Unimax Toys 4240-02 RC Car User Manual
Unimax Toys Limited RC Car
User Manual
BERNIE TIN] I’IIIIGEEB NEIIII TNE IIWNEII’S NINNIINI. SAFETY PNEGIIIITIIINS SUPPIIEI] EQUIPMENT, TflIIIS IINII BIITTETIIES TONE BIN-1 NAIIIII SYSTEM TNE IIIJI flNIISSIS SETTING NF TIIE ANTENNA SEIEGT IINE III THE THREE BANDS INTI}, IIIIIINNE NR GREEN] INSTALL BATTERIES ATTABNINN TNE IIIIIIV Tl! TIIE BHIISSIS IIEIIIIIIATE YBIIII IIENIEIE IIIIIIY TINII‘TEN TN! WNEEIS IIN ‘lIlIIII NEHIBIE SETTING TNE TNIINSINI'ITEII IINII (HUI BAND I’IIE-IIIIN BNII'I'INE IIIINNE TEST YBIIII NENIEIE IIIINNING WIN! IIENIGIE TIININTI “INN VENIIIIE MNINTAINING YIIIIII IIENIIIIE NEPIIIIIING IINII NEPIIIEINB WIINN (IN BNfiNEN PANTS TNIIIIIIIESNBIITINN [IMITEII WARRANTY TNE HIE WIINTS YIN! TI) NNIIW Thank you icr purchasing a Hadline no vehicle! We are confident you will appreciate is race ready design, preclslari performance and the ability to modify your stock vehicle to maximize spam and handling using Official Radline RC Performance Parts-—-availat7le separately irom your hobby dealer or Radline RC. Radl'lne FIG offers you the ultimate radio control raclng experience. This Owner’s Manual ls designed for use with Radline FIC Elite Series Vehicles and Contains the instructions you will need to assemble, operate and maintain yourvehiole ior years to oome. We know you are anxious to slarl racingmbul ii is very important that you take the line to read the Owner‘s Manual even if you are an experienced arc racer. Carefully read and follow all lnstrucfions in Ihls and any olner manuals rncluceo with your vehicle. Failure to icilow (he inslrucirons will be considered abuse and or naglcci and may void your factory warranly. Your vehicle is designed to run on uneven or rough lerrain. However dust, sand, waler, and carpet iipcrs can lodge in the worklng pans ol ydurvehicle and it not removed prompily, can damage IL We do not warranly your vehicle from damage due in outside elements including sand. dirt or water. This product is not atoy. It is not designed for users under a years old. You are responsible tor the malnienancs and safe operallon oi this vehicle, Before operating your vehicle, please read We manual compieialy and examine your vehIoIs and transmitter. if for any reason you are not sarisrieo wirh your purchase, please reiurn it to your hobby dealer before running your vehicle. Your hobby dealer cannot accept a vehicle or iransmitlsr ror retum or exchange allar it has been run. SUPPORT A highly experienced support team dedicated to making your no experience rolally enioyable backs your Radllne RC. ii you have any quesuons about your vehicle or the Radllne RC radio sysrom call irie Hadllne ac Suppcn toll free ar : l 865 438 4329 (toll free available In lire USA. Only all others please call 1 949 ass 5409), Phone supporr is available Monday through Friday lrom 8:30AM to 5:00PM Paciilc Time. Technical assistance is also available on line at wwwradllnerccom or by email at support©radlinerccom Hadline FlC cilars lull-service repair lo handle both warranty repair or rcplacsmanr and outv uivwarranly service. Radline RC recommends you purchase maintenance and repair pans as well as New Upgrade Performance Pans iram your local hobby dselen For those who do not have a Radlins HC hobby dealer conveniently healed lo them, maintenance and repair pans, as well as New Upgrade Periormance Parts. may be purchased directly from FladIine RC by phone or online at www.BuyFlacllinerc,com. Do nor hesitate to conram Radl‘lne no lor any pioduci supporl needs. We are anxious to help. Radllne no warns you to enjoy your new vehicle and lo operate It with care and safely, Failure in operats your vehicle in a sale and responsnle manner may result in injury to yourseli. nlners or properly around you. You are responsible lor following lhe guidelines mentioned here and to operate your vehlcle safely. ~Do nal run your vehicle on public roads or any area where yuu may interrupt pedestrian or vehicle lrafllc. ~ Do not operate in a congested area or in crowds. Your vehicle can cause harm it it collides with any ether person. ~ Do not operate your vehicle with ubstructed line of sight, at night, or near water. ‘ The motor and batieriestcan become ho: during usel DO not handie either after use (0 avoid injury. ' Your Vehicle is controlled by radio. Hadio waves are subjem to interference 1mm outside sources. Radio interference can cause loss or control of your vehicle. - Always allow a margin of safely in all directions. - Keep all small pans am anything electric out or the reach oi small children. Yourvehlcie comes with all the equipment, tools and batteries you win need lo operate it. You Wiil need lo purchase additional batlerles fer bolh the Transmitter and Vehicle. The batteries included are Aikaline Batteries provided lo get you started. Alkaline batteries wit! work well for your transmitter. ‘ Radline RC recommends you purchase Four Rechargeflbie Nickel Metal Hydrvde (NiMH) AAA batteries lor use ln your vehicle. The miliiamp hour (mAH) rating ol lhe batteries determines how long your vehicle wrll run. A 2000 mAH rated battery will run (Wise as long as a 1000 mAH rated battery. We recommend you purchase a nlgh mAH rated set or halteries. You will also need a qualily NiMH charger lorynur nanenes. Please follow ballery and charger manufacturer‘s directions when using rechargeable batteries. ’i.} Transmitter antenna 2.) Body pins 3.) Antenna cap & tube 7.1 Screwdriver B.] Owner‘s manual 9.) label sheet. 4.] 10 teeth & 1 E teeth pinion gear 10-14 X AAA battery 11.) 1 x EV battery 5.) Gear pullar 6.) Shock spacer li/ a...“ Your vehicle is equipped with an arm Radio System. The HTX-l Radio System is a 2-channel. 3-Band system that operates on eithera 27 or 49 MM radio irequency. The frequency VOW transmitter operates on i$ Clearly marked On its back (controller). The 27 MHZ/ 49 MHZ frequency is divided inm one Oi three bands: Red, orange or Green. The vehicle included runs on the same lrequancv as the transmitter, and can run on all three bands: Red, Orange and Green. Matching the transmitter and carlrequency and band is simple and mandatmyfor proper operation. The three bands alluw you tn race up to lhree urtterent cars on each or the two radio lraquencies at the same time. it ynu have |hree vehicles running on 27 MHz, and three on 49 MHz, you can race six different cars at onset The hansmltter (controller) controls your vehicles steering, forward/reverse and speed. RTX-1 Steering Wheel motile mm staring trim rumo- Control accelerate ynur vehicle in forward or reverse, You can push your throttle control to reverse and then neutral ta apply the brake. Tnmttle Trim: The throttle trim located on the face of your iransmiller adjusts the IDLE when the it is at rasL You will need to adjust the throttle (rim later when you have set up your vehicle. Steering Trim: The steering trim located on the lacs ol your lransmrner adjusts lhe neutral paint vi the steering sen/o. Adjust this central to make your vehicle drive straight with no steering input from the steering wheel, You Wl|| adjust the steering trim alter you have setup yourvahlcle. The steering wheel allows you to sieer your vehicle iefl and right The steering radius control knob located on the face at yqui transmitter allows you to select the radius ofycur (urns, Moving 1he knob in «he left increases the turning radius and is designed for novice ‘driversl Moving me knob to the right decreases (he turning radius and is designed for experienced drivers, Located on the lacs 01 youmansmiuer. you can adjust 5 he iorque or speed of acceleration with this swiich. ' Level I is me slowesl acceleraliari selectionv '= and Level 3 is the fastest acceleration seleciion. Level 1 The band $6|Sclor swilch is located a( the back of your transmitter and allows you (0 easfly select one 07 three bands: Red, Orange 07 Green This band must malCh lhe band on li'le vehicle that you select when you set up your vehicle, and may be changed by you at any lime to allow multiple vehicles to race al the same time, Red Light Greefn Light — Oranjge Light — Press the Button for selecl channel ": REDgL-iGHT “mam. V (W. Your transmitter uses one 9»an battery. The battery compartment is located in the base 0' the transmitter. Press down and |owards the back a! ihe transmitter to remove the battery Coven Insen the 9-volt battery in the correm orientmron according to me polarity marked inside 4 i and ~>, m” mm; ‘mm w my valmmllel using we omen swam Cumm- m Pmruwmwn. u m. We! um a: eel Bum/med. chuck the murky <. m ,, N (ha xmwy. w yw an cmfiunm: m we Mmma monumyufluwummknum,mlxya flew bmmy. one. m. mw hgm ,; en yw my m 0" me M- m w». u. em m. Mm." yen me. w. ems LEQ :. was or m. whim! rm u um. um. duct-1m. rum m. ban-w. m any me mm; 0! w W m. m nyo'. m, m flux am my new mum a! 5mm lye» 01 Man (xi-undue. mm a manugnuewrrevJ-ungu emu-mew"; Iynu (mu erNiMH). n m .. ml v‘umng a m yew “he. e. rm": em mm m. humus. B-nemsm nu ma Sam‘s! yw mm. mammmynmymme‘mmwum Always (um on ycur transmitter before mmmg on your can as your car could be eflemed by omside (adic signals 51 your transmitter is not on and properly mnctioning. C" 3:51:12...” ulvaL "me-mm swan": . sun) 5:52:3ng You must install the anlenna mast (tube) be'cte you operate your vehicle, anate the amenna wsre that 55 fixed to the receiver. Straighten the wire, then insert the end 0! ii into one end of Ihe antenna “me. Push the wire an the way through. It may extend through the length of the tuber Do nut cut the wire. as its length is tuned 7 to the trequency. / [used the base of the tube mlo the molded post on me chassrs. Hold the antenna tube a! me bottom a! ma tube. 00 not push tmm the (apt Feed the antenna wire mm the stat provided on me posl. Gently secure the tube imo the post. Feta any remalmng we overme tube and secure the wire and/or Cap the tube WKh Ihe antenna tip. The wire may not extend past the tube. Always fuiiy exlend the antenna on the transmitter and face the antenna an me transmitter straight up 101 bes1 pefictmanoe, Your vehicle runs on either 27 an or 49 mm as was preset at the factory, You cannot change the lrequenoy. Your car also runs an one of three bands that you can change, arid allows you to race three cars with the same frequency at Once withoul one interfering With the others. You can race against any vehicle that is running on a diheraht lrequency from yours wiihoui concern for li’lief'efEl’lCer To change the band and prepare tar banery insiaJlation, gently hit up and out on lne lop edge 01 the battery covers to remove from the chassis. if it is dltficuli m remove the battery cover, you may want to use a small flat head screwdriver (not included) to gently lift and push out 1he battery cover. LOCaie the G-Bend switch that is located in the right hand side battery hex in the lower right hand corner, This switch has three positions: Red, Green and Orange. Vouriransmltlei default band is red. Ydur car is also preset on the red band. if you are planning in be racing against other cars, you may want 20 select another band new or select an alternate band at a Iatertirrle. To change bands, use the small Philips head screw driver lncluded and slide the switch to the right. Y‘ne middle stop is the green band and the right stop is the orange band. The delaim band is red Idcated on the left slop. You will match the transmitter band to the car band later when you lune your vehicle. 9 RED LlGHT G) omlieetiem ll ll) 5 0 The low AAA batteries provided are alkaline batteries and wili have a very limited life. ihay are provided to get you up and running. You will need to replace the batieries very soon. We suggest yau replace with rourAAA rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydiide balleries (NiMH) available at yelll local hobby dealer. You must use a recharging unit designed lar recharging NlMH batteries. Fallow the manufacturers directions lor use and charging. [risen two AAA batteries into one at the two battery ccmpariments being caretul to insert tn the conect orientation according the pciariiy marked inside (7 and V). Replace the battery cover by placing one side over the raised holder and pushing ln gently on the other side. The battery cover Will snap into place. Repeat slaps above to Insert batteries in lne second battery eomparlmenl. replace the batteries. ‘ use only fresh batteries at the required size and type. ' Do not mix old and new batteries Or different types of batteries (standard. alkaline or rechargeable) or rechargeable banerles or diflerenr tyacs (NiCd or NiMH) or different capacities. ~ Irycu are not planning to use yourvehlcle tor several days, remove the batteries. Batteries can leak and damage your vehiole, A Dispose of batteries properly. D0 not burn or bury baticnes. Guide me antenna lhruugh the amenna hole in (he ca] body ' Warnath Se! the Car body over me four poSKS on the chassis. Using the tour Indy pms wowed. Slide one into the hole on each 04 the four posts. w The decals are pnmed on seltvadhesive label stock Gently remove \he labels from me backmg and place one edge in me proper posinon an the car body. Genny smooth the decal down with your fingen This process of smoommg from one side to the ether wwII prevent air bubbles under the label. "23 — Ebb DMD x7 EDD C227 227927422: S227 Emmi: 5:7 —‘___:, 12:3 |:\_‘—“‘“l a: “1:77 MW” 55:57 W WWW“ AWD RAmNG BUEEV The wheels on your vehicle can be removed and or replaced. They should be properly secured out oi the box, however ii is a good idea to confirm your wheels are properly attached to the chassis. Place the chassis on a list servwe on its lour wheels. Now hold one wheel so it does not turn, and using the Philips head screwdriver provided, gently turn the screw located in the center oi the wheel clockwise lo lighten. This should be done slowly and gently--»DO NOT FORCE. Gently turn the screw clockwise until it stops filming. There is no need to overturn. Once the screw stops turning remove the screwdriver. Your wheel is now properly secured. Repeat this process on the other three wheels. Turn the Transmitter on. Fully extend the antennas. Recall the band you selected for your car (Pied, Green or Orange). On the backside of your transmitter notice the LED color. The LED should be: red. llyou did not change your car band ilom the preset red, then your transmitter and car are both set on red and should parlorm properly. ll you changed your car band to either Green or Orange you need to match that color on your transmitter. To switch the transmitter band to green, press the button once. To set to orange, press it twice. The color oi the LED will change ECGOldmgiy. You can press it one more time to return to the red band. Hold your car in one hand and move the onion switch located on the bottom of your car to the on position. Immediately confirm the LED color on the car matches the color you selected on your transmitter. If they do not match, press the button on the back at the transmitter until the LED color matches that on the car. You must oonilrm that your car and transmitter are on the same color ior your car to ponorm properly. Set your car on a block to ill the wheels oil the surfaoe or securely hold in one hand. Always turn the transmitter on prior to turning on you vehicle. Your vehicle could be controlled by outside transmissions it your transmitter is not on. Adjust the throtlie trim by turning the throttle (rim knob clockwise until the wheels are moving. Once the wheels start to move turn the throttle tril-n knob counter clockwise slowly until the wheels stop arid the car is making no sounds. Your throttle trim is now properly set. Repeat this adjustment each time you run your car. Adjust the steering trim by looking down at the lroni wheels and turning your stealing trim clockwwe of counter clockwise la set IhE lronlwheels in the neutral position. Vou may wantto make last minute adlustmertts to the steering trim when you slamo run .yourvei'iicle. Check your throttle hy moving the throttle trigger forward and confirm the vehicle wheels move lpnlvard. Move the throttle trim backward to confirm the vehicle wheels move in reverse. Release the throttle trim to confirm lhe wheels slop moving in the neutral position. Check your sleerinp by tummg the steering wheel clockwise and counter clockwise and cohllrming the iront wheels respond properly. Adlust the Aooelerallon Speed Control by selecting level 1 for slow start level 2 lor raster start and level 3 for iastest start. Changing the starting speed wtll nol ettect the top end spead»l\ simply adjusts the speed at which your vehicle accelerates. Using level 1 adjustment Will make it easier to control your car as a new driver or in confined lasing areas. Adjust the Turning Fladius at your vehicle. chr turning radius can be adjusted lor wide turning or tight turning radiuses. Move the Turning radius knob to the left to make wider turns and to the right to make tighter turns. This adjustment allows a new driver to handle the vehicle more easily ln the wider tum setting and experienced drivers to make lighter turns when set in the tighter radius setting. Because your vehicle is contrciled by radio lrequency, it is subject to inlerierence from outside sources including electric wires. adjacent building and other radio transmitters in the area. This interference can affect the distance or range your transmitter will effectively control the vehicle. Vou have completed all the preparation and prawn routine required peldre running your vehiole. But one last project is required-you should range test your vehicle belore each run session. Turn on your transmitter first. This will insure your car is not controlled by stray slgnals from another transmitter in the area. Fully extend the transmitter antennae. Hold the vehicle in your hand making certain you are not holding the wheels. Turn on the vehicle. Confirm that yourvehlcle is responding to your transmitter only. It there are other transmitters in the area you want to assure you are on different lrequencies and of bands. Place the car on the ground and slowly drive it out to the iarlhesl point you plan to operate the vehicle. As you do this you can make last minute aayustments lo the steering trim it necessary. if you find your vehicle steps or cannot be controlled as it moves larlnar away, you will have to limit the range you plan to run yourvehlcle. Once you have determined l’fle range at which you can control your vehicle, you can establish the area in which you can saiely run ll. You are now ready to run youryehicle more aggressively. Have tun, but remember that your vehicle travels quickly and turns quickly. Your driving skill must be developed to properly control the vehicle at high speed. Start out at slow speeds to assure you do not damage your vehicle. During and after operation, the molar and batteries will be hot. Do riot touch them until they have cooled down. Your vehicle came with a groinstalleo pinion gear. This (10 tooth) gear is designed for all surface running. W van Want more lap and speed and can accepi slower acceleration and you are planning to run on hard, smooth surlaces, you may want to install the included larger pinion gear (ii tooth). This larger pinion gear is not intended for rough lerrain. Follow the diagram below to remove the motor tram your vehicle and install the larger pinion Radllne RC chars a variety ct after market optional periormance parts that allow you to runner tune your vehicle. You may want no purchase the Radline RC Performance parts for your vehicle. Easing MotoM’ack: This pack includes three stock motors, each with different RPM and Torque ratings and a variety of pinion gears. This Three-Motor-Pack will give you a variely ol speed and torque options to assure lop performance in all racing conditions. . Modified Motor: There are two oiitsrenttypss oi otter market motors mat can be purchased lor your vehicle. There are stock motors with a variety of ratings available, inotuding the stack motors included in this Racing Motor Pack mentioned above. There are also Modified Motors that lesiure hall bearings and coins tn a variety or wire thicknesses and number or iurns or wire on the armature. The lower turns, the more powsrtul the motor. Our Recline RC Modified Motor will give you more power than any of the motors included in the Hacing Pack Optional Pinion Gears: This perlormahco pack includes a variety or pinion gears for to performance under any conditions. i? “to. " is? 14—11 STTGT Spur G ’ 567.31 Precision Ball Bearing Set: This performance pack oi ball beartngs assures tow triction periorrnoncs. Lower lrlction means faster speeds. (anything else you can add) Turnbuckls Set: The upgrade turnbuckle set allows you to align the front end oi your vehicio. Too in 1-2 degrees tor increased stability. Optional Shock Springs: Thrs set prvvtdes 3 periormanco sets or front and rear springs. Use the dirlsront spring tensions to increase stability and performance on dilrorent surlaces, Oil Filled Shock Pack: Add oil lill-ed shocks to your vehicle to ooiust the dampening. min; motor-pack a?" fi‘ Dorm-l Fulton ours molars-r Ball Bearing Sat Mnblmkle 35! all Filled slim my Optimal Shack Svrinye The lollcwlng procedures should be performed frequently and will keep your vehicle running strong. inspect the vehicle for any obvious damage. Check the gears (or wear. debris or broken teeth. Check the wheels and tighten the wheel screws properly. Check for loass screws in the chassis. Check the winng ioi irayeo or damaged wires or oonneotors. Check the steering servo which will wear out over time and require replacement, Check all bafleries Keep the Chassis clean and tree Of sand; dust, dirl and moisture Remove and clean the motor alter five sessions. USE elecinc molar cleaning solution available at your local hobby dealer to clean out dim sand and dust. Lubricate the bushings of the motor with a lightweight electric motor oil When you out your vehicle away after running, dust oft wilh a son bristle brush or cloth. Remove batteries from vehicle and transmitter if you are going to store them lot more (him two days AM the replacement parts for ycur vehicle are availabie 7mm your local hobby dealer or from Radllne RC, Please remove the exploded View of you vehide below to asswst In the repair and or idenkificatlcn 01 parts required. “gm, « ‘ y W ”flfifigfl fiwmm WE . m Deto u r mun-navy»; WW, /\ {mam «Hum a!" mmrfxwwx %<— 213” Wm;.s\ w£w~® l . mm a mnwum may?“ Wmm_\ m® . “m“ Mfiwmmm EM 7&me “WWW” QM”? «mmfi w W MW"“'\ mew gag, 5mm k‘g , am new wafflmw "WWW fiafi‘flofl m, 14mm 2m mmzm’fi rum.“ Wfi M Rh (mm: s’f’fim “W W um awn” mm”. mm Framew- , wmfl‘éw mama” .' Wfiafi dig-Pam Kim KW“? WW “mam scan 35,” “my, ' ' “mam! M! ”QMZW fig. vargywww was"? seas-«mm WWMWMk mnwawsnn 51 "mm mum-mumwa WW" “w’” “M W WWW¢ may“? Vii/w; ”M W E w, magmua‘i _ mm fifimm ggfiffi, mmmJfi “WK Maw“ m, a Wm WW I}? ' vim” mm ffirw- w, “airsmww f“ 2ng mm $2 ., ,. l arm 51 “a" «mu {aresmafimumo ‘é‘f" WWW (2.3 ”m was“ Maw PM” fig” m" “fflrfi'm as, mum «twwy wggwm, mm m; Wigwam a!“ < M W gmmwxmefi (w (“m m nan) ‘ mm/ m}?! a ‘ “mum. mu fly \@ M, mwmmm, fif“ m" gm“ [237mm mmm‘imc ALA mum» W nus-«wan ‘ (“33W xmnmowsnmvn - {a may, Aw « WWW“ ”$55?“ m $359 5 gamma?“ rim" Nanny, H mm can mean m mum $9354“ W ¢Anmy WW xmmm fiflxxrw mmmm mm" 5.3 m ‘ \’ EM whom“ 5 w m “figwmw/‘E um“ é Q$§Wfi ” , fit” “my 314132?" \ “ w’ «cw ,_. 9;sz AFN-um mm jfiffifi £an Styx (WWW mm m” “lfiw/é Mm ma, 5&5? m imam grwwm m“ r.» gym “fiafimw mm _ jiéggfimmwg {gain m?“ {wfifimmmvsfl mummy-m . um @/ $711? .mm 14m a mum“ E ‘ ‘ igfir‘fiwfll wwmflmmn warm WW Fang W\ 539m N mum NW A m mmmns 54m???” may fignw ,- %p K i 5?“ ”E i % fl m4 mu mam g a K WRMWW 9 ,: wm’mmm. mm flaw“ W motif" m5?- _& WWW yawn, "Wig”. \Q(® m. gawmw ”83 ’ “\/ £5,951; ”ff“ " "” m WM ”W952" my" new, ' mm“ re.“ fix“ ’ ’ 1:31me “ (WW, we?“ my“, firm 1 mm“, q , , WSW mm ” mm” fif 3“ m“ mfiw fififfiwmm M gyms“ Wm" fl vamm‘. siclm/ n—f—f ”FERN Bum E“?! if gm?“ .NWQ fffln W?” WWW, mew»: we mum-w mm was? \ my a" it 34W fl {Wm Wag, WWW % ‘ . V 33m” 5/ fig???” u: ,, gfigfim mm, mm/% < gamma, ‘ M flaw W423: PICTUREA {mw “755m / @ (g k mm mm Am 717" figs-ms m." Wm WM gxiwmm ‘* ‘ m4" W” mum-z m , . n m (aim m f M Mmmwsnwm ,, , ”my“ mm. mm , “M w, w, Jam W: . v $43?” «mm ”m” muwy mmwm—W mm Radio System is not working properly it power light does not come on or is not bright, replace battery it the power light is on, but the vehicle does not respond properly, check that the battery is installed properly. Check to see that your vehicle and transmitter are on the same frequency and are set to the same hand color. it range is short. lully extend the antenna. Check the battery. Try a itinerant Iocatlon-—-lrlere may be interference from local sources. Steering System works but the motor does not run Check the motor wiring connection to assure it is light and fully connected. Replace lhe vehicle batteries. Check all wiring. Motor may be bad. Replace motor with a new motor or send motor to Radline RC lot review. Contact Hadline RC for return authorlzation number. You are always welcome to contact Radllne no for technical advise or repair options. Unimax Toys Limited warrants to the original consumer purchaser this product against defects in material and workmanship as follows: l,LA80r-i: Fora period of thirty (30) days from the date or purchase. It this product is determined to be detective Unlrnax Toys Limited will repair or replace the product with a new or refurbished unit, at its option, at no charge, After the warranty period. the purchaser wlil pay the labor charges as outlined by RADLINERC at the time of the repair, 2. PARTS: ln additions, Unimax will supply. at no charge, new or raouill replacement parts in exchange tor detetmve parts lor a period ofthirty (30) days. After the warranty period the purchaser will pay lor all parts in the event of a defect covered under this warranty, lirst cafi the toll-tree number listed below. Many problems can be sohred in a phone conversation. it necessary, you will be instructed to return the product, posmge prepaid and insured to an address given you over the phone. Enclose your name, address, phone number, email address, dated sales receipt and a brief explanation ol the defect Repair or replacement and return shipment will be lree of charge it one product is under Warranty. This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage or damage due to acts or Gad or resulting from unauthorized modification, accident, misuse, or abuse. This warranty does not cover damage do to improper operation or maintenance. Proof 01 Purchase In the form of a bill of sale or a receipt or payment is evidence that the unit is within the Warranty period. it the product is returned without the dated sales receipt the product will be excluded from coverage under this warranty. This Warranty is valid in the Urilled States Only. Unimax liability lor detects in material or workmanship under this warranty shall be limited to repair or replacement, at our sole option, an in no event shall we be responsible tor incidental, consequential, or comlngem damages (except In those states that do not allow this exclusion or limitation). This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights. which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages. So the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. For Warranty Support or for Assistance with repair or replacement of products out cl Warranly \oontact Radline RC Toll Free Numbert 866 4—Unimax (864629) (valid only in the United States) Toll Number 1 949 858 5801 Hours: smAlul a 5mm Pacilio Tlms1 Monday - Friday (Holidays axoepted]. Orv it our site: www.radlinerc,com Ema .CustomerSuppoi-t@radlinerwmm RadlineRC 29883 Santa Marganlzt Parkway, rfloo 1 Rancho Santa Margarita. CA 92688 Mooirymg or tampering vvith your RadlineFlc venlcle or transmitters internal components can cause a malfunction and could void your FCC authorization to operate the equipment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with Fart I5 Mthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowin? two conditions: This dsvtoa may not cause harmful Interference _ This item must accept any intcnereme received, including interference that may cause undesired operation Wimlm: Changes or modificasortsto this unit not expressly approved by the party nsmnsrcle for commas could veto the user‘s mummylc onuramha equipment About For: compliancn This usinco complies wlth Pantsortha FCC Rules. Operation la smieixla the tollowinu two condoms: |) This device may not cause harmful interference. and 2) his device must swept any irtlederelus received, including htevfeterice that my cause undesired operatic This eqtiiprnant has beat tested and found to morywim ma llmlts tor u Class a digital dawns, airman to Part 15 0“th FCC Ruled These llrms are designed to provide reasonable We“ 391ml harmful mterforenee in a rasroemial installation. the equipment generates, uses and an iauaia radio frequency energy and, tr not lretalled and used in accordance with Iha liauuctiaa, may muse harmful Interference b radio mmmnimfions However, there is no guaranteamat menarche/a wil Baldwin: pammiainmluion, trims equipmntocs came nanruul tnlnrlerencsm radio ortetsvis‘im raceprron, which can be mortified trimming the equipment ofiand on, (he Mr ls encouraged to try lo correct his intarlarcnoa oy one or more ortha Mlowirig measures. ~ Reorientormlocanethe receiving anlema. ~ increase the separation between the equioment and receiver. . Corlnscttne equipment tito an outlalm savour dmerenttrorn lmtto moi the receivers connected. consult me dealer or an aperienud radioll'v technician for help.
Source Exif Data:
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