Voxx Electronics RADAR2 Radar 2 User Manual G5 Blister card

DEI Headquarters, Inc. Radar 2 G5 Blister card


The Science of Security™1166  CChhaannnneell,,  55  BBuuttttoonn,,  AACCGG  RReeppllaacceemmeenntt  TTrraannssmmiitttteerrPN 904075Compatible with thefollowing systems:AAvvaannttgguuaarrdd  55  ((GG55))SSoollaarriiss  55  ((GG55))IInntteelllliiGGuuaarrdd  885500  ((GG55))  IInntteelllliiGGuuaarrdd  775500  ((GG55))CCoonncceepptt  555500  ((GG55))TTaazzoorr44  ((GG44))BBuulllleett44  ((GG44))MADE IN TAIWAN©2002 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista CA 92083All rights reserved.P/N 904075     11/021. IGNITION ON: Place the key into the ignition andturn to the ON position or start the engine.2. ENTER PIN NUMBER: Enter your PIN numberusing the Plainview 2 valet switch.Note: The Factory default PIN number is 2 and canbe entered by pressing the *button twice then the"blank" button once of the Plainview 2 valet switch.3. PRESS/HOLD/RELEASE: Immediately PRESSand HOLD the *button until you hear one chirpand the Status LED turns on, then RELEASE the*button.4. PRESS/RELEASE: PRESS and RELEASE the"blank" button once. Pause until you hear onechirp.5. PRESS/RELEASE: PRESS and RELEASE the*button once. The siren will chirp once as youpush the button.6. TRANSMIT: Press the  button on your newtransmitter. The siren will chirp once to confirm ithas received the transmission.7. TRANSMIT AGAIN: Press the  button asecond time. The siren will chirp twice to confirmit has learned your new transmitter.8. IGNITION OFF: Turn the ignition off and removethe key: The alarm will chirp three times toindicate exiting transmitter learn routine.9. TEST TRANSMITTER: Press the  buttonto verify that the transmitter is operating thealarm system.Note: This transmitter auto-learn routine is applicableto specific system/transmitter combinations, use thefollowing reference guide or consult your localClifford dealer for your particular application904065 transmitter: Arrow 5 /Arrow 3 / Cyber 2 904100 transmitter: Concept 100 / Concept 450/ Intelliguard 6000 / Cyber 4 904075 transmitter: All other systemsThis device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may causeundesired operation. Changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority tooperate this device.1166  CChhaannnneell,,  55  BBuuttttoonn,,  AACCGG  RReeppllaacceemmeenntt  TTrraannssmmiitttteerrPN 904075To program your new transmitter:TMG5 Blister card.qxd  1/30/2003  9:57 AM  Page 1

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