Winmate WMOAP8251AG Winmate Outdoor AP User Manual Revised

Winmate Inc. Winmate Outdoor AP Revised


User Manual Revised

     Outdoor Enterprise Access Point    WM-OAP8251AG    User Manual Version 1.0 Document Part Number: 91711110100E
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG ii  Preface Copyright Notice No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of the original manufacturer. Trademark Acknowledgement Brand  and  product  names  are  trademarks  or  registered  trademarks  of  their  respective owners. Disclaimer We reserve the right to make changes, without notice, to any product, including circuits and/or software described or contained in this manual in order to improve design and/or performance.  We  assume  no  responsibility  or  liability  for  the  use  of  the  described product(s) conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or masks work rights to these products, and make no representations or warranties that these products are free from  patent,  copyright,  or  mask  work  right  infringement,  unless  otherwise  specified. Applications that are described in this manual are for illustration purposes only. We make no representation or guarantee that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Warranty Our  warranty  guarantees  that  each  of  its  products  will  be  free  from  material  and workmanship  defects  for  a  period  of  one  year  from  the  invoice  date.  If  the  customer discovers a defect, we will, at his/her option, repair or replace the defective product at no charge to the customer, provide it is returned during the warranty period of one year, with transportation  charges  prepaid.  The  returned  product  must  be  properly  packaged  in  its original  packaging  to  obtain  warranty  service.  If  the  serial  number  and  the  product shipping data differ by over 30 days, the in-warranty service will be made according to the shipping  date.  In  the  serial  numbers  the  third  and  fourth  two  digits  give  the  year  of manufacture,  and  the  fifth  digit  means  the  month  (e.  g.,  with  A  for  October,  B  for November and C for December). For example, the serial number 1W15Axxxxxxxx means October of year 2015.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG iii  Customer Service We provide a service guide for any problem by the following steps: First, visit the website of our distributor to find the update information about the product. Second, contact with your distributor, sales representative, or our customer service center for technical support if you need additional assistance. You may need the following information ready before you call:  Product serial number  Software (OS, version, application software, etc.)  Detailed description of the problem  The exact wording of error messages In addition, free technical support is available from our engineers every business day. We are always ready to give advice on application requirements or specific information on the installation and operation of any of our products.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG iv  Advisory Conventions Four types of advisories are used throughout the user manual to provide helpful information or to alert you to the potential for hardware damage or personal injury. These are Notes, Important, Cautions, and Warnings. The following is an example of each type of advisory.  NOTE: A note is used to emphasize helpful information    IMPORTANT: An important note indicates information that is important for you to know.     CAUTION/ ATTENTION A Caution alert indicates potential damage to hardware and explains how to avoid the potential problem. Une alerte d’attention indique un dommage possible à l’équipement et explique comment éviter le problème potentiel.   WARNING!/ AVERTISSEMENT! An Electrical Shock Warning indicates the potential harm from electrical hazards and how to avoid the potential problem. Un Avertissement de Choc Électrique indique le potentiel de chocs sur des emplacements électriques et comment éviter ces problèmes.       ALTERNATING CURRENT /  MISE À LE TERRE! The Protective Conductor Terminal (Earth Ground) symbol indicates the potential risk of serious electrical shock due to improper grounding. Le symbole de Mise à Terre indique le risqué potential de choc électrique grave à la terre incorrecte.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG v  Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interface Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to  which  the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   FCC CAUTION/ FCC ATTENTION Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. Tout changement ou modification non expressément approuvé par la partie responsable de la conformité peut annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur d'utiliser cet équipement. This  device complies  with  Part 15  of the  FCC Rules. Operation  is subject to  the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. IMPORTANT NOTE: Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 41 cm between the radiator & your body.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG vi  CE Interference Statement Europe – EU Declaration of Conformity This  device  complies  with  the  essential  requirements  of  the  R&TTE  Directive  1999/5/EC.  The following test methods have been applied in order to prove presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC:  • EN60950-1  Safety of Information Technology Equipment  • EN50385 Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to  human  exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz  - 300 GHz)  • EN 300 328  Electromagnetic  compatibility  and  Radio  spectrum  Matters  (ERM);  Wideband Transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and  using  spread  spectrum  modulation  techniques;  Harmonized  EN  covering  essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive  • EN 301 893  Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high performance RLAN; Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive  • EN 301 489-1  Electromagnetic  compatibility  and  Radio  Spectrum  Matters  (ERM);  ElectroMagnetic Compatibility  (EMC)  standard  for  radio  equipment  and  services;  Part  1:  Common technical requirements  • EN 301 489-17  Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for 2,4 GHz wideband transmission systems and 5 GHz high performance RLAN equipment This  device  is  a  5GHz  wideband  transmission  system  (transceiver),  intended  for  use  in  all  EU member states and EFTA countries, except in France and Italy where restrictive use applies. In Italy the end-user should apply for a license at the national spectrum authorities in order to obtain  authorization to use  the  device for  setting  up outdoor  radio  links and/or  for supplying public access to telecommunications and/or network services. This device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France and in some areas the RF output power may be limited to 10 mW EIRP in the frequency range of 2454 – 2483.5 MHz. For detailed information the end-user should contact the national spectrum authority in France.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG vii  Safety Information For your  safety carefully read all the  safety instructions before using the device.  All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted. Keep this user manual for future reference.   CAUTION/ATTENTION Do not cover the openings! Ne pas couvrir les ouvertures!  *Let service personnel to check the equipment in case any of the following problems appear: o The power cord or plug is damaged. o Liquid has penetrated into the equipment. o The equipment has been exposed to moisture. o The equipment does not work well or you cannot get it to work according to the user manual. o The equipment has been dropped and damaged. o The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.  Do not leave this equipment in an uncontrolled environment where the storage temperature is below -20°C (-4°F) or above 60°C (140°F). It may damage the equipment.     CAUTION/ATTENTION Use the recommended mounting apparatus to avoid risk of injury. Utiliser  l’appareil  de  fixation  recommandé  pour  éliminer  le  risque  de blessure.   WARNING! / AVERTISSEMENT! Only use the connection cords that come with the product. When in doubt, please contact the manufacturer. Utiliser seulement les cordons d’alimentation fournis avec le produit. Si vous doutez de leur provenance, contactez le manufacturier.   WARNING!/ AVERTISSEMENT! Always ground yourself against electrostatic damage to the device. Toujours vérifier votre mise à la terre afin que l’équipement ne se décharge pas sur vous.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG viii  Professional Installation Instruction Installation Personal  This product is designed for specific application and needs to be installed by a qualified personal who has RF and related rule knowledge. The general user shall not attempt to install or change these settings. Installation Location  The product shall be installed at a location where the radiating antenna can be kept 41cm from nearby person in normal operation condition to meet regulatory RF exposure requirement. External Antenna  Use only the antennas which have been approved by the applicant. Any non-approved antenna(s) may  produce  unwanted  spurious  or  excessive  RF  transmitting  power  which  may  lead  to  the violation of FCC/IC limit and is prohibited. Installation Procedure Please refer to user’s manual for details on proper installation methods.   WARNING! / AVERTISSEMENT! Please carefully select the installation position and make sure that the final output power does not exceed the limit set force in the relevant rules. A violation of these rules could lead to serious federal penalties. Veuillez sélectionner soigneusement la position d'installation et veiller à ce que la puissance de sortie finale ne dépasse pas la force de consigne fixée dans les règles correspondantes. Une violation de ces règles pourrait entraîner de graves sanctions fédérales.
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG ix  About This User Manual This User Manual provides information about using the Winmate® Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG.  The documentation set for the WM-OAP8251AG provides information for specific user needs, and includes:  The WM-OAP8251AG User Manual – contains detailed description how to use the display, its components and features.  The WM-OAP8251AG Quick Start Guide – describes how to get your WM-OAP8251AG up and running.   NOTE: Some pictures in this guide are samples and can differ from actual product. Revision History Version Date Note 1.0 15-Nov-2016 Preliminary release
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG x  Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................... ii About This User Manual ..................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 14 1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 14 1.2 Product Features ...................................................................................................... 14 1.3 Hardware Specifications .......................................................................................... 15 1.4 Function Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 16 1.5 Package Contents ..................................................................................................... 17 1.6 Minimum Requirements .......................................................................................... 17 1.7 Appearance and Dimensions ................................................................................... 18 Chapter 2: Hardware Installation ....................................................................................... 21 2.1 Connecting the Access Point .................................................................................... 21 2.1.1 Managed Access Point with Wireless Management Switch ......................... 21 2.1.2 Stand-alone Access point Installation ........................................................... 22 Chapter 3: Mounting ......................................................................................................... 24 3.1 Wall Mounting the AP .............................................................................................. 24 3.2 Pole Mount the AP ................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 4: Configuring Your Access Point .......................................................................... 29 4.1 Default Settings ........................................................................................................ 29 4.2 Web Configuration ................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 5: Building a Wireless Network ............................................................................. 32 5.1 Access Point Mode ................................................................................................... 32 5.2 WDS AP Mode .......................................................................................................... 34 5.3 WDS Bridge Mode .................................................................................................... 35 5.4 WDS Station Mode ................................................................................................... 36 5.5 AP Mesh Mode ......................................................................................................... 37 5.6 Mesh Only Mode ...................................................................................................... 38 Chapter 6: Software Settings ............................................................................................. 40 6.1 Main Status .............................................................................................................. 40 6.1.1 Save Changes ................................................................................................. 40
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG xi  6.1.2 Device Status ................................................................................................. 40 6.2 Connection ............................................................................................................... 42 6.2.1 Connection List 2.4 GHz/5 GHz ..................................................................... 42 6.2.2  WDS Link List2.4 GHz/5 GHz ......................................................................... 42 6.2.3 The Mesh Link List ......................................................................................... 43 6.3 Network ................................................................................................................... 43 6.3.1 Basic IP Settings ............................................................................................. 43 6.4 Wireless Settings ...................................................................................................... 45 6.4.1 Wireless Settings ........................................................................................... 45 6.4.2 Wireless Network 2.4 GHz/5 GHz .................................................................. 45 6.4.3 SSID Profiles 2.4 GHz/5 GHz .......................................................................... 47 6.4.4 Wireless Security ........................................................................................... 48 6.4.5 Wireless MAC Filtering .................................................................................. 48 6.5 Wireless Advanced ................................................................................................... 49 6.5.1 Wireless Traffic Shaping ................................................................................ 49 6.5.2 WPA-PSK (WPA Pre-Shared Key) Encryption ................................................ 49 6.5.3 WPA Mixed-Enterprise: Access Point / WDS AP Mode ................................. 50 6.5.4 Fast Roaming ................................................................................................. 50 6.5.5 WDS Link Settings .......................................................................................... 51 Chapter 7: Management ................................................................................................... 55 7.1 Management VLAN Settings .................................................................................... 55 7.2 Advanced Settings .................................................................................................... 55 7.2.1 SNMP Settings ............................................................................................... 55 7.2.2 CLI Settings .................................................................................................... 57 7.2.3 Email Alerts .................................................................................................... 57 7.3 Time Zone................................................................................................................. 58 7.3.1 Time Setting ................................................................................................... 58 7.4 Auto Reboot Settings ............................................................................................... 58 7.5 Wi-Fi Scheduler ........................................................................................................ 59 7.6 Tools ......................................................................................................................... 60 7.6.1 Ping Test Parameters ..................................................................................... 60
Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG xii  7.6.2 Speed Test Parameters/LED Control ............................................................. 61 7.6.3 LED Control .................................................................................................... 61 7.6.4 Device Discovery ........................................................................................... 61 7.7 Account .................................................................................................................... 62 7.7.1 Account Settings ............................................................................................ 62 7.8 Firmware .................................................................................................................. 63 7.8.1 Firmware Upgrade ......................................................................................... 63 7.9 Backup/Restore ........................................................................................................ 63 7.10 Log .......................................................................................................................... 64 7.10.1 System Log ................................................................................................... 64 7.10.2 Remote Log .................................................................................................. 64 7.10.3 Logout .......................................................................................................... 64 7.10.4 Reset ............................................................................................................ 65
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 13   Introduction This chapter provides the WM-OAP8251AG Outdoor Enterprise Access Point product overview, describes its features and hardware specifications.
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 14  Chapter 1: Introduction This  chapter  provides  the  Outdoor  Enterprise  Access  Point  WM-OAP8251AG  product overview, describes its features and hardware specifications. 1.1 Overview Thank  you  for  choosing  the  Winmate®  Outdoor  Enterprise  Access  Point.                         The WM-OAP8251AG is an enterprise class, outdoor dual radio 2.4G (11n) and 5G (11ac Wave2)  concurrent  4x4  MU-MIMO  access  point  with  built-in  internal  antenna.  The device  has  two  Ethernet  ports  and  one  of  it  is  a  PSE  port  that  supplies  power  to  the remote unit. With certified IP67 protection, Winmate® Outdoor Enterprise Access Point is designed to deliver high reliability under harsh outdoor environment.  1.2 Product Features Winmate® Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG offers the following features:  Main Chip: o Processor: Qualcomm QCA8068B, dual core, 1.4GHz o Radios 4x4 dual band dual concurrent  Radio 1: QCA9990B 4x4 to support 2.4GHz  Radio 2: QCA9990B 4x4 to support 5GHz o Ethernet PHY: AR8035B*1 + AR8033B*1 (Industrial graded components)  Available interface: o 2 x Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45) o 1 x Console (RJ45) o LEDs o Gore vent for pressure equalization o N-type connectors for external antenna model  IP67 compliance enclosure design  Ethernet surge protection support (4KV)  OAP8251AG can be powered with 802.3at+ (60W) Power Source on the 1st LAN port (PD) and provide power to other device through the 2nd LAN port (PSE).  Max power consumption is < 55W when operating as OAP8251AG and providing 802.3af power on 2nd LAN  Pole mount and wall mount locking mechanism
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 15  1.3 Hardware Specifications  Model Name WM-OAP8251AG Hardware Specifications Standard Dual band dual radio (Concurrent) Main Chip MCU: Qualcomm QCA8068B RF: Qualcomm QCA9990B*2 GE Ethernet PHY: AR8035B + AR8033B Memory Flash:   NAND flash 512MB (Optional)  SPI NOR flash 32MB DDR3: 512MB*2 (Note: 1G max.) Physical Interface 2 x RJ-45 for 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet 8 N-Type connector 1 x RJ-45 console port 5 x LEDs Surge Protection EN 61000-4-5 (4KV surges in the ant) (optional) EN 55024 (4KV surges line to ground) Power Requirements PD: IEEE compliance PSE: IEEE 802.3af Mechanical Environment Temperature Range Operating -30°C~60°C Storage -40°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F) Humidity  (non-condensing) 5%~90% typical Enclosure Design IP67 Wind Survivability Up to 145mph (232kph) Dimensions  (L x W x H) 210mm x 210mm x 51mm Weight 2.0 kg Accessory List PoE Adapter EAP5006GAT Bracket (Optional) Wall Mount, Pole Mount Cable (Optional) Grounding cable (Green) AWG10 180cm Compliance Standard Safety EN60950-1, EN60950-22 (Capable but not certified) UL/cUL 60950-1. 60950-22 (Capable but not certified) Radio Approvals FCC Part 15.247, 15.407 CE EN300.328, EN301.893 Maximum Output Power Maximum  Output Power 2.4GHz: 27.88dBm 5GHz Band 1: 24.84dBm 5GHz Band 4: 27.36dBm
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 16  1.4 Function Block Diagram The picture below shows the WM-OAP8251AG function block diagram:
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 17  1.5 Package Contents Carefully remove the box and unpack Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG. Please check if all the items listed below are inside your package. If any of these items are missing or damaged contact us immediately. Standard factory shipment list includes the following items:     Access Point WM-OAP8251AG Quick Start Guide (Hardcopy) User Manual EzMaster Software & User Manual PoE Injector     Wall Mounting Kit Pole Mounting Kit Mounting Screws and Bolts Ground Cable (Green) AWG10 180cm     Power Adapter Power Cable  2.4GHz Detachable Antennas x 4 5GHz Detachable Antennas x 4 1.6 Minimum Requirements  Broadband Internet Service  (Cable or DSL Modem)  Internet Browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge)
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 18  1.7 Appearance and Dimensions This section includes mechanical drawing and dimensions of the WM-OAP8251AG. Unit dimensions (L x W x H): 210mm x 210mm x 51mm Weight: 1.5 kg Front View  No. Description 1 2.4 GHz Antennas: Detachable 5 dBi 2.4 GHz omni-directional 2 5 GHz Antennas : Detachable 7 dBi 5 GHz omni-directional 3 LAN Port 1 (802.3at PoE Input): Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable. 4 LAN Port 2 (802.3af PSE Output): Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable. 5 Console/ Reset: Console panel/ reset button. 6 LED Indicators: LED lights for Power, LAN Port 1, LAN Port 2, 2.4 GHz Connection and 5 GHz Connection.
User Manual  Chapter 1  Introduction Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 19  Rear View   No. Description 6 Ground 7 Mounting Holes: Using the provided hardware, the WM-OAP8251AG can be attached to a wall or pole. 8 Optional M12 Connector
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 20   Hardware Installation This chapter provides information on how to use external I/O and the installation of the WM-OAP8251AG hardware.
User Manual   Chapter 2  Hardware Installation Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 21  Chapter 2: Hardware Installation This  chapter  provides  information  on  how  to  install  the  WM-OAP8251AG  Outdoor Access Point hardware. 2.1 Connecting the Access Point 2.1.1 Managed Access Point with Wireless Management Switch This diagram depicts the hardware configuration. Follow the instructions below to establish the connection to the Access Point. 1. Connect one end of the Ethernet Cable into the main LAN Port (PoE) of Managed Access Point and the other end to the Ethernet Port on the Wireless Management Switch. 2. Connect another Ethernet Cable into an Ethernet Port on the front panel of the WM-OAP8251AG and the other end to the Ethernet Port on the computer. 3. Screw the provided antennas to the device as shown on the illustration below.    IMPORTANT: The Access Point supports both IEEE 802.3at PoE (Power over Ethernet) and the included power injector. You may use either one as the power source. Do NOT use both at the same time.
User Manual   Chapter 2  Hardware Installation Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 22  2.1.2 Stand-alone Access point Installation Follow the instructions below to establish the connection to the Access Point. A. Connect one end of the Ethernet Cable into the main LAN Port (PoE) of the Access Point and the other end to the AP Ethernet Port. B. Connect the Power Adapter to the DC-IN port of the PoE injector and plug the other end into an electric outlet. C. Connect the second Ethernet cable into the LAN port of the PoE injector and the other end to the Ethernet port on the computer. D. Screw on the provided antennas to the device as shown on the illustration below.     IMPORTANT: The Access Point supports both IEEE 802.3at PoE (Power over Ethernet) and the included power injector. You may use either one as the power source. Do NOT use both at the same time.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 23    Mounting This chapter describes how to mount EAC-PRO Embedded Computer.
User Manual   Chapter 3  Mounting Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 24  Chapter 3: Mounting This  chapter  describes  how  to  mount  the  Outdoor  Enterprise  Access  Point  WM-OAP8251AG. Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG supports two types of mounting:  Wall Mount  Pole Mount  NOTE: Wall and pole mounting kits are included in the package of Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG. 3.1 Wall Mounting the AP To attach the WM-OAP8251AG to a wall using wall mounting kit: A. Mark the four locations of the mounting holes on the flat mounting surface. B. Drill a 37mm deep 8mm hole in the markings and hammer the bolts into the openings.
User Manual   Chapter 3  Mounting Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 25  C. Place the lock and flat washers on the four hex cap screws and drive the screws to attach the bracket to the back of the Access Point.
User Manual   Chapter 3  Mounting Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 26  3.2 Pole Mount the AP To attach the WM-OAP8251AG to a wall using provided pole mounting kit: 1. Attach the device onto the wall by tightening the bolt’s flat washers and nuts to secure the mounting base to the mounting surface.  2. Drive the four round head screws to attach the Pole Mount Bracket to a Wall Mount bracket.
User Manual   Chapter 3  Mounting Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 27  3. Thread the open end of the Pole Strap through the two tabs on the Pole Mount Bracket.  4. Lock and tighten the Pole Strap to secure the Pole Mount Bracket to the pole.  Horizontal Placement Vertical Placement
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 28    Configuring Your Access Point This chapter describes how to configure Access Point using the web-based configuration interface.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 29  Chapter 4: Configuring Your Access Point This chapter describes how to configure Access Point using the web-based configuration interface. Before you begin, the device must be able to communicate with the ezMaster server for ezMaster to manage an AP or switch. Make sure that the ezMaster server, EWS AP and EWS switch can all be reachable via HTTP/HTTPS from outside your internal network. For  more  information  about  ezMaster  server  settings,  refer  to  the  user  manual “Distributed Network Management Solution”. 4.1 Default Settings Please use your Ethernet port or wireless network adapter to connect the Access Point. IP Address User name/ password Admin/ admin 4.2 Web Configuration  Open a web browser (Internet Explorer/Firefox/Safari/Chrome) and enter the IP Address   NOTE: If you have changed the default LAN IP Address of the Access Point, ensure you enter the correct IP Address.  The default username and password are admin. Once you have entered the correct username and password, click the Login button to open the web-based configuration page.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 30   If successful, you will be logged in and see the WM-OAP8251AG User Menu.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 31   Building a Wireless Network This chapter describes the operating modes of the WM-OAP8251AG.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 32  Chapter 5: Building a Wireless Network This chapter describes the operating modes of the WM-OAP8251AG. 5.1 Access Point Mode In Access Point Mode, WM-OAP8251AG behaves likes a central connection for stations or clients that support IEEE 802.11ac/a/b/g/n networks. The stations and clients must be configured  to  use  the  same  SSID  (Service  Set  Identifier)  and  security  password  to associate with the WM-OAP8251AG. The WM-OAP8251AG supports up to eight (8) SSIDs per band at the same time for secure access.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 33  The  WM-OAP8251AG  can  be  used  as  a  centralized  Outdoor  Access  Point  with  which other EnGenius Wireless N 2.4 or 5 GHz Outdoor Client Bridges can associate; leveraging the long-range capability of their internal high-gain directional antennas, resulting in a very  cost-effective  solution  to  expand  a  company  network  over  a  multiple  building campus.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 34  5.2 WDS AP Mode The WM-OAP8251AG also supports WDS AP mode. This operating mode allows wireless connections to the WM-OAP8251AG using WDS technology. In this mode, configure the MAC addresses in both Access Points to enlarge the wireless area by enabling WDS Link settings. WDS supports up to four (4) AP MAC adresses.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 35  5.3 WDS Bridge Mode In  WDS  Bridge  Mode,  the  WM-OAP8251AG  can  wirelessly  connect  different  LANs  by configuring the MAC address and security settings of each WM-OAP8251AG device. Use this mode  when two wired  LANs  located a  small distance apart want  to  communicate with each other. The best solution is to use the WM-OAP8251AG to wirelessly connect two wired LANs, as shown in the following diagram. WDS Bridge Mode can establish up to four (4) WDS links, creating a star-like network.   NOTE: WDS Bridge Mode does not act as an Access Point. Access Points linked by WDS are using the same frequency channel. More Access Points connected together may lower throughput. This configuration can be susceptible to generate endless network loops in your network, so it is recommended to enable the Spanning Tree feature to prevent this from happening.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 36  5.4 WDS Station Mode Station  mode  expands  the  WDS  by  receiving  a  wireless  signal/service  and  sharing  it through the Ethernet port.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 37  5.5 AP Mesh Mode Under the AP Mesh mode, the WM-OAP8251AG can be used as the central connection hub for station or clients that support IEEE 802.11 b/g/n network. Under this mode, the WM-OAP8251AG can be configured with the same Mesh SSID and security password in order to associate  with other WM-OAP8251AGs, as  well as connect with clients under the  same  SSID  and  encryption  signatures.  For  example,  you  would  use  one  band  to connect Access Points in range with Mesh mode and the other band to broadcast traffic on the network.
User Manual  Chapter 5  Building a Wireless Network Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 38  5.6 Mesh Only Mode Under  the  Mesh-only  mode,  the  WM-OAP8251AG  can  be  configured  with  the  same Mesh SSID and security password in order to associate with other Mesh enabled WM-OAP8251AGs, instead of connecting with clients.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 39   Software Settings This chapter describes how to set up the system.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 40  Chapter 6: Software Settings This chapter describes how to set up the system. 6.1 Main Status 6.1.1 Save Changes This page lets you save and apply the settings shown under Unsaved changes list, or cancel the unsaved changes and revert to the previous settings that were in effect.  6.1.2 Device Status Clicking the Device Status link under the Overview menu shows the status information about the current operating mode.  The Device Information section shows general system information such as Device Name, MAC Address, Current Time, Firmware Version, and Management VLAN ID.  Note: VLAN ID is only applicable in Access Point or WDS AP mode.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 41    The LAN Information section shows the Local Area Network settings such as the LAN IP Address, Subnet mask, and DNS Address.   The Wireless LAN Information 2.4 GHz/5 GHz section shows wireless information such as Operating Mode, Frequency, and Channel. Since the ENH1750EXT supports multiple-SSIDs, information about each SSID, the ESSID, and security settings, are displayed.  Note: Profile Settings are only applicable in Access Point and WDS AP modes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 42    The Statistics section shows Mac information such as SSID, MAC address, RX and TX.   The Wireless Mesh Information - 2.4 GHz section shows wireless information such as Operation Mode, Wireless Mode, Channel Bandwidth, Frequency/Channel, Mesh SSID and Mesh Security. 6.2 Connection 6.2.1 Connection List 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Click the Connection link under the Overview tab to display the connection list of clients associated to the ENH1750EXT’s 2.4 GHz/5 GHz bands, along with the MAC addresses and signal strength for each client. Clicking Refresh updates the client list. Note: Only applicable in Access Point and WDS AP modes. 6.2.2  WDS Link List2.4 GHz/5 GHz Click the connection link under the Overview menu. This page displays the current status of the WDS link, including WDS Link ID, MAC Address, Link Status and RSSI. Note: Only applicable in WDS AP and WDS Bridge modes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 43  6.2.3 The Mesh Link List You can monitor the 2.4GHz Mesh Link List under the Status menu. The page will display the current status of the Mesh Links under Mesh AP mode and the Mesh nodes under Mesh Only mode. Note: Only applicable in the Mesh AP and Mesh Only modes. 6.3 Network 6.3.1 Basic IP Settings IPv4/IPv6 Settings This page allows you to modify the device’s IP settings.  IP Network Settings: Select whether the device IP address will use a static IP address specified in the IP address field or be obtained automatically when the device connects to a DHCP server. IP Address: Displays the IP address of this device. Subnet Mask: Displays the IP Subnet mask of this device. Gateway: Displays the Default Gateway of this device. Leave it blank if you are unsure of this setting. Primary/Secondary DNS: Displays the primary/secondary DNS address for this device. Save: Click Save to confirm the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 44 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Settings This page allows you to modify the Spanning Tree settings. Enabling the Spanning Tree protocol will prevent network loops in your LAN network.  Spanning Tree Status: Enables or disables the Spanning Tree feature. Hello Time: Specifies Bridge Hello Time in seconds. This value determines how often the device  sends  handshake  packets  to  communicate  information  about  the  topology throughout the entire Bridged Local Area Network. Max  Age:  Specifies  Bridge Max Age  in seconds. If  another bridge in the spanning  tree does not send a hello packet for a long period of time, it is assumed to be inactive. Forward Delay: Specifies Bridge Forward Delay in seconds. Forwarding delay time is the time spent in each of the Listening  and Learning states before the Forwarding state is entered. This delay is provided so that when a new bridge comes onto a busy network, it analyzes data traffic before participating in the network. Priority: Specifies the Priority Number. A smaller number has a greater priority than a larger number. Save: Click Save to confirm the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 45  6.4 Wireless Settings 6.4.1 Wireless Settings  Device  Name:  Enter  a  name  for  the  device.  The  name  you  type  appears  in  SNMP management. This name is not the SSID and is not broadcasted to other devices. Band Steering: Enable Band Steering to send 802.11n clients to the 5 GHz band, where 802.11b/g  clients cannot  go,  and  leave  802.11b/g  clients in  2.4  GHz band  to  maintain optimal  data  traffic  flow.  Band  Steering  works  within  the  Access  Point  by  directing  5 GHz-capable clients to that band. Save: Click Save to confirm the changes. 6.4.2 Wireless Network 2.4 GHz/5 GHz This page displays the current status of the Wireless settings of the WM-OAP8251AG.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 46  Operation Mode: Select Operation Mode. The WM-OAP8251AG supports two different operation modes: Access Point, or WDS (WDS AP, WDS Bridge, and WDS Station). Wireless Mode: Supports 802.11b/g/n mixed mode in 2.4 GHz and 802.11ac/a/n mixed mode in 5 GHz. Channel  HT  Mode:  The  default  channel  bandwidth  is 20  MHz/40 MHz. The  larger  the channel, the greater the transmission quality and speed. Extension  Channel:  Select  the  upper  or  lower  channel.  Your  selection  may  affect  the Auto channel feature. Transmit Power: Sets the power output of the wireless signal. Data Rate: Select a data rate from the drop-down list. The data rate affects throughput of data in the WM-OAP8251AG. Select the best balance for you and your network but note  that  the  lower  the  data  rate,  the  lower  the  throughput,  though  transmission distance is also lowered. RTS/CTS Threshold: Specifies the threshold package size for RTC/CTS. A smaller number causes RTS/CTS packets to be sent more often and consumes more bandwidth. Client Limits: Limits the total number of clients. Aggregation: Merges data packets into one packet. This option reduces the number of packets, but also increases packet sizes. AP Detection: The AP Detection feature can select the best channel to use by scanning nearby areas for Access Points. Distance:  Specifies  the  distance  between  Access  Points  and  clients.  Note  that  longer distances may drop higher- speed connections. Save:  Click  Save  to  confirm  the  changes  or  Cancel  to  cancel  and  return  to  previous settings.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 47  6.4.3 SSID Profiles 2.4 GHz/5 GHz   Current Profile: You can configure up to sixteen (16)different SSIDs (eight (8) per band). If multiple client devices will be accessing the network, you can arrange the devices into SSID  groups. Click Edit  to configure  the  profile and check  whether you wish  to enable extra SSIDs. SSID: Specifies the SSID for the current profile. Suppressed SSID: Check this option to hide a SSID from clients. If checked, the SSID will not appear in the site survey. Station  Separation:  Check the  box to  allow or prevent communication between client devices. VID:  Specifies  the VLAN  tag  for  each profile.  If  your  network includes  VLANs,  you  can specify a VLAN ID for packets to pass through the Access Point with a tag. Wireless Security: See the Wireless Security section. Isolation: Check the box to restrict clients from communicating with different VIDs. Save: Click Save to accept the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 48  6.4.4 Wireless Security The Wireless Security section lets you configure the WM-OAP8251AG’s security modes: WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK Mixed, WPA, WPA2, and WPA Mixed. It is strongly recommend that you use WPA2-PSK.  Auth Type: Select Open System or Shared Key. Input Type: • ASCII: Regular Text (recommended) • Hexadecimal Numbers (For advanced users) Key  Length:  Select  the  desired  option  and  ensure  that  wireless  clients  use  the  same setting. Your choices are 64, 128, and 152-bit password lengths. Default  Key:  Select  the  Key  you  wish  to  be  the  default  value.  Transmitted  data  is ALWAYS encrypted using the Default Key; the other Keys  are for decryption only. You must enter a Key Value for the Default Key. Encryption  Key Number:  Enter the Key Value or values  you wish to use. Only the  Key selected as Default is required. The others are optional. 6.4.5 Wireless MAC Filtering Wireless MAC Filtering is used to allow or deny network access to wireless clients (computers, tablet PCs, NAS, smartphones, etc.) according to their MAC addresses. You can manually add a MAC address to restrict permission to access the ENH1750EXT. The default setting is: Disable Wireless MAC Filter. Note: Only applicable in Access Point and WDS AP modes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 49  ACL  Mode: Determines whether network access is granted  or denied to clients  whose MAC addresses appear in the MAC address table on this page. Your choices are: Disabled, Deny MAC in the list, or Allow MAC in the list. MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the wireless client. Add: Click Add to add the MAC address to the MAC address table. Delete: Deletes the selected entries. Save: Click Save to apply the changes. 6.5 Wireless Advanced 6.5.1 Wireless Traffic Shaping Traffic shaping regulates the flow of packets leaving an interface to deliver improved Quality of Service.   Enable Traffic Shaping: Check this option to enable Wireless Traffic Shaping. Download Limit: Specifies the wireless transmission speed used for downloading. Upload Limit: Specifies the wireless transmission speed used for uploading. Save: Click Save to confirm the changes. 6.5.2 WPA-PSK (WPA Pre-Shared Key) Encryption  Encryption: Select the WPA encryption type you would like to use. Please ensure that your wireless clients use the same settings. Passphrase:  Wireless  clients  must  use  the  same  Key  to  associate  the  device.  If  using ASCII format, the Key must be from 8~63 characters in length. If using HEX format, the Key must be 64 HEX characters in length. Group Key Update Interval: Specifies how often, in seconds, the Group Key changes.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 50  6.5.3 WPA Mixed-Enterprise: Access Point / WDS AP Mode  Encryption: Select the WPA encryption type you would like to use. Please ensure that your wireless clients use the same settings. Radius Server: Enter the IP address of the Radius server. Radius Port: Enter the port number used for connections to the Radius server. Radius Secret: Enter the secret required to connect to the Radius server. Group Key Update Interval: Specifies how often, in seconds, the Group Key changes. Radius Accounting: Enables or disables the accounting feature. Radius Accounting Server: Enter the IP address of the Radius accounting server. Radius Accounting Port Enter the port number used for connections to the Radius accounting server. Radius Accounting Secret: Enter the secret required to connect to the Radius accounting server. Interim Accounting Interval: Specifies how often, in seconds, the accounting data sends. Note: 802.11n does not allow WEP/WPA-PSK TKIP/WPA2-PSK TKIP security mode. The connection mode will automatically change from 802.11n to 802.11g. 6.5.4 Fast Roaming Enable this feature to serve mobile client devices that roam from Access Point to Access Point. Some applications running on client devices require fast re-association when they roam to a different Access Point Please enter the settings of the SSID and initialize the Security mode to WPA Enterprise, as well as setting the Radius Server. Users can then enable Fast Roaming and implement the advanced search feature. Next, set the same Enterprise Encryption with the same SSID on other Access Points in
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 51  the network and enable Fast Roaming. When the configuration is set on all the Access Points  on  the  network,  mobile  client  devices  can  run  voice  services  that  require  fast roaming to prevent delay in conversation from Access Point to Access Point.  Enable Fast Roaming: Enables or disables the Fast Roaming feature. Enable Advanced Search: Enables or disables the Advanced Search feature. 6.5.5 WDS Link Settings Using the WDS (Wireless Distribution System) feature will allow a network administrator or  installer  to  connect  to  Access  Points  wirelessly.  Doing  so  will  extend  the  wired infrastructure to locations where cabling is not possible or inefficient to implement. Note: Compatibility between different brands and models of Access Points is not guaranteed. It is recommended that the WDS network be created using the same models for maximum compatibility. Also note: All Access Points in the WDS network need to use the same Channel and Security settings. To create a WDS network, please enter the MAC addresses of the Access Points that you want included in the WDS. There can be a maximum of four (4) Access Points. Note: Only applicable in WDS AP and WDS Bridge modes. WDS Link Settings 2.4 GHz/5 GHz
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 52  Security: Select None or AES from the drop-down list. AES Passphrase: Enter the Key Values you wish to use. Other Access Points must use the same Key to establish a WDS link. MAC Address: Enter the Access Point’s MAC address to where you want to extend the wireless area. Mode: Select to disable or enable from the drop-down list. Save: Click Save to confirm the changes. Mesh Link Settings 2.4 GHz Users can choose the 2.4 GHz band for Mesh Mode. Mesh Settings  Mesh SSID: To create a Mesh network, please enter the Mesh SSID of the Access Point that you wish to include in the Mesh network. Security: Select None or WPA2-PSK AES from drop-down list. AES Passphrase: Enter the Key Values you wish to use. Other Access Points must use the same Key to establish a Mesh Link. Guest Network Settings Adding a guest network allows visitors to use the Internet without giving out your office or company wireless security key. You can add a guest network to each wireless network for both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands.
User Manual  Chapter 6  Software Settings Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 53  SSID: Specifies the SSID for the current profile. Suppressed  SSID: Check  this option to  hide the selected SSID  from clients. If  checked, the SSID will not appear in the site survey. Station  Separation:  Check the  box to  allow or prevent communication between client devices. IP Address: Displays the IP address of this device. Subnet Mask: Displays the IP Subnet mask of this device. Starting IP Address: The first IP Address in the range of the addresses used by the DHCP server. Ending IP Address: The last IP Address in the range of addresses assigned by the DHCP server. Fast Handover  Fast Handover: Enable the Fast Handover feature by ensuring that each client is served by at least one Access Point at any time. Access Points continuously monitor the connectivity quality of any client in their range and efficiently share this information with other Access Points in the vicinity of that client to coordinate which of them should serve the client best.  RSSI: Enter the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Index) in order to determine the handover procedure which the current wireless link will terminate. RSSI is an indication of the power level being received by the antenna. Therefore, the higher the RSSI number, the stronger the signal.
 Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 54   Management This chapter describes how to manage Access Point settings.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 55  Chapter 7: Management This chapter describes how to manage Access Point settings. 7.1 Management VLAN Settings This page allows you to assign a VLAN tag to packets sent over the network. A VLAN is a group  of  computers  on  a  network  whose  software  has  been  configured  so  that  they behave as if they were on a separate Local Area Network (LAN). Computers on VLAN do not have to be physically located next to one another on the LAN. Note: Only applicable in Access Point and WDS AP modes.  Management VLAN: If your network includes VLANs, you can enable the Management VLAN ID setting for packets passing through the Access Point with a tag. Save:  Click  Save  to  confirm  the  changes  or  Cancel  to  cancel  and  return  to  previous settings. Note:  If  you  reconfigure  the  Management  VLAN  ID,  you  may  lose  your connection  to  the  WM-OAP8251AG.  Verify  that  the  DHCP  server  supports  the reconfigured VLAN ID and then reconnect to the WM-OAP8251AG using the new IP address. 7.2 Advanced Settings 7.2.1 SNMP Settings This page allows you to assign the Contact Details, Location, Community Name, and Trap Settings  for  a  Simple  Network  Management  Protocol  (SNMP).  SNMP  is  a  networking management  protocol  used  to  monitor  network  attached  devices.  SNMP  allows messages (called protocol data units) to be sent to various parts of the network. Upon receiving  these  messages,  SNMP  compatible  devices  (called  agents)  return  the  data stored in their Management Information Bases.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 56   SNMP Enable/Disable: Enables or disables the SNMP feature. Contact: Specifies the contact details of the device. Location: Specifies the location of the device. Community  Name  (Read  Only):  Specifies  the  password  for  the  SNMP  community  for read only access. Community Name (Read/Write): Specifies the password for the SNMP community with read/write access. Trap Destination Address: Specifies the IP address of the computer that will receive the SNMP traps. Trap  Destination  Community  Name:  Specifies  the  password  for  the  SNMP  trap community. SNMPv3: Enables or disables the SNMPv3 feature. User Name: Specifies the username for SNMPv3. Auth Protocol: Selects the authentication protocol type: MDS or SHA. Auth Key: Specifies the authentication key. Priv Protocol: Selects the privacy protocol type: DES. Priv Key: Specifies the privacy key. Engine ID: Specifies the engine ID for SNMPv3. Apply Save: Click Apply Save to apply the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 57  7.2.2 CLI Settings  CLI: The Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon to perform an action. SSH: Enable Secure Shell (SSH) to make secure, encrypted connections in the network. Secure Shell is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two network devices. HTTPS: Enable HTTPS to transfer and display web content securely. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a TCP/IP protocol used by web servers to transfer and display web content securely. 7.2.3 Email Alerts You can use the Email Alert feature to send messages to the configured email address when particular system events occur. Note: Do NOT use your personal email address as it can unnecessarily expose your personal email login credentials. Use a separate email account made for this feature instead.  From: Enter the email address to show the sender of the email. To: Enter the address to receive email alerts. Subject: Enter the text to appear in the email subject line. Username: Enter the username for the email account that will be used to send emails. Password: Enter the password for the email account that will be used to send emails.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 58  SMTP Server: Enter the IP address or hostname of the outgoing SMTP server. Port: Enter the SMTP port number to use for outbound emails. 7.3 Time Zone 7.3.1 Time Setting This page allows you to set the internal clock of the WM-OAP8251AG.  Manually Set Date and Time: Manually specify the date and time. Automatically Get Date and Time: Select this option and enter the IP address of an NTP server or use the default NTP server to have the internal clock synch automatically. Enable  Daylight  Saving:  Check  whether  daylight  savings  applies  to  your  area.  If  you select this option, you will need to enter start and stop times. Start: Select the day, month, and time when daylight savings time starts in your region. End: Select the day, month, and time when daylight savings times ends in your region. 7.4 Auto Reboot Settings You can specify how often you wish to reboot the WM-OAP8251AG.  Auto Reboot Setting: Enables or disables the Auto Reboot feature. Frequency of Auto Reboot: Specifies how often you wish to reboot the ENH1750EXT by Min, Hour, Day or Week. Timer: Select the day and enter the time you would like to reboot automatically. Save: Click Save to apply the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 59  7.5 Wi-Fi Scheduler The Wi-Fi Scheduler can be created for use in enforcing rules. For example, if you wish to restrict web access to Mon-Fri from 3pm to 8pm, you could create a schedule selecting Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri while entering a Start time of 3pm and an End Time of 8pm to limit access to these times.  Status: Enables or disables the Wi-Fi scheduler feature. Wireless Radio: Select 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz from the drop- down list for the preferred band type that you wish to be regulated. SSID Selection: Select a SSID from the drop-down list to be regulated. Schedule Templates: Select a schedule template from the drop-down list. Day(s): Place a checkmark in the boxes for the desired days or select the All Week from the drop-down list to select all seven days of the week. Duration: The Start Time is entered in two fields. The first box is for hours and the second box is for minutes. The End Time is entered in the same format as the Start time.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 60  7.6 Tools 7.6.1 Ping Test Parameters This page allows you to analyze the connection quality of the WM-OAP8251AG and trace the routing table to a target in the network in the event of an issue.   Target IP: Enter the IP address you would like to test. Ping Packet Size: Enter the packet size of each ping. Number of Pings: Enter the number of times you wish to ping. Start Ping: Click Start Ping to begin the ping test. Traceroute Target: Enter the IP address or domain name you wish to trace. Start Traceroute: Click Start Traceroute to begin the trace route operation.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 61  7.6.2 Speed Test Parameters/LED Control This page allows you to power on/off the LEDs for Power, LAN interface, or 2.4 GHz/5 GHz WLAN interface for the WM-OAP8251AG.   7.6.3 LED Control Power: Enables or disables the Power LED indicator. LAN: Enables or disables the LAN LED indicator. WLAN-2.4 GHz: Enables or disables the WLAN 2.4 GHz LED indicator. WLAN-5 GHz: Enables or disables the WLAN 5 GHz LED indicator. Device Discovery 7.6.4 Device Discovery This page allows you to discover devices on the network and displays their: Operation Mode, IP Address, System MAC Address and Firmware version.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 62  7.7 Account This page allows you to change the WM-OAP8251AG username and password. By default, the username is: admin and the password is: admin. The password can contain from 0~12 alphanumeric characters and is case sensitive. 7.7.1 Account Settings  Administrator Username: Enter a new username for logging in into the New Name entry field. Current  Password:  Enter  the  old password  for  logging  in  into the  Old  Password  entry field. New Password: Enter the new password for logging in into the New Password entry field. Verify  Password: Re-enter  the  new  password  in  the  Confirm  Password  entry  field  for confirmation. Apply: Click Apply to apply the changes.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 63  7.8 Firmware 7.8.1 Firmware Upgrade This page allows you to upgrade the firmware of the WM-OAP8251AG. Download the latest firmware from and save it to your computer.  To Perform the Firmware Upgrade: 1. Click the Choose File button and find the firmware file you downloaded from 2. Select the upgrade file. The name of the file will appear in the Upgrade File field. 3. Click the Upload button to commence the firmware upgrade. Note: The device is unavailable during the Firmware upgrade process and must restart when the upgrade is completed. Any connections to or through the device will be lost. 7.9 Backup/Restore This  page  allows  you  to  save  the  current  device  configurations.  When  you  save  your configurations, you also can reload the saved configurations into the device through the Restore Saved Settings from a file saved on your computer. If extreme problems occur, or if you have set the WM-OAP8251AG incorrectly, you can use the Reset button in the Revert to Factory Default Settings section to restore all the configurations of the WM-OAP8251AG to the original default settings.  Backup Setting: Click Export to save the current configured settings. Restore New Setting: To restore settings that have been previously backed up, click Browse, select the file, and click Restore. Restore to User Default: Click Reset button to restore the WM-OAP8251AG to its factory default settings.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 64  7.10 Log 7.10.1 System Log The WM-OAP8251AG automatically logs (records) events of possible interest in its internal memory. To view the logged information, click the Log under the System Manager menu. If there is not enough internal memory to log all events, older events are deleted from the log. When powered down or rebooted, the log will be cleared.  7.10.2 Remote Log This page allows you to setup the Remote Log service for the WM-OAP8251AG.  Syslog: Enables or disables the syslog function. Log Server IP Address: Enter the IP address of the log server. Remote Log: Enables or disables the Remote Log service. Apply: Click Apply to apply the changes. 7.10.3 Logout Click Logout in the Management menu to logout. Confirm by clicking OK.
User Manual  Chapter 7  Management Outdoor Enterprise Access Point WM-OAP8251AG 65  7.10.4 Reset In some circumstances, it may be required to force the device to reboot. Click on Reset to  reboot  the  WM-OAP8251AG.  Note  that  this  will  delete  any  configurations  to  their default settings. Please refer to Backup/Restore section of this User Manual to learn how to  backup  and  save  your  customized  configuration  settings  in  the  event  of  a  Restore. Click Reboot the Device to confirm a reset or Restore to Factory Defaults to completely restore the device to its initial factory settings.
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