Wulfsberg Electronics Division NT030 User Manual 8

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Date Submitted1999-07-06 00:00:00
Date Available1999-09-17 00:00:00
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Document Title8

VHF Transceiver Manual Flev 2.00]
Section 4.0 Theory
4.1 General
The NAT Transceivers are a GE (General Electric) RANGRTM radio converted for use
with aircraft power and audio requirements. The conversions completed by NAT make
the transceivers compatible with typical aircraft requirements.
Parts of the original GE Maintenance Manuals have been included in this section to
provide the most complete manual possible There are two seperate GE manuals. The
first to be included pertains to the VHF Low band transceivers (NT30 series), and the
second pertains to the VHF High band transceivers (NT136/150 series). Most aspects
of the transceiver remain the same as designed and therefore, the original GE manual
will provide the majority of the required information.
Changes, deletions, and/or additions are included in this section and should be
consulted to determine if the information given in the original manual is applicable. Do
not confuse these changes to the original GE manual with amendments to the NAT
service manual that may be issued in the future.
For system block diagrams to help understand the theory, refer to Section 6.2 pages
D2 to D7t
4.2 GE Manual Additions __ _
4.2.1 PA Board
The PA board contains the RF output stage, output low-pass filter, switching power
supply, and antenna relay circuits.
RF input drive is obtained from the Exciter via a plug-in co-ax cable adjacent to the RF
power module (HCt), The power module amplifies the 400 mW input to 1 or 10 Watts.
it is capable of amplifying greater than 10 Watts, but the driver voltage will approach
and finally exceed recommended levels and may destroy the power module.
The RF output is coupled through a co-ax feedline to the directional coupler, which
provides leveling information as well as fault protection. Then it is routed through
stripline connections to the transmit relay and output low-pass filter.
A DC signal developed from the directional coupler is used by the power control circuit
to adjust the DC bias on pin 2 of HC1. This in turn varies the resulting RF output
power. By adjusting this bias, 1 Watt and to Watt outputs are obtained, as well as
18-Feb-94 Copyright 1994 NAT Ltd. Page 4-1
|VHF Transceiver Manual Rev 2.00
power leveling overthe bandwidth of the radio.
4.2.2 Transmitter Power Level Adjust
lC202 samples the DC voltage produced by the directional coupler, and amplifies it to a
usable level at all RF power settings. This is then combined with the transmit interlock
voltage provided by TRB, and used to provide a variable DC level to pin 2 of HC1. This
varying DC level changes the resulting RF output power of the power hybrid circuit, and
allows simple remote adjustment.
lC203 interfaces a logic command from the control head to the level control circuit
formed by IC102 so that either a high (10 W) or low (1 W) RF level can be remotely
selected. Latitude of setting is allowed in this circuit in both high and low power modes,
but, the maximum output is limited by HC1 parameters and input drive. This will not
normally exceed 16 W under any condition.
4.2.3 28V DC Power Distribution And Conversion (NT136/NT150)
+28V DC and airframe ground enter the radio through the airframe connector (P101),
and are routed to the NT150-1 Power Supply card located in the transmitter
compartment. After transient protection and filtering, DC is applied to the regulator
(U101) via the MOSFET (0101).
The voltage regulator/converter (U101) with its associated bypass capacitors, catch
diode (D102), storage inductor (L102) and reservoir capacitor (C112), provide DC-to-
DC voltage down-conversion, The output level is set by R105 to 13.0 VDC. Filtering of
the low voltage DC is provided by a follow-on filter consisting of L103, C113, C114 and
associated components. These reduce the switching artifacts from the DC»to—DC
converter, and provide filtered DC to the transceiver.
4.2.4 28V DC Power Distribution And Conversion (NT30A/B)
+28V DC and airframe ground enter the radio through the airframe connector (P101),
and are routed to the NT30-1 Power Supply module located adjacent to the Receiver
Board. After transient protection and filtering, DC is applied to the switch mode
regulator (U1) via the MOSFET (Q1).
The voltage regulator/converter (U1) with its associated bypass capacitors, catch diode
(D4), storage inductor (L2) and reservoir capacitors (C11, C12), provide DC-to-DC
voltage down-conversion. The output level is set by R9 to 13.0 VDC. Filtering of the
low voltage DC is provided by a follow-on filter consisting of L3, C13, C14 and FL2.
These reduce the switching artifacts from the DC-to-DC converter, and provide filtered
DC to the transceiver.
18-Feb-94 Copyright 1994 NAT Ltd. Page 4-2
VHF Transceiver Manual Rev 2.00
For diagnostic purposes, there are two BIT (Built—In Test) LEDs on the NT30—1 module.
The green LED (D7) verifies +28V power is reaching regulator U1, confirms operation
of the series pass MOSFET (Q1), and the POWER KEY line, The orange LED (D8)
verifies that output voltage is present.
4.2.5 Sidetone Circuit
During aircraft transmissions, a replica of the transmit audio is normally echoed back to
the pilot (sidetone) to indicate that the radio is functional. In the NT series transceivers,
a signal is taken from the first microphone amplifier and TX enable logic and routed to
the audio output stage to produce this signal. The level of this signal is adjustable to
allow for specific aircraft requirements (Sidetone Adjust). The sidetone level is set to
25 mW into 600 ohms and is independent of the receive level regardless of external
control head level settings.
4.2.6 Headphone Circuit
The output stage of the transceiver provides a high level output in a floating bridge
configuration. This is used to drive a speaker or transformer coupled output for
isolation. The transformer coupled output is capable of driving either 150 or 600 ohm
lines. RVGOZ is factory set to provide 200 mW into 600 ohms.
4.3 GE Manual Changes/Deletions __
Page No. Column Para. Beginning Action Change... To...
C2 left 6 NOTE Ignore
C7 left 4 The audio... Change 10-Watts 4—W.
C7 left 4 The audio... Change ...a 4 ohm an 89
019 left 1 The PA... Ignore
019 left 7-11 The power... Ignore
019 right 1-3 The power... Ignore
C19 right 8 When the... ignore
020 left 1-8 If the... Ignore
C20 right 1,2 The 12.. Ignore
Section 4.0 ends after GE Maunual inserts. _|
18-Feb-94 Copyright 1994 NAT Ltd. Page 4—3
LBI- 38186
’——————— TABLE OF CONTENTS __,v
1 Page
% DESCRIPTION..‘.... .......... .....-....... ............. C2
CIRCUITANALYSIS.............. ........ ................ (22
‘ FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER BOARD. . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . C14
| PA BOARD ...... ..... ......... . .......... .,........ C19
‘ DRAWINGS & PARTS LISTS ................................ D1 — D144
The System Control board for RANGE
provides all functions necessary, for
two-way communications. This board is
controlled by the control unit.
The System Control board
interconnects with the power/control
cable from the control unit.
The System Control board contains
the audio circuitry, microcomputer,
EEPROM and voltage” regulators. The
microrcomputer controls all system
functions, supplies frequency data to
the frequency synthesizer, and
tone/code data to the Channel Guard.
In addition to the normal radio
functions, the microcomputer contains
self—diagnostic maintenance routines
to aid in troubleshooting the radio.
Included are an internal test of the
microcomputer and input/output tests
to assure proper operation of the data
port and data bus. Details and
procedures are included in the Service
Section of this manual.
The system control and interface
circuits consist of the microcomputer,
electrically eraseable PROM, interface
circuits for voltage shifting and pro-
tection, and a watchdog timer. The
EEPROM gives the user the capability
to program the radio‘s personality as
desired. The EEPROM contains the
receive and transmit frequency data,
Channel Guard tone frequencies/digital
codes and the CCT delay
channel basis.
The EEPROH may be
serially through the front con—
nector using the General Electric
Universal Radio Programmer Model
on a per-
Cooyrwm© January/1939, Geneva! swarm Company
The microcomputer interfaces with
the control unit through J701/J702 and
responds to all user commands and
control functions originating from the
control unit. It provides the transmit
and receive data to the frequency
synthesizer, switching information for
tone and digital Channel Guard, and
provides the carrier control timer
(CCT) function when the radio is in the
transmit mode.
then the microphone is keyed, the
m line from the control unit goes
low. This low is applied to the
microcomputer through buffer TR702 and
inverter TR703. TR702 is controlled by
ignition switch As. The ignition
switch must be on and A+ applied to the
base of TR702. TR702 must be turned on
to permit keying of the transmitter.
when Channel Guard is present, the
release of the PTT signal is delayed by
the microcomputer for approximately 160
milliseconds to eliminate any squelch
The microcomputer immediately
closes the antenna relay switch by
applying a low level to DPIT at
IC702—28. The microcomputer then
delays 15 milliseconds before transmit
9V is switched on by applying a low
level to TX ENE at 10702-32. This is
done to guarantee that the antenna
relay contacts are closed before the
transmitter is energized. Once DPTl’ is
low, the receive audio is muted.
Buffers TR705 and TR704 provide DPTT to
the audio control circuits, and antenna
relay. IC704-B provides the DPTl'
signal to the Tx/Rx VCo's and the audio
The TX ENB line is controlled by
microcomputer port 1, hit 5 (10702-32)
through inverter TR712 and buffer
TR7ll.' A low level on 10702—32 turns
TR7lZ off, allowing the base of TR7ll
to rise. TR7ll turns on, and applies
A- to the TX ENE line. Inverter TR7lO
is also turned on during this time to
inhibit the alert tone PTT.
The microcomputer and EEPROM pro-
vide the radio with up to 15 independent
transmit and receive frequencies.
Each time the PTT switch is operated
the microcomputer transfers channel
data from the EEPROM and converts it
to frequency data assigned to the
selected channel. The frequency data
is then loaded serially into the
frequency synthesizer.
The microcomputer continually
monitors the status of tri—state
buffers lC703A—D. These buffers are
periodically turned off by a positive
5 volt, one millisecond pulse from
IC702-36. At the same time PROM power
switch TR708 is turned on and applies
4'5 VDC to the EEFROH. When the
buffers are turned on, channel select
data is loaded into input/output ports
of the microcomputer through ports
P20-P23. Power is then applied to the
EEPROM and the tri-state buffers are
turned off. The microcomputer
converts the channel select data into
address information, accesses the
EEPROM, and receives the frequency
data stored in the addressed location.
This data then passes through the 1/0
ports of the EEPROH and P20~P23 of the
microcomputer. The conversion process
is repeated eight times in rapid
succession (eight locations are
required for each channel) and the data
loaded serially into the frequency
synthesizer over the clock and data
lines. This data also includes Channel
Guard information, if present, and
carrier control timer information on a
per—channel basis. A 4—millisecond
channel change pulse from port P16 of
the microcomputer is also sent to the
frequency synthesizer to speed up
channel acquisition.
The watchdog timer, consisting of
a digital counter IC70l-A and TR701,
monitors the operation of the micro—
computer. IC70l—A generates a reset
pulse in the unlikely condition that
the microcomputer goes awry and does
not execute the software properly.
A film: crystal X701 steps the
microcomputer through the software. As
programmed in software a random pulse
appears at 10702—35 and is applied to
the base of inverter TR701 momentarily
turning it on and inhibiting any reset
pulse from. timer IC70l-A. A
discharging circuit consisting of R710
and C705 forces the microcomputer to
toggle IC702—A. If the timer does not
receive any inputs for a specified
period of time, TR701 turns off and
lC701—A times out and applies a reset
pulse to pin A of the microcomputer.
The watchdog reset will normally
restore the microcomputer to normal
operation so that only one pulse will
occur. In the event the microcomputer
is not restored to normal operation, a
6 Hz square wave will appear on the
reset line and the indicator (113711
(normally unlit) will turn on.
The advance change pulse is received
from connector J702 and applied to the
Microcomputer interrupt port, IC702—o
through inverter TR707. The advance
change pulse is important in radios
equipped with PSLM. when a call is
received on a priority channel the
advance change pu lse interrupts the
microcomputer , forcing it to service
immediately the I/O circuits. The
tri—state buffers are turned on and new
channel select information read in.
The carrier control timer function
is executed by the microcomputer under
software control on a per-channel
basis. when the programmed time has
elapsed an alert tone is generated from
P13 (IC702—30) on the microcomputer,
applied to the audio PA and heard on
the speaker. The CCT may be programmed
for 1 or: 2 minutes or disabled
(programmed for no CCT).
Inverter buffers IC704D-G, trans—
late the 5 VDC levels required by the
microcomputer to the +9 VDC level used
by the frequency synthesizer. Inverter
TR709 restores the proper polarity to
the clock.
To achi eve rapid wideband VCO
tuning extending over the 29-42 MHz
range or the 35—50 MHz range , each
Bandsplit is divided into four
frequency segments .
By selecting one segment the
operating frequency spread of the VCO
is limited and frequency lock time
reduced. Each segment is identified by
two bits on a per-channel basis and
programmed into the EEPROM. Capacitors
are switched in and out of the V00 tank
circuit to set the VCD tuning range to
cover the correct frequency segment.
The frequency segment control
circuit consists of a dual "D"-type
flipflop operating under control of the
microcomputer. The four frequency
segment identification bits appear on
the channel change and data lines and
fed to dual "D" FF 10705. At the
appropriate time the microcomputer
applies the enable signal to clock the
new segment data change through the
FF. The output of the FF's is a binary
expression identifying the frequency
segment selected. Table 1 identifies
the binary expression and the selected
frequency segment.
The output of the frequency
segment control circuit is applied to
the modulation level control and the
frequency segment selector circuits.
FF ourpur
131mm FREQUENCY 1c705-1 10705—2 1c705—13 10705—12 snowman
SPLIT (mpur (mpur (INPUT (11mm MODULATION
(MHz) TRZIS) 111217) mus) 111219) 1155151011
29-42an 1 29-32 0 1 0 1 NONE
32-35 0 1 1 0 1127s
3 35—3a.5 1 o 0 1 R276, R296
4 33.5—42 1 0 1 0 11275, F276
F281, R296
35—5m2 1 35—3s.5 o 1 0 1 NONE
2 38.5-62 o 1 1 0 R275
L 3 42—46 1 o 0 1 R276, R296
4 46—50 1 0 1 0 11275, 112761
R281, R296
TABLE 1 - Frequency Segment Selection
“ C5 ' FCC 11>. 001111030
The audio processor provides audio
pro-emphasis with amplitude limiting
and post limter filtering and a total
gain of approximately Zlo dB.
Approximately 27 dB gain is provided
by moon, A dB by 106075 and —7 an by
R666, R667.
The 9 Volt regulator IC606 powers
the audio processor and applies
regulated 9 volts to a voltage divider
consisting of R665, R668 and symmetry
control, RV603. The +4,5 V output from the
voltage divider establishes the
operating reference point for
operational amplifiers IC607A and
1660713. C636 provides an AC ground at
the summing input of both operational
When the input signal to IC607A—2
is of a magnitude such that the
amplifier output at IC607A—l does not
exceed 5 volts P—P, the amplifier
prov ides a nominal 27 dB gain . When
the audio signal level at lCéO7A—l
exceeds 5 volts P—P, the amplifier gain
is reduced to 1. This limits the audio
amplitude at IC607A—l to 6 volts P-P.
Resistors R562, R663 and C633
comprise the audio pre—emphasis network
that enhances the signal—to—noise
ratio. R663 and C633 control the
pre—emphasis curve below limiting.
R662 and 0663 control the cut-off
point for high frequency pre—emphasis.
As high frequencies are attenuated,
the gain of IC607 is increased.
Audio from the microphone is
coupled to the audio processor through
R662 and C633;
The amplified output of ICGO7A is
coupled through R666, C633, R669,
R670, R671 and bilateral switch IC6OBC
to a second operational amplifier
IC607E. The bilateral switch is
controlled by the DPl'l' line so that Tx
audio is transmitted only when the PTT
switch is pressed. 106075 provides a
signal gain of approximately 4 dB.
The Channel Guard tone
applied to bilateral switch
controlled by the DPTT line.
The CG tone then modulates the
reference oscillator and VCO on the
synthesizer board.
input i s
IC6 08C
A post-limiter filter consisting
of 106073, R669-R67l, R687, C689 and
06100 provides 12 dB per octave roll-off.
R666 and C637 provide an additional 6
dB per octave roll—off for a total of
18 dB. The output of the post-limiter
filter is coupled through the VG (Voice
Guard) unit or directly to the
synthesizer Tx MOD.
TX enable switch IC608—D shorts
out operational amplifier 10607—3 when
the radio is in the receive mode. The
W signal is generated by the
microcomputer when the PTT switch is
operated and is less than 2.7 VDC in
the receive mode.
Received audio from the FM detector
is applied to the input of audio pre-
amplifier IC603—A. The audio output
level of the audio preamplifier is
adjusted by Volume/Squelch Hl level
control RVGOZ for 300 millivolts RMS‘
The audio of 300 millivolts RMS is
applied to the audio preamplifier
(ICGOZ-B) through the Tone Reject
filter (110603). When VG is opptionally
added, this audio is applied to VG
(Voice Guard) circuit (IC611,H0603).
Audio output from the VG circuit is
applied to Tone Reject filter (H0605)
through pins J606-2 & 3. The audio is
then applied to the volume and squelch
controls in the control unit through
connector 1701-10.
Audio is returned on the VOL ARM
through J701-18 and applied to audio
gate (bilateral switch) IC601-B. The
audio gate is controlled b DPTT
(delayed Push-To—Talk) and PA ICEY7CCT
PA ENE and is turned on when the
control input (pin 5) exceeds 7 VDC.
The gate is turned off when the control
input is less than 2 volts. Receipt of
an on—frequency signal (if present) with
sufficient signal-to-noise level and
the correct Channel Guard frequency
will cause the audio control circuit to
apply +9 volts to ICGOl-B turning the
audio gate on.
Audio from the audio gate is
applied to the de-emphasis network
consisting of a low-pass filter and a
high—pass filter.
The low-pass filter provides a 6
dB per octave roll-off between 300 and
3000 Hz. The high—pass filter attenuates
frequencies below 300 Hz.
The audio output from the de—emphasis
network is applied to the non-inverting
input of the audio power amplifier.
The audio power amplifier consists of
10602, and associated circuitry, and
provides lO—watts (6.3 VRMS across a 4
ohm load) of audio output power at
terminals J702—20 and 22. The gain of
16602 is determined by the value of
The squelch circuit(HC601)monitors
noise on the SQ ARM output line and
allows the receiver to be unmuted when
an on-frequency signal reduces the
noise level below the squelch
threshold setting.
The 300 millivolt output of the
audio preamplifier is applied to the
squelch circuit through the variable
squelch control in the control unit.
The squelch control sets the noise
threshold level required to operate
the squelch circuit. when the noise
falls below the threshold level, the
receiver is unmuted.
The squelch circuit(HCéOl) con-
sists of a high-pass filter, an
averaging detector, DC amplifier, and a
Schmitt trigger shown in Figure l. The
high—pass filter consisting of HCBOl-A,
removes all voice signals frmn the SQ
ARM output and couples noise to
Noise in the 6,8 kHz range is
applied to the averaging detector con—
sisting of HCGOl—B. The noise is
rectified and filtered to provide an
average DC output level proportional to
the noise input. The DC output level
is adjusted by RVGOl.
The average DC level is amplified
by HC601-C to a level ranging from 0
to 6.0 VDC, and applied to the
non—inverting input of the Schmitt
trigger, l-lC601—D. The inverting input
of HC601—D is referenced to 4.5 VDC.
IC603—C provides the stable 10.5 V'DC
reference voltage.
When the DC level exceeds 4.5
VDC, Schmitt trigger HC601-D switches
and provides a positive voltage to the
CAS (Carrier Activity Sensor) and RUS
(Receiver Unsquelched Sensor) control
transistors in the audio control
circuits. The Schmitt trigger will
remain on until the threshold level
falls below approximately 4.3 V'DC.
This difference in voltage between the
firing point and turn-off point
provides sufficient hysterisis to
eliminate "bubbling" —— i.e., noise
popping in the speaker. The "bubbling"
would normally be caused by transitional
changes in the DC level around the
reference point which allows the
receiver to be unmuted.
When an on-frequency signal is
received, there will be little or no
noise present at the squelch input.
This results in an absence of voltage
at the output of the squelch circuit
Schmitt trigger, allowing the receiver
to be unmuted.
FCC 111 GOLNT030
A111) 10 CONTROL
The audio control circuits shown
by Figure 2 control the operation of
the audio gate (ICéOl-B) and the final
audio PA and consist of TR601—605,
inverter ICGOl-A and associated
circuitry. The audio control circuit
inputs consist of W (Delayed
Push—To~Talk), RX MUTE (Receiver Mute),
PA KEY/COT PA ENE (Public Address
Key/Carrier Control Timer Public
Address Enable),
squelch circuit.
and the output of the
When an on~frequency signal with
the correct Channel Guard Tone is
received, CAS control transistor TR60l
and RUS control transistor TRBDZ are
turned off by the absence of a positive
voltage at their bases. The CAS line
from the collector of 111601 rises to +9
VDC and is supplied to J70l~14.
I men ass
| nun
The collector of RUS Transistor
TR602 also rises to +9 VDC and turns on
inverter ICSOl—A. A— is then applied
to the base of inverter TR603, turning
it off and allowing its collector to so
high. The positive voltage on the
collector is applied to audio gate
ICfiOl-B, turning it on. 1116014 is
biased on but has no effect on audio
switches TR605. The base of the
transistor is connected to the output
of audio control switch IC601A—Z which
is at A—~. Therefore TR605 turns off,
allowing input audio to the PA which
feed audio power to the speaker.
when the microphone is keyed, the
DPTT input is low. This low is
applied to audio gate [0601—11 through
CDGOSB, turning IC601—E off. It is
also applied to audio control switch
IC601—A (through CD603A) turning it
off. TR603 is also off and TRGOQ,
TR605 are on. TR605 shorts out the
audio input to the audio PA 10602.
scmm r "w
nasal-D .
so um
Figure 1 _ Squelch circuits (HC601)
Hcso; Ursa
L o
Figure 2 — Audio Control Circuit
Battery supply Ax» enters the
radio through the front connector at
J801f19. A— enters through JBOl.
Figure 3 is a block diagram of the
power distribution system. Two heavy
connections are provided for transmit
A+ and transmit A— and connect to two
busses. The bosses are connected to
the PA through a special feedthrough
arrangement. A second set of wires is
routed through the control unit and
supplies power to the audio amplifier
and all other radio circuitry.
The CHOS Integrated
A Circuit devices used
‘% \ in this equip—
ment can be des—
troyed by static
discharges . Before
handling one of
these devices, the serviceman
should discharge himself by
touching the case of a bench test
instrument that has a 3—prong
power cord connected to an outlet
with a known good earth ground.
when soldering or desoldering 5
Guns device, the soldering iron
should also have a 3—prong power
cord connected to an outlet with
a known good earth ground. A
battery—operated soldering iron
may be used in place of the
regular soldering iron.
FCC lD', 601141030
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