VTech Telecommunications DVD01 Digital Satellite Receiver With DVD Player User Manual 1 of 2

VTech Telecommunications Ltd Digital Satellite Receiver With DVD Player 1 of 2


User Manual 1 of 2

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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]VTech Telecommunications DVD01 Digital Satellite Receiver With DVD Player User Manual 1 of 2
Document ID108625
Application IDSRO2GYUVOPbQBG40wdwoDA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 1 of 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatMicrosoft Word - pdf
Filesize104.51kB (1306325 bits)
Date Submitted2000-07-10 00:00:00
Date Available2000-09-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-07-10 17:13:31
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-07-10 17:13:33
Document TitleUser Manual 1 of 2

Model 5400
Sateilite/DVD System
User’s Guide
You mini be awarc nfsafety when you install and use this system Theselrmruciiaiu pmVide various
procedures Some of these procedures cuuld result ‘in injury or property damage: ifynu do them improperly
Other procedures lequim special meniinn,
In this Guide, in: [allowing notes tell you when you need to pay special attention:
W W Marks 3 pmcedure where the folluwing may happen: i
- Personal injury or mm may'mur. ‘
' Equipment or property may he damaged.
5 mmw i'Marksme‘foilowingissues:
. v ' ' lmpcrumflpeiationurmaintenanceinsuuctionsfollow, ‘
~ Specrai attention isrequiud,
l WANN’NG! . - Do rm} try to open the cast ofihe reczivui Thar: is risk afelecirical
| Shock, which may cause damage is the receiver and/or persmai
, injury or death to you There arena user-smictable pans inside the _
receiver. Opening the receiver case or making unauthorized changes
wifl void m: warranty
W‘NGI - To reduce the risk of flu or elzcxric shock. do hatexpose this
apyliance to rain or moisture.
Note: This Guide covers the DVD/Satellite theivfl', This Guidemay also cover uther modfls, not listed here.
Cupyngm n zoos EchoSW Technologies Corporation, Englewood, Cowmdo am [2
All nghvs mama.
The information in this Gum may chug: wiflmul notiu, Revisinns my be issued to lell yw uboutwch changes,
You Show! lddnss comments er qllfl‘lions abelil this Guide ID' thinliml Publication. f
khallvr Ten/malt)?!" prizmn'nn. 99 truer-nu: C mt: Ea". Englrwoad, Colorado 501114
Documem Number: 103339
Pfinlied in “In Unlled Sum: of Ameriu.
DISH Nmmk is l Mmlrk Ind Wine mark of Echnsur Communiwiuns Cnrpomion,
“Dolby" m (hl double-D symbvl m Wk; orDelby Labomnries, Cnnfidcnml unpublished wants,
0 19924997 Dolby lel'lwrics. All rights famed.
‘ All prod mum Ind: names. a: uni-pom names mmlioned in mi; Gum n xmwimm m be
me prupflevuy mm mm registered owners.
Table of Contents
Safety Instructinns
ChapleM: Introducllon
Welcome! .
For Mare Information
Saielile Television
Satellite Signal Quality v
Available Services
About the DVD Player ,
DVD Discs and Audm (205
Satellite Qurck Start Tips
DVD Piayer Ounck Start Tips
Chapter 2: The Parts of lhe System ...2-1
The Receiver , .. .....
The Remote Control .. l
The Receiver Menu Structure
Chapter 3: Using the Satellite System 3-1
Ordering Vow Programming
Using the Remote Central
Using (he On-Screen Menus ,
Canceimg a Procedure
Changing Channels
Displaying me List cl Avellable Channels and Programs
Displaying Program information While Waiching a Program
Ordering Pay Per View Programs . ...
Listing and choosing Programs
by Themes , . .
Using Favorltes Lisls ,
Reading Electronic Mail v
Setting and Usmg Security Locks
Discerning All Setup Information .
Regarding Programs
Watchi'rg Prugmms
in other Languagas ,,,,, .
Duing Dlagnostic Tests
Using Even! flmezs ,
Chapter 6: Using the DVD Player”
The DVDIAlidiO CD Player
Basic Operallon al the DVD Player .
DVD Disc Menus ..
The DVD Banner ..
Page i
Sa lellite System User Guide
Special DVD Features .
. And
Basic Audio CD Operation .“4-5
The Audio CD Banner , 4-6
Wiring the System Togethef
Glossary ..
Problems a o u ions 3 as ‘
Device Codes for Programming the Digital Remote Control .. . . . . . .
Appendix A
LimitedWarranty ..... .v .v . . .. v .v . v. .....A-1
Resmentnal CustamerAgreemenl , , .i , . A»2
AppendixB ., . 4 . . ...B—.1
Staying Legaiv . .. . . .. . .. . 5.1
FCC Compliance ..... . . .... v .. . .. B-1
Pam iI
Safely -
WARN‘NG’ Please always follow these instructions to help ensure
against injury to yourself and damage to the system
Read all safety and operating instructions before
you operate the receiver.
Retain alt safety and npemting instructions lb:
future reference.
Head all warnings on the receiver and m the
safety and operating instructions
Follow all installation. operating. and use
Unplug the recerver from the AC power outlet
bel‘me cleaning. Use only a damp cloth for
cleaning [he exterior nfihe receiver.
00 not use accessories vr attachments not
recommended by the receiVer manufacturer. as
they may cause hazards and void me warranty
Do not operate the receiver in high humidity
area; m- expose it to water trr moisture.
Do not place the receiver on an unstable can,
stand, tripod, hmeket, or table. 311: receiver may
(all, causing serious personal injury and damage
to the receiver.
00 not black or cover slots and openings in the
receiver These are provided for ventilatian and
protection from overheating, Never place the
receiver near or over a radiator or heat register.
Do ndr place the receiver in an enclosure such as
a cabinet wrthnut proper ventrlatron.
Do not stack the receiver on tap or" or below
other electron tc devices.
Operate the receiver using only the type at
power source indicated on m: marking label.
Unplug the receiver power card by gripping the
power plug, not the card.
Insert the plug properly The receiver ts
equipped With a polarized AC litre plug (one
blade is wider mm the other) This plug will fit
We the power uutlet only one way. This is a
safety feature. lfycu are unable to insert the plug
fillly into the curler, m1 reversing the plug. lithe
plug still fails to fit. contact an electrician to
replace the obsolete ourIeL Do not defeat the
safety purpose of the polarized plug.
Route power supply com so that they are not
likely to be walked on or pinched by item place
upon or against them. Pay particular mention to
cards at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the
paint where mey exit from use uru'r.
Do not overload wall outlets or extension
cards, as this can result in a risk at” fire or
electrical shock.
Page i
Satellite System User Guide
A Never ins-rt objects of any kind into the
receiver throng}: openings. as the nbjel‘ti may
touch dangerous voluge points or short out parts
This could cause fire or electrical shock.
- Make sure thnt the outdoor parts of the antenna
system are grounded in accordance with local,
state, ledml, and Nulmnal Electrical Code
(N EC) requirements.
Note to CATV System installer: This
reminder is provided to call the CATV system
irrstaller‘s attention wAnlclx 820-40 of the NEC
mat provides guidelines (or proper grounding
and, lit pmlculnr, specifies that the cable ground
shall be connected to the grounding system nlthe
huilding as close to rile point of cable entry as
- Do not locate the antenna near overhead light
or power circuits. or where it can fall into such
power lines or ctrcutts When mstall‘lng the
mllenna, teke extreme care to avoid touching
such power lines or circuits. as contact with them
can be fatal
- Do not attempt to tervtee the receiver yourselfi
as opening or removing cover: may expose you
to dangerous voltage, and will Void the wanzntyr
Refer all servicing to authorized service
- Unplug the receiver from the wall outlet and
refer servicing to authorized service personnel
whet-letter the (allowing occurs: -
The power supply cord or ping is damaged,
Liquid lus been spilled or objects
hue fallen into the receiver
The rmiver has been exposed to
rein or water—4
The receiver has heendropped or the
chest its been damaged.
The receiver exhtlslu a distinct
change in pet-formulae,
Grounding Cnndumr:
(NEG Section 01041}
Page iv
amnd Clamp
Gmund Block
Make sure that the service technician uses
replacement parts specified by the receiver
manufacturer, Unauthorized suesrirnnons may
damage rile re vet or cause elecnjical shock or
fire, and will void the warranty.
Upon completion of any service or repair in
the receiver, ask the service technician lc perform
safety checks {0 ensure that the receiver is in
proper upetlling condition
Use an outlet that contains surge suppression or
ground fault proucllonr For added proteclien
during a lightning storm, or when the receiver is
left unattended and unused for iong periods of
time. unplug it From the wall outlet and
dlsconnctt the lines between the receiver and the
antenna This will provide some plotecu'on
agnlnsr damage caused by lightning or power line
1— Satellite men
cum! cent-
he'n Subunit Dish
4— si-etrle Service Equip-mm
1 <—_ Grunt-rd Climfi!
1—— Pmr some. tsrounnmg
_, Electrodes/31m
7 (NEC Arr. zen. Fun in
Congratulations’ You are about to experience
the pleasure and convenience of the integration
on Digital Versatile Dist: (DVD) Player with
Digital Videu Broadcast - this digital
transmission technology alluws the absulute best
in picture and sound quality tnmbined with the
most up—to-date satellite products and services.
As the leader in convergent technology and one
of the World‘s most reputable prowdets of
satellite products and sen/ices, EchoStar ensures
high performance. ease oi operation, and a vast
array of entertainment options Widely
recognized in the industry fer extensive research
and development actiwty, EchoStar has
combined a DVD/CD player with an advanced
satellite receiver and will continue (0 produce
technolngy to keep you current on the most up-
tn-date options to support your complete home
entertainment system
For hnsic installation procedures, see the
Installation [nsiructi‘vruthnt came with yaur
system. For more detailed initailzti‘an
procedures, see the instructiuns included in the
optional Installation Kit. For tnfotmalién rm
professional installation, call the Servrce Center
at I-800-333-DISH (3474)
Far usistanu using the receiver or remote
Review the part at“ this Guide that covers the
desired subject.
If this does not help, review the Problem and
Solution: Table: beginning on page 5-5.
if this does not help1 call the Service Center at
14004334313?! (3474), or see the home page at
Satellite television uses a satellite in a
grasp-chroma: orbit over the Earth to deliier
television and audio grogrammirig, This type of
urbil enables the satellite to stay aligned ever une
place on the surface at the Earth. Once the
satellite dish is aimed at the satellite, the dish
does not have to move to follow it
The programming Slgnll is transmitted to the
satellite from a facility on the greund called the
“Uplink Center“ The satellite than transmits the
Signal (0 the dish, The signal the receiver
processes IS customized based on the
programming or information sen/ices ordered.
To receive DISH Network satellite television
services. you must have a sstellile dish and
receiver installed that are compatible with the
DISH Network To order pity per view pmgmms,
yDtl mustconnect the receiver to an active
uui-tir Cunt-r
Page M
Satellite System User Guide
RAIN AND Snow Fans
Heavy rain, snow, or cloud cover can block the
satellite signal. which can interrupt your
programming serVice By aiming the satellite
dish to get the strongest signal. you can help
prevent rain and snow from interrupting the
Twice a year, the sun ism a position behind the
satellite, in orbit around the Earth. The exact
time or“ the year that this occurs varies,
depending on the location, but it Will be amnnd
the beginning of spring and again around the
beginning of autumn, When the sun is directly
behind the satellite. solar energy over-powers the
satellite signal liJrJust a few minutes. This is an
unavoidable natural event for all suteilite
television program providers. During this period.
you Will not be able to see programs. Once the
sun has moved from behind the satellite. [he
programs will reappear.
The DISH Network provides a wide range of
exciting and entertaining services covering a
variety of interests, including movies, sports,
news, education, hobbies, music, shopping‘
comedy, and more.
- Subscrlptlon Services are programs on
services mat you purchase For extended
periods. They are billed at regular intervals,
and remain activated urrtil you call the
Service Center to cancel them.
- Package Services are groups of services
offered to you at a discount. They provide
the greatest value 00 you because they
combine the services that you went to
activate it a reduced rate.
- Ono-11m service: are special broadcast
events and other purchases you use once.
They include pay per view pregnms, and
special programming.
Page 1-2
The DVD Player will allow you to watch your
favorite DVD movies and listen to your favorite
audio CDs. The DISH DVD player uses the
NTSC color recording system. It uses DolbyTM
Digital (AC-37“) and PCM audio recording
The DVD player is compatible with 5" (12 cm)
and 3" (3 cm) DVD Video“ Discs, and with 5"
and 3" (CD single) Compact Digital Audio"l
discs. [t is designed for playback of Region 1
(United States of America, and Canada) encoded
DVD software. L's: ofsofrware not intended for
Region i playback may result in undesirable
performance, Do not try to play Photo CD or
CD-R. Data on the disc may be damaged.
Discs which cannot be played with this player
DVD with Region No. other than "I '
PAL system disc
Source Exif Data:
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
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Create Date                     : 2000:07:10 17:13:31
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Modify Date                     : 2000:07:10 17:13:33-04:00
Page Count                      : 10
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FCC ID Filing: EW7DVD01

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