Visonic MCT231 User Manual 52759

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1999-08-09 00:00:00
Date Available1998-08-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-25 18:26:31
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Document Title52759.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

FCC Application for Visonic Inc -FCC ID: GSAMCT231 - Report No. 980210 17Jun-98
7.0 Instruction Manual
Attached is a draft instruction manual for the device. Note the required FCC label and warning
information on the first page. The Manual shown is for the MCT~201AT, The manual for the
MOT-231 is identical with regard to FCC labeling information.
Cur tis-Straus LLC - 521 Great Road . Littletan, MA - TEL (975) 688-8830 - FAX (978) 485-9828 page 18 of 13
MCT-201 AT
Air-Tight PowerCode Pendant Transmitter
E Visanic ltd
Installation Instructions
7h: McT»201AT is : mirllzmru alr—ughllwflbi‘prnof nmsmrmar,
daswgnad for us- in manual high security llam am r-ml- cal-um
5mm Transmissinn is infill-ml by engrossing v.11- pusnwlwi at
the center of the unit Wm activated, the lrnnsmmm sends out a 24-
bll (D and. and an alarm code, bath ldnnfilfihlfi by mumbl-
Pawcm type rawivars me D cad; magma in lawn transmitter
is fimry-salactsd from over 16 milllnn poalibh combinatlorll. Ind ls
herd-we uniaua and virtualy impossm in 15mm
All MCT-zmw units am squmpsd ln me lmry will a min-type, 3.
wall lmum balmy that an Ind upto 10 ynu. sing. it- l‘rznsmmr is
impewmln lo sr and mm, ll must be min-d in a service “not
rl bamry mplacmmt is rgquirud altar long years 171 names
An LED ngnu during mmlswi indfizfing m m. bamry vnlhga
IS a! lha proper level, If the LED floss nut light during
imnsmmmn, an. i—ansmim- must be sent ‘nt battery mplace~ mm.
In mm, a “hammer in which me battery is law w.- automalrcally
arm a "an hafiary“ code to its ouigumg digital
menlm. Cnmpalibla "waivers Mimi”
are duignea in MN «m. Wm"
. . Hauzroa
code and Dpnlflls audlhlsr visual {L‘fimm‘ Liv-mm
Di Ether 31m dxvicus
Tn. chmn Drowned wllh each
UM allaws ma uni an my in.
unit inland lb. neck is i
Damian! vansmlmr A key mg
is also Indudad in [he package‘
for use ‘rr vim mm nmin
Figur- 1. Guam! View
IMPORTANY! no not in lo ape-l IN: mm in: any pulpns!
Fuqumty (MHz): 315 404 418, 43:1 92 or arm lraqulncies
according m luzl raqurummls
Modulation: ASK {UN-OFF keying)
Trunsmltm ID: 2mm: digital wum, aver ls millmn passing coda
combinnlims. pub. width modulalim
Tnhl Menage Lenglh: 36 km
Minimum Transmli During»: 2 sec
Power Supply: awn umum call (Smyo type 1351—2032 w
Nominal Battery CID-filly: 220 mAh
Cur-mil Consumption: 45 mA (during lrirllmlsflofl]. 1 M in in
standby mod-
Banely Liv»: 3 lo 5 years With abeul 3 transmissions psi day up in
10 yaars with one minsrmssion par day an no" at all.
Emery Sup-rvlslun:
Good Mary - LED “ng sleadlly upon mam
Law balmy , LED duels wt light upon Adm-lbw
Nut-: 11 lrananwssiun I! sir/l possibi- dospl'll the battery aundriiurr
the MCT-ZfllATwi/I sand I low blffOIy ripoff [a MD receiver
3.1 Testing a New Unit
Sl'lCe the Mal-201 AT is supplied mm the binary already lnslallodr
1M unilis prsmtdiv "ally in be hand
Av "Teach" “I. tarot! roe-war m! ID code all (ha (flit-fl trlnlmmr. as
inst-med in 1119 large! rune-vars muam manual
3 Stand 3 m (w n) iwly from a larger maiv-r and npsfala m
rum-2mm lay depresslng as Banwll pushbufion verily me me
mmsmmar LED lights. lnmcaung good winery wruflion
Non: 7b; LED wyii vigil for 2 seconds sun 11 you pass me
buhon furl shorter ddfllIDH
C. Observn M in. “cow-f! LED lights, and make sum M the
17508 ZVZ 099
Dawning Temperature: 0 in art (32' in 122?)
Dimensions: 32 x 53 311? mm 11-114 x 2415 x 11/161!»
Weight: 159 (a 35“)
Color: Black
Samar“: Meals FCC Dan 15, ETS 300220. ETS 300-633 and
MPT 1340.
This oevicc complios mm Fan 15 131 lbs FOE Rules ma RES-210 of
Industry and science Cam-d: Opel-alien is subwc't to the following
two conditions (1) ms dwica may nut cause harmful mun-mm.
am! (2) lms devm mus! accept any mmrlsrarme rec-(Wed mMing
lfllarfelenca lhal may causu undfillfld cwalmn
CE Campliance
The “B MHZ Ind 433 92 MHZ models 11? lhls dance comply with
ma European Cuuncli Dweciwe em; wags/sec a. amt/em
and Dual (he CE mark and camflcatlon
recswer reach; as programmecl,
D. Opwale IF‘H (runsmmvr Vrum various lunallons within (ha Ema
Wand by lhe laigsi familiar in dalermlne "dear Maxims, where
mansmission ls blocked by walls and large object. of alieclad by
slruclural thErli‘i
Not]: if dud/margins! zones are a problem relocating me
receive! may immuve the pcflurmarm‘e
3.2 Key-ring Inshllatlon
A. Rmnv- tho chm by upon-nu nnu
sliuuwn: R mvuuun ma Mingle or
hop nfth- MOT-201 AT.
5 Imam ms nu vi a lung—“one puers
mu m- u-lmw and upon n.
c. Rmm th- mangh
D. Open me pusfic bug Much
(xxflilnl ma kuyflng m
E. Slip m kuy—nng mangh Waugh
me last knk of ms keying chain and
Our minim syszems an very miisbh and are mated lu mgn
mums However. an m their low trlnsmining pm! [raqumsd by
err "v. _.~._ ,
msxan the flank inw me hob on
ma mu m m- Mar-201A? (Fig. 2) Fm”. ,, my“
r Using m. plans, do» me kny-nng inst-llama"
3rd.W|rshu equwpmem should be lashed regulnny (at least once a
week) to «lemma. 1! Ih-r- Ire sourcos cl mterfamnce am: m
‘ Pendant Code-S‘usl-mremI Transmitter
E5 Visanic Ltd
Installation Instructions
The MST—231 II - mmlam panda“! warmm'mur. magma (w sum-
and rsmntu normal fipfiicuhurll. VVhefl lcfivltid. Q. mnwimr
sends m s cm s-cur-w digital mum“ idmfiflahll by “mucu-
Ends 55cm“ reusivm Etch wmllfln campfilna I flighl
scam autumn: from m on! used in cr- prwious hnsmsslon
and mush only the man mauve! can kuzu. “Codi pnbhng‘ l
mentors rm passabl-
Transmismn ls lnitlntsd by lbw-flung mo pushuuzm a: ma mm M
m. unit Openung power it ohmrud [mm a coin-typo. 3-van lilhium
baury ml can in! up to 1D yuan
An LED lights dur‘nq Ulmbsiofl. mailbag M {hi bahsfy vdhg.
weeds 2.4 V. I1 ma LED flush-t WIRE mun, fill DIM
must be upland lmmdimly. In mum, a "low lunar (out! wall h.
mnsmmd with ma aligning dign- massap Comp-Dbh mars
at; dnignud to dsmify this mpnn and agents a carrsspunding
All MCI-231 unit: am fiupplbd Nth m chain inmllnd, m m worn
around the neck as pend-m tmnsmimns A key ring ls also includsd in
M package. for us- In place of lhu chain
fly“ 1. MCT-23' Wilh Gav-l R'mavld
Pam-my (MHz). 315. 104. 415, 433 92 Dr W «sauna.-
aocuding to heal roqull‘am-nl:
Modulnnom ASK (DNOFF keying)
Yrantrnluer ID: 364m algal mm. Codu Sacure“
Mlnlmum Yunsmn Manon: 2 sec
Power Supply: 3-von lelum call (Tuuhm type Eli—2032 or
Nemlul my capacity: 220 mAh
Curr-n! Consumption. 6 mA (dams mnsmmlun)
Battery Life: 3 m 5 yum wvth 5.qu a hnunlssrnns per day up to
10 years mm om firmiwun per day or none at al
snmry supervlslon:
Good battery - LED lights stench” upon mlvm,
Low binary - LED flashes uDOfl acfivafim
ani,‘ lf frensmlssmn is so?! possibln mswa Iha battery mndltmn,
m; Mar—231 m” and a [my many up“ to the mower,
Operating Twp-r ture' u- m SO'C (3T m122'F).
Dimmslolu: 32 x 53 x W mm (14/4 x 2.1115 x 11/16 in).
w-lght: 15 g (o 35 oz)
Color: Wm-
sun-duds: Mam FCC pat I5. ETs 300.220. EYS 3mm and
MPT 1340
"Us £16le oomph-s wllh Part 15mm FCC Rules Md ESE-210 l71'
Induslry and Sci-me Carl-d- apernfm is sumac! tn m- (allowing
two auditions. (1) Tm. We may not czusn harmful imencs,
and (2) mm dcvioe must accspt any urn-mun:- rncllvod, muluding
lrlhdar-ncl man may cause unwanted npsmfifln
CE Complianm
1h: 415 MHz and 43332 MHz mud-ls ur nus dame comply wlth
“ Eumpnan Councfl Dir-cw- EMC BWSWEEC 81 QZIZHIEEC.
and bear the CE mark and mnificahnn
3.1 Testlng a New Unlt
Sim:- lhe MCT~231 ls supphod wilh me bum alnady lnshllnd, th-
uni! m pmfieany Nady to be lash-d
A. "Tc-ch“ (he targat "carver the ID code 07 "VS mud transmitter. as
msmmad m ha firm mc'iwr't Insulation mama!
e. Shnd 3 m (m a) my mm a largut "calm and warm the
many by man; ‘ns warn-mt pushblman. Verify mm in
hummer LED Iluhh, lrdicafing good battery common
c. Observe mm m- W's LED “gnu; ale-ally. and make sure mm
W vantmlhd clvcult ruse“ as nmnrflmmid.
I). Oplrm N trlnsmi‘tm from venous luafions withifl 1h. araa
ED ' d 17608 2172 099
covered by m. mulvgr m merrmnu "dnd’ locmam. where
transmlsslcm is blocked by walls and large Objifits, or ammafl by
Mluclural mmmls.
Note: Pf dp'Mfllrynal Ion-s an . pram-m. relocating the
wcelvsr may lmprcva ms pol-rumma-
3.2 Battery Ruplacoment
Tha anginal Dewy wppllad with he lrsnsmvttsr can lasl up In 10
years it used sparirvly (am, a mule imnsmlsion pcl day; emery
mwacamuflt will (harder. be needed very rarely Ta Nplwl Ina
mflery process: as m 3.3. 3 4, 3 5. wow
W, flu;
3.3 Openlng the Case 6. How mo unit replicenwm mm (type cum of sum» will“)
A. Yo cyan m. mm, mm m Fig... 2 mm an 1/5 inch ncmvdnv-r mm "" ”W“ M We “9. 5M” W mu, l" ”B way in "Mar
aim- in an an at me mum av thu Cm. Pran 171: um inward. L“ be”? “i“ “n” “NM
applying mm“ my“. in“ mm mm. w h MW", an. army prm_m wansm‘fi wry (Fig 3). Th. Drum-rd LED
siigfmy dowr‘ mm! th- mm pure-"y unarm. we fight ”is“! hr 2 m.
5“.le the module Within the base. "Men close "19 my as
instructed in Pm 3.5 W
3.5 Closing the Case
Carefufly W m. "lips atme top on ma mr mar wiih me devils
at me top ohm franl cawr Gantly press tuqalhsr the bflflnm man of
win mum, unrii may map mm
3.6 Keyring Install-Hon
A. Human ma chain by w and
slipping n through me mnngh on
”WI! 2. Opening lhn Can. [qr of m- MCT—m‘
Warning! Dn not try to up.» in. can by insem'ng . xerowdnvol 5- PM" "H. w 07 a lam-rm who's
in pile" amnr mm in. mi, We can dumngv m. tun-mm". MD “is "an” ind own it.
. . Rm tr- tiling“
ae-miymmuwmmuhm muckmm our c
Em " y D. Open ma plant: bag which
_ contains an. k-y-doq m
3.4 Replacmg the Battery E. sh; ma keyring tringie mmth
m. Gum; he mnsmlt switch and m 1h. vansmimr moduls out of ihe lasi link M the kflylflg aim and
me his mm" ma mngh into in M09 an
2nd Slldi the old battery from war me an in tho direction shwm by m. 109 if he MCT431 (Fin 4)
the snow in Hours 3 F. Using ma plus. class the keyring
Ow mists sum-ms m very reliable and ar- uhd in Man 3rd.wirshn aqumant should be tasted regularly (at Inez! arms :
stand-min. However. due to ihoir law min-mm pvwvv (raquived by wk) w damming a then am Mme! wf Mflunc- and to
FCC, mi and cum rsgulnlnry minimums) thorn Ira some inn-mime prom “magi-ans,
N be cowsidured
WARNING: Chung-s or muddicufians In this
unit nut exprvufy nppmvod by M1: pufy
wens”- for oomph-nu would led m.
usors sumo/fly In apart” (In | ipmonl.
‘SLRM’I may in blocked by Mo signal; machining on or mar
mew operating woqumms, ragamieu of In. con- “tad,
ZMA rmivar an oniy respond m 011:th signal M a firm.
HnllN W
mum us and!) a; sub-"17mm and ii. 30mm m», mlflflim-j van-m: m m Mum/Minn: am not mum—4 mu a, mum in“ w ,.. my? mu
mum mum-m4 e u in. war w'fi be m mm mm Mammwed. 7 M4! in mum WM Wm, My mm mam» 017614? a fly in
w- m _ amt mm mm us mu m m mums m wmun‘nig mm aamflgn mwmmi [mm mm mum. he a ism-win 37 mar
170'd 17609 2172 099 DNI DINQSIA VEI=II BS—BZ~KEN
u "haul-dun r... mmm. Wm; m u mm mm v. "rm,
wad. -m Wm, remit: mar-w Mmrwlnym mm m Mmmzm
mu not be mam-me b “mm-p anrwmnm w'w- 1: “mu. m-
...w, m, ”um“: nm at». umen—pm mm mm.”
rum-um“... Mm... ”Wm-Ink” mum
km- «7 Ma- "mm-m m mung mmm. mew- noun ”mm a
rmnmw m was! ”my“, Hymn... mum/mun
m, minty u am w “my m w a u mm mm- mmm a
known mm. W m, am a ”pa—t um».- .ny mm {i
mun/WW 11mm in- . mm. mm! a m. m no any man u
Mumlmwa u m)- ” Myer" launy ”my H “mm am" hymn
um, wywmymmmm nun-u
m mynmwmm, mm-..“ mm- wammm»:
“Mm. My mow mem- m huh-I'm ”mun-cm amour: arcxfanw dim:
mw w. “my nil/buy mm mm m», urn—mg. mm... z.
nnhsnmnfi um um mum/wan»! m ”mam. mm m mm»
Mm by Mum mm WW "I. Ammm-mn mu mummy
dun-v. av bu Wm. mm- am». Mum harm-w mun-MW a
nmmm mm a, w. Munch “1 m. Hamel an. b m1. Inn-Emu a
awl-sum den- «lm-q any». war! mw'uwvshl w. mhmwu
f? Visonicl.
mum: up. (ISRAEL) no 5 mm mum, mm xsma mans macs mam nu (Wm) use-m
“SON": INC m l M m wmwmn name, BLDWFELD w mwn mums km) 243 am (not!) zzsmm nx pea, mmsa
mom: Lm uuq- um \ swung" man DUN'roN um; MEN/«DE an: saw me mucus (m w; ms! nu mm) some
nwscw-c ma ma mm m'rmsv a. 4/96)
So‘d 17609 2172 098
Mum wer an mm .fl._‘" .uq.m. mm ”mm, u... Mm“ M. .
Ammo/mum "a "um-m mm. m, w Wm. M. m gum... g... n
nwmy. mob-y. m: h- MM mmu mu! m m m 1mm" 5- u gunnin- my
men win not saw a my my! mm a. no 11mm mm mam-nu "a: mg. a:
mum n . mule
mwammm ubfiquwmmnwmwlowwwy
“or m...- m pulp-Hy nr mu m- win-alt w; mam, MM
cur-m a mum", Ann M a m... m- n- ‘mdus‘i mu m m.
may Flllm M-nulnhl' rs ma ma, wnflhvdmnrdndmw hymn“. -
w ln-mg MM m “may mam a no-..“ mm," a z...- a mg.“
m- Mama-N’- mnrmum mm m.» mun Myme m— m. pmm. rn- a
the MM Mm mu 5- am H mm "mm mu m n . pew-"y and mm
5-9:- mpb—mwmmumx m ammu-
Vlmw 1» var mm mm m mum mm ”mm mbuufian. “4 ma...
mum. mu m. 9mm m m. um» Mm .: mun m . ,_. Fw val-nu
rum Wayne, up my! mum A: map.- f" ”mm-MM Mimi". u-n- a
man diuupbm “4 limp-m1 m. hum-<1 may navy-um u m m»
Minna-u- - lflmn'wmuflmmlahum nktynndmm at
mm, m
DNI DINOSIA VEIzlt 95—92—19?”

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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:25 18:26:31
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Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 52759.pdf
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Page Count                      : 6
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