Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2171A X41 Wireless RF Transmitter User Manual Adobe Photoshop PDF
Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc. X41 Wireless RF Transmitter Adobe Photoshop PDF
Users Manual
SCClle.l .l S/N Remarks Die cui‘ — Size 457*457(flnlshedl53*l l5mm) X41 Trans X41 Headset and Talkback Cable EAR F BREE ® (D Digital Input and Output: Connect the digital (D Power Switch: Turn on the headset Turtle XBOX LIVE' chat plus input (top) to the XBOX 360 dig'tal output by pressing the pcmerswitch (1) for a , B h Mules; Digital RF Game Audio with using the included fiber optic cable. The digital couple of seconds. then release. The ' eac a Dolby' Headphone 7.1 Surround Sound input (top) Is passed through to the digital power [ED (5) should start flashing. output (bottom) so you can connectthe X41 _ — s... Turn off by pressing the button (1) transmimer and your home theater system to until the LED (5) stays on, then releme. hear the XBOX on the headset and speakers at the same time. when the XBOX digital signal ® XBOX Controller Jack: insert the II active, the analog Input: are dluabled. straight connector on the talkback r ' LEFr “basswood... User 8 GUIde IIJDOLBV (2 Line In (stereo analog inputs): Use these EAR CUP nlEn’AL inputs to connect analog audio sources, such ® Effects Button: Press this button to m m as a TV. MFS Player, etc. If the Bypass (9) is activate the bass boost effect. A turned off, the analog stereo signal will be high pitched beep indicates that processed by the Dolby Pro Logic le decoder, bass boost is on. Press again and a producmg an expanded stereo effect. lrnggcgfeo beep indicates that its For more products, accessories and our product (33 Line in Volume: Sets the sensitivity of the @ support knowledge base, please visit analog inputs to accept a wide mnge of input Gama Volume: Turn to adjust the levels. This control has no effect on the game sound level. The XBOX LIVE TurtIeBeach.com digital Input signal level. Typically. this should chat volume may be independently - - - - _ be setto maximum and the headset volume MICROPHONE set bythe volume control on the For warranty mformat'on' please “5“ http.//support.turtlobeach.com used to adjust the listening level. If the sound talkback cable. distorts, turn down the Line In Volume (3) m prevent overloading the analog inputs. (5) Power LED: Flashes about once per 'E:D second when power is on, To Power Socket: insert the included X41 power conserve batteries, the headset will @ cable into this socket. lnsertthe other side of amino... war ZSESiZZ'LZfl“ turn off after several minutes if 3mm Requlroments W Contents the cable Into a free USB port on the XBOX Lfiggnw; rm 1:3“ pflsnron vim iris foam there‘s no sound or rime transmitter REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW console. using or; llcirrgybur mouth °""‘“ "°" "'° ""° isturned off. In this mse, the LED on XBOX 360' game console with one of the - X41 wireless headset n... bum mefaam Ml the left ear clip rill" flash famr “7 following cables to support dig'tal output: - Removable boom microphone (9 Power Swltch: Push to turn on the indicate that it Will soon shutoff. _ _ transmitter power. - XBOX 380 Component HD AV cable - X41 Wireless transmitter © Microphone locket: Insert the - VGA HD AV cable - DC power cable Power/Unit Indicator LED: When the transmitter is powered on and communicating with the removable m"? boom here. The . . . - . headset, this LED will be on solid. lfthis LED is pulsing il means the transmitter can‘t RIGHT socket is notched to prevent the SW“ AV came D'g'a' Opt'w'_°able communicate with the headset This could happen when the headset is turned off or out of range. 5“ 0“? boom from rotating after insertion. ' Advanced SCART AV Cable ' (2) W haflerlfi XBOX LIVE requires a subscription. - XBOX talkhack cable ® Digital Input indicator LED: This LED turns on when a digital input signal is detected. When mm...“ @ To Newly Position "In mil:- - Th , o . this LED is on. the analog inputs are turned off. “WWW" remove the foam cover. Insert the ‘S User 5 ulde 3mm“ boom into the socket (6) so the Dolby Prooeulng indicator LEDa: The IIJPL llir LED will light wheneverthe digital or holes on the mic casrng m are rec much: . _ analog input is being processed by the Dolby Pro Logic le decoder. The on D LED will light rating your mouth. Then replace Mr wallow: mwmfifiw 22! We“ “we: "We 93"; “fig,“s'f’h 1“; ”m"'?;§°f"‘°g°ld u S h. whenever the digital input signal is being processed by the Dolby Digital surround sound the foam “wet The D00"! Jack also a: “mile”; M‘Z'zr‘mmz'fn 12:22:12an "as“ xzz’frfim:md$:oe gm (3, ms $2.5“ £32 fDLpfgfifl m decoder. Both LEDs will turn off when the Bypass is ON. if? $0251“? 1° indicate the proper interferenw received. includinginrerference that may cause undusired aperatrcii I o . © Bypau Button and indicator LEI): Pressing this button turns off the Dolby processing, . his product is CE marked amorolngln lhe provisions or the R&TTE Dlrccuvor 1999/5/EC) allowing you to hear the unmodified input signal in stereo. The LED will turn on when Bypass "twill": MG'IW The headset is Pruner-w We: 2 4M14766"! Is active and Dolby Processing is disabled. powered by 2 AAA batteries beaten s§"fi§°§§§nfi§§$$°ié§$¥f5u”55 in the riyrt ear cup. Push in and Vareha Tu'me Beam m; m c 6 ® wired Headphone Volume Control and output Jack: Insert a pair of optional Wired DU“ down 0" the lid (0 remove. headphones into thisjack to hear the same signal as the wireless headseL This may be used XBOX Insert both batteries “it" the . as a second set of headphones so two people can hear the game. The volume control does TALKBACK 909th Sides lacing 00W". mem mxflzmxwyfANgfimmwfigxmmmmhmmfiy not affect the wireless headset. CABLE rsqsicrcd trademark: cr'vre, lric xsox, xbox also-rid xacx LIVE are rcqsisiod undemms otMlcmsoft WIND Dolby. Pro Logic. MIC Mute Switch: Use the mic and memo syrmol are registered undeniamsomdiby labor-tones All other Trademarks are propenlcacrmr mpcaivc owners insenrhestraurll plus mute switch to turn off the mic mmfimrmFgfimm' “W;Mmhmfimm“ a“ “Mums "° “bl” "’ mm ”m“ fixfixm when you don't want to be heard. y Using the Transmitter if“; $3515.15...“ can Volume control: Use this - Transmitter Range YUM"? 0mm“ to Mllr‘s‘ ‘he safety NOtICe The transmitter and headset communicate via radio frequency (RF). so a direct line of sight is '"°°"“"g Ch“ leve' '“ "I" heads“ no! required- The operating range is approximately 20 feet When ymfre out of range. you may To avoid potential damage while tramportlng the advice. always disconnect the talkback hear popping or clicking sounds If the headset loses the RF signal. For best performance. place the cable from the XBOX controller and headset. transmitter in an open area that is unobstructed by objects that might absorb RF signals from the Internal antenna. Avoid placing it on a metal surface. such as the top of a home theater A/V receiver. T u bleshoo T WARNING: Permanent hearin damage may occur if a headset is used at high volumes for extended periods of time, so 5 important to keep the volume at a safe level. Over time, your ears adapt to loud volume levels. so a level that may not cause initial discomfort may still N d damage your hearing. If you experience ringing in your ears after listening with the headset, lt 3:2: mm the Hamming, and headset volume commls m mm “med up means the volume is set too loud. The louder the volume is set. the less time it takes to affect Rr Tmnsmlumn rang 2221311: - Check that the transmitter power and optical cables are properly connected. your hearing. SO' please take care to "Stan at moderate levels. iIBDDrfll‘mmly zero-l is plmd up w - Check that the headset is powered on. The LED on the left ear cup should be flashing , » - flm‘ffisiflmm - check If the top LED on the front of the transmitter is on solid. if the LED is slowly pulsing it (aseofgfixewrfgntz:m§ fizgizeifszzggafiifsmsg'e headset 0" your ears. turn down indicates that the transmitter isnt communicating with the headset. If the headset is on solid ' ' and the transmitter LED is slowly pulsing then the headset and transmitter need to be . . . . > “paired” as described In the section “Palrlng the X41 Headset and mnamfthr”. Turn down the volume lf you can I hear people speaking near you. xeox les chalsilnals , » 2;;‘.";:.T.‘2‘.S.“.:‘"° And“ pm”, Popping or emu": 8mm“. Avord turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings. IMXBOX Domrollor Audio dropouts. popping or clicking sounds on the headset are caused by poor reception. This can occur when: , _ _ _ x41 rrcrurnmeucndc xscx - The headset and transmitter are out of range. For best performance, stand within 20 feet Technical Specdlcatlons unto audio via . dinnl radio lieciinlcylnn 8 .@ from the transmimyl to in. x41 headset . . . - There 5 a wall or other large object between the headset and transmitter. . The tmnsmitter is in a bad location that is interfering with the antenna. x41 try-“mm" - A wireless base station or wireless LAN are causinga lot of RF activity that‘s blocking the RF When the transmitter and headset are communicating the top LED on the front or the transmitter Signal mm the "ansmmer' ' Digital Wi'elas RF cam” uansmissmn (2'404'2'47GGH1) will be on. If this LED is slowly pulsing. it means the transmitter can't communicate with the Low m" szm, ‘ RF transmrssron range appmnfiate'y 20 he! headset. This could happen if the headset is turned off. out of range or needs to be “paired”. When battery power ls low. the headset power my“ 5m" down soon after you turn ,, on, or it ' WW" 5mm" “film“! “mm'f'e' 35'"W per Cha’W’l might turn off during very loud sounds in the game. If this happens. replace the batteries with ' "e““ency “959°"? 20'“ j ”km . . u-Ing wlrad Hudphonel fresh alkaline batteries or with ruuy charged NiCad batteries. - Optical TDSLINK digital audio input compatible With ABkHz digital audlo stream The transmitter can only communicate with one wireless headset. so two wireless headsets ' Optical TOSF'NK d’g'la' audio output passrthrough °' d'g'ta' input “ream cannot be used with the same transmitter. The heedphonelack on the front of the transmitter 3°“? Too‘Low “ram"‘lm? ”12°"??? m d th d , t l ‘th th ' 150MlPS DIEJiBl Signal Processor l0r DOM D'OCESSlng can be used to connect a set of wired headphones for listening to the game sound being heygé‘s’eet z’zngtufneg Ssaal‘l’erlg‘way 23m fip'g‘lsxlufr":zn m: 212ml; 5°03; mimic e - Maximum analog input level with volume control on maximum setting: 2Vpp (700mv rms) transmitted to the wireless headset. The volume control above the jack sets the volume of the ' |" n , iv, rn ~ t n, h r | v | i n l l w rin h v | n | Wired headset and does not affect the volume of the Wireless headset. source. Note that the transmitter volume control has no affect on the dignal input, ‘ WZilgtht-esitozzogyabe adjusted o accept g e e e s g a s by c e gt e o ume co tro Audio Distortion when using the Analog Input: r Power requirements: 5VDC msomn “1 mm“ H If the sound is distorted when using the transmitter analog input. it may be that the audio source "a“ is overloading the transmitter. Try turning down the volume on the transmitter to reduce the input sensitivity. then turn up the headset volume to a comfortable level. Note that the X41 Headset transmitter volume control has no effect on the digital input. - 50mm diameter speakers "'"°¢ "W!" l‘"" “M"! , , , _ , , - Digital Wireless RF carrier reception (2.404»2,47SGH1) The transmitter analog inputs WlII automatically shut off Whenever the digital input is active. To . S k F R '20H _ 20kH >120dB SPL Q 1kH hear the analog input signal, either disconnect the optical cable from the digital input on the pea er reouerlcy espouse, I I ' Z transmitter, or shut off the device connected to the optical cable (eg XBOX) to disable the digital ' Condenser Microphone F'EQUEMY RESPONSE: 50H1 - 15kl’l1 audio signal. ' Headphone Amplifier: Stereo 35mW/ch. THD <1% P I P m I m H M - Bass Boost: st5 oonz - 150m ropar y no on rig a an . . - » fiflzg‘flimzflflgffiv’u, Don't wear the headset with the headband behind your head. The headband must be positioned Chat Bong Talkback Emma? r. +1055 gain boost at maximum game volume wlmd headphones interred info in. optional Wind Neadpnone- on top of your head to optimize the surround sound effect. ' Operates on dual AAA batteries lmnlpanll hedfluhonellck - Automatic battery power shut down after approx 5 minutes of carrier loss or silence detection - Battery life: Greater than 15 hours of continuous use with alkaline cells - Weight: 9.5 0: (270g) 2.15li Opt-Iirqlnlnmlu wnmwrmnw lic Mia-aw Settin up he XBOX 360““ and Ea Force X4 Us ng XBOX LIV Chat Connectin your Hom Theate Speakers and TV smp 1; Connect m. xgox- to m. x41 Transmitter XBOX LIVE is a subscription feature offered with the XBOX 360 that lets you communicate with Setting up the transmitter as illustrated below lets you listen to your XBOX or TV with the x41 1, Connect the xgox 350 componenr no other players via the Internet. The X41 can be used to communicate with other players during headset. You can also hear the XBOX on your home theater speakers without disconnecting the AV cable or S~Vldeo AV Cable to your XBOX XBOX LIVE multi»player gaming ssslons. To use this feature, configure the XBOX LIVE feature and optical cable from the transmitter. as described in the XBOX User's Guide. connect the headset to the XBOX 360 controller as described below. XBOltAV cm. The transmitter's analog inputs connected to the TV will automatically shut off whenever the 2. Connect the x41 TOSLINK digital _ Connectlng the talkback cable xeox is active, as indicated by the digital input LED on the transmitter front panel. When the apricai cable (Included) from the XBOX is turned off. the transmitter analog inputs Will automatically turn on so you can listen to digital output on the XBOX cable (1) a a Draw 0 TV shows with the Xdi headset without having to disconnect cables. to the digital Input on the transmitter (2). D 00 , . . . m'gzgqnnmclxlmm O a Connecting the X41 transmitter digital output to your home theater system Will pass the XBOX Note: Remove the protective cape mm,“ um. xdox "ms cvrlncilci game audio from the transmitter's diy'tal input to the home theater AV receiver dlg'tal input. so from each end of the optical c.blg Included witatruxu you can hearthe game on the headset and your surround sound speakers at the same time. To ”(an [Mgmng |( mm m; Dockets. "“u'="v"""'m' hear the game only on the x41 headset. turn down or mute your speakers. stop 2: Connect the power mx up “1 W “N' use in. vnlume control to / do I". Mic on. when u) immin- niwil plug-no xeox m ilcrnc ni-mr l can with 1. Connect the X41 DC power cable to the :> uni-in me am ml you near DIM!“ wurveioe from ml: the museum 54 "my” nun maker- X41 power socket (3). Plug the other side ( "W“ W'" ”W" """’ WW" "r“ and aural audio lnpin Into a free USE port on the XBOX. lnsertme xii use \ wrlnaclprmldl 0 © . 2. Press the power switch (4). Check If “55 m °" W m" the X41 front panel LEDs turn on. . D - <3 Mic Mute switch: The mute switch on the talkback cable can be used to silence the headset mic Stop 3: lliurt "is “will“ hlfiflrlel when you don't want to be heard during XBOX LIVE sessions. 1. Remove the battery cover (4) In the chat Volume: The volume control on the talkback cable can be used to adjust the chat volume of right ear CUP by FUSl’llflE l" and dOWfl- (mum online players heard in your headset. The Chat Boost feature automatically increases the chat level boned-e as the game volume increases. as explained in the ‘Chat Boost" section. 2. insert the two Included AAA batteries "trim with the positive side facing down. mi?“ Adjusting the Microphone Poultlon: For optimum clarity. adjust the microphone so that it Is situated a few inches away from your mouth and the microphones active area is facing your mouth. 3. Replace the battery cover. If you're not sure about the mic posiucn, remove the foam mic cover. turn the holes in the mic housing towards your mouth and then replace the foam cover. Or, check the triangle marker on the 00mm" mm mow anion! Stop 4: Insert the mic boom boom Jack. which is aligned with the mic holes and also should be facing your mouth. """”“”"'“""“""“"“"’“‘ in "man the 1. insert the mic boom into the jack (6) so that the film" Microphone Monftorlng Feature: mmpm' 32:4, holes in the mic casing are facing your mouth. oishdm When the XBOX controller cable is inserted into the headsets XBOXlack. the mic monitor feature “mjflfia‘n’fimmm ‘ mixes a portion of the microphone signal into the headset signal so you can hear your voice along .. AV murals dlml inpul 2. Place the foam cover over the mic if desued. With the online chatting and game audio. Wm mum mm mm. ,, fiargzxmxmxxg" E> gi 'j’r Configuring the XBOX LIVE settings 6 The X41 headset lets you communicate with omer players during XBOX LIVE multi-player gaming Zififivfléwflima mioaixlb‘dcflxtrrxm sessions. To use this feature. connect the headset to the XBOX controller as described in the mmxflfimfirflma: m mm mm? no me mm,“ ,“ m preVlous section. then configure the XBOX LIVE feature as described below. Him“? "3 W. ..,a actual or Minn p orlea en you re “a W 1. Press the center XBOX button on your controller to bring up liol upingtnu xebx the Dashboard. STEP 5: Configure the XBOX audio letting 2. Navigate right to the Settings tab and scroll down to 1. in the System Setting! section of the XBOX Dashboard. select Comic Setting. “Preferences" from the menu. Press the “A” button. then select Audio. 3. On the Preferences screen, select the "Voice' option and 2. In the Audio Setting area. select Digital Output then Dolby Digital 5.1 to activate the Press “A". nil, in. in... llnmiqllf Dolby Digital output. _ 4. Select the "Play Through Headset” option and set the ‘ ’ ‘ " “"‘ 3. Start yourgarne. Volume to 10. ' . "‘ ‘l step 8:111m on the headset power Balancing Game and Chat Level: The headset volume sets the game sound level. The talkback cable volume adjusts the chat level of 1. Press and hold the power switch (5) for a couple of seconds. then release. The Turtle Beach logo other players on XBOX LIVE. Adjusting these two volume controls lets you balance the game sound on the left ear cup should start flashing. If it doesn'L make sure the batteries are lnsel‘led and chat voices during an XBOX LIVE session. properly. If they are. then try a different set of batteries, n. 2. Turn up the volume control (a) and listen forsound from yourxeox. The top LED on the from or Using the Chat Boost feature the transmitter should be on solid when the headset and transmitter are communicating. 'f ”we 5 "0 5°“ndl Che“ “9 “mwmh‘wflng “W" Chat Boost is a dynamic talkback expander built into the x41 headset that automatically amplifies To turn off the power. press and hold the power switch unu‘l the LED turns on. Once it's on. release 285,212: Zi’iaggiéralnmgelolsfuxgments In your game. so you can always hear your teammates. the button and the power will turn off. m“uflf$.iiwwwx' 7-1 ”r” ‘°""" """ Typically. if you turn up the headset game volume. the chat sound level could become difficult to Automatic Power shut-off - - - To conserve batteries. the headset will turn off after several minutes if there's no sound or if the SET:$2225:faerizugfgfmzeaiiiflecnf imhzsgmfigzlgdloongfiarfil wrigazifaiila‘oorlllnmee The X41 uses Dolby Pro Logic ”‘v D°llW Digital. 5m D°_lbY Headphone Surround processrng transmitter is turned off. In this case. the LED on the left ear cup will flash faster to indicate that it I . p 9 yo _ technologies. the industry-standard formats for encoding multl-channel game audio. Dolby Wm 50°" shut off. p ayers are saying. When the game volume quiets down again. Chat Boost automatically returns the Headphone processing recreates 7.1 channel surround sound using the x41 stereo headset so Chat me' “We '°We’ ”We 59mg you can hearthe sound all around you. as if you were listening to a 7.1 speaker system. Using an HDMI connectlon for video . _ _ _ _ IfyourTV only uses an HDMI connection. you must still use an xaox 360 AV cable to connect your Hzrggzmg'vzmfi mél'gztflgteaml so mere; "0 gfime audio The transmitter supports three types or digital source material and analog stereo. when the x41 audio to the xeox. This cable set Is Included with the Elite model and is also available from the ' ' Bypass Dim?" IS ON Dolby Pmessmg IS deififlled- 50 YO}! can he?" the "nPrOCEssefl "will Signal officia| XBOX website: http://www.xbox.com/en—us/hardware/x/xhoxa60hdmlavcable/ 2. Adjust the volume control on the talkback cable so you can hear the chat values at a in stereo. as it sounds from the source. Here 5 how the signal processing mods operate: comfortable mal- ~ When the digital input Signal is active. the front panel digital LED turns on and the analog Pa ng the X41 Headset and Transm tt 3, Turn up the headset game volume and the chat volume will increase whenever the game gets 2&5 223322332; 50 you don t have to disconnect cables to SWltch between analog and louder, just as if the talkback volume control is being automatically turned up along with the game ' level. Note that if the volume on the talkbaok cable is set too loud. Chat Boost might increase the , 1, me Bypass LED is on. Dolby processing is defeated and me signal Wm be heard as stereo. The headset and transmitter in this package are “paired", which means they're synchronized to volume so much that the voices Will distort. rfthat happens. turn down the talkback volume on the ensure they work together. When the headset and transmitter are communicating, the top LED on talkback cable. . if me digital input is a Dolby Digital 5.1 or 7.1 channel signal. the front panel DD LED turns on the front panel cfthe transmitter will be On solid. if this LED is instead slowly pulsing it means the am, new Headphone processes the Manners u, create sumund 5mm in the headset transmitter cant communicate with the headset. This could happen if the headset is turned off or out of range. Ifthe LED is slowly pulsing when the headset is on and within range, then they might Volume Sett n S , “r the dig'tal source is a Dolby Pro Logic IIx signal. both Dolby LEDs will turn on and Dolby "29“ ‘° be "Palm" as “Wilma “9°“ g Headphone creates PL llx surround sound in the headset. The x41 has three volume control settings that interact in the followmg manner: . |f the digital input .5 stereo, the DD pL llx LED [urns on and the Signal 5 processed by Dolby “In a: Headphone to create an expanded stereo sound m the headset. 5,135; jflmfiffiifi, Transmitter Volume Control for analog inputs (located on the back of the transmitter) button until the LED turns on, This controls only the volume of the stereo analog inputs and has no effect on the uansmitter digital . if the digital input is not active (or is disconnected) the analog grereg signa| will be 55mg m we" rah-re ll input volume. That means. ir the XBOX is connected to the transmitters digital input, the game volume will not be affected by this volume control. This volume control is only used when the analog - |f there is an analog stereo ”1pm and (he Bypass LED is on' [here will be no Dolly processing inputs are being used (for example if you've connected your TV set to the transmitter) and in most and the signal will be heard as stereo. cases It would be set to maximum. if you're using the transmitter analog inputs and hear distortion mew mwmmm in the headset. the Signal might be overloading the transmitterinput- lfthat happens. turn down me - If there is an analog stereo input and the Bypass LED is off, the front panel DD PL IIx LED turns 5,” 1: Wm. MM “Mum‘s ......l. n transmitter volume control to reduce the analog input level until the distortion is corrected. on and the analog stereo signal is Procegged by Dolby Pro Logic ”X and Dolby Headphone to Make sure the headset LED burr. until the mprncst LED on the create an expanded stereo sound in the headset mféfi‘m‘l“flliiil"lef$fi K"mmrg‘:=nflggmmgw O Headset Game Volume Control (fwd on the headset) on iiclld and reim- our button willrlwn flash rap-1h This sets the volume of the game sound transmitted to the headset. It has no effect on the XBOX when Lite LED runs on LIVE chat volume. which is set Independently as described below. if you're listening to an analog signal connected to the X41transmiMr (for example, if you 've connected your TV to the transmitter), set the transmitter analog volume control as loud as possible for distortionfree sound and adjust the headset volume to a comfortable level. After a few seconds, the mpmost transmitter LED should be on solid and the headset LED ® should be flashing about once per second. indicating that the units are paired. XBOX m5 cm yorum Conan. (rm m. the XBOX “muck “his, 1 E AR FDR C E This controls the chat level heard in the headset during an XBOX LIVE gaming session. Set the chat Turt e XBOXUVE' Chat plus Interference from Two Headuts level with this control and adjust the game sound level With the volume control on the headset. The Wireless Digital RF G'me Audio with Only one headset can be paired with the transmitter. if you pair two headsets with the same “puma control on the headset has no effect on the chat volume mg, so even if you turn the game ’ , Beac Q Dolor Headphm 7.1 Surround Sound transmitter. they'll Interfere with each other as they compete for the transmitter RF signal volume control all the way down. you'll still hear the chat signal ifthe chat volume control is turned up. This will cause one headset u: shut off. and can be very confusing. So don'ttryto pairtwo headsets with the same transmitted EarFormXAiOD-‘flulmm‘m- wmwrmm if: Altman—wed Slongord color 51145111? X“ WWW rm tel 5; 307 l 00053i f’l fl 809i“?! FDE‘JI 2 fiéfllfil IS T I s ca J G L DEI- E < / J exec; 2009/06/29
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