Xenon SM-D9X WiFi DoorBell User Manual


User manual

Download: Xenon SM-D9X WiFi DoorBell User Manual
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Document ID3226949
Application IDBLtkRBJNjsyuBaIN1Hi49g==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize342.94kB (4286717 bits)
Date Submitted2016-12-13 00:00:00
Date Available2016-12-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-12-07 14:06:18
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 11.0.13 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2016-12-07 14:06:28
Document TitleUser manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 11.0.13

5‘ Settings
There are some runotton
lrlSeNlrlgs asfutluwst
6. More
There areAccoullHlltu‘About Set
tht by QR Code tog Out tn More
7. Match analog ring to doorbell
tt) Put 2pcs AAA battery tnto the analog rtrlg
tlvlage Sensor 720p Outer CMOS sensor
FCC Staternent
lhts .outpntenthasoeente_ edant:tound-ototnpty
wththe ltnttsrbt aCtassE dtg aldeytce stlrsla’lt
toParttfiottheH‘ Rules lhesettttntsate
cestgnedto prthde reasonable protec:on agalnsl
(1)Da|e and Ttme W. DysptaywsmWon szammy rtatttttuttrtettetetttetnatestdettttattrstattntten
(ZJMedta Sefimgs "" ‘ a, (2) Press and holdthe vottlmet‘audln area or LENS Typc Glass LansZ 8mm W5 ECU‘tWEH‘ESV‘EWES USES 3N1 Danmdtaie
(3JSecurtty Seumgs - ~~ attalogrtng thure 15‘ conttnuouslyto Angle olytew tab degree radafreqf‘emww’gya‘m "”0“”5‘3‘J6dam
(4JN91W0rkSeflmgs —--~ c ( 1y prnsstho doorbell Ptgurb to tn 3tn5 Atldlolrlptltt‘omputBlitHrtfllV/Orwayaudtot “‘9“"‘”"mmwmw‘mma‘"“““‘“‘”“t"WWW“
GWEN" 35mg; "mm __ W We ‘ Mmopmeand Speaker Larwtut tnterrerence to radlecorfllmflllllcatrlo'rls _
<6) -~- a w
(7) Storage lnro -~~t M” t3) you can ttstcn thc rtng once you prcss the thcp trnagc contprcsston H 254 9, “we, | “09,12” ,, {Wm fnmmmw m mm
(B)Devme Update t doorbellbuttottalterttetntztsetttng lntaoetrante Rate sotps ’\' ‘ " " ' ‘ ’ ’ ’ ‘ “ ’ , U 8e r M a n U a I
Fqurw DWWAN . bt teteytstbnreceptton y\htcrlc:m oetteternttnec by
tt) (2) tat t4!
Atarnt setttng
Arm n
on ( )de 3!
Vldeo resolutton HDH280X720)
theo Streanttng Dual streannng
Network Ethernet tottoombps Rdeds
Wtrbtn standard tEEE 302 tttbtgtn
wtreless Securtty WEP WPA WPAz
APPtorstnartphone tostAndrotd (USee Bell)
turntnothe ett,ltptrtentot-'antton theuserts
encouraged to :ryto correct the lrlterfe'erlce by one
01 more otrhe tettowtnq tneasures
Reortentor re ocate the recetytng antenna
~ lncrease t'le separatton between the edutprnent
and recetyer
WiFi Door Bell
~-t~ a ._ Placemobtte Fifi? bett lnlerred 6pcisLEDltghttng rrCDnrlectthe equtontenttnto an butletonactrcutt
. _ _ . . a .7 - - Mme 20mm Kuonm bum,” tRCUTYeS dlflerell‘tlrulr‘tt'mlmyvhlnr“t'lerecelve'ls
_, w centtnteters ”WES PtR rnotton Yes {owned 0
"' tPt away "(7m (100V SD Storaqe support Uplu 613GB MtCrUSD w Lt)ll>lltHhe ‘eaterurallexper ertltedr'etdlottv ©
W“ , we FlguretS rtgumte techlllclarl‘or'letp
. fqeg'elfi‘edgggf“ gNngjngfwgDEDtRrrewetcvwmsender {to
W “"' _ ‘ ‘, ‘ , V y y . Operattontssub ecttotherolowtngtwo Co’ldtttorls
. Scan cadet Packtng Ltst Ald'mOWWdHU'Rr433d‘dr'V'deV‘9” ttt lhtsrteytr- tnaynott- use hattntuttntetleren- O
antenna Mama seam Natww WU“ you ”eat Attn the doorbell Worktng temperatdrentd Fdegree127 F degree) and t2tthts dey ,e tnust at ept any ntertetet ©
WWW 5mm MW “W9 Wage Wu “when“ a dung sound to Smart scan 1x WtFt doorbell txAnalog rtng bell WWW] Wmtdt‘v 10 A ‘85 tnomondensmq reoetyed tr‘c‘udtng tnterrerence that rnay cause
from phone Code watt unttl Ix RJ-Afilel tx Resetsttcker WOW W66 undesttett operatton Chanoesertnedtttcattorsnot
you can heara 1thasttc natts 2xScrew PW'WSUPW DCV‘ZVt‘ZAtNOTtNCLUDEDl expressly approyed bythe party resoonstbleror
dmg sound horn 1x Bracket 1x User manual rvtt» wont-t hrH'lnfinl'swlmrrr‘lllsfi pt» tt-stnmt m prom ld’lvvphavwe I mm vwd "le new e wrmttk to upstate
phone 1x DCjet mpatuttnnu at it tm rtn tlnr‘td t para, mat a N am. the equtptnent
up :tmt . , tunamat,ttttttattt.tt-tmyntttatst-tcm .t
L‘ ‘J H '2 t3 t4 VarVZMGDPC
TheAPP wtltautornattcto searchthe WtFlrouter. (4)Inputlhe password whatyou wantto dointhe (6)Pressrtghtmousertght
- - _ Front Rear 0, 2 Re .wamn b hone _ - tnput the router password once theAPPget the “Please tnputdevtce password‘ block and tnput key tn the Red rlrlg area
W'F' D°°r Be” SM D9X ( ) g y” 2 Logln routertntorrnation tn system the password tn‘Conhrrn tnput"agatn The“Ptay-back/Setttng/
e_ w "you wanna haveareglsmmn by phone Press "Next"arld watttng torthe system connectton Press “Save‘ The system wtttbe showntnthe Edtt"wtllbe showntnthe
rheteaturesotXenontseasytotnstatl cheaper
than other Settelt can control by your phone
rltgm verstorl and PR turldtorl ‘1 ts the best
choose yourcountry area where your tooattbn
ts and tnput your phone number tn the Please
You‘ll getan user
lDlromthe system ‘
alterregistratton ‘
tram wtl=t doorbell andAPP (Flgure 7)
Devtce ltst alter password vertrytrtg successrul.
Flgure to
You can select the Semngs
.t ,t t. to selupthe doorbell
than otherstbtttatso ourrunctton can gtvcyott 2—3 t thetDnumberand vtdeoand Edtt Flgure‘tZ
a at“ am test We s_o a a gggggggggmwngtmsggythe Regtster tnvuflhe password, ..— , —w —
we also have the leature that allows you to see
out olthc catnbra at anyttrnc and to speak wtth
ytsttors by our app trt yoursntart phone PtR
(1)Reglslratlor\ by ernatt
Click “OK" |u flnlsh the regis|ratlon by phone
.- t.. -
4, Playback
Vou can seleotthe utcleb ttle to playback by
tuncttontytllsertd youantessagetoletyou know ngttet Fteurea One day/Three day/One month/Custom
who corrle tn your name even lt vlsllors have not Input your email address and yourematt
ptesstrotttdooroamera button ttyou want passwordtnthe Reglster tryou choose the :g‘uez‘agggdjéhemyltjtéeeolhst‘zyF'daaybtérgf‘astter
spcndtcssmoncy ondoorbcttand gotahtgh 1_ Setup regtstratton by ematltthure 3) - tnputyouremattaddressandmpm WW“, y y
the password at yourernatt Press LDglrl And select any one ytdeottle to playback
oualtty product Xellorl ts a suttable chotce tor
Highrquallty picture with a low data rate so
yourvtdeoloadsqutckly and does notdrop
when you‘reacellularnetwork Wide angle
lens see more otyourdoorstep wtththts
wtde-anglelens lt'stheonlyvtdeodoorbell
solutton wtth onrdemand whtchlets you see
Connectthe DCs12Vadaptorlrllo the doorbell
Scan the QR code (Flgure 2) on doorbell package
orsearoh the UseebetldoorbetlAPPto download
tromApple store or Google Play storerbr tos or
Androtd lnstalltheAPPtntoyoursmarlphone
altertneAPP download successtul
Have a regtstratton tn APP by phone or by ematl
And conrtrm tnput your ematl password tnto
the-Please input Password". then press
Ptqute a
rtgttrc 4
3. Add new device
(1)Press w" tcon
Irl Devtce ltst,
there are
Smartltnk, Manual
in the ltst
Flgure a
scan QR Code, tnput
the tht password or
yourWtFt routeronce
needsWtFlto connect"
tnAdd deytce byQR
code made then
(thure 5)
Ptoute 3 names
(SJPress OK tn ”Semng
Success" (Flgure e)
(5)Devlce ltst
You‘tHlnd the ptcture and
H3 numbertn Deytoeltst
and show Onltne rnooe
Cltckthe ptcture you can
ytewthe vtewtrbrrtthe
doorbell and also can
ltstenthe yotcerront
doorbell Vuu can talk each rtettrett
otherwtth the ytsttorunder
Flgure tt
whatyou‘re looktngror Flgure 13
» tgttrp t :4

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