VIERLING Communications ECVTM-PRO Cellular Gateway System User Manual Manual ECOTEL VTMpro 1 1

VIERLING Communications GmbH Cellular Gateway System Manual ECOTEL VTMpro 1 1


Users Manual Part III

ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  39    Loudness To GSM Configures the loudness to the mobile network. The range is 0 (quiet) to 3 (loud).    ATTENTION  A  change  becomes  not  valid  before  a  reboot  has  been  done  to  the  specific channel.  Loudness to PCM Configures the loudness to the fixed network. The range is 0 (quiet) to 3 (loud).    ATTENTION  A  change  becomes  not  valid  before  a  reboot  has  been  done  to  the  specific channel.  Fieldstrength limit If the received power level under-runs a specific level then the voice quality suffers from it. So  the  user  can  define  that  specific  value.  If  the  level  under-runs  this  level  then  the concerning channel will be blocked terminating calls until the value exceeds this level. Channel This filed contains means affecting one specific channel Reboot Pressing this button reboots the specific channel. The channel will be registered out and the GSM module is switched off and on. Active calls over this channel will be abandoned. After reboot the channel will register automatically and is available again. This feature can be useful to resume incorrect channels. Reregister Pressing  this  button  registers  the  channel  out  of  the  network  an  in  again.  The  GSM module is not switched off. After reregistering the channel is available again. Active calls will be abandoned. This feature is useful to get a better registration on a other visible base station with better receive power level or less traffic. Freeze This  button  causes  the  specific  channel  to  register  out  and  not  in  anymore.  The  GSM module  is  not  switched  off.  To  resume  register  state  the  “Reboot”  button  has  to  be pressed.  This  feature  is  useful  if  the  base  station  is  overloaded.  Then  it  is  possible  to reduce the load by the ECOTEL® VTMpro from the basestation. Switch Off This button has the same effect like the freeze button plus switching off the GSM module. Channel Paramters Provides a set of GSM channel and module parameters Field strength Shows the receive power level in a bar and in letters. The value is dBm.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  40    IMEI Shows the IMEI of the mounted GSM module. This number characterizes one individual module. Manufacturer Shows the manufacturer of the mounted GSM module. Model Shows the model of the mounted GSM module Revision Shows the firmware revision of the mounted GSM module BCCH Shows  the  Broadcast  Control  Channel.  The  logical  channel  the  basestation  sends parameters necessary for communication. LAC Location Area Code or Local Area ID (LAI). Represents the geographical area the mobile is registered. BCC Base Station Color Code CID Displays the GSM Cell ID the module is registered to. Layer2Trace This field provides the possibility to select certain processes at debugging the GSM port. The meaning of the most used are following:  GREG: (GSM Registration) Registration information. Interesting at registering problems, to find out blocked or disturbed sim cards. Also interesting to monitor gathering cell paramters. Causes continuing trace information even when there is no call on the channel. GCON: (GSM Control) Provides information about the calling procedure. Causes only trace information when there is a call establishing or finishing, not during the call. Interesting to find out problems at establishing calls. GIF: (GSM Interface) Displays the message flow between the controller on the GSM card and the mounted GSM module. Causes continuing trace information even when there is no call on the channel. GSMS: (GSM SMS interface) Displays processes concerning SMS receiving and transmitting. PTS: (PCM Time Slot) Displays the coupled time slot from the specific board to the internal PCM bus.  To  get  trace  information  refer  also  to  chapter  “Layer2&3  Trace”,  because  there  must additional switched on the specific channel on debugging level 2.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  41         ATTENTION  Traces  must  be  handled  very  carefully  not  to  overload  the  system.  To  much trace information influent the system severe. In normal operation traces should be switched off! Sim Properties Generally  the  ECOTEL®  VTMpro  knows  two  ways  to  handle  SIM  cards  for  the  GSM channels. For basic functions it is possible to handle the SIMs manually. In this way it is possible to enter a PIN or switch between several provided SIMs on a Multi-SIM-Carrier. To use more sophisticated functions the SMC (Sim Management Center) must be used. This functions are described later in this document. Register SIM / Release SIM This buttons provides the function to enable or disable a SIM on this specific channel. The SIM is not really registered out of the network after pressing “Release SIM”, so it will be available right  in the moment “Register SIM” has been  pressed. If a  SIM is released no calls will be routed over the relevant channel. Manual SIM Switching This check box enables the manual SIM switching already described.  Default Destination For  special  routing  features  it  is  sometimes  necessary  to  assign  a  GSM  channel  a individual  number.  This  number  can  be  a  individual  SIM  party  number  or  any  other.  At further routings e.g. into fixed network this number will be sent as originator. SMSC In this filed the individual SMSC (Short Message Service Center) must be entered. This entry belongs to the mobile network provider and is necessary for using SMS send and receive services.   ATTENTION  There  can  be  entered  only  one  SMSC  for  each  GSM  channel.  If  there  is  a switching  between  SIMs  from  different  mobile  network  providers,  then  SMS services may not work using every SIM! PIN If PIN entering is not deactivated on the SIM card normally there is a PIN for registering into mobile network needed. This PIN must be entered or changed before the SIM is put into the gateway. Otherwise it can happen, that the wrong PIN is entered. In this case the ECOTEL® VTMpro lets for safety reason always one trial free. The SIM must be taken out of the gateway and PIN must be inserted to a mobile phone to use last chance to enter the PIN and set free three more trials of entering.   ATTENTION
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  42     There  can  be  entered  only  one  PIN  for  each  GSM  channel.  If  there  is  a switching between SIMs from different mobile network providers, then this PIN will be used for all SIMs. For this reason it is strongly recommended to use the same PIN for all available SIM cards. LAIN The  ECOTEL®  VTMpro  GSM  channels  provide  the  chance  to  register  to  a  network automatically or to force registering to a specific network. This choice is only available if the SIM card supports roaming on any level. In this case the LAIN (Location Area Identity Network) code must be entered into the specific field. If no code is entered automatic net search is activated. SIM If there are more SIM cards available on the used SIM carrier, the SIM can be chosen by this element. Sim Parameters Attribut:  Description: IMSI  Displays the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Idendity) for each SIM. With this number each SIM can be identified unambiguously. The IMSI has following elements: xxx yyy zzzzzzzzzz xxx:    Mobile Country Code yy:    Mobile network code zzzzzzzzzz:  Subscriber identification State  Shows the register state of the SIM card. Following register states are possible: • SIM released • Not logged in • SIM OK • Searching for Network • Registered • Registered Roaming SIM  Displays the actual selected SIM. PLMN      Displays the network the channel is registered to actually. ATTENTION Normally this PLMN should correspond to the first 5 digits of the IMSI to confirm registering into home network. Otherwise there is the  danger  of  paying  to  expensive  fees  at  using  the  GSM channel! Codec  Displays the used codec on the channel. The following codecs are possible: • Half rate    (low speech quality) • Full rate    (good speech quality) • Enhanced full rate  (best speech quality) The rate is dictated by the base station. Sometimes network providers reduce to half rate in order to save bandwidth. TCH  Displays the TCH (Traffic Channel). Via this channel the user data is transferred between GSM module and base station
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  43    TADV  Displays the TADV (Time Advance). This parameters indicates the distance between GSM module and base station. One digit represents about 550 meters. The value range is 0 to 63. PWR  Displays the actual output sending power of the module in dBm BER  Displays the BER (Bit Error Rate). Normally the value should be cero. Otherwise the are problems in the channel or low receive power level. 10.4 ISDN After  connecting  a  port  of  the  ECOTEL®  VTMpro  to  any  other  equipment  the corresponding button in the vertical icon bar must turn green. Otherwise the port can not be  used.  If  the  port  will  not  become  active  the  settings  and  the  cable  pinning  must  be checked!  Vertical Tree View:   Board Configuration Panel:    10.4.1  Information Attribut:  Description:
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  44    Interface  Name of the card. Normally is the name 4E1. Further developments can also be named different. Number of Ports  Displays the number of available ports. License models can also generate a different number of physical available and useable ports. SW Name  Name of the running firmware. The name can vary with the set protocol. SW Version  Version of the installed firmware. HWL Version  Hardware layout version of the mounted board HW Rel.  Release of the installed hardware. HW Serial  Serial number of the installed hardware  10.4.2  Configuration Attribut:  Description: Protocol  This setup allows to choose different protocols running on the card. Available protocols are: DSS1: European ISDN signaling NI1:  National ISDN 1 (US standard) ISUP:  Signaling System 7 (SS7) AOC  Provides the possibility to send AOC (Advice Of Charge) information in NT mode. This feature is not available in general in ISUP mode. When AOC is selected the value in the specific field determines the time between two AOC messages are sent. Port  Provides the available ports and its function. The change between NT (Network Termination) and TE (Terminal Equipment) can be established be moving the mouse arrow over the radio button, pressing the right mouse button and selecting TE or NT. This procedure is for security reason, that the mode is not changed by chance.     ATTENTION  After  any  change  the  “Apply”  button  must  be  pressed  and  the  ECOTEL® VTMpro must be rebooted
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  45    10.5 Simcontrol 10.5.1  Overview The  SIMcontrol  window  provides  a  view  over  the  available  SIMs,  its  parameters  and states. Vertical Tree View:  Configuration Panel:       10.5.2  Functions in detail Attribut:  Description: Channel  Shows the specific GSM channel in the syntax GSM.<Board>.<Channel> SIM ID  Provides the ID of the SIM for distinct assignment. The ID is represented by the IMSI Location   SIM Group  Shows the group the SIM is assigned to. If no assignment is available the field is empty. Call Balance  Shows the traffic load of the specific SIM in the format Incoming/Outgoing minutes. Usage   Call Limit  Shows the limit in the format Incomming/Outgoing traffic if a limit has been set in the SMC->Local SIMs->Limit view. If there is no limit set –1 is displayed State  Shows the registering state. Only if the states displays “registered” the SIM can be really used.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  46    10.6 SMC Sim Management Center 10.6.1  General The  SMC  provides  enhanced  possibilities  of  administration  and  switching  of  SIMs.  The SIMs are automatically parsed and its data can be fulfilled manually. There are also the option to associate specific limits to each SIM and to create groups of SIMs.  Vertical Tree View :  Configuration Panel:
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  47        10.6.2  Local SIMs The Local SIMs sheet provides administration of the local SIMs and its traffic limits. Sim Data Status Box The main box lists all in the system available SIMs, the active ones and also the SIMs on reserved positions. The provided information are: Attribute  Description Idx:  Index number oft the specific SIM Id:  Individual identification number represented by the IMSI Group:  The group the SIM is assigned to (refer to SIM groups view) Channel:  The GSM channel the SIM is put in Slot:  The position the SIM is put in the SIM carrier of the GSM channel Call Balance:  The accumulated traffic of the SIM separated in Incoming/Outgoing State:  The working condition the SIM is at the moment Manual SIM adding The  buttons  on  the  right  side  of  the  SMC  –  Local  SIMs  view  provide  to  add  SIMs manually. Attribute:  Description: Add  SIMs  for  all channels This  button  provides  the  option  to  insert  SIMs  for  all  available  GSM channels. The parameters of the SIMs will be filled with default values. This values can be corrected manually or will be partly updated when the SIM is registered.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  48    SIMs per channel Together  with  the  “Add  SIMs  for  all  channels”  there  can  be  set  how many SIMs are provided per channel.  PIN:  There can be set a PIN value for all added SIMs Manually Add SIM Using this button there can be added one single SIM. The parameters of  the  SIMs  will  be  filled  with  default  values.  This  values  can  be corrected  manually  or  will  be  partly  updated  when  the  SIM  is registered. Remove SIM  The selected SIM will be removed by pressing this button. Release SIM   Copy SIM Properties For easier editing parameters for each  SIM card there is  a copy and paste function provided. With this function it is for example possible to copy SIM limits from one SIM and paste it to all others Paste SIM Properties See “Copy SIM Properties”    ATTENTION  All  changes  and  inputs  must  be  confirmed  by  the  “Apply”  button,  otherwise changes will take no affect! SIM Properties Attribute:  Description: Channel:  If a already registered SIM has to be changed by its channel reference it can be entered here in conjunction with the “Manual Override” check box or it must be used if a SIM has to be added manually at all. Slot:  The slot can be specified the actual SIM is physically entered in the SIM carrier of the GSM channel Group:  The SIM can be assigned to a specific group. The group must have be defined before in the SIM groups view. PIN:  The SIM specific PIN can be entered SMSC:  The number of the SMS Servicecenter the SIM can work with can be entered here. This is vital for sending and receiving SMS via this SIM. PLMN:  Public Land Mobile Network can be entered to force the SIM to register only into the specified network. This is useful when the SIM can also roam into other networks because this can cause tremendous fees. Phone No:  Every SIM has a phone number. For information and to enable incoming test calls to specific GSM channels the number can be entered here. SIM Limits The  limit  function  provides  the  possibility  to  use  SIMs  with  monthly  limits  or  limited minutes contingent at all. It gives also the chance to distribute the total call traffic to more SIMs.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  49    Attribute:  Description: Hard Disconnect  If this Checkbox is aktivated, an outgoing call is disconnected if the limit exceeds.    Usage:  This field provides the option to enter a time limit in minutes the SIM may be registered at all independent from the amount of terminated incoming and outgoing minutes.   Absolute  Max. Time the SIM can be registered Outgoing Limit  Limit for outgoing Calls for the SIM   Absolute  Max. Time to use the SIM for outgoing Calls   Change  Change the SIM after this Limit is reached Incomming Limit  Limit for incomming Calls for the SIM   Absolute  Max. Time to use the SIM for incomming Calls   Change  Change the SIM after this Limit is reached Switch Sim Properties:  In this field there the limits can be selected that will cause a SIM change if the limit has been exceeded. Outgoing Call Limit Exceeded  If this check box is selected the SIM will be changed when the “Call Balance (Out)” counter has exceeded the “Out. Limit” value. Incoming Call Limit Exceeded: If this check box is selected the SIM will be changed when the “Call Balance (In)” counter has exceeded the “In. Limit” value. Cumulative Limit exceeded  Don´t differ between outgoing and incomming Limit. Add the two Limit´s and test again this value. Usage exceeded  Disconnect the SIM after the Usage-Limit is exceeded SIM Call Ballance Usage Counter for the SIMs.   Attribute:  Description: Incomming Call Balance  Counts and shows the absolute incoming traffic amount in minutes. This counter is compared with the specific incoming limits to check whether the SIM must be changed. Outgoing Call Balance  Counts and shows the absolute outgoing traffic amount in minutes. This counter is compared with the specific outgoing limits to check whether the SIM must be changed. Usage  Counts and schows the absolute time, the SIM is registered.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  50    Reset  With this buttom the selected Counter is reseted Automatic Reset  Configuration if the given counter should be reseted automatically.    Never  No automatic reset   Daily  Reset the counter on daychange   Weekly  Automatic Reset every week   monthly  Automatic Reset every mnth      10.6.3  SIM Groups The SIM Groups view provides the option to define groups of SIMs. This groups of SIMs have typically the same similarities, for instance same provider, same limit conditions and so on. For routing generation the whole group can be selected.  Vertical Tree View:  Configuration Panel:
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  51 Overview For adding a new group the following steps have to be fulfilled: 1.  Press the button “Add group”. 2.  Enter a name for the group in the Group Properties -> Name field. 3.  Repeat the steps 1 and 2 as often as new groups wanted 4.  If a group must be removed select the group in the SIM Groups -> Name list and press the button “Delete Group”. 5.  To add SIMs to the specific groups switch to the Local SIMs view 6.  Select a SIM in the list box 7.  Assign the selected SIM to a group by the Local SIMs->SIM->Groups function. 8.  Repeat step 7 until all SIMs that have to be assigned are done. 9.  Use the groups in routing by selecting a group in Routing -> Port Properties -> SIM Routing -> SIM Group Routing -> Add Group.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  52 Functions in detail Attribute:  Description: Name  Lists all the already defined groups Add Group  For adding a new group this button must be pressed. Delete Group  If a group is selected in the SIM Groups – Name view it can be deleted by pressing this button. Group Properties - Name IN order to create a new group the groups name must be entered here. A already defined groups name can be changed also if the specific group is selected in the SIM Groups – Name view. Group Properties - SIMs Lists all SIMs that belong to the selected group. The SIMs can be assigned to a group in the Local SIMs -> SIM -> Group view.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  53    11. Routing To get routing setup select “Routing” with the mouse on the vertical icon bar.  Vertical Icon Bar:  Configuration Panel:      In  conjunction  with  the  routing  panel  there  are  also  buttons  in  the  horizontal  icon  bar important:         Routing   11.1 Establishing a new routing step by step For a quick introduction there is assumed a simple example where calls come from fixed network  via  E1  and  have  to  be  terminated  to  GSM.  There  are  no  further  options  like number crunching or differentiating between more carriers needed. 1.  First press the button “New Routing” in the “Routings” field.  2.  Select  a  connection  type.  Normally  “Audio  Connection”  is  selected  for  voice functions. 3.  Give the routing a name in the “Connection Property” field. 4.  The settings are confirmed in the “Routings” list box. 5.  Create a new port by pressing the “New Port” button in the “Port Routing List”. The new port brings new options in the right side of the window. 6.  In the “Port Property” filed you can give the new port a individual name. If you do not name the port a default name will be given. 7.  Give  the  port  also  a  type.  For  typical  routing  tasks  type  “Channel  Group”  is suitable. The options in the right under part of the window belongs individual to the type and changes with the type. 8.  If  “Channel  Group”  has  been  selected,  a  specific  kind  of  channels  must  be selected too from the tree view. The channels can be selected on a different depth, from whole controller to a single channel. There can also selected more than one
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  54    item. Confirm selection by pressing the button “Add Board-Controller-Channel”. In this example the select the “npci8280.0”. 9.  Create  another  port  by  repeating  the  steps  5  to  8.  In  this  example  choose  the channel group “isa4tc.1” in the tree view. 10. Every port must also have a destination or even a alternative destination. Select a destination  in  the  “Destination”  list.  The  lists  “Destination”  and  “Rerouting”  grow with the created ports. 11. Finish  the  simple  routing  by  adding  another  port.  This  port  must  have  the  type “Audio2Audio”  for  a  audio  connection.  In  the  area  bottom  right  there  can  be selected when the voice path shell be coupled. 12. Every new routing or every change must be confirmed by the “Activate Routing on Gateway” in the horizontal icon bar. 13. There  can  be  provided  more  routings  within  one  routing  list.  For  a  alternative routing list repeat the steps 1 to 12. The search sequence can be selected be the green arrows. 14. Now there can be terminated calls from fixed network in to mobile network. 11.2 Routing features in detail 11.2.1  Philosophy The routing concept is based of ports and virtual ports. Ports are linked with physical ports like  E1  or  GSM.  Virtual  ports  are  steps  in  routing  between  two  physical  ports  and  can influent the behavior of the routing. Every port has a source and a destination. It is also possible to jump within the port list in dependence of a result or setting.  11.2.2  Routings The  routing  filed  contents features to  create new  or manipulate existing  routings.  Every routing consists of  ports and virtual ports. In  the routing list box there  are displayed the existing routings and its options: Idx:    Every routing entry has its own index number Name:   Every routing line has its individual name Type:    Every routing has its individual type. See also chapter “Routing type”. Routing Type The routing is basically characterized by its type. The following types and its functions are available. The type refer to the kind of incoming connection:  Attribute:  Description: Audio Connection  If incoming traffic is audio signal then this type must be selected Data Connection  For incoming traffic data, this type must be selected SMS Connection  For incoming SMS messages to be routed or converted this type must be selected Email Connection  For incoming Email messages to be routed or converted this type must be selected
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  55 New Routing -Delete Routing – Copy –Paste – Sequence Attribute:  Description: New Routing:  To create a new routing this button must be pressed. For confirmation of a new routing in the list box a raw line must be visible. Delete Routing:  To delete a routing the specific line within the table must be selected and the delete button must be pressed. Copy:  Routings can also be copied. To copy a routing the specific line must be selected and the “Copy” button must be pressed. See also “Paste”. Paste:  A earlier copied routing line can be inserted by pressing “Paste”. The details of the routing can be adapted afterwards. See also “Arrows – Sequence” Arrows – Sequence  The routing machine handles the list in a sequence. Therefore sometimes it is important in which sequence the routing is stored in the list. To change the sequence the green buttons can be used. Connection Properties The connection property is just the name of the routing. If no name is given the ECOTEL® VTMpro provides a automatic generated name.  11.2.3  Port Routing List Contents of the list box: Attribute:  Description: Idx  Every routing port gets its own index number Name  Every port can be assigned a name. The name has to be entered in the “Name” input in the “Port Properties” field. If no name is provided the system assignes its own name. Anyway this name has to be used for further references. Type  Shows the type of the specific port. The type has to be selected in the “Type” input in the “Port Properties” field. Destination Specifies the next port the routing machine jumps to if the actual port has finished its job. If the jobs result are not valid the Rerouting is accessed. The destination has to be selected in the “Destination” input in the “Port Properties” field. Rerouting  The rerouting provides a alternative if the default destination can not be taken. The rerouting has to be selected in the “Rerouting” input in the “Port Properties” field. CDR  For administration reason there can be entered a line in to CDR (Call Data Record) file for every port passed through during the routing. If a entry for the specific port is wanted the check box in the “Port Properties” has to be selcted.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  56 Port Properties The port properties are only visible if a port in the routing list is selected. The lower part of the options belong fix to a specific port type. The upper part is fix. The elements are: Attribute:  Description: Name  Provides the possibility of giving every port its individual name. If no name is provided the system assignes its own name. Type  Every port has its own type. The type influents the behavior of the routing basically. Available Types are: • Channel Group • Routing • Time Routing • Digit Collector • Sim Routing • Audio2Audio • Sms2Email • Email2Sms The detailed functions of the specific types are described below. Destination  Provides the possibility to enter the next port to manage after the actual has been done. Rerouting  If the default next port, entered in “Destination” has failed a alternative port can be entered. Generate CDR Provides the possibility to generate for each port a individual CDR (Call Data Record) entry in to the cdr.log file. Channel types in detail Every port must be assigned a type. This type can be selected from the “Channel Type” menu: Channel Group To receive connections from extern or terminate them to external, the channel group is the necessary type. There can be selected all available ports. This types are displayed in the “Board-Controller-Channel” list view. To add a new port to a empty list the following steps must be done: • Any type of board, controller or channel must be selected in the tree view. • The “Add Board-Controller-Channel” must be pressed. The selection is now visible in the list box.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  57    • To add another group press the “Add Board-Controller-Channel” again. • To remove a group select it in the list box and press the “Remove Board-Controller-Channel” button. Time Routing There is a time depending routing provided. If the actual time of the call is within of any time period defined in the list box the call will be established. Otherwise it will be rejected.    To  define  a  new  period  the  add  button  must  be  pressed.  A  selected  period  can  be removed by pressing the remove button. After adding a new period the specific type and the depending dates must be entered. The available types are:  Type  Settings/Range  Description Every Day  Starttime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Endtime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 The  call  is  permitted  independent from the day when the actual time is between start and end otherwise it is rejected Weekday  Weekday: Monday to Sunday Starttime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Endtime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 The call is permitted when the actual day  is  matching  the  configured  day and  the  time  is  between  start  and end. Otherwise it is rejected. Month  Month: January to December Starttime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Endtime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 The call is permitted when the actual month  matches  the  configured month and the time is between start and end. Otherwise it is rejected.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  58    Date  Date: 01.01.1792 to 31.12.8000 Starttime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Endtime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 The call is permitted when the actual date is matching the configured date and  the  time  is  between  start  and end. Otherwise it is rejected. Ranged Date Startdate: 01.01.1792 to 31.12.8000 Enddate: 01.01.1792 to 31.12.8000 Starttime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Endtime: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 The call is permitted when the actual date  is  between  start  date  and  end date  and  the  time  is  between  start and end. Otherwise it is rejected. In the list box can be provided more time ranges. The call must pass all ranges, otherwise it is rejected.   Example:  The  calls  may  be  terminated  to  the  following  port  weekends  and  celebration days  in  may  between  7.00  am  and  8.00  pm.  The  following  table  shows  the  necessary entries. The call will only be successful if all conditions are fulfilled. Type  Data  Time Month  May  00:00:00 to 23:59:00 Weekday  Saturday  07:00:00 to 20:00:00 Weekday  Sunday  07:00:00 to 20:00:00 Date  05.05.2005  07:00:00 to 20:00:00 Date  16.05.2005  07:00:00 to 20:00:00 Date  26.05.2005  07:00:00 to 20:00:00 Routing The routing port provides filtering and manipulating called or calling party numbers. In this way a routing can be achieved.     Apply To The following manipulation can be applied to the called party number or the calling party number. The specific number is selected by the radio button.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  59    List Box In the list box the created conversions are shown. Its just for information and overview: Attribute:  Description: Nr. Type  Shows the numbering types selected in properties Input Filer  Shows the reserved input filter  Conversion  Shows the applied conversion for the selected filter string  Another filter entry can be added by using the “Add” button. In the same way a entry can be removed by selecting it and pressing the “Remove” button. Properties Number Type Within  ISDN  protocol  there  is  a  attribute  for  called  and  calling  numbers  available.  The manipulating can be limited to a specific type of numbers.  Number Type:  Explanation Unknown  The number type attribute is not used National  The number type within ISDN is set to national format International  The number type within ISDN is set to international format  Input Filter The input filter provides the possibility to search for strings within a string. Normally there are searched for numbers within a called or calling party number but this function is very universal, so it  works also  with letters.  In conjunction with the  “Conversion” function the found  strings  can  be  replaced  by  another  string  entered  in  the  “Conversion”  part.  For search  mechanism  the  “Regular  Expressions”  syntax  is  used.  This  is  a  standardized language for filtering in strings and used in informatics at all. The syntax is as following:  Pattern:  Description:  Example     Input   Search  Expression Found <string>  Finds exact the given string  017345678  345  345 .  Finds exact one arbitrary sign  01735678  .1.3  0173 ?  Finds the precede token cero or once  0173173  173?  173 +  Finds the precede token once or more  017335678  3+  33 *  Finds the precede token cero or more times 017355678  74*35*  7355 [ ]  Searches one of the signs included in brackets 01735678  [56]  5
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  60    [2-4]  One  of  the  signs  from  2  to  7,  it  can also be from a to z 01735678  [2-4]  3 [^]  No  one  of  the  signs  included  in brackets 23  [^3]  2 ^  Searches a pattern at the beginning of the line 1234321  1^  1 (at the beginning) $  Searches  a  pattern  at  the  end  of  the line 1234321  1$  1 (at the end) \  Locks the special determination of the following sign +491735678  \+  +  Conversion The conversion function provides the possibility to substitute the found string by another given string. The substitution can be entered in the specific conversion field. If there is no suitable string found the string is set before the dialed string. Example1: For   CLI suppression the GSM command #31#  can be set before the dialed number. In this case there is no search expression needed and in the conversion field the string #31# must be entered. Example2: The international format in the +49… writing shell be changed to 0049…In this case the + must be replaced by the 00 string. Therefore in the search field the \+ must be entered and in the conversion field the 00. Numbering Type Conversion It´s possible to convert the type of Number of the selected number.   Field  Action Leave as is  Don´t change the type of Number To unknown  Change the Type of Number to “unknown” To national  Change the Type of Number to “national” To international  Change the Type of Number to “international” Digit Collector The digit collector provides the option to collect a called party number after a connect. The following  routing  is  based  on  the  post  dialed  number.  Only  if  there  is  a  valid  number entered and the routing fits, then the call will go on. Otherwise it is rejected.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  61      Attribute:  Description: DTMF  If the check box is selected, the collector accepts digit only in band in DTMF tone format. Otherwise the digits are expected within the signaling path. Minimum Length  The digit collector must decide the moment the number is complete. The minimum length must be always reached before the number can be complete. Maximum Length If the maximum length is reached the collector considers the number as complete Timeout  If the count of the numbers is within min and max the number is considered to be complete if the timeout is reached. Stop ID  If the number is between minimum and maximum it´s possibel with the “Stop ID” to stop the Timeout. The connection to the destination is started. The Stop ID is not deleted from the Called Party Number! Send DTMF  If the check box is selected, the collector sends the number as DTMF-Signal X sekonds after the entry.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  62 SIM Routing The  SIM-Routing  port  provides  two  enhanced  functions  of  SIM  routing:  SIM  Group Routing and Network Routing. Both modes provide routing not to a specific SIM but to a group of SIMs.    Searchmode: If calls are pointed to the group there are more modes available how the calls are distributed to the specific SIMs. • First: The first free GSM port within the group is selected. In this case it can happen, that some ports terminate more minutes than other. If there is only one call simultaneously than all calls will be accumulated to the first GSM port. • Rotate: The GSM ports will be rotated. First call is directed to the first port, second to the second ports and so on. The traffic is better distributed than in mode “First”. • Fewest Call Balance: The next call is directed to the next free port with the fewest terminated minutes of traffic. This ensures, that all SIMs have nearly the same load.  Reject Cause: If there is no valid routing within the SIM Routing port no matter for which reason  and  there  is  no  rerouting  provided  the  call  is  rejected.  The  cause  the  call  is rejected can be set free from the list.  SIM Group Routing In the SMC (SIM Management Center) there is the possibility provided to define groups of SIM  with  common  attributes.  Often  it  makes  sense  not  to  route  calls  to  specific  GSM ports,  but  to  ports  that use  SIMs  from one  group (e.g.  SIMs from  one provider  and the same  contract  conditions).  If  SIM  Group  routing  is  wanted  the  appropriated  check  box must  be  selected.  For  more  details  of  creating  SIM  groups  refer  to  chapter  SIM Management Center. Network Routing Network  Routing  provides  the  option  to  route  calls  to  GSM  ports  that  uses  the  same network.  The  provider  is  identified  by  its  PLMN  (Public  Land  Mobile  Network),  that
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  63    consists of MCC (Mobile Country Code) plus MNC (Mobile Network Code). This code can be  also viewed  in the  information  sheet  of  every GSM channel.  There  can be  provided more codes to cover even roaming conditions if wanted.    ATTENTION  Some SIMs provide the option of international or even national roaming. When there is roaming active the PLMN differs from the home network PLMN. In this case there will be no calls directed to the affected channels in Network Routing mode if there is only the PLMN from the home network provided. Roaming can be prohibited by entering a PLMN code at the SIM properties within a specific GSM channel. Audio2Audio For audio connections the is a coupling of time slots at a specific moment necessary. This coupling  is  provided  by  the  Audio2Audio  port.  This  port  is  the  terminating  port  of  any routing of voice calls.   Timeout: This parameter provides the option to cancel a connection after a specific time. The value is set in seconds. If the parameter is set to –1 then there is no timeout selected. The  time  starts  counting  after  the  Audio2Audio  port  is  reached  within  the  routing  and stopped when connect to the b-party is performed. Interconnection:  The  exact  moment  of  coupling  the  time  slots  during  establishing  a connection can be selected.: • On Dial End: The voice is coupled when dialing has finished and before first alert. • On Alert Indication: The voice is coupled after first alert has been recognized. • On Voice Indication: The timeslots are coupled when there has a in band voice message recognized. Voice is defined a in band message that is not typically a alert or busy signaling before connect. • On Connect Indication: The voice is coupled when there has been recognized a connect at the p-party. In this case any in band information will not be transferred to the a-party. Sms2Email In order to receive SMS, convert and send it as email there is a Sms2Email port provided.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  64     Attribute:  Description: Default Receiver  In the SMS can be set a receiver email address. If no address can be found within the SMS the ECOTEL® VTMpro sends it to the default receiver address . If whether a address I the SMS can be found nor a default address is given the SMS can not be sent as email! Sender  In SMS2Email conversion there is no origin email address given. The sender can set one in the text. If no sender email address is given the ECOTEL® VTMpro sets the default address. If nor a sender address can be found in the email address nor there is a default, the ECOTEL® VTMpro sets the CLI of the origin mobile if provided. Timeout  The timeout in seconds can be set different to cero, when there shell be made a new attempt when no confirm is received from the mail server that the email has been sent. Email2Sms  In  order  to  receive  emails,  convert  and  send  it  as  SMS  there  is  a  Email2Sms  port provided.      Attribute:  Description: Called party in <SUBJECT> of mail The email that has to be sent as SMS must carry the CLI of the destination. This can be set in the <SUBJECT” of the email Called party in <RECEIVER> of mail or in the <RECEIVER> field of the email. Timeout  The timeout in seconds can be set different to cero, when there shell be made a new attempt when no confirm is received from the provider that the SMS has been sent.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  65    12. Call Generator The Call Generator is a very useful tool for system setup, maintenance or debugging   ATTENTION  The  Call  Generator  is  only  able  to  simulate  calls  by  signaling  not  by  in  band voice simulation!  New config Load config Save config Upload config Download/ Activate Start call gen Stop call gen    12.1 Overview The Call Generator provides the option to program a list  of calls that will be performed. The calls can also be looped back and used for routing tests. To establish a Call Generator entry the following steps must be done: 1.  Press the button “New Entry” from the main view. A new entry will be visible in the list box. 2.  Give the entry a optionally name in the properties line. 3.  Select a channel from the tree list the call shall be generated from. 4.  Give the call a Calling Party e.g. for using it in further routings (A-party). 5.  Give the call a Called Party (B-party). 6.  Give the  call a  timeout for start the  call. If  no delay between start  call generator and start the specific call is wanted the default cero can be let.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  66    7.  Give the call a max. duration. After the duration time the call generator hooks the call on. 8.  If the call shell be performed in period the pause between two repetitions can be set. 9.  If there is a extern loop back available (e.g.  cross cable on ISDN-E1) then there can be set whether the looped back connection shell be routed or not. 10. Press the “Download/Activate” button at the horizontal icon bar 11. Start the Call Generator by pressing the “Start” button at the horizontal icon bar.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  67    12.2 Functions in details 12.2.1  Horizontal Icon bar Attribute:  Description: New config  Creates a new Call Generator configuration. Load config Loads a already established Call Generator configuration from the local machine.  Save config Saves a Call Generation configuration. The configuration is saved in XML format on the local machine. Upload config Upload a Call Generator configuration from the ECOTEL® VTMpro in to the maintenance gear for viewing and modification. Download/ Activate Loads a established Call Generator configuration down to the ECOTEL® VTMpro and activates it Start call gen Starts the call generator. Action can be monitored simultaneously at the Connections view or the Layer 2&3 debugging view. Stop call gen Stops the Call Generator. The Call Generator must always be stopped by the user even when the call has already been finished by the B party before it can started again.  12.2.2  Elements from main view Attribute:  Description: List Box  The list box shows all configured calls. Arbitrary number of calls can be programmed. The calls are worked in the sequence of listing, started with one. The sequence can be manipulated by using the green up/down arrows. New Entry  A new call entry is established by this button Remove Entry  A selected entry can be removed by pressing this button. Port  The call can be given a optionally a individual name. Essentially a channel from the tree view must be selected via the call can be established Calling Party  The Calling Party (A-party) number can be set optionally. Called Party  The Called Party number (B-party) must be set mandatory. Timeout (ms)  The timeout (in milliseconds) for a delayed starting of the call can be set optionally.  Duration(ms)  The maximum overall call duration (in milliseconds) must be set mandatory. Without a time the call will not be started. Period (ms)  The calls can be repeated periodically optionally. If this is wanted a time between two repetitions must be set here. Disable routing…  If there is a extern loop back available (e.g. cross cable on ISDN-E1) then there can be set whether the looped back connection shell be routed or not.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  68    13. Statistics The statistics view provides detailed information over the passed calls. The channel types are colored different because of a better readability.   Attribute:  Description: Board-Controller-Channel Names the specific channel in the syntax <Board>.<Controller>.<Channel> Incoming  Counts the total number of incoming calls Outgoing  Counts the total number of outgoing calls Connections  Counts the total number of connected calls APartnerDisc  Counts the number of calls that have been finished by the A-partner BPartnerBusy  Counts the number of calls that have been finished by the B-partner Local Busy  Counts the number of calls that could not been routed because of a lack of GSM channels ASR1  Average Seizure Ratio 1: Quotient between successful calls and all calls whereas the calls that are abolished by the A-party before connect are counted as successful calls.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  69    ASR2  Average Seizure Ratio 1: Quotient between successful calls and all calls whereas the calls that are abolished by the A-party before connect are counted as failed calls. Example: 10 calls, 3 disc by network, 1 disc by A-party ASR1= (10-3)/10*100=70% ASR2=(10-4)/10*100=60% Average duration  Displays the average duration in seconds of the calls. Duration  Displays the over all minutes that have been terminated through this port.  The statistic values can be reset automatically by setting the Automatic Reset parameter from  never to daily,  weekly  or monthly.  The  statistic can  also be  retted by  pressing the Reset Statistics button.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  70    14. Connections 14.1 Connections view   The connection view provides online the current connection on the VTMpro. To ease the monitoring  of  the  flow  the  “Show  Released  Connections”  box  can  be  checked  on.  This function provides the  display of the released connections for the  time in the  box beside set.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  71    14.2 Logfiles and configuration   The “Logfiles and configuration” view provides the administration of call data records. The call data records are separated in for successful calls and for the unsuccessful calls. The files can be uploaded and downloaded between the ECOTEL® VTMpro and the local machine.  To  refresh  the  display  of  the  files,  e.g.  to  monitor  the  files  size  the  “Refresh” button is provided. A selected file can be deleted by pressing the “Delete” button.  The files can also be cyclic saved and renamed. The period of doing this can be set by time  parameters  or  maximum  contents  of  lines  within  the  file. The files are renamed from: to cdr_<Year><Month><Day>_<Hour><Minute><Second>.pro Example: When the file is renamed at 29. Mai 2005 at midday the file will be renamed to:  > The default location the files will be downloaded to the local machine is: C:\documents  and  settings\<username>\VTMpro_ServiceGear\<Gatewayname  or  IP address>\..
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  72    15. Online Trace The  Online  Trace  view  contents  enhanced  trace  functions  that  helps  the  VIERLING technical support  and  developers  retrieving  internal  problems.  This tool  is only  used on order  of  this  two  groups.  The  user  trace  functions  consists  of  the  following  described “Layer 2&3 Trace”
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  73    16. Layer 2&3 Trace The Layer 2&3 Trace provides sophisticated trace functions for retrieving especially GSM and interconnection problems. 16.1 Offline trace and settings   The trace options can be set very detailled by the “Trace Mask And Logfiles” panel.   16.1.1  Trace Mask The Trace mask provides the option to switch traces on in a detailed depth. Every channel has there levels of traces. L1 means very low level and detailed trace, L3 means higher abstracter level traces. After setting a trace mask press “Apply Trace mask” to confirm the settings. For the GSM channels there is another settings for L1 trace configuration on boars level. Therefore  select:  Channels  ->  GSM.<Board>  ->  GSM.<Board>.<Channel>  -> Layer2Trace   ATTENTION  Traces always affects a system. Handle switching on traces very carefully. To many  traces  can  paralyze  the  system  in  case  of  too  high  load.  Normally  all traces should be switched off.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  74    16.1.2  Offline Trace There  is  always  offline  a  tracefile  logged  name  tracelog.trc.  The  depth  of  information depends on the set trace mask. The files can be uploaded and downloaded between the ECOTEL®  VTMpro  and  the  local  machine.  To  refresh  the  display  of  the  files,  e.g.  to monitor the files size the “Refresh” button is provided. A selected file can be deleted by pressing the “Delete” button.    ATTENTION  To many switched on traces do not only affect the systems behavior in reaction time and performance it will also create huge amounts of data waste that will fill the harddisc space quite fast 16.2 Online trace For viewing traces online a “layer trace” window is provided:    To start a trace the “Start Trace” button from the layer trace must be pressed. To stop the running  trace  the  “Stop  Trace”  button  must  be  pressed.  The  online  trace  can  also  be saved by using the “Save  Trace” button. The window is cleared by pressing  the “Clear Trace” button. The contents within the trace file is thereby not affected. A limit can be set for the max displayed lines.
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  75    17. CDR – Call Data Records 17.1 General Every call causes a entry into a logfile. The successful calls are logged into, the unsuccessful calls into The files can be downloaded from the gateway to the local host for further working with. The files are loaded down by following steps: • Logging into the gateway by using ServiceGearGateway. • Changing to the “Connections” view from the vertical icon bar. • Changing to the view “Logfiles and configuration” • Selecting a file from the CDR´s list box. • Pressing the “Download” button • Selecting a folder for the file or using the default folder. • Editing a name and press “Save”. The  CDR´s  can  be  renamed  automatically  by  selecting  a  mode  from  the  “Cyclic  Save” menu.  The  file  is  therefore  renamed  at  midnight  to  the  name: cdr_<Year><Month><Day>_<Hour><Minute><Second>.pro The CDR files are located at the ECOTEL® VTMpro in the folder: //vierling/var/cdr/.. 17.2 Format The CDR consists of strings separated by comma and terminated by carriage return at the end of the line. No. String  Description  Example 1  Starttime  Start time of the call  19.05.05-12:05:16 2  Endtime  End time of the call   19.05.05-12:05:21 3  IncommingPort  Is represented by a string. It can be numbers or letters. It belongs to how the incoming port is be named in the routing. The name is given in :Routing->Port Properties->Name 10 (or ISDN) 4  A-party No.  The CLI of the A-party  12345 5  Outgoing Port Is represented by a string. It can be numbers or letters. It belongs to how the outgoing port is be named in the routing. The name is given in :Routing->Port Properties->Name 20 (or GSM) 6  B-party No.  The CLI of the B-party  01733667123 7  IMSI  The IMSI of the SIM card  262014730033372 8  IMEI  The IMEI of the GSM module the call has been terminated 520338416255177 9  Call Mode  The Mode of the call : 0101 = ISDN  0101 10  Duration  The length of the call in seconds  5 11  Billing Info  Provides the billing information, that has been sent. (Only in ISDN mode if selected) 0
ECOTEL® VTMpro  2005-06-08 Page  76    18. Tools 18.1 Secure Shell-Tool-PuTTY On  the  ECOTEL®  VTMpro CD  there  is provided  the freeware  programme PuTTY.  This programme enables to login to the ECOTEL® VTMpro by secure shell SSH. Because of ECOTEL® VTMpro is based on LINUX there is the option to control the system on a deep level.    ATTENTION  Linux or Unix knowledge is severe recommended for using this tool! 18.2 Secure Copy-Tool-PSCP To copy a file (e.g. a new ECOTEL® VTMpro software release) from a Windows system to the LINUX based ECOTEL® VTMpro there can be used the freeware programme PSCP. This tool is command line based and must be run in a command box. To copy a file from Windows to ECOTEL® VTMpro the following steps must be done: • Locate the folder PSCP is locate on the windows system by using the dos box an the commands cd <foldername> • Type into the dos box:  pscp c:\<foldername>\<filename> <username>@<VTMpro Name or IP address> • Default the username is “Vierling” • Then there is asked for a password. The default password is “neuneu”. • The file will be copied    ATTENTION  Linux is very sensitive in permissions to file actions. To copy successfully there must be provided, that the user name is used, owns the necessary permissions.

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