VTech Telecommunications 80-5681-00 5.8 GHz Corded/Cordless Answering System User Manual Part III

VTech Telecommunications Ltd 5.8 GHz Corded/Cordless Answering System Part III

User Manual Part III

25Answering System OperationDay and time announcementsTo set day and timeBefore playing each message, the answering systemannounces the day and time the message was received. Before using the answering system, you should followthe steps at left to set the day and time, so messagesare dated correctly.To set the day, scroll to a day of the week, then clickSET. Scroll to the correct day, then click OK.To set the time, scroll to the current time setting, thenclick SET. Use the dial pad to enter four digits (08:15),then press 2 for “AM” or 7for “PM”). Press SAVEwhen time is entered correctly.RDL MEMMENUMAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifySUNDAY# OF RINGS: 412:00AMAUD ALERT OFF^ VSETSelect and modify day & time91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:20 PM  Page 25
26Answering System OperationOutgoing announcementsOutgoing announcements are the messages callers hearwhen calls are answered by the answering system.The phone is pre-programmed with an announcementthat answers calls with “Hello. Please leave a messageafter the tone.” You can use this announcement, orreplace it with a recording of your own voice.To record your outgoing announcementFollow the steps at left to select RECORD NEW OGA,then press OK. At the screen prompt, begin speaking.Speak facing the telephone base from about 9 inchesaway. Press STOP when you are finished to hear themessage you just recorded.You can record an announcement up to 4 minutes long.Announcements less than 3 seconds long will not berecorded.Shortcut (base only): Press and hold RECORD,  thenpress MAILBOX LINE1/LINE2 to record an outgoingannouncement for the selected line.To review or delete your announcementFollow the steps at left to select LISTEN TO OGA orDELETE OGA. If you delete your outgoing announce-ment, calls will be answered with the pre-programmedannouncement described above.MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifyREVIEW/CHNG OGAANSWER + RECORDSEC. CODE: 5000# OF RINGS: 2^ VSETSelect REVIEW/CHNG OGADELETE OGALISTEN TO OGARECORD NEW OGA^ VOKSelect RECORD NEW OGASpeak into microphone Microphone91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 26
27Answering System OperationMessage playbackAt the base, press a mailbox button to hear messages.At the handset, select MAILBOXES, then choose a mailbox. If you have new messages waiting, you will hear only thenew messages (oldest first). If there are no new messages,the system will play back all messages (oldest first). NOTE: Only one station (handset or base) can access theanswering system at a time.Announcements• During playback, the memo or message number,NEW or OLD, date & time and its length will be dis-played on screen (with Caller ID information if avail-able).• Before each message, you will hear the day and timeit was received.• After the last message, you will see “End of mailbox 1or 2 Messages!” on the screen. If the system has lessthan 5 minutes of recording time left, you will heartime remaining. Options during playback• Press VOLUME button to adjust speaker volume.• Press REPEAT or BACK to repeat message currentlyplaying. Press twice to hear previous message. • Press DELETE or ERASE to delete message beingplayed back.• Press MENU for more options:• Press 5to pause or resume playback.• Press 6to skip to next message.• Press CLEAR or any mailbox button to stop playback.To delete all messagesTo delete all messages, press DELETE at the base whilethe phone is idle. Select a mailbox, then press ERASE toconfirm. Base: Press mailbox buttonCHRIS THOMPSONNEW MSG 1OF 4888-883-244511:29 A     Oct4      14sBACK ERASEMENUPLAY                     (1)PAUSE/RESUME    (5)SKIP                    (6)^ VOK“Sunday, 12 am...”MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKHandset: Select MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailboxHearpreviousmessageDeletemessageNumbers following commandsare keyboard shortcuts (i.e.,press 6 to skip)91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 27
28Answering System OperationAnswering modeIn Answer + Record mode, callers are asked to leave amessage. In Answer Only mode, callers hear anannouncement but cannot leave messages. This optionis useful, for example, to notify callers that you will beaway for an extended period and request that they callback after a certain date.To select answering modeFollow the steps at left to select the answering mode foreach mailbox. Use the ^V buttons to highlight aselection, then press OK. Answer Only announcementWhen Answer Only is turned on, calls are answeredwith a pre-recorded announcement  that says “We’resorry, messages to this number cannot be accepted.”You can use this announcement, or replace it with arecording of your own voice.After turning on the Announce Only feature, follow thesteps on page 26 to record your announcement. Callerswill hear this announcement only when the AnnounceOnly feature is turned on. Otherwise they will hear thestandard announcement asking them to leave a message.MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifyREVIEW/CHNG OGAANSWER + RECORDSEC. CODE: 5000# OF RINGS: 2^ VSETSelect current answer modeSET TOL1MAILBOX ISANSWER + RECORDANSWER ONLY^ VOKChoose desired answer mode91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 28
29Answering System OperationNumber of rings before answerAt this menu you can select how the answering systemanswers incoming calls. Press the -or +buttons toselect one of four options:• Answer calls after 2rings• Answer calls after 4rings (default)• Answer calls after 6rings•Toll Saver (system answers after 2 rings if you havenew messages, and after 4 rings if you have no newmessages)Press SAVE to confirm your choice.See page 24 to turn one or both mailboxes off, so thatincoming calls are never answered.MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifyREVIEW/CHNG OGAANSWER + RECORDSEC. CODE: 5000# OF RINGS: 2^ VSETSelect # OF RINGSL1ANSWER MODE:AFTER 4 RINGS— +SAVEChoose number of rings91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 29
30Answering System OperationAudible message alertAt this menu you can choose whether you want to bealerted when you have new messages waiting. When the audible message alert is on, the telephonewill beep every 10 seconds to alert you when there arenew messages waiting.Press OFF or ON buttons, then press OK to select.MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifySUNDAY# OF RINGS12:00AMAUD ALERT OFF^ VSETSelect # OF RINGSAUDIBLE ALERT ISOFFOFF ONOKChoose settingON91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 30
31Answering System OperationRecording and playing memosMemos are messages you record yourself. They aresaved, played back and deleted exactly like incomingmessages. You can record a memo as a reminder toyourself, or leave a message for someone else if othersin your household use the answering system.To record a memoFollow the steps at left to record a memo. Press STOPto stop recording. You can record a memo up to 4 minutes long. Memosless than 1 second long will not be recorded.Shortcut: Press RECORD,  then press MAILBOXLINE1/LINE2 to record a memo in the selected mailbox.To play back a memoPress a mailbox button to hear messages and memos(see page 27 for other options).MAILBOX FOR MEMOPLEASE SELECTM1 M2ABORTIN MAILBOX 1RECORDING MEMOSTOPSelect mailboxSpeak into microphone Microphone91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 31
32Answering System OperationChange security codeYou must enter a security code for remote access tothe answering system from another telephone. The security code is factory programmed to 5000, butyou should change it to a number known only to you.To change the code, follow the steps at left. Enter afour-digit number, then press SAVE. The number youenter must not begin with 1 or 2.The security number you enter will be applied to bothmailboxes.MAILBOXESCALL HISTORY^ VOKSelect MAILBOXESMAILBOX 2MAILBOX 1MAILBOX 1 SETUPMAILBOX 2 SETUP^ VOKSelect mailbox to modifyREVIEW/CHNG OGAANSWER + RECORDSEC. CODE: 5000# OF RINGS: 2^ VSETSelect SEC. CODESECURITY CODE5000< >SAVEEnter 4-digit security code91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 32
33Answering System Operation1Dial your telephone number fromany touch-tone phone2When system answers, enter 4-digit Remote Access Code (“5000”unless you have changed it)3Enter remote commands (see list at right)4Hang up to end call and save allundeleted messagesIf you enter no commands, thesystem will play new messages(or prompt you to enter 5 to hearthe help menu if there are no newmessages).If you enter no commands afterplayback, you will be prompted topress 5 to hear the help menu.If you continue to enter no commands, the call will end.Remote accessA 4-digit security code is required to access youranswering system from any touch-tone phone. Thiscode is “5000” by default; see page 32 to change it.Play messages1or 2+ mailbox (1 or 2)Repeat or go back4Skip to next message6Stop#Delete message3Delete all messages3+ mailbox (1 or 2)Review announcement7+ mailbox (1 or 2)Record announcement8+ mailbox (1 or 2) to begin5to stop recordingChange answer mode9+ mailbox (1 or 2)Turn mailbox off0+ mailbox (1 or 2)Turn mailbox on0+ mailbox (1 or 2)Exit*Help menu5All messages: Press 1+ mailbox number.New messages: Press 2+ mailbox number.Press to repeat current message. Presstwice to hear previous message.Press to skip current message andadvance to next message.Press to stop any operation (stop playback, stop recording).Press during playback to delete currentmessage.Press 3+ mailbox number after playbackof all messages to clear selected mailbox.Press 7+ mailbox number to review current outgoing announcement.Press 8, enter mailbox number, thenspeak after tone. Press 5to stop recording.Press 9+ mailbox number to toggle(Answer+Record or Answer Only mode).Press 0+ mailbox number to toggle mailbox on or off.If off, system answers after 10 rings. Enteraccess code, then 0+ mailbox number.End remote access call (or hang up).Press while not listening to messages tohear voice help menu.91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 33
34AppendixDisplay screen status iconsStatus icons1-8Line in use (line number shown in phone icon)Handset or Base using answering system (handset or base numberfollowed by “T”)Phone in use (intercom call); flashes when handset or base isbeing pagedBattery power level (see below); Battery charging (animated dis-play). (This icon is only on handset screen.) Handset identification numberMMicrophone is mutedHCall is on holdEEnhanced mode is activatedPNo AC powerRHandset is not yet registered, or searching for baseBattery power levelsBattery fully chargedApproximately half power remainingBattery power is low; should be recharged soon(flashing) Battery power is very low and must be recharged HANDSET 1RDL MEMMENU1TBASERDL MEMMENU191-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 34
35Appendix“Beep”(Single beep)Handset registration or programmingcommand successfully completed.“Beeeeeeeeep”(1 long beep)The handset is out of range. Move closerto the base.“Beeeeeeeeep”(1 long beep)Error tone (current operation has beenunsuccessful; try again).Alert tones and indicator lights“Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep”(5 quick beeps)Handset battery is low. Place handset inbase to charge the battery. Alert tonesIndicator lightsMUTEOn when base microphone is muted.HEADSETOn when headset isin useSPEAKERPHONEOn when speakerphoneis in useON/OFFSteady: Both mailboxes onFlashing: One mailbox turned offOff: Both mailboxes turned offL1/L/2Steady: Line in useSlow flash: Line on holdQuick flash: Line ringingMAILBOX LINE 1/2Steady: Old messagesFlashing: New messagesSPARE BATTERYSteady: Spare battery is chargingFlashing: AC power is off. Sparebattery is in use.Handset light flashes toannounce new messages91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 35
ENTER BASE ID123456789012345<OKHANDSET 2RDL MEMMENU36AppendixAdding new handsetsYour telephone can accommodate up to eight cordless handsets. You can add new hand-sets (sold separately) at any time, but each must be registered with the base before use.Before using a new handset, you must register it with thebase. During registration, you must enter the 15-digit IDnumber of the telephone base. To find this number, go tothe base, press MENU, scroll down to select DISPLAYBASE ID, then press OK.Follow the instructions provided with your new handsetto register it for use with your telephone.The handset provided with your telephone is automaticallyregistered as Handset 1. Additional handsets will beassigned numbers in the order they are registered (2, 3, 4,etc.) up to a maximum of eight handsets.R Handset 1 Handset 2 Handset 3NOTE:If you select DEREGISTER ALL in the HandsetSettings menu, all handsets will be unusable until each has been re-registered (see page 15).91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 36
37AppendixCharging  spare batteriesAn optional spare battery (AT&T 2401 or 2403, sold separately) can be kept chargedin the base, for quick replacement when the handset battery becomes depleted.In the event of a power failure, the charged battery in the base will allow you to makeand receive calls for up to one hour.A spare battery requires at least 24 hours to reach full charge.Caution: Use only suppliedrechargeable battery. Replaceonly with AT&T Model 2401battery (SKU 26820).Press latch on side of phone toopen drawer, insert battery, thenclose drawer.Insert battery with contacts facingup and to the right, as shown.91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 37
38AppendixIn case of difficultyIf you have difficulty with your phone, please try the suggestions below. For CustomerService, visit our web site at www.telephones.att.com, or call 1 800 222–3111.Telephone doesnot work at all• Make sure the battery is installed and charged correctly (see page 8).• Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into an outlet not controlled by awall switch.• Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged firmly into the base unitand the modular jack.• If these suggestions do not work, unplug the base, remove and re-insert the battery, then place the handset in the charger to re-initialize.Phone does notring• Make sure the ringer is on (see pages 14-15).• Make sure the telephone line cord and AC adapter are plugged inproperly (see pages 6-7).• Move the handset closer to the base.• You might have too many extension phones on your telephone line toallow all of them to ring. Try unplugging some of them.If you hearnoise or interferenceduring a call• You may be out of range. Move closer to the base.• Appliances plugged into the same circuit as the base can cause interference. Try moving the appliance or base to another outlet.• The layout of your home or office might be limiting the operatingrange. Try moving the base to another location, preferably on anupper floor.• If the buttons don’t work, try placing the handset in the charger for atleast 15 seconds.• Disconnect the base from the modular jack and plug in a corded tele-phone. If calls are still not clear, the problem is probably in yourwiring or local service. Call your local telephone service company.91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 38
39AppendixIncompletemessages• If a caller leaves a very long message, part of it may be lost when thesystem disconnects the call after 4 minutes.• If the caller pauses for more than 7 seconds, the system stopsrecording and disconnects the call.• If the system’s memory becomes full during a message, the systemstops recording and disconnects the call.Difficulty hear-ing messages • Press ^to increase speaker volume.System doesnot answerafter correctnumber of rings• Make sure that the answering system is on.• If Toll Saver is activated, the number of rings changes to two whenyou have new messages waiting (see page 29).• In some cases, the system may be affected by the ringing systemused by the local telephone company.• If the memory is full or the system is off, the system will answer after10 rings.Announcementmessage is notclear• When you record your announcement, make sure you speak in a normal tone of voice, about 9 inches from the base.• Make sure there is no “background” noise (TV, music, etc.) while youare recording.On/Off buttonis flashing• The On/Off button on the base flashes when one mailbox is turnedoff. To stop the flashing, press ON/OFF, then set both mailboxes to“On” (see page 24).System doesnot respond to remote commands• Be sure to enter your Remote Access Code correctly (see pages 32-33).• Make sure you are calling from a touch-tone phone. When you dial anumber, you should hear tones. If you hear clicks, the phone is not atouch-tone telephone and cannot activate the answering system.• The answering system may not detect the Remote Access Codewhile your announcement is playing. Try waiting until the announce-ment is over before entering the code.• There may be noise or interference on the phone line you are using.Press dial-pad buttons firmly.In case of difficulty91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 39
40AppendixAAC adapter, 6, 7Access code, 32, 33Alert tones, 35Answering calls, 10, 11Answering system, 24answer only, 28audible message alert, 30delete messages, 27outgoing announcement, 26memos, 31play messages, 27, 33remote access, 33rings before answer, 29security code, 32, 33BBattery charging, 8, 37Battery installation, 8Belt clip, 9CCall history, 20Caller ID, 5, 20add entries to phone directory, 21delete entries, 21dial entries, 22Call screening, 15CID, 20Conference calls, 13DDay/time, 25Delete Call Log entries, 21Delete redial entries, 10, 11Dialing, manual dialing, 10, 11phonebook dialing, 19EEnding calls, 10, 11Error tones, 35, 16FFlash (switchhook flash), 12HHands-free use, 10, 11Headphone, 9Hold, 10, 11IIncoming call log, 20Incoming calls, answering, 10, 11, 13Incoming messages, 23, 24Indicator lights, 35Intercom, 13LLast number redial, 10, 11Low battery, 8MMaking calls, 10, 11Memos, 31Menus, 2, 14-16Message alert, 30Messages, 24-33Microphone, 26, 31Mute, 10, 11Index91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 40
41AppendixNNames,enter into phonebook, 17search for, 18New handsets, 36Number of rings before answer, 29OOn/off button, 24Operating range, 5Outgoing announcement, 26Out of range, 5, 14PPaging, 13Phonebooks,dial number, 19edit entries, 19name search, 18new entries, 17Playback (messages), 27Problems, 38QQuick reference guide, 2-3RReceiving calls, 10, 11Recharging, 8, 37Redial, 10, 11Repeat, 27Ring silencing, 12Ring tone options, 14, 15SSearch for name, 18Security codes, 32, 33Skip, 27Spare battery, 37Speakerphone, 10, 11TTechnical specifications, 42Time, 25Tones,base tones & alerts, 35handset tones & alerts, 35send tones during call, 12Troubleshooting, 38VVoice mail, 24-33Volume controls, 12Index91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 41
42AppendixTechnical specificationsRF Frequency Band 5744 MHz  - 5825 MHzBase Unit Voltage(AC Voltage, 60Hz)96 — 144 VrmsBase Unit Voltage(AC Adapter Output)8.61 VdcHandset Voltage 2-3 Vdc Channels 95Channel Spacing 864 KHzSensitivity -93 dBm91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 42
AppendixYour package includes a handy wallet card to help you remember access commandsyou can use to control your answering system from any touch-tone telephone.If you misplace this card, just clip and save the card below.Remote access wallet cardAction Remote CommandVoice help menu ................5Play messages ........................1+mailbox (all) 2+mailbox (new)Repeat message..................4Skip message ......................6Stop ......................................#Save messages .................... Hang upDelete message ..................3(current) 3+ mailbox (all) Review announcement ....7+mailbox numberRecord announcement ....8+mailbox number5to stopChange answer mode ......9+mailbox numberEnd remote access call ....* (or hang up)Turn mailbox off ................0+mailbox numberTurn mailbox on ................If off, system answers after 10 rings.Enter access code, then press 0+ mailbox numberCall your phone number, then enter your4-digit access code (preset to 5000).5.8 GHz 2-Line Telephone/Answering System EP5962Cut along dotted lineFold card here91-000302-010-000_EP5962Englishmanual_r0Mar1605.qxd  3/16/2005  5:21 PM  Page 43
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