XPLORER RCO ORX Remote control User Manual manual ORX UK

XPLORER ORX Remote control manual ORX UK

User Manual

Page 02Page 03Page 04Page 04Page 05Page 05Page 05Page 05Page 05Page 06Page 06Page 06Page 06Page 07Page 07Page 08Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 09Page 10Page 10Page 10Page 10     WSA WIRELESS HEADPHONESOPTIONAL       Pairing the WSA with remote control Functions MI6  OPTIONAL Pairing the MI-6 with remote control Unpair the MI-6   Recover a lost MI-6 MI-6 active display screen MI-6 extended functions Sensitivity Tone  Audio PITCH / Audio PULSE Programs & Saving   POWER SUPPLY  BATTERIES      USB charger Battery Status  Battery life Charging time Battery care  Precautions PRATICAL INFORMATION TROUBLESHOOTING AND SOLUTIONS SPARE PARTS SPECIFICATIONS BATTERY INFO FOR AIR TRANSPORT  RECOMMANDATIONS / LAW DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY EU  IC FCC ELECTRICAL  WASTE RECYCLING WARRANTY PRECAUTION FOR USE ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIO WAVES ACCESSORIES FACTORY PROGRAMS ORX STARTING UP Page 10Page 10 Page 10Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 12Page 12Page 12Page 12Page 12Page 13Page 13Page 14Page 14Page 14Page 14Page 14/15Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 18Page 18Page 19Page 19Page 19Page 19Page 19Page 19Page 20Page 21BACK  TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION ASSEMBLY  FACTORY PROGRAMS REMOTE CONTROL  MENU    Sensitivity Frequency Frequency shift Iron tone  Discrimination IAR (Gold Field) Discrimination  Threshold Reactivity GROUND      General features Ground eets  OPTIONCONFIGURATION Loudspeaker Backlight Contrast  Language GO TERRAIN apps Update       Programs Save program Coils Pairing a new coil Save a coil into the list Delete coil from the list TABLE OF CONTENTS
02Congratulations on the purchase of your ORX and welcome to the world of research and exploration. You have invested in a high-tech metal detector capable of exceptional performance.The ORX has been designed and manufactured in France.The ORX is innovative in terms of metal detector design as it oers an unique system based on dierent wireless elements communicating via a digital radio link. In this new design the coil andremote control have been made independent of each other through the integration of very compact high-capacity lithium batteries.   An ultra-miniature electronic circuit, incorporated in the search coil, digitises and analyses the signals. The signal is processed at the source and not conveyed via a wire link, which greatly improves data quality.  Incorporating components from leading-edge technologies such as scientic instrumentation, has enabled us to produce a powerful, rapid, lightweight, compact and fully controllable digital detector. Whether you are an experienced user or a beginner, The ORX lets you decide whether or not to modify any of its remote control settings. Powerful pre-congured factory programsenable all users to get started immediately, while expert detectorists can choose more advanced parameters via the intuitive interface.Lastly, the new patented XP stem has the combined advantages of an S-shaped stem and a straight telescopic stem. It enables you to deploy or fold away the device in just a few seconds, and to change the coil in an instant.                   So now you’re ready for a new adventure! TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION
04SENSREACTIVITYDISC IARMENUFREQUENCY1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASURETARGET IDIRON PROBABILITY1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASUREKHZChangeprograms Control settings                    Conguration / Programs / coils  Decrease the ground eect correctionsDecrease valuesUSB connection for charging or updating the softwareIncrease the ground eect correctionsIncrease values3.5 plug: audio output jackBattery level (displays alternately)Coil / Remote control / MI-6Name of active programChange program with                      Mineralisation strengthThe actual level of ground eectcorrections (use phase adjustment)from 60 to 99Detection Frequency usedGround mineralisation index (phase measured constantly  for information)Target IDBattery levelCoil / Remote control / MI-6Probability level of ironReturn to the main menuTo scroll through the menu Frequency shift Quick press : access to MENU                    DISCRI - SENS - FREQ ...   Press 2 sec: to send the Target ID to GO TERRAIN apps When a target is detected     - Example of secondairy screen :Quick press: Automatic capture of the ground eects (Ground Grab)Press 2 sec : PINPOINT Mode ON/OFF FACTORY PROGRAMSREMOTE CONTROL# 1 - GOLD# 2 - FINE GOLD# 3 - COIN FAST# 4 - COIND DEEP#5 - USER# 6 - USERFor low / average mineralisation,  good sensitivity to medium and  large sized  Gold.For heavy mineralisation / with good sensitivity to small and medium sized Gold.For coins and all types of targets good performance on mineralised  or contaminated ground.For coins and all types of targets good performance on low mineralised / uncontaminated ground.Customisable GOLD or COIN program.Customisable GOLD or COIN program.The GOLD and COIN programs use dierent methods of signal processing.
05THRESHOLDFREQUENCYREACTIVITYMENUSENSGND LEVELGND BALANCEGND MEASUREConguring the main detection settings.Press              Scroll through the menu by pressing  Adjust the Sensitivity level (from 0 to 99) with    Exit with               .Sensitivity is often described as the setting which adjusts the device’s powerlevel. Increased sensitivity levels can enable the ORX to detect deeper targetsbut may cause an unstable operation.The most commonly used sensitivitylevels range from 50 to 80. It may be necessary to reduce the level if there is too much interference.Scroll through the frequencies with  The ORX gives you the choice of three operating frequencies which cover most detection needs.    - 22cm 9’’ coil : 15kHz, 30kHz and 50 kHz.     - Elliptical coil : 15kHz, 30kHz and 80 kHz.     - X35 coil : 4kHz, 8kHz, 12kHz, 17kHz and 25kHz.They enable you to adapt your machine to suit a wide variety of soils and targets.Here is a example of the most likely targets that may be detected according to the frequency: 4 / 8 / 12 / 15 / 17 kHz 30 kHz  55 kHz / 80 kHzLarge to mediumsized targetsMedium to small targetsSmall to miniaturetargets       Press                to shift frequency.You can shift your operating frequency slightly to avoid interferencegenerated by another detector in close proximity or electromagnetic interference (EMI).SENSITIVITYFREQUENCYFREQUENCY SHIFTSENSREACTIVITYDISC IARMENUFREQUENCYKHZ,SENSREACTIVITYDISC IARMENUFREQUENCYKHZ,MENUChannel 14K 13.3K 13.6K 14.0K 14.4K 14.8K 15.2K 15.6KChannel 28K 26.6K 27.3K 28.0K 28.8K 29.6K 30.4K 31.3KChannel 54K  50.0K 51.2K 52.6K 54.0K 55.5K 57.1K 58.8KChannel 80K  68.3K 70.1K 72.0K       74.0K 76.1K 78.4K 80.8KDo not test your device in your home or in your garden as there is considerable electromagnetic and metallic interference in urban environments.DISC IARTHRESHOLDSENSITIVITYIRON TONE Activate / de-activate the low ferrous tone with              .  MENUIRON TONE ON PROG COIN120 HzIRON TONE (120hz)500 Hz725 Hz1000 HzPROG GOLD PITCH 23IRON TONE ( PITCH )200 HzrdTONEndTONE
06Adjust the IAR (Iron Amplitude Rejection) DISCRIMINATION from 0 to 5. It applies only to targets that produce strong signals – typically shallow ferrous items.  IAR will not reject deeper targets which may come across as ferrous when they are buried in mineralised ground, This is to ensure good targets are not rejected by mistake. Gold nuggets (buried deep in mineralised ground) generate a similar target signature to a ferrous item. So in this case, it is better to reduce the level of discrimination.DISCRIMINATION IAR PROGRAMS 1 & 2 GOLD Large masses in ground with little iron contamination. General use.Dicult soils contaminated with iron, hot rocks, etc.     12/2.5     3In terms of pure performance, the greatest detection ranges are obtained with low reactivity levels. However, you will nd more targets and will penetrate deeper in mineralised ground withmedium or high reactivity levels.THRESHOLD PROGRAMS 1 & 2 GOLD  Threshold is a faint background sound. Adjust the threshold from 0 to 20 withAdjust The Reactivity from 1 to 3 with            .REACTIVITY IRON VOLTHRESHOLDMENUDISC IARMENUREACTIVITYThe Reactivity is a vital setting that determines the detector’s performance in terms of how quickly it analyses the signal from detected targets, and its ability to separate the signals from several targets located close together.  This is also known as Recovery speed. If the soil contains a great deal of iron, hot rocks or other mineralised debris, soil penetration is generally reduced. The ORX enables you to select a high degree of reactivity which will help you speed up the analysis of signals. However if the ground is "clean", it is better to reduce the Reactivity and sweep slower. The machine will be more sensitive to deep masses and obtain better ground penetration.The ORX is a fast and selective detector ! Typical recommended Reactivity settings are as follows :DISCRIMINATION PROGRAMS 3 & 4 COINAdjust the discrimination level from 0  to 99 with           . Increasing the discrimination value enables you to gradually reject any target with a conductivity level lower than the selected setting. Ex: if you set the discrimination level to 10, you will reject iron with a value of between 0 and 10.Dierent tones to help with target identication :Dierent tones to help with target identication :Coke0            10           20           30          40           50           60           70           80          90           99120 Hz 500 Hz 725 Hz23IRON TONE ( PITCH )200 Hz rdTONEndTONEBronze coinsMedium gold nuggetsFerrousSmall gold nuggets,lead, foil...Fine coinsMedium gold nuggetsBig gold nuggetsSilver coinsIRON TONE (120hz) 1000 HzPITCH
071- GOLD27800 HZ - SALT  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASUREDierent levels of soil mineralisation can aect the performance of your detector. For example, this may be due to natural magnetic mineralisation such as iron oxide, hot rocks and magnetite, or sporadic mineralisation from sites of ancient habitation. Other magnetic items include: hearths, pottery, hot rocks, slag, etc. You may also experience high mineralisation from black sand and electrically conductive salt water (Depending on the beach region).                            If your ground is not mineralized (check mineralisation bargraph below), there is no need to adjust your ground balance to a level below 88: because the ground has not  given a signicant spurious echo indicating low mineralisation levels.General features              GROUNDSALT mode : Gold search on highly conductive soil ( salt lake or beach)Press                to enable or disable the salt feature.Mineralisation strength:  The higher the bar graph, the     more mineralized the ground is. Sweep the coil over the ground for 10 seconds to evaluate the mineralisation strength. If the level is low, there is less need to make any adjustments.        The ground mineralisation level                    (measured constantly for information).                                     The adjusted level of ground eect  (User adjustment ).
08On the controller, press the  “ Ground Balance” button       once briey while pumping the coil to the  ground. The ORX will grab and calibrate  the current ground value and stabilise your ORX. The number on the lower left of the screen (GND BALANCE) displays the users set  ground value. Don’t keep the “Ground Balance”  button          pressed during this opera-tion, just press it once during the pumping process. If the ground is not eliminated well,  follow the same procedure for a more accurate calibration.15 cm~6 inch~Restart the operation if the ground changes or it becomes unstable while searching.1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASUREAUTOMATIC MODE1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASUREYou can manually adjust the ground rejection levels.       Note the right value (GND MEASURE)       By using             adjust the GND BALANCE to correspond withthe GND MEASURE reading.Each ground rejection level from 60 to 90 has additional units of ne tuneincrements to allow for a better ground adjustment.MANUAL MODEGROUNDMODE SALTOn highly conductive soil ( salt lake or wet beach), activate the SALT MODE to stabilise the ORX.Press and hold for 2 seconds                , to enable or disable the salt feature. The ground balance range is now adjustable from 0 to 30. 1- GOLD27800 HZ        SALT  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASURE
09     Choose                            with               then press               .LoudspeakerBacklightContrastLanguageSelect your laguage. The software can be updated via a single USB to mini B cable and an Internet connection. Full information is available on our website: www.xpmetaldetectors.com GO TERRAINUPDATEGO TERRAIN is an application for IOS or Android smartphones, designed to optimize your ORX experience. Key features are : Geo-locate, a real time map and the ability to make an inventory of your nds (More information on our website available coming soon).CONFIGURATIONPINPOINTERSPROGRAMSCOILSSELECTSELECTOPTIONCONFIGURATION CONFIGURATIONWith the option menu you can save your settings, create new programs and congure your equipment’s basic parameters. Press                 .The backlight is activated as soon as a button is pressed and then switches o after a certain length of time. You can dene this time in seconds: OFF -  3s  - 10s - 60s -120s - ON (permanent).To improve readability in all lighting conditions you can adjust the contrast of the display.Enables the remote control’s loudspeaker to be activated or de-activated.Select an unused slot (5 or 6) with                then press               .Press                , choose                           and press              .  Save a programPress               to change the programs.           Choose from the 4 factory programs, you can modify them and create 2 additional user programs.GND LEVELGND BALANCEGND MEASUREPROGRAMSOPTIONPROGRAMSValidate with               , your program is saved.
10      At the point where the cursor is ashing, scroll through the characters using             and press                               to advance to the next digit.       At the sixth digit press                then               x2  to return to the main menu.The remote control now adds this new coil to its list.To choose a coil :       Choose                         with                and press               .      Press                to scroll through the list of available coils and select the one you wish to activate. The selected coil automatically becomes active after few seconds.Pairing the remote control with a new coilCOILSHEADPHONESEntering the serial numberSelect a coil from the list      Choose the coil and press               .      Choose EDIT SERIAL NUMBER  and press              .       Delete all Characters with               and replace with "000000 ", then press              and              .    Delete a coil from the listIf you purchase an additional coil you need to pair it. Enter the coil serial number into the remote control to communicate with the ORX. The serial number is printed on the coil and on the invoice.Follow the following steps:COILS SELECT VALIDSELECTSELECT VALIDCOILSPINPOINTERSCONFIGURATIONSELECTOPTIONHEADPHONEPress          and          to switch OFF the WSA.* Note the WSA will turn OFF automaticaly with the remote.USB mini B to charge.      Press the       button for 3 seconds to switch ON the WSA.    Pairing your WS AUDIO with the remote control :Press          to switch ON the WSA.OPTION     Press               , choose                    with                 and press                  .      Choose an unsed slot  (ex: 03: - - - - - - ) with                  and press                 .SELECTSELECTCOILS     Press              , choose                     with                  and press                 .SELECTHEADPHONEChange the audio volume with         or         .
11COILSCONFIGURATIONPROGRAMSSELECTOPTIONPINPOINTEROPTIONPINPOINTERREMOVEREMOVESELECTPINPOINTERRESEARCHFind your pinpointer within a radius of 25 meters, even if switched o and missing after several weeks.       Choose                , select                                and                              .         The pinpointer will start sounding with a ashing LED.       Press the pinpointer button and return to the search mode with                . PINPOINTER MI-6When connected the MI-6 pinpointer transmits its audio signal directly to the DEUS, a new menu will now be available with extended functions.      Choose                .        Press                and select                              .         Turn on the MI-6 , then hold the button down for 8 seconds.      Once paired the MI-6 will operate with the DEUS.                When pairing, the MI-6 automatically switches to program 7 (ORX / DEUS). This program will only work with the ORX.  Program 7 will not generate any sound or vibration.    Pairing the MI-6  to the ORXTarget zoom screen.Program.Access to: SENS - TONE - AUDIO...  MI-6 battery condition.     Recover a lost MI-6 MI-6 active display screenChoose                 select                               and                               naly press                .                 To use the MI-6  without the ORX, select programs 1 to 6 on the MI-6 menu. To change program: Switch MI-6 on - press the button for 5 seconds, a melody indicates that you have entered the program selection mode, press to correspond with the desired program number (eg press 2 times for program 2). After 2 seconds the melody indicates the MI-6 has returned to the search mode.    Un pair the MI-6 from the ORXt   Pairing the MI-6  totheORX                                                    PINPOINTERPINPOINTERPINPOINTERREMOVERESEARCHMENUPRG 2OPTION
12The MI-6 has 50 levels of sensitivity via the remote control.Press         or         To adjust the sensitivity levels via the remote control.                              For precise object location, low sensitivity levels, such as prog 1 and 2, are recommended. The high sensitivity level (prog 3) is for cache location or searching in walls and furniture.The MI-6 audio PULSE tone can be adjusted from the remote control, tones range from 120 to 1582 Hz. (Audio PULSE mode only).Press        or          to adjust the tone.              Tone is available only with the Audio PULSE mode.- Audio PITCH: The sound varies in tone and intensity, it is the default mode, it oers fast target location.- Audio PULSE: Has a higher sound, intended for noisy environments. Target location is not as precise as PITCH mode.  Pitch and Pulse mode both have the same performance.Choose from one of the 3 factory pre-set programs in the menu to make your own custom program which can then be saved as (prg4).        Select the program you want by pressing         or       .       Enter the settings by pressing                .       Save your settings by pressing               .              When rst used the MI-6  will start on program 2. After this it will start on the last used program.           The 4 programs on the remote control are separate from the programs inside the pinpointer. When used independently the MI-6 (unpaired) will always use it’s factory programs.THE MI-6 - EXTENDED FUNCTIONS     Sensitivity     Tone     Audio PITCH / Audio PULSEMaking and saving a custom programPress       or       to switch from one mode to another.                                                                                              CONFIGURATIONTONEAUDIOSENSCONFIGURATIONAUDIOSENSTONE 1582 HZCONFIGURATIONSENSTONEAUDIO PITCHMENUPRG 2CONFIGURATIONTONEAUDIOSENSOPTIONMENURetune   At any time, you can re-calibrate the MI-6 by pressing the button very briey while away from any metallic source. On mineralised soil and salt water, re-calibrate the MI-6 when in contact with the ground to localize  the detection range, also re-calibrate (de-tune) when near to a large object.
13- The power adaptor is only designed for indoor use and should not be exposed to water or humidity.- Always connect your power adaptor in an accessible, visible place to ensure that it can be unplugged quickly in the event of overheating or other problems.- Do not charge the devices during a thunderstorm, always unplug the power adaptor from the supply.- Do not charge close to inammable parts or substances.USB Charger (not included)( Apple™, Samsung™, Sony™,Huawei™ ...)  USB port on laptopOutput 5V       0.5A or +    Output 5V       1A or +  1- GOLD27800 HZ GND LEVELGND BALANCEGND MEASUREOREnsure that the clamp is the right way round before connecting it to the coil. Do not adjust after tting, it can take up to 10 seconds for the led to activate. POWER SUPPLY-BATTERIESThe ORX can be charged using any standard USB 5V certied charger with a minimum capacity of 1A and 5V output. 1A 5V USB charger is enough to charge the 3 elements together (coil/remote/headphone). A computer USB output is also suitable and can charge 1 or 2 elements at a time (eg : coil + remote). Take care about the quality of the charger and never use unknown or unbranded cheap products. It is important to check that the charger has the correct symbols of certication : By purchasing this product, the buyer/user agrees that he/she has read and understood the battery & charger safety precautions printed in this document, that he/she bares full responsibilities of these risks, and does not hold XPLORER, or its retailers responsible for any accidents, loss of life, injury to persons, or property damage that may occur as a result of : Incorrect use of the battery including charging with a non-approved or non-certied charger.USB CHARGER (not included)
14POWER SUPPLY-BATTERIESThe LiPo batteries are designed to take hundreds of charges and can last 5 to 10 years in your detector, if used correctly : - Long term storage of fully discharged batteries or fully charged batteries may reduce their overall durability. - If you wish to  place your machine in storage, rst charge the batteries to half of their capacity (40 to 70%)- Perform a discharge / charge cycle at least once every two months.Acceptable ambient temperature during charging: from 0°C to  + 35°C Maximum. Recommended storage temperature: 25°C.HOW TO EXTEND DURABILITY OF THE LITHIUM  BATTERY ?PRECAUTIONS100% charged   60% charged 30% chargedThe REMOTE CONTROL  alternately displays :The symbol            which indicates the remote control’s charge level.The symbol           which indicates the coil’s charge level.COIL - HEADPHONES - REMOTE CONTROL: 3 Hours.Lithium batteries do not suer from the ‘memory eect’ so you can recharge them at any time without rst having to wait for them to fully discharge.The LED on the coil is on continually when charging is underway. When charging is complete, the LED will alternate 3s ON / 3s OFF.The search coil’s battery life may vary depending on the modes used. The table below shows battery life according to frequency.1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASUREBATTERY STATUSBATTERY LIFECHARGING TIMEWSA: 15 hours                                  REMOTE CONTROL: 19 hours                                COIL :± 25 hours Frequency 14 kHz Frequency 30 kHz Frequency 55 kHz Frequency 80 kHz20 hours 27 hours  28 hours 28 hours  Battery lifeHF COIL
15INCORRECTCORRECTCibleIf you are having diculty locating the target then sweep the place where you heard the sound. Move a quarter turn around the spot and begin sweeping again in the same way. You should then locate the precise zone containing your target at the intersection of the two sweeps where the sound is loudest.Metal detecting is a fascinating leisure activity that can bring you a lot of satisfaction. However, it requires a minimum of learning in order to get the most enjoyment. Begin by familiarising yourself with your equipment and its operation on a suitable practice ground. To do this, we recommend that you take an assortment of dierent objects: coins, everyday items, metal rubbish, etc. Then nd a patch of ground relatively free from metal pollution and far away from any electromagnetic interference (high voltage power lines, electric fences, domestic appliances, etc.). For instance, your garden would probably be one of the most unsuitable places to begin as there is too much domestic waste in the vicinity.Arrange your objects on the ground then, take some time to observe your device’s reactions when it passes over each target.POWER SUPPLY-BATTERIESPRACTICAL INFORMATIONBatteries- The batteries are tted with internal protection systems which shield them from extreme overloads and discharges. They must not be dismantled or short-circuited, which is dangerous.- Do not leave batteries charging unnecessarily.- If you notice any perforation, odour or other anomaly, please take the battery to a designated    collection point.- Never dispose of lithium batteries with your household waste: depose them at a collection point.- Do not place the batteries near heat sources and never throw them onto a re.- Never perforate the battery cover or try and weld/solder the battery.- Risk o explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.- Replacing the battery with an incorrect type can lead to an explosion risk. Only use LiPo batteries.- Acceptable ambient temperature during charging: from 0°C to  + 35°C Maximum. - Recommended storage temperature: 25°C.- If you notice an abnormal overheating of the support elements, immediately unplug the power supply and do not attempt to recharge.- Do not travel by air with a defective or questionable battery.ADVICE BEFORE BEGINNING DETECTINGLOCATING A TARGET USING CROSSED SWEEPS IN MOTION MODE
16TROUBLESHOOTINGCAUSES                                                                   SOLUTIONSSensitivity is too high.                               You are in a zone with a lot of interference (high-voltage power lines, electric transformer, electric fence).  There is a storm nearby and the electromagnetic discharges of lightning are interfering with the detector.You are close to other working metal detectors.The ground balance is set too low. Reset it The ground is heavily infested with iron and other metals. Lower it (pg 05).Lower the sensitivity change frequency/frequency shift or move to a dierent zone.Switch o and wait for the storm to passChange or shift the frequency (pg 05)or move further away.Adjust it (pg 08).Find a less infested place. Don’t practice in your garden! The backphone is faulty.The earpiece is faulty, for example its keypad was poorly reconnected to the circuit after being removed, or the audio contacts are faulty or dirty.Change it, it is easy to replace (pg 17 ).Contact your reseller  You become aware of abnormal performance, instability, false signals, interference, for no apparent reasonThere is no sound in the headphones when passing over a target and pressing the buttons generates no audible beepCAUSES                                                                   SOLUTIONSCAUSES                                                                   SOLUTIONSYou have a dierent coil selected in the menu : OPTION / COIL ON the remote control or in the menuCOIL on the headphones.The serial number of the coil that you had entered in the remote control was incorrect or was changed inadvertently.The coil battery is dischargedThe coil is defective.Select the corresponding coil (pg 10).Check the coil’s serial number  (pg 10).paying attention to D & O also B & 8.Recharge it. Contact your reseller. The coil does not switch on, unlike the remote control and the headphones
17ORX STEM ( REF: D044LITE) /  COILS / etc...ORX REMOTE CONTROL ( REF: D08ORX ) WS AUDIO (REF: WSAUDIO)Top part(with keyboard) Réf: D081ORXSide rubberRéf: D086Rubber top              Réf: D084Side rubber  Réf: D086Rubber bottomRéf: D085top part: Réf: D098WSBackphoneRéf: D096Board PCB Réf: D083ORX(With LCD)Bottom PartRéf: D082(with speaker)LCD -  Réf: D087Battery- Réf: D088Speaker- Réf: D089PCB  Réf: WSACIRCUITBottom part Réf: D094WSBattery Réf: D088WSSecuring kit for search coilRéf: D038HF22.5cm / 9’’ coil coverRéf: D022Elliptical coil coverRéf: ELPCOILCOVThe clampRéf: D0894ORX user’s manual22.5 cm / 9’’ coilRéf: D01HFElliptical coilRéf: DELLHFlower stemRéf: DGP03Middle part of aluminium stemRéf: D04Plastic holderfor remote control(with screws)Réf: D05B Handle + locking parts for handleRéf: D06BLACKHandle Strap Réf: D071Charge cable Réf: DCUSB3Locking parts for handle Réf: D061Full CamlockRéf: D041BLACKSPARE PARTSORX MANUAL
18RadioSettingsBATTERY SPECIFICATIONS FOR AIR TRANSPORTTRANSPORTING LITHIUM BATTERIES: Following strict regulations regarding transportation of lithium batteries, some airlines will ask you these specications:  Digital wireless  36 automatic channels  2.4GHz / ~ 0.56mW 22cm / 9’’  HF COIL: 15 / 28  / 54 kHz + shift        Elliptical HF COIL: 15 / 28  / 80 kHz + shift         X35 coil : 4 / 8 / 12 / 18 / 25 kHz + shift   99 levels  4 levels  ON / OFF  Automatic mode / Manual mode  IAR ( Iron Amplitude Rejection) + Normal  Audio & visual  x 4 + 2 customisable programs  Yes on wired headphones and wireless headphones  8192 pixels  Yes, very low power consumption  Yes, WS AUDIO in option, rain proof.  DD, waterproof - wireless  Yes  Yes with WSA headphones (optional)  Fully telescopic, S- shape  Lithium polymer, miniature     Yes  19 hours  15 hours  20 to 28 hours  Optional - rapid and simultaneous charging of all elements           Input 100-200V 50/60Hz, Output 5V        1A         Optional   Optional, with 1 AA battery &  torch function  Coils / WSA / Remote control : 3 H   870 g  (770g without remote control)  390 g—  100 g—  66 g (WSA)—  345 g with coil cover (22cm / 9 ‘’ Coil)  58 cm  130 cm  From -5°C to + 40° C  From 0°C to + 35°C  Yes, but an optional antenna is required for use when the          coil is submerged    5 years parts and labour, battery 2 years  EP 1990658 B1General featuresSPECIFICATIONS Quantity Type Power battery weightDEUS coil 1630mA 2.30 watts/hour 13.7 gHF COIL 1830mA 3.14 watts/hour 16.3 g1250mA 0.93 watts/hour   4.9 gDEUS remote control 1630mA 2.30 watts/hour 13.7 gWireless headphone WSALinkChannels Radio Frequencies and Radio powerDetection FrequenciesSensitivityReactivityIron toneGround balanceDiscriminationTarget IDFactory programsAudio VolumeDisplay screenBackligntingWireless hgeadphones CoilCoil coverHeadphones storage case StemBatteriesBattery level indicatorRemote control battery lifeWireless WSA battery life Coil lifeMains power chargerField chargerCar chargerCharging timeTotal weight with batteries Total weight of stem Weight of remote control with batteriesWeight of headphones with battery Weight of coilLength of folded stem Length of deployed stem Operating T° Max ambient T° during changing Waterproof coilGuaranteePatents
19RECOMMENDATION TO DETECTORISTS / THE LAWDECLARATION OF CONFORMITY EUCERTIFICATION FCCThis detector has a 5 year parts and labour warranty.This warranty does not cover:t#SFBLBHFDBVTFECZGBMMTJNQBDUTPSBDDJEFOUBMEBNBHFt%BNBHFDBVTFECZBCOPSNBMVTFPSSFTVMUJOHGSPNOPODPNQMJBODFXJUIUIFDPOEJUJPOT  of use stipulated in the device’s instructions.t"MUFSBUJPOPGUIFFMFDUSPOJDDJSDVJUCZBOZVOBVUIPSJ[FEQFSTPOt$PSSPTJPOPGFMFDUSPOJDDJSDVJUTEVFUPXBUFSJOHSFTTt"SFEVDUJPOJOCBUUFSZMJGFEVFUPCBUUFSZBHFJOHt#SFBLBHFPGDBCMFTPSXJSFTParts that are subject to normal wear and tear like: theadphones earpads, coil bolts & ttings, cases are not covered by the 5 year warranty. In the event of any fault or malfunction please contact your XP dealer for advice, should any part require returning to them or the distributor it must be accompanied by a note explaining the fault, carriage/shipping cost is the customer’s responsibility.  Proof of Purchase is required to make a claim under this warranty. If a faulty device has been replaced by a new or reconditioned one, the warranty will continue from the original purchase date.Xplorer reserves the right to modify its detectors’ characteristics or specications without notice.ORX  - 5 YEARS LIMITED WARRANTYRecycling of electrical wast in european union and other countriesDetecting is an activity which, like other leisure activities, requires a few general guidelines. These recommendations will enable everyone to enjoy their hobby to the full while respecting laws, places, the environment and other people.- Ensure you are informed of current legislation relating to discovery of treasure in order to abide by the law.- Declare any fortuitous archaeological discoveries to the local authorities (town hall) of the discovery site within 48 hours.- Before prospecting on a site, obtain permission from its owner(s) or guardian(s).- Respect the natural environment in which you are prospecting and any other places to which you need access.- Systematically back-ll any holes you make so as to leave a site exactly how you found it.- Keep any rubbish you nd in order to dispose of it in a dustbin.Avoid detecting in areas where battles are known to have taken place during wartime. Exercise extreme caution with any suspect object resembling munitions, grenades, mines, shells, bombs, etc. and notify the relevent authorities (police, local authorities, etc.) of any such object you nd.Remember that you are an ambassador for metal detecting and it is important that you convey a positive image !If this symbol is displayed on the product or its packaging, it means that the product must not be disposed of with your household waste. You must take it to a designated collection point for recycling electrical and electronic waste. This selective waste sorting and recycling helps to preserve natural resources and avoid any potential risks for human This declaration is made under the responsibility of the manufacturer :             XPLORER SARL - 8 rue du Développement – F-31320 CASTANET-TOLOSANWe, XPLORER, hereby certify that this detector complies with the essential requirements of European Directives RED 2014/53/EU, SECURITY 2014/35/EU, EMC 2014/30/EU, which aims to harmonise legislation in member states on the use of the radio spectrum, electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety. Assessment of the device’s compliance was carried out in accordance with the essential requirements of this directive and the harmonised standards :- SECURITY (art 3.1.a) : NF EN 60950-1 :2006 +A1:2013+A2:2014+A11:2009+A12:2012,   EN50366:2003 and EN50371:2002- EMC (art 3.1.b) : ETSI EN 301 489-3 : 2013 v1.6.1 and ETSI EN 301 489-1 : 2011 v1.9.2,   EN61326-1:1997 + A1 +A2 +A3, EN55011:2007- RADIO SPECTRUM (art 3. 2) : EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1, EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1 and AS/NZS 4268:2012- OTHERS : EN300330-1 : V1.5.1                                                       Declaration date :  12 .10. 2018health and the environment that could result from inappropriate scrapping, due to the possible presence of dangerous substances in the electric and electronic equipment. For more information on places where you can take your electrical waste, please contact the shop where you purchased this product. Alternatively you can return it to your supplier, or directly to XP. The same is true for the lithium batteries which must be recycled appropriately, or returned to your supplier or directly to XP.© 2018   Xplorer sarlThis document contains information that is protected by existing legislation on copyright, brands and royalties. Any reproduction, even partial, of this document, the logos or the XP and Dēus brands is prohibited without the agreement of : XPLORER SARL - 8 rue du Développement – 31320 - CASTANET-TOLOSAN - FRANCEORX is a precision device, designed to  be as robust as possible. Despite this, it is important to take care of it and exercise certain precautions in order to prolong its life:- Do not store your device for long periods with discharged batteries. Ideally you should discharge/recharge the batteries at least once a month, and if possible store them 40 to 70% charged.- Do not expose your detector to extreme temperatures, particularly inside a car in full sun.- Do not expose your detector to the sun without reason when it is not being used.- When you switch on the detector ensure that the coil is not near any metal      objects.- The remote control of your detector is not waterproof. In wet weather be sure to   protect it !- Use the storage case that is supplied with the headphones and never carry them at the bottom of a bag without protection.- Use the case that is supplied with the remote control to protect it in adverse     conditions, and when the detector is stored away.- Do not use solvents or alcohol to clean the detector.  Soapy water is sucient.- Depending on how you use your detector, it may be advisable to clean its elements regularly. A damp cloth can be used to clean the non-waterproof parts (headphones and remote control).- After use, remove any dirt from the stem’s locking mechanisms.- The equipment must be recharged using a SELV LPS power supply. PRECAUTION FOR USESafety relating to electromagnetic radio wavesThis product complies with standards for user safety with regard to electromagnetic waves. The strength of the radio signals used is considerably weaker and on a much smaller scale than those emitted by mobile telephones (2,000 to 4,000 times weaker), as well as being much less than those used by Wi-Fi systems. Moreover, when the complete system is used, the audio headphones only act as a passive radio receiver.WARNING: The accessories delivered with these detectors may vary, and similarly the menus and certain features described in this manual may dier slightly from the product purchased.This detector is not suitable for applications involving the search for dangerous targets such as munitions, mines, etc. CERTIFICATION ICThis device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference.  (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. This portable equipment with it’s antenna complies with RSS102’s radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This portable equipment with it’s antenna complies with FCC’s radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
XP case20ACCESSORIESPinpointer MI-6 Pinpointer MI-4  FX-02Armband caseProtective silicone case  Hipmount case Car chargerCoil X3522.5 cm - 9’’  Coil X3528 cm - 11‘’  Coil X3534 x 28 cm - 13’’x11’’  S - TELESCOPIC LITE S-TELESCOPICHF Coil 22.5 cm - 9’’ HF coil elliptical24 x 13 cm - 10’’x 5’’MI-4 / MI-6 Stem support(Fin 2018)Kits:  Waterproof armband 5m+ aerial antenna(available in 1m15 or 2m50)WS4 Clip jack adaptorConnect your own headphoneSolar chargerEmergency charger with torch function (AA battery x1 not provided)
21FACTORY PROGRAMSFor low / average mineralisation, good sensitivity to medium and large sized GoldFor heavy mineralisation / with good sensitivity to small and medium sized GoldFor coins and all types of targets good performance on mineralised or contaminated ground.For coins and all types of targets good performance on low mineralised / uncontaminated ground.MENU SETTINGS1# GOLD  2# FINE GOLD 3# COIN FAST 4# COIN DEEPDISCRI IARDISCRI0 to 5 0 (PITCH) 0 (PITCH)SENSITIVITY0 to 99950 to 99- 22 HF COIL- ELLIPTICAL HF COIL- X35 COILFREQUENCY &FREQUENCY SHIFT13 to 80kHz3.7 to 28kHz13 to 59 kHz31.3K9074.0K7 ( 3 tones)9014.4K7 ( 3 tones)9014.4K31.3K 54.0K 14.4K 14.4K17.3K 25.4K 17.3K  7.7K5# ------- 6# -------2IRON TONEON / OFF ONOFF0REACTIVITY1 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 00-30 (SALT) 60-95 (NORMAL)GROUND (manual or auto)SALT MODE872.5ONOFF0873ONOFF0882ONOFF0880 to 20THRESHOLDON / OFF
Press                     to access the dierent features.                                                     Scroll through functions until SENSITIVITY                    .Press                   to adjust the sentivity.                                                                         Exit with                   .Switch on the remote.(to switch o press for 2 sec)Wait a few seconds.Validate or not the use of the loudspeaker.By default factory program 1 - GOLD  is selected  Press                     if you wish to select one of the 4 factory programs ( + 2 customisable programs). ORX QUICK START1- GOLD27800 HZ  GND LEVELGND BALANCE GND MEASURE15 cm~ 6 ~Press          once to grab the ground value while pumping the coil to the ground in order to calibrate the ground eects.Restart the operation if the ground changes or value becomes unstable.lectedth 4f t (+2tPress          to switch ON the WSA.Press          and          to switch OFF the WSA.*Note : The WSA will turn OFF automaticaly with the remote.Adjust the Sensitivity to stabilise the detector :Change the audio volume with         or         . Pairing the WSA to the remote control (page 10)

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