Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2470 Ear Force Stealth 420X RX Wireless Audio Headset User Manual Stealth 420 QSG 030415 OL

Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc. Ear Force Stealth 420X RX Wireless Audio Headset Stealth 420 QSG 030415 OL

User Manual

Download: Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2470 Ear Force Stealth 420X RX Wireless Audio Headset User Manual Stealth 420 QSG 030415 OL
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Voyetra Turtle Beach TB2470 Ear Force Stealth 420X RX Wireless Audio Headset User Manual Stealth 420 QSG 030415 OL
Document ID2672060
Application IDfsykNO+SLRVhKl3nSpj8aQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize274.14kB (3426733 bits)
Date Submitted2015-07-08 00:00:00
Date Available2015-07-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-03-04 12:19:52
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF library 11.00
Document Lastmod2015-07-08 11:18:11
Document TitleStealth 420 QSG_030415_OL
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Macintosh)

FUR / Pou xnex one
Quick Start Gu de
Fermedetaiiedprudentntermm,visitwww.tunia earnrentISteaitttmx
Feraflmutrensetemnntinityansennectie nlormltionvl www.mrtto “(ham/conned
Len :- n
hustle eeettteurs
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Make sure the thx dne is tulty eewered en and stenrd tnte a thx Live eretite hetare
cannectlng the transntttter to! the ttrst tune
Assereznees ee. ta .ensete thx an. at atetnee et .ennerte. a Xnnx Ltd. event
:19 nra—eher te trnnsnteueer eeer ta nrz'mz'e tats
The Stealth 420x Headset and Transmitter come paired etit ei the box When paired, wtth both the
Headset and Transmitter eewered an, the Transmitter‘s LED wtll be en solid Ililt out not blinking].
Howevert ti yettr Transmltter‘s LED ts pu|slng, renew the steps helnw te eatr yeer Headset and
LC casquc Stealth AZUX et ie transntetteer ent nerntaientent deta e‘teientete's iorsquc VCNS ashete. te
ptedett 5t c'est eten is east i'irtdicatetir de transmetteur dett ette attente intats ne pas (tignoteri
tersede te casque et te transmetteur sortt attentes. 5t lindirateurde votre transntetteer :iiqrmte‘
Suivcz ies etaees ci'flcssnus eedr ie tentetere vatrc seem
a Start this process With the headset pewered OFF
Press and held the Pairing Button en the
Transmitter until the Transmitter‘s Pairing LED
flashes rapidly (273 seconds], then release.
[Use a Peeerrttp ersentettttng strnttarte press
the Ptnhete button]
Lance: in ereeedere ave: te casual? élciril.
Matntenez te heeten de tdntetage de transmetr
teerentenee’ pendantSseeendestiesqe'ase que
t‘tndtsatedrdciemeiaee dd transntetteer se
mette a Liigrtoter teetdentent itittttsez en
trentttene ee en entetstnt tatre peeraepdyerser
cc pctit eedteni
Paekage Contents
Cnntenu de la boite
Earrerre steattniznx
canttne Headset
Casqul ra' ’ortc Stkaizh mx
Ear Foru steattn tzax
wtretess rransntttter
iiiEarFarst‘Sle _
netnmete Mt. seent
Meette came wttn ianirte Mtr
Dante pet» Ewart-Hi» nteet es ave»,
usa Chargingczbie
cae e ee rrereetnenr .sn
It is impo tant to always run the most ue-te-date iirmware.
For detailed Setup and firmware update instructions visit
Pour obtcmr lcs tniormattons d'tnstallatton lcs plus recentest consults
5 seconds
Press and hetd the iner Buttnn en the Headset untiithe Heedset s Power LED ttashes
rapidly [5 seeendslt then release.
Mamtcrtu ic boutnn d'ettmentetten de tasquc enienee pendant eseeendesttesde‘e cc
ed. i‘indicateurd‘aiimentatmn tie casque 5e tnette a ciignuterrapidement‘ pets
mm in seconds the Transmitter‘s and Headset's LED wttt rentatn en sniid‘ tndtcattng
that patrtne has been secsesstet.
Dans tes in sesendes eet Suivcntt t‘tndtsatedr dd transmettedr et cesdee dett rester
attente Ce eet stgnttte eee tetentetag. a eten ete etiectue
For additional information visit.
Pour de plus ampies iniormations rendez-vous surt
Headset Controls
Commandes surcasque
light ilrnl. I e.eetedr erett
Pmr outten
Hetd its ewer Bn/Powrrflfl
radar LED
Red , Cmrglng
Green = charged / in Use
an Prull ttetten
rre'sets d‘é attsatten (Patrtns Statusi
settdon Trzrtsmlllercunrteded
citatVetttntecentret Dnuhle Blink ransmttternetconrtectea
Vetttnte an out vuul
us- mum; r-rt
rert usI pettr te thamment
Mel ecennerttett
Conne mohlte
Ha ntenezt Sctnndc pavaiiur-‘rr/rtcirtn'r
tndtrateerde nttseseestensten
(nteene a. tn tattettei
teee. , tha'gcmnnl crt .eers
Eleuemn'grienmdr‘ d-tttsnttnn
H nut-nutter.
Press Mteon/ott
quI-nHK .nenent
tr'tn- tdtenetage
| Alldrvcr snsnatteenanne.
El ant-.ntn enee unmet.“ nonmete
Eu wretets | pt...r.d.5n .nttttn
Nllun| Hateret
sass aeest Amvltcation des easses
Buss . Yrubtn Bunst Ampl cztinri tits buses .t des atees
VuulBoosl Amwlitlcationvocal
Mobile Setup
ln-Line Controls
Cummandesmohile tégrées
namete ltmln‘ i loulurl ll teterenttnanee-
1C|Iskll the p yy
2 CtickA/Z tttts »i )1
l Ctitksll (tits I«
ln-Llnn ll‘rfllhono
n t.
-ren.ttenattty mayviry hydevizt
‘i .s tanczionlaiitésvaricrt e- Ionuiari
7 Compliance
tne ...tt.n tn.tee.t tn. tattewtn, m eutenen. tet tn. sen rencs st..ttn in ex A rx Madeu
rcc te xsa Winning-nut]
rcc te xsa temt trt.n.nttt.tt
at... a tn.n.nn.. st...n.n
nrnsetnten steam. e nentvetntn,
nan neett..tt.nst.t.n.nt
re. nm..n.st.t.n..nt
rntsee "We"!hisbeenlexlelznlinunitommul/Wilhlhelimitsioracussfidijillllevize pendant. VzntSdithe rccfiuies tn.“
ttnttsat.t.eten.tta.nwte. nasenm.enentaneeatnnn.nntettnt.n.nn.tna n; enlialinsllllllinn rn.s.eet.n.nte.n.at.s es...
anlnri aetatet. en.ee.ne.n.tmne.ttn.t.nat.tt.eanee..d tn ...ate.n..wttntn. tnatnntana may.aewnarntettnt.n.t.n..te
aete.annent..ttens However tnen tsne Mane.tnat.nt.n.r.n..wtttnet...ettn.tantnertnatnetten tttntseeetntnenttemes.
natntettnt.n.nn..teneteatt.t.etxtent..e.tten wnt.n .an .ed.t.nntn.e ti tetntne tn. .netetnent uiiznl en tn. es”tuned-gate
tnte .en..ttn.tnt.n.nn. wen.ernenettn.tettawtne tneaaen.
tn.t..s.tn.s...t.ttene.tw..ntn..e n.nt.ntt...e.r
cann..ttn..eeten.nttntaanaettnan .tnetttttt.t.ntnentn.ttewnt.ntn. n..tntta.ann..t.e
Consult tn. testeret .n .n..n.n.d nee/w t..nnt.tan tat n.»
rntsemennnttmntn PantSloe FCERuies deeatten ta when te tn. inllowm! tea .enetttene tttrntsem. n-tnetma. hlrmttdl
.nt.n.r.n.. and (21m: lattemust "eaten, tnt.n.t.n.. reteimd tn.tettne tnt.n.t.n..tnatneyaex.eneeatneeaeatten
anmt-n! .teretnumseunnnt
teen.et..ent.ttan..ettn:cc nruneereteeettment; tntteenn nten hrinstall“inalocationwrhthattheantrnmoilhrduiccwiil be
maternanz tnttttn ttten aiioorwns ustn. ntenet gainantwnu and ti... et anew. net mm entet tn. rccwtttttattenettnt.
.mlucttz nolailuml irwlaflerxoiltveriliolnlmluwrioilm .nten mustolhzrzloth‘ tnnattattnntnenenten..nettntntntenaneat
vntttanenttttet nten nemeteeated tnmeettneentenntenwttn anyuti‘éranlénm etttannttttet.
nee—m .mm mm
Useontjthesubflhelintemltntenna enaetnenm antennae nettttmtena et.n..nn.nt..aee InngetheEARFDRCESte-ltMZDRXA
rx Mulets .nteteet.rcsneet.tt.na Amnanwnnaettt..ttenanetanneawapatme tern. .anitenement.enatt.n...eetewte
tn.e..tnetnannteaaernunts.eetatn.n Fina:mutantYuniekeathtarllistqtlpomvedltDHxlmenm:
to2flexilmted:ollediorvnomttortheminim!uiwzsteellztrialanfl .t..tnnt..eettnt.nt thestnrzte
wileuion .ne tensttne otwurwlxteewtomemlithe'imeotdixposllwill Relocnnsem naturllmouues
.ne.nsentn.t tt tenured tn . ntann.rtnat Fmtettxhumzn hulthlnltheenvimnment rennet.
iniarmmon Ilwtwhereyou tan erneettteetwtnetertesyettnet Ileasewnuttwur thuilltllhnrityvar
mnyee .ennaset yflur Bmlutt
lhissmholunthl eneenetttstarnaetne imitate:thattmilmfluflmus‘not n. etseeseeetwttnyeet
ernetneesenetdwet. innuetttswettetpenstttttnteutsnet. atwetwet..eetenenteyntnetnettnet
‘ Transmitter
g‘ Yransmetteur
Pill’ Imtan
daeten ee
Connmionshttls Lao
Solidflrt HeidsetEortrtecled
Puisini] e Headsat net cannerted
Attet—e, taste. rennet-e
cttgnetetnent *casquc nan .enn..:e
( ) Charglng
me-J—r l—ct~:
The Stealth AZDX uses a reLhargeable battery Make sure te charge tt regularty
Headset stun"
Always charge yeer headset betore stering it tor any extended period or ttrtte
Igreater than 3 months] Never store the unit in temperatures above ilJ'F/LS'C
Le Steatth Itzux dtspes. d‘tme hatterte rechargeaete Assumptions de ta charger
Rangemnntdu raseee . Chargu teeteers eetre eased. aeent de te reneer eeer ene
tengee dere’e [pies Lie 3 metsi Ne stetheziatnats te caseee a des températures
sdeerteeres a 1.5%.
unnltnnltissnlnnlnnic utteremetneaeset JITVAJBZAH (Vrmsmitleri
VMX tutu cnmpltuwiil tersnnt ant Rssrzin at inlustry Canzda. Duration t. teem to the tetteetn. two curtlttiaM
t rntsemmaynnaes.tnt.n.t.n. .nd
2 this[nicemmatcepionymterhrencrt including intermentthatmayrauscunlt-sirt-daperatinn oilhelewtn.
t. nm .e nan-nuxnlmu rte-em cult-nod need... hula
t Lutiiintiandttrdiilositiitstluxuriantsettlementanxtnnliiionawwanits
1 t n. eat: on eneett. menu-e. .t tetttta.t.eteettt.attttt eat. an urili ....et.t teet anettee.t.ete.t..tnee. nee,tn.n.at..
tteettet. .tt tetteatttt. t. .entnentetw e tentttennenent te llfivnaitti
reetmnttnt. tn.n.t.n..tetn. tt..n..t ..nn..tt . torzhlrmeiMnbileSlleliiteSyflemsithisleviiei:intendedlolebpented
tneeenantmtttetn wtneentte.tetttemetnensnteetne teetnnent iaritttransmttznttnmithzi isinstall“nulloorxiawlitttm
iizertxmg .ne notsuwhned wan renesst..ttn.2e rtxArx Models
tn. unnEXI-tuuittlnrlshlumvrtt
re.naen.en.tt.n..wttn Rssrim nrexanaen neetnn.nnnntae.et..ne.t ..tn.ett.e tn. t..nten.e.ntnntn..n.nn.attn.
den. wiiihogmzkrthznzrmifllm tanattnenatttnsene uttnentenereatnantennatant Wpiinizntennisnotswond undurthe tc
..nttt..ttenattnnaneenennatane tnn.tt.t..ttn.r.eta.ne.nt entsattneaneeanea.en.t..atn.tnantntentnanntana
Fmvtled tn tnts naneat int; trantnttttet net net a. re tented er Dveniel tn .entennten wttnentetnet ant.nna etttannntttet
Ear-4h .e... .nmmnm. n...
veermenrenntennttun. es.xte.n..snss tezeeneattteneetnr tnaee rteeeenmt set"lefloititremshitedznsttri
.nttettee t.nt.nn.t.t.,..t.tt..t. .tte... en.etat.n..e. ,te.e.2.n in r..it.t.et.. ..t.enn.. tententenetn.nn...enn
lluselen'cllrsl‘tleid .nt.nn.seetn.senttamenttmnnet.t...nttt..ttentt lektlrofluitri es‘lniutdrisér Les
tn.t.tt.t.et. t. t. nee .t t.. etttt....en ee t,neett iirui eatt.nt .. .antann.t .e. tnntenten. e tnnattntan teetnt.. dirt: .. n.ne.t
eet .nett.et n. tatt F5 .tn .eetnttant. ee .xttett. .n .antenaten ave: teet. zutr! ant.nn. ee trznsmettetdr
:ttrettetn Union and Enrol Ilt Flir tirade Association Regulatory cometiattre
tnt. .eetennt nan. am... tn n. t tnn mete. tn.n.n..t nennt. enn. set...“enten.netn.sen,..n r.ttn.e.
e..t...tt.n.te.nt..ney C 6 ®
nantne ttntsetntet
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tn. tetenne .entenn.n.. tenant;
antesntetset Illmalii InflhAi mete lettllrmrkttzertsei iEChMSni 1m5|7ndEdmani~Ami Znnticas‘neme
neten/e.ntttet.t rnsem rename»... mt rn 2W!
eeesnssm InimleDH ttt izlznttrnri‘ENmiLl i7v2i teaeeestsntteeeu reensntteeeet ”in,
.n eeetttzetet
n. .9. no :1th l t mean
5. snmtt ZWI
.nnnnnet... twat... etnntnreetnsrsenens 2mI/AS/EU‘WEEEan/u/EC‘ READN1ndh/Hfl7/EC,Pnklging metre
EattcryiflnA/u/EC retesatettetnntnzeettmse
WlmltlflimsisiClissE oroflucl tn.ten.stt..nettann..nt.int;endedmementaetetntmmnn tnent.n.as. tn. entnay
Mmmliniciesiiicm EerilIerFunkstuqmnmeflkuser inWohrtlemmenkorirtenImEetriebliesexfienies Rundtunklorunr
gen tenteten, tn welthen ntten t.t BenuileriuremslrecttenleCegertmlliruhmuarifllwor‘lictt tsi
Marin-n]CemestunpmdmideClisse a eanxen .n.ttann.nt.neen.ettee. ...naeettnsne.t. .nerentntmennns
ttutnetentttteen tueetnendn lien . t miliuteur t. .rentt. tee meswes slut/mun; teentnees

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