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Document ID | 3381456 |
Application ID | 3q0Nba8bCv4lZaXsICrJaQ== |
Document Description | User manual part 2 |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
Supercede | No |
Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 219.62kB (2745293 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2017-05-07 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2017-05-07 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2017-05-07 18:22:11 |
Producing Software | Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.2 |
Document Lastmod | 2017-05-07 18:22:21 |
Document Title | User manual part 2 |
Document Creator | Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.2 |
To make your erpanenea mlh lhn drone m .rrralg/n/rward 14ml com/emem at port-inle, pleara rem] Mu
lns‘lrulrtlorl manual carefully More oparanon Keep a Su/rfnrjumre rajererar» 10 more renamed, pa/e and
l’n/ayable urn ofyuur drone
l.This product is nol just a toy. It is a high precision nuadeopter rrnegraring yarious eleerronie sialnlny and
eonrrol mechanisms. 'lhls drone rcquucs caicful and oorreei assembly and sclup Io ensure safe, neordenl rree
operanon This equipmonr should he operalod in a sale and eonrrolled way al all times lneon eel or dangerous
operation may cause damage to llre devree or properly, or cause serious mquy to those in the weruny.
3,111 ease ofdil‘ficullics wnh any aspeer omre produer, operation or maintenance, plcnsc eomaer your loenl sales
s produet is suuable for experienced drone pilots oyer 14 years of age.
agenl or eomaer euslomer \en'lce\ here at Holy Slone
This ploducl Is a flying camera that offers easy, commllable flighl when In good working order, however it is
also n signinoam risk Io plopcny and people lfflown lncsponsibly or within confined spnees, lneorreer assembly
or poor eonlrol by lncxpcrlcnccd pilots ean rosull 111 damage lo properly or hnnn u) pmplc m an unexpected
accldenL Be fully aware ol‘your ourrouudrngs when nying and always malmmli complete control ol'the yehrele
at all rimes
l Keep Ylmr Dixlance
nAlways lly in locations that are elear ol'any obs|rucllons_ such as hurldurgs, pylons. trees and so on
thVcr fly above or near lo a large clowd or people
Zan no! fly in adverse Weather conditions
1 Keep clear oi moisture, heavy rain, ree and excesnve wlnd
nFly m moderate weather eondnrnns only
like and mnintain the product aeeording m the instructions
*Opcralc Ihis devree legally in aoeordunee with inslmclions provrded within
fAlways in: original pans made hy Holy Slnne ror marnlenunee and repair
4m nut upcnflu the device alone
tlfycu are a new pilot. seek assistanee flom an experieneed drone prlor as you learn
nl-laye others around lo help you fly al nll limos
5.5ulery Finl encry lime
tAlways operate Ihe drone wnhin your lunns as a prloi Ifynu are ill. disoriented, or unsure ofhow Io
erreenyely fly rho drone please seek help as ilns oan lead Ia danger. damage or lmuly.
6.Ke¢p clear or running parts
monug operation \he rotors revolve exlremely quickly, please avoid eontael wuh the blades and ensure |hal
folclgn ohieers are kept clear or all moving pans
7lAvnid exposure to excess e heat
mue lo the numeroue material types used in eonslrnenon, this drone is not suilahlo lor cxposurc u) hear
Please kccp your devree away rrom heal sources and ayonl prolonged exposure |0 direct sunlight,
llrgh Icmpcraturcs ean distorr Ihc stnlclulc orrhe devree, please cheek for such damage lvcfmc flying.
Warn mg
l.Tlre lnfonnauon and uurdonee wthln lllls paelraue and rnsrruerron monuol ls lxllpomnl [m rlre rule operarron and
nrarnlenanee or your dram: Plenee keep rr yore (or rurure relerenee
2 You aeeepr sole reepnnerlrrlrry lor nny myury. 10s: or damage rnnr reeulr rroru your opernuon or rho deyree
3 Alwny: lollow rlre lllslrucllon: olren n mhlulg ol opemllllg rho dmne Always keep nr least 2 mere
rlre user ol vlcwm :md rhe model lo avmd llsk Bf rruury ray :mclmml lo rhe dcvlcc zll all (lmcs wlrrle rrr fllghl
4.Nerrher Holy srorre nor any dlombulon or ngerns neeepr nny respol ry for loss. rmury or domoge enrreed by
rneorreer opernuon olrne drone,
s Thu drone i: nor :ulldblc ror chlldlcn under rlre age or 14. and should ulwnyo be operated rrrrder supcrvlalun
ror young prlou
(LPIcaoc ensure assembly mslrucuons are (allowed eorreedy ro ensure proper opernrron and perronrranee or your drone,
7 Thls produer mmam: :mxll parr: Tn amld any chokmg hazard, please keep |hls drone and all mmpnncnn
0m (19 (he leach of chlldren
X You rnusr rrol under any encumsmrrees fly rhrs drone over open waler or near publlc hlghwnys In :lvmd rlsk ofaccldcm
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