Wave Wireless AIRLINKPROT1E1 User Manual ProT1E1 Manual

Wave Wireless Corporation ProT1E1 Manual

ProT1E1 Manual

AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountPackage: 82293-00BRelease Date:  January, 1997CYLINK CORPORATION 910 Hermosa CourtSunnyvale, California  94086, USA1-408-735-5800CYLINK LIMITED U.K.Tel:  +44-1256-841919Fax:  +44-1256-24156CYLINK CORPORATION (Singapore)Tel:  +65-2976-196Fax:  +65-2976-195CYLINK CORPORATION (New Delhi)Tel:  +91-11-617-6913Fax:  +91-11-617-9529CYLINK CORPORATION (Bejing)Tel:  +81-10-6467-1905Fax:  +86-10-6467-1906 CYLINK CORPORATION (Pakistan)Tel:  +92-21-5840743Fax:  +92-21-5840727CYLINK CUSTOMER SUPPORT1-800-545-6608  (USA - California)1-800-814-5587  (USA - New Jersey)1-408-735-5822  (International - California)1-201-333-3400 (International - New Jersey)+44-1256-58122 (Cylink Limited - U.K.)Installer’s GuideHOME
COPYRIGHT © 1994 - 1997  Cylink Corporation World Rights Reserved.Cylink Corporation provides this Manual “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Cylink Corporation may make improvements and changes to the product described in this Manual at anytime and without any notice.  Cylink Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor any infringementsof patents or other rights of third parties that would result.This Manual could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodic changes are made to theinformation contained herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the Manual.No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way,including but not limited to photocopy, photograph, magnetic or other records, without the prior writtenpermission of Cylink Corporation.CYLINK is a registered trademark of Cylink Corporation; AirLink is a trademark of Cylink Corporation.PRODUCT COMPATIBILITYWhile every effort has been made to verify operation of this product with many different communicationsproducts and networks, Cylink Corporation makes no claim of compatibility between its products and othervendors’ equipment. It is assumed that users have thoroughly evaluated this product’s performance in thecommunications environment in which it will be used.SAFETYThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation and service of thisproduct. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this Manual willfullyviolates standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. Cylink Corporation assumes noliability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.This product must be grounded. In the event of a short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electrical shockby providing an escape wire for the current.Do not install or operate this product in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of anyelectrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.No user maintained or adjustable components are present within this product. The covers should not beremoved by anyone other than authorized Cylink service personnel. The potential for electrical shock existswithin the enclosure at all times unless it is unplugged.Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the AirLink Pro T1or E1. Returnthe product to Cylink Corporation for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained. Priorto returning any product(s) for repair, contact Cylink at the telephone numbers or address located on thefront of this Manual, and obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cylink Corporation can void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.
LITHIUM BATTERYThe digital module in the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount contains a lithium battery molded into the real-timeclock component. The lithium battery is NOT a customer-replaceable part. The lithium battery could explodeif mistreated. Do not attempt to expose the battery by opening the real-time clock component. Do notattempt to recharge the battery. Do not dispose of the component by fire.SYSTEM GROUNDINGDirect grounding of the antenna, mast, and tower serves as protection from lightning strikes and staticbuildup.  A direct electrical connection should be made to a suitable grounding rod at the base of the tower ormast using at least #10 AWG ground wire, or its equivalent, and non corrosive hardware.  For details andsafety standards, consult the appropriate local Electrical Codes or a similar document.  Use lightningarresters in appropriate places.TOWER CONSTRUCTIONCompliance with local zoning and tower construction regulations is recommended when AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount systems require a tower. These regulations generally mandate that permits be obtained beforeany tower construction begins. Check with local zoning and aviation authorities for more information.FCC NOTICE TO USERSThe Airlink Pro T1 complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  Operation is subject to the condition that thisdevice does not cause harmful interference.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules on spread spectrum devices, such as the AirLink Pro T1or E1, require that you be notified of the following:FCC regulations require that this device be professionally installed by a person knowledgeable in electronicsand trained in the correct installation of this device.All interface cables must be shielded.Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cylink Corporation can void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.
STATEMENT OF WARRANTYCYLINK products, except as stated otherwise in an applicable price list, are warranted against defects inworkmanship and material for a period of one (1) year from date of delivery as evidenced by CYLINK’spacking slip or other transportation receipt.CYLINK’s sole responsibility under this warranty shall be to either repair or replace, at its option, anycomponent which fails during the applicable warranty period because of a defect in workmanship andmaterial, provided PURCHASER has promptly reported same to CYLINK in writing.  All replaced Products orparts shall become Cylink’s property.CYLINK shall honor the warranty at CYLINK’s repair facility in Sunnyvale, California.  It is PURCHASER’sresponsibility to return, at its expense, the allegedly defective Product to CYLINK.  PURCHASER mustobtain a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions from CYLINK prior toreturning any Product under warranty.  Transportation charges for the return of the Product to PURCHASERshall be paid by CYLINK within the United States.  For all other locations, the warranty excludes all costs ofshipping, customs clearance and other related charges.  If CYLINK determines that the Product is notdefective within the terms of the warranty, PURCHASER shall pay CYLINK all costs of handling,transportation and repairs at the then prevailing repair rates.All the above warranties are contingent upon proper use of the Product.  These warranties will not apply (i) ifadjustment, repair or parts replacement is required because of accident, unusual physical, electrical orelectromagnetic stress, negligence of PURCHASER, misuse, failure of electric power environmentalcontrols, transportation, not maintained in accordance with CYLINK specifications, or abuses other thanordinary use  (ii)  if the Product has been modified by PURCHASER or has been repaired or altered outsideCYLINK’s factory, unless CYLINK specifically authorizes such repairs or alterations; (iii) where CYLINKserial numbers, warranty data or quality assurance decals have been removed or altered.CYLINK also reserves the right to make product improvements without incurring any obligation or liability tomake the same changes in Products previously manufactured or purchased.  In no event shall CYLINK beliable for any breach of warranty in an amount exceeding the net selling price of any defective Product.  Noperson, including any dealer, agent or representative of CYLINK is authorized to assume for CYLINK anyother liability on its behalf except as set forth herein.  Nonpayment of any invoice rendered within the statedpayment terms automatically cancels any warranty or guarantee stated or implied.  If any payment is dueCYLINK for services performed hereunder, it shall be subject to the same payment terms as the originalpurchase.CYLINK HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES ON PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMITATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.  The warranties expressly stated herein are the sole obligation or liability on the part of CYLINKarising out of or in connection with the sale or performance of the products.Products Manufactured by Others - For products not manufactured by CYLINK the original manufacturer’swarranty shall be assigned to PURCHASER to the extent permitted and is in lieu of any other warranty,express or implied.  For warranty information on a specific product, a written request should be made toCYLINK.IN NO EVENT WILL CYLINK BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER FOR (i) REPROCUREMENT COSTS; (ii) SPECIAL,INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; (iii) ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSSOF USE, DATA OR PROFITS ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR THEUSE OF PERFORMANCE OF CYLINK PRODUCTS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CAUSE OF ACTIONIS IN CONTRACT, TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, OR ANY OTHER FORM.No action, whether in contract or tort, including negligence, arising out of or in connection with thisAgreement, may be brought by either party more than eighteen (18) months after the cause of action hasaccrued, except that an action for nonpayment may be brought within eighteen (18) months of the date oflast payment.
Rev. B - 1/97 vTable of ContentsPreface .........................................................................................................ixWho Should Read This Guide................................................................. xPrerequisite Knowledge .......................................................................... xGuide Organization ................................................................................ xGuide Conventions ................................................................................. xiTypographic Conventions ............................................................... xiiKeyboard Usage..............................................................................xiiNotes, Cautions, and Warnings ....................................................... xiiCustomer Support ............................................................................... xiiiReader Response .................................................................................. xivChapter 1: Product Description................................................................... 1-1Introduction to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 ................................................... 1-2Features and Capabilities ................................................................... 1-3Airlink Pro T1/E1 Antenna..............................................................1-5ASCII terminal interface.................................................................1-5Programmed Configuration Parameters .......................................... 1-5Monitoring and Diagnostic Capabilities ......................................... 1-5T1/E1 Link Backup Capability ...................................................... 1-6Alarm Relay Contacts ................................................................... 1-7Order Wire Interface ..................................................................... 1-7Fail-Safe Link .............................................................................. 1-7Block Diagram .............................................................................. 1-7Chapter 2: Installation and System Administration.................................... 2-1Overview............................................................................................ 2-2Unpacking ........................................................................................... 2-2Remote Connection................................................................................2-3Identifying Physical Features.............................................................. 2-3Front Panel.................................................................................... 2-3Rear Panel..................................................................................... 2-3
vi Rev. B - 1/97Preparing a Place..................................................................................2-4General Physical and Environmental Characteristics.......................2-5Lightning Protection........................................................................2-5Rack Mounting............................................................................... 2-5Power and Grounding Requirements................................................. 2-5Setting Up the System.......................................................................... 2-6Installing the Antenna ................................................................... 2-6Installing the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.................................. 2-8Wiring for Burst Synchronization .................................................. 2-20Checking Operation ........................................................................... 2-21Initial Unit Configuration ............................................................ 2-21Aligning the Antenna ................................................................... 2-23Chapter 3: Configuration ........................................................................... 3-1Overview ............................................................................................ 3-2Using the ASCII Terminal Interface ..................................................... 3-2Terminal Setup Requirements ......................................................... 3-2Command-Line Interface................................................................ 3-3Setting Administrative Parameters ............................................... 3-5Site Name ..................................................................................... 3-5Date and Time ............................................................................... 3-6Password ....................................................................................... 3-7Setting T1/E1 Line Parameters ............................................................. 3-8Coding .......................................................................................... 3-8Equalization ................................................................................. 3-9Setting Link Parameters ..................................................................... 3-10Application ................................................................................. 3-10Burst Mode ................................................................................... 3-15PN Code ....................................................................................... 3-16RF Power Level ............................................................................ 3-17Order Wire  Type .........................................................................3-17Interface Type (E1 Only)............................................................... 3-18
Rev. B - 1/97 viiSetting Alarm Control Parameters.......................................................3-18Alarm Reporting .......................................................................... 3-18Alarm Level ................................................................................. 3-191-Hour Errored Seconds Threshold ................................................ 3-201-Hour Unavailable Seconds Threshold ........................................ 3-2024-Hour Errored Seconds Threshold ............................................... 3-2124-Hour Unavailable Seconds Threshold ...................................... 3-22Receive (Rx) Power Threshold ...................................................... 3-22Transmit (Tx) Power Threshold ..................................................... 3-22Setting Modem Parameters ................................................................. 3-23Connections and Configuration....................................................... 3-24Testing the Modem Link ................................................................ 3-25Functions ...................................................................................... 3-26RS-232 Modem Port  Interface........................................................ 3-30User Interface Additions ............................................................... 3-32Getting AirLink Pro T1/E1 Configuration Information .......................... 3-39Configuration Parameter Settings ................................................. 3-39Threshold Settings ....................................................................... 3-38Hardware and Software Revision Levels ...................................... 3-38Command Keywords and Operands ..................................................... 3-39Chapter 4: Operations and Maintenance ..................................................... 4-1Overview ............................................................................................ 4-2Acquiring Status Information ............................................................... 4-2Viewing Status Information ........................................................... 4-3Acquiring Alarm Information ............................................................... 4-5The Event Queue ............................................................................ 4-6AirLink Pro T1 Indicators ............................................................... 4-7Acquiring Performance Information ..................................................... 4-11Viewing Performance Information ................................................. 4-12Resetting Performance Counters ..................................................... 4-13
viii Rev. B - 1/97Diagnostic Tools..................................................................................4-13Radio QRSS Testing ..................................................................... 4-13Loopback Tests ............................................................................. 4-15Rack Mount Unit  Working with Ruggedized Unit ................................4-22Features of Various Units ..............................................................4-23Appendix A: Messages .............................................................................. A-1General Information ........................................................................... A-2Fault Messages ................................................................................... A-3Alarm Messages ................................................................................. A-3Advisory Messages ............................................................................. A-4Status Messages .................................................................................. A-5Appendix B: Specifications ........................................................................ B-1General Specifications ......................................................................... B-2Interface Specifications ....................................................................... B-2T1 DSX-1 Interface ........................................................................ B-2 E1 Interface General Specifications......................................................B-3                                                       Output Specifications....................................................................B-4                                                        Input Specifications......................................................................B-4                                             Radio Interface ................................................................................... B-5Signal-to-Pin Assignments ........................................................... B-11Terminal and Modem Adapter Cables..................................................B-11Terminal Configuration ..................................................................... B-16Configuration Defaults ...................................................................... B-19Appendix C: Commands ............................................................................. C-1Appendix D: Glossary ............................................................................... D-1Index ................................................................................................... Index-1
Rev. B - 1/97 ixList of FiguresFigure Page NumberFigure 1-1 AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Unit .................................1-2Figure 1-2 Typical AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount        Operating Environment....................................................1-4Figure 1-3  A Point-to-Point Backup Link.......................................... 1-6Figure 1-4  Block Diagram of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount........1-8Figure  2-1  AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Front Panel........................2-3Figure 2-2   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Rear Panel....................... 2-3Figure 2-3   Typical Antenna Mounts...................................................2-7Figure 2-4   23” Rack Mount..............................................................2-11Figure 2-5   Alarm Relay Contacts....................................................2-14Figure 2-6   Terminal Connection to the AirLink Pro      T1/E1 Rack Mount..........................................................2-15Figure 2-7   Modem Connection to the AirLink Pro     T1/E1 Rack Mount..........................................................2-16Figure 2-8   Two-Wire Order Wire Connection...................................2-16Figure 2-9  Four-Wire Order Wire Connection..................................2-17Figure 2-10   ELPAC Power Supply....................................................2-18Figure 2-11   FORTRON Power Supply ..............................................2-19Figure 2-12   Burst Sync Wiring ..........................................................2-20Figure 2-13  Test Point Locations .......................................................2-21Figure 3-1   Point-to-Point Link........................................................2-24Figure 3-2   Hub Application Different Paths...................................3-12Figure 3-3   Hub Application Same Paths.........................................3-13Figure 3-4   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Two Part Repeater Link...3-14Figure 4-1   Conventional Carrier Failure Response.............................4-7Figure 4-2  AirLink Pro T1 Carrier Failure Response...........................4-7Figure 4-3  Front Panel Indicators......................................................4-9Figure 4-4   Rear Panel Indicators.......................................................4-9Figure 4-5   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount QRSS Test.......................4-14Figure 4-6   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Loopback Tests................4-16
Rev. B - 1/97xFigure 4-7  AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Normal Operation ......4-17Figure 4-8   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount inLocal Loop Test, Near End..............................................4-18Figure 4-9    AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount inRemote Loop Test, Near End...........................................4-19Figure 4-10   AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Local Loop Test, Far End................................................4-20Figure 4-11 AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount inRemote Loop Test, Far End..............................................4-20Figure B-1  Terminal Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port    to a DB-25 Terminal Port................................................B-16Figure B-2   Modem Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port    to a DB-25 Modem Port...................................................B-16Figure B-3   Terminal Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port    to a DB-9 Terminal Port..................................................B-17Figure B-4   Modem Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port    to a DB-9 Modem Port....................................................B-17
Rev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                                            xiPPREFACEREFACEAbout This GuideAbout This GuideThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s Guide  covers theinformation needed to unpack, install, configure, and operate theAirLink Pro T1 or the Airlink Pro E1 system. Begin by reading thispreface for more information about how this guide supports your useof the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system.Inside this chapter:Who Should Read This Manual...............................................xiiiPrerequisite Knowledge .......................................................xivGuide Organization..................................................................xivGuide Conventions....................................................................xvCustomer Support ............................................................... xviiReader Response ................................................................. xviii
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideAbout This GuideRev. B - 1/97xiiWho Should Read This ManualThis is an installation guide for persons who must perform or coordinate thetasks associated with unpacking and installing the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount.Prerequisite KnowledgeThroughout this guide are explanations and procedures that presume workingfamiliarity with basic telephone trunking and transmission concepts andpractices, as well as basic digital data communications concepts and practices.If you are not familiar with the concepts and practices involved in thesedisciplines, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them beforeproceeding.Also, this guide does not attempt to provide any detailed system planning orinstallation information on radio frequency (RF) antenna assemblies or Pathanalysis .  For details about these topics, please refer to the Airlink Applicationsand Site Planning Guide.Guide OrganizationEach of the chapters and appendices in this guide begins by introducing thecontents of that chapter or appendix.  Before beginning the installation process,you should read the introductions to all of the guide portions so that you have asense of what each portion provides.When you come to a procedure, you should skim through the entire procedurebefore you begin performing the step-by-step instructions.  By doing this, youwill know what is coming, and will be prepared with the appropriateinformation, equipment, or tools.The information in this guide is organized according to the sequence of tasksnecessary to plan for unpacking, installing, and configuring, as well as operatingand maintaining the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system.NOTE The Airlink Pro T1 and the Airlink Pro E1 are similar radio units. The installation, systemadministration, and the operational procedures for the two units have therefore beencombined into this manual. The minor differences between the two units are indicatedwherever necessary.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideAbout This ManualRev. B - 1/97 xiiiThe guide is divided into the following sections:Guide Section DescriptionChapter 1:Product Description Describes the features and capabilities of the AirLinkPro T1/E1 system.Chapter 2:Installation andSystemAdministrationOutlines the procedures for unpacking and installing theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system hardware,connecting the antenna, and performing initial operationchecks.Chapter 3:Configuring the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack MountProvides instructions for configuring the AirLink ProT1/E1.Chapter 4:Operations and Maintenance Contains information on the operation and maintenanceof the AirLink Pro T1/E1 system.Appendix A:Messages Lists the system alarm, status, and error messages.Appendix B:Specifications Contains a quick reference to the AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount system specifications.Appendix C:Commands Provides a list of frequently used commands.Appendix D:Glossary Provides definitions for the terms commonly usedthroughout this guide.Index Provides a quick reference to assist you in locatingimportant topics in the guide.Guide ConventionsThe procedures and instructions in this guide use the following conventions:❚Typography that highlights information within text, including screendisplays, figures, and tables.❚Keyboard usage conventions.❚Notes that add information, point to other important considerations, oralert you to possible risks to yourself, your equipment, or your data.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideAbout This GuideRev. B - 1/97xivTypographic Conventions❚Terminal displays are shown as text in the Courier font:AIRLINK PRO T1> get configurationSite Name:         Sunnyvale 2Application:       6. Slave unit in a point-to-point LinkBurst Mode:        NormalCoding:            B8ZSEqualization:      0 - 133 ftPN Code:           1RF Power:          10 dBmAlarm Reporting:   ImmediateAlarm Level:       StatusDate/Time:         May 1 1996 10:35:00❚Bold Courier font indicates a command keyword or operand that youare expected to type exactly as shown.❚Italic Courier font indicates a command operand that you mustreplace with a selected value when you type the command.❚Named keys in text are shown enclosed in angle brackets. The notation<Return> is used to indicate either the Return key or the Enter key.Keyboard Usage❚All command examples shown in text are executed by typing the commandand then pressing <Return>.❚Two or more keys that must be pressed simultaneously are shown in textlinked with a plus (+) sign: <Ctrl>+C.Notes, Cautions, and WarningsNOTE The standard text note highlights important or additionalinformation for you to consider.CAUTION These notes warn you of situations that could result in damageto your equipment or loss of data if you do not heed theinstructions.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideAbout This ManualRev. B - 1/97 xvWARNING These notes warn you of situations that could endanger yourpersonal health if you do not heed the instructions.Customer SupportIf after reading this guide you encounter any trouble installing or using theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, please contact your local distributor. Ifproblems are not resolved, you can call Cylink’s Customer Service for assistance.The telephone numbers are:Domestic (USA)1-800-545-6608 Sunnyvale, CA1-800-814-5587 Jersey City, NJInternational1-408-735-5822 Sunnyvale, CA1-201-333-3400 Jersey City, NJ+65-297-6196 Singapore+44-1256-841919 United Kingdom+91-11-301-0090 India+92-21-215-7264 PakistanDomestic and International Customer Service Fax1-408-735-6641 Sunnyvale, CA1-201-333-8560 Jersey City, NJ+65-297-6195 Singapore+44-1256-24156 United Kingdom+91-11-379-3584 India+92-21-587-0065 PakistanYou can also contact Cylink’s Tech Support through the Internet at the  following address:support@cylink.comIf you need to return equipment, call Customer Service to obtain a ReturnMaterial Authorization (RMA) number prior to returning the equipment. TheRMA number must be placed on the outside of the shipping carton. Please beprepared to provide the unit serial number, software version, and a detaileddescription of the problem.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideAbout This GuideRev. B - 1/97xviReturn all equipment to:Cylink Corporation1350 Bordeaux DriveSunnyvale, CA  94089Attn:  Repair and Return DepartmentRMA No: xxxxxxxxxxReader ResponseCylink’s Technical Publications Department wants its documents to meet yourrequirements. To this end, your ideas about the documentation are valuable.After you have had a chance to read and use the guide, we encourage you tosubmit your comments toManager, Technical PublicationsCylink Corporation910 Hermosa CourtSunnyvale, CA  94086You may also submit your comments through the Internet at the followingaddress:techpubs@cylink.comCylink may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way itbelieves appropriate without incurring any obligations whatsoever.
Rev. B - 1/97 1-1CCHAPTER HAPTER 11Product DescriptionProduct DescriptionThis chapter introduces the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount andprovides an overview of the features and capabilities.Inside this chapter:Introduction to the AirLink Pro     T1/E1 Rack Mount ...........................................................1-2Features and Capabilities ...................................................1-3
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/971-2Introduction to the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack MountThe AirLink Pro T1 and the AirLink Pro E1 systems are spread-spectrumtransceivers that operate in the license-free 5.725 to 5.850 GHz (C-band)Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band. The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountuses a Spread Spectrum modulation technique to create a high-quality, point-to-point radio link between itself and another AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountlocated many miles away.The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount (Figure 1-1) unit is a rack mount unit thatmounts in a 19 or 23 inch equipment rack or cabinet.  The  design of the unit can beaisle or flush mounted.  Status and Alarm LEDs are duplicated on the unit’srear panel so that it can be flush mounted against a wall.Figure 1-1AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount - Full View
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/97 1-3Features and CapabilitiesThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount supports a range of sophisticated controlcapabilities and options, including:❚Remote control of far-end❚Built-In Testing Equipment (BITE)❚Flexible, interactive user interface through an ASCII terminal❚Easily modified configuration parameters❚Local and remote monitoring, diagnostic, and maintenance capabilities❚Separate end-to-end communication channel for control and order wiresignals. Control signals and order wire voice signals do not disturb the T1channel❚Every radio-frequency (RF) burst verified by an error-checking algorithmThe AirLink Pro T1 and E1 are similar radio units with minor differences intheir internal structures. These are:❚The AirLink Pro T1 and E1 have different internal clock oscillators❚The AirLink Pro T1 supports the Bipolar with 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS)coding format❚The AirLink  Pro E1 supports the High Density Bipolar 3 (HDB3)coding format❚The AirLink Pro E1 allows an electrical-interface option between Balancedand Unbalanced❚The AirLink Pro T1 operates at 1.544 Mbps and the E1 at 2.048 Mbps❚   The  operating range between two AirLink Pro T1 units is up to 40 km and           that of two E1 units is 35 kmIn a typical installation, an AirLink Pro T1 or E1 pair is installed between auser’s communication facility—Data Circuit Equipment (DCE) or network—andthe Data Terminating Equipment (DTE). Figure 1-2 shows the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount  in a typical operating environment.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/971-4 Figure 1-2 Typical AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Operating EnvironmentThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount link is effectively transparent to the T1/E1equipment on either end:❚Accepts T1/E1  as input❚Presents T1/E1 as outputAirLink Pro T1 operation is independent of the protocol used, so the AirLink ProT1 supports both the Bipolar with Eight-Zero Substitution (B8ZS) and theAlternate Mark Inversion (AMI) coding formats. The AirLink Pro E1 supportsboth the High Density Bipolar 3 (HDB3, and AMI) coding formats. Theseformats do not interfere with the framing and maintenance channel usedbetween T1/E1 links so the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount works with ExtendedFrame format, ISDN Primary Rate Services,  and so on.The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount provides full-duplex, radio-to-radiocommunication that follows a Ping-Pong analogy: while one unit transmits aradio burst, the other unit receives that burst. After the other unit receives acomplete burst, it waits through a guard interval before turning on itstransmitter and transmitting its burst.The ping-pong radio-to-radio communication is invisible to the T1/E1equipment on either end of the link because the digital buffering of the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount produces a smooth T1/E1 bit stream at the user interface.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/97 1-5Buffering is only a few milliseconds, so no perceptable degradation occurs tovoice or data communications.AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount AntennaThe antenna is usually a two-foot or four-foot solid-parabolic dish for the 5.7GHz C-band,  with a narrow beam and high gain. For other kinds of antennas,contact your distributor.The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ASCII Terminal User InterfaceThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ASCII terminal user interface is anEIA/TIA-232 interface that allows a terminal device or personal computer tocontrol and monitor AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount operation at either end ofthe link. The connection to the EIA/TIA-232 interface can be either a directconnection (device to port), or an indirect connection (device to modem to port)for dial-up operation.Programmed Configuration ParametersAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount operation is governed by user-selectableconfiguration and control parameters that reside in the non-volatile memory ofthe unit. These parameters are displayed and controlled through a terminaldevice that can access both the local and remote unit. When power is lost andthen restored, the system reconfigures itself from its protected configurationdatabase.A long-life lithium battery protects all system configuration settings duringpower losses. The battery is part of the non-volatile memory/real-time clockcircuitry on the digital module in the AirLink Pro T1 and has a 10-year storagelife (in the absence of power to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount).Refer to Chapter 3, Configuration, for more information on changingconfiguration parameter settings.Monitoring and Diagnostic CapabilitiesThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system constantly monitors the quality ofthe wireless link, checking the receive RF signal level, bit errors, and manyother critical factors. This information is stored in an internal database ofstatus and performance information that the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountuses, in part, to derive the events that are stored in the event queue. As alarmevents occur, they are signaled through indicators on the front panel of the
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/971-6AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount and are entered in the event queue. To reportalarms, attach a modem and dial-out to the maintenance center.Using the terminal user interface, query either the local AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount or the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount for status, performanceand alarm information, and make configuration changes for either the local orremote end of the link.The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount also provides bit-error  and loopback tests toisolate problems. Initiate tests in the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount or inthe remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount through the terminal user interface.Refer to Chapter 4, Operations and Maintenance, for information on monitoringoperation and using  diagnostic tools and procedures.T1/E1 Link Backup CapabilityThe T1/E1 link backup capability built into the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountenables an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pair to provide a parallel T1/E1path (the RF link) to a standard T1/E1 line (see Figure 1-3).Figure 1-3A Point-to-Point Backup LinkUnder normal operating conditions, the primary (protected) T1/E1 line is routedto an external device such as a CSU through the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountand carries its normal T1/E1 traffic.In the event of a fault in the primary T1/E1 link, each DSU/CSU generates arelay control signal that is transmitted to the attached AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/97 1-7Mount units.  The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pair switch the protectedT1/E1  line to provide a protected bypass T1/E1 path.The backup switch can be opened or closed by  an external switch or relay wiredto the CSU SEL connector on the rear panel of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount.Alarm Relay ContactsMajor and minor alarm contacts are built into the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount.  If an alarm occurs such that an entry is put into the event queue, thealarm contacts switch to the alarm state for as long as the alarm event persists.For more information on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount alarm relaycontacts, refer to Chapter 2, Installation and System Administration.Order Wire InterfaceThe Order Wire interface is an end-to-end voice communication channel that iscarried on the radio link between the local and remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount units. Maintenance and service personnel can connect telephones to orderwire ports on the local and remote AirLink Pro T1 units and have direct voicecommunication between the local and the remote site.Order Wire communication can only occur when there is an active radio linkbetween the local and remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units (refer toChapter 2, Installation and System Administration). The Order Wire channelis outside of the T1/E1 channel and does not affect the user’s data.  The OrderWire can also be used with 4-wire modems in a large network managementsystem.Fail-Safe LinkA reliable link can be created by eliminating all “single points of failure.” Thisis illustrated in Figure 3-1 and discussed in detail in Chapter 3, Point-to-PointLink.Block DiagramThe following illustration is a functional block diagram of the Cylink AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideProduct DescriptionRev. B - 1/971-8Figure 1-4Block Diagram of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount
Rev. B - 1/97 2-1CCHAPTER HAPTER 22Installation andInstallation andSystem AdministrationSystem AdministrationThis chapter outlines general planning and the procedures forunpacking, and installing the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mounthardware, connecting cables, and performing power-up checks. Thischapter also contains important instructions regarding safety in settingup the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system.Inside this chapter:Overview ................................................................................ 2-2Unpacking .............................................................................. 2-2Identifying Physical Features ........................................... 2-3Preparing a Place.................................................................2-4Setting Up the System ...................................................... 2-6Checking Operation ........................................................... 2-19
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-2OverviewThis chapter discusses the general technical requirements of antenna and RFtransmission line installation,and focuses on the task of installing the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount system at each end of the communication link,integrating all of the equipment, and performing a system check and alignmentbefore turning the system over to normal customer traffic.The components of AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system are:❚AirLink Pro T1/E1❚AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount antenna and antenna cableDepending upon your system plan, you will be installing all or some of theseAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system components at each end of a link. Thefollowing sections describe both required and optional system components.UnpackingThe first step in the installation process is to take all of the materials out ofthe shipping carton(s) and check that you have everything shown on thepacking list(s).  If something is missing, contact your local distributor. Inspectthe unit for any possible damage.If you discover shipping damage, repack the unit and notify the shippingrepresentative.NOTE Save the shipping cartons and packing materials. You will need the carton and materials ifyou need to ship your equipment.After unpacking and confirming the contents of the shipment, place the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount system components on a flat surface to allow enough spaceto work around them.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-3Identifying Physical FeaturesFigure 2-1AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Front PanelFront PanelThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount front panel (Figure 2-1) consists of a metalpanel that contains five status and alarm LEDs identified with graphical iconsand two RJ-11 jacks.Rear PanelThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount rear panel (Figure 2-2) consists of a metalpanel containing four external equipment connectors, seven terminal blocks, andan  n-type antenna connector.  Table 2-1 lists the rear-panel connectors anddescribes their functions.Figure 2-2AirLink Pro T1 /E1 Rack Mount Rear Panel
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-4Table 2-1AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Rear-Panel ConnectorsConnector Type FunctionNetwork Management 9-Pin MaleSubminiature D Connects a modem to the AirLink ProT1/E1.Terminal RJ - 11 Terminal connectionCSU 6-Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockConnects the T1/E1 Line  from an externaldevice such as a CSU. Used for wire linebackup only.E1 Out BNC Not used for  T1 unit;  In E1 unit, used forconfiguring Unbalanced Interface option DTE 4-Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockT1/E1 connection to the DTEE1 In BNC Not used for T1 unit;  In E1 unit, used forUnbalanced Interface optionOrder Wire 4-Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockConnection for Four wire Order Wire unitBSYNC 6 Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockBurst sync connectionMinor Alarm 4-Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockMinor alarm relay connectionMajor Alarm 6-PinCaptiveWireTerminal BlockMajor alarm relay connectionPower 6-Pin CaptiveWire TerminalBlockPower connectionAntenna N type female Antenna connectionPreparing a PlaceBecause of the special planning requirements associated with installing amicrowave system, review some of the general guidelines regardinginstallation preparation to ensure that the site is suitable to the purpose.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-5General Physical and Environmental CharacteristicsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount radio unit measures approximately 17inches wide, 3 inches high, and 10 inches deep, and weighs approximately 10pounds.Lightning ProtectionThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount is provided with secondary protection on allsignal leads to the printed circuit assemblies in the unit. If the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount system is being installed in an area where lightning can be aproblem, primary protection, such as gas tubes or spark gaps, is required (Cylinkdistributors can provide these).Rack-MountingThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount mounts indoors in a 19-inch or 23-inchequipment rack or cabinet.  The rack-mount hardware kit, which consists of apair of mounting brackets and all required fasteners, is included in the shippingcarton with the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack  Mount.Power and Grounding RequirementsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount operates at 24VDC or 48VDC.  Either thepositive or negative input is connected to the ground, or left floating. Externalcircuit protection not exceeding 2 amps is required.Table 2-2Power RequirementsInput Voltage 21 to 56 VDCInput Power 25 WattsInput Current 1.0 Amps @ 24 Volts500 Ma @ 48 VoltsInput Polarity Input is floating.  Either input may be groundedInput Protection Nominal fuse = 2.0 A Slow BlowInput ReverseVoltage Protection Provided.  Series diode.  No current will flow if theinput voltage is reversed.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-6NOTE No internal fusing is provided, because to do so would violate the specifications ofUL1459 section 70.  (No fusing is allowed in the grounded side of a DC input circuit unlessthe hot side is also fused.) When the fuse in the hot side blows, the fuse in the groundedinput must     also     blow.  Since this equipment accepts either polarity, external circuitprotection      must be     provided in the hot side of the feeder circuit.Setting Up the SystemThe following sections outline the procedures for installing, cabling, andbringing up an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system. Some of the steps requirespecial knowledge, experience, tools, and assistance from another person.Installing the AntennaAntennas are generally installed by persons who have the knowledge,experience, and tools to handle the somewhat specialized task. The followingsections are intended as a general summary of the process, and not as a completedescription. A successful antenna installation effort is the culmination of allthe site and route preparation, and path analysis.Typical Antenna MountsAn antenna for a microwave system such as the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountis typically equipped with mounting hardware that allows the antenna toattach to a length of pipe that can then be mounted in several ways, dependingupon the user requirements, site conditions, and local building codes (seeFigure 2-3).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-7Figure 2-3Typical Antenna Mounts
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-8System GroundingDirect grounding of the antenna, mast, and tower provides some protectionagainst lightning strikes and static buildup. A direct electrical connectionshould be made to a suitable grounding rod at the base of the tower or mast usingat least #10 AWG ground wire, or its equivalent, and non-corrosive hardware.For details and safety standards, consult the appropriate electrical code or asimilar document. Use lightning arrestors in appropriate places.Aligning the AntennaIn order for an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pair to operate correctly, thelocal antenna and the remote antenna must be aligned so that the signals fromone antenna are aimed directly at the center of the other antenna. Correctantenna alignment maximizes the signal received at both ends of the radiolink.  An outline of the antenna alignment procedure is at the end of thischapter.Installing the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountThe following illustration shows how to connect the mounting ears on the unit(center-mounted or flush-mounted).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-9
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-10The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount can be installed into a standard 19-inch or23-inch equipment rack using the rack-mount hardware included with the unit.It requires 4U (7.0”) of rack mounting space, of which 1U space above and belowthe unit is necessary for proper ventilation. Two standard blank panels can beused over the openings.To mount the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in an equipment rack:1. Place the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount on a table or bench.2. Lay out the pieces of the rack mount hardware kit.The rackmount hardware kit should contain the following parts:❚Two 1-inch increment mounting brackets for 23-inch rack mount❚Two EIA mounting brackets for 19-inch rack mount❚Eight  10-32 x 3/8” Phillips pan-head screws, lock washers, and flatwashers3. Orient the mounting brackets for front- or mid-mounting.4. Attach the brackets to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount with the screwsprovided in the hardware kit.5. Position the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in the equipment rack andfasten with screws.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-11Figure 2-423” Rack MountConnecting the Antenna CableTo connect the antenna cable to the AirLink Pro T1/E1:1. Locate the N-type connector on the rear panel of the AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount (see Figure 2-2).2. Plug the RF cable connector firmly into the N-type jack connector and hand-tighten the cable connector shell onto the jack connector collar.3. Verify that the cable connector is seated securely and that the cable is notkinked.4. Recommend 1/2 or 7/8-inch case.  Check  the rating for 6 Ghz operation.5. Recommend using short piece of more flexible coaxial to connect to theAirLink, such as the RG-6/U or the RG-59/U from Cylink.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-12T1 DTE Line ConnectionTo connect the T1 line cable to the DTE:1. Locate the  DTE  terminal block on the Airlink Pro  T1/E1 Rack Mount rearpanel (see Figure 2-2).2. Prepare the cable wire so that individual leads are separate.  Strip a smallportion of insulation off each wire lead.3. With the help of a screw driver, push back one of the plastic levers locatedon the terminal block.The following is a list of some suitable coaxial cables:Type Manufacturer PartNumber AWG ATTN1UL Rating2RG-6/U Belden 9248 22 (7/30) .3 dB CMRG-6/U Belden 88248 22 (7/30) .3 dB CMPRG-59/U Belden 9259 18 (solid) .3 dB CMRG-59/U Belden 88259 18 (solid) .3 dB CMP1  Attenuation per 100 at 1 Mhz.2  U1 Rating System:CM= General purpose, vertical tray. Tested per UL-1581.CMP=Plenum Rated. Tested per UL-910.The following is a list of some suitable cables for the T1 or E1 Balanced.The cable type usually specified for indoor T1 use is Western Electric ABAM orequivalent. An equivalent cable is General Cable Specification 4162D. Thecharacteristics of  these two cables are listed in the table.  These cables arerated in-building  use and in-vertical risers and are not rated for use inplenumbs. Both of these cables use solid wire.Cable Gauge Impedance Loss at 1 MhzATAM 22 100 Ohms 4.0 dBGT4162 22 100 Ohms 6.0 dBA second class of indoor cable is 100 Ohms stranded, shielded 24 ga. Thesecables have a characteristic impedance of 100 Ohms and a loss at 1 Mhz ofabout 7 dB per 1000’. Representative cables of this type are listed in thefollowing table. These cables are also suitable for E1 applications.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-13 Belden Part No. 8729  (UL Rating CMP  (Plenum))Individually shielded twisted pairs.Berk-Tek Part No. 230249 (Plenum)Berk-Tek Part No. 230131 (Non Plenum)These cables have an overall foil shield.The recommended E1 cable: The E1 signal can be either unbalanced, in whichcase the coaxial cables listed can be used or it can be unbalanced, in which casethe balanced twisted pair cables can be used.4. While holding it in this position, insert one of the leads of the cable intothe spring pin connector, below the lever.5. Release the lever.6. Repeat Steps  3, 4  and 5 to connect each lead.7. Ensure that each cable lead is securely held by the spring pin connectors.T1 Backup Connections1. Locate the CSU terminal block on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount rearpanel (see Figure 3-2).2.     Follow the same procedure used for connecting T1/E1 DTE line.3.     Locate the fault signal cable connector from the external device.4. Connect the fault signal cable  to the CSU -SEL connector on the majorAlarm terminal block.In the event of a fault in the primary T1/E1 link, each CSU generates a relaycontrol signal that is transmitted to the attached AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount.   The T1/E1 pair switch the protected primary line in, to provide aprotected bypass T1/E1 path.Alarm Relay Contact ConnectionsIf you have an application that uses the alarm relay contacts in the MAJOR &MINOR ALARM captive-wire terminal block on the rear panel of the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount, connect the device cable to the ALARM-C and ALARM-NC or ALARM-NO contacts in the MAJOR  & MINOR ALARM captive-wireterminal block (see Figure 2-5).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-14Figure 2-5Alarm Relay ContactsThe major and minor alarm contacts built into the AirLink Pro T1 are SPDTrelay contacts rated at 8 VA (0.25 A maximum at 100 VDC maximum) isolatedfrom the ground.  The alarm relays are de-energized when the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount is in an alarm state: the NO contact is closed; the NC contactis open.If an alarm occurs such that an entry is put into the event queue, the alarmcontacts switch to the alarm state for as long as the alarm event persists or untilthe alarm is reset.Terminal ConnectionA simple ASCII terminal or personal computer can be connected to the RJ-11Terminal Jack on the front or rear panels of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountto monitor and configure its operation.  A DB9 to RJ-11 adapter is included.  In ahub installation involving a number of AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pairs, the
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-15terminal device can be “shared” across all the AirLink Pro T1 systems by aterminal switching device.A terminal device or a personal computer can have specific data cablingrequirements (refer to Appendix B, Specifications,  for connector pinassignments), and usually requires a grounded alternating current power outlet.An adapter kit that connects between the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountterminal port and a male DB-9 connector is shipped with the equipment.Figure 2-6Terminal Connection to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountRemote ConnectionA remote terminal or personal computer can be connected to the Terminal port onthe front or rear panels of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount unit through amodem (Figure 2-6).  A modem requires a dedicated telephone line with amodular RJ-11 jack as well as a source of power, usually a standard 115 VACgrounded outlet.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-16Figure 2-7Modem Connection to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountOrder Wire ConnectionThe Order Wire interface is a 64 kbps pulse modulation (PCM) voicecommunication channel.   This part of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount RFprotocol does not use any part of the 1.544 Mbps T1 channel or the 2.048 Mbps E1channel.  The Order Wire interface meets V.21 and V.32 modem specifications.A standard telephone (2 wire interface) can be plugged in to the Order Wirejack on the front panel ( Figure 2-3).  A telephone is required at each end of thelink.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-17Figure 2-8Two-Wire Order Wire ConnectionOrder Wire communication can only occur when there is an active radio linkbetween the local and remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units and the RSQis 6 or higher. Communication across the order wire interface is initiated bypicking up the telephone at either end of the link.  When the RSQ is below 6,the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount software mutes the order wire.  Picking upthe order-wire telephone causes an audible tone  (beeping ) at the remoteAirlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.  This tone continues until the telephone at theremote end is picked up.An external order wire unit can be connected to the designated terminal block onthe rear panel.  When an external 4 wire interface is used, the order wire unitprovides its own signaling.  The 4-wire interface allows multiple T1/E1 units ata hub to be connected through a 4-way or 8-way 4-wire bridge (Figure 2-11).Connect the input pair of the order wire to the T & R located on the ORDERWIRE terminal block and connect the output pair to the T1 & R1.Set the external order wire to transmit and receive at 0 dBm. The type of orderwire interface (2 or 4-wire) is selected from the Command Line InterfaceConfiguration screen.  (See “Setting Link Parameters” in Chapter 3,Configuration).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-18Figure 2-9Four-Wire Order Wire ConnectionCAUTION The order wire interface must not be connected directly to the Public SwitchedTelecommunications Network.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-19External Power Supply ConnectionFigure 2-10ELPAC Power SupplyFor  the ELPAC Power Supply1.  Locate the Power terminal block on the unit’s rear panel and insert the redwire of the power supply into the +V  spring pin connector of the terminalblock.2.  Insert the white wire into the  -V spring pin connector of the terminal block.3.  Ensure that the two wires are securely held by the connectors.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-20Figure 2-11FORTRON Power SupplyFor  the FORTRON Power Supply1.  Locate the Power terminal block on the rear panel of the unit and insert thebrown wire of the power supply  into the +V  of the terminal block.2.  Insert the black wire into the -V  spring pin connector of the terminal block.3.  Ensure that the two wires are securely held by the connectors.Wiring for Burst SynchronizationWhen you have either a hub configuration or a repeater site (more than oneAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount unit operating from the same central site), one ofthe units must be set up as the source for burst synchronization.  Refer to Chapter3, Configuration, for Hub and Repeater configurations.Installing the Burst Sync WiringThe burst synchronization connections are made using unshielded twisted pairwires.  The equipment should be physically located as shown in Figure 2-12.The primary and the backup masters should be the first units in the group.  Ifthe distance between the primary  master and the last secondary master isgreater than 100 ft, the burst sync bus(es) should be terminated at this unit (thelast secondary master).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-21Figure 2-12Burst Sync WiringTerminating the Burst Sync BusThe burst sync bus is terminated by inserting a short jumper wire in the TERM Aand TERM B locations as defined by the rear panel labels.Checking OperationDuring start-up an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pair:❚Establishes the radio link between the two radio units❚Starts transferring dataWhen each radio unit is powered up, a power-on self-test begins thatdetermines whether the unit’s hardware and software are operating withinthe required limits. When the test succeeds, the designated master unit beginstransmitting, attempting to establish a RF link with the slave unit.AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units leave the factory configured as masterunits in a point-to-point configuration; configure one of the units as a slave.Initial Unit ConfigurationIn a new point-to-point link installation, the configuration on one end must bechanged to application 6 (Slave Unit in a Point-to-Point Link, refer to“Application” in Chapter 3).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-22In a new hub installation, the units at the hub must all be masters, and thecorresponding remote units must be slaves. At a hub, set up each individual linkfirst as a point-to-point link and then align each link separately with all theother AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units turned off. After all the link pairshave been configured and aligned as point-to-point links, you can then changeconfigurations for hub operation.In a new repeater installation, treat each link segment as a point-to-point link,progressing from the near-end to the far-end sites. After all the link pairs havebeen configured and aligned as point-to-point links, you can changeconfiguration for repeater operation.For more information about applications and burst synchronization, refer to“Application Examples” in Chapter 3, Configuration.No radio link exists until the AirLink Pro T1 pairs have been configured andaligned, all system configuration must be done individually at each unit. Aftera radio link is established between the units of an AirLink Pro T1 pair, theremote unit can be configured from the local site across the radio link.To configure one end of the link as a slave:1. Connect a terminal to the Terminal port on the slave AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount or to the Terminal port on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountattached to the slave unit.The terminal must be set up to operate according to the attributes describedin “ Connecting a Terminal,” in this chapter.2. Type the following command at the prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set application 6The text you type is in boldfaced type; enter the spaces as shown.3. To verify the configuration change, type the following command at theprompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get configurationThe terminal displays the configuration of the unit, similar to thefollowing:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> Get ConfigurationSite Name:Application:     6. Slave Unit in a Point-to-Point LinkBurst Mode:      NormalCoding:          B8ZS or (HDB3)
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-23Equalization:    0 - 133 feetPN Code:         1RF Power:        10 dBmAlarm Reporting: ImmediateAlarm Level:     StatusDate/Time:       May 1 1996 10:35:00NOTE You might need to alter more configuration values in order to ensure correct operation,during your AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount installation. Refer to Chapter 3 for moreinformation on configuring the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.Aligning the AntennaAfter the link pair has been turned on and configured, the antennas must bealigned. Since most AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount paths will be line-of-sightpaths, visually align the initial antenna. In most cases, this rough alignment issufficient for radio units to acquire radio synchronization lock.NOTE When the radio link between two units is active, telephones can be plugged into the OWjacks on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units permitting persons at the two sites to talkto one another. Picking up the order wire telephone causes an audible tone (pulsedbeeping) at the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount unit. This tone continues until thetelephone at the other end is picked up.To “fine tune” the antenna alignment, perform the following procedure:1. Insert the probes of a DC voltmeter into test points (RSS) and (ground) onthe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount (see Figure 2-11).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/972-24Figure 2-13Test Point Locations2. Swing the  antennas on both ends of the link horizontally and vertically(but not at the same time!) until the observed voltage peaks.Swing the antennas through the main lobe and both side lobes to check thatthe antenna is aligned on the main lobe and not one of the side lobes.After you align the antenna, use the terminal query status and queryperformance commands to check the receive signal strength (Rx Power) andthe receive signal quality (RSQ). Compare the receive signal level to theexpected signal level based on the path calculations.3. Type the  following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query status
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideInstallation and System AdministrationRev. B - 1/97 2-25The system displays a list of status information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query statusSite Name: Sunnyvale 2DTE Loss:          NORadio Sync Loss:   NOBurst Sync Loss:   N/ATest in Progress:  FE Radio Remote LoopDTE AIS:           OFFRF AIS:            OFFTx Fail:           NORx Power:          -60.5 dBmTx Power:          12.0 dBmTemperature:       5 C4. Type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query performanceThe system displays a list of status information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query performanceSite Name: Sunnyvale 2UWER BER:       <10E-08QRSS BER:       Unavailable1 HR ES:        11 HR UAS:       024 HR ES:       124 HR UAS:      0RSQ:           10The Receive Signal Quality (RSQ) is a figure of merit that is normalized on ascale of 1 to 10, and is a function of the receive signal-to-noise and signal-to-interference ratio. A very strong signal that is severely corrupted withinterference results in a normal receive signal power indication and a low RSQnumber.Assuming that the T1/E1 lines to and from the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountunits are okay, T1/E1 data transfer begins as soon as the RF link is established.If you need to alter other configuration values, refer to Chapter 3,Configuration, for configuration procedures.
Rev. B - 1/97 3-1CCHAPTER HAPTER 33ConfigurationConfigurationThis chapter describes how to use the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountcommand-line terminal user interface to set and change configurationparameters. The information in this chapter includes descriptions of allthe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount configuration commands andoptions, and lists the default configuration settings.Inside this chapter:Overview ................................................................................ 3-2Using the ASCII Terminal Interface ................................ 3-2Setting Administrative Parameters ............................... 3-5Setting T1/E1 Line Parameters .................................... 3-11Setting Link Parameters ................................................. 3-13Setting Alarm Control Parameters ............................. 3-28Setting Modem Parameters.............................................3-22Getting AirLink Pro T1 Configuration   Information .................................................................... 3-30 Command Keywords and   Operands ....................................................................... 3-41
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-2OverviewTo configure the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, connect an ASCII terminal or apersonal computer to the Terminal port of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ASCII terminal interface provides acommand-line interface for manipulating the operation of the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount, including configuring operational parameters, monitoringoperation, and responding to alarm conditions. The command line interface alsoprovides an online help facility to aid you in entering commands. You can alsotype in a help request for a particular command combination.You can type a question mark (?) at the end of any command field, and thecommand interpreter will display the next valid keyword or operand that youcan enter.If you press <Return> before the command is complete, the command interpreterdisplays the next valid keyword or operand that you can enter. If the commandis complete, the system will execute the command.The command line interface is described in more detail in the followingsections.Using the ASCII Terminal InterfaceTerminal Setup RequirementsBefore connecting the ASCII terminal to the unit, configure the terminal withthe following parameters:Terminal Mode = VT100Column = 80Autowrap = ONMonitor Mode = OFFCursor Keys = NormalNewline Mode = ONCharacter Set = DEC SupplementalKey Code = ASCIIBreak key = ONMinimum Break Length = 2 character times (17 msec.)Data/Parity = 8/No ParityStop Bits = 1
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-3Transmit Rate = 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200 bpsAuto Answerback = OFFComm = FDX (No Echo)RS232 Data Leads Only (RxD and TxD)Local Echo = OFFTo connect the terminal, follow these steps:1. Connect the terminal (or a computer in terminal emulation mode) to theTerminal port with the EIA/TIA-232 cable  as described in Chapter 2.2. Turn on the terminal; adjust the contrast and brightness as required.         The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount terminal interface software contains anautobaud feature that automatically attempts to detect the operating baudrate of the attached terminal device.3. Press <Break> then <Return> on the terminal keyboard.Pressing <Break> at the terminal puts the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountterminal interface software in “hunt” mode, where it looks for carriagereturn (<Return>) characters at the attached terminal.If the terminal is set for 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200 bps, the terminalinterface software learns the operating baud rate by starting at 19200 bpsand dropping to the next lower speed in the sequence until it recognizes a<Return> character.When the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount terminal interface detects a<Return> keystroke, it displays the AirLink Pro command-line prompt:    AIRLINK PRO T1>  or  AIRLINK PRO E1>Pressing <Break> puts the terminal interface software back into hunt mode.If the prompt does not appear, press <Break>once, then press <Return>repeatedly at one second intervals until the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountprompt appears. If the prompt does not appear after pressing <Return> sixtimes, press <Break> and try again.Command-Line InterfaceThe command-line interface consists of commands for manipulating theoperation of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, including configuringoperational parameters, monitoring operation, and responding to alarmconditions.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-4Command-Line FormatThe general syntax of a command line consists of a basic command keywordfollowed by additional keywords and operands that qualify the commandkeyword:BASIC_KEYWORD KEYWORD_1 … KEYWORD_n  operand; commentThe command-line format and syntax is based upon the following :❚Separators:  Each keyword or operand must be separated by a separatorcharacter—a space or a TAB character. Extra space characters between twocommand elements are treated as one space character.❚Order:  The basic command keyword must be the first word of the command.All operands that relate to a keyword must immediately follow thatkeyword in the prescribed order. Keywords relating to another keywordmust follow that keyword.❚Comments:  In a case where the command line is part of a file that is sent tothe remote interface, you can add comments to a command line by appendinga semicolon character (;) to the end of the command line, followed by thetext of the comment. The command interpreter ignores the semicolon andany characters following it except <Return>.❚Length:  The maximum keyword length is 15 characters. The maximumcommand-line length is 250 characters, including comment text, separatorcharacters, and <Return>. Any command that exceeds this length isrejected with an appropriate error message.❚Short forms of keywords:  You can save keystrokes when typing commandsby abbreviating a keyword to the first four characters of the keyword.❚Case:  Commands are not sensitive to case. You can enter keywords as allupper-case characters, all lower-case characters, or as any combination.❚Choosing from a list of options:  The notation{ x1 | x2 | ... | xn }showing  numbers or terms separated by vertical bars indicates that you canselect one of the elements in the listed set of x1 to xn. For example, in the setof options:{ 0 | 133 | 266 | 399 | 533}you can choose any one of the listed values.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-5❚Choosing from a range of numbers:  The notation{n1 .. n2}indicates that you can specify a number within the range of numbers shownin the active command context, for example,  given the range {0 .. 24}, youwould specify a single number from 0 to 24.❚Special keystroke sequences:Press <Ctrl>+R to repeat the previous command.Press <Esc> to clear the command line and start a new command.Command ResponsesCommands that contain errors or that request information from the unit receiveresponses.  Commands that set parameters receive a response of "OK" onlywhen they contain no errors. The following keywords are:OK Indicates that a command to change system configuration settings was received correctly and executed.SYNTAX ERROR If an entry error is entered, the unit responds with a listof valid choices.Setting Administrative ParametersThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount administrative parameters include thefollowing:❚Site Name❚Date and Time❚PasswordSite NameThe site name identifies the role or location of the specified AirLink Pro T1.This parameter is optional and can be a description of up to 60 alphanumericcharacters.To set the site name for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-6AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set site name namewhere name is any convenient description of up to 60 alphanumeric characters.For example, to set the site name of the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount toSunnyvale 2, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountprompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set site name Sunnyvale 2To set the site name of the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, use thecommand:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set site name nameDate and TimeThe date and time in system operations provides a reference in time-stampingstatus, performance and alarm information.To set the date for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set date dateThe operand date is the calendar date, and takes the form mm/dd/yy, wheremm is a number from 1 to 12, dd is a number from 1 to 31, and yy is the last twodigits of the current year.For example, to set the date of the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, typethe following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set date 9/30/94To set the date of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set date dateTo set the time for the local unit, type the following command at the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set time timeThe operand time  is a 24-hour clock value that takes the form hh:mm:ss,where hh is a number from 0 to 23, representing the hour, mm is a number from 0to 59 representing the minute, and ss is a number from 0 to 59, representing thesecond. Seconds are optional; if you do not enter a value for seconds, the systemassumes a setting of 00 seconds.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-7For example, to set the time of the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, typethe following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set time 10:35:00To set the time of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set time timeFor outdoor use, print (AU) in the Site name when the Access Unit is installed.NOTE The additional time required to access the remote end of the link is a fraction of a secondand need not be taken into account.PasswordThe password is required when the unit is powered on, or after the operator logsoff the system and wants to enter it again. The operator must provide thecorrect password to use the GET, SET, QUERY, RESET, TEST and REMOTEcommands.When the unit is prepared for shipment, it is configured with a null passwordas a default. To gain access to the system the first time, press <Return> inresponse to the login prompt for the password.To protect the system, you should change the password at the earliestopportunity. The new password should be noted and stored in a safe place. Afterchanging the password, you should test the new password by logging out and inagain.NOTE If you are unable to use your password or forget your password, contact Cylink CustomerService for assistance.A password can be any convenient combination of up to 16 alphanumericcharacters from the set a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. The Password is case sensitive.To set or change the password for the local unit, type the following command atthe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set passwordThe system prompts you to enter the old password, prompts you to enter the newpassword, and then prompts you to enter the new password again, forconfirmation. If the second instance of the new password matches the first
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-8instance of the new password, the new password is accepted. A password can beany convenient combination of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.For example, the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount is new and currently hasno password. To set the password to 1Awombat, type the following commandsat the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1> set passwordOld Password: <Return>New Password: 1AwombatRetype New Password: 1AwombatSetting T1/E1 Line ParametersThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount line interface parameters include:❚Coding❚EqualizationYou might change values for either or both of these configuration parametersdepending on your applications.CodingThe AirLink Pro T1 supports both Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) and Bipolar8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS)line coding The E1 supports both the HDB3 and theAMI.  To set the coding for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set coding operandwhere operand is AMI , B8ZS or HDB3. If you do not specify a value, the systemassumes the default value: B8ZSor HDB3.For example, to set the coding for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount toAMI, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set coding amiTo set the coding of the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set coding operand
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-9T1 EqualizationThe length in feet from the DSX point.To set the equalization for the local unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set equalization operandwhere operand is one of the following: 0, 133, 266, 399, or 533.If you do not specify a value, the system assumes the default value: 0.  Forexample, to set the equalization for the local unit to 133, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set equalization 133To set the equalization of the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, use thecommand:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set equalization operandThe equalization distance is the total of the cable length from the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount.  If there is no physical cross-connect, use half the distance tothe DTE (multiplexer, PBX, router, etc.).Table 3-1Line Parameters Quick ReferenceParameter SettingCoding Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS) T1     (default)High Density Bipolar 3  (HDB3) E1             (default)Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI)T1 Equalization      0 (feet) (default)133266399533
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-10Setting Link ParametersThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Link parameters include the following:❚Application❚Burst Mode❚PN Code❚RF Power❚Order Wire Type❚Interface Type (E1 only)Depending upon your application, you  will need to set or change values for oneor more of these configuration parameters.NOTE These are service-affecting configuration parameters. Changing any of these parametervalues disrupts the radio link for the time it takes to set compatible parameter values forboth ends of the link. Do the remote change always first so that the radio link can beregained by making changes to the local unit. If you make the local changes first and losethe radio link, you might be forced to go to the remote site in order to reconfigure theremote unit and reinstate operation.ApplicationApplication refers to the role the unit plays in either a point-to-point link(master/slave) or in a hub scheme involving primary and secondary masters.Your choice of application determines the timing (external versus internal)relationship between the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units:1. Primary master at a hub2. Secondary Master at a hub3. Master unit at a repeater site4. Master unit in a point-to-point link5. Slave unit at a repeater site6. Slave unit in a point-to-point link7. Secondary Master in a protected link
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-118. Backup Master at a hubTo set the application for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set application operandwhere operand is a number in the range 1 to 6.  If you do not specify a value, thesystem assumes the default value: 4  (master unit in a point-to-point link).  Forexample, to set the application for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount to 1(primary master at a hub), type the following command at the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set application 1To set the application of the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, use thecommand:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set application operandAll units are shipped from the factory configured as master units in a point-to-point link . You must configure one of the units in the pair as a slave  so that thesystem alignment procedures can be performed. Use your application plan todetermines how each unit will be configured.The following sections describe the use of these applications in point-to-pointlinks, hubs, and repeaters.Point-to-Point Link    (Applications 4 and 6)In a point-to-point link (Fig. 3-1), where one AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountpair operates independently of any other pair, the burst synchronization timingsignal is derived from the internal clock of the designated master unit, and theslave unit derives its synchronization from the received RF signal.The master unit would be configured as a master unit in a point-to-point link(application 4), while the unit at the other end would be configured as a slaveunit in a point-to-point link (application 6).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-12Figure 3-1Point-to-Point LinkHub Application (Different Paths)   (Applications 1, 2, and 8)In a hub, where more than one AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount master unit islocated at a central site (Figure 3-2), one of the master units must be configuredas the primary master at the hub  (application 1), providing burstsynchronization, while a second unit is selected as the backup hub master(application 8).  All other units at the hub are designated as secondary mastersat the hub  (application 2).The primary master supplies burst sync as long as it is operating properly.Should the primary fail, the backup master will provide burst sync to all othersecondary masters.  The externally timed secondary  masters are daisy-chainedthrough their  burst synchronization wire pairs to the internally timed primarymaster so that all of the units “talk” and “listen” in a synchronized manner(Refer to Chapter 2, Figure 2-12).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-13Figure 3-2Hub Application Different pathsHub Application (Same Path)   (Application 7)This example involves the use of antenna pairs configured to take advantage offixed horizontal and vertical wave polarization. Wave polarization isachieved by mounting the antenna pair so that the feedhorns of both antennasare aligned either vertically or horizontally (per manufacturer’s instructions).By using antenna polarization, you can locate two AirLink  Pro T1/E1 RackMount pairs at the same sites and use the same wave path without conflict (seeFigure 3-3).  In this application, the primary master provides burst sync to thesecondary master and the two units are connected to a AirLink  Pro T1/E1 RackMount protection switch (Application 7).When the Primary master fails, the link does not break because the secondarymaster transfers to its own internal burst sync.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-14Figure 3-3Hub Application Same PathRepeater   (Applications 3 and 5)In a repeater, the two AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units that form the cross-over point between the previous segment of the entire repeater link and the nextsegment of the repeater link are referred to as the repeater site  (Figure 3-4).Figure 3-4AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Two Part Repeater LinkIn this case, the slave unit of the previous segment of the repeater link isconfigured as the slave unit at a repeater site (application 5), while the masterunit of the next segment of the repeater link is configured as the master unit at arepeater site  (application 3). The burst synchronization signal pair of theslave unit at the repeater site is wired to the burst synchronization signal pair
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-15of the master unit at the repeater site so that the slave at the repeater siteprovides the burst synchronization signal for the master unit of the nextsegment of the link.Repeater VariationsIf other AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units are located at the repeater site,the repeater site is treated as a hybrid hub, where the added units are wired tothe burst synchronization signal pairs of the slave at the repeater site andsynchronize their transmit bursts to the burst synchronization signal from theslave at the repeater site. These units can be configured as either secondarymasters at a hub (application 2) or as master units at a repeater site(application 5).If the entire repeater link is set up as a point-to-point link, the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount unit that serves as the near-end unit in the entire repeaterlink can be configured as a master unit in a point-to-point link (application 4).The AirLink Pro T1 unit that serves as the far-end unit for the entire repeaterlink is configured as a slave unit in a point-to-point link (application 6).If the entire repeater link originates from a hub, the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount unit that serves as the near-end unit in the entire repeater link can beconfigured as either a primary master at a hub (application 1) or a secondarymaster at a hub (application 2). The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount unit thatserves as the far-end unit for the entire repeater link is configured as a slaveunit in a point-to-point link (application 6).Burst ModeBurst Mode describes the transmit timing relationship between the master unitand the slave unit. In Normal mode, the master unit initiates burst timing andthe slave unit times its responses to the timing from the master. The master unittransmits for a time, then listens for a time; the slave waits until the masterunit is listening, then transmits. In Test  mode, the master transmits a constantRF using the QRSS data pattern; the slave only listens.NOTE Test mode should only be used for alignment and testing under the direction of Cylinkpersonnel. In ordinary operation, the unit should be set for Normal operation.To set the burst mode for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set burst mode operand
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-16where operand is either Normal or Test.  If you do not specify a value, thesystem assumes the default value: Normal.For example, to set the burst mode for the local AirLink Pro T1 to Normal, typethe following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set burst mode normalTo set the burst mode of the remote AirLink Pro T1, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set burst mode operandWARNING If the burst mode of the remote unit is changed from Normal to Test, it cannot berestored to Normal from the local unit.PN CodeThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount has a set of pseudo-random noise (PN)codes. Each code number corresponds to a subset of long binary code words. Thesecode words are substituted for each bit in the T1 data stream. This substitutionis the basic principle of  the direct-sequence spread spectrum modulationscheme used in the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.No PN code is “better” or “worse” than another. Using a different codeseparates the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount and the desired incoming signalfrom undesired signals from other AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount paths.The master unit and the slave unit of a AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pair mustbe set to the same PN code (pseudo-random noise code).  The setting is thenstored in the protected system configuration memory of both units in the pair.To set the PN code for the local unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set pn code operandwhere operand is a number from 1 to 8.  If you do not specify a value, the systemassumes the default value: 1.  For example, to set the PN code for the localAirLink Pro T1 to 4, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set pn code 4
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-17To set the PN code of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set pn code operandRF Power LevelWhen there are a number of AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount pairs in a hubarrangement, the received signal levels are dependent on the distances to theremote sites.  Adjust the transmit power level to minimize cross-channelinterference and ensure that the received levels at the hub are of equal power.To set the RF power for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set rf power operandwhere operand is a number from -4 to 20.If you do not specify a value, the system assumes the default value: 0 (dBm).For example, to set the RF power level for the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount to -1, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountprompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set rf power -1To set the RF power for the remote unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set rf power operandOrder Wire TypeThe type of order wire interface (2 or 4) is selected from the command lineinterface configuration screen. The interface must be the same at both ends ofthe link.To set the order wire interface for the local unit, type: AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> Set orderwire 2WTo set the order wire for the remote unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt: AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set orderwire 2W
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-18Interface Type (E1 Only)Set the interface operand on the E1, where the operand is balanced orunbalanced.Setting Alarm Control ParametersThe alarm control parameters of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount include:❚Alarm reporting❚Alarm level❚1-hour  Errored Seconds (ES) threshold❚1-hour  Unavailable Seconds (UAS) threshold❚24-hour ES threshold❚24-hour UAS threshold❚Receive (Rx) power❚Transmit (Tx) powerThe following sections describe how to set values for these parameters.Alarm ReportingThis parameter determines whether alarms are displayed as they happen orare held until you query for them. When an alarm event occurs, an alarmmessage is inserted in the event queue and the Major or Minor indicator isilluminated and the alarm relay contacts are de-energized: the NO contact isclosed; the NC contact is opened.The Major Alarm LED is red and indicates that there is one or more of thefollowing events has occurred: transmit power below threshold, synthesizerloss of lock, transmitter failure, DTE input loss, radio sync loss, loss of primaryburst sync (single sync bus), loss of primary and backup burst sync (dual sync bus).The minor Alarm LED is yellow and indicates that one or more of the followingevents has occurred:  rcv input level below threshold, unit has been placed in atest mode, ES threshold exceeded, UAS threshold exceeded, loss of primary orbackup burst sync (dual sync mode).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-19To set the alarm reporting priority for the local unit, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set alarm reporting operandwhere operand is either Request or Immediate.  If you do not specify a value,the system assumes the default value: Immediate.  For example, to set thealarm reporting priority for the local unit to Request, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set alarm reporting requestTo set the alarm reporting priority of the remote unit, type:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set alarm reporting operandAlarm LevelThe alarm level parameter sets the severity level for reporting alarms: Status,Advisory, Alarm, and Fault. The status messages are the least severe; faultmessages the most severe.If you set the alarm level at Status, the system reports all four levels.  If you setthe alarm level at Fault, the system only reports fault events (refer toAppendix A for alarm messages).To set the alarm level for the local unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/ E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set alarm level operandwhere operand is one of the following:  Status, Advisory, Alarm or Fault.  Ifyou do not specify a value, the system assumes the default value: Status.For example, to set the alarm level for the local unit to Alarm, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set alarm level AlarmTo set the alarm level of the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set alarm level operand
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-201-Hour Errored Seconds ThresholdThis parameter sets the number of errored seconds (ES) events that must occur ina one-hour interval before an entry is inserted in the Alarm queue. The 1-hourES threshold is compared to the number of errored seconds in the past hour. Ifthe 1-hour ES count is greater than the threshold value, the unit inserts amessage in the alarm log.To set the 1-hour ES threshold for the local radio unit, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 1_hr es operandwhere operand is a number from 1 to 999.  If you do not specify a value, thesystem assumes the default value: 1.  For example, to set the 1-hour ESthreshold for the local unit to 15, type the following command at the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 1_hr es 15To set the 1-hour ES threshold of the remote unit, type:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold 1_hr es operand1-Hour Unavailable Seconds ThresholdThis parameter sets the number of unavailable seconds (UAS) events that mustoccur in a one-hour interval before an entry is inserted in the Alarm queue. The1-hour UAS threshold is compared to the number of unavailable seconds in thepast hour. If the 1-hour UAS count is greater than the threshold value, the unitinserts a message in the alarm log.To set the 1-hour UAS threshold for the local radio unit, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 1_hr uas operandwhere operand is a number from 1 to 99.  If you do not specify a value, the systemassumes the default value: 1.  For example, to set the local unit’s 1-hour UASthreshold to 15, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 1_hr uas 15To set the 1-hour UAS threshold of the remote unit, use the command:
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-21AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold 1_hr uas operand24-Hour Errored Seconds ThresholdThis parameter sets the number of errored seconds (ES) events that must occur ina 24-hour interval before an entry is inserted in the Alarm queue. The 24-hourES threshold is compared to the number of errored seconds in the past 24 hours.If the 24-hour ES count is greater than the threshold value, the unit inserts amessage in the alarm log.To set the 24-hour ES threshold for the local unit, type the following commandat the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 24_hr es operandwhere operand is a number from 1 to 999.  If you do not specify a value, thesystem assumes the default value: 1.  For example, to set the 24-hour ESthreshold for the local radio unit to 15, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 24_hr es 15To set the 24-hour ES threshold of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold 24_hr es operand24-Hour Unavailable Seconds ThresholdThis parameter sets the number of unavailable seconds (UAS) events that mustoccur in a 24-hour interval before an entry is inserted in the Alarm queue. The24-hour UAS threshold is compared to the number of unavailable seconds in thepast 24 hours. If the 24-hour UAS count is greater than the threshold value, theunit inserts a message in the alarm log.To set the 24-hour UAS threshold for the local unit, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 24_hr uas operandwhere operand is a number from 1 to 99. If you do not specify a value, the systemassumes the default value: 1. For example, to set the local unit’s 24-hour UASthreshold to 15, type the following command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold 24_hr uas 15
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-22To set the 24-hour UAS threshold of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold 24_hr uas operandReceive (Rx) PowerThresholdThis parameter sets the minimum receive power level before an entry isinserted in the event queue. This threshold should be set approximately 10 dBbelow the receive power level to allow for occasional fading.To set the Rx power threshold for the local unit, type the following command atthe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold rx power operandwhere operand is a number from -80 to -40 (dBm). If you do not specify a value,the system assumes the default value: -75.  For example, to set the Rx powerthreshold for the local unit to -45 dBm, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold rx power -45To set the Rx power threshold of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold rx power operandTransmit (Tx) Power ThresholdThis parameter sets the minimum transmit power level before an entry isinserted in the event queue. This threshold should be set approximately 6 dBbelow the transmit power level.To set the Tx power threshold for the local unit, type the following command atthe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold tx power operandwhere operand is a number from -10 to 20 (dBm).  If you do not specify a value,the system assumes the default value: -6 (dBm).  For example, to set the Txpower threshold for the local AirLink Pro T1 to 10 dBm, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> set threshold tx power 10To set the Tx power threshold of the remote radio unit, use the command:
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-23AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote set threshold tx power operandSetting Modem ParametersIntroductionTheAirLink  Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ASCII terminal and Network Managementports are EIA/TIA-232 interfaces that allow terminal devices or personalcomputers to control and monitor AirLink  Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount operation ateither end of a point-to-point link.  Each EIA/TIA-232 connection can be eithera direct connection (device to port), or an indirect connection (device to modem toport) for dial-up operation.The Network Management (Modem) Port is available only on the Access Unit,and uses a different physical port from the Terminal port.  However, when thenetwork management port is connected (and dialed-up, in the case of a modemlink), commands issued from that port, along with the responses from theterminal port, are duplicated at the Network Management port.The modem support may be configured to work in any of these five modes:DISABLED The port is completely disabled and it will not respond to user commands or connection indications from the modem.DEDICATED The port behaves exactly as the Terminal port; all commands and responses taking place on that port are duplicated on the modem port.ANSWER The modem port remains idle (does not respond to user commands) until it receives a dial-in indication from the modem.DIALOUT ONLY The modem port is used only for dialing-out to report alarms.DIALOUT/ANSWER Combines the functionality of the ANSWER and DIAL-OUT modes.After the completion of a dial-out, a connection announcement is printed at theremote end.  This announcement identifies the unit type, the site name asconfigured by the user, the date and time, plus a copy of the alarm text message.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-24For example:>>> AIRLINK-T1> Sunnyvale Engineering Unit 112 APR 95 14:33:59  Receive Power Below ThresholdNOTE The particular alarm message chosen is the highest-priority alarm condition in effect whendialing commences.Connection and ConfigurationThe unit is shipped with a default configuration of DISABLED and 9600 bps.Any changes to the default values can be made using the command lineinterface.  To change the settings, use the command line interface.  Each of theconfiguration items is stored in the configuration database.  In addition, thestate of the connection is maintained so that recovery from a power failure willre-initiate the connection.Multidrop configuration (multiple units sharing a modem) is supported only bythe use of an external port-sharing device.Modem Setup ProceduresA pair of Hayes-compatible “external” modems, 1200 bps or higher is required.Configure each modem according to the following procedure.  Note that not allso-called smart modems are identical.  Please check your modem user’s manual.Configuring the Modem1. To reset modem to its factory defaults (for most modems):a. Connect the modem to a terminal using a standard EIA/TIA-232 modem cable.b. Wait one second then type +++ on the terminal.   Pause one second again and then type AT&F<RETURN>.c. Cycle power on the modem.2. Configure the modem to ignore DTR, by typing AT&D<RETURN>, orselecting a DIP switch on some modems.3. Configure the modem to ignore RTS, by typing AT&K0<RETURN> (Hayescompatible modems), or AT&H0<RETURN> (US Robotics modems), or byselecting a DIP switch on some modems.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-254. Configure the modem for error correction, if the modem is so equipped(newer modems).  This is generally the factory default, but can be invokedby typing AT&Q5<RETURN> on Hayes compatible modems, orAT&M4<RETURN> on US Robotics modems.5. Set the number of rings you want the modem to answer on, by typingATS0=X<RETURN> where x is a digit from 1 to 9 (the number of rings), or0 (zero) for no answer.6. Save the new configuration in the modem’s non-volatile memory by typingAT&W<RETURN>.7. Cycle power on the modem.Connecting the ModemConnect the modem at the AirLink  Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount end as follows:1. Configure the AirLink  Pro T1/E1  modem port speed by issuing thefollowing command at the Terminal port SET MODEM RATE XXXX<RETURN> where XXXX is the speed in bits per second, for instance 1200,2400, 4800, or 9600.2. Connect the unit’s modem port to the modem using a standard EIA/TIA-232modem cable, with a 9-pin male DB-9 connector at the unit end and anappropriate connector (typically male DB-25) at the modem end.3. Connect the modem’s phone port to the phone line using an appropriatecable (usually supplied with the modem).Connecting the Modem to the Remote TerminalConnect the modem to the remote terminal as follows:1. Connect the terminal’s modem port to the modem using a standardEIA/TIA-232 modem cable.2. Connect the modem’s phone port to the phone line using an appropriatecable (usually supplied with the modem).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-26Testing the Modem Link1. Issue the following commands at the Terminal port:Table 3-2Terminal Commands of the Modem (Port) InterfaceCommand DefinitionSET DIAL LEVEL FAULT <RETURN> Prevents dialing of most alarms while the linktestingSET ALARM HOLDOFF 600 <RETURN> Prevents any alarms from being dialed for at least10 minutesSET MODEM MODE BOTH <RETURN> Enables dial-in and dial-outSET DIAL TONE <RETURN> TONE (touch-tone) or PULSE (rotary)SET PHONE 1 XXX-XXXX <RETURN>  XXX-XXXX is the remote modem phone numberSET PHONE 2 XXX-XXXX <RETURN> Optional backup phone numberGET MODEM <RETURN> To view and verify the modem configurationCONNECT 1 Manually dial the phone number programmed bythe SET PHONE 1 command above2. Type characters at the terminal port;  they should appear on the terminalconnected to the remote modem.  Type characters at the remote terminal.They should appear on the local terminal.3. Type DISCONNECT <RETURN> on the unit’s terminal to terminate themanual dial-out connection.  The modem link is now operational.FunctionsPort DuplicationDuring a manual connection (dial-in or dial-out), the modem and Command LineInterface (CLI) ports appear as one at the character level.  Any character typedby either party is echoed on both terminals and entered into the ensuingcommand.  For example, if the CLI port user types "GET" and the modem portuser types "<blank>CONFIG" and presses RETURN, both users will see "GETCONFIG" and the GET CONFIG screen.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-27LoginWhen first dialing in, the remote user is not required to enter a password if thelocal user is already logged in.Auto Answer FunctionIf Auto Answer mode is selected, the unit sends an automatic answeringcommand to the modem to answer incoming calls after a designated number ofrings.  Otherwise, the modem will be configured not to answer.EventsEvents are defined in the AirLink  Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount as Faults, Alarms,Advisories, or Status Messages.  These are the four levels of severity, withFaults being the highest.  The user may select a dial-out threshold as one ofthese levels by issuing the SET DIAL LEVEL command, in much the same wayas selecting the event reporting level with the SET ALARM LEVEL command.The Dial-out function will dial out when there is a condition at or above thatlevel.  For proper operation, the dial-out severity level must be equal to orgreater than the event queuing level.Dialout FunctionDuring an event, the modem is directed to dial the telephone number(s) in theconfiguration database and send a brief descriptive announcement.  Theconnection is then terminated.  Up to two numbers can be selected; a primarynumber that will always be dialed first, and a backup number in case the unitcannot reach the primary number.  Also, the unit will make repeated attemptsto dial if the first attempt is unsuccessful.OperationThere are two user-configurable thresholds for alarms.  An alarm thresholdestablishes the point when the unit begins to dial-out.  In addition, to preventexcessive dialing in the presence of repetitive events, a dial holdoff time isdefined.Alarm Holdoff Time (0 - 600 seconds; default = 10)One or more events must persist between 0 - 600 seconds before a dial-outattempt is made.  When set to zero, the unit dials out immediately.One qualifying event must be present although Alarm Holdoff does not requirethe same condition for the entire interval.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-28Repeat Alarm Count (2 - 1000 counts; default = 10)Events are alternately declared and cleared for cyclical alarm conditions andmust be declared between 2 - 1000 counts during the period defined by AlarmHoldoff Time.  The event does not have to be the same one each time.  Dial-outis not attempted until the end of the alarm holdoff time, even if the RepeatCount is reached before then.Dial Holdoff Time (0 - 5000 minutes; default = 10)Dial Holdoff Time is the length of time to wait between successive dial-outswhen alarms are repetitive.  This alarm timer operates independently of thealarm holdoff time and repeat alarm count.  After a dial-out, any persistent orrepeated alarm conditions will wait until the end of the dial holdoff time.When the interval value is set to zero, there will be a minimum 10 secondsbetween the last time the local modem hung up and the next attempt (inconformance with EIA-602).Dial Holdoff does not apply in the case of failure to connect; instead, the DialRetry time is applied.If any of the above parameters is changed, or if the event queue is reset withthe RESET ALARMS command, the holdoff counters and timers will bereinitialized.  This is to prevent spurious dial-outs.Repeat Dialing and PrioritizationDuring dial-out, an alarm text message is sent according to a prioritizationscheme (the highest-severity alarm condition in effect is sent first).  If thereare multiple alarms present at that level, the text is for the first-occurringevent.Although Radio Sync Loss and Receive Power Below Threshold are both at thelevel of ALARM, Radio Sync Loss takes priority over Receive Power BelowThreshold, for dial-out purposes.  (Both are at the ALARM level for SETALARM THRESHOLD and SET DIAL THRESHOLD.)Alarm conditions of a persistent nature, that do not clear themselves, willresult in repeated dial-outs.  Alarms of this class include all the conditions atthe ALARM and FAULT levels, such as Radio Sync Loss and Receive SignalLevel Below Threshold.  One-time events, such as Errored-second thresholdexceeded, and fault-cleared conditions, result in only a single dial-out.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-29Telephone Numbers and Dial FormatThe primary telephone number is the first number dialed.  Ringing will continuefor a user-specified period (default is 30 seconds) before giving up asunanswered.  When the connection to the primary telephone number is notsuccessful, then the secondary number is attempted.If neither the primary nor the secondary number is successful, then the AirLink-T1 waits for a Dial Retry period before retrying.  In this case, an advisory eventis logged stating the reason for the failed dial-out.  In addition, if the unit isunable to communicate with the modem, it  will continuously retry (no holdoffperiod is imposed), and log an advisory.  Only one advisory message of eachtype will be logged per dialing session (from the first failed attempt until dial-out is successful) in order to prevent the event queue from becoming flooded withdial-out failures.  No  busy or no-answer advisory event will cause a dial-out.The telephone numbers are entered as 40 characters, including the "ATDT"prefix.  If there is no primary number, the secondary number is never attempted.The following characters may be used in the telephone number fields:0-9 Dial numbers, (comma) Pause 1 second each before processing next char(to wait for second dial tone after dialing '9')!Flash (0.5 second ON-HOOK signal)@causes the modem to wait 30 seconds for one or more rings followed by 5 seconds of silence before processing the next character.   This is used when the system being called does not provide a dial tone.# # key on touch-tone telephone keypad** key on touch-tone telephone keypad - (dash) No meaning; provided for user convenience( ) No meaning; provided for user convenience ' ' Blank spaces are ignored.User-Directed ConnectionsTo troubleshoot, enter the command to dial a specific telephone number andhold the connection.  The syntax for this command is:CONNECT 1CONNECT 2
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-30CONNECT telephone-numberWhen the parameter is given as 1 or 2, the unit will dial the stored primary orbackup phone number respectively.  Otherwise, the modem will dial thenumber supplied on the command line.  The telephone number must follow thesyntax of the configured telephone numbers.CONNECT does not automatically retry upon dial-out failure; this is strictly amanual operation.  To redial,  use the control-R key to repeat the last command.When this command is used, the connection remains in effect until the userissues a DISCONNECT command, the remote modem hangs up, or (ifconfigured), a Connection Timeout timer expires.Manual or automatic connections can be terminated immediately by using thefollowing command:DISCONNECTThis immediately hangs up the telephone connection and returns the dial-outfunction to IDLE.  RTS is returned to its configured state and DTR is released.DISCONNECT also abandons any dial-out attempt in progress  but does NOTprevent future dial-outs.  For this reason, the mode should be set to DISABLEDbefore performing any maintenance functions.RS-232 Modem Port InterfaceData Rate and Port ParametersThe Data Rate is part of the port configuration.  The available rates are 1200,2400, 4800, and 9600 bits per second.So-called "smart modems" of the type commonly in use, "auto-baud" or adjusttheir RS-232 bit rate to that of the DTE.Before using an unknown modem, it is a good idea to reset its configuration to thefactory defaults, then configure the three-wire operation if desired.  For mostmodems, this can be accomplished by issuing the following commands:AT&F<RETURN> Reset to factory defaultsAT&K0<RETURN> Ignore RTSAT&D0<RETURN> Ignore DTRThe remaining unchanging port parameters are:1 start bit1 stop bit
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-318 data bitsno parityProtocol ModemsProtocol modems support MNP or other data compression.  Since protocolmodems introduce unneeded complications for flow control, and the AirLink  ProT1/E1 Rack Mount modem data rate needs are modest, such protocols should beturned off.  However, error correction should be enabled if available; it willprevent garbage characters from appearing on the remote terminal when theunit hangs up the modem.  This option is normally enabled by factory default onmodems equipped with it.RTS ControlRTS Control allows the Request-To-Send (RTS) line to be set to Continuous orSwitched.  When set to Continuous, the RTS is asserted at all times.  When setto Switched,  the RTS line is asserted.The unit will wait a reasonable time (so the unit does not hang) for the modemto release the CTS line before reasserting the RTS line to begin any futuretransmit cycles.  The Switched mode is used with modem sharing devices.When the DTR line is needed for modem sharing devices, it can be configured toperform the modem enable function.  If the DTR line is configured for a modemsharing device, it will perform the same as the RTS line and the response willcome from the CTS line.ResponsesAll numeric responses are followed by  <CR>  (ASCII 13 decimal).  All “word”responses are followed by <CR> and <LF> (ASCII 10 decimal).
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-32Table 3-3Modem Response DefinitionsModem Response Definition0 (zero) Numeric version of "OK"OK Successful execution of non-dial commandCONNECT [XXXX]  carrier detected; XXXX = numeric bit rateRING Ringing detectedNO CARRIER No connection established, or connection lostERROR Error in command lineNO DIALTONE No dial tone presentBUSY Busy signalNO ANSWER 5 seconds of silence not detected if '@' dial modifier was used.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-33User Interface AdditionsTable 3-4Modem CommandsParameter SpecificationSET ALARM HOLDOFF 0-600 (seconds)SET ANSWER TIMEOUT 0-99 (seconds)SET CONNECTION TIMEOUT 0 - 43200 (seconds; 0 means no time-out)SET DIAL {TONE | PULSE}SET DIAL HOLDOFF 0-5000 (minutes, repeat dial holdoff)SET DIAL LEVEL {FAULT | ALARM | ADVISORY | STATUS}SET DIAL RETRY 15-3600 (seconds)SET MODEM MODE {DISABLED | DEDICATED DIAL_OUT | ANSWER | BOTH}SET MODEM RATE {1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600}SET MODEM RTS {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}SET MODEM CTS {OBEY | IGNORE}SET MODEM DTR {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}SET MODEM VOLUME {OFF | LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH}SET MODEM XOFF {OBEY | IGNORE}SET PHONE 1 (XXX) XXX-XXXXSET PHONE 2 (XXX) XXX-XXXXSET REPEAT COUNT 0-99SET RINGCOUNT 0-9The GET MODEM command retrieves all of the Modem Command parameters.This command produces a screen displaying all of the settings,  the dial-outstatus, and the date and time.  In addition, all the SET and GET commands areavailable via the REMOTE prefix.The following commands are also supported:CONNECT 1 manual connectCONNECT 2 manual connectCONNECT telephone-number  manual connectDISCONNECT manual disconnect
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-34GET MODEM view modem and dial-out parametersQUERY RS232 status of RS-232 handshaking linesResponses and AlertsEach of the following messages is an advisory.  These advisories will nottrigger a dial-out, but they are entered into the Event Queue."Modem Busy""No Modem""No Answer""No Dialtone"Default ParametersTable 3-5AirLink  Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Dialout ParametersParameter DefaultALARM HOLDOFF 10 secondsANSWER TIMEOUT 30 secondsCONNECTION TIMEOUT 3600 seconds (1 hour)DIAL FORMAT TONEDIAL HOLDOFF 10 minutesDIAL LEVEL ALARMMODEM MODE DISABLEDMODEM RATE 9600MODEM RTS CONTINUOUSMODEM CTS IGNOREMODEM DTR CONTINUOUSMODEM VOLUME LOWMODEM XOFF IGNOREPHONE 1 (blank)PHONE 2 (blank)REPEAT COUNT 10 eventsRINGCOUNT 1
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-35Alarm HoldoffThis is the period of time between the onset of the first alarm condition, andthe unit dialing out to report the alarm.  During this period, an alarm conditionmust have existed continuously, or a minimum number of events must haveoccurred.  The minimum number of events is defined by Repeat Count.  The alarmevents must be all be at or above the severity level, as defined by Dial Level.To set this value, type the command:SET ALARM HOLDOFF XXX  <RETURN>where XXX is the time period in (0 - 600) seconds.  The default is 10.Repeat CountThe number of alarm events occurring at or above the Dial Level, during theAlarm Holdoff period, before an Alarm Dialout is initiated.To set this value, type the command:SET REPEAT COUNT XX  <RETURN>where XX is the number of (2 - 1000) events.   The default is 10.Dial LevelThe severity level that alarm events must be to contribute to an Alarm Dialout.To set this level, type the command:SET DIAL LEVEL {FAULT | ALARM | ADVISORY | STATUS} <RETURN>The default level is ALARM.Dial HoldoffThe period of time between alarm dial-outs.  This time period is independent ofthe alarm holdoff and dial retry time periods.  To set this value, type thecommand:SET DIAL HOLDOFF XXX  <RETURN>where XXX is the period in (1 - 5000) minutes.  The default is 1.Dial FormatTo set the Dial format to TONE or PULSE, type:SET DIAL TONE  <RETURN>
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-36orSET DIAL PULSE  <RETURN>The default setting is TONE.Dial RetryIf the unit dials an alarm and reaches a busy or no answer signal, the unit willdial a second number if one is specified.  Both numbers are dialed before aholdoff period is imposed.  There is no automatic retry when the unit isconfigured for manual dialing.To set the holdoff period before the unit dials the first number again, type thecommand:SET DIAL RETRY XXX  <RETURN>where XXX is the period in (15 - 3600) seconds.  The default is 60.Modem (Enabling) ModeThis is the modem operation mode that is described in the section Using theNetwork Management (Modem) Port.  To set this mode, type the command:SET MODEM MODE {DISABLED | DEDICATED | DIAL_OUT | ANSWER | BOTH}The default is DISABLED.Modem RateThis is the bit rate of the modem port.  To set this parameter, type thecommand:SET MODEM RATE {1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600}The default is 9600.Modem RTS ModeThis mode governs whether the modem port RTS line is permanently asserted,or switched on only when the port is sending characters.  The RTS line is notneeded for use with smart modems.  To change the mode, type the followingcommand:SET MODEM RTS {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}The default mode is CONTINUOUS.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-37Modem DTR ModeThis governs whether the modem port DTR line is permanently asserted orswitched on only when the port is sending characters.  The DTR line is notneeded for use with smart modems.  To change the mode, type the followingcommand:SET MODEM DTR {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}The default mode is CONTINUOUS.Phone Numbers 1 and 2Phone number 1 is the phone number that the unit will dial first when trying tosend out an alarm message.  The phone number must be specified if a dial-outmode is chosen.  Phone number 2 is an optional second phone number that theunit will dial if Phone number 1 is busy or does not answer.To set phone numbers, type the command:SET PHONE 1 XXX-XXXX <RETURN>orSET PHONE 2 XXX-XXXX <RETURN>where XXX-XXXX is the phone number.  Any string of up to 20 characters isacceptable, provided the modem can interpret it.  This string is preceded by theletters ATDT or ATDP depending on whether tone or pulse dialing is selected.Any special dialing prefixes should precede the number entered here, such as“9," for dialing out from a PBX, or any special sequences for disabling CallWaiting.  For example:SET PHONE 1 9, 555-5555 <RETURN>Ring CountThis mode determines the number of rings the modem at the unit end willanswer.  In order to use this command, the modem must be connected to the unitand preferably be on hook.  To set this value, type the command:SET RINGCOUNT X <RETURN>where X is the number of ( 0 - 9) rings.  Zero (0) means Do Not Answer.  Thedefault is 1.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-38Answer TimeoutFor dialing out, this is the time period after that the unit will declare a no-answer condition, and if a second phone number is defined, attempt that number.To set this value, type the command:SET ANSWER TIMEOUT XX <RETURN>where XX is the period in (0 to 99) seconds.  The default is 30 seconds.  This canbe adjusted depending on the number of rings that the remote modem isprogrammed to answer.Connection TimeoutThis mode determines the time period the unit will terminate a manualconnection, either dial-in or dial-out.  To set this value, type the command:SET CONNECTION TIMEOUT XXXX <RETURN>where XXXX is the time period in (0 - 43200) seconds.  The default  value is 3600(one hour).  A value of zero means that no time-out will be applied and themodem link will remain connected indefinitely.Getting AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ConfigurationInformationThe GET command keyword requests configuration-related information from theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount. Use the REMOTE command keyword to requestconfiguration-related information from the far-end AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount on the following:❚Configuration parameter settings❚Threshold settings❚Hardware and software revision levelsConfiguration Parameter SettingsTo list the current configuration parameter settings, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get configuration
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/97                                                                                                                                                                             3-39The system displays a list of information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get configurationSite Name:         Cylink Sunnyvale 2Application:       1. Primary Master at a HubBurst Mode:        DuplexCoding:            B8ZS/HDB3Equalization:      0 - 133PN Code:           1RF Power:          0.0 dBmAlarm Reporting:   ImmediateAlarm Level:       StatusDate/Time:         jun 9 1996 10:35:00Threshold SettingsTo list the current threshold settings, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get thresholdThe system displays a similar list:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get threshold1 HR ES:       201 HR UAS:      524 HR ES:      2524 HR UAS:     8Rx Power:      -75 dBmTx Power:      0 dBmHardware and Software Revision LevelsTo list the hardware and software revision information, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get revisionThe system displays a similar list:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> get revisionSite Name:          sunnyvale 2Digital Assembly:   14501-010
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideConfigurationRev. B - 1/973-40Digital List:       1Digital Issue:      ADigital S/N:        001FPGA Rev:           14496-0100Software Rev:       1.00IF Assembly:        13559-020-03IF List:            1IF Issue:           AIF S/N:             001Top Assembly:        14413-010-00Top Assembly:S/N:   00000000    OKCommand Keywords and OperandsIn addition to the SET and GET command keywords, the terminal user interfaceprovides command keywords that monitor status, performance, and alarms, toinitiate QRSS and loop tests, and reset alarm and test counters.The command keywords are described in Appendix C, Commands.
Rev. B - 1/97 4-1CCHAPTER HAPTER 44Operations and MaintenanceOperations and MaintenanceThis chapter contains information on the operation and maintenanceof the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount procedures for monitoring thealarm queue,  and describes how the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountresponds to particular alarm conditions.Inside this chapter:Overview.................................................................................4-2Acquiring Status Information............................................4-2Acquiring Alarm Information..............................................4-5Acquiring Performance Information.................................4-9Diagnostic Tools.................................................................4-12
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-2OverviewThis chapter focuses on monitoring system operation by querying for status,performance, and alarm information through the terminal user interface. Thischapter also includes descriptions of the LEDs on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount digital module.  Finally, this chapter describes the diagnostic tests andprocedures used to isolate and resolve errors occurring during radio unitoperation.Programmed Configuration ParametersAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount operation is governed by user-selectableconfiguration and control parameters that reside in the non-volatile memory ofthe unit. These parameters are displayed and controlled through a terminaldevice that can access both the local and remote unit. When power is lost andthen restored, the system reconfigures itself from its protected configurationdatabase.A long-life lithium battery protects all system configuration settings duringpower losses. The battery is part of the non-volatile memory/real-time clockcircuitry on the digital module in the AirLink Pro T1 and has a 10-year storagelife (in the absence of power to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount).CAUTION The component containing the lithium battery is NOT a customer-replaceable part. Do notexpose the lithium battery cell by opening the component. Do not attempt to recharge thebattery. Do not dispose of the component by fire. The lithium battery could explode ifmistreated.Refer to Chapter 3, Configuration, for more information on changingconfiguration parameter settings.Acquiring Status InformationEach AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system maintains an internal database ofstatus and performance information that it uses, in part, to derive the eventsthat are stored in the event queue. The status information categories include:❚T1 DTE Input Loss❚Radio Synchronization Loss
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-3❚Burst Synchronization Loss❚Test in Progress❚DTE Alarm Indicator Signal (AIS)❚RF Alarm Indicator Signal (AIS)❚Transmit module failure❚Receive power level❚Transmit power level❚TemperatureAll this information is available from both the local and the remote AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount units.Viewing Status InformationTo view the status information for the local unit, type the following commandat the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query statusThe system displays a list of status information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query statusSite Name: Sunnyvale 2DTE Loss:          NORadio Sync Loss:   NOBurst Sync Loss:   N/ATest in Progress:  FE Radio Remote LoopDTE AIS:           OFFRF AIS:            OFFTx Fail:           NORx Power:          -60.5 dBmTx Power:          12.0 dBmTemperature:       5 CThe significance of these information categories is explained in the followingsections.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-4Site NameThe site name identifies the role or location of the specified AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount. In the previous example, “Sunnyvale 2” is the site name. Thisparameter is optional and can be any convenient description up to 60alphanumeric characters.When  using the Dial Out Alarm feature, it is important to have a descriptivename because the Site Name is part of the specific alarm report.It might also be useful to put AU in a site name when an Access Unit is at thesite.T1/E1 DTE Input LossIndicates whether the T1/E1 signal on the cable from the DTE has been lost.The T1/E1 input loss detector monitors the T1 or  E1 input signal from the DTEand declares DTE input loss when it detects 175 ±75 continuous zeros in the T1 orE1 bit stream.When the controller detects T1/E1 input signal loss, it instructs the transmitterto send all ones toward the radio, updates the status reporting database, andturns on the Signal Loss indicators in the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount. In theabsence of a T1/E1 input signal, the unit switches to internal clocking.Radio Synchronization LossIndicates whether radio synchronization has been lost.  An action similar tothe DTE input loss occurs for radio synchronziation loss. See the previousparagraph referring to the controller detecting signal loss.Burst Synchronization LossIndicates whether burst synchronization has been lost. An action similar to theDTE input loss occurs for burst synchronziation loss. See the paragraph referringto the controller detecting signal loss under the heading  DTE Input Loss.Test in ProgressWhen a test is active, query status identifies the test by  name. Only one testcan be run at a time. If you attempt to start up a second test while a test isrunning, the system terminates the first test and inserts an event message in theevent queue.
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-5DTE Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)DTE AIS is declared when Radio Sync Loss (RSL) is detected, or when there isan active loop test that does not involve this DTE connection. The AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount sends an unframed, all-ones signal toward the DTE. Thiscondition is cleared after RSL ceases or the loop test is terminated. For moreinformation on AIS conditions, refer to “Carrier Failure Alarms” in “AcquiringAlarm Information”, later in this chapter.RF Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)RF AIS is declared when LOS is detected, or when there is an active loop testthat does not involve this connection. The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount sendsan unframed, all-ones signal toward the remote AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount,which passes it on to the remote DTE. This condition is cleared after LOS ceasesor the loop test is terminated. For more information on AIS conditions, refer to“Carrier Failure Alarms” in “Acquiring Alarm Information” in this chapter.Transmit Module FailureIndicates whether service affecting a hardware failure has occurred.Receive Power LevelA measurement, in dBm, representing the current receive power level for theunit.Transmit Power LevelA measurement, in dBm, representing the current transmit power level for theunit.TemperatureThe temperature (in degrees Celsius) detected at the RF module in the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount.Acquiring Alarm InformationAs alarm events occur, they are signaled through indicators on the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount and are entered in the event queue. For a complete list ofevents causing an alarm state, refer to the section “The Event Queue” in thischapter.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-6While indicators provide an observable indication of alarm conditions andother behavior, the information available through the terminal connected tothe system is easier to access and interpret.The Event QueueWhen an alarm is detected, a message is entered into the AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount event queue. The event queue is a chronological list of up to 256events. An alarm event is defined as the declaration of an alarm condition orthe clearing of an alarm condition. The event queue logs the cause and time ofindividual alarm events as they occur.Events Causing an Alarm StateThe following events cause an alarm state in the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountand insert an alarm entry in the event queue:•  Receive level below the threshold•  Transmit level below the threshold•  T1 input signal loss•  Error count exceeds the threshold•  Synthesizer loss of lock•  Radio sync loss•  Transmit burst sync lossCarrier Failure AlarmsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount responds to a carrier failure differentlythan devices in a conventional network scheme.In a conventional network scheme (Figure 4-1), if a cable breaks and disruptsthe network signal, the device immediately downstream from the break detectsthe loss of signal and enters a red alarm state.In the red alarm state, the device sends an unframed, all-ones Alarm IndicationSignal (AIS)—also known as a “blue” signal—toward its downstream neighborand a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI), or “yellow “signal back towards itsupstream neighbor.
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-7Figure 4-1Conventional Carrier Failure ResponseIf the microwave signal is lost between two AirLink Pro T1/E1 units(Figure 4-2), both AirLink Pro T1/E1 units enter the local alarm state and sendan unframed, all-ones AIS  (blue alarm) back toward its neighboring networkdevice. When the RF signal is regained, the AirLink Pro T1/E1 will come out ofthe alarm state in about 10 ms.Figure 4-2AirLink Pro T1 Carrier Failure ResponseIf one of the three AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount loopback tests is active, AISis sent toward that portion of the link that has been excluded by the loop, sothe location and direction of the AIS depends upon which loopback test isactive. For more information about AIS and loopback tests, refer to “LoopbackTests” in “Diagnostic Tools,” in this chapter.Note that the other equipment in the network can take action upon receivingalarm signals and might or might not restore service when the alarm clears.Viewing the Event QueueTo view the event queue for the local unit, type the following command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-8AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query alarmsThe system displays a list of alarm information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query alarms8: 8001: 20 SEP 1995 15:11:32 QRSS Test Started7: C006: 20 SEP 1995 15:11:31 All Tests Cleared6: 8007: 20 SEP 1995 15:09:50 FE Remote Loop Test Started5: C006: 20 SEP 1995 15:09:50 All Tests Cleared4: C006: 20 SEP 1995 15:07:51 All Tests Cleared3: 8001: 20 SEP 1995 15:06:22 QRSS Test Started2: C006: 20 SEP 1995 15:06:22 All Tests Cleared1: C000: 20 SEP 1995 14:59:22 Event queue ClearedNOTE Central office equipment, such as PBXs, and routers usually take some action whenreceiving AIS, and might or might not automatically restore service after AIS is cleared.When the signal is regained, it will halt AIS within 10 milliseconds.When the event queue contains alarm messages, the most recent message withthe most recent time and date displays at the top of the list.When there are more messages than will fit on one screen, you can page throughthe messages by pressing <Return> to go forward one screen, or <B><Return> togo back one screen. Press <Q> to exit (quit) the event queue display.To view the event queue of the remote unit, use the command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote query alarmsResetting the Event QueueTo reset the event queue for the local unit, type the following command:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset alarmsThe system prompts you to confirm the event queue reset request:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset alarmsReset alarms: Are you sure? (Y/N)When you enter y (yes) to confirm the request, the system clears the eventqueue. If you enter n (no) or just press <Return>, the system ignores the eventqueue reset request. If you query the event queue at this point, you should seeonly one event, Alarm Queue Reset.
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-9The size of the Alarm Queue is 256 lines.  No more  alarms are logged when theaction is full.AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount IndicatorsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount has five front-panel indicators. Theseindicators (LEDs)  are duplicated on the rear panel.  Refer to Figure 4-3 and 4-4.Figure 4-3Front Panel IndicatorsFigure 4-4Rear Panel Indicators
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-10Table 4-1Visual IndicatorsName Color FunctionPower Green Indicates that primary power is applied to theequipment and the power supply is working.Major Alarm Red When ON, indicates that one or more of thefollowing events has occurred.-Transmit Power below threshold-Synthesizer Loss of Lock (equipment failure)-Transmitter Failure- DTE Input Loss- Radio Sync Loss- Loss of primary burst sync (single sync bus)- Loss of primary and backup burst sync (dual   sync bus)Minor Alarm Yellow When ON, indicates that one or more of thefollowing events has occurred.- RCV Input Level Below Threshold- Unit has been placed in a test mode- ES threshold exceeded- UAS threshold exceeded- Loss of primary or backup burst sync (dualsync mode)Sync Source Green When ON, indicates that this unit is a source ofburst sync for other AirLinks.T1/E1 SIG Loss Red When ON, indicates the T1/E1 input signal fromthe DTE has been lost or all zeros.Acquiring Performance InformationEach AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount system maintains an internal database ofstatus and performance information that it uses, in part, to derive the eventsthat are stored in the event queue. The performance information categoriesinclude:❚Quasi-Random Signal Sequence Bit Error Rate (QRSS BER)❚Errored Second (ES) counts (1-hour and 24-hour)❚Unavailable Second (UAS) counts (1-hour and 24-hour)
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-11❚Receive Signal Quality (RSQ)The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount uses a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)error-checking system that constantly monitors the link error performance. TheCRC calculation is only performed on the T1/E1 payload. The CRC sequence is a16-bit sequence that is appended to the end of the burst. The receiver on theother end uses the same CRC-16 algorithm to perform the check on the receivedburst and then compares the result. If the two checks do not match, the systemdeclares a CRC-16 error and increments the CRC-16 counter. Whether errored ornot, the CRC-16 sequence is removed and the payload is passed through to theDSX-1 interface.Viewing Performance InformationTo view the performance information for the local unit, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query performanceThe system displays a list of performance information similar to the following:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query performanceSite Name: Sunnyvale 2QRSS BER:       Unavailable1 HR ES:        11 HR UAS:       024 HR ES:       124 HR UAS:      0RSQ:           10The following sections contain significance information about these categories.QRSS BERWhen the QRSS test is active, the Quasi-Random Signal Sequence Bit ErrorRate (QRSS BER) is the count of QRSS bit errors detected. The error counternormally used to count CRC-16 errors is used instead to count QRSS bit errors.When the QRSS test is active, the count of ES and UAS errors is suspended andthe existing values held, unaffected by the QRSS test. These counts arereactivated when the QRSS test is terminated.The results of the QRSS BER calculation are displayed in one of the followingforms:unavailable When QRSS test is not selected, the word unavailable isdisplayed.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-12< 10E-xx When there are no errors, the result of the calculation isdisplayed as < 10E-xx, where 10E-xx is the number of bitstransmitted, for example < 10E-08.n.nE-xx When there are errors, the result of the calculation isdisplayed as the bit error rate, for example 1.6E-07.Errored SecondsAn errored second is any one-second interval during which there is a CRC-16error. Errored seconds can be asynchronous, that is, they do not have to becorrelated with real time. An Errored Seconds (ES) total is maintained in adatabase for the previous one hour and the previous 24 hours.The one hour and 24 hour errored second databases are both updated each timean errored second occurs. The one hour database is cleared to zero one hour afterthe first errored second is logged. The 24 hour database is cleared to zero 24hours after the first errored second is logged.Unavailable SecondsThe link is declared unavailable during the time that Radio Sync Loss isactive.RSQReceive Signal Quality (RSQ) is a figure of merit that is normalized on a scaleof 1 to 10, and is a function of the receive signal-to-noise ratio and signal-to-interference ratio. A strong signal that is severely corrupted with interferenceresults in a normal receive signal indication and a low RSQ number.Resetting Performance CountersTo reset the QRSS counter, type the following command at the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset qrssThe system prompts you to confirm the reset request:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset qrssReset QRSS: Are you sure? (Y/N)When you enter y (yes) to confirm the request, the system clears the qrss counter.If you enter n (no) or just press <Return>, the system ignores the reset request. If
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-13you query performance at this point, you should see that the counter has beenreset.To reset the 1-hour and 24-hour ES and UAS counters, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset performanceThe system prompts you to confirm the reset request:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset performanceReset performance: Are you sure? (Y/N)When you enter y (yes) to confirm the request, the system clears the ES andUAS counters. If you enter n (no) or just press <Return>, the system ignores thereset request. If you query performance at this point, you should see that the 1-hour and 24-hour ES and UAS counters have been reset.Diagnostic ToolsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount provides the following diagnostic tools:❚A QRSS test❚Two loop testsThe QRSS test and the loopback tests are initiated by commands enteredthrough the terminal user interface.NOTE Only one test can be active at a time. If you attempt to start up a second test while a testis running, the system terminates the first test and activates the second test.Radio QRSS TestingThe QRSS signal is the Telco industry standard QRS test signal as defined inANSI Standard T1.403-1989. It is a 1,048,575-bit sequence generated by a 20-stage shift register with feedback taps on stage 17 and 20.  The sequence isfurther altered to permit no more than 14 consecutive zeros.  A QRSS test checksthe continuity and performance of a link (Figure 4-5). In QRSS testing, thenetwork traffic signal is interrupted and customer data on the radio signal isreplaced with a QRSS signal.  When a QRSS test is initiated, QRSS(unframed) is sent to the DTE. This causes a frame loss on any associated DTEequipment that expects a framed DS1 signal thereby forcing an alarm condition.This forces the equipment to go out of service.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-14Figure 4-5AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount QRSS TestInitiating the TestThe QRSS test is separate for each direction. This helps isolate unsymmetricfaults, such as RF interference versus antennae cable faults. The QRSS test canbe initiated by a command entered through the terminal user interface. You caninitiate a QRSS test from either end of the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount link.When the test is initiated, it is activated simultaneously from both ends of theradio link. Each end of the link measures the received errors (independently)and calculates the Bit Error Rate.CAUTION This test interrupts the payload in the T1/E1 channel.  Before initiating this test, youshould consider the impact of this test on the rest of the T1/E1 system.To start a QRSS test on the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test qrssThe system prompts you to confirm the QRSS test:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test qrssWARNING: Start QRSS test? (Y/N)
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-15When you enter Y (yes) to confirm the request, the system starts the QRSS test.AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test qrssWARNING: Start QRSS test? (Y/N) ySite Name: Sunnyvale 2   OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>If you enter N (no) or just press <Return>, the system ignores the event queuereset request. If you query the performance statistics at this point, you can checkthe QRSS BER:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query performanceSite Name: Sunnyvale 2UWER BER:       UnavailableQRSS BER:       1.6E-071 HR ES:        11 HR UAS:       024 HR ES:       124 HR UAS:      0RSQ:           10The QRSS Bit Error Rate (BER) is measured from a starting point of 0.00E-99.The QRSS BER is equal to:Number of Errors Test Duration (in seconds)  x  11.544 x 106 Terminating a QRSS TestTo terminate a QRSS test on the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset testThe system prompts you to confirm the QRSS test termination request:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset testClear all tests? (Y/N)When you enter Y (yes) to confirm the request, the system stops the QRSS test.AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset testClear all tests? (Y/N) y   OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-16Resetting  The QRSS Error RegisterTo reset the QRSS error register and restart a test, type the following at thecommand prompt:     AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> reset QRSSNOTE The command RESET TEST does not reset the error count. The results of the last QRSStest will remain on the QUERY PERFORMANCE screen until RESET QRSS is initiated.Loopback TestsThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount provides the following loopback tests:❚Local Loop test❚Remote Loop testNOTE You can initiate a loopback test for the local unit or the remote unit, but only one loopbacktest can be active at a time.Figure 4-6 shows a generalized view of the two loopback test types. Each of theloopback tests and the conditions that apply during the test are described inthe following sections.Figure 4-6AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Loopback Tests
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-17Figure 4-7 shows end-to-end communication on a typical AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount link. Figures 4-8 and 4-9 show the two types of loopback tests inoperation.Figure 4-7AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Normal Operation
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-18Local Loop Test, Near EndThe Local Loop test (Figure 4-8) sets a loopback at the T1/E1 interface of thelocal (near end)  radio unit and causes the T1/E1 signal to be returned to theDTE. The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount sends an unframed, all-ones AlarmIndication Signal (AIS) toward the downstream (far end) AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount.Figure 4-8AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Local Loop Test, Near EndTo start a local loopback, type the following command at the prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test loop localThe system prompts you to confirm the loop test:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test loop localWARNING: Start Local Loop test? (Y/N)When you enter Y (yes) to confirm the request, the system starts the loop test.OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>Site Name: Sunnyvale 2
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-19Remote Loop Test, Near EndThe Remote Loop test, Near End (Figure 4-9) causes the over-the-air receivedT1/E1 signal to be looped back at the output of the receive T1/E1 signalprocessing circuits. This loopback includes all of the radio circuits andapproximately 90% of the digital circuits. The affected AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount sends an unframed, all-ones Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) towardthe DTE.Figure 4-9AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Remote Loop Test, Near EndTo start a remote loopback, type the following command at the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test loop remoteThe system prompts you to confirm the loop test:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> test loop remoteWARNING: Start Remote Loop test? (Y/N)
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-20When you enter Y (yes) to confirm the request, the system starts theloop test.OK  AIRLINK PRO T1/E1>Site Name: Sunnyvale 2Local Loop Test, Far EndThe Local Loop test (Figure 4-10) sets a loopback at the T1/E1 interface of theremote  (far end)  radio unit and causes the T1/E1 signal to be returned to theDTE. The AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount sends an unframed, all-ones AlarmIndication Signal (AIS) toward the downstream (near end) AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount.Figure 4-10AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Local Loop Test, Far  End
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-21Remote Loop Test, Far EndThe Remote Loop test, Far End (Figure 4-11) causes the over-the-air receivedT1/E1 signal to be looped back at the output of the receive T1/E1 signalprocessing circuits. This loopback includes all of the radio circuits andapproximately 90% of the digital circuits. The affected AirLink Pro T1/E1Rack Mount sends an unframed, all-ones Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) towardthe DTE.Figure 4-11AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount in Remote Loop Test, Far  EndTo start a remote loopback, type the following command  at the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> remote test loop remoteThe system prompts you to confirm the loop test:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> Sending command downline. Please Wait.WARNING: Start Remote Loop test? (Y/N)When you enter Y (yes) to confirm the request, the system starts theloop test.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountInstaller’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/974-22  OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>Site Name: Sunnyvale 1If you query the status information while the test is running,  you can verifythat the test is running:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> query statusSite Name: Sunnyvale 2DTE Loss:          NORadio Sync Loss:   NOBurst Sync Loss:   N/ATest in Progress:  Remote LoopDTE AIS:           OFFRF AIS:            OFFTx Fail:           NORx Power:          -60.5 dBmTx Power:          12.0 dBmTemperature:       5 CRack Mount Unit Working with Pro T1 Ruggedized UnitThe following describes the differences between an AirLink Pro T1 Rack MountUnit and the AirLink Pro T1 Ruggedized Unit.•  A Ruggedized unit has  an option to use an Access Unit, and if the AccessUnit is installed, there is an additional remote loopback command called"Access Unit Remote Loop."•  A Rack-Mount unit has software set-ability of the E1 Interface (balanced orunbalanced). A Ruggedized unit does not have this option. This optionappears in the Rack-Mount unit list of "SET" commands.•  A Rack-Mount unit has a two-wire or four-wire Order wire option. TheRuggedized unit has only two-wire. This option appears in the list of "SET"commands.NOTE When an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount is operating end-to-end with and AirLink Pro T1/E1Ruggedized unit, the Order wire option in the Airlink Pro Rack Mount unit MUST be set totwo-wire.
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideOperations and MaintenanceRev. B - 1/97 4-23Features of Various UnitsThe following table shows the features the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount ascompared to the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Ruggedized Unit.Ruggedized withAccess Unit Ruggedized withoutAccess Unit Rack MountUnitAccess Unit Loop Yes No NoOrder Wire 2 wire 2 wire 2 wire or 4 wireE1 Interface Select Hardware Jumpers Hardware Jumpers SoftwareSelected
Rev. B - 1/97 A-1AAPPENDIX PPENDIX AAMessagesMessagesThis chapter describes AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Messages.Inside this chapter:General Information ............................................................ A-2Fault Messages .................................................................... A-3Alarm Messages .................................................................. A-3Advisory Messages ............................................................. A-4Status Messages ................................................................ A-5
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideMessagesRev. B - 1/97A-2General InformationAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount messages are only accessible through a terminaldevice connected to a Terminal port on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.  Allmessages are coded with a four-digit alphanumeric code so that higher-levelnetwork management software can detect the message.  These messages aregrouped into the following categories:❚Fault messages (0xxx)❚Alarm messages (4xxx)❚Advisory messages (8xxx)❚Status messages (Cxxx)When you enter a query alarms command, the system displays a list of alarmand event information similar to the following:AIRLINK T1> query alarms8: 8001: 20 SEP 1994 15:11:32 QRSS Test Started7: C006: 20 SEP 1994 15:11:31 All Tests Cleared6: 8007: 20 SEP 1994 15:09:50 FE Remote Loop Test Started5: C006: 20 SEP 1994 15:09:50 All Tests Cleared4: C006: 20 SEP 1994 15:07:51 All Tests Cleared3: 8001: 20 SEP 1994 15:06:22 QRSS Test Started2: C006: 20 SEP 1994 15:06:22 All Tests Cleared1: C000: 20 SEP 1994 14:59:22 Event queue ClearedWhen the event queue contains alarm messages, the most recent message isdisplayed at the top of the list, with the most recent time and date.When there are more messages than will fit on one screen, you can page throughthe messages by pressing <Return> to go forward one screen, or <B><Return> togo back one screen.  Press <Q> to exit (quit) the event queue display.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideMessagesRev. B - 1/97 A-3Fault MessagesFault messages (see Table A-1) indicate service-affecting failures; contactCylink Customer Support for help.Table A-1Fault MessagesCode Message0000 Transmit Power Below Threshold0001 Synthesizer Loss of Lock0002 Transmitter FailureAlarm MessagesAlarm messages (see Table A-2) indicate conditions or events that insert anentry into the Event queue and may cause an alarm state.  These are generallyconditions that can be resolved by an operator in the field.Table A-2Alarm MessagesCode Message4004 Receive Power Below Threshold4005 DTE Input Loss4006 Radio Sync Loss4008 Powered Up4011 Primary Burst Sync Source Loss4012 Backup Burst Sync Source Loss4013 No Burst Sync Source
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideMessagesRev. B - 1/97A-4Advisory MessagesAdvisory messages (see Table A-3)  indicate conditions or events that insert anentry into the Event queue, but do not cause an alarm state.  Except for “EventQueue Full,” which does not indicate a service-affecting condition, thesemessages generally indicate that the system is working, but that something theoperator has done—such as starting a test—is preventing data from passingfrom one end of the link to the other.Table A-3Advisory MessagesCode Message8000 Event Queue Full8001 QRSS Test Started8002 Local Loop Test Started8003 Remote Loop Test Started8005 FE QRSS Test Started8006 FE Local Loop Test Started8007 FE Remote Loop Test Started8009 1 HR ES Threshold800A 1 HR UAS Threshold800B 24 HR ES Threshold800C 24 HR UAS Threshold800D Modem Busy800E No Answer800F No Modem8010 No Dialtone
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideMessagesRev. B - 1/97 A-5Status MessagesStatus messages (see Table A-4)  indicate the negation of another alarm oradvisory condition or event.Table A-4Status MessagesCode MessageC000 Event Queue ResetC001 Receive Power Above ThresholdC002 Transmit Power Above ThresholdC003 DTE Input Loss EndsC004 Synthesizer Loss of Lock EndsC005 Radio Sync Loss EndsC006 All Tests ClearedC008 Transmitter Failure EndsC011 Primary Burst Sync Source RecoveredC012 Backup Burst Sync Source RecoveredC013 Burst Sync Recovered
Rev. B - 1/97 B-1AAPPENDIX PPENDIX BBSpecificationsSpecificationsThis appendix is the reference for the specifications of the AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount system.Inside this chapter:General Specifications........................................................B-2Interface Specifications.....................................................B-4Signal-to-Pin Assignments...............................................B-11Terminal and Modem       Adaptor Cables...........................................................B-16Configuration Defaults.....................................................B-19
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-2AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount SpecificationsTypical of the design quality and extensive testing, the AirLink Pro family isdesigned to meet the following specifications: Environmental RequirementsTemperatureOperating:  -40C to +60C (-40 to +140 Fahrenheit)Storage:  -40C to +60CHumidityOperating:  10% to 95% non-condensingStorage: 10% to 95% non-condensingAltitude200 feet below sea level to 13,000 feet above sea levelElectromagnetic Interference (EMI)FCC Part 15 Class BEN 55022 Class BSafetyThe AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount units are low-voltage devices and areexcluded from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) coverage. The optional AC/DCpower supply is UL listed.Fire ResistanceAll plastic parts and printed circuit boards are made from materials thatcomply with UL flame retardant requirements for central office quality.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-3ShockTransportation/Handling ShockDrop Test NSTA Project 2A for packaged devicesOperation ShockBellcore TR-TSY-000487, Section (Vibration Test-Low Level)VibrationOperational VibrationBellcore TR-TSY-000487, Section (Vibration Test-Low Level)Transportation VibrationASTM D 4728 Random Vibration TestingTruck/Air Spectrum (IG, 5-200HZ-according to the general requirements ofASTM D 4728)QualityThe Cylink manufacturing organization has been certified by the BritishApprovals Board for Telecommunications (BABT) with Production QualityAssurance Approval (PQAA) since November 19, 1992. PQAA is similar to ISO9002, and emphasizes safety and compliance affecting processes, as well asquality methods. BABT conducts annual audits to verify continued compliance.Operational ReliabilityDuring the product design process,  mean time between (MTBF) is calculatedusing the process defined in Bellcore technical reference TR-NWT-000332.  Forthe AirLink T1 unit, the MTBF hours are 77,503.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-4Table B-1PowerInput Voltage 21 to 56 VDCInput Power 25 Watts (Maximum)Input Current 1.0 Amps @ 24 Volts500 Ma @ 48 VoltsInput Polarity Input is floating.  Either input may begrounded.Input Protection Nominal fuse = 2.0 A Slow BlowInput ReverseVoltage Protection Provided.  Series diode.  No current will flow ifthe input voltage is reversed.NOTE No internal fusing is provided, because to do so would violate the specifications ofUL1459 section 70.  (No fusing is allowed in the grounded side of a DC input circuit unlessthe hot side is also fused.) When the fuse in the hot side blows, the fuse in the groundedinput must     also     blow.  Since this equipment accepts either polarity, external circuitprotection      must be     provided in the hot side of the feeder circuit.Interface SpecificationsThis section contains specifications for the two major interfaces of the AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount:❚T1/E1 DTE interface❚Radio interface
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-5T1 DSX-1 InterfaceThe DS1 interface in the AirLink Pro T1 performs according to thespecifications of DSX-1 cross connects as specified in ANSI T1.102-1987 andBellcore # TR-NWT-000 499.Table B-3T1 DSX-1 InterfaceTransmission Line Rate 1.544 Mbps ± 150 bpsLine Coding Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS) orAlternate Mark Inversion (AMI)Impedance 100 Ω ±5%Pulse Shape An isolated pulse shall fit the template shown in T1.102,Figure 1. The pulse amplitude shall be between 2.4 and3.6 volts, measured at the center of the pulse.Cable Length The pulse shape must meet the mask when theequipment is connected to a DSX-1 cross connectlocated at any distance from 0 to 655 feet (200 meters)with #22 AWG ABAM cable (or equivalent).Loss of Signal Threshold Loss of signal is reported upon detection of 175 ± 75consecutive zeros.Power Level For an all-ones transmitted pattern, the power in a bandno wider than 3 kHz centered at 772 kHz shall bebetween 12.6 and 17.9 dBm. The power in a band nowider than 3 kHz centered at 1.544 MHz shall be atleast 29 dB below that at 772 kHz.Jitter The jitter performance of the AirLink Pro T1 meets orexceeds all input tolerance, output generation, andtransfer function specifications of AT&T Publication62411.  1983 Edition and Belicore TR-TSY-000499DSX Line Equalization User-selectable pre-distortion to offset cable lengthsof:0 - 133 feet 0 - 40 meters133 - 266 feet 40 -  81 meters266 - 399 feet 81 - 122 meters399 - 533 feet 122 - 162 meters533 - 655 feet 162 - 200 meters
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-6Airlink Pro E1 Interface General SpecificationsThe E1 interface in the AirLink E1 performs according to the specifications inthe ITU-T Fascicle III.4 Recommendation G.703, Section 6.Transmission Line Rate 2.048 Mbps ± 200 bpsLine Coding High Density Bipolar 3 (HDB3) orAlternate Mark Inversion (AMI)Impedance 120 Ω ±5% (balanced)75 Ω ±5% (unbalanced)E1 Interface Output SpecificationsPulse Amplitude 3.0 volts ±10% (balanced)2.3 volts ±10% (unbalanced)Pulse Width 244 nanosecondsPulse Shape An isolated pulse shall fit the template shown inRecommendation G.703, Figure 15.Pulse Imbalance The ratio of the amplitude and pulse width of the positiveand negative pulse shall not exceed ±5%.Output Jitter Generation Refer to Recommendation G.823, Figure 1 and Table 1.The maximum output jitter shall not exceed the followinglimits:1.5 U.I. in a bandwidth from 20 Hz to 100 kHz.0.2 U.I. in a bandwidth from 18 kHz to 100 kHz.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-7E1 Interface Input SpecificationsSignal Level No more than 6 dB loss, referenced to the pulse mask.The transmission medium is assumed to have an F1/2characteristic and the loss is measured at 1024 kHz.Return Loss Frequency Range (kHz)     Return Loss (dB)    51 to 102                  12   102 to 2048                 18  2048 to 3072                 14Loss of Signal Threshold Loss of signal is reported upon detection of 175 ± 75consecutive zeros.Input Jitter Tolerance The jitter performance of the AirLink E1 meets orexceeds all input tolerance, output generation, andtransfer function specifications of Fascicle III.4,Recommendation G.703.Radio InterfaceTable B-4 (for both T1 and E1)GeneralFrequency Band 5.725 to 5.850 GHzCarrier Frequency 5.7875 GHzAllocated Bandwidth 125 MHzOccupied Bandwidth T1=95 MHzE1=120 MHzNumber of Channels 1Modulation Type GFSKSpreading Method Direct SequenceSpreading Code Eight sets of 32-bit PN sequencesProcessing Gain >10 dBOperating Protocol Time Division DuplexFrequency Stability 10 ppmSystem Gain T1=100 dBE1=98 dBEnd-to-End DelayEnd-to-End Delay T1=3 msE1=2.2 ms
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-8Table B-5TransmitterPower Output 100 mW (20 dBm) maximumLoad Impedance: 50 Ω nominalTx Output Detector Accuracy ± 2 dBOutput Level Control Digitally controlled attenuator,  Dynamic Range: -4 to +20 dBm  Resolution: can be set in 1 dB steps  Accuracy: ± 2 dB @ 25° C; ± 3 dB over operating  temperature rangeOutput Level Detector Generates an alarm when the output falls below  the userdefined thresholdRF Port Protection  Open or Short circuit protected
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-9Table B-6ReceiverInput Impedance 50 Ω nominal.  VSWR < 2:1 over the frequency andtemperature rangeRF Input Protection +10 dBm continuous without damageMaximum RF Input PowerWithout Causing Dribbling Errors -25 dBmReceiver Dynamic Range > 40 dBReceive Signal Strength  ± 2 dBReceive Level Detector Dynamic range: 40 dBAccuracy: ± 3 dBFrequency Band 5.725 to 5.850 GHzNoise Figure 5.5 dB maximum, measured from the antenna portRSQ Detector Dynamic Range: 0 - 10Operating Range: 9 - 10 Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) T1 E110-6   Guaranteed -80 -7810-6 Typical -82 -8010-9   Guaranteed -77 -7510-9 Typical -79 -77
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-10Table B-72-wire Order WireTerminating Impedance 600 Ω ± 5%Coding Method 64 kbps PCMOpen Circuit Battery Feed Voltage 24 VDCBattery Feed Current 100 mA maximumMaximum Input Signal Meets V.21 and V.32 modem specifications; noringing requiredEnd-end loss 0 dBmTable B-84-wire Order WireTerminating Impedance 400 Ω ± 5%Coding Method 64 kbps PCMNominal input 0 dBmNominal output 0 dBmEnd-end loss 0 dBm
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-11Signal-to-Pin AssignmentsThis section presents the pin assignments and functions for connector andcaptive-wire terminal blocks on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount:❏Network Management❏AirLink Control❏AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount❏CSU/DSU❏T1/E1 DTE❏CSU SEL❏Power & Alarm❏Order WireNOTE Occasionally, industry names and terms change. For example, the EIA RS-xxx standardsare now referred to as the EIA/TIA-xxx standards, a change that reflects their acceptanceas standards by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and TelecommunicationsIndustry Association (TIA).Similarly, the former Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone(CCITT) is now referred to as the International Telecommunication UnionTelecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T).TerminalConnector Location: Two Connectors.  AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Front and RearPanelsConnector Type: RJ-11 Modular JackTable B-9Interface signals are per EIA/TIA-232.Pin Signal/Function Direction1No Connection -----2 Received Data To AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount3Circuit Ground Not Applicable4 Circuit Ground Not Applicable5 Transmitted Data From AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount6 No Connection -----
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-122-wire Order WireConnector Location: AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Front PanelConnector Type: RJ-11 Modular JackTable B-102-wire Order WirePin Signal/Function Direction1No Connection -----2 No Connection -----3Order Wire Tip Not Applicable4Order Wire Ring Not Applicable5 No Connection -----6 No Connection -----4-wire Order WireConnector Location: AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Rear PanelConnector Type: 4-Pin Captive Wire Terminal BlockTable B-114-wire Order WirePin Signal/Function Direction1OUT-T Orderwire Output2OUT-R Orderwire Output3 IN-T1 Orderwire Input4 IN-R1 Orderwire InputNetwork ManagementConnector Location:  AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount  Rear panelConnector Type: 9-Pin Male Subminiature “D”This connector is configured per EIA/TIA-574.  Interface signals levels are for EIA/TIA-232.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-13Table B-12Network ManagementPin EIA/TIACircuit ITU-TCircuit Description Direction1CF 109 Received Line SignalDetector To AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount2BB 104 Received Data To AirLink Pro T1/E Rack Mount3BA 103 Transmitted Data From AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount4 CD 108.2 DTE Ready From AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount5 AB 102 Signal Common -----6 CC 107 DCE Ready To AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount7CA 105/133 Request to Send/Readyfor Sending From AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount8 CB 106 Clear to Send To AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount9CE 125 Ring Indicator To AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack MountTable B-13DC PowerConnector Location:  AirLink Pro T1  Rear panelConnector Type: Four-Pin Captive Wire term BlockPin Signal/Function   Explanation1V- DC Input Negative2 V- DC Input Negative3 GND Ground4 GND Ground5 V+ DC Input Positive6 V+ DC Input Positive
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-14Table B-14Major AlarmConnector Location:  AirLink Pro T1  Rear PanelConnector Type: Four-Pin Captive Wire term BlockPin Signal/Function   Explanation1COM Alarm Relay CommonContact2 NO Alarm Relay Normally OpenContact3 NC Alarm Relay Normally ClosedContact4 GND Ground5CSU-SEL Strap from Pin 5 to Pin 66CSU-SEL Activates the CSU SEL relayTable B-15 Minor AlarmPin Signal/Function   Explanation1COM Alarm Relay CommonContact2 NO Alarm Relay Normally OpenContact3 NC Alarm Relay Normally ClosedContact4 GND Ground
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-15CSUConnector Location: Rear PanelConnector Type: Six-Pin Captive Wire Terminal BlockTable B-16CSUPin Signal Description Direction1IN Input Data (Tip) To AirLink Pro T12IN Input Data (Ring) To AirLink Pro T13GND Cable Shield Ground4OUT Output Data (Tip) From AirLink Pro T15OUT Output Data (Ring) From AirLink Pro T16GND Cable Shield GroundDTEConnector Location: Rear PanelConnector Type: Six-Pin Captive Wire from BlockTable B-17DTEPin Signal Description Direction1IN Input Data (Tip) To AirLink Pro T12IN Input Data (Ring) To AirLink Pro T13GND Cable Shield Ground4OUT Output Data (Tip) From AirLink Pro T15OUT Output Data (Ring) From AirLink Pro T16GND Cable Shield Ground
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-16Terminal and Modem Adapter CablesUse the following figures to fabricate cables to connect terminals and modems tothe AirLink Pro T1.Figure B-1Terminal Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port to a DB-25 Terminal PortFigure B-2Modem Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port to a DB-25 Modem Port
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-17Figure B-3Terminal Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port to a DB-9 Terminal PortFigure B-4Modem Cable: AirLink Pro T1 Terminal Port to a DB-9 Modem Port
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-18Terminal ConfigurationBefore connecting the ASCII terminal to the unit, configure the terminal withthe following parameters:Terminal Mode = VT100Column = 80Autowrap = ONMonitor Mode = OFFCursor Keys = NormalNewline Mode = ONCharacter Set = DEC SupplementalKey Code = ASCIIBreak key = ONMinimum Break Length = 2 character times (17 msec.)Data/Parity = 8/No ParityStop Bits = 1Transmit Rate = 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200 bpsAuto Answerback = OFFComm = FDX (No Echo)RS232 Data Leads Only (RxD and TxD)Local Echo = OFFA Break code is recognized by many systems as an attention signal, and  mostsystems vary as to the length of time Break must be generated before it isrecognized. Most terminals and terminal emulation software allow you to setthe length of the Break signal.The minimum Break length for the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount is twocharacter times or approximately 17 milliseconds. A longer Break length(limited by the range available from the setup program of the terminal orterminal emulation software) has no effect on the AirLink Pro T1/E1 RackMount.For more information about terminal configuration, see the AirLink SitePlanning Guide.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97 B-19Configuration DefaultsThe following table lists default configuration/operational values.Table B-18Configuration DefaultsParameter Value NotesApplication 4. Master Unit in a Point-to-Point LinkSite Name (Blank)Burst Mode NormalCoding B8ZSEqualization 0 (0 - 133 feet)PN Code 1RF Power 0 (dBm)Alarm Reporting ImmediateAlarm level StatusDate 01/01/91Time 00:00:00 (midnight)Password <Return>1 HR ES Threshold 11 HR UAS Threshold 124 HR ES Threshold 124 HR UAS Threshold 1Rx Power Threshold -75 (dBm)Tx Power Threshold -6 (dBm)The prompt is reprinted when the <ENTER> key is pressed and the commandline is empty.  All command responses end with a new prompt.  When printingformatted text, tabs are not used;  all alignment is performed with spaces toremove any problems associated with the interpretation of tab stops oncustomer equipment.  If an incomplete command line is issued, the text to finishthe command line is returned.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideSpecificationsRev. B - 1/97B-20Dialout Parameter DefaultsTable B-19AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Dialout ParametersParameter DefaultALARM HOLDOFF 10 secondsANSWER TIMEOUT 30 secondsCONNECTION TIMEOUT 3600 seconds (1 hour)DIAL FORMAT TONEDIAL HOLDOFF 10 minutesDIAL LEVEL ALARMMODEM MODE DISABLEDMODEM RATE 9600MODEM RTS CONTINUOUSMODEM CTS IGNOREMODEM DTR CONTINUOUSMODEM VOLUME LOWMODEM XOFF IGNOREPHONE 1 (blank)PHONE 2 (blank)REPEAT COUNT 10 eventsRINGCOUNT 1
Rev B - 1/97 C-1AAPPENDIX PPENDIX CCCommandsCommandsThis command-list associated with the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mountcovers the keywords to logging in and out, testing, local and remoteaccess, and how to use help.
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97C-2Command Keyword ListThis section lists the available command keywords and operands used to set,view, or change configuration parameter values. The command line syntax usesa set of keywords to get or set parameters, to query status, and to reset counterand queues.  Only the first four letters of each keyword are necessary.  Addspace between keywords.Setup CommandsHELPLOCAL  (Local is implied and doesn’t need to be typed in)REMOTESETAPPLICATION 1........81.  Primary Master in a Hub 2.  Secondary Master in a Hub  3.  Master Unit at a Repeater 4.  Master Unit in a Point to Point 5.  Slave Unit at a Repeater Site 6.  Slave Unit in a Point-to-Point Link  7.  Secondary Master in a protected Link 8.  Backup Master in a HubSITE NAME:  { Up to 60 Characters}BURST MODE:  {Normal | Test}CODING: {HDB3 | B8ZS | AMI}EQUALIZATION:  { 0 | 133 |  266 | 399 | 533}HUBSYNC:  {Single | Dual}INTERFACE:  {Balanced | Unbalanced}ORDERWIRE:  {2W |  4W}PN CODE: {1...8}RF POWER:  {-3...20}
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97 C-3ALARM REPORTING:  {Request | immediate}ALARM LEVEL:  {Status | Advisory | Alarm | Fault}DATE:  MM/DD/YYTIME: HH:MM:SSPASSWORD:  16 character alphanumeric string.   THRESHOLD  1 HR ES {1..999}1 HR  UAS {1..99}24 HR ES {1..999}24 HR UAS {1..99}Rx Power {-35...-85}Tx Power {-3...20}Modem Dialout Setup CommandsCONNECT 1  PHONE #1CONNECT 2  PHONE #2DISCONNECTSET MODEMMODE  {DISABLED | DEDICATED | DIAL_OUT |ANSWER | BOTH}RATE  {1200 |2400 | 4800 |9600}RTS   {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}DTR  {SWITCHED | CONTINUOUS}CTS   {OBEY | IGNORE}XOFF  {OBEY | IGNORE}SET DIALTONEPULSEHOLDOFF  {0...5000}LEVEL  {FAULT | ALARM | ADVISORY | STATUS}RETRY  {15...3600}SETALARM  HOLDOFF  {0...600]ANSWER TIMEOUT  {0..99}CONNECTION TIMEOUT  {0...43200}PHONE 1  (XXX) XXX-XXXXPHONE 2  (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97C-4REPEAT COUNT  {0...99}RINGCOUNT  {0...9}Information Retrieval CommandsGETCONFIGURATION  Displays configurations from Application through Date/TimeTHRESHOLD  Displays Threshold configurationREVISION  Displays H/W and S/W revision informationMODEM  Displays dialout configuration informationQUERYALARMSPERFORMANCESTATUSTest CommandsTEST       QRSS        LOOP LOCAL REMOTEReset CommandsRESETQRSSALARMSTESTValid ResponsesOK  Command interpreted and executed without error.  If an invalid command is  entered, the system responds with a list of valid keywords.AIRLINK Pro T1  Prompt when configured as a T1 AirLinkAIRLINK Pro E1  Prompt when configured as a E1 AirLink
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97 C-5Responses and AlertsEach of the following messages is an advisory.  These advisories will nottrigger a dial-out, and they are entered into the Event Queue."Modem Busy""No Modem""No Answer""No Dialtone"All numeric responses are followed by  <CR>  (ASCII 13 decimal).  All “word”responses are followed by <CR> and <LF> (ASCII 10 decimal).Modem Response DefinitionsModem Response  Definition0 (zero)  Numeric version of "OK"OK  Successful execution of non-dial commandCONNECT   [XXXX]  carrier detected; XXXX = numeric bit rateRING  Ringing detectedNO CARRIER  No connection established, or connection lostERROR  Error in command lineNO DIALTONE  No dial tone presentBUSY  Busy signalNO ANSWER  5 seconds of silence not detected if '@' dial modifier was used.Logging In and Logging OutThe operator must enter the LOGIN command keyword and provide the correctpassword to use the GET, SET, QUERY, RESET, TEST, and REMOTE commands.NOTE When the unit is prepared for shipment, it is configured with a null password as a default.To gain access to the system the first time, press <Return> in response to the loginprompt for the password. This password will remain in effect until changed.To login to the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type the followingcommand at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:
Airlink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97C-6AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> loginNOTE Throughout this manual, the command line prompt AIRLINK PRO T1> represents theE1 command line prompt AIRLINK PRO E1>.The system prompts you to enter the password. If the password is accepted, thesystem displays an OK response and gives access to the commands.To login using the factory-set null password, type the LOGIN command at theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount  prompt and press <Return> when the systemprompts you for the password:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> loginPassword: <Return>   OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>If the new password is 1Awidget,  type the LOGIN command and 1Awidget  forthe password:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> loginPassword: 1Awidget   OKAIRLINK PRO T1/E1>For information on changing the password, refer to “Password” in the section“Setting Administrative Parameters,” in this chapter.The LOGOUT command keyword exitsthe system and prevents unauthorizedsystem use. To logout of the local AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount, type thefollowing command at the AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount prompt:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> logoutFor remote command operations, it is not necessary to login to the remote unit ifyou are logged in to the local system.HelpThe terminal interface also provides an online help facility to aid you inentering commands. You can type a question mark (?) at the end of any commandfield, and the command interpreter will display the next valid keyword oroperand that you can enter.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideCommandsRev. B - 1/97 C-7If you press <Return> before the command is complete, the command interpreterdisplays the next valid keyword or operand that you can enter. If the commandis complete, the system will execute the command.You can also type in a help request for a particular command combination, to seewhat comes next:AIRLINK PRO T1/E1> help setThe system displays a similar list:Site Name: Sunnyvale 2Keywords or OperandAPPLICATIONSITEBURSTCODINGPNRFALARMDATETHRESHOLDTIMEPASSWORDType HELP LOCAL SET <keyword> for more help.Local or Remote OperationsThe terminal user interface allows a terminal device or personal computerattached to an AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount to control and monitor AirLinkPro T1/E1 Rack Mount operation at either end of the point-to-point link. Anycommand that starts with the REMOTE keyword causes the action to beperformed at the far-end AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.Do not include the LOCAL keyword to execute a command on the local unit; youmust include the REMOTE keyword in order to execute a command on the remoteunit.
Rev. B - 1/97 D-1AAPPENDIX PPENDIX DDGlossaryGlossaryThis glossary provides definitions of some of the more importantspecialized terms and acronyms associated with the operation of theAirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount.
AirLink Pro T1/E1  Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97D-2AAmpere:  A unit of electrical current related to the actualnumber of electrons moving past a given point per second.AIS Alarm Indication Signal.  To maintain transmissioncontinuity, an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is transmittedto the network upon Loss of Signal (LOS) or Loss of Clock(LOC).  It is halted when the triggering signal is terminated.An AIS is an unframed, all-ones signal.AMI Alternate Mark Inversion.  A signal encoded according to theAMI method is a bipolar pseudo-ternary signal conveyingbinary digits (bits) in which successive “marks” are normallyof alternating polarity, positive and negative.  This is thetraditional method of encoding DS1 signals.antenna A transmitting or receiving device for radiated waves. Theantenna acts as a form of matching transformer for wavesalong a line and waves in space so that the maximum transferof energy can be achieved.antenna gain Antenna gain is a measure of the efficiency of an antennacompared with the efficiency of a standard referenceantenna. The efficiency is measured in terms of the powerradiated or received in a given direction as compared withthe standard under the same conditions.Azimuth The angle in the horizontal ground plane with respect to trueNorth (i.e., horizontal direction); used in reference to antennaalignment.B8ZS Bipolar with Eight-Zero Substitution.  This coding scheme isone of the methods used to avoid long strings of zeroes in abipolar DS1 signal entering the network from the DTE.  InB8ZS, every string of eight zeroes is replaced by a specialcode for transmission over networks that are sensitive to longstrings of zeroes.  The code contains a pattern of bipolarviolations that is identified by the recipient and thenremoved in the decoding process to recreate the original stringof zeroes.  This particular method of coding is the evolvingstandard, but is not yet fully supported by all carriers.baud Baud is a unit for measuring signaling rate for a digitalsignal, used similarly to bits per second (bps) for low-speeddata.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97 D-3BER Bit Error Rate.  The measure of the frequency of errors in adigital transmission, typically expressed in exponentialnotation (e.g., 10-6 BER).Blue Alarm Signal An unframed all-ones bit pattern sent by equipment at the farend to indicate that an alarm condition exists upstream in acircuit leading to the downstream equipment.  Also known asan All Ones Keep-Alive or Alarm Indication Signal (AIS).burst A sequence of signals counted as a unit in accordance withsome specific criterion or measure.burst timing A form of timing in which the receiving device issynchronized to the transmitting device by receiving bursts ofdata.cable loss The amount of signal attenuation (loss) for a particular typeof cable of a given length.coaxial cable A type of transmission line, consisting of a center conductor(wire) surrounded by a layer of insulation, which is in turnsurrounded by a conductive shield (wire braid and/or metalfoil) and another layer of insulation.CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.  An error-checking controltechnique using the remainder of a polynomial calculationperformed on the transmitted data to determine whetherthat data was corrupted.dB Decibels.  The standard unit of measure for relative signalpower.dBm Decibels referred to 1 milliwatt.  The standard unit ofmeasure for absolute signal power (signal power relative to1 mW).DCE Data Circuit Equipment.  A communication device thatestablishes, maintains, and terminates a session on a network.digital line rate The digital bit rate, as determined by the standard levels ofthe digital hierarchy.DS-0, 1, 2, 3 The first four levels of the North American Standard digitalhierarchy corresponding to the line rates of 64 Kbps (onestandard PCM voice channel), 1.544 Mbps, 6.312 Mbps, and44.736 Mbps, respectively.DSX-1, 2, 3 The Bell System interface specifications that define the linerate, line code (bipolar), test load, pulse shape, and power
AirLink Pro T1/E1  Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97D-4level of the DS1 (T1), DS2 (T2), and DS3 levels of the NorthAmerican digital hierarchy.DTE Data Terminating Equipment.  A communication device thatis the source or destination of signals on a network.dynamic range The difference between the maximum receiver input signaland the minimum receiver input signal level (receiversensitivity).  The measure of the maximum achievable fademargin of a radio system.Errored Second (ES) An errored second is defined as any one-second interval duringwhich there is one or more CRC-16 errors. Errored seconds canbe asynchronous, that is, they do not have to be correlatedwith real time.Errored Seconds Threshold This threshold value is compared to the number of ErroredSeconds in the current time interval.  That is, when thenumber of Errored Seconds crosses the specified thresholdvalue, an alarm message is generated.ESF Error Event An ESF Error Event occurs when an Extended Superframecontains a CRC-16 Error Event, or when an Out-of-Frame(OOF) state occurs.fade margin The measure of how much signal attenuation the system canendure without dropping below the minimum desired BERlevel.Framing Insertion of framing bits that signal the beginning of a framedblock of data.  For example, in D4 transmissions there are 12frame sequences of data identified by a unique framing bit— the 193rd bit in the sequence— that carries the framing andsignaling information.free space path loss The loss of power of a radiated signal as it travels throughspace.frequency stability The measure of frequency variation of an oscillator from itsassigned operational mean frequency.gain The increase in signal power caused by a device or network(e.g., the signal gain provided by an antenna).GHz Gigahertz; 1 billion, or 109 cycles per second.
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97 D-5hub configuration A system configuration in which several AirLink ProT1/E1units are co-located. Usually, one unit acts as the burstsynchronization master for all the other units at the site.jitter Jitter is short-term, high-frequency variations of thesignificant instants (clock measuring points) from their idealposition in time.kbps The abbreviation/notation for “one thousand bits per second.”kHz The abbreviation/notation for kilohertz, “one thousandcycles per second.”line-of-sight An unobstructed view from the transmit antenna to thereceive antenna.LOS Loss of Signal.  Declared upon detection of 175 ± 75 consecutivezeros.Mbps Megabits per second; 1 million, or 106 digital bits per second.MHz Megahertz; 1 million, or 106 cycles per second.OOF Out of Frame.  An OOF condition is when errors are detectedin at least two out of four, or three out of five consecutiveframing bits.Order Wire An auxiliary communications channel provided for use bymaintenance and service personnel.  It allows voicecommunications between the local and remote AirLink  ProT1/E1 sites.path loss The total amount of radio signal attenuation (loss) betweenthe transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna; the sumof attenuation caused by obstacles located in the path and thefree space path loss.power output The power of the radio signal as it leaves the RF unit.pseudo-random noise Noise that satisfies one or more of the standard tests forstatistical randomness.  Spread-spectrum modulated carriertransmissions appear as pseudorandom noise to a receiverthat is not locked to, or is incapable of correlating a locally-generated pseudorandom code with the received signal.pseudo-random noise sequence An operation in which a random stream of data bits is
AirLink Pro T1/E1  Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97D-6generated within limited parameters. The stream (sequence)is typically used for encoding data for communication.QRSS Quasi-Random Signal Sequence.  A test pattern used to testthe continuity and integrity of a link.receiver sensitivity The measure of the ability of a receiver to differentiatebetween the selected signal and background noise for aspecific performance.Red Alarm A locally-detected failure that occurs when DS1 framesynchronization is lost (i.e., when errors are detected in atleast two out of four, or three out of five consecutive framingbits) and is declared when one of these OOF conditions hasbeen detected in the network for 2.5 consecutive seconds.RF Radio Frequency. Electromagnetic waves propagated withoutguide (wire or cable) in free space.RSQ Receive Signal Quality. A figure of merit that is normalizedon a scale of 1 to 10, and is a function of the receive signal-to-noise ratio and signal-to-interference ratio. A strong signalthat is severely corrupted with interference results in anormal receive signal indication and a low RSQ number.RSS Receive Signal Strength. The measured signal strength at theAirLink Pro T1/E1.signal-to-noise ratio The ratio of the signal power to the noise power at a givenpoint in a given system; usually expressed in decibels (dB).system gain The sum of the transmitter power output and the receiversensitivity (the ability of the transmitter to produce a strongsignal, combined with the ability of the receiver to detect aweak signal).transmitter output power The amount of transmitted signal strength measured at theantenna connector of the AirLink Pro T1/E1.Typical Power Output The mean transmitter power output, as specified in FCCregulations.Terminal Switching Device A matrix switching device that allows any of its ports tocommunicate with any other connected port, or any pair ofports to communicate simultaneously.Unavailable Second.  An unavailable second is defined as any
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideGlossaryRev. B - 1/97 D-7UAS one-second interval during which Radio Sync Loss is active.Yellow Alarm The indicator of a remotely-detected failure, such as an Out-of-Frame (OOF) condition.  When a Red alarm is declared, aYellow alarm is transmitted in the opposite direction.  In theESF format, a Yellow alarm is signaled by a transmission ofalternating eight ones and eight zeros in the ESF Data Linkbits.  In the D4 format, a Yellow alarm is signaled by atransmission of a logical zero in the second bit of each channel(24 channels per frame).Zero Suppression The function performed by several different coding techniques(e.g., B8ZS, Ones Insertion Mode, Cylink Ones DensityController) that are designed to remove long strings of zerosfrom data transmission.
Rev. B - 1/97 Index-1IndexIndex
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideIndexIndex-2 Rev. B - 7/97Aacquiring alarm information, 4-5administrative parametersdate, 3-10password, 3-11site name, 3-9time, 3-10AirLink T1/E1ASCII Terminal Interface, 1-4features and capabilities, 1-3 front panel,  2-3AirLink T1/E1 alarm control parameters1-hour ES threshold, 3-231-hour UAS threshold, 3-2324-hour ES threshold, 3-2424-hour UAS threshold, 3-24alarm level, 3-22alarm reporting, 3-21Rx power threshold, 3-25Tx power threshold, 3-25AirLink T1/E1 line parameterscoding, 3-12equalization, 3-12summary, 3-12AirLink T1/E1 Link parametersapplication, 3-14burst mode, 3-18PN code, 3-19RF power level, 3-20AIS,4-4DTE, 4-4RF, 4-4alarm controlalarm level,  3-22alarm reporting,  3-21ES threshold, 3-23Rx power threshold, 3-25Alarm Indication Signal. (see AIS). (see AIS)alarm relay contacts, 1-6, 2-10Alternate Mark Inversion. (see AMI)      AMI, 1-4, 4-12antennamounting schemes, 2-6         antenna alignment, 2-18ASCII terminal interfacecommand replies, 4-5command-line mode, 4-3terminal cable, 4-2BB8ZS, 1-2,  3-12battery, 1-5BERQRSS, 4-10block diagram, 1-8Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution. (see B8ZS)burst mode, 3-18burst sync loss, 4-2burst syncinstalling, 2-20terminating, 2-21Ccarrier failure alarms,4-5checking operation, 2-21coaxial cables, 2-12coding, 3-12command-line modecase treatment,3-4comments, 3-4keyword short forms, 3-4length, 3-4order, 3-4commandsget configuration, 3-26get revision, 3-27get threshold, 3-27keylist, C-2login, C-6logout, C-6password, 3-11query alarms, 4-6query performance, 4-9query status, 4-2reset alarms, 4-7reset QRSS, 4-12configuration defaults, B-20Ddate command, 3-6DCE, 1-3determining configuration parameters 3-37diagnostic tools, 4-12DTE, 1-3DTE AIS, 4-4Eelectromagnetic interference (EMI), B-3environmental requirementstemperature, B-2humidity, B-2altitude,  B-2equalization,  3-12equalization command, C-2Errored Seconds. (see ES)event queue, 4-5
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideIndexRev. B - 7/97 Index-3Ffire resistance, B-2full-duplex, 1-4Gget configuration command, 3-26get revision command, 3-27get threshold command, 3-27Hhelp command,  C-6Hub,  3-8HDB3, 1-2,1-3IISM, 1-2indicators, 4-3Installation, 2-8Llist of commands, C-2local operations, C-7login command, 3-7logout command, 3-7loopback testslocal loopbacknear-end, 4-18far-end, 4-20remote loopbacknear-end, 4-19far-end, 4-20Mmessages      fault, A-3  alarm,  A-3  advisory, A-4   status, A-5modemdialout set-up commands, C-3setting modem parameters, 3-22OOrder Wire communication, 1-7, 2-16, 4-22Overview, 3-2Ppassword command, 3-7performance information, 4-9Ping-Pong analogy, 1-2,1-4PN code command, 3-16power-on self-test, 2-16power supplyELPAC, 2-19FORTRON, 2-20Point-to-point link, 3-15Preparing a Place,  2-4pseudo-random noise. (see PN code)QQRSS. (see Radio QRSS)query alarms command, 4-6query performance command, 4-9query status command, 4-3Rradio burst, 1-4radio QRSSBER, 4-10initiating the test, 4-13terminating the test, 4-14radio sync loss, 4-3rear-panel connectors, 2-3receive power level, 4-5remote operations, C-7reset alarms command, 4-8reset QRSS command, 4-11resetting performance counters, 4-4RF AIS, 4-4RF setup parametersapplication, 3-14burst mode, 3-18PN code, 3-19RF power level,  3-20rx power command, 3-20Rx power threshold, 3-20Ssafety, B-3setting modem paramenters, 3-23setting up instructions, 2-6shock specifications, B-3site name, 3-5, 4-3site name command, 3-9site name parameter, 3-10signal-to-Pin Assignments, B-7
AirLink Pro T1/E1 Rack Mount Installer’s GuideIndexIndex-4 Rev. B - 7/97SpecificationsDTE interface T1, B-2 DTE interface E1, B-3general, B-2 radio interface,  B-5spread-spectrum, 1-2Spread Spectrum modulation, 1-2system grounding, 2-8TT1/E1 DTE input loss, 4-3T1/E1 link backup capability, 1-6temperature, 4-4, B-2terminal connection, 2-14terminal configuration, B-14terminal user interface, 1-5test in progress, 4-4threshold settings, 3-21time command, 3-6Time Division Duplex, 1-4transmit module failure, 4-4transmit power level, 4-4tx power command, 3-22Tx power threshold, 3-22UUAS1-hour threshold, 3-2024-hour threshold, 3-20Unavailable Seconds. (see UAS)unpacking,  2-2Vvibration specifications, B-3WWiring for burst sync, 2-20
AirLink ProT1/E1 Rack Mount Configuration WorksheetPair ID/Name— Master:                                                                                                           Slave:                                                                                                               Serial Number— Master:                                                     Slave:                                                       Pair Location— Master:                                                      Slave:                                                       Antenna Type:                                                                Cable Length:                                                 PARAMETER VALUES MASTER SLAVEAdministrative ParametersSite Name ≤ 60 alphanumeric chars (null string)Site Name, Master:Site Name, Slave:Time mm/dd/yy (default: 01/01/91)Date hh:mm:ss (default: 00:00:00)Password ≤ 16 alphanumeric chars (null string)T1 Line ParametersCoding B8ZS or AMIEqualization 0, 133, 266, 399, or 533Link ParametersApplication 1. Primary master at a hub2. Secondary master at a hub3. Master unit at a repeater site4.    Master unit in a Point-to-Point link5. Slave unit at a repeater site6. Slave unit in a point-to-point linkBurst Mode Duplex  or Simplex (Default: Duplex)PN Code 1 .. 8 (default: 1)RF Power Level -4 dBm .. 20 dBm (default: 0 dBm)Alarm Control ParametersAlarm Reporting Request or ImmediateAlarm Level Status , Advisory, Alarm, or Fault1-Hour ES Threshold 1 .. 999 (seconds) (default: 1)1-Hour UAS Threshold 1 .. 99 (seconds) (default: 1)24-Hour ES Threshold 1 .. 999 (seconds) (default: 1)24-Hour UAS Threshold 1 .. 99 (seconds) (default: 1)Rx Power Threshold -80 .. -40 dBm (default: -75 dBm)Tx Power Threshold -10 .. 20 dBm (default: -6 dBm)
Configuration Notes
SUPPLEMENTCYLINK CORPORATION 910 Hermosa CourtSunnyvale, California  94086, U.S.A.(408) 735-5800CYLINK LIMITED U.K.Tel:  +44-256-841919Fax:  +44-256-24156CYLINK CORPORATION (Singapore)Tel:  +65-336-6577Fax:  +65-334-1429CYLINK CUSTOMER SUPPORT1-800-545-6608  (USA - California)1-800-814-5587  (USA - New Jersey)1-408-735-5822  (International - California)1-201-333-3400  (International - New Jersey)Package Number 81921-00AAirLink   T1/E1TM¤(U.S./Canada Installation Rules)April 1995  Updates Packages: 81915-xxx                                 81922-xxx
Rev. A - 4/95 1UUPDATES TO THE PDATES TO THE AAIRIRLLINK INK T1T1  &&  E1E1Installer’s GuidesInstaller’s GuidesThis supplement to the AirLink T1 Installer’s Guide and AirLink E1Installer’s Guide contains information needed to make the systemcomply with Federal Communications Commission Rules andRegulations and the Canadian Industry Canada Certification. Allinformation in this supplement supersedes that in the Installer’sGuide.This supplement is divided into two sections.  The first sectionprovides information pertaining to United States regulations, and thesecond provides information pertaining to Canadian regulations.Please read the appropriate information carefully prior to installationof the AirLink T1 or AirLink E1.Inside this supplement:United States Installation Regulations.................................2Canadian Installation Regulations...........................................5
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation Rules2Rev. A - 4/95United States Installation RegulationsFCC Notice to UsersFederal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules on spread spectrum devices,such as the AirLink T1 or AirLink E1, require that you be notified of thefollowing:FCC regulations require that this device be professionally installed by a personknowledgeable in electronics and trained in the correct installation of thisdevice.All interface cables must be shielded.Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cylink Corporation canvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Installation RequirementsProper planning and installation must be done by professionals to achieve bestperformance and to assure compliance with FCC rules and other regulations.These regulations restrict both the output power  at the AirLink T1/E1 antennaconnector and the power radiated from the antenna. They do this with acomplex set of requirements over a wide frequency range, both above and belowthe frequency band of operation.Section 15.247 of the Federal Communications Commission’s Rules andRegulations require that the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of thisinstallation be limited to no more than 36 dBm (6 dBW).The FCC has granted Cylink a waiver to this limit when the AirLink T1/E1 isinstalled with Cylink’s antennas.  The waiver permits the AirLink T1/E1 to beset to any power level within its range, i.e., up to 20 dBm.NOTE When antennas other than those sold by Cylink are to be used for the AirLink T1/E1, the36 dBm EIRP limit applies.
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation RulesRev. A - 4/95 3It is imperative that the installer calculate the EIRP of this installation withnon-Cylink  antennas and adjust the transmit output power so that themaximum allowable EIRP is not exceeded.NOTE Exceeding specified levels may create an installation that violates United States FCCRules and Regulations.The EIRP depends on the transmit output power, the antenna feedline andconnector losses, and the antenna gain. The transmit output power must bereduced by the amount in dB required to limit the EIRP to no more than 36 dBm.Calculating the Maximum Transmit Output Powerwith Non-Cylink AntennasThe transmit output power of the AirLink T1/E1 is adjustable in discreteincrements according to the levels described in the AirLink T1 Installer’s Guideor AirLink E1 Installer’s Guide.To determine the maximum allowable transmit output power, start with themaximum EIRP (36 dBm). Add the calculated antenna feedline loss and thespecified connector loss. Next, refer to the antenna manufacturer’s specificationsto determine the antenna gain value. If the antenna gain is expressed in dBrelative to a reference dipole (that is, in dBd), add 2 dB to the specified gainvalue to get the antenna gain relative to an isotropic radiator (that is, in dBi).Subtract this value from the earlier numbers to get the resultant transmit outputpower level. Compare the resultant transmit output power level to the 36 dBmmaximum allowed by the FCC specifications. Take the lesser of the resultanttransmit output power level or 36 dBm as the maximum AirLink T1/E1 transmitoutput power. Adjust the AirLink T1/E1 RF power to this level.Use the following format to calculate the maximum transmit output powerlevel:(a) Maximum allowable EIRP: +  36 dBm(b) Plus feedline loss: + ____ dB(c) Plus connector loss: + ____ dB(d) Minus antenna gain: -  ____ dB(1) Resultant AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (sum of a through d): _______dBm(2) U.S. Specifications—FCC power limit: 36 dBm(3) Maximum AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (the lesser of (1) and (2): _______dBm
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation Rules4Rev. A - 4/95In the following example, given antenna gain of 25 dBi, feedline loss of 3 dB,and connector loss of 1 dB, the transmit output power cannot be adjusted to morethan 32 milliwatts (15 dBm).Example(a) Maximum allowable EIRP: +  36 dBm(b) Plus feedline loss: +  3 dB(c) Plus connector loss: +  1 dB(d) Minus antenna gain: -  25 dB(1) Resultant AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (sum of a through d): 15 dBm(2) U.S. Specifications—FCC power limit: 36 dBm(3) Maximum AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (the lesser of (1) and (2): 15 dBmTower Construction ConsiderationsWhen the use of AirLink T1/E1 systems requires construction of a tower, thefollowing requirements must be considered:(1) Local and state zoning and tower construction regulations:These requirements generally mandate that permits be obtained before anytower construction begins. Check with local zoning and state aviationauthorities for more information.(2) U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal CommunicationsCommission tower location, marking, and lighting requirements:Unless the proposed antenna structure is less than 20 feet in height—exceptone that would increase the height of another antenna structure, anyproposal to locate a tower within 20,000 feet of an aircraft landing area(including private airfields and seaports) must be analyzed to determinewhether the FAA must be notified of the proposed construction by filingFAA Form 7460-1 (Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration) and todetermine whether a determination of no hazard should be sought. For anyproposed tower of 200 feet or more in height, regardless of location, theFAA must be notified and a determination of no hazard must be obtained.For any tower that requires painting and/or lighting: painting and lightingrequirements must be obtained from the Antenna Survey Branch of theFCC’s Field Operations Bureau. For further information and referral to theappropriate office, contact the nearest FAA regional office or flight servicecenter, and the nearest field office of the FCC.
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation RulesRev. A - 4/95 5Canadian Installation RegulationsIndustry Canada Notice to UsersThe Industry Canada Rules on spread spectrum devices, such as the AirLink T1or AirLink E1, require that you be notified of the following:Industry Canada requires that this device be professionally installed by aperson knowledgeable in electronics and trained in the correct installation ofthis device.All interface cables must be shielded.Operation of this device is subject to the following three conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesiredoperation.(3) This device shall not pose any safety hazard.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cylink Corporation canvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Installation RequirementsProper planning and installation must be done by professionals to achieve bestperformance and to assure compliance with Industry Canada rules and otherregulations.These regulations restrict both the output power  at the AirLink T1/E1 antennaconnector and the power radiated from the antenna. They do this with acomplex set of requirements over a wide frequency range, both above and belowthe frequency band of operation.Industry Canada Guidelines GL-36 Rev 1, Annex B, and RSS 210 require that theEffective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of this installation be limited to nomore than 36 dBm (6 dBW).It is imperative that the installer calculate the EIRP of this installation andadjust the transmit output power so that the maximum allowable EIRP is notexceeded.
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation Rules6Rev. A - 4/95NOTE Exceeding specified levels may create an installation that violates Industry Canada’sRules and Regulations.The EIRP depends on the transmit output power, the antenna feedline andconnector losses, and the antenna gain. The transmit output power must bereduced by the amount in dB required to limit the EIRP to no more than 36 dBm.Calculating the Maximum Transmit Output PowerThe transmit output power of the AirLink T1/E1 is adjustable in discreteincrements according to the levels described in the AirLink T1 Installer’s Guideor AirLink E1 Installer’s Guide.To determine the maximum allowable transmit output power, start with themaximum EIRP (36 dBm). Add the calculated antenna feedline loss and thespecified connector loss. Next, refer to the antenna manufacturer’s specificationsto determine the antenna gain value. If the antenna gain is expressed in dBrelative to a reference dipole (that is, in dBd), add 2 dB to the specified gainvalue to get the antenna gain relative to an isotropic radiator (that is, in dBi).Subtract this value from the earlier numbers to get the resultant transmit outputpower level. Compare the resultant transmit output power level to the 36 dBmmaximum allowed by applicable Industry Canada Specifications andGuidelines.  Take the lesser of the resultant transmit output power level or 36dBm as the maximum AirLink T1 transmit output power. Adjust the AirLinkT1/E1 RF power to this level.Use the following format to calculate the maximum transmit output powerlevel:(a) Maximum allowable EIRP: +  36 dBm(b) Plus feedline loss: +  ____ dB(c) Plus connector loss: +  ____ dB(d) Minus antenna gain: - _____ dB(1) Resultant AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (sum of a through d): _______dBm(2) Industry Canada Specifications andGuidelines—IC power limit: 36 dBm(3) Maximum AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (the lesser of (1) and (2): _______dBmIn the following example, given antenna gain of 25 dBi, feedline loss of 3 dB,and connector loss of 1 dB, the transmit output power cannot be adjusted to morethan 32 milliwatts (15 dBm).
AirLink T1/E1 Installer’s GuideSupplement - U.S./Canada Installation RulesRev. A - 4/95 7Example(a) Maximum allowable EIRP: +  36 dBm(b) Plus feedline loss: +  3 dB(c) Plus connector loss: +  1 dB(d) Minus antenna gain: -  25 dB(1) Resultant AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (sum of a through d): 15 dBm(2) Industry Canada Specifications andGuidelines—IC power limit: 36 dBm(3) Maximum AirLink T1/E1 transmit outputpower (the lesser of (1) and (2): 15 dBmTower Construction ConsiderationsWhen the use of AirLink T1/E1 systems requires construction of a tower, thefollowing requirements must be considered:Local and provincial zoning and tower construction regulations:These requirements generally mandate that permits be obtained before anytower construction begins. Check with local zoning and state aviationauthorities for more information. Local requirements as to flight pathobstructions and the installation of proper markings and lighting need to beevaluated and, if necessary, the proper local or national regulatory authoritiesneed to be informed.  For details, contact Transport Canada, MicrowaveDivision.

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