Woodstream 5125-5132 REMOTE TRAINER User Manual USERS MANUAL
107.0 TRANSMITTER USE There are 4 options: 1 (Low). 2 (Medium), 3 (High). and Bad Tone Pressing the appropriate button sends the stimulus to the receiver collar. The stimulus is delivered via the collar receiver probes. When training, always start at the lowest level and check your dog's response to the stimulus. You should always use the lowest level necessary to get the desired response. As a safety feature. the unit automatically shuts off it a button is pressed for 10 seconds. If you Wish to use tone to control behavror, simply press the Bad Tone button Your dog will hear an audible tone instead of receivrng stimulation and Will begin to assocrate the tone to the misbehavior IMPORTANT 1. Troubleshooting: If it appears that the collar is not working - Adjust tit oi collar . Trim hair or use longer probes - Recharge batteries 2. Safety Precautions: To protect your dog and yourself. please observe the following precautions: 0 Only use the Havahart" Basrc Remote Trainer on healthy dogs. Consult your veterinarian belore usrng the collar it your dog has health problems - For dogs under two years of age. check collar weekly for tighmess. 0 Check dogs daily for skin irritation and never leave collar on lot more than 12 hours at one time. - Always use the lowest stimtlation possible to train your dog. On small dogs (less than 10 lbs.) use the lowest stimdation levels. 3. Changing Preset Address Code: The unit (remote and collar) comes preset. Only if an aqaoent neighbor has the same system should you need to change the address code. To change the address code, make sure collar is turned oil and transmmer is turned on Press and hold Bad Tone button LED Will light red for 10 seconds to indicate ID setting mode. After 10 seconds new ID is set and LED returns to blinking battery mode. The unit automatically chooses a new random ID code from 10 separate discreet codes l40.0mm+0.3 o For more information go to: www.hevahart.corn. or call 1 (000) 800-1819. 321.0mmi0.3 107.0 LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Woodstream warrants that this product thI be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for 1 year from the date of original consumer purchase Within 30 days or the original consumer purchase, this product is covered by Woodstream's Soday money back guarantee. Il you are not satislied With the pertormance 0! this product. you may return tI With the original receipt to the place of purchase for a lull reiund. After 30 days md during the Initial 12 month period Woodstream wlll, at our option. repair or replace the defective part(s) for a 515 processing fee. Shipping costs to our facility are not covered by the Warranty. A copy or the original receipt showing the place no date of purchase must accompany the retumad item. Please contact Woodstream tor a Retum Authorization Number (RGA), 800-800-1819, before returning the product to Woodstrean. Products without an RGA number will be reiused. Alter one year from the date oi the original consumer purchase. a prorated schedule ls available to provrde additional coverage For inlormation regarding this schedule please centact our Consumer Care Department at 800-800-1819. Use the lollowmg address when returning product we UPS or U. 5. mail WOODSTREAM CORPORATION 69 NORTH LOCUST ST LITITZ. PA 17543 ATTN. CONSUMER CARE DEPARTMENT RGAir This Limited Lifetime Warranty is offered only to the original consumer purchaser. This Limited Liletirne Warranty is subiect to the condition that any covered delect occurs under normal conditions or use and maintenance and that Woodstreem racemes prompt written notice of the discovery ot the detect within the leited Litetima Warranty period. It does not apply to damage or failures that result from physrcai abuse or misuse ot the product The Limited Llletime Warranty is v0id ii any attempts are made to alter or repair the product prior to returning it to our laciliry within the Limited Lifetime Warranty period This Limited Litetime Warranty does not cover lost parts, broken probe studs or items displaying oxcessrve weer Wire that has been removed lrom the spool and for placed in the gound and flags that are rusted or have been used are examples ol items displaying excessive wear EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES REPRESEN~ TATIONS. PROMISES OR ASSURANCES BY WOODSTREAM. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. WHETHER BY LAW, CUSTOM, PREVIOUS TRANSACTION OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT WOODSTREAM‘S LIABILITY IS SOLELY AS STATED HEREIN AND NO OTHER LIABILTTY SHALL EXIST, WHETHER BY NEGLIGENCE. STRICT LIABILITY TORT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OR ACTION. ALL LIABILITIES FOR WOODSTREAM STATED HEREIN ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES OF THE ORIGINAL CONSUMER PURCHASER IN NO EVENT SHALL WOODSTREAM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. OR ANY OTHERTYPE OF DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY FAILURE. DEFECT OR PROBLEM OF THE PRODUCT. This product is not a substitute Ior traditional obedience training Woodstream does not guarantee the ottectiveness of this product due to variances in canine personality. temperament and influences outstde of Woodstream‘s control Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply in all instances. 107.0 D Q. 5125 Basic Remote Trainer Training Guide & Owner’s Manual \ ‘ T iii rt ‘= M fr. ziflé - 7 APPROVALS NAME DATE 7 4A airtime . ARCO ELECTRONIC LIMITED II ‘i’l . 1206 “I“ DRAWN BY. TAN l9/03/2004 llirr‘a J‘I-‘Iiaiii‘ri L?(i'i’»ii"i’li2 , 7 . . . T . ' ' ‘ CHECKEDBY- TAN l9/03/2004 AR725 (5125) Training GUIde & Owner’s Manual 3. . . . i. > it: Hit Ht 575 it l~-i til liil 101203 - A4 F’DG-7250-0-03 now At '11 I'U’i V] “LT I {I ill) actor-lira? I I , i)_i lit)? “r 33 SCALE 1:1 POiT NO. 6-7250-0016-00 SHEET 1 or: 1 8 7 f 6 5 I 4 3 _ 2 1 DOCUMENT NO. : QR—QOB/A 8 _ 7 , 6 5 4 3 i l 1 A D D LA B E L 3 2] .0m m -_l 0.3 !D , 2.Tuming Collar On & Off: Th"; device compnes Wlth part15 of the T0 turn unit ON. use a small rounded lip pointed item. Ilke a ballpornt pen. to FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the depress the operational button. Button is located at end of unit and is slightly following two conditions: (1 ) This device inset. Depress button and hold for 3 seconds. LED illuminates red and unit _ CM“ rmmmwwruiit may notcause harmful interference, buzzes lot 3 seconds. Unit is now on. n , . . figgrgzeflfedrz‘ggiiergufi35131325any To turn unit OFF. depress and hold button for more than 5 seconds. LED BEFORE you BEGIN... interference that may-cause undesired illuminates and unit buzzes. Release button, LED will 90 dark. Unit is oft. inmooucflon Operallon- 3. Fitting the Collar and installing the Probes: Use the short probes for Realize that individual dogs have unique behaviors and personalities. There is no short-haired dogs and long probes tor thick or longhaired breeds. Position way to know how your dog will react to its introduction of the Basic Remote Trainer. 8. CONTENTS OF THE HAVANA” BASIC m7: TRAINER the collar under the neck with the probes lacing upward. Hand tighten the For the safety of your dog and you. initial training should take place in a confined 1 Co" R . p ed h I. u NM“ ba . probes as far as you can. it needed, use pliers or wrench to go one turn area where you have complete control over the situation. Also. realize that dogs ‘Th ar “g _ the! uflmgfiwufig recharge: (in; ttenes. further. Do not over tighten. Always use rubber insulators to keep probes 5C with aggressive behavior could turn on the handler upon receiving stimulus lor fs device ivers s 0 dog vra '_ probes. tight and provide insulation during damp conditions. The rubber insulators the first time. If you believe your dog has aggressive behavior or there is a history 2533114800" Probes 1&2) sets: (“2 short probtfiisdtczf W‘ZMIled dogs are necessary to maintain the waterproofing. or) oi such behavior, we ”999?“ you contact a certified animal behavronst beiore ( ) long pr dogs WI longer or we ' Make sure probes maintain contact with skin. It probes do not make skin - usrng the Basrc Remote Trainer. 3. Battery Chargers (2) — Plug into any standard household outlet when the . . O H nd H Id T ransmitt . 00" needs contact. a small amount of hair may need to be removed. Ad|ust nylon collar +| EXPECTATIONS a e 7 or Of receiver ar charged to lit snug but not tight.To reduce movement. place collar on smallest part E The Havahart' Basic Remote Trainer effectively and safely uses electrical stimuus 4‘ Hand Held TM“ ' m small. ergonomic: lly designed unit activates 0’ "99k and position the receiver 0" the underside 0' the d09’5 "90k- E 10 help train your 609- The fifs‘ time Your (109 ”09m 3 ”Tecum- W' reactions merge NIMslhballeflea: sgnal' red by high-quality Once collar is adjusted to correct length. remove collar, trim excess, and 0 may be yelping Of jumping. These reactions W5" decrease as he becomes 80°03" . ge . ' . . . . . use a small flame to melt and to prevent fraying. Remember, tor growing C5 tomed to the collar. You should notice improvements in your dog's behavior dunng 5. Training DVD " Gudes YOU through mstallabon and aids YOU "1 tI751?th dogs, check collar size weekly and adiust when necessary. Allow enough st the first week 0' training, you dog. nylon for the collar to grow with your dog. '_ ‘- 55470553 c. OPERATION W W" IMPORTANT: Never leave collar on for more than 12 consecutive hours. 1‘ Hi h Quail Recha sable NiMH Batteries No synol’rorization oi collar and transmitter is necessary to begfii. Once batteries 2 “in Up lotfioo Yard? are charged and tuned on, the transnitter and collar are ready to use. TRANSMITTER 557 up 3' 3 L | f C . d Bad T OOLLAR SET UP 1. Charging theTransmltter: Charge the unit before Inltlal use of the ' eve so orrecticn an one _ product. To charge. plug AC adapter into standard household outlet and plug 3 B 4- LED Indicator Lights 1- Charging fl” °°"“= Chart” l“ “n“ m "ml” “3° °' W Pf°d“°'_- charg'ng end into transmitter. Initial charge will take up to 10 hours and all = 5. Ergonomically Designed Transmitter with Lanyard lzdchagecoimtaruglfialafim mil Sm w 3112“ If“, plug charging stbsequent charges should take 2 or more hours to completely charge battery. . . . in . ni wr e o rs a smsequen 5- Rechargeable Lightweight Waterproof RBOGIVGF Collar rge Lp When the battery requires charge, the LED will rapidly blink. Rapid blinking , charges should take 2 or more hours to convictely charge battery. , . g , 7. UL Listed Components Included , , _ _ _ , _ occurs in a pattern cl 2 qurck blinks. a 5 second pause. icIlowed by 2 qurck 3, Product Meets FCC part 15 Regulations' , When the bang-w mg‘a'msgzafksme 15.ED W'" rapidly high. Rapid bé‘mkfl blinks and so on. On a charged unit, the LED will blink red at an interval of WARNING: This device operates under Part 15 of the FCC rules. Modifications to this blink S lsda pa er?) of; Iflm' The LED Im‘f: ed I fly ql i 1 "me every 3 seconds. device not expressly authorized by Woodstream could void the users authority to operate ; , S a so on. n a rged ' w' ' r a an ' m o . this product ; e 1 time every 3 seconds. Continued on page 4. use use {APPROVALS i NAME DATE A l?|llilllli‘1.“l.”m . ARCO ELECTRONIC LIMITED , ‘ DRAWN BY. TAN 1 9/03/2004 la” H : 1206 FmE ‘ — iii {21 Ifiii an Fli sees il‘l it»: I‘ll , . . . | , ‘ CHECKED BY- TAN 19/03/2004 AR725 (5125) Training Gurde & Owner's Manual 3. i. ll." L‘flt lII iii H H Ell lfili lU-‘iQi’Os e 7 . . A4 PDG-7250-0-04‘ — — if» — — E; — — REV.A2 in ii in at vi a l u or CUSTOMER .. .. , ,, ,. ‘ ,- iLi’ Lui ia xii SCALE 1:1 Port NO.: 6-7250-001 6-00 SHEET 1 or: i 8 _ 7 6 5 Ti 4 3 2 _ 1 DOCUMENT NO.: QR—QOBZA
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