Unitron Hearing USAD Smart Alert - RC for hearing instruments User Manual Layout 1

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Smart Alert - RC for hearing instruments Layout 1

User Manual

Hear your homesmart alert™ sys tem installation & user guide
1INTRODUCTIONThank you for choosing Smart Alert™System. You’ve made a great choice: Smart Alert System provides you with independence and peace of mind around your home, around the clock – even when you’re sleeping. It’san all-in-one hearing and alerting system that brings togetheryour household alerts with your hearing solution, so you’llalways be aware of important household signals – phonecalls, doorbells, smoke alarms and more. In addition, your new Smart Alert remote is the same remotecontrol you’ll use for your hearing instrument functions, like volume control, program changes and more – your hearingand alerting controls are now combined into one very smartand very easy to use remote. This guide will help you set up and use your system so you can start enjoying the benefits today. WelcomeSee, hear and feel household alertsSmart Alert System improves your awareness of household signals by integrating three technologies:•  Telephone detector, doorbell detector and smoke detector along with a bed shaker •  Smart Alert remote (the same remote used for your hearing instrument functions)•  Your hearing instruments When a household alert sounds, you will see an LED iconlight up on your remote, feel the remote vibrate and heara beep in your hearing instruments.At night, while you are sleeping without hearing instruments,the remote is in its nightstand charger, and together withthe bed shaker, instantly delivers alerts to let you know a detector has been activated.
Getting startedPages 7 to 10System installation and alerting functionsPages 11 to 27Troubleshooting guidePages 35 to 47Hearing instrument functions Pages 29 to 343INTRODUCTION
4INTRODUCTIONDoorbell detectorSystem components | page 14Detects doorbell, transmits signal to remote. Remote then sends an alert to hearing instruments or bed shaker.Telephone detectorSystem components | page 16Detects incoming calls, transmits signal to remote. Remote then sends an alert to hearing instruments or bed shaker.Visual guideSmoke detectorSystem Component | page 18Detects smoke, sounds alarm and transmits signal to remote. Remote then sends an alert to hearing instruments or bed shaker.
Discreet and advanced hearing instrument control at the touch of a button.See page 29 Hearing instrument functionsSee page 12Alerting functionsDoorbellLED Additional detectors can be added here Smoke LED Telephone LED Acknowledgebutton5INTRODUCTIONNightstand remote chargerSystem components | page 22Charges remote and works with bed shakeras primary alert when hearing instrumentsare not in use.Bed shakerSystem components | page 24Activated by the remote in nightstand charger.Smart Alert™remoteAlerting functions | page 12Hearing instrument functions | page 29Receives alerts from telephone, doorbell, and smoke detector and transmits signals to hearing instruments or bed shaker.
Getting startedPages 7 to 10page 8page 9What’s in the boxHow it works7GETTING STARTED
8GETTING STARTEDWhat’s in the box1. Smart Alert remote2. Nightstand remote charger 3. Telephone detector 4. Telephone adaptor5. Doorbell detector6. Smoke detector (only with Safety Awareness Package*)7. Bed shaker8. Mounting hardware and self-adhesive velcro tape for installation9. Batteries for detectors, remote, and back-up batteries for chargerYour hearing instruments are provided separately and come with their own User Guide. They are an integral part of your Smart Alert System.Additional detectors (also referred to as transmitters) can be purchased through your hearing healthcare professional.*If you selected the Safety Awareness package, it includes 3 detectors: telephone, doorbell and smoke. If you selected the Awareness package, it includes 2 detectors: telephone and doorbell.
 9GETTING STARTEDHow it works• Detectors respond to specific household events and transmits identifying signals to the Smart Alert remote• The corresponding LED icon lights up on the Smart Alert remote indicating which event is detected • Smart Alert remote vibratesWhen your hearing instruments are in use• Smart Alert remote sends beep signals to the hearing instruments• Non-urgent alerts (doorbell, telephone) are heard as a double beep. Urgent alerts (smoke) are heard as a faster quadruple beep • Stop beeps by pressing acknowledge button• For urgent (smoke) alerts, the remote continues to vibrate and beeps sound in the hearing instruments until the situation is addressed directly at the smoke detectorWhen your hearing instruments are not in use • The remote acts as primary alert when your hearing instruments are not in use.Alerts are indicated through the remote’s LED icons and vibration•At nighttime, the remote in the nightstand charger receives signals from the detectors,then activates the remote’s LED icon lights as well as the bed shaker How itworksSmart Alert™Systemimproves awareness 24 / 7
Notes10 NOTES
System installation and alerting functionsPages 11 to 26page 12page 13page 14page 16page 18page 22page 24page 25Smart Alert™remoteRemote care and cleaningDoorbell detectorTelephone detectorSmoke detectorNightstand remote chargerBed shakerCustomization11SYSTEM COMPONENTS
What it does Your Smart Alert remote is the communications hub of your system. It acts as areceiver of signals from the detectors, as well as sends signals to your hearinginstruments and activates bed shaker. It, itself, is an alerting device: LED lights and vibration make you aware of a detector going off in the household.In addition to alerting functions, your Smart Alert remote contains many of yourhearing instrument functions. These are explained in the Hearing instrument functionssection of this guide. Smart Alert™remote LED ICONS123456 12 SYSTEM COMPONENTSLED icons are picture-and-color-coded to specific events. When a detectoractivates, the corresponding LED icon illuminates for 30 seconds*:1. Green LED – doorbell2. Yellow LED – telephone3. Red LED – smoke4. Orange LED – can be customized to indicate another type of detector,such as a baby cry monitor5. Acknowledge button6. Battery compartmentAcknowledge buttonFor non-urgent events, pressing thisbutton acknowledges and stops thebeeps in your hearing instrument andvibration of your remote. However, theLED light on the remote will continuefor 30 seconds. For urgent events(smoke detector), beeping, vibrationand LED light can be stopped only by addressing the cause of the smoke alarm. (When testing thesmoke detector, pressing theacknowledge button will stop thebeeps. The vibration and LED lightwill continue for 30 seconds.)NOTE!If a smoke detector is triggered,the LED will go off only after addressingthe cause of the smoke alarm.
13SYSTEM COMPONENTS Replacing the batteryThe battery compartment is located onthe back of the remote 1. Remove the remote belt clip.2. Slide the battery cover open.3. Grasp the old battery with yourthumb and index finger and remove.4. Insert the new battery into thebattery compartment in the correct +/- position, placing thebattery’s minus(-) end into thecompartment first.5. Slide the battery cover door closed.IMPORTANT NOTE! If replacing withnon-rechargeable batteries, do not placeremote in the nightstand charger.Low battery warningWhen the left and right indicator lightsblink, alternating left and right for 2seconds, your remote is warning you that its battery is low. The Smart Alertremote warns the user every 30 secondswhen the battery is approaching the endof life.Caring for batteriesAlways discard batteries in a safe andenvironmentally friendly way.To prolong battery life, remember to turn the remote off when not in use.Operating instructionsBefore using your remote, turn on yourhearing instruments to ensure they areable to receive the remote commands.Your remote is designed to be usedcomfortably in your hand at a maximumdistance of one arm’s length. You do nothave to point the remote at your hearinginstruments. Placing the remote controldirectly next to or too close to yourhearing instruments may decrease theremote’s effectiveness.Caring for your remote• If the remote control will not be used for long periods of time, open the battery compartment and remove the battery • Do not use your remote in the bath or shower or immerse it in water• If your remote does become wet, do not attempt to dry it in an oven or microwave. Do not adjust any controls. Open the batterycompartment and allow your remoteto dry naturally for 24 hours• Protect your remote from excessiveheat (hair dryer, vehicle glove box or dashboard)• Do not drop your remote or knock itagainst hard surfacesCleaning your remoteDo not use alcohol to clean your remote.Use a damp cloth to clean the outside ofthe remote.
Doorbell detectorWhat it is The Smart Alert doorbell detector detects the sound of your doorbell, and transmitsthe signal to your remote, which alerts you through the remote’s LED door icon and vibration alerts. The remote also sends beep signals to your hearing instrumentsor activates your bed shaker (when placed in the nightstand charger). 1. LED Transmission and    battery indicator2. Test button/push button3. Battery cover4. Microphone5. Key hole6. Signal switch7. Tone switchLegend1234567 14 SYSTEM COMPONENTS
15SYSTEM COMPONENTS What you need to do: insert batteries, test and install 1.Open the battery cover (3). Insert supplied 9Vbattery by connecting the battery contacts andclose the battery cover. 2. Press the test button (2). LED light on detector (1) will illuminate, as will greendoorbell LED icon on remote, which will alsovibrate. A beep alert will sound in yourhearing instruments. Press acknowledgebutton on the remote to stop alerts. (If thisdoes not work as described, please seetroubleshooting section).3. To install, position on wall or door so that “red triangle” is no more than 1.5 in/3 cm from doorbell’s chime box. Use eithersupplied screws to suspend from key hole (5),or self-adhesive velcro tape (see illustrations A – C this page). If tape is used, the wall on which detector is to be positioned can becleaned using supplied wet wipe for bestadherence.TIPYour doorbell detector should be able to detect most doorbells,including electromechanical onesand intercom phones, providedthey emit a clear tone without any significant and rapid variationsin sound. Max 3cmABCor
Telephonedetector What it is The Smart Alert telephone detector recognizes incoming calls and transmits a signal to your remote, which alerts you through the remote’s LED telephone icon and vibration. The remote also sends beep signals to your hearing instrumentsor activates your bed shaker (when placed in the nightstand charger).  16 SYSTEM COMPONENTSExt. Trigger12 3 456 9 871. Transmission and battery indicator2. Test button/push button3. Exterior external trigger4. Tone switch5. Radio key switch6. Analogue telephone connector7. Connection box for interior external trigger8. Battery cover9. Key holeLegend
17SYSTEM COMPONENTS What you need to do: insert battery, connect adaptor, test and install 1. Open the battery cover (8).Insert supplied 9V battery byconnecting the battery contacts and close the battery cover.2. Press the test button (2). LED (1) on the telephone detector willilluminate, as will yellow LEDtelephone icon on the remote. The remote will also vibrate. A beepalert will sound in your hearinginstruments. Press acknowledgebutton on the remote to stop alerts.(If this does not work as described,please see troubleshooting section).3. To install, position on wall or anylevel surface. Use either suppliedscrews to suspend from key hole, or self-adhesive velcro tape. If tape is used, the wall on whichdetector is to be positioned can be cleaned using supplied wet wipefor best adherence. NOTE: Do not place detector on floor.
Smoke detectorWhat it is The Smart Alert smoke detector helps detect smoke and fire in the home. It is mountedon the ceiling, just like an ordinary smoke detector. Should it detect smoke or fire, it will sound an alarm, as well as send a signal to your remote. Your remote’s LEDsmoke icon will illuminate and the remote will vibrate. The remote will send an urgentbeep signal to your hearing instruments and activate your bed shaker (when placed in the nightstand charger). 1. Antenna2. Test Button/sensitivity switch3. Battery compartment4. Mounting bracket5. Lock6. Bellman Visit transmitter unitLegend2134 18 SYSTEM COMPONENTS56IMPORTANT NOTESFor urgent alerts from the smokedetector, beeping, vibration andLED icon on remote can bestopped only by addressingcause of smoke alarm. A smoke detector containing alow battery will give audiblechirping sounds. The alerts are a supplementarynotification to the autonomousoperation of the smoke alarm.The alerting signal will dependon the environment and range.
19SYSTEM COMPONENTS What you need to do: Insert battery, test and install 1. Loosen the mounting bracket bypressing the lock with a screwdriverand pushing the smoke detector inthe opposite direction. Connect thebattery correctly. 2. Press the test button for a fewseconds until the alarm sounds andthe Smart Alert remote responds. Ifthis occurs, the unit is workingproperly and ready to install. 3. Attach the mounting bracket on theceiling with the screws provided.Insert and slide the smoke detectoron the mounting bracket until it locks.4. Test smoke detector using buttonwith indicator lamp. On top of thesmoke detector there is a test button(2) with a red indicator lampunderneath. This lamp will flash onceor twice per minute to indicate thatthe battery is correctly connected andproviding enough power to activatethe detector. 5. To test the function of the smokedetector just press the test button forfive seconds until the detectortransmits to the Smart Alert remoteand the alarm sounds. The receiverwill then respond with sound/light.6. Extend antenna (1) so that it pointsdown (fully extended outward). Holddown test button (2). After severalseconds, the smoke detector willsound a shrill alarm and transmit asignal to your remote. The red LEDsmoke icon will illuminate on yourremote, and your remote will vibrate.An urgent beep alert will sound in your hearing instruments. Press acknowledge button on remote to stop beep in your hearinginstruments, the alerts on yourremote will continue for 30 seconds. (If this does not work as described,please see troubleshooting section).RangeThe operating range between the smokedetector and Smart Alert remote isapprox. 30 m but is influenced by thethickness of the walls and the wallmaterials in the house/apartment. Thickconcrete and metal walls limit the range.The range is also limited when thebattery is low. Check that the Smart Alertremote responds to the smoke detectorsignal everywhere in the house/apartment.The bedroom is of most importance.
 20 SYSTEM COMPONENTSPlacement of smoke detector   –follow these guidelines as closely as your home permits: • Place detector near or in place of current smoke alarm/detector, if possible at least 20 in/50 cm fromany wall. If bedrooms are located in different areas of the house, it is recommended to install smokedetectors outside each bedroom• At least one smoke detector should be installed on each floor of a multi-storey dwelling• The antenna (1) should be straightand pointed directly down (or fullyextended outward if the smokedetector is mounted on a side wall) to achieve the best coverage andcommunication between detectors andthe remote• Confirm that the remote remains within smoke detector’s coverage area:have someone else press the test buttonon the smoke detector when the system is on, while you move as far away from the detector with yourremote as possible. If your remoteactivates, you are within range. If it does not, you’ll know the remote is too far away from the detector to pick up its signals• Avoid installing detectors in kitchens, by fireplaces or in garages, as cooking,controlled fires and car exhaust maycause detectors to activate • Do not install detectors in damp spacesor close to fans• Never paint over smoke detectorsTo avoid fire• Matches should be kept out ofchildren’s reach • Never leave lighted candles unattended • Never empty ashtrays into awastepaper basket or a rubbish bagwithout knowing that every thing isproperly extinguished• Pour water into the ashtray beforeyou empty it or let it stand overnight• Before you go to bed, see that thefire in the fireplace is properlyextinguished or that the fire screen isin place so that no sparks can fly out • Handle and store inflammable liquidsin a safe manner• Only use fuses of the correct strengthin the electrical system • Never experiment with home madefuses of any sort
21SYSTEM COMPONENTS • Replace faulty electric leads andpower points • Only use approved electricalappliances in your home• Do not place inflammable objectsclose to heating devicesMake an escape planChoose the window most suitable for anemergency exit if smoke or fire shouldblock the normal exit. If the window ishigh above ground, provide a ladder or arope. Decide on a meeting place outsidein case of alarm. Preferably have thebedrooms doors closed at night. A doorcan keep a fire and buy sufficient timefor you to be able to escape through awindow. If you have access to firefighting equipment, make sure it is inworking order and that you know how touse it. Practise fire drill with your family.Make a game of it as not to frighten thechildren.When a fire startsWake the other members of thehousehold and see that they leave thehouse immediately. Follow the escapeplan. If possible, shut the windows anddoors to stop the fire spreading. Call thefire brigade from e.g. the neighbour’shouse. If the fire is small you can try toput it out yourself with a fireextinguisher, a hose or, if the fire is verysmall, with a blanket or rug. Make surethat you have an escape route. If youcannot put out the fire yourself, leavethe house as quickly as possible. Do notreturn to the house once you have left it.
Nightstandremotecharger What it is The nightstand remote charger is used to recharge your remote. Place your remotein the charger every night before you go to sleep. This combination will ensure thatyou continue to receive alerts when you remove your hearing instruments at night.The remote will provide LED icon alerts and will signal the connected bed shaker if any of your Smart Alert detectors should activate during the night.146723522 SYSTEM COMPONENTSLegend1. Retention clip2. Correct position   of remote control3. Test button4. Battery charge status light5. Power supply status light6. Bed shaker plug-in7. Charger cord outlet   (underneath charger)
23SYSTEM COMPONENTS What you need to do: plug in, activate and connect bed shaker 1. Connect power plug into the charger and then plug charger into anelectrical outlet near your bed.2. Pull tab to activate the 4 NiMH rechargeable batteries found in the bottom of the charger.3. Connect bed shaker to charger by inserting the supplied bed shakerconnector into indicated output on charger (see page 22 for bed shaker detail). 4.Test the bed shaker and back-upbattery function by pressing the “Test”button. Batteries need to be charged. Power supply status for nightstandcharger The LED light on the chargerindicates the status of the power supply:• A steady LED light indicates thecharger is being powered by anexternal power supply• Flashing LED light indicates thecharger is not connected to anexternal power supply but that thecharger’s backup battery is providingsufficient charge for operation Battery charge status for Smart Alert remote The charge level of the Smart Alertremote is indicated by the LED light pattern:• A slowly flashing LED light indicates the Smart Alert remote battery is charging• A constantly lit LED light indicates theSmart Alert remote battery is fullycharged• A rapid flashing indicates that batteryin the Smart Alert remote is eitherdamaged or that a non-rechargeablebattery is accidently inserted TIPThe nightstand remote chargerhas backup batteries thatcontinue to charge the Smart Alertremote and supply power to thebed shaker in the event of apower failure. The rechargeablebatteries for the charger aresupplied with your system. It is critical that rechargeablebatteries with the same capacitybe used when replacing.Use 4 rechargeable NiMH, 800mA capacity batteries
Bed shaker24 SYSTEM COMPONENTSWhat it is The bed shaker is placed between mattress and box spring of your bed. Whenconnected to the nightstand (with remote placed in charger), it provides a motionalert at night if one of your detectors should go off. This helps ensure that you aremade aware of important alerts even when you are sleeping and your hearinginstruments are not in use. What you need to do: connect to charger, place and test • Connect the bed shaker into the indicated output on the charger• Place the remote in the charger• Press test button on any of the detectors, and check that bed shaker vibrates.  (If it does not, please refer to the troubleshooting section).IMPORTANT NOTE! Your remote must be placed in the charger for the bed shakerto be activated by an alert. The charger must be connected to a power supply or musthave sufficient charge, as indicated by the LED light located on the charger.
25CUSTOMIZATION Customizingyour SmartAlert™SystemWhen you receive your Smart Alert System, it is set to a default “radio key”and ready to use with no further set-up required. However, in the event thatyou have a neighbor with a similar system, you may need to change theradio key to avoid interference. This can be done very easily using the radiokey switch on each detector. All detectors must be set to the same radio key.After changing the radio key on each detector you will need to pair yourSmart Alert remote with detectors, as described on the following pages.In addition to the detectors that come with your Smart Alert System, Bellman & Symfon offers a wide variety of alertingproducts, including baby cry monitors, which may be added to your Smart Alert System. Talk to your hearing healthcareprofessional for more information about customizing the system to meet your needs. Additional Bellman & Symfon detectors
26 CUSTOMIZATIONPairing remote with detectors1. Ensure all of your detectors are setto the same radio key. Remove theback cover from each detector andlocate the radio key by referring tothe component diagrams in thisguide.2. Choose any combination of up and down for the keys and repeatit identically for all detectors.3. Put your remote in pairing mode byholding down the acknowledgebutton for approximately 6seconds. The green and yellow LEDicons will alternately illuminate.When they do, release theacknowledge button. 4. Once the 2 LED icons on theremote begin alternating, press thetest button on any one of yourdetectors. If the pairing issuccessful, all 4 LED icons willalternately illuminate.5.Pairing is complete for all detectors.6. Press the test button of any of thedetectors to check if the pairingwas successful. Your Smart Alertremote should now give you thealerting signal.7. If pairing is not successful, repeat Steps 3-6.Customizing your Doorbell detector Changing the The BE 1023 doorbelldetector recognizes the sound emittedby a doorbell. If the doorbell iselectromechanical it can also detect the electromagnetic field emitted by the doorbell.Inside the battery compartment afunction switch can be modified tofurther customize the doorbell detector.
Disabling the magnetic detection on the doorbell detectorIf the doorbell is mechanical andtherefore does not emit anelectromagnetic field, the internalelectromagnetic coil inside the detectorcan be disabled using the function switchinside the battery compartment.The function switch #4 controls theelectromagnetic sensor. It can be set so that only audio doorbell signals can be detected. This is useful if anelectromagnetic field from an inductiveloop system or transformer, etc. activatesthe doorbell detector.27CUSTOMIZATION Switch #                1                2                3                4Should remain in down positionControls the microphone on doorbell detector. Useful in noisy environments when noise sets off the doorbell detectorIncreases sensitivity to the electromagnetic field to better detect electromagnetic doorbellsControls electromagnetic sensor so that only acoustic doorbell signals can be detected. Useful if electromagnetic field from inductiveloop system or transformer etc., activates the doorbell detectorUP—Microphone OFFExtra sensitivityElectromagnetic sensor off doorbell detectoronly responds to acoustic signalsDOWN—Microphone ONNormal sensitivityElectromagnetic sensor on doorbell detectorresponds to acoustic and electromagneticsignals
   28 NOTESNotes
page 30page 30page 31page 32page 33page 34Hearing instrument functionsVisual guideAccessoriesTurning remote on and offScroll wheel, volume control and program changeButtons29HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONSHearing instrument functions Pages 29 to 34
Hearing instrumentfunctionsIn addition to your alerting functions, your Smart Alert remote includes controls for your hearing instruments. It allows you to manage their performance in anysituation, to best suit your listening needs. While your hearing instruments do adjustautomatically, you may find in some circumstances that your personal adjustmentsfurther improve your listening experience. With your Smart Alert remote’s hearingfunctions, you can conveniently modify volume levels, switch between listeningprograms and adjust the comfort and clarity of sounds, all in the palm of your hand.Please note that this is a general guide and your hearing healthcare professional may have enabled or disengaged certain features of your remote, depending on your requirements. Always consult your hearing healthcare professional regarding any adjustments you may require to ensure that you are happy with your remote.LegendVisual guide15643278910   30 HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS1   Travel Lock2  Left-both-right switch3  Left (blue) indicator light4  Right (red) indicator light 5  Clarity/Comfort scroll wheel6  Volume control buttons 7  Home button 8  Program change button9  LearnNow™button 10 Battery compartment
AccessoriesYour remote can be used with a lanyard so that you can carry the device around your neck or wrist. It also comes with a beltclip.Attach the lanyard to your remote like this:123456731HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS
   32 HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONSTurning your remote on and off Your remote has a travel-lock – on the left side of the device. This does not affect alerting functions.To turn the remote on, slide the switchinto the on or unlocked position . To turn the remote off, slide the switchinto the off position . Sliding theswitch to the off position will avoidsending unintentional commands toyour hearing instruments (while theremote is in your handbag or pocket,for example).The Smart Alert remote uses NiMH rechargeable batteries that have 800mAh capacity.AAA
Selecting which hearing instrument to adjustAt the top of the remote, there is a left-both-right switch. This switch allows youto select the hearing instruments youwant to adjust.Slide the switch to the left positionto adjust your left hearing instrumentonly. The left (blue) indicator light willflash to indicate your left hearinginstrument is being adjusted.Slide the switch to the right positionto adjust your right hearing instrumentonly. The right (red) indicator light willflash to indicate your right hearinginstrument is being adjusted.Slide the switch to the center position to adjust both hearing instruments. Bothindicator lights will flash to indicate thatyour left and right hearing instrumentsare being adjusted simultaneously.Adjusting your hearing instruments Your remote provides backlighting whenit is first turned on and each time abutton is pressed, allowing you to seethe remote buttons in dimly litenvironments.Adjusting the smartFocus™scroll wheelfor comfort and clarity The smartFocus scroll wheelallows you to manage thelevels of speech andbackground noise in yourhearing instruments and provides anadditional fine tuning adjustmentbeyond a traditional volume control. Scroll the wheel up slowly to increasethe clarity of sounds, such as speech.Scroll the wheel down slowly to increasecomfort in noisy listening situations.As the wheel is adjusted, your hearinginstruments may beep. Please refer toyour hearing instrument guide for moredetailed information about this feature.Volume control buttons To increase the volume onyour hearing instruments,press the + button on your remote.To decrease the volume on your hearinginstruments, press the – button on yourremote.As the volume is adjusted, your hearinginstrument may beep. Please refer toyour hearing instrument guide for moredetailed information about your hearinginstruments’ volume beeps. Program change buttonTo change the currently setlistening program on yourhearing instruments, press the program change button. The hearinginstrument will advance to the nextlistening program. Please refer to yourhearing instrument guide to determinewhich programs are available to you andtheir program beep notifications.33HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS
LearnNow™buttonThe learnNow button teachesyour hearing instruments the volume and smartFocussettings you prefer in different listeningenvironments. When you press thelearnNow button, your remote sends acommand to your hearing instruments tochange the pre-programmed volume andsmartFocus settings to your new preferredsettings. Your hearing instruments willremember your preferred levels, therebypersonalizing these settings and minimizingthe need for adjustments when you arein a similar listening environment in the future.Note: The learnNow button on yourremote may be deactivated by yourhearing healthcare professional and,therefore, could be inactive. Home buttonPressing the home button returns your hearing instrumentsto their start-up program, similarto when you first turn on your hearinginstruments. This button can be usefulwhen you want your hearing instruments –regardless of the position of the left-both-right switch – to return to thestart-up program and the volume andsmartFocus settings when your hearinginstruments are first turned on. Pleaserefer to your hearing instrument guide to determine which program is yourstart-up program.TIPThe learnNow button will work onlywhen your hearing instruments areset to the automatic program andshould be pressed after you haveadjusted the volume and/orsmartFocus settings to yourpreferred levels. After pressing thelearnNow button, your hearinginstruments will beep if thecommand was successfullyreceived. Please refer to yourhearing instrument guide to learnmore about the automatic program. 34 HEARING INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS
Troubleshooting guidePages 35 to 47 page 36page 37page 39page 40page 40page 42page 43Smart Alert™remoteDoorbell detectorTelephone detectorBed shakerSmoke detectorWarningsDeclarations    35TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
PROBLEM  POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSThe remote control is not working• Not turned on  • Move travel lock to ‘unlock’  position• Low/dead battery  • Recharge battery in charging station• Poor battery contact  • Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Battery upside down  • Insert battery minus (–) side downIndicator lights flashing rapidly• Low battery  • Recharge batteryHearing instruments not responding to Smart Alert remote commands• Holding the remote too far away from hearing instruments  • Move remote closer to you• Only one side responds to Smart Alert remote  • Hold remote in front of you. Hearing instruments are in the range of the Smart Alert remote (not more than 105 cm); make sure you are not near devices that could create wireless interference with your system, such as cell phones, microwaves, old CRT monitors/TV units, etc.The remote does not charge when it is placed in the charger• The remote is not placed correctly in the charger  • Place remote in charger correctly. When remote is in charger correctly the charge light will be illuminated    • Check that charger is plugged into outlet and functioning properly Smart Alert™remote – alerting functions36 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
Smart Alert™remote – hearing functionsAlerting detectors and devicesPROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSIndicator lights on Smart Alert remote not flashing• Not turned on  • Move travel lock to ‘unlock’ position• Low/dead battery  • Recharge battery in charging station• Poor battery contact  • Consult your hearing healthcare professional• Battery upside down  • Insert battery minus (–) side downIndicator lights flashing rapidly• Low battery  • Recharge batteryHearing instruments not responding to Smart Alert remote commands• Holding the remote device too far away • Move remote device closer to youDoorbell detectorPROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSNothing happens when doorbell detector is activated with test button • Doorbell detector waits until it has been quiet for 2 seconds • Try again    in order to avoid acoustic feedback • Low battery • Replace battery. Only use 9V alkaline 6LR61 or a lithium 6F22 type battery37TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
PROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSThe LED light on doorbell detector lights up yellow when the doorbell detector is activated• Low battery • Replace battery. Only use 9V alkaline 6LR61 or a lithium 6F22 type batteryThe LED light on doorbell detector lights up green when the doorbell detector is activated, but remote is not signaling• Low battery in remote • Check battery in remote and recharge• Remote too far from detector • Move remote closer to detector• Doorbell detector set to wrong radio key • Check that all detectors are set to same radio key. If required follow     pairing instructions on page 24The doorbell rings but the detector is not activated• Detector not positioned in optimal spot next to doorbell  • Move detector around the doorbell both closer and further away.    sound source The maximum distance is 1.5 in/3 cm from the doorbell.• Can’t detect doorbell sound • Try to train detector to doorbell signal. If required follow pairing instruction    on page 26The LED blinks yellow• Doorbell detector is exposed to electromagnetic field from  • Turn off magnetic detection on doorbell detector. INSTRUCTIONS on    loop system, etc. page 27 Remote signals with no apparent reason • There is probably another system nearby with same • Change radio key on all units to different setting. INSTRUCTIONS on page 26   radio key that is interfering with your systemDoorbell detector38 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
PROBLEM  POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSNothing happens when the telephone detector is activated with the test button• Low battery • Replace battery. Only use 9V alkaline 6LR61 or lithium 6F22 type battery    • The remote is not paired with the detector. Follow the instructions to pairThe LED lights up yellow when the telephone detector is activated• Low battery • Replace battery. Only use 9V alkaline 6LR61 or lithium 6F22 type batteryThe LED lights up green when the telephone detector is activated, but the remote is not signaling• Low battery in remote • Recharge• Remote too far from detector • Move the remote closer to the detector• Telephone detector set to wrong radio key • Change radio key on all units to different setting. INSTRUCTIONS on page 26Remote signals with no apparent reason • There is probably another system nearby with same • Change radio key on all units to different setting. INSTRUCTIONS on page 26   radio key that is interfering with your systemNothing happens when the house phone rings • Nothing happens when the house phone rings • Make sure that the detector is properly plugged into the phone line     using the supplied phone cordTelephone detector39TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
PROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSThe bed shaker does not vibrate when a detector is triggered • Remote is not placed in charger  • Check that bed shaker is correctly connected to charger and remote is     correctly inserted in charger     Check that both lights are illuminated on charger• Bed shaker is not connected properly to charger • Ensure charger is connected to power supply and working properly.     Press test button on top of charger to confirm connection between bed    shaker and nightstand remote chargerBed shakerPROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTIONSNothing happens when the smoke detector is activated with the test button• Low battery • Replace battery. Only use 9V. Place it in correctly.     • Remote control is out of reach (wireless coverage area/distance)The smoke detector beeps and chirps in a different way from that indicated above for no reason    • The smoke detector is defective and needs to be sent in for serviceSmoke detector 40 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
NOTE! For any problems notreferenced in this troubleshootingguide, please contact your hearinghealthcare professional. If you do nothave a hearing healthcare professional,please contact the nearest office listedon the back page of this booklet.TIPWhen any of your non-urgentdetectors are activated, the LED on the detector will illuminate ingreen, indicating the battery is ingood condition. If the LEDilluminates in yellow, the detector’sbattery is low and should bechanged. On the smoke detector,the red LED light will flashapproximately one time per minutewhen the battery is fully functional.Should the battery become low, the smoke detector will sound anadvisory signal about once perminute. If it becomes completelydepleted, the detector will brieflysound a smoke alarm until thebattery is replaced or completely flat. 41TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE
Warnings    Smart Alert remote should only beused as directed by your hearinghealthcare professional.    Smart Alert remote uses a low-power,digitally coded inductive transmissionto communicate to your hearinginstruments. Although unlikely,interference with medical devicessuch as pacemakers is possible.Interference should not occur with normal use, holding the remotecomfortably in the hand, 4 inches (10 centimeters) or more from thebody. Therefore, it is recommendedthat pacemaker users do not keepthe remote device in a breast pocket.    Do not use Smart Alert remote in     explosion hazard areas.    Do not use Smart Alert remote in     locations forbidden to use electronic     devices, such as an airplane.    Store your Smart Alert remote ina safe location for CT and MRI scansor other electromagnetic procedures.    Changes or modifications made toSmart Alert remote not expresslyapproved by Unitron may void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.Battery Warnings    Never leave your remote controlor batteries where small childrenand pets can reach them.    Never put your remote control orbatteries in your mouth. If a battery isswallowed, call a physicianimmediately.Precautions    If your Smart Alert remote fails tooperate after you have correctly inserted a new battery, contact your hearinghealthcare professional. Always bring bothyour Smart Alert remote and your hearinginstruments for service questions.    Your Smart Alert remote and yourhearing instruments are given a unique communication code.Because of this code, your Smart Alert remote will not affect hearinginstruments worn by others.    Your Smart Alert remote uses themost modern components to providean extremely reliable experience with virtually no interference from other devices. However, whenoperating Smart Alert remote near a computer terminal, communicationdevices such as a digital cell phone,or other strong electromagnetic field,it may be necessary to be at least 24 inches (60 centimeters) away to ensure proper operation. If your hearing instruments do notrespond to Smart Alert remotebecause of an unusual fielddisturbance, move away from thedisturbing field.42 WARNINGS
Declaration of ConformityHereby, Unitron declares that Smart AlertSystem is in compliance with theessential requirements and otherrelevant provisions of Directive93/42/EEC. To obtain a copy of theDeclaration of Conformity, please contactyour local representative from the list ofUnitron Distributors. This devicecomplies with part 15 of the FCC rulesand with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device does notcause harmful interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Labeling The serial number and year ofmanufacture are located inside thebattery compartment. Please fill out thecontact information sticker provided withyour new Smart Alert remote which islocated inside the remote’s batterycompartment.43DECLARATIONS
Emission testRF emissions CISPR 11RF emissions CISPR 11Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2Voltage fluctuations/ flicker emissionsIEC 61000-3-3ComplianceGroup 2Class BClass AComplies Electromagnetic environment – guidanceThe Model Smart Alert remote must emit electromagneticenergy in order to perform its intended function. Nearbyelectronic equipment may be affected.The Model Smart Alert remote is suitable for use in allestablishments, including domestic establishments andthose directly connected to the public low-voltage powersupply network that supplies buildings used fordomestic purposes.Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissionsThe Model Smart Alert remote is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Model Smart Alert remote should assure that it is used in such an environment.44 DECLARATIONS
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunityThe Model Smart Alert remote is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Model Smart Alert remote should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity testElectrostatic discharge (ESD)IEC 61000-4-2Electrical fast transient/burstIEC 61000-4-4SurgeIEC 61000-4-5Voltage dips, shortinterruptions and voltagevariations on power supply input linesIEC 61000-4-11Power frequency (50/60 Hz)magnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-8IEC 60601 test level±6 kV contact±8 kV air±2 kV for power supply lines±1 kV for input/output lines±1 kV line(s) to line(s)±2 kV line(s) to earth<5 % UT(>95 % dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle40 % UT(60 % dip in UT) for 5 cycles70 % UT(30 % dip in UT) for 25 cycles<5 % UT(>95 % dip in UT) for 5 sec3 A/mElectromagnetic environment – guidanceFloors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30%.Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user of the Model Smart Alert remoterequires continued operation during power mains interruptions, it isrecommended that the Model Smart Alert remote be powered from anuninterruptible power supply or a battery.Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic of atypical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment.Compliance level±6 kV contact±8 kV air±2 kV for power supply lines±1 kV for input/output lines±1 kV line(s) to line(s)No protective earth<5 % UT(>95 % dip in UT) for 0.5 cycle40 % UT(60 % dip in UT) for 5 cycles70 % UT(30 % dip in UT) for 25 cycles<5 % UT(>95 % dip in UT) for 5 sec30 A/mNOTE UTis the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.45DECLARATIONS
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunityThe Model Smart Alert System is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the Model Smart Alert remote should assure that it is used in such an environment.46 DECLARATIONSElectromagnetic environment – guidancePortable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the Model Smart Alert remote, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.Recommended separation distanced= 1.2 √P  d= 1.2 √P 80 MHz to 800 MHz d= 2.3 √P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz Immunity testConducted RFIEC 61000-4-6Radiated RFIEC 61000-4-3IEC 60601 test level3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 MHz3 V/m80 MHz to 2.5 GHzCompliance level3 V3 V/mwhere Pis the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and dis the recommended separation distance in meters (m).Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by anelectromagnetic site survey,ashould be less than the compliance level in each frequency range.bInterference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the Model Smart Alert remote is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the Model Smart Alert remote should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the Model Smart Alert remote.b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the Model Smart™Alert SystemThe Model Smart Alert remote is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF Disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the Model Smart Alert System can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distancebetween portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Model Smart Alert System as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.47DECLARATIONSRated maximum outputpower of transmitter W0.010.1110100150 kHz to 80 MHzd= 1.2 √P0.120.381.23.81280 MHz to 800 MHzd= 1.2 √P 0.120.381.23.812800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd= 1.2 √P  0.230.732.37.323Separation Distance according to frequency of transmittermFor transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance din meters (m) can be estimated using the equationapplicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where Pis the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Hearing Healthcare Professional:Telephone:Model:Serial Number:Replacement Batteries:Warranty:Date of Purchase:    The Smart Alert remote is a MEDICAL ELECTRICALEQUIPMENT and needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be put in service according to the EMC information provided.Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT!Warning: The Smart Alert remote should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the Smart Alert remote should be observed to verify normal operation.Declaration: The device under test has no essential performance. For surveillance purposes, the reception of alarms onfrequencies 433 MHz and 868 MHz and their transmission on 40.96 kHz to the hearing aid were monitored.Transmitter characteristicsFrequency range = 37.1 to 45.2 kHzModulation Type = CPFSKRadiated Power = 35.2 dB µA/m at 3 mYour Smart Alert™System48
49Unitron DistributorsManufacturer20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1CanadaAustraliaLevel 2, Norwest Quay, 21 SolentCircuit, Baulkham Hills, NSW,NSW 2153BelgiumBaron de Vironlaan, 60b-1700 DilbeekCanada20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1ChinaNo. 78, Qi Ming Road,Export Processing Zone District B,Suzhou Industrial Park, P.R. 215021DenmarkNitivej 10, DK-2000 FrederiksbergEuropean RepresentativeDaimlerstrasse 22, 70736Fellbach-Oeffingen, GermanyFrance5, rue Maryse Bastié - BP 15 69671Bron Cedex, FranceNetherlandsIr. D.S. Tuijnmanweg 10,4131 PN VIANENNew Zealand10/215 Rosedale Rd., M277 PrivateBag, 300987, Albany, AucklandNorwayPostboks 301 Sentrum0105 Oslo, NorwaySouth AfricaFirst Floor – Selborne House,Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street,Fourways, JohannesburgSpainAvenida de la Industria nº13/15,Polígono de Canastell,03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig.Alicante, EspañaSwedenFörmansvägen 2, 4 trSE-11743, Stockholm, SwedenUnited KingdomSt. George House, Cygnet Court,Centre Park, Warrington, CheshireWA1 1PDU.S.A.Suite A, 2300 Berkshire Lane North,Plymouth, MN 55441
Distributor09-061 029-5801-02www.unitron.com/smartalertPrinted in CanadaAt Unitron, we care deeply about people with hearing loss. We work closely with hearing healthcare professionals to makeadvanced, purpose-driven solutions available to everyone.Hear your home   smart alert™ systempowered byBellman & Symfon

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