WaveIP GAOFDM58 Outdoor Transmitting Unit User Manual Introduction

WaveIP Ltd. Outdoor Transmitting Unit Introduction

Users Manual

    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 2 of 41     GGiiggAAcccceessss™™  OOFFDDMM  55..88   IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  aanndd  OOppeerraattiioonn  IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss       January 2006      WaveIP Ltd. P.O. Box 336 Yokneam 20692, Israel Tel:  972-4-9090800 Fax: 972-4-9592614 Info@waveip.com  The information contained in this document is of commercial value, proprietary to WaveIP. It is conveyed to the recipient solely for the purpose of evaluation. Reproduction of this document, disclosure of its contents or any other use of the information herein is strictly forbidden unless expressly authorized in writing by WaveIP.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 3 of 41TTAABBLLEE  OOFF  CCOONNTTEENNTTSS   1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 5 1.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................5 1.2 GIGACCESS™ OFDM SYSTEM OVERVIEW..........................................................5 2. INSTALLATION...................................................................................... 8 2.1 PACKING LIST...........................................................................................8 2.2 ADDITIONAL PART LIST – REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION .........................................8 2.3 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW .............................................................................9 2.4 AU/SU OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ..................................................................10 2.4.1 Site Selection....................................................................................10 2.4.2 Mounting and Wiring ..........................................................................12 2.4.3 Antennas ..........................................................................................13 2.4.4 Sealing.............................................................................................15 2.4.5 Cables..............................................................................................16 2.4.6 Indoor Outlet Installation....................................................................18 2.4.7 Indoor HUB.......................................................................................18 2.4.8 Grounding.........................................................................................19 2.5 CONSECUTIVE CONNECTION.........................................................................20 2.6 SYNCHRONIZATION...................................................................................20 2.7 SUBSCRIBER PC SETUP..............................................................................21 3. GIGACCESS™ OFDM 5.8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................ 22 3.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION............................................................................22 3.2 BASE STATION - ACCESS UNIT (OUTDOOR) ......................................................22 3.3 OUTDOOR SUBSCRIBER UNIT (HSU/OSU).......................................................23 3.4 RADIO SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................23 3.5 MANAGEMENT NMS ..................................................................................24 4. APPENDIX A – WAVEIP APPROVED ANTENNAS ................................... 25 5. APPENDIX B – RF LINK BUDGET CALCULATION................................... 26 6. APPENDIX C – RF POWER AND DISTANCE VERSUS ANTENNA GAIN .... 28 7. APPENDIX D – RF HAZARD DISTANCE CALCULATION.......................... 29 8. APPENDIX E – RF CHANNEL LIST......................................................... 31 9. APPENDIX F – OUTDOOR CABLES SCHEME .......................................... 32 10. APPENDIX G  - USING THE UNIT MANAGER TOOL ............................... 33 10.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................33 10.2 ACTIVATING THE TOOL ............................................................................33 10.3 MENU COMMANDS .................................................................................34 10.3.1 Selecting adapter.............................................................................34 10.4 TOOLBAR COMMANDS .............................................................................34 10.4.1 Start Session (S) .............................................................................34 10.4.2 End Session (E) ...............................................................................35 10.4.3 Refresh Unit Parameters (!)...............................................................35 10.4.4 Auto Reconnect ({}) ........................................................................35 10.4.5 Start Logger (EL).............................................................................35 10.4.6 Stop Logger (DL) .............................................................................35 10.4.7 Clear Log (X)...................................................................................35 10.4.8 Log to File.......................................................................................35 10.4.9 View Log.........................................................................................36
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 4 of 4110.4.10 Reset Text (RT) .............................................................................36 10.4.11 Reset Unit (RU)..............................................................................36 10.5 INSTALLATION WINDOW ..........................................................................36 10.5.1 Advanced Window............................................................................37 10.6 SOFTWARE WINDOW...............................................................................39 10.6.1 Firmware Window ............................................................................40 10.7 SNIFFER.............................................................................................41  TTAABBLLEE  OOFF  TTAABBLLEESS     Table  4-1: Integrated (or external) Antennas for GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8.................25 Table  4-2: External Antennas for GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8.......................................25 Table  6-1: Distance for FCC in point-to-multi-point..............................................28 Table  6-2: Distance for FCC in point-to-point ......................................................28 Table  7-1: Hazard Distance for Point to Multi Point ..............................................29 Table  7-2: Hazard Distance for Point to Point ......................................................30 Table  8-1: RF channel List ................................................................................31  TTAABBLLEE  OOFF  FFIIGGUURREESS   Figure  1-1: GigAccess™ OFDM functional blocks....................................................5 Figure  1-2: Typical sector in GigAccess™ OFDM System .........................................6 Figure  1-3: GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 Outdoor Unit....................................................6 Figure  1-4: Consecutive Sector principle...............................................................7 Figure  2-1: General System View ........................................................................8 Figure  2-2: GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 - General Installation Scheme............................9 Figure  2-3: Wall mount description....................................................................12 Figure  2-4:  Cable preparation for Outdoor Unit...................................................16 Figure  2-5: Cable assembly to Outdoor Unit........................................................17 Figure  2-6: Cable insertion to Outdoor Unit.........................................................17 Figure  2-7:  Cable connection to Outdoor Unit.....................................................17 Figure  2-8:  Indoor Outlet ................................................................................18 Figure  2-9: The HUB ........................................................................................18 Figure  2-10: Ground Connection to Outdoor Unit.................................................19 Figure  5-1: Radio Link – General description.......................................................26 Figure  9-1: Outdoor Cables Scheme...................................................................32 Figure  10-1: Unit Manager Tool – First Window ...................................................33 Figure  10-2: Adapter Selection Window..............................................................34 Figure  10-3: Discover Window...........................................................................34 Figure  10-4: Direct login ..................................................................................35 Figure  10-5: Installation Window.......................................................................36 Figure  10-6: Advanced Window.........................................................................37 Figure  10-7: Software Window ..........................................................................39 Figure  10-8: Firmware Window .........................................................................40 Figure  10- 9: Sniffer Window ............................................................................41
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 5 of 4111..  IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn  11..11  GGeenneerraall  The information contained in this manual provides GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 system overview and instructions for Planning, Installation, Configuration, and Operation of both the Access Units, the Subscriber Units including antennas and accessories.  11..22  GGiiggAAcccceessss™™  OOFFDDMM  SSyysstteemm  OOvveerrvviieeww  GigAccess™ OFDM is a wireless point-to-point and point-to-multipoint broadband communication system. The basic subsystem is composed of a single sector, which consists of an Access Unit (AU) and up to 250 Subscriber Units (SU). Each sector is a stand-alone communication network operating on a star topology with a gateway to the WAN, which allows two-way communication between the SUs and the WAN via the AU. A Sector may be extended by sub sectors, which are consecutive to the SUs within the sector.   GigAccess™    include a Base Controller (BC). The BC is a PC running GigAccess™ Network Management System (NMS) application that monitors and controls the AUs and their corresponding SUs. The NMS provides SNMP integration, thus connecting with already existing NMS that service providers might have. Its main purpose is to configure the AUs and SUs with SLA (Service Level Agreement). Once the AU is configured, the configuration is stored in the AU and the sector can run autonomously without the need of a BC (stand alone configuration).  EthernetEthernetManagment SoftwareAccess uni t(AU) Wireless subscriber unit (SU)MAC 802.16OFDM PHYMAC 802.16802.16FramesTCP/IP stackWeb ServerDHCP ServerNat RouterOFDM PHYNetworkDBPacketClassifierBase Controller (BC)GigAccessUnitManagerSQLDBUser NetworkRouterWANISP FirewallTelephone  Figure  1-1: GigAccess™ OFDM functional blocks
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 6 of 41The following figure depicts a general description of a typical sector in the GigAccess™ OFDM system.  AUAUSwitch/RouterSUSUSUSU Base Controller(Option)WAN Figure  1-2: Typical sector in GigAccess™ OFDM System  The sector uses a single radio channel frequency with a 20 MHz bandwidth, which carries up to 36 Mbps data throughput. The system is a frame-based system, meaning the time dimension is divided into small periods called frames. Each frame is divided into two parts: downstream part (traffic passing from the AU to the SUs) and upstream part (traffic passing from the SUs to the AU). The Time Domain Duplex (TDD) technique is utilized to divide the bandwidth periodically based on the frame size. The portion of the frame, which is allocated to the upstream traffic, is divided between the SUs in the time domain using TDMA (Time Division Multiplex Access) technique. All the divisions are done dynamically thus allowing the SUs to share the channel capacity in a very efficient way.             Figure  1-3: GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 Outdoor Unit
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 7 of 41GigAccess™  OFDM MAC layer is based on IEEE 802.16 MAC standard with additional proprietary attributes, which allow for special features such as Consecutive AP™.  GigAccess™ OFDM network layer enables routing and QoS queuing of traffic based on classification of packets using information in layers 2, 3 & 4-7. In certain instances, QoS queuing can be done using packet information (priority defined by the management).  GigAccess™  OFDM leverages Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology to deliver high data rates, high spectral efficiency in addition to immunity to interference and line of site boundaries via patent pending Consecutive AP™ technology, delivering data burst rates of up to 36 Mbps. GigAccess™ OFDM ensures always-on connectivity to full range of IP-based services, including fast Internet, High Quality VoIP and Video.  GigAccess™   provides an instant and independent infrastructure, which is immediately deployable (self installed) with low infrastructure construction and operating costs.   In case of Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) between the AU and the SU due to obstacles such as tall buildings or mountains, a consecutive sector may be used. In this scenario, the SU Ethernet output feeds a consecutive AU, which is used as a router and transmits the input data over the obstacle as shown in figure below.     AUSUSUConsecutive  AUBuildingUp to 90mEthernet  + PowerCableEthernet  to localusersEthernet  to localusers Figure  1-4: Consecutive Sector principle
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 8 of 4122..  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    22..11  PPaacckkiinngg  LLiisstt  When you first open the package, verify that the unit is complete with the following components: 1.  AU or SU Outdoor Unit  2. Indoor Outlet. 3.  Indoor Power Supply (AC input). 4.  Pole mounting kit.  5.  Sealing grommet, cap and clamping plates.    Figure  2-1: General System View   22..22  AAddddiittiioonnaall  PPaarrtt  LLiisstt  ––  RReeqquuiirreedd  ffoorr  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  •  Outdoor Unit grounding cable •  Outdoor-to-Indoor CAT5 shielded cable (Up to 90 meters). •  Indoor CAT5 cable. •  RJ-45 - Installation KIT. •  RJ-45 - Crimping tool. •  Adjustable wrench + screwdriver.  3 2 4 15
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 9 of 4122..33  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  OOvveerrvviieeww   This section provides installation information for GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 GHz system.   This device can be expected to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules provided it is assembled in accordance with the instructions provided in this document.     Note:  ONLY professional installers who are familiar with local building and safety codes, wherever applicable, and are licensed by the appropriate government regulatory authorities should install outdoor units and antennas. Failure to do so may void the GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 product warranty and may expose the end user or the service provider to legal and financial liabilities. WaveIP and its resellers or distributors are not liable for injury, damage or violation of regulations associated with the installation of outdoor units or antennas.    A typical installation scheme is depicted in Figure  2-2.  The installation process should follow the following steps: 1)  Select the appropriate location for the Outdoor unit and the indoor Outlet. 2)  Mount the Outdoor unit. If you are using detached antenna mount the antenna and connect it to the Outdoor unit.  AU/SU - Outdoor Unitwith integrated AntennaAC/DC Power SupplyIndoor Outlet100-240V AC48V DC48VDC + Ethernet(CAT 5)EthernetData CableCAT5User computer Figure  2-2: GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 - General Installation Scheme
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 10 of 41 WARNING: It is the responsibility of the installer to insure that when using the outdoor antenna kits in the United States (or where FCC rules apply), only those antennas certified with the product are used. The use of any antenna other than those certified with the product is expressly forbidden in accordance to FCC rules part 15.247. The installer should configure the output power level according to country regulations and per antenna type.   3) Connect a ground cable between the Outdoor unit and an appropriate grounding point. 4) Connect the Outdoor-to-Indoor CAT5 shielded cable to the Outdoor unit and route it to the location selected for the Indoor Outlet. Assemble the enclosed connector on the cable. 5)  Mount the Indoor Outlet.  6) Connect the Outdoor-to-Indoor cable to the Indoor Outlet Radio port. (This port supplies 48 VDC in addition to the Ethernet data). 7) Connect the CAT5 Ethernet cable from the user’s network/PC to the Indoor Outlet data port. 8)  Connect the power supply to the Indoor Outlet power port. 9)  Align the antenna and verify connectivity of the Outdoor as follows:  •  For SU - check connectivity to the base controller.  •  For AU - check connectivity to the SU management IP address.    Connectivity check is done by ping instruction.   22..44  AAUU//SSUU  OOuuttddoooorr  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    22..44..11  SSiittee  SSeelleeccttiioonn  22..44..11..11  GGuuiiddeelliinneess  ffoorr  SSeelleeccttiinngg  OOuuttddoooorr  LLooccaattiioonn  Select the appropriate locations for the outdoor unit using the following guidelines: •  The outdoor unit can be pole or wall mounted. Its location should allow easy access to the unit for installation and testing. •  The AU should be installed where it provides coverage of all SUs in the area it is intended to serve. The higher the AU or its detached antenna, the better coverage it can provide. •  When using a detached antenna, the AU should be installed as near as possible to its antenna.  22..44..11..22  AAcccceessss  UUnniitt  ((AAUU))  Location of the Access Unit is on the Service Provider sole discretion considering local topology and the desired cover. One (in case of Omni antenna) or several AUs (in case of directional antenna) forms the BS (Base-Station) – the central of a cell. The placement of AUs should be such that cells overlap slightly, to guarantee seamless wireless connectivity everywhere. Neighboring AUs should preferably send and receive on different channels or different polarization for maximum throughput (minimum interference).
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 11 of 41 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may    cause undesired operation.   22..44..11..33  SSuubbssccrriibbeerr  UUnniitt  ((SSUU))  Location of the Subscriber Unit must take into consideration the following guidelines: •  Clear line of site to the AU. •  Height above the ground. •  Distance between sites.  Path of Clearest Propagation A propagation path is the path that signals traverse between the antennas of any two bridges. The “line” between two antenna sites is an imaginary straight line, which may be drawn between the two antennas. Any obstacles in the path of the “line” degrade the propagation path. The best propagation path is, therefore, a clear line of sight with good clearance between the “line” and any physical obstacle.   Physical Obstacles Any physical object in the path between AU and SU can cause signal attenuation. Common obstructions are buildings and trees. Any buildings or other physical structure such as trees, mountains or other natural geographic features higher than the antenna and situated in the path between the two sites can constitute obstructions. Install outdoor antennas high enough to avoid any obstacles, which may block the signal.   Minimal Path Loss Path loss is determined by several factors: •  Distance between sites – Path loss is lower when distances between sites are shorter. •  Clearance – Path loss is minimized when there exists a clear line of sight. The number, location, size, and makeup of obstacles determine their contribution to path loss. •  Antenna height – Path loss is lower when antennas are positioned higher. Antenna height is the distance from the imaginary line connecting the antennas at the two sites to “ground” level. “Ground” level in an open area is the actual ground. In dense urban areas, “ground” level is the average height of the buildings between the antenna sites.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 12 of 4122..44..22  MMoouunnttiinngg  aanndd  WWiirriinngg     Outdoor Unit mounting and installation will be performed only by personal licensed to install rooftop antenna equipment where such license required by the regulation authorities. On any installation case, only professional antenna installers will perform Outdoor Unit mounting and installation.  Outdoor Unit can be mount on a pole or on a wall. A general description of wall mount is given in Figure  2-3.   Figure  2-3: Wall mount description   WARNING! When using the system for point-to-multi-point applications, all outdoor units must be installed with a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons during normal operation.  For a base station or any installation consisting of more than one outdoor unit (AU or SU) the safety distance for all persons should be at least 2 meters. When using the system for point-to-point applications, all outdoor units must be installed with a separation distance of at least 2 meters from all persons during normal operation   
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 13 of 4122..44..33  AAnntteennnnaass  22..44..33..11  GGeenneerraall  Two types of antennas are available for the GigAccess™ system:  •  Integrated antenna  •  Detached antenna  The necessary antenna gain depends on the required range and performance.   IMPORTANT!   Antennas must be selected from a list of WaveIP approved antennas.  Please refer to Appendix A – WaveIP Approved Antennas.   According to FCC part 15.247(b): (1) The maximum peak output power of intentional radiator shall not exceed 1 Watt (+30 dBm).  (3) If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the peak output power from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the maximum peak power (of +30 dBm) as appropriate, by the amount in dB that the directional gain of antenna exceeds 6 dBi.  That is to say that the maximum EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) shall not exceed +36 dBm.  (ii)  Systems operating in 5.8 GHz exclusively for fixed, point-to-point operations may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain greater than 6 dBi without any corresponding reduction in transmitter peak output power.  That is to say that the maximum EIRP can exceed +36 dBm in point-to-point applications.    IMPORTANT!  To comply with the FCC EIRP limits, the outdoor unit-transmit power need to be adjusting according to the installed antenna gain.  Therefore a professional installation of the transmitter is required. The outdoor unit must be configured at the time of installation by qualified personal. Fail to comply with FCC rules may expose the installer to legal liabilities.   22..44..33..22  TTxx  ppoowweerr  Operating with integrated or detached antenna allowed only after outdoor unit power setup is confirmed not to exceed +36 dBm EIRP for USA for point-to-multi-point operation or +20 dBm EIRP for Europe for any antenna used. For point-to-point operation the EIRP can exceeds +36 dBm therefore configuration will done by a professional installer. The configuration is only allowed by password of administrator privilege. The outdoor unit transmit power configuration is done by the Unit Manager Tool. The tool consists of dedicated software running on a PC. This PC communicates with the outdoors unit via the Ethernet and is used to burn the configuration parameters (including the transmit power) into the outdoor unit. The tool limits the max transmit power according to the selected antenna, the selected regulation (FCC) and the
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 14 of 41selected link type (point-to-multi-point/point-to-point). The installer, if needed, can select a lower power. For example: if the selected antenna gain is 24 dBi, the regulation is FCC and the link type is point-to-multi-point, the tool will set the maximum transmitted power (before the antenna) to +12 dBm (so that EIRP will not exceed +36 dBm).  The Unit Manager Tool supports two levels of privilege password: regular user and administrator user. Since power output levels will affect compliance of the unit with FCC rules, precautions are built into the system to keep the end user from adjusting the power output level above the regulation limits. Therefore, the following parameters are Configurable only by administrator user: •  Antenna type (detached or integrated)  •  Antenna gain  •  Tx Power  •  Link Type (point-to-multi-point or point-to-point)  The above configuration is done with the advanced window of the Unit Manager Tool – (paragraph  10.5.1).   For open outdoor areas with clear line of sight between the SU and the AU the suggested maximum distance is given in Appendix C – RF Power and Distance versus Antenna Gain. For detailed calculations please refer to Appendix B – RF Link Budget Calculation.   22..44..33..33  CCoo--llooccaatteedd  aanntteennnnaass  GigAccess™ OFDM was designed to work with co-located antennas. That means that two or more units can be mounted close to each other. The minimum distance between the two antennas should be 50 cm. The two antennas should be of the same type (Directional Flat Panel Antenna or Base Station Antenna). The main idea is to utilize polarizations: one antenna in vertical polarization and the other in horizontal polarization.  Omni antennas are not relevant for co-location.   Note: The FCC 15.203 requirement prohibits the connection of detached antennas with standard N-type connectors. In order to meet this requirement, the detached antenna connectors provided on GigAccess™ OFDM models (with no integral antenna) are non-standard, TNC connector. Only professional technician will perform the installation.   Note: The distance between any two antennas should be at least 50 cm.  
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 15 of 4122..44..33..44  SSUU  AAnntteennnnaa  AAlliiggnnmmeenntt  Antenna alignment can be done with GigAccess™ Unit Manager software tool. The tool runs on PC with Windows operating system. In general, low gain antenna (such as omni antennas) do not required alignment due to their very wide radiation pattern. High gain antennas have a narrow beam width and therefore require alignment procedure in order to optimize the link.  Instruction hereunder can be done after completion the connection of the AU and SU outdoor units to their indoor Outlet. Please perform the following steps in order to align the antenna: 1.  Attach data cable from the PC to the SU Indoor Outlet data port. It is possible to attach special provided cable marked “data only” to a vacant Outdoor Unit port.  WARNING! Do not attach standard CAT5 cable from the Outdoor Unit directly to the PC. Connecting the PC directly to the Outdoor Unit may cause damaged to the PC Ethernet NIC.   2.  Start “GigAccess™ Unit Manager” application. 3.  Press on the “Start Session” button (“S” symbol). 4.  Select the SU from the popup address window. 5.  Select  “Installation” at the left menu tree. 6.  Rotate the antenna until you get maximum RSSI with minimal PER shown on the right bars see the installation window in the Unit Manager Tool (Figure   10-5).  WARNING! Do not stand in front of transmitting antenna. Rotate the antenna from the rear side.   7.  Secure the antenna by fastening the mounting screws.  22..44..33..55  AAnntteennnnaa  PPoollaarriizzaattiioonn  The SU antenna polarization must be the same as in the AU antenna. In most applications, the preferred orientation is vertical polarization. Above ground propagation of the signal is better when it is polarized vertically.  To verify antenna polarization, refer to the assembly instructions supplied with the antenna set. (The polarization of integrated antenna is marked on the backside).  22..44..44  SSeeaalliinngg  The outdoor unit must be sealed against rain with the rubber grommets.   WARNING! All Units are factory sealed, seal needed only on Ethernet ports. Opening the unit will void the GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8 product warranty.   
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 16 of 4122..44..55  CCaabblleess    Straight CAT5 Gauge 24-shielded outdoor rated cable must be installed between Outdoor Unit and Indoor Outlet. It should be UV resistant and flame retardant.  The cable should be UL listed and contain at least 4 twisted pairs.  The outdoor cables scheme is given in Appendix F – Outdoor Cable Scheme. The Indoor Outlet side and Outdoor Unit side will crimped with RJ-45 tool.  CAT5 cable must not exceed 300 feet (91 meters).   Use a suitable primary protector in accordance with article 800 in the NEC, if the exposed part of the CAT5 cable exceeds 140 feet (42 meters). Requirements of NEC articles 725 and 800 for the appropriate wiring methods during cable installation, shall be satisfied.   The Outdoor Unit side will be assembled by the following list (Figure  2-4): •  Insert seal bracket (grommet clamping plate) on the cable.  •  Insert rubber seal (grommet) on the cable. •  Crimp the RJ-45 Plug.   Figure  2-4:  Cable preparation for Outdoor Unit  •  Insert the RJ-45 to the Outdoor Unit (Figure  2-5). •  Insert NC-6 screws with spring washer to the seal bracket.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 17 of 41 Figure  2-5: Cable assembly to Outdoor Unit    Figure  2-6: Cable insertion to Outdoor Unit.   •  Fasten the seal bracket (Figure 2-7). •  The unused port should be left sealed.    Figure  2-7:  Cable connection to Outdoor Unit
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 18 of 4122..44..66  IInnddoooorr  OOuuttlleett  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    Indoor Outlet is wall mounted.  The Indoor Outlet side cables assembled as follows: 1.  Crimp the RJ-45 Plugs on cable ends to form the Outdoor Unit cable. 2.  Plug the Outdoor Unit cable to the RJ-45 Jack marked “AU/SU”. 3.  Plug standard CAT5 cable from the PC to the RJ-45 Jack marked “10/100 BT”. 4. Plug the DC plug from the AC/DC power supply to the DC jack marked “48VDC”.  Warning: Do not attach standard CAT5 cable from the PC to the Indoor Unit RJ-45 jack marked “AU-SU”. Connecting the PC directly to the Outdoor Unit may cause damaged to the Ethernet NIC in the PC.                 To Outdoor Unit (AU/SU)       To Ethernet       To Power Supply     Figure  2-8:  Indoor Outlet   22..44..77  IInnddoooorr  HHUUBB   To Power Supply     To AU                 To Ethernet    Redundancy ports  Ground Figure  2-9: The HUB   The HUB has 2 groups of 16 RJ-45 ports; each group has 8 ports for AUs connection and 8 ports for Ethernet connection. One of the groups is for the stable work and the other group is used for redundancy. The 2 groups can also use to connect 16 AUs to the HUB.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 19 of 4122..44..88  GGrroouunnddiinngg  22..44..88..11  GGrroouunnddiinngg  tthhee  OOuuttddoooorr  UUnniitt  ((AAUU  //SSUU))  The outdoor unit shall be connected to a protective earth with not less than 10 AWG conductors having green-yellow insulation. The following figure shows the grounding cable from outdoor unit external screw to adjacent grounding rod. The cable should be long enough to reach from the mounting pole to the grounding rod with 3 to 6 feet extra to allow for strain relief.   Figure  2-10: Ground Connection to Outdoor Unit   Protection from Lightning US National Electric Department of Energy Handbook 1996 specifies that radio and television lead-in cables must have adequate surge protection at or near the point of entry to the building. The code specifies that any shielded cable from a detached antenna must have the shield directly connected to a 10 AWG wire that connects to the building ground electrode. The ground wire shall be terminated with UL listed lug with a diameter of 0.2 inch (5.2 mm). The ground lug will need to be suitable for terminating on aluminum materials, such as the use of an aluminum connector and aluminum ground conductor. 
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 20 of 41 FCC Notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient the relocate-receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of WaveIP may void the user’s authority to operate this device. Furthermore, this device intended to be used only when installed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this manual. Failure to comply with these instructions may also void the user’s authority to operate this device and/or the manufacturer’s warranty     22..55  CCoonnsseeccuuttiivvee  CCoonnnneeccttiioonn  The SU Indoor Outlet provides power and data connection to the SU Outdoor unit. Connection done by plugging data crossover CAT5 cable between SU and consecutive AU. Total length of all wires should not exceed 300 feet each (91 meters). To achieve DC power redundancy an additional indoor Outlet + power supply can be connected to the AU’s second RJ-45 port.   22..66  SSyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn  GigAccess™ OFDM was designed to work with co-located antennas. That means that two or more units can be mounted close to each other.  When such scheme is used it is mandatory to use synchronization. Configuration is done with the advanced window of the Unit Manager Tool (See paragraph  10.5.1).  Only one AU Master is needed or input from external GPS (1 PPS). When GPS is used, all AU’s must be configured to synchronization Enable and Slave mode.   Note: The distance between any two antennas should be at least 50 cm.  
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 21 of 4122..77  SSuubbssccrriibbeerr  PPCC  SSeettuupp   In Case of specific IP setup - Configure the PC NIC to the same specific IP address as configured in the Base Controller. For this configuration follow the following steps:  •  Press right click on the Network Neighborhood Icon. •  Select the Protocol reed and press properties. •  Choose the Specify an IP address and fill in the required specific IP address.  In Case of DHCP/NAT setup - Configure the PC NIC obtain an IP address from DHCP server. For this configuration follow the following steps:  •  Press right click on the Network Neighborhood Icon. •  Select the Protocol reed and press properties. •  Choose Obtain an IP address from DHCP server.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 22 of 4133..  GGiiggAAcccceessss™™  OOFFDDMM  55..88  TTeecchhnniiccaall  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss   33..11    GGeenneerraall  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn    Access technology      TDMA (Time division multiple access) Duplex schemes      TDD (Time division duplex) Wireless MAC Interface    Proprietary based on IEEE 802.16 Applications    Access, Campus, Consecutive  33..22  BBaassee  SSttaattiioonn  --  AAcccceessss  UUnniitt  ((oouuttddoooorr))  SUs per sector (AU)      Up to 250 Physical Interface             2 x 10/100 Base-T (ODU) Connector Type   RJ-45  Protocol Supported  IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RTP, ARP, FTP, TFTP, DNS, HTTP, SNMP, MIB II, NAT, DHCP, PPPoE, RADIUS AAA, VLAN 802.1q. Packet classification  Wire-speed based to information in layers 2, 3 and 4-7: MAC, IP, Protocol, Ports, TOS and VLAN, payload Output Power (at antenna port)  up to +25 dBm  Antenna   Refer to Tables 4-1 and 4-2 Software Update      Remote Download via TFTP Operating Temperature  -20°C - +55°C Operating Humidity  5% - 95% non condensing (Rainproof) Power (via indoor Outlet)  48 VDC, <10 Watt   Mechanical  7” x 7” x 2” (detached antenna) Indoor outlet: •  Interface: to AU    RJ-45 + Led indication •  Interface to WAN    RJ-45 •  Mechanical      4” x 2” x 1” •  AC Input Voltage     100 – 240 VAC, 47 – 63 Hz      Outdoor to Indoor Outlet    CAT5 shielded cable (Up to 90 meters)
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 23 of 4133..33  OOuuttddoooorr  SSuubbssccrriibbeerr  UUnniitt  ((HHSSUU//OOSSUU))  Physical Interface             2 x 10/100 Base-T (ODU) Connector Type   RJ-45  Protocol Supported  IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RTP, ARP, FTP, TFTP, DNS, HTTP, SNMP, MIB II, NAT, DHCP, PPPoE, RADIUS AAA, VLAN 802.1q. Packet classification  Wire-speed based to information in layers 2, 3 and 4-7: MAC, IP, Protocol, Ports, TOS and VLAN, payload Output Power: (at antenna port)  up to +25 dBm  Antenna    Refer to Tables 4-1 and 4-2 Software Update      Over the Air Download via TFTP Operating Temperature  -20°C - +55°C Operating Humidity  5% - 95% non condensing (Rainproof) Power (via indoor Outlet)  48 VDC, <10 Watt   Mechanical  12” X 12” X 2”  (with 22 dBi integrated antenna). Indoor outlet: •  Interface: to AU    RJ-45 + Led indication •  Interface to WAN    RJ-45 •  Mechanical      4” x 2” x 1” •  AC Input Voltage     100 – 240 VAC, 47 – 63 Hz      Outdoor to Indoor Outlet  CAT5 shielded cable (Up to 90 meters).   33..44  RRaaddiioo  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss  Operating Frequency     5.725 – 5.850 GHz ISM band  RF Waveform       Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing      (OFDM). Modulation    BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM EIRP             FCC: +36 dBm (p2mp) Number of Channels      21  Antenna Polarization               Vertical or Horizontal Data Rates        up to 36 Mbps
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 24 of 4133..55  MMaannaaggeemmeenntt  NNMMSS  Management Architecture     Distributed management located at multiple base controllers    with automatic load balancing and fault tolerance.                                          - Self Discovery                                          - Alarms and status Indications - Remote SW downloads to outdoors units. Physical Interface                  10/100 Base-T Connector Type              RJ-45  Compliant with              Ethernet/IEEE 802.3  Protocol Supported               GigAccess™ Internal Protocol (GIP), SNMP QoS Services (SLAs)            Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Best Effort (BE), Committed Information Rate (CIR), Activity Detect (CBR AD), Voice, Multicast. QoS Support Criteria  Latency, jitter and bandwidth for each direction (uplink and downlink) independently
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 25 of 4144..  AAppppeennddiixx  AA  ––  WWaavveeIIPP  AApppprroovveedd  AAnntteennnnaass    Antenna Type  Model  Gain [dBi]  Beam Width  Dimension[mm]  Ideal for Flat panel  MT-485028/C  22  10º x 10º  305x305x15  Medium Range, p2p Links.   MA-WA58-1X-WI  22  10º x 10º  305x305x15  Medium Range, p2p Links.  Table  4-1: Integrated (or external) Antennas for GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8   Table  4-2: External Antennas for GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8                        Antenna Type  Model  Gain [dBi] Beam Width  Dimension [mm]  Ideal for Directional Sector  MT-484033/NH MT-484033/NV  16.5  60º x 11º  350x150x30  Long Range, Multipoint links.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 26 of 4155..  AAppppeennddiixx  BB  ––  RRFF  LLiinnkk  BBuuddggeett  CCaallccuullaattiioonn   Proper RF link planning ensures that the AU/SU receives sufficient signal power to maintain the desired Bit Error Rate (BER). The following section gives a brief description of the basic RF terms and describes the calculation of the maximum safe distance versus the antenna gain. A typical radio system is given hereunder:  AU(Transmitter) SU(Receiver)Gt GrPt PrCt Cr Figure  5-1: Radio Link – General description   The following variables are used to calculate the link budget:  Pt  - Transmitted Power in dBm. Ct – Transmitter Cable Attenuation in dB. Gt - Transmitting antenna Gain in dBi. EIRP – Effective Isotropic Radiated Power in dBm. This is the power radiating from the antenna, taking into account the output power from the transmitter, connector losses, cable losses and antenna gain. PL - Path Loss in dB. This is the signal loss as it travels through the air. Gr - Receiving antenna Gain in dBi. Cr – Receiver cable attenuation in dB. Pr – Receiving Power Level at Receiver in dBm. Sr – Receiver Sensitivity in dBm (The minimum RF signal power level required at the input of the receiver for certain performance: E^-5 BER). F.M. – Fade margin in dB. The fade margin is the amount by which the system gain plus total gain exceeds the path loss or in other words this is the number of dB that the received signal strength exceeds the minimum receiver sensitivity. Any wireless system requires some level of fade margin to compensate for RF path fading due to weather conditions or multi-path interference. (The transmitted signal arrives at the receiver from different directions, with different path length, attenuation and delays. The summed signal at the receiver may result an attenuated signal). GigAccess™ recommended fade margin at 5.8 GHz is minimum of 6-10 dB.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 27 of 41Example of Link Parameters: Pt = 15 dBm Ct = Cr = 1 dB  Gt = Gr = 22 dBi Sr (18 Mbps)   = -78 dBm F.M. = 6 dB  (1)  ttt GCPEIRP +−=   (2)  rrrr CGMFPLEIRPSP −+−−== ..    (3)  ..MFSCGEIRPPL rrr −−−+=   (4)  )log(20)log(204.32 KmMHz RFPL×+×+=   (5)  )log(206.1075800 KmMHz RPL ×+=    (6) 206.10710−=PLKmR    22 dBi Antenna   Rate=18 Mbps Pt 15 Ct 1 Gt 22 EIRP 36 Gr 22 Cr 1 Sr -78 F.M.  6 PL 129 RKm 11
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 28 of 4166..  AAppppeennddiixx  CC  ––  RRFF  PPoowweerr  aanndd  DDiissttaannccee  vveerrssuuss  AAnntteennnnaa  GGaaiinn    FCC (point-to-multi-point operation) Antenna Type  Antenna Gain [dBi] Max RF Power [dBm] EIRP [dBm]  Distance at  18 Mbps   [Km] Sector Type Integrated or Detached  22  14  36  12.5 (6 dB F.M.)  p2mp  Table  6-1: Distance for FCC in point-to-multi-point  *** All calculations are for 22-dBi antenna at the SU, since the SU configuration is always point-to-point.   Note: For point-to-multi-point the output EIRP should never exceed +36dBm for any antenna combination used.   FCC (point-to-point operation) Antenna Type  Antenna Gain [dBi] Max RF Power [dBm] EIRP [dBm]  Distance at  18 Mbps   [Km] Sector Type Integrated or Detached  22  26  48  40 (8 dB F.M.)  p2p Table  6-2: Distance for FCC in point-to-point   Note!  When the system is used exclusively for fixed point-to-point operation, the output EIRP can exceed +36dBm, according to FCC 15.247(c)(ii). 
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 29 of 4177..  AAppppeennddiixx  DD  ––  RRFF  HHaazzaarrdd  DDiissttaannccee  CCaallccuullaattiioonn   The Power density is given by: (1)  24RGPS×××=π  Therefore:  (2)  SGPR×××=π4  Where: S = Power Density = 1 [mW/cm2] - power density limit for general population / uncontrolled exposure at 5.8 GHz. P = Power input to the antenna [mW].   G = Antenna Gain in the direction of interest [In numeric format].   R = Distance to the center of radiation antenna [cm].  (3) mWdBm PP log10×=    Therefore: (4) 1010 dBmPmWP=  The hazard distances versus antenna gain are listed in the following table:  Point-to-Multipoint operation  Antenna Gain  TX power  EIRP  Safe Distance  Sector Type [dBi]  [Numeric]  [dBm]  [mW]  [dBm]  [mW]  [cm]   16.5 44.66  19 79.43 35.5 3548  16.8  p2mp 22 158.49  14 25.11 36  3981  17.8  p2mp  Table  7-1: Hazard Distance for Point to Multi Point   When using the system for point-to-multi-point applications, all outdoor units must be installed with a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons during normal operation.   For a base station or any installation consisting of more than one outdoor unit (AU or SU) the safety distance for all persons should be at least 2 meters. 
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 30 of 41Point-to-Point operation  Antenna Gain  TX power  EIRP  Safe Distance  Sector Type [dBi]  [Numeric]  [dBm]  [mW]  [dBm]  [mW]  [cm]   22 199.53  26 398.1 48 63095  70.8  p2p  Table  7-2: Hazard Distance for Point to Point    When using the system for point-to-point applications, all outdoor units must be installed with a separation distance of at least 2 meters from all persons during normal operation. 
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 31 of 4188..  AAppppeennddiixx  EE  ––  RRFF  CChhaannnneell  LLiisstt     Operating Band: 5725 MHz - 5850 MHz.  Channel No.  Frequency [MHz] 1 5737 2 5742 3 5747 4 5752 5 5757 6 5762 7 5767 8 5772 9 5777 10 5782 11 5787 12 5792 13 5797 14 5802 15 5807 16 5812 17 5817 18 5822 19 5827 20 5832 21 5837   Table  8-1: RF channel List
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 32 of 4199..  AAppppeennddiixx  FF  ––  OOuuttddoooorr  CCaabblleess  SScchheemmee   5OR/W76 7GR5BR5BR/W7GRRJ-RJ-DATA+POWER+LEDS-CROSSBL/W381BR/WRJ-RJ-DATA+POWER+LEDS-STRAIGHT8GR/W3BL4OR/W87GR/WOR/WBLOR1INDOOR TO OUTDOORBL/W1GR/W42BR3BL/W4BR3 2GR OR/W2BR/W BR6BLGR6ORBR/W6 4OR5BLGR/WSU TO CONSECUTIVE AU1ORBL/W28  Figure  9-1: Outdoor Cables Scheme   Note:   In order to comply with CAT5 91 meters cable  Pins 1,2 must be on a twisted pair wire!  Pins 3,6 must be on a twisted pair wire!
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 33 of 411100..  AAppppeennddiixx  GG    --  UUssiinngg  tthhee  UUnniitt  MMaannaaggeerr  TTooooll  1100..11  GGeenneerraall  The Unit Manager is a technician tool that is used for installation and configuration of the Units (AU or SU). The tool is divided logically into two levels, standard and advanced. At startup, the tool automatically direct the technician into a simple installation page that includes all the information needed to install the unit. When the need arises, the technician can select another pages and operations in order to perform more complex infrequent operations (like burning a new firmware etc.). The tool has the ability to discover GigAccess Units connected to the network and allows configuration of one unit at a time.  1100..22  AAccttiivvaattiinngg  tthhee  ttooooll  Activate the tool by clicking the SW icon. (Normally called: GigAccessUnitManager.exe). When you first activate the tool the following windows appears:   Figure  10-1: Unit Manager Tool – First Window
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 34 of 411100..33  MMeennuu  CCoommmmaannddss  1100..33..11  SSeelleeccttiinngg  aaddaapptteerr  If the PC consists more than one Ethernet adapter (NIC), select the default adapter used by the GigAccess™ Unit Manager tool. The selection is done by pressing Tools!!!!Select Adapter. A list of the available adapters is shown. Select the appropriate adapter and press ok. The adapter selected is saved in the application configuration file.        Figure  10-2: Adapter Selection Window  1100..44  TToooollbbaarr  CCoommmmaannddss  1100..44..11  SSttaarrtt  SSeessssiioonn  ((SS))  Basically the user has two options to login into a unit (AU/SU): •  If the IP address of the unit is unknown, press the icon “S” to start a new session. This command discovers (with a broadcast command) the units on the network. The application waits (discover time) for replies and display a list of the units replied (see Figure  10-3).    Figure  10-3: Discover Window
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 35 of 41The discover time interval can be configured in the application configuration file. Select one the units from the list, select a Login User privilege (USER or ADMIN) and type the corresponding password. (The default passwords are user / admin). Finally, press the Login Button. The application starts a session with the selected unit. The unit configuration is retrieved and displayed. As long as the session is active, the unit type, MAC and IP address are displayed on the title of the application window. The Login settings can be saved in the application configuration file by checking the Remember Setting Checkbox.  •  Another way to login into the unit consider that the user already know the IP address of the unit. In this case, just insert the unit IP address in the appropriate edit box of the First Window select a User privilege and password and then press Login.   Figure  10-4: Direct login  1100..44..22  EEnndd  SSeessssiioonn  ((EE))  This command ends the session with the unit and the title of the application window is changed.  1100..44..33  RReeffrreesshh  UUnniitt  PPaarraammeetteerrss  ((!!))  This command refreshes the displayed unit configuration by getting it again from the unit.  1100..44..44  AAuuttoo  RReeccoonnnneecctt  (({{}}))  When the Auto-Reconnect button is pressed and a session with a unit ends the application tries to reconnect to the unit until a session is started. If the Logger was active before the session ended, the Logger is started again. 1100..44..55  SSttaarrtt  LLooggggeerr  ((EELL))  Enables the output of log messages from the unit and printing to the log window and log file (Admin only). 1100..44..66  SSttoopp  LLooggggeerr  ((DDLL))  Disables the output of log messages (Admin only). 1100..44..77  CClleeaarr  LLoogg  ((XX))  Clears the log window. 1100..44..88  LLoogg  ttoo  FFiillee  When pressing the Log to File button, the “GigAccessUnitManager.log“ is cleared and all log printed to the log window are also printed to the log file. The log file is placed in the application directory and can be opened only when the Log to File button is released.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 36 of 411100..44..99  VViieeww  LLoogg  Opens the “GigAccessUnitManager.log“ in Notepad. Can be done only if the Log to File button is released. 1100..44..1100  RReesseett  TTeexxtt  ((RRTT))  Gets the Last reset reason and prints to the log window and log file. 1100..44..1111  RReesseett  UUnniitt  ((RRUU))  Send SW reset command to the unit.  1100..55  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  WWiinnddooww  The Installation Window provides a simple to use installation and configuration of the general parameters of the unit. The window contains both AU and SU fields. Only the relevant fields are enabled.   Figure  10-5: Installation Window  The Installation window contains the following fields:  " MAC Address – the Unit’s unique MAC Address.  " IP Address – the Agent’s IP Address. This field can be configured. " Subnet Mask – the Agent’s Subnet Mask. This field can be configured. " Default Gateway – the default gateway the Agent needs to use for transfer packets out of its subnet. This field can be configured. " Primary AUID – the Primary AU MAC Address the SU needs to connect to. This field can be configured for SU only. " Secondary AUID – the Secondary AU MAC Address the SU needs to connect to. This field can be configured for SU only. " Estimated Range status window – the estimated range in meters between the AU and the SU. This field is updated when the SU is online (Operation Mode) and relevant for SU only.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 37 of 41" Operation Mode status window – this field shows the status of the Unit. The status is different between AU and SU: o  AU Operation Modes: $  BC Negotiation – the AU tries to negotiate with the Base Controller in order to get configuration file. $  Online – the AU has the configuration file (Local Configuration File or the one it received from the Base controller) and RF channel is online. o  SU Operation Modes: $  Scanning – the SU scans the RF channels marked in the RF channel list and search for the Primary/Secondary AUID. $  Online – the SU is connected to the AU if the SU exists in the AU configuration file. " Channel – the actual RF channels of the AU or SU. " RF Channel Scan– the RF Channels the SU should scan. This field can be configured and is relevant for SU only. " RSSI – this field is used to adjust the position of the SU during installation. The SU should be position in the direction where the RSSI value is the highest (Green color). This field is relevant for SU only. " PER – Packet Error Rate, this field shows the quality of the RF channel for periodic interference. This field is relevant for SU only.  When the configuration is updated, it can be burned to the unit by pressing Submit. The Unit performs reset and reconnect to it should be done in order to verify the changes.  1100..55..11  AAddvvaanncceedd  WWiinnddooww  The Advanced Window provides the ability to change more parameters of the unit.   Figure  10-6: Advanced Window
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 38 of 41The Advanced window contains the following fields:  General Configuration: " Admin Login Password – Set the “Administrator” password for Admin login. " User Login Password – Set the “User” password for User login. " AU-SU Max Distance – Set the distance of the farthest SU.  Ethernet Configuration: " Ethernet Switch Port 1 Configuration – set the speed and duplex of port 1. Available values are: 10M Full Duplex, 100M Full Duplex and Auto-Negotiation. " Ethernet Switch Port 2 Configuration – set the speed and duplex of port 2. Available values are: 10M Full Duplex, 100M Full Duplex and Auto-Negotiation. " Enable Ethernet Switch Security – when this flag is set, traffic between Port 1 to Port 2 is blocked (VLAN).  NOTE: GigAccess unit Ethernet port and the other end Ethernet port (Router, PC etc.) need to be set to same speed (both sides AUTO, 100 Full or 10 Full). Fail to do so may cause Ethernet packet lost.  Power Control – ATPC (AU only): " Activate ATPC – Check this box to activate ATPC. " Expected Rx power – Set the desired Rx power (expected RSSI at the AU).  Tx Power Configuration: " Antenna Gain – select the antenna gain. " Cable Loss - Insert cable attenuation for the specific frequency used. " TX Power – Select the output power at the antenna connector (Admin user only). Changes of the Tx Power must be done by an Expert Technician. This TX Power value is limited by the Tool set according to the type of the antenna used in order to ensure that the power at the output of the antenna stands in the selected regulation restrictions.  Regulation: " Select the appropriate regulation (FCC, ETSI, no regulation).  Link Type: " Set the link type (p2p, p2mp). This field is not relevant for 900 MHz.  GPS Synchronization: " AU Synchronization / External Sync – Available values are: Enable or Disable. If an external clock (from GPS or AU) is used to synchronize the AU select Enable, otherwise select Disable. " AU Synchronization / Master/Slave – This field is relevant only if External Sync is Enabled. Select Master when the AU acts as the master unit, which produces the synchronization clock to all other AUs (Slaves). At any time only one master exists. The slave unit are synchronize to the Master clock. " Signal Count – Shows running number for synchronization input pulses. Running counter indicates synchronization is active.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 39 of 41Sensibility: " Set the default value (threshold to cut RF noise level).  RF compression: " For WaveIP technicians only. Do not mark the checkboxes.   RF attenuator: " Add attenuation in the Rx path (reception). Good for increasing IIP3. Default value is recommended.  When the configuration is updated, it can be burned to the unit by pressing Submit. The Unit performs reset and reconnect to it should be done in order to verify the changes.   1100..66  SSooffttwwaarree  wwiinnddooww  The Software Window provides information of the burned software in the unit.     Figure  10-7: Software Window  The information contains the following fields:  " Bank – the bank number. " Size – the size in bytes of the image burned in the bank. " Version – the image version. " Date – the image date. " Time – the image time " Checksum – the image checksum.  Note: The active boot banks are marked in yellow.  Note: value of ‘N/A’ in the bank’s field means that there is no software burned in this bank.
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 40 of 411100..66..11  FFiirrmmwwaarree  WWiinnddooww  The Firmware Window provides the ability to burn a new firmware to one of the banks (Admin user only). The new software can only be burned to the alternate boot Bank. The browser button is used to choose software for burning. When submitting the burn operation, a progress window that shows the burning process appears. When the burn process is done, the user is asked if switching banks is needed and whether to reset the unit after the switch. After the reset, reconnect to the unit and check that the software was burned (View the Software Window).    Figure  10-8: Firmware Window
    WaveIP Ltd.                            GigAccess™ OFDM 5.8Page 41 of 411100..77  SSnniiffffeerr  The sniffer is used to make a site survey before deploying units in a site. To start the sniffer, press the “Start” button. The “Clear” button is used to clear the display and energy readings. In order to end the sniffing press the ”Stop (Reset)” button, and answer yes when prompted to reset the unit. If you want to sniff a specific channel, you can choose it from the list on the right.    Figure  10- 9: Sniffer Window

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