Vision Technics VWM-1G01A Modular Wireless Card User Manual VWM 1G01A Manual ENG 050530 1

Vision Technics Co., Ltd. Modular Wireless Card VWM 1G01A Manual ENG 050530 1

Users Manual

AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 1         VWM-1G01A
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 2   1. Product Introduction  The Wireless LAN is a transceiver, which installed in the speaker system receiving and transmitting the Audio sound, can catch the Amp sound through the wireless.     This product composed of the total 40 pins, can transmit and receive the data in the air through one unit module with an antenna.    The antenna has the 2dBi(peak) gain.  And also, the installed oscillator frequency is operated as 44MHz and 3.3V and is able to get the data maximizing 11Mbps.    The channel use the 1~13CH and also automatically scan the best optimized channel without noise.
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 3  2. Using Method.   This module is the developed digital transmission system to catch the audio sound through the wireless method from the transmitting and the receiving device, which transfer the inputted analog signal from the Amp to the digital signal.    Link +3.3V to the 37/39 pin# of the module and the GND to the 36/38/40 pin#, thus, supply the power.   When inputting the initial power, this Channel will be shifted to the best optimized condition to receive and transmit the high qualified sound between the transmitting module and receiving module.    This module can add the amp part and the other sound circuits in the receiving speaker system.  Remark※    Please refer the pin description of the module, the block diagram, the interface and the
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 4 mechanical dimension. Attachment 1. Pin Configuration   * N.C : NO CONNECTION* GPIO : GENERAL PURPOSE IN/OUT PORTDGNDNO12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262731PIN NAMEEEPROM_ENBEXT_UXTALINDGNDN.CGPA8USBDPLUSUSBDMINUSSDASCLDGNDGPB11GPB10GPB9GPB7GPB5GPB2GPA3GPA2GPA1GPA0TDOJTAG_RSTTDIRESETAGNDVCC33VCC33DESCRIPTION282930323334353637383940GPB8GPB6GPB4GPB3GPB1GPB0GPA7GPA6TCKTMSAGNDAGNDEEPROM enable control input USB clock crystal input (48MHz)Digital GroundNO CONNECTION USB D+USB D-Serial DataSerial Clock InputDigital GroundMCLKSDATALRCLK SCLKJTAG serial output data JTAG reset signal, Active lowJTAG serial input data, Active low Reset signal for internal registers, Active lowAnalog GroundSupply for digital peripheral blocks (3.3V)Supply for digital peripheral blocks (3.3V) Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Digital GroundSPDIF  OUTSPDIF IN JTAG clock signal, Active lowJTAG test mode signal, Active lowAnalog GroundAnalog GroundHost interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIOHost interface address/data multiplexed GPIO GPIO* N.C : NO CONNECTION* GPIO : GENERAL PURPOSE IN/OUT PORTDGNDNO12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262731PIN NAMEEEPROM_ENBEXT_UXTALINDGNDN.CGPA8USBDPLUSUSBDMINUSSDASCLDGNDGPB11GPB10GPB9GPB7GPB5GPB2GPA3GPA2GPA1GPA0TDOJTAG_RSTTDIRESETAGNDVCC33VCC33DESCRIPTION282930323334353637383940GPB8GPB6GPB4GPB3GPB1GPB0GPA7GPA6TCKTMSAGNDAGNDEEPROM enable control input USB clock crystal input (48MHz)Digital GroundNO CONNECTION USB D+USB D-Serial DataSerial Clock InputDigital GroundMCLKSDATALRCLK SCLKJTAG serial output data JTAG reset signal, Active lowJTAG serial input data, Active low Reset signal for internal registers, Active lowAnalog GroundSupply for digital peripheral blocks (3.3V)Supply for digital peripheral blocks (3.3V) Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Digital GroundSPDIF  OUTSPDIF IN JTAG clock signal, Active lowJTAG test mode signal, Active lowAnalog GroundAnalog GroundHost interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIO Host interface address/data multiplexed GPIOHost interface address/data multiplexed GPIO GPIO
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 5  Attachment 2. Block Diagram  GDM5103WLAN B.BPAT/RSwitchBPFAntennaEEPROMRFLDO1.8VLDO2.8VOSC44MHz>+3.3V●RF-COM RF-OUTRF-OUTRF-INSwitch SignalCLK-REF7Down load (JTAG)GPIO & Serial interface(256k)GRF51012GDM5103WLAN B.BPAT/RSwitchBPFAntennaEEPROMRFLDO1.8VLDO2.8VOSC44MHz>+3.3V●RF-COM RF-OUTRF-OUTRF-INSwitch SignalCLK-REF7Down load (JTAG)GPIO & Serial interface(256k)GRF51012
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 6  Attachment 3-1. External Audio ADC/DAC Interface Audio ADC/DAC interface provides a high quality multi resolution(16/18/20/24-bit) digital audio connection to external audio devices. ADI interface supports I2S audio format as well as optional left-justified or right-justified audio format. ADI interface produces one 64-bit frame at the audio sample frequency using a bit clock and frame sync signal. ADI interface supports 32KHz, 44.1KHz or 48KHz audio sampling frequency, of which 256 or 384 times main clock can be generated from on-chip audio clock oscillator or external clock signal by interface mode programming.    Pin Name  I/O  Type  Description AUD_MCLK programmable clock  audio oversampled clock This clock can be programmed 256 or 384 times AUDLRCLK AUD_SCLK  programmable  clock  audio serial data bit clock This clock is fixed at 64 times AUDLRCLK AUD_LRCLK programmable  clock  audio frame synchronization clock This clock can be programmed 32KHz, 44.1KHz or 48KHz AUD_DATA  programmable  serial data audio serial data used for sending playback data to DAC and receiving data from ADC 16-bit data format with I2C, left-justified or right-justified interface  MS 14 13 2 1 LS MS 14 13 2 1 LSLeft Right•I2S interfaceAUDLRCLKAUDOUTAUDSCLK32 AUDBCLKMS 14 13 2 1 LS MS 14 13 2 1 LSLeft Right• Left-justified interfaceAUDLRCLKAUDOUTAUDSCLKMS 14 13 2 1 LS MS 14 13 2 1 LSLeft Right• Right-justified interfaceAUDLRCLKAUDOUTAUSCLKMS MS
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 7  Attachment 3-2. JTAG Interface This module supports IEEE1149.1 standard specification compliant interface. This interface supports basic test commands such as EXTEST, SMAPLE, BYPASS, and IDCODE. Beside of this, JTAG interface can be used as communication channel with GCT enhanced on-chip hardware debugger controller of GDM5103 within the module. Using on-chip debugger controller, off-chip debug handler or external host can access internal peripheral device registers, internal memory and executes real-timing hardware debugging and monitoring of on-chip embedded RISC processor. Also, external host can communicate on-chip RISC processor through JTAG with on-chip hardware managed channel buffer. There are sixteen debug registers specified and these will be used in GCT own development chip manager software. The length of instruction register in JTAG interface is 6bit and that of debug data register is 32bit. Table shows the summary of TAP instructions supported in GDM5103.  Instruction  Opcode  Description EXTEST  0x000000  EXTEST initiates testing of external circuitry, typically board-level interconnects and off chip circuitry. EXTEST connects the Boundary-Scan register between TDI and TDO in the SHIFT_DR state only. When EXTEXT is selected, all output signal pin values are driven by values shifted into the Boundary-Scan register and may change only on the falling-edge of TCK in the Update_DR state. Also, when EXTEST is selected, all system input pin states must be loaded into the Boundary-Scan register on the rising-edge of TCK in the Capture_DR state. Values shifted into input latches in the Boundary-Scan register are never used by the processor’s internal logic. SAMPLE 0x000001 SAMPLE / PRELOAD performs two functions: • When the TAP controller is in the Capture-DR state, the SAMPLE instruction occurs on the rising edge of TCK and provides a snapshot of the component’s normal operation without interfering with that normal operation. The instruction causes Boundary-Scan register cells associated with outputs to SAMPLE the value being driven by or to the processor. • When the TAP controller is in the Update-DR state, the PRELOAD instruction occurs on the falling edge of TCK. This instruction causes the transfer of data held in the Boundary-Scan cells to the slave register cells. Typically the slave latched data is then applied to the system outputs by means of the EXTEST instruction. IDCODE 0x011111 IDCODE is used in conjunction with the device identification register. It connects the identification register between TDI and TDO in the Shift_DR state. When selected, IDCODE parallel-loads the hard-wired identification code (32 bits) on TDO into the identification register on the rising edge of TCK in the Capture_DR state. NOTE: The device identification register is not altered by data being shifted in on TDI. DEBUG (Private Instruction) 0x10SSSS  DEBUG instruction select the DEBUGReg with address indicator SSSS. • When the TAP controller is in the Capture-DR state, the DEBUG instruction occurs on the rising edge of TCK and executes a snapshot of DEBUG register addressed SSSS into DEBUGReg. • When the TAP controller is in the Update-DR state, the DEBUG instruction occurs on the falling edge of TCK. This instruction causes the transfer of data held in DEBUGReg to DEBUG register addressed SSSS. BYPASS  0x111111  BYPASS instruction selects the Bypass register between TDI and TDO pins while in SHIFT_DR state, effectively bypassing the processor’s test logic. 0 is captured in the CAPTURE_DR state. While this instruction is in effect, all other test data registers have no effect on the operation of the system. Test data registers with both test and system functionality perform their system functions when this instruction is selected
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 8  Attachment 4. Mechanical Dimension    43.0 mm60.0 mm12.0 mm0110112627 4041(ANT2)(X,Y:45,30)42(ANT1)(X,Y:45.2,40)Hole ¢= 4.0 mm6.5 mm8.0 mm36.0 mm40.0 mmReference Position(X,Y:0,0)2.0 mmHole Center Position(X,Y:4.5,4.5)Hole ¢= 0.8 mmLand ¢= 1.3 mm1.5 mm1.5 mmHole ¢= 0.4 mmLand ¢= 1.0 mmHole Center Position(X,Y:4.5,38.5)Hole Center Position(X,Y:42.5,4.5)* Shielding-Can Information- Size 40.2 * 36.2 mm- Fixing holes : 3 Points( Hole ¢= 0.55 mm)- Avoidance of direct contact withtop Pattern from Pin11 to Pin2643.0 mm60.0 mm12.0 mm0110112627 4041(ANT2)(X,Y:45,30)42(ANT1)(X,Y:45.2,40)Hole ¢= 4.0 mm6.5 mm8.0 mm36.0 mm40.0 mmReference Position(X,Y:0,0)2.0 mmHole Center Position(X,Y:4.5,4.5)Hole ¢= 0.8 mmLand ¢= 1.3 mm1.5 mm1.5 mmHole ¢= 0.4 mmLand ¢= 1.0 mmHole Center Position(X,Y:4.5,38.5)Hole Center Position(X,Y:42.5,4.5)* Shielding-Can Information- Size 40.2 * 36.2 mm- Fixing holes : 3 Points( Hole ¢= 0.55 mm)- Avoidance of direct contact withtop Pattern from Pin11 to Pin26
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 9 3. Install method   ■ Environment Set-up ■ Initialization ■ TX Test1: Modulated signal generation ■ TX Test2: Non-modulated signal generation ■ RX Test    1. Plug the power connector into Jig board including the module 2. Connect PC (or Notebook) with Jig board using USB cable 3. Power on Jig board 4. Make sure that PC (or NB) recognized the Jig board as a USB device 5. Initiate RF test utility on PC (or NB) 6. Start RF test    Contents Environment Set-up
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 10
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 11
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 12
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 13
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 14
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 15
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 16
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 17
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 18
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 19
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 20
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 21
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 22 4. Product specification  Transmit frequency : 2400 ~ 2483.5 MHz Antenna Power : 9.5dBm(W/Ant.Gain & Cable Loss) Channel  : 13 Ch Supply voltage : DC +3.3V Size : 43 x 10 x 60 (W x H x D) Weight  : 13 g Operating temperature : 0 ~ +35℃ Modulation system : DSSS (CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK) Oscillation System : Synthesizer operation   Type of emission : G1D Communication method : Semiduplex operation
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 23
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 24 5. LABEL <Size>   6.Regulatory Information
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 25
AAuuddiioo  DDaattaa  TTrraannsscceeiivveerr  RRFF  MMoodduullee’’ss  MMaannuuaall                                                                             VISION TECHNICS                    VWM-1G01A  VISION TECHNICS ©Copyrights 2005. All rights reserved 26

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