Xiamen Huoshiquan Import and Export 13358327006 Remote control four axis series User Manual
Xiamen Huoshiquan Import & Export CO., LTD Remote control four axis series Users Manual
Users Manual
an: HS-SERIES 2.46 Hz FPV real-(ime video and image nansmiss‘mn Quad-(opter Instruction Manual a Inmvmm-hwnmllnunmIm-qumlmmuvmwwmhsm‘ wmmmammmmmmmum.unmet-ennuiklmdfi/CnmmnFonaIDoENmmum Mummsdmm.mwhmmmRmmnqm-mcmmmmm.umm cop-mun um um would STOPumlth-nunmv brmthNMIm I noun-hmm»Inwucmuwww.mnsuowm-Imm,ummmmmmm mnmmmaunmmammmmmwm‘mmumwnmnml) Table of Contents L Pretoce&Waming 2. Maintenance ..... 3. Parts of the Model. 4‘ The Remote Control. 5. Charge the lithium battery 6. Preparation belore taking a 7. Take Olt ................................... 8. LED Display on the remote contr 9. Altitude Hold Mode lo. Flight operations 1 l. Headless Mode. 12, One Key Return. 13. 3D Rolling. l4. Assemble 15. Assemble the phone holderr 16. Download the Ap l7. App instructions.... la, Mobile Phone control. 19. Trouble shooting 20. Table of parts ..... (ninuisLidiaioL- Esobba$uuo HIGHLIGHT OF THIS PRODUCT U USAGHOLYSTDNEL‘OM (America) CAQHOLYSTUNECOM (Canada) © +1 (626‘) 465-7134 0 www, HOL vsmNE. COM I’l l'fm (- ra makeyaw mm will an m: a: "71113me and conwndnll ai pmiue. plm: m4 viii: l'rulrutlian Manual Carl/i4”)! Mm apavm'an. Keep it safe/arm "few! In mun cominuad. m]: and enjoyable m Dlyaur drone. Important Stu tement Lm plodncl is non jinn a my ll ii I high minim quadwpler inlay-fin; various demonic mbiliiy Ind miniol imhihiim Thu dmn: minim menu Ind oonecl umnbly um m to mm are. nude.» free npfllflon. Thil aquipimi should be operand iii - life ind conuolled wly II I“ limes. lnoanocl oi W openlmm-yauedamlg: mmdcvicemptopmymtaulc Knommjuryln tho-emmcvicinny. 2.11:1) product is lulu“: for expcfluuddlm pilot! over l4 year! on“. 3.1.. cm or diniculu'ei wiili my upecl huh: mam. aperlllon 0f nuinlcnnm. plus: want! your local uln um oi mum minim mice: but in Holy Slone. Safety Gu ideh'nea mimiuinyihgummmmmymnmmhle flj‘hlwbeuin‘oodworhn'oder,hawzvetilix iln-iiyiirmhuiikwmihdpeopleil flown muponsiblyolwilhinoonfimdsplees. Mummy orpoorconlmlbyimpairnoedpilouunmlllhdlmpmwuwflymhlnnwpewlainmurwemd widen Bcfully um: ofyoutmnounm‘nuwbennyinamdllwlyx mum-in complete comloflhevchicl: Illlllilwl LKuv You We .AIwuyt fly in Iocfliom him no clear ohny obwuttionl. Inch 1: building. pylon). Ines Ind I0 on tNevcr fly lbov: «min; - large cluwdofpeoplc 1.00 mi lly In nil-m mun confinin- QKgcp cklr ofmoinuu. heavy an iv: Ind :xcuiive wlnfl‘ .FIy in moduli: wcflha condiiiom only mu mil Illlllllll m pram imam. In It: Instr-rib” .oixme Ihil dzvlee leully iii maid-nu.- will. innmcfim provided 'Iilhill oAlwiys Inc origin] pun ml: by Holy Sum: for iii-mm ind up." m. an up"!!! is. um um .Ifyon III I new palm, leek 1|in!qu rim-i Ill experienced aim piloi “you learn tH-vuoihmnvuhdwhclpyaunyuzlldm SSII'cty l-‘Iru new flint tAlw-yiopemnumiviihihynm Iimitsunpilm. Hyoum ildimmmmmmofhawm eflodively fly lb: «me plan: seek help I! ihii uh lead in mm. damp or ihiiiiy. ”(up (In: of man. yum 'Dlmna over-lion ihc mien mom manly quickly. pleuc avoid comm wiih ihe hm: Ind amine ilm facin- objacu In kept clan of I" liming pm, 1AM expo-In la mad“ but tDiu wlhenume'olumlerhl iypeimdinwnnmciiomhiim inmuuiubk ramming-L Plea: lwep your device any from but mums and mid wolonged mm to dim mum. High impel-um. mi diam m m or»: dcvicc. plan: check for luchdlnup heron flylllg. ”(lining LTbe-arumm-Mgmdnuwmmm-umsmmunmwiummmm mmu!yuudruu.mknqh-khfimnmhm. 2.Ynumflnl¢laqunihililyfuluymfiwy.lmlnrdml'llh-lmuhfiumywqxalmnflhumiu. LAM-ygmmummunmmmh'qumm.Amwnmzmm flatworm-milkIndulwlvoldflnkolinjuly.hymimlalhrdwiczudlnmwhlkinmdfl. manna HolyStn-nmmydinrihnuiulrmlcwp! my moo-mainly rules. lumen-Mummy incumwuldouoltkm. 5.1M-thwiuhlcfmchilfimllflnfl:mofl‘Jndihouldllvaylknprmdul-kvnwvm farm-twin 61mm.“mimmlnwmmmmmmmmofmm, 7.1'hupmamwmimnmmruvuidnychfiumpI—nqm.mmmm mnfmmolchlfim nouns-mmum-yams.nymummmopmwuuupumkmum-amumkotmcmu-L 9.Kn:p ulpxhuummmmymmlmmmumy. Ian:inund-ofmdnumnumnvkublnphudommuwdmmbklhummm mpnnlmmmnoun-JMmammm ILthcn-mmlnfimndinfltcmmumindminmmv ILYoummellmmmmwmmuwmmmmmmw»~umm mmmmmmnfllmm.Amylnplmmymfluflfimnlhmlmmbefnnm. I10nlyunlhechu3elptmmedwnhywmluflny. Mmchmhmumy, IS‘Alv/nylplycmmiwmhnnypdnfilymmumybmuinhmmmu:fills-1m, “Unawarmmkummwu'mhnm. Iwuuuymmum-nmmmm.”mummwemmmmum “For men-mum: Mummy- follow mm'flmmimmdhwnmwuion Donmluve ngmuflnmfihlmmmnwidmymmhkm, ”Mommacam-ubyfiningmummy.u¢onmmfimh-annmmnor «plum 20.Donmmmuflc|dhuflninulhhunlndlomedxublepufmmm‘ 2LDispueoquedmlixdomlmcn zz‘mmmmnuummmmm.mmwwmncmwmmmm ZJ‘Wh-fiwiuofhmdammwmfmhwww.chlcuofhulmudhidi wndlm. uni-ham“ampmnkmmmuwwummwmmumm mink-'2. ”£kaukmmkapmdmmyfiunmafmiwfmwwdmdqflml ww|wm¢me, 26.xapclurarmpu-umormamgwammmmnmmmnfiw 27‘Dommdufiwhe-ndiwdyiumapwlvmymlt Zchw-noflhevolmofmmmmm‘Keepywdmwlwidwd-nm, 29.nethlplnckflI-uuufim USB 5V “limbo!!- SD‘AMyiuI:diepmmainline:wimhalamwmmhmdcmfiywimloedunhmlhwflm wheymwummwuuym. [m Lanny-Mummumuunnsm LAMWMmM—hwummmnnm. immhmwmllflmmflkwmwmdanycm.anlmmwfllmflmm mm lunclhmfllllflmmfwmflmw u-y—m‘kmuwmmnyq Manama-Roman. 2 PARTS NAME — Protection cover (detachable) B (clam W AnV-clookwlu prop-”u Motor Blade Ann-chem“ M a (clockM-o W ‘ Plan-e um um .11 m pup-um mull h- Inn-Had m m- nlm unanuhm (munmnlnckwne/clnckwiu :dymnt. m menuan no me mm puma on euh hm.) REMOTE CONTROL 5 FUNCTIONS » Amman anm was JD Mung Evasion (sum was m Ada-uh" hdumun mum Mmmev smmamvmmmy. snap Yak. out n» Danny cont [tom IN back a! remote emol.am immil 4 bmrinmze M) lmmmycauomodumnom pietum). then shut the bum naval Tlu: "mama-mauv- mmnflrflm ulna-nanny. Mimmmmm. “”1““!de CHARGING THE LITHIUM BATTERY 1 Balanced mug smxmwmwwolmnmmmwuummmusa nonwh- marwmuowuss pmoflmuompm-LMGmmmnmmfldwmnwmmMm-mmdhmnumb-bu MumumernMcmMNdmhuwnumligm WMKHMNW‘NIMWWWDOOFF mumpmmm-M 2Vmcmwmmummwwwmmaumm 3 nm-mumwmummwmmwm mmlnmu-Mrymm mmnnmmamum WWW Immmummm-mumu—m—pn-mmumumml LAA-vaMMI-mvlbam alnmu-ymmu—uu-m-mmhawm era—mmmmu-nmlmmmmmnmm—nmu-wm "hump—Wm s nembmwuummjwmnmwm mammalian-rm" Menu-my PREPARATION BEFORE TAKE OFF 1. Fly the quadooplat In 3 5090015 Indoors area‘ or an Outdoor: area free of ohslacles‘ rain. snuw, Inlmals. and people. Whon flying ouIdoom make an mere Isn't too much wind. 2. Make sure all pmoellevs are lnslalled In the mm onenlallon, omenwise, In: um mm nM be able to lake on from me around, 3‘ Make sun IM 73de comrol I5 stumbled Mm brand new of Iully charged M bananas. 4. Make sum [ha Innium bannry in me drone is also fully charged. TAKING OFF: 1 Turn on me mmoln control 2. Check me "mum ballovylil 7v 650m“). (sum press the power human), make sure n I! insenea unto the pan lnSIde u w1|l beep once and me 'STATUS' me battery box 04 me amnemc‘zl I-gm wm flash. (mu) human—1- "hilt-yin: (Pic.1) (Plcll 3V Flam the drone on a flat, Ioval sudace. man press down ma powof button 0! me drone In turn on [he powedPIc 3) The lights on the drone begin blinking, (Plc.3) 4 Dun-my sum me mmma slick (left won up we down u am my. me Imam sound will MP“: 0‘ Inc (M LED Ilqhh 'STAYUS'. 'SFEEDZ', 'SPEEDV'V ’ROLL', NORMAL“ on me m cmlml wll tum omPuc 5), And me LED ham: an the drone keep fllhsmg slowly(F'|c 6) (Pic!) (may (Pics) 5 mama is nmcmnmoahm ramecomrotandmaymlaknafl PmssaownthoAK-y 1'le 0" button, Ind me am»: would him all iutmbclllflptc 7) Amt-nouns.» ‘ (PicJ) LED LIGHTS DISPLAY cum-m . . . . . . Yum-wag" ALTITUDE HOLD MODE: I mmlumwwmnmammwmm mammlbekovlmlheumoam'mdo n mug I Mupmmm. mammllboascondmg - Move th- Iefl mu- m downward. the atom will be descending. - When mu Income suck ralums back to me new"! posmon. the drum wlll he kepl at me same ML O-eratrons Haver up and down Forward and hadrward hummus-pawn Pmmdimbuwmm. mun-Ma mum-humor WI mm Turn left and righl Sideward fly r , , , \ _¢_- 7» -' LE; 1 K E : ‘ C > mmmmmuwm WWWWMU mummmum mmwmhh (1mm Mun-«mule Sidewnrd "Y “"NUHIW Forward and beekwerdny finuuning 7e- » —o > e- ) ‘ —. thhmm wmmrmwhm hm HEADLESS MODE 1. Place the dmne in from of the plan, before the pile! pair: the druoe. make wre me! rm bend a! the drone face 'orward, and the rail face towards the mama‘s). Me! the drone rakes ofl, pres: down me Headless Mode bulron on the name some! to enter into the Headless Mode. fihe LED light a! 'NORMAL' tum: on. and the Ilgh! OI 'HEADLESS' turns DMPicS)‘ 2. In Hewlen Mode. the heed of the drone not neceeeenly point: to me toward direction. any side Mme drone could porn! lorwad by mavlng me We slick and forwardlbackwardlldfllrlghl slick. h—nn—o— lie-hm (Pic.9) 1PM awn m. Hum-u Mod: lantern again to an mo Hudlou m, Ind ma LED light ol 'HEADLESS' tum: all on the rum control. the Iiohl ol 'NORMAL' turns on ONE KEV RETURN: TheMelisawmedwithOnoKadelumlunaion.Ymmndimmakulhodmdmuflnllbwkla Ina pilot Iuhomaticaly by timply pressing down the One Kay Rwum button. I In Normal Madonna LED Ilghl'NORMAL' mm: on): PrandownmeOneKayRmblmon,mammldllybucklomadimcfimmammlol Inc M point! IDVII‘Dn mum il bow plirud(Pic.‘ID), lPlc,‘0) O In Headms Modafl’he LED WM 'HEADLESS' turns an): PmdwnmoowK-yflmmmmn.modmwufidllyboekloundmlonmnuwhllol mum pomnwwmnlmdrom-mmmto m. Handles: Mods. SD TUMBLING FUNCTION‘ Whenyouaralnmililrwnhallmebaslcacfiomdmmnplaym fly more amulng tumbling actlons, Whon you fly me Quad-rotor lo 3 , , meters above. please kmp pruning (he kty (Le. Tumbling Kay) at W l he rim! up corner Mule pushlng he Rim Cormul Levorto Forward Backward! Lelll Righl unu‘l il reaches lhe highesl position This lime 3 m lho Ouldm can mime lilo Paw-WW! Tunbl'ng Function. Underme Homunodo. nannamakalumbllng mom CwM'WMMWyuMyuI-wlmlmlmwmmnguflmmmr ASSEMBLE THE CAMERA The camera I: installed onto the drone out from the box, Check It the wires of the minor! am well comaclnd Mm ma drone. Tl pl: ll the ptlot use: the remote control to tilt: photos/Moos. please connect WIFI trret (1) Short press down the button on the lap tell at the remote oonlml to take pholc(Plc 11) (2) Long press down the button on me top tell at the remote control to take vldeo, snort press down the button 398m to and the recordtng, when the drone ls {slung a Vldeo, the mmom control sounds constant beeps. until the reoordlng ls ended. 52"“ (3) All the Images and videos would be reserved In the \- mlcm SD card Much Is Inserted Into the camera PIC-u conmct the phone to ”II umlrl WIFI Ilgml “MolySmnoFW‘” Man you an the camera functlon on the rumou control. (PIC 11) ASSEMBLE THE PHONE HOLDER ‘ I A phone holder is included in the box for the FPV lunction. the ammbllng is shown as below, 1‘ Insert the phone holder etlck inlo the hole at the middle top at me remole oontrol(Plc 12) 2. Row: the phone holder to Dita the plane tag on tho remote control(P‘lc.13, Pic“). 1 fix the phone holder on the remote oontml by clockwise locking me black plastic screw(Pic 14) (PchZt (Pic.13) (Pleu) DOWNLOAD THE APP The model It aqulppod with FPV ml tame mums Mormon as well as gramty senor contml function) please download the carved App to um ttlu luncbom. El mmm-mrwm t lorwptelos-yu-m (menmuoflmm 'IE QRoodeal'omFPV'Aw .-: "f lawn-elem (Pmunmuokeoale mutual-OW) APP INSTRUCTIONS TAKE PHOTOS/VIDEOS Turn on your quadcopter, then go into your phone settings, soled WIFI, and then connect to ‘HolyStoneFPV‘m. which is the camera connection Once you have suooeleluliy connected. exit the settings menu on your phone and open the ‘Deerc FPV' App, To see real time images horn the quadcopter, simply press the play button in the app. -@-— mum-u» unm- ‘pI-y' non Iedtbnrtmorormvfl 'Deen‘N' Ihouenthemobletaeen 1. Take Phom: To take e photo. simply tap the Take Photo buttons (Pic. 15) 2, Take Wm: To take video. slrnpty tap the Take Video button. (Plc.16) 51:: it: _— _— M»- aa—ufl . ,.. Ash-n... A (Plots) (Plc.16) 3. All images and videos will be saved to the camera's micro SD card. so make sure you have Inserted that betore flight, Once you have finished ttying, simply push the card gently to remove it irom the camera (Pic. 17). and insert it into a card reader and connect to your computer to access your tilestPlc. 19) All data to saved to a folder called 'Deerc FW on the phone. (Pic, 17) (P3918) (PIc.19) (F4620) MOBILE PHONE CONTROL You can control the quadcopter directly from within the app without using the transmitter, Hold the mobile phone horizontally when using the Gravrly Sensor Mode. Always ensure that you turn on the transmitter betore attempting to oentrol the quadcopter Via your phone R “(I I GravttySensorMooe ° "9 ”9° SpeedMode .., . ., .. , , . , JDMode RotunK-y v . I TI“. ”W? n‘no ' o . l-teedleluMooe we ,«so 3% All“: H meow-a F A DING C "I ' ' I0" 0" D fit l‘ahI-I 7 V Conwlemsohv Emmi,» THE PROBLEM m COUNTERMEASURES mmmmmanm IFan-mmnh ‘Mumpwywm‘n Ilhmwmvfiu‘mflmm Wmmwhm "Whit-am awn-wavy zlmrmm mun-um when-now “mm-1mm Ilka-plum am my! Human-c Immune-u Damn-tum Thu-anew Mum-m Uni-mummy” Human-m Imam-manna "W“mm‘m Irv-mmmmm zwmm mmnuumu Mwmmn mmwmmmmwuu men-mg mama—mg m. SPARE PARTS Landing Gear Propeller Guard HE Motor B Transmitter Receiver Board mmmysmmmwm—d wmmmlu-mwunmm emu. FPV WIFI Camera $.OCEE 10 Made in China More; in. minim-iii llu bull «mud and imam comply wiltl in. limitsfot . elm 3 ages divine. pun-lam in Part 15 ol in: Fcc Rfltsl mm limits an dislgllod n pnwdl mammal. pmlm :gainsl MIMI“ inlfllmlcl iii : ruldtlvlid innalaliou. nu: Iqlwmlm um um aid can radian radio luqlllnq «law and. il an insane and used il aboardxlce with [he inmfliolls. may mu himvfll ineflerlnce ID limo nommuliufimls, Hm“. than in no qua-am" ma human. will moocurin a mania: mstallalionr a ll mi: elm-um does cause hlnMIll imam-ice lo radio oi leievis'lon reception. M can be delemiined l7] tuning «is Iquiplnanl of! and an, in. usu is "savaged lolly in mind m. imam-ic- by one oi moi. uni-u 'ollulllling mluuns: u — minim «mm: III! receiving menu» — hcnul lli plmion bum-ii ill- .qiiipim .id rlclivx » —- Callnld I'll Iqlipmllll mm an m on a cilcllil Gilliam lmllllhal lo Mlidl fill rlclivlf is conned-d, u — Consul: lilo dulu nun Immncud MW udlllelal loll-up,» chagges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmenty
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