD/RETRIEVEbutton to place the caller on hold.Tap the END CALLbutton to hang up.After XX seconds, the phone keypad times out, and the device return to the previous screen. To bring up the phone keypad again, tap the PHONE icon on the Menuscreen or map screen.USING CALL WAITINGIf a call comes in when you’re already on the phone, the device displays the call waitng screen. Tap the IGNOREbutton to reject the waiting call and continue speaking to the original caller.Tap the ANSWER button to put the original call on hold and speak to the new caller. Tap the {DROP/ANSWER NEW} button to hang up the original call and speak to the new caller.After you accept the new call, tap the END CALL button to hang up on the new caller and return to the original call.Tap the {FLASH??} button to switch back to the original caller without disconnecting the new call. accept this call and see more options.ŹŹŹŹŹ
Page 61How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?TRANSFERRING A CALL TO YOUR PHONEYou can transfer calls back to your mobile phone. This disconnects the phone audio from the device and mutes the speaker and microphone.:KHQDFDOO¿UVWcomes in, just tap the TRANSFER TO PHONEbutton on the phone keypad to transfer the FDOO7KHFRQ¿UPVWKDWthe phone is now disconnected.To transfer a call after the phone keypad times out:Tap the phone icon to open the phone keypad.On the phone keypad, tap the volume button. This opens the 6HW9ROXPHDQG%ULJKWQHVV screen with the volume controls for the phone audio.Tap the TRANSFERCALL TO PHONEbutton to send the call back to your mobile phone. The device displays WKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQscreen shown above.If you tap the VOLUME button from the Menu screen, the 6HW9ROXPHDQG%ULJKWQHVVscreen will not show the telephone audio controls.1)2)3)
Page 62How Do I Use My Bluetooth Phone?CHANGING THE PHONE SPEAKER VOLUMEThe device automatically mutes all voice prompts when you are on a call; if you change the volume or mute the speaker, it affects the phone audio only. The device returns to its usual volume setting when you hang up. Tap the phone icon to open the phone keypad.On the phone keypad, tap the volume button. This opens the 6HW9ROXPHDQG%ULJKWQHVV screen with the volume controls for the phone audio.If you tap the VOLUME button from the Menu screen, the 6HW9ROXPHDQG%ULJKWQHVVscreen will not show the telephone audio controls.Tap on the slidingbar to adjust the volume (the same way you do for the device).Tap the MUTEAUDIO button to mute the speaker for the telephone. (Remember, this will not affect the voice prompts after you hang up.)MUTING THE MICROPHONETo mute the telephone microphone, open the Set Volume DQG%ULJKWQHVV screen with the telephone volume controls; then, tap the PXWHPLFURSKRQH button in lower right hand corner.1)2)3)4)
Page 80What Else Do I Need to Know?&ocCITnIDERegulatory informationUS REGULATORY COMPLIANCEFCC PART 15.105(b)Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Part 15.19(a)(3)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC PART 15.21••••TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 80 -    (Cyan)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 80 -    (Magenta)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 80 -    (Yellow)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 80 -    (BlacK)
Page 81What Else Do I Need to Know?&KDQJHVRUPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKLVSURGXFWQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\8QLGHQRUoperation of this product in any way other than as detailed by the owner’s manual, could void your authority to operate this product.CANADIAN REGULATORY COMPLIANCEICES003, PARA 6.2This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numerique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Important vehicle and product safety informationDRIVE SAFELY!Do not install any device where it might block your driving veiw or mirrors.Do not attempt to operate any device while you are driving a vehicle.5HPDLQDOHUWWRDFWXDOURDGFRQGLWLRQVREH\DOOORFDOWUDI¿FODZVDQGSRVWHGsigns.Do not use this product for any purpose where a failure of the product could lead to harm to any person or property.ELECTRICAL SAFETY WARNINGS:DUQLQJ5LVNRI¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNUHDGDQGIROORZDOOinstructions carefully!THIS DEVICE IS NOT WATERPROOF. Do not immerse the device in water or expose it to moisture.Only use the power adapter that came with your device; use of any other SRZHUDGDSWHUPLJKWGDPDJHWKHGHYLFHRUFUHDWHDVKRFNRU¿UHKD]DUG••••••TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 81 -    (Cyan)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 81 -    (Magenta)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 81 -    (Yellow)TRAX425-430om_noANTHS.indb   11/26/2007   4:35:49 PM   - 81 -    (BlacK)

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