VeryKool USA I121 MOBILE PHONE User Manual I121C FULL


Users Manual

IICONTENTCONTENTCONTENTCONTENT1. WARNINGS ................................................................. - 1 -2. GETTING STARTED .................................................. - 3 -2.1 APPEARANCE .......................................................... - 3 -2.2 KEYPAD DEFINITION ............................................ - 4 -2.3 BATTERY INSTALLATION .....................................- 5 -2.4 SIM CARD/T-FLASH CARD INSTALLATION . . . . . . - 6 -2.5 CHARGING THE BATTERY ................................... - 6 -2.6 SECURITY SETTINGS ............................................ - 7 -2.7 T-FLASH CARD ........................................................ - 7 -2.8 USB CABLE .............................................................. - 8 -3. BASIC FUNCTIONS ...................................................- 8 -3.1 MAKINGACALL .....................................................- 8 -3.2 EMERGENCY SERVICE ..........................................- 8 -3.3 ANSWERINGACALL ............................................. - 8 -3.4 REJECTINGACALL ................................................ - 9 -4. GUIDE TO MENU OPERATIONS ............................. - 9 -4.1 CALL HISTORY ........................................................- 9 -4.2 PHONE BOOK ...........................................................- 9 -4.3 ALARM .................................................................... - 10 -4.4 MULTIMEDIA .........................................................- 10 -4.4.1 CAMERA .............................................................. - 10 -4.4.2 AUDIO PLAYER .................................................. - 10 -4.4.3 VIDEO PLAYER ...................................................- 10 -4.4.4 FM RADIO ............................................................ - 11 -4.4.5 SOUND RECORDER ........................................... - 11 -4.5 MESSAGES ............................................................. - 11 -4.6 ORGANIZER ........................................................... - 13 -4.6.1 CALENDAR ......................................................... - 13 -4.6.2 BLUETOOTH ....................................................... - 13 -
III4.6.3 CALCULA TOR .....................................................- 13 -4.7 PASTIME ................................................................. - 14 -4.7.1 PICTURE BROWSER ..........................................- 14 -4.7.2 E-BOOK READER ...............................................- 14 -4.7.3 SNAKE .................................................................. - 14 -4.8 FILE MANAGER .................................................... - 14 -4.9 SETTINGS ............................................................... - 14 -4.9.1 CALL .....................................................................- 14 -4.9.2 PHONE .................................................................. - 16 -4.9.3 DISPLAY ...............................................................- 16 -4.9.4 SECURITY ............................................................- 17 -4.9.5 USER PROFILES ................................................. - 18 -5. ENTRY MODE .......................................................... - 18 -5.1 LETTER ENTRY MODE ........................................ - 18 -5.2 NUMBER ENTRY MODE ...................................... - 18 -6. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ..................................- 19 -7. TECHNICAL INFORMATION .................................- 21 -
- 1 - WarningsWarningsWarningsWarningsNot following t hese simple guidelines may be dangerous orillegal. Read the complete user guide for further information .TURNTURNTURNTURN ONONONON SAFELYSAFELYSAFELYSAFELYDo not turn on the phone when wireless phone is prohibitedor when it may cause interference or danger.ROADROADROADROAD SAFETYSAFETYSAFETYSAFETYObey all road safety laws. Always use both of your hands tooperate the vehicle while driving.INTERFERENCEINTERFERENCEINTERFERENCEINTERFERENCEAll wireless phones may be sensitive to interference, whichmay affect performance.TURNTURNTURNTURN OFFOFFOFFOFF ININININ HOSPITALSHOSPITALSHOSPITALSHOSPITALSFollow all restrictions. Turn off the phone near medicalequipment.TURNTURNTURNTURN OFFOFFOFFOFF ONONONON AIRCRAFTSAIRCRAFTSAIRCRAFTSAIRCRAFTSFollow all restrictions. Wireless devices can causeinterference on aircrafts.TURNTURNTURNTURN OFFOFFOFFOFF WHENWHENWHENWHEN REFUELINGREFUELINGREFUELINGREFUELINGDo not use the phone at/near refueling stations. Do not usenear fuel or chemicals.USEUSEUSEUSE SENSIBLYSENSIBLYSENSIBLYSENSIBLY
- 2 -Only qualified personnel may install or repair this product.ENHANCEMENTSENHANCEMENTSENHANCEMENTSENHANCEMENTS ANDANDANDAND BATTERIESBATTERIESBATTERIESBATTERIESUse only appropriate enhancements and batteries. Do notconnect incompatible products.WATER-RESISTANCEWATER-RESISTANCEWATER-RESISTANCEWATER-RESISTANCEYourphone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.BACKUPBACKUPBACKUPBACKUP COPIESCOPIESCOPIESCOPIESRemember to make back-up copies or keep a written recordof all important information stored in your phone.CONNECTINGCONNECTINGCONNECTINGCONNECTING TOTOTOTO OTHEROTHEROTHEROTHER DEVICESDEVICESDEVICESDEVICESWhen connecting to any external device, read its user guidefor detailed safety instructions. Do not connect withincompatible products.
- 3 - GettingGettingGettingGetting StartedStartedStartedStarted2. AppearanceAppearanceAppearanceAppearanceTTTT hehehehe SymbolsSymbolsSymbolsSymbols aboveaboveaboveabove indicate:indicate:indicate:indicate:1. Left Soft Key 2. Right Soft Key3. Dial Key 4. End Key/Power Key5. Navigation Keys 6. OK Key7. Number Keys 8. Receiver9. Camera 10. Speaker11. Torch 12. USB Port
- 4 - KeypadKeypadKeypadKeypad DefinitionDefinitionDefinitionDefinitionKeyKeyKeyKeyDefinitionsDefinitionsDefinitionsDefinitionsLeftLeftLeftLeft SoftSoftSoftSoft key/key/key/key/RightRightRightRight SoftSoftSoftSoft keykeykeykey1. Execute functions that the left-down/right-down corner indicatorshows.2. In standby mode, press leftsoft key to access Menu, pressright soft key to access Names.3. When keypad is locked, pressleft soft key and right soft key tounlock.NavigationNavigationNavigationNavigation KeysKeysKeysKeys1. In other mode s , it is used asthe navigation/direction keyexcept for some special fu n ction s .2. In the standby mode, pressnavigation keys to enter shortcutsfunctions.OKOKOKOK KeyKeyKeyKey1. In standby mode, press thiskey to enter main menu.2. In the dial panel, afterinputting numbers, press this keyto do option.3. In other mode, press this keyfor confirmation.EndEndEndEnd Key/Key/Key/Key/ PowerPowerPowerPowerKeyKeyKeyKey1. Mainly used as power on/off.2. Press to return to standbyscreen in any interface.3. End calls or reject incomingcalls.
- 5 - BatteryBatteryBatteryBattery InstallationInstallationInstallationInstallationDialDialDialDial KeyKeyKeyKey1. Press this key to dial or receivean incoming call.2. In standby mode, press this keyto access Dialed.NumberNumberNumberNumber KeysKeysKeysKeys1. Use these keys to inputnumbers or letters.TorchTorchTorchTorchLightLightLightLight KeyKeyKeyKey1. In standby mode, long pressOK key to turn on/off torch light.**** KKKK eyeyeyey1. After inputting phone number,quick press * key thrice, then thesymbol “ P ” appears and input theextension number.Youcan makean extension call.2. In standby mode, press leftsoft key/OK key and * key tolock keypad.#### KKKK eyeyeyey1. In text editing interface, press# key to switch the text inputmethod.2. Press and hold # key totransfer the profile of General/Silent/Meeting in standby mode.
- 6 -CautionCautionCautionCaution : Install according to the illustration above toavoid breaking the battery connectors. SIMSIMSIMSIM Card/T -FlashCard/T-FlashCard/T-FlashCard/T-Flash CardCardCardCard InstallationInstallationInstallationInstallationCautionCautionCautionCaution : Do not bend or scratch your SIM card andT-Flash card. Avoid exposing your SIM card and T-Flash cardto static electricity, water, or dirt.TipsTipsTipsTips :Face the gold color contact point of SIM cardtowards the cell phone and push the SIM card into the slot .With the metal contacts facing down, gently slide the T-Flash card into the slot . P ress and pull the cover up to lockit. ChargingChargingChargingCharging thethethethe BatteryBatteryBatteryBatteryInsert the charger into USB interface of the phone.
- 7 -Connect the charger to a standard wall outlet and thebattery power icon in the up-right corner of the screen willstart scrolling. When the battery bar stops scrolling, thebattery charge is complete. Press the two sides of thecharger plug and disconnectthe charger from the phone.�When the battery is low, a “ low battery ” message willdisplay across the screen and the battery icon will seemempty. If the battery level is insufficient, the phone willturn off automatically. D o not use your phone under lowbattery state for an extended period of time oritmay causebattery damage. SecuritySecuritySecuritySecurity SettingsSettingsSettingsSettings―PINPINPINPIN codecodecodecodePINPINPINPIN code ( Personal Identity Number ) prevents unauthorizeduse of your phone. The PINPINPINPIN code is provided by yournetwork operator with the SIMSIMSIMSIM card.If you enter the wrong code three times in a row , the PINPINPINPINcode will be blocked .Toun block the PINPINPINPIN code, you needto enter your PUK. Y our PUK is provided by your networkoperator.―PowerPowerPowerPower onononon PasswordPasswordPasswordPasswordA ctivate/Modify/Deactivate power on password (the lengthof the password is 4-8 digital numbers). If you activate the“ Power on pwd ” , you need to enter the password each timeyou turn on the phone . If you want to modify the Startuppassword or deactivate power on password, enter Modify/Deactivate option to set. T-flashT-flashT-flashT-flash CardCardCardCard
- 8 -Insert the T-Flash card into phone. This will expand theFlash memory of the phone. USBUSBUSBUSB CableCableCableCableYou can transfer and store files, such as MP3, MP4 andpictures from PC, through USB cable, to the mass storage inphone or identified SD card that is inserted. BasicBasicBasicBasic FunctionsFunctionsFunctionsFunctions3. MakingMakingMakingMaking aaaa CallCallCallCallIn standby mode, press num erical key s to input phonenumber to dia l . I f you ’ re making a long distance call, addthe area code preceding the telephone number. Afterinputting phone number, quickly press * key thrice until thesymbol “ P ” appears, then input the extra number.You canalso press OK key to access option. During a call, press thenavigation keys to adjust the volume. EmergencyEmergencyEmergencyEmergency ServiceServiceServiceServiceYoucan dial an emergency call without the SIM card.Contact your service provider to get the emergen cy callnumber. AnsweringAnsweringAnsweringAnswering aaaa CallCallCallCallWhen you receive a call, the phone will ring or vibrate andwill display an incoming call indicator. Press the Dial key,left soft key, OK key to answer. D uring the calling, you canpress left soft key to access Option: Turn on handfree,Shuttle, Phonebook, Messages, Call history, Start recording ,Mute, and DTMF on/off.
- 9 - RejectingRejectingRejectingRejecting aaaa CallCallCallCallYou can press end key to reject or end a call. GuideGuideGuideGuide totototo MenuMenuMenuMenu OperationsOperationsOperationsOperations4. CallCallCallCall HistoryHistoryHistoryHistoryI n the call history menu, you can check dialed calls,received calls, missed calls, etc.―Dialed: Display the latest dialed calls list.―R eceived: Display the latest received calls list.―M issed: Display the latest missed calls list.―R ejected: Display the latest rejected calls list.―D elete all: Delete all records.―Call time: Display the call time record of SIM1 andSIM2. PhonePhonePhonePhone BookBookBookBookI n the phone book, y ou can store contacts' personalinformation and numbers while also search for previouslystored contacts. Press left soft key to access Option:―Add new:Toadd a new record into phone book―Search:Tosearch record names in the phone book―Send SMS: Send SMS to the number.―Call: Select SIM1/2 to call the number―Delete:Todelete the record―Mark: Mark the phone number, you can select to markone or mark all.―Copy:Youcan copy the record to SIM cards and phone.―Move: Move the contacts between SIM cards and phone
- 10 -―Others: Speed dial setting/ Own number/ Memory query/Double ( Single) line display4. AlarmAlarmAlarmAlarmThe alarm clock feature sounds an alert or makes avibration alert at a time you specify. T here are 3 alarmclocks can be edit and set. MultimediaMultimediaMultimediaMultimedia4. CameraCameraCameraCameraCamera:P ress l eft soft key or OK key to enter . The photo can bepreviewed in the screen; press OK key to shoot and rightsoft key to back, left soft key to access Option: Photos,Settings, Storage, Shoot mode, Size, Scene mode, Light,C o ntrast, White balance, Delay, and Effect settings.Video Recorder:I n Camera interface, press left soft key to access option andselect Shoot mode to change DC intoDV.T he operationsof video recorder are similar to those of camera. AudioAudioAudioAudio PlayerPlayerPlayerPlayerThis function menu is used to store and play the audio files.Press the left soft key or OK key to enter and then use theleft/right navigation keys and OK key to operate audioplayer . Press * key and # key to adjust volume. Press leftsoft key you can access Option. VideoVideoVideoVideo PlayerPlayerPlayerPlayerPreview the videos. Press * key and # key to adjust volume.
- 11 -Press navigation keys to select and OK key confirm toenter . P ress left soft key to access to “ List ”,then press leftsoft key again to access Option. FMFMFMFM RadioRadioRadioRadioE nter FM radio (insert earphone). Press left/rightnavigation key to change frequency, press * key and # keyto adjust volume. Press the left soft key to access Option.Select “ Off ” to turn off the radio. SoundSoundSoundSound RecorderRecorderRecorderRecorderYoucan take a recorder in this function. From the left to theright: Play/Pause, Stop, Record/Recording Pause, RecordFile list. Use * key and # key to adjust the volume. PressOK button to record. After record, press left soft key toaccess Option: Audition, Record again, Delete, Send, andRecord file list. After entering the record file list, select onefile, press left soft key to access Option. MessagesMessagesMessagesMessages4. 1111 WriteWriteWriteWrite MessageMessageMessageMessageThis function can begin a new message. After completingthe message, press left soft key to access to option:―Send: Input number or press left soft key to access to“ Name ” . Select SIM1 or SIM2 to send the message.―W riting language: Select writing language.―Insert template: Select a template to insert to the message .―Contact info: Insert a number to the message.―Add phiz: Select a phiz to insert to the message.―Save: Save the edited message to draftbox.
- 12 - InboxInboxInboxInboxAfter entering the Inbox, press up/down navigation key toselect messages. Press OK key to check the details ofmessage, or press left soft key to access Option. OutboxOutboxOutboxOutboxChecks the information of unsuccessfully sent message inoutbox. P ress left soft key to access to Option. DraftboxDraftboxDraftboxDraftboxYoucan save unsent and edit incomplete messages indraftbox. Press left soft key to access to Option. SentboxSentboxSentboxSentboxCheck the message in sentbox. Select one message to open,or press left soft key to access Option. MoreMoreMoreMore4. TemplatesTemplatesTemplatesTemplatesPress up/down navigation key to select a template.You canedit, send, or turn back to upper menu. function needs a network supply. Please contact withyour service provider for more information. Select SIM1 orSIM2, you can enter Line 1 number, Line 2 number, Faxnumber, and Data number. BroadcastBroadcastBroadcastBroadcast―Read: Read broadcast―Startup: Select Turnon/Deactivate
- 13 -―Channel: Check channel list―Language: all language, English, etc4. SMSSMSSMSSMS SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsToset parameters related to SMS. 5555 MemoryMemoryMemoryMemory StatusStatusStatusStatusCheck the message memory of SIM cards and phone. SMSSMSSMSSMS CountCountCountCountCheck amount number of sent and received SMS. OrganizerOrganizerOrganizerOrganizer4. CalendarCalendarCalendarCalendarYou can use this feature to view the year, date easily. Usenavigation key s to navigat e other date. BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothT his mobile phone support Bluetooth wireless connection.You can establish wireless connection between mobilephone and device to realize voice communication, dataexchange and synchronization. P ress left soft key or OKkey to enter: Open/Close bluetooth, Bluetooth visibility,Paired device, My bluetooth name, and Bluetooth f i lelocation. CalculatorCalculatorCalculatorCalculatorThis feature can use your phone as a calculator for simplecalculations. P ress number keys to enter the numbers. Usefollowing keys to calculate :Navigation keys: +, -, ×,÷OK key: Show the calculation result.* K ey:Decimal point
- 14 - PastimePastimePastimePastime4. PicturePicturePicturePicture BrowserBrowserBrowserBrowserE nter picture browser, you can choose photos to view orreturn. P ress left soft key to access to Option: Changefolder, Send, Slideplay,Delete, Rename, Mark, Detail andSlide setting. E-BookE-BookE-BookE-Book ReaderReaderReaderReaderRead E-Book stored in memory card. S elect one txt file toopen, and then press left soft key to access Option: Addbookmark, See bookmark, Jump to start, Jump to end,Jump to percent, and Turn on/off backlight. Press right softkey to back to the TXT file list, use up/down navigationkeys t o select the TXT files. T hen press left soft key toaccess Option. SnakeSnakeSnakeSnakeYour phone supplies Snake; you can play the gamewhenever you want. FileFileFileFile ManagerManagerManagerManagerE nter this menu; you can check the files store on memorycard. S elect one file and press left softkey,you can dooption. SettingsSettingsSettingsSettings4. CallCallCallCall―DualDualDualDual SIMSIMSIMSIM SetupSetupSetupSetupSet the parameters related to dual SIM.
- 15 -―NetworkNetworkNetworkNetwork SelectSelectSelectSelectThis function can let you select the network manually orautomatically. Select SIM1/SIM2 and then access:�Auto Select: Press the left soft key and confirm, themobile phone will search various networks. This operationwill let your phone register the most suitable network.�Manual Select: Press the left soft key and confirm, themobile phone will search various networks.Youcan selectthe suitable network from the listed networks.―CallCallCallCall DivertDivertDivertDivertWhen the call divert is activ ated, incoming calls will bediverted to voice mail or other phone numbers according tothe call divert settings.―CallCallCallCall BarringBarringBarringBarringWhen the call barring is activated, some of the calls will bebarred according to the call barring setting condition.Contact your service provider to sign up for call barring.―CallCallCallCall WaitingWaitingWaitingWaitingS et the mode of call waiting, this function need to beactivated.―HideHideHideHide IDIDIDIDT o set whether hide your ID.―LineLineLineLine SwitchingSwitchingSwitchingSwitchingTo select Line 1 or Line 2.―FlightFlightFlightFlight ModeModeModeModeYou can do the settings: Active or Select When Power On.―MoreMoreMoreMore�50 Secs WarningSet: Activate/ Deactivate.
- 16 -�Answer/Reject ModeSet: SMS reply after reject/ anykey answer�Auto RedialSet: Activate/ Deactivate.�Call LimiterTo limit the call duration. W hen set the function activated,input time (1-9999s) to set the limiter. PhonePhonePhonePhone―TimeTimeTimeTime &&&& DateDateDateDateYou can set time, set date, time display t ype,and datedisplay type.―LanguageLanguageLanguageLanguageYou can choose several languages under this function.―SetSetSetSet ShortcutShortcutShortcutShortcutYoucan select different functions for shortcuts.―ScheduleScheduleScheduleSchedule PowerPowerPowerPower On/OffOn/OffOn/OffOn/OffYou can set Auto Power On and Auto Power Off of: Time,Mode (Once/Every Day/ Every Week).―PowerPowerPowerPower ManagementManagementManagementManagementTo check battery capacity here―RestoreRestoreRestoreRestore FactoryFactoryFactoryFactoryI nput default password 1234 to restore factory settings.―TorchTorchTorchTorchS elect Activate or Deactivate to turn on/off torch . DisplayDisplayDisplayDisplay―WallpaperWallpaperWallpaperWallpaperYou can set wallpaper under this function.
- 17 -―IdleIdleIdleIdle DisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayYou can choose the items list under this function . T his canbe multiple selected.―CCCC ontrastontrastontrastontrastP ress left/right navigation keys to adjust contrast, and thenpress left soft key or OK key to confirm.―BacklightBacklightBacklightBacklightSet Backlightness and Time here.―KeypadKeypadKeypadKeypad LightLightLightLightS et keypad light or deactivate.―AnimationAnimationAnimationAnimation EffectEffectEffectEffectYou can set animation effect of power on animation, poweroff animation. SecuritySecuritySecuritySecurity―PINPINPINPIN�PIN number setting can avoid unauthorized usage of SIMcard.�If PIN number has been wrongly inputted for 3 times, theSIM card will be locked. PUK number is needed to unlockthe SIM card. P lease contact the network provider if youdon ’tknow the PUK number.�The default setting PIN number is provided by thenetwork operator, please set your own PIN number as soonas you receive the phone.―PIN2PIN2PIN2PIN2You can modify the PIN2 number here.―PrivacyPrivacyPrivacyPrivacy ProtectProtectProtectProtectS et a password for your phone to protect some functions.
- 18 -T he default password is 1234.―AutoAutoAutoAuto KeyKeyKeyKeyYou can set the time to lock the keypad automatically.―RedRedRedRed KeyKeyKeyKey LocksLocksLocksLocks KeypadKeypadKeypadKeypadA fter setting for activate, by pressing red key in standbymode to turn off the screen and lock keypad.―PowerPowerPowerPower onononon PwdPwdPwdPwdS et the password for power on. UserUserUserUser ProfilesProfilesProfilesProfilesT his phone provides several profiles, by pressing left softkey or OKkey,you can enter option to set: Active, Settings,and Rename. EntryEntryEntryEntry MMMM odeodeodeodeYoucan us e several methods for entering text and numbers.By s electing aTextEntry Mode, t he phone provide s a fewTextEntry Mode for new add ing,edi ting contact record s,find ing contacts,edit ing SMS and writ ing memo s .SelectTextEntry Mode: LetterLetterLetterLetter entryentryentryentry modemodemodemodePress a key once to insert the first letter on thekey,twicefor the second letter, etc. If you pause briefly, the last letterin the display is accepted and the text awaits the next entry.For example, press th e"2"key continuously, it will app e ar“a”,“ b ”,“c”,“ 2 ” one by one. NumberNumberNumberNumber entryentryentryentry modemodemodemode
- 19 -Number Entry Mode can input the number in the text, suchas telephone number.Tapthe proper number and input it. CareCareCareCare andandandand MaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceBatteryBatteryBatteryBattery carecarecarecare•Yourdevice is powered by a rechargeable battery. Whenthe power is weak, please charge the battery . In order toextend the life span of the battery, use all the battery's powerbefore recharging.• Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the devicewhen not in use. Do not leave the battery connected to acharger more than a week. Overcharging may shorten itslife span .• Extreme temperatures can affect the ability of your batteryto charge. Battery needs the fit temperature. If thesurrounding temperature is over 40 ° C, the battery can not becharged.• Use the battery only for its intended purpose. Never useany charger or battery that is damaged.Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuitingcan occur when a metallic object such as a coin, clip, or pencauses direct connection of the positive (+) and negative (-)terminals of the battery. (These look like metal strips on thebattery.)Short-circuiting the terminals may damage thebattery or the connecting object.• Leaving the battery in hot or cold places, such as in aclosed car in summer or a freezer in winter conditions, willreduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery. Always tryto keep the battery between 59 ° F and 77 ° F (15 ° C and25 ° C).Ahot or cold battery may not function temporarily,
- 20 -even when the battery is fully charged.• Battery performance is particularly limited intemperatures below freezing.• Do not dispose of batteries in a fire! Dispose of batteriesaccording to local regulations. Please recycle whenpossible. Cell phones are not considered household waste.MobileMobileMobileMobile phonephonephonephone maintenancemaintenancemaintenancemaintenance• Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all typesof liquids or moisture can contain minerals that will corrodeelectronic circuits. If your device does get wet, remove thebattery and allow the device to dry completely beforereplacing it.• Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Itsmoving parts and electronic components can be damaged.• Do not store the device in hot areas. High temperaturescan shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries,and warp or melt certain plastics.• Do not store the device in cold areas. When the devicereturns to its normal temperature, moisture can form insidethe device and damage electronic circuit boards.• Do not attempt to open the device other than as instructedin this guide.• Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough handlingcan break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.• Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strongdetergents to clean the device.• Do not paint the device Paint can clog the moving partsand prevent proper operation.• Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna .Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments
- 21 -could damage the device and may violate regulationsgoverning radio devices.All of the above suggestions apply to your device, battery,charger, or any enhancement. If any device is not workingproperly, take it to the nearest authorized service facility forservice. TechnicalTechnicalTechnicalTechnical InformationInformationInformationInformationWeight : 105g (with battery)Size : 109 × 44 × 13.2mmBattery : 1650mAhNetworks: GSMBattery work times refer to the list below (Will no tannounce i f the capacity is changed):The operation time of the battery depends on conditionssuch as:• Transmitting power level• Signal (distance between the phone and the base station)• Network parameters defined by the operator• Phone use (WAP, games, SMS)• Charging procedure usedExclusions:Subject to the exclusions contained below:1. Damage due to the improper use.2 . User does not follow t he manual.Explanation:The company has the final right of the explanation for thisdocument.Software upgrades will not be announced.
- 22 -AAAA llllllll thethethethe configurationconfigurationconfigurationconfigurationssssmentionedmentionedmentionedmentioned inininin thisthisthisthis useruseruseruser manualmanualmanualmanualisisisisonlyonlyonlyonly forforforfor reference;reference;reference;reference; pleasepleasepleaseplease referreferreferrefer totototo thethethethe actualactualactualactual phonephonephonephone ....FCCFCCFCCFCC RFRFRFRF ExposureExposureExposureExposure InformationInformationInformationInformation andandandand StatementStatementStatementStatementThe SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged overone gram of tissue. Device typesI121C (FCC ID: WA6I121 ) has also been tested against thisSAR limit. The highest SAR value reported under thisstandard during product certification for use at the ear is0.296 W/kg and when properly worn on the body is0.221 W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-wornoperations with the back of the handset kept 1.5cm from thebody. To maintain compliance with FCC RFexposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a1.5cm separation distance between the user's body and theback of the handset. The use of belt clips, holsters andsimilar accessories should not contain metallic componentsin its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfythese requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposurerequirements, and should be avoided.FCCFCCFCCFCC WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may causeundesired operation.
- 23 -NOTE 1 : This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuantto part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.NOTE 2: Any changes or modifications to this unit notexpressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE 3: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radioor TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications tothis equipment. Such modifications could void the user ’ sauthority to operate the equipment.

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