WINIA Electronics 7NF22MO110N Microwave Oven User Manual 28C 6e 20160205093117

Dongbu Daewoo Electronics Corporation Microwave Oven 28C 6e 20160205093117


User Manual - Part 2

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Document ID2962544
Application IDCqLrQixp/q9gKCpKLPsLRQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual - Part 2
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize219.44kB (2743011 bits)
Date Submitted2016-04-19 00:00:00
Date Available2016-04-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-04-19 08:49:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 10.1.16 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2016-04-19 08:49:01
Document Title28C-6e-20160205093117
Document Creator28C-6e
Document Author: steevesca

Changing the Power Level
The power level may be entered or changed
rmrnedrately alterentenng the feature time for
Cook Time or Emress Cook the power level
may also be changed durtng the coaklngv
1. Press Cook Trme and enter caokrng trme
2 Press Power Level and select power level
3. Press Start/Pause
Variable power levels add flexlbrlrty to rnrcrowave
coakrng. The power levels on the microwave oven
can be compared to the surface unrts on a range
Each power level gives you microwave energy
a certarn percent of the time. Power level 7 rs
microwave energy 70% of the tlme Power level
3 rs energy 30% ol the me Most [aokrng will be
done an HI whrch grves you 100% power
Pawer Level 10 wrll cook faster but food may
need more frequent strrnng, rotatrng or turnrng
over A lower settrng will took more evenly and
need less strrrrng or rotating or the road.
Some foods may have better flavor texture or
appearance rl one at the lower settings ts used,
Use a lower power level when cooking foods that
have a tendency to ball over, such as scalloped
Rest perrods [when the mrcrawave energy cycles
aft) give time for the load to "equalize" or transler
heat to the lnslde al the load An example of this
rs shown with power level 3—the defrost Cycle ll
mrcrowave energy did not cycle all the outsrae
of the food would cook before the rnslde was
Here are some examples closes for vanous
power levels
Power Level 10: fish bacon, vegetables. bollrng
Power Level 7: Gentle cooking at meat and
poultry‘ baking casseroles and reheatrng
Power Level 5 Slow cookrng and tendertzrng tor
Stews and less tender Cuts ol meat
Power Level 3: Defrostrng‘ srm merrng, delicate
Power Levelz: Keeprng food warm, saftenrng
About the time features.
Cook Time I
Allows you to mlcrowave for any (lme up to 99
mmutes and 99 seconds
Power level 10 [hlgm ls automatically set but
you may change it for more flexiblllty
1 Press Cook Time.
2, Enter cooklng me
3. Change power level lfyou don’t want full
power. (Press Power Level Select a deslred
power level 1710)
4 Press Start/Pause.
You may open the door durlng Cook Tlme
to check the food Close the door and press
Start/Pause to resume cooklrlg.
Cook Time II
Lets you change power levels automatically
durlng cooklng Here's how to do ll
1 Press Cook Time
2, Enter the first cook tlme.
3 Change the power level ll you don‘t want full
power (Press Power Level Select a desired
power level 17101
a Press Cook Time clgulrl
5 Enter the second cook mm
a Change the power level rryou don‘t want full
power (Press Power Level Select a deslred
power level 1710!
7, Press Start/Pause
At the end of Cook Tlme l, Cook Tlme ll counts
Cooking Guide far Cook Time
NOTE: Use power level 10 (Hrghl urr(ess otherwrse noted
Vegetable Amount Time Comments
(fresh spears) 1 lb 5 (o a rnrn. (n ll/rql oblong glass bakmg drsh place 1/1) cup water
Medrngh (7) Rotate dtsh after hall of (rrne
(frozen spears) 10oz package a (o 7 min. (n Lat casserole
(rresh green) 1 lb cur rn hall 10 (a 14 mm, In 1%te casserole. place 1/2 cup wolef
llrozen green) 10-az package 4 (o a min (n qut casserole. place 2 (ablespaans woler
(frozen Irma) (ooz package a to a min rn (at casserole place 1/4) cup walef
(fresh, whole) 1 bunch 16 to 21 mrn )n qux casserole, p)ace 1/2 cup water
(fresh cut) 1 bunch (1% to 1% lbs) 5 (o 9 turn. (n qut casserole, plate 1/2 cup waler
(lresb spears) 1 bunch (1x): (a 1% lbs) 7 to 10 mrn (n qul ob)ong gloss bakrng dlsh‘ place 1/a cup water
Rotate arsh alter hall al trme
(frozenr chopped) 10oz package are 7 mm (n 1-qt casserole
(frozen spears) 10oz package A10 7 mm (n H) casserole, place 3 tablespoons water
(fresh) 1 mearum (read (about 2 lbs) 6(0 9 mm (n 1% or quL casserole place 1/u cup water
(wedges) 5 (o 9 ma (n Z or Mr casserole, place 1/4 cup water
(fresh, sllced) 1 (a 4 I0 8 mm In 1%te casserole, p)ace 1/4 cup water
(frozen) meoz package 3 (a 7 mm ln 1ear casserole, place 2 tablespoons water
(flowerets) 1 medrom head 7 to 10 mm (n zeal casserole, place 1/2 cup warer
(fresh whole) 1 medrurn heaa 7 to M mm (n qul casselole place 1/2 cup water
(frozen) 10oz package 3 to 7 mln rn 1-at casserole, place 2 rablespoons water
(frozen kernel) 10oz package 21a 5 mm, (n 14:! casserole p)ace 2 rab)espoons water
Corn an the cob
(fresh) 1 to 5 ears 2-1/4 to Al mrn (n 2qu oblong glass bakrng arsh, place corn (lcom
per ear rs rn husk, use no warer. rl corn has been husked
bad 1/4 cup water Rearrange after hall ol trme,
(lrozenl 1 ear 3 to 6 mm Place ()1 Zeat oblong glass baklng dlsh
2 to 6 ears 2 (a 3 mm Cover with vented plostrc wrap Rearrange aller
per ear half or rrme
Mixed vegetables
(frozen) 10oz. package 2 to 5 mrn (n qul casserole place 3 tablespoons warer,
(lresh, shelled) 2 lbs unshellea 7 to 9 mm (n 1-al casserole place 1/u cup warer.
llrazen) loeoz. package 2 to 6 mm (n (pl casserole. place 2 tablespoons waler
(fresh cubed. a polataes 9 to 11 mm. Peel and cut (ma 1 rnch cubes Place rn qul
whrte) (5 oz each) cassero)e wrm 1/2 cup water Stlr alter half al trme
(fresh whale, 1 (3 oz) 2 to a mrn Plefce wrrh cookrng fork Place )n the uven 1 rnch
sweel or whrte) 2 (8 02 each) 610 7 mrn oporL rn :rrcular arrangemenl Le( stand 5 mrnules
3 s to 9 mm
A) 11 (L7 12 mm
(fresh) )0 to 15 oz 31a 6 mm, (n qul casserole place washed sprnach
(frozen, chopped 10oz package 3 to 6 mm (n Lac casserole, plate 3 tab)espoons waler
and leol)
(fresh summer 1 lb sllced no 5 mrn (n woo: casserole p)ace 1/1. cup waler
and yellow)
[wlmer‘ acorn 1m 2 squash 5m 9 rnrn Cut In half and remove fibrous membranes rn 2-qt
or bollernut) (about 1 (I: each) oblong glass bokrng arsh place squash [molderdown
Tum (ulrsiderup after u rninotes
About the time features.
Clock mm»
Tlme Defrost allows you to defrost for a
selected length or tlme See the Defrostlng
Gulde for suggested limes (Weight Defrost ls
explalned tn the Auto Feature sectlonl
1 Press Defrost twrce
2. Enter defrostlng tlrne
3' Press Start/Pause,
When the oven Signals. turn food over and
break apart or rearrange plECeS for more even
defrosting, Shleld any warm areas wlth small
pleces of fall. We oven wlll contrnue lo defrost
ll you don‘t open the door and turn the rood
Power level l5 automatlcally set at 3, but
can be changed vou can delrost small
ltems qulckly by ralsrng the power level after
enterlng the time. Power level 7 cuts the
total defrosting time in about half power
level 10 cuts the total tlme to appraxlmately
1/3 However, food Wlll need more frequent
attention than usual
A dull thumplng nolse may be heard durlrlg
defrostlng This ls normal when oven Is not
operating at ngh power
Defrosting Tips
- Foods frozen ln paper or plastlc can be
defrosted In the package Closed packages
should be slltr pierced or vented AFTER
food has portlclly defrosted Plostlc storage
Containers should be pamully uncovered
- Famlly~slzer prepackaged frozen dlnners can
be defrosted and mlcrowoved lf the food ls
m a lorl contomer. transfer rt to a microwave
safe dlsl’l.
- For more even defrosting of larger foods,
such as roasts‘ use Defrost Welght Be sure
large meats are completely defrosted before
- Foods that spoll easily should not be allowed
to sit out for more than one hour after
defrosting Room temperature promotes the
growth at harmful bacter‘la
-When defrosted, load should be cool but
softened ln all areas If strll sllghtlv my return
to the mlcrowave very brlefly or let it stand
for a few mrnutes.
Defrosling Guide
Food Time Comments
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns pr rolls (1 plECe] 1/4 mm,
Sweet rolls lapprox 12 oz] 2 to 4 mm Rearrange alter halfof trme.
Fish and Seafood
Fullels, lrozen (1 lb] 6 to 9 mm
Shellfish. Small pleces (1 lb] 3(0 7 mm Place block ln casserole
Turn over and break up ufler trrst half at llme
Plastlc pouchel ar 2 1 ta 5 mln
llorcz package]
Bacon (1 lb) 2 (D 5 mm Place unopened package ln oven Lel stand 5 mlnutes alter delrostlng
Franks [1 lb) 2 la 5 mln Place unopened package rn oven Mlcrawcvelust untll Hunks can be
separated. Let stand 5 mlnutes rt necessary to complete delrostmg
Ground meal [1 lb) 14 to 6 mm Turn meal over alter first he” 0' time
Roost beef, lamb. veal, pork
Steak; (hops and Cutlets
9 to 12 mm perlb
1410 8 mm per lbr
Use power level Warm [1]
Place unwrapped meat ln cooklng drsn, Turn over alter rtrst halr
0V (lme and shleld worm areas with fall Aller second hall 0! llme,
separate pleCES with table kmre Let stand to complete delrosllng
Chlckerl brollerrfryer. Cut up
(2% to 3 lbsl
Chlckew whole [21%1 lo 3 lbs)
Cornish hEn
Turkey breast [L6 to 5 lbs]
late 19 mm
20 to 24 mm
7 to 12 mm per lb
3 lo a min. per lb
Place wrapped chtcken m atsn Unwrap and turn over alter rtrst
halt pl trrne After Second half oHlme, separate pleCES and plate tn
(uuklng dtsh Mlcrowuve 2 to it mrnutes more ll necessary Lel slund
(1wa minutes to flrltsh delrosllng
Place wrapped chrcken tn dlsh Alter lrrst half oftlme‘ unwrap
and turn Chlcken over. Shleld warm ureus wl\h full. To complete
detrastlnar run cool water tn cavity until gralets can be removed
Place unwrapped nen ln oven preasps-deup rum over arter ltrst half
ol tlme Run cool water ln covlty unltl glblets can be removed
Place unwrapped breast ln mrtrowcve»sofe dlsh breastrSlderdown
Alter lrrsl half of tlme. turn breastrslderup and shield worm areas
wl‘h full Defrost for Second holler llme Let stand 1(0 2 hours ln
relrrgerptar to complete derrostrng
About the time features.
Express Cock
This AS a qurck way to set cookvng nme from 1-6 mynures
Press one nfthe Express Cook pods (from 176) for 176 mmutes of cookmg utpowerlevelm For
example. press the 2 pad for 2 minutes of tookmg Mme
The power \eve‘ can be changed as (me ‘5 counhng down Press Power Level and emer 1710,
NOTE: Express Cook function pertains to pads 1-6 nnly.
Add 30 Sec
\t wnll add 30 seconds to the (me Coummg down each [me the pad ‘5 pressed Each (such wwH add
30 seconds up to 99 mmutes and 99 seconds.
The oven wwll stun mmedmte‘y when pressed
About the auto features.
zk 'Jtsm
Weight Defrost
Weight defrost automatically sets the
defrosting [mes and power levels to give
even defrosting results for meals. poultry
and fish weighing up to Six paunds
1. Press Defrost
2. Using the conversmn guide enter food
weight For example, press pods land 2
for 12 pounds [1 pound. 3 ounces!
3. Press Start/Pause
{Time Defrost is explained mine Time
Features semen]
There l5 0 Cooking gurde located on the
inside front of the oven.
- Remove meal from package and place an
microwave-sale dish.
~Wherr the oven Signals, turn the food
aver Remove defrosted meat or shield
warm areas with small pieces 0' (Oil,
- After defrosting most meats need to
stand 5 minutes to complete defrosting,
Large roasts should stand tor about so
Conversion Guide
If the weight of faod is stated in pounds and
ounces. xhe ounces must be convened tu
tenths [.1l ofa pound.
Ounces Pounds
1-2 .1
3 .2
A—S 3
6-7 .14
8 .5
$10 ,6
11 .7
12-13 .8
14-15 .9
Cooking Guide
About the sensor features.
dry off aisnes so they aim
mislead the sensor
The Sensor Features detect the increasing
humidity released during cooking The oven
automatically adjusts the cooking time to
various types and amounts of food
Do not use the Sensor Features twice in
succession an the some food portion-it
may result in severely overcooked or burnt
toad Be sure to let the oven cool dawn
for 5710 minutes before starting the next
sensor cook
If food IS undercooked after the countdown
use Cook Time for additional cooking time
-The proper containers and covers are
essential for best sensor cooking
-A|ways use microwavevsafe containers
and cover them with llds or vented
plastic wrap. Never use tight-sealing
plastic covers— they can prevent
steam from escaping and cause load to
. Be sure the outside ofthe cooking
container and the inside ofthe microwave
oven are dry before placrng food in the
oven Beads oi maisture turning into steam
can mislead the sensor
NOTE: D17 not use this
feature twice in succession
on the some food portion—
it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food.
82 sure to let the oven cool
down for 5-10 minutes before
starting the next sensor cook.
To use the Popcorn ieature:
1. Follow package Instrucllons USIng Cook
Time lithe package is less than 3 0
ounces or larger than 35 ounces Place
the package of popcorn in the center oi
the microwave
2 Press Popcorn, The oven starts
ltyou open the door while "POPCORN" is
displayed, "SENSOR ERROR" Will appear it
Will scroll until Cancel/Mfrs pressed
it toad is undercooked alter the countdown
use Cook Time for additional cooking time
NOTE: Do not use this
feature twice in succession
on the same food portion—
it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food.
Be sure to let the oven cool
down for 5-10 minutes before
stoning the next sensor cook.
To use the Beverage feature:
Press Beverage to heat on 8710 oz cup of
coffee or other beverage
Drinks heated with the Beverage feature
may be very hot. Remove the container
with care.
lffoad is undercooked alter the countdown
use Cook Time for additional cooking time
NOTE: Do not use this
feature twice in succession
on the some food portlon~
it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food,
Be sure to let the oven cool
down [or 5-10 minutes before
starting the next sensor cook.
To use the Reheat feature:
The Reheat feature reheats 0736 ounces
of previously cooked foods or a plate of
1 Place covered food in the oven Press
Reheat The oven starts immediately
2 The oven signals when steam is sensed
and the time remaining begins counting
Do not open the door while ”REHEA r" is
displayed, "SENSOR ERROR” will appear.
It will scroll until Cancel/Off is pressed.
After remavmg food from the oven, stir. it
possible, to even out the temperature If
the load is not hot enough‘ use Cook Time
to reheat for more time Reheuted foods
may have wide variations in temperature.
Some areas may be extremely hot. Some
Foods Not Recommended for Use With
it is best to use Cook Time for these foods
- Bread products
- Foods that must be reheated uncovered
. Foods that need to be stirred or rotated
- Foods calling for a dry look or Crisp
surface alter reheating,
About the sensor features.
this feature twice in
succession-4t may result
in severely overcooked or
burnt food. Be sure to let
the oven cool down for 5-10
minutes before starting the
next sensor cook.
climsenywhu gov
To use the MyPlate teature:
Use MYPLATE feature to cook healthy food
choices by servtngs or wrth sensor
1 Place food tn the oven and press MyPIate
2 Enter the food code. See Cooking Guide
for MyPlaie below for codes
3 Enter the number olservlngsllJi) for
codes 173
For Code 4710. Ihe oven (on start With no
serving selection needed
a Press Start/Pause pad.
Ifyou open the door while the food name
of MYPLATE feature IS displayed, "SENSOR
ERROR“ Will appear lt will scroll until
Cancel/Off is pressed.
ChooseMyPlategov is one of core projects
by The Center for Nutrition Policy and
Promotion (CNPPl an organization olthe U S
Department olAgnculture For more details,
please Visit www ChooseMyPlate gov
Cooking Guide for MyPlate Feature
Note: Use power level 10 unless othenvise noted
Enter Food Weight Setting
Code Choice
1 Rice 144 SerVings
imat «ti ' it“ 1 Seuiiigl
2 Oatmeal 171i Servings
3 Pasta Lu sewings
Li Asparagus Sensor Menu
5 BlOCCOll Sensor Menu
6 Green Sensor Menu
7 Carrots Sensor Menu
8 Green Peas Sensor Menu
Spinach Sensor Menu
10 Potato Sensor Menu
NOTE: DO not use
this feature twice in
succession—it may result
in severely overcooked or
burnt food. Be sure to let
the oven cool down for 5 10
minutes before starting the
next sensor cook.
To use the Potato feature:
The Potato feature cooks 1 to 2 it? 02. eaclu
1 Pierce skin With fork and place potatoes
on the turntable lf cooking three or more
potatoes arrange in a star pattern.
2 Press Potato The oven starts immediately,
The oven signals when steam is sensed
and the time remaining begins counting
If you open the door while POTATO is
displayed. SENSOR ERROR Will appear, It will
scroll until Cancel/Off is pressed.
If food is undercooked after the countdown,
use Cook Time for additional cooking time.
NOTE: Do not use
this feature twice in
succession—it may result
in severely overcooked or
burnt food. Be sure to let
the oven cool down for 5-10
minutes before starting the
next sensor cook.
To use the Vegetable feature:
Use the Vegetable feature to cook
4-16 ounces of fresh, frozen or canned
1 For fresh vegetables add 2 tablespoons of
water per sewing For frozen vegetables
follow package Instructions for adding
water, Cover with lid or plastic wrap Place
vegetables In the oven
2 Press Vegetable once for fresh vegetables,
tWice for frozen vegetables or three times
for canned vegetables. The oven starts
immediately The oven Signals when steam
is sensed and time remaining lS Counting
ll you open the doc! while FRSHVVG FRZ’VEG.
or CANVVEG is displayed. sensor; ERROR will
appear lt Wlll scroll until Cancel/Offis pressed
lf food is undercooked after the countdown
use Cook Time for additional Cooking time
About other features.
m The Help pad dISDleS rnlormatron and helpful hmts Press Help, then select a feature pad.
To remrnd you that you have lead tn the oven the oven wrll drsplay FOOD lS READY and beep
once a mlnute untll you erther open the oven door or press Cancel/Off,
Vou may lack the control panel to prevent the To lock or unlock the controls press and hold
mrcrowave lrom betng accldentally started or Cancel/Offlor about three seconds when
used by children the control panel :5 locked LOCKED wlll
ontros a eor tn the drs [0
Hold 3 Sec pp p y
To turn the clock dlspluy on or olt press and hold a lot about 3 seconds. the Drsplay On/orr
leature cannot be used whlle a cooktng feature ts In use
Clock Display
Press to enter the trme ol day or to check the
time or day whrle mrcrowovmg
1 Press Set Clock.
2 Enter trme of day
3 Press start or Set Clock
In addition to startrng many lunctronsr Start/Pause allows you to stop cookmg wrthout opening
the door or cleanng the drsploy Press Start/Pause agarn to restart the oven
Trrner On/Oll operates as a mrnute trmer and 3 Press Timer Dn/ofl to start
can be used at any trme even when the oven
Is operating
1 P'QSST'mer‘WOH Note: The timertndrcalor wrll be rt whrle the
2 Enter the amount ol time you wont to count trmer rs operatmg
When the trme ls up the oven Wlll srgnur m
tut n all the trmer signal. press Timer On/Off
The beeper sound can be adjusted. Press Sound. Choose 071 for mute or normal
Microwave terms.
Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the
oven, Arcing is caused by:
¢ Metal or fail touching the side at the oven.
- Foil that is not molded to load (upturned
edges act like antennas).
- Metal such as twist-ties, poultry pins, gold-
nmmed dishes.
- Recycled paper towels containing small
metal pieces
Covers hold in moisture. allow for more even
heating and reduce cooking time
Venting plastic wrap or coverlng with wax
paper allows excess steam to escape.
In a regular even you shield chicken breasts
or baked foods to prevent ovenbrowning.
when microwavrng, you use small strips of foil
to shield thin parts, such as the tips at wings
and legs on poultry, which would cook before
larger parts.
when you cook with regular ovens. foods such
as roasts or cakes are allowed to stand to
finish cooking or to set.
Standlng time is especially important in
microwave cookingt Note that a microwaved
cake is not placed on a cooling rack.
After covering a dish with plastic wrap. you
vent the plastic wrap by turning back one
corner so excess steam can escape.
Care and cleaning of the microwave oven.
Helpful Hints
An occasional thorough wiping with a solution of baking soda and water keeps the
inside fresh
Unplug the card before cleaning any port of this oven
How to Clean the Inside
Walls, Floor. Inside Window. Metal and Plastic Ports on the Door
Some spotters can be removed With a paper towel;others may require a damp cloth Remove
greasy spotters With a sudsy cloth, then rinse With a damp cloth Do not use
abrasive cleaners or sharp utensils on oven wells
To clean the surface of the door and the surface of the oven that come together upon
closing, use only mild, nonaorosive soaps or detergents using a sponge or soft cloth Rinse
With a damp cloth and dry
Never use a commercial oven cleaner on any part of your microwave
Removable Turntable and Turntable Support
To prevent breakage, do not place the turntable lnto wateriust after cooking Wash lt carefully
in WGVW‘ sudsy water or in the dishwasher The turntable and support can be broken it dropped
Remember, do not operate the oven withoutthe tumtoble and
support in place.
How to Clean the Outside
Do not use cleaners containing ammonia or alcohol on the microwave oven Ammonia or
alcohol can damage the appearance at the microwave.
Clean the outside of the microwave With a sudsy cloth Rinse with a damp cloth and then dry wipe
the Window clean With a damp cloth
Control Panel and Door
Wipe With a damp cloth, Dry thoroughly. Do not use cleaning sprays. large amounts of soap and
water abrasives or sharp objects on the panelithey can damage it Some paper towels can also
scratch the control panel,
Door Surface
It is important to keep the area cleon where the door seals against the microwave Use only mild
nonrabrasive detergents applied With a clean sponge or salt cloth Rinse well
Power Cord
llthe cord becomes soiled, unplug and wash Wlth a damp cloth For stubborn spots sudsy water
may be used but be certain to rinse Wlth a damp cloth and dry thoroughly before plugging cord
into outlet
Stainless Steel lan some modelsl
Do not use a steelrwocd pad. it Will scratch the surface
To clean the stainless steel surface, use a hot. darnp cloth With a mild detergent suitable
for stornless steel surfaces Use a clean hot damp cloth to remove soap. Dry With a dry clean cloth.
Always scrub lightly in the direction or the grain
Troubleshooting Tips.
OVEN WILL NOT - A ruse in your hame may be blown or the Circuit breaker tripped
COME ON Replace fuse or reset Clrcult breaker
- Unplug your mlCrDWGVe even then plug it back in
. Make Sure Erprorig plug on oven is fully inserted Into wail receptacle
CONTROL PANEL - Door riot Securely closed
LIGHTED' VET OVEN - StartJPause must be pressed after entering cooking selection
- Another selection entered already in oven and Cancel/Off not
pressed to cancel it
- Make sure you have entered cooking time oher pressmg Cook Time
t Cancel/Off was pressed accidentally Reset cooking program and
press Start/Pause
- Make sure you entered food weight after pressmg Defrost Weight,
- Oven was paused accidentally Press Start/Pauseto restart the
cooking program
"SENSOR ERROR" - During a SensarCooking program, the door was opened
APPEARS ON before steam Could be detected. SENSOR ERROR wiil scroll
DISPLAV until Cancel/0f! is pressed
- Ski-Om was not detected in maximum (Ime, USE Cook Time \0 heat
for more time
"LOCKED“ APPEARS - The control panel has been lacked (When the control panel is
ON DISPLAY locked. on “L" Wili be displayed ) Press and hold Cancel/Off for
about 3 seconds to unlock the control panel
FOOD AMOUNT T00 ' Sensor Rehem is for Single serVingS of recommended foods Use
LARGE FOR SENSOR Cook Time for large amounts of food
Things That Are Normal With Your Microwave Oven
l Steam or vapar escaping from around I TV/radio interference might be noticed while
the door. using the rnICrowuve, Similar to
the interference caused by other small
' “9’“ ”flew” “"0““ ”W W “‘9’ me appliances It does not indicate a problem With
I Dimming oven light and [honge in the Microwave Plug the microwave into a
the blower sound at power levels olher different electrical circuit, move the radio or TV
than high as far awoy from the microwave as possible
rch kth tn nd nalofthe‘lv ado
I Dull thumping sound while even is operating :ntenenca e p051 ‘0 a 5‘9 /r y

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Derived From Document ID        : uuid:6b8c416c-07e0-0509-1f11-3532090aed32
Format                          : application/pdf
Title                           : 28C-6e-20160205093117
Creator                         : steevesca
Page Count                      : 13
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FCC ID Filing: C5F7NF22MO110N

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