Unitron Hearing UWITE1 Hearing Aid User Manual UNIT2068 TechBrochure EN v8

Unitron Hearing, Inc. Hearing Aid UNIT2068 TechBrochure EN v8

User Guide

Quantum™In-the-ear (ITE)hearing aid guide
Your hearing aidsHearing healthcare professional:_________________________________________________________Telephone: _________________________________Model: ____________________________________Serial number:______________________________Replacement batteries:Size 10 Size 312 Size 13Warranty: __________________________________Program 1 is for: ____________________________Program 2 is for: ____________________________Program 3 is for: ____________________________Program 4 is for: ____________________________Date of purchase: ___________________________Thank youThank you for choosing Unitron ITE hearingaids.At Unitron, we care deeply about people withhearing loss. We work closely with hearinghealthcare professionals to make advanced,purpose-driven solutions available toeveryone. Because hearing matters.
Quick referenceChanging batteries Low batterywarning2 beepsevery30 minutesBattery size1031213On/OffRotary dial or scroll wheelvolume control;up=louder, down=softercomfort-clarity control;up=clarity, down=comfortPush buttonswitching programsvolume control;right aid=louder; left aid=softercomfort clarity control;right aid=clarity, left aid=comfortTable of contentsYour hearing aid at a glance....................................................2Putting your hearing aids in your ears....................................4Turning your hearing aids on and off .....................................6Battery information .................................................................7Tips for wearing hearing aids for the first time .....................10Operating instructions...........................................................12Using the telephone ..............................................................19Caring for your hearing aids..................................................22Cleaning your hearing aids....................................................23Signature features of your hearing aids ...............................24Assistive listening devices ....................................................26Troubleshooting guide ..........................................................28Warnings ...............................................................................32Warning to hearing aid dispensers (to comply with the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations) ............37Compliance information........................................................40Client feedback......................................................................44Plus (+) SignsPlus (+) Signson off openFPO FPOFPO FPO
Full Shell or Full Shell PowerHalf Shell or Half Shell Power2 3Your hearing aid at a glance1Microphone - sound enters your hearing aid via themicrophones. Microphone shield - protectsmicrophones from dirt & debris2Push button - switches between listening programs orchanges the volume level or comfort-clarity level,depending on your customized fitting.3Battery door/on & off - close the door to turn on yourhearing aid, partly open the door to turn off yourhearing aid. Opening the door all the way gives youaccess to change the battery4Rotary dial - controls either the volume or comfort-clarity, depending on your customized fitting5Vent - aids in the reduction of occlusion making yourown voice sound better6Removal handle - assists in removing the completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids from the ear canal7Scroll wheel - controls either the volume or comfort-clarity, depending on your customized fittingCanal or Power CanalMini Canal orPower Mini CanalCompletely-in-the-Canal(CIC) or Power CIC123451235542311635123457FPOFPOFPO
Removing your hearing aid1. If your hearing aid is a CIC, gentlypull on the removal handle. Toremove an ITE hearing aid, graspit with your thumb and indexfinger.2. Move your jaw up and down orapply pressure to the back ofyour ear to help loosen thehearing aid.Note: Do not use the controls or thebattery door to remove your hearing aids.Putting your hearing aids in your earsYour in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids may becolor-coded either on the shell or on a labelon the hearing aid:red = right ear; blue = left ear.Inserting your hearing aid1. Hold the hearing aid betweenyour thumb and index fingerwith the battery door away fromyour ear.2. If your hearing aid is a CIC,insert by holding the hearing aidwith the removal handle at thebottom.3. Gently insert the canal portionof the hearing aid into your earusing your index finger to pushback and tuck the hearing aidcompletely into place.4
3. OPEN: Fully open thebattery door to access andchange the battery.Battery informationTo replace the battery, fully open the batterydoor for access to the battery compartment.Low battery warningTwo long beeps indicate the hearing aidbattery is low. After the low battery warning,you may experience some reduction in soundquality. This is normal and can be remedied byinserting fresh batteries into the hearing aids.If you are not able to hear the low batterywarning, your hearing healthcare professionalcan change the pitch or loudness of the lowbattery warning. If you prefer, it can be turnedoff entirely.Turning your hearing aids on and offYour hearing aids have a three-positionbattery door that acts as an off/on switch andthat allows access to the batterycompartment.1. ON: Close the batterydoor fully.Note: It may take 5 secondsbefore the hearing aid turnson. Your hearing healthcareprovider can additionallyincrease the start up delay if required.2. OFF: Partially open thebattery door.6 7onoffopen1.2.3.
3. Insert the new battery into the batterycompartment with the plus (+) sign on thebattery facing the same way as the plus (+)sign on the edge of the battery door. Thiswill ensure that the battery door closesproperly.Note: If the battery is inserted incorrectly, thehearing aid will not turn on.4. Close the battery door.Caring for batteriesAlways discard batteries in a safe andenvironmentally friendly way.To prolong battery life, remember to turn yourhearing aids off when not in use.Remove the batteries and keep the batterydoor open while hearing aids are not in use.This will allow internal moisture to evaporate.Your hearing aids are designed to generate a lowbattery warning every 30 minutes until youchange the batteries, but depending on thecondition of the batteries, they may die beforeanother low battery warning occurs. Therefore, itis recommended that the batteries are replacedas soon as possible once you hear the lowbattery warning.Replacing the battery1. Gently swing out the battery door withyour fingernail.2. Grasp the battery with your thumb andindex finger and remove.8 9Plus (+) SignsPlus (+) Signs
6. Make notes at the back of this booklet,write down difficult situations and describewhat any unpleasant noises were like. Thisinformation will help your hearinghealthcare professional to fine-tune thedevices better for you.7. Involve your family and friends in thisfamiliarization period. For example, asksomeone to set the television to acomfortable volume.8. When you are beginning to get used towearing the hearing aids, wear them inmore difficult listening environments suchas the office, at parties or in restaurants.This can be difficult even for people whocan hear normally. Give yourself time toregain your ability to hear in these difficultsituations.9. Make your hearing aids part of youreveryday life and be patient with yourselfuntil you have retrained yourself tointerpret the sounds correctly.Tips for wearing hearing aids for thefirst time1. Start in a quiet room at home first to getused to the new sound quality. Sounds likethe ticking of a clock, the humming of thecomputer, the beep of the microwave or therustling of clothes or paper may seem loudto you at first, because you have not beenhearing them properly for a long time.2. Read aloud to yourself and learn to correctthe volume of your own voice when you arewearing the hearing aids.3. Talk to different people and learn how todistinguish between different soundpatterns again.4. It will take some time before you arecompletely used to your hearing aids andcan fully enjoy the benefits.5. Wear your hearing aids for as many hoursa day as you can, and for a little longereach day.10 11
backward away from your nose or the scrollwheel slowly downward towards the floor todecrease the volume. The optional remotecontrol also allows you to adjust your volumelevels; please refer to the remote control userguide for more information.As you change the volume level, your hearingaids will beep.Comfort-clarity controlIf the rotary dial or scroll wheel has beenconfigured as a comfort-clarity control, rotatethe rotary dial slowly forward towards yournose or the scroll wheel slowly upwardtowards the ceiling to improve the clarity ofsounds in front of you, such as speech. ForOperating instructionsYour ITE hearing aid may come with twocontrols that allow you to further adjust yourhearing aid – a rotary dial or scroll wheel anda push button.Rotary dial/scroll wheelThe rotary dial or scroll wheel onyour hearing aid can be set up aseither a volume control, or comfort-clarity control.Volume controlIf the rotary dial or scroll wheel has beenconfigured as a volume control, you canadjust the loudness of your hearing aids byrotating the rotary dial slowly forwardtowards your nose or the scroll wheel slowlyupward towards the ceiling to increase thevolume. Rotating the rotary dial slowly12 13Volume setting BeepsRecommended volume level 1 beepTurning volume up short beepTurning volume down short beepMaximum volume level 2 beepsMinimum volume level 2 beeps
Push buttonYour hearing aids may be equippedwith a push button which can be setfor switching between programs, toadjust your volume, or to adjust comfort-clarity.Program controlIf the push button has been configured as aprogram control, each time you push thebutton, you will move to a new hearing aidprogram.Your hearing aids beep to indicate whichprogram you are in.greater overall listening comfort in noisylistening situations, rotate the rotary dialcontrol slowly backward away from your noseor the scroll wheel slowly downward towardsthe floor. Each step will change the hearingaid performance. Sometimes multiple stepsare required to achieve the desired listeningresults. After each step wait for about 4-5seconds to allow the hearing aid to adjust tothe new setting.As you change the comfort-clarity controllevel, your hearing aids will beep.Note: As the comfort-clarity control movestoward the midpoint section, the effect on soundis minimized.14Program 1(e.g. automatic program) 1 beepProgram 2(e.g. speech in noise) 2 beepsProgram 3(e.g. easy-t/telephone) 3 beepsProgram 4 (e.g. music) 4 beepsEasy-t/telephone (see pg 19) short melodyEasy-DAI short melodyDuoLink (if enabled) Opposite ear beeps the(see pg 17) same as side being adjustedComfort-clarity control setting BeepsIdeal comfort and clarity level 1 beepIncrease sound clarity level short beepIncrease listening comfort short beepMaximum sound clarity level 2 beepsMaximum listening comfort level 2 beeps15
Each step will change the hearing aidperformance. Sometimes multiple steps arerequired to achieve the desired listeningresults. After each press wait for about 4-5seconds to allow the hearing aids to adjust tothe new setting.As you change the comfort-clarity control, yourhearing aids will beep.Note: As the comfort-clarity control movestoward the midpoint section, the effect on soundis minimized.Volume controlIf the push button has been configured as avolume control:• Push the button on your right hearing aid toincrease the volume in both hearing aids.• Push the button on your left hearing aid todecrease the volume in both hearing aids.Comfort-clarity controlIf the push button has been configured as acomfort clarity control:• Push the button on your right hearing aidto increase the clarity of speech.• Push the button on your left hearing aid toimprove listening comfort.16 17Volume setting BeepsRecommended volume level 1 beepTurning volume up short beepTurning volume down short beepMaximum volume level 2 beepsMinimum volume level 2 beepsComfort-clarity control setting BeepsIdeal comfort and clarity level 1 beepIncrease sound clarity level short beepIncrease listening comfort short beepMaximum sound clarity level 2 beepsMaximum listening comfort level 2 beeps
Remote controlYour hearing aids may also come with anoptional remote control which allows you toswitch between different listening programs,and change your volume or comfort-claritysettings.DuoLinkIf DuoLink is enabled, then changing thevolume, program or comfort-clarity settingson one hearing aid, will automatically makethe change to both hearing aids at the sametime. DuoLink works for the push button andthe rotary dial or scroll wheel.For example, if your push button is configuredas a program control and DuoLink is enabled,when you push the button on your righthearing aid, the program will change in bothhearing aids.LearningYour hearing aids will learn your adjustmentsin different environments, if this feature isavailable and has been enabled by yourhearing healthcare professional. Over time,the hearing aids will adjust the default volumeand comfort-clarity settings to the levels thatyou typically use.18 19
hearing aid it will automatically return to theprevious listening program. If DuoLink isenabled on your hearing aids for theautomatic telephone program, both hearingaids are synchronized and the listeningprogram for the opposite ear will also changewhen the automatic telephone program isactivated. If the hearing aid does not switch tothe telephone program automatically whenthe telephone receiver is placed in proximity,the magnet for easy-t hearing aids should beattached to the telephone receiver. Themagnet is designed to strengthen themagnetic field at the ear piece of hearing aidcompatible telephones.To affix the optional easy-t magnet:1. Clean the telephone receiver.Using the telephoneAs telephones do not all work the same, youmay experience different results from differentphones. You can use many phones by simplyholding the receiver to your ear, without theneed to change to a dedicated telephoneprogram on your hearing aid. Remember tomove the handset slightly up or back to findthe position that sounds best to you.Depending on the phone type you use, yourhearing healthcare professional might haveselected a dedicated phone program on yourhearing aids. Your hearing aid may have anautomatic telephone program (easy-tfeature), which automatically switches to adedicated telephone program when atelephone receiver is brought close to one ofyour hearing aids. You will hear a shortmelody to indicate you are in the telephone(easy-t) program.When the receiver is moved away from the21201.
If your hearing aids are configured to workwith the wireless uDirect™neck wornaccessory, you might benefit from aBluetooth®hands free option. Refer to theuDirect user guide for more information.Your hearing healthcare professional mayalso have set up a phone program that youcan access through the push button on yourhearing aids, or through your optional remotecontrol.2. Hold the magnet near the“listening end” of yourtelephone receiver andrelease it. The magnet willflip to the appropriate sideand seek the optimal positionon the telephone receiver.3. Place the double-sided tapein this optimal position onthe telephone receiver andattach the magnet to thetape .Your hearing healthcare professional may alsoset up a phone program that you can access viathe push button on your hearing aid or via yourremote control (optional).22 23®Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc.2.3.
Cleaning your hearing aidsEar wax is natural and common. Ensuringyour hearing aids are free of ear wax is animportant step in your daily cleaning andmaintenance routine.Using the brush that was provided with yourhearing aids, clean ear wax from your hearingaids everyday.Never use alcohol to clean your hearing aids.Do not use sharp tools to dislodge ear wax.Sticking household items into your hearingaids can seriously damage them.Talk to your hearing healthcare professionalabout regular appointments to have the waxremoved from your hearing aids.Caring for your hearing aidsOpen the battery door when not in use.Always remove your hearing aids when usinghair care products. The hearing aids canbecome clogged and cease to function properly.Do not wear your hearing aids in the bath orshower or immerse them in water.If your hearing aids do become wet, do notattempt to dry them in an oven or microwave.Do not adjust any controls. Open the batterydoors immediately, and allow your hearingaids to dry naturally for 24 hours.Protect your hearing aids from excessive heat(hair dryer, vehicle glove box or dashboard).Regular use of a dehumidifier, such as a Dri-Aid kit, can help prevent corrosion andprolong the life of your hearing aids.Do not drop your hearing aids or knock themagainst hard surfaces.24 25
As you adjust the comfort-clarity control, yourQuantum hearing aids will gradually learnyour preferred comfort-clarity settings.DuoLinkWith DuoLink, your hearing aids wirelesslycommunicate with each other. As you make aprogram, comfort-clarity or volume change onone hearing aid, the other hearing aidautomatically changes as well.Binaural PhoneThe Binaural Phone feature enables you tohold a landline or mobile phone to one earand hear the sound clearly in both ears,automatically. No accessories are required.uDirect™and uTV™The uDirect and uTV are optional accessoriesfor Quantum hearing aids.• uDirect provides easy, hands-free accessto Bluetooth enabled devices, such asSignature features of your hearing aidsComfort-clarity controlYour hearing aids automatically adjust tofocus on hearing speech more clearly orproviding comfort in noisy situations. SomeQuantum hearing aid models provide acontrol to adjust your comfort-clarity settings.• Adjusting the comfort-clarity control upcauses your hearing aids to focus more onspeech clarity.• Adjusting the comfort-clarity control downcauses your hearing aids to softenbackground noise, providing morecomfort.Comfort-clarity control adjustments can bemade using the controls on your hearing aidsor a remote control. Please talk with yourhearing healthcare professional to find outwhich controls have been programmed for thecomfort-clarity control.26 27
2928mobile phones. It also has a wired audiojack to plug in devices like MP3 players.• uTV is used with the uDirect to transmitsound from your TV directly to yourhearing aids. The uTV can also transmitsound from stereo systems, computersand other audio sources.For more information on using the uDirect oruTV, please see your user guide. Forinformation on how to get a uDirect or uTVaccessory, please contact your hearinghealthcare professional.Assistive listening devicesListening in public placesTelecoils pick up electromagneticenergy and convert it into sound.Your hearing aid’s telecoil optioncan help you listen in publicplaces equipped with telecoil compatibleassistive listening devices such as a loopsystem. When you see this symbol, it meansthat there is loop system installed; this loopsystem is compatible with your hearing aid.Please contact your hearing healthcareprofessional for more information on loopsystems.Connecting to external audio sourcesYou can connect to external audio sources byusing the uDirect optional wireless accessory.Ask your hearing healthcare professional forinformation about uDirect.
Cause Possible remedyNot loud enoughLow volumeLow batteryHearing aids notinserted properlyChange in hearingHearing aids blockedwith ear waxTurn up volume; seehearing healthcareprofessional for modelswithout a manualvolume control or ifproblem persists.Replace batterySee “Putting yourhearing aids in yourears”. Reinsert carefully.Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalSee “Cleaning yourhearing aids”. Usecleaning pin to dislodgeear wax in slim tubes.Consult your hearinghealthcare professional.Troubleshooting guideCause Possible remedyNo soundNot turned onLow/dead batteryPoor battery contactBattery upside downHearing aids blockedwith ear waxTurn onReplace batteryConsult your hearinghealthcare professionalInsert battery plus (+)side upSee “Cleaning yourhearing aids”. Consultyour hearing healthcareprofessional.30 31
33IntermittentLow batteryDirty battery contactTwo long beepsLow batteryWhistlingHearing aids notinserted properlyVolume too loudHand/clothingnear earPoorly fittinghearing aidsReplace batteryConsult your hearinghealthcare professionalReplace batterySee “Putting yourhearing aids in yourears”. Reinsert carefully.Turn down volumeRemove hand/clothingfrom earConsult your hearinghealthcare professionalCause Possible remedyNot clear, distortedPoorly fittinghearing aidsHearing aids blockedwith ear waxChange in hearingLow batteryWeak on the telephoneLow volumeTelephone notpositioned properlyHearing aid requiresadjustmentFor any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearinghealthcare professional. If you do not have a hearing health-care professional, please contact the nearest office listed onthe back page of this booklet.Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalSee “Cleaning your hear-ing aids”. Consult yourhearing healthcare pro-fessional.Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalReplace batteryTurn up volumeMove telephone receiveraround ear for clearersignal. See “Using thetelephone”.Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalCause Possible remedy32
Remove your hearing aids for CT and MRIscans or for other electromagneticprocedures.Special care should be exercised inwearing hearing aids when maximumsound pressure levels exceed 132 decibels.There may be a risk of impairing yourremaining hearing. Speak with yourhearing healthcare professional to ensurethe maximum output of your hearing aidsis suitable for your particular hearing loss.Easy-t magnet warningsBe sure the magnet is securely affixed tothe telephone.Keep loose magnets out of reach of childrenand pets.If the magnet falls into your ear, contactyour hearing healthcare professional.If the magnet is swallowed, contact yourphysician immediately.WarningsHearing aids should only be used asdirected by your physician or hearinghealthcare professional.Hearing aids will not restore normalhearing and will not prevent or improve ahearing impairment resulting from organicconditions.Do not use your hearing aids in explosionhazard areas.Allergic reactions to hearing aids areunlikely. However, if you experienceitching, redness, soreness, inflammation ora burning sensation in or around your ears,inform your hearing healthcareprofessional and contact your physician.In the unlikely case that any parts remainin the ear canal after the removal of thehearing aid, contact a physicianimmediately.34 35
PrecautionsThe use of hearing aids is only part ofhearing rehabilitation; auditory trainingand lip reading instruction may be requiredas well.In most cases, infrequent use of hearingaids does not provide full benefit. Onceyou have become accustomed to yourhearing aids, wear your hearing aidseveryday all day.Your hearing aids use the most moderncomponents to provide the best possiblesound quality in every listening situation.However, communication devices such asdigital cell phones can create interference(a buzzing sound) in hearing aids. If youexperience interference from a cell phonebeing used close by, you can minimize thisinterference in a number of ways. SwitchThe magnet may affect some medicaldevices or electronic systems. Always keepthe magnet (or the telephone equippedwith the magnet) at least 30 cm (12”) awayfrom pacemakers, credit cards, floppy disksor other magnetically sensitive devices.Too high distortion during dialing orphoning may mean that the phone handsetis stressed by the magnet. To avoid anydamage, please move the magnet toanother place on the telephone receiver.Battery warningsNever leave hearing aids or batteries wheresmall children and pets can reach them.Never put hearing aids or batteries in yourmouth. If a hearing aid or battery isswallowed, call a physician immediately.36 37
Warning to hearing aid dispensers(to comply with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) regulations)A hearing aid dispenser should advise a prospective hearing aiduser to consult promptly with a licensed physician (preferably anear specialist) before dispensing a hearing aid if the hearing aiddispenser determines through inquiry, actual observation, orreview of any other available information concerning theprospective user, that the prospective user has any of thefollowing conditions: (i) Visible congenital or traumatic deformityof the ear. (ii) History of active drainage from the ear within theprevious 90 days. (iii) History of sudden or rapidly progressivehearing loss within the previous 90 days. (iv) Acute or chronicdizziness. (v) Unilateral hearing loss of sudden or recent onsetwithin the previous 90 days. (vi) Audiometric air-bone gap equalto or greater than 15 decibels at 500 hertz (Hz), 1,000 Hz, and2,000 Hz. (vii) Visible evidence of significant cerumenaccumulation or a foreign body in the ear canal. (viii) Pain ordiscomfort in the ear. Special care should be exercised inselecting and fitting a hearing aid whose maximum soundpressure level exceeds 132 decibels because there may be risk ofimpairing the remaining hearing of the hearing aid user. [Thisprovision is required only for those hearing aids with a maximumsound pressure capability greater than 132 decibels (dB).]Important notice for prospective hearing aid usersGood health practice requires that a person with a hearing losshave a medical evaluation by a licensed physician (preferably aphysician who specializes in diseases of the ear) beforepurchasing a hearing aid.your hearing aids to another program, turnyour head in a different direction or locatethe cell phone and move away from it.LabelingThe serial number and year of manufactureare located inside the battery door.38 39
Children With Hearing LossIn addition to seeing a physician for a medical evaluation, a childwith a hearing loss should be directed to an audiologist forevaluation and rehabilitation since hearing loss may causeproblems in language development and the educational andsocial growth of a child. An audiologist who is qualified bytraining and experience to assist in the evaluation andrehabilitation of a child with hearing loss is recommended.Licensed physicians who specialize in diseases of the ear areoften referred to as otolaryngologists, otologists orotorhinolaryngologists. The purpose of medical evaluation is toassure that all medically treatable conditions that may affecthearing are identified and treated before the hearing aid ispurchased. Following the medical evaluation, the physician willgive you a written statement that states that your hearing losshas been medically evaluated and that you may be considered acandidate for a hearing aid. The physician will refer you to anaudiologist or a hearing aid dispenser, as appropriate, for ahearing aid evaluation. The audiologist or hearing aid dispenserwill conduct a hearing aid evaluation to assess your ability tohear with and without a hearing aid. The hearing aid evaluationwill enable the audiologist or dispenser to select and fit a hearingaid to your individual needs. If you have reservations about yourability to adapt to amplification, you should inquire about theavailability of a trial-rental or purchase-option program. Manyhearing aid dispensers now offer programs that permit you towear a hearing aid for a period of time for a nominal fee afterwhich you may decide if you want to purchase the hearing aid.Federal law restricts the sale of hearing aids to those individualswho have obtained a medical evaluation from a licensedphysician. Federal law permits a fully informed adult to sign awaiver statement declining the medical evaluation for religious orpersonal beliefs that preclude consultation with a physician. Theexercise of such a waiver is not in your best health interest andits use is strongly discouraged.40 41
Notice 3This device has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rulesand ICES-003 of Industry Canada. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This device generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisdevice does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelpCompliance informationDeclaration of conformityHereby Unitron declares that this Unitron product meets therequirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC as wellas the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal EquipmentDirective 1999/5/EC. The full text of the Declaration of Conformitycan be obtained from the manufacturer.The hearing aid described in this user guide is certified under:Standard hearing systemUSA FCC ID: VMY-UWITE1Canada IC: 2756A-UWITE1Notice 1This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Notice 2Changes or modifications made to this device not expresslyapproved by Unitron may void the FCC authorization to operatethis device.42 43
4544Additional notes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Client feedbackRecord your specific needs or concerns and bring toyour first office visit after getting your hearing aids.This will help your hearing healthcare professional toaddress your needs...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Unitron Hearing Ltd.20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017,Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaUnitron distributorsCorporate Office/International20 Beasley Drive, P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener, ON N2G 4X1 CanadaAustraliaLevel 2, Norwest Quay,21 Solent Circuit,Baulkham Hills, NSW,NSW 2153BelgiumBaron de Vironlaan, 60b-1700 DilbeekCanada20 Beasley Drive,P.O. Box 9017, Kitchener,ON N2G 4X1ChinaNo. 78, Qi Ming Road,Export Processing ZoneDistrict B, SuzhouIndustrial Park, P.R.215021DenmarkNitivej 10, DK-2000FrederiksbergGermany & EuropeanRepresentativeDaimlerstrasse 22,70736 Fellbach-Oeffingen, GermanyFrance5 bis, rue MaryseBastié - BP 1569671 Bron CedexIndiaB-308, Everest Grande,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri East,Mumbai-400 093NetherlandsIr. D.S. Tuijnmanweg 10,4131 PNVIANENNew Zealand10/215 Rosedale Rd.,M277 Private Bag,300987, Albany,AucklandRussiaTverskaya str. 16,bldg. 3, 1st floorMoscow, 125009South AfricaFirst Floor –Selborne House,Fourways Golf Park,Roos Street, Fourways,JohannesburgSpainAvenida de laIndustria nº13/15,Polígono deCanastell,03690 Sant Vicentdel Raspeig. Alicante,EspañaSwedenFörmansvägen 2, 4 trSE-11743, StockholmUnited KingdomSt. George House,Cygnet Court,Centre Park,Warrington, CheshireWA1 1PDU.S.A.Suite A, 2300Berkshire LaneNorth, Plymouth, MN55441
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